Jonathan Lindsell CIVITAS Institute for the Study of Civil Society 55 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QL Jonathan Lindsell Tel: 020 7799 6677 Email:
[email protected] Web: ‘ rexit’ − British exit from the European Union − is a distinct possibility. Although many argue that the economy of an independent Britain Bwill be more successful on the whole, there are sectors in which people feel that they benefit from EU membership. These people are consequently strong critics of the Brexit movement. In Softening the Blow, Jonathan Lindsell discusses Brexit fears with industry spokespeople, then explores how these could be addressed post-independence. Softening the Blow Eurosceptics often present exit as a straightforward utopia and dismiss economic objections. This study draws on interviews with representatives from the National Farmers’ Union; the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations; EEF – The Manufacturers’ Organisation; North Eastern Processing Industry Cluster; and the Welsh Finance Minister. These interviews are combined with written evidence from Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, TheCityUK, the Society for Motoring Manufacturers and Traders, the SOFTENING THE BLOW Automotive Council and the Federation of Small Businesses. Lindsell argues that, alone, Britain would need to act decisively to fill the Who gains from the EU and how they can survive Brexit gaps that the EU used to cover, however inadequately. ‘Mirror’ subsidies and R&D funds might be employed to keep industries on a level playing field with EU competitors. Skilled migrants from across the world should be freely employable until a new British cohort is educated to fill technical roles. A hybrid ‘Norwegian model’ would best ensure free trade with Europe while preserving regulatory influence and international clout.