IRf to the remote nerthera ter­ and gum massage, Pereira nneillHIST HOUDAY Big Shakeup poee of hia pndeceaaor. ritory of Roralma. noted. found that the Indians ' The researchers’ findings re­ — viho wear no elotfaes and futed, however, tbe theory that never beard of a knife and fork, modem man’s teeth are in TURKEYS KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) reward selected officials of his time Nixon associate, has worse shape than those of bis — Two or more Cabinet posts campaign organization. shown no inclination to leave ancestors because today’s pro­ w« KYlll havB. and and dozens of White House and High on this list would be his post early in a second term. COBPUB CHRISTl, Tex. cessed and prepackaged foods slaaa of CONN. FRESH QOLDEN H A R V^T other key federal jobs are campaign Director Clark Neither has Henry A. (AP) — Police Patrolman Bob are softer than those of earlier TURKEYS and new f w r t Ovan I involved in President Nixon’s MacGregor, reported to be in Kissinger, star of a galaxy of Mudd one morniiw stopped a times. Tbe dentists discovered Raady BUTTERBALL TURKEYS for tentative plans for a major line for a Cabinet or other high- White House officials, said woman motorist wno had run a the Indians bad the same prob­ Thankaolvlnfl. Freah Capona, Purdua second-term shakeup of the level government post if he publicly what he plans to do in atop sign at a four-way lems — principally irregular government’s executive wants it. second term. But there is little intersection. She said she was spacing between tbe teeth — gs Roaating Chickans and Morrall Hama. I branch. B ut an announcement question that the job of chief on her way to work. At noon roost BrasUlans. DENTISTS PROM Santa Marta Federal University in southern Brasil examine tbe teeth of The scope of the President’s Wednesday appeared to close foreign-policy adviser is his for the same day, Mudd stopped One bizarre eating habit of the the primitive Yanomami Indians in the remote federal territory of Roraima, in the as long as he wants it. the same woman at the same plan, which he will develop in the door to any official position Yanomamis didn’t seem to af­ northern Amazon Jungle. for MacGregor during Nixon’s Kissinger is known to relish intersection for again failing to fect their teeth, the dentists At Pinehurat Sava IOb on conferences with top aides at stop. She said she was going his Florida home here during second term. United Aircraft his role as the President’s found. The tribe disposes of its a p a c K r io o L Corp. announced that secret peace negotiator, but home to lunch. That evening dead by grinding up the body the next four days, became Mudd was again watching the clear within hours after he MacGregor has been elected a months ago he was telling into a fine powder and cooking their children the tribe’s nor­ friends that if the National same intersection. Again the it in a banana pudding, upon the Yanomamis’ normal diet fruit, sugar cane, medicinal COCA swept to landslide re-election. vice president of the firm, "has same woman ran the same stop consists of cooked meat and herbs and hallucinogenic mal diet after they are 2 years $ | 0 9 now decided to return to private Security (founcil appdratus is to which the living Yanomamis sign on her way home from fish — hunted in the sur­ plants. old, the Indians did not pick up Nixon summoned White life,” and will work out of survive after Nixop leaves work. Court records show she feast. The researchers noted that the bad dmtal habits of sucking COLA House aides, the (Cabinet and Aside from this rare treat, rounding .rain forest with ai^ United’s Washington office. office, someone besides himself earlier had been tiriuted at the rows, spears and clubs — wild because the Yanomamis feed their thumbs or using pacifiers. (lliyg—MOiaS RgCh lBWll U l Og) agency heads to a series of Likewise, Nixon has deep should be at the controls for at same intersection twice. meetings Wednesday to deliver respect for the ability of former least a while. this message; Oiie of Kissinger’s This week, to serve with your Lean PInehurst Pork Roast or Treasury Secretary John B. Connally, who headed the colleagues, presidential consul­ L. Patrick Gray HI Pork Chops, we offer 25-oz. jare of The second Nixon administra­ tion will stress economy and Democrats-for-Nixon organiza­ tant John Scan, is reported Gov. Thomas MeaklU has BLUE CROSS-THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE MOTTS APPLESAUCE 39« efficiency as well as tion. (Connally probably could planning to take a nongovern­ proclaimed tomorrow“Law and responsiveness to the have virtually any (Cabinet post, ment job. So is Nixon’s director Order Day” in honor of Gniy’a Whole Pork Loina, giving you 2 Roaata and President’s wishes. As a first but says he wants none. of communications, Herbert G. visit. 8 to 10 Center Chops, are a Good value at Tree Makes Soft Landing step in revitalizing and For a while, (Connally and Klein. The Hundred Club was JOIN OVER 1 V2 MILLION CONNECTICUT PEOPLE 68e lb. We have Freshly Frozen PORK reorganizing offices under his New York Gov. Nelson A. And some middle-level White ofganlaed for the puipose of SPARE RIBS at 690 lb. ’There was no crash when this willow tree at 91 Norman St. uprooted said neither the house nor the car that was parked directly underneath control, he wants stand-by Rockefeller were rumored as House aides are known to be giWhig financial suppm to sur­ and leaned onto the roof of the house, according to Steven Girelli, the tree appeared to be damaged. The family hoisted branches and resignations fron all his ap­ possible successors to eyeing private jobs because of vivors of police a ^ firemen WHO HAVE ‘ELECTED’ BLUE CRUSS CUVERAGE u^ose bedroom is on the second floor. He said there was a "thud” and drove the car out from under Uie tree soon aher it fell about 2 a.m. pointees. Secretary of State William P. the hectic 12-hour days and who died in their lines of duty. a few minutes later a "crack.” Alexander Girelli, owner of the house. (Herald photo by Bucelvicius) The White House said the Rogers. But Rogers, a long­ seven-day weeks. . Since then it has extended its Pinehurat Holiday Special President has made no services to provide This new 10-oz. family alza Tuna la the right alia where the decisions on what resignations scholarships for the children of • Financial Safeguard Against Hospital Expenses regular 7V4-OZ. can Is not quite enough. to accept. But even before these men. CHICKEN OF THE SBATUilA Tuesday's election, two early GOP Leaders Eye Trees Bear Brunt Meskill departures from his Cabinet • Bettor Return On Each Premium Dollar I S e b e M Storm Hits were signaled. Housing Secretary George Assembly Posts I Public M«a Of Storm Locally Romney said in August, during • Election a flap over federal aid to Instant Mental Cr^it - Hationwide HARTFORD (AP) — EJarly word is out as to which Records Yesterday’s coastal storm, property and along streets, Pennsylvania flood victims, he would resign from the Cabinet. $outh New which moved up the Mid- mostly in the north and Com m ents Republican wants what leadership post in the new GOP- Atlantic states from its origin northeast areas of town, the “The President urged me to controlled General Assembly. Lease TWU BENEFIT PLANS UPEN stay on until after the election, Goodrich Realty Group Inc. over the Southern states, Park Dept, reported that a 24- In Tuesday’s election. Republicans wrestled control of HARTFORD (AP) - Gov. and I agreed to do so,” Romney toS. S.KreageCo.,prmnlaeson deposited 1.2 inches of rain on inch Norway maple fell on a Thomas J. Meskill said today both legislative houses from the Democrats, with the GOP Manchester in a 24-hour period house on Oakland St. near said. Spencer St. for 2S years, com­ TU CUNNECTICUT RESIDENTS PiMhunt for England the election of a Republican Melvin R. Laird has said now holding a 23-13 majority in the state Senate and a 93-58 mencing from month of oc­ from 8 a. m. Wednesday. The Sh^don Rd. It knocked down a teglslature was neither an measurement was taken at the gutter and drain pipe and repeatedly he would quit as lead in the House. cupancy and with five i s '*.■ . endorsement nor a repudiation secretary of Defense at the end successive options of five years 65 AMD OUR- TENDER STEAKS Stoiie said the community was Porter-Howard Reservoir. destroyed a 20-foot section of a Francis J. Collins, the pre­ have to start putting “our WIDEa 65^ Our top selection of U.S. carefully aged Loins BOSTON (AP) - A- coastal of his performance in office for of Nixon’s first term, adding worried that "if the wind The National Weather chain link fence. The tree was sent House minority leader, priorities in a positive fashion. each. ■term phbkliig Winds of up to 87 the past two years. that nobody should . calls throughout the night in ■mm Subscribing Member...... $43.60 one-half of one cent of the at 75 liw le St., 91.150. total votes cast for the office in Vernon, Tolland, Ellington, and Leo Cloutier for Leroy Subscribing Member and H9W..Jrom Omera/ Food# contention. South Windsor, but no full Jacobs, addition to dwelling at Joins UAC circuit emergencies affecting Enrolled F a m ily ...... $86.85 CONNECmCUT BLUE CROSS gnWETOFSlBMIllUrE Democrat William 32 Hillcrest Rd., 95,000. large numbers of customers. EAST HARTFORD (AP) — Clark MacGregor, formerly FitzGerald came out of Tuesday’s election with a 92- The Town Water and Sewer STUFFIN6 ...... 49« Dept, said that there were no (Twin paolc...3 flavora~.6ie) national campaign director of the (Committee to Re-elect vote lead over Republican the President, has joined the United Aircraft Corp., the Ronald Jacobs. The 92-vote problems associated with the ENRDLLMENT ENDS WEDNESDAY, NDV. 22nd storm, and neither the Town nation’s largest manufacturer of jet aircraft engines, as a margin is less than one-half of WINE AT INDIANA ~ ~ Mow Dnikom Bakory Productu nor Eighth Utility District Fire Bread...Rolls...Donuts...Mufflna liaison between the corporation and the federal one per cent of the 24,031 votest STUDENT UNION cast for the office. FitzGerald Departments had emergency BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) APPLY NOW FOR COVERAGE BEGINNING JANUARY 1,1973 To Introduce fine Drelkorn Products thru Sat. of this week,, government, according to a company spokesman. calls. The Manchester Police we will deduct lOi on any Drelkorn purchase. Buy 4 U finished with 11,023 votes, — The Indiana University The announcement was made Wednesday, the day after Jacobs with 11,831, knd Dept, reported about 10 Union Board is offering a begin­ THE APPLICATION BELOW IS FOR NEW MEMBERS ONLY. accidents but did not indicate Thin Sandwich Bread for only p ie ______election day when MacGregor resigned from his campaign ' Independent candidate Gerald ning course in the practical as­ how many were directly r Bartlett with 277. pects of wine this fall. TTtTiliiin: H4 IIITAL STATVSi 1 post. attributable to weather con­ S«Ucribtr*8 Lmst Nm m -PRINT First NuM-PfUNT UiUal SEX Jacobs, who had the option of The announcement of the ( M«Mh DV w QS^ngl* □•'Idowadl PINEHURST UAC, whose divisions include He reaffirmed MacGregor’s ditions. r~iitow waiving his right to a recount, four-lesson course, one night Q M arricdQ Divorced | Sikorsky Aircraft, Pratt & duties as explained earlier in • A FAMOUS FOR FINE FOODS raid Wednesday, “We will let per week, advis^ students □Separated | With cooler weather calling for Pot Roasts, Stews end Whitney and Hamilton Stan­ the day in a statement from "will taste seven different dard, aU in Connecticut, recent­ UAC President Harry J. Gray. the recount go forward, in HeaM Addrcaa-Street aad Nambaz City, State Zip Code Soups, It’s easy to get e lot of tender twneless meet for fairness to all the people who wines per night .. . Materials Social Sacuri^ Naailbora ly reported sales of about 91 "For some time we have voted for me. We will let fate will be furnished.’’ Yourt . , , • billion during the first half of Tbe fee for the course is 910. i^ n '^ i^ Chuck Roasts at $1.08 and 1.19 become increasingly concerned take its course.” Absentee Vote lb., and really nice tender cubes of S t^ n g 1972.: over the broadening gap that Shea estimated that -t The corporation faces a has occurred in recoit years PLEASE ENROLL ME IN; □ DP-30 □ BC-65 in accordance with terms and conditions Spoua't at $1.19 lb. LEAN CHUCK GROUND to pending Meral suit which Saturday’s rocount will take Request Granted between the business world and about five hours. Each voting Legal Notice specified in the Rules and Regulations. I understand this application will not be effective until 1 -1 make a nice Meat Loaf or used with Ham­ charges UAC with trying to the public sector,” Gray said. i the date indicated on the Certificate of Membership Agreement which will be issued to me. burger Helper la very economical. monopolize research and machine in each of the 10 voting Without Question develofwnent of fuel cells used He suggested that business districts (34 in all) will be NOnCEOPHEARINQ OUR OWN SAUSAae ...... ID. AAS checked, and all absentee STATE OFCONNECnCUT in manned lunar shots. “most take the initiative to GRANTS PASS, Ore. (A P )- COURT OF PROBATE _ ------...... ------— ------:------LCAN c h u c k PAT I IRS ...... ■ •.•■ ••••.••to. AAS ballots be recounted — all Signature D ate Number UAC qxAesmen have denied improve the channels of com- Losing candidates aren’t the Coart of Probata, DIatrict of only for tbe office of judge of only ones who get “skv^ed” on Manefaeatar, Diatrlct No. tl. LIST SPOUSE AND UNMARRIED CHILDREN UNDER AGE TO BE COVERED allegations of tbe suit, brought mii^cations between itself and ESTATE OP REBECCA HARRIS, a 19 election day. ROYAL BUFFET BACON ...... Ibi 999 by the U.S. Department of the properly constituted p r ^ t e . minor* Dale of Birth DateaTBiMh Participating in the recount A woman in southwest Data of Ordar October n, un. Raladoa- FIretNaaw lailtal Halation- Pint Nano Initial 1st PRIZE LARGE BOLOGNA...... lb. $1.09 agencies of the public.” Justice In May 1971. will be Shea, Town Clerk PaUtkear, AIM C. H a ^ Sr., Oeat^ ahip ahip When asked if MacGregor Oregon’s Josephine County ' fSff- PeO ri baarlag, Noraober w, Moalh Tear Month T o o t IMPORTED BOILED H AM ...... Vk ib. 99$ Edward Tomkiel, the chief calM county clerk Donlee Lirinl WEAVER CHICKEN ROLL...... Vk lb. 79$ would have anything to do with Gray further said in his isafigattei-aigg □ HoabaMl a io u statement, “We believe his election machine mechanic, Barnes Tuesday to request an □ Da«tkter L of L CHEESE...... lb. 89$ the suit or if hia appointment as one checker from each of tbe absentee ballot. □ VUo a vice president of the (MacGregor’s) wide Telling Story In A Nutshell two political parties, one When asked vriiy she could not □Soa i . •DASH, 49-oz. Giant Box...... 899 coeparation might lead to a experience and knowledge will wmim m mma oia|iDiaa u n Dsvtiitsr n Daacbter e counter from each of tbe par­ vote in person, the caller said Commons and his opposition the Progressive iiaor of aaid miaor asalait Ciaadia □ Soa □ Son pnteinttei conflict of interest enable him to play an Im^rtant Placing (Canadian Prime Minister Elliott Trudeau’s Hin rtenr of Maaehiitar, Oaaaacticnt catalytic role in our efforts to ties, tbe Democratic and the she had Just been sprayed by a Conservatives having 108. The New Democratic party has □ Daaxhter □ Danshtor sitntkm, a UAC qiokesman Republican registrars of skunk. current parliamentary dilemma in a nutshell is this poster m par msHeaWm «> flia mora Mly 309 MAIN BT. ■aid, “No, no no...absolutriy improve the working the balance of power and the consensus is it won’t be long voters, and two olmrvors from hanging in his Ottawa office. Trudeau, left, is in a minority 'VS'frROBIBD THAT: Saida|irilca- not. It (the qipointment) has no environment between business DO NOT SEND PAYMENT WITH APPLICATION PIN EH U RST MANCHI8TIII each of the parties. position holding only 109 seats of the 26^seat House of before the cat falls to the floor. (AP photo) ttm ba haarS m i SUirmlnid at tta reiatlooNiip” to the suit. and government.” ONrt af Prabala at lha data. Him aad Pltate tend thli FULLY COMPLETED application today to CONNECTICUT BLUE CROSS, P.O. BOX 1786. NORTH HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 06473 By Cedar aftbaCoart GROCERY •I*' EUEBARIH,-Oatfc " ir - 1 -li

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, (tonn., Thura., Nov. 9,1972— PAGE THREE PAGE TW O - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Muidiater. CMm.. ‘nmn.. Nov. 9.1912 y Business Mirror Sheinwold on Bridge Public T h e a t e r Many Domestic Probleins Confront Administration FORm ilBIIBAND TV Tonight ’ITaie Sehesiele:! Records By JOHN CUNNIFF demands of ime problem are How will the big budget How do you keep those budget The difficulty in resolving government, may be too Now Playing I See SatSaturday’s TV Herald foil TRICKS SACRIFICED South dealer AP BnsIneM Analyst bound to impinge on the deficits be reduced? Financta? deficits within manageable any of these huge domestic complex for conventional ap­ North-South vulnerable Complete Listings. Judgment to LEAD FROM DUMMY aMSa*ntMaaalM«V W Burnside - "New Cinema II — "Savage NEW YORK (AP) - A resolution of others, thus for­ Tliose who have looked into the proportions? Republican issues that Nixon must face proaches — and that the best "Butterflies Sage Allen Co. Inc. against By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NORTH ■MT M tr Maa uw Cnturioas,” 8:00 Messiah,” 7:804:90 review of the domestic cing uneasy, perhaps situaticxi see little proqiect for presidents traditionally have during the next four years is that cab be done until the issues Paul P. and Vhlerie G. Fiano, Are Free” North should have bid two no- 8 A,0 State T lie a t e r - “ Last House U. A . T h e a te r E aso - ixobtenu confronting Presidat claimed to be against deficits, exemplifie(l by the measures he are better understood may be a N a N a T iiu (34-tt)NEWS temporary, compromises. the administratim to avoid a BINGO A Q 6 property on Foster St., $645.85. Iw OMmIm Mm trump at his first turn instead <3> on the Left,” 9:40; “ Chisaom “ Valadii P ^ c n , ” 7:004:25 Nixon over the next four years tax increase, distasteful as it is but Nixon nevertheless has felt were needed to restrain troublesome compromise. 0 542 (18) M O’CLOCK HIGH Slate Tax Lien Considoing the present stage M.-ta.MMIwU3 of botheriiQ to show the anemic E Gang,” 7:90 Meadows Drive-In— "Daadly provides the detoils hidden of technology, for example, ^ to everyone. been in the red every year but rising wages and prices. 4> G«542 (84) ZOOM State of Connecticut versus "The awesome respon­ club suit. He would have Cinema I — "The New ’Trap,” 7:90; “ Day ol Anger/’ within that hackneyed old demands of e c o lt^ cannot be one since taking office. The President claimed to be Sacrod Heart Center WEST EAST (M) TO’TELL THE TRUTH Thomas D. CoUa, prcqierty on sibilities of the presidency.” It become declarer instead of SiMaMI Centurions,” 7:154:15 9:15 cliche, “ the awesome reqx>n- That question becomes eVen both politically and RT.308VE1III0N 8 I095 3 2 8 k j k (44) WILD WILD WEST Broad St., $3,000. met entirely without slowing In fact, the probability of a seems like an’ utterly South, and would have had a far ESU sibilfties of the presidency.” more complex when you ideologically opposed to direct O 97542 <;? lO 8 .3 _ the productive process that tax Increase arises at the very meaningless phrase, and easier time. Marriage License consider that while it is the intervention in the market. Yet O 8 0 K97J They are i n d ^ aewsome. provides the tax money. time Americans are expressing probably often is used that way. Friday, Novamber 10th (3) CBS NEWS James Wilson, 19 Gorman CONM. SALVAM C*.. he. 7:80 P.M. South dealer « 96 4G K JI0 Awaiting decisions are Already the country faces an repugnance against President’s budget he doesn’t he was forced to do a complete But even in the exhilaration (8) ABC NEWS PI., and Lynne M ^ e Laliberte, JERRY LEWIS'S./* 'CINEMA North-South vulnerable SOUTH problems involving inflation, energy crisis, partly because of overspending and reportedly necessarily control it, about-face, not only for himself of victory, it is likely that the CASH PRIZES! ntUM> Avs. - - aovn mnw (8840) NBC NEWS 33 Grandview St., St. James Opening lead — Three of 8 764 unemployment, economic con­ this. are seeking tax reforms or especially when another party but for his party. truth of it wasn’t forgotten for (84) FRENCH CHEF Church. GLORIOUS EMPORIUM Spades KJ trols, tax reform, budget controls Congress, which This suggests that the Building Permits And as many millions now reductions instead of higher even a moment by President As matters actually turned 0 AQl I06 - 1 : 5 5 - deficits, welfare reform, health taxes. passes on appropriations. problems faced by society, by ■ Men iiiMNT Rizzo Podl Co. for James understand, it is still very Nixon. out, South became the declarer,, ♦ A7? (40) NEWS iiiBurance, urban revitalization, (SSHMtMyww Wickwire, swimming pool at OORNER OF KKRTTORR ROM difficult to battle inflation and and West opened the three of South West North East tawminifMe education equality. - 7 : 0 0 - 196 Green Rd., $2,000. unemployment in tandem 1 0 Pass 2 Pass (3) UFO The) list is endless, and if because of the tendency of one Pass 3 NT Pass Frank A. Sola, additions to I PRC $T, NMOHESTER • M S m t 2 NT Col. Foster’! health spa visit there are any clearcut solutions to rear off in its own dfrection, and Young Men’s APPAREL Pass Pass dwelling at 56 Redwood Rd., M e n ’s TO AVOID has unexpected results. they aren’t evident. In fact, the to react on the other. Opening lead — 8 ^ $ 2 ,0 0 0 . FAINTING (8) TRUTH OR William E. Moran, Starts Friday CONSEQUENCES M l t d . need two additonal finesses for alterations to dwelling at 20 KEEP REPEATING, spades through dummy’s ace- (18) DICK VAN DYKE this purpose. South therefore Evergreen Rd., $250. Hi Noighborl IT 'S ONLY A MOVIE queen. If North had been Rob worries about getting “ in­ Mitchell Trucking Co. for declarer, an opening spade lead had to overtake his Jack of volved” in a theft. .ONLY A M OVIE Manchester Publishing Co., Unfortunately, would have been a help rather hearts with dummy’s queen. (8^3I)NEWS Keep Momma | ONLY A MOVIL ’This allowed him to lead a demolish two-family dwelling these ugly rumors than a handicap. (84) SOUL! at 21-23 BisseU St., $1,000. ONIY A MOVIf second diamond from the dum­ (40) ABC NEWS you heard are true. i)t(H A MOVII U 6: R Housing Corp., new QQ South had to try the spade my and to finesse with the jack. I said it would nev­ Happy With I - 7 : 3 0 - finesse, and East won with the West discarded a heart, and dwelling at 32 Cta^nter Rd., (8) YOU ASKED FOR IT $28,000. er happen but it did. king. East returned the jack of South next had to overtake his Greed finally tri­ king of hearts with dummy’s (18) PRO HOCKEY spades to dumjy’s ace, and now umphed over the South had bis work cut out for ace in order to lead a third Red Wings at Bruins. Neck Massages i tractions we all be­ him. diamond through East. This (88) I DREAM OF JEANNIE Country Players lieve in — like two- LAST series of plays cost declarer a Jeannie’s dog comes home. Offer *LVl Ahner^ more than one who earns it by Needs Diamonds Finesse heart trick, tat the sacrifice of day work weeks, By HAL BOYLE (30) WAIT TILL YOUR The South Windsor Country hard work. South needed a successful one trick gave him his contract. apple pie, Wheaties, golf and goofing off. My wife’s NEW YORK (A P ) - Jumping FATHER GETS HfMIE Players will present “ Li’l to ccwlusionsr HOUSE diamond finesse to make his (40) DRAGNET determination won out — we are now open T liiv ^ y It’s easier to marry girls who Abner” Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and 2 in­ No' wifo ever divorced a contract. If he lost a diamond Daily Question Two men are swindling senior evening from 6 to 9 in addition to our exhausting wear purple dresses — but Kalional General PicIwesiHKents cluding a matinee performance husband who made a habit of trick. West would defeat the As dealer, you hold: citizens. schedule of Fridays 10 to 9 and Saturdays 10 to 5. I that’s not a good reason to. ? H U E n contract with the rest of the Spades, A-Q| Hearts, A-Q-6; on Dec. 2, at the Srath Windsor massaging the back of her neck mye prank won’t say Mie threatened or anything, but she did regularly when she returned F e w things are more spades. Diamonds, S-4-2; Clubs, Q-8- - 8 : 0 0 - High School. DuriAMMyLAnoetiA 'The musical comedy, based mention casually that she had received a good offer for heme after a hard day’s shop­ frustrating than to steal an um­ 5-4-2. (3) IR E WALTONS : I n ^ RENE CLEMENT S' on cartoon characters created my golf clubs and that food preparation would be on a ping. brella and then find it is broken. At the third trick, therefore, Jewish refugees from Nazi Cier- declarer led a diamond from by A1 Capp, with lyrics and very reduced unless I agreed to the new One out of every 10 men over \ Ml I I ) ' I I What do you say? many are afraid of persecution. It is always with a twinge of music by Jolumy Mercer, will the dummy and finessed with Answer: Bid one club. The (840) MOD SQUAD timetable. So, on Thursdays I w ill only be able to play 9 SO still keeps as a souvenir regret that one finishes a good be directed by Ernest (Xrillo. Plus Co Hit the queen from his hand. This hand is slightly too light for an Car theft operation is con­ somewhere a tooth he had meal, a good conversation or a — Co«PMtura — Musical director is Jean pulled earlier in Ufe. woriied, but South was not yet opening bid of 1-NT. nected with a rock radio station. good book. One is never sure “KIDDINQ MURDER” Adams. Gertrude Francis Day of Anger out of the woods. (8^30) FLIP WILSON Fat ladies are a softer touch where the next one will come THE 0RI880M GANG” Holmes will do the for street beggars then thin At 7:30 starring La* VanclMl South could make sure of his Copyright 1972 Guests: Don Adams, Roscoe from. choreography. contract only by bringing in the General Feature* Corp, Lee Browne, and the Staple ladies. entire diamond suit. He might Singers. \Y‘ ■ Anybody who can make out a Show me a man with webbed household budget anc^adhere to toes, and I ’ll show you a man it strictly ain’t me. who walks like a duck. - 0 : 0 0 - Kerry Loses Bid I know something tha^ ELKS POLnESUN NKHI A woman rarely knits (3) MOVIE Margaret Mead doesn’t know -ByCLAYILPOIXAN- lything for a man after the A « n USBA “ Wait Until Dark” (1967). BOSTON (AP) - John F. and Dr. Joyce Brothers doesn’t K Your Daify AcffvBy Guido K age of 40 unless she is a widow. kM.V Blind girl is terrorized by a New Kerry, who gained national even suspect, but you’ll have to Saturday, Nov. 11th According to Iks Sion. No man ever feels more •A/i n S ; S « 1 York gang. Audrey Hepburn, recep tio n as a spokesman for giiess what it is, because I don’t t^21-29-44 To develop message for Friday, 549494ei|i friendless and alone than when Elks and Qussts Pofyiwsian Buffst 8 P.M. to 9 P.M. read words corresponding to numbers Alan Arkin. the Vietnam Veterans against want them to find out. S^-72-73 61-4447^J he is in a men’s room with a o f your Zodiac birth tlg a (840) ASSIGNMENT: VIENNA the War, lost his bid to become — Dancing 9 P.M. to 1 P.M. TAUBUS scoRrio More barbers than cops have stuck zipper. AfILIt 1 PiMMnt 31 Rul* 61 Hove Search for a stolen jeweled the first Vietnam veteran to flat feet. (Prizes given to most original costumes) 2 Proctics . 320th*n 62 Or OCr. 22f A spendthrift is a fellow who UAYM crown. serve in Congress. Wild wolves make better Make your reservations as soon as possible, contact Jack 3Mok« ' 33 Action 63 Keep HOY. 213 tips bus drivers, highway toll 1-544049 4B*ll*v*' 34 Or 64 All (8^30) IRONSIDE Kerry, a D m ocrat, lost to husbands than office wolves. Carson, Darrell Hovey or call club room. Music by Heritage 5 May 35 You 65 Bruises booth keepers and census u 1-77-7940 32-45-5 1^. Brown gets booked for Republican Paul W. Cronin A majority of people live out Group. I ^ I N I 6 N « ^ 36 Surprises 66 Where takers. 7 Unis 37 Hear 67 Foots SAOITTABIUS resisting arrest. innthe contest fo r the 5th their lives without ever turning 8 lmprovtmsnts38 Rtsf 68 You It is a fact that the American (84) INTERNATIONAL District seat vacated earlier in a fire alarm. m z 'L 9Th* 39 Until 69 Interests people have yet to elect as tOWhor 40 May 70 Stood PERFORMANCE this year by F. Bradford Morse, holes in order to be able to open our Glorious ’Two out of every four men ITN 8 7-1045 IIGood 41 Be 71 Control J^-594648J^ “ Splendors of Versailles” — a Republican. president a man who was bom Ry'37-41-74 12 Idsal 42 In 72 Emerge Ehnporium by 6 o’clock. Frown at her vidien you come who get their nails manicured 73 Winner 20-7445461^ in a hospital or hotel room— or, CANCU 13 Tim* 43 Others The palace of Louis XIV. Music in — let’s not take this thing li^ tly . Another American ^ are bald or on their way to 14 Day 44 You 74 Skepticol CAFBKORN and dance filmed on location. for that matter, one who Holiday Fair 15 Bid* 45 Will 75 Lobor- O K. 22 tradition is going the way of the covered wagon. ' baldness, and two out of every emerged full grown from under t pBnsossUfcy544a45 19 Or 49 Do 79Mor»ey «M84I-42^ (840) OWEN MARSHALL By PHIL PASTORET . who still, wear spaU in public, Community House 20 B« 50 Quiet 80 Motters ready to show and hopefully sell. Our Gadget ’ & 1.10 81 From AQUARIUS Woman uses illegitimate baby . ^ott won’t have to lend so ofteq. Route 44A Coventry, Conn. 21 Stitcliv* 51 Be JAN. 20 One of the nicest things juiYn 22 Guard 52 Cute 82Distonce to win a man she doiHn’t love. Hiingamajig pegboard has b^n newfy expand^ W Atiybody who sleeps in a soft 23 Tim* 53 Reciprocate S3 Married about the approach of win­ AU9. 72 Kl. It , (18) 700 CLUB dispky. sewi^,.supplies, ciurtain fixtiuuriM,^,^K^ (bed instead 6f a 'fiftn one lids Saturday, Nov. 11,9 :3 0 a.m. • 4 p .m . L 24 For 54 Bums 84 Portners 12-13-2 ter is the aroma of sauer­ ’ i J'AOC NOW HAS m hH-1818-te 25 Afloimt 55S*clueion 85 Special (88-30) DEAN MARTIN supplies, and more household! utensils; the X n^^iablen ■ only himself to blame when he 31 CUBS 25 Booths — Puppet Show — Lunchson 26 Ut 56 Sure 86Deol kraut and spareribs as you m m :^4240-55 Guests; Dennis Hopper, is complete from omafrients to foil cakeipans; the-;. . wakes up feeling like a sodden VIBdO 27 Minor 57 Find 87Th* nscis open the door when you INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - 8pBgh9tU8upp»rSandBp.m. 28 Golden 58 You 68 Acting Charley Pride, Charles Nelson \ A u e .» »s . It come home. ladies’ Oompton corduroys are complete from vestsA pretzel. Jack, a 14-year-old lion at the y... Tiekals at lha door, or call 742-7240 !$::■ 29Tlwn 59 Out 89Sovlng Reilly. a a a Lifff. 22. 30 Prlvot* 60 To 90D*vli*t MAR. 20’ to slacks to Jackets to skirts; electronics just arrived;' Any guy who tries to get rich Indianapolis zoo, described as a The office wolf says by inheriting money sweats bit on the scrawny side, has MM7-23-26 3- 4- 844/^ (84) STATE OF CONNECTICUT stereo headphones, car-home tape players, AM-FM 8- (^ A d r e n e 44-7549-9QV that his predatory girl fathered two more cubs, bring­ -10:35 — friend is already showing ’Track component systems, console Capehart stereos, ing his total number of off­ (84) MARTIN ACORONSKY her Santa claws. color and B&W TV; plus tapes and records and spring to 31. IN-CAR HEATERS thousands of things. A new daughter and son were MEADOWS — 1 1 : 0 0 ^ ONI-91NORTH01JCT oM-84 HTFD (fome enjoy the delicious complimentary c o f^ bom recently to Jack and his l - . l TAKUAST-WI&TiERVICIBD tXIT DUNAWAy n u A f u iJ in *'The IVime of (3-8-88-31M0) NEWS LU\ Proxmire mate, Martha, at the zoo. Regularly *125 while you look, My wife, as usual, says "Don’t forget - 1 1 :3 0 - .RENE CLEMENT’S Mss Jean your wallet!” The aging father now is fed (3) MOVIE Questions ground meat rather than large lslyit7ftl2lML “To Die in Paris” (1968). Louis Brodie” A 2^'" chunks of meat so he can chew SRLtSRH.stZ-4:3l- 711:21 Jourdan, Kurt Kreuger. IHE DEADiy TRAP pnwntid by Remember Our Exhausting and digest it more readily, zoo Hu UHI« Thuira of Uinclwslw (840) DICK CAVETT F ill Loss E8B~"" ' '— An old-timer recalls when Hours: Thurs. Eve (U gh !) 6 to 9, officials said. East Catholic Aud. (^^30) JOHNNY CARSON "DAY OF MGER” mCOLORI “Is H u food M burning leaves was a pleas­ Fridays 10 to 9 and Saturdays 10 WASHING’rON (A P ) - Sen. — 18:00 — ure rather than a mis­ to 5. We’re Resting Less. William Proxmire, D-Wis., has ‘ThoGodMhor’? 8:30 p.m. (18) NEWS demeanor. TRoMMorii.JM Nov. 10-11 Nov. 17-18 asked the Air Force to provide Tickoli $3.00 -1 :8 5 — proof that the recent loss of WORLD ALMANAC It'iTha Bait Show In Toenl it is better.” (3) MOVIE FACTS (Siudenis $2.00) three) F ill aircraft over North -RN-ntakwi) “ Sol Madrid” (1968). David Mm MjVMrtii RnaiMi Vietnam was the result of 99.95 ‘TKtHiOiNrar McCallum, Stella Stevens. enenw fire and not mechanical liMpk JB failun. IWbiraiiAlmMlVlN^ JMMNBWi D a ir q In : the absence of such wCswM^aoj knowledge, Proxmire said in a The u S Oovoinmeni eoes net gtr te> mil adwiiseweni. Q u e e n HARTFORD ROAD ’ II i« pfoionioe as ■ gublie oemce in ceoMiRUen wun Tfi* statement, all P i l l ’s should be • Oopsrtmeni ol mo trouvry ono Tho Adveibsme Coune*!. t|PUvam.MehaiOtWat Dairy Queen grounded pending ah fnatdueiiWiRwi independent evaluation of their SPECIALS GOOD structural and operational SsL I la^ tML b n a ie r. The 3-Piece Wardrobe soundness. CrMNitOUM” MSubtSc •Rat. U.8. Pat. Oil., Am. O. Q. CofP. FRI.,SAT.,SUN., ( ‘"The F ill, ” Proxmire said, HeloA Kii HI IK N V ‘ .’ll A ^ l I -\’.I M A K M n K O M IM , f 1 I Kl iM H I Ml i •' U s I 1 . -V O e a t “ has often proved itself to be a deathtrap to its crews. The mysterious disappearance of Stumping is speechmak­ yet another F i l l on Nov. 6 ing by political candidates or their supporters before, CRISPY “ 1 2 ” C h ic k e n makes it appear that the Air A m e r i c a n during, and after an elec­ "ONE NIGHT ONLY" force is unnecessarily risking tion. The term originated POUBLEKNIT Special the Uves of American pilots in from the practice of some unsafe and defective planes.” American frontier can di­ ______Good Frl, Sat, and Sun. - The U.S. command in Saigon dates making speeches to D r e a m reported earlier that the third outdoor gatherings of vot­ 12 pc. diichtn plane to' disappear vanished ers, using a tree stump as BLAZER SUITS from radar screens while on a a p la tform . The World night flight over North Almanac notes. 1 pt. COl«SlCK¥ Vietnam. It said the cause or Copyright (S> 1972 Newspaper Enterprise A b b i i . Lead A Double Life M a d i i n e . causes was not known. Call Ahead 5 Rolls 647-1076 n v i m i m v M a pispir) Take a “knit," look at yourself in something that’s pure 19731 A new, polyester doubleknit blazer suit that doubles as a business/dressy outfit, FREE! 1 QT. DQ HOMEPACK and a coordinated slack for your more casual affairs. The new doubleknits (VANILLA OR CHfXXJLA’TB) OR USE YOUR are like nothing you’ve ever seen or worn beforel They don’t wrinkle, they WITH PURCHA8E OF OHIOKBN 8PBOIAI. ' MARTIN LTO. CHARGE don’t sag, they virtually take care of themselves, and for COM FORT you can’t beat them! A great performer with fashion and function in a choice of DAIRY QUEEN SPECIALS THANKsemMe spicial nom navy, brown or tan. Open Daily till 9 P.M. IQ. SindWiclies 12 for SUN V m rm e m ,W «ysid « PvraltvrQ, America is the place that is made 2BX OFF OR SI riiniiii reon a i t t i m stock. Wo havo out of dreams. And, U.S. Savings LQ. Dilly Bart...... 12forflJN 0 lo ip wloctioii of BMitorrooooo m i CSowial dittim Bonds have been helping to make rooMS io stock M d RNHt iMko room for Rwr stock hai^y dreams come true for years. kL O Sm iy foarwitccd for ThooksfMfli. Now, Bonds mature in less than L Hoiae Pak (qt)...... 3 Qtx for Sill Mo RMiwy dosw - Free L i » i o « v - Master Chorio six yeairs. That means yotur dream s (VAWLLA A CBOOCRaATRl) can come true faster than ever before. ■ M M iaBtavM aaaM «sBsaa.sB«aaaHsaaaaBaaaaaai You can buy shares in your parti­ V*mM NayiMt Furniture cular dream by joining tiie Payroll HARTFORUROAD DAIRY QUEEN BRAZIER* Manchester Parkade, Manchester Berlin Webster Square, Berlin Take It Home or Eat It Here , 280-28ITalc«IMHtRd. ♦ Savings Plan where ycu work, or the Vimsn, Cson. 175-8209 Bond-a-Month plan w here you bank. opsn 104 TlMirs.,-Fr{i til 9 Farmington Valley Mall, Simsbury-Avon *®Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Am. 0. Q. Corp.® 1972 Am. D. Q. Corp. Before you know it, your American doted Mondays dream will be a reality.

1^ , ( . PAtite FOUR— MANCHE^fii^ EVENING HERALD, Mudierter, Conn., Thuri., Nov. 9,1872 MANCHESTER EVENINGjffiRALD^jtondtgtCT,^^ N o v .1972— PAOEW VE JET MADNESS Amery Appointed Tp Deputy Post An A P News Analysis LONDpN (AP)-The O^OW M ASTER CHARBE OR constant scream of jet aircraft Amery, 53-year-old son-in- 'pean defense mattert^^Sast- over residential areas near LONDON (AP) - Former M m ERHEUrS CHARGE CARD. airports can drive some persons Housing Minister Julian Amery law of former Prime Minister West relations,|^|^ AmericM, President Has His Mandate mad, a psychologist says. has b ^ named as the tii^ Harold Macmillan, will have r special responsibility for Euro- and disarmament. Dr. Ck)lin Herridge, a deputy to the foreign secretary. government mental health Sir Alec Douglas-Home. But Not American Majority adviser, found that several Amery was one of ^ o m ilLIFM ministers of state at tne residents required hospital I H U M r . Foreign Office appointed by treatment for nervous disorders Prime Minister E ^ a r d Heath b n u after living in the shadow of jet I EKEND SPECIJ An AP News Analysis b du lf of other Republican can­ At the last, Nixon did cent of the vote in those two. in a Cabinet shuffle last CASH & CARRY air traffic. “ Some had been By WALTER R. MEARS didates. campaign briefly in New McGovern lost all eight. weekend. driven totally insane,” he AP Political Writer Earlier in Atlanta, for Mexico, North Carolina, IHme and again, McGovern Officials said be would sit in reported in the British Journal WASHINGTON (AP) - example, he confined his cam­ Oklahoma and Illinois. went to Chicago. He made his for the foreign secretary when President Nixon has his man­ paigning for Republican Rep. Republican Senate candidates peace with Mayor Richard J. of Audiology. Douglas-Home is away. i Pompons * 1.58 date, but not his New American Fletcher Thompson’s Senate won in those states, taking over Daley, offendii^ some of his Majority. bid to a private meeting, Democratic seats in all but own idealistic backers in the ALSO FULL LINE OF THE MOST LUXURIOUS He h u his four more years, followed by word that he un­ Illinois. process. and a Democratic Congress. derstood tile people of Georgia Nixon’s personal landslide And on Tuesday, he lost to CHOCOLATES IN THE WORLDSflora-MIR FALL FAIR CHOCOLATES GIFT WRAPPED. <; i For as Nixon buried did not want to be told how to appeared to have been a factor, Nixon in Daley’s Cook (bounty SponsoTMf by Democratic challenger George vote. too, in a Republican Senate stronghold, in the precincts a 8t. John’s Polish National Catholic McGovern beneath one of In two decades of national victory in Virginia, and in the D em om t must win big in order FRIENDSHIP CLUB history’s greatest landslides, campaigning before, Nixon had successful detense of sortie to can w ilin ois. Paul Buettner Fluj^ist^^liic.. his own R ^ b llc a n party ac­ not hesitated to advise people to other seats. It was' Illinois that sealed Friday, Novambar 10 and tually lost seats in the Soiate vote for Republican caiididates. But in Kentucky and Rhode Nixon’s electoral majority in Saturday, Novambar 11.— 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1122 BURNSIDE AVE., EAST HARTlit)RD4 Island, where Nixon also TEL. 528-9586 and gained but a handful in the Thompson lost Tuesday to th e near sweep that Fstiwii* hUk NtekM Fn 4 - Ttia (M ’/r campaigned, (SOP Senate con­ House. Democrat Sam Nunn. permittednthe President, as he IMS ArticlM T AnsrtsJ M s Cts4i In the grand campaign tenders were defeated. told it, to go to bed earlier than OrittaM licinliaB - « « • Biphiat T M OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS That was in part the product design. Republican nLoney, In the House of he’d ever found possible on Parish Hall, 23 GkHnray S t, Manehastsr, Conn. of the way Nixon chose to organization and m aim w er Representatives, Republicans election night. design his campaign. It was in were concentrated on gained a net of nine seats; MANCHESTER PARKAOE TAKE 1-84 TO EXIT 92 part the result of a vote that fashioning a Nixon landslide. Democrats remained firmly in clearly was a repudiation of It worked. He won 61 per cent charge. McGovern as a candidate, not a of the popular vote to And if history is a guide, the repudiation of the Democratic McGovern’s 37 per cent. GOP wili iose congressional party. But that was scant comfort to seats in the midterm elections It will take far more than such Republicans as Sens. two years hence. what happened Tuesday to rally, Margaret Chase Smith of Four years ago, in his narrow to the GOP the legions of Maine, J. Caleb Boggs of victory over Hubert H. Democrats and independents Delaware, Jack Miller of Iowa Humphrey, Nixon became the that would make it the center of and Gordon Allott of Colorado, first newly elected president ^ / ' ^ r any new majority. losers all while Nixon was ever denied a majmiity of Us Nixon held to a minimum his scoring personal landslides in party in either branch of personal campaigning, avoided their states. (Congress. until the very end—when his All told. Democrats in­ lead appeared unshakeable — creased their Senate strength to Tuesday, he became the first any direct intervention on 57 seats. iandslide victory to see his party actually lose strength in 2.79 the Senate and gain relatively Winner 13 Day» Too Young little in the House. 1 - In the comparable landslide Infants’ & DOVER, Del. (AP) - favored early in the campaign, of President Lyndon B. Johnson Toddlars’ Democrat Joseph R. Biden Jr. but Biden waged an aggressive over Republican Barry defeated incumbent J. Caleb campaign among young and Goldwater eight years ago, the B(^gs, a Republican, for the undecided voters. Democrats gained two senators i FOOTED U.S. Senate Tuesday, even and picked op 38 seats in the though Biden won’t be old GOVERNOR WANTS House. SLEEPERS enough to hold the office for TOLL FREEZE As for McGovern, Tuesday’s URBAN SYSTEMS another 13 days. FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) - trouncing could only leave 1 ^ Two piece polyester and With 302 of 331 precincts Gov. Wendell Ford hopes to re­ wondering at the impact of all 'cotton sleepers with one p1:i reporting, Biden — who will not tain the tolls on the 40-mile those thousands of miles, those H o w o i d H i y year’s growing room. be 30, the minimum legal age Kentucky Turnpike from Eliza­ millions of hoarsening words, 39.99 Elasticized anklets and non­ for a U.S. Senator, until Nov. 20 bethtown to Louisville and use those uncounted handshakes. slip plastic soles. 6 month — had 108,925 votes, compared the proceeds to improve the He had concentrated his Yeung Junier URBAN SYSTEMS size also toddlers’ 1,2,3 ft 4. to Boggs’ 104,620. highway. campaign in eight of the biggest G o n w Boggs, 63, a former governor Ordinarily the road would be states, going again and again, BOOT TOP 3.50 values. and member of the U.S. House toll-free in 1974 when the last for example, to Ohio and to The Godfather of Representatives, had been bonds are paid. New York. Nixon polled 60 per COATS '* u i G a m e ! REG. 8.88 55.00-65.00 VALUES

A great selection o f styles Bop’ S Orb’ THURSDAY & FRIDAY in preteen sizes 6-14. SPECIAL SALE Choose from shetlands, FOOTED REG.J 7.49 plaids, tweeds, fake fur trimmed styles and pony i PUAMAS LADIES' & JIElis' suedes. Many have warm pile linings. See the col­ Two p ie c e b ru sh e d A Game for all 3 . 99 - 5 .9 9 lection now in our 'polyester and cotton pa­ the Families! 2 to 6 players compete for a Beanbag Dept. jamas. Ribbed knit collar PANT­ , o o Money, muscle, fortune of $2.5 billion while and cuffs. Non-skid learning economical facts about corporate finance. plastic soles. Sizes 4, 6 ft Manhattan, and mobsters GIRLS’ FAMOUS LABEL in an exciting fight for 8. 4.00 values. R control. SUIT CO-ORDINATES Dehnie Godfather w v v * Deluxe Howard Hufdies REORJUdlY 6.00-10.00 SALE! Gome REG. 12.88 Gome ..0.3. o '” GIRLS’ SIZE M 4 SOLD Regiilaiiy Skirts, jumpers, pants, vests, Boys’ & Girls’ SAVINGS ON TOifS TIi AT FLY, LIGHT UP AND SHOW - sweaters and shirts. Bright tartan plaids SKI PANTS BY STRETCHINI Reg. 7.50 AT *18“ to *22“" and solid doubleknits. Put them together for school or play. Ski Pajamas Girls* sizes 4f6X, 7-14. 100% stretch nylon with warm thermal G O 'ROUND, PLAY TUNES, GROW HAIR AND GIX>W!! lining. Pull-on style with front stitched V f Warm, pull-on pajamas. Colorful print tops with m ------seam and foot stirrups. Black, red, brown solid color pants. Ribbed ' t ACTION FILMS HASBRO MATTEL and navy. Don’t miss these savings ...... 4.99 FISHER PRICE o collar and cuffs. Boys’ sizes 4-10. Girls’ sizes 4- -M House Boot Movie Viewer LiteBrite 14. 4.50 values. J K

l|«|t WITH A ^ BRAIN ij... ^ r

f t ' LWIK'AK Al»THim»l_ 16.99 11 <»1 Boys’ Pile Lined 3.99 Focusing eyepiece means sharp, Create beautiful color pictures Floatable play family boat has clear pictures for everyone. Long- 26" wing span. With/ hfaiits’ & Toddlers’ SKI PARKAS completely wearing plastic with lighted 4 flight plansl'TOO' , Young Juniors Size 6-14 color pegs. 24.00 VALUES washable parts tether, auto pilot. Battery operated. Blanket Sleepers Water repellent nylon cire ski parkas, pile lined with (^rduroy Jeans REG. 6.66 REG. 7.66 REG. 6.99 REG, 11.44 Warm 100% brushed Acrilan pile lined hood. Boys’ sizes Flare leg styles with patch or slit FOR THE coot with reinforced toe and 8-14. pockets. Pin wale or no-wale cotton UNEEDA EDUCATIONAL TOY MARX plasUc sole. Nursery print on * corduroys in bright solid colors. WEATHER AHEAD maize background. Sizes S^ 8.00 values. Available in our "Dana"Doll M,LftXL.NOW Beanbag Dept. HUGE SElEaiON WITH HAIR THAT GROWS! M erry- SPECIALLY PRICED. plus 8 additional 3.59 AT THIS ONE outfits and vinyl SAVE Boys’ Famous Make wardrobe case. Go-Round O^/ER 5'i" tall. Hair grows 22V," high favorite 1 5 0 0 LOW PRICE longer or shorter. 52"' high stand, 43" base, KM T SH UTS Sesame Street 23" horse. For one or more Long sleeve polos and character helps children, indoors or out. children apply pointed collar placard styles Complete with musical imagination and in a whcAe collection o f solids B-S ■; POLYESTERS carousel. Y .3<.j creativity. and stripes. Sizes 8-20. DOUBLE KNITS EVERYTHING! Reg. 5.00-6.50 2.99 ^E G . 7.77 2.99 SWEATER KNITS Young juniors’ Stretch Nyion 6 -14 LINENS REG. 8.44 29.99 PRETTY STYLES IN Body Suits Boys’ Polyester Denim Jeans ALL THE SIZES 3 8 1 BROAD s m u r r PUTNAM BRIDQB PIAZA Long sleeve pointed collar PANTS Great looking cotton denim IN A RAINBOW ItanelMwtor, Conn. B. Hartford, Conn. styles with snap eroteh Long wearing, no iron polyester jeans with extra wide cargo or eloslng. White, navy, red, doubleknite. fla re leg styles with patch pockets. Belt loop, flare of COLORS brown, yellow or belt loop waistband. Sian 8-18. leg styles. 6.00 values. OPEN MON. thru FRIDAY 10 AM till 9 PM purple. SiaeaSfM A L Regulars and slims. OPEN SATURDAY,9 AM tlll.9 PM fit size 7-14. 10.00-12.00 values. The Toy Department Store J \

% ■ fK i ' /

PAGE SIXWMANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancfaegter, Coon., Thun.. Nov. 9, im MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Coon., Thun., No¥. >, IC T - PAGE 8EVKW ilianrIjfatFr iEuMttng B^ralb BARB Andover By PHIL PASTORET ^JH^ochondriacs enj(ty pill Town Considers m- Founded Oct, 1,1881 to • • ■OGKVILLE 'SESSION Grove St., RoeAville, disordwly One waif t o make time New Road Sander IMPORTED Published by Manchester Publishing Co., newspaper by carrier daily before 6 p .m . A Neond Meriden man, conduct, two coqnts,. and pass more slowly is to 13 BisseU Street, Manchester, Conn. 06040, should teleptone the circulation depart­ aocnaafi of the Aug. 27 armed take out a good, long-time intoxication. payment loan. telephone 643-2711 (AC 203.) ment, 647-9946. robbdty of the Cumberland Daniel E. Burgess, 19, of 38 to to The Board of Selectmen of made breads, cakes, pies and Parma Store on R t 30 in Ver^ Andover la s been dtseusslng the pa stries o f a ll kinds, and w ill b e Published every evening except Sundays Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Florence St., Ellington, to non, Iteve his case disposed bitoxication. advisability o f, purdustaM a fro m 10 a.m . at the firehouse on and holidays. Entered at the Manchester, Member of The Associated Press win of in .Tolland County Superior new Sander to use on the new Center Street until all the goods Conn., Post Office as Second C3ass Mail Harvey Cleveland, 30, of 4 Court Charges of flrabdegrae Pearl St., Manchester, three road truck acquired earlier this a re sold . M atter. Tite Manchester Publishing Co. assumes robbery and third-degree counts of issue of bad (dieck. y ea r. The proceeds will be added to Burl L. Lyons Publisher no financial responsibility for larceny were wdled (n Orcnlt Clarace C. Lewis, 27, of 82 It is estimated thit a new the Auxiliary’s treasury for use Sander would coat about $3,200 typographical errors appearing in adver- Court‘tor Joaqih Wright, also Unten St., Roidcville, dis(»deriy in the coming holiday season. and funds are available for fiw Subscription Rates tise i^ ts and other reading matteir in The known ;as Oswald Houston, 27. condu ct. It takes a smart e rso n Wright was charged with the equipment, but First Selectman , « M a c NMIGHTON Pa^ble in Advance Manchester Ehrening Iterald. ^ Alexander H. Patnode, 50, of not to rest on a soft Robert Post is questioning A O O U t 1 O W ll Display advertisi^ closing hourlTihree i jC offenap., on a Snpotor Court Mile Hill Rd., Rockville, One Month 13.25 One Year $39.00 bewto warrant." operating under suspension. whether the purchase would be full (lays fHlor to puUication. Single Copy 15* Six Months $19.50 A oOntyankn case, that of John C. Pnelli, 27, of 609 necessary aiid useful at fids The Junior High Methodist Dea(lline for Herald want ads, 12 noon If nothing ever makes a By CiaiTier, W eddy 75* Three Months $9.75 Arturo F. Acevldo, has been Talcottville Rd., Rockville, time, or if it would be more Youth Fellowahlp of tbe South prior to day of publication; 12 noon Friday man feel smaU, chances bound over to the higher court. breach of peace, first degree are hirs not very big to practical to wait. United Methodist Churdi will Subscribers who fail to receive their tor publication Saturday and Monday. Louis DaveDa, 53, also from crim inal trespass and begin with. The town's road foreman, meet Friday at 7 p.m. In the It tastes even Meridjln, was bound over to interfering with an officer. (NIWSPAKR ENTIItFRIU ASSN.) John Hutchinson, feels that Youth Lounge of tbe diurch. (^ounty Superior Court with the two old trucks on the roads, if one should break ay by Jnd^ James F. Visitors and friends are r a ft» Devella waived a down, the town would then have the use of one sander only. welcome to attend the Salvation better at charge of first- H ebron Sanders usually are adjusted to Army-BiMe Fellowahip Hour, Shorter Campaigns? degree parcoty in connection tonight at 7:30 at the Gtedel. tbe trade tbny are purchased with a ijkiidiaae made at a local The subject will be "The c a r deagtoy. for, and It is not pracfical to PZC Names Dennis (duinge them from one track to Person and Work of The Holy Twq Bodnfille men received S p irit.” another. Basic to a shorter general election sentetysss to connection with We’ve given Imported Canadian Now that another election is behind the tb ^ .o f materials valued at If the old trwdu break down, The 36th Unitarian Unlver- MacNaughton a great low price. campaign is reform of the present semi­ about $300 firom a construction As Its Chairman even for m inv repairs, the us it is time to assess the process itself. Sanders are also out of. use. sallst churches and fellowships national presidential primary system. site. Norinkn W. Hint, 39, of 18 $5.45 for the Fifth. ^ Selectman J. Cnyler of the Connecticut Valley We have long believed that cam­ viU ags^,, Rockville received The Planning and Zoning There are still openings for Elither we should have a national Hutchinson and Percy Cook District will be represented at a So our great price matches our paigns, as now conducted, are too long a thre(Hiwnto jail sentence to Commission last night elected this session iridcdi will be held Religious Workshop Education primary election, with campaign time be susjiaMed after two months, Wilbur Dennis of Old on Tuesdays and Thursdays both feel that a sander ^would same great taste. in terms of time. probably be a good investment, to be held Saturday from 10 to be followed by a year’s Cokhester Rd. as chairman and from 12:30 to 3 p.m. beginning A taste so light and mild, you’d restrictions on the same date, or none at since this kind of equipment a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Meeting increasing evidence too that probation. Robert M. Beil of re-elected Charles Eaton also in Jan. Anyone intereried in aU. enrolling their children should wears out in direct proportion House of the Manchester expect to pay more for it. seeking pdHUcal office, especially high W est S0.V R o ck v ille w as g lv o i a of Old Colchester Rd. as contact Mrs. Jerry Gay, Wall to its use. Hence, if the town Unitarian Universallst Society National conventions, with a shorter suspended three-month secreta ry . Only you don’t have to because had three Sanders on all three at 466 M ain S t., M anchester. office, is becoming too costly for in­ senteribe with probation for one Dennis has been on the com­ St. campaign period, could be conducted trucks, each would get Many kinds of curriculum Canadian MacNaughton is the dividual candidates thus increasing year. Both nien were sentenced mission since 1969, is a member Menu proportionately less use and materials will be dfoplayed and finest Canadian you can buy, if later in the year preferably within six on a;^diarge of third-degree of file Democratic Town Com­ The menu at the elementary re lia n ce 1^ candidates in both parties on last longer. some demonstrated. Teachers, la rceity . mittee, and a Justice of tbe schools next week will be: you don’t mind spending weeks of the general election date. Our Nfonday: Chuckwagon steaks, Cleans Roads directors, ministers, Religious “fat cat” contributors. Because of obscene language p ea ce. thesis is that if a political party, which is mashed potato, buttered Post saM he also feels that Education committee a little less. And, most important of all, we have and gestures to police. Judge He Is a past president of the carrots, peaches. the sander would be a useful members, parents and others presumed to a (»ntinuing institution, Hendtoy sentenced I6-year-old Hdiron Lions Gub and this year serious doubts that the elective process Harriet B e ^ e r Stowe House, Hartford. (Photo by Sylvian Ofiara.) Tuesday: Salami and cheese piece of equipment to have, but interested are welcome. Jeffrey Brown of 179 ,was (diairman of the Li(m’s needs six months or more out of a year grinders, garden salad, potato does not want to spend the Registration for the session is in a dem ocratic society with its diversity Talcottville Rd., Vernon to Harvest Fair. Dennis also is a chips, strawberries on vanilla money unless he feels it is ab­ $1.50. every four years to reach the electorate, se rv e 30 days in ja il. Brow n w as member of tbe board of direc­ of information media is really enhanced pw ldlng. solutely necessary. also fined $20 after pleading tors of the Major Fairs of something is radically wrong with the Wednesday: Spaghetti and Post said that the road crew The annual Veterans Day by prolonged campaigns. It is our i 1 guilty to altering an operator’s Connecticut Association and the two-party system. meatballs, cole slaw, cookies last year had an inordinate Dinner sponsored by the thought in assessing the 1972 campaign, Capital F len Forui lice n se . Lioiu State CouncU serving as and applesauce. amount of problems because Veterans of Foreign Wars, A number of men pleaded diainnan of Zone 4. and several others prior to this year, We think a shorter campaign period ’Thursday: Hot dog on roll, there were only two trwdu, one Ladies Auxiliary, will be held innocent and elected trial in The five-member board now Andrew Tally split pea soup, corn chips, Jello. in poor shape, to do tbe Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the that politick campaigning in America is with controls over use of the media will East Hartford next month. consists of Dennis, Eaton, Roy $12.4 0 HairG£i 4. As of 18 months agoi Qw Friday: Roast turkey, necessary road work in the P ost H om e. T ^ w e r e : Wirth, RusseU Anderson and about (me per cent substance and 99 per increase the interest of the electorate in Need Qualified owners’ terms of saleircigd^d mashed potato, cranberry w inter. $6J 8 QuMt$X4 0 Pini. .'Cmald Chagnon, 42, of 32 Sal Mastandrea. Mastandrea’s the provision that “ tb^' nety sauce, green peas, pumpkin This year. Post added, with cent repetition. the candidates, what they'have to say, Disgraceful Instructor . Range Hill Dr., Vernon, term started the first of this A seminar for parents of owner will erect and m aiw in i tarts. the addition of the new truck, Efforts at election reforms in the past and the parties they represent. Dear Mr. editor; bbaiiefi, with third-degree month and he rqilaces George younger children will be held fence in the area adjoihiiw ton the older tracks can be used for In reply to Mr. Newton Smith 0 buTgl^ ' and fourth-degree Alden whose term has expired. tonight at 7:30 at the Unitarian have been relatively fruitless because This may be interpreted by some as ovmed by the Dennisons am Manchester Evening Herald doing less demanding and Meeting House; 466 Main St. WASHINGTON - It was taxes o f 1964,1969 and 1971. Our fund solvent. Between 1965 and in his letter of Nov. 1 regarding Uurcehy. After the elections, the com­ Ionic^r(ng (fo. off Spfing^'” mission held an informal ses­ Hebron Correspondent Anne lighter work except in The film , “ The World of Three” CMUDIIN SHIUY • 1 BUND ’ (lOHIY KOOT • ^ tC H M U V IM P M TI CO.. K V , X T . these have emanated from the “gagging” the candidates and the par­ ironic, not to say disgraceful, to reigning clowns have not 1971, payroll taxes collected ex­ his 14 year-old son ^ his Marie C randali, 20, o f 2 G reen (a quotation from ”thjS sion with the town planner. Its Emt, Telephone 228-3971. emergencies. will be viewed and a discussion politicians who naturally would like ties, especially those udio have the funds hear both presidratial candidates forgotten how to give with one ceeded paymoits to beneficiaries motorcycle. He states, “ He has Bd.,.Rb(fi(ville, charged third- Manchester Evening,'Hm ld, next regular meeting is The new truck is already led by David Campbell, staff claiihing credit for the $5.4 hand while taking away with the t^ a whopping 13 U llion clam s. It been taught by his brother and degree burglaiy and second- limitations or restrictions on the opposi­ to stage costly campaigns, but as stated M ay 26, 1971. , : scheduled for Tuesday evening. equipped with a snbw plow, so member of the Community billion-a-year Social Security bill other. should come as no suriwise to tte his brother-in-law, who are both d^ree larceny. Is this still a provisKm w !fhe Open Meetina that the other trucks can be Child Guidance Clinic and Ar­ tion but are careful to provide those earlier most of the campaigning under which boosts benefits for 3.8 Moreover, despite all the public that the fe d ^ govon- motorcycle entookasts, how to l A L. Roddy, 25, of 9 sale? If so, why isn’t ”,inii ro* The Hebron Center Nursery used for plowing and/or other nold Westwood, minister. million widows and some six fatuous talk on both sides of the ment has gleefully used these handle his bike safely, and how Davu Ave., Rockville, charged little loopholes should the shoe be fitted the present system is saying the same quirement, and it’s (^ t tp the School, Inc. vriU hold its secemd Dead"* Woman uses. million other aged, blind and aisle about soaking the rich , those surpluses to finance other to rnaintain it safely^” wi(% operating under town, being publictoto? ' open meeting of tbe year Post said that the subject will to the other foot. The result has been thing over again, again, and again. disabled persons. , in the high4ncome brackets con­ programs, hududing pay raises As driver eddeatibn instruc­ pension, possession of does the town, pf Kun(:^)!i Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the Votes be (XMUldered and discussed meaningless spending limits and con­ Neither President Nixon nor tinue to (lo w ^ . The cdling (>n for members of Congress and tor at Windsctr'High S(:hool and uid!’cultivation of m i: m By limiting each candidate and party plan to “ maintain” th ^ p Hebnw .Congregational Church again in,the next feW days, to w^es"tobje(;t to jtojtou taxes'is “foraign .aid”, lim ousi^ for il- part-time inSti‘u(‘tbr “foir' tWb w tributor disclosure requirements which to a specific amount of time he can use George McGovern mentioned ,the wilderness aghtnst basem ent.. ; ...... SAEGER’TOWN, Pa. (AP) -■ determine if it is practical and that me bill also will rob mos^; il^iiraiKeithat al|,eaiiiini^ conunerejal driving scSo6fa-,tet E lliiere^vw ,’ 17, bf iij^te dictatoii|. y r W r e d a t id h ^ ‘d f Parents of mroUed children It came as a shock to ele(riidn necessary to purchase the can be eitbej^ evaded or delayed to a on radio or television, the time and the cdlinjp - $9,O0O today, $10,- 'rnere are, of course, new md'state toktl'am ceatifted by 5 Rd:, Ro(toylUe, low-and m iddle-incom e eiemehts? The ptt^ ...... lete -as weU as waiting Ust parents workers Tuesday when one sander. 800 in 1973 and $12,0({p from 'l974 benefits in the new law for the State Board'of EducUtibh to .dtoried :wito operating under point in time to be of little value to the number of billboards, and the time and Americans blind — and un­ expect thb toVni to ’erif^' hod and guests are invited to attend. local woman appeared at her Bake Sale to 1977 estope the payroll tax widows et al at an added cost of teach driver education'in the top im luewe of liquor or drugs, necessarily so. -7 ggaatotaih a fencb'^to kem toe A vote will be taken on local polling place to vote. The Woman’s Auxiliary of tbe v o te r. amount of space he can buy in the print alto^tha, Thus, thU combined $5.4 billion a year. But with the public schools. This means a r«^a>s driving and failure to The new law, or heist, will jSublib'off theirlhnd. Ish’t ^ 'a proposed by-law changes. The woman, who was not Andover Volunteer Fire employer-employe payroll tax college degree with couiees in (tony iteenae. Perhaps, more meat and less political media; we can reduce the formal cam­ increase payroll taxes on woHdhg force increasing every piece of unmigated ' After the business meeting identified, was listed on the Department Is planning a bake employers and employes from rate on a woriter earning $9,000 or year, even during periods of driver education.’ It also means W ard, 51, o f 39 applesauce, could be generated in cam­ paign period to about six weeks for a 5. U toe top (tf ^ n ioiih ^ is there will be a NobiUty Bouti­ rolls as having died. sale for Saturday, Nov. 18. less per year in 1972 is 10.4 per recession, it would seem as sure being licensed by the State E m ^ Dir., Rockville was fined the present $468 each now pays to purchased, what' is to p tov^ que demonstration by Mrs. Officials said the mixup The sale will feature home paigns if we forgot about how much general election and a primary election cent. For the person earning $50,- Motor Vehicle Dept, and being $150{On a (toarge. of operating a $631.80 each in 1973, and then as death, taxes, and deodorant contiguous pro]tor^ from being Marie Johnson. Funds from fids stemmed from the recent death 000 the rate is only 1.9 per coit. tested by their inspectors each motor vehicle under the money a candidate has to spend or to about four weeks without reducing boost the take again, from 1974 commercials that there will develppe(l as rPside'iitial demonstration wiU be used for of another woman with the year in order to renew my infliienre of liquor or drugs. through 1977, to $702. These It is true, of course, that the alWa^ be many millions more property? Doesn’t the .exlstiuRe the purchase of outdoor equip­ same name and a similar rural where it came from and instead we set the electorate’s right to know the issues. licen se. Eric Strohn, 16, of M iller Rd., figures are based on an in­ employo: also will be paying a workers paying Social Security of pubUcly owned ^ ik 'fond mail address POOL TA B LE Our State Board of Education South 'Windsor, was fined $100 m ent. time and space limits. crease of the present taxable much bigger payroll tax in the taxes than beneficiaries. At any attract such devel(^itientr ^ The nursery school is plan­ They said the mistake was Qanuina Mate Top Few of us have the time or inclination” and Motor Vehicle Dept, have on f riiarge of operating under base of $9,000 a year in earning years to come. .But most of the rate, our ruling masters might 6. Walking Up toe m ount^ is ning to start another session for corrected and the woman B IN . and up For example, a presidential candidate through experience, education suspension. A charge of to follow the current campaigns from to $10,800 in 1973 and $12,000 burden, if not all of it, falls on the have considered using up S o^ l quite fashionable (the iiUtybr‘'s those children who will be four finally was allowed to cast her RIZZO SKI SHOP would be limited to one committee and foresight seen toe need for speeding was noUed. during the 1974 77 period . worker because the employer’s Security surpluses before raising walk, “ Today’ s World’’ c&ss at years old by the end of this Dec. ba llot. VwAMi OIm Ib Vbiwh New Hampshire in January to the qualified instructors and every Julius W. Ursln Jr., 29, of handling his campaign nationally and Working stiffs who are not tax by law is properly considered the payroll levies. Bennett: Jr. H l^, eto.l’ But parent should be happy that toe $inlril. Wood Trail, Coventry, polling place in November. millionaires should arise and part of the cost of doing business. But, no. Why should they be everyone walks up toq^ road one in each state or territory. There welfare of their ^idren has was fined $175 on a (diarge of Of course we are not too optimistic plead in one voice Uiat Uncle Sam And whenever the cost of doing seized with any such rational which is npt for sale. The been thought of. Too ihany operating a m oto vehicle while could be formulas based on population, stop doing them su(di favors. business goes up, so do prices. thoughts? The American public mayor previously estimiited a about elecfioh reform along these lines. parents fail to think of the intoxicated. ^ additjonal Low-income workers, for whom What should biig us all — has be(x>me such a lumpish flock c o s t o f $1(W,000 to c le a r 6p to e density of population, media access to dangers involved in allowing charge of operating under First, a good and successful politician, any tax is a (^rushing burden, are w(n:kers and employors alike -r is ; of sphitless sheep it will stand for back side. Is this still a^good their children to operate these suspoision was noUed. You’re Invited population, etc., to determine the the gratuitous a sp ^ of thd new anything except crinfiscation of never stops campaigning. Second, there hit especially hard by fig u re ? ' ■ Social Security tax setup. In­ its TV sets. Among other faults, motorized vehicles. If Mr. Albert C. UUts(to m , 22, of 73 t o o u r amount of time the candidate would be *V Washington’s beneficence. The Edward S. Jaworskl' is a little bit of politician in each of us . Smith would look at the facts he Spring St., Rockville, was fined employe with two or more creased payroll taxes are Just not we are not, alas, a pe^pplevadv 83 Pitkin St. allowed to present his case to the elec­ would find that each year many $100 on a substitute charge of which makes these demogogic circuses dependents who earns the needed to keep the retirement , dieted to reading the fiiie print. M anchester tora te. minimum of $3,000 a year pays no thousands of young people are reckless driving, and was not easier to taken than actually coming to income tax, but he is now paying disfigured, maimed for life, or presented on charges of OPEN HAUS Nationally, we could set aside one grips with the issues and possible $176 in payroll taxes and will pay lying in their graves because Proud o f disobeying an officer’s signal, Friday, Nov. 10th night a week for the three weeks prior to $192 in 1973. This is social they failed to stop and think. fi evading responsibility, W e’ve doubled our size and solu tio n s. Today in Mr. Smith states that his operating an unregistered 10 am to 9 pm the election which would serve as legislation? Herald Our Youth ■ I * are celebrating our expan­ The sad thing is that not many of us And, of course, the middle- neighbors have complained , i<. motor vehicle and misuse of sion on becom ing Eastern Saturday, Nov. 11 political information nights with the Yesterdays about his son Hding the cycle. To the editor; plates. The incident, .Oct. 11, 10 am to 6 pm want to do our^ own thinking and the inconae worker gets his usual kick History Connecticut’s LARGEST candidates making their pitches back-to- in the teeth. Combined Social Do you realize Mr. Smith that Manchester should be proud ^involved a police chase and ..25 Years Ago Today is Thursday, Nov. 9, the SKI SPECIALTY SHOP! result, as most presentstyle elections Security and individual income your neighbors have a right to of her youth. 0 i!. c^ sion after police attempted back or face-to-face, if they should elect This was a Sunday;’The Herald 314th day o f 1972. There u e 52 tend to prove is that very little original taxes for a family of four earning peace and quiet and do not and I came back home i^ter to give Ulitsch a warning for days left in the year. AIsq Avsilsbis to do so. Applied equitably to all media, $10,000 a year will amount in 1973 -did not publish. < should not have to put up with driving along the WalkraThon excessive smoke. G R O W IN G thinking is being done.' the noise of your son? Do you Other fines imposed: WIN MM-CsH Styls this would force a distillation of party to 19.9 per cent in income. In Today’s hi^lightin history; route. Those wonderfuH^'kids” B IG G E R also realize that although your Ronald'CL Baker, 36, of Glenn Someday we will have shorter cam­ 1963, the same fam ily paid 16.9 10 Years Ago On this date in 1918, Germany’s were plodding along in the cold T O S E R V E and platform differences, and hopefully son is 14 he is still a child and it and rain with swdi determina­ Lane, Tolland, disorderly A Free * paigns but not until the electorate pa: cent of its income in taxes. Board of education decides to Kaiser WUhdm H abdicated at Y O U 4.44 will be a long time before bis tion. I tip my hat to toe youth of conduct, $50, and failure to elim inate so-called mud-slinging For middle-income families, see if it can keep revenue from the Old of the first World War BETTER! Ski demands substance instead of image­ co(H^dination and judgment will our town. ?! vj ; drive right, charges that seem to increase in volume payroll tax increases have more Manchester Adult Evening and the country was proclaimed a. making packaging. ■ . than offset the much trumpeted School fees, instead of continuing republic. develop to that of an adult? ' Bravo. A job well done;, e,' James A. Lee, 19, of 74 Park W eek­ in each campaign. reductions in persmii^income to turn motley ovei: to town’s , Mr. Smith feels that the Janice Schascbl^v Westv Vernon, disorderly general fund for use in building Oc this (fate— money spent on his son’s motor­ (a proud parent) >..< conduct, $25, defective brakes, end for In 1872, toe great'Boston fire 1000 pairs up night school program. cycle has been wasted. May I llO B ryan D r. $15. broke out and raged fqr three tell him that the few dollars M anchester J e ffe re y H oekstra, 21, o f 53 o f skis, Tw o! SELL ELSEWHERE FOR $61 L days, killing 35 persons and spent on this cycle is mubh Russell Dr., Vernon, disorderly 1000 pairs at the defyin g nearly 1,000 buildings. cheaper than a funeral. May conduct substituted for o f boots, Carinthia Clothing WELUIT.WftSA In 1923,14 Naks were killed as you chalk this up to bad judg­ cultivation of marijuana, $35. Lodge federid troops broke up a march ment on your part and be glad He was not presented on a for the at PRiTTVeUMNOMnUdM CURRENT QUOTES of Adolf Ifitler’s sUxm troopers that you can sleep nights Today’s Thought '-charge of possession of whole family in Munich, Germany. knowing that yom* son is still marijuana. Similar charges Jay Peak *HE’S GOT FIRST QUALITY “TOTES” In 1933, President FVanklin D. BADITKMPTCLaiM "The government of the around the house. He asked for strength thdt he were noUed for his brother, Vermont Roosevelt created the Civil Democratic Republic of Vietnam Sincerely yours. might achieve; he was tiukle Neil, 19. PoUce said a few In clu d e a i FOR YOU ... AT THIS REALLY LOW PRICE! •m eem iuM firm ly demaiuls that the UJ5. Works Administration to provide Ward Krause w t^ that he might obey. '1 plants had been observed Rentals * Repairs S k iin g , . government cany out exactly and jobs for more than four million R ou te 6, P. 0 . Box 522 He asked for riches that he growing in the attic. L o d g in g , • TOTES HALF BOOTS the terrific boot, at a Service the way correctly the agreed upon points unemployed Americans. Bolton Branch might be happy; He was ^iven Brian D. Cyr, 17, of M o d s terrific SHOE-TOWN price. Y o u U k e lt ! and sign the agreement on Oct. 31 In 1938, bands of Nazis roamed poverty that he might bef v ^ . Washington St., Vernon, •'-Styled like Austrian Ski Boots . . . protect above in order to end file war and fiw streets of Germany, burning He asked tor health Out he threwing objects from a motor tne ankle. restore peace in i^etnam.” — A and destroying Jewish syn­ might d o greater things; he'^Was v ^ k d e , $25. The objects were • Remarkable stretch rubber for easy on, easy-off broadcast from Radio Hanoi in Seeks Answers agogues, homes and stores. given infirmity that h(! m ij^ do pun^fins and the offendo* was See Today’s Herald For O ur Open Haua Pre-Seaaon Specials .... over slips-ons, oxfords, whatever you wear. which North Vietnam reported In 1953, the U.S. Supreme To the editor: better things. esemied by poUce to the scene • Black . . . Sizes for men S, M, L, XL. that the United States agreed to Court confirm ed a 1922 ruling Along with the publicity He asked for power (hat he for immediate cleanup. sign a cease-fire agreement that major league baseball does aliwady generated by the groiq> might have praise of men; Me was Doris Gadwab, 22, o f 124 THE before the end of the month, then not come within the scope of pressing the public to bi^ the phaepix St., Vernon, fourth- given weakness that be m i^ fed WETHERSFIELD g re e A Dhrisiofl of TIn Filsway Cirp. backed off and adted f(w furthor fedeiral antitrust laws. top'of the motmtain for $600,000, the need for God, ' ^ degree larceny, $25. lu rg n TumpWra ' negotiations^ in 1965, the Northeastern perhaps thty could furnish us He asked for all things that be Ritoard Zahner, 96, of Cider United States and part of Canada with the answers to the might eqjoy life; he was given life MUl Rd., EUington, redfiess W.HARTFORD was crippled by a massive power following (piesUons: driving substituted for driving S h o g -ib w b b ‘T want to strtos that what that he m i^t enjoy all ihUigt’ Tel. t . Main 8L A Nuw Britein Ave. failure. remains to be done is the smallest L Is the two-year (^tion to He has received hothing^lie maler tbe influence, $35. 8 7 2-6 54 7 Open late weeknites. Ample free parking. part of what already has been purchase the access strip at a asked for; but‘‘all that he hoped •Three men vrere charged in “ALPINE Thn years ago: The United firm price? If so. how much? if unrelated ca se s with selling g a s AVON accomplished, and...we must States completed an emergency for. His prayer is answered. Hefs E. Main t t — (text to HawardJohnaon’s remember that, having come this not,-why not? most blessed. - ” ' without a permit, pnmpting It airUtt of arms and ammunition to Judge to OF ‘ ^ 2.’. Where is the balance of file Henebry comment on far, we cannot fail a ^ we wifi India in that country’s border war A u fin r unknown ■ contiguous property owned by the forgriftfinees of RockvUle not fail over what sfiU lemalna to with China. Submitted by VERNON MANCHESTER the iHospective sellers located? service statkinopenton. Ea(di be accomplished.” — Presiden­ Five years ago; An Apollo Ronald J. Fournier »'''* 3. What are the names ni a ll man argued n o intent. •L ~ ($H«8r Lam • HWatown M .) tial adviser Henry A. Kissinger, qiaeeciaft was put into orbit in a C »p a star .««■- «HAUS VERNON other owners of '<»nfiguoua NoUes were granted to: ROUTE 30, POST ROADTLAZa on Vietnam peace negotiations. test for a ntoon landing. Emanod Lutheran Chhnii J p rop erty? fharira F. Bardlck, 94, of 94

V- >■ PAGE EUGHT-^ MAiyCHESTER EVKNIWQ HERALD. Wlmdmter. Gontt, Thuw.. Nor. 9, U7Z MANCHFlSTER EVENING HERALD, MaiHdiCTter, Conn,, Thun!, Nov. 8 ,1872-y PAGE NINE P a w l Set Just Trying B yM A C LD •! To Salvage Something Four panelists from the Softly; Carries Big Stick public school system will The polls had closed. The 1878 two huge plywood j^Uticai provide the program at Mon- Connecticnt political wars were poster ^nboards and loading : I + ;• : V day's meeting of the over — at least that is what the lumber into his car. ,. , of-all-trades father who Congress. How he nude it is on his way to the vice Manchester Association for By F1UNK CORMIER failure in executing a military Ehrlidunan feels that Nixon MANCHESTER everyone tbon^t. His explanation was that the “ works best off the written somehow managed to feed, still a source of controversy presidency in 1952. PAUL’S Children With Learning AMD^ted Pnee Writer decision involving Vietnam Dana P. Lundberg, U, of tt But in Andover, the end of a election was over and ,he # u clothe and educate the younger among old-time liberal Nixon lost a presidential bid DisabUiUes. It wUl be held at WASPINGTON (AP) - One could easily imagine page.” He thinks his boss feels Brent R d„ was treated and «»aitipiitgn does not come quite "salvaging” the lumber Nixons during the depths of the Democrats who remember to John F. Kennedy in 1960, lost St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 41 Presidefit fflr a , instinctively, Teddy Roosevelt doing the mMt comfortable “ getting his released from Manchester because that was all ^ cobid greatest ecpoonic catastrophe Jerry Voorhis, beaten by Nixon a bid for the governorship of Park St., at 8 pjn. and is open that easily. iz the kmd pc man who qtoaks much the same. facts that way.” Memorial Hospital early today, ever expect from ine that ever befell the United in a 1946 House contest which California to Democrat to the public. Panel members ■ofily. But be has oftoi beat Army Gen. Alexander M. after he suffered minw iqjuries' About 11 p.m., the first candidates anyway. . ' . States. Nixon critics describe as one of Edmund G. Brown, the incum­ will be Mrs. Barbara Desrosier, known to carry a big stick. In even more ways, Nixon Haig Jr., chief deputy to in a 1:38 a.m. accident on W. selectman, Robert E. Post, And in the wake of Tue^uy’s Nixon helped work his way the dirtiest campaigns in bent, in 1968-and in defeat PAINT The notito of speaking softly and T.R. m i^ t share a kinshty. fordgn-affairs adviser Henry consultant for the primary outcome, be probably has many Middle Tpke. beard noises and wait out to in­ and ctmfyiiig a big stick goes Roosevelt was the sickly youth A. Kisdnger, agrees that Nixon throu^ Duke University Law California history. uttered to newsmen angry grades; Mrs. Alice Roberts, others who agree with him — 645 Main Street Manchester Police said Londberg’s car vestigate. bade to. A earlier Republican vrtto, through guts and deto'- is a reader. He says: SdxMl, after Whittier ciollege, Nixon was elected to the U.S. words he has had frequent language teacher at Bowers but did not take sudi dhqct 649-0300 left the road and struck a utility Post found a young man (with presidwit, Theodore Roosevelt, mination, built binuelf into a “ In bringing himself tq> to married a one-time movie Senate in 1950 after an equally cause to regret: “ You won't School; John Helno, Illing methods to "salvage” pole near Tnwer Rd. Hie car a car bearing Michigan license who toM office in 1901. robust ^man ready to tadde snuff, he Ittes to read, not be starlet christened Thelma controversial race against have Richard Nixon to kick' Junior High School teadier of something out of the e l e c ^ . •t was towed. plates) carefully dismantling Nixoiiis not exactly a tum-of- Spaniards in Cuba, or briefed—not to waste the Patricia Ryan, worked for Un­ Democrat Helen Gahagan around any more.” M ore Than A Paint Store, Lundberg was given a written the learning disabled child; and cle Sam in Washington Douglas. Mrs. Jean Weiss, director of the-ceatury man, however. Donocrats at home. Nixon was time.” warning for driving after administering price controls at A successful pursuit of Alger Beeswax the Bentley Sdwol resource INTERIOR DECORATING WALLPAPER PAINT Within recent months, he has the uncoordinated bench Hie upshot is that Nixon, a A Paint Consultantr drinking. DRAPERIES CARPETING built at least a fragile bridge to wanner at Whittier College methodical man, has bis aidM, the start of World War H, then Hiss, accused of being a Each cell ot a honeycomb center for the perceptually han­ got himself a spot as a very (^mmunist spy vdiile serving in dicapped. Mrs. Florence mainland China and has begun a football games but, through foreign and domestic, package has six sides. The walls are ComplwtD Wallcovering Selection Cars driven by Beatrice V. We’ra rolling out tho process that, hopefully, will guts and determination, nude problems in black-bound junior naval officer. the State Department, but l/80th of an inch thick but Aselton, 40, of 11 M cC^th Rd., Woods, Bentley principal, will Nixon returned from the convicted only of perjury, can support 30 times thglr be the moderator. leadito a limitaticm pf nuclear it big in a much bigger notebooks so he can read about South Windsor, and George arms, East and West—and league-even after registering the Issues, controversies and South Pacific war, to ran for lofted the ambiUous Californian own weight. Chatelat, 75, of 830 Hilliard St., After presentations by the "/l£D CARPET" Manchettor’s DECOUPAQE panelists, they and other town ■ options at his leisure. were in collision Wednesday For You With Our The result is that Nixon & C R A FT C EN TE R night at Main and Hilliard Sts. teachers will hold a discussion : K, with the audience. makes major decisions through BRING YOUR Both cars were towed from FIno Soloction of a solitary process of reading the scene. The collision Anyone wanting more information about the meeting Now Carpoting and thinking—often at Ctaap WFIFARF UNION occurred at about 11:15. or asaociaticm membership is David or in some other touralne paints, inc. Chatelat was issued a written TONY MEEK secluded setting like that, asked to contact Mrs. Patricia MANCHESTER, CONN. (g3jj98«^ warning for failure to yield the 56 COOPER ST. where voters could reasonably INSURANCE Nicolas, 196 Hackmatack St. WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL light of way. assume be nught be loafing. PRESCRIPTIONS ■HAIRY lAPPIN - 1ST. 1892i Nixon doesn’t think much of C f M t d i o n Rose M. Dumond, 41, of 113 loafing. He talks about the CARNATIONS ^ 1.79 Spencer St., was charged “ work ethic.” It’s all appgrent- Wednesday night with fourth- AVOM ly, presumably, a resit of his PINE PHARMACY OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY SERVICE IS OUR ONLY ! d^ ree larceny (shoplifting) at t a i l upbringing as one son of a jack- Treasure City Department Science Conference Delegates Store at the Parkade. She was released on a 150 non­ Part of the experiment that she is working on in the representatives. Miss Magnuson, an MHS senior and the surety boM.,.jfor court Manchester Hi{^ School greenhouse and that contributed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Harry M a^uson of 71 Benton appearance Nov. 87. to her latest honor is shown by Miss Karen Magnuson to St., last summer participated in the engineering science Roy Normen, manage’* of the Manchester division of division of the National High School Institute at 80th Bonney J. Earl, 81, of 88 HELCX); and Mrs. Florence Levine, MBS science teacher. Noi^westem University, Evanston, HI. She studied the Elizabeth Dr., was issued a MRS was selected by HELCO to send an outstanding electro-physiological effect of mercury poisoning on the summons today for abandoning R adio/haek science student delegate and a teacher delegate to the crayfisbi Mrs. Levine, a West Hartford resident, teaches Scratch unregistered motor vehicle eaklng his Reg. 9 .9 5 set of dolls. Entry -was Memorial Building, Henry and resisting arrest were 26^and an assault on a prison *M«n.,Tlufn. It Fri. 'TIH ;r M«i..Tliwn,aM.‘Ta9 betweej|iT Americans know simply IBM. Entire Family. tures All feature 13/16" square boom for durability. Choose the "Color Pennywise With Nixon, the soft word and Presumably, this is evidence Eagle" model to fit your needs. Regardless of where you live . city, Pinwale Corduroy the big stick seem to be ever­ of an introverted man. country or suburb’. . . you enjoy sharp TV reception and superb FM stereo Dur A A _ present. Especially where Nixon is not good at small separation. Each comes with BONUS signal splitter that separates VHF- America’s overseas interests talk. He does not relish what he UHF-FM outputs and requires only one downlead from your antenna. En !3 94®,« are concerned. seems to regard as a waste of hance your viewing pleasure with those specials at savings. 'm w Luxurious Nixon was rather strained in time. Even when the time com­ ;,U-CHANNELOHF/VHF/FM Jersey Knits his language in August 1971 WE'RE HEADQUARTERS FOR ANTENNA ACCESSORIES es—and it comes all too often when he imposed an import for presidents—to make big amplifier coupler surcharge, froze wMes and - TV INTERFERENCE PRIVATE S F P ? J i and decisions, Nixon would rather .47,. prices and, for the firn time in FILTER LISTENER SEE THE DIFFERENCE nearly four decades, decreed keep talk to a minimum. jj.*: Famous He likes to get the pros and Pequot Bath D e co ra tiv e that Uncle Sam no longer would a u t o m a t i c \ cons and range of options in 2 4 - 9 5 2 .2 9 eat doIlarO piling up in foreign 1 .6 9 r o t a t o r (BROTHERS! Towel Ensembles Taffeta Bedspreads writing, preferably bound'up in I Listen without disturb- treasuries at the rate of $35 for Eliminates most types I ing others. With ear­ Bath Hand Washcloth a black looseleaf notebook he Zig-Zag Twin Full t Queen an ounce of gold. of TV interference. phone. 15-586 p ^ ® - 9 5 Tlie: I ^ id e n t did inveigh can take with him to his Camp 15-582 station Port. David retreat near Thurmont, S'gnal strength 157 97c47c|8t010i013tj against those he cast as foreign predators. But one can oiQy Md., or his homes in Key and reception. 15-1221 Sewing OurRM.1.MOurR.g.1.M OurRM.OurRcg. 1.M OurR.g.SB> f m 11.99 13.00 IS.t Biscayne or San Clemente, WEATHERPROOF ANTENNA CLIPS | Thick and thirsty beauties in a choice Luxurious deep tone solid colors. Ex­ imagine what Theodore a r c h e r M achine pertly tailored; polyester (ill. Roosevelt, in a much burlier Calif. "WALL-THRU " of lovely colors to mix and match. Associates responsible for SERVOROTOR age, would have said. 2 for 5 3 0 Our assisting Nizon in reaching In the end, the dollar was policy decisions in both foreign 1 .3 9 _ 3 9.9 5 i 79.70; Permanent Press - Machine i devalued, a bold step by any Seals out weather on For UHF-VHF-FM. Just and ^m estic realms agree the clip on and off. No sol­ '■uily synchronized for Sews lorward, back­ historic measure. Yet talk per­ wall up to 13" thick. ^se with large antennas ward; automatic W a sh a b le sists that a further devaluation President likes to get his facts der required. 15-832 Powerful brake prevents DADDY’S QIRL 151200 bobbin winder, may be necessary during the off the written page. — overshoot. QIFT PLAY SET button holer. Case. Formal C^ablnet meetiiigs next fo ^ years. STRETCH TERRY Feathery soft brushed streatchwaar with have almost nothing to do with IMPROVE YOUR RECEPTION WITH THESE 75-OHM ACCESSORIES" QIFT PLAY SET gripper crotch. Machine waahable. Pink. Thermal Foam Lined Nixon and Roosevelt, it might 44J0 Orion decision-making at the White Machine waMieble with gripper crotch. appear^ would find cloest T r a n s f o r m e r a n d s ig n a l s p l it t e r 8-FT. FOAM COAX CABLES GMs' atyla in pink. Bo^’ in mbit or Alao avsHabla: DADDY’S BOY in blue. House. Nixon holds them, first, Sayelle* kinship in confronting maize. S-(B irthto3 mot.) M -(3 — 9moe.l L -I1 0 -1 8 m o e .l Damask Draw Drapes because such sessions are Connects from wall plate to transformer. Polyfoam insulation. or situations in which they felt traditional but, second, because . 3 .4 9 15-1530.o \ j . Same Type Connectors Single Window Double Window Triple Window Ameiican interests abroad Adhesive backing for mounting Virgin Wool he thinks they provide a On ^ th Ends. 150"xM” A 50"x72" 100”x84“ 150"xM" were threatoied. ~ on back of TV. Our best splitter mechanism for keeping the reception . - 15-1K8. Different Connectors Worsted RoMlOvelt, the original big- Cabinet tohm abreast of his at a price much lower than com­ 2 .1 9 15-1130 parable models. 15-1139 On Each End. stidT man, probably became thinking and administration prMiUent only because be policy. Just one idea from our Use our no charge lay away plan or orgasisod the unorganised exciting coHection of Hw President does not like R a d io / h a e k SSCMMNSTiBT - ^ 7 9 ® •7’19 *29 “ Rough Riders,” and took them THE NATIOHWIOE SUPERMARKET OF SOUND baby gift suggestions Reg. 24.98 Reg.3B.99 large meetings.. The W E H< yOR 3-4 oz. pull skeins in to (^uba to storm San Joan HIU s i^ ic a n c e of any session be in evsry priM range. Thermal foam keeps rooms warmer, eliminates the Spanish-American Ws have everything a rainbow ot solids bolds is almost certain to MANCHESTER PARKADE drafts. Rayon/cotton in gold, avocado, Spanish War that, apparently, he you can think of for and ombres. Himinish as the number of par- leDu Pont Cert. Mark black, martini equated with the crusades of Opsn 8:80 to 8:80 Dally baby ...and nrKxal Free ticipanti increases. — OPEN — a ( THE I N T B W ^ CATO I Thursday NigMs nil 8:00 gift wrapping, of earlier centuries. John D. Ehrlicfaman, Nixon’s CHARGE ITI. One of Nixon’s principal a ^ SAT. 10-5:30 course. SALE: Thurs. thru Sat.' chief domestic-policy MON.-FRI. 10*9 V— M m n e h e ste r viMTt fft5ni hif bon is lavish in Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 ajn. to 9:30 pjM. < expending America’s resoorw coordinator, ia frank to state 1145 Tolland Tpke. Bat 9 a.1^ to 9:30 pjn. about Cabinet meetings, “ The when resources may mean the difference between success and President does not like to work in groups as large as that.” PAGBJEN— MANCHESTEIR EVENING HESRALD. Mandiertcr. Conn., Thun.. Nov. 9, v m MANCHESTER EVgNING HERALD, MBDcherter, Conn., than., Noy. 9, |9 7 l- PAflg mJeVEN A ., Gourmet Corner From Your' Blind Institute Names I About Town Jewish Cookery Agostinelli Corporator The Christmas Franchise lA i ■ Neighbor's Kitchen Party, ^ransored by the YWCA, 1^!*, State Ccmqttndler Nathan- J. Clyde W. Fuller, (Aairman, will be held Friday from 9:30 By Vivian F. F^rguion a.m. and noon at the Agostinelli of MandMster was general gifts committee, Wins Accolades Ccunmunity Y, 80 N. Main St. named a corporator of the reported total receipts fn m ^ Representatives from Avon, By TOM HOGE Coonectient Institate for the statewide fund drive were Oopperersft, Sarah Coventry AP Newsfeatarei Writer Blind at.the corporators’ annual 9106,500, and emphasised the N' Jewelry and Tupperware will Back in my bachelor noeeting held recently at die importance of the annual \ As long ago as four thousand give mini-demonstrations Oak m u Stdwol in Hartford. direct-mail appeal and urged years, professional bakers days, I worked what news­ continuoasly. This event is open The Institute conducts Oak HiU continued atatewlde \ made more than 30 different men (»lled the “graveyard to the public. Refreshments Sdwol. community support ) kinds of Invad. The Greeks and shift,” that runs from midnight M reporting on cost flgures to will he served. Baby sitting Is \ Romans considered bread til 8 a.m. I had no kitchen at the The Rev. E d ia t L. Edwards, the 75 corporators attending. available. sacred. Both societies offered time, so eating became a prob­ president of the board of Superintendent Fraiflc Johns images of breads to their gods. lem, especially on Sunday OES Bazaar directors, presided at the J r., said the cost of educating . The ancient fiigyptians ate morning when most of New meeting. The Manchester Square credited with the first baking of York’s restaurant owners were and training eacdi bUnd child at An organisational meeting of. bread. They used heavy still asleep. Saturday Oak m u last year was 111,552, the board of directors waa held 'fiance Qub will bold an ad­ an increase of |1,471 ova- the vanced workshop tonight from (^arthem Jars which they placw Then someone suggested that The Temple Cbqiter, OES, at the cloee of the corporators’ previous year. meeting at zriiich time the 7:30 to the Richard coals. TSieir round mud I visit New York City’s pre­ will hold its annual bazaar, He further noted that following of fleers were elected: Martin School. Earl Johnston of ovens were improved upon by dominantly Jewish Lower ^ s t Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. increased costs were due to in­ The Rev. Robert L. Edwards, Vernon, the chib’s caller, will the Greeks who closed the tap> Side. Restaurants there did a at the Masonic Temple, 25 E. flourishing business early Sun­ flation, new coverage undqr the Avon, president; IRfilliam M. conduct the woriudiop. of the oven viiich caused it to Center St. day, since their Sabbath fell the Unoiqiloyment Conqiensation Cfriffln, West Hartford, vice retain beat. The Romans would The day-long event will day before. /id, wtiilry and fringe benefit president; Theodore M. Malt- further Improve the oven, feature an art exhibit by The Twins Mothers Qub of I spent many Sunday increases, and the (dianglng bie. West Hartford, secretary; enclosing it in brick and adding Gecnrge Durkin of Hartford. Greater Hartford will meet mornings seeking out the fine needs of the student population The Hartford National Bank & a chimney. Tbeir design was so The coffee riiop will open Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Jewish restaurants in that part which annually Includes a Trust Co., Frank M. Bristow, good that it is still in use in from 10 to 11 a on. and luwdieon Christ the King Lutheran of Manhattan. larger percentage of multi- J r . o f West Hartford, s(»ne parts of the world. Chundi, 466 Park Ave., Wind­ It opened up a whole new of hambnrgs and hot d o p will handicapped children. The controller. PobUc bakeries came into sor. Harry Ryder of the area of food for me, from Kar- w be served from 11:30 a.m. to latter la u d ed 23 d ^ /b lin d being between 300 and SOO B.C. Children’s M u s i^ of Hart­ toffel Latkes, the potato pan­ 1:30 p.m. A spaghetti dinner youngsters who requtoe com- in Greece. The piwGhrlstian ford, will elaborate on the cakes slathered with sour will be serired at 5 and 6 p.m. p r d i^ v e and rehabUltatlve Romans organized professional Button on Velvet topic, “ Is Charlie Brown Right? cream, to Goldene Yoich, the Ti(dtets for the dinner may be services. ^ I d s of udiich bidcers were Or Should the Scoder Walt Till rich chicken broth. * % obtained from any Oiapter Johns reported that the prime One large enameled but­ one. Oread has affected man’s u i ' < * The Boat Passes?’’ For further ofHcer (O'reservations may be source of Income, aside from ton attached to a black vel­ life throughout history causing One thing that struck me was vet ribbon makes an inter­ information, contact Mrs. Louis made by (M n ta c^ Mrs. I the Institute’s own funds; was Read Herald Ads revolutionary upheavals and the tremendous variety of foods esting looking neck choker. P. Msrlnelll, U l Ralph Rd. VonDc^ Jr. " Guest Speaker tuition received from the state wars. Throughout all of tiim, produced by these Kosher Chairmen of the various for each blind and multi- r f thej'ationing of bread has been kitchens. Elxcept for! foods pro­ TOP POOMP U i S 3 The program '‘Holiday booths are: Mrs. Robert Bant- handicapped blind child in the the final act of governments in scrib e by Jewish dietary laws, Doings” will highlight the W, baked goods; Mrs. John amounts of 14,000 and |7,000. distress. the ciioking is influenceifby the meettog of the Women’s Qub of STEAk ^ 9 ’Trotter, aprons; Mrs. Robert respectively. At the . school’s TheSpanisiTintrodiducwwfaeat countries from which the vari—- Manchester Monday evening at Nelson, holiday booth; bfiss request, the state leglslatnre to America during theheimO’s.Of ous Jews emigrated, and that 8 at the Second Congregational SIRLOiM i t S 3 T o p Sifelb/zX/ Connie Shorrock, attic has granted an increase In the coursb, the Indians were includes a good part of the Church. Anniversary Sale world. ^ treasures; Mrs. Frederick tuithm rates to |4>600 and 95,400 already making bread from The program will feature Mr. The Jews living in the.Urtited Recave, tc^ box; Mrs. Walter lo t the current scdiool year. ground com so the colonists TIP ROAST ' ^ 1 ^ ¥ J and Mrs. Frank Lattuca Jr., Celebration Savings thru Saturday, November 11 States, however, have come ROAST Person Sr„ knitwear; BIr. and Other income came from ground the wheat for their udio will lecture and show new mostly from.Eastern Europe CEfJTER COT i IlSA Le a a J 3 L 6 ^ . Av hAaee> Mrs. Paul Bernard, country Federal grants whkdi totalled bread. Hie flrst mill to grind Mrs. Warreiti Blackwell. ideas in holiday foods. Lattuca and their cookeiy is heavily in­ store; Mrs. Clayton Dow and 9156,135. Five program s wheat was begun on Manhattan is instructor and coordinator of... and white breads recipes. She Add: fluenced by the recipes of pre­ MrSi.John VonDeck Jr., partially sunxirted by these Island in 1626. The large 6o!ii»M RouMoi Roast ^ M food services at Manchester uses active dry yeast. Yeast, 2 dry ypast softened in Vt cup soviet Russia, the Balkans, Po­ 6MUM0 CtJtlfik ^9/ potpourri; Rainbow girls, funds are: orientation and grinding stones would not ne whether compressed or dry, warm water; mix well. land and Germany. ( plants and cookies; Mrs. Community College. He is mobility, deaf/blind, replaced with rollers until after project (iirector of the food accounts for the fermentation Add: . Thus you have the rich Murray Johnston, luncheon; work/exp^ence, a resource theavU W ar. GROCERY DEPT training program for the han- action. During 'this action, IS cups white unbleached borscht-type soups inherited Mrs. Charles Smith, dinner; center and a five-week summer Homemade bread of the dicapp^ in Manchester and carbon dioxide gas, is released bread flour from the Russians, derm an and Mrs. William Sandberg, schbol. Ekircqiean usually was made of appears regularly on WTIC which causes thb dough to rise Yield for both recipes: 5 dumplings or Kreplach and publicity. The mnjor problem facing the coarse, dark flours such as television. and gives it its light porous loaves or 4 loaves and one dozen (Solent, a rich Sabbath dish Mrs. Ronald Mottriim and Institute, acc(»ding to Jrims, barlqr or rye. Ibe fine baker’s Recipes and sanqiles will be texture when baked. It is this rolls. The following directions from Poland which features Mrs. Dorothy Kelly are co- are the need for exploring new bread was white and was made beef brisket, potatoes and dried same gas which gives us that, are given for kneatog by hand i chairmen of the bazaar. distributed after the ways of imiMwing services for from milled wheat flour. It lima beans. demonstration. Mrs. Arthur great aroma of baking bread. or using a bread mixer. multi-handicapped blind came to represent wealth and Jewish cookery is cioseiy LeClaire and Miss Avis Kellogg Tricia cautions you to use Bread mixer. Mix together children and securing ad­ so was considered more linked to their holy days and are co-chairmen of hostesses flour meant for bread-making until dough leaves sides of the ditional financial support for desirable. holidays, in accord with the for the event. Mrs. Rudolph because it contains' gluten. mixer and forms into a baU. the school’s programs. As time went on, commercial pronouncement of the Talmud Gorsch is in charge of program Without gluten, you cannot Cover and let rise in pail until School Menus breads were made of h ij^ y that "there is no festive cele­ cxXAH SPPAV ^ r « 7 arrangements. make good yeast-raised breads. doubled in bulk, about one hour. refined flour. Some contained bration without eating and TPENTIFICATION As Dr. Adele Davis, the famous Mix again, cover, and let rise a 22 The cafeteria menu for whiteners, softeners, drinking.” caAMBCiwi/ ceckiAiL beams PASSPORT PHOTOS nutritionist cautions, “ if you second time until doubled. : Manchester public schools Nov. N o Sm ear preservatives .and other le n SALEM NASSIFF attempt to make yieast bread of Mix until dough leaves sides One of the finest breads I 13-17: Mascara wearers should desirable ingredients. Today, K lt S T L E S SEm I‘ &v j £ E .T a p a s ^ dr ‘all purpose’ flour, of pail and turn out on floured have ever tasted is the challah, try n o n s m e a r products CRMERRSHOrtSTUDIO we find a revival In the making the twisted white loaf which is ' “ : r 2$ 629 Main SL^ M aadN Stir you win produce (w y. heavy, board. Shape into loaves or MORSELS Monday: ,Baked link sausage, which last longer and look of bread at home particularly flat loaves.” rolls. Place in greased pans and blessed by the master of the potato, peas, bread, butter, better. 443-7369 by young people. let rise for about V« of an hour. house on the Sabbath. And I milk, aj^lesaoce. Tricia Blackwell.doesn’t ever Oatmeal Bread i i i Bake at 400 degrees 40 minutes remember the festive cakes recall seding a Inif bf Mix. together: filled with poppy seeds, priitiei' lAaAw ilissoEi■ 4 ; V,,; for bread ai^ 1S0 niiiiutes for .Tuesdayt Sloppy Joe on a rolL 5. .cups hot water and other fruits that .prerej;^-, PARKHILl^JOYCE FLOWER Shop com m ercial, bread'‘ in, Jiex.,, rolls. *' ’ g|eeo b ^ n s, ..bread, butter,, mother’s home. “ My mother ' (flips rolled oats (regular served by friends of mine bn milk; ice cream. Bowl Method. Mix well had two containers of flour — or quick) Purim, the Feast of Esther. ■ ’ ' f acb ...... together and turn out on floured I ' m k i i f WEEKEND SPECIALI one for pastry, the other for her 1 cup shortening There are many main Wednesday: Hamburg on a board, knead until smooth and / bread. I make up a batch of 1 cup molasses courses on the Jewish menu roll, jxitato chips, carrots, milk, elastic. Place in greased bowl, AiARGiE SEueCtlOM Of ilACMs ilBCHy^ddb SWHTIHRT bread whenever we need it and 5 teaspoons salt made from flesh, fish and foWl. mixed fruit. brush with oil or shortening and TOi^eys Atso OE&se eoEiJisH o a m e freeze some of it.’’ One of the most satisfying is Add: cover. Let rise until double in ROSES “ 1 think anyone who has Cholent, and here is a recipe. MgKJS lAAtP TRQggNt TuEldeVS ybofc. >touOAy t a b l e y Thursday: Sliced turkey, 2 dry yeast,'softened in ^ cup bulk, about one hour. Punch never made bread should send gravy, cranberry sauce, warm water; mix well. down and let rise until doubled CHOLENT to the Fleischmann yeast 2 onions, diced , mashed potato, corn, bread, - $189 again. Punch down and turn out I d o i. people for their txxA. Tbere are Add: 4'carrots cut into 2-inch lengths butter, milk, apple. on floured board. Knead and pictures so you can see just how 2 eggs, beaten 1 garlic clove Come see o | ir Indian Corn, Bittersweet, Fall Flowers shape Into loaves or or rolls. PROOOCE DEPI Friday: Vegetable soup, the dough should look at various 16 cups white unbleached 2 tablespoons vegetable short­ and ArrangenKnt... Place in greased pans. Cover stages.’ ’ bread flour ening toasted cheese sandwich, 36 OAK ST., MANCHESTER Tel. 649-0791 or 649-1443 and let rise about of an hour. potato sticks, cole slaw, milk, ’Tricia doesn’t have to follow 1/2 lb dried lima bean soaked FREE DeUvery & Parking • Frank Cakeler, Prop. Bake at ^ degrees 40 minutes a recipe. She has made bread overnight in cold water peanut butter cookies. White Bread for bread, 20 minutes for rolls. lo r so long that she does it “ by 1/2 cup barley Mix together: Tricia says not to worry feel” , as she says. While she 8 potatoes pared and quartered 5 cups warm milk or water about instructions that state 2-pound brisket of beef in single knows just how long to knead 2/3 cup sugar a “rise in warm place.” She piece dough, she doesn’t need to do it 5 teaspoons salt. doesn’t put it in any special spot 2 tablespoons flour all as she uses a very old bread % cup. melted sliortening and has never had any trouble. salt, pepper and paprika to mixer. If you see one in an taste antique shop, snatch it up. It’s k' ^ ; t More people every day Brown onions briefly in short­ very useful. 'There may be some ening in bottom of a large iron modern ones available too. kettle with lid. Pour jn carrots, Tricia tells me many recipes A Nova Scotian Gives garlic, lima beans, barley and FROZEKl FOODS call for scalded milk. “ I don’t potatoes. Place meat in center DELI DEPT choose low-cost know anyone who bakes a lot of of this mixture. Mix flour and ------^ 0 1 .0 2 u i. bread who does that,” she says. Slant on Nutrition seasonings and sprinkle over “ Most of the people I know use other ingredients. Add boiling 5 BS>/ hot water as I do. If you want to By GAYNOR MADDOX And just what is ‘jerky’? water to come close to top of Savings Bank Life Insurance use milk, use part milk and part Last week it was a New It’s beef or other meats cut pan. Cover and simmer very i 8 9 / ^ hot water. I do think that you slowly. Use an asbestos pad Zealander who discussed his into long thin strips and dried IM P O C T £D SR a s h e t t i s a o c e have to practice a bit to make country’s foods with us. This in the sun—a method used over heat to keep from burning. 59/ k ’ good bread. You will get week It’s a forceful woman by our American frontiers­ Cook for 5 hours. BI2D£ e /E and here's why vr £ better The Blackwells bought from Nova Scotia, one who men. Today we do it more Makes six servings and is 7 9 Cu t c o m , dO EEM Pe a s / O o-z. ■ SBU is the money-saving way to their home at 369 E. Middle has brightened the Ameri­ scientifically. good with a robust Burgundy. CrtOPPEjU ilwA ^”‘ ^ P E A S isj CA.R.ft.O’T S ' m buy life Insurance in the State of Tpke. almost 15 years ago when can food horizon for niany Chicken steaks? They are TLA\/o EL/V a JD Connecticut. they came to town. The talent years with her original and beef cut from the shoulder of iJtALTiJ 4 BeAOT/ Ai0$ of both is exhibited throughout daring ideas. the animal just under the 6 9 >i ■ SBLI is sold d in ct at savings the charming house. Warren She is Helen McCuUy, cur­ shoulder blades. If properly is now in effect BLOEBERJilElS banks or by mail. No one win rently food editor of House ViCXS 3.5^2. either refinished antique prepared, the gristle is re­ ASK ABOUT iT come to your home. Colonial pieces or reproduced ^eautiful. Formerly with moved and the meat is cut furniture so it looks antique. McCall’s and author of sev­ into steaks much as fillet. %ZMOLA ■ SBLI is the ideal way to build eral best-selling food guides, 44 /y^ Tricia made all the rugs — sound protection on a budget. she is determined to make What is the difference be­ E E T O E VALUABIE COUPON braided or hooked. the food picture real and tween hamburger, ground BICYCLES ■ SBLI offers all standard forms of When the children were lively for Americans — not beef, ground chuck, ground URGES! SEUCTION OF PA I fty SPECIALS insurance for men, women imd small, Tricia taught Sunday round and ground sirloin? NENBICfUESINTHE just fancy or synthetic. VERNON XRER children. School. For several years, she “ I believe the role of a • Hamburger can contain Proftulonilly giscnbled was a cellist with the up to 30 per cent fat; But if MR&.Ti£-g£ers l^iwe. AmoR If you live or work in Connecticut, magazine dr a writer is td TOYS « NOVELTIES Manchester Civic Orchestra. it contains extenders—nonfat R i R you can join the smart SBLI buyers. teach a new slant on food, to ACCESSORIES t GIFTS eoLDE/J - / Most of her energies have been explain the how and why dry milk, soybean products, 1/ To find out how, just stop in at yonr centered the Manchester things happen to recipes, cereal, water, etc., it can­ SNOW SHOVELS AAA{LGAe/U£ FLOUR nearby savings bank or call and ask S litl ( Aluminum Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. where foods com e from and not be labeled hamburger. BEDEEM A T hlf6fJlAM0 ?A|2/< for full information without obliga­ She has served as orientation what they can or cannot be • Ground beef contains up JUVENILE SNOW VEHICLES tion. Yob don’t have to b e ■ daporitor. to us,” she explains. to 30 per cent fat, but usual­ 4 OOP K loFo>£A/1 chairman for the junior ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER R i^ t now Is Ui4 il{^ ( tima to get ly retailers limit fat content volunteers, has been program “Also, I am bullish on VA M B. k/cx/. e-i/ the facta on low-

■ ' ■ •- n.!? •” rr-. ,[! 'FI'-H j?, :-i. ■ VVfRI i-,' J". . PAPE TW ELVE- MANCHESTEat EVENING HERALD, MuchOter, Conn., Thura., Nov. 9,1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Nov. 9.1972— PAGE THIRTi^uu Tolland Bolton Board Transfers $27,000 Wilson, Breslow on Conservation Unit M^ebron Industry M oves Ahead may be burned if they are be used compost. may STdR V AND PHOTO Jam es Wilson of Mt. Sumner officiials are excluded from selectmen Richard Morra in­ "clean” and not in congested He stressed that open hy ANNE EMT To Transportation Fund Dr. and Richard Breslow of social security coverage. dicated that he would aeek to area. He urged extreme caution burning qdestioo if primarily Ribbon cutting ceremonies Converse Rd. were both ap­ Hutchinson Lauded have a warning signal light in tbe case Of burning leaves, under tbe juriadictioa'of the were held gt ibe new building of Tbe Board of Educatton last recommendations for the prin­ Board of Education and are pointed to three-year terms on A letter was read from the installed near Prenss’ store in­ and felt that often leaves can be state’s envlrOninental “ilieT'-SWrt King”, B & R night agreed to tranafer 127,000 ting departmoit at tbe school, free to Tolland’s senior the Bolton Conservation University of Massachusetts dicating that there is a signal disposed of in better ways or proteetknr . located, behind the ' from the teacher aide account while Mrs. Matthews explained citizens. Commission at Tuesday’s Continuing Education Program ahead. hSS&Shi i to cover the mounting transpor- tbe reading evaluation report. Upcoming Events meeting of the Board of which commended building and Several'perfons have TOWN OF M ANCH ESTER SCitixens Bank qn R t. 66 in tatim deflclt. Copies of the Middle Sdiool The Welcome Wagon New­ Selectmen. Both are presently sanitary inspector Calvin indicated ^ t, in its present ^ebron. ’ ^ zouos The school bus transportation completion study were given comers Club will hold a serving on the commission. Hutchinson for his performance operating condition, the light r Participating in the ^ceremonies, wliidrfharked the has been plagued with board members for study gourmet dinner meeting at the Wilson is a meteorologist in the municipal building may cause more problems than MARKETS overloaded buses due to in­ before being adopted at the homes of Anne Bailey and Betty with the Center for the Environ­ courses he recently completed it solves, particularly in winter NOTICE! Ripening of Hebron’s largest creased' enrollment in new board’s next meeting Nov. 27. Rafuse tomorrow night, ment and Man in Hartford, and at the school. when the hills on either side uMustry, were U. S. Senator houses. Building Permits featuring Chinese cookery. Breslow is assistant professor Selectman Joseph Licitra may be slippery. Plastic bags for leaf and rubbish ^ow elf P. Welcker, StaTe The deficit prompted Dr. Building pem lts amounting The Tolland Junior Woman’s of physics at University of praised Hutchinson for his ef­ The selectmen have been are now available at the following fSenafa^ David Odegard, State m . 742-6345 Kenneth MacKenxie, to $143,750 were Issued during (Tlub Scholarship Dance will be Hartford. forts and the interest he has working to have the light in­ locations: • Representative Mrs. Ciorothy superintendent of schoois, to do tbe part two weeks, boosting held Saturday from 9 p.m. until Dr. Robert Butterfield oI shown in improving his efficacy stalled for many years, since I'hUller and Hebron’s Selectmen MEADOWMtOOK SH O m W CBITIM iT . 44-4 COViNTiY CONN. some soul searching regarding the October total to |6M,640. 1 a.m. at the Kosciuszko Gub in Vernon Rd. was reappointed in the job. He noted that the the intersection has been tbe CENTER STREET FIREHOUSE SAaron Reid and Pete Dallaire. the budget finally adopted by Permits for six new houses Rockville. Dancing will be to town health director. four-day course involved a site of several accidents over Mon. thru Sat. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The 3,200 square foot the town foUowl^ the annual accounted for the bulk of the tbe music of the Paul Grante In other business conducted great deal of personal time and the year. SCHOOL STREET FIREHOUSE E“ package” buildi^ is owned town meeting and the resultant permits, and were issued to: Orchestra. Proceeds will be at the meeting, selectmen dedication by Hutchinson. Campout Mon. thru Sat., 8 a.m. to4:30 p.m. * a ^ operated by the president •of the company, 28-year-old h Ar.S.D.A. Choice U S D A. double re fe r^ u m . A.F. Edwards, Rt.74, house, used for the club’s annual agreed to hold a town meeting Rockville PHNA Girl Scout troop 668 vrill hold LAWTON ROAD FIREHOUSE I enri Toncler “A budget is merely a state­ $31,600. scholarship for a graduate of later this month to consider an The selectmen reviewed the an overnight campout Friday Mon. thru Sat. 8a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • William Rose of Rt. 85, Hebron. Choice or Prime ment of planned expaidltnres Ellsworth Pearson, Partridge Tolland High School. appropriation of $3,600 for September report of the night at Herrick Memorial McKEE STREET FIREHOUSE ^ The business presently HIND WHOLE which, when adopted, requires Mon. thru Sat. 8 a.m. to4:30 p.m. fem ploys 25 local residents; Lane, bouse, $22,000. St. Matthew’s Ladies Guild typewriters at the high school. Rockville Public Health Nur­ Park at 7:19 p.m. Girls are T oo/tAivliiia fn 19/\0A*a SIDES an additional plan to accurately Cedric Harda, Cedar Swamp will sponsor its annual "Frosty The entire amount is sing Association which asked to bring sleeping bags, HIGHWA Y GARAGE, 343 OLCOTT ST. |however, according to Rose’s SIRLOIN and honestly account for all the Rd., house, $22,000. Village” Christmas Bazaar reimbursable through a state indicated that 76V^ hours were signed parental permission Mon. thru Sat. 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. rhiiain«aRI business manflirprmanager Don&ld B..... expoidltures that are made,” SHai:^ey> n 5>000 square foot ad- OF BEEF Gerard Biyne, Baxter St., tomorrow night from 6 until 9 education grant, but the spent in Bolton, and 64 calls slips and suitable clothing. The bags are of 2 mil guago, packed 50 per carton Dr. MacKenzie explained. " It is $20,000, bouse. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 expenditure must first be ap­ were made. Buming-Wilh Permit {.ditieh'ls planned for the OF BEEF HIP obvious to me that some pec^le w/ties and are of 33 gallon capacity. immediate future with the Dennis Riendeau, Rt. 30, two p.m. in the church parish proved by town residents. Traffic Light The selectmen discussed the Price per carton (SO bags( is do not interpret a budget docu­ houses at $24,000 each ($48,000). center. A proposal to have full-time The recently installed traffic recently modified open burning j^hiring of additional local ment in thla light. To them S2.ll empk^es to staff it. Winter Help The United Congregational elec^ officials eligible for light at the junction of Rts. 6 regulations, and indicated that .14 state sales tax Cut Into StBoh* 9 Roast* every item contained therein is Road Superintendent William Church will hold its annual social security will also be on and 44A and Cider Mill Rd. was anyone wishing to bum must Ih e company specializes in an (Asohite, and nothing at all Sevclk is accepting an>lications member canvas Sunday. the agenda. At present, elected also discussed and first first obtain a permit from fire silk screening on tra shirts and should ever alter that fact.” S2.2S total btoei: .tqxUle, febrics,. A four- « for people wanting to work on warden Donald Tedford. 79 A stoiy hour for five- and six- lb. I The supeiintendeAt went on idowing town roads this winter. year-olds will be held Saturday Morra indicated that bushes m#preorton wieat to discuss the emergencies Anyone having trucks with at 10 a.m. in the Tolland Public dortr aff fhe imprtnting.-^v 330-360 It), nvfl. which arise and cannot be an­ snow plows and sand spreaders Library, sponsored by the According to Rose, his is the Cut to your order lb. Cut. wrapped and llasti ticipated, such as the town's in- which could be made available Tolland Junior Womans Gub. Only company in Uie United 160-190 lh.s. Avg Irozan at no extra charge migration of -new residents to the town may apply by con- Hie newly organized Indian States that prints on such a overloading classrooms and tacting Sevcik or tbe Valley Teen Square Dance Gub machine and with the exjKihsion ^ busses; of the possibilities of Selectmen’s office. will bold a club level dance (ilans, an eight-color machine, ? replacement of old boilers or Golden Age Cards Saturday from 7 until 10 p.m. at Along with another dryer, wlll.^ otho- vital equipment. Golden Age C i ^ , which will the Meadowbrook School with ^ added to his equipmmt. ' -- "We have no contingency admit senior citizens to all Jim DeNigras serving as caller. -At present Rose stated that money anywhere in our budget, school activities Including . the company is woiking on $1.5 and I invite any fiscal expert to plays, concerts, and sports ^ llio n in contracts and has . refute that statement,” Dr. evrtits, at no cost, are now j ^ signed contracts with two MacKenzie told tbe board available, either through the ]|taajor magazines for William Rose removes a tee shirt from his four-color precision screen machine and The original copy of ‘‘The members. Golden Age Club or at the hnprinting work. prepares to place it in the dryer. In other actions, the board Star-Spangled B an n er” is Board of Education or housed in the Maryland His­ ^ Among the large accounts are ad(^ted twq policies, one regar- Selectmen’s offices. The cards 'Union Underwear, Ritz O acker torical Society building at his operations in the celler of First Selectman Reid, who tax base in the years to come, ding Reciprocal Tuition have been made up by the and Fruit of the Loom. Rose is Baltim ore. his duplex home pnRt. 85 where over the past several years has we wish Mr. Rose a profitable Agreements between tilso the largert printer and he lives with |iis wife, Mary, been constantly aware of the adventure in town.” ndghboring towns, which was • distributor of Archie Bunker for and their 6-year-old son, Todd. necessity of attracting new originally proposed by the l^sident tee shirts. Manchester Evening Herald superintendent and subsequent­ business to town, stated Satur­ Read Herald Advertisements ' A graduate of the Rembrandt In April of this year, he Hebron Correspondent Anne ly ap|»oved by the Vernon and day how pleased he was to School of Arts in New ydrit Gty moved the business to a rented Emt, Telephone 228-3971 Ellington school boards. Staf­ “welcome B & R Enterprises with a commercial arts degree. store in the Paradise Farms ford expects to take action on to Hebron.” Rose previously was employed Shopping Center on Rt. 85 and tbe apeement shortly and “ As one of our first major gs a produce buyer in this past September started Covoitiy agrees in principal businesses,” he added, “and Springfield, Mass. . construction on the new The W. Q. GLENNEY CO. but prefers to handle each case one of the many we hope to at­ Several years ago jie started building. individually. tract to Hebron to improve our The s e c ^ 'policy provides DREAMS OF: OPENS for tbe release of the board Neptune Waterbeds Area Rugs it agenda two days before the meeting, but not untU after End Tables Paintings SATURDAY copies have been mailed to Bureaus Sheets hernon BLUEPRINT FOR IMPROVEMENT board members. Clocks Seulpture el camino pUi%a Industrial arts teacher John rte, 3 0 • Vernon Turner told tbe board of his . and things not ordinary Let Yourself Go Marrisge of beauty and utility Creaflvety With I

The VFT has more than 100 Committees of the Vernon The VFT, on Oct. 11, filed a members and according to Miss READY-TO-FimSH Stainless Steel Sink Education Association (VEA), petition with the State Board of Lambert, petitions were signed S(H-flNM4 the Vernon Federation of 'Education. The petition, FURNITURE by 50 per cent of the classroom Single Bowl $14.95 Teachers (VFT) and the Ver­ bearing 209 names, about one- teachers. None of the teachers non Board of Education, will half of the total school per­ UEfARTMENT Double Bowl $20.45 has memberships in both meet tonight to make sonnel, was submitted to Dr. Now! Compare! organizations and some are not If you have the will, we arrangements for a referendum William Saunders, state com­ missioner of education. Notice members of either. The VFT have the way. Wide se­ which will determine whether does not accept membership lection of pieces. Also the VEA or the VFT is to repre­ was posted in all of the town from administrators or prin­ finishing kits. sent the teachers in the Vernon schools. An election is to be held cipals while the VEA does. school system in negotiations Paint It! with the school board. within 45 days after the filing of the petition. Miss Muriel Stain It! Lambert heads the VFT group EXCITING which was formed about four Antique It! BRICK S.B.M. Now Makes and one-half years ago. This is NATURAL HEALTH W oodgrain It! the first official clash between FOOD SHOPPE the two groups. Miss Lambert Here's real magic you can create yourself instantly. Just spread Rocks Topics said her group has received Introductory otter to acquaint you on mastic and apply individual bricke Vi thick. They are light in support, for the referendum, with our new 4 enlarged department. weight so they need no foundation or oitra support. It's rugged Of Program from various federations virtually indestructable and it's fireproof. throughout the state. Dinosaur enthusiasts and Decorate a S1 Q /I R aspiring rock collectors are in­ 20% OFF 4x6 Area f o r ...... vited to the Rockville Junior ITEMS IN STOCK Library, Saturday, to hear Richard Krueger from , i*-; Dinosaur State Park, Rocky m MODERN DIAMONDS! Hill, speak. Make MOTHER a The program will be for New glamor for bathrooms, kitchena.. Home Decorator... with NEW students in Grades 5-8 and will SPINDLES & FINIALS start at 10 a.m. Included in the Slllcone-glazed demonstration will be simple For staircases, bannisters, room procedures that can be followed WALL dividers, lamp stands. to determine just what type of Functional, decorative, ready to rock has been found. Krueger TILEBOARD paint or stain. Many lengths and has volunteered to help identify sizes In a variety of styles, rocks which the young people a n Laughs off heat and moisture... wipes Including; , Medlterrisnoan bring in. Free tickets are clean with a cloth. Fashion-right colors and ' • Provincial patterns stay everlastingly lovely . . never • Planter available at the library. need painting. t : y . During the week of Nov. 13-19 Wookond Spoclel hi*. the junior library will have a 3 5 c aq. ft. display of new books for on colm in stock 'V Save 15% children in celebration of .'f* National CMdren’s Book Week which voices the slogan, “ Books Now, Books Now.” r Among the new books will be WINDOW WONDBBLANDI > 0 ^ Enloy now beauty undertoot Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the Cwinon ^rafl ,.. plus step-saving ease whh Great Glass Elevator,” which 42 Equal Monthly Payments is the sequel to "Charlie and the EVER-TEX Chocolate Factory,” a best SHUTTERS VUVYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE seller. The picture book section Perk up decor, glaaiorise any • Clear-through colors can't wear off. AMOUNT MONTHLY TOTAL TOTAL FINANCE room, (|uiekly. Insspensivsly Look at Theso PAYMENTS has also been expanded as has • Smooth, dense FINANCED PAYMENTS CHARGES wltli permansnUy instsUsd open •urfsce blocks dirt. Your floor stays w M w .- the non-fiction section which rrame or sUtted-style sbntMts. first-day fresh for years, $2,000. $55.95 $2,349.90 $349.90 features books In simple Sizes M flt every window: • MARBLEIZED • Rssllient, restful - provides under­ $2,500. 69.94 2,937.48 437.48 language so eyen the youngest widttis rton 6 " to IS” : helsbts i r \ foot comfort and sound-absorbing PATTERNS tow MONTHLY children can learn the same fron 16” to ^ quiet. $3,000. 83.92 factual mnterifll. 3,524.64 524.64 PEANUT Q Q c ra C E ^ SAVi ia*/o COMPL6TZ SELICTION OF ACCMSOBIIS, 1 2 '/2 * The display will include more ADHESIVES, TOOLS. FREE INSTALLATION ADVICE $3,500. 97.91 4,112.22 612.22 as iinls as V V a shutter OBlhePBMiMee Sq. Ft. PAYMENTS: than 500 new books in every ■ Of 4 er Man. Annual Percentage Rate 9J28%' category, according to junior libnuTan Mrs. Louella D ^ e y . A. 7 diamonds, C. 7 diamonds, The public is invited to the black enamel $165 blue enamel display. B. 3 dia.monds, D. 9 diamonds, In conjunction with the black enamel 295 black enamel week’s activities at the library, E. 7 diamonds, blue enamel $260 336 the Vernon Junior Women’s All in 14K yellow gold SHOP FRIDAYS Gub will sponsor an essay con­ MANCHESTER test in the town’s elementary EA SY PAYM ENTS INVITEOk IW.G.6LENNEY NORTH TO 8:30 schools In Grades 4-8. ‘The Savings Bank# of Manchester theme of the contest will be CO. MAW4 SATURDAY "What the Library Means To 649-5253 Me.” ’The winners will be presented with prizes on Nov. STREET TO 4 P.M. 18 at the library and some of the JEWELERS-SILVE8SMITHS SINCE 1900 The Largest Savings Bank,East ot the River essays will be posted at the 908 M A IN « n O b m , aC A N C H U Em St U b r ^ during and after book Hsrtaor»-UPtkBetowi>-N«w Britain , Eight Offices Serving AIANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON P i i I

i ^ PAGE FO U RTE EN - MANCHESTE« EVENING HERALD. Mmcharter. Conn., Thnn., Nw. 9,1072 / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thun., Nov. 9 .197Z— PAGE FPTMRM B U P $ 9 UNNY OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR IMARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPJ^^j Heralding Politics South Windsor BEFOmC WEBTART HOW DO VOU THINK , . , IF T H IN 6 6 GGO O AGOOD O O D \ ij IMfiOMMA WHEM Z OETOMBIDOATT WITH ME rTTAKESA tO ¥ t PELIN^NT PUT TSMATOES I'D LIKB *ro ASK A X'M COMMA AtONS 7>»Ay,NCXTWBKKr WBKK WEAX.] Ji Btr/AM BW HAVErlOMAKe AMV PE- U T T LE LOM0 E R -M V N « y MVEKTIDN/ WHEN MR. BAXTER ^ Q uesnoN i WITH TH'OANCINA -lAKC O ^ in'SHM 'S H IN IN |J SOTT~MV eiSIOMS-MVMAfiOES StSTERaCTS IMIOTMa lEANEPDVER TD BEE THE MACHINE Sewer Work in Last Stage U n S fiO N S ? G U A ^ W y I ” f» U » T R U S r AUJWa, AMPAFTERtVE ACnCIOO, A N P l HAMS OPERATE. IT 50UKTEP HIM! MVJU 3 0 - 7REPOM TVM9 ORIHREK TO TRVOM ATLEASr MBUTAWP d H e AMP TH'SALESAMM IVUiZPRFIVEBe- One of the casnalties of henceforth as "Marxyin’ Additional sewer construc­ tool sheds, $2,800; one milk and fruit cup. rLeAVBrrio W H A ra B K S r FOeSTHEVGAMnE- r< Tueaday*? election, rdiidi aayr Marion.’ tion on Kelly Rd. in South Wind­ recreation building for $10,000; Wednesday; Chicken and M C lD P e - FORME/ C IP E PM W HATl U K E T AJOKEISAJOKE BUT O P B w h a t WHAT IFSOMEBOPy . the Repqblicana win control of sor and Vernon will begin nine other additions . and vegetoble gravy on rice, broc­ ID A S T / .IMPORTANT HAP BEEN both honaes of the General Just before the election, a Monday. alterations totaled $13,960; and coli, corn bread, milk, SOlMRTBPP'uHAKKAFF— Aaaembly, - la Atty. Paul call came in to «ie of the one antenna tower for $350. chocolate pudding. TO TEACH, YOU A This is the final phase of G r o o b ^ o f Mbnefaester. School Menu Thursday: Pizza with meat LESSON TM candidates for judge of inobate, sewer construction in town and BANNING RADIO <0 ^ Ilie weal Democrat has been .asking him how he stood on the is the result of a recent Monday: An early closing and cheese, tossed green salad, FOR TWO. clerk of the House of issues. agreement reached by the town day, will have a nuuiager’s Italian bread, milk and ice WEEKS/ ReiHesentatives for the three “ Tnut issues?” asked the sewer commission and the choice lundi at all elementary cream fudges bar. sewons — since January 1907. candidate. schools exc^t Ellsworth. Friday; Flahburger on a bun, 2 sewer authority of Vernon. He ii iCertain to be r^ la ced by “ Well, abortion, for Once the project is completed it Tuesday: Tomato rice soup, French fried potato, cole slaw, a R s^ llcan when the 1973-74 example,” was the answer. will permit South Vnndaor to cheeseburger on a bun, milk, and sliced peaches in MICREYFINN B Y HANK LEON ARD sesaibn convenes. extend Vomon sewer service to buttered carrots, potato chips, syrup. NOW WHV DON'T YOU JUST , 'LL LEAVE HER PHONE NUAWR- Manchester voters didn't go several homes in South Windsor VDL/ CALL UP THE SISTER OF AND I'LL BE ON MV WAV/ JUST AnU-poUution advocates can in for much write-in voting which would not have been THE DEATH OF BECKONCALL'S IM P L /IH a HIS FIRST WIFE— AND REMEMBER ONE THING— VOUR point mth pride to the areas WIFE WAS LISTED AS A ^-^ALK TO HER/ I LIFE /WAV DEPEND UPON IT/ Tuesday. George Wallace at sewered in the town’s system SUICIDE— AND HE INHERITED Ttesday at all 10 Manchester Martin School and Dr. because o f the terrain or the Snap 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 DOLLARS/ voting districts. Benjamin Spock at Waddell extreme expense of a pumping Gj e a n d e r There were no signs, no School each received one write- statioh, according to Emil IS T O O posters, no throwaways, no cir­ in vote. Lucek, director of public works. .GOPHISTlCATEPi culars. The areas were clean of Back at A -tfa g ^ W iy S A MPMEAMg IH. The work will be done by the the traditional after-election During the election cam­ Roncarl Industries, Inc. debris. paign, Richard Rittenband, Lucek said traffic flow during GOP candidate for First Winter’s The .credit has to go to construction will be SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL: Madchester’s two party District congressman, said he maintained, but short delays chairmen, who agreed last year yi^Mted to be the first person may be experiei^ed by WONT H& Bite to .'keep' out all election frbm .east of the river to motorists and residents of both ftO / lbarn t o h ang represent the First District in IT'LL HIS THINGS UP ?/ literaturo. towns. He therefore urges use e e Congress. of an alternate route. GOOD Ai^ unusual incident at Voting Actually, there have been Building Permits I t K n PRISCILLA’S P O P BY AL VERMEER <0 G S T District 9, the Keeney St. three men from east of the Building permits issued OUT OF Connecticut River to represent A THOROUv HE'S BY "PINE TREE'^ -THIS the First District; YOU OOT.TO BE W H A T'S HIS] O U T O F wondering what happened. 410 with an estimated revenue K ID P IN < & .' P E D IG R E E J •LUMBER TIN . A'nude voter was in a booth Loren P. Waldo, a Tolland to the town of 114,196. a x n ie / i^ T u y e p o A for hhout 15 minutes. He was Democrat, from 1849 to 1851, The Monsanto, Inc. applied asked if he needed any help and when Tolland was in the f o r ^ largest single permit of CHOOSE District. Ht later was placed in s n o ^t h r o \ / he replied, "No.” He then 1700^000 for a building on Rye FROM THREE the Second District. St. to produce plastic bio­ CLEARING pulled the curtain back and WIDTHS... camp out, but immediately Lewis Sperry of South degradable containers. BY HANA-BARBERA sjr,24",20": THEFUNTSTONES asked if'he could go back, Windsor (Rittenband’s home Leavitt Builders applied for ENGINES FROM explaining that he hadn’t town),-a Democrat, from 1891 nine condominium buildings 4HJ.T0SH.P. finished voting. to 1895. “ totaling $980,000, and the Sal ALL FEATURE.. E. Stevens Henry, a Vernon • 240*rotaliin T o ld .^ couldn’t and that bis Amato buildera applied for a ditchaiioclwlo vote hM been registered on the Republican, from 1895 to 1913, $40,000 permit for four • FouripoodiloiMril, counter, he left muttering and when VernOn was in the First a p a i^ e n t buildings. rovono •• O im hr MIA, he, TM W m B#. OH, threatening to get a lawyer. District. It too was placed in Six dwellings were also • Quidi4tirtin|tfl|im ' the Second District later. LTM Rehearses Production ^ applied for totaling $142,000; • l«04tl|0, seven garages for $14,300; three aoWoto^ idopowHon GUMMER STREET BYPHILKROHN State Comptroller Nathan Maka Ihlt tha vaar you map Agostinelli, duirm an of the Not one piece ^of campaign With a commanding gesture, Sandy (Michele Cocuzzo t^ls Mary MacGregor (Judy back at wlntars bill witba 11-9 / V Connecticut Committee to Re­ mail in two days'to this desk. Beckwith) to “Go out between classes and look at Mr. L o n e r ’s eyes to see if they’re depandabit Arlan Sno-Thto. i-'vg e N J o y g D Makaa mow ramoyal quick and iT

BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY I'M © I>R V IN Q .. I WANT6 0 VIE I WANTSOME IS THERE ANVBODV r WELL, IT ^ WOULD I W A N T M V FBANUT QUNFLOWB^ O U r T H S ? E ? WARM-UPS! C E R TA IN L Y y o u M IND SUPPERS HEAKTS/ S E H a S / W OU LDN T RUNNING Panel World, formerly Plywood Center 50,006 BT8 HURT TO TRY! OFF A FEW has moved In with CARL'S TV. This way we can offer you the lowest prices, the best COPIES U a J I OF THIS in service and FREE DELiVERY. PORTABLE OIL HEATER HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH? $ A A 9 5 ____ 9 9 REG. 129.00 4V2 gallon capacity will operate continu­ ously for 13 hours! Built-in safety shut-off aA a u - i ( 1-?. for your peace of mind and safety. It's an ideal unit for contractors and homeowners BUZZ SA W YER BY ROY CRANE ■> GET 1 PANEL because it throws enough heat to warm a SO IT IS *UHCLE BOB* ' BUT SO HELP ME, HE'S A CA/ABLER, CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE ! 1Y6P 2-car garage, workshop, storage build­ WHO CAUSED you TO PEPPER, X NEVER PEPPER. HE WANTED ing, etc. (66-0104) PLAY SUCH A LOUSY, IN MY LIFE TRIED ME TD SHAVE POINTS, SAME. SO HARD TO WIN. HE'S SOT ME OVER « 0 THE GREAT PAMZINI DUCKED OUT A BARREL, AFTER LOSWGt^TVPICALl NO MVGTERY ALSO AVAIIABIE: 98,000 150,000 BTU j.. , T ABOUT THAT! FREE 195 195 No DOUBT N (on any panel we have) f(ee-oioi) P(68-0011) PHe SNEAKED E<^l BTU PORTABLE OIL HEAHR PORTABLE OIL HEATER AWAY WHILE YOU Pick These Brands... WERESMRCHING FOR MV FATHER!? ROYACOTE-ABITIBI GHOGTI < ... BRUCE - WELDWOOD PLY-GEMS - GEORGIA • ^ 1

PACAFIC' ’•s ■,

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PACMjSPCTEEN— MANtMBSTER EVENING HERALD, MUrtnatar. Conn.,‘11nin..Wov.>,197> MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Thun., Nov.», 1972— PAGE SEVENtg^N Go-Ahead Sign Given Jumpers 76ers’ Losing Streak Now 14, iia In Pro Hockey to Earn Riches Already Trail By 12 Games

Higginbotham said such a monopoly power la " ! found that I couldn’t hit Boston scored 40 points in Eivin H ayes scored 25 National League Claim* DUputed PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The new plutocrats of the sweepstakes with a five-year, |2.6 millicm deal fnnn the N E W YORK (A P ) - games out of first in the qwrting set — Bobby Hull, Derek Sanderson, John —has been out most of the season with demonstrated 1^ the NHL’s ability to control the ra p ly of Fliiladelphia is losing in big National Basketball my Jumpers so I had to pass th e third quarter. Don points and grabbed 20 One-time Boston baseball writer, Tom Monahra, has McKenzie and others who Jumped from the National a shoulder injury and has been ineffective in the few professional hockey players, precluding effective numbers now. The 76ers Association Atlantic Divi­ off,” the 6-foot-l guard said. Cteaney had 11 in the third rebounds for Baltimore. The taken over as director of publicity for the to the World Hockey A ssociationhave games he’s play^. competition. have dropped 14 straight and sion after Just three weeks "I shot terrible (14-of-16). I and 23 fo r the gam e. John Bullets led 69-40 at halftim e Basebali League which has its headquarters in Boston. received an official courtroom go-ahead to begin earning McKenzie, like Sanderson a refugee fitnn the Boston The Judge said also that former NHL players now in tiM the latest loss came at the of the season. couldn’t hit anything but Havlicek led the Celtics with an d w on easily. Mike Monahan succeeds Jack Sheehan, udio was also a Bean- their riches. Bruins, has been out all year with a broken arm. WHA would suffer. Irreparable harm to their careers ahd hands of a team whose top "It’s tough. It’s very layups.” 25 and JoJo White had 18. Riordan scored 20 for the town sports scribe before going into the A.L. office. A preliminary injunction issued Wednesday by U-S. Other ex-NHLers like Gerry Cheevers, J.C. Tremblay reputations as professional hockey players if an injunctlpo shooter was hurt. tough,’’ said Philadelphia The little star must have Rick Barry led Golden State Bullets while rookie Kevin Monahan asks if the "two best teams in baseball", in District Court Judge A. Leon Higgintwtham prohibits the and Ted Green have been more successful with their WHA were not granted. 1 guard Fred Carter. “ All we healed quickly as he- hit 16 with 34 points. Boston now Porter turned in 19 points Cincinnati Manager Spatky Anderson’s mind met for the NHL from enforcing its controversial reserve clause, team s. Nate Archibald of the can do is Just keep points in the final period. He leads the NBA Atlantic by tend 12 assists. Buffalo’s high National Lrague playoff crown, how did the American "The balance of hardship absent injunctive relief cleturly scorers were Bob McAdoo which had given it a monopoly on the professional hockey The broader question stemming from Higginbotham’s Kansas City-Omaha Kings plugging.” also handed out 18 assists one-half game over New Ireague’s Oakland Athletics go on to trin the World Series? favors these former NHL players who have cmitractod York. The loss dropped the with 18 points and John player pool. ruling is its ponible effect on &e reserve clause, the sprained his thumb in the Archibald, who leads the during the game. The new P.R. chief points out that the "inferior” with the WHA for the 197^73 playing season, over the Hummer with 16. He stopp^ short at this time, however, from ruling the means by which baseball, football, basketball and other first quarter of Wednesday league in both scoring and The Kings, who trailed for Warriors one game behind American League has won four of the last seven World injury which mif^t be sustaimd by their former NHL Phoenix’ Charlie Scott clause Illegal. major American sports as well as hockey k e^ their teams night’s game. It didn’t stop assists, did some plugging of most of the first half, got 23 Los Angeles in the Pacific Series and diuing this span holds a 23-19 edge over clubs,” the Judge wrote. points from rookie Ifen Division. scored 34 points, Including The decision was a godsend fo r the WHA, ^ c h based its organized. him from scoring 34 points h is ow n after he was National League clubs. survival strategy on luring established stars for sky-high “ A less anti-competitive reserve clause than the presitet and dropping the 76ers 12 injured. Riley and took the lead for M ilw au k ee, led by 14 during a 35-point third While the N.L. has won nine of the last 10 All-Star salaries. The order was set to become effective tqwn The decision came on a test suit tiled by McKenzie. He one may be needed in hockey," Higginbotham added. good in the third period. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s 29 quarter. Cleveland had led gam es, in the last 26 W orld Series, from 1947 through 1927, payment by the WHA of a |2.5 million bond. and the Blazers contended the NHL reserve clause was a As for the NHL, the Judge said it "is no shaky institution John Block led the 76ers points and Bob Dandridge’s 54-45 at halftim e before the the A .L. has a 15-11 edge. So far, the new league has pretty much had to do without violation of antitrust regulations. which will collapse if it loses a few superstars or eyen with 35 points. 25, had little trouble with Suns put on their rally. While the A’s were winning their four games in the Hull, Sanderson and McKenrie. Higginbotham said that to the extent the NHL clause many average players during this prelimiinary injunction. In other NBA games, struggling Seattle. The Austin Carr led the recent series by one-run margins, it can be pointed out that Ihe NIHi Chicago Black Hawks, who lost Hull to the 10- was excluding the WHA and its teams from entering "The NHL is merely sustaining the fate which Boston beat Golden State Sonics were held to just Cavaliers with 26 points. ’The Manager Dick Williams’ club was used to this type game. year, ia.75 million pact offered by the Winnipeg Jets, got a professional hockey, it was in violation. monopolists must face when they can no longer continue 128-111, M ilwaukee topped three field goals in 8Vk victory was the Suns’ third Offense Keys straight since General During the regular A.L. season the A’s were involved in court order keeping him off the ice. He added, however, that he couldn’t rule on whether the their prior total dominance of the market." Seattle 116-103, Baltim ore minutes of the third period. 47 contests decided by one run, winning 22 and losing 25. Higginbotham’s decision reverses that and allows entire reserve clause was illegal until further hearings beat Buffalo 126-94 and Spencer H ayw ood hit 29 Manager Jerry Colangelo Higginbotham, noting that the average ticket price fbr took over for Coach Bill van Boston nipped the Athletics four times in five one-run Player-coach Hull to start seeing action. The so-called w ere held. Phoenix whipped Cleveland points and John Brisker 27 engagements. NHL games is ^.22 compared to only ^.47 for the WHA, 107-99. for Seattle. Breda Kolff. "Golden Jet" was in uniform Wednesday ni^t in the “ There is a clear and substantial likelihood," the Judge said the older league was more business than sport. Celtic Victory "B y the tim e the A ’s m et Cincinnati, they w ere hardened Winnipeg-Quebec game. He picked up an assist but wrote in a 124-page opinion, “ that at trial, the Interlocking "Despite tiie glory of the sport of hockey and the to the pressure of tight gam es," Monahan points out. Winnipeg lost 3-2. agreements among the NHL teams, the reserve clause in grandeur of its superstars, the basic factors here are not BOSTON (AP) — ’Die offense was the key to the Boston Next time someone tells you the National League is The other NHL expatriates have been playing while their the standard player’s contract and the agreements the sheer exhilaration from observing the speeding puck, C eltics’ 128-111 victory W ednesday night over the Golden superior to the American teU 'em to check the records. legal status awaited the Judge’s ruling. between the NHL and the m inor and am ateur hockey but rather the desire to maximize the available State Warriors In Natlroial Basketball Association action However, Sanderson—who edged Hull in the moneybags organization THE B': i at Boston Garden. Evans Discouraged Both sides agreed on that. , There isn’t a more discouraged guy today than Charlie "I think the difference was that we kept the offensive Evans, unless it’s one of the politicians who came out pressure on them,” said Celtics (teach Tom Heinsohn. LPINEi second best in Tuesday’s election. Gilbert Satisfieid Rick Barry, the star for the Warriors with 34 points and Evans, udio suffered a brdcen leg in two places early in 13 rebound, said: "W e were off offensively. It was one of the second period of last Sunday’s game against Denver at those things. ’They outplayed us, that’s all.” f ’The (telticS blew the game wide open with 40 points in Yankee Stadium, was talking from his hospital bed at St. <=HAUS Vincent’s Hospitid. the third period, ledjjy Don Cteaney who had 11 of his 23 The running back with the New York Giants, out for the With Point Game points in the period. “ I thou^t Don Chaney played one of the best games I’ve OF season, was scheduled to grace the head table tonight at the annual Masonic Sports Night at the Masonic Temple. NEW YORK (AP) - Satisfaction Brad made two beautiful moves on^ ever seen,” Heinsohn said. "He really made our fast break 1 itl Instead, he had to take a rain check and in his place will be surrounds Rod Gilbert these days as the goalie. He was down add helpless.^ go. He did a little of everything, offense, defense— and he VBtNON Bob Duhon, another running back. he cruises along near the top of the All I had to do was lift it into the net. got some offensive boards. He made fine passes.” "I can’t wait to get out of this hospital," Evans said scoring race. "I can’t take much credit for Heinsohn also praised the performance of Paul Silas, yesterday m orning. " I was told that I would b e here only a Gilbert’s 11th goal of the season in producing that way." who came in to help out when Dave Cowens got into foul couple of days. This is driving me crazy. I’ll be in the New York. Rangers’ 5-2 victory The assist on Gilbert’s goal was the trouble. Silas had 20 points and 13 rebounds. over Vancouver Wednesday night M a^ester TOursday night and Vinny Clements will be 200th point of Park’s NHL career. He (AP photo) "Silas did the Job when we needed him,” Heinsohn said. PRE­ with m e." Clements is the former UConn star, now a gave the flashy right wing scoring remains the highest scoring “ And he made Rick Barry really work for all his points.” member of the Giants’ taxi squad. points in all 14 games this season, a defensenum in the league. ' Warrior Uses Height to Advantage Under Board (tept. John Havlicek led the Boston scorers with 25 club record. Later in the day, complications set in and Evans must "Our defense moves the puck so ^Ndie Thurmond (6-11) Outjumps Boston's John Havlicek points. Jo Jo White collected 18. SEASON remain hospitalizki at least until the weekend. "A point in every game, eh,” said well,” Gilbert continued. “ We’re •• • ' ” ■ The Celtics took the lead with five seconds remaining in Gilbert. “ That’s 78 for the season and keeping possession much more than ■■ ■ the first period, 27-ffi, on two free throws by Silas and that’s not enough.” we us^ to, and that helps too. We never were headed. ’They led 64-54 at the half. Gilbert scored 97 points last season used to use up all our energy fighting' in New Surroundings ’The Celtics, now a hot 11-1, took the day off today to Compared to Dowling as he and linemates Jean Ratelle and for the puck in our end. But not prepare for an invasion of Buffalo Friday night. SKI SALE: After only one game as a starting quarterback. Tommy Vic Hadfield formed the highest an ym ore.” Doyle is already being compared to Brian Dowling who scoring unit in the league. Rod ^ s 23 That leaves energy for other things, Cuiiningham, Calvin was tile last top-flight Eli si^ial-caller. Dowling has stuck points so far this year, second best in like harassing enemy goalies, a chore with football and is now the No.2 quarterback bdiind Jim the NHL. Gilbert and his buddies enjoy. ,, • Talbot Named EASTERN CONN. LARGEST SKI SHOP Plunkett, who is having all' k i^ of trouble in his “I don’t feel I have to produce in His point scoring stre^ d o ^ ’t Blues’ Coach sophomore season with &e New England Patriots. The every game,” said Gilbert. “ Tlie way occupy Gilbert’s thinking these days. (AP photo) our team has developed...we don’t Winning does. "Sure, I knew about the HEAD GK-04 SKI PACKAGE punchless Pats will Jump right from the frying pan into the i ^ W YORK (AP) - Billy Cun- Joe Caldwell added 22 points for ST. LOUIS (AP) - Jean Guy fire Sunday when tiwy trdc to Miami to meet the unbeaten depend on a single guy or a single line. streak tonight," he said. "I had a hirij^ m and Mack Calvin are sur- f m Talbot, the 39-year-old former Boston Goalie Tony Esposito Tips Puck Off Stick Carolina while Dan Issel hit 28 points Dolphins.. ..It won’t be any picnic for the New Yoric Giants We’re pretty well balanced.” couple of good chances in the first ^ ors.T h e team Cunningham left is to lead the Colonels. coach of the in • Head GK04 Fiberglass S k is ...... $130.00 The Canucks did a reasonably good period but missed them. I said to either Sunday vriien th ^ take their show on the road for a After Try By Islanders' Staiting the season with 14 losses and In other ABA games, Indiana beat the , • Salomon Step-in Bindings ...... 30.00 Job of controlling Gilbert, Ratelle aiid myself, ‘now I’ll have to get it this arrived here today to take over COMPLETE return go with the Washington Redskins...Thanks to the (^Ivin’s old club has disappeared Utah 135-124, Virginia w hipped Football • Nylon Safety S tra p ...... 3.50 Hadfield but still came out on the period.’ But it didn’t matter. Winning. the helm of the sinking St. Louis ONLY promotion-minded Manchester State Bank, attractive fall coiiipletely. Denver 116-111 and D allas downed SAN DIE(X) — Running back • Binding Installation ...... 6.00 and winter sports schedules of Manchester Community short end. That’s because Walt That matters. Everything is so rosy '‘ Cunningham played for Duane Thomas was placed on Blues. Memphis 126-118. Talbot, who once played for • Your Name Engraved...... 2.00 College athletic teams are listed...Readers seddng infor­ Denis Menke hit one home Tkaezuk scored two goals and Brad when the team is producing and we the reserve list by the San Philadelphia in the National Basket­ Indiana grabbed the lead in the ABA the Biues as well as Montreal, • A&T Aluminum Poles' ...... 10.00 $ lOO mation on the recent Karate Tournament staged at run with Houston in 1971. In 1972 Wings Deadlock Kings Park and Bobby Rousseau added one are winning.” Diego Chargers, making him he hit nine homers for Cincin­ ball Association last year. He West by beating Utah as George Detroit and Minnesota in bis 17- REGULAR $181.50 Manchester High should contact Jay Stager. No results apiece. That’s Just what’s happening for the ineligible to play for the rest of nati. departed to Join the Carolina (Cougars McGinnis scored 35 points. It was the year National Hockey League By THE ASSOCIATED the National Football League were turned in for publication. American Hockey League "That’s what I mean," said Gilbert. Rangers and Gilbert couldn’t be more bf the American Basketball Associa­ Pacers’ seventh straight victory. Mel career, was named Wednesday PRESS s6dson< "M y goal tonight was Just a scoop Job. satisfied with the situation. tion this season and the 76ers are now to replace Blues’ Coach A1 The west division Virginia game at Norfolk, Va. However Daniels had 24 points and Roger PITTSBURGH - The Arbour. WARM-UP PANTS SKI BOOT SPECIALS Red Wings sort of let things ^eatening to never win a game. Brown 22 for Indiana. James Jones Pittsburgh Steelers placed they exploded for four straight "Hopefully, a coaching ride for awhile. When they Calvin was a star for the ABA’s led the Stars with 32; Ron Boone had veteran safety (buck Beatty on RIEKER Men's t Ledin' fur lined $50. $45. goals and managed a tie with Hottest NHL Club Surprise Leader change might get some of them decided to start scoring, they Floridians but when the league pared 29 and W illie Wise 27. waivers. RIEKER Udies' J-700 $70. $50. (the players) moving,” said Sid k Men’s the Kings, while hanging onto itself he was tossed into the common i let it all hang out. Abel, general manager of the rand HEIRELING Men’s Plastic $60. $50. drbft and grabbed by Carolina; Julius Erving had 38 points, 21 in the H ocke y The Red Wings trailed the first place over the Cincinnantl Lovable Los Angeles Kings team which has a 2-6-5 record. 1 Ladies' HEIREIING Ladles' Plastic $55. $45. Springfield Kings 4-6 It was a lucky break for both of second half, for Virginia. ’The Squires PHILADELPHIA - Bobby Arbour, who said he would [Children's These boots are availible in all ilzts Swords who dropped their game had trailed Denver 65-64 at halftim e Hull and other Stars who Wednesday with only 13 them, but it has been luckier for the consider a Blues’ offer to but their defense, led by Roland jum ped from the National I Full Side minutes to play in their with Hershey, 4-2. Cougars, who now are first in the ABA remain as a team scout, Run Win Streak to Nine Taylor, stiffened and they took the Hockey League to the new i Zipper East. The new boys in town are doing refused to discuss his firing, are I Elastic ■^everything Carolina thought they lead. Taylor hit 14 points for Virginia saying, "I have no comment RIEKER SKI PACKAGES NEW YORK (A P )-It took of third period goals to pace free to play in the WHA under a k Adjustable Kwould and Wednesday night they led and Warren Jabali and Ralph Simpson whatsoever.” 80 cm to 170 cm some doing, but the National Montreal past Toronto. lUs ruling by a federal court judge. 'waist the Ctougars to a 126-111 victory over each had 22 points for Denver. :- MANCHESTER TIRE, INC. -;- Hockey League’s hottest first goal broke a 2-2 tie ST. LOUIS — The St. Louis I Snap on Dallas, down by 14 points, came S39” 5 5 5 ” 5 6 p s team stretch^ its unbeaten midway throng the period ,, the Kentucky CJolonels. Blues of the National Hockey Pocket Calvin scored 33 points and Cun- back to score 35 second-quarter points re|. S47.50 re|. S69.95 rag S72.4S streak to nine games and then he hit an empty net League fired Coach A1 Arbour I Openings ,iiingham 28 and each hit 12 points in and went on to beat. Memphis. Bob and replaced him with JeanGuy Wednesday night wi& a 3-3 in the last minute to clinch .Dacron Complete ivlth Tyrolla or Salomon bindingt, iki poles, aafety the second quarter when the Cougars Netolicky led the Chaps with 28 points Talbot, 39, the former coach of tie against expansionist the victory. * Polyester strap, installation and tnfravini included. tallied 39 points to, grab a 64-50 half­ while Rich Jones had 27. Game the team's Denver Spurs farm Atlanta. Sddoin-ttsed Dan Makmey ! Bowling I I Insulation -tim e lead after holding just a 25-23 scoring h on ors went to George club. Now, guess which team is scored three times and Leather Cuff V ' I .^( margin after the first period. Carolina Thbmpson with 29 for the Tams. unbeaten in its last nine. (Chicago erupted for six third Basketball I Insert .’ went on to get a 93-77 lead after the Teammate Johnny Neumann had 22 ELKS — Reggie Tomlinson m • FAMOUS • Prepasted SAFETY CHECK Powerhouse Montreal? period goals to blitz the New points and Randy Denton 19. MEMPHIS, Tenn. -**Luther 145- 152-393, Joe Desimone 160- third period. SIZES Nope. The tenacious . Rackley, a three-year veteran 379, Ernie Pepin 136, Al Pirkey Aciylic Vinyl Coated XStoXL HEIERLING York Rangers? Negative. T<\ ■ center of the National Ex-Black Hawk Gerry 146- 139-433, Dick Krol 140-365, In navy Strippable Basketball Association, signed FOAM BOOTS Boston’s defending Stanley DesJardins had protected a Joe Pagano 144-150-411, Bob and red... 99 colored sidewalls. 24 (locks, We Check with the Memphis Tams of the Full Plastic and 6 wet looks, all color styled with Cup champions? Guess 1-0 lead throu^ two p^o^s Talmadge 372, Tony Desimone Revitalized Red Wings Jmerican Basketball Re{. S125. available paint colors and draperies. agiiin. for the Islanders with s < ^ S c h o o lb o y 351, Jack Talley 364, Bruce Fish Regular Many with matching fabrics. Association. 367. •FRONT END ALIGNMENT Would you believe the brilliant goaltending. But an $25.00 Men's lovable Los Angeles Kings? early goal by defenseman F o o tb a ll Blow into Boston Tennis Introductory Offer... •BALL JOINTS REC — Tom Martin 140-350, NOW unbeatable Believe it or not, the Bill White in the third period TORQUAY, England — Clark •SHOCK ABSORBERS BOSTON (AP) — The Detroit goals,” Johnson said. “ We just Mike Zwick 369. low •WHEEL BEARINGS Kings, surprise leaders in started the deluge for * cjI Graebner of New York beat CCIL Red Wings, bristling with have to tighten upl that’s all. price the NHL West, are hockey’s SECOND Chicago. O’ bII $120,000 worth of muscle, blow We’re getting our share of Britain’s Mike (tellins 6-1,7-5 in SPICE — Barbara Cool 133, •COMPLe I e EXHAUST SYSTEMS hottest club. LA, losers of the Dewar Cup indoor series. ROLL Fred Glover’s return as ' . y. . W L W L into Boston tonight to take on goals.” Sue Malinoski 132. AND OF COURSE STOCKHOLM - Wimbledon Ladies’ Only $60 141 games in the last three coach of the California (tenard 7-0 7-0 the Bruins in a National Hockey Part of the Bruins problem is ’mW hen you ee buy first roll at champion Stan Smith led a YOURTIRES WIVES — Elvina Batch 451. seasons, got two goals in the Golden Seals was qpoiled 1^ Ceateal 6-1 6-1 League game at the Garden. in goal. regular sample book price 4-3 4-3 strong American advance in the final 314 m inutes to gain the M in n e so ta with B u s te r Eastern The Red Wings, with a 7r4-l Veteran Ed Johnston will be Prices start as low as 43.50 single roll. —Fast, Courteous Service — 4-3 4-3 in the nets tonight, backed up C3ass A $63,500 Stockholm Open tie. There was some solace Harvey’s two goals pai»ing M ^chester record, are one point up on the ALLEY KATZ - Lynn Prior Wethersfield 4-4 4-4 defending Stanley Cup by John Adams, who was Grand Prix Tournament, with a HOLIDAY FIBERGLASS SKI PACKAGE r-THIS COUPON WILL SAVE YOU 80C- for Atlanta though. They did the North Star rictory. 6-4, 6-4 third-round victory over 132, Evelyn Lorentzen 13 127, HaU 3-5 3-5 champions, and Detroit fans summoned from the Boston Famous K2 Holiday Skis ONLY S 2 " PAINT S P E C IA L O F T H E W E E K snap an ei^t-gam e wiming Jim McManus of Berkeley, Celeste Sheldon 128, Reggie Harvey scored the tirst Platt 2-5 3-5 credit much of the winning per­ Braves of the American Hockey tto6ay „„ string for the Kings. (telifomia. Gburski 131-126-128-385. Salomon Step-In Bindings i TRIM BRUSH Wiadham 2-5 2-6* formance to a 1120,000 exercise League to replace the injured I Regular IJSSVahM In other NHL action tw o N orth Star goals on 3-00- Safety Strap - Engraving 2 rushes. Dean Prenttoe, Malouey Ite 2-6 room built by owner Bruce Ross Brooks. G olf Y LEAGUE — Tony MarinelU Wednesday, Montreal stung Norris. The Bruins are out to find Binding Installation J.P. Parise and Charlie ACAPULCO, Mexico — (tesar 157-154-432, Mike Balesano 148- Toronto 52, the Rangers HCC Wings (teach Johnny Wilson, another goalie, but they are Aluminum Poles p^guLAp yp^UE ’ 144.45 Everyday Bums added third period Sanudo of Mexico and Allen 289, Don Simmons 144-376, Ken downed Vancouver 5-2, St, Paul 4-0 6-1 considered a physical fitness reported to be having trouble ? . Lov/ Seaton 161-391, Larry Bates 352, 125 Miller of Pensacola, Fla. M «M F or C3iicago rapped the New goals fo r M innesota. Vlfalt Xaider 3te 8te nut, has made considerable use finding a team willing to trade. price r ‘ THIS COUPON WIU SAVE YOU i matched five-under-par 67s and Andy Lamoureaux 352, Frank York Islanders 6-1) McKechnie had both Northwest 2-3 44 of the room, and Detroit has To add to the team’s troubles, FaatiiyRoonM ■ 4 " PAINT Mon., Tuts., Wed. 8-5:30* Thurs, Fri. 8-8 • Sat. 8-1 tied for the lead after the first Calvo 369, Joe Pagano 138-392, 12 Page* o( do-K- Pittsburgh defeated California goals. St. Bernard 2-3 2-5 been playing like athletes who a club spokesman said Gene Tirtnzone 355, Hank I youraaK idaaa round of the $45,000 Bing (teosby THE t i W A L L B R U S H Pittsburgh bunched four Ea$t 1-2 24-1 don’t have to keep much energy Wednesday that Wayne loAtLON for decorating (amUy ■ Ragulatzas Valua Philadelphia 5 -2 and Fiesta International Golf Martyn 149-401, Rocco rooms. Gat your W E H O N O R Minnesota wh^qied Califor­ goals in less than eight Stxith‘) . 04 0-8 in reserve. Cashman, left wing, has been Lupacchino 141-366, Pete Aceto free copy today. Tournament. nia 5-2; m idutes o f the tirst period to Even venerable team Capt. playing the last several games 142-366, Ell Fish 352, A1 ColoriSligl>tlY»<8»*'’ Stop in at our store. I c v e •Acetnt While supply lasts. yriiip Philade^iliia. Alex Delvecchio has been with a hairline fracture of the General Bujaucius 135-366, Ed Burbank Los Angeles defenseman Southington 7-0 7-0 back. The spokesman did not ‘A LP IN E <=HAUS L skating like a kid. 139-380, John Rieder 142-150- Philadelidila goalie Bob DENVER - Officials of the ARCO <> Gilles Marotte tipped in a Windsor 7-0 7-1 Bruins Coach Tom Johnson reveal how Cashman suffered Taylor was forced to leave Denver Olympic Organizing 4410, Carl Bolin 383. POST ROAD^ PLAZA shot to cut the Flames’ lead Simsbury 5-2 6-2 thinks his team’s disappointing the injury. 30 9 1 1 1 the game with a pnUM Committee (IXXX^) withdrew nouTE S H O P to a single goal. Then, with, R ^ y iU e 5-2 5-M 6-6-2 record is nothing an Cashman will continue to HOME ENGINEERS - from support of the 1976 Winter only 35 seconds left on the hanostring.and the barrage n & v i lle 4-3 4-3 exercise room can improve. play, the spokesman said, but VERNON TEL 872-6547 Sherw in-Williams Olympics just 24 hours after it Dolores Lewis 184-503, Gerry OPEN DAILY QUALITY PAINTS AT EVERY PRICE clock, Mike Corrigan came against bTs BLoomfield 4-3 44 "W e’ve got to pick up he will be required to rest Tucker 197-179-178-554, Dee we HONO* MANCHESTER TIRE, INCa became known that (telorado 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Use our convenient replacement, Doug FaralL Wiidsor Locks 1-6 1-6 defensively',’ ’ he said between games and will not be LiUicrop 185-478, Tonny Ver- deflected Juha Widlng’s shot voters had decided to cut off Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lay A Way Plan ..1. fS 1 Mahi Strati bi into the Atlanta net fbr the with Bryan Hextall. E m Newtagtoa 1-6 1-6 Wednesday, "that’s our allowed to [nractice with the faille 196, Edith Palmer 178-487, 295 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER 643-1161 1-7 further state qiending for the tying goal. Schinkd, Syl Apps and N k k Sooth Windsor 1-6 problem.” squad. Kathi Cline 456. Glastonbury 0-7 0-7 Games. Pete MahovUch bit a pair Harbantk hittii« in a hirry. "We’re allowing too many i

/ A , ■IS .. PAGE EiOHTEEN- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mmcfaeita-, Com.'. Thun., Nw. 9,1878 f Coaches^ Corner The EeonomicQi W ay The “Action Marketplace" Tough Year for Rookies To Advertise Over 15,000 Paid Subscribers Over 60,000 Daily Readers NEW YORK-W hat kind running back Bill Butler, leader among the rookies. Angeies-running back Jim 16 words, 8 days ...... $1.89 of a season has it been for linebacker Joe Federspiel, The No. 2. draft choice out of Bertelsen, defensive tackle By Cliff Demers-East Catholic Fast Results rookies in the NFC? comerback Ernie Jackson Hillsdale (Bfich.) College Larry Brooks. 15 words, 6 days ...... ^ .2 4 Last Saturday’s performance was our poorest of.the Tough! and free safety Tom Myers. leads the NFC in scoring, Also, Minnesota-running 15 words, 10 days ...... $4.50 COPY CLOSING TIME FOR with 66 points, including 17 season. (East lost to Pulaski High, 26-6). Our CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A check of the 13 Smith is one of five No. 1 back Ed Marinaro; New 20 words, 26 days ...... field goals in 26 attempts. move the hall was almost non-existent. We committed nx . . . $14.66 12:00 NOON DAY BEFORE PUBUCATION conference teams reveals draft choices starting. The York Giants-defensive turnovers, three lost fumhles and three interceptions. We tackles Larry JaortMon and that 28 first-year players others are free safety were able to mount only one scoring drive and that was $1.50 inch Deadline for Saturday and Monday can be considered starters. Clarence EHUs of Atlanta, The other rookie regulars John Mendenhall; aided by a pass interference call. is 12:00 Noon Friday Among them are 12 payers comerback Willie Buchanon are: Philadelphla-guard Tom Atlanta-guard Dennis On defense, we were unable to handle Pulaski’s off- PHONE 643-2711 of Green Bay, linebacker Luken, running back Ro» on offense, 13 on defense, tackle powerplay. They continually picked up three, four and three specialists. Jeff Siemon of Minnesota, Havig, punter John James; James; St. Louis- and five yards per try and were able to control the tempo Cempere-Traffer* Movlng-Tnieklng-Stongo 20 Help Wanted and wide receiver Bobby Chicago-defensive tackles quarterback Tim Van 35 New Orleans, with six, has of the game. Our tackling was not as Sharp as it has been Mohffe Homes Moore of St. Louis. Jim (tebome and Bill Line; Geider, guard Conrad MANCHESTER - Delivery - the most rooUe regulars. Dallas-punter Marv all year. PLEASE READ MILLER F am s needs man for Dobler, defensive end Mar­ EXTRA clean used mobile BERRY’S WORLR light trucking and package employment in egg plant, also H A PPY A D S They include guard Royce Green Bay kicker Chester Bateman; Green Bay-wide The only bright spot for us was the return of Dave Berner YOUR AD home with porch, awning, sUr-'' delivery. Refrigerators, tin Imhof, linebacker Mark washers and stove moving some deliveries. Class II LUIS TIANT CARLTON n S K Smith, guard Carl Johnson, Marcol is the statistical receiver Leland Glass; Los Amesmi. at split end. Dave missed four games because of an injury ’>i For Your ting, shed. Large 18x16 living license required. Call Coventry but is ready to start playing full time again. He’s w Classified or "Want Ads" are, room, carpeted throu^out, 2 specialty. Folding chairs for 742-6232. Information taken over the phone as a con­ rent. 649^. excellent receiver and things seem to happen when he’s bedrooms. Sale price 33,600. THE HERALD will not dis­ venience. The advertiser should >•••••••••••••••••••••••••• playing. Arrow Acres Mobile Home WANTED for Saturday, part- B ow ling Duhon to Sub for Evans close the identity of any adver­ read his ad the” FIRST DAY IT Park, Storrs, Conn. No entiy Droaunaking 22 time experienced gas station As you know, this week we face an extremely difficult tiser using box lettei^. Readers APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in fee. CaU 1-4294806. Hurry! attendant. Must be over 18. Call Comeback Award: Tiant task. We tackle Xavier H i^, a club riding the crest of a 24- answering blind box ads who time for the next insertion. The CUSTOM made ladies dresses, Lydon Brothers Shell, 646-8440. EAiSTERN BUSINESSMEN suits. Bridal gowns and veils. — Ron Joiner 144-368, Charlie game winning streak, longest in the state. There is no desire to protect their identity Herald Is responsible for only ONE 21’ 1970 TANDEM wheel Ace can follow this procedure; Royal Rogue, full self- Also hand set fashion jewelry. EARN extra money for the Gardella 145-397, Jim question that they are one of the top teanu in the state. incorrect or omitted insertion for 6491133. Rookie^of~Year: Fisk any advertisement and then only to contained, 6’ 2-way holidays. Flexible hours, part- Matbieson 140-350, Charlie Ump Heads They are not very big physically hut there are the ■•*> Enclose your reply to the box refrigerator, automatic heat, the extent of a "make good" inser­ ime position. E-Z Day Maid Banks 151-401, Joe Giambelluca quickest high school team I’ve ever seen. Their attack m'an envelope — address to the hot water, tub with shower, new Bonda-Stoeka-Mortgagoa 27 ■ ^■ 1rvlce, 872-3344. ST. LOUIS (AP) - The Sporting News has cited the 157-389, Dan FYye 140-358, Larry centers around the running of All-State halfback Greg Classified Manager, Manchester tion. Errors which do not lessen the Kodel carpet, new spare tire Pro Basketball value of the advertisement will not surprise battery of the Boston Red Sox for top rookie and Fahey 145, Mick Holmes 143, and wheel, used one trip. Owner MORTGAGES, loans first BOOKKEEPER, Receptionist . . . SofflMn* Woods. However, they have a balanced running game and Evening Herald, together with a second, third. All kinds. Realty Rollle Beauregard 352, Ben NBA memo listing the companies be corrected by "make good" inser­ has larger unit on order. 33,195 wanted for a modem Hartford Comeback of the Year awards in the American League. Sports Night their fullback Jerry Stano is also a dangerous runner. tion. statewide. Credit rating may have MOt you Grzyb 354, Mike Zwick 351, Cliff WediiMdav'* Gam n youlU dp NOT want to see your or best offer. Phone 649-%89. dental office, ling necessary, The weekly sports newspaper named pitcher Luis Tiant Our kids are really looking forward to this game. We unnecessary. Reasonable. Con- benefits avai laole, very a h ap p y ain of the Sox for the comeback award and catcher Carlton Jones 376, Ed Ralph 393, Mick Boston 128, Golden State 111 ietteUer. Your letter will be •••••••••••••••••••••••••••a fidential, quick arrangements. Holmes 3U, Sandy hanna 351. By Earl Yoat plan to make a few changes. Defensively, we must contain 643-2711 Fisk for the rookie award in the nonpitcher category. Baltimore 126, Buffalo | | d^lroyed if the advertiser is A.,,n ‘Lund, ndy “ SIlffA'”' One of baseball’s premier umpires and a pinch-hitter in Kansas City-Omaha 125, Woods and take away their running game. On offense, we one you've meptioned. If not it Motoreycfes-Sfeyetee 11 100 Constitution Plaza, l ______Tiaiit, plagued by illness during the 1971 season, plan to add a couple of wrinkles to our attack that may TEETOTALERS - Marge another sport, Bobby Duhon, will grace the head table at Philadelphia 107 i^ll be bandit in the usual Hartford. Evenings, 233-6879. TURRET lathe man, first recovered last season to finish with a 154 record and a 1.91 Milwaukee 116, Seattle 103 cause some problems for Xavier. Right now our kids are manner. Autos For Salo EXPERT repairing all makes Kahn 180403, Fran Mlsserl 196- tonight’s annual Masonic Sports Night at the Masonic of bicycles including 3,5 and 19 class, able to set up and work I earned run average. Phoenix 107, Cleveland 99 working hard for the biggest upset of the year. MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd 466, Kay McCarthy 187-525, Liz Temple. Dinner''will be served at 6:30. 1967 CHEVELLE Super Sport, speeds. Manchester Bicycle from blueprints, 50 hours, top Congratulations Fisk, a standout on offense and defense, is a prime Only games scheduled „ mortgages — Interim financing wages, insurance, fencer W ashing 178, Betty Haefs 507. Duhon will be subbing for 4-speed transmission. Many ex­ shop. expedient and confidential BENNET VARSITY candidate for Rookie of the Year honors in the American ABA Loatsnd Found tras. Cali after 5 p.m., 875-9081. Machine Corp., 757 Goodwin Charlie Evans who suffered a service, J. D. Real Estate Street, East iiartford, Conn. SOCCER TEAM League. M ISnTS - Barry Zell 545, broken leg last Sunday in the Wciineaday'B Gamra 1971 HONDA 750, like new, Call Assoc. 643-5129. Virginia 116, Denver 111 LOST — Ladies gold watch, 5299315. John Storozuk 518, Mike Koss New York Giants’ win over Delaware Holds Margin 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 6491641. and 504. Carolina 126, Kentucky 111 with black band, vicinity two-door hardtop, excellent • ••••••••• *4» ••••••• ••••••••• Bualnaaa Opportunity 28 COACH MATHENY Denver. Duhon is a last minute Dallas 126, Memphis 118 Parkade, Grand Union and condition. Best offer. Phone Senftees Offered 12 KEYPUNCH operators, second replacement for Evans who Reward. 647-9007 872-2611. shift, full or part-time, For a fantastic FLORAL — Arlene LaPointe Indiana 135, Utah 124 In College Division Poll SPORTSWEAR Now Shoppe- experienced Alpha Numeric. must remain hospitalized for Only games scheduled enclosed mall — part of chain winning season. 185-467, Jean Arcahambault several more days. LOST, Fernison Rd., Route (6 OLDSMOBILE 1970 luxury ECM Inc., South Windsor, 644- Thinking Man^s Player 480. operation — 5,000 square feet of 2445. Bennet Varsity Tonight’s speakers have NEW YORK (AP) - collected 10 first-place votes area, small white and p a jy sedan, automatic air- beautifully fixtured store now Cheerleaders something in common - both Pro Hockey Delaware retained its hold on and 278 points in the results an­ Siamese cat, answers to Bou conditioning, power brakes, (S) i m br NEA. doing over 3200,000. Located nounced today. Reward. Phone 643-5333. MOUNTAIN DEW - Vivian are lefthanded NHL the No. 1 position in the college power steering, power win- SNOW between Hartford and Price 179, Betty Richardson division football poll, and South Louisiana Tech, which held dows, power seats,'good condi- I Harris Makes Mark Gorman, No. 2 in seniority on Wednesday's Games ", . . as a matter of fact, a certain amount of 'shady Springfield. Once in a lifetime Dakota, by virtue of its victory first for two weeks, is 9-0. It Saving Passbook No. tion.n, 32,500. 8796283. opportunitytv forf owner COMBINATION NEW YORK - Franco honestly couldn’t. But 199-492, Leota Bean 177-470, Pat the National League staff, has Montreal 5, Toronto 2 goings on' and ‘dirty business' in politics is a good BookkNper-Silnwomin Melton 179-470, Joy Wiley 177- last Saturday over North received four votes for first and Hartfoartford National Bank manager. Cost of fixtures plus I Harris’ college coach at Franco takes his time about been in the major leagues for New York R an g ers 5, and Trust Co., First 1967 MERCURY Comet, 6 PLOWING thing— tradition, you know!" Happiness la... 459, Jean Archambault 465, Dakota State, jumped from 240 points. inventory...... Call is asking price. One who h it a basic knowlad|o of IS Attendlno the O.E.S. Penn State, Joe Patemo, ad- everything except running the past 22 years after failing to Vancouver 2 Manchester Office. Application cylinder, 2-door hardtop, 3 ^ . Call Herb Saxe broker, 1-389-6263. Marilyn Hewinson 472, Dot make the grade as a southpaw nowhere to the fifth position. South Dakota, 8-1, was not Made for Payment. (Jail 6497722 after 4:30. bookkeipini, is (ood with fi|um i SPAGHETTI mits to a flair for with the footbaU. He likes to Chicago 6, New York listed in the Top Ten teams last Whitehead 451, Bettyann pitcher with the New York Islanders 1 The Blue Hens, first all but 646- 9401 LOCAL .pizza and grinder and can alto tell. Five day week, picturesque language. In the think things out.’’ Scaggs 457, Mary Boticello 462. two weeks in the ballt^ng by week but then beat No. 6 North Services Offered 12 Painting-Paparing 13 I SUPPER Giants. Pittsburgh 5, Philadelphia 2 Bvings 1666 CHARGER RT, 1970 drive business. Must sell due to il­ Tuetday-Saiurday, Thunday till 9. Sat., Nov. 11,5 or 6 p.m. Dakota State 35-21 last - vdio’ll-b^the-first-one- Patemo then went on to Minnesota 5, California 2 sports writers and bibroadtasters 21516 Hartford NaUonal Bank train, needs clutch disc, call 647 1044 lness. Call Hurwit & Simons, The big fellow is one of the Saturday. It received one first- and Trust Co., First WASHING Machine repairs, NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - picked pre4raft guessing explain. “If I asked Lydell Los Angeles 3, Atlanta 3, tie for The Associated Press, have 6464)383 before 4 p.m. 31,100 or Remodeling, repairing, ad- Realtors, 6491117, 2899525. A* finest after-dinner speakers in place vote and 166 points. Manchester Office. Application best offer. RCA Whirlpool, Kenmore, last winter, Paterno put it Mitchell to run through a Only games scheduled an 8-0 season record and Maytag. Reasonable rates. ditims, rec rooms, porches and SHOOR JEWELERS $ Happy Over The Hill O ne W eek the country. It will be his first I^ d e for Payment. SOUTH WINDSOR area on 917 MainSt., Minchetter tills way..."if you ask ^ me brick wall on the next play, WHA Owner of Pike Coin Wash and roofing. No job too small. Call Day to appearance in Manchester and 1964 OLDSMOBILE Starfire, UNITED TREE Service - jobs 649314 Route 5. Modern drive-in to choose between Franco he would say, ‘Okay coach, the first time any umpire ever Wednesday's Gam^s Black and white excellent condition, all power. large or small, tree removal, Dry Cleaning, 275 West Middle -----144. restaurant. Volumne over 31,- TOM H. let’s go.’ If I said the same Away Tom Gorman Quebec 3, Winnipeg 2 f e ^ le mongrel dog. Call Dog One owner, |59S or best offer. Turnpike, next to Stop and Yourvoung friend Harris and Lydell Mitchell, I was featured at a Masonic etc. Insured. Call 646-4622. Shop, 6494913. DORMERS, garages, porches, 000 yearly. Will consider rental thing to Franco Harris he With the 36th edition of the Los Angeles 2, New York 1 TlifrdenrjjWH^. ______6493885. with option to buy, 396,500. Sports Night. rec rooms, room additions, „ • fie ------Sviydnie would listen, walk over to Manchester Five Mile Road Frederickson's sister. During Only games scheduled Shoii^tiKii WINTER’S coming — gutters in TREE REMOVAL - Pruning, kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, Pasek Realtors, 2897475. LOCAL Companv seeking Duhon, now in his fourth year F&ur©!— Bealgle type, female 1967 MUSTANG Fastback, call good condition? Roof need •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• m ature woman tor tv the wall, count the hricks, Race just one week away, the off-season, Duhon works for dta, bteek, ata tan. Call after 5 p.m., 6492722. spraying, etc., fully insured. sidiiw, general repairs. Quality the entry list has soared to with the Giants as a running a Wall Stret brokerage firm. repairs? Painting done in and Licensed. Free estimates. Call workmanship.irkr ■ ■ “■Financing bookkeeping, and other clericaf come back and say ‘Okay back, was a lefthanded W ^eii, 646-4M. out. Free estimates. Phone 647- available. Economy Builders, duties. Person filling this Happy Birthday Ski Notes coach, let’s go.’’’ 150. Tickets will be available at Hull Unable 1965 CHEVROLET BelAir, 9 1723. 6395345. The annual Thanksgiving quarterback at Tulane. He was the door. Joe Hyland is general Inc., 643-6159, 872-0647, AMERICAN position would report I our BOB& VIRGINIA Harris went on the first «SSSHIKK LOST — BigBIX male Gbrman door sedan, 3200. Call after evenings. secretary and poss)bIy assume Day run starts at 10:30 at the the Giants’ third pick in the 1968 chairman. To Lead Club Shbpherd, black and tan, 4:30, 6499960. VETS Trucking— local hauling, DICK’S Snow Plowing — from round to Pittsburgh; college player draft. specializing in serving full responsibility for her By Bill Sacherek lower end of Main St. Guests will include leaders of w t t k w m s a l t e r s to Shep. Reward. 649 trash removal,aT, trees, attics, position In a few years. Send Arthur and Irene Mitchell went on the second To Trium ph 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent Rockledge and surrounding MASONRY - All types of OIL Last year’s champ was The six foot, 195-pound several fraternal organizations furniture rearranged. Free es- areas, driveways, sidewalks, resume to Box "K”, We are fast approaching a round to Baltimore. If Amby ^irfoot. He has not in Manchester. running condition. New tires, thnates. Call anytime, 6492519. Manchester Herald. new ski season ta t are you running back is a native of Jw«^7.-»82a. ,-< parkingng lots. Call 6490002. Harris has been counting e n t e ^ as yet in nor has Abbeville, La. Now living in Proceeds will enter the By T H E ASSOCIATED STATION C.LofC. helping yourself to get in condi­ PRESS GARAGE door installed and Over 20 years experience. After Manchester WOMAN to care for two school any bricks recently, he’s John Vitale, who’ Was No. 2 Manhattan, Duhon is married Masonic Lodge’s Scholarship PAPER Drive - Troop 47. On 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, runs repaired. Low labor rates. SNOW Plowing — Starting new FOOD SALE tion for it? been doing it on his own Ust year. Fund. The judge gave Bobby Hull a route, residential and commer- 5 p.m. m 91870. 6492975. age children, in my home, while Saturday, Nov. 11,10 a.m. Do some walking at a brisk to former Giant Tucker tta.^ovner of Sopth, Main Street great, the looks aren’t Alter 5:30, call 646-3526. mother works days. 649-4912. time; on the field he’s been green light but the Quebec aflftiJBa^ord Road. November everything. 3100 or best offer. cial. Free estimates. Call 643- Stay one step ahead of At Sears, pace, a little jogging, running in Nordiques led him to a dead 1364, also light trucking. CARPENTRY - Repairs, the competition. Manchester Parkade much too busy to do lUmT^jnd 12Ui, all day. For 6497449. SNOW Plowing — Commercial remodeling, additions, roofing. place, Jnm pi^ rope or cycling end. p @ ^ , i call 6492636 or 649 and residentfal.dential Reasonable Benefit of daily to, get the legs and wind in anything but run with the Hull, making his first REWEAVING OF - burns, Call David Patria, South Wind­ 1967 AMBASSADOR DPL, 9 rates. Also available as backup sor, 6491796. MODERN 3-BAY Scholarship Fund condition. bail. He’s carried 86 times appearance as player-coach of door hardtop, V-8, automatic moth-holes, zippers repaired. Browns Back in Groove llU liT U rig. Cali 6493467, 647-9304. Window shadhadfes made to S O F T Q O O D 8 Here are a few exercises Mll.NmlMSs«nr>OMlMliwiOMa0 lOQ CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, will do small repair jobs and painted. Also interior painting turned around. Bob DeMar­ line reading across, now,in­ Simsbury JvM i Mhtaltfi—I PKfMtim Hb»Hw Tunning 6-cylinder engine with non, South Windsor, East Hart­ •Herald Box P, Manchester J «4l9-52«5 opened the 1972-73 ski season Most importantly, Phipps Scott at the comers, Walt .'Automatic transmission, power ford area. Rates better than J. P. LEWIS & SON, custom HaaUng-Plumblng 17 •Evening Herald. • All Beseflln — Es«al •ssai'lBalCy eaiplayer times for 101 yards. The Jones’ knee. Then his No. 2 fSteerinr and radio. Good reasonable. No contracts. 649 first. Brodie had a thin coating draft replacement, Lester started to come up with the Sumner and top rookie pick AUTO decorating, interior and ex­ of manmade snow and ran on Steelers now have a one- m o r i a r t y b rubber. Lack of use forces salq. SERVICE 3548. terior, jpaperhanglng, fully in­ SAM Watson Plumbing and ■ AN EQUAL • game lead over ^ Bengals Sims, suffered a similar ac­ performances everyone Tom Darden at safety. / Asking 3575. Call owner at 649 Oct. 19. Klllington opened on SPECIALISTS sured. For free estimates, call Heating. Bathroom remodeling ■ OPPORTUNITY i and the C3evc 4451. CEILING and ceramic tile 6499658. If no answer 643-6362. and repairs. Free estimates. the 20th on a three-quarter-mile relam Browns, specialist, one ceiling or all, ■ EMPLOYER • trail with enough of the sharing the second-place •Tunt-iipt Call 6493808. 1965 FORD, 19passenger coun­ •Brakts repaired, remodeled. No job too RICHARD E. Martin. Full L ...... ■ artificial white stuff to Insure pursuit. try sedan ^ tib n wagon, good •Mr CofNi. small. 647-9232. BOTTI Heating and Plumbing good skiing into late May. Get Into The professional painting service. Harris is a 230-pounder, inside and out, MSO. CompMt Interior - exterior. Free es­ — Prompt, courteous service. 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN.'* Phone 6 4 3 -S 13S ICall 8797213. TREE Service (Soucier) — MAN wanted part-time, DEAN Also on the 20th, Mimlny measuring 6-2. The last Auto Cart timates, fully insured. 6494411. Call 6491-1496. evenings for office cleaning Peak kept cranking out snow “Snow of Things” Trees cut, building lots cleared, MACHINE PRODUCTS runner Pittsburgh had who 1968 PONTIAC CAtalina, 4-door PONTIAC trees toppled. Got a tree duties. 6494220. 102 COLONIAL RD. and opened Friday night to the fitted these measurements C. AND G. Home Improve­ NO JOB too small. Immediate delight of hundreds of Can’t Get An OH aedan, power brakes, power PARK problem? Well worth phone service on service calls. Free “Tune Up” Special steeringl ortanal owner. 3900. ment. Interior, exterior pain- A'TTENDANTS wanted full- and approached his skills 373HMNST., MXNCHESIEX call. 742-6252. ting and wallpapering. Free es- estimates gladly given on followers. Phone 8^7308. time nights, part-time nights Cal Conniff, president of the was John Henry Johnson, . Burner Nechanic, M9.2U1 timates.. 22995W, m3531. heating or mumbing. Numbing. FaucetsF and weekendnos. Apply Heless Has immediate openings the only 1,000 yard runner in 1 Ski Ed|w Clcintd and Flat Filad ODD JOBS — lawn care, jack of repaired or installed. Water Eastern Ski Area Operators, 2. Ski Sharpamd and Waxed "1969 GTO Convertible, low all trades, reasonable and Station, Broad Street, awarded to Orville and Israel Steeler history. SNOW tires — two F7914, wide CEILING Painting and paper umps worked on. Complete Manchester. Day or Night Shifts 3. BindinfS cleaned and lubricated or Get Proj^r mileage, excellent condition, prompt. Call 528-8649. hanging. 322.50 average room eating systems, rec rooms, Slutsky, owner of Hunter Last year Fuqua was the automatic, console, power track belted, Dunlop, one S 4. Bindinp reiet on "Upe Release Check.’’ season old, 327. 647-17-96^ for pairing. Call~ ■ i 6499112.649911 etc. (iill M & M Plumbing & SERVICE Station attendant Mountain, the annual silver club’s leading rusher with steering. Asking 31>500. 749 VERNON Tree Service - Ex- Heating, 6492871. 9 ~ ~ Fuel Deliveries? 9163. pert tree maintenance, pruning, wanted days, full time. Moriar- •TURRET LATHE bowl for "the year’s greatest 625 followed closely by SKI PACKAGES... FOR SALE — 396 cubic inch DONALD E. Tarca — ty Bros. 315 Center St., contributions to the sport of cabling, removal,1, feeding. paperhanging and painting. Set-up and operate I Pearson with 605. Harris has 1981 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, engine, high performance, 425 spraying. Connecticut tree Manchester. skiing’’. KIDS: TBBNAQBRS: ADULTS: raoM Free esthetes. Call 649^1. • HARDINGE CHUCKERS an excellent chance of Have You Tried The “Pros” - cuirtom exterior. Asking 3250. h.p., 710 Holley carburetor, license .1622, fully insured. MARTY’S Plumbinc and Hie Gerald Hardys, a local passing these figures before • Skis dual feed. Call 6 ^7 6 5 , around Set-up and operate • M s s • SMs Call 6495875 after 7 p.m. Free estimates. 872^13. WALLPAPERING and pain­ Heating. Complete bathroom mountain climbing family, the first snow-day in $7995 5 p.m. remodeling and repairs. FYee have just completed the climb • Blndkios • F o lae ting, interior and exterior, ex­ WHOPPERTUNITY • BRIDGEPORT MILLING MACHINE Pittsburgh. ,$ 3 9 9 5 • Blmiings MORIARTY BROTHERS? 1968 CHEVY MPALA, 2-door, ______STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, pertly done. Free estimates. estimates. No job too small. Set-up and operate of Mt. Carrigan of 4,tXI0 feet • Safely Straps $ 4 6 5 0 39 Y m n w la tlwlr Q uam itM tlMt you too wm iMConw a hardtop, 327 engine, needs TtrM on fireplaces, flagstone terraces. Call 7497438. For full-time dining room Pittsburgh has we>iTe»iL,iiwaiisawi—aweauw—Siwcilwrwe—ciitM. 36,800. Phone 429741010 afteafter 5 John Ver Manchester p.m. Low, low prices. Bank finan­ Verfaille, See you on the mountain. honors. Classified Gal. Dial 643-2711. cing. Add-A-Level Dormer, 289 2-2222.

47 PAGE TW E N T Y - MANCHESTER EVENING HERAL&, Mancfagter, Conn., Thun., Nov,», v m

A r tM t tor Sato 48 Apartments For Rent 63 Bustoses I 71 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, (fonn., Thurs., Nov. 9,1972— PAGE TWENTY-ONE E vi0^ N o n c e ? ForBolo Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale MANCHESTER — Newer one- 72 Lolo-Lond For Solo 73 O u t of T o w n -F o r S a lt 75 LaFayette Comstock 25B CB sou WAIT Ten FamotESf A- bedroom apartment, private COVENTRY - 40x100’ building Wontod-Pool estate 77 CLASSIFIED set, $140. Realestlc Navabo, y SPECIAL — Manchester, 8- TEN-R(X)MS Contemporary Vernon Notes SHARSFORIHE entrance. Ranch type. Includes on acre idns lot. Fl. Hayes reduced to $28,900 for quick tion of the State Department of Supply, 222 McKee Street, private basement. $230 per apartment, first floor, all and jams. was the best one to handle the minimum of two years SUPER stuff, sure nuf! That’s 150’ yprd, with split-rail fence Agency, 6469131. sale. Ranch, 6 rooms, nice lot in Key Biscayne Goes Environmental Protection; Manchester. MINK S’TOLE, Persian lamb month. Paul W. Dougan utilities, included. Older The committee will meet position as he has been involved operating room experience. Blue Lustre for cleaniikg rugs SEASONED fireplace wood, tLitumam and lovely trees. Kitchen with country setting, near bus line. and sheered racoon coats. Size Realtor, 643-4535. or 646-1021. employed. 272 Main Street. Big For fsixon (tele WUde, chief of the State Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. with senior citizen activities for Pleasant suburban area with and upholstery. Rent electiic delivered, Bolton and Realtors— MLS 646-2482 eldctrie'raiwe and dishwasher. NEW LISTING - Most F. J. SplleckirRealtor, 6492121. MEAT CUTTER ^ 14. Excellent condition. Call Out olToom-For Solo 78 Board of Fisheries; Francis J. to set up tables for the bazaar. sometime having set up several lots of room and fresh air, shampooer $1. Plnewood Fur­ Manchester area. Call 228-9323 For the finer hom es. Three bedrooms, dressing gorgeous (folonial we’ve ever KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) 6499159. FOUR-ROOM apartment with IMMEDIA’TELY available - 3 Prichard Sr., former county Any church member wishing to small hospital in friendly sur- Experienced, no night work. niture Shop. after 5 p.m. room, 11k baths, attic storage, seen! Partial brick and stone — Residents of Key Biscayne, programs for them in connec­ Apply in person, L. T. Woods garage, first floor. Security room furnished apartment. V E R N O N - $33,900 - COVENTRY commissioner; Ted Wraigfat, roundintn. Responsible for the basement with fireplace, com­ front. One and one-half bath, help should contact Mrs. tion with the recreation depart­ DISCRIMINATING woman, $125 monthly. Phone Wolverton First floor, central, 2 blocks to Established home, 6-room home of the Florida White administration and supervision Locker Plant, 51 Bissell St., “ NEVER used anything like DRY fireplace wood, $10 order, MANCHESTER - 4-bedro«n bination washer-dryer. 25x8’ oversized garage, fourth former head game warden for George VanderPloeg. Com­ ment. Manchester. size 6 and 8, appreciating value, Agency ReMtors, 649-2813. Main Street, $170 per month Ranch, on heavily tre«l lot, one WHY PAY B in House, voted 91 Tuesday in of all nursing services in the it,’’ says users of wue Lustre, delivered. Call 74^7886. Colonial, 2 fuU baths, fireplace, jalousied porch, (Insulated and bednxim possible. Four years Eastern Connecticut; John mittee members will bring Tog Sale private sale, Saturday, of new includes all utiUties. Security quiet residential street. Near favor of President Nixon’s re- operating room Monday carpet cleaner. Rent electric huge foyer, aluminum sidiiw, young, with all the amenities. churches and schools. Cute Sik rooni Cape, garage, Gessay of the Sport Center; casseroles to share at a pot luck The Vernon Democratic MACHINIST— needed by small looking coats, knit suits, SIX-ROOMS second floor, park d^osit required. To inspect election. throuA Fnday, weekends and shampooer $1. E. A. Johnson Qordon Produeto 80 double garage. Mid 30s. R. F. Lovely red cedar fencing all Fireplaces in living rocrni and VA baths, aluminum siding. George Theummler, honorary supper for the workers. established company to operate Talbott separates, dresses, one car, one child, no pets, The island's lone precinct Town Committee will sponsor a holidays off. Salary Paint Com pany, 723 Main Blanchaiti, Realtors, 646-2482. around. Truly a buy in the low basement rec room. Three Only $23,500. member, and Joseph Gill, horizontal milling machine and ensembles, shoes. Jewelry, furnace, $110. By appointment gave Nixon 2,047 votes to 488 for Joins Staff tag sale Saturday starting at 10 commensurate with education Street, Manchester. BUY your potatoes direct from low 30’s. Shown ^ appointment 30s. Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. bedrooms, dining room, at- president of the parent PAC and experience. Apply to Mrs. surface grinders. Trade school handbags, wigs. Exclusive only, 644-0031. HouoootorRont 08 Dr. Ernest B. Uthgenannt of a.m. at the former S(^anton the potato warehouse. Comer of MANCHESTER - 3-bedroom only. Lillian G. GTrant, Realtor, tacdied garage. IJ & R Built. Democrat Grorge McGovern. Gub. LaRochelle, Director of background helpful. Good iabels only. Come browse. No We have through MLS 1,048 Gem Dr., an authority on building on Union St., CARPETS — Wholesale to you Buckland Rd. and Tolland Turn­ reas Polo) dealer. baths, 2-car garage, 100x187’ Realty, 644-1539. Colonial, baseboard heat, for­ U&R REALTY CO., INC. Bolton, (fann. Vernon. Following the buslneu decorated paneled apartment. dryer hook-up. Adults. No Low 30’s. Hurwit & Simons, SECRETARY — Receptionist, weekly in Bolton Center, Phone lot. Bel Air Rral Estate, 643------mal dining room. Im m ^iate 643-2692 meeting there will be a panel WANTED - Small farm type Opposite Center Park, second lease. Only $195. Pasek Realtors, 6491117, 2899625. Notice of Hearina busy Manchester medical 646-7785. GARAGE SALE - FantasUc SINGER Touch and Sew, like 9332. occupancy. Helen D. Cole, Robert 0. Murdock, Realtor discussion to be led by Mrs. tractor with or without at­ floor, over store, heat included. Realtors, MLS, 289-7475. RANCH 8 rooms, large living STATE OF(X)NNECnCUT office. Position requires a good selection-lamps, furniture new, hems, buttonholes, sbetch Realtor, MLS, 6439666. Beverly Cochran, supervisor of LEAF PICKUP tachments, also Compost $140 per month. Security , room and“ L ’ ’ ^ p e d dining HEBRON — Handyman COURT OF PROBATE typist and one who is accurate WILL babysit after school, galore, home accessories, stitches, monograms, sews on ! room with fireplace, 3 (faurt of Probate, (Hstrtet of Andover, social work for tbe Vernon evenings and weekends. Call Shredder aiul rototUler, 649- deposit required. 6469299. MANCHESTER T w o - MANCHESTER COVENTRY - Lovely 7-room wanted. Exceeds 1,200 square Dietrict No. II. with figures. Monday, ceiling exhaust fan, curtaliu, buttons, fancy designs. 0822. bedrooDos, 11k baths, large pan- TWO-FAMILY duplex, four school system. Wednesday, Thursday and anytime, 643-2537. i bedroom Ranch, newly Cape, 3 or 4 be< 3 up, com pletely tiiu with brook, four-bedroont tribdtlon be granted u per appUcatlon publlehed on Frideye effective TOY Poodles, AKC registered, TAG SALE — Moving — Satur­ age and large porch. $225 kitchen.. Minimum down to daughter. CLEAN USED— refrigerators, PRESIDENTIAL Call Tony Wasllefsky at 649- < .redecorated. On dead end Safibox, oversiz^ living room on file m m taUy eppeare, MACHINIST - tool makers. beautiful let black puppies, day, November 11, 12 Scott monthlv. Deposit required. 646- qualified buyer. $30,000. SOUTH WINDSOR IT IS O R D B ^1 ^ ; Said appUca- ranges, automatic washers THE THOMPSON H o u s e - Cot­ 5306 today. Priced right St ( strict. .Handy to bus and shop- with fireplace, two full baths, The club is in the process of Manufacturer in shop use of males and females. Buy from a Drive, Manchester. Contem­ VILLAGE APTS. 1379 after 6 p.m. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, tlon be beard and determined at tbe November ip, 1872. with guarantees. See them at B. tage St., centrally located, !■ piiig. $29,900. Philbrick Agency, recreation room, two-car gar­ collecting toys, games and tools, fixtures and dies, for reliable breeder. I%one 872- porary bedroom set, mahogony $34,900. 649-2813. ^THE UNUSUAL” (faurt of Probata at tbe date, time and D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Main large, pleasantly furnished MANCHESTER Realtors, 646-4200. age. Minutes from golf course. place Indicated above. clothes to d reu dolls. Mrs. experimental semi-production, 6306. end tables, glass cocktail COVENTRY - Small four Contemporary 7-room St., CaU 643-2171. rootns, paridng. CaU 649-2358 One and two bedrooms. room house with fireplace, pan­ • • • B & W ••• Priced to sell, by owners. Mid­ By Order of tbe (faurt Frederick Swenson Is in charge aM air-craft type work. Large tables, lamps, bric-a-brac, etc. MANCHESTER - 6-room Raised Ranch on a high Norman J. Preuie, Judge for overnight-and pemument Immediate occupancy. eling, and electric heat, private Tht MRXOin KND NXIUCE Co. GARRISON Colonial, 5-extra dle 40’s. 6492746. of the doU dressing project. All WllllemD. O’Neill variety of interesting won. REGISTERED English GE white stove, with self­ Rtitton - MU large rooms, 2 or 3 bedrooms, Raised Ranch, three bedrooms, treed lot with loads of guest rates. Near schools, churches hllltm location. $150 monthly Courtof Probate dolls and toys must be in by tbe Director of Public Works Apprentices will be considered, Pointers, outstandiM field trail AUCTION - Wapping Com­ cleaning oven, originally $425, .. Monchoitw Prtwlti Miocli. 64S-53W ■- large.: screened, porch, garage. fornM . diqing room kitchen privacy. 21k baths, 2 and hunting dogs, n v e males. and shopping center, on' plus swurity. Adults, 742-8678. with built-ins, family room, COLUMBIA '■ Dlitrlct of Handieiter December meeting. depending on ambition and munity Hall, E U li^ n Road, one year old, asking $150. Phone A’rTRACnVE sleeping room, •••••••'••••••••••••••••••••• tahay Toisatibn, $3i,9(To fireplaces, equipped kitchen. NOTICE TO CREDITORS experience. An excellent iqipor- Moving, must sell. 742-8764. South Windsor, Route 30,7 p.m. bus line.*Ca|l anytime. two-car gvage. Immaculate. ESTATE OF CHARLES H. The club is also qxinaoring a 6 4 6 ^ after 3:30 p.m. or 649- gentleman, shower bath, Philbrick Agency Realtors, 646- Expansive Rec room & a 2- tunity for a machinist Auctioneer Charlie ‘‘Pa’’ Out of Town- MANCHESTER - 4 family, 4200/^) * $40,500. Wolverton Agency, 14 ACRE ESTATE FERGUSON, JR ., aka Cbarlei H. mitten tree project. This is 1846 after 5:30 p.m. private entrance, free parking. Goes with this Immaculate Ferguaon apprentice or'Journeyman to AKC Registered, two male toy Barker. Information call 644- 6 4 6 - 2 6 2 3 For Pont 08 excellent condition, 4 bedrooms ------Realtors, 649-2813. car garage. Here Is a new headed by Mrs. Robert O’Brien. An>ly 195 Spruce Street. older 9-room Colonial. Four Punuant to an order of Hon. David C. further his trade. Opoiings in poodle pups, one black, one 1756. DOUBLE oven gas stove, 7 in 2 apartments, centrally SEVEN-ROOM) Split-level, home In a fine residential Rappe, Acting Judge, all clalnu muit be Members pin either a pair of VERNON — 41k-ro0m house, located. Hutchins Agency MUST see — Custom built lovely bedrooms, all area for only $43,9(X). J. Qor- preeented to tbe fiduciary named M ow laUies for the skilled and semi­ apricot, shots, wormed, also 5- months old. CaU after 5, 646- MANCHESTER large fur­ large living room with mittens or a dollar on a Christ­ generation papers. Stud service ‘TWO Michelin snow tires, size convenient rural location, $150 Realtors. 6499324. (folonial Cape, unusual interiin' carpeted, carpeted living on or M ore February 8, 1P7S or be skilled, a good variety of 2722. nished room, carpeted, kitchen fireplace, beautiful family barred by law. Tbe fiduciary la; mas tree and the trees are monthly plus heat and electrici­ design for the family that loves room, dining room, den and aircraft type work. Large and available. Osll Vli-RW. 205x15, used two nlonths, best privileges large lounge, modem 0(X!UPANCY December 1st, room, 11k baths, wall-to-wall Florence F. Ferguaon given to the Rockville Public offer. CaU after 5. 6439191. ty. 647-1113 after 5:30 p.m. BOL’TON Street — Six room space, 3 bedrooms send floor, 48A Sycamore Lane sniall, detail and assembly MODERN beige bedroom set, oath, privacy, parking, four large rooms, newly carpet and many extras. T V room. Kitchen with ThelMUKnnMD«MIilCEC*. Health Nursing Association to tuniing. Job sh<^ experience FIVE free kittens, 2 black, i remodeled^ first floor, two- Cape, finished rec room, 2-car Garage, large weioded lot with 11k baths, built-ins, garage. Mancbeater, (fann. posturepedic mattress and box females. 6439002. WILLINGTON - One, two and dinette. Large barn with 5 IbiMn-ULS 08010 be distributed to needy children preferred. Openings on days black and white,'l tiger, litter family. Parking two cars, garage, patio, 2 full baths, privacy. $36,000. Philbrick Only $27,400. Char Bon Agency, Mmdmtw rirlude. Wiacb. iO-53

PAGE TWE!NTY-TWO- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mandwrter. Conn., Thun.. Nov. 9.1972 Coventry Party Lever The Weather About Town Elimination Proposed Cloudy tonl^t with a 20 per Members of Manchester Washington LofL will m e e t cent chance of rain, low in the Bus Drivers lEiif nttm UfralN u |^ r 30s. Saturday, rain likely, Benjamin Named Barracks of World War I Friday at 8 p.m. in Orahfe Hall. See Page 15 Veterans and its Auxiliary wiU high around 50. M n. George S. Johnson Lutheran Church of Rockville, meet Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at Mrs. Elaine Tajilbr Johnson, of which he was a member. Plan To Strike To Draft Board the American Legion Home to MANCHESTER. CONN., F1UDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1972 VOL. XCH, No. 35 MANCHESTER — A City of Village Charm 79, of 45 Bigelow St., died this Survivors are a brother, Otto take part in the parade going to Read TWENTY-FOUR PAGES-TWOSECnONS PIUCEFIFTEENCBNIV morning at Manchester Irmischer, two sisters, Mrs. Leonard Benjamin, 31, of the hospital for Veterans’ Day Bfemorlal Hospital. Herman Tauscher and Mrs. HARTFORD (AP) — Daily riders of Connecticut Co. Northflelds Rd. has been ap­ traditional memorial service. Herald Ads Bom in Hillsboro, N.H., Dec. Harry Colby, all ofw. Easthamp<- buses have 15 days left to find other ways to get where pointed to the Tolland County 15, 18M, she was a resident of ton, Mass.; and several nieces \th e y ’re going, according to John Thomps‘Tbis is not a move against do3vn by a federal court order. spokesman said. 800.00. juries. othw five have waived dvilian called Thursday for some Harrison Loesch, assistant Jean Westwood as a person,” a A Justice Department A copy of the proposed Or- LET US FILL YOUR FREEZER WITH U.S.D.A. CHOICE HIND, FOREQUARTER OR SIDE OF BEEF - SAVE Warner met ’Thursday with lassyers and are being tried by "changes nationally to secretary of Interior for Public court-martial at sea. Navy of­ demonstrate to the public source close to Jackson said spokesman said Thursday no (Umuice may be seen in the Town AND EAT LIKE A KINGI Natbanid R. Jones, general Land Management, said the Clefk's office during business '///• coimMl of the National Associa- ficials said. where the mainstream of the Thursday night. “’The opposi­ decision has been made concer- tion is directed at Westwood as ning prosecution of the amnesty agreement was “only boun. tioa for the Advancement of Interviewed with Warner, Democratic party is.” a recommendation, and I an image. The image Is the protesting Indians. But Interior Anthony F. Pietrantonio Colored People, to discuss the Jones appeared satisfied iritfa A Buffalo attorney who has recommend otherwise.” been often mentioned as a McGovern image. I think most Department officials and tribal Secretary, 51 BISSELLST 643-8424 pjgg^ THE CONNECTICUT BANK way charges would be handled, the Navy’s handling of the Kitty Loesch said be and Secretary Board of Directors against 27 black sailors aboard' Hawk sailors and with pouible successor to Bfrs. of the people consider that he Indian leaders asked that offenders be prosecuted. of the Interior Rogers C. B. Town of MuKheater, PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE AND TRUST COMRANY M*n>b«rF.DXC. the carrier Kitty Hairii, srtiere Warner’s intent to implemait Westwood, Crangle declined was an extreme loser. Many Morton “agreed to sedc full- Connecticut the most serious racial clash long-standing nondiscrimina­ during a New York nem con­ good Democrats went down to About a dozen members of WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS All Manchester Offices open Monday-1-riday U .V Thursday f. 8: kockvilic Office open Monday Friday 0-3. Thursday 3:.TO-4:30 scale prosecution.” Dated at Manchester, Connec- ocer red. tion programs. ference to urge her ouster. But Jean Westwood Ponders Future defeat because of him.” the National ’Tribal Chairmen’s tlcnt this tad of November. Manchester Office Manchester North Main Olfice Manchestyr Farkade Office Kockvilte Office 803 Main Street 14 North Main Street 354V5 West Middle Turnpike 42 East Main Street