Manchester Historical Society
PAGE TWENTY-FOUR ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thure., Dec. 21, 1972 Police Report Ten Take Drug Therapy Course Read i ONE Mom The Weather Ten Manchester area health 504 Foster St., South Windsor; Herald Ads Cloudy and windy tonight with a 40 per Two Girls Arrested professionals, most of them John C. Albert of Vernon lJlanrI|TatFr EtiFttitm JhralJi cent chance of rain, the low in the mid 30s. pharmacists, recently com Gardens, Judith Cardoni of 28 1 Cloud Saturday, the chance of rain pleted a special nop-credit Wappingwood Rd., and Kenneth Ctiisinias decreasing to 20 per cent, high in the upper On Drug Charges course on drugs and drug W. Palmoski of Lakeview Mary Lewis 30s. therapy at the University of Heights, all of Rockville. MANCHESTER — A City o f Village Charm 829 MAIN ST.,IUNCHESTER,COfM. MANCHE8TEH, CONN., FRIDAY. DECEMBER ,1971 VOL. XCU, No. TO Connecticut. A teani of five physicians 72 TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES - TWO SECTIONS PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Manchester Police raided King’s Department Store at the From Manchester, they are delivered a series of lectures on TRI CITY PIAZA. VERNON. CONN. another local apartment Parkade, police said. Richard S. Don, 104 Pond Lane; related topics. Wednesday night and arrested Willocte was released on a m Robert J. Phelan, 118F McKee two 19-year-old girls on drug $250 non-surety bond for court Air St.; Barney and Kenneth L. Pedestrian Killed X charges. ap peten ce Jan. 8. ' Beautltul Wichman, 117 E. Center St.; BRISTOL (AP)-Earl D. Police, armed with a Circuit and Abraham Zubrow, 455 Gokey, 49, of Terryvflle was Beatfad Christmas Court 12 search warratU, Ira Rutchik, ^21, of 19 Hartford Rd.
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