IRf<MroitlY^iiANCHB»rERgVETOWGHBIIULD,Mij^^ Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 FBI Head Look, Ma, No Toothbrushes^ ICECREMI The Weath«r Club Gue$t ConneGlicut Lottery Number Fair toni^t, Iowa in the 30s. L Patrick Ony m , acting SALE Partly cloudy Friday, high In hMd of tke FBI, wiU addroM Amazon Indians Have Heathy Gums 83208 the 50s. tbe Hnadrad Onb (rf Ooonec- tteat at the Hartford Hilton PORTO ALEGRE, Bra- tat alone a toothbrush — had RRRumwtmm MANCHESTER — A City of Village Charm tomorrow n ^ t MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1972 VOL. XCH, No. 34 TWENTY-TWO PAGES PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS all, (AP) — Tbe tootbbruah remarkably healthy gums. It Will be the diib’a airnnal This contrasted with the AN meetinf. There are severai la bad for your gums, a nearly universal inreseoce of H.0D llandiaater bnafaweanMn who team of Brazlliaa dentlau baa gum abrasten among Brasilians are menbera. concluded, after studying the and modem sodettes In gener­ NlBvoni f," “Pat” Gray, who waa ap< eating haUta of tbe ^m ttive al, said Dr«.Cleber Pereira, ^ k O A L . pointed Iqr Pierident Niion Yanomami Indiana in the wilda chief of the expedition. He con­ mwa the death of J. Bdor of Um Amaaon Jvngle. cluded it was because tte Yan- A nd o n e Hoover, hu gtvon the Fw a Poer dentlats from Saata on «H Jtel gmttont Nixon Plans new look by hiring women, Maria Federal Unlversiiy in the omamls don’t use toothbrushes. ^ 1.19 MMf 1.39 alhnring colored ridita and hng far aouthem Braaillan state of Ihe Indian’s habits of tear hair. Although he baa ehanged Rio Grande do Sul recently at hard fruits and roots an 6 Bome of the rnlea, he ■pant U dayi among tbe Yan- tough meat with tbeir, teeth pro- emphasiaea ttat he baa not omamls on a volunteer miision vl<M natural tooth cleaning changed die philoaplqr and pnr> to the remote nerthera ter­ and gum massage, Pereira nneillHIST HOUDAY Big Shakeup poee of hia pndeceaaor. ritory of Roralma. noted. found that the Indians ' The researchers’ findings re­ — viho wear no elotfaes and futed, however, tbe theory that never beard of a knife and fork, modem man’s teeth are in TURKEYS KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) reward selected officials of his time Nixon associate, has worse shape than those of bis — Two or more Cabinet posts campaign organization. shown no inclination to leave ancestors because today’s pro­ w« KYlll havB. and and dozens of White House and High on this list would be his post early in a second term. COBPUB CHRISTl, Tex. cessed and prepackaged foods slaaa of CONN. FRESH QOLDEN H A R V^T other key federal jobs are campaign Director Clark Neither has Henry A. (AP) — Police Patrolman Bob are softer than those of earlier TURKEYS and new f w r t Ovan I involved in President Nixon’s MacGregor, reported to be in Kissinger, star of a galaxy of Mudd one morniiw stopped a times. Tbe dentists discovered Raady BUTTERBALL TURKEYS for tentative plans for a major line for a Cabinet or other high- White House officials, said woman motorist wno had run a the Indians bad the same prob­ Thankaolvlnfl. Freah Capona, Purdua second-term shakeup of the level government post if he publicly what he plans to do in atop sign at a four-way lems — principally irregular government’s executive wants it. second term. But there is little intersection. She said she was spacing between tbe teeth — gs Roaating Chickans and Morrall Hama. I branch. B ut an announcement question that the job of chief on her way to work. At noon roost BrasUlans. DENTISTS PROM Santa Marta Federal University in southern Brasil examine tbe teeth of The scope of the President’s Wednesday appeared to close foreign-policy adviser is his for the same day, Mudd stopped One bizarre eating habit of the the primitive Yanomami Indians in the remote federal territory of Roraima, in the as long as he wants it. the same woman at the same plan, which he will develop in the door to any official position Yanomamis didn’t seem to af­ northern Amazon Jungle. for MacGregor during Nixon’s Kissinger is known to relish intersection for again failing to fect their teeth, the dentists At Pinehurat Sava IOb on conferences with top aides at stop. She said she was going his Florida home here during second term. United Aircraft his role as the President’s found. The tribe disposes of its a p a c K r io o L Corp. announced that secret peace negotiator, but home to lunch. That evening dead by grinding up the body the next four days, became Mudd was again watching the clear within hours after he MacGregor has been elected a months ago he was telling into a fine powder and cooking their children the tribe’s nor­ friends that if the National same intersection. Again the it in a banana pudding, upon the Yanomamis’ normal diet fruit, sugar cane, medicinal COCA swept to landslide re-election. vice president of the firm, "has same woman ran the same stop consists of cooked meat and herbs and hallucinogenic mal diet after they are 2 years $ | 0 9 now decided to return to private Security (founcil appdratus is to which the living Yanomamis sign on her way home from fish — hunted in the sur­ plants. old, the Indians did not pick up Nixon summoned White life,” and will work out of survive after Nixop leaves work. Court records show she feast. The researchers noted that the bad dmtal habits of sucking COLA House aides, the (Cabinet and Aside from this rare treat, rounding .rain forest with ai^ United’s Washington office. office, someone besides himself earlier had been tiriuted at the rows, spears and clubs — wild because the Yanomamis feed their thumbs or using pacifiers. (lliyg—MOiaS RgCh lBWll U l Og) agency heads to a series of Likewise, Nixon has deep should be at the controls for at same intersection twice. meetings Wednesday to deliver respect for the ability of former least a while. this message; Oiie of Kissinger’s This week, to serve with your Lean PInehurst Pork Roast or Treasury Secretary John B. Connally, who headed the colleagues, presidential consul­ L. Patrick Gray HI Pork Chops, we offer 25-oz. jare of The second Nixon administra­ tion will stress economy and Democrats-for-Nixon organiza­ tant John Scan, is reported Gov. Thomas MeaklU has BLUE CROSS-THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE MOTTS APPLESAUCE 39« efficiency as well as tion. (Connally probably could planning to take a nongovern­ proclaimed tomorrow“Law and responsiveness to the have virtually any (Cabinet post, ment job. So is Nixon’s director Order Day” in honor of Gniy’a Whole Pork Loina, giving you 2 Roaata and President’s wishes. As a first but says he wants none. of communications, Herbert G. visit. 8 to 10 Center Chops, are a Good value at Tree Makes Soft Landing step in revitalizing and For a while, (Connally and Klein. The Hundred Club was JOIN OVER 1 V2 MILLION CONNECTICUT PEOPLE 68e lb. We have Freshly Frozen PORK reorganizing offices under his New York Gov. Nelson A. And some middle-level White ofganlaed for the puipose of SPARE RIBS at 690 lb. ’There was no crash when this willow tree at 91 Norman St. uprooted said neither the house nor the car that was parked directly underneath control, he wants stand-by Rockefeller were rumored as House aides are known to be giWhig financial suppm to sur­ and leaned onto the roof of the house, according to Steven Girelli, the tree appeared to be damaged. The family hoisted branches and resignations fron all his ap­ possible successors to eyeing private jobs because of vivors of police a ^ firemen WHO HAVE ‘ELECTED’ BLUE CRUSS CUVERAGE u^ose bedroom is on the second floor. He said there was a "thud” and drove the car out from under Uie tree soon aher it fell about 2 a.m. pointees. Secretary of State William P. the hectic 12-hour days and who died in their lines of duty. a few minutes later a "crack.” Alexander Girelli, owner of the house. (Herald photo by Bucelvicius) The White House said the Rogers. But Rogers, a long­ seven-day weeks. Since then it has extended its Pinehurat Holiday Special President has made no services to provide This new 10-oz. family alza Tuna la the right alia where the decisions on what resignations scholarships for the children of • Financial Safeguard Against Hospital Expenses regular 7V4-OZ. can Is not quite enough. to accept. But even before these men. CHICKEN OF THE SBATUilA Tuesday's election, two early GOP Leaders Eye Trees Bear Brunt Meskill departures from his Cabinet • Bettor Return On Each Premium Dollar I S e b e M Storm Hits were signaled. Housing Secretary George Assembly Posts I Public M«a Of Storm Locally Romney said in August, during • Election a flap over federal aid to Instant Mental Cr^it - Hationwide HARTFORD (AP) — EJarly word is out as to which Records Yesterday’s coastal storm, property and along streets, Pennsylvania flood victims, he would resign from the Cabinet. $outh New which moved up the Mid- mostly in the north and Com m ents Republican wants what leadership post in the new GOP- Atlantic states from its origin northeast areas of town, the “The President urged me to controlled General Assembly. Lease TWU BENEFIT PLANS UPEN stay on until after the election, Goodrich Realty Group Inc.
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