Secretary Sharon Park Sunnyside House, Maryculter, Aberdeen AB12 5GT Tel 01224 734415, mobile 07971 406021 Email
[email protected] Website Minutes For the meeting held on Monday 15th Aug 2016 at 7.30pm in Lairhillock School, Aberdeenshire. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL Present Drew Russell (DR) Chair Cllr Alison Evison Aberdeenshire Council (AE) Sharon Park (SP) Secretary Cllr Ian Mollison Aberdeenshire Council (IM) Henry Irvine-Fortescue (HIF) Vice-Chair Bob McKinney (BM) Treasurer Colin Pike (CP) Planning Avril Tulloch (AT) Laureen Canessa (LC) Also in attendance NTR Drew Russell chaired the meeting; there were 22 members of the public (MoP) present. 1 Apologies Susan Astell 2 Minute of the previous meeting The draft minute of the June meeting were proposed by AT and seconded by HIF 3 Police Report Police Sgt Neil Grant presented the Police Report. Crime levels remain low in the area, with only 41 reports having been made in the period since the last report. Sgt Grant encouraged everyone to respond to Police Scotla nd’s ongoing service survey. He touched on the recent road traffic operations, with 5 individuals being caught speeding and 5 others stopped for mobile phone related offences. A longer discussion ensued wrt recent issues concerning unofficial camps set up by the traveling community within our area. Sgt Grant outlined the various accountabilities of landowners, Police Scotland and the local authorities. Sgt Grant was very clear in the need to be respectful of everyone’s chosen ways of life and warned against the advisability of anyone “taking the law into their own hands.” Page 1 of 5 North Kincardine Rural Community Council (NKRCC) Minutes 20-June-16 4 Matters Arising 5.2 Meeting with Director of Infrastructure Services DR, CP and HIF had, with the Director of Infrastructure Services and various AC representatives concerned with the AWPR, at Woodhill House on the 8th of August.