A41.1 Landscape Area Descriptions, Sensitivity, Magnitude of Change and Impact Significance
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route Environmental Statement Appendices 2007 Part D: Fastlink Appendix A41.1 Landscape Area Descriptions, Sensitivity, Magnitude of Change and Impact Significance 1 Landscape Area Descriptions, Sensitivity, Magnitude of Change and Impact Significance 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 This appendix sets out the baseline landscape character using Local Landscape Character Areas (LLCA) to describe the Fastlink Study Area. For each LLCA the description includes location, topography, drainage, landuse, settlement, views, key characteristics, positive and negative attributes, designations, condition and scenic quality. Where an LLCA will be directly affected by the Fastlink proposals there is a statement of the landscape and visual aims with regard to mitigating the proposals. 1.1.2 The location of the Local Landscape Character Areas and landscape designations are shown on Figures 41.2a-b. 1.1.3 Photographs illustrating the characteristics of each Local Landscape Character Area are shown on Figures 41.4a-g. 1.1.4 In Table 41.1.15 the main elements of each LLCA, both directly and indirectly affected, are described and a judgement made of the value and susceptibility. The sensitivity of each element is then evaluated. 1.1.5 Both Landscape sensitivity and the magnitude of change are combined in Table A41.1.16. The framework given in Chapter 41 (Landscape), Table 41.4 was then used to help determine impact significance, taking into account mitigation proposals, for winter year of opening and in the summer after fifteen years. 1.2 Baseline Conditions 1.2.1 The LLCAs within the Fastlink Study Area are listed and described below in order of character type.
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