Ngoji gitigaanig, me’gwe waaskonenh, In Flanders fields the poppies blow Naami jiinyaatig, niinwi zhimaagnishag Nda zhigishnami. Between the crosses, row on row, Gaawii geyaabi ka noondziinaa’aan That mark our place; and in the sky Baashkziganan ji debwe, ig. The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. Manidook noonggwa ndaawmi. Ngii-bmaadzimi, Ngii waamdaanaa We are the Dead. Short days ago Biidaabang miinwaa bigishmok. We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Ngii zaagigoomi. Loved and were loved, and now we lie Noonggwa dash maampii In Flanders fields. Bekaa nda zhigishnami.

Ngii-nkweshkaanaa miigaadwin. Take up our quarrel with the foe: Kiinwaa dash noonggwa, To you from failing hands we throw We’eni ginaagdwenjigek, The torch; be yours to hold it high. We’eni ni-bmaadizik. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow Giishpin dash naagdwenjigesiik, In Flanders fields. Niinwi zhimaagnishak gaa nimaajaajig, Gaawii nga-mnwenziimi, Naami jiibyaatig, me’gwe waaskonenh Zhigishnaang Flander’s gitigaaning

James A. Lesage

Boozhoo Elders, Youth and Citizens Volume 5, Issue 1 November 2018

October 25th, 2018- APS meeting in Thunder This month, I’m glad to report that we have a Bay. I’d like to acknowledge our Anishinabek number of good changes and additions happening Police Service as they are always committed to within the organization. It’s a breath of fresh air the First Nations and citizens they serve. having the new band manager Jean Sayers on board with the team. She certainly brings experi- On October 30th, 2018, as a result of a working ence and knowledge to the First Nation. We wel- meeting GRFN Chief and Council agreed to en- come all new comers and structure that will best gage the citizens for feedback regarding Canna- fit the First Nation. bis on the First Nation. Please be advised Garden River First Nation will temporarily prohibit the I had an opportunity to attend some of the follow- issuance of any other licenses for any activities ing meeting this month: nd related to the production and sales of Cannabis October 2 , 2018- Meeting between Council and until Community Consultation has taken place Band Manager Jean Sayers to identify roles and with the citizens. Garden River First Nation will responsibilities, structure and expectations of proceed with the development of a Cannabis Council and our new Band Manager. We look Law and Policies and Procedures based on the forward to building our relationship with Jean as results of Community Consultation. We appreci- she is our liaison between Council and Admin- ate your patience as we move forward with a istration. survey and community consultation.

th October 11 , 2018- Governance Session with Western Boundary file is still work in progress. Council, Managers and Governance Committee. Chief and Council will be meeting with legal Sharon Venne was the facilitator for a Govern- counsel in the near future to review the status ance Training Session on this date. We had and identify next steps. I look forward to updat- roundtable discussion on history, current issues, ing our citizens once we receive information. Chief and Council Guidelines which was a great Miigwetch for your patience. way to share and build report with the leadership and managers, and of course, a Chi-Miigwetch to Every year we have a Remembrance Day Cere- the Governance Committee for all the hard work mony on November 11th, 2018. Please feel free and dedication this group continues to work on to come out and join the ceremony as we re- for the First Nation. membrance and acknowledge are our veterans.

th th Lunch will be provided following the ceremony October 15 -17 , 2018- North Shore Tribal on Sunday, November 11th, 2018 @ 10:45am at Council had a board meeting as well as Govern- the monument close to the band office. ance Meetings for two days. The NSTC has sev- eral items they are currently working on includ- ing Education and Governance Agreements. Stay In good working spirit, tuned for further information. Miigwetch, Chief Paul Syrette On October 21st- 24th, 2018- I attended ceremony and fasted in Thunder Bay (Mount McKay) which was a very inspirational and spiritual event for me. What a wonderful journey and experience is was! I look forward to sharing teachings and stories with my community.

Page 2 CHIEF AND COUNCIL Get Connected to GRFN!!! EMAIL ADDRESSES GRFN WEBSITE: Chief Paul Syrette [email protected] FACEBOOK: Like us on Facebook Karen Bell @GardenRiverFirstNation [email protected] C&C Meeting Videos Location: Chris Solomon, Sr Password: L1vegardenr1ver [email protected] Caroline Barry Council Meetings: [email protected] Tuesday, November 6, 2018 @ 6:00pm, Monthly Meeting, Com- Andy Rickard munity Centre [email protected] Tuesday, November 13, 2018 @ 6:00pm, Working Meeting, Council Chambers Darwin Belleau Tuesday, November 27, 2018 @ 6:00pm, Working Meeting, [email protected] Council Chambers Leslie Zack-Caraballo Upcoming Meetings:

[email protected] November 12, 2018—Lake Huron Region Meeting at Manitou- Susan Bell-Chiblow lin Island [email protected] November 13, 2018—Anishinabek Nation Grand Council As- sembly at Manitoulin Island Darryl Williams-Jones [email protected] November 20, 2018—Chiefs of Ontario Assembly in Toronto, ON Morley Pine

[email protected]

Craig Joseph Sayers Don’t have a pop- [email protected] py? Use this cut out and pin it to your Deb Pine coat. [email protected] Pamela Perreault [email protected]

Q. Why did the chicken cross the playground ? A. To get to the other slide.

Q. Why did the Roman chicken cross the road? A. She was afraid someone would Caesar!

Greetings All, Volume 5, Issue 1 November 2018

Let me start by saying it has been a busy In closing, I am available to meet with few months here in Garden River. I have community members to address any issues been continuously meeting with Managers, or concerns. I have an open-door policy so Councillors and Community Members. This please do not hesitate to call or drop the of- transition is filled with sharing information, fice. building relationships and on-going meet- ings. I enjoy working with the leadership and staff and look forward to working with the citizens of Garden River. Sincerely,

Some of the meetings I attended are Manag- Jean Sayers ers Meeting, Chief and Council Meetings, Band Manager Monthly Membership Meeting, Governance Committee Meeting and individual meet- ings with staff. As part of the Strategic Plan ‘Creator, today I woke up. I am healthy. I we have restructuring of the organization am Alive. Miigwetch” that will make positive changes and is in the ~ Anishinabee Proverb ~ best interest of the First Nation. The Strate- gic Plan is always on my work plan and I plan to reach of the goals of the First Nation by completing the objectives and supporting actions.

At this time, I would like to acknowledge all our employees who accepted the Retire- ment Package. We have 21 longstanding employees who will or have already left the First Nation. Even though I have not been in this capacity as band member very long, I can certainly say all their hard work, dedica- tion and commitment to Garden River is commendable and without a doubt very much appreciated.

Page 4

Sunday Monday Tuesday

Medical Transportation Van DAILY 7 Days a Week:  MEDICAL Appointments Only.  Home and Community Care  Weekdays 8 a.m., 10 a.m. 12:45 Transportation p.m. & 2:30 p.m.  Monday—Sunday After Hours Monday To Friday: (705-971-5774)  Non-Insured Health Benefits  If an emergency , please call 911

4 5 6 Children’s Cooking Class: Fit Zone—Ages 10 to 12 3:30-5:00 Cultural Club: 3:30-5:00 Education Unit 3:00-5:00 Youth Gym Drop In Education Unit 5:00-7:00 Walking Program @ Rec Centre 9-11 am— Snack & Refreshment Provided

11 12 13 Children’s Cooking Class: Remembrance Fit Zone—Ages 10 to 12 3:30-5:00 Day Ceremony 3:30-5:00 Education Unit Starting at 10:45 Youth Gym Drop In Standing up to Stigma: Mental a.m. at monument 5:00-7:00 Health @ Youth Lounge 5:30- by Band Office. GRFN- Early Years/Wellness Centre/9 7:30pm Meal & Incentive ALL WEL- -12 Ages 13-17 COME! CLOSED

18 19 Cultural Club: 20 Food Bank OPEN 3:00-5:00 Fit Zone—Ages 10 to 12 Children’s Cooking Class: Fit Zone—Ages 7 to 9 Education Unit 3:30– 5:00 3:30-5:00 3:30-5:00 Walking Program Youth Gym Drop In Education Unit Youth Gym Drop In @ Rec Centre 9- 5:00-7:00 Peer Pressure Workshop @ 5:00-7:00 11 am—Snack & Early Years/Wellness Centre/9 Youth Lounge 5:30-7:30pm Early Years/Wellness Refreshment Pro- -12 Centre/9-12 vided

25 26 Cultural Club 27 Children’s Cooking Class: Food Bank OPEN 3:30-5:00 Fit Zone—Ages 10 to 12 3:30-5:00 Fit Zone—Ages 7 to 9 Educations Unit 3:30-5:00 Education Unit 3:30-5:00 Walking Program Youth Gym Drop In Youth Gym Drop In @ Rec Centre 9- 5:00-7:00 5:00-7:00 11 am—Snack & Early Years/Wellness Centre/9 Early Years/Wellness Refreshment Pro- -12 Centre/9-12 vided

Page 5

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Robotics 2 3 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Grades 4, 5 & 6 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Landfill Recycling 3:30-5:15 Youth Fun Leagues OPEN 10-4 Fit Zone - Ages 12 to Education Unit 14 Snack & Refresh- 3:30—5:00 ment provided Youth Gym Drop In 5:00-7:00

7 Homework Club Drop In 8 Robotics 9 10 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Grades 4, 5 & 6 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Landfill Recycling 3:50—5:00 Fit Zone - Ages 12 to 3:30-5:15 Youth Fun Leagues OPEN 10-4 Youth Lounge/Library Education Unit Food Bank OPEN 14 Youth Leadership Program Snack & Refreshment 3:30 –5:00 Snack & Refresh- Youth Gym Drop In provided Youth Gym Drop In ment provided 6:00-7:00 5:00-7:00

14 15 16 17 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Homework Club Drop In Landfill OPEN 10-6 Robotics Landfill OPEN 10-6 Landfill Recycling Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 Fit Zone - Ages 12 to Grades 4, 5 & 6 Early Years/ OPEN 10-4 Food Bank OPEN 3:50—5:00 14 3:30-5:15 Wellness Centre/9- Youth Leadership Program Youth Lounge/Library 3:30—5:00 Education Unit 12 GR Family Youth Gym Drop In Snack & Refreshment Youth Gym Drop In Snack & Refresh- Youth Fun Leagues Swim 8- 6:00 –7:00 provided 5:00– 7:00 ment provided 9pm Early Years/Wellness Early Years/ Expressing Feelings John Centre/9-12 Wellness Centre/9- Workshop 5-7pm @ Rhodes 12 Youth Lounge— Coffee House Evening Ages 18-24 Social 6:00-10:00pm Comm. Centre 21 22 Robotics 23 24 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Homework Club Drop In Landfill OPEN 10-6 Grades 4, 5 & 6 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Landfill Recycling Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 Fit Zone - Ages 12 to 3:30-5:15 Early Years/ OPEN 10-4 Food Bank OPEN 3:50—5:00 14 Education Unit Wellness Centre/9- GR Family Youth Leadership Program Youth Lounge/Library 3:30– 5:00 Snack & Refresh- 12 Swim 8- Youth Gym Drop In Snack & Refreshment Youth Gym Drop In ment provided Youth Fun Leagues 9pm 6:00-7:00 provided 5:00– 7:00 Building Self- John Esteem Workshop Early Years/Wellness Early Years/ Rhodes Centre/9-12 Wellness Centre/9- 5-7pm @ Youth 12 Lounge

28 Homework Club Drop In 29 Robotics 30 Landfill OPEN 10-6 Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 Community Presenta- Grades 4, 5 & 6 Youth Fun Leagues Recycling 3:50—5:00 tion Wills/Power of 3:30-5:15 Food Bank OPEN Youth Lounge/Library Attorneys @ Comm. Education Unit Early Years/Wellness Snack & Refreshment Centre Snack & Refresh- Centre/9-12 provided 1st Session 1-3pm ment provided 2nd Sessiom 5-7pm (Community Feast)

Education Unit Education Unit

(Culture Club happens every Monday from 3:30– 5:00 pm, at the GR Rec Centre.) This program is led by Deanna Jones—Elementary Liaison Worker. Students are shown how to introduce themselves in Anishinaabemowin, as well as use small Ojibwe phrases and listen to stories about our cultures history. (Pictured below are some of the students creating their own Turtle Island with play-doh that they made themselves) Education Unit

(Children’s Cooking every Tuesday from 3:30– 5:00 pm, at the GR Rec Centre) This program is led by Jasmine Binkley and it is designed to provide our youth with practical cooking experience. While using math, reading and team building skills. The kitchen is a fun place for our youth to learn grow and make memories. Education Unit

(Robotics happens every Thursday from 3:30– 5:15 pm, at the GR Rec Centre.) This program is led by Christopher Solomon Jr.—Secondary Liaison Worker “Robotics is a hands-on and fun way for kids to learn STEM concepts by letting them make their own robots.” The kids seem to really enjoy it!! Education Unit

The East View Girls SR. Basketball Team take home a big WIN against F.H. Clergue Education Unit

Schools across the Algoma District competed in a annual cross country event. Where Wyatt Michael Belleau—who attends East View Public School placed third amongst the hundreds of children who competed in the race. Great job Wyatt! Your School and Community are Proud of You! Education Unit

The Huron Superior Catholic District School Board hosted a 7/8 volleyball tournament. The two finalists were St. Mary’s French Immersion and Holy Cross Catholic School. Olivia Thiessen who plays for St. Mary’s French Immersion helped her team to win the tourna- ment. Great Job Livy! Education Unit Education Unit Garden River Education Unit Telephone Extension List 705-946-3933 Fax: 705-946-0413 Dianne Roach, 203 Education Manager Library Technician 210 Resource Centre Coordina- tor Finance Clerk 219

Stephanie Jones 208 Administrative Support Worker Sherri Kitts, 217 Education Support Services Coordinator Anne Marie Jones, 202 Post-Secondary Counselor Deanna Jones 201 Elementary Liaison Worker Christopher Solomon Jr, 209 Secondary Liaison Worker Natalie Barry, 206 AIM Teacher/Coordinator Michelle Thibault, 205 AIM Administrative Assis- tant Joanne Thiessen, 211 AIM Co-op Teacher Bonnie Pregent 231 (Mat-Leave) AIM Teacher Wellness News Wellness News

Wellness News GARDEN RIVER WELLNESS CENTRE Phone: (705) 946-5710 NAME POSITION EX T MANAGEMENT/OFFICE SUPPORT Pam Nolan Manager Health and Social Services 216 Tina Roach Personnel/Finance Supervisor 212 Alexandra Skinkle cEMR Business Systems Analyst/Communications 253 Ashley Boissoneau Administrative Assistant 220 Janice Belleau Receptionist 201 HEALTH SERVICES Maxine Lesage Health Services Supervisor 207 Amy Allison Health Educator/Patient Navigator 229 Ashley Irwin Mental Health and Addictions Youth Counsellor- 238 Outreach Brittany Belleau Immunization &Infection Control RPN 269 Carla DiLabio Mental Health Child and Youth Counsellor 235 Dannielle Roach Client Care Co-ordinator 226 Jay Nixon Mental Health Case Manager 264 Kim Duguay Community Support Services/Jordan’s Principle 273 Program Lisa Mitchell Addictions/Mental Health RPN 242 Marissa Jones Home & Community Care Administrative Assistant/ 209 Office Administrator Nicole Pelletier RPN/Phlebotomy/Appointments 250 Pauline Lecuyer Child & Youth Intensive Treatment Services Counsel- 244 lor Robin Lesage Medical Transportation 221 Rose Sayers Early Childhood/Healthy Babies Healthy Children 223 Ron Rickard Mental Health and Addictions Cultural Worker 227 Sarah Jackson Addictions Counsellor 204 Tessa Belleau Home & Community Care Coordinator/RPN 225 Tyler Pine Mege Zee Wuhsiswun Reception/Office Support 245 Vicki Boissoneau Non-Insured Health Benefits 202 COMMUNITY OUTREACH Luanne Povey Community Outreach Supervisor 210 Arnelda Pine EDS Activities Worker 224 Belinda Camara Early Childhood Educator 232 Colleen Crowley Youth Wellness Coordinator Rec Centre: (705) 946-4006 ext. 3 Janice Thibodeau In-Home Family Support Worker 240 Jordan Thibault In-Home Family Support/Youth Worker 222 Karen Boissoneau In-Home Family Support Worker 267 Kelly Musgrove Early Childhood Educator 268 Kim Mianskum Band Rep 231 Marie T. Pine In-Home Family Support Worker /Coordinator 214 Melissa Grawbarger In-Home Family Support Worker 205 THE DAN PINE HEALING LODGE (705) 248-2231 Kelly Solomon Healing Lodge Supervisor 208 Karen Belleau Program Assistant 215 Laurie Souliere Intake Worker 228 Marlene Pine Traditional Helper 213 Page 24 Page 25 GRFN BINGO ENTERPRISES GRFN BINGO ENTERPRISES GRFN BINGO ENTERPRISES

Regular Hours Algoma Tree Services 705-542-8836 Monday—Friday: 8:30 am.—4:30 pm. APS 705-946-2539 Closed for lunch 12—1:00p.m. APS (Garden Detachment) 705-946-4196 CLOSED: October 8, 2018 —Thanksgiving Holiday ASSETS / AITC 705-256-5413 Band Office 705-946-6300 Big Arrow Variety & Gas Bar 705-942-2071 Garden River First Nation Boissoneau Bus Lines 705-946-0992 Mission Statement

Buzzno Metal Works 705-575-4904 In the spirit of our ancestors and our Treaty, we endeavour Community Centre 705-946-2614 to conduct ourselves in a manner that is consistent with the Seven Grandfather Teachings given to us by the Creator. We envision a Coppertail Electric 705-946-5305 harmonious community that is built on mutual respect that maintains a Dan Pine Healing Lodge 705-248-2231 healthy balance through prosperity and well-being. Through these DarMax Service 705-575-3356 actions we intend to create a self-sustaining community that fulfills the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being of all members. Darwin Belleau Contacting 705-254-8676 N’bwaakaawin—Wisdom Zaagidwin—Love Dog Catcher 705-971-0611 Mnaadendmowin—Respect Aakdehewin– Bravery Education Centre 705-946-3933 Gwekwadziwin—Honesty Dbaadendizin—Humility Family Tree—Native Crafts 705-949-6777 Debwewin—Truth G.R. Bingo Hall 705-253-8718 G.R. Child Care Centre 705-256-5400 Councillor Portfolio—full list on G.R. Fire Dept. 705-253-1870 Karen Bell Golf Course, Niigaaniin, Public Works G.R. Public Works 705-946-6300 x.222 Chris Solomon, Sr Bingo Hall, Finance/Administration, Public Works, Recreation G.R. Community Trust 705-206-7525 Caroline Barry Governance, Health & Social Services, Hidden Hills Horse Ranch 705-943-5836 Andy Rickard Governance, Healthy & Social Services, Recreation Medical Bus 705-946-5710 Darwin Belleau Elders & Youth, ERCD, Health & Social Services Quick Stop 705-942-0616 Leslie Zack Caraballo Bingo Hall, Education, Finance & Admin Recreation Centre 705-946-4006 Susan Bell-Chiblow Education, ERCD, Governance, Rick’s Tree Service 705-946-4265 Darryl Williams Jones Elders & Youth, Golf Course, Recreation Silver Creek Golf Course 705-942-2080 Morley Pine Bingo Hall, Elders & Youth, Public Works Smoke Signals 705-946-1523 Craig Sayers Child Care, Elders & Youth, Golf Course, Niigaaniin The Massage Gallery 705-971-5155 Deb Pine Child Care, Finance & Admin, Niigaaniin Wellness Centre 705-946-5710 Pamela Perrault Child Care, Education, ERCD

Garden River First Nation Community Newsletter Contact Information Phone: 705-946-3933 ext. 210 Resource Centre Worker Fax: 705-946-0413 Garden River Education/ Recreation Centre Email: 48 Syrette Lake Road Website: Garden River, ON P6A 7A1 newsletter.php