Three Students Head North to Boston Roller Derby Junior Sofia Canale-Parola Is Enter- by Ing Her Third

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Three Students Head North to Boston Roller Derby Junior Sofia Canale-Parola Is Enter- by Ing Her Third The RegisterRegister ForumForum Established 1891 Vol. 128, No. 8 Cambridge Rindge and Latin School April 2016 Protesting Sexual Assault Club 1 Organizes Student Walkout moved closer to read the posters. By “This event was really about Tomek Maciak making those stories visible and let- Register Forum Editor ting other people know that they are not alone, that we are all here, that About fifteen minutes before CRLS stands here and wants to lis- the end of the school day on April ten to these stories and hopes that 13th, almost two hundred CRLS more people will come forward and students walked out of their classes tell them,” said senior Klara Inger- to raise awareness about the topic soll, one of the founders and leaders of sexual harassment and assault. of Club 1. The walkout was organized by A discussion was held in the Club 1, the feminism club at Rind- Media Cafeteria following the ge. walkout about the complexities of Many students, including the the issue. leaders of the walkout, stood lining Principal Damon Smith was the grass outside the main entrance present at the discussion and lis- of the school holding up posters tened attentively to the students, sharing personal accounts from before sharing some of his thoughts anonymous students. about subconcious biases that some One poster stated clearly, “My people may hold. no means no.” Senior Sarah Lipset wanted Among the goals of the walk- the health curriculum to change fo- out was to encourage victims to cus at Rindge. “I think we definite- come out and share their stories and ly need to use this time to address report incidents of sexual harass- consent and sexual assault and do- ment or assault. mestic violence,” Lipset said. There Despite the tumult of students was an initial plan to add a second The walkout was organized by both the Gender Theory class and Club 1. exiting the building, the gathered Photo Credit: Diego Lasarte students paid close attention and Continued on page 4 Student Art Show at Lesley NHS Induction Touts Definitions of Leadership By hard work and is grateful By on stage really added to the thur, as well as from English Adrienne Ashe for the opportunity because Diego Lasarte ceremony: “It was the per- teacher Mr. Jordan. Many Register Forum Editor it provides students with an Register Forum Editor fect moment to reconnect students remarked that they “authentic experience.” She with someone I hadn’t seen were particularly moved by On March 24 the continues, “This is what On Thursday, April in years.” NHS President Will Ma- “Emerging Talents: High artists do. It’s demanding 14th, 124 CRLS students Perhaps the hour- cArthur’s speech where he School Photography” ex- but very gratifying and it and their teachers and long event’s most memo- described his sometimes hibit opened in Lesley Uni- requires one to be account- families gathered in tumultuous rela- versity’s Lundar Art Cen- able, to show up, and to be the Fitzgerald Theater tionship with the ter here in Cambridge and able to discuss one’s work for the Derry-Wood National Honors featured ten CRLS photog- with others.” Chapter National Hon- Society and his cau- raphy students along with Senior Patrick ors Society induction. tious optimism for 30 others from Boston Arts Muyskens felt well pre- Each student, in al- this year’s class, Academy, Somerville High, pared for the challenge be- phabetical order, was with Junior Olym- and Winchester High. Until cause of the open exchange given their NHS cer- pia Fisher saying it closed on April 14, the ex- of constructive criticism en- tificate by a favorite that “Will’s speech hibit provided students with couraged between students teacher they had any- The NHS Class of 2017 was inducted on April really helped me the unique opportunity of in the classroom. “This has time between kinder- 14th. see the difficulties displaying their work to the been one of the most helpful garten and high school. Photo Credit: Tomek Maciak of being a part of general public and receiving aspects of the photo class- Junior Sky Heller, who was rable moments were in the a group like NHS, but also feedback outside the CRLS es, for it helped me grow given his certificate by his speeches given by three of gave me a sense of hope for community. as a photographer as well kindergarten teacher, said the student-elected leaders what we can accomplish.” CRLS photography as helping my classmates that having one of his fa- of NHS, Allie Ngo, May teacher Deborah Milligan vorite teachers with him Tamanna, and Will MacAr- Continued on page 3 is proud of her students’ Continued on page 5 INSIDE THIS EDITION ALUM SPOTLIGHT TALENT SHOW LOCAL FOOD PANAMA PAPERS ROLLER DERBY An interview with former Why we should be more Enthusiasts of the sport CRLS student and current aware of what food we put look to the Boston Junior producer of Only A Game into our body and where it Roller Derby league for op- on NPR. comes from. portunities to compete. Around School, p. 2 Around School, p. 4 Opinion, p. 8 World, p. 10 Sports, p. 12 Page 2 AAROUNDROUND SSCHOOLCHOOL April 2016 Register Forum Alumnus Spotlight: Martin Kessler By pushed people to think in traditional print publica- Cambridge Rindge and Latin School non-Cambridge ways...he tion like The Crimson? 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138 Cameron Lane-Flehinger Register Forum Editor could present the other side MK: Our angle on sports is twitter: @registerforum to what we’ve all grown up different, we’re not cover- instagram: @registerforum with. ing wins and losses, who’s snapchat: registerforum Martin Kessler graduated wikipedia: Register Forum from CRLS in 2009 and good and who’s bad, it’s went on to Harvard, where RF: Being in a unique po- more like sports as a so- he wrote for The Harvard sition where you’ve cov- cial institution and what’s Crimson. He now works for ered Rindge sports and good and bad about that. Only A Game, NPR’s week- then other sports, is there Obviously a lot of money is Editor-in-Chief ly sports show. anything that stands out spent on sports and people Tomek Maciak ‘16 about CRLS sports and put a lot of time into it, so RF: What have you seen the sports community? [we ask] what are the conse- Editors change about the school MK: I think back to the time, quences of that, both good Adrienne Ashe ‘17 since you graduated? it was my sophomore year and bad, for people and the Rafael Goldstein ‘17 MK: I appreciate how spe- [so] it would’ve been 2007, athletes themselves. Liam Greenwell ‘16 the [basketball] team went Cameron Lane-Flehinger ‘16 cial of a place Rindge is... Diego Lasarte ‘17 when you’re in it you just all the way to the Garden RF: Do you have any ad- Will MacArthur ‘16 assume that every high and lost to BC High, who vice for anyone in high Sophia Nikolayev ‘16 school is like that, but it’s a ended up winning the state school who wants to get Paloma O’Connor ‘16 cool spot and I’m still really championship. But that run, involved in sports journal- Lucas Raagas ‘16 when I think back on that ism? Grace Ramsdell ‘18 close with a lot of my CRLS friends, and I think that’s stretch, that’s Rindge 100%. MK: I think that the most Contributors because, you don’t realize I remember going to the important piece of ad- games...All the kids would vice is to focus first on the Emma Andrew ‘18 Sophie Harrington ‘18 this until you leave, it’s...a Adam Abji ‘17 Rosa Munson-Blatt ‘17 certain type of person you go because they wanted to. journalism aspect, and the Wini Austin ‘17 Ursula Murray-Bozeman ‘17 become when you’re raised I remember at the end of writing aspect, and less on Tre’von Busby White ‘17 Elliott Ronna ‘17 in this environment and it’s one game people just start- the sports aspect. It’s great Sam Costa ‘19 Shuvom Sadhuka ‘18 hard to find other people ed chanting “Cambridge, if you like sports, but it’s Freddie Gould ‘18 Sun-Jung Yum ‘19 like that. Cambridge!” and it was just much more important to try a natural feeling and a pride to be a good journalist and RF: What was your favor- in the city and that’s just to try to be a good writer, Faculty Advisor so cool. I didn’t know it at Steven Matteo ite class at Rindge? a clear writer, and the best MK: I really enjoyed Econ the time, but that’s just not way to do that is just to read Established in 1891 as the C.M.T.S Register with Mr. Kells. He’s just...a something that you repli- a lot of journalism and writ- smart guy and that was a cate other places. ing. And then the most im- “Listening to every voice, class I always looked for- portant thing is just to write printing what you need to hear” ward to and we got into RF: What’s the biggest dif- as much as possible because some good debates. I think ference between working you definitely get better he was great because he for Only A Game versus a with time and experience. CRLS Students Travel to the D.R. By despite the fact that we were work- Grace Ramsdell ing.” Register Forum Editor The school where they worked was surrounded by cinder block Over April break, ten CRLS walls, which the CRLS students students participated in a service cleaned and then painted a mural trip to the Dominican Republic.

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