Ingham County News Photo.) · Township Paid 97'/T
[~Ui~I ..... .. ·Hospital Camp_aign Staff Establishes .Headquarters lllmo~t rr.nrly lo f:O Is the Mn· rRI'C 1-Ierhorl G. Pklws, erunpnlgn m CountY'"'N ews son Gonerul hosfJitul cumpnlgn, rll~eclor; .•~· r ~ol~erl ~r;c;-~1, .~Ill!:: Ninety-Eighth Year- No, 12 cnmpnlgn hcadqunr·ter·s were llc.ily rlllu.t 1r, .tnrl I Ltor C,tvr_ Mason, Michigan, Thursday, March 21, 1957 4 Sections- 26 P11g01 l!slnhllshml Tuosrlay on the ;;er:·jnaur~h. <wsodnlo rllr·r•l'tor. urn! floor i•t tl2H'A· :,;, .fl!ffcrsnn · Mrs. Mnx Boml!nl of MasrJJI lws ahovr: llw offfccs ~~f 1he In , 1111 n; been cngagr.rl 11s office manager, Music in the· Air County NewH. Office ftirr~iturn Pmllmlnnry steps arc lwlng hns heon lonnerl In the head· lnlum this weclt to ,or~anl~e the Land Owners '8Jiring lVIII IIIINL out ·111! 0\'l'r Sewer System· 'l'hurHduy night ut II In the !linson quarters by Wyeth Lahr 1rulorlcs ~:umpalgn, sulci Rex Stnhloy, pms-. Inc ' , rrlcnt of Mason's Community 1whool uudltorhun when . both ' . I Council. Around Mason bnyll 111111 glriH WlJI /JII'IlMiliiL u, '/'he staff of J{eldmm, Im:,,·of 1 Telephones wcrn lnstnllcd In chornl cnncm·t. IIJchich'd In J,he For West Side Plllsburgh, Pn., has assigner! ;~ the r: 11 m p nl g n fwarlqttlll'tr:rs Pl'll!l'l'llm :u·e the giriH chorus, men to Mnsrm lo help eonduct the, Wednesday. The number Is OR May Organize hoy11 choruM, mixed IJIIUrtct, H«m· ca~pulgn to raise $500,000, They, 7;3821.
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