The Merosporangiferous Fungi from Taiwan (X): a New Species and New Record of Syncephalis
Fung. Sci. 35(1): 1–7, 2020 The merosporangiferous fungi from Taiwan (X): A new species and new record of Syncephalis Chen-Ju Liu, Hsiao-Man Ho* Department of Science Education, National Taipei University of Education, No. 134, Sect. 2, He-Ping E. Rd., Taipei, 10671, Taiwan (Accepted: March 19, 2020) ABSTRACT Two species of Syncephalis were found during a survey of zygomycetes fungi in Taiwan. Syncephalis collaris is described as new in uniquely forming a collar-like structure beneath the apical vesicle when aged. Syncephalis intermedia is newly recorded in Taiwan. Both species are described and illustrated. Key words: merosporangiferous fungi, Piptocephalidaceae, Taiwan Benny, S. nodosa Van Tieghem, S. obconica In- Introduction doh, S. obliqua HM Ho et Benny, S. parvula The genus Syncephalis Tiegh. & G. Le Monn. is Gruhn, S. pyriformis SC Chuang, HM Ho & a member of Piptocephalidaceae (Zoopagales, Benny, S. sphaerica van Tieghem, S. tenuis Zoopagomycotina), containing obligate hausto- Thaxter, S. cf. ventricosa van Tieghem, and S. rial mycoparasites mostly growing on Mucoro- vivipara Mehrotra & Prasad—have been found mycotina and Mortierellomycotina fungi. They in Taiwan (Ho, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003; Ho and are usually isolated from soil or dung of herbi- Benny, 2007, 2008; Ho and Chen, 2013; Benny vores and small rodents. Syncephalis is charac- et al., 2016 ). terized by forming straight or recurved sporan- In this study, soil and dung samples were col- giophores with basal rhizoids and terminal vesi- lected from country road sides, forests, houses, cles that bear cylindrical, simple or branched national parks and arboretums in Taiwan. Among merosporangia with one to several merospores.
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