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ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 2 PKP GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT PKP GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | CONTENTS 3 5 Introduction 6 Report on the operations of PKP Group Companies 8 1 PKP Group 20 2 PKP S.A. 30 3 PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe CONTENTS 38 4 PKP CARGO 46 5 PKP Intercity 56 6 PKP Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa 64 7 PKP Szybka Kolej Miejska w Trójmieście 72 8 PKP Informatyka 80 9 Xcity Investment 86 10 PKP Budownictwo 94 Corporate social responsibility activities 102 Research project as an element of quality management 105 Summary 4 PKP GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | INTRODUCTION PKP GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | IntroDUCTION 5 We are introducing a new approach to investment. We have developed a comprehensive program of modernisation of railway stations, including facilities across the country. We indentified 464 operational stations requiring modernisation and grouped them so that the implementation of the project not only brought benefits to passengers and local communities, but also gave optimal economic effect. In carrying out our projects we intend to intensify the absorption of EU funds. We want that EU funds to be the main source of funding. The use of the huge pool of EU funds is a major challenge in the area of investment in the railways. We intend to continue to improve the parameters of passenger routes, but also to focus on freight routes to a greater extent than before. We also plan to improve connections to seaports, which INTRODUCTION are our window to the world. Ladies and gentlemen, We hope to rely on the long–standing railway We hope employees, as their knowledge and experience will I have the privilege to hold office greatly account for the development of this branch to rely on the as the president of the PKP S.A. of transport. Respect towards the railwayman long–standing uniform and ethic was restored. The dialogue with since December 2015. Intensification trade unions was renewed, since building a strong railway of the railway investment project and modern company is impossible without their employees, support and comprehension. S Mirosław Pawłowski — President of the Management Board and continuous increase in the as their competitiveness of this branch of The Annual Report for 2015, which I am pleased to knowledge present to you, summarises the effects of opera- transport, is the primary goal which tions carried out by the PKP Group in the previous and experience I and the Management Board set year. Companies’ performance results achieved will greatly We wish in the last year were the benchmark for present ourselves. Management Boards and enabled them to deter- account for Polskie Koleje Państwowe mine which areas ought to be reinvigorated and the development Railway has always been the driving force for which had to undergo a radical change. to become a company which economy. We wish Polskie Koleje Państwowe to of this branch become a company which truly lives up to the I believe that the improved strategy and new of transport. demands of the 21st century. We regain passen- approach to management will contribute to truly lives up to the demands gers slowly but surely. The comfort of travelling a significant progress of the PKP Group in the improves due to investments in infrastructure upcoming years, in various fields, such as investment st and rolling stock. programme, the number of railway passengers or of the 21 century. increase in the weight of goods transported by rail. Some areas, however, require additional improve- By modernizing the railway lines we want to create ments and greater commitment, and we wish to the freight carriers such working conditions that focus our efforts on them. will allow them to compete with road transport. Warsaw, July 2016 6 PKP GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | IntroDUCTION PKP GROUP | ANNUALGRUPA REPORT PKP | 2015 RAPORT | Intro ROCZNYDUCTION 2015 7 Report on the operations of PKP Group Companies Group PKP of Source: PKP Intercity. Source: 8 PKP GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | PKP Group PKP GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | PKP Group 9 As a result of the changes in ownership, including 3 PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (hereafter the privatisation, acquisition and restructuring pro- referred to as PLK) – the company managing cesses, at the end of 2015 the PKP Group included: standard railway lines; 3 Polskie Koleje Państwowe Spółka Akcyjna (here- 3 PKP Informatyka Sp. z o.o. (hereafter referred to after referred to as PKP S.A.) – parent company; as PKP Informatyka) – the company providing 3 PKP Intercity S.A. (hereafter referred to as IT services for railway industry; PKP Intercity) and PKP Szybka Kolej Miejska 3 CS Szkolenie i Doradztwo Sp. z o.o., Drukarnia w Trójmieście Sp. z o.o. (also being the infra- Kolejowa Sp. z o.o. i KPT–W ‘Natura Tour’ structure administrator of No. 250 Line, here- Sp. z o.o. – companies operating in areas after referred to as PKP SKM) – the operator unrelated to railway transportation; companies providing services on the passenger 3 Xcity Investment Sp. z o.o. (hereafter referred to transport market; as Xcity Investment) – the company managing 3 PKP CARGO S.A. (hereafter referred to as PKP real estates, as well as developing and imple- CARGO) and PKP Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa mentation of commercial development projects; PKP GROUP PKP Sp. z o.o. (also being the infrastructure manager 3 PKP Budownictwo Sp. z o.o. (hereafter referred 1 of No. 65 Line – a broad–gauge line, hereafter to as PKP Budownictwo) – the company pro- referred to as PKP LHS) – the operator viding building and installation services in 1.1 About the PKP Group companies providing services on the freight areas of telecommunications engineering and transport market; maintenance of ICT lines. The PKP Group The PKP Group manages both the public 3 railway infrastructure management: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.; was established service and actions characteristic SCHEME OF THE PKP GROUP IN 2015 3 local railway management and utilising them for in 2001 as for a modern company operating on transport: PKP Szybka Kolej Miejska w Trójmieście Sp. z o.o. and PKP Warszawska Kolej Dojazdowa a result of the the market economy. The aim of PKP PKP Szybka Sp. z o.o. (in the field of passenger transport), PKP Polskie PKP Intercity PKP CARGO Kolej Miejska reconstructing and PKP Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa Sp. z o.o. Linie Kolejowe Group Companies is to build the trust w Trójmieście (in the field of freight transport); process of the and improve the railway image via 3 activities supporting the core business: PKP Polskie Koleje increasing the significance of railway Energetyka Sp. z o.o. (since 2009 PKP Ener- getyka S.A.), PKP Informatyka Sp. z o.o. and Państwowe transport in Poland by following the Telekomunikacja Kolejowa Sp. z o.o. (since 2010 (Polish State model of modern railways in Europe. TK Telekom Sp. z o.o.); 3 moreover, the following entities were estab- PKP PKP S.A. Railways) state parent company PKP Informatyka The PKP Group was established in 2001 as a result lished: Budownictwo enterprise. This of the reconstructing process of the Polskie Koleje 3 nine companies providing services for in the PKP Group Państwowe (Polish State Railways) state enterprise. infrastructure renovations and repairs process aimed This process aimed at separating transport activities and two companies dealing with rolling at separating from railway infrastructure management and the stock repairs. establishment of independent legal entities in the 3 three companies operating in secondary transport secondary areas of activity. areas, such as training (CS Szkolenie i Do- activities Drukarnia PKP Linia radztwo Sp. z o.o.), pharmacy (Farmacja Xcity KPT–W CS Szkolenie Kolejowa Hutnicza Polskie Koleje Państwowe Spółka Akcyjna was Kolejowa Sp. z o.o.) and supplies (Ferpol Investment „Natura–Tour” i Doradztwo Kraków Szerokotorowa from railway established on 1 January 2001 and entered into the Sp. z o.o.). infrastructure rights and obligations of its predecessor. Its only 3 five companies operating in areas related shareholder is the State Treasury represented by to railway services (three railway printing management (…) the Minister of Transport. Furthermore, on the houses, KPT–W ‘Natura Tour’ Sp. z o.o. – pro- basis of the Polskie Koleje Państwowe state enter- viding tourist services and Polskie Koleje The PKP Group’s consolidated financial statement an impact on the consolidation of this enterprise prise Act of 6 July 1995 and the Act of 8 September Linowe Sp. z o.o. – providing mountain for 2015 includes financial data for nineteen entities, under the equity method. 2000 on the commercialization, restructuring and cable railway services). including nine Companies directly dependent privatization of the Polskie Koleje Państwowe on PKP S.A., two Companies dependent on PKP This report describes consolidated financial and state enterprise, the following companies were PKP S.A. contributed elements of movable assets to CARGO and seven Companies of the AWT Group operational data, and individual data for each of established in 2001 in the areas of: the newly formed companies. Real estate property included in consolidation on the level of their the companies is discussed further in the report 3 railway passenger transport: PKP Intercity was leased to the companies, mainly because of parent company – PKP CARGO. These Companies (the description of individual companies includes Sp. z o.o. (since 2008 PKP Intercity S.A.), PKP its unclear legal status and then brought in ‘in underwent full consolidation. Additionally, PKP only those entities from the PKP Group which were Przewozy Regionalne Sp. z o.o.; kind’ as the process of regulating its legal status S.A. was a minority shareholder in PLK, which had included in the consolidated report).