IBBY Biennial Report 2006-2008

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IBBY Biennial Report 2006-2008 Farbprofil: Generisches CMYK-Druckerprofil Komposit Standardbildschirm I N T E R N L E A T I O P O N A P E L B O O U N G A R D O N B O O K S F O R Y BIENNIAL REPORT 2006 – 2008 K:\Kunden\IBBY\Biennial Report 06-08\Titelseite Report 06-08.cdr Freitag, 25. Juli 2008 08:38:31 Nonnenweg 12 Postfach CH-4003 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 272 29 17 IBBY Biennial Report Fax +41 61 272 27 57 E-mail: [email protected] 2006 – 2008 www.ibby.org Preface: Children: our first and only priority by Patricia Aldana 2 1 Membership 5 2 General Assembly 6 3 Executive Committee 7 4 Subcommittees 8 5 Executive Committee Meetings 8 6 President 10 7 Executive Committee Members 11 8 Secretariat 13 9 Finances and Fundraising 14 10 Bookbird 16 11 Congresses 17 12 Hans Christian Andersen Awards 19 13 IBBY Honour List 21 14 IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award 22 15 International Children's Book Day 24 16 IBBY Documentation Centre of Books for Disabled Young People 25 17 IBBY Project Programme and Workshops: IBBY-Yamada Fund 25 18 IBBY Project Programme and Workshops: IBBY Children in Crisis 27 19 IBBY Regional Co-operation 29 20 Co-operation with Other Organizations 30 21 Publications and Posters 33 22 Exhibitions 36 Reporting period: July 2006 to July 2008 Complied by Elizabeth Page, IBBY Secretariat Basel, July 2008 Cover: From International Children's Book Day poster 2007 by Zac Waipara, New Zealand Page 4: International Children's Book Day poster 2008 by Chakrabhand Posayakrit, Thailand Children: our first and only priority IBBY is only as strong as our individual sections. This report demonstrates the extent and quality of the work carried out by IBBY National Sections around the world. Over the past two years the Executive Committee of IBBY has focused much of its time and attention on ways to help this work grow and expand. It is the EC’s very strongly held view that the better each National Section represents all sectors of the people working for children and books in each country the better and more effective that work will be. This has led the EC to organize the ambitious workshops to be held in conjunction with the IBBY Congress in Copenhagen, which have been generously funded by the Katherine Paterson Family Foundation. This pre-congress workshop reflects another major priority of the EC and this president – our work with Children in Crisis. With projects up and running in Lebanon and Gaza, and in the planning progress in Colombia and Afghanistan, we are looking towards making contact with sections interested in working with Burmese children in exile, children displaced and terribly damaged in Northern Uganda and children suffering the aftermath of war in places such as Guatemala. Another major activity has been the further expansion of the IBBY-Yamada workshop programme, that is so essential in helping to further IBBY’s goal of ensuring that all children everywhere have the right to become readers and to encounter their own, as well as other realities in their books. Our partnership with IFLA has been growing in strength and we hope soon to undertake new projects together. Our new partnership with CODE will help us in our work in Afghanistan and Africa. Meanwhile, we are continuing to work with the Fundacion SM to strengthen the quality of writing in Spanish and Portuguese through the Premio Iberoamericano SM Literaura Infantil y Juvenil. This year sees the end of our long-term relationship with the Nissan Motor Company, which has supported the Hans Christian Andersen Award generously since 1992. We thank them so much, for without them this Award would not carry the prestige it has today. We are very grateful to Nami Island Inc, which has agreed to sponsor the HCA Awards for the next ten years and possibly beyond. This will be an exciting relationship for us and we look forward to working with Nami Island Inc on ways to strengthen the Award, ensure that it is truly international in its scope and that it becomes better known worldwide. This year also sees the commencement of a new partnership with the Xunta de Galicia in the establishment of the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Children's and Young Adult's Literature. This exciting centre, which will be properly staffed and housed within the National Library of Galicia in Santiago de Compostela – the site of our 2010 Congress, will be a very important addition to the worldwide research on a question dear to IBBY’s heart 2 – the importance for children to have literature in their own mother tongue, no matter how minoritarian that mother tongue may be. The past two years have offered me as IBBY president the opportunity to visit and get to know better many of our sections, for which I am personally very grateful. IBBY sections in France, Spain, Japan, Korea, Russia, Cuba, Brazil, and Argentina have warmly welcomed me, as have colleagues when attending IFLA conferences in South Africa and Canada. None of IBBY’s work would be possible without the magnificent work of our Central Secretariat, currently staffed by Liz Page and Forest Zhang, and in previous years with Estelle Roth and Karin Schäfer. The fact that our international work is carried out by two members of staff (which in some periods has been a staff of one) never ceases to amaze people. It is worth noting that while IBBY dues seem high to our members, this money goes to pay our staff and office, and only that. Without our generous anonymous donor in Basel we would not even be able to afford two full-time staff. Members of the Executive Committee are responsible for paying their own travel and accommodation costs, which in some cases, is covered by their National Sections, and sometimes not. Occasionally, the EC is lucky enough to be invited, as we were by IBBY Russia for our 2007 meeting who generously paid for the EC's accommodation and meals. We thank them so much for that. I feel that is important for our members to know that dues do not go to paying expenses of the EC. IBBY is certainly one of the most efficient and carefully run organizations of its kind in the world. Our programmes exist due to generous funding from Hideo Yamada, the Katherine Paterson Family Foundation, and another anonymous donor in Switzerland, as well as small contributions from our members around the world. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts. The lives of children around the world vary dramatically in terms of financial security, access to education, peace, security, social development and today, added to these inequalities the most basic necessity – food. This is unacceptable. It is criminal, especially as it is almost entirely avoidable – there can be no excuse for allowing this. Bringing books to children all over the world maybe a small step, but we continue to believe that it is essential. A child who can read and who loves to read can begin to take some power into his or her own hands, which will in turn lead them to challenge this terrible reality. This is our work. Children seem to be a very low priority in the calculations of many. For IBBY they are the first and only priority. Thanks to our National Sections who do this work on the ground at great effort and often without much recognition, thanks to the dedication of the Executive Committee and other officers, and to the Secretariat this report demonstrates that. Patricia Aldana President of IBBY July 2008 3 1 1.2 MEMBERSHIP National Sections Biennial Reports, 2004-06 By June 2008, 42 of the then 70 National 1.1 Sections (2006: 36 of 68) had submitted reports National Sections of their activities during 2004-2006. A summary By June 2008 IBBY had 72 National Sections. In of the reports was prepared by Forest Zhang 2007 new IBBY sections were established in and published in July 2008. Guatemala, Haiti and the Republic of Serbia and in 2008 in Zambia and Zimbabwe. At the end of 1.3 2007 the IBBY sections in Kazakhstan and Individual Members Kuwait lost their membership. Individual Membership is possible only in countries or territories where there is no The following countries were members of IBBY National Section. By July 2008 IBBY had 9 as of June 2008: Individual Members in 5 countries or territories: Qatar • Morocco • Sri Lanka • Taiwan • Albania • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Trinidad Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Croatia • Cuba • Cyprus • 1.4 Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Honorary Members Estonia • Finland • France • Germany • Ghana In 2008 IBBY had 15 Honorary Members in 13 • Greece • Guatemala • Haiti • Hungary • countries. Honorary Membership is recognition Iceland • India • Indonesia • Iran • Ireland • of outstanding contribution to the development Israel • Italy • Japan • Korea (Republic of) • of IBBY. Latvia • Lebanon • Lithuania • Malaysia • Mexico • Moldova • Mongolia • Nepal • 1.5 Netherlands • New Zealand • Norway • Jella Lepman Medals Pakistan • Palestine • Peru • Poland • Portugal • In order to give recognition to sponsors who Romania • Russia • Rwanda • Serbia • Slovakia wish to support IBBY, but are not involved in • Slovenia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • children’s literature, it was decided to reinstate Switzerland • Thailand • Turkey • Uganda • the Jella Lepman Medal. The original medals Ukraine • United Kingdom • United States • were produced in 1991 to celebrate the 100th Uruguay • Venezuela • Zambia • Zimbabwe birthday of Jella Lepman. Only ten medals were produced and presented. (See Focus IBBY 1/1991; available in the IBBY Archives at www.ibby.org.) Three new medals were presented during the 30th IBBY Congress in Macau.
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