AnnualAnnual ReportReport Annual Report 2008-2009 3

The Chairman’s Report By Pierre duPont Irving Delivered at the Preservation Society’s Annual Meeting, June 11, 2009 Photo by

he Preservation Society’s recent acquisition of the In acquisition, I will tell you a little about The Elms overdoor John Singer Sargent portrait of Cornelius Vanderbilt paintings, which have been part of an ongoing story about TTII gives me a wonderful opportunity to talk to you bringing back original objects to the houses. about the museum that it has become today. Acquisition is but the beginning of the story. The care and Our museum collections are comprised of over 40,000 conservation of the collection is equally as important and I catalogued objects either original to the houses or reflecting as will tell you about the fascinating work which is being done closely as possible what would have been in their interiors. In to conserve The Elms lacquer panels. some cases, like and , the houses were given Then there is the challenge of the interpretation to the Preservation Society with their entire contents of the collections. The Preservation Society is intact. How fortunate we were. In other cases, as engaged in planning an exhibition next with The Elms and Chateau-sur-Mer, their year in the Gothic Room at Marble contents were sold at public auction and the What is House, and I want to tell you Preservation Society has been patiently about that as well. working to bring back and restore their original interiors. unique about the At the time The Elms was built, the dining room and gallery were What is unique about the designed for the display of a cycle Preservation Society’s collections is that Preservation Society’s of ten 18th century Venetian they reside within another collection, history paintings which had the Preservation Society’s eleven iconic collections is that they originally been in the Corner houses. Collections of similar objects Palace in Venice. The series are sometimes distributed throughout comprised four large murals and different houses and do not appear together reside within another six overdoors by various Italian artists as they do in conventional museums. This may depicting Scipio and distinguished make their scope and significance less apparent to collection... members of the Corner family at significant the casual visitor than would otherwise be the case. historical events. It was the largest cycle of 18th The acquisition, conservation, and interpretation of the century Venetian history paintings outside of Italy. collections have been of paramount importance in building and Prior to the Preservation Society acquiring The Elms in 1962, maintaining their integrity. The Preservation Society has recently its contents, including the six overdoors, were sold at auction. engaged in several initiatives which will serve to illustrate in a The four large murals in the gallery depicting Scipio remained representative manner what it is doing in each of these areas. because they could not safely be removed from the gallery wall.

Dinner at The Elms Photo by 4 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 5

In 2004, four of the six established and the groundwork for their The exhibition will overdoors were secured Della Robbia was restoration is being laid open this winter at the and brought back to lost. It was a in a thoughtful and Ringling Museum in The Elms with money disappointing piece methodical manner, Sarasota. It will then drawn from the of news, but we had and research into move to Newport for collections reserve and tried. methods of the spring and help from private In an conservation is summer of 2010. donors, thus reuniting extraordinary groundbreaking in its Over 350 objects will eight of the ten occurrence, en route own right. Very few return to the Gothic paintings in the to California the lacquer rooms still exist Room at Marble original cycle. The two Della Robbia was in the world. The ones House. It will retrace remaining overdoors damaged in transit, we know of for certain the formation of this Photo by Andrea Carneiro will soon go up for Photo by and Mr. Hunt are in Vienna at Schloss once celebrated auction in London. decided that he no Schonbrunn and the collection in 19th One is by the school of Gene Roberts and Pierre Irving unveil the John Singer Sargent portrait of Palais Esterhazy and One of the lacquer panels is carefully removed from the wall in The Elms Breakfast Room for closer inspection. century Paris, its Cornelius Vanderbilt II, purchased at auction and returned to . longer wanted it. Sebastiano Ricci, and the other has Through the efforts of Paul Miller in Sweden at installation by been reliably attributed to and the Collections Committee it Drottningholm Palace. Gavet in his Gothic-style Sabastiano Ricci himself whose Last Supper hangs in the National was subsequently purchased from the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Last year, the Preservation Society’s Chief Conservator, Jeff apartment on the quai Notre Dame, its purchase by Alva Gallery of Art. The Preservation Society intends to be at that Company for $5,500. It has been beautifully restored and now Moore, travelled to Vienna where he met Silvia Miklin-Kniefacz Vanderbilt and installation in the Gothic Room in Newport, auction to see if once again with authorized funds from the hangs in the library at The Elms, returning at last by a somewhat and her associates to discuss and examine their conservation and finally its appeal and sale to John Ringling. The aim of the collections reserve and help from potential private donors it can circuitous route. treatments of the lacquer panels in Vienna. His research is exhibition as explored by Paul Miller of the Preservation Society secure at least one of the remaining overdoors. Whether or not helping to plan the strategy for the conservation of the panels at and Virginia Brilliant of the Ringling Museum will be to tell the Preservation Society will be successful we won’t know until Every object in the Preservation Society’s collection has a story The Elms. Jeff is also researching the best method to introduce about how pre-Renaissance art was viewed and appreciated, and the auction takes place. behind it, and often the history of how they arrived at the houses climate control into the breakfast room to stabilize the to follow its display from the banks of the Seine, to the cliffs of is as fascinating as the intrinsic artistic value of the objects environment for the panels. The Elms Chinese panel restoration Newport, to the tropical shoreline of Sarasota. It is as much a [Ed. Note: The paintings did not meet their reserve at the themselves. Sotheby’s London July 8, 2009 Old Master Paintings Sale and promises to be an exciting and challenging project which has an story of the unique personalities of the dealers and their clients remain on the market. Any contributions towards their purchase, The proper conservation of objects in our collection is as interesting educational dimension for conservationists as well. as the works of art themselves. payable to the Society’s Collections Reserve, would be most important as their acquisition. In The Elms is a unique room Over fifty thousand dollars has been spent to date and the When the exhibition is over, approximately one third of the gratefully appreciated.] which so far as we know is the only surviving room of its type in continuing restoration will cost several hundred thousand dollars objects from the Ringling Museum will remain in the Gothic the United States. In the northwest corner of the house, just off more. We are hoping for foundation and private support as we What is important, as with the acquisition of the Sargent Room on loan. It will be the most ambitious exhibition that the the dining room, is the Chinese breakfast room, designed entirely move forward. Preservation Society has ever undertaken, and we are delighted portrait, is there is a strategy in place to bring this important around a set of Chinese black and gold lacquer panels from the collection back together and that we will be there to try. The interpretation of our collection is a vital aspect of our to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Ringling K’ang Hsi period (1680-1720). The panels were likely exported museum mission and planning is continually underway to show Museum in an exhibition which is national in scope. The Preservation Society has not always been successful in from China to France by 1770 and used as wall decoration in a our collections in new and exciting ways. In the spring and These activities offer insight into the museum that the its efforts to secure important objects original to the houses at Parisian townhouse. summer of 2010, the Preservation Society, in conjunction with auction, but fortune can sometimes smile upon us in strange Preservation Society is today. It is our mission of historic In the late 17th century it was considered the height of good the Ringling Museum of Sarasota, Florida, will host an preservation that gave birth to this museum, and that mission ways. It was reported in the Spring issue of the Newport Gazette taste among fashionable Europeans to have a Chinoiserie room, exhibition entitled: Gothic Art in the Gilded Age: Medieval last year that the Preservation Society was able to reacquire for still remains strong. Our houses and their collections continue and since Mr. Berwind was recreating in 1901 an 18th century Treasures in the Gavet-Vanderbilt-Ringling Collection. In 1889, as to promote the value of historic preservation to the millions of The Elms, through private sale, the only original Della Robia French chateau with its original interior elements, he was being built, William and Alva Vanderbilt met thought to remain in private hands. That was only a part of visitors from all over the world who have come to experience commissioned such a room for his house. It is well worth a visit with their architect Richard Morris Hunt in Paris to discuss our iconic properties. the story. if you haven’t yet seen it. The antique panels which surround the furnishings. At the time, Emile Gavet, an architect, collector and The piece in question was a framed terra cotta haut-relief room are made of wood decorated with Asian lacquer. Lacquer dealer was offering for sale an eclectic collection of Medieval We are able to do these wonderful things only with your help plaque of a seraphim attributed to Florencian Andrea Della was a rare and expensive material distilled from the sap of trees works of art which spanned the 13th to 16th centuries. Yes, he and I want to thank all of you here tonight, and our members Robbia, circa 1490-1595. The cherubic plaque had been in the related to poison ivy and sumac. As you might imagine, the was the same Gavet who originally owned the Della Robbia that and supporters around the country and abroad for your ongoing collection of Emile Gavet in Paris from 1889-1897 and was sold material presented quite a challenge to the artisan to work with. made it back to The Elms library. The Vanderbilts bought interest and support. It is so important to our success. by Jules Allard to E.J. Berwind in 1899. It remained in the It was applied to the wood in many layers and cured into a very roughly half of his collection, nearly 400 pieces, and invited Mr. I also want to recognize and thank our hard-working board of Berwind collection until the auction of the contents of The Elms hard and durable surface of great beauty. Gavet to Marble House to direct its installation into the Gothic trustees and the extraordinary professional staff for the work that Room. These objects were displayed there until 1928 when Alva in 1962, when it was sold to the New York dealer and collector Over the years, the finish has aged and shown continuing they do to ensure such excellence in our organization. As you all Edward Lubin. The piece remained in Mr. Lubin’s collection sold almost the entire collection to John Ringling, through the are aware, due to the state of the economy museums have deterioration with cracking and cloudy areas. Within the past English art dealer Joseph Duveen, for his house in Sarasota. Mr. until 2007 when it was sold to a California collector, Mr. Hunt, two years, the Preservation Society has begun a multi-faceted suffered along with everybody else. It is a tribute to our entire for $28,000. The Preservation Society had been at that auction, Duveen cherry-picked a Della Robbia relief for himself, and it staff and the leadership of our Executive Director Trudy Coxe effort to restore The Elms lacquer panels. With financial support now hangs in the main hall of the Metropolitan Museum. but unfortunately the bidding had gone beyond the level it had from the Berwind Corporation and The Getty Foundation, the that we are able to sit here tonight and I can tell you about these exciting plans for the future. 6 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 7

over what it was two years ago - a tremendous achievement we will have that mural back on the ceiling by 2011. This is a very Over the past ten years we have quietly gone about conducting compared to other museums. Special events such as the Tiffany important restoration project, primarily because we are doing it a tremendous amount of research into the history of The Ball have been exceedingly successful. Mary Van Pelt, Leslie for the sake of restoration, since this ceiling is not on public view. Breakers. This effort culminated in the creation of a new tour. Hull, Gladys Szápáry and others were very much involved in We are doing it because it is the right thing to do. The audio tour opened to the public at the beginning of April that event, and we thank them. We had a great time recreating The second major project is restoration of the front gates at and thus far has received rave reviews. the original ball from the 1950s and it brought Tiffany & Co. The Breakers. From a distance the gates looked fine, but close We are very excited about the attention that it is getting. back to the Preservation Society. The Flower Show was a up there’s a different picture: lots of deterioration and rusting, There are many stories embodied in the tour, and I want to share great success, affirming that when it comes to horticulture and resulting in the loss of many decorative elements. Restoring the with you tonight an audio presentation of two of those stories. gardening there is no organization better than the Preservation gates was certainly an important project for us since the gates The first one you are going to hear is the voice of a woman Society. Finally, our Wine & Food Festival, which is designed to are the first image that our visitors see when they arrive at The named Mary Seliga. Mary is the daughter of Magda Goodheart, attract younger people so that we can have many, many new Breakers. With the help of a grant from the Alletta Morris who worked for the Vanderbilt family at The Breakers. This members in the future, was a wonderful success. It was two McBean Charitable Trust, and financial support from the Loebs audio segment begins with talk about the “fading of Newport” days of fun, and we are looking forward to our fourth such Family Foundation and the Hope Foundation, we have been as described in a Time magazine article that appeared in the festival this summer. able to undertake a restoration of these impressive gates. mid-1940s. The Breakers was largely unused for ten years Nearly every day of the week, on almost every single property The job is being done by Lodi, a firm in New Jersey, and it during that period, and many were unsure of its eventual fate: there is some sort of preservation or conservation project has been a complicated one from the beginning. Can you imagine “That was a sad time for my mother. My mom, dad and I underway. In fact, there are dozens of projects underway but moving 37,000 pounds of raw iron to New Jersey? There are six used to walk around the cliffs very frequently and she would just two stand out: restoration of the ceiling at Chateau-sur-Mer, people working six days a week, with a goal of having those gates stare and look at it [The Breakers] and I would imagine all the and the restoration of the front gates at The Breakers. back in place by mid-fall. Curt Genga, our Properties Director, things going on in her mind. It was sad to see it close. And, goes to New Jersey every two weeks to ensure the work is being my parents were very happy when it opened again for the Photo by CEO & Executive Director’s Report By Trudy Coxe

Delivered at the Preservation Society’s Annual Meeting, June 11, 2009 et me begin by acknowledging one very simple, but crucial success factor. For us to have finished our fiscal The gates at The Breakers were taken down in the spring and shipped to New Jersey Conservation technician John Bartosh uses a system of dowels to secure small fragments from Pierre and Kathy Irving were among the first to try out the new audio tour at The Breakers. year in March with a surplus, and for this organization for extensive restoration. Photo by Andrea Carneiro the Chateau-sur-Mer ceiling as they are re-assembled into larger pieces and glued together. The tour has received rave reviews from visitors. Photo by Andrea Carneiro LL Photo by Jeff Moore to be able to survive without laying anybody off may not have a lot of pizzazz, but it has been a very, very important part of our done properly, that the restoration is on schedule and on budget. tours [in 1948]; they were just overjoyed that others would get efforts over the last few months. You will remember a little about this from last year’s annual meeting. The Chateau’s Tree of Life mural, which winds its way For his efforts Curt deserves a tremendous amount of credit. a chance to see what it was like.” To love an organization might sound peculiar, but, in my up three staircases to the ceiling, is probably one of the loveliest Now, I am going to change gears completely and go from I wanted you to hear Mary’s comments, because there is such mind, the Preservation Society is an organization that is worth murals you can imagine. It’s whimsical, it’s colorful, it’s very conservation and restoration to another important part of our poignancy to her voice. I think it is unbelievable that since 1948, supporting, worth being part of, and yes, loving. And if you look pretty, and close up it is equally impressive. Unfortunately, it mission, education. Probably the most important challenge facing when The Breakers opened for public viewing, more than 20 at some of the data, you have to believe that people really do. fell to the ground more than a year and a half ago, into a museums today, and it’s a topic that is actively discussed by million people have had a chance to see “what it was like.” For example: at the end of May we had nearly 9,000 bazillion pieces, leaving us with a real dilemma. Should we museum directors, curators and education staff, is how to be The second segment is about Rudolf Stanish. He is, in my memberships. That’s about 20,000 people. The Preservation restore it or not? We are a preservation organization, so, of relevant. That is, how to make sure that we are connecting with mind, an example of a great American success story. He started Society right now is one of the largest membership organizations course, we decided to preserve it. our museum visitors. How do we engage and inspire our visitors to working for the Vanderbilt family when he was 14 years old as in the region, and is three times larger than it was ten years ago. Over a period of months our staff spent many hours working want to learn about their heritage and our shared past? We have kitchen help, and went on to become the head chef at Goldman When you read articles about people not caring anymore about to assemble all those pieces. It was a huge undertaking, with devoted many hours to this soul-searching task. And, we have Sachs. Time magazine dubbed him “the Omelet King.” In fact, history or the fact that the arts are in decline, think about that volunteers and staff equally involved. Today I am happy to relied upon academicians from around the country to look at the he invented an omelet pan and 3 million of them were sold. As number, 20,000 people supporting The Preservation Society report that we are 90 percent of the way there—the mural is content of our tours and give us feedback about what they like, the story goes, Rudolf got his fame in Newport when Frederick of Newport County. I think that’s a tremendous statement. almost complete. Many of the pieces have been glued together; what they don’t like, what they would like to learn, and what is of Prince, then-owner of Marble House, asked Rudolf, “Can we Our fundraising programs are on a roll, with the Annual the next step is to fill in the cracks and do some infill painting. no interest at all to them. have something at our party other than scrambled eggs and Fund achieving close to $640,000. Our attendance is up 4 percent We have about 900 hours more work to do, and if all goes well ham?” Rudolf then replied, “I will make you an omelet.” 8 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2007-2008 9

He went on to have the honor of preparing the inaugural here-and-now problems. During difficult times one has to breakfast for President John F. Kennedy. When you hear his remember to maintain one’s perspective, and pause often remarks I think you will gain a flavor of his view of what a to celebrate every single one of those inches that we gain. great privilege it was to work at The Breakers: So, it is the inches that count. It is Gene Roberts urging “Cast iron coal and wood burning stoves stretch out over us to find a way to bring the Sargent painting back to The 21 feet. Plenty of room too because the team of cooks needed Breakers. We win by inches. It is all of our full-time staff, to feed the Vanderbilts, their guests and all the staff…And of every single one of them working several hours a week in course everything was French: how we cut the vegetables, we the houses on top of doing their regular jobs, in order to didn’t measure, we did everything by the smell, look and help keep our payroll costs down. We win by inches. It is texture…Since a kitchen working at full steam was a very hot the visitors who come from China and Japan and France place, pastry was prepared in the smaller room [pastry room] and Italy; as they walk into The Breakers, they all seem to which could be kept cooler…Everything was kept chilled, know one word in common: “Wow.” We win by inches. created by ice, it’s a different cold. Those were glorious times. It is the fifty dollar, the hundred dollar, the thousand It was the style of living in the grand manner. I can see the dollar gift. I don’t care what amount it is, it is important. beauty of it now.” It’s you coming to our events, being at our lectures, being I hope you will agree that Rudolf Stanish was a colorful a part of this organization that really counts and makes character. He died in February 2008, and we interviewed him the difference. in 2000. He was 95 years old when he passed away, and he I have no idea where we will be in ten years but I do couldn’t have been a more handsome, more impressive person. know two things. And the first thing is that when all is So, I have given you a few vignettes of The Breakers audio said and done, people need stories. Stories bind us tour, and some of the highlights of the past year. There has together. Stories inform us, they teach us, they inspire us. been lots of good news. Stories make us laugh, they make us cry, we learn from stories. And the one thing that we do well at the I want to conclude by just taking a moment to talk from the Preservation Society is that we tell good stories. Our heart. While on the surface everything looks great, and in fact a stories are fantastic. We do it through our tours, our lot of things are going very well, I have to confess that the last ten educational activities, and our preservation and our months have been very tough. Like every museum, every small conservation efforts. We are good story tellers, and that and large business, including General Motors, every government, is what you are supporting. local, state, federal, every non-profit in this country, we have been put to the test because of the economy. The second thing I know is that as corny as it may sound we have got to stay together as a team. Maybe A part of me says that being put to that test hasn’t been so bad, we won’t always agree, but we have got to stay strong because we have learned a lot about our strength, our internal together; our staff, our Board, our volunteers and our strength. One thing that I know is that our internal strength members. We have got to be united and keep our comes from all of you in this room, and all of those 20,000 other momentum going so that as we face head-on the people who as members support the Preservation Society. hardships that come our way, we persevere. I can Your involvement with us really matters. honestly tell you the way we have gotten through the I am not a football fan; in fact, I couldn’t tell you who won last ten months is by taking it one step at a time, one this year’s Super Bowl championship. But I do love Al Pacino inch at a time. Our vision remains miles out there but and his movie Any Given Sunday. There’s a pivotal scene in the our focus is on the inches. movie in which Al Pacino, who plays the head coach, is talking So, I hope that you will stay with us, and that you will to the team during half time. The team is losing, and so he tells continue to love the Preservation Society because it is an them that they have got to play as a team, and go at it “inch by organization worth loving. With your help we now go inch, play by play” until they are finished, because there is no into what I hope will be an equally successful year. other choice but to do that. And he explains how football and life are very similar in that football and life are games of inches. Thank you all very much for your support! Now, perhaps at first blush this doesn’t correlate to the Preservation Society. But at this moment in history, with all the difficulties that we face, to me that message of taking it inch by inch is a very important one to learn from. Especially in times like these when it is very hard to focus way out there in the distance as we grapple with the day-to-day struggles and the A vintage view of the Gothic Room of Marble House, showing pieces from the Gavet collection that will be returning for an exhibition in 2010. Preservation Society archives 10 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 11

On the less rosy fronts, our museum store sales were down 10% from budget, but that was a great deal better than retailing around the country. Cynthia O’Malley continues to put her stamp on our stores, and while retailing is still soft, her efforts REVENUE thus far this year look better than originally projected. Our most 19.9% challenging area has been Special Events, heroically managed by Contributions Phil Pelletier, as companies have pulled back significantly on Admissions 38.4% holding corporate events at our houses. 38.4% Contributions 19.9% On the expense front, the Preservation Society’s management Admissions has kept a good handle on core expenses, and managed to cut Newport Mansions Stores 19.5% variable expenses in line with our reduced special events and Endowment Draw 9.3% store revenues, which thereby led to our modest surplus. 7.9% Property Rental 7.9% Capital expenditures last year amounted to $440,000, Property Rental about half of which was for the continuing Chateau-sur-Mer Pres. Society Events 5.0% roof restorations. This was slightly less than the prior year’s’ 5.0% spending. We believe we have been keeping up with deferred maintenance, but like all home owners, we always spot P.S. Events something that needs attention. Our endowment, like other non-profit endowments, was hurt by the markets, and was off by about 25%. Anticipating our

Photo by annual draw, we did raise some additional cash last October 19.5% 9.3% to prudently avoid having to raise cash during one of Newport Mansions Endowment Draw those horrendous market slides. Our liquidity is Stores excellent at this point and we see some definite Treasurer’s Report signs of healing in our well-diversified endowment. We are not changing the overall plan, and we did By Donald O. Ross not have the liquidity problems that some of the best known endowments have had. Delivered at the Preservation Society’s As far as budgeting for Fiscal Year 2010, we started the 3.7% Annual Meeting, June 11, 2009 process a bit earlier this time around and the Board approved the Property plan in March. As you might expect, we had a very difficult time Rental 3.7% Fundraising developing a sensible plan in the middle of an economic category EXPENSES t seems that every year has been a difficult one to see five hurricane. We knew corporate sponsorships and events at budgets through to the conclusion of a fiscal year and not 7.5% the houses would be significantly lower and we had to assume P.S. Events Curatorial, Conservation, Iworry about something, either the economy, attendance, that our store sales would not be immune to the national trends. 34.8% Preservation & Restoration 34.8% Igasoline prices, arranging insurance or something else. This past We therefore had to look at where we could make significant year was no exception. I am pleased to report, however, that in Curatorial, Education 22.9% cuts in the budget, while maintaining sufficient resources to Conservation, this past fiscal year which ended March 31, we achieved a slight keep the houses and grounds the way our visitors like to see 10.4% Preservation Newport Mansions Stores 17.0% surplus of $77,000. Total visits were actually up 1.2% over the them. Our goal was not to have any layoffs. Again we are Supporting prior year, which came on top of a rise of 2.3% the previous targeting a balanced budget for 2010. Early indications are that Services & Restoration Supporting Services 10.4% year, and our admission revenue exceeded budgeted expectations visits are running slightly better than planned, thanks in part Pres. Society Events 7.5% by 5%. Admissions represent about 40% of our total revenue to a new audio tour at The Breakers. sources. Our budget process had actually called for a decline Property Rental 3.7% in admission revenue, since we were faced with skyrocketing In closing, once again I want to thank the members of the gasoline prices at the beginning of last year. Finance Committee, who put in a lot of time reviewing and Fundraising 3.7% discussing some difficult issues. I particularly want to thank 17.0% With regard to other revenue sources, we saw memberships Jim Burress and his Finance Department staff, who continue Newport contributed $745,000, about even with last year, and we had our to do a fabulous job for the Preservation Society. most successful Annual Fund ever this past year, raising over Mansions $638,000. Total gifts contributed to the Preservation Society While we appear to be well positioned, with budget cuts Stores were almost $3.3 million, including over $1.1 million in value and a reduced endowment, our financial flexibility is more 22.9% of collections objects contributed, and almost $350,000 of other strained than in past years. But we will get through this Education non-cash contributions. Once again Caroline Considine and period with creative thinking, good fundraising efforts, her team did an outstanding job. And many thanks to all of and continued hard work. you who contributed so generously yet again. 12 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 13

Recognition of Outstanding Service, Laurel Artisanship or Leadership The Laurel Award is given annually by the Preservation Society in recognition Awards of outstanding service, artisanship or leadership in support of its mission. This year, three Laurel Awards were 2008 bestowed at the Annual Meeting in June.

Jeremy Crocker, Chris Crocker Lusignan, David Crocker, David Crocker, Crocker Architectural William Willson, Pierre Irving, and Ralph Gillespie 2009 Sheet Metal Company Photo by In recognition of the company’s sympathetic and highly skilled achievements in the field of historic roof restoration at The Breakers and Chateau-sur-Mer.

Richard Guy Wilson, Ph.D In recognition of his support and counsel in securing National Historic Landmark status for key Preservation Society properties, and for his vision in annually showcasing Newport’s architectural heritage to Denise Aguiar, Marilyn Archibald, Blake Pierre Irving, Jeff Curtis, Charlie Gardner, Norey Dotterer Cullen, Raymond Picozzi, Lillion Kimball, Marilyn Archibald, and Brian Burns international scholars as director of the Billings, Brian Burns, Charles Gardner, Photo by Victorian Society Summer School. Lillian Kimball, Sheila Lang and Raymond Picozzi For weeding, watering and working tirelessly in the Preservation Society’s many gardens. Richard Guy Wilson and Pauline Metcalf Photo by 24 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 25 Full Time Employees

OFFICE OF THE CEO & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Trudy Coxe, CEO & Executive Director Terry L. Dickinson Colleen Breitenstein

ACADEMIC PROGRAMS John R. Tschirch, Director Patricia L. Toomey

CONSERVATION Charles J. Moore, Chief Conservator John Bartosh Jessica L. Urick

CURATORIAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS PROPERTIES Paul F. Miller, Curator Jeffrey T. Curtis, Director Curtis H. Genga, Director Charles J. Burns Anthony R. Aguiar Virgilio G. Aguiar Board of Trustees Claudia E. Thiel Jared A. Bonnenfant James A. Aull Laurene Vivieros Rebecca L. Bonnenfant Robert A. Beebe, Jr. Seated, left to right: Leila Jenkins, The following individuals were elected to the Preservation Society’s Board of James Donahue Jeffrey D. Boyark Trustees for the 2009-2010 fiscal year at the Society’s annual meeting on June 11, 2009: Monty Burnham, Angela Moore, Carol Ballard, Susan Stautberg, Angela Fischer, Thomas D. Downes Kenneth Breitenstein DEVELOPMENT Mary Van Pelt, Eaddo Kiernan James P. Levitre Margaret Cavaliere Caroline E. Considine, Director Michael Logan James H. Cottrell OFFICERS TRUSTEES OVERSEERS Linda A. Eppich Robert Marvelle, Jr. Standing, left to right: David Lindh, Bryan T. Coyne James A. Roehm Eugene Platt Maryanne N. Craft Nancy W. Cushing Marion O. Charles Joseph Hammer, William Wilson, Donald Chairman Emeritus Kari Van Buren Raphael N. Ribera Brian E. Faria Ronald Lee Fleming Hope Drury Goddard Ross, Pierre Irving, Arthur Murphy, Keith John G. Winslow Charissa Rogers Stephen P. Golda David B. Ford Jerome R. Kirby Stokes, Andrew Reilly, Richard Loebs, Jr., Harry H. Suvajian Nicole Hatzberger Joseph W. Hammer Richard N. Sayer, Esq. Frank Ray, David Ford, Peter Damon Chairman EDUCATIONAL SALES Gilbert W. Lawrence William W. Humphrey, Jr. John J. Slocum, Jr. Pierre duPont Irving Cynthia J. O’Malley, Director MUSEUM EXPERIENCE Robert C. Marvelle Leila Jenkins George H. Warren Not Pictured: Nancy Cushing, Ronald Kathryn M. Botelho John G. Rodman, Director Harold F. Mathews Eaddo Hayes Kiernan John G. Winslow Lee Fleming, John Muggeridge, Pat Stensrud Vice Presidents Maryann Hertig David E. Boenning Pauline McGrady-Keneshea David E.P. Lindh Carol C. Ballard Susan L. Kehoe Jo Ann Blumsack William D. Miranda, Jr. Richard C. Loebs, Jr. Photo by Angela Brown Fischer Gaylinne A. Mello Andrea Carneiro William R. Murphy Angela L. Moore David P. Leys Laura Murphy Lavada M. Cashman David J. Oakley John D. Muggeridge Keith W. Stokes Joseph C. Sporcic Ivan S. Colon Patricia Pasvolsky Arthur W. Murphy, Esq. Karen G. Wheeler Patricia R. Dias Theresa M. Peckham Frank N. Ray, Esq. Kimberly F. Dolbashian Christine G. Pickens Treasurer Andrew Reilly Daniel P. Fryer Thomas Pickens Donald O. Ross Patricia Stensrud FINANCE Debbie Kammerer Roland Quarry Mary Van Pelt James M. Burress, Director Lucy A. Kinsley Robert A. Raffa Assistant Treasurer William F. Wilson Jennifer E. Clinton Judith Moniz Manuel R. Rodericks Peter Damon Hugh Collard Alberta T. Picozzi John Souza Janet F. Doda OUTGOING TRUSTEES John A. Pettet Patricia Stetson Secretary Judith D. James Robert Regalbuto Betsy A. Vivieros Susan S. Stautberg The Preservation Society extends its Barbara A. Shea Robert G. Watterson sincere gratitude and appreciation to Carol A. Velasco Philip D. Woolhouse Assistant Secretary these outgoing members of the Board Donato T. Ziurella Theresa Wyatt of Trustees for their contributions: Monty Burnham SPECIAL EVENTS Sarah M. Gewirz Philip F. Pelletier, Director Kathleen Kirby Greenman Amy E. Moyer Eugene B. Roberts, Jr. Beverly Ware Paul L. Szápáry 14 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 15

Dayton Carr, Pierre Irving and Eaddo Kiernan Albert Sherman, Jr. and Les Ballard Helen Abell, Ronald Lee Fleming and Maureen Donnell The Tiffany Ball at The Breakers

President’s Circle Heritage Circle Benefactor Benefactor Benefactor Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 $2,500-$4,999 continued $1,000-$2,499 continued $1,000-$2,499 continued $1,000-$2,499 continued $1,000-$2,499 continued Ms. Helen Harting Abell Mr. Jonathan Farber and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Braff Dr. Lawrence Geuss and Ms. Pauline C. Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes II Donors Ms. Jolynn Swanson Ms. Pamela Lenehan Mrs. Victoria J. Avery Mr. and Mrs. H. William Breyer IV Mr. and Mrs. James M. Miller Mr. William Swain April 1, 2008–March 31, 2009 Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brodsky Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Gewirz Ms. Lee P. Miller Ms. Topsy Taylor The Countess of Caithness Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. I. Goddard Capt. and Mrs. Nicholas Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gilbane Mr. Arthur W. Murphy Mrs. Daphne S. Thornton The Preservation Society Mr. and Mrs. James F. Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. James M. Burress The Honorable and Mrs. David S. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Trainor Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. John Rovensky Grace is grateful for the support Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. Craig Callen Gloria Nagy and Richard Saul Wurman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Duncan A. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gubelmann Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Capozzi, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasing Ms. Margaret Nelson and Mr. Carmen Patti Mr. and Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren of its many members and Mrs. Alexander C. Cushing Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. S. Haigney Ms. Mary CarAngelo Sharon and Peter Grossman Ms. Lynne O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. George G. Herrick Ms. Tara Guarneri-Ferrara friends. Your ongoing Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Damon Ms. Andrea Carneiro Mr. Roderick B. O’Hanley, Jr. and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. W. Walk Chairman’s Circle Mrs. John R. Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heydon Mr. Bruce Carp Mr. Torrence Harder Richard C. Crisson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Washburn generosity is critical to $10,000-$24,999 Mr. and Mrs. Pierre duPont Irving Mr. and Mrs. James D. Klau / Mr.* and Mrs. Ralph E. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Harper III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Ohrstrom Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Watts FNZ Foundation Inc. Wendy and Edward Harvey Cynthia O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Auersperg Ms. Myra H. Duvally Mr. and Mrs. Robert Castellano VADM and Mrs. Thomas R. Weschler accomplishing our mission Mr. Henry S. Lynn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Heaney Mrs. Carol O’Malley USN (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Berkowitz III Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Fafard Mrs. E. Taylor Chewning Mr. Brian V. S. McKenna Mrs. Edward F. Herrlinger Mrs. Ruth Orthwein Mrs. Laurence F. Whittemore of preserving Newport’s Mrs. Thomas W. Blake Mr. Ronald Lee Fleming of Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Chilton The Fleming Charitable Trust II Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Mejia Jim Hixon Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Owens Ms. Deborah E. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. John W. Brooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Menoudakos Mrs. Gina Christakos architectural and Mr. Stephen L. Glascock and Mr. and Mrs. Craig Clapperton Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Page Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkens Mrs. Helen D. Buchanan and Mr. and Ms. Barbara van Beuren Mr. Jay Patrick Michaels Mrs. Richard I. Burnham Ms. Candace A. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. William W. Humphrey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Palmer Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wilson cultural heritage. Mr. and Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Millner Miss Edith B. Casey Mr. Edmund S. Borkoski II Ms. Diane S. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Pardee Mr. Michael Wilus and Ms. Lenora Gange Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Casey Mr. and Mrs. George E. Clark, Jr. Mr. William Jacklin and Mr. and Mrs. George Petrovas Mr. and Mrs. John G. Winslow Mr. Michael R. Kidder Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Ray Ms. Janet Russo-Jacklin Mr. and Mrs. James J. Coleman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Comstock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curt R. Pindler / Mr. and Mrs. William N. Wood Prince Mr. and Mrs. William L. Leatherman Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. D. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Erik Jensen Curt R. & Gerry Pindler Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Conese, Sr. Ms. Caroline E. Considine Anonymous Mr. Richard C. Loebs, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Reibel Ms. Trudy Coxe and Mr. James Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Kass Dr. Joseph J. Plaud and Mr. and Mrs. Edmond de La Haye Jousselin Dr. Deborah M. Plaud I NDIVIDUAL G IFTS Mrs. Edmund Calvert Lynch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Reilly Mrs. Brittain B. Cudlip Dr. and Mrs. David L. Keefe Elizabeth Prince de Ramel Ms. Diana Preston Gonzalez Patron Mr. and Mrs. William M. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Ross Mr. John Dalsheim Mr. and Mrs. Colin Keith Champions of Mr. Alex Donner Dr. John Primiano $500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Mencoff Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Michael and Ginger Delfino Mr. Thomas S. Kenan III Preservation Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fernandez Dr. Anthony Rainka Mrs. Charles Adams Mr. Nicholas B. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. J. Laurence Sheerin Mr. Peter de Savary Mr. and Mrs. Morten Kielland $100,000 and above Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fischer / Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reid Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Akers The Hope Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strauss Mr. and Mrs. A. Theodore Stautberg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Denis Desjardins Ms. Katherine Kirk and Ms. Barbara Kirk Mr. and Mrs. A. Leslie Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Riggs Ms. Judith Akerman Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Galkin Mr. Paul L. Szápáry Ms. Gladys Szápáry Cdr. Karen Lynch Downes and Mrs. M. S. Krakoff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rodgers III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery M. Allen Mrs. Robert H. I. Goddard Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker Royall Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Townsend Mr. Dana P. Downes Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kulp, Jr. $50,000-$99,999 Jim Roehm and Bonnie Pashkow Ms. Linda Alves Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Watson III Mr. and Mrs. John A. van Beuren Mr. Michael Dury Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang Ms. Laura L. Rose and Mr. William Hall Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ambrogi Mr. Dayton T. Carr Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. William Wister Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Lanza Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Russell Mr. Joseph J. Anania Mr. David B. Ford Mrs. Samuel M. V. Hamilton Heritage Circle Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leonard Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. Edward Ankudavich and Mr. Joseph W. Hammer $2,500-$4,999 Benefactor Mr. Louis A. Fazzano Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Lewinstein Ms. Rosemary Ponzo Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Sarkis Honorable Esmond V. Harmsworth Mrs. Russell B. Aitken $1,000-$2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Tylor Field II Mr. and Mrs. David J. Little Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Schochet Mrs. Donald Breck Lamont Mr. and Mrs. Armin B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Harris J. Ashton Mrs. Katherine D. Findlay Mr. and Mrs. William Lockett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Isamettin Aral Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeForest Scott $25,000-$49,999 Mr. and Mrs. David E. P. Lindh Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Beaver Mr. and Mrs. George F. Baker IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fischer Ambassador John L. Loeb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armes Major General and Mrs. Stephen R. Seiter Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Darden Honorable and Mrs. Randolph Mason Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bennett Mrs. Merrilyn Bardes Donna and Robert Fluehr Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lovejoy Ms. Lynn Arnieri Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Sheffield Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz Senator* and Mrs. Claiborne C. Pell Mr. and Mrs. Wiley T. Buchanan III Mr. and Mrs. William P. Barrack Ms. Colleen A. Flynn and Ms. Irene L. Corey Mr. Peter E. Madden Mrs. Alicia Van Arsdall Ms. Carole B. Sheffield Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kiernan III Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Piancone Mrs. Ruth Hale Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bartlett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Malina Ms. Faith Arter and Mr. Jonathan Bell Buck and Jocelyn Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tyson C. Reed Capt. and Mrs. W. L. Caldwell, Jr. Ms. Denae Bayer and Mr. Stephen Ovren Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Forsythe III Mr. Peter Manice Mr. Robert Bailey and Mrs. Albert K. Sherman Estate of Eleanor Wood Prince Mrs. Howard Ross Mrs. Robert H. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beitchman Ms. Jennifer Fraser Mrs. Marion Mariner Ms. Theodora Aspegren Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shippee Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Mr. and Mrs. John P. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Peter French Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Mark Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baker Mr. and Mrs. George W. Shuster Perpetual Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. John R. Danieli Mrs. James S. Billups Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Friedrich Mr. Charles T. Matheson Mrs. Marianna J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. John J. Slocum, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Markus van den Bergh Mr. and Mrs. William Detwiler Mr. and Mrs. Les Bowen Mr. Fred Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mauran Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Derek R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. C. Van Pelt Bill and Jacalyn Egan Mr. and Mrs. Hallam Boyd, Jr. Ms. Amy Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McAndrew Ms. Janet Barillari Mr. and Mrs. William M. Vareika Mr. Frank Gavay Ms. Edith S. McBean Mr. Phillip K. Sotel Mr. Nicholas Barnard Mr. Curtis H. Genga Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. McCleary Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Spencer Ms. Lisa Bautista Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell Stensrud Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bazarsky Miss Eleanor Steward Donor Photos by *Deceased 16 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 17

Lynda and David Lindh and Carol Ballard Minnie and James Coleman Stephen Farrell Matt Adams Nancy Cushing, William and Sharon Wood Prince and David Ford

$500-$999 continued Patron Patron Patron Patron Patron Steward Steward Mr. and Mrs. David Curtis Beal $500-$999 continued $500-$999 continued $500-$999 continued $500-$999 continued $500-$999 continued $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued Mrs. Neale M. Bearden Mr. Justin Davies Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Girard Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Julian Plowright Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Tutcher Mr. William A. Bauerband Mr. Roderick A. Cavanagh Mr. and Mrs. John S. M. Beckwith-Smith Ms. Elizabeth Deehan Mr. Frank Giudice Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. MacGillivray Ms. Svetlana Pogorelskaya Mr. and Mrs. David L. Van Schaick Mrs. Patricia Baylor Ms. Esther A. Charves Mr. and Mrs. Ronald I. Becker Cdr. Tony Defrias Dr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Glazier Mr. and Mrs. Maciej Maciak Mr. Lowell G. Powers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Vergara Mrs. Pamela Beck Ms. M. Elaine Chiarenza Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Begy Dr. Jack Degrado Dr. and Mrs. John T. Grady Mr. D. Stuart MacNaught and Mr. Michael Powers Mr. and Mrs. William A. Viall Mr. Herman L. Bender Ambassador and Mrs. Gene B. Christy Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bilden Mr. Tom Delpha Mr. Ronald Gravino Mr. Aaman R. Crane Mr. and Mrs. James A. Purviance Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade Mrs. Roberta Benjamin Mr. James G. Clarke Mr. George C. Bitting Ms. Deborah DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gregoire Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin Ms. Darlene Ragozzine Mr. George H. Warren Dr. and Mrs. William Biermann Mr. John S. Clark Reine and Tim Bitting Mr. and Mrs. Eliot W. Denault Ms. Timberly Grout Ms. Joy Marks Ms. Becky Reo Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weintz Mr. Frank Black and Mr. Tom Hurley Ms. Maria Clements Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis Mr. and Mrs. David Gutterman Mr. Ferdinand E. Massari and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ricciardelli Mr. Jack Wetzel Mr. Thomas B. Blake Ms. Dawn Coe Mr. William Blythe III Ms. Diane Lapins Mr. and Mrs. Guillaume H. de Ramel Ms. Astrid Hajjar Mr. and Mrs. Craig Richardson Mr. George A. Weymouth Mr. Corey Bobba and Ms. Jacinda Russell Mr. Neil Cohen Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bohan Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mather III Mrs. Laura de Ramel Mr. and Mrs. William Hall Mrs. Thomas Ridgway Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm F. Wheeler Dr. John and Lady Romayne Bockstoce Ms. Patricia Cole Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Bohan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Mazze Mr. M. David Dial, Jr. and Mr. Eli Harary Mr. Lloyd M. Rives Mr. and Mrs. John P. White Mr. and Mrs. H. Dickson S. Boenning Mr. James O. Coleman Mrs. Mary K. Bond Mrs. Cecile P. McCaull Ms. Linda M. Brotkin Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. White Lt. Col. and Mrs. Phillip W. Boggs Mr. Harry Collette and Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boulay John and Brookie McColloch Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Dickinson Ms. Helen J. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Amory Ross Ms. Lynne White Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Bohan Mr. David R. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Brice Mr. and Mrs. T. Paul McEnroe Mr. Robert W. Dolan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Rothe Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Widdowson Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Bohan Dr. Edward Colt Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Bucacci, Jr. Dr. Maria L. Gaiso Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert McGhee Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Hendrick Mr. Komes Rozes Mr. James C. Wilson Ms. Christine Boles Mr. Jamie Conlon-Silverman Mr. Daniel A. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Donahue Mr. Craig McManus Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hepting Mr. Greg Rozsay and Ms. Helene Hordines Mr. and Mrs. Hutton Wilkson Mr. George H. Booth II Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Conner Miss Elizabeth A. Burton* Dr. Leo P. Donovan, Jr. Mr. Michael McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Higgerson Mrs. Susan Rufkahr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Woodcock Ms. Jennifer Booth Mr. and Mrs. Alec Conti Mr. and Mrs. David Bush-Brown Ms. Constance A. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. John Meadows Ms. Desiree Hill Mr. Paul Saalsaa and Mr. Phil Saalsaa Ms. Susan Wood and Mr. Joseph Phillips Ms. Lorna Boucher Morgan Ms. Jean C. Conwell Douglas P. Butler Mrs. Evelyn M. Dorkin Mrs. Dale T. Mercer Ms. Cynthia Hoyt Mr. Robert Salerno Mr. Tom Zafarano Dr. and Mrs. Doug Bowers Mr. William V. Cooney, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Camp Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dorwaldt Mr. Kevin Moehlenkamp Ms. Margaret F. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Hudner Ms. Ashley Santagaga Anonymous Mr. Alan Brainerd Mr. and Mrs. Ross S. Cann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Douglas III Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hull Ms. Nancy Saunders Ms. Edith H. Brewster Mr. Christopher Capiris Mr. and Mrs. John R. Drexel IV Ms. Dana More Mr. Michael R. Corcoran Ms. Eileen Hunt Ms. Anne Schmidel Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Brickley, Jr. Peter and Rebecca Capodilupo Mr. and Mrs. David V. Drubner Ms. Gretchen Morgenson and Steward Mrs. June Costikyan Mr. Peter Iacono Mrs. Cynthia Scheffer Miss Marian E. Britton Mrs. Christa Casey Mr. Elijah Duckworth-Schachter Mr. Paul Devlin $250-$499 Mr. and Mrs. Derek A. Coulton Mr. Finn M.W. Caspersen Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Iribarren Ms. Patricia Morrissette Ms. Susan B. Schenck and Mr. and Mrs. David Aldrich Mr. Jim Brodsky Mr. Bartlett S. Dunbar and Ms. Lisa Lewis Mr. Steven Goodwin Ms. Ally Coulter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chapman Mr. Washington Irving III Ms. Colleen Morton Capt. and Mrs. Richard G. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Duprey Dr. Denise Schow Mr. Donald Crowley Mr. and Mrs. William Choquette Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mussig Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allen Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brown Dr. Linda Durhan and Mr. John M. Seabrook* Mrs. Andrea Crump Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clapp Dr. John P. Opalacz Ms. Diane Jadoonauth Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nicoletta Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen Mr. Dennis Brown Mrs. Anne Self Mr. Dale Cruse Mrs. Margaretta M. Clulow Mr. Walter Frederick Eayrs Capt. and Mrs. Don Jagoe Mr. Michael Numa and Ms. Amy Rauch Dr. Carl Anderson and Mr. Scott Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Cullen Miss Jane Codman Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Ebert, Jr. Ms. Virgina Ryan Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joe Odoerfer Dr. Marianne LaCroce Mr. and Mrs. John Brusca Mr. Edwin S. Sheffield, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey T. Curtis Mrs. Wynrhys Coghlan Mr. Dominic Elias and Dr. Terrence J. Joyce and Cynthia O’Malley Mr. Richard E. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Bunting III Ms. Johanna Metz Dr. Bruce Silverstein Ms. Susan Anderson Ms. Laurie Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Collins Mrs. Garson G. Elias Mr. Richard S. Palmer Ms. Eleanor Burgess Ms. Monica Kantner Mr. and Mrs. John Slawenski Ms. Jody Andrade Dr. John Cuttino and Mr. and Mrs. Lyn L. Comfort Mr. Robert Elliott and Mr. Manuel Rios Dr. Vincent Pandolfi Mr. Mark Bushee Dr. Carolyn Dedrick Mr. Michael C. Kathrens Mr. Eliot Snider Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andreoli Mr. Frank Contenta Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Farrar Dr. Dennis Pannullo Ms. Lynn Butler Mr. Edson E. Dailey, Jr. Ms. Julie Khoury Mr. Christopher Spitzmiller Ms. Lina Aneounian Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Mohamad Farzan Mrs. Cortlandt Parker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Byrne Mr. and Mrs. John D. Damon Mr. Daniel K. Kinder Ms. Wendy T. Stapleton Mr. Ceasar Nicholas Anquillare Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Corcoran Mr. Philip Fava Ms. Jessica Parker Catherine Cahill and William Bernhard Ms. Elizabeth Daniels Ms. Joan C. Kirwin Ms. Bonnie Stephens Dr. and Mrs. John Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corridan Mrs. Gina Baker Field and Mrs. Patricia Paskov and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Caine, Jr. Mr. Dave Darche Mr. Leroy F. Fieldland Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Knoll Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Bakalarski Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cowley Mrs. Heidi A. Paskov-Sirois Ms. Jennifer Camp Mr. Peter J. Davey Mr. Richard E. Ford Ms. Lillian M. Knoeller Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stirling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bakish Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Craig Dr. Cynthia B. Paulis Ms. Giosetta Capriati Mrs. Sheri Davis and Ms. Felisha Davis Mrs. George Edward Ford Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ladd Mr. A. Michael Sullivan, Jr. Miss Allison Ballard Mrs. Norey Dotterer Cullen Mr. and Mrs. John Paulisin Dr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Caputi Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dawson Mr. and Mrs. John H. French II Mr. Stephen LaPointe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan Mr. Andrew Balunas Ms. Meriel R. Curren Ms. Cynthia Paveglio Tomasi Mr. Joseph Q. Carbone Ms. Toni Delisio Mrs. Martha Galetta Professor William and Dr. Olga Larson Mr. and Mrs. S. Emmett Thomas III Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bardorf Mr. Frederick A. Cushing and Mr. John M. Peixinho Mr. Russell Caramagno Mr. Ginmaria Delzanno Mr. John Garforth Mr. Dave Latimer Ms. Gladys Thomas Ms. Marsha Barry Mrs. Caterine Milinaire Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. H. Pell Miss Christina Carr and Ms. Carol Demorest Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. E. Garnett Mr. Marc Lewinstein Mr. and Mrs. Asheton C. Toland Ms. Theresa Barron Ms. Beverley Thibault Ms. Kathy Damon Mr. Anthony G. Pennacchi Ms. Muriel Fenton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gett Mr. and Mrs. Derek L. Limbocker Mr. Anthony Torio Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Barrett Ms. Katherine Carret Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dana Ms. Jane Pepper Ms. Michelle Denault Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan K. Gewirz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Lindh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Tsimortos Mr. Michael Barron Mr. and Mrs. Justin Carron Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dangremond Ms. Paula Perin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deziel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gianos Colonel Karen Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Turley Dr. Ron Bartels Mr. and Mrs. John Caswell Ms. Lucy Darden Ms. Jackie Perrett Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Dicarlo Ms. Angela Giguere Ms. Eileen M. Longacre Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Tusan Mr. Lawrence R. Bauerband Mr. and Mrs. George Cavallo Mr. Jose Pincay-Delgado Mr. and Mrs. C. Mathews Dick, Jr.

*Deceased 18 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 19

Allison and William Vareika Nuala Pell and her extended family Trudy Coxe, Konrad Keesee, Irene Aitken, Betsy Ray Elizabeth Prince de Ramel and Fernanda Kellogg

Steward Steward Steward Steward Steward Steward Steward Steward $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued Mrs. Linda Diggins-Domina Dr. and Mrs. Louis A. Fragola Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Hansen Ms. Marlain Kalapos and Mr. John Lohr Ms. Michelle Moreau Mr. Steven J. Peterson Ms. Renee Savoie Mrs. Helen Dillon Ms. Barbara Franciosi Mrs. Elfriede Happe Mr. Stephen Ray Ken and Norma Lyons Capt. Steven Morey Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Phifer III Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Sayer Mrs. Gayle DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Franklin Mr. Eli Hararay Mrs. George M. Kaufman Honorable and Mrs. Ronald K. Machtley Mr. and Mrs. James Morin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Picone Ms. Bridget Scally Mr. and Mrs. Louis DiRienzo Ms. Jennifer Fraser Ms. Jill Hardy Ms. Karen Keelan Mrs. Donald B. MacKaye Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Morris, Jr. Mrs. Alberta E. Picozzi Mrs. Christie Scampoli Mr. Dave Dittmann Dr. Oliver Fratzscher Mr. Richard Hargrave Mrs. Anne P. Keigher Dr. and Mrs. Francis MacKay Ms. Marjorie Mr. and Mrs. Fran Pijar Mr. Rounsevelle W. Schaum and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fredrickson Paul and Diane Hartelius Mr. and Mrs. William D. Kelleher Ms. Alicia Madsen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moynihan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Pilon Ms. Shirley Gordon Mr. Martin Douglas Mr. Thomas Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Hassenfeld Ms. Elena Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Majewski Mr. James Moynihan Dr. William Pirl Mrs. Charles R. Schiffner Mr. and Mrs. A. Webster Dougherty, Jr. Ms. Rita Fucillo Mr. David Hayden Ms. Jodi Kelly Ms. Pamela Mancini Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrozowski Mr. and Mrs. Graham Plaster Mr. James Schiro and Ms. Tara Rumbarger Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowski Jim and Marge Fuller Ms. Karen Heagle Drs. Robert and Marie Kimelheim Mr. Frederick Marckini Ms. Kerri Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prenoveau Mrs. Claudia P. Kinder Mr. Brady A. Schofield and Ms. Daryl Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hellewell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Margolin Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Murphy Ms. Diane Prestileo Mrs. Sarah C. Bullock Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. King, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Drummond Mr. Eugenio Gabrile and Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Henlyshyn Dr. and Mrs. Vernon H. Mark Mr. Patrick Murphy Mrs. Kimberly Pucci Mr. Robert Schrader Ms. Jessica Otiniano Mr. Peter King III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duke Ms. Josephine Heyward Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marlowe Ms. Linda Murphy Ms. Lissa Quinlan Mr. Thomas Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallagher Miss Ann Kirby Mr. Charles W. Dunn, Jr. Ms. Harriet P. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marra Mr. William D. Murphy Ms. Lori Radziunas Ms. Lucie G. Searle Mr. and Mrs. John Garlock Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Kirby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Laurent T. DuPont Ms. Jane Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marsh Mrs. Ellie Murphy Colonel Michael Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sebastiao Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garland Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kissam Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eadie Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Hillegass Mr. Charles Marshall and Mr. Michael Murray Mr. and Mrs. David Raspallo Ms. Barbara A. Selecman Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gehring Ms. Amy Kissam and Mr. Earl Sands Ms. Catherine Aprea Mrs. Elizabeth S. Eberhart and Mr. Jim Hillier Ms. Linda L. Naiss Mr. and Mrs. David L. Reed Mr. and Mrs. W. Sydnor Settle Mrs. Nancy Rothe Honorable Fernand J. St. Germain Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kleeman Mr. and Mrs. Dana Martin Ms. Susie Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Neeley Mr. Lawrence Reynolds Colonel and Mrs. Jeffrey Shaver Mr. Simon Eliot Ms. Maryann Gertin Ms. Maureen Knabbe Ms. Kathy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hodges Ms. Karen Nelson Mrs. Susan Riccio Ms. Margot Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elkin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gewirz Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marvel Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holand Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nemtzow Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rice Mrs. Geraldine Shearn Mrs. Joanne M. Emerson Mr. Stephen Gill and Ms. Barbara Holt Mr. Sheppard Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Mateer Mrs. Patricia Noonan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Richardson, Jr. Ms. Barbara J. Addison Ms. Patricia Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ernst Ms. Annmarie Horan Mr. Gary Koller Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mauran IV Ms. Kathleen Nordgren Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rieben Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Sheffield Drs. Christopher and Susan Erstling Quita W. Horan Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konow Mr. Kevin McCusker Mr. Brian O’Hagan Miss Annamarie I. Ringheim Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Gillmore, Jr. Ms. Jannet Shennette Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Evangelista Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horgan Mrs. Renee B. Kremer Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCall Ms. Catherine Oles Ms. Wendy Rizzi Mr. and Mrs. Sid Goehring Mrs. Cynthia Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fabrizi Mr. and Mrs. Outerbridge Horsey Ms. Anne Kubik Ms. Joan McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. George Oliveira Ms. Pauline Robinson Ms. Bella-Marie Goes Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Shope Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Fagan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Hough Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kumble Mr. Campbell McCrary Ms. Mimi Oliveira Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Robinson Kathryn E. Goff, Esq. Mr. Lawrence Shum Barbara and Cody Fahey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. House Mr. Robert Laflamme Ms. Sarah McColloch Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver Mr. Roy A. Rogers III Mrs. Robert W. Goff, Jr. Mr. Danny Sichon Ms. Mary Louise Fazzano Mr. and Mrs. Hal Bowen Howard Mr. and Mrs. Gerard LaFlamme Ms. Sheila McEntee and Mr. Brian O’Malley Mr. James Roiter and Dr. Janis Schaeffer Mr. Gordon Goldsmith Mr. Darryl B. Hazel Mr. Edward Sierra Mrs. Anna Fecerico Mr. and Mrs. James Hrytzik Ms. Kristine Langdon Ms. Kerry O’Meara Mr. Joseph Romano Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Goltra Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath Ms. Judy Simpson Ms. Pat Fenton Dr. and Mrs. Richard Huhn Dr. Leena K. Langeland Mr. and Mrs. Colin O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roskelly Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Gommermann Mr. Dennis McGrath Colonel Alfred R. Simson Dr. and Mrs. Fred Ferri Mr. and Mrs. John Hushon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lapham Mrs. Eugene O’Reilly Mr. Andrew Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. McGhee Mr. and Mrs. David Sjosten Mrs. Kathryn Ferrero Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson Ms. Paula Laureanno Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Osborn Ms. Leslie S. George Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S. Gorham III Ms. Claire McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Skulsky Mrs. Michelle Ferragamo Mr. Robert Hydon Mr. Christopher Lavoie Mrs. Anne N. Ott Ms. Alice Ross Mr. and Mrs. Philip Graceffa Attorney and Mrs. Leo McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Jan Slee Ms. Anne Fers Mrs. Jane Iandolo Mr. David Lawless Ms. Anne Marie Ouimette Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ross Ms. Alicia Grace Dr. Joseph McNamara Mr. David Slimm Ms. Katherine A. Field Ms. Denise Irons Patricia P. Lawrence Senator M. Teresa Paiva-Weed Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Rossman Mr. Leonard Grace Ms. Lynn McRae Mrs. Crawford K. Small Mr. and Mrs. Jim Findley Mr. Maurice Iudicone Mr. and Mrs. George Lee Mrs. Christina Palcic Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Rous Mrs. Deborah Grant Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. McVickar, Jr. Dr. R. Scott Smith and Mrs. Linda Finn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jablansky Charles and Roxanne Leighton Mr. and Mrs. John S. Palmer, Jr. Miss Leigh Anne Rowinski Ms. Donna Marino Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Greenman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Micheletti Ms. Maribeth Fischer Mrs. Mary T. Jackson Ms. Debbie Levy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palys Ms. Mary Roy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Greeven Ms. Amy Micozzi Mr. and Mrs. Russ Fisher Mrs. Alice Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. David P. Leys Mrs. Heather C. Paolino Mr. John B. Royall Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Grgas Mr. Steven Millette Ms. Mary Ellen Flanagan Cdr. Ron Jasiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Leys Ms. Andrea Pape Mr. Paul Ruggieri Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Smith Mr. William Griset Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Millar, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flood Mr. Jeffrey Jenkins Mr. William H. Leys Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Paquet Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Russell Mr. Gene Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Grosvenor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn Ms. Aileen L. Jennings and Mr. John Libonati Mrs. Stanley Parker Ms. Mary Pat Ryan Mrs. Carmen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Craig Grosvenor Mr. and Mrs. George A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Flynn Mr. Richard Sickler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Licameli Mrs. Carol L. Parsons Ms. Sharon Rychlik Ms. Mary Alice Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grosvenor Mr. and Mrs. Ted Miller Mr. Gregory Foreman Mrs. Kerenza Jerbi Ms. Evelyn R. Lim Ms. Anastasia Patnaude Mr. and Mrs. Erik Saarmaa Mrs. Amanda Snell Mr. Sal Guadagno Ms. Lyana Miller-Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Fortin Mr. S. Tucker Johnson Miss Isabelle Lirakis Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Patterson Dr. and Mrs. John J. Salesses Dr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder Ms. Cheryl A. Hahn Mr. Ed Mintz Ms. Sarah Fortin Mrs. Linda R. Jones Mrs. Jane E. List Ms. Ana Paulino Mr. Jeffrey D. Sant Mrs. Carolann Soder Mr. Michael A. Halperson Mr. Edwin Miranda Mr. William H. Foulk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jordan Mr. Brad Littrell Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pazmino Mr. Philip Santomaro Ms. Carol Southworth Ms. Helen Hall Mr. Blair Monroe Mr. and Mrs. J. Winston Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kafka Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Livingston, Jr. Ms. Clara Perlingiero Ms. Debra Santilli Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Spagnolo Mr. Charles J. Moore *Deceased 20 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 21

Mark Malkovich and Nanette Herrick Wine & Food Festival at Marble House Janis Buchanan, Sherry Grace and Jack Grace Teri and Louis Piancone

Steward Steward F OUNDATION G IFTS C ORPORATE G IFTS Benefactor Steward M EMORIAL G IFTS H ONOR G IFTS $250-$499 continued $250-$499 continued AND G RANTS Champions of $1,000-$2,499 continued $250-$499 continued Mr. Joseph P. Spang Mr. Eric Walsh Champions of Preservation Corcoran, Peckham, Hayes & Galvin, P.C. D.A.S. Sound Systems, Inc. In Memory of In Honor of Kathy and Ted Spargo Ms. Sarah Wang Preservation $100,000 and above The Damon Company The Farmer’s Daughter Mrs. A. Leslie Ballard $100,000 and above Mr. Blair F. Baldwin Ms. Mary K. Spengler Mrs. Stephanie Warlick F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co. Donovan & Sons, Inc. Lila Delman Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. John G. Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Squillante Mr. John Washkuhn Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company Emery Environmental Association Michael Hayes Company The Champlin Foundations Italian Trade Commission Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stamm Mr. Tarleton H. Watkins II and Fine Catering by Russell Morin Newport County Chamber of Commerce In Memory of In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr. Ms. Janet Atkins Fidelity Foundation Hotel Viking Shamrock Electric, Inc. Mr. Charles J. Burns Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Stengel Mr. Allan Watson and L. C. Welting USA LLC Thomas Jayne Studios Mr. Ralph E. Carpenter Mr. Terry Turner $25,000-$49,999 Atwater Kent Foundation Inc. Mrs. Ineko Stephan Lexington Partners Inc. Wheaton College Ms. Trudy Coxe and Mr. James Gaffney Mrs. Florance Weber Christie’s Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stevens $50,000-$99,999 Marbro Enterprises, LTD Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeForest Scott Dr. and Mrs. Alan Weiss Inskip Porsche/Providence Bentley In Honor of Ms. Lynn Stevenson The Loebs Family Foundation Meridian Printing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Mrs. Robert H. Charles Mrs. Debra Stiffel Monrovia Nurseries Mr. Paul F. Miller Count and Countess Wenckheim Wealth Management M ATCHING G IFT Mr. Thomas S. Kernan III Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Stone National Grid Mr. Robert H. Smith, Jr. Mr. Francis J. West $25,000-$49,999 C OMPANIES Mr. and Mrs. Terrance L. Stowers New England Retirement Solutions Mr. and Mrs. John A. van Beuren Ms. Lisa A. Whisler Chairman’s Circle Abbott Laboratories Fund In Honor of Ms. Nina A. Straight Institute of Museum and Library Services Otis Elevator Company Matching Grant Plan Mr. and Mrs. H. Hunter White, Jr. $10,000-$24,999 Mrs. John R. Donnell Mr. Michael Suder and Ms. Elena Restrepo Prince Charitable Trusts Petro Commercial Services Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mr. Charles Willand BankNewport In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sullivan Pindler & Pindler Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Atwater Kent Foundation Inc. Dr. Jamesine Williams Berwind Mrs. Ann Gambrill Casey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sullivan Providence Journal Company Bank of America Charitable Foundation Ms. Catherine Cahill and Ms. Katherine D. Williams Sotheby’s Miss Edith B. Casey Mr. William Bernhard Honorable and Mrs. Bruce Sundlun President’s Circle Roskelly Inc. Caterpillar Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eric Williams Newport Harbor Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Casey Dr. Ralph Sweeney $5,000-$9,999 SHS Pest Control Corporation Citi Foundation Matching Gifts Mr. and Mrs. John A. Williamson II Mrs. Ann van den Bergh In Honor of Ms. Robin S. Sweet The 1772 Foundation UnitedHealthcare Covidien Employee Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Wilson President’s Circle Matching Gift Program Mrs. Lucille Feinstein Teitz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Taylor Hope Foundation check Wainwright Investment Counsel, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Wilson $5,000-$9,999 Davidson Holdings, Inc. In Memory of Ms. Rebecca Ackerman E. Clothier Tepper The Rhode Island Foundation William Vareika Fine Arts, Ltd. Ms. Jane Wilson Bel-Air Garden Club ExxonMobil Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Thaler The Yacht Report Mrs. John J. Slocum Mr. Michael D. Wiseman and Coca-Cola of Southeastern GE Foundation Miss Elizabeth A. Burton In Honor of Mr. David Thalmann Mr. Thomas J. Kubik Benefactor New England, Inc. General Mills Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Slocum, Jr. Mrs. Samuel M. V. Hamilton Ms. Amy Thibeault Mr. Richard Wojtkowiak $1,000-$2,499 Patron IBM Corporation - Ms. Jane Pepper Ms. Andrew Thomas Ms. Jennifer Wood The Edwin Soforenko Foundation Heritage Circle $500-$999 Matching Grants Program Mr. and Mrs. Todd Traina Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wragg John Clarke Trust $2,500-$4,999 The Angell Pension Group, Inc. The John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc. In Memory of Mr. Thomas Trainor Mr. Scott Wrobleski Ms. Adelaide R. Stout In Honor of Crowne Plaza Hotel Atlantic Beach Club John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hull Ms. Elisabeth Travers Mr. and Mrs. Marc Wsol Patron Earth Share of New England Belle Mer, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Hull Mrs. Sarah Troy Ms. Dorothy M. Zanni $500-$999 HUB International New England, LLC Ben & Jerry’s Matching Gifts Program Mr. Donald Tufts and Ms. Susan Ross Mr. Kent Zeigler Henry B. Plant Memorial Fund Insurance Marketing Agencies, Inc. Coastal Electric, Inc. Key Foundation In Memory of In Honor of Dr. Mary Kay Uchmanowicz Anonymous Kahn, Litwin, Renza & Co., Ltd. The Garden Conservancy Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Mr. Harold B. Werner Ms. Kaelyn Ulrich Glorious Affairs Ltd. Meredith Corporation Foundation Mrs. Edmund C. Lynch, Jr. Rhino Shield of Rhode Island Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Curran Dr. and Mrs. Henry S. Urbaniak, Jr. H.V. Holland, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mr. Henry S. Lynn, Jr. Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Ms. Elizabeth Kay Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Urban Brokers, Inc. Michelle Rosenfeld Gallery NSTAR Foundation Mrs. Jennifer Vail Perfect Surroundings, Inc. Pfizer Foundation In Honor of Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Van Liew Benefactor Rock Star Limo Mr. Paul F. Miller Pitney Bowes, Inc. Mr. Jim E. Vegher and Mr. John W. Grigsby $1,000-$2,499 Sail Classics, Inc. Mr. Peter E. Blau and Ms. Beverly Wolov Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Mr. Thomas Veneruso Atwater Kent Foundation Inc. Sandra Liotus Lighting Design, LLC Textron, Inc. Mr. Ronald Verville BMI Technologies T.J. Brown Landscape Contractor, Inc. TIFF Advisory Services, Inc. In Honor of Honorable and Mrs. Vito A. Virzi Brooks Brothers Universal Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., Inc. Travelers Foundation Mr. John R. Tschirch Mr. and Mrs. Francesco P. Vitamia Castle Hill Inn and Resort - UBS Matching Gifts Program Prof. Edward J. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Dr. Daniel R. Viveiros Guest Memberships Steward Lt. Cmdr. Philip Voyer Child & Family Services $250-$499 The Vanguard Group Foundation Clark’s Security, Inc. Verizon Foundation In Honor of John and Ruth Walden A-1 Car, Cab and Van Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Walker The Computer Merchant, Ltd. Mrs. Charles D. Wiseman, Jr. City of Newport - Newport Public Schools Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Ford Ms. Kathleen Wallace Clambake Club of Newport Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Walsh Coastline Trust Company *Deceased 22 The Preservation Society of Newport County Annual Report 2008-2009 23

Richard Loebs, Jr. and Frank Ray Howard and Madlyn Fafard David Leys and Jerry Slocum Wine and

DONORS TO COLLECTIONS 2008 GOLF O UTING 2008 WINE & FOOD 2008 WINE & FOOD 2008 NEWPORT F LOWER 2008 NEWPORT F LOWER Bequest of Mrs. Julester Lina Balch I N K IND D ONORS F ESTIVAL A UCTION F ESTIVAL I N K IND S HOW I N K IND S HOW I N K IND Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Berkowitz III Newport National Golf Club D ONORS continued C ORPORATE S UPPORT C ORPORATE S UPPORT C ORPORATE S UPPORT continued Bequest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Berwind II Newport Tent Company King Estate ABC6/WLNE-TV ABC6/WLNE-TV Matunuck Oyster Farm Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Breyer III Landmark Vineyards Certified Angus Beef LLC Ana Parzych Custom Cakes Newport Daily News Mrs. Ruth Hale Buchanan 2008 WINE & FOOD Mr. Jim Lonborg Clarke Luxury Showroom Blackstone Caterers, LLC Ocean State Chocolates and Confection Ms. Andrea Carneiro F ESTIVAL A UCTION McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant Clear Channel/B101 Brooks Brothers Plantation Catering of Newport, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mohamad Farzan D ONORS Ming Tsai/Blue Ginger Coca-Cola of Southeastern New England, Inc. Canfield House/Patrick’s Pub Proven Winners Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fischer 2009 Wine Expo Moet Hennessy USA Hallsmith-Sysco Food Services Cedar Edge Farm Rhode Island Public Television Mr. and Mrs. George G. Herrick Alexander Valley Vineyards Mohegan Sun Hawthorne Clear Channel/B101 Sakonnet River Pie Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lydecker Bay Voyage The New England Patriots Hotel Viking Cold Fusion Star Roses Mrs. Elinor Truesdale Marvell Blantyre Newport Vineyards Intermezzo Magazine Dotterer’s Gourmet Condiments Stirrings Mr. Paul F. Miller The Boston Bruins North Shore Music Theatre Newport Hyatt Farming Turtles, Inc. Tito’s Catina Ms. Elizabeth M. Misener The Boston Red Sox Palace Hotel Williams-Sonoma Fine Catering by Russell Morin Walpole Woodworkers Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Morris, Jr. Boston Harbor Hotel Panera Bread WIMCO Villas and Hotels Flower Magazine Watch Hill Oysters Mr. Ron Bourgeault Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corp. Piaggio Group Wine Spectator Gil’s Appliances Whole Foods, Inc. Mr. Federico Santi and Mr. John Gacher Brockton Rox Baseball Pine Ridge Vineyards Yankee Publishing Glass Structures Wicked Natural Mrs. Margaret B. Schiffer Cabot Creamery Cooperative Radisson Resorts Aruba & St. Martin Hotel Viking Yankee Publishing Mr. Ned Sherman Carriage House Photography Ramey Wine Cellars 2008 TIFFANY B ALL Mr. and Mrs. Adams Taylor Castello Banfi Renaissance M Street Hotel I N K IND C ORPORATE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor Celebrities for Charity - The Restaurant Review S UPPORT Mr. Andrew Van Styn Certified Angus Beef LLC The Ritz Carlton Golf Club & Spa, Jupiter, FL Tiffany and Co. We wish to recognize our members and friends who have Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webb Chateau Brane-Cantenac Rota Portrait Design informed the Preservation Society of a bequest in their estate Bequest of Mr. Harold B. Werner Clarke Luxury Showrooms Sakonnet Vineyards E ASTER E GG H UNT plans by warmly welcoming them into the Conservators Circle. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Winslow DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park Seaport Hotel I N K IND C ORPORATE Duckhorn Wine Company Southworth Development S UPPORT A bequest provision represents exceptional support of historic preservation as Starlite Vineyards Lindt Chocolates GENERAL IN KIND DONORS The Elephant Walk part of a person's social legacy. The Conservators Circle honors these Talbots Coastal Living Entertainment Cruises Ste Michelle Wine Estates individuals for their far-sighted commitments. Newport Daily News Fairmont Copley Plaza Stoneforge Foxboro Newport Harbor Corporation Fifteen Beacon Stonyfield Farm Mr. and Mrs. Armin B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Pierre duPont Irving Restoration by Costikyan, Ltd. The Fireplace Sweet Sunshine Sauces Mrs. Ruth Hale Buchanan Mr. Nicholas L. S. Kirkbride Fiscalini Cheese Sweet Sunshine Sauces/Gourmet Conveniences Miss Elizabeth A. Burton* Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Lettiero, Jr. Four Seasons Hotel Boston Thierry & Kathleen Rautureau Cookbook CHRISTMAS TREE & CHRISTMAS Mr. Dayton T. Carr Mr. Walter W. Patten, Jr. Jim Craig - Gold Medal Strategies Chef Todd English, Todd English Enterprises GARLAND DONORS Mr. Edward Lee Cave Mr. James A. Roehm Greenvale Vineyards Trinchero Family Estates Mr. Kevin Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Damon Harpoon Brewery Upstairs on the Square Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Ross Cousens Farm Haw River Wine Man Inc Villa Maria Estate THE Mr. M. David Dial, Jr. and Dr. Charles A. Ryerson III Mr. and Mrs. Philip DiMattia Ms. Linda Brotkin The Hotel Marlowe, A Kimpton Hotel W&J Graham’s Port Ms. Sandra E. Smith Mrs. John Powell CONSERVATORS Hotel Viking Wade Holtzman Antique Ms. Linda Eppich Mr. Dennis E. Stark Mrs. Siobhan Thurston Hudson Valley Foie Gras WCVB-TV Channel 5 CIRCLE Mrs. Edwin G. Fischer Mrs. A. Theodore Stautberg, Jr. Hyatt Regency Newport Hotel & Spa Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery Mr. Jay C. Grutman Mr. Peter M. Walter 2008 GOLF O UTING Williams-Sonoma Ms. Joya Granbery Hoyt Mr. Harold B. Werner* A UCTION D ONORS The International Barton and Gray Mariners Club Mr. Joseph W. Hammer Mrs. Eleanor Wood Prince* InterContinental Boston/Davios Boston Mrs. Richard F. Hunnewell Boston’s Classical Station 99.5 WCRB Ivy Restaurant *Deceased Carnegie Abbey Club J Crew on the Harbor The Chanler at Cliff Walk Jonathan Edwards Winery If you are interested in providing for The Preservation Society of Newport County in your will, with a gift annuity, trust agreement, insurance, or in a Richard C. Loebs, Jr. Jordan Vineyard & Winery Thomas J. McAndrew, Esq. retirement plan, please contact James Roehm, Development Office, The Preservation Society of Newport County, 424 Bellevue Avenue, Newport RI 02840 Jos A. Banks Clothiers of Newport Phone: 401-847-1000 ext 142 Email: [email protected] Earl McMillen, McMillen Yachts Justin Winery The Spiced Pear 26 The Preservation Society of Newport County

2008-2009 Annual Report Editor: Andrea Carneiro Design: Roskelly Inc. Printing: Meridian Printing

© 2009 The Preservation Society of Newport County 424 Bellevue Avenue Newport, RI 02840 (401) 847-1000

OUR MISSION Great Houses connect people to a nation’s heritage and open windows to another age. The Preservation Society of Newport County is a non- Pierre Irving, Jim Aull, Nicole Hatzberger and Steve Golda Photo by Andrea Carneiro profit organization whose mission is to protect, pre- serve, and present an exceptional collection of house museums and landscapes in one of the most histori- cally intact cities in America. We hold in public trust the Newport Mansions which are an integral part of the living fabric of Newport, Rhode Island. These sites exemplify three centuries of the finest achievements in American architecture, decorative arts, and landscape design spanning the Colonial era to the Gilded Age. Through our historic prop- erties, educational programs, and related activities we engage the public in the story of America’s vibrant cultural heritage. We seek to inspire and promote an appreciation of the value of preserva- tion to enrich the lives of people everywhere.

PRESERVATION SOCIETY Barbara Rodrigues, Alberta Picozzi, Kelly McDermott and Beverly Nill Photo by Andrea Carneiro PROPERTIES Arnold Burying Ground (1675) Hunter House (circa 1748) Kingscote (1839-1841) Chateau-sur-Mer (1851-1852) Green Animals Topiary Garden (circa 1860) Chepstow (1860-1861) (1881-1883) 424 Bellevue Avenue (1887-1888) Marble House (1888-1892) The Breakers (1893-1895) The Breakers Stable & Carriage House (1895) The Elms (1899-1901) Rosecliff (1899-1902) Kate Botelho, Debbie Kammerer and Dena Pemental Photo by Andrea Carneiro Rovensky Park (1959)

Front Cover: The Elms at night Photo by Roskelly Inc. Thank you to Back Cover: The Elms sitting room at Christmas our Partners in Photo by Ira Kerns Preservation for their support: 2009 Newport Flower Show at Rosecliff Photo by Non–Profit Org The Preservation Society of Newport County U.S. Postage 424 Bellevue Avenue PAID The Preservation Newport, RI 02840 Society of Newport County

THE PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF NEWPORT COUNTY 401-847-1000 • Fax 401-847-1361 • Accredited by the American Association of Museums

Christmas at the Newport Mansions

November 20 – January 3, 2010