Readers are encouraged to forward items which have thus far escaped listing to: Christine Worobec Distinguished Research Professor Emerita Department of History Northern Illinois University
[email protected] Please note that this issue has a separate category for the "Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods." It follows the heading "General." GENERAL Alhasani, Mirela. Economic and Cultural Roots of Female Trafficking: Albania and Moldova. Saarbrücken: Scholars' Press, 2018. 76p. Alroey, Gur. "Sexual Violence, Rape, and Pogroms, 1903-1920." In: Jewish Culture and History 18, 3 (2017): 313-30. [Russia and Ukraine] Avlijaš, Sonja. "Theorising the Effect of Transition on [the] Female Labour Force in the European Semi-periphery: An Interdisciplinary Methodology." In: Sociologija 60, 1 (2018): 35-49. Belozorovich, Anna. "Writing from a Distance: The Post and Present in Novels by Central and Eastern European Female Migrant Writers in Italy." In: Poznanskie studia slawistyczne 17 (2019): 23-41. 1 Bemporad, Elissa, and Joyce W. Warren, eds. Genocide: Survivors, Victims, Perpetrators. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2018. 344p. [Includes: Bertelsen, Olga. "Hyphenated Identities during the Holodomor: Women and Cannibalism," 77-96; Lower, Wendy. "German Women and the Holocaust in the German East," 111-36; Kelso, Michelle. "No Shelter to Cry In: Romani Girls and Responsibility during the Holocaust," 137-58; Leydesdorff, Selma. "Narratives of Survivors of Srebrenica: How Do They Reconnect to the World?," 250-67] Bunea, Camelia Teodora. "Censorship, Shame and Pornography in East-European (Post-World War II) Literature." In: Interlitteria 23, 1 (2018): 48-55. Crusmak, Dana. "A Defense of Gender-based Affirmative Action, Based on a Comparison of the United States and of the European Union Models." In: Studia politica: Romanian Political Science Review 19, 1 (2019): 35-56.