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Volume 28 Lanthorn, 1968-2001

3-23-1994 Lanthorn, vol. 28, no. 24, March 23, 1994 Grand Valley State University

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speaks at GVSU \ (t 1 ii m e 2 c S . I s s u e 2 4 (it.ind \;il!e\ State l ni\ersit\ M arch 24. 1994

L ------by KaOleca Beatty. 3 H News Editor Z > About 80 percent of all dogs and cats used in medical research *<* are obtained illegally, a fact that both the medical establishment and governmental authorities are aware of, yet do nothing about, said Judith Reitman, author of Stolen For Profit: How the Medical Establishment Is Funding A National Pet-Theft Conspiracy, in a speech at Kirkhof Center last week. Reitman, a former business reporter for Money magazine, was / brought in by Grand Valley’s Students for Animal Awareness to discuss the findings of her book. The event was cosponsored by Ideas and Issues. According to Reitman, profits from die illegal sale of family pets for research alone total more than $14 billion a year— most of which is funded through our tax dollars. •— Dealers who sell to the research facilities, some as prestigious as Mayo Clinic and Harvard, can earn $ IS for a cat and up to $500 for a dog. Millions more can be made by selling pets to puppy mills or illegal dogfighting rings to be used as “bait dogs.” Reitman told the audience that when she first heard that pets 4 - were being stolen for profit, she found the whole idea “too incredible" to believe, but after a two year investigation into the

Steve Starks launches a pass to hisfellow pigskin heavers, John Jenkins and Garland Shorter!not pictured), as he andfriends enjoy the recent warm weather. Student Senate urges student body to vote Student Senate President, Len VanPopering said that because r by Katfcleca Beatty the senate plays such an important role in university policy News Editor procedure, he urges students to take their vote seriously. 17 “The important thing is for students to take the chance to T his M arch 2 9 ,3 0 , and 31, GVSU’s Student Senate w ill hold become involved in student govemment...whether they agree of it’s elections for the 1994/95 school year. disagree,” said VanPopering. The Student Senate has received nomination packets from 51 The results to the General election vote will be posted by the students, repiesentingmanydifferentareas of interest, vying for 30 Student Senate April 4. The election of seven new officers will general senate seats. Five senate seats will be appointed nex fall. take place April 14, by a vote of the general senate. Last year, about 70 students ran for office. “We’ve got a wider variety, that's for sure, and that’s the way Election Polling Places &Times it should be, “ said Michelle Gardner,. Photo by Nikld Boatman According to Gardner, Jamie Ryder, the chair of the Elections Judith Reitman, author e f Stolen For Profitspoke to students and staff last Thunady, March 17, in the Promenade Deck. Committee, and the other senate members have been working Commons 11am - 1:30pm many long hours to assure a smooth election. She said that they are 4:30pm - 6:30 pm subject, she can attest to the fact that pet theft is a “very organized, hoping for a large student turnout Formal campaigning begins syndicate-like network,” that involves the theft of more than two this week and runs through the election period. Eberhard Center 3pm • 6pm m illion anim als each year. Voting booths in the lobbies of the Kirkhof Center, the The event that changed her mind on the subject, she said, was Ebcrhard Center, the Zumberg Library, The Commons, and Kirkhof Center 10am • 4pm her first visit to a Missouri dog auction in 1990. There she student Volunteer Center. The booths will be manned by present witnessed a scene that she “could only describe as reminiscent of Senate members and volunteers. All students with a valid GVSU SOVC 4pm • 11pm () Deliverance.” D ealers stood ankle deep in mud w ith identification card are eligible to vote for up to 30 candidates. This their dogs tied together “chain-gang style,” between the bumpers year “Scantron” or “bubble “ sheets will be used to tabulate 9pm - 11pm of trucks and trailers. Most of the dogs just sat there “shell­ election results. shocked,” said Reitman. Please see THEFT, p. 2 r A Employment figures released at GVSU Women’s History Month c . by Lyaadle A. Tans A recent study from Michigan State University indicates celebrated in Grand Rapids Atmosphere Editor ' 17 that the job market for college graduates may be slightly improving. The study tracks college graduates as well as C by Carmel LofUs The Career Services office recently released an annual surveys employers about their expectations for the following : Staff Writer : report focusing on data from O ct 1,1992 to SepL 30,1993. graduating class. 17 “I was real pleased, because this reflects the year we were “The thing you have to look at there is it's a little bit of an On March 1, 450 women gathered to celebrate Women's down to two staff members,” said Ginger Lange, associate up turn, but that follows so many years of it having really kind History Month with breakfast at Rembrandt’s - Bridgewater Place, director for Career Services. of bottomed out, said Lange. We're on the way back up, on the sponsored by the Legacy Steering Committee and the Greater The number of graduates and alumni registered with the right track, but it's not to a point either where we would say it's Grand Rapids History Council. Career Services Office totaled 1,374. thatreal friendly job market for college Dr. Mary Seeger, Ph.D, dean of Academic Resources and Of those, 82 percent of the grads, you need to put all that into Special Programs coordinator at GVSU, served as key note speaker ff graduates are employed. perspective.” at the celebration. However, only 68 percent are It's a competitive Figures at GVSU are down slightly Woman’s History Month is celebrated every March in Grand employed directly in their field. from 1991-2 with 85 percent of Rapids. Evety third year there is a special celebration called Directly employment is graduates employed and 71 percent “Legacy,” according to Seeger. determined by an affirmative market and it's being directly employed. In Legacy is dedicated to the past generation of women, who have response to either of the folio wing comparison, in 1992-3, 82 percent of quietly or flamboyantly left their hallmark on the profile of the city, questions: “Do you feel this job going to continue to graduates are employed with 68 percent as well as to the women of today who continue this long tradition is related to your college being directly employed and are fashioning their own legacy, Seeger said. education? "and “Do you feel that be competitive. “It's a competitive market and its “Women should document what they do,” said Dr. Seeger. She being a college graduate was a going to continue to be competitive,” said that one of the examples she used in her speech was that of her positive factor in obtaining this ■ - ...... Ginger Lange said Lange. grandmother and how little historical information she had from employment?” Associate Director of According to Lange, students her. Ten percent of graduates Career Services should prepare and work on While giving her speech, entitled “Claiming The Legacy: We decided to further their education employability skills during college. Receive But What We Give,” she wore five different hats to show by entering graduate school Another eight percent are A national transition is taking place switching from the the five different aspects of her own life, and how history worked something other or see unemployed. word placement to more of a career services and development itself into each of those aspects. She also wanted to relate to other Lange said that in a tight job market those who have a approach. women how she took what she had been given in each of those master’s in social work placed surprisingly well. Ninety-eight In addition to offering career services and development, the fields, expanded upon them and now leaves them as her legacy. percent of those registered with the office were directly Career Services Office assists in resume writing, interviewing “The whole point was to get women to get stuff to the archives em ployed. techniques, and job and internship opportunities. and to identify pictures, to videotape their families, to do oral Please see HISTORY, p. 2 1 -.: ;* ■ .< - 5 ■ ■ ' J J* : ' ? i : 5 : .

you get a pay increase. This is my second semester (working).” Van Putten is justone examples of “I started in September. I have a the approximately 1,500 working r hr BdwluL.C>r— the trip to the research facility, “This as a system of ‘random watch them as you would a child. “I wrote the book to let people som etim es 1,000miles away, is one of source’ acqusition that can’t be Wednesday, M arch 30 know that it’s in their power to stop pain and eventual death, according to anything but criminal. You have 10 a.m. to noon Meet with representatives at Hotel/Resort Day, that theft That this industry has been Reitm an. collusion on the part of the USDA. Promenade Deck. Summer job opportunities at Michigan hotels and operating actively because it’s in the “The experience really dunged You have collusion on the part of resorts. Interviews from 1 -4 pun. my life, and I can’t really describe to research industry, and the dealers are, dark,” said Reitm an. you in words, even though I’m a writer, literally, operating in, again, nothing Reitman suggests that if your pet what it was really like,” said Reitman. but a crim inal system ,” said Reitm an. has been stolen, you should call the This experience, said Reitman, Oneofthemorereadily used tactics police and make a report Then you drove her to expose the multi-billion of “bunchers,” the people who steal should get in touch with your local dollar induatry of stolen pets for the pets for auction, include obtaining Humane Society or pound and send research, and what she calls, the blatant animals through “Free to a Good them photos of your pet. She also disregard theUnitedStates Department Home” adds. A law, said Reitman, suggests getting a list of nearby of Agriculture shows for the law by known as “Theft by Misrepresent­ research facilities to visit If you find looking the other way to such ation,” is a felony in most states, yet yourdoginsuchafacility.shesuggests violations. few thieves, if any, are reprimanded. that you d o n 't leave w ithout your pet. Foreve:r l Often, these pets arrive at the Often family pets are stolen in “Makeaspectacleofyourself. Let Lake Michigan D facility with their collars and tags still broad daylight from peoples’ cars or them know you're not going away. 0-3426 W3tileJg%VSU. on, said Reitman, but rarely, if ever, yards, others are lured in with the use* You call the media,” said Reitman. are their owners contacted. of a high-pitched whistle, food, or an To register your missing pet GET TAN SPECIAL # ^ If <^-2222 Researchers prefer companion animals animal in heat. The best way to keep nationally, call: 1-800-STOLEN-PET. 2 WEEKS FOR $25.00 Introducing the fastest ways to get through college.

Poor UaMab6l

01994AppU Computer, iKAanfrm m riW , to an rqttordto*mertetfWCor! i e'o Alumnus speaks on business opportunity 1 i : i 1 GVSU. His speech w u part of the said, “The job of management is to c . by Shane P. “Alumni in Residence Program." He create a climate to embrace change.” Staff Writer " 7 is now the president of the Allegan As well as speaking about byDJ.MMcMI division of Perrigo Company, a $500 management techniques, Olesnavage Staff Writer ' Mark Olecnavage, a GVSU J million business that makes Storebrand com mented on GVSU’s growth. 6 alumnus who began studies in 1971, health and beauty products. “There are several buildings here spoke to business students Tuesday, Olesnavage also spoke about the that weren’t hew just a few years ago, Week Boding 3/13/94 Total* March 15 at the Cook-DeWitt Center possible changes a national health not to mention 20 yean ago,” he said. about business management insurance plan would bring and As GVSU’s campus and enrollment C rim inal Sexual C onduct 0 0 techniques. expansion opportunities in the has grown, so too has its reputation in Robbery 0 0 Olesnavage received both his international market foe eyes of business leaden, he added. Breaking and Entering 1 2 bachelor’s and m aster’s degrees from About these changes, Olesnavage A ssault 0 1 Stalking 0 1 Student Senate News Larceny 5 24 any other building on the Allendale VanS tee land said the donor’s Receiving and Concealing Stolen Property 0 1 by Alan P. Babbitt campus, will be one of only three in name will not be released for a Michigan. Michigan State University Parole Violation 0 1 c Suff Writer ‘ couple o f months. Warrant Aireat 0 4 Z 7 in East Lansing and the University of Edward Cardenas, chair of the Credit Card Fraud 0 2 Vice-President of Finance and Michigan in Ann Arbor already have Senate'sPubbc Affairs Committee, A ttem pting to E lude a Police O fficer 0 0 AdministratiooRonaldVanSteeland existing structures. said that he had received1,000more Malicious Destruction of Property 1 8 announced at foe Student Senate It will be located near the north postcards to send to Governor John Indecent Exposure 0 1 meeting Thursday that Grand Valley end of the Cook-DeWitt Center. The Engler and House speaker John T raffic A ccidents 0 33 State University has found a donor bells wiU be rung every 15 minutes by HiQegonds. Drag-Retried Offenses 0 2 for its Carillon Tower. an electric program. Special music may The Senate also accepted foe OUIL/DW I ■ 2 4 VanStedand said the tower, be played during the holidays, resignation of Dee Feldt from the M inor in Possession 1 3 which will be25-30 feet higher than according to VanSteeland. general assembly. Transporting Open Intoxicants 0 1 Hit and Run 0 11 Driving While License Restricted/Suspended 1 3 Restricted License 0 0 H o w is STU DENT Haraasing/Obscene Phone Calls 1 3 SERVICES, Inc. Campus T respass 0 1 Different from a Speeding/Other Traffic Offenses 0 5 Financial Aid Office? Juvenile O ffenses 0 1 STUDENT SERVICES, Inc. Attempted Suicide 0 1 •p icW im in private M edical Em ergencies 1 22 funding from M utual A id Incidents Q 2 trusts, foundations, Total Offenses/Situations Handled 13 137 rsligious groups, and many other philanthropic ♦Total For Winter Semester, 1994 Every Student is ELIGIBLE for Some Type of As state and federal ♦On Mar. 13,2 students from Copeland Hell reported that their secured Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Family Income funding source* continue roomhad been broken into over SpringBreak and items totalling approximately to face serious cutbacks, $3000 were stolen. The case has been turned over to the Campus Public MM SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS. GRANTS and LOANS H private sector funding is expected to grow even Safety detective for investigation. faster than In the past CALL Toll-FREE 24 Hours for a Brochure: STUDENT SERVICES, Inc. ha* current, up-to-dat* Almost Anything Goes! 1- 800 - 457-0089 E xt. 8 1 5 MivufiiMuon is mi provides an Intelligent alternative RESULTS GUARANTEED! STUDENT SERVICES. Inc. has a databank to traditional state and The staff of the Kleiner of over 180,000 listings for scholarships, fellowships, grants and federal funding sou rets; loans, representing BILLIONS of dollars in private sector funding. at the very least, they We can provide you with a list of funding sources most appro­ represent • significant are intoducing some major changes, •etariirwinmnlamant v iwi n toiw and offering some new things! priate to your background and educational goals. government funding. Order anything you want, if they've got it, ®S tu d e n t Services, Inc. 6124 North Milwaukae Avenue • Chicago, N 60646 they'll dojt!______Also try their new quesadillas and vegetarian eggrolls! And they now carry Clearly Canadian, and Lipton drinks. ' (Special orders may take longer.) Campus Interviews

April 14, 1444

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[difroreatorginizations and -::■> ■ wlssents it: S S E ^ oObytudejjt vimW.BwIW Mg becom e a ' '•*" ‘^ ' " J^_ SK h h m m I h H m m k b Q H I ^ H i t is not « _ « ^ . «. mI*igL Wdfcf ■ U M T I l . l i a a M B B r n I t p a l s o t o 3 fK gK ^^telM V * «» «afeotoe»»j lam »« several on- ■ i ^^V^Sv!"!-||t!: who

' '-&* - v ^ C ^ f r B t e f i e o r Jilw to •« j 4k I k - J> I ^^^^^^^^^■■BBBsasV otuoteerG V SU and t^I^ZtZ^Zm lL m~~*j..~7{r7 I between the itodrati' I ■ o f B l i » i view * sa d tbe S w u ’i . ■ T I want to well known, and cpittd ^ ;M u sj|t< « l^ « |n ^ fstu d en t fldHtBiM nttitiBQM KlVdby ■ fta t body of students who KeOl D oaipi (11) I tiroogly 1Bnsedfordutoghsndwantto do believe in equality and justice. Student I something about it to mrire a difference for the university | except other individual’s ideas, fo *'' ,, *' !» ’*• 1 s»n«it strives to •coonxdith these 1 toii(| individual iMwMokaU^to'MtiM^VMO^d'oiln tefMgwaMl ...foe ritsdmte;<;ibf Grand Valley Stole tm a m m v JaaonKafis (22) After two years Univeirity and serve their needs to the .. - -X \ v ■' *0BC«^j«Ba^l5flW lVdIeyor I The students at Grand Valley, I have beat aM eto best of my ability. | : • | the community, 1 wanttofaein oa the I work on Housing Staff and the ’ v , , ' - . . C-' action and make « difference for* | the individuate w hofokTforSw Iei^ ‘Michael Loaey (29) Student theSmate. IwaibeaiepmeeaMiveof■>-; :'i.‘:;- :--V .lV : it>etta >motrow. 1thebs. ifricctod,Iiri]itistentoshtdent in Euriire CWb, Excellence, RHA, invMvementbnoiir eatnpu* is a key to Campus Ministry, and Student poridvegrowth here «t GVSU. 1 want •Robert Drake (12) As a RVtimefoc^iaiigrif!'::: ■Programming Council. Now I would to be a part of that growth by running v'v/ExuLjihj^’ji^ like to take theae experiences to w ork for a aeat on Student Senate. I am an ' •’ • We • • for you as ysai.$hident Senator. excedent listener can look at new lii*iSlilllE! •tot* I fiett to t mrolvcd by joining ideas andconcepts objectively. I want uncfaacked Seeakyiri power. . Z ach ary A . K u rm a s(23) (h av e to be a Student Senator that works tbe realm of power Work for yea. End agrwttoiyAftfig briefly listed two o f my main reasons clorety with the studrot body ensuring the tyranny and dissolve oppression! for running: First: The University has that Grand Valley State University is Vote far M llesh Blakey. Student Senate slid elected the Public been a little slow in making certain die leader of the pack in quality Relatkms chair for the Inter»Frstemity improvements to its compmerrystem. education and campus life. ^. •KrfettnBrookt(5) Xamniomtig Council. W iAthe PtWic Relations If elected, 1 would work with the seat I hold, I have matted the first IFC University and foe Student Senate to •John D. M ach (30) Do you want bocsBM': I :wiytf to ftf^ tlfrj^ d ly ': WWly H C^ Ifl tigiTlfl]| uiCnCWp lyw»* * the best of my sbitity to get all dorms an honest senator, with an honest represent AeVotoeofthestudentbody. wentoutandgotalldieadvertisrinents, connected to the Mackinac and answer? I believe that if a student’s I am a level-beaded, responsible, and edited it, and created it I have shown Manitoo aervers, get Internet access needs are to be fulfilled, things need to CO(K(ri)^todividiulvfaoitwiUiAg(D great commitment The kind of fwevcryone,andimpn>vethe severely be done and accomplished, not just dodicalem y time to serve the stodcnu commitment we need on Student outdated computer section in our talked about. With the many itOVSU. Ifelectedjw snt to continue Senate, AlthoughIbave only served Hbnuy. Second: I have been taught qualifications and leadership to revise the sBocstiooproceas in order o n the Senate fo r a short tim e I f e e l l that! do not have therightio oonqdain responsibilities I have achieved in to aUevittoaoiiMof ftt ooafiirioiL and hsve grasped the concepts and aboutsomedung unless I am willing to various organizations, I feel that it is procedures o f the Senate. fix the problem. Therefore, it would time to givemy support and time to the and istottf-foa Student L ib Fee, to be hypocritical to cr^cize either the whole student population. I was *DavidR,Evanoski(13)!,David Student Senate or Grand Valley’s appointed to the Student Senate the ' )--f >\ V K'. s R. Evaooskibelieve in standing up for computer department unless I am week after the Harpoon hearings, and A dam W 0 r n m m i would whatisri^tr^ardkHoftnypersosul willing to work toward a solution. I wish to continue making the Senate like lobe port of d» Student Senate to bias. As a newly appointed wtHfr work for the students. fintber the mtensts oftheetudenu, since Febnuiy of 1994,1 have already Brian Lake (24) 1 believe that Thank you, John D, Mach. Moit atudents feel that their best enjoyed expressing individual student moat GVSU studenta either do not concerns at well as coooenu of the . respect Student Senate or don’t care Grefcben Mauchmar (31) I like to make die change, student body as a whole. If elected, I about it There are some concrete believe thatadiversereprescntationof ixomisesyaystudeotsodorgimiaafion seasons for their opinions. I hope to GrandValley StoteUniveraty students •Edward Cardenas (7) Two thst lwiflrepresem them to the best of clear Senate of these contemptible on the currentStudent Senate is lacking. years ago Iembarkedon a mission to m ysbili^. I'm applying fore job^not factors. Factorsiuch as accountability I feel that the decisions made by the tivtvWAith' lltile-' ^ |; t ’;:'> ;j,':;pwhh*u I that have been tackled. “People know style that most students could only that a student senate exists,” said Van ...... -.. *y - dream of. m sjw .lM **! caig*in *»d pEwwwpiBM TOSNie, - «kl Popering. VanPopering is a senior in |tom A em «H «teindeSiittinf m m Q m & to k writ** M b *nd lljiPWwGTO H e is also proud o f the long term ingots, I i )m enjoy meeting and management at Seidman School of accomplishments that he and his fellow Business and has maintained a 3.97 ywr of expariwM, 1 e i a k eep worlring with ofoerearxi think working bring many creative ideastoOVSU. senators have been a part of. GPA in GVSU’s Honors Program. OM kiteterq^foebetterntentorJoe wifotffoto*towottMbew«ndttfo). I I feel Student Semin is foe moat “ Myself and the other senators Student"!- "> km «n organized and dMMaiaed effective way to Iring these tdeaa GVSU and the Michigan Association who are involved in the facility of governing Boards honored Van individual and would like the ' intorerirty. Stephanie Tttsier: Eat, planning right now are able to have an TTo®J* (34) I a pontoon Steep. Ro% , R aL .^S«M to7)l Popering in February by awarding impacton the direction of the university Iwate toftinvrilvedwifoteeStodent • a t a m a te r . him with foe “Distinguished Student for foe next twenty, thirty, fifty years Award.” senate one suae i teeuntu p iHMie: Jonathan Teyfor (47) I never I because of the decisions that are being Said Provost and Vice President Danielle Riffle (41) No statement thought of running forStudentSenate j made now. It's voy gratifying to be a Glenn Neimeyer, “This extraordinary subm itted. before. It’s not a “dream” of mine. I part o f that.” young man has positively impacted Most of the senators seemed like a I VanPopering stated that the the lives of students, faculty, and •Rmendo Rocha (42) My fellow bunch of pompous hfiots looking I Student Senate should serve as a administration throughout GVSU’s students, today I challenge you to vote out for their resumes, and I wanted I filtering process which reflects foe cam pus.” ■ *Cbrl*Ogue(37) Itmcurrently in your Student Senate elections. I, no part of it Butlatcly thingahave I attitudes of the majority of the student Len has been foe recipient of [on Senate;! was appointed second along with you, demand our voices to gotten out of hand. Abuseof power, I body. numerous awards and honors; but, by | aemuterandlam one who is working be heard within the governing body of apathetic attitude, and a gross “Representation, education, apd far, die most rewarding of all for Van with others for change. Outspoken: our pent. I, Rosendo Rocha, have disregard for have reigned I leadership are the key elements of foe 1 andopinkmatetUhave and will fight served you well among several elite supreme this ycar...and I’m fed up I Popering has been to serve as the Student Senate,” he said. I for the atudent body. organizations on campus such as: an with it If elected I will do my best I GVSU’s Student Senate President for VanPopering has a message for the last tw o years. experienced Student Senator, on the to represent you, the student and I administrators, faculty, and staff as he | ‘ Joyce O ka* (38) Everyw here Senate Political Actions committee; your interests. Period. I “ I have thoroughly enjoyed being approaches his final days as President; [you look, GVSU i* changing: the a t the current President of the Latino President of foe Student Senate. One He challenges them to continue to buildings, the clasaea, and most Student Union; these axe but a few of Amy S. Trapp (48) No I o f foe neat things about foe position is recognize the Student Senate as the I im port*^, thestodents. Now is the my qualifications that will serve you statement submitted. that I am able to work with so many students’ representatives and as a time that we need dedicated, fair, and w ell Wotking side by side with you ’I talented students,’’said VanPopering. legitimate and “ Full Partner” in the knowledgeable leaden that will focus and the student bocty. l shall make the Wesley Vender Whit (49) I "Not only is working and serving on operations of the university. on our own itauea and ideas and can aolutiona to our student needs eome believe that the Student Senate the Student Senate a great honor, but VanPopering will graduate in giurantae that we continue to have a true. should be a voice for the students) I it is also a great responsibility, and this December of ’94 and intends to aay in what goes on around here. Recent events have caused me to I is one of the main things I would like continue his education in graduate Since December, I have been a •M arilyn Sorito (43) 1 was question if this is true. I am not to impress upon foe future leaders of school while simultaneously holding a i aenator, actively and continuously appointed to Student Senate as a going to make promise*. I’d rather I foe Student Senate.” position in government relations. gaining eaaential experience. I have fieshman and continued to serve this state one fact: I am willing to cross 1 Van Popering's term as President “GVSU is honored to have such a proven myself conscientious, past year. I’m really dedicated to this paths with anyone who isn’t I ends in April. He added that four years talented and promising leader as a part concerned, and committed to organization and truly understand the I representing the students of GV$U. I of serving on the Student Senate is of our establishment,” said Vice- ! vocalizing the needs of s wide range I policies and procedures that govern We are the customers of a product, i enough, and that now it is time for him President Neimeyer. of students. My desire to serve you the body. Over the 93-94 school year education, andGrand Valley has the tfoongh the Student Senate issimple; I was appointed to the University’s responsibility to ensure that we I Iwanttosrethttuniv«rsityheadedin|T«i.ntteiMllh.nniHMiihjfw.«tMlin Facilities Clriltti.a T.elrTask Force Fnrr, asa a asa. receive our mahmmoney’s.'. worth. Goldberg’s job a challenge j the right direction. Minority Affairs. I feel teat my input by Alan P. Babbitt with a degree in accounting, said. “I has made a significant difference on •Kris Varga (50) To be a Staff Writer = enjoy working with numbers so I got ■ *Daw» Prattoa (39) I am tinscampusandlwouldliketocontimie Student Senator, it takes leadership, y involved in dealing with budgets in the [rutuung for a position on Student being involved. time, and a lot of hard work, and Wanted: An intelligent, hard­ beginning.” Sortie because I have experience, committee is the key to being a working student to serve as our Student Goldberg added that, while he will knowledge and the desire to be an successful Senator. Political Actions Senate Vice-President of Allocations. fondly rem em ber his experiences as a effective Voice for.foe students of submitted. . Committee, Newspaper Advisory This is exactly whatScott Goldberg senator, the job has been a challenge. Grand Valley. Having served on foe Board, Bosnian b rin g Symposium, has done for the p u t tw o years. A fter The Allocations Committee has to I Senate fo r tw o yeais, th e Senate has •Shuns Szalal (45) As a Student chairperson of foe On-Campus starting on foe Senate u a member of make a lot of tough choices when it handled many^issues pertaining to Senator, I will work to continue Housing Committee, pins being the Allocations Committee during the comes to a student organization's administrative policies to the re. GVSU’s growth and improvement I Vice-president of foeLatfooStudent win ter son ester of 1991, Goldberg was request for funding or handing out allocating of money. It is important ! wiU alto wotetoenture that theStudent Union all keep me on my toes, and I elected to the vice-presidency position discipline, as the well-publicized case for me to be a part of foil process Life Fee all of us (foe students) pay enjoyevery minuteof it That’s why by the Senate at the start of the fall w ith the Harpoon this put semester | because the issues deal with students . goes to support thedubs and activities rm rom tingfor Senate again; Senate semester of 1992. has shown. Sometimes the decision | directly. w e (the student*) w ant it to , isn 't always the m ost popular, b ut I “A couple o f people on my (dorm) handeddown may not be well-liked by love my accomplishments juat the floor freshman yesr were on the Senate foe general student body but has to be Robyn Rahfcke (40) By being Stephanie Taasier (44) With foe same. and that is is how I got involved,” made anyway, according to Goldberg. Goldberg, who is graduating in May “(Senators) have to listen to both sides of a story and then make a decision,” Goldberg said. “It might not be the mostpopular thing to do, but if you feel it is the right decision then Saturdays are for you have to make it.” Even after he leaves GVSU for the “real” world, Goldberg said he will carry many fond memories with him. care, “I have made a lot of friends here, and I see myself keeping in contact with them after school,” Goldberg stated. “I am glad that I got involved on cartoons, campus and cannot imagine not doing more in college.” trout LIVE ALTERNATIVE EVERY WED. & THURS. fishing, $1,75 24 oz. drafts UNIVERSITY and shopping at UBS.

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O A A I I R T A R W t DISCOUNT W/ COLLEGE I.D. B p v U f vUr R% <9 I w lm Bn 4:30 pm. 19 & OVER Don't even try to make a joke . Sfcaae P. Siabi a C ■ Staff Writer homosexuality in the Unite^States K. j Unfortunately, it is not reports o f bisexual and hom osexual possible to study o r w rite history u encounters between Indians u Political correctness is being now being applied to humor—and its own entity. No m atter how much reported by the explorers and everyone from m em bai of Congress to writers of satire publications are historians and their folio were yearn colonists. feeling the effecti. to avoid contaminating their Hsvwgaviewoftbe D on't worry, this will not nun into a long diatribe against interrelation of the past with natives, how w ould the colonists political coirectncii. Maybe tshort one. beliefs, values, and m ores o f the react toward the colonies they U.S. Representative Harold Roger* joked at a dinner Friday, present, they cannot ignore the foot established? As early u 1610, ‘ Feb. 25 that Resident Clinton was being named “Gardener of the Year” that they are unavoidably affected by Virginia had adopted an anti-sodomy by Better Homes m d Gardens m agazine. their own feelings of tbe rime in law. In that year, SirThomu Gates, Rogers said Clinton was receiving the award “because he got which they read and write. This is governor of the Virginia colony, first the Basket out of tbe White House, Flowers in the bedroom and pansies the number one problem when issued the “Articles, Laws and in the Marines.” The joke refers to Clinton's defeat of Bush, alleged writing a history of homosexuality. Orders, Divine, Politique, and affair with (Jennifer Flowers and support of gays in the military. Because of this, and because m aty Martial,” a code placing Virginia Clearly, it w u not “politically correct” for Rogers to tell this of the sexual questions o f today are under martial law—a law including joke, but he is not expected to apologize for the joke. based on morel mteqaetataon, social the earliest known English-Americsn Tuesday, Feb. 1, Rogers issued a terae, two-sentence statement; molding and theory are omnipotent penalty for sodomy. “It was a joke and that’s all it was. It is a joke that has been making tbe forces regarding view s tow ard M ost penalties in the rounds all over Washington.” homosexuality. Since social . 1600s and early 1700s w ere not Gay rights groips weren’t laughing, however. Donald Suggs, molding and theory change with directly for homosexuality; rather, apnlreaman for the Gay k Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation in New time, a lot of the specifics of they punished sodomy, the most York City, said, “I think that it’s outrageous that someone who’s there to sociological ideology must be prevalent act of homosexuality at the represent a constituency that includes gays and lesbians could make such removed in order to present a dear tim e. I t seem s strange that n ot until Regis Haitians a statem ent.” picture of what homosexuality war, the 1890s were the tenns Rogers has held office for 14 yean and opposes allowing gays has been, and has come to be. F or “homosexual” and “lesbian” and went on to say “1 have gratified in the military. As a politician, Rogen should probably have tried to be a over a century, homosexuality has established. W hat is further my feelings, by lengthening out the little more politically correct been investigated by social scientists interesting is that although there only kind of intercourse now in my On the other hand, it was just a joke. Granted, some jokes hurt but has received little or no attention w ere m any law s in the same power with my friend” This clearly people, but if you can’t take a joke... from historians. They have either categorical tense as that of Virginia demonstrates the fact that the W hich brings u* nicely to the Harpoon controversy. Why did overlooked, neglected, or been afraid in 1610, rarely in most historical assumption of our founding fathers the Student Senate revoke their finding when most students thought the to study homosexuality possibly documents are violators of u being clean, moral and proper WAR issue was funny? Even President Lubbers drought it w u funny. because of the ill favor attached to sodom ical law s referred to u (both by their society’s terms) is And, lart I heard, GVSU’s relations with Western Michigan University this topic. This stigma has also sodomite*. English settlers instead quite a misinterpretation. Some remain civil, if not cordial. perpetrated the reluctance to follow ed the B ible sod referred to deviated from England’s laws, but In short, nothing happened because of the Harpoon issue. preserve historical docum entation o f these men u “men lying with men” also from their own ideology so Except that they lost their funding. homosexuals. People in the public and to women changing the “natural expressed in their governing An apt question would be, “Why?” eye tend to destroy or hide historical use” into that which is “against docum ents. It's sad when you can’t differ in opinion without being documents of past deviance. But nature.” How would our country condemned or having your funding revoked. there is hope. Homosexuals and Practitioners of sodomy were not react to its new freedom and But it’s even sadder when a group committed to satire can’t researchers alike have taken a stand thought of u unique individuals. individuality? The nineteenth make a politically incorrect joke. and dem anded historical works on Instead, they were thought of as century acted u a proving ground homosexuality. This has taken place people who were joined hand in for this to happen. It w u a time of in the last thirty years, with a wealth hand with those who committed explosive urban growth and ( I c r s l o 1 h e of information now suggesting that treason, witchcraft, murder, and commercial development, forever there has been a history of adultery all of which were changing the sex lives of American homosexuals, as society defines punishable by death. This reaction to city-dwellers. In big cities them, in America, from early sodomites was applicable evidence especially, the social control colonization to present-day. to the mindset of the early colonists. provided by small town atmosphere Most historians who study They were doing battle with nature, w u absent, creating vast, new, homosexuality rely on legal and which they thought of as a unexplored territories for young men Student hurt, railroaded by GVSU church documents, medical opinions, representation of God. Therefore if and women. Employees no longer W hen I chose to com e to vaguely remembered her mentioning and/or artistic expression. The someone committed what they had apprenticeships and residence in Grand Valley, one aspect that helped me. He then went on to state that problem here is that these sources perceived as a crime against nature, employer's homes, making private me make my decision w u the fact since Grand Valley is a state were produced by followers of the these persons, or maybe all, would sex lives the norm. With the creation that Grand Valley is a smaller university, they are immune to such popular consensus. Since these be subject to the punishment of God. of apartments, boardinghouses and institution “who cared about their accidents on their property and he groups under study were looked at as This would most certainly result in a .hotels, homosexual “networks” students.” Recently I have been couldn't help me. I guess there are threatening to the predominant disruption of their well-being and evolved. Homosexuals could meet wondering if I w u deceived. This is just too many students to worry sexual and social norms, relying on prosperity which in a new found, and specialize in this environment not tbe impression I have received about and I’m just another one of these records can create a sense of hwdiy explored territory would Victorian Americans did not panic the last few weeks. On Wednesday, those students. What's just one bias in what they say. Nevertheless, certainly mean death. So, in effect, when homosexual encounters were March 2, while walking to class and student, right? a great deal of knowledge can still be fear of dying, which is natural to made public for one reuon: people trying to keep from being run over interpreted from these annals. These most humans, bred the beginnings of were too worried about the influx of by a front end loader between After speaking to Mr. are the bias for most historical- homosexual hatred starting from gambling halls, profanity in the Manitou and Loutit, I fell on the ice Doxy, I felt very put-off and thought homosexual research in the modem 1610 to the present day. theater, and ineligiousity. Only and broke my ankle. This of course he w u quite rude for not returning era. The American Revolution when certain factors were increased w u not the first rime I have fallen my phone call, and second, for the To talk about the history of was one of the most unstable, yet did anxiety set in. These factors on the ice this year. I also fell way he spoke to me. I could tell he homosexuality in America, it is definitive, periods of American included the workplace, family, and walking out of Loutit just a week obviously could care less what important to realize that although tbe history. During this time our medical sector. The workplace in the before, I guess you could u y there happened, or the fact that I pay my colonists brought homosexuality founding fathers, such men as nineteenth century became w u just no way of missing die ice own way through school and my with them, it already existed in many George Washington, Thomas extremely competitive between men this year on campus. According to missing three days of work because Native American tribes. Native Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton, This coupled with the heightened the information I received from of this along with my bills would Americans’ sexual customs were a molded our government into what it sexual division of labor, made reading the Lanthcrn, the excuse for make things that much more shock to Europeans, who applied is today. What attitudes these men blood-thirsty workers ready, at the not clearing the ice w u that salt did difficult. their standards of Christian tradition had toward homosexuality were drop o f a hat, to expose deviance in not w ork because o f the low to all that they observed. In certain shaped considerably by their the competition. The increased temperatures. However, the day I On top of all this, the day tribes, women and men could forefathers who colonized the land. ideology in the family w u also a broke my ankle, it w u at least 35 after my accident I had to take a exercise considerable choice in their Thomas Jefferson helped revise factor. "Wholesome" families led degrees. Salt would have definitely midterm and parked in the handicap selection of sexual partners—from Virginian law by bringing into prosperous lives, or so it w u spot at Manitou. The handicap spot helped that day. opposite-sex to same-sex to cross conformity with republican believed. This served as the social had more ice around it than any dressers. Even more alarming was principles. He incorporated into this control outride of the small town where else and it was even winner After getting home from the realization that these law s punishment for homosexuality atmosphere. Finally, the medical the emergency room, I called and that day! They can't even seem to homosexuals could be “as much (sodomy). All violators would be field played a prominent role in the clear that area! talked to Mr. Doxy’s secretary. I esteem'd as the bravest and hailest castrated George Washington did increasing prosecution of w u told Mr. Doxy takes care of men in the country." The problem not write the law, but enforced it homosexuals in the nineteenth This whole situation leaves insurance for Grand Valley. His w u that Europeans were disturbed at When one of his men was court- century. For the first time medical many questions in my mind. Does secretary asked me many questions. how much personal choice the martialed for attempted sodomy, he practitioners tried to define I told her a police report had been GVSU really care about the health Native Americans had with their ordered him “Drummed out of camp homosexuals u biologically and wellness of their students done and that my bills were being sexuality. The Europeans believed in the morning by all the Drummers disadvantaged. They also argued that sent to my primary insurance. I anymore? If they aren't liable for mainly in reproductive sexual and Fifen in the Army near to there w u nothing the homosexual wondered, however, if Grand Valley anyone falling on the ice, why behavior and could not grasp what return." could do to reverse his or her w u going to take care o f the should they try and clean it up? they uw . This, it seems, is the Alexander Hamilton, “endowment.” Thus a plethora of remaining portion. She said that she Other businesses around this area possible beginning of homosexual however, w u on a quite different doors opened to the homosexual. would give all the information to Mr. who are liable after all have discrimination in America. As Alvar wavelength than hit fellow founding Unfortunately more often than not. Doxy and have him call me. I managed la Grand Valley only Nunez Cabeza de Vaca wrote, fathers. He had a relationship with these doon led to discrimination, waited two days and never received worried about growing so they can “During tbe time that I w u thus John Laurens, a fellow reotutionary persecution, and even annihilation. acalL Friday, when I called him, he make more money? Have I just among these people I saw a devilish and aristocratic gentleman. In letters This would set the stage for what seem ed at E rst to not know who I become another number to them? thing, rod it is that I uw one man exchanged between them, Hamilton w u to come in the twentieth w u until I rem inded him I had This is how I feel, plain and simple. married lo another.” Cabeza de Vaca wrote, “I wish, my dear Laurens... century spoken with iris secretary. He then w u not atone. There are countless [to] convince you that I love you” Pi tee CHRONICLE, p. 7 pawM and staled that oh yeah, be Heidi LKibler ■ ■ ...... ■ _ jpisisai C m tO N IC lB , n£'.-V-'■ . .. - . ■ . Oliver North: fn m p . 6 W ith w hat happened in the surfaced, there wm a confrontation, amount of tolerance of homosexuals; disagrees with actual practice. So as late nineteenth century as a preface,, and then everything quieted down. even some commercials ire geared one can see, homosexuality has the patriot the early twentieth century was a This carried on for four more days, toward homosexuals. The flood of com e along w ay since those first time of scapegoating many of the and out o f these riots cam e a new gay groups follow ing the sodomy laws in 1610. What does problems of society on most resistance grotty, the Gay liberation Stonewall riots helped destroy some the future hold? Only time will telL and the minorities, with homosexuals as ooe Front More than anything, these of die major factors oppressing W hat it will probably take is a new of the front-runners. A perfect actions created an organized group homosexuality, but it (fid not opinion of homosexuality; but scoundrel example of this was the Nazi Party of homosexuals who were willing to eliminate all of the prejudices. homosexuals are dealing with every in Germany. One of the party’s speak out about their injustices. Nevertheless, their straggle is now in difficult group of people, the founders, Ernest Roehm, was a first Seeing this happen, homosexuals the Open and not hidden to the public American public. As John Locke >yj— a — once said, “New opinions are alw ays Suff Writer clam organizer who believed in who were formerly “in the closet” eye. social reform and was tolerant of came out end the gty liberation Since the gay liberation suspected, w A usually opposed, 3 movement the American Psychiatry w ithout any reason b ut because they other mmoritiea. The problem was movement wm formed. From then W hile w atching the the Roehm wm a homosexual on, there has been a consensus of A ssociation decided to no longer are not already common." Hopefully opening ooe-minate djalognre of Opponets of the Nazis used Rocfam’s homosexuals who, M e by little, classify homosexuality as a mental the American public can leam from US. representatives on C-Span, I homosexuality, which waa widely have managed social reform and illness. Similarly, the Catholic the history of homosexuals andbe noticed a rather brash attack ty a known, to create protest against the liberation. This can be men in our church no longer declares less discriminatory and more Republican C o h jih h iiio on Nazis. At first, Adolph Hitler daily lives by the vastly increasing hom osexuality a am, although it still accepting in the yean, to come. Lawrence Walsh. Walsh, a supported Roehm, mostly because Republican appointed to investigate Hitler fett inferior. But when Hitler the haaContta scandal had spent came into power, Roehm wm over 35 m illion tax d o lla o to executed and a new policy conduct his nseareh and war punishing sociological “crimes,” obviously trying to U aspherne including homosexuality, wm Reagan. For this extreme attack on enacted. This was called an honorable fanner President, degeneracy. Degeneracy, according W alsh w as condemned. the the N azis, wm used to denote the negation of the community, which, Around the same time, when occuned, deserved no mercy. felon Oliver North declared his H om osexuals w ere then branded as candidacy fo r Senator, championing enemies of the state. However, American families. Now, however, instead of elimination, the Nazim any attack on this soap opera goon decided to try to reeducate the or his war crimes unpatriotic and hom osexual population and convert unfair. After all, he was doing them to heterosexuality. Classrooms merely what he thought was right. were n o t the scene o f this On the other hand. H itler thought he reeducation. Their place was was right, too. Using profits from concentration camps where they trade with a kidnapper to slaughter were separated from other political of innooeat Nicaraguans who dared prisoners by a pink triangle w hich to oppose the U.S. hardly makes a they wore on their fatigues. Hard convincing argument that what be labor w m their treatm ent until either did was right. This rhetoric-spouting, rehabilitation, death, or execution. jingoistic quasi-mam murderer wants From sexual freedom in to apply his totalitarian standards o f Victorian America, to execution right and wrong to our country. The during World War D, the mere idea makes Nixon look homosexual had a trying time progressive. finding an identity o r self-concept Homosexuals played their role and Once again w e see a either survived in private o r died in Washington paradox. The man who public. Their w«s no self-imsgery to actually fulfills his duty as a public guide them in a revolutionary servant despite severe stonewalling liberation of their people. These and the virtual death o f available feelings were not installed until the evidence is demonized for doing his 1960s, a tim e when m ost social jo b . O n the other hand, the m an who standards were brought into not only aet up operations that question. destroyed Sandinista social services The sexual revolution, and and killed Nicaraguan civilians but more specifically the homosexual also bed to the country about it, is a movement did not find its ignition hero. T he shame falls on the man until 1969 in a gay men’s bar. who stood up for justice in the face Although feelings of discontent had o f a ch ief executive that was been brewing for yean, the passion determined to stop him. The glory for rebellion needed a spark. That (and Senatorship?) goes to the liar, spark wm the Stonewall Inn riots on w hose grave w ill rest the Mood o f instigated by a police raid. This time the Nicaraguans who fought for the the patrons of the bar, who had same liberty he claims to represent. earlier submitted to such raids, reacted in anger and fought the You can make a police, who were forced to barricade themselves inside the bar until difference! Don't forget assistance arrived. The following to vote in the Student night a crowd of homosexuals Senate elections! gathered to protest the previous night’s incident: police again w




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M arch 29-April 3, DeVos Hall Call TIcketMastcr Nows ( 6 1 6 ) 4 5 6 - 3 3 3 3 USAir -i— *- ■ajOaK were treated very well. Each morning, the group went out in pain to conduct surveys about the An experience in life welfare system. The purpose of the survey w u to discover w hat could be by Dm M ean. It area and advised the group not to go done to improve the present aystem. Suff Writer ' out around the development at night. An organization, Womenfor Economic "7 But, as you might suspect curiosity Security, w u also recently developed O fall the thmgstodo during spring g o t the best o f four o f us. to fight for changes in the welfare break, I chose volunteer work. The Thatnightfivemenweresittingat system. It is open to m en, also. Alternative Sprint Break program at the comer drinking 40 ounce bottlesof Of the 100 doors we knocked on, Grand Valley was a relatively cheap Old English beer and blaring the bass there were two responses. The line I way to go and aomething I wanted to in what looked to be a brand new heard most w u, “Go sway, I’m busy." experience. Chevy Camaro. Rusty Hash bint with Many of the residents could be heard The trip was to the Dearborn holes in them were overturned in the fidgeting with their doon. Some, I'm projects on Chicago's south side. This back. There was a small basketball sure, were looking through the eye developm ent coexists o f 16 buildings court; one of the rims wes terning hole. Others ju t locked the two or and houses 3300 people. Ninety-five forward; neither had nets. There was three locks on their door. percent of the residents are Made, and alto a playground Utteredwith broken Those who did answer the door 92 percent are on welfare. Our grotto glass, liquor bottles, and beer cans. were usually single mothers with two resided in ooe of the buddings for the As we walked through the or three children. The holey couch Top row: Amy Lohmen, Autumn Bertfoot, Tonya Sanger, Btcat Perry, Angela entire week. playground, someone shouted from a cushions were scattered in the Btucke, and JiU Maxa; Bottom Row: Arris Arrette, Amy Hinsley, Melissa The eoner of State and 31 at street window, “Get the fuck out of here you apartment The cabinets wereclinging Rettenmund, Sank Ochsner, Mike Wozny, Shot, and Dm Moon. is adeeolate area. Glass littered the 35 em t white-ass ho." The three girls to th e ceding; the d o o n w ere on their street An elderly nun worked on the and I then headed back along the hinges, threatening to crash onto the talk to a counselor, and to ask him if apartments with two floors and an 8 engine of hit orange truck every day sidewalk. As we passed a couple forest green stove at any moment any of the students would be interested foot fay 12-foot yard. One yard had and every night Plastic begs are walking wfrhatmall child, they looked There w u a soap opera on the in taking a trip to a small college in what looked like three graves lined tangled in the trees that line the street at us seriously and said, “Get on the television, and a baby girl, whose nose Indiana. The tiro would be independent along sid e each other, fo r the d irt w u Eyes glared at ua as we walked other aide o f the s tre e t” w u running, played with the phone u from the school He w u an older man pushed u p ab it Moat of the residents through the three heavy caged doors About 130 yards farther down the her mother completed the survey. and not at all receptive of the idea. He were either on Social Security, could into the building. There wasadiffcrent street there was a group of young men One woman’s eyes opened wide considered the issue a “dead letter.” not speak English, or just did not want security guard each night who stopped standing on thesidewalk. We chose to and rite moved back a bit and laid, “We need to light more candles, to complete a surrey. ua and signed us in. At least two asked walk on the other side of the street “You all not who I expected to see,” u b u t I ’m not breaking any ice,” he said. When we were not working, we why the heck we were spending our Nothing happened. she opened her door. She had already He did not express any interest snd did get out and see Chicago. We went break there. During our first full day, Arvette filled out a survey and said the did not thought that die students would feel to the Second City comedy club, the The building had a stench sim ilar took us on a tour of the south side. He think residents would be receptive the same way. A few weeks before, Shedd Aquarium and ate some soul to a b ird bouae at a zoo. T he air was told us how in 1971-73 die south side because “they just don’t want to take someone from a different organization food. Jesse Jackson w u also in town sticky, and there w as usually a pile o f w u 90 percent white, and now it is 90 the tim e to do i t ” attempted to get scrou the idea. It atoneof the Saturday PeopleUnited to garbage on the ground under the trash percent black. “When the blacks Each afternoon we worked with didn’t sound like the idea even got to Serve Humanities meetings. We shoot The walla in some areas had moved in, banks snd institutions moved children, ages six to 14, ataboys and the students. attended church and listened to him black adi marks where it looked as if o u t” said Arvette. girlsclubthatArvetteruna. There was T hat night, u w e w ere leaving the speak there had been a fire. In each neighborhood we traveled a gym, a computer room, an ait room, club, a amall eight or nine-year-old Everyone should experience an We slept in what used to be a through, he told us thenumberofblack and a recreation room with a pool and boy w u surrounded by a crowd of Alternative Spring Break, especially family enrichment center. Eleven families and white families. Arvette fuseball table. The children are grouped about 20of the children who had been men. I w u one of two males on this people lay side-by-side on the hard tile also said there is “no such thing as a by age and asked to rotate through at the club that day. Boys and girls trip along with nine beautiful women. floor. There were a few cockroaches nice blackneighborhood.” When asked each room each day. ages six to 14 were kicking, punching, Of the 70 people that went on the five but nothing to get excited about The why he felt that way, he said, “Ask the There was one little seven year old and hitting this boy with sticks. Arvette trips, there were maybe 15 males. bathtub, with its butterfly and flower w hites.” named Torence who everyone talked broke up the crowd and, u he wu Most of my group had never been prints, hadalotofgrimeanddirtleft in We saw Fairakan’s house, Jesse about He w u a fiery little guy who picking up the boy, who had a golf ball in the neighborhoods we visited. We it along with a few blotches of dry Jackson’s house, and a home of always had something to say. When a size lumpon his head and blood running all came with thoughts of what it w u paint Each morning one squatted and Muhammad Ali. Then it was, “Lets girl twice his size and age took a pool do wn his face, a little five-year-old got going to be like, and maybe even some splashed water on oneself to wash for get out of this black neighborhood. stick away from him and said one last punch in. All we could do w u prejudices. After living there for a there was no shower head. You need to see some white folks." something about his mother, he said, let him go home. week, intermingling with the children People could be heard outside in Arvette, a professor at Columbia “I’m going to kick you all the way During our last day of work, we and some adults, those ideas changed. the early morning hours. The first University, said there are many back to Africa if you don’t stop talking visited a different housing O ur group becam e much closer as the night > few of our group members misconceptions about Macks, and that about my mother.” development, Bridgeport. It is mostly week went on. We hardly talked the were kept awake by what sounded like some are culturally deprived. He said Wednesday I had the opportunity white and Hispanic, with a small entire ride to Chicago; but, by the end a man beating his wife or girlfriend in the racist mentality is an ill-gotten to visit Weatinghouse, a local percentage of blacks. Satanic symbols of the week, we got to know each other above. Our contact for notion. He criticized the older vocational high school. Three of us covered many of the bricked buildings. pretty well, and some good friendships the trip, Anris Arvette, warned us of generation for not pushing for change. went with one of the dub directors to Each building consisted of two were formed. the drag activity and the gangs in the He w u happy for our help, and we

according to Steve Nioolet, who led van, Nicolet said the 10 participants Spring Break fever... Revisited one of the trips. There were trips to had “bonded very well.” This wu Chicago, Washington, D.C., New fortunate because they had to work great. It w u a good experience for our break in Alabama with his girlfriend, together almost constantly. r York, Florida, Louisiana, and North .b y Shane P. S aatel. team and brought our team closer volunteered at a hospital as well u Carolina. (See related articles.) According to Martin Clinaid, one Suff Writer J together.”Plus,itwusunny and warm, spent time reading, studying and —Nicolet’a group went to Pelican of the other participants, “It w u a real and a Charleston TV station even rollerblading. (Spending time with his Island, Fla., to work at the Bird eye-opener to tee the kind of SomeGVSU students are sporting featured the GVSU novice crew on a girlfriend w u nice, too.) Emergency Aid Rare Sanctuary destractionhumana are causing."There tana and tome may even trill be spring sports special. (BEAKS), an environmental group that w uastarkcontrut between the beauty recovering from hangovers. Volunteer! GVSU’s “alternative” rehabilitates birds. of nature and human encroachment on After a week of “recovery” from —Jim Kilmark, who spent spring spring breaks were all veiy successful. After a 23-hour drive in a cramped it He w u particularly shocked by the tedium of schoolwork, a lot of seeing factory smokestacks on the students need another week to recover horizon just behind a waterway from the recovery. populated by pelicans. Yea, another spring break has come As soon u the group arrived, they and gone. learned the story of a ten-year-old boy, Optimists would aay that in just Brandon, and his rescue of a hawk. five weeks the semester will be over. It seems Brandon had walked upon Pessimists would say that it’s all some other children who were throwing uphill from here. stones at a wounded hawk. Brandon Everyone, however, had a week saved the hawk by buying it from the off and did something. The Lanlhorn other children with his $5 allowance. gave the tentative plans for a few GVSU students in the issue before his parents drove it to BEAKS to be spring break, and here's an update. rehabilitated. After a few weeks, the hawk w u strong enough to be released, —Angie Cripe, who spent her and Brandon w u ’ rough! back to set i t spring break at the Division D National free. The alternative spring breakers Championships in Canton, Ohio, were also there Tor the hawk’s release performed w ell but admitted she would and said it wu a very moving have liked to have done better. She experience. finished 19th in the 1 meter and 25th in The volunteers also spent time the 3 meter springboard competitions. feeding, watering and cleaning other With conflicting emotions, she said, “It still hasn't sunk in that it w u my injured birds. In addition, they dug trenches, built shelves and did other last meet with my coach and teammates, but it w u a lot of fun.” work that BEAKS is normally too understaffed to do. Pleased with what they had accomplished, the group drove —Aimee Gondoly, who went to Sumcrton, S.C. with GVSU Crew for another 23 hours back to GVSU. spring training, said, “It w u really Left to right: Sandie Marston, United Methodist Church volunteer, Laura Zwan. Chris Soderqmst and Robyn Rabicke GVSU students aid hurricane victims during spring break f by KhadUah Sraltli MethodistDisaster Relief. Along with the 12 o f us loaded up the van, took a In all, I think I had an ideal Spring United States, experienced a different ------Suff Writer - - j Grand Valley, two other groups were few last group photos, and settled down Break. Not only did I lend a hand to a culture, and even put all those years of present to volunteer help. The group for foe 18-hour trip back to West community in need, but I had a great French to use. As well as making 11 I guess that, in one sense, I was the fromFcrrisStateworkedontheroofof M ichigan. time. I met people from all over foe quirky but lovable friends. generic spring-breaker I sought a site the Comm unity Center, and those from known for warm weather and good Randolph-Macon Women’s College times. When someone says in Virginia were re-building a house. Ethnic Festival provides trip to other worlds “Louisiana,” I instantly think of hot Our assignment was to prepare the festive atmosphere.” year. “Eventually I’d like to see it take sun, Mardi Gras, snd exotic, spicy library of the Community Center for ----- StoffWriter----- ~ J The festival showcases many of over foe whole building. It’s such an food. use. the vast cultures'social dance and food important issue that more exposure Alternative spring break, however, During the daylight hours, several Stop) Whatever your plans are for while at the tame time offering could only make it better” said of us sanded and painted shelves, while is just that: a vacation, but different- tomorrow, change them. Fasten your glimpses into their customs and ways Williams. “I’m excited about this year's ami a little better. others painted signs for the local seat b elt for some o f the w orld’s best o f life. ' display. Last year the Sweedish booth For a ridiculously cheap sum I Methodist Church or catalogued the food and entertainment The Ethnic Some of foe attractions include made these waffles that were to die traveled for 25 hounina 12-passenger countless boxes of books bound for the Festival is back! Forget your lunch, ethnic .foods from China, Sweden, for." van with 11 strangers to a town I’d new library. We met and socialized forget classes, leave your troubles Mexico, and Russia. The food is Come on! Where else can you neverheardof,Dulse, La. Our mission with locals, mostly Houma Indians behind, and get a little taste of what genuine, snd oh so good! Were talking experience China, Belgium, Sweden, was to repair homes in the community snd some traveling volunteer. m akes the world go around. real butter, real sugar, real tasty, flavor Mexico, and Russia in one place? No in the wake of a recent hurricane. Sound Methodists. “A celebration of different that drips o ff your lips! where, except for here. It all happens like fun? T o b e honest, it waa. After work ended at around 4:30 cultures” that’s what direct Reshall Musical entertainment includes Thursday Match 24, noon to five, in We arrived on a balmy Saturday, pjn., we pursued Dulse’s night life, Williams describes this year'sFeatival. Native American Dance, Reggae the Promenade Deck of the shedding sweaahiits as the temperature which included dinner and dancing at “In a world where it seems negative, Dance, and the Voices of GVSU (as Kirkhof Center. Tickets are twenty aoared to 75 degrees. Cheddngoutthe local restaurants and a trip to the rather than positive, publicity cultural as they come). fivecentsapiece and can be purchased surroundings, we discovered that our neighborhood pool hall. The group dominates muhiculturalism, we want The festival is successful in at the entrance. lodgings, government trailers left over drove to New Orleans (1 and 1/2 hours to offer a taste (no pun intended) of attracting m ore than college students. So comean, walk through thedoon from the recent natural disaster, were from Dulse) on Wednesday, seeking more than adequate. Bunkbeds lined out the best blues and Cajun the famed the trailer barracks-style, and there city had to offer. were convenient bathroom and laundry Our last night w u spent feasting facilities. A dining trailer filled with on a dinner of crawfish caught in local food was open 24 hours, with a cook to waters (the town of Du lac is almost prepare lunch and dinner (I must admit completely surrounded by bayou) and that as I sa t in the dining hall at two in steamed com on the cob. All three the morning, I was reminded more groups then came together for a sing- than once of the late-night scene in a-longatabonfire, followed by lessons K istler lobby). in Traditional Native American Dance Webegan wo ikMonday, receiving offered by a school teacher at the instructions from members of United Community Center. The next morning,

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Valley makes pitch to surprise GLIAC, itself c b ; I M u A n t j . Naha has a 2-0 record with an EJR.A. savior the relief pitcher. Chopp usd of AJ Wetzel and Jeff Basically, first pitch strike, first pitch - Staff Writer * of 1.80, Mike Bell is 1-1,129 ER A ., The Laker middle relievers have Pratt. “I think they’re really gonna be fastball. After that, the Lakers will try V. J Rodney W ilson's record stands at 0-1 struggled abitthis aeaaon as compared keys to our succeu this year.” to nip tha corners orjam hitters inside. Hitters win bdlgamea. Pitching with an E.R.A. of just 0.93. The two to the rest of the staff. But that’s not to The Lakers will only go to the “We have a good group of quality w ins championships. other starters are Jeremy Deidrich (1- say that they didn’t leave their mark. closers in the event that they are tied or pitchers that throw harder than the If yea don't believe that, look at 1.4.00 ERA) and Clvis Ancliff ( 1- 1, Jey Zubal pitched three and two- in the lead, and jiat for one inning. nom ul college team,” praised Chopp. the D etroit T igen. 4.50 ERA). thirds innings against S t Ambrose, Ron Meyer will also probably see The Lakers open the home season Thi* season, after a 6-5 start in “As we got outside (in Florida), ranked in the NAIA’s T op 20 and did action out of the bullpen in closing on Saturday afternoon when they host Florida, the Laker pitching itaff looks, our walks-to-innings pitched ratio was not allow a run. events this year. the Tartars of Wayne State University surprisingly, to be in good shape. outstanding,” Chopp said. Grand “He’s a true freshman,” Chopp “We’re a staff that needs to work and then host the Oakland Pioneers on “Their consistency with the Valley walked 1 batter every 2.7 said. The S t Ambrose game was his ahead in the count,” said Chopp. Sunday. location o f pitches really surprised us innings. “Most college teams average first collegiate appearance, and he a t this stage o f the season,” said head one walk every two innings,” added “didn’t pitch like a freshm an.” coach Andy Chopp. Chopp. M ikeSiekienkiisO-l with a high “They didn’t lode that sharp last B ut there’s m ore to pitching than ERA, but Chopp sees definite potential fall in the six-week program,’’ just the starters. At times, even the in his 6’7” transfer. Lakers net city title commented Chopp, adding that it was best starting pitcher can’t finish the “He has the capabilities of being a hard tojudge the staff while practicing game. Fatigue, superior hitlers, control very good starter, but we have to make r ~ by Greg K se 4 _ _ tournament,” be said. “It was an indoors without umpires. problems, and overall bad days are some adjustments,” said Chopp. “ Staff Writer outstanding performance - a real team The starters have all posted some of the factors that lead to this. “Iwasalsopleasedwithourclosers K J effort Everyone scored a point,” he impressive numbers to this point Steve Enter what is often times a team's who made two appearances each,” GVSU’s men’s tennis team turned in a complete team effort las t weekend In Friday night’s action, Adam at the Riverview Racquet Club to win Tetzlaff and Matt Remelts won the the Grand Rapids City Tournament number three doubles flight Captains prove track is team oriented The Lakers won the three doubles On Saturday, Tetzlaff won the flight along with four, five, and six fourth singles flight championship, by S tu r t M y . encouragement they provide for each and body movements m ake him a great singles. Pete Finley took the fifth, and Scott Staff Writer ' other and the rest o f their teammates. teacher o f the sp o rt Having tied for the tourney Damp won in the sixth singles spot. 6 9 Coach Pete Rowe has credited this Being around to inatruct and championship lastyear, the Lakers won Rob Gulden took second in the Team. team for their work ethic, and they motivate at practices and meets when it outright for the first time this year, one singles flight losing to GRCC in Closeness. have two great examples to follow in he couldn’t compete, gave the team beating city rivals Grand Rapids the finals. Oneness. Kent and B esch o n s. added respect for him. Baptist Aquinas College, and Grand A1 Adams also finished second, Family. It’a one of those contagious things “I have a job to do, and I won’t be Rapids Community College in the losing to GRCC in the three singles This is the universal response from that motivates those around them to happy unless I do it” Hain said. “I process. flight while Doug Doherty took third the members o f this year’s Laker track work harder as w e ll K ent adm its that w ant no regrets.” The Lakers tallied up 13 points, in the two singles with a victory over team when describing their team. they get this sense of drive from each Donovan is a self-proclaimed while GRCC and Aquinas each had GR Baptist. They possess a real sense of other. “running fanatic.” He fell in love with 11. Sutherland felt the win was a good togetherness, a real cohesiveness, She credits senior Amber Johnson the sport after his first practice freshman Going into the season, coach Tim way to get the season off on the right strongs than any Elmer's product on as someone who motivates her year in high school. Sutherland felt the Lakers needed to fo o t the m arket because, “she puts everything into This free spirited sprinter confesses gain experience. “It’s sw eet to start the season with What is so unique about team' every practice, and is very self- to not being able to concentrate on A season opening loss at Hope a tournament victory and some camaraderie, you ask? Don't all teams disciplined.” anything, besides running, for two days College on Thursday obviously hardware,” he said, referring to the strive for unity? It was the great UCLA Kent and Beachoner’s hard work before a race. He channels this anxiety provided some of that experience. new plaque they have to show for their basketball coach John Wodden, who and motivation have made them two of into an unbelievable amount of “The first match was a tough one,” efforts. back in the 70s, was first to point out the top point gotten during the indoor enthusiasm whichin turn energizes his said Sutherland. “(Hope) already had a GRCC comes to Grand Valley that there is no “I" in TEAM ,” and season. Expect more of the same during teammates. couple matches under their belt.” today for some revenge in their 2 p.m . that individual goala are sacrificed for the outdoor season. This spring he will chase the No doubt, Sutherland was pleased match. the betterm ent o f the team. Dan Hain and Sean Donovan are records of his idol Brian Diemer, a with his team’s performance in the city Next up for the Laken is Aquinas At the cents of any bond like this the men's captains. Hain did not have US A Olympic Track team captain, who tourney. on March 30, also at home. No doubt is always a nucleus responsible for eligibility remaining to compete this shires Donovan’s love for the steeple “I think the team came a long way they’ll be looking to even the score keeping everyone together. The season, but since the team magnetizes chase event. between Wednesday and the also. captains of this team ae the nucleus so strongly toward him they voted him The great motivator Vince which m aintain this unity. as captain anyway. Lombardi once said, “Leadership is Kandi Kent and Kelly Bescboner Hain brings with him a very based on a spiritual equality; the power are the women’s captains. Both come technical aspect to his sport which to inspire others to follow .” It’s those Lakers sweep Tri-State from athletic families, which may may be a big reason why he is so qualities which make the Lakers explain the family like support and respected. His analysis of his strides, captains the leaders of the pack. by Bee Bailey directly to Tri-State infielders most of Staff Writer the time. J We hit some shots that were The Laker softball team added two caught and some tiroes you can get more wins to their record this past do wa and get frustrated, but it doesn't byMBteAreey win the division? Larkin, million dollar nobodies. ‘Nuff r weekend. do you any good doing that, and they Staff Writer 2. Cleveland Indians. Major said. Grand Valley improved its record learned that,” said Woods. “You keep J improvement for the Tribe. Albert 3. S t Louis Cardinals. to 9-5, with two come-from-behind going and things will go your way." Some things are worth waiting for. Belle will provide a little more 4. Pittsburgh Pirates. wins over Tri-State University. Tri-State on the other hand hit the The Pistons got tiring real quick. excitement in the home run chase, and 5. Chicago Cubs. Okay, I lied The Lakers started the first inning ball where the Lakers w eren’t, and if a The Red Wings provided some Jack Morris will probably escape from earlier. If they finish any higher, then well as sophomore Missy Waterman “Grand Valley player was there, a nourishment, but it didn’t compare to the mistake on the lake with IS I will eat this (pass the ketchup and led off with a bunt for a base hit. A booted ball or errant throw would allow baseball. victories. salt please). throwing error by the pitcher allowed the batter to reach base.” You see, I love baseball. Nearly 3. Kansas City Royals. National League West: Waterman to make it all the way home The Lakers committed six errors worship it like religion (and you can 4. Minnesota Twins. When will 1. San Francisco Giants. Without for the Laker’s first ran in the game, after committing only one even play it on Sunday!) It'apartofm e Puckett and Hrbek explode? My the Braves, this won’t be too tough. Tri-State immediately responded in the previous game. I won’t get rid of, and, well, why money says mid-August. Bonds should cruise through the season in the top of the second inning, tying Tri-State scored one run in the first would I even try? What else am 1 5. Milwaukee Brewers. Nice hats, w ithout even breaking a sw eat to lead the Lakers at one. inning and two in the second. Grand gonna pay attention to all summer long? guys. Pardon me while I puke. the team to the National League The game remained tied through Valley pitcher Allison Van Horn Anyway, here are my picks far 1994 American League West: pennant seven innings until the bottom of the tightened up and shutout Tri-State the (and no, I will not promise to eat this 1. Texas Rangers. This race won't 2. Los Angeles Dodgers. Should ninth when freshman Emy Myers led rest o f the way. issue if these do not come true as I did even be close. The Rangers win simply probably take up Cubs’ cry of “Wait o ff with a single. The Lakers then put together a two yean ago). because they will be the only team in ‘till next year.” Then the Lakers used their home seven run inning in the bottom of the American Leeguc East: the division with a winning record. 3. ColoradtbRockies. field advantage. Waterman laid down sixth. Base hits by Waterman, James 1. Toronto Blue Jays. The best 2. Seattle Mariners. 4. San Diego Padres. Do they a bunt that stuck in the soggy, early and a walk by Vineyard loaded the team in baseball’s toughest division 3. Oakland Athletics. have enough people left to even field a spring ground. It plopped just out of bases for Junior Kathy Wagner. will again keep the division flag in the 4. California Angels. team? the reach of the catcher and by the time Wagner walked and the first of the land of the Maple Leaf. National League East: In the American League, the Blue Tri-State pitcher Heather Lash turned runs scored. Other key hits that inning 2. Detroit Tigers. Some people 1. Atlanta Braves. Butnot without Jays, White Sox, Rangers, and (ready to make the throw to first, Waterman came from junior Sberet Knola, a may say I'm dreaming to pick the a challenge. The majors best pitching for this?) Indians will make the was running through the bag and Myers sacrifice fly from freshman Lori Meads, Bengali this high, but don'tcountthem staff will probably remain healthy, playoffs. was at second. a hit by pitch for sophomore Lisa out They could even conceivably win leaving the only question of which of In theNational League, my clouded Senior Maggie James laid down a Stevens, a ground out that scored a run the division. them to give the Cy Young award to. crystal ball tells me that the Braves, bunt identical to Waterman's to load for freshman Nicci Koch, an error that 3. Baltimore Orioles. 2. Philadelphia Phillies. They Astros, Giants, and Phillies will make the bases and Senior Vicky Vineyard, allowed junior Casey Blackwell to 4. New Ymk Yankees. Look for weren't a fluke, but will suffer from post-season play. who already had a double that day in reach base, and another Witerman hit. this sign on the Yanks’clubhouse door: the realignment this season. But the Fall Classic pick is tough. four at-bats, hit the ball over the center “A team that when not playing Desperately needed., one straw to stir 3. Montreal Expos. After battling with tlfc options, there is fielder's head which allowed Myers to well and can still come and get a win Long Island’s largest ice tea, which 4. Florida Marlins. really only one choice. Toronto and score and the Lakers to win. shows some character,” said Woods. has been a little (fry since, oh, 1981. 5. New York Mets. Atlanta have arguably the best teams “That was a day to bunt,” said “And gives me some more gray hairs,” A pplicant m ust have own candy bar. National League Central: in baseball, but they won’t be there coach Doug Woods. “We played to he added. 5 . Boston Red Sox. 1. Houston Astros. Just because when the champagne flies. ... the field conditions. We have pretty Waterman had five hits in nine at American League Central: they're in the NL’s weakest division. Chicago. The Pale Hose will itage decent speed and they were hard plays bats for the day. James went four for 1. Chicago While Sox. Frank The Reds and Cards will be leu than a dramatic comeback, down 3-1, to for the fielders to make.” seven. Van Horn (4-3) as well as Thomas, JuKo Franco, Robin Ventura. five games back at the end of the defeat San Francisco, despite Barry In the second game. Grand Valley junior Kim Sebesta (5-2) received wins Roberto Hernandez, Tim Raines, Jack season. Bonds finally waking up from his post­ hit the ball. In fact, they hit the ball for the L aken. McDowelL How can these guys not 2. Cincinnati Reds. Except Barry season hibernation. V-B last year. His resume qualifies him to ,, ...... be the best pitcher on the staff. Grand Valley snubbed ives winter Mickey Tettleton may be the best other courses in the areaby the opening catcher in the American League and it by MHSAA Course opens May 15 date. would be ahefty price, considering the Looking through the high school There are still some patches in the offense he brings to the lineup, but brackets, Icouldn’thelp but be repulsed c Brian Ratfeswrtd fairways and roughs that need to be we’ve got plenty of offense in Detroit. by the lack of respect the Fieldhouse Sport! Editor seeded. We won’t miss him as much u gets as it is constantly snubbed by c Antya says that typically, new everybody thinks. getting lesser quality games. The warm temperatures last courses need to be continually seeded In fact, Chad Krueter, who The last time G rind Valley hosted weekend are beginning to thaw out in the first coqple of years until the plrtooned with Tettleton, hit better than a great game was in 1992whenHo&and golf bags everywhere. grass grow s in. 280 last year and did a sound job C hristian said Calvin C hristian gutted So how long will it be before the When the course does open, behind the plate will fit in nicely as a it out before a sold-out Fieldhouse. Meadows opens for play? ten stive general rates will be $28 foil timer. In 1993, feat region w u moved to According to Cathy Antya, dollars for 18 holes during the week The only problem wi A at Grant High School where I told the groundskeeper at the Meadows, the and $33 on weekends. all is the fact that M cDowell is a free gym is less than half thecapacityofthe course IooIb like it will be ready for Students recieveadiscount, paying agent at the end o f the year. I f M ike arena. play by M ay 15. $10, w ith a valid student ID. DHtch can break the bank to keep Cecil This year, Grand Valley recieved The course came through the According to Director ofthe It NMM that baling other (ports in the lineups he can certainly find a the Gass C regional! with Calvin win ter very well. It's drying up nicely." Meadows, Tenry Sack, members of the writer* is in style there d*ya,«o keeping few rolls o f quarters fo r B lack Jack. Christian winning again, but the teal After the rain the other night there board are still trying to define what with the trend, I m at say that Rob Imagine the rotation: McDowell, snub comes when P aris State hosted were some puddles, but it’s almost will qualify a student to receive a P a tte r h a n ’t g o t a d u e . Mike Moore, John Doherty, Tim the Class C quarterfinals between drained today. discount W hat kind of brainless dolt would Belcher and Dsvid Wells. Calvin Christian and Pewamo- Antya says that despite the early "We don't want somebody to take believe that the Tigers shouldn't trade The starting lineup won’t look bad Westphalia. drainage perfbm ance, it is too early to a basketweaving course during the Mickey Tettleton for Jack McDowell? eith er The Fieldhouse staff does the best tell how well the course will drain, summer and then go get an ID and play Seems to me like Rob got one too CF Eric Davis job possible for hosting such a adding that by Summer or Fall they at the discounted rate. W ejustwantto many shots to the head during his 2B/OF Tony Phillips tournament Our arena is larger and w ill be able to make an estim ation. make sure we don't get scammed," charity boxing fightwi&DetrcitNews SS Travis Hyman better suited for a game between the Another problem that can haunt a Sack said. writer Terry Porter at the Palace last IB C edi Fielder two schools (It’s only 15 minutes course during the spring thaw is a One thing that is dear, there will month. ESI Alan Tram m ell outside Grand Rapids as oposed to the condition called snow mold. be no discount during weekends. What is the ooe thing the Tigers 3B Chris Gomez 45 minute drive up to not so Big Snow mold occurs on grass that is "We’ll be too busy then," Sack said need m ost? Pitching. LF Juan Samuel (what a spring!) Rapids). covered by snow for a period of time, due to the demand for the course. Now, let’s think about this. C Krueter If anything. Grand Valley deserved making the grass appear grey in color. "The Bored (of Control) made it McDowell is the winningestpilcherof RF Danny Bautista/ Kiik Gibson at least a Class B regional this y ea if In severe cases, it can kill grass, clear that the golf course pays for itself, the 90s. He won the Cy Young award The biggest problem that would not something more important- We but in most cases only slows the but we still think that $10 is a good face the Tigers is relief pitching. have the facilities, we have the ability, greening of the grass. price fo r students." If the Tigers get some kind of anditwouldabo givevisiting students "A fotof people see it on their own The National Golf Academy, relieffhmabullpen that includes Mike a chance to see a campus that is feat lawns but don't recognize i t" located across the street from the HennetnanandStorm Davis, the Tigers becoming the best in all of West According to Antya, the Meadows Meadows, is currently open for private may suprise the toughest division in M ichigan. doesn't have much snow mold and lessons and will be open for general baseball playing conditions will be as good as use on A pril 4. The Lakers open the g* ■ aw a.a ■ ■ ra r a s a a s mj GLIAC season, hosting a pair of double headers against Wayne State on Saturday and Oakland University on Sunday. First pitch for game one each day isl: 00p jn .

Softball: The Lady L a k m host ||| | doubleheaden with Alms College T h e Friday at 330 p.m. and Spring Arbor College Saturday at 1:00 p jn . IlNTERVIEW Track: The men's and women's track teams travel to Huntington u i t Indiana for the Huntington relays, S Saturday at 10KX) am . '

Tennis: The Laker men's tennis team opens its home season today hosting GRCC at 3 pm . j Crew: The Crew Chib faces off with other Midwest colleges in !;! Whether you're a valid student;! South Bend at the Notre Dame Classic on Saturday. Firstraceis !| shopping for I.D. at any j; at 8 am . Purchase ;! the all-important Redwood & || !;! business suit or a n \ Ross store ;! (. 'millinii\\c \ i 'in Minin building your and receive j; in t ..t::t < !ii;-4. Redw ood i’s\ . i.i> 1 . . !|l post-college a 20% discount\* S H l.i ] \\ 1 11 lv !;! wardrobe, Ross on the suit of ;! i >i Ui'l.lU ii . \ 11 .Is ;!; there's no better your choice. !|! suit and Our educational database contains !j! time to purchase information on more than 4,000 graduation concentration areas, ;! than right now. receive Visit one of our;!; representing over 1,000 schools. This makes it easy to find the jj stores today and!;! program that's right for you. a 2 0 0 ;! Between now take advantage;!; We eliminate the hours spent discount. researching graduate programs and jland March 31, of this very ;!; the time-consuming effort of contacting graduate schools for !; simply present special offer. !;! more information. Wecan provide:

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o x g ) ( o ) iTtS PROBABLY Time Fob a new LlFESTytE CAMPUS View ABUTMENTS' a holy tenor, Caroline has a motherly- m otha and brotha's family will arrive seem to ahnoa become buddia. love attitude toward Jessie: “He just ■ la ta for d in n a . The r a t of the fam damily arrives has a great imagination,” she says. Gus attempts to stay calm, but has for dinna, andGus’plan takes action: Lloyd replies, “Yeah, the kind of difficulty as be Battens to Uoyd and he has locked Jessie in the upstairs imagination that the Mafia gives Caroline. Gus gets in contact with closet, and Caroline and Uoyd a c ta scholarships for." Murray. After threatening Murray the luippy couple hosting Christmas Gus narrowly escapes from because he left him, Gus instructs dinna. Gus dons a suit of Lloyd’s and Cannibal to find that his partner Murray to find a boa for them to pretends to be the maniagje counselor. Murray, whom Gus had instructed to escape on. Gus must wait where he is D r. W ong. wait fia him no matter what, had fled until Murray calls to let him know he is Lloyd’s brotha Gary has a family the scene. Gus walks to a convenience rea d y :' that is as nuts as they come, and his .store. ■ Gus looks around the house and motha is just a bad. Some police Lloyd and Caroline leave Dr. attempts to form apian, while Caroline friends arrive to wish Gary and his W ong's and drive towards their home, and Lloyd are left to themselves, tied family a m aty Christmas. arguing all the way. They decide to up on chairs in the kitchen, to hurl yet The antics beat up when Caro line’s stop a a convenience store... more insults. “You want to sleep with Scandinavian Christmas dinna(whefe And they m eet Caroline goes in him, don’t you?” Lloyd accuses. “So all must w ea a crown of burning the sta te alone, and Gus puts a gun in why are you so frightened?” candles on their heads) turns upside h a back. They head to theca, and Gus Caroline replies, “I’m frightened down when a drunk Caroline begins instructs Lbyd to take him to their because I have feelings. Didn’t your insulting everyone and demands a home a f ta they hear on the radio that alien leaden teach you that before they divorce from Lloyd. Gus looks on the the police are searching for the thief sent you here?” whole time, commenting that that got away. Gus is in need of some band aids to “Connecticut is the fifth ring of helL” c -fey Lari GrwtaMa- face with a gigantic dog named The entire way back to their home, cover the spot that Cannibal had Leary is great in this film. In fact, Suff Writer ' Cannibal. Lloyd and Caroline ague, even though attached himself to so Caroline takes he is the film. The plot, if anything, is % J Caroline and Lloyd (Judy Davis Gus is waving the gun at them, him ups tain, while telling him h a cute, but it lacks much depth. After a Tike one expat thief and combine and Kevin Spacey, respectively) are in screaming for them to shut up. They life’s story and all the problems in it. while, you kindaknew what was going him with one of the most dysfunctional the middle of a session with a marriage only stop for a few seconds before the Gus soon is side of listening: “What to happen in the end. families since the Bundys and you get counselor named Dr. Wong. Right insults begin to fly again. “I’ve hijacked are we, girlfriends here? Do I give a Leary’s performance is a hit—the The Rtf, t Christinas stay even betta away, the audience can see the friction my f—ing parents,” Gus comments s— about this?” whole audience w u laughing a his Am Home Alone. between these two—she had an affair unbelievably. Gus decides to take the two to their angry-like humor, which, I must advise, Gus (Denis L es^) is in the middle and dreamsofhis head being served to InsideCvoline and Lloyd's home, bedroom upstairs and tie them on the you should b e a least som ewhat o f a of a robbery when a booby trap ha on a platter. They ague about Gus ties the two up with bungee cord. bedposts until Jessie comes home. fan of before venturing to see this film. interrupts his plan that would lead everything, including their son. Lloyd They inform Gus that Jessie will soon Jessie’s smartass attitude grates on If you enjoy Leary’s ranting him to Jamaica and leaves him face to thinks that Jessie (Rob Steinilla Jr.) is be home from school and that Lloyd’s Gus’ nerves at first, and then they monologues, you’ll love The R tf.

The Week Ahead Shakespearean Festival art contest A camput-wide art contest be ready to submit their entries for early deadline for competition this Lydstrate A classical Greek comedy by Aristophanes, satirizing men featuring student work on the theme of judging by Septemba 19. Visual art Winter semester when auditions are “Celebrating Shakespeare” ha been entries (2-dimensional and 3- and their wars, performed by students in the Theatre Communications held for eight of the thirty roles in launched by the GVSU Shakespeare dimensional) will be displayed in the program. March 24,25,26,27,31 and April 1,2 at the Louis Armstrong Shakespeve’s play on April 23 and Festival Committee. Sponsored by the Calda Galleiy, with musical entries Theatre, C alda Fine Arts Center. Performances are at 8 p.m., except March 24. These students will receive large drama students of S.T.A.G.E. and (vocal and instrumental) being 27, which is a 2 p.m. Admission: genaaL $5; students, $3; K-12 and cah awards in addition to campus Alpha Psi Omega Honor Society, the performed at the grand opening seniors, $ 1. housing for the extra two-week competition willawaidova$3,000in reception on September 25. Winning rehearsal period. cah prizes to student writers, visual writers will present their fiction and thru March 31 Ed Ptuchke: Selected Works from the Ed and Full details about the competition artists, musical performers, and actors, non-fiction work at the Gallery Waldrine Paschke Collection and the Phyllis Kind Gallery. Various media rules and guidelines will be available All students enrolled during the receptions during the Festival week, spanning the artists career. Free and open to the public. Hours are Mon., in the Arts & Humanitiet Dean’s Office Fall 1994 semester are eligible to Septemba 27-30, and student actors in Lake Superior Hall on Shakespeare’s Tues., W edandFri. 10:00 am . to 5:00p.m., andThur. KhOO am .-7:00p.m . participate, and the Festival Committee will perform in the mainstage birthday, April 23. For more urges interested artists to begin production of A Midsummer Night's M arch 24 A rtist Ed Paschke conducts a slide presentation on his work, information, call Professor Ellis in the planning now for work on Dream, Septemba 23- Octoba 1. Theatre Com munications O ffice, 121 followed by a reception. Free. Louis Armstrong Theatre, Calda Fine Arts Shakespearean themes. Students must Student actors will meet a special Lake Superior Hall. C enter. 2:30 p m .

M arch 25 &27 Cinema tech presents Pink Floyd’s The Wall NufT said. Director Alan Parka. 7 p.m. Mainsail Kirkhof Center. Oscar night winners: theirs & ours March 25 12 noon: Lunchbreak. The GVSU String Quartet Free. 6v G rtf H i n a incredibly difficult role in “The Piano" the best film director in history. Cook-D eW itt Center. Staff Writer In h a acceptance speech said, “I “To the educators, I implore used to imagine playing the piano on you,” said Spielbag “teach your M arch 25 8 p.m. M usk in Motion Concert, Mark Webb, Director. And the Oscar goes my window sill as a kid. I'm amazed students about the Holocaust, don't Free. Cook-DeWitt Center. to.... .Hollywood! Last night* sO scv to have been nominated among such let this be a foot note in history.” ceremony was the most entertaining, talented women. Thank you for this I'm also proud to announce the March 26 Cinematech brings you Miller’s Crossing. A stylish and and emotional, in years. honor.” winner's of our Oscar contest. often amusing gangster film. Starring Gabriel Byrne and Albert Finney. 7 The 66th Academy Awards will The biggest winna of the night First place was awarded to pm . Mainsail Kirkhof Center. be remembered for acknowledging was, of course, Steven Spielberg's Jennifer Vance who picked the overdue veterans, and new age powerful epic “Schindla’s List” w inna in every category, even Anna M uch 27 3 p.m. Chamber Orchestra Concert, Lee Copenhaver, wonders. In all the masterpiece took home Paquin for Best Supporting Actress. Director. Cook-DeWitt Center. When eleven year old Anna seven Academy Awards, including Second and third places went to Paquin stepped up to the podium and Best Director, and the coveted Best Steve Hondad and Jorge Paramo March 29 12 noon: Lunchbreak. Jonathan Tuuk, organist, at the looked out at the billion people Picture. who guessed the winners in every Van Andel pipe organ. Free. Cook-DeWitt Center. starring back, she was literally “This is the best tasting water, category except Best Supporting speechless. Winning for her after the longest drought I’ve ever had” Actress and our little eleven y ea old Off r«mnu« supporting role in “The Piano,” Spielbag said. wonder. March 25 Poetry reading. Local poet Anne Price will be sharing Paquin stole everyone’s heart After two decades of thrilling My thanks to all who poetry from h a recently published chapbook entitled Eleven Poems. A nn's Tommy Lee (I’m really not bald) audiences throughout the world, the participated, and to our winners, have commentary is regulvly published in Big Fish magazine. Socrates Jones took home the Best Actor Oscar Academy finally awarded the O scv to fun at the movies! Newscenter, 1500 Wealthy Street in Eastown. 7 pm . Also on display and for his wok in the summer smash for sale, the original jewelry art of Cany Everett. “The Fugitive”. Jones has been long over due for his workman’s thruA prillO The Grand Rapids Art Museum exhibits Women Artists contribution to the art of motion in the Permanent Collection. A sampling of work by women artists from pictures. He embodies what it means the permanent collection presents major trends and major artists, including to be s craftsman. works by Mary Cassett, babel Bishop and Francoise Gilot. This grouping The Best Actor category w u a celebrates the significant contributions of women artists. Formoreinfo, call tough call this yea, but in the end Tom Hanks found himself teaiy- 459-4677. eyed, holding the Oscar. Hanks thru April 10 The G raad Rapids Art Museum honors and remembers brought tears to my eyes with his Eulabee Dix with an exhibit of h a paintings, drawings, silhouettes and emotional acceptance speech. miniatures. The winna of prestigious aw ads and international praise. Winning for his performance in Philadelphia Hanks delivered the Grand Rapids artist Eulabee Dix is virtually forgotten a home today. For most sincere speech I’ve ev a beard. more info, call 459-4677. Hanks recalled his early days o f thru May 1 In celebration of Women’s History Month, The Grand acting when he said “I’m proud to have been taught by two of the finest Rapids A rt Museum presents m exhibit of the work of four West Michigan educators, gay educators, in sculptors - Tricia Chatary, Carol Johnson, Joyce Recka, and Nikki Wall. A m erica.” For mare info, call 459-4677. Holly Hunter ww acknowledged celebrates tfrtr hearing that Us picks were good enough as the Best Actress of the y ev for h a for a prize.______- ' . ■ ■J'r - m OVIie r e v u e the boob tube

—ky L sri M. G n M m _ J i meets Noel (Stephen Rea), a lawyer and she decides to leave town for a What's with all StriTWitor — 7 and amateur painter, who gives her his while—she wants to find her mother number. Angie tells her best friend and talk with her. When she does find Angie, sprinkled with its thick TinafA idaltaturo), who warns Angie her, Angie is surprised. She only had about tampering with her seemingly- one memory of her mother—she is on TV? Italian accents and terribly wacky characters, is a heartwarming story happy life: "Y ou’re gonna end up on holding Angie and giving her early ■ ■ ■ ■ S', ■ ■ about a m other’s struggle to com e to O prah,” she says. advice: "A ngie, some stories don’t fit by Rebecca A udrain since when are women persona; terms with the emotions that Angie does call Noel, and he brings insideaperson’smouth—some stories Entertainment property lobe loanedouttoaqyoael accompany a new baby. her everything that she wanted—ballet, just have to tell themselves,” she said. And whatdid Kelly doduringallof Geena Dans ricillAilly portrays fancy dinners—andshedumpc Vinnie. Her mother is very different from what I witch "Beverly Hills 90210” Ibis? Smile and go along. Right If Angie, a wooun looking tor a sense of Noel vows to be a good "father” to the A ngie remembers. and "M elrose Place.” my boyfriend ever said anything ■elf. She is seriously involved with her baby, and Angie claims td be happy. The visit snd the memories awaken There. Are you happy now? about loaning me out, he’d be boyfriend Vimne (James Gandolfmi), It’s Christmas time when the baby Angie’s motherly feelings, snd she But you knew someone had to hitting those high soprano notes when she finds herself pregnant; she decides to come. The delivery room rushes bade to her son, where the film watch; after all, they're (till on the like you w ouldn’t believe. end Vinnie plan to wed. scene was one of the funniest of the comes to a touching conclusion. air. There was a moment when I Her fathir Frank (Philip Boaco) movie—Tina coaches Angie in her Geena Davis gives a good It’a a vice. An ugly vice. 1 thought hey, maybe this is kinds has only good intmtinna when he brings breathing as the especially short performance as a new mother. don’t even know why I do it cool. For a while, "90210" had a Angie the wedding rheas that belonged gynecologist tries to make Angie nog Although a bit predictable at times, anymore. feminist woman in foe script She to her mother, who left when Angie (Her response: “Die!”) to get her mind Angie reaches the hearts of its viewers They used to b e cool. Brenda was Brandon’s lover and Kelly and was a young child, to wear at her own off the pain (Yeah, right). Noel freaks by a plethora of touching acenes— used to be your average girl, fresh Brenda’ teacher. Of course, she wedding. Angie is touched until she and leswes the hospital, leaving Angie Angie and her father,Angie and Vinnie, in from Minnesota. Everyone loved also was a nymphomaniac who finds out that the drees belongedtoher to deal with her emotions by herself. Angie and Tina, and especially Angie her because she looked normal, not needed constant reassurance from stepmother Cathy (Jenny O'Hara), Alone, Angie encounters more and her son. If you’re like me and cry anorexic. She sent a message out m en. So m uch fo r that idea. whom Angie can barely tolerate. problems: Aelives with her father and atthedropofahat(Icriedattheendof that normal was okay. Kelly and As for "Melrose"? Amanda’s Angie feels something missing stepmother, and the baby won’t Terminated), then you’ll wanttobring Donna must have gotten to her, a witch, everyone deeps with from her life.Vinnie doesn’t enjoy the breastfeed from her, which she takes plenty of Kleenex, as the film brought though, because lately she’s been everyone and then they all change activities she does, (hie day, she finds a s rejection from the baby. aboutmanyasnifQe from its audience. looking like she could use a few partners for foe next episode, herself at an art museum, where she Her emotions get die best of her, Big M acs. Sidney is psycho and Michael is a T here was a tim e w hen I liked murderer. Gee, sounds like my this they. Before Brenda got sent neighborhood. Attention Poets ! to Paris to get her act together. Seekers of meaningful The National Library of Foetiy has announced that$12,000 in prizes will be awarded this year Before Kelly, Donna, and David relationships need look no further got an apartment that looked like it than that charming couple, Amanda to over250poets m the North American Open Poetiy Contest To enter, send one original poem, was straightoutofEUeDecor when andJake. Theirrelatiooritp is based any subject or length to : The National Library of Poetry, 11419 Cromidge Dri., P.O. Box 704- they started going to college. Before on sex. Is Jake talking to his ex­ YF,OwiqgsMiHs,MD21117. The poem should be no more than 20 lines, and the poet's name Brenda eloped and got arrested. girlfriend who just got pregnant by an ex-con that she just murdered? and address should be on the top o f the page. Entries must be postmarked by M arch 31,1994. Before Brenda just got whacked o u t . Oh, uh, no nookie for him tonight. ------BM assaa-sautoas Wednesday nights used to be a My all time favorite is the scene time when my roommate and I where Amanda, who is homy as WRITERS! could count on getting together. hell for Jake, stands in front of an air-conditioning unit and moves STAGE is now We’dsit down with somepizza and zap foe remote to Fox. These days around sinuously for a couple accepting scripts for The we cannot eat while watching these minutes with alookof inexplicable Student One Act Festival shows. We might actually gag and satisfaction on her face. Excuse die. me, b ut w hat exactly does heT air- 1994. Lately, "90210" has ended with conditioner do that mine doesn't? 616-235-1355 Scripts should be my roomie snd I getting steamed, Then there's Sidney the 668 Leonard S t, N.W. submitted to Karen Sanders threatening to write letters to foe Psycho-Sister-From-Hell. She's Grand Rapids, Mi. 49504 producers and advertisers. Like finally hooked up with her sister's at the SOVC office in the when Kelly told a guy not to kips ex-husband Michael (who Kiikhof Center. her, she said“No” forcefully. Then murdered his fiancee) after helping Mon. &Tue. 11a.m. - 6p.m. Wed.,Thur. & Fri. 11a.m. - 8p.m. him to blackmail her sister. Of Entries must be in by when he kissed her she was all Sat 11a.m. - 6p.m. happy. Excuse me? What? Have course, she just finished her stint as April 1st, 1994. we beard of foe ‘90s? Common a call-girl in a Heidi Fleiss-esque LINGERIE - SWIMWEAR For more information sense? Anything? Apparently not. sort of operation. Of course, she Then the latest and greatest had to blackmail Michael into NOVELTIES - LOTIONS contactact Chanra at 895- tragedy? Dillon loans his girlfriend manying, but hey, what the hell. 9057 or Jamie at 895-7207. Kelly to Brandon. Excuse me, but She's a take charge kind of person. GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY Lastly, we have the Hey-I- Can't-Act-But-I-Sure-Look-Great buffon Billy. Andrew Shue gave up a soccer career to be an actor. Hey, Shue, should've stuck with kicking that ball around in tight shorts. Pinocchio is less wooden when he delivers his lines. It’s garbage pure and sim ple. I don’t even enjoy watching it anymore. Sure, voyeurism is fun, but painful voyeurism just doesn't cut i t I’m sick of watching the AFE MUIT problems of the rich and thin unfolding before my eyes. I’m Antique Jewelry, going to stop. That is, I hope I'm LOOK FOft THCSC UPCOMING CVCN1S Modeme Furniture & going to stop. Vintage Gothing For better fare, look for the 4-3 -Experimental Music new television drama about Ken Wells "Catatonic Keys in the African-Americans (long overdue 210 E. Fulton Scale of L" since " I’ll Fly Away” went o ff the Grand Rapids, Mi. air), "Brooklyn Heights." Looks 49503 like it’ll be a winner compared to 4-10 -Alternative Sounds 616-454-1033 its competition. Bahkatah


New time Wednesdays we open at 4p.m. 168 E. FULTON GRAND RAPIDS UNIQUE COLLECTIBLES- We cordially invite faculty & staff to join us 451-2800 CALL FOR DETAILS

*** Mention thli ad & get a free punch on your coffee or mutic ccrdl L ll-L . ■_« « ■ ■ i_« ._i ._» ■ 1 ■ I » . ■ ■ 1 , <- « I , I I , I II I , , . , , , , , , , , one-act wooden at us should take notes. Then it hit me, those tunes in thecar In an era of music when most songs when I was fo rad to listen to it - it’s a (and artiste) are overproduced, this remake, of course. on the FM d ial these days. track is an example of substance over But what a remake. Classy and But he does come across as style. Heart-wrenching lyrics are set simple. No one should have to force painfully sincere, and with this kind of against sparse, yet haunting you to listen to this version. music, emotion is everything. And background music. Raw emotion Lastly, I must say that it’s Babyface conveys powerful feelings powers this song to the status of refreshing to be able to listen to a CD on each and every track. It’s this gift unforgettable. bom beginning to end and not hear and his talented phrasing that are his And if you’ll forgive the women being referred to as bitches or redem ption on this CD. comparison, I’d almost compare hoes or things to be got, slept with and Standout songs that haven’t Babyface’s phrasing talents to those of then tossed out with the morning trash. reached the airwaves yet (and you NatKingCole. That is, if I wasn’tsure In his credits, Babyface dedicates probably w on't hear them on WCKS, there was someone out there that oould the CD to his mother and thanks his GVSU’a student-run radio station) tear that idea to shreds. wife for being part of his life. W hata includesuW henCanISee You Again” Andasfor“Youare So Beautiful,” guy- and “You are So Beautiful.” this is the song all of us know from the Babyface’s respect for women is “When Can I See You Again” is a time when our parents still had control reason alone to buy For the Cool In study in understatement Those in the over thecar radio. For w eds I couldn’t You. The smooth sound is why you'll music business who continually throw figureout why the tune was so familiar. listen to it over and over again.

I l i e 1 .aill h o r n N l>S 2IM) ^

A L A SK A S u m m e r E m p lo y m e n t In-line S k a te s : Rollerblade Jobs tV; Money - fisheries. Many earn $2,000+/ Lightning, men’s 10 1/2, $45. mo. in canneries or $3,000- Diamond Ring: Solitaire, .10 Barn $5-7 per hour this summer $ 6,000+/mo. on fishing vessels. karat, 14kgold. Very nice-$175. For the Coolln You is chock full of painting outdoors in Grand For info, call: 1-206-545-4155 Call Tom, 532-6161.______hits. The first one to hit die radio was , Rapids area. Painter and foreman ext. A5623.______Mountain Bike. Diamond back, the title track, followed by “Rock positions available. Must be neat, CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Students ” frame, good geometry, some *♦* Bottom” and “Never Keeping Secrets.” 21 responsible, hard-working and needed! Earn $2000+ monthly. Babyface is the epitomeof smooth. You won’t find Babyface upgrades. $200. Call Wendell, Silky, sensuous lyrics and phrasing are experimenting on this release; he’s no willing to learn quickly. Summer/holidays/full-time. 3 9 9 -2 6 7 0 . his trademarics and his latest release. Prince. His songs are the standard “I Experience preferred, but not World travel. Caribbean, Hawaii, For the Cool In You, has this crooner never meant to hurt you” and “I love mandatory. Bonuses and ad­ Europe, Mexico. Tour guides, gift back on the slow tip. you so m uch” fare that’s hard to avoid vancements available. Ask for shop sales, deck M i SC m [ Chip at 1-800-543-3792 or workers, etc. No experience. Call 451-9416 602-680-4647, Ext. C147, Do you want an exciting career? E d Harris Great Summer Job Opportunity: HELP WANTED! The Lanthom In spite of airline downsizing, Data Entry Clerk. Full time, Mon- is now accepting applications for pilots are in demand, and after M a d elein e Sto w e Fri, 8-5pm, May - Aug, 1994. all positions. All are paid 1995, another pilot shortage will Qualifications: Detail oriented, positions. Applications are due occur. Call me for a test flight: organizational skills, pleasant on Friday, March 25, 1994. For Dave, (616) 791-6909. CHINA phone manners, Macintosh more information please call the LOST: Student Senate incum­ computer experience and general Lanthom office at 895-2460. bents...Oops. FOUND: 2nd office skills. Please send resume generation t-shirts. Support your Resident camp counselors needed to: Attn Summer Employment, family. Come down to the station, June 12 through August 13 in all 6161 28th St, suite 11, Grand or call us at X2356.______areas: Horses, sports, waterfront, Rapids, MI, 49546.______dance and drama. Camp located Termpapers, resumes, reports and NEED A JOB? in Plainwell, Michigan. Staff letters - accurate and organized. The Student Life Office is looking receive training, salaries, room Sharp laser copies, professional look, reasonable rates. Call 669- for people who want to make a and board, Saturdays off and 1204.______difference. We're looking for valuable job experience. Call people who find satisfaction in Marcie Joseph at 1-800-788-4919 What are 80 million people helping others, and going out of for more information. looking for? Gallup polls show 1 their way to be of service. We're in 3 Americans have had profound looking for those people who want spiritual experiences - visions, to learn, grow and develop their I lousimi insights, heard an inner voice, or personal skills with us. ***A wide had a near-death of out-of-body variety of positions are available Spacious 2 BR upstairs apt. less experience. After searching for which include: staff assistants, than 2 miles from campus. No insight, they have not found facility supervisors, receptionists, pets, non-smokers. Call Chuck, answers. Here is a chance to tech, staff, university promotions, 895-6449.______explore the meaning of these games hatch, and many morel! Female roomate needed. experiences. For a recorded UUDW33! *** Applications are available in University Townhouses. $175/ message on ECKANKAR, the Student Life Office (located month + utilities. Beginning fall, Religion of the Light and Sound nKHHUoSfll of God, call 616-456-5899. in Kirkhof Center)l!***Deadline 1994. Call Laurie at 892-5564. MOSTLY ALL NEW JOKES. is Friday, March 25th!! House for rent - zoned for college Cash! Cash! Will offer cash for your extra graduation tickets. Hungry Howie's Pizza: Now students. Six bedrooms, two Call Rebecca at 892-5589. hiring drivers. Must have own car baths, washer and dryer in house. and be able to work weekends. Contact Greg or Pam, 895-5739. Typist: Work done out of my Apply in person at 314 Baldwin 5 BR House, 6677 L. Michigan home. State of the art equipment. in Jenison or call 457-3333. Dr. (strictly zoned for college Call Pat at 531-0914,______PAUL HOGAN Youth leader for Jewish temple students - 5 min. from GVSU). Fact: Only 12% of student in Grand Rapids. Meet one Spacious and clean, call 895- population voted for Student J i g h t n in G Sunday a month with teenagers 6873. Senate last year. What can you and lead activities. Call Marv justify saying about student life, Hammerman, 949-5619.______if you don’t even VOTE? Watch For Sale what happens in Fall '94. Carpe AAA Student Painters is hiring Flora! Pre-election congrats to: painters for the Grand Rapids M a c in to s h computer. Complete Harpoon, Cafe Nuit, Norm!, area, S5-7/hour. Call 1-800-543- system including printer only CinemaTech, Euchre Club... Your 3792. CALL THE MOWE HOTLINE $500. Call Chris at 800-289- loving family, WCKS.______5685.______CASH for graduation tickets! CAFE NUIT Mobile Home: Standal, 1987. Please call Lori at 669-8345.

Grand Valley's own 14X72, 2 BR. 2 bath, cathedral coffee house LANTHORN CLASSIFIEDS ceiling. Completely remodeled, „ 5 5 5 -5 7 6 0 2 for $2.50 Join us on Sundays from washer, dryer, shed, sliders. Big for 2 weeks (Issues 25 & 26) 7-11 pm and Wednesdays corner lot, own driveway. 504) from 6-11 pm in $14,500 - make offers on downstairs Kirkhof. furnishings. Call Denise at 791- To show your itw Experience the moct if you are interested in performing musically, 1742.______• Erwin Diamond Co.- Diamond Broker artistically or in some other 1986 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Diamonds are Our Speciality way. call S O V C (895-2363) Coupe. Executive car, excellent for more info. And as condition, please call: 241-0392, Cafl Ib S a j (C1S) 45+4SS1 always, FREE COFFEEI^y IteOsawoKV M * « l Qnad laps*. M «WD V: leave message.

L movie revue Allendale Auto Repair The Chase: lots of 5575 Lake Michigan Drive, Allendale car chases, but funny 895-4354 General Auto Repair & Towing Service d . __ by Joah— J.MfcnHl bargained for when he finds out Certified Master Mechanics ^ Staff Writer — ~J that Nathalie is the daughter of millionaire Dalton Vos, who is the Well, offhandedly, eveiyone California equivalent of New First garage west of GVSU can think of at least one movie that York’s DonaldThimp. Hence, the 1/2 mile away! featured a high speed car chase. entire Police Department (as well B ut have you ever seen one that is as the media) begin their pursuit of nothing but a high speed car chase? Jack and N athalie. If your answer is no, then no w So, spoiled rich girls get car is your chance. TheChase,starring sick, news reporters call Jack on Charlie Sheen and Kristy Swanson, the car phone, and cadavers become was released not too long ago. road obstacles. Sound interesting m'Ri a m to s e m you! I know what you're thinking, yet? 6815 Lake Michigan Dr. r “A m ovie about a car chase? My, And, as simple as the plot of Allendale, MI 49401 ^ ^ how interesting.” The Chase may seem, it does keep Phone:(616)895-6163 Well, this picture may not win you guessing. One moment you’ll any Oscars, but rest assured, you’ll be rolling out of your seat laughing, come out of the theater with your and the next you’ll be wiping a sides splitting. After all, I’m sure tear. And there is indeed a genuine the script writer for The Chase had attempt at a plot here. You won’t the goal in mind of entertaining his find comedy of the variety foundin 6815 Lake Michigan Dr. audience rather than taking home a Loaded Weapon 1 o r The Naked WILLARD ENSING Allendale, MI 49401 statue of a naked man from some Gun movies here. It’s just the Owner Phone: (616) 895-6229 ceremony. circumstantial type of laughter that The main character of this you aren’t ready for. mo vie is Jack Hammond, portrayed The acting in this movie is byCharlieSheen. Jack is sentenced perfect Both Swanson and Sheen to 25 years in prison fo r a crim e he actually bring their characters to didn’t commit. After being life. And in addition to the already Since 1946 sentenced, he plans to make for the entertainingperformancesofSheen • AUTO BODY REPAIR & PAINTING Mexican border. But while Jack is and Swanson, The Chase contains . PROFESSIONAL COLOR MATCHING getting gas, two law enforcement cameo roles by musician Henry • INSURANCE WORK officers just happen to show up. Rollins, as well as Anthony Kiedis • ASK ABOUT OUR WRITTEN GUARENTEE Jack gets nervous and decides to and Flea of the Red Hot Chili • TOWING AVAILABLE Iddnapagirl by the name of Nathalie Peppers. Vos (flayed by Kristy Swanson) in So, if yo u 're in the mood for a FOREIGN & DOMESTIC order to escape. So after corny laugh, this is your movie. CARS • TRUCKS • VANS • 4X4’S • RVS sequestering the weapons of the This is 100% pure Grade AA cops and Nathalie's BMW, the fun comedy that will make you hope begins. for a sequel. 6550 LAKE MICHIGAN DR. ALLENDALE Jack gets more than he (NEXT TO TELEPHONE CO.)


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