The Observer

Volume VII, Issue 5 "Where the Worl d Comes to Mind" February 7 , 200 1 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Celebrating humanity By Geoff Morgan

Wednesday, Jan . 17 , saw recounted her experiences studying the passage of yet another chapter instances of abuse committed against in the lesson of human dignity when, refugees by immigration officers, and around fiv e p.m. , a considerabl e her work with anti-apartheid leaders , crowd gathered in the function room whose displays of incredible courage of the Holiday Inn in Manchester, have inspired her to devote the past NH. There , score s o f attendees twenty year s o f he r lif e t o th e mingled over glasses of wine and advancement o f human rights for sampled the many appetizers while people of all ages and ethnicities. She they waite d fo r th e evening' s spoke o f he r boo k a s well , an d proceedings to begin. Within half an mentioned a few of the fifty human hour, Global Citizens Circle co-chair rights defenders praised within its Jack Dunfey assumed his position pages. behind the podium and addresse d With discussion moderator the audience cordially. The event, a social scientis t Joyc e Mwend e planned discussion concerning the Malombe controlling the flow of the human condition on an international conversation, Cuom o fielde d Pictured above is NHC Professor Eleanor Dunfey Freiburger and the scale, was about to begin. questions fro m th e audienc e Catherine and Leroy Dunfey Millenium Award recipient, Arn Chorn Since its establishment in pertaining to specific issues related Pond (Photo by Wendy Cahill). 1974, the Global Citizens Circle has to human rights. In response to one been dedicated to the protection of question, an inquiry regarding coping "Killing Fields" of Cambodia when While the audience watched eagerly, human right s aroun d th e world . with apathy , Cuom o sai d tha t he was but nine years old, had an he took out a Cambodian flute and Under the leadership of the Dunfey "apathy is a sense of futility. People emotionally disquieting effect upon began to play. family, the organization has sough t can express this by being cynical; the members of the audience. Having A son g melanchol y ye t to inspire constructive changes in thinking that nothing can be done. survived the rigors of life in a Khmer inspiring echoe d ou t acros s th e populations across the globe through "Change," she continued, Rouge death camp, his family slain, crowd, and the reedy notes wafted the celebration of human diversity. "has always occurred due to people Pond cam e t o Americ a wit h his hauntingly through the motionless Such was the mission this night as who tell themselves that things are foster father and started his difficult chamber. Like everything that was Managing Director Theo Spano s not right.. . W e mus t focu s o n journey towar d becomin g said during the evening's discussion, Dunfey greeted guests from Bosnia, resisting oppression , no t th e International Advisor of the Global it had a ring of sorrowful lamentation Cambodia, Colombia , Ethiopia, oppression itself. That's how we can Citizens Circle and the co-founder for the injustices that human beings Spain an d Sudan . Befor e care... Whe n yo u car e abou t of the activist organization known as have long suffered a t the hands of surrendering th e podium , Ms. something, you can make a change. Children of War. one another . Yet seeming t o rise Dunfey praised the accomplishments This carin g create s ripples tha t As a token of his gratitude above it all, triumphant against th e of speaker s Kerr y Kenned y spread out and affect everything and and appreciatio n fo r thos e wh o inequalities that plague our global Cuomo, author of Speak Truth to everyone around you." would join him in celebrating th e community, was a melody of hope Power, an d Ar n Chorn Pond, After a series of question s resilience of the human spirit, Pond for future peace and understanding, recipient of the 2001 Catherine and and responses , an d a round of shared with the audience the gift of for the very constructive changes that Leroy Dunfey Millennium Award. thunderous applaus e fro m th e music tha t ha s becom e suc h a n the Global Citizens Circle strives to Then i t wa s tim e fo r Cuomo , audience, Cuomo handed the floor integral part of his life ever since his bring about. founder of the Robert F. Kennedy over to Eleanor Dunfey Freiburger, brutal experience in the death camp. Center for Human Rights, to lead the co-chair of Global Citizens Circle, evening's discussion: "Changing Our who in turn invited the Catherine and World One Person at a Time." Leroy Dunfey Millennium Award In this issue: Cuomo bega n th e recipient, Arn Chorn Pond, to the Campus 5 conversation b y informin g th e podium. There , t o a choru s o f audience o f he r longstandin g deafening applause, Pond accepted Backyard Treasures...pag e 8 involvement with the struggle for his award and the embraces of the Voices and 1 0 an d 1 1 members of the Dunfey family. human rights , startin g wit h he r Chubby Bunny...pag e 1 3 training as a lawyer and membership Pond's story, an account of in Amnest y International . Sh e the terro r h e experience d o n th e 1 4

The Maintenance Department i n conjunction with the New Hampshire College Observer has a customized recycling program. Just deposit your copy of The Observer in recycling bins located in the Student Center. February 7,2001 The Observe r From the Editor' s Desk:

NEW HAMPSHIR E COLLEGE Welcome back to NHC - or as some are already referring t o it, SNHU. BOX 1084,250 0 N. Rive r Rd . I'd like to welcome the new transfers and students to NHC, a s I know there are many of you . A s fo r MANCHESTER, NH 0310 6 everyone a t NHC, yo u have an open invitation to join the staff of The Observer, or contribute b y writing an (603)645-9669 article, creative piece or Letter to the Editor. (603)644-3149 As always, ads up to lA page are free for clubs and organizations, and we'd also like to encourage writing briefs on what your group is doing. A s The Observer is widely read throughout campus, an article is a great way [email protected] to reach students and faculty. STAFF Last Friday, Feb. 2, the 100-Da y Semi-Formal was held for the seniors. Thi s is just a reminder that our days left at NHC ar e numbered (mysel f included), so let's do whatever we can to enjoy our last semester here. Editor in Chief Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy the upcoming Winter Weekend, appropriately called Positively Polar. Tara Cowdrey I hope the NHC communit y enjoys this fifth issue of The Observer. Managing Editor & Business Manage r Tara Cowdrey Ben DeGennar o Editor in Chief

Associate Editor Geoff Morgan

Advertising Staff Melissa Cowdrey Annie Howard

News Editor Andrea Hill

A & E Editor Jennifer Bagget t

Sports Editor Nick Coate s

Copy Editor Shana Longey

Photograpy Editor Sharon Smith

Layout Tara Cowdrey

Staff Writers Katelyn Duggan Steve Fredrickson Melissa Hartford Matt Melvin Matt Theroux Mark Williams Contributors

Honors Corresponden t Katie Darling Ryan Eberman Erica Elder Jill Hart The Observer welcomes correspondence and articles from CSC Corresponden t Nicole Sirote readers. Please include your name, address and daytime telephone Jessica Brennan number. Letters and articles are subject to condensation. Material s should be submitted on disk (will be returned upon request) with Advisor one hard copy; please double-space and use Times New Roman Ausra Kubilius font, 1 2 point. Pleas e b e sure to use Microsoft Word to ensure Contributors Quote of th e compatibility and faster processing. Letter s must be signed. See box at right The Ne w Hampshir e College issue: Our mailin g address is: Observer i s a new s publicatio n produced b y Ne w Hampshir e The Observer College student s an d funde d "To love and be largely by the Student Government Box 108 4 Association of the college. I t is our loved is the greatest 2500 North River Rd. responsibility to inform the NHC community abou t event s on an d happiness of Manchester NH 0310 6 around our campus. The Observer will print any materia l found to b e existence." factual an d in good tast e by the If yo u ar e on campus, drop letters and articles off a t either editorial staf f o f the paper. Th e the Mailroom or through the slot in the door at the student mailbox views published do not necessarily area in the Student Center across from . reflect the views of New Hampshire Syndey Smith College. 2 The Observer February 7, 2001 program to study in Spain in the upcoming fall semester . I have In an attempt to publicize campus news to a wider au- Letter to found numerou s programs that dience, Th e Observe r ha s partnere d wit h th e Publi c offer programs in Spain, but th e Relations office t o reprin t excerpt s from th e Campus the Editor: problem isn' t findin g a n ad - Weekly. Similarly , th e Publi c Relation s office wil l also equate program. The problem is reprint selection s from Th e Observer. This i s a letter just t o finding classes that will fi t into my schedul e and be transferabl e let all of you know about a stu- Athletic Department dent on campus who really be- back to this college. I planned ahead t o study abroad by leav- lieved in doing something and The Athleti c Department is hiring work study students for a variety of went for it and for that I admire ing mysel f with free electives, but positions. These positions include working in the equipment room and him. No t only do I admire him, this option still doesn't see m to as team managers. Fo r mor e information contact Chad Mason at ext. but I am trying to do the sam e be working in my favor. For this 9786. thing he has successfully accom- reason I am very frustrated wit h plished. This student's name is the ide a tha t Ne w Hampshire The ne w fitness center is hiring. Experience in the health/fitness field is John Eaton. He is now studying College offers only a few study preferred, but not required. Pleas e contact Craig Roderick or Vin abroad in Quito, Ecuador. John abroad programs. Th e idea that Zuccala at ext. 9784 or ext. 9657 . is a good friend of mine who has this schoo l has man y interna - taken man y classe s a t Sain t tional student s studyin g her e Anselm to improve his ability to from man y countries makes m e speak Spanish. wonder why this college doesn't Job Fair 2001 Not onl y is John going offer man y more stud y abroa d to study abroad in Ecuador, but options. The NHCU C Jo b Fair will b e held at the Center of NH, 70 0 El m he plans on going to a university In additio n to wanting Street on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2001 from 1 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. Under- in Canad a to study afte r h e re- to study abroad in Spain the idea graduate, graduate, continuing education students and alumni are wel- turns from Ecuador this summer. that the college has no language come to attend. Mor e than 12 5 companie s will be there, so bring your In orde r t o g o throug h al l th e options is another frustration. I resumes. Thi s is a great opportunity to network and connect with paperwork and work associated realize that the school is going employers and their companies. Proper dress is required. This event with studying abroad through an- through a majo r chang e b y is sponsored by th e New Hampshir e College and University Council. other program , a studen t lik e changing its status from a college John needs to be motivated and to a university, but by the time have some spare time to do this. the schoo l implement s stud y Are Classe s Cancelled? John worked many hours a t his abroad options and languages it off-campus jo b t o b e abl e t o will b e too late, and I will hav e To find out if classes are cancelled due to bad weather, listen to the make his dream a reality, and 1 already graduated. Therefore , following radio/TVstations: WBZ, WRKO, Channel 7, WMUR-TV, hope wha t John has don e I can writing this article I may be just WJYY, WNHI, WFEA, WZID, WQLL, WGIR, WKXL. do as well. H e and I are very one voice on campus, bu t I am sure m y frustration s ca n b e similar i n this wa y in that w e Students may also call (603) 644-3133 or go to the NHC website : shared with many other students both have gon e ou t of our way to find out more about the statu s of classes. to study a language a t anothe r on thi s campus. So , if anyone university. knows of any options out there This is what I am try- that coul d hel p m e ou t wit h From Public Safety ing t o do, and I am writing this studying abroad in Spain, please letter t o tel l yo u all about m y let me know. Commuter students, staff and facult y are reminded that on th e morn- frustrations wit h the program s ings of snow removal operations, all resident students will be parked in on thi s campus . 1 am workin g Nicole Sirote the Commuter (C or G designated) lots at the front of campus. When diligently to find a study abroad this is the case, ample parking for staff/faculty an d commute r students will be found toward the "BACK" of the campus in the Residential ( R designated) lots. After 4:30 p.m . everyon e will be expected to return to the properly designated lots. I n any case, a legal parking space can usually be obtained within 1/4 of your class, dorm or office .

Happy Birthday Visitors

The Happ y Birthday Visitors will be bringing flowers and birthday greetings to the residents of the Mt. Carmel Nursing Home on Satur- day, Feb . 10 . We mee t at 1 0 a.m. an d would love to have you join us. For furthe r details, call Sue in at ext. 2160 .

Groundbreaking for the Robert Frost Academic Center Marriott Scholarships began on Monday, Jan. 29 (Photo by Sharon Smith). The Marriot t Conference Centers/International Association of Con- ference Centers is awarding a scholarship of $2,500.00 to a full-time student who ha s achieved a grade point average of 3.0 o r better and whose need for financial assistance is known. Also, they seek nomi- nees who ar e likely to pursue a career in the conference center indus- try. Fo r furthe r information, contact Julie Rain in the Hospitality Cen- ter in HO 219.

3 February 7,2001 The Observer Student paper key source CSC New s for news on slayings for Dartmouth Levy calle d Dean of th e By Jessica Brennan Tribune Media Service Faculty Ed Berger, and he confirmed that the Zantops were dead. They New Hampshire College Commuter Student Council would Julia Levy was getting ready had the story , and they rushe d t o like to welcome everyone back for the new semester. CSC to g o ou t wit h friend s Saturda y write it. "It was a real blur — ev - has been busy over break planning for the following event s about 9:3 0 p.m. when th e phon e erything happened s o fast," Lev y for February and hopes everyone will attend ! rang in her dorm room. said. It was Omer Ismail, presi- They sent out e-mails to the First, we are hosting a Valentine Semiformal, "A Mid-Winte r dent of Dartmouth College's student paper's online subscribers, mor e Night's Dream," on Saturday, Feb. 10, from 8 p.m. to mid- paper, The Dartmouth, where Levy than 1,00 0 students , alumni and night in the Hospitality Ballroom. Ticket s for this event ar e just became features editor. community members, telling them available at the Info-Booth, are free fo r NHC student s and "It seemed pretty surreal," they'd posted a story on their Web are five dollars for guests. There are a limited number of tickets, she recalled Tuesday, taking a short site. Within about 1 0 minutes, the so get yours today! break on a dingy plaid couch in the Web server crashed from all the visi- paper's office. "H e said, "I think tors. Ismail decided to send the story We are also having a fundraiser a t Burger King in the Wal - there's been a murder.'" to the whole campus. At 12:22 a.m., Mart Plaza in Hooksett on Thursday, Feb. 22, from 6 to 9 Someone ha d just called the e-mail went out to the entire cam- p.m. Please as k your friends an d family t o have dinne r a t Ismail at the office saying that he'd pus, reaching some 5,000 people. Burger King that evening, as we will get a percentage of the heard on the police scanner that a The Dartmouth had issued total receipts during that time period; we would appreciat e professor ha d been killed. Ismail the first corifirmed report of the mur- the support s o we can continue to host fun events for every- rounded up two of his most trusted ders, beating every news outlet in one on campus! helpers: Levy and managing editor town. "W e were reall y excited," MarkBubriski. Levy said. We are als o co-sponsoring an open-mike event in the pu b Bubriski arrive d quickly, Since then, the student pa- with the Wellness Center, in conjunction with their month- driving a friend's car , and he and per ha s continue d to provide th e long theme of "Makin g the Most of Me." Watch for upcom- Ismail went looking for signs of po- most extensive coverage of the crime ing details on this event. If you have any questions o r con- lice activity. Levy staye d behind, and th e campu s reaction . Ismail cerns, please email us at [email protected], leave us working the phones an d trying to takes pride in having the most accu- a voicemail at extension 4026, or drop us a note in our sug- confirm that there had been a slay- rate stories, too. gestion box located in the Lolly Kummins/Commuter Lounge. ing. "We've all been very care- After searchin g i n vai n ful," Ismail said. "I said from the be- We encourage all NHC students to attend our meetings, which around the campus, Ismail found out ginning, there's going to be a lot of are held every Tuesday at 1 1 a.m. in the Lolly Kummins/Com- the murder scene was on Trescott rumors, and we're not going to print muter Lounge. Road, in the nearby village of Etna. anything that's unsubstantiated." Levy grabbe d a faculty directory Unlike thei r professiona l and began looking for professor s counterparts, The Dartmouth's re- who lived there. porters hav e also been able to get CAPE — Council for "I was trying to call up the into the most intimate gathering s police, an d the y wer e totall y where those who knew the Zantops frazzled," Levy said. "I started call- have shared their grief. Activities and ing people in Etna, and I actually Levy said it's a difficult privi- called the house, but there was no lege. She felt it most strongl y on Programming Event s answer." Monday, sh e said, when she wa s On th e road , Ismai l and sent to Half Zantop's earth sciences By Erica Elder Bubriski had also come upon th e class, to see the department chai r house: 115 Trescott Rd. There were address the students. With th e sprin g semester goes on . Nomination s for th e police cars everywhere. Levy told "I was supposed to be there already i n full swing , CAPE i s positions will be Feb. 19 and 26 and them who lived there: Susanne and as a reporter, bu t after a few min- looking forward to what this second the votes will be cast on March 5. Half Zantop, who taught German utes, I just put down my notebook," half of the year has in store. Winter General meeting are every Monday studies and earth sciences, respec- Levy said . "As a member of this Weekend promises to be anothe r at 6 p.m. in the Pub. I f you can' t tively, and were beloved in the col- community, I just couldn' t tak e huge blast with different types of make the meetings but are interested lege community. notes. People were saying very per- activities going on. Howi e Day is in CAPE and the elections, feel free Later, they would learn that sonal, emotional things that were not going to be performing in the Last to stop by the C APE/IGC office in another professor, Roxana Verona, meant for the outside world to hear." Chapter Pub on Feb. 9 at 9 p.m. the Student Center right behind the had found the couple dead upon ar- The young reporters hav e Then wit h breakfas t i n bed o n Info Booth. riving for dinner at about 6:30 p.m. also become celebrities of sorts. Saturday morning and Tubing that CAPEalso wants to know No one has been arrested, and New "Every single media outlet" evening at Gunstock, this Winter what you think. Tell us your thoughts Hampshire Attorney General Philip — fro m the TV networks t o th e Los Angeles Times — ha s called Weekend promises to be Positively on the programming and things that T. McLaughlin said Tuesday that it's still unclear why the Zantops were the Dartmouth, Ismail said, and he Polar. you woul d lik e t o see . W e ar e killed. has been on the BBC and on CNN's Elections ar e comin g up always open to suggestions and new Ismail decide d t o ge t th e "Burden of Proof." quickly, and CAPE is looking for ideas. Someon e is usually in the story out as soon as possible. A lo- Levy acknowledges the ex- people who ar e intereste d i n the office so stop by and have lunch with cal TV station wa s reportin g th e citement of interviewing the attorney executive board positions. There is us (that's when you'll find us most news, unconfirmed, on its Web site, general. But then they see the sor- going to be an open executive board often). I f not, there are office hours and given die seriousness of the crime row on campus, among their friends. meeting on Feb. 5 at 5 p.m. in the and phone numbers of the ex-board — i t was Hanover's first murder "I would be s o happy if I SGA conference room This is open on the door so you can reach u s since 199 1 — Ismai l felt it was didn't have to cover this," Levy said. to anyone wh o is interested in a anywhere. Hop e to hear from you "extremely important" to provide "It's such a tragedy for this commu- position or just wants to see what soon! solid information to students. nity." 4 The Observer February 7,2001 Campus Security Log Compiled by Tara Cowdrey

The reports printed here have been selected from the Department of Public Safety's records. All individuals and locations have been made anonymous for obvious reasons.

1/25/01 On th e abov e date a PSO noticed a vehicle with no decal was parked in the handicap spot. A few minutes later a group came to the car and got in. Th e driver took , ripped it in half an d threw it on the ground. Th e PSO approache d and I.D.'d th e driver. The PSO told the driver to pick u p the ticket. He picked it up and threw it in the trash.

1/25/01 On th e abov e date a student reporte d that someone had entered her locked vehicle and removed the stereo. Also missing were some earrings and rings from th e dashboard. Ther e were no signs of forced entry, and her vehicle was locked when she went to it. The student had no suspects and filed a report with Hooksett Police.

1/26/01 On the above date a PSO received a phone call from a student saying he was locked in his room and couldn't get out. Th e PSO radioed another PSO to go to the residence and see if the PSO could get the student out. The PSO later said a locksmith wa s needed. A few minutes later an RA called and said they had managed to get the door open.

1/27/01 On the above date a student came to the Public Safety THE OBSERVE R STAFF Office t o report he had been assaulted. Th e student did not know who the individual was. A description was given. Th e student stated that he was grabbed by the shir t while the person was trying to start a fight MEETINGS ARE HELD O N with him. The student was able to break free and walk away. A PSO checked out the area but did not fin d anyone with that description. THURSDAYS AT 1 P.M. IN 1/30/01 On th e abov e day a PSO responde d to a call tha t a student ha d fallen dow n th e stair s at the AV Studio . Upon arrival the PSO learned that the student had been THE SGA CONFERENCE taken inside. Tw o nurses fro m th e Wellness Center arrived, checke d the student ou t and requested an ambulance. Th e student complaine d of pain in the legs and lower back. Th e student wa s transported to ROOM. AL L ARE the hospital, treated for a sprained ankle and released. WELCOME.

5 February 7,2001 The Observer FYI

Gettin' involved Former VP By Kately n Duggan Gore to If you unfortunately misse d the party in the studen t center on Jan. 25, then you missed Club Day. However, fear not; if you are interested in getting involved in New Hampshire College teach class and the many organizations there are on campus, here is a list of all th e clubs and organization s and the person you can contact. S o check it out and get involved. at Columbia CLUB PRESIDEN T AND E-MAILS Accounting Association Lind a Crump [email protected] University The Assoc. of Cultural Exchange Takash i Sakai [email protected] Black Student Union Olufem i Isijola [email protected] Campus Ministry Student Assn . Bra d Roberts [email protected] Tribune Media Service CAPE EricaElde r [email protected] u CIS Chapte r [email protected] Don't cr y fo r Al Gore . Commuter Student Council Jessic a Brennan [email protected] Columbia Universit y has de - Crew Club Jerem y Busey [email protected] cided t o tak e a chanc e o n th e Culinary Student Associatio n Perri n Long [email protected] scrappy youngster an d give him Drama Club Kati e Darling [email protected] a job. Economics and Finance Assoc. Behra m Agha [email protected] The forme r vic e presi - English Club JeanBrantley e [email protected] dent, ou t o f wor k sinc e Satur - Human Rights Association Zelm a Echeverria [email protected] day, wil l teac h a specia l non - Hospitality Student Association Amand a Dumont [email protected] credit semina r a t th e Columbia Inter-Greek Counci l Miss y Smith [email protected] Graduate School of Journalism, Kappa Chi Cind y Silva [email protected] the universit y announce d thi s Kappa Delta Phi Dusti n Aldrich [email protected] week. Kappa Lambda Sorority Christ i Rivett [email protected] The seminar , entitle d Kappa Sigma Fraternity ScottRene y [email protected] "Covering Nationa l Affairs i n Men's Club Volleyball CraigMarti n [email protected] the Informatio n Age, " will ex- , Muslim Student Associatio n Mohame d Hamma [email protected] amine th e worl d o f politic s The Observer Tar a Cowdrey [email protected] from the eyes of both politicians Club Shaw n Gove [email protected] and journalists. Gor e himself Phi Delt a Beta Daniell e VanderVoot [email protected] has been both, doing time in the Phi Delt a Theta Michae l Keister [email protected] 1970s a s a reporte r fo r th e Phi Omeg a Psi Mauree n Poland [email protected] Nashville Tennessean. Psychology Club Jessic a Plourde [email protected] "This is a special oppor- Radio NHC Be n Pierce [email protected] tunity for the school," said Tom NHC Sk i Club Dav e Sleeper [email protected] Goldstein, dea n o f th e journal- Sociology Club Chery l McNall ism school . "Al Gore will be an The Sport Management Club Edwar d Bray [email protected] incomparable resourc e fo r ou r NHC Studen t Ambassador s Keit h McLaren [email protected] students and other s a t thi s uni - Student Governmen t Association Sher i McCall [email protected] versity. Fro m his uniqu e per - Track and Field Club Tar a Cowdrey [email protected] spective, students will get to se e Yearbook Je n Schoenig [email protected] how governmen t an d th e pres s Zeta Beta Tau Chuc k Foster [email protected] intersect." The clas s wil l begi n in February, and will not offer stu - dents credi t towar d thei r de - grees. Th e universit y ha s no t ATTENTION ALL announced fina l detail s o n th e seminar, bu t sai d tha t it would CHOCOLATE LOVERS! likely compris e o f si x t o eigh t sessions. Founded i n 1912 , Columbia's Graduate Schoo l of Journalism administer s som e ATTEND A CHOCOLATE TASTING ON TUESDAY, of th e mos t prestigiou s honor s in th e field , includin g th e FEB. 13 , A T 4:30 P.M . I N ROOM 308 I N TH E Pulitzer Prize, J. Anthony Lukas HOSPITALITY BUILDING. CALL CHE F CONNELL Prize Projec t an d th e Nationa l Magazine Awards. AT X3298 TO RESERVE A SPOT. TH E COS T I S $3 . SPONSORED B Y THE NHC PASTR Y COMMITTEE.

6 The Observer February 7,2001 Honors Column: Cooking experiences with The 401 Project : A great chefs Coppedge ha d a fascinatin g By Matt Melvin demonstration becaus e h e Culmination of Four Years formed dough to make differen t On Wednesday , Jan . French bread regional varieties. By Ryan Eberman 10, culinar y students o f New He made anything from split loaf Hampshire College traveled to (Les Fendus) bread to "Tobacco As the 2001 Spring semester gets under way, senior members the Balsam s Granite Hotel in Pouch (La Tabatiere), which re- of the Honors Program are preparing for New Hampshire College's Dicksville Notch, New Hamp- ally excite d th e audience . At annual 401 presentations. Th e 401 Project is a culmination of an Honors shire. Th e hote l organize d a 1:15 the moment of truth arrived; Program member's four years of hard work. Throughout the academic culinary demonstration of some it wa s time to have a n elegan t year, students participate in an independent study of their choice with of th e to p chef s in the Unite d lunch in the five-star dining room. the assistance of an advisor. Typically the project involves a hands-on States. Th e even t bega n a t 9 The sou p wa s a chilled straw - experience in the student' s related field o f study. Thi s practical a.m. bu t th e rid e wa s thre e berry yogurt . Th e sala d con- experience is yet another tool that Honors Program students will take hours and fifteen minutes, which tained mixed-green s an d tea r with them as they venture into their careers beyond graduation. meant tha t the student s had t o drop tomatoes wit h a balsamic Past 401 projects have included Mary Parent's passionat e leave a t 5:3 0 in the morning. vinaigrette. A s a main course the portrayal of homeless life on the streets of Manchester. Mary spent the Some of the culinary arts fac- restaurant serve d th e guest s year working at a homeless shelter and, as a result, found a career in ulty joined the students at this grilled chicke n serve d ove r social services. Audra and Stacey Shulman worked to create a business event; they included Chef Perrin penne pasta with an herb cream plan for a restaurant that they hoped to start one day. Long, Che f Desmon d Keefe , sun-dried tomat o sauce . Fo r The Class of 2001 should prove to display similar outstanding Chef Stephe n Owens , Che f dessert ther e wa s a lusciou s efforts. Ruthi e Pistorino is currently in the final stages of the production Bridget Flaniga n an d Che f dark-chocolate cake with fres h ofher video outlining the life of an individual living with Multiple Sclerosis. Beverly Nemetz. blackberries, strawberrie s an d Both Ruthie and Prof. Karin Caruso have been working diligently in The culinary students blueberries. recent months. Melissa Buffone plans to create and implement a peer- of NHC along with 250 people At two John Lawrence, mentoring program. Thi s program allows both NHC students and from other schools in New En- who is the owner of his own ca- students in the Academy of Finance to establish communication through gland gathered for this spectacu- tering company called Pepper's the Internet. NHC students will assist their peer s in preparing for lar event. Th e day began with a Fine, presente d "Chee k Ap- college admission and career preparation. demonstration b y Michae l peal," consistin g o f tw o In addition, Ryan Eberman and Krishna Kintzer are currently Barieu, th e corporat e che f a t dishes. The first dish was Baby implementing a sportsmanship program, "Where Has Sportsmanship Dole & Bailey with a degree a s Beef Cheek s with Cranberrry, Gone," in the Bedford Youth Soccer Association. This program aims a Certifie d Executiv e Chef. Grilled Portabell a Croustad e at working with both parents and players for the enhancement of Barieu's presentation focused on (crouton bread) , Asiang o sportsmanship. Teams will be evaluated on their level of sportsmanship Spanish hor s d'hoeuvre s Gorgonzola Tuille (thin-rolled and team cohesiveness. Ben Peirce, founder of NHC Radio, has created (tapas), whic h stimulate d th e pancake, Parsnip, Butternut, and a five-year strategic plan and operations manual. The radio hopes to audience's appetite . Th e tele- Roasted Fenne l & Harico t attain an AM radio signal by the close of the year. vision monitors illuminated the Vertes (long green beans). Th e The members of the Honors Program hope to see you in April demonstration so that everyone second dish was a Sea Bass & for the 401 presentations of 2001. It promises to be an exciting event. in the audience could see what Salmon Timbal ( a mousse in a was going on. Che f Barieu gave drum-shaped mold), Plum Wine out packets of recipes of items Beurre Blance , Budd a Hand- that ranged from roasted Medi - Scented Jasmin e Ric e (citru s terranean nuts to Mediterranean lemon-zest) an d Coconu t shepherd's pie . Scented Bok Choi Bundles. THE HUMAN RIGHTS At te n o'cloc k Pau l The final presentatio n Sorgule, culinary dean a t Paul at thre e wa s b y Wil l Barie u Smith College in New York, had (Michael's brother) . H e i s a ASSOCIATION WELCOME S a presentation o n "Cooking t o professor a t Souther n Main e Save Your Job." Hi s presenta- Technical College, where he is a tion concentrate d o n salads , culinary instructor. Hi s work- NEW MEMBERS. which are often the most over- shop was titled "Different Cook- looked men u item . Sorgul e ing Methods with Oysters." Th e WE MEE T EVERY MONDAY showed eight salads that were oysters tha t Barieu brough t in of the right and wrong size. H e were raised right at the college used some humor and shed light and came from diverse regions AT 5:30 P.M . IN THE BACK to th e student s wh o di d no t of Nort h America , anywher e know coming in what an over- from Nova Scotia right through ROOM OF THE CAFETERIA. dressed salad was and now had all of New England. the tool s t o mak e th e perfec t Steven James, sympo- salad. sium chairma n an d Executive CONTACT ZELMA Rick Coppedg e wa s Pastry Chef a t the Balsams Ho- the next presenter; h e is a Cer- tel, hosted the event. Th e event, ECHEVERRIA AT tified Master Baker. H e teaches according to NHC students, wa s at th e Culinar y Institut e o f a smash and they are looking for- America as a baking instructor. ward t o goin g t o nex t year' s ZELMA7 @ HOTMAIL.COM His focal point had to do with event. Th e students did not ar - "artisan bread" ; h e explained rive bac k a t NHC until abou t some key aspects of bread such seven o'clock that evening and as ho w brea d rise s an d wha t were delighted that they had the yeast actuall y is . Che f privilege of attending this event. 7 February 7,2001 The Observer WWF mad e abou t things like promotions and placing $500,000,000 i n retail sale s fo r advertisements. They have quite a Backyard Treasures 2000. Ther e ar e abou t 10 0 bit of leeway as long as it's legal. companies that distribute thousands They can have contests on By Sharon Smith of WWF products , including sports the radio . An example o f this i s videos and CDs . related to the superstar Undertaker. With last week's attention on the Super Bowl and Manchester's Television programs are the The promotion prize was to win your ongoing emphasis on the new civic center, it seems as though everyone biggest part of the WWF. There are own funeral , which included th e has developed a case of sports fever, including myself. Remaining over 200 events per year, like the casket and headstone, or you coul d consistent with the theme of this column, I decided to take a look at Live Raw ever y Monday night. For take the equivalent amount of money. local athletes who have gone on to professional sports. the Wrestle Mania2000, there were The man who won th e contest took My first local-gone-pro is Mike Flanagan. To many, his name, 875,000 pay per view buys. There the funeral. There is also a website may be only vaguely familiar; however, anyone living in Manchester in are 1 2 pay per view events per year. that is very popular. the early 70s will remember Flanagan as being a standout in both These are shown in 12 0 countries, WCW i s another wrestling basketball and baseball. A graduate of Manchester Memorial High and in 1 1 languages. There is a bi g group, but it has gon e downhill . School, he went on t o play baseball for th e Baltimore Orioles. He lef t growth are a in the internationa l WWF feel s tha t they trea t thei r Baltimore for a few years in the 80s and took off to Canada to pitch market. Right now, WW F ha s 30 superstars better because they ge t for th e Toronto Blue Jays. He was soon traded back to the Orioles, home video titles per year, and 8 of paid their flat rate plus incentives an d where he completed his caree r in 1992. Flanagan's career highlight them are currently in the top 10. benefits. WC W had problem s was winning the famous Cy Young Award in 1979. because the y pa y th e flat rat e Another loca l athlet e who travele d t o Canad a t o play whether or not the wrestlers had a professional baseball is Toronto Blue Jay, Chri s Carpenter. Thoug h a WWF like s to good show. resident of Exeter, Carpenter is a recent graduate of Trinity High School WWF like s to look at then- in Manchester. Despit e his tim e on the disabled list in 199 9 for an shows as a family experience, but elbow injury, this pitcher has earned th e title of one of the mos t look at their not like the Cosby show, of course. promising pitchers in the Major League. It's a way fo r parents to talk to their Leading the pack of New Hampshir e women who have moved shows as a fam- children and explain that it's not real. on to professional sports is Dover's own, Jenn y Thompson. In the Spooner has a 2-year-old daughter lead for the most Olympic gold medals to be won by an American and won't let her watch it because woman, she has earned her place in history in the sport of swimming. ily experience... she's too young to understand that There is no end to the list of athletes who have represented it's not real. New Hampshir e in the professional arena. Name s such as Hall o f WWF i s going to jump into Famer Carlton Fisk, Olympic runner Lynn Jennings from Newmarket, the market of television shows like member of the 1985 World Series Champion Kansas City Royal's Again, there are still more The Real World and Survivor. They Steve "Bye-Bye" Balboni of Manchester, and Nashua's own Gre g marketing tools and promotional have come up with a show called Landry who ha d a record-setting career in the NFL, who played for products out there. There are two Tough Enough. This show wil l teams such as the Lions, Colts and Bears. WWF magazines , one for kids and eventually tur n int o on e perso n With today's high school athletes excelling in their chosen then The Raw , whic h is more edgy, becoming a real wrestling superstar. sports and a new hockey team coming to town, this writer hopes that for adults . 5.8 million copies are in Then people will be put into a house New Hampshire' s sports fever is an epidemic that will not go away . circulation each year. Also, the Rock to train. When people are eliminated has a book, and Chyna's book will they aren't kicked out of the house; be out soon. they stay until the end of the show. It's a lot of work for th e Spooner feel s thi s wil l creat e The secret of selling superstars and the promoters. Unlike situations and dialogue to make the football, baseball, and hockey, there show interesting to a lot o f people. superstars is no off-season fo r the WWF, s o There's a lot of work that everyone has to work all year round. goes into selling these superstars. All By Melissa Cowdrey Spooner and other employees have of the work and time have paid off to wor k on sellin g tickets an d because WWF i s a very successful Superstars aren't the names involved in much more. Many of the basically "get butts in seats" through entertainment business. of movi e stars or singers; it's th e wrestlers hav e appeare d o n World Wrestling Federation's name television. Chyna appeared on Third for their wrestlers like the Rock and Rock from the Sun, and the Rock Chyna. There is a lot that goes into was on Saturday Night Live, which the busines s o f sellin g thes e gave the show its highest rating in superstars. two years. The WWF als o appeared John Spooner, a graduate of on MTV in August for sprin g break Northeastern University, works for 2000. WWF i s also involved with the WWF Compan y and was kind charities suc h a s th e Specia l enough to visit the Mara Lecture Olympics, the Cancer Society and

Hall a t NHC on Jan. 1 7 t o talk : ,;the Make a Wish,Foundation. Campus Weekly about the marketing that is involved with the wrestlers. honor. Th e selection process in- Spooner first presented an cludes a nominee developed port- informative video that is shown to folio, answers to a detailed question- prospective customers or clients. He naire, a sample syllabu s and en- said mos t peopl e kno w tha t dorsements from colleagues. Thre e wrestling is fake. They already know finalists are selected for furthe r in - who is going to win before the show. terviews with the award presented It's kind of like a soap opera with at an awards celebration at the Cen- different storylines and no repeats. ter of New Hampshir e in June. The WWF i s a successful business fo r man y reasons . The wrestlers don't just wrestle; they are The Observer February 7,2001 Student Leader of th e Surf.the.Net Month By Ben DeGennar o Welcome back to school and welcome to 2001. Sur f .the.Net had gone The Office of Student Organizations and Leadership has begun a AWOL from the last two issues of The Observer. This departure was Student Leader of the Month Program. The purpose of this program due to the overwhelming amount of work I needed to finish a s the is to recognize students that the faculty and staff of NHC believe are semester finished. Now, m y last semester as an undergraduate at NHC going above and beyond what is expected of them as student leaders. - i t will always be NHC t o me, I decided to focus m y column on Students are nominated for a variety of reasons including individual specific resource s rather than a theme. Instead of writing about achievement or improvement, attitude, involvement, moral-decision Valentine's Day, o r where to shop for your sweetie, I will write about making, and many others. Nominations are accepted until the third sites that I have found helpful in the last few weeks. week of each month. Onc e the winner is selected, a brief write up and photograph will appear in The Observer and on the OSOL bulletin Since winter break began, I have been designing an Intranet at an board in the Student Center. optical networking company in Nashua, NH. I began to learn Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Visual-Basic Script, JavaScript and Active The Student Leader selected for the month of January is Jen Hunt. Server Pages (ASP). The following sites were used as resources in Jen received her Associate's Degree in Culinary Arts last year, and is designing the Intranet, and I thought they might be helpful to some of now pursuing her Bachelor's Degree in Restaurant Management. Fo r my readers. the past three years she has been working in the Information Booth/ Copies Plus in the Student Center. This year Jen took on the challenge One o f th e AS P sites i s Fou r Guy s Fro m Rolla , ( http:// of being the manager. A few of her responsibilities include supervising A site with an interesting name, Four Guys a staff of 14, coordinating billing periods, producing daily income from Rolla started out as a CIS projec t and developed into an excellent reports, taking inventory, coordinating staff meetings and overseeing ASP resource. Other excellent ASP site s include ASP Fre e (http:// the daily operations o f the business. I n this position, she has earned whic h provides downloads, demos, tutorials , the respect of her peers since day one. Sh e takes her job seriously discussion boards, and all-around help with active server pages. ASP and shows an admirable amount of maturity. Although this is her first 101 (http://www.aspl01 .com) offers sample code downloads that yo u experience managing a business, her innate skills have helped that can use yourself. If you've never heard of ASP o r would like to learn business grow and become what it is today. Congratulations , Jen! more, study online at Learn ASP (

If you're looking for Visual Basic Script (commonly known as VB Script), be sure to check out VB World ( Regarded as one of the best VB sites around, it provides samples of code that can be lifted or used to model when creating your own code . Another excellen t sit e fo r V B i s V B Squar e ( http://

Many of the VB sites have links to other related sites such as ActiveX Controls, HTM L an d JavaScript . CodeGur u ( http:// is another site that offers developer resources , mainly Visual Basic and C++. The final site is ActiveX 10 1 (http://

If HTML i s more your style, be sure to check out the Beginner's Guide to HTM L ( HTMLPrimerAll.html) an d Chris ' HTM L Tuto r Cente r ( http://

If you have questions on any of the material, be sure to email the Webmaster and take advantage of whatever help is available. If you're still confused, chec k out Experts Exchange ( http://www.experts-, P C Suppor t ( 91 1 My Visit Th e Observer online at Computer flittp://www.91 or PC Help Desk Online ( Compute r Hel p ( http:// Help on the Net ( and HelpDesk (

In upcoming columns, I will discuss Windows NT Resources, Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedi a Dreamweaver, Adob e PageMake r an d Adobe Photoshop resources . I n addition, I will discus s th e latest electronic devices to flood the market, the Personal Digital Assistant STUDENTS TAKE NOTICE! (PDA). It's that time of year again. Tune to pick up your 2001-2002 FAFSA . The priority deadline for filing your FAFSA is March 15,2001. Come to the Financial Aid office to pick up your forms and have your ques- tions answered.

9 February 7,2001 The Observer VOICESAND FACE S

Who would be your celebrity Valentine? By Sharon Smith, Mark Williams and Melissa Hartford

Sarah Doucette SokHow Mike Bolduc Sophomore Sophomore Senior Communication Major International Busi- Psychology Major "Ryan Phillippe, enough ness Major said." "Katherine Zeta Jones. She's "Jackie Chan, beautiful, intelligent, and carries 'cause he can kick herself with confidence." butt."

Erin Vedrani Junior Human Resource Management Major "Ben Affleck, he's a cutie. "

Laurie Sievers Christina Vagi Freshman Freshman 3-Year Business 3-Year Business Major Major "Joshua Jackson, "Lance Bass and nice eyes." Kevin Griffin, they 're both hot and Kevin is smart, too."

John Spack Sean Couture Junior Graduate Assistant Marketing Major "Melissa Joan "Alyssa Milano, she's hot. Hart, love her witch ways."

10 The Observer February 7,2001

Rico Ratcliff e Freshman Mimi Macr i CIS Major Freshman "Rene Zelwieger, because she's real." Advertising Major "Justin Timberlake, because I want to steal him away from Britney. "

Jay Morneau Sophomore Mark Williams Communication Major Senior "Christina Aguilera, her voice, her looks Communication Major and her eyes." "My mom — she's a star!"

Bobby Koslowsky Chris Vokes Junior Junior Business Admin. Major Hotel and Restuarant "Britney Spears, she's Management Major Tara Lenihan smokin'." "Jennifer Lopez, Junior because." English Education Major "Mel Gibson."

11 February 7,2001 The Observer ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Finding hidden talent in Mid Winter Night's Dream 'Finding Forrester' Valentine Semiformal By Melissa Hartford

Finding Forrester Actors th Genre: Drama SeanConnery Saturday, February 10 Rating: PG13 Rob Brow n Director: Gus Va n San t AnnaPaquin Hospitality Ballroom Running time: 2 hrs 15 mi n Rating: 3 1/2 cracks of the whip 8 p.m.-midnight

Before I get into the ins and outs of Gus Va n Sant's film 'Finding Forrester,' I would like to explain my rating system and give a comparison index as to what I think is a good movie. The cracks of the whip (a tribute Tickets are available at the Info- to my roommates) can be compared to a five-star rating scale. Som e examples of great movies that I think are worthy of five cracks are 'Forrest Booth Gump,' 'Rain Man,' 'Th e Wizard of Oz' an d of course 'Titanic.' A one- crack movie is one that is so bad that you can't even finish watching it, Free for NHC students even to procrastinate doing schoolwork. Examples of a really bad movie in my opinion are the new 'Psycho' and 'Dogma' (sorry, Ben an d Matt). $5 for NHC guests The premise of 'Finding Forrester' is that Jamal Wallace (Rob Brown), a rookie actor who auditioned for a smaller part to pay off his cell 1 guest per student phone bill, has two exceptional gifts—writing and basketball. Afte r he takes an aptitude test, Jamal's brilliance is noticed by a rich private school. Jamal (an African-American student) fights for equality on the court and in the classroom. Forreste r (Connery) is nicknamed the "window" by Jamal and his friends because he always watches their basketball games but never Ticket & ID must be presented comes out of his house. Forreste r plays a one-time geniu s author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. He becomes Jamal's mentor and teaches him at the door how to be a passionate, powerful writer. Mixed within this story line is a weak attempt at a love interest (Anna Paquin), who is a rich, white socialite student at the private school. Lisa Neubauer and This part of the film just never fully develops. I give 'Finding Forrester' 3 1/2 cracks of the whip because it's a little dragged out in the middle. G o se e it if you hav e time, but no need to Friends present run. It ' 11 be out on video soon enough. On e huge plus and surprise for the ladies comes at the end of , it will have your heart skipping a beat, and almost erase the memories of what your date paid for th e tickets. Valentine's Day Feb. 9 Drama Club presents Campus Weekly The theme will be love at from classical opera to jazz to spiri- By Katie Darling New Hampshir e College on Friday, tuals, show tunes and art songs. Feb. 9 , whe n sopran o Lis a All o f her selections ar e "You're a Good Man, Lisa Session s star s a s the self - Neubauer, accompanied by tenor based on the age old theme of love Charlie Brown" will be performed confident Lucy, Hillary Trainer as the Michael Lockhart , and pianist and will represent composers such Friday, March 2 , and Saturday , talented piano-playin g Schroder , Kathy Frank, perform an evening of as Gounod , Donizetti , March 3 at 8 p.m. i n the AV Studio. Abby McDonald as intelligent Linus, classical music in observance o f Rachmaninoff, Gershwin, Sondheim, This will be the first musical the and Bow High School student Jo Valentine's Day. Th e concert wil l Bock an d Harris, Jason Rober t Drama Clu b ha s done in years; Jensen joins us as lovable Snoopy. begin at 8 p.m. i n Audio Visual Stu- Brown and others. however, this was a challenge we Tim Stockma n and Katie Darling dio. Admission is free. Fo r mor e were up to! return to the Drama Club as the timid Neubauer has prepared a n information call Charles Wilbert at Based on the beloved comic Charlie Brown and energetic Patty. interesting collage of music ranging ext. 2404. strip by Charles Schulz, the show "You're a Good Man, revolves aroun d th e innocent - Charlie Brown " is directed by minded, five-year-ol d Charlie Gladdy White, and the music will be Attention CIS Majors Brown, who wants nothing mor e performed b y Peter Bridges . than to be accepted and liked by his Admission will be free, and the show Campus Weekly peers. will be one you will not forget. The show involves familiar The next big challenge for Are yo u lookin g for a chal- ext. 9730, or stop by C21 for an scenes such as Lucy's doctor boom, the club will be improvisation skits. lenging work-study job? There is application and additional informa- a team baseball game and Snoopy Anyone who is interested in joining an opening for any CIS Major who tion. Some of the responsibilities of on house; the audience will is welcome. Meeting dates will be is eligible for work-study in the In- this position will be to assist Marc feel like they are growing up with announced later. Unti l then, come structional Suppor t Department . and othe r NHC Computer staf f these familiar faces all over again. and witnes s th e new talent for You will need to be able to work up members diagnose problem s an d The clu b has some new yourself, white you spen d an evening to 20 hours per week. I f you are repair them. faces to add to the show this year. becoming a kid again. interested please contact Marc Cote

12 The Observer February 7,2001 Chubby bunny

By Geoff Morgan required t o sa y th e word s a t th e Do college student s truly conclusion of each round . Soon , have too much free time on thei r students were dropping like flies as Burger King Night hands? Within th e brick walls of mouths wer e fille d an d th e Washington Hall, especially with competition gre w ugly, and what programs like the great Wiffleball started ou t a s "Chubb y Bunny " Thursday, February 2 2 Homerun Derby and Sex Jeopardy, sounded mor e lik e "Shubb y it's not difficult to see how a stranger Vuddy!" to NHC might arriv e a t suc h a In the end, rivulets of melted 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. conclusion. Yet a full-time student mallow trickling down their chins, would know that this is really not the cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk's case, that college kids are merel y in late fall, not one but two men were Burger King, Wal-Mart Plaza, skilled at making the most of what left standin g in triumphant glory . Hooksett little time they do have. Residen t Having both been able to fit eleven Assistants like Mike Kiester know marshmallows int o their mouths, when and how to create a good time Ryan West and Ice Flash were both Help support CSC by getting for us residents, and it's because of proclaimed th e winner s o f th e this that on the evening of Dec. 10 contest. Immediately preceding his dinner at Burger King between 6 at approximately 7 p.m., Washington shared victory , Wes t ha d th e Hall's secon d floo r wa s abl e t o following to say of what was going p.m. & 9 p.m. A portion of th e experience th e hilarious spectacle through his mind during the more receipts during that time will go t o of... the Chubby Bunny contest. intense moments of the competition. Contestants Bria n Bates , "I felt like if I stuffed an y CSC so that w e ca n continue to Brandies "Ice" Flash, Lucas Methot, more [marshmallows] into my mouth host campus wide events. Camelo Rojas, Matt Sharpe, Craig I would puke, so I quit." Thomas and Ryan West all lined up "Now I kno w ho w th e in the hall and prepared to duke it Stay-Puffed Man felt when he blew out in order to determine just who up," said Brian Bates, who came in would b e th e Chubb y Bunn y a close second. champion. At Kiester's signal, each Congratulations to everyone competitor stuffe d a marshmallow who participated, especially to West into his mouth and proclaimed the and Flash, the tw o me n wit h th e magical words "Chubby Bunny!" biggest mouths on the second floor The process was repeated of Washington Hall. several times , th e participant s





RA Mike Kiester created the Chubby Bunny Competi- tion for his residents to take part in (Photo by Jill Hart). COULD BE PRINTE D


13 February 7,2001 The Observer

the album on which it appears, Two list. Th e admissio n o f Pete r These are your father's Against Nature, is also up for bot h Frampton, a man who fell off the Best Pop Voca l Album and Album face of the earth two decades ago, Grammys love them or hate them. Still, I won't of the Year. I thought the half dozen is laughable . Ye t there h e is , debate the artistic merits of the likes of you wh o purchased it might be alongside Metallica and Phish, vying By Steve Fredrickson of Christina Aguilera, Madonna and interested to know. for Bes t Roc k Instrumenta l Britney Spears , wome n whos e The only standout in the Performance. No t nearl y a s It's true. In recent years, the bodies are seemingly more appealing Best Male Rock Vocal Performance amusing i s Pau l McCartney's Recording Academ y ha s pride d than their lyrics. I will, however , is Lenny Kravitz, who makes the Liverpool Sound Collage, which itself o n nominatin g mor e question the inclusion of folk singer genre look somewhat respectable has curiously been placed in the Best contemporary artists , rathe r tha n Joni Mitchell among them. Especially with "Again." The majority of this Alternative Music Album category. blindly showerin g honor s o n for a song, "Both Sides Now," whic h group has forgotten how to rock, or He appear s with such band s a s sentimental favorites. I t had been I hav e never hear d an d I doub t has jus t stoppe d ou t o f fea r o f Beck, The Cure, and Radiohead, widely criticized for recognizing anyone else has either. Tha t fac t breaking a hip. Clearly , voters were hardly the peer group of a former musicians past their prime, while alone should nullify its consideration waxing nostalgi c whe n the y Beatle. overlooking thos e influencin g as popular music. nominated Bo b Dylan's "Things Now, please . Don't get me today's sounds. S o it came as no The Bes t Po p Grou p Have Changed." He has spent much wrong. Many of these artists have surprise when Dr. Dre le d this year's Performance i s sure to be a hotly of his career mumbling unintelligibly my adoratio n for their parts in music nominations with five nods, followed contested affair. It' s shaping up to to a n acousti c guitar , bu t thing s history, Bo b Dyla n an d Pau l closely b y hi s Sli m Shad y be a battle of the boy bands, with definitely have changed. I suspect McCartney in particular. Whil e I counterpart Eminem, who garnered the Backstreet Boys' "Show Me th e pity was the main motivation for don't think they should just ride off four. Ye t th e voters still favor th e Meaning of Being Lonely" going up penciling i n Davi d Bowi e fo r into the sunset, they certainly have same music your parents listen to. against *NSync's "Bye By e Bye. " "Thursday's Child." Sadly , he just had their moment in the sun. Th e They own a stack of hip-hop CD s Of course, let's not count out those hasn't bee n th e sam e sinc e h e Recording Academy needs to vote just to be hip, hiding away their stack venerable veterans of rock, Steely removed the women's clothing and with their ears rather than hearts, and of old 45s in a closet. Dan, an d thei r comebac k hit , stopped wearing the makeup. Then put an end to praising sub-par work Sorry, kids . Th e mor e "Cousin Dupree." The n again, it there's Don Henley' s "Workin' It," from rock legends. Unti l then, I will things change, the more they stay the wasn't much of a hit, an d they still another undeserving track. While I watch the Grammy results on Feb. same. That much is evident after just haven't made a comeback. Th e can't think of anything bad to say 21 with an occasional sigh. My only one glance at the nominees. Th e jazzy son g seldo m received an y about him, I'm sur e I'll think of hope is that I don't have to watch Best Po p Femal e Voca l radio airplay or fan attention, but it something later. Paul Simon give his love to Art Performance category has given us was good enough to put the seventies The error s become mor e Garfunkel in an acceptance speech names we have all grown to know, group on the list. As a side note, notable as you continue down the for Album of the Year.

demand: watch for new assignments new growth. days, Libra: stay focused. Horoscopes or greatly extended schedules . Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) Aquarius (Jan, 21-Feb. 19) Taurus (April 21-May 20) Over the next few days, Leo, focu s Stand your ground in romantic or Inner journeys, quick intuitions or Social and romantic attractions are on long-term goals and new busi- family power struggles this week, flashes of insight are a strong influ- a major influence this week. All that ness strategies: workplace ideas in- Scorp. Over the next few days pub- ence over the next few days. Key has been previously withheld in key troduced over the last few week s lic honesty and emotional integrity areas of concern are past emotional relationships will soon be made pub- will now become firmly established. will be a key concern: expect loved limitations in romantic or family re- lic. Be expressive, Taurus: share d Jupiter's transiting influences may ones to soon request your support, lationships. Some Aquarians may honesty and social commitments will have recently brought unusual com- agreement or continued guidance. now begi n t o experienc e mino r soon intensify. Later this week avoid munications or a third party influence Broaden your social or emotional physical aches or pains. If so, thi s excess spending; for th e next 8 days onto your workscene. Imprint your circle, Scorp: new information and may be an indication that much un- financial an d business promises are unique style in the minds of author- outside influences will bring relief. conscious movement is taking place. unreliable. ity figures, Leo, an d all will be well. The body has a wisdom, Aquarius: Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) listen and gather valuable clues. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Work officials may be unusually an- For the past few weeks , Gem, newl y Recent romantic changes or family noying this week, Sage. Small du- Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) proposed busines s relationship s disruptions may now cause some- ties an d the completion of recently Subtle home communications and have been limited to slow progress one close to question their emotional forgotten task s may b e th e onl y deep feelings of intimacy are on th e or stalled negotiations. Serious mis- security or long-term plans. Roman- source of emotional security for anx - tic doubts will pass quickly, Virgo, agenda over the next few days, Pi- takes can now be easily corrected: ious authority figures. Remain philo- remain focused on small amounts so not to worry. Do, however , ex- sces. Recent power struggles in fam- sophic: this is not a good time to ask and written permissions. For some pect new self awareness and reflec- ily and romantic relationships ar e for specia l consideration or publicly Geminis romance will also be af - tion to inspire greater trust between now ending: for th e nex t 8 day s challenge the ideas of others. fected: expect steady improvements, loved ones. Spiritual and social inti- watch for lovers and relatives to plan revised invitations or joint travel macy is now on the rise: enjoy pri- quiet romantic evenings or shared Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) plans. vate encounters and subtle commu- home activities. Be receptive, Pisces: Early this week a distant romance nications with close friends. romance and shared understandin g or unspoken attraction may become Cancer (June 22-July 22) are alive and well. unavoidable. Over the next few day s Before mid-wee k expec t a close Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) expect previously shy lovers or new friend or relative to suggest unusual Long-term work decisions and ca- friends t o offe r subtl e gestures , Aries (March 21-April 20) business solutions. Over the next fe w reer intuition will now work in your unique comments or seductive invi- Early this week colleagues and key days social influences can help re- favor. Many Librans will now dis- tations. All looks pleasing, Cap, s o officials may request special business solve lon g standin g workplac e cover that their quietl y detached not to worry: do, however, avoid advice. Work limitations or short struggles. Listen carefully to the ad- approach to workplace difference s public displays of affection in the term contracts are now complex: vice and experiences of others: un- has been completely successful. Af- workplace. Befor e mid-March expect clos e associate s t o rel y expected source s may now offe r ter mid-wee k expect key officials or work officials and close colleagues heavily on your insight into stalled concrete ideas. Release yesterday's colleagues to request that you pub - will be watching your social style, projects or difficult mistakes. Before expectations an d outdated relation- licly set your own standard s and pri- private agendas and daily emotional mid-week your idealism will be in ships, Cancer: it's time to commit to orities. A subtle but powerful few choices: be discrete.

14 The Observer February 7,2001 CREATIVITY PAGE

The Demon Song: Great Hall of the Freeport Academy Sebastian was different from them, for Gifte d Youths . He paid little they believed , because his wa s attention t o th e othe r student s arguably the wealthiest family in all The Chose n (continued) passing him by, and in his own self- of Havenstadt. When they looked absorption nearly plowed over one at him, he thought, all that they saw By Geoff Morgan Beginner. Any other youth in his was money and power. position might have offered the child A flash of light distracted She floated freely through a shoulder suddenly sprouted claws, a sneer and simply kept on walking, him then and brought Sebastian out vast space of emptiness, devoid of and she thought that she could smell but not Sebastian Kippler. of his thoughts. H e heard a loud all color save the purest shade of the foulness of the beast's breath. "I'm sorry. Are you okay whistle and quickly turned his head black. Al l aroun d he r re d eye s Lynn's eyes snapped open there, buddy?" h e aske d wit h a to look. A shadow darkene d th e glowed, their evil fires flickering like wide a s th e beastl y visag e wa s winning smile, his blue eyes flashing entrance to the tunnel, and then the the flames of burning candles. She replaced b y th e officer' s face . kindly. train was speeding toward him. His flapped her arms and kicked with Disoriented and confused, she was The Beginner had to crane blond hair waved about wildly as a her legs, her lithe body whirling all lifted into the air, laid upon a litter, his nec k bac k in order t o mee t blast of warm air hit his face, th e about, but sh e coul d no t escap e and carried into a waiting ambulance. Sebastian's gaze, for Sebastian, the operator having just activated the those eyes. Suddenly a huge form The door s slamme d shu t with a witness of only sixteen winters, was shuttle's brake thrusters. The lead emerged fro m th e emptiness , resounding bang , an d Lyn n well over six feet tall. car came to a smooth stop before looming directly before her . Her collapsed into the comfort of the "I uh.. . I' m fine , than k him, and he pushed himself to his feet limbs flaile d wit h renewe d stretcher. A medical attendant was you," th e Beginne r mumble d The doubl e door s parte d wit h a desperation, but the effort was just staring down at her, his expression appreciatively, then turned and sped hydraulic hiss, and taking a moment as futile as it had been before. grave. For some odd reason, Lynn off in direction. to heft his case, Sebastian climbed A large, clawed hand shot thought that his eyes glowed red for Sebastian shrugge d an d aboard. out from the hulking shadow and the briefest of instants. turned awa y a s well , thoug h hi s Finding a sea t wa s n o closed about her middle. It drew her Beware, Chosen. meandering did not take him very problem at all; all he had to do was in, despit e he r wil d kickin g an d "What did you just say?" far. He approached one of the many spot the one farthest away from the flailing fists. Two eyes the size of The attendant' s fac e mature oak trees spaced throughout open doors. Once there he stuffe d dining platters opened up just above became even more serious, and he the Hall , plante d withi n a larg e his loos e possession s i n a her, and the terrible light that they held her by the shoulders as if to calm square of wooden fencing. As usual, compartment designed specifically cast on their owner at last revealed her down. Lynn, more confused than he took his seat upon one of the four for that purpose, then slowly settled its face . A hideous, bestia l fac e ever, resolved not speak aloud again. benches built into this fence. There himself in the leather bucket seat. covered wit h ski n lik e wrinkle d Beware, Chosen, he sat for quite some time, his jacket Other people were getting on now, leather bent close to her and grinned, said again, disembodied and floating in one hand and his briefcase in the their searching gazes immediately revealing a mouthful of fangs that through space to whisper in her ear. other, starin g a t th e track s an d finding his, and he smiled in friendly curved like scythes. She screamed, The Dark will choose its own. waiting for the train to appear. Other greeting. They all looked away, of but no sound came forth from her "What did you just say?" she young people passed him by, youths course, especially the shy ones, and parted lips. demanded loudly , he r promis e who all knew who he was and were Sebastian could only shake his head. Terror seized her in its own forgotten. probably privy to many other bits of These people had known him all of icy grip when she realized that she She rose from the stretcher knowledge concerning him and his their lives, and never had they grown was being pulled toward that gaping despite the attendant's hold, gripped family. He thought it rather funny that accustomed to the sight of his face. mouth. Hot saliva splashed onto her him by the front of his uniform and he still did not know any of their His smil e became wistfu l a s h e face, and she could feel the red eyes pulled his face so close to hers that names. Much less amusing to him, dismissed them altogether from his closing all about her to hold her in she though t sh e coul d smel l his however, were the looks that they mind. H e opene d a smal l door place as the monster's fangs grazed aftershave. threw his way. mounted onto the rear of the seat in her flesh. Then everything was gone "I don't know what you're Sebastian didn't appreciate front of him and withdrew two tiny in a blinding flash of light. talking about, Miss," the man said the meaning behind those calculating transmitter earplugs attached by a Lynn opened her eyes and in a nervous voice. It was not th e stares, the way that they made him thin black cord. He flipped on the looked straight up, and was met with same youthful voice that had spoken feel as if he were being viewed as switch marked "radio" and stuffed the blue of a beautiful afternoon sky. to her just a moment ago. something other than human. Ever the plugs into his ears. Her vision came into focus, and she "Please," the attendant said, since he could remember it had been saw that a gathering of people had taking advantage of her confusion that way for him. As a child he had Editors' Note: The Demon Song circled he r sprawle d form. They and pushing her back down. "You been forced to learn to tolerate the will be serialized in each issue began t o tal k quietl y amongs t may experience some mild nausea judgments of his peers as a result of throughout the academic year. themselves a s the young woman and disorientation, but the discomfort the separating rif t between them. groaned and tried to sit up. Suddenly will pass as soon as we get you to a there was a hand on her shoulder, specialist. Tr y no t t o sleep , and Lynn, thinking that perhaps she though..." was still in the dream, shied away Lynn let the man continue to SUBMIT YOUR POEMS, from that touch. ramble on, barely even aware of the "Easy, girl," a comforting sound of his words. She did feel voice spoke . "You took a nast y sick, then, and she did feel confused. SHORT STORIES , DRAWING S tumble. Just relax, and let me take Now voices were speaking to her care of you." from inside her mind; she must have She turned her head in the hit her head much harder than she AND PHOTOGRAPHS TO BE direction o f th e voic e an d wa s thought surprised t o se e a n unfamiliar Fear not, Chosen, th e PRINTED ON THE Sentinel smiling down at her. His voice whispered softly. I come. friendly face wavered for an instant, though, and became the gruesom e CREATIVITY PAGE. spectacle that she had witnessed in It wa s wit h a purposefu l the dream. The hand that held her stride that he walked through th e 15 The Observer February 7,2001 OPINION Editors' Note: Students' opinions are accepted to be published on the opinion page, yet they do not necessarily reflect the views Putting the schools on of the editorial staff If anyone would like to write about his/ her religious beliefs, that will also be accepted for publication notice has found a deft way to engage the on this page. Tribune Media Services voucher debate. The voucher would be tar- President Bush's first major geted t o poor kids at chronically Good News initiative is a solid education plan, underperforming schools . Th e one that draws on lessons learned voucher woul d be a las t resort . By Mark Williams in Texas and elsewhere about how Schools would have ample time un- to improve schools through higher der Bush's reforms to improve the th Jan. 22,2001, marked the 28 anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision expectations and higher demands. education environment before th e wherein the Supreme Court ruled that most existing state laws governing There wer e n o grea t sur - kids got the opportunity to go else- abortion were unconstitutional. Since then, approximately 38,010,378 prises in the education plan unveiled where. babies have been aborted in the United States according to the Alan Tuesday. Bush set out virtually all of Low-income parents whose Guttmacher Institute, a special research affiliate of Planned Parenthood these ideas during the campaign . children are locked into abysmal Federation of America. AGI has compiled some shocking statistics on Several of them, such as testing stu- schools should be allowed a way this medical murder, no matter what your political stance on the subject dents every year from third to eighth out—a choice, incidentally, that can't of first amendment rights. grade and rewarding or punishing help but result in parents becoming schools based on their performance, more involved in their children's edu- Murder, defined by Webster's dictionary as malicious and premeditated are measures already in place and cation. homicide, takes place "eac h year, (when) an estimated 5 0 million yielding results in Illinois and some In all this debate it has to be abortions occur worldwide. Of these, 20 million are obtained illegally" other states. kept in mind that the federal role in ( What does this portray, if not malice? Can these Giving states more latitude public education is modest. Wash- people honestly say that the deliberate termination of a human life is in to create their own standards and ington provides n o more than 1 0 the best interest of the children? Would the children agree? What if to spend federal money as they se e cents of every dollar spent in public they wanted to live, despite the hardships? Ho w many invaluable lives fit should win easy confirmation on education, and the learning takes and their unique contributions to our society have we silenced? Capitol Hill. Bush would pump more place in the classroom, not on Capi- money into teacher training and ef- tolHill. In 1997, roughly 1,186,039 legal abortions were reported to the Center forts to teach reading in the early el- for Disease Control accounting for 20 abortions per 1,00 0 women Bush, for all his talk about ementary school grades. Who would aged 15-4 4 and 360 induced legal abortions pe r 1,00 0 liv e births trusting people, couldn't resist try- performed eac h year in our country ( argue? ing to impose a Washington man- Think about these numbers! Th e nonchalance with which we have Now t o th e controversy . date on local schoo l boards. H e allowed an entire generation to be destroyed is horrifying! Wh y are we Bush seek s to ope n th e doo r t o would demand that bilingual educa- up in arms against people like Dr. Jack Kavorkian when he kills? At school vouchers. If a school persis- tion be limited to three years — stu- least these people want to die; they have a choice. How can a baby tently failed to improve its perfor- dents would have to be taught only who has not yet breathed air defend itself against this "choice"? mance, low-income students in that in English after that. It's the right school woul d be provide d with idea, as many local schools are start- Jan. 21 was observed by Christians of the Southern Baptist Convention $ 1,500 to pay for tutoring or for tu- ing to learn. But it's a decision about as "Sanctity of Human Life Sunday" and presented God's view of this ition at another school. Bush may not education that should be made by travesty from His Word. "Kee p you far from a false matter; and the ultimately win on this point, but he local educators, not forced on them. innocent and the righteous slay you not: for I will no t justify th e wicked" (Exodus 23:7). "Thes e six things does the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and Things to do on hands that shed innocent blood. A n heart that devise s wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness Valentine's Day when that speaks lies, and he that sheds discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19). "Tha t innocent blood be not shed in your land, which the you are single LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, and so blood be upon you" (Deuteronomy 19:10). By Katelyn Duggan

President George W. Bush proved his faithfulness t o the will of God— Go out to dinner with friends the foundation of this great democracy—on his first day in office by Send/ buy yourself flowers signing the executive order that denied federal money to international Be the official boycotter of V-day clinics offering abortions. I f we would all likewise stand up for the Think of all the fun times you have had with friends rights of unborn children, this national death-spree could be brought to Egg the house of an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend to make yourself feel an end. W e must speak for those who cannot speak for themselves; better (haha) the future of our nation depends on it. Make a friend your Valentine Watch a funny or silly movie with your friends and just laugh Treat it like any other day Go shopping and spend mom and dad's money Editors' and Advisor's Note: Because of the strong views expressedDiv e into the hundreds of pages of reading you need to catch up on for above on a controversial topic, views which some may consider in- class flammatory, we wish to point out that, as usual, the author of this Send a secret Valentine (be a secret admirer) column is expressing his personal opinion. Readers who have differ- Stalk your crush and hope that he/she gives in (hehe) ent views are encouraged to submit opinion pieces or write letters to Work and make money the editor. Please submit material to [email protected]. Stop procrastinating on your psych paper and finally start the introduction Be festive and enjoy the holiday Act in a loving way

16 February 7,2001 The Observer VALENTINE MESSAGES

17 One-On-One Sports, Intramural Snow Softball Tournament

This one-day tournament will be held on Sunday, Feb. 1 1 on the softball AM1510 teams up with field. Teams must consist of a minimum of five males and two females . Space in the tournament is limited to the first four teams to register at New Hampshire College: the Athletic Department offic e by Thursday, Feb. 8, at 4 p.m. The temperature the day of the tournament must be at least 20 degrees. For Penmen Hoops Challenge to b e more information call ext. 9786 . held at NHC Fieldhous e

Press Release

On Feb . 1 0 the One-On- The AM 1510 Street Team One Sports Stree t Teams wil l b e will be on hand throughout the game LIVE a t the NHampshire College giving awa y grea t One-On-On e Fieldhouse durin g th e men' s Sports prizes to the lucky fans in Men's Basketball Schedule basketball gam e versu s Bentle y attendance. The da y shoul d be filled College. One-On-On e Sports will with great basketball, great prizes Feb. 1 0 against BENTLEY COLLEGE a t 4 p.m. be giving out a Boston Entertainment and great fun for all who attend. Feb. 1 4 against STONEHILL COLLEGE a t 7:30 p.m. Package t o one lucky fan who is Also, th e AM1510 Street Feb. 1 7 at FRANKLIN PIERCE COLLEGE a t 4 p.m. chosen to participate in the Penmen Team will be at the 6th Annual NHC Feb. 2 1 against UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVE N at 7:30 p.m. Hoops Challenge. Sport Management Club Auction. The Penme n Hoop s The auction takes place immediately Challenge is an on-court contest that following the game and will feature will be held during halftime of th e great sports memorabilia and area game. Th e chosen contestant will business gift certificate packages. be given the opportunity to sink one One-On-One Sports is the lay-up, one free throw and one three nation's largest and most listened- point basket to win the Grand Prize. to 24-hou r sport s radio networ k The contestant will not walk away broadcasting live over 425 affiliated empty handed. By making just a lay- stations. One-On-On e Sports owns up the contestant will secure a small and operates New York' s AM620, Women's Basketball Schedule prize; the size of prizes increase s Boston's AM1510 , L.A.' s when the contestant sinks the fre e KMPC1540 The Sports Giant and Feb. 1 0 against BENTLEY COLLEGE a t 1:30 p.m . throw, but the only way to secure also operates FM94.3 in Chicago. Feb. 1 4 against STONEHILL COLLEGE a t 5:30 p.m. the Boston Entertainment Package The networ k ca n b e hear d Feb. 1 7 at FRANKLIN PIERCE COLLEGE a t 2 p.m. is to sink all three! worldwide at Feb. 1 9 against UMASS LOWELL a t 5:30 p.m.

Hockey Schedule Saturday, Feb. 1 0 a t 6 p.m. at NHC Fieldhous e Feb. 1 0 against WENTWORTH I.T. a t 5:30 p.m. Feb. 1 4 against WORCESTER STATE COLLEGE a t 7:20 p.m . Sponsored by Feb. 1 7 at TUFTS UNIVERSITY at 1:15 p.m. New Hampshire College Feb. 1 9 against SUFFOLK UNIVERSIT Y at 7:20 p.m. Sport Management Club Some items include -Lift tickets to Mount Sunapee -NHC & Phillips Exeter Summer Camps -Skybox seats for Portland Seadogs CLASSIFIEDS -Rare autographs & cards -Manchester Monarchs gear Would you like to be a millionaire 5 years from now? Start today! Part time, home-based business in communications & eCommerce. Come before to watch \ Call 1-888-835-4744 . NHC vs. Bentley Men's Basketball Auctioneer: Frank Eaton, License #2899 Fraternities - Sororitie s - Club s - Studen t Groups Personal Checks and Cash only Earn $1,000 - $2,000this quarter with the easy three-hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact at (888) 923-3238, or visit February 7,2001 The Observer

because of the injuries and lack of SOUTHERN experience in pressure situations. And despite all of this, of NEW HAMPSHIRE NHC's 1 1 losses nine have been by UNIVERSITY less than 10 points. Included in those has been a trio of losses by less than three points each. CAPE That bein g said , NHC' s next six will be critical because all Presents five of their final fiv e conferenc e games will be against teams that are ahead o f the m i n th e NE-10 standings. Th e game s ar e a t POSITIVELY POLAR Merrimack (Feb. 6), home versus Bentley (Feb . 10 ) an d Stonehil l (Feb. 14), at Franklin Pierce (Feb. Friday, Feb. 9 Saturday, Feb. 10 17), and home again versus UMass Lowell (Feb. 19). Haircuts Breakfast in Bed In their last nine games the Get a FREE professional haircut ! It's cold out, stay in bed and we'll bring Penmen have been 3-6, including a Sign up at the Information Booth, breakfast to you! five-game losing streak in the middle space is hmited! Sign up at the Information Booth in of January. I t was the first time the 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Pub advance. program has lost five straight since 11 a.m. at your door the 87-88 season. Temporary Tattoos But in the last three games Decorate your body without pain! Women's Basketball NHC is 2-1. Befor e losing 62-50 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in vs. Bentley College at Bryant on Feb. 3 the team sported 1:30 p.m. NHC Fieldhouse back-to-back win s agains t Wacky Wax Assumption (100-70) and American Make a mold of your hand Men's Hockey International (58-55). holding wacky stuff! vs. Wentworth Institute of Technology The game against American 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Cafe 3:50 p.m. Tri-town Arena International on Jan. 31 was the first home NHC played in the Fieldhouse in si x games. Prio r t o that both TG1F and the band EvenTide Men's Basketball basketball teams had to play in the Enjoy FREE food while listening to the vs. Bentley College auxiliary gym because of flooding in cover band EvenTide! Win prizes! the Fieldhouse that occurred just 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the Pub 4 p.m. NHC Fieldhouse before the Holiday Break. In that game, junior Tim Lee Howie Day Night Tubing connected on 5-of-7 three-pointer s Listen to one of music's brightest and to lead NHC with 1 8 points total. upcoming stars! Have a blast tubing all night at Gunstock! It marked the fifth time this season 9 p.m. in the Pub The cost is $5 and you can sign up at the Information Booth. Spac e is limited! that he has hit five treys in one game. 6 p.m. Bus leaves Student Center Earlier i n th e seaso n th e team also traveled to Florida to play a pai r o f game s agains t Nov a the four others have been on and off Southeastern and Lynn universities. Streaky Penmen can't because of injuries. The team split the pair after defeating Finally, ther e ha s bee n Nova, 84-64 , bu t fell , 86-74 , t o inconsistency at key times. Most of Lynn find a groove that comes from the lack of cohesion

By Nick Coates

For a program that has been there have been a few similar factors known to set all sorts of records, that have led to the disappointing the New Hampshire College men's season. basketball team would like to stay While excuses should hardly away from a few records this season. be made for injuries, they have been With six games remaining on a big factor in slowing the Penmen their regular-season schedule - and down this year. Onl y four players five in-conference - th e Penmen are on the entire roster have seen action in jeopardy of setting records that in all 1 9 games - an d that includes have no t bee n touche d i n two forward Namdi Williams, who did decades. Standin g at 9-11 overall not play all of last season, and Mark and 7-1 0 i n th e Northeast-1 0 Dunham, a first-year transfer. Th e Conference, NHC has six games to other tw o ar e onl y sophomores : stay away from its first losing season Steve Lovopicel o an d Bria n since 1987-88. The team is also in Larrabee. danger of enduring its first losing Next of f ha s bee n season in conference play since the inexperience. There are no seniors 1982-83 season when it went 3-9 on the team and just five juniors. Of Tim Lee is the undisputed three-point in the NECC. those five, one is out for the season king on the Penmen squad (Photo by As with the women's team, - forwar d Ioannis Foutsitzis - and Tom McDermott).

19 The Observer February 7,2001 SPORTS

Penmen back on track, win in scoring seven points - tw o the tri o of Rich Miller, Chuck goals and five assists - and Croteau an d Nick Iannello. in th e last seve n h e ha s Among the three, they have four straight tallied 15 points, including 10 notched 23 points on eight Assists. He lead s an offense goals and 1 5 assists. that ha s 'had 2 0 differen t The nex t NH C By Nick Coates last month of 2000 was to against Tufts (Feb . 17), and scorers i n th e las t seve n home gam e versu s the Penmen, the first months home again versus Suffol k games and has amassed an Wentworth Tech will be at The elevato r ma y of the New Yea r have been (Feb. 19) . astounding 98 points (points 3:50 p.m . a t Tri-Tow n finally b e heading back to the just as kind. Followin g the One o f the key cog s and assists combined). Arena in Hooksett. top floo r fo r th e Ne w Saint A's loss, the Penmen in NHC's recent success has Right behind Roy is Hampshire College men's have reeled off a 6-1 record , been in the play of freshman hockey team. including a huge four-game goalie Brian Holland. H e After a strong 5-1- winning strea k in the past has been in net in the four 1 start to open the season , three weeks. straight win s an d ha s December was a killer for The stretc h ha s managed to give up just 1 1 the Penmen as they lost four propelled the m int o firs t goals during that span while of their five games during the place with a 2 1/2-game lead facing 10 5 shots. holiday season. Starin g a over Stonehill in the ECAC Holland did hi s part record of 6-5-1 in the face Northeast Conference. in his team' s last win whil e and fresh off thre e straight The las t two weeks the offense was le d by senior defeats t o clos e ou t th e of the regular season will be Dan Ro y a s NHC defeate d month, includin g a 6- 3 the final test for the Penmen Lebanon Valley , 4-3 , in setback t o dreade d Sain t as their final five games will overtime, in Hershey, Perm. Anselm, NHC' s elevato r be a t Sain t Michael's o n Roy score d tw o goals , car seeme d t o b e Tuesday, hom e agains t including the game-winner plummeting straight to the Wentworth Tech. (Feb. 10 ) with 1:17 left in overtime. basement for cold storage. and Worcester State (Feb. In th e las t fou r Penmen help defend their net (Photo by Tom But a s harsh as the 14), bac k o n th e roa d games Roy ha s led th e team McDermott).

elements tha t mak e a season games remaining on surroundings. The tea m took successful season . Th e the schedule, the team still on th e nationall y ranked problem has been that the poses a big threat t o it s University of Tampa in the Penwomen hav e ye t t o opponents. Evidenc e the first gam e and lost by only consistently meld all of these fact that of its 17 defeats this 10 points again . I n th e pieces togethe r fo r a n year the team has lost nine second game, NHC cam e extended amount of time. of these by 1 0 points or less. out wit h a 56-46 victory over Sitting a t 4-1 7 Just as k th e host Saint Leo University . overall an d 2-1 5 i n th e nationally ranke d Pac e The tea m rounds ou t Northeast-10 Conference, University team that lost 68 - its regular-season schedule where hav e thing s gon e 67 in overtime at NHC o n in the next three weeks with wrong? Th e answer may Jan. 13 . A t the time , th e two awa y game s - a t not necessaril y com e in Setters were ranked 25th in Merrimack (Feb. 6 ) and at searching fo r wha t wen t the country, riding an eight- Franklin Pierce (Feb. 17 ) - wrong, but more like "What game winning streak and the and three a t hom e versu s hasn't gone right?" same team that buried the Bentley (Feb. 10) , Stonehil l Two answer s come Penwomen b y 4 2 point s (Feb. 14 ) an d UMas s to mind: inexperience and a early in the season. Lowell (Feb. 19). NHC i s tough schedule. While NH C has 1-1 against its next five with First: with only two since los t eigh t straigh t a 10-point win over Franklin seniors an d fou r player s games, i t ha s give n it s Pierce and a loss at UMass returning from las t year' s opponents al l they ca n Lowell earlier. Junior Anna Bell has been playing well team, th e tea m obviously handle. Of the nine 10-point During tha t time, for the Penwomen in recent games (Photo lacks experienc e playin g or fewe r losses, four have senior Eilise Sharkey will by Tom McDermott). together - on e of the biggest come during this eight-game look t o hi t tw o mor e 3 - keys to being successful. skid. pointers. If she does so she Second: while th e Over Holida y will hav e hi t 20 0 for he r Team struggles to team managed to win eight Break the team traveled to career after totting 107 i n her games last year it was in a Saint Leo, Fla. , to play a pair first two years of college at conference fa r les s of games, and again played the University of Bridgeport find winnin g competitive than the NE-1 0 well despite the unfamiliar is thi s season. Playin g in formula great defense, a n explosive what is regarded as the top offensive streak, composure Division II conference in the country, NHC has tw o By Nick Coates in th e last moments of the MORE SPORT S ON game or non-stop exciting league wins with a more- talented team this year than All of the important basketball, th e Ne w the one that won six in the ingredients ar e there , but Hampshire Colleg e PAGES 18 AN D 19.. . weaker NECC last year. they just aren't mixing. women's basketbal l team Whether it's bee n has experienced all of these And with five regular