Email and Calendaring in Focus - Discussion Notes

Things that are NOT working today: No integration between email and

No institutional contact list

Contact lists is not shared between web and fat sundial client

Multiple calendaring solutions in a particular department.need to use all to get meetings setup

Syncing issues

User base rejecting central offerings

Size of the text changes without reason. Makes it difficult to send something that you think we will see.

Find this with external more than email.

Webmail and Eudora client versus looking at home. Get rid of spam, go home, and it’s all there again. They reverted back to old webmail version and I lost everything.

Webmail the weakest point. I find Cyrus pretty good. Server-side features pretty good. Mail can be filtered into folders, don’t have to duplicate into folders, but haven’t rolled out campus-wide. This is an absolute essential, that’s client independent (device and software).

Automatic contact lists. Should be able to go to like a division and have their emails loaded into your contacts. And be notified that people left Stanford. It affects the length of my contact list. Ex.: Peoplesoft indicates that they are gone and no longer at this email. Should interface with PeopleSoft.

We recognize the corporations don’t have to standardize; they support choice.

We work with administrative guidance stuff. Per the admin guide and request of president’s office. Permission has to go through president’s office. And on a personal note: auditing on calendar for date and time stamp, when I create something. And capturing last-update date. Want some way to audit/verify.

We deal with a lot of outside vendors (disabilities), we need to be encrypted, have it sent/receive encrypted. Can’t do it now, only locally, need to be able to do it university-wide. HIPAA compliance comes up big for us. Being able to see everyone on the same calendar system. Want to be able to see their view. Not everyone on the same calendar, must pick up the phone.

The only place you can synch is at your home computer. Would like to be able to synch off campus (or away from my home office). I’m going to be at Menlo Park, SRI. Would like to synch through internet computer, or at our hotellng space.

Up to 4-5K employees moving off campus.

Hoteling should support all functions. As long as your webmail duplicates it on the desktop.

Make sure that webmail saves your out messages.

Ability to attach documents to a meeting notice would be great.

Can we get rid of mailman?

Wish that when you send invite out, it doesn’t take and reserve the room unless you invite it like a person. Would be nice to put it in the location button.

Not all resources in the calendar.

Naming conventions for resources awkward.

Can’t browse resources, have to know a priori.

I have a hard time sending messages when off campus. I can receive fine. that’s fixable: she needs to access a roamable SMTP server.

Can’t open attachments on webmail

At law school, web mail is awful.

Need authenticated directory.

(sundial) cancel one instance of a meeting, sundial picks odd date and invitee list when sending email

Hate having to bcc yourself when using Eudora

Sundial was an improvement over Meeting Maker

Not everyone with a sundial calendar uses it, so they don’t see meeting notifications

Distribution lists - group IMAP accounts, Eudora doesn’t work well with group accounts security concerns - OOD needs to send out secure messages to donors, problems with Outlook no tickler list in email lack of color coding in sundial

Granting resource rights to people - need to manually grant rights to new users to each resources

(sundial) too easy to schedule meetings at 3am no inbox on web calendar users can turn off inbox and will not see new invites (until they show up on the calendar)

Outlook user wants better integration

Can’t schedule a room that you don’t have rights to, and have someone else approve it.

Outlook/Exchange can show all available conference rooms for a particular time when you’re setting up a meeting; Sundial does not.

Likes Outlook, but can't use the calendar because she needs to use Sundial

Wants improved LDAP lookup

Importing exporting data into and out of systems is a pain

Windows Mobile support is crummy for Sundial

Lots of people have sundial accounts but don't use them. It's hard to know what accounts are active.

Interface for Stanford's email (Eudora) and calendar (Sundial) is different than the interface for MS Office. That makes it hard for some to use. These is no integrated address book for all productivity tools - there should be

Web client interfaces are stripped down

Calendar management: It's annoying to have to create the same groups of people again and again every time I use a new application

Email lists: sometimes you get the same message multiple times

Productivity tools is the real problem, not email/calendar. Collaboration is important. What about Task management? Pull that together with all the other tools.

In Outlook, I can drag an email to my to do list. (This doesn't work in Stanford's current tools.)

Intelligent linking (She really likes the Zimbra zimlets.)

There are bunch of staff and professors who do multiple . This is a terrible use of time.

Interoperability between calendar systems is a problem.

500 MB is not enough storage to be able to use IMAP as a single message store.

Webmail stinks and I have to manage messages multiple times. (Because she doesn't use IMAP)

Not many options for customizing calendars (colors, etc)

Liked "banners" in Meeting Maker.

You should be able to opt out of holidays and other things that get put on your calendar "from the institutional level"

Our systems are not real time syncing for Palms

Calendar & email not integrated

Had to build own contact list

Contact lists don’t port to Webmail

People just don’t like the tools

Not a standard tool across the University – need a critical mass of people

Ability to configure as needed

Webmail and handling attachments

Difficulty synching Sundial w/Palm, etc. (Treo)

Want to be able to give mail to new staff Event calendar for resources, events and department classrooms– both public and private

Different calendars for different audiences

Time to schedule on different calendars

Lack of integration between calendar & email causes time loss – e.g. drag & drop tasks, conversion of email to meeting

Can there be a conduit that allows us to use multiple tools

Can't set up meetings with different schools

Can't interface between hospitals -- LPCH uses exchange and has chosen not to open to integration

Exchange to exchange not always integrated - LPCH chose not to

Large meetings - people who don't allow others to send invitations - creates double work

Max number of people in meeting is a cap - have to do two meetings

Mailbox size is too small -- want 1-2 Gb today

Need Automatic email box creation with Accounts - eg create sunet-id, doesn't automatically create an email box

Have to support two-different email systems in 1 place -- email, messsaging, calendaring

Eurdora people use sundial, palm, whatever calendar

Would rather not run a separate system - would love to be out of the email business

Calendar doesn't understand geography - - schedules far apart meetings back to back

Can't respond to calendar events through email, which is how you get invitation -- want to do it all off-line via email

Integration with mobile-devices is not very good - , palm, treo

Resource scheduling cant' be done

Can't have sundial find a conference room - must pick Want to pick 4 people, have calendar pick the next free meeting time for all 4 of them

Eudora is unreliable - lots of problems with it -- should we be promoting it? It's not very bullet proof -- lots of corrupted mailboxes, etc

Sundial feels old & clunky - not fast, pretty

Need lots of colors to indicate meeting specifics - classes teach, private work time, personal items, meetings with bosses,

Need a standardized interface - people coming to the university it's something they're familiar with. Especially students & faculty, plus staff. Tme to get up and running is expensive

There is not conduit between exchange & sundial - want a conduit so they can work in the tool they want

Mailman -- groups are not dynamic - can't tie to workgroups, departments -- doesn't leverage understanding of the business

Have to integrate calendar, email and directory -- directory is critical -- this would reduce lots of rework as people move groups across the university

Directory - som, lpch, university -- all components of campus -- need to be there. Need to schedule meetings across the university

We want to get out of the Email business - give us a good solution and we'd much prefer to have the university run it

2-person meeting, if guest declines, it doesn't indicate that I'm the only one who can make the meeting

(land and buildings have met with reps to describe challenges (see her list) Sundial won't...) receiving notification if someone declines a meeting – ( is there a config that allows you to do that?) flexibility in color coding scrolling by day rather than just by week (only mon-fri not wed to wed) monthly view does not show color coding (JoAnn – are you sure?) 0 would be important to others – people are still using outlook to get that in meeting maker– would let you know that you set a meeting outside someone's work hours – sundial can't be configured to do that – only flags for actual meeting conflict not for non-availability automatic refresh is only 1 hour – pda synching a huge problem to get people to go to sundial used to outlook – hate that it doesn't ding when a meeting is coming up can't alter a meeting that someone else has proposed – change meeting title or meeting is cancelled and you can't take it off ability of tool to have the info made available to other systems and have other systems populate the calendar (e.g. sakai will have calendaring available to their systems – if they used a standard and interoperates with univ calendar – direction industry is going – rather leave it the way it is rather then NOT do in that direction) need to sync to pda's of all sorts

(level of unawareness is high – tips and tricks would be good)

(three systems at dean of research - meeting maker, outlook, paper, sundial)

Have to bounce between Eudora and webmail; can access from anywhere but can’t see local folders residing on desktop

Multiple calendars means supporting multiple email and calendaring systems; too much work and can’t make progress in moving forward with new technology

People don’t have any awareness of what exists

Some don’t see the value of using current technology and investing time in learning it…too daunting

Platform wars between Macs and PC’s

Does not have a historical log of what happened; who booked what first?

Can’t send email about a meeting invite if they aren’t currently registered in oracle calendar

If someone doesn’t delete meeting, it remains on calendar and you can’t remove it yourself No common calendaring solution geared to students; they may know about oracle calendar but they don’t use it

No standard set of communications if you’re not one of the heavy users

Sometimes filed attachments can’t be opened

When no standard solution, a lot of time lost with multiple emails, flyers, alternate methods of sending out communications (student issue)

Things that are good about current solutions:

The server-side mail stuff works very well, but only a limited population uses it.

The mail has been performing well – IMAP.

How I can organize my folders and subfolders, and in calendar can write lots of reminder notes. Use Sundial Calendar and Eudora.

If your directory is set up right, you can look up people by phone # (Eudora).

Being able to make distribution lists and not have to use Mailman, using Eudora. Very quick. Ongoing need: don’t want to have to go into Mailman and set up distribution lists.

I like distribution lists in Mailman, just need to improve turn-around.

Mailman not user friendly and too slow and complex for distribution lists. w/Sundial, like that we can assign resources (car, bicycle, projectors etc). Really a good thing.

All of your @stanford come in. Don’t have to type in the whole thing.

Another part of the U (InterSystemsData -- ISDI) is working at having a standardized alias with a 100% forward. @stanford. A side project to be aware of.

Like that you can insert and attach documents in Eudora. I don’t like that some don’t get an inserted graphic, it’s actually an attachment down at the bottom of the page. Participant reply: that problem is Internet-wide, the bane of html mail. But some mailers allow you to intersperse graphics inside the message; other mailers (like Notes don’t).

Likes the "find next available meeting time" in Sundial Likes that Outlook stores everything in one file. Calendar, email, tasks. Makes it easy to move everything to a new computer.

Likes how group calendaring works on Exchange.

Likes being able to schedule when an email is sent through Sundial.

School of Ed. uses Exchange. He likes how it's really easy to restore a single email. He wishes it would sync with Sundial.

Resource scheduling in Sundial is a good thing. Too bad it's so hard to use.

Likes that he uses the same login for everything. SUNetID. Likes the info that's in StanfordWho, but it should be more accessible. I should be able to get that info from my email and contacts programs.

Group calendar view look in SUndial - Kim likes that

Likes the idea of being able to color code calendars

Likes Google Desktop search, because it can search Outlook pst files

Eudora: ease of use on the front end – no instruction needed (some perceptions differ, but ease of use is important)

Open protocol so that we can choose our own client

Virtual cards

Scheduling meetings in Outlook – will show free & busy times

Web accessibility

Ability to copy event information


Ability to view unread mail only

Task Lists & Assign Tasks in Outlook

Some sort of group view and auto-pick times for group

Looking up staff in Directory via email, but would be nice if it would give the Stanford community view Send Again function in Eudora

Having a grid calendar with week at a time, day at a time is critical

Being able to see other people's agendas to schedule meetings

IMAP and ability to be off-line and see all hour historical docs -- for hotelling especially -- it's just how you left it on your computer

Sync of online & off-line is critical - Web access, outlook client, laptop, desktop, etc.

Sundial Web version is actually decent --

Being able to see the Group calendars for scheduling meetings

Exchange - Integration of email and calendaring … messaging, contacts, calendar

Lotus - very secure

Reminders and categories for meeting -- eg colors for meetings

Ability to buy a 3-rd party product and it just bolts on -- exchange -- eg blackberry servers with exchange

Eudora/Sundial- because it's esoteric, it's not as vulnerable for attack

We've kept the same tool in place for 3 years, so people are starting to understand how to use it

Integrated & available contact lists - University address list, personal contacts, workgroup contacts, etc -- available off-line as well (exchange)

Resources in the calendar as well as people - conference rooms as well

Current integration between sundial and treos seems to work pretty well - support is there as well - and very important. Other pdas are needed - windows,

Easily to write sw applications that integrate with current email system - send reminders from applications they need to do certain tasks

Pre-populates names so don't have to type in whole name

Ability to see who is online when I'm on - sense of presence Can create good, complex rules for processing emails - backoffice and desktop - run on server or locally

Good spam filtering

Exchange - better spam filtering then University offers - ironport filtering - abandoned university's system. 80-90% catch rate

New University spam filter working really well

Notes - lots of industry bolt-ons that add functionality. This saves a significant amount of custom development email – filtering – has come a long ease of address book in eudora (hate yahoos address book) look up feature in eudora doesn't work for macs? like searching capabilities in outlook to search on keywords like color coding in eudora for email – group meetings in sundial – (suggest time doesn't work for mac) resource calendars are helpful to have them separate ( resource 25 integration – schedule a room but needs to be integrated for it to work naming conventions – sundial doesn't recognize multiple names? what to do if don't know person's name? – spell it wrong? like sundial on the web – use when traveling or someone else's computer prefer if web and desktop version more similar

Ability to journal your email or documents makes it easier to go back and find it. scheduling meetings across units is now possible inability to double-book resources the ability to opt out; don’t have to use Stanford’s email system ability to tag email; to do, completed, etc. ability to forward to another offsite email and still have copy at Stanford it can thread emails

Desires for the future:

With Sundial reminders, you only have an option of dismissing or snoozing. However, in Outlook, you can also open the item to make any changes. This is very helpful to me.

In the scenario, it would be nice if the message deleted automatically in all places.

The integration was the key thing. That you could schedule a msg, send an article, etc.

Would’ve been nice if she could’ve logged into here calendar right there.

Resource25 has nice ability to see features of the room, including picture of the room. Would nice to be able to access this info (including whether it has tv’s projectors).

It would be nice to know if there is a charge. Billing stuff would be cool too.

Automatically ask for a PTA #.

Would be difficult, technologically.

Or at least have a weblink that you could follow through to billing.

Ability to browse both resources and people. All: this would be useful.

“What are the available conf rooms in Psych building at this hour?” That would be nice. For it to identify places that you could meet.

Don’t really do much document mgmt/sharing; if it was available, maybe I’d use it.

One concern: there’s so many different options and so many different programs. Not having everyone on one consistent thing, there would be problems, controversies.

Also have device differences. Maybe a tool could at least do some of this. E.g., confirm a message through a cell phone, to accommodate the different ways that people work. e.g., webmail vs your native client. Could interact with the shared document repository through other tools, so you could have some freedom on the front-end, so long as the back-end is coordinated.

How to incent…cost isn’t always a factor. Concern over whether it would continue to be free.

Ability to do sophisticated routing and delegation so that it goes to the right thing.

For calendar, the ability to audit.

Would like settings for devices to be sent from the server, so configuration is less of a manual process.

Wants "tagging" of messages - different views of the same messages (Like gmail)

Wants to be able to view someone else's inbox (Like was shown in the scenario)

Separate group email from individual - maybe in different tabs

Smart filtering (this is for rules, and I think she wants them stored on the server, so the rules apply no matter what client she's using)

Wants integration between med school and hospital calendar

Wants integration of workgroup manager into all applications

Really wants Bruce's slide - with everything working together (the one with the bubbles)

Shared documents would be a huge win

Web based clients would be really great and they're really important to have - in addition to the regular clients

Ability to create task lists, and prioritize those tasks - gotta have that

Being able to share things is key - even task lists

Getting live data is better than syncing

Encryption is important for certain population

Would like a "remote destroy" for data on stolen laptops Secure connections are important

Some areas need strong security, some don't

Zimbra zimlets - allow the ability to approve things while the road without, for example, having to go into Oracle

Student's need a solution for collaboration - and coursework integration

Really important: Being able to get access to info about people easier - integrate that into email

Single Sign on is really important - really saves time when changing passwords too

Sharing and aggregating events would be great - calendars and other info (RSS)

Getting people together is important - it's especially hard with more and more remote workers

Web access is really important for being able to work remotely

Web client doesn't have to be exactly the same as the desktop client.

Would like to enable quick "who's available now" meetings - "Meetings over IM"

Presence seems to be more and more important. I want to know who's available right now. gmail / gtalk integration is cool. I want to be able to see my IM conversations stored right along with my email messages tracking things by thread really helps cut down on the time it takes to manage email

Video will be important as more people are working remotely.

Message board features - integrate them into the solution you pick forum / wiki

Event subscriptions is a great idea - show me all the events I care about in one place

Likes Outlook's way of coding events, messages, tasks all in the same way.

A "chat meeting" would be really useful

We need anti-phishing features in email - not just spam filtering

Not having as many attachments if there’s central storage space – might minimize need for space depending on how it’s stored.

Good user interface – drag & drop especially

It all does if it works. How much storage space would we get?

Versioning of documents

Yes, but how would it work if only one-half of the people use it?

Cache information about me, so that things like lists are available even if I’m not on my laptop.

Workspace area like Coursework

Visibility to who’s on and who’s not – by department and by individual


Easy ability to use groups

Search functions which are easy and which flexible – like Firefox

Form-independent – don’t forget our users

Needs to be able to limit access of calendars at a granular level

Ability to do groups by org (university org code)!!! This came up several times, and is an issue beyond email.

Wireless internet access on the Marguerite

Integration with the Directory - workgroup affiliations, etc - so access follow you as you move around campus

Meeting with attachments -- shared documents is good. Going a step further - have a series of docs associated with a series of meeting. Like a 'project' document repository Only participants in the meeting can see the document - not everyone who looks at the calendar entry

Groups for meetings - private or members only - want to publish to a set of people that can use it - eg an admin can invite the entire group.

Need a sense of presence - meeting in MP is far away from the meeting at the GSB - need a XX min buffer

Want to publish free/busy to whomever they choose to publish it to - including someone without a Sunet-id -- eg vendor, spouse, etc - potentially just free/busy data

Now up to date - published calendar as a web page so could point anyone to it - this was very handy for non-stanford people

Electronic signature for specific docs

Need to encrypt some email - email-by-email, sometimes to external vendors

Convert document types - eg view word doc as HTML -- very good esp on handhelds

Cockpit view- add people, see group vacation calendar, see individuals calendar -- some kind of a reminder window

Cockpit view only if it's a standard industry thing - needs to be familiar to users

Being able to integrate groups - segment email by population (eg email to everyone in a department) -- available across all applications (email, calendar, list, document sharing, etc.)

Cross-platform - mac, windows, handhelds Unix isn't significant enough population right now to bother with them

Shared documents - document versioning that simple and straight-forward. Offline access to all synchronized

Looking for a document, easier to look in a shared file place then digging through email

Document sharing inside and outside Stanford - can't create sunet-id for everyone that needs access. Looking at Xythos & sharepoint today to do this.

Drag & drop - people to events, people to meetings, etc -- don't have to retype it all 17 times like have major optional/subscription to university business calendar, facilities calendar with major milestones set that might impact invite people who are not in sundial classify events as private/confidential and others as public down load from db rather than manually enter like to be able to go directly from calendar to bus, train, plane, shuttle schedules connections to gps systems to see if shuttles are on time print an agenda from the calendar – put it in the notes in sundial? – liked the scenario especially the document sharing of document with the event (do all the people invited to the event see the doc or can you be selective about who gets access to it) – nice to have – email and voice connected – what if classroom instruction is like a meeting – does calendar do what coursework does? – where does it overlap? – merge and cross populate what are security issues? - confidential documents stored in public space? internal grant submission through SERA project – time points in that? how may they interface – subscribe to "overlays" of key univ calendars/dates (research grant due dates, flags for reminders from particular subscription choices/services

Ability to read email on phone

Anything that facilitates accessing email, documents that they can work on and send back with the least amount of trouble

Anything that tags email or documents

Being able to search and view someone’s calendar regardless of what they are using across the entire university

Shared documents that allow versioning

Ability to work cross platform; unix, linux, macs, pc’s

Ability to share address books Standard formatting for address books; easier conversion from one solution to another

Ability to launch one application and have everything there

Being able to access files from a central file system

One-stop shopping for mailing lists; part of the solution

What would boost adoption? Must be cross-platform and be accessible remotely, via pda’s or cell phones.

Isn’t held to be on one internet server only (safari or IE, e.g., ) so you’re not limited. Cross-browser.

Shouldn’t try to change people’s mind.

Offer an adequate amount of initial storage space, a cost-effective means of increasing storage needs when necessary, and possibly provide a better alternatives to using e-mail as a filing system for binary files.

I lke about OS4; when you do a search, it searches everything, referenced in any email, file, application.

After spending time to get people on sundial, must have a conduit to connect to sundial

Incremental adoption -can go onto new one and keep using old one as well

New adopters can't have to pay the penalty of using two calendars

Must have critical mass - conduit can do it

Gotta be cross-platform

Need formalized training - senior faculty that will have to be led into this

Training - classroom, 1:1's (eg senior faculty),

Doesn't have to be exchange - needs a lot of the features & functions

People are comfortable with Exchange - at least from the Outlook perspective

Must support Outlook as a client

Exchange look-alike products are fine - they use outlook as the front-end SOM is setting up exchange servers - has to have a conduit to/from exchange as well for early adoption

Conduit is OK if it only shows free/busy info - doesn't have to have full detail

Able to support reporting to quotas … early prediction of about to reach quota for esteemed faculty, for example

Able to depricate people who aren't using the system or shouldn't be on the system

Flexible process for supporting account termination - may need to keep faculty/staff email account active even though person has left - connection to directory, but need flexibility

Ability to have routing rules for email - eg send an email to the on-call list, and have it know who's on call to send the message … CRM tools training faqs like to get in w/o much training and have online help and training – intuitive!!! basic level of use and levels of advanced phasing in with pilot groups – lots of input from people who used it good campus readiness rollout plans – localized – like eudora road-shows needs to be stable that people trust and have confidence in

Dealbreakers Online training – must have it. Should not need in-class training

Buy-in from distributed IT community – without it, we won’t succeed

Security (remove) too hard to use, too complicated make it like core financials not roll your own – use proven market place tools – not bleeding edge outsourced to company that moves to offshore support – unless there's a strong service element – a business tool that we need to have up and functioning and working – we need excellent, available service- if that's achievable with outsourcing – must be secure and get help and service-

Converting has to be transparent to the user

Enough testing so when it rolls out, there are no bugs (would rather it take longer and do it right!)

If can’t publish and subscribe to external feeds (RSS,etc.)

Not having the ability import and export events/data (critical)

Not being compatible with other calendaring systems

If locally stored emails can’t migrate easily over to new solution!

Students have to be able to access their emails after they graduate

If it can’t deal with spam acceptably

Biggest points Cross-platform, cross-device, cross browser.

Issue: trying to get campus to embrace a common calendar server, where scheduling goes through.

Integrating resource and location and equipment information into conference rooms.

Tim Flood comment about wanting to make Resource25 a cross-university offering. (?)

Ability to search for a key research dates calendar. When is payroll being run? Registration?

Can you attach documents a la CourseWork, so that faculty can use this. Integration with CourseWork.

We liked integration of the tools and single view. Also the ability to define and manage groups. And extending that to calendars (group calendars). Have standards to drive adoption?? Also, access, remotely, to email contact lists. Creating groups, e g., in workgroup mgr and be able to use those same groups in other tools, like in mailman lists, meeting, email.

Got to have something that allows users to use Outlook as a client. People are comfortable with Outlook (if came from outside). Also, have info tied into meetings, like travel-time buffer built into visits to Menlo park. To build adoption: Need conduits: to exchange and to Sundial. Need to be tied to the directory, e.g., see all the directors in an organization. Finally need to support PDAs of all flavors.

Because so many calendaring systems, would be nice to know what calendaring systems someone is using. Able to incorporate mailing lists into this solution. Showstoppers? If isn’t easily converted (seamless and easy) won’t be accepted. Test it well before rolling out! Ability to subscribe to internal feeds. Ability to import/export events. Access to email after you graduate and the ability to easily migrate locally stored email into the new system.

Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any device to find whatever info you want. Migration support. Work anywhere. Mark your calendars in a consistent way so everyone knows where you are and how they might reach you. Must work with firewalls. To build adoption? Needs to be simple. Easy for Ludites. Support multiple personalities. Needs backing from the University to encourage adoption. Suggest having a “tip of the week”


• Finding people

• Integration

• Interoperability

• Widespread acceptance

NOTE: keep in mind that at Stanford we will NEVER be on the same system. It may be that the best that we can do is to improve individual productivity. Don’t just change for the sake of change. Make sure that there’s a real need for change. If we change, it needs to give more. Consider timing of any change very carefully! Also training.

Needs to be supportable – e.g. Eudora is difficult for local tech support (Eric Phan)

Allows users to use outlook client for calendaring - whether exchange is back end isn't important Location info - know that a meeting in SOM MP campus is far away from the GSB & travel time has to be built in

Early adoption - have to integrate with existing systems (exchange, sundial) to get people to move over

Integration of email/calendar/document management

Must integrate with the directory --

Need for PDA support - of all flavors