i t ^

. hz______h e lf i n n e si - .. ^ r r Cf \ ■jgH ifllflFFI Tl G ood IIm o r n i n g T a x cc u t SCIr a m B ______Io.da):^Jbrecaleast:______)le piccks uyp speeed ______Mo^ih cloikh w ilh paii.4ies ol' m orn-______The Associatcd'tStss______------li’r-h o -m c l-w iilt-ci ini; Iili!. l.iirlii \vimm ds, l Mighs near .'(I iic------T a:ax-cutpolltlcs~=“A; t-cconnmic^idnscnrt'orthc— flaiisporiaiion Seciei.iiv•iiy l e,k-;ico IVii.i .-eeoiid da\ in a row and he.nd I'rom at l:rcc^, l.o«\ nearir ; '() wiili a chance of W ASillN’GTO.S' - - Detc•e ten n in ed 10 de- mel l iiesd.is w ith Ctininii111 lou tend oi l' in.is- ' le.isi one I'ahineinet seciciaiA trving to s.ivc Mll>U lotlilllll. li\er a politically popular m: s u e rciliK iio Iis J iu l |'ui^ r middle-class ta\ ’AdniiiiiiiiMialii'ii officials, speakiiking on Ills aueiicy. i'osstblc cliiuiii.i- P a g e A 2 • ctil. Presideni Clinton pn - liou.J-ncrevi;iU»cTci:in--|laAll.lA-l O 'K m in lell pressed agency conditiontm oT ani'nyiniiy. >aid tlie-• ccenter- " t he'laiidse.ipe i]ie clumgcs on a d.iily l\i- a >WnJaTiiicctiiH; with \'ii heads Tuesday toearse upp theirtli budgets or piecc off i rimisd.iy night's address■ w as_c\- MS," >.iid Ji'an l.tn; \'icc I’reskleiii \l climiiiaie programs to pav t'oi l.i'giic-K iiulcr. assisiam ,scc- tiorc thinking :.lie h.ul sa\' • I'or it. peeled to10 be the i:i\ cul. paid tor In>> 1olfset- relary t'or public .i't saved hei .'-.••vv c afl'aus al ihc I'reasiirv De- tri’in cliiiiinaiiiin In ajirci Cabinet sccrct.iries wererre scrambling 10 ting I'udiidgei rediiclions- Clinton ho|i'es ho| lo p.inmeni. jire eiiig in ii:;^ >i cuts. comply while protecting. iheirihi turf where’ make .1 ssplash .with his prop.isalsIs bI e tb re |! k- „ u)si hkc ly pONsihlc. .And congressional I cly targets foi tnulgei cuts: The muldlc-ct.is, lax cut !i lal Democrats an- . Republic.ic.uiN i.ikc co n tro l o l'C o n g rcrcss s next ihc deiianmciiis ol .•III luis i.ikcn ir..-.v H elp for cliildi > ol l-.ncrg) . I latispoMatum. s h a p es in ih e I'asi lew il.i\> Idren nounccd ihcir own niiddle-clc-class tax break, monili ammd push iheir own plans ti> ci .l.ivs A ides sai,: it > cul lax- Mousing and IJriian Uri Dcvcli>|imciii aiul A yr.iiil will all.nIlow a linspiial roiimla- gening a head siart on thehe president| iwo es and buiuidgeis. a p p ea rs C lin lo n w ill sumchinchii.w i.i-uet |V t- Health and lluinaman Scrviccs, Ul't'icials at lion 10 open a placca ce Tor child-ahtisc \ic - d a y s b e fo re he a d d re sses< Ihc ili nation with Clinioiim's tlii\ughls on both I'ronis ; pie earning Ics.s ili.in xjoti,HH’.ono. ..lih tu i'jh Is appar- ihcse and other agenciesag. arc forecfiiltv de- linu u) Iv mien icwicwcd and mcdiciilly ex- his plans for.ihc second halfi the cap c.'uild m m c d.-wiI.'wnwai.l Ivi'o'ic ilfofhis tenn. ently w ck.•re far I'rom tlnal l uesd.iN. even e\ al- t'cnding ihcir budgi ai'iiincil. idgcls U) the While Mouse, Tliursday. P a g e B l

------Mechanic saveves-garage------Demolishihed at davuvn 1 5 d i e ii r n A propane lankcr.cr lhal had a lire in ils ' cTlyinc •TncMla\ c co o u ld h a v e d o n e I'ar vvorr.c JainaLie. P a g e B l N . C a r oo l i n a

p l a n e cr r a s h

Tux protester■ relentsn The Associaied Press ______A ll O aklcv m an -.K'CUicd.ofliLN-cvaiiijn ac> ______and :iii:!cking;i p-'-licclicc olficcr apolii;;i/cd. M O R R IS V lL i:n .~ N .( ~' A tiL iiiie n c a n ______niai reiiinis an.’ romv no iin c cd a la.\ I’iaglc comimiter plane canyilining 20 pctijile cnished and split in two ahoulabo fitur miles P a g e B 3 Irom Raleigli-Durliain InternleniaiK uiat .Air- s s SH m port Tuesday. At least I.S people were killetl.kill L » - | K M ight X'.7<; w as en routeIlte from1 (irce iis- boro to kaleigli-Durliam.II. a llig h i o f 71) High nationalI fifinishers miles, when il went tUiwnwn in a ruggeil. wtHulcd area a b o u i -li-lO p.m.\m . M.ST. It W.IS Dcckv Wart! o f1' Richfiekl R and Heiiji foggy and a steady dri//lele w\' as fallin g al Jo\ or Wooil Rivercr finished ihird and llie lim e, fourtli ill tlieir rc>pcclicclive age divisions al Seven pe»)ple were lakenken lo hospitals llie naiinnal hii:h >elio eliool cross couniry fi- bu l tw o died a sh o rt tim e lalci iial.s. I’l kiler. O fthe live \ Slsurvivors, al least two were;ere ^suffering ex- P a g e D l ___ tensive trauma, a hospital olllcialollli said, ll was the .second crash oof; f an A m erican Canipns ganihlibling grows l-lagle plane in less than twvo o nm onths, but it 1 1 -"___ did not involve one o f the .A I ______R eiiofis o f i’,iml?liMl!linj:-bj'.itudcms and.- . ' A'l'R niaiies ila-______- “ alliicles al Norihwcsle.•sieni will open a mu- \ ^ ! i' airline recently grouiulcdI amidan concerns JOI I'.tn i>r u o r n i ss across.1 the naiion. over the planes' safely in icy conditions.c ' M 'A A ol'lk-ials hclicvlieve. David Stanley, who livesL'S neariii ihe crash P a g e D l site, said lie called ')1 I alterliter hearing the Jelslream Super 31 crash■ h aa: s il w a s aji- m I proaehing P' the airpon. _ j m m “ A ll o f a su tld e n 1 li.-;ir,lrd_wJui^uundud u ______like a shoiguii go ol'f oul my The Terra Industries cht my back door." chemical plant was a mas:ISS o f h e said. wreckage, above, after! G oodies for «ue!licsts 9r Tuesday's explosion. Tc luiliilay dcs I Jg A irp o n sp o k e sw o m a n Terc:I'ercsa D am ian o This Twin Falls cool•ook tavurs lier Swiss conlinued lhal 13 people were■ ere dead, ______iM Jilions. Three survivors wore takenlaki to Wake P a g e C l I o w a chemica c al ' ik-'" — ' ■ ' M(Medical Center in Raleigh,, :ia spokesw^ om - in there .said. Tw o .survivorsrssu su n 'e riiig ‘‘e.\- ensive irauina" were at Duke Dui Medical renter, said . spokeswom■Oman R e n e e p l a n t b J►last kills Please seeeelTRXSH7A2 ( ______Picture th is _____ The AssociBtcd Press Cameras in Iilalio's.I's courtrooms',’ To* beams and uissed ( ^ssist^ sui day's 0 |iiniiiii page exploresexp ihe pros and yards initi a corntleU uicide cons. SIOUX CITY. Iowa —- AAn said. ■ explosion denuilished a fan P a g e A IO | farm I’ire officials saidd m o st o f h H ||H q h k B I P T I bban passess test1 chemical plani Tucsdajday. the buildings in the 1 kilting at least four workci•ker.s like complex M) mileses south of ------— Tht"he Associalcd Press and leaving only a crate■ater Sioux Ciiy were damaiiagcd, and where the .seven-siury buildin ‘T hlis i s is w orse Iding the main, scveii-storyy building LANSING. M kh, — Therelere i.s no right sio o d . was reduccil 10 a erarater. The tthan h any to:,) assisted suicide, anil Michig:rhigan's ban tm Fear level rises liighteen people wore in : in- scene was closed offf 10i all bul he pruciiee is constitutional•)nal, the stale ju re d . t o rr n n a d o I’v e The I’ubhc Broadcast-•asting System faces •* emergency workers, lupreme Coun ruled Tuesday.ay. The early niorning blastst aia • "This is-worse ihan !n, a s f a r a s '-j a lijiht for life in Congrtigress. in any lor- i •, , The ruling camc on four combinedcon eas— - Ihe Terra Indiistrics'plantam. nado i've seen, as farfa as de- T.'.i,- . P a g e A 3 \ I- d ostruction.* s t cs. s . three of them involvingk’ing crim inal Iow a's liigge.st producer of ni fni- struelion." said Sala lix I 'ir c c hharges a against Dr. Jack KevoGevorkian, who trogcii-based fertilizers, re , re- Chief C/aroti!Sniiih. hasas been present at 21 deathsliis since> I 9 ‘)0, leased a cloud of amtnoni; onia Shrapnel liirown ou)ui by the —• GGarold Smith, thle e last on Nov. 26. The ftiunh.inh was a civil gas. farcing the evacuation 0 n of e.xplosion punctured.'d o n e o r ^ hallenge from the Americaniin C ivil [.ib er- S e c t i o n A C« 2,500 people from towns up t( ^ loIowa fire chief C a le n d a r ...... 4 - ip to both ofthe plain's two,0 15,()()(»- • liees s Union for two cancer pa 20 miles away. r paiienis and W e a t h e r ...... 2 Section 0 - ion refrigerated ammoilonia slor- sonline medical professionals. _The ammonia leak was be ------I, • N a t io n ...... 3 -7 FcF o o d ...... 1 -1 2 . jj be- age lanks. which holdId 15.(1110 - • — In a co m p lcx d e c isio n , thee juju> stice s over- ing brought under control1 by bj tons each, said Uurloro n Jo v c e. W o rld ...... 8 - 9 G0 y o u SPELL - j-

V i n k coNv^ERTieTIBLB?" | _ U . S . H ou t ^ h ir e^s^Twin F a l l s H Iigh gmid as cleerk a k E . L ockw ood night. Carle called tier licr new job "a news confenference Monday, Her con-• tary Louis Sullivan. She News wriler She eurrenily ■ ' f- wonderful, exiraordinarnary opponuni- 'llnnaiion:i byb; the Mouse is considered ty," I serves as director of canipjinipaign opera- . a fonnaliiy.iiy. Incoming liouse Speaker N FALLS A Twin Falls na- ■ tions for (he Republicanican National a- . The clerk is the llous)use's chief ad- .\ewt (iingrngnch will be her boss, Committe'e.'hclping to10 Orchestraic0 ill be wielding considerablele ministralor. tracking newnc legislation Alil.iougl ugh Carle's new job was the Republican electoralII mill.ro nCapilol Hill come January, - and the congressionalal payroll. | The nieniioMed ed in liig-city new>papers Carle, the. daughici ol n C a rle, y>. a longtime-Re-e- Mouse has had a cler I ofa Magic lerk since ijic Tue.sday,>. miiiiy 11 of her Twin FalLs Valley M emorial' llosjiiia ■n aciivisl. will serve as clerk pilal paiholo- i, ------rk 1700s: iu is Ihe o ld e stI adniinisiraiivc at frieiuls foimiiimd out via Rush t.imbaugli . gist, leli Twin Falls in l l‘)7. ‘)7.'^ lo attend ; 11 shopping days untilun Christmas MR House of Keprcscntatives-•s position in the legislaiilative branch, whi' anm imounced her appointmi.'nt Carleton College in Minncfnnesoia.' • he GDI' takes over. Carle, a Carle replaces Donmild I Id K.■Anderson, on his iialioiIlional radio pro>;ram.______Then, lihe pursued a care h ------j j r * j ~ \ f v s - p T r n r o ‘h~re‘cTecyclea paper. win halls'High ^ctlool graou-> a casualty ol the OOP’ career in poli- •P’s Novcmlier Tins snisn' I Iier ttrst high-pressure ric s . ll tlio io th a t su ip ii^ c Please recycc y c le it a g a in , _ | S | ihc fi^t woman ever 10 holdId lidal w ave. Job. Duringing the B'ush administniiion, “She was always very ael lhc'pos'iii(3iition. - . . .Curie's appointmei ' active in ihe leni was an- Carle serv;rved as chitff of stafY to R e p u b lic an p a n y ." .said Re: Carlo In 1973 In a icletelephone inien iew Tuesdayly n o u n c c d a i a W a s h i n i I Reid PfelTcr- I 0; ington. D.C.. Health ndand lluman.Services-Secre-- - Please'see-C;9 C A R L E /A 2 ------i m i s m ^ P l

] —_____ L______m . . - - ■ \ • • . r * '

' I ■ A-2 Timos-Nows, Twinwin Falls, Idaho Wodnosday./. CDocombor Id, 199^1 Weatlther

■ ■ I Idaho Foi H U I Nalional tempTiperatures’ W td n ed iy , Dcc.t . N brecasts _ ■ ' MokMax Win Pen ------The Accu-We.Vealher® forecast for noon.\ WV ednesday, Dec. 14. Accu-\Vcithef'forcc*»lccttl for djylinx cunditioo tnj higli icntjn AIDuquorquo 39 32 Atlanta 4616 35 .. CAHAOA Magic ValleIley _ ^ na» Mpntalo hiQh temperalut'alu'07on«j for me dny ~ Boston 3434 17 ------Mostly cloudy wilwill) piitcliy m om ing fog today. I Chicago 28Ja 20 ... ^ liighs near 40s ^ ’r' / >0 41 I 30, Liglu w inds. ToiTonighl cloudy, A chancc o f snow.sn Lows J »5 20 ^ Thursdayy g(good chance of snow. Highs nearnt 30,Tlie ^ ■ —*■ —ultra\-Tolei-indcx-forc ?5_____ 14______ICoour D'Aiono 31 forccasffortodn>-is~l—n-minimaltial exposure" / “ J2 25 , • level. tr J4 75 i p ^ 'a ^ ^ 2 0 s . I • \ Dallas 5059 51 06 - Extended reregional forecast t , Denver 4513 29 1 1 L 3 6 — .— — [low ial^l 3S~] _Dcs.Moines____ 2 5 _ i a V - \ „ ___ d l -i'riday and.Saturdajfday partly cloudy.with arcas.of;‘if valley-fog " ------— IT------L / i5_____ .46______Detroit 32 Lows in Ihc 2 0 1 .1Highs lig] in thc 30s. Sunday a chanc(nee o f snow. X Honolulu 84i3 50 .29 1------7 L-28------Lowj-25-io-:OrHish* ------SO sW ^ — V & l i f f • i Houston 59 ;— ' Indianapolis 33!0 65 Wood Riverer Valley - J ■ Kansas City------41—19 19 .... i ______Las.VogDS______510 5 _ 6 . . ^ LosAngoIos .6312 37 , d £ T Mostly c )udy witwith patchy m om ing fog loday. j , ■ ^ ly. Ilighs in 1______Memphis------^___47IS__ 25 ...... llic mlcl-20s. Tonigiuighi cloudy. A chance o f snow.'. LowsI 5 to Miami Boach 802 31 -... ^ 10. Thursday snowV Iillikely, l{igh$ in the lower 20s. 2 7 ; I eoiiio I I Idaho F n in la rO Milwaukoo 29 HUE] FRONTS: p o s V Minneapolis 20II' 42 ... Treasure VaValley Now Orioans 62■9 19 .... Now YorK 38A 9 . . . W STATlOHARY ______0 liyXAccu'Woati ^ Mostly cloudy amand patchy morning fog today, 15------Oklohoma City 425 28 ..... I~ ^ "| • I PocolBlfol 28‘1 ly. A slight — Pr.ito't------9 25 .02 fri^Fnin I: cliancc of afternoonm sisnow, Mighs in thctnid-30s. LigLight winds, u i Omaha 22 Phoonix 61'7 24 ... Tonight snow likely,jly. Lows 20-25. T hursday snowIW likely in E3 E3 E3 EZ3 EE3 S , £ 2 cl HAtu t-stoMus riuufiics sik g< Pttlsburgh 393 32 .63 — the morning then dcc SIAW ICC Sumr IJT ClOuOr dccrcasing in Ihc oRcm oon. Hi^lighs in thc ------Poniand. Mo. 240 .4 1 . . . mid-30,s. «at^e^.lfy: Portland, Oro. 456 30 ... Rono •' 390 26 ...... • - 1 eCQ. Northern Ne'Jevada ) St. Louis 371 30 ..... Salt Lake City 33 cwvvMM'.inc Mostly cloudy westvest with a chancc o f snow late ir ------1 San Francisco 50 •in the day. Idaho: High. 40;) degreesd( ai l-nimctt and I lagemiamian. Low, 2 below at I’airfield. Increasing clouds castcast. Mighs low 30s cast. Tonight Scattio 36 ;htscallered Nation: High. 8<2 2 ;at Hollywood. Fla. Low, 13 belowbei zero at Iloulion. Maine. snow showers. Lowsws 1H-2H. Tlmrsday scattered snc Spokano 30 Almanac Washington 41:ondilions, call ------ciTi decreasing fromn thiIhe west. Highs upper 20s lo ncaicar40, Idaho ivin Falls. 736- Twin Falls Northern Ut;Jtah •3731; Pocatel- Max Min :by 745-727.S; Min Pep ■ Maxt MinM. Pep Tunc to thc Natiortional Weather Service radio bandi;ind at VIIK-I-M 102.4«r 162.55 V Bolso 38 i4 IDO; the l-lko. 24 ,05 Yoslorday 33 14 V ..... Partly cloudy todajjday. Ilighs near 30. Tonight increasingin or call 423-4-J23,3. ■ 18-H888. Burloy 31 18 IB ...... Laslyoar 29 242 ..... clouds. Lows 15-20.J. TThursday cloudy. Good chancccc o f snow, 1______1 For currcni road cond Fairfiold 24 •2 -2 ...... Normal 41 23 2: ,04 ilighs near30, Tlie! ullultraviolet index forecast for lod:oday is I. a these numbers: Twin : Gooding 26 6 ^ minimal exposurclcvccvcl. 3070: Boise, 334-373 ,5 ■ Precipitation o f Hagorman 40 14 Heavivy blanket snonow buries Wasal Io 233-6724; Rigbytah ' Idaho Falls 29 25 25 Monih lo dale; 157 Idaho weeeather summai3 ry The Aisoctited PrcjPress Elsewhere, a lcM il/: U tah «01-964- o f Joromo 26 1414 tr. Normal mo, to dato; .55 the Texas Gulf I Nev.. area, 702-738-Hfithcrn Atlantic ______LowiBlon. 34,20 20 lr. ._W aldr.ybariodalo; 5.12 , Snow fell over mumuch of Idaho Tuesday, as .skiskies were ' More than a footot o( f snow fell Tuesday in the: mountainsmi o f Coast, -Matad, • 37 2929 TTTTT—Normal-yoartodato: 2.51 mostly cloudy. Ulali us a Sturm pushed pu across-thc Wcsi. whileilc raint fell in Dense log devcl fomia and New Malta m 27 As thc storm passed.sed through the state, il produced;d Ihe most Southern Californiania. Mexico. atch range in Uta McCall' m ” 10 C o m f o r t f a c tlOrS o i snowfall in the southwj:hwcsl. The heaviest snoulowfall was 16 inches ut thc AlwAlta ski rcson PocaloJIo • 27 22 22 ,03 Humldilyalnoon: 78 7 pet. central mountaiiiiains and the northem Upper Snanake River Utah. Elsewherelerc in thc state, Urigham Cityily rcccivcdt 7 • lew light showers developed aio Salmon 28 to 10 .09 Baromotor al noon: 2921 92 S reported smaller amourlounts o f snow. inches, 5 inches fell at Bountiful, and nearly 4 inchesinc of wel *■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■f Coast and around the southci Slanlo/ 22 8 8 ..... About a fool o f snounow fell in the Sun Valley area, snow fell at lower:r elevationsel around Sail Lakc City.Cit> ' U pickingouta cast today'.* Sun Valloy. 24 12 12 ..... ;• . Visibility at'Pbcatcraicllo and Idaho Falls was do«own to an Snow also fell in thcI. mountains o f western Wyoi/yoming, with For long life, ■elopedtr^ in pans o f Iowa, Califomio flh c tree will eighth to a quarter mimile Tuesday aftcmoon as snoilow fell in inches at Jackso](son and about I inch at Pinedale.ale. determine which 1 nts or ihe nee­ Skywatch those areas. Tlie snow wus cxp':xpectcd to spread eastward durinjiring the night dies. The tree sh dles when you Precipitation reportssrts included C aldw ell .22 inch at ihc air- through eastern-Uta:Jtah. Wyoming and Colorado, withwi up lo 2 shake it; thc need! without break- unset today 5:05 p.m. port, Challis .03. Cocutocur d'Alene .02. Grangeville .30,30, Lowell fccl-pd'Ssiblc at som■ome higher elevations and 2 tolo S inches at ing. unri5e to m o m w 8:01 o.m, ,09, and Payctic a trace,Bce. lower elevations, When you get1 aI Christm as tree in your forecastff thc base and unir phase: First qunrlcr Dcc.: 9-S full Winds were variableable in direction and in the 5 lo 10 mph Tlie weather systetstem was c.'spccicd to move ontonto Ihc Plains put the iree in a patry a Scotch pine. Tlic health helpof ll .soften the s 'CC. 17; lost quoner Dec 25; newA^Jan.2.-' J; range. during the day Wedi'ednesday. sap and open edith falls off first - thc ornamentse tree. < The tree Vlslbl'Islbla planets; Skies cle.ired overr thithe Magic Valley late in ihe afieincmoon. Al the western end;nd o fn cold front, moderate rainuin fell across will drink a lot oshouldn’t f drop a lot of needles't let the w ater omino. Mars. Vonua, Jupltor. parts o f Southernn California, C wilh Los AngelesIcs collecting1 level drop belowrdlcs tl .should be soft and bend ewwill tree will do k^onlng; Solum, 0.43 o fan inch. much better in a cc Mom) 1 , saw a quarter inch o ff th EvonI pan o f warm water. This will help ;lls that draw up water for the tre o f water the first day, so don't le — ^------^Ralelgfp-r— ~ I Ihc base. Remeniber that a new t ^ Ourtiam ! — -Gam{puses tighhten-mafl-cool location, iiard— — Crash^ eluding a 19!1988 accident in which a SAN FRANCI5CISCO (AP) — Sc- Thcrhe FBI believes the North Cak may have re- •vo o th e r p e o - p la n e w eiht: n t down outside thc ' curity was intcn:cnsiRed across thc well, 1 Continued from A l 11. N.J., resident was ihe late: :all at (irs ofilce died. Raleigh-Durhurham airpoii after taking \. counlry Tuesday j ly at universitie.s ta p f' victimtim in a series of 15 bombinj lling him to c\- I Twombly. She said two pproach to the off in denseuse fo g . AH 12 p eo p le J . .1 .^ g c te d by ihi: mlysiety y s bomber who by a mnnm ihe bureau has dubbed th ' pic taken to Duke had A'catherdie when aboard wererekilled. > _ __L!______authorititLS-say^cu:laimcd-his-latt:jil__J J n a b o bombgu{ abombcr4)ccauRc-hifr-previou proinpied-«bt*iii------I The plane was on oppnirollers’ radar Tuesday evevening's crash was also ' ' ' v ic tim o v e r ih c wcweekend. attack- icks have targeted universiticaid- tors think MosserI’s mr Unaboni hoi ______airport in 37-clegrcc weam in an area the fourth serserious airline accident in : y L ' But the FBI stillstil had no leads in and air I airlines. Two people have beetest ceived a telephone callI Gloria Ander- it vanished from conlrol,town of Mor- the United1 StatesS in thc past six thc death of advcJvertising cxccutivc killed > ed and 23 injured since the finngs from' ihc bomber Idlinginciseo office, screcns. It went downhe i citics of months. ■ Thomas J. Mos.sc!iser, who was killed bomb i a nb exploded in May 1978 at ththe pcct a package, n task force is just outside the small towII. O n O c t. 3131, an A m e ric a n Eagle L*i '. S a tu rd ay w hen he opened a video- Univer iversity of Illinois ai Chicago.ous ------The-bombing-husproithe latest bomb risvillc, between thelarge pieces, commuter: pplane crashed while ta p e-siz ed pnckagcnge in his home. CNN ’NN reported federal investigatics 500 calls to the FBI’s I Raleigh and Chapel Hii).d o v e ra S O O . w aitin g to land la: at O.’Hare, killing S j een line, .said FBI agent Gl ------It.brolcc.into two largsnid. A fire all/68 on boa loard. O n Sept. 8, 0 US- .-j. Irst son in the San Franci with.wrccluige sMttercd.otrshosaidT V ^ r jetliner■ crcrashed on approach to r'■KV.v. " ’ V - ' - ' - - foot area, Damiono“s^i / ExplO!)sion___ the where the Unabom ta J rugged ter- lrInternational Airport, i : based — and where the broke out int^cgtilpitrsi s ip H O ie four-wheel killing all 132132 people on board. On re C ontinued from fi ga- was mailed. Because^^rTram andto ru Ihc area. J„]y 2, anoth. leclion Agcncy investigator, sail )ther LISAir jet crashed Morrisvilla « 0 Raleighi8h*2?]) sp illin g up to 100)0 tons1 of thc corro- a d i^ y- min, resci/ers had to use:ejmanChns fi „ear North C lemical safety audit at the plan I Carolina’s Charlotte- ^ ’sivc liquid. a’con aring oxygen drive veHicles to get to lompnny-statcmcnt “ in Pebrebruary luiiied up no problems: nternational Airport, ^ N.C. j . ' ___saidJ!hc-plantls-ils-waiccdisdinrge ------Ejgj, ;r on a leakiiit: ___ said E ireifl^al spokesr ighteen-people-wereinjured rS7 people on board. JV was blocked to mi tp~dissipalc the make sure the acid joycc:e said.s He said two were in se there w as only one scri- ijiB ______InxcstigotoraJrom-the-siteTuesday_ ^nl?93,th« y i did not seep intol^groun^wotcr. gr _____t JS.condition and one was aidii hospital in Sioux City.o n ia -fu m e s -c a n ------Transportation Safety Be-- ous crash,'cnm ]D ec. 1, w hen a North- f f iQiM O n e o f th e U ca:a’d<^as d found in a guardcc rdcd condition. Authorities sailant Firefighters wearitn eye irritation • ___ en route, to the crash_8iteUnerican Ea- Airlinee commuter< plane went V;s, truck, and twot oothers were in a injuries ries included bums, abrasionis. masks poured' water 01 n ig h t, D an iian o su d . ‘on W orth, down near Hibbing,Hi Minn., killing AP maintenance she(hed near the main andexfexposure to ammonia. ed, onH«onia'tank"t6'heIi3“(] Gus Whitcomb, an Am1118 on boan■ard. _ building. Smith sailsaid. A m o Tnong those hurt was planse - fum es. n ’ gle spokesman in Forib e e n S a tu r- ' T h e p la n e tthat crashed Tuesday Whale^ makes rigg h t They were idenlirnlified as 1-any W. workerker Randy Linoges. 41, wh< i n ------Bxposure-to ammonia Texas, said the plane's la was not onei o f thc A TR aircraft rc- Loisel, 4S, of Sargns to death. 'assia Commu- d a y in N ashville. ir other cems ateut thi L, Moos. 55, of Sioux City. A workiniking in a small building whei the safe^ of using them pP H IL A D E L P H IA (A P ) — Il irdians become American Eagle flightsen 1years, in- in jcy weather. • It per- fourth person, Donlaniel J. Grifiln, 36, the plantplat wos rocked by on explo »«• pie:plexed Philadelphia, distre in t r people who involved in at least four o ressed of Sioux City, diedied on the way to sionabcabout 6:15 a.m. Correction DDelaware el and got the Oa: h o ------emselves. typi- crashes in the f i s t sev en Jarden the hospital. AllI dieddi from injuries “Theirherc was no warning, or noth' StatS tate's g ^ fo r m o re th a n a wew eek^ sustained in the bla:a la st.______ing. It jijust blew," Judy Linoges saic A headline Tuesday ------— ------ig rcgreis the er- ■ Now a n o rth s right whalelie that' Jirn Kudlinski,, aan Environmental as shehe waited1 for her husband at t characterized Mini-Cass speijpent the past week swinuninling up ' nity Guardians. Guardic Carle— md down the Delaware Rivei legal guardians for pi clair, a long'ngtime congressional m has can govern- staffer for■or s e n a to rs D irk iisflppeared and is presumed safesti at CirClculation p weekdays. To re(>ort lale news and can't take care of thems CohtlnuedfromAI ; ek: daily onh e l 9 7 0 8 , Kempthome,le, Steve Symms, and ?ca.sea, experts sa id T u e s d a y . Allen Wilson, circ IS results after 5:30 ond on weekends.“*■ cally senior citizens. mly S2.50 per circulation director S l I ^733-0931. J J le, who taught Americanled th e OOP McClure, alsoIso welcomed the nws. A nd rese arch e rs a t th e N eW w E : ng- Circulation phorhone lines arc open ]>e- The T im es-N ew s ilyn aand Sundav 14.00 per week; m e n U t T F H S d u rin g thle e i:remained “Qh how excxciting.” Sinclair said and Aquarium positively identmtified twten7»ndlOn.m..m. only. If you do not re- Advertising '•« ror. W hile others abudoned. fl^MTve4 'Ibesday, whaben told of the appoint- he young whale as one the;Iiev’v e cave your tMper by7#.mby: ., call the number k. Sales ta.x in- Pclcr':ler York, advertising director 515.00 eh.irge after W atergate, Carled: r* ^e Re- - ,ment - ; seer(een before. It’s a male, aboii !ll-GoodinD-HtfieRmin I**you wish 10 place an advenisement,nd and Sunday $4,00 per week;Ichccks- i faithful. For 15 years, ab id.me.enor- , Shiriee Couloiher o f Kimberly saw nonths old, that they had nna a m ed . 536-2535 ■ “ “ call 733-0931. 733. Classided adi. call 733-Is. $3.50 per week: Sunday only the p a r^ and advanced: * r^hirlpo’s daughter Kn- Sfia tic e x - ' Buricy-Rupert.Pai•Paul-Oaklcv MoMonday ihrough Friday Jh«n 7 a.m. week. Out o f statc rales; daily ai publican ofrered.t one Q£-Carle*a beat plor • 678-2552 ^ unlil 3 p.m.p.i and Saiunlays fiwn 7 tm . until $5.00 per week; daily only S4.C031-080) i% pul>- a '—‘l - ‘" ■■ " . “- J - ■ lOs.tn.hm. Informsiion on ditpUy adt-it-avail- St, \V.,-Twln------m ous professiiMul opportui )iQer-^eacribed-Carie------— _3uhi.cuiierofa- Sunday only J3.00 per week. Sa d in tho po- Tuoiday as fa 543-4648 able wu-eel - ^ ^ y j only. For the Burley omce.. eluded in all above rates. AMagic $15. Valley • i hard-working - and ||J Filcr-Rogerjon-Hc.Hollister “ «677^ will be levied for all relumedss cho postage paid ' vety intellisajent; “She was sharp - Idaho lottery ______326-5375 ■News. Orrieial to be in v o lv e■rt?«? d i ajU '-;,..ym t c:-VWho v^lll>n<^.■ som«hilulso^lome:day.” \ ; ■ BOISE (AP)» Winning nunanbers 733.0931 )me delivery: daily and Sunday. $3.15[it The Times-News (UPS 631-OfJc. Ttiursday i» per week^eek; daily, $2,50 per week; Sunday. ; Friepds reaMobw.Caric ^ a riiM '^ fte'same' Inw n IXtesday in the.Banko5 Dou-1 ____ i|.^li3hed.dally at 132 Third lySt, of ' Ihe week I per week. Mail nibicripiions must be epublished. - - veidle:OpPvdyji^o» .wh ilergameare: ’ N c e « s ...... s ” r . :e, ' Falls, Idaho, 83301, by ,Ma):i fo W v ^ M jv jraiilji Comonwrecbgnizedf in advance and are available only .Ncwfspspeis Ine. Second-classchange po o f ad- ,JB42A1 l=N21.K24.K28-(B-(M b u r ,:_ _ _ _ O iA V^lworth.h. nmanaging editor where e»: 5Ti?T»#rn5)taerjiv«‘^•she*8-rcadytogo-lo— e esfrier delivetyjis not maitxtaTned. •I Twin Falls by The Times-New8. Twin Falls. ^•eleven, N -tw e n ty -d n e , K-twew enty- • ' Ifi^uhsvc'a hew:lew* tip'orwlih to'allrto“-Locirrati ed.her jroHC T in loclooking forward to this I ratesrdilly and Suaday.-$3i50-p;er- .city and county newspaper pursuj fomeonfrin the ediKrdiloriill department, call week': daidaily only S3.00.per weel^ Sunday . befon m'eblnaTvdtinR’i M ooe'Etotor opportunity0| to serve,” bur, K-twenty-eighO- 13 lion 6C-I08 ofthe Idaho Code. Tl I 733-0931 betweenen 10:00 i.m . and 5:30 only $2.2$2.25 per week. Idaho rates: daily . 1973ye»bb6k:£bDdied] Estimated jackpot: $74,850. y. hereby designated as the day»fi ofInc. X on i»*ieh legal notices will be pul ■■ . -M— ly Postmaster, please send chan — ii^TfjclxOBNcni— d. dress focm to: P.O. Box 548. Ti ulnform at er-Uaho8330J,.------_.... 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_^TheTm »»Ncwsl_:TH COMM UN RT CALEND/r e ' r ^s= rroaFs= : ...... Jit.W fc A . lACKPOTEVENTS

wBw^fes^-; LL_;_ ■ ------TheTnnesN^B'

• I O

Wodnosa.iy. Docenibcror 14, 1994 Timos-Nows. Twinvin f Foils. Idaho • A-3 Niylation D e n ulo cra ts.5, R e p uib lic a nIS stag!;e tax-cc u t b idI d in g Vw a r B y T o m R aum droppeddn it. saying the deficitit was too 5^ — ” T f j - — — 1------___^Thc.Associaicd Press; ______iAnalysis laila jg c. ■ ...... — But when Republicans s'sw e p t to WASHINGTON — Good eco- lent politicalcal climate. victory vi from coast to co:oast last ^ . ; i l : ■ "„c nomics or bad. a laxI cicul makes for Republiclicans have a plan, month, mi winning controlI co f b o th F ' v . •Jj ------p o p u la r poli.iics.______D em ocratic^[|c_leader JLichard Gephardl .house ,ho of Congress, few pol■oliiicians ' y ^ j! ■■ ------T o p -la w n ia k e rs.o f-blboth.pames'as--has-a-plan^v o iUv\nd,-tf>'iri^o-rcgain his—hu-had a problem telling-whlch-'h-wiiyihc^ —J : well os President Clintcinton are* jump- politijJal foj^ing, foe President Clinton poltiical po winds were blowing.»S.------______: f i - mg on the tnx*cui band'm d w a g o n , hop* w ill give Ihe th'c nation a preview of his Republicans put a S500-pi•per-child , . ing to get credit with;h tthe voters in proposal for a middle-class tax cut in tax ta: credit for families e.iminling up to t e s 1996. a Thursdayly nightr s p e e c h . 5200.000 S2 a year in their mn id te rm After .ill. what Amernerican doesn't "It's a gamega of leapfrog.” said manifesto. mi "Coptract W ith - want a tax cut? GOP pollstlister Frank Luntz, a lop A Ai m erica’.” The bidding war irtaknakes it all but adviser to) irincoming House Speaker On i Tuesday. Gephardt — try in g ccnain that Congress wiwill puss some Newi Gingriigrich. lo lo both get a jump on Repup u b lic a n s form of tax reduction beforebe the next With so0 manyr rival tax plans in and an to put some distance b e tw e e n presidential election,1. c e v e n th o u g h th e a ir. wh'- c cui u t lhat w ould co.st a b o u t 55050 billion said Henr>' Aaron, direlireclor of eco- ing lo act liklike one." over ov five ycJirs and that wou gen- nomic studies at thehe Brookings But Demomocraiic pollster Peter Han crally cr^ apply lo families makir up to Institution. said. "OverLT the next two yeap^ou 5100.000 SI a year. The final tax cut thalh a i y e a r, w ith m ay see a. lolloi o f shared credit.^ To p.iy for that..Clinton w ill h a \’C , , . . control of Congress. splitsp between "It’s to Uuthe Democrats’ advantage, to to make deep cuts in prograrams. per- Incoming Housiuse M inority Whip Davidd EBonlor, of Mich.', center,ir, speaks to reporters on Capitol.Hlll the Democrats and Republic3t)s.Ri if they cann ggel an honest tax cul and haps ha| eliminating entire agene n c ie s o r T u e s d a y a f t e r IncornlngIr House Mlnorit)rity Leader Richard Gephzhardt, of Mo., Icfr, introduiiduced-mem* exceeded that asked forbr Iby President not one 1hatliat balloons the deficit, to evi even a Cabinet department. borsofthoDomom ocratic leadership. Froi'rom left are G ephardt; Rej!ep. Vic FazIo, D»CaIif.; Rep.Re Louis Reagan, who had madeide lower taxes do this bee;ecause the public would A, battle rages within the le White .Stokos, p.Ohio,io, and Rep. John Dlngoll,oil, D-Mich., of tho Leadenj r s h l p A d v is o r y G r o u p ;: Bonlor; B< Rop. . a central theme o f his catcampajgn. • ' love to seee titheir taxes reduced, pure House He — one that has n m a r k e d k w o Is I M fu n oI, , D-Md., C vice chairm an foifor Com m unications; andid Rep. John Spratt Jr., D- Now, with a solidlid economic and simple."e ." Clinton's C l entire presider , D-S.C., vice P o l ic y . expansion under way.ly. economists Clinton'si's advisers hope that, by between bei his political adviseS 7 « ho c h a i r m a n f o r PC say the stimulus of aI taxta cut is not coming outJt iIhis week with a lax-cut arc art urging bold gestures,arand eco- valing the dcfieileil problem, anunin,ninl (0 otVsel w ith sp e n d in g cm:iiis. Chinierine said liatthat a case can be needed. And it wouldd donly make it plan, the prepresident can al least neu- nomic noi advisers who are cou>unseling Even a S50 bbil illio n tiv e -y e a r lax "11 p.personally think the presideidem made for a lax cut since sim the middle issue instead o f ceding ihc- cat that much harder to0 c o n ir o l th e U alize th e is.' c a u tio n .------ciit-only-ann»unt‘nts lo-S 10 billion a -inighi;hl h e b e tter otV try in g to preiieiieh class ~ despite the; reco\eryrei — has d e fic it. ta x -c u t w arir |i10 R e p u b lic an s, T h e e c o n o m ic a d v is e r s arc ai urg- year, a small uinoi;lount per person eon- fiscalal iresponsibility." said Lawrerence not been doing wellI inin teniis of real ' • Still, it’s hard to comeime out against Clinton pnproposed a middle-income ing inj thal any tax-cut proposasal be as sidering ihe nui;n a s s iv e s iz e o f Uij; C himnierine. e nuinaging direcior offihe i earnings. "But ihe questionqui is tim- a tax cut. especially give;iven the turbu- lax cut in1 hihis 1992 campaign, then small sm as possible to avoidd aggra- nation's middle: classcl -- hut a huge privalea le l-conim iie S trategy liiHliiutiute. ing." he said.

Thjpeatit to p u llI g o v e r n nm e n t p i iU g C u r r e;nt r term likecely to yielcd few decisi s i o n s ^ WASIllNGTOf■_0N (AP) - The Tolli) iliat total ol'ft? will be addedI anya Their article oltered:d oionly tw o e.\am- .2 .0 ^ Supreme Court's‘s shrinking: decision cases;s granted review by Jan. 2.\. butI pies of such cases. Iiowciw ever. W hile not makes5 p u b l i c "T V f e a r • f o r i t s l i docket, a puvzlingy; phenoiiicnonpi ofax-cni it's doubtfuldo the justices will aeci;cept altenipting to pinpoiniit a reastin for ihe ye;ini, appciire licadci:idcd for a new low. enmighugh ca.'^es lo riise Ihe lotal lo K4.t. de clin e in d e cisio n s,. theytin said. 'T h e D allas M orning N ew s L eader Bobb £Dole, R-Kan.. among oth- half lial of public stations' budgets.J. . T h e 1994-95! term lc probably will Case'ases granted review allcr Jan.I. 2.') co.st... is the atro p h ied;d developmentdi of ers, arid com[)mplainls about what is per- If I CPB money is eliminanalod or yitl.J .'lie I'ewt-'lsi number of signed won'tI't beI argued and decided unlilI thei legal slniulards.'' The wave of conservative c( ceived as PIP B S ' lib e ra l b ia s . B ut in slashed, sia* public television officii:cinIs con- » l -myiny in ihe last four court'srt's 199S-‘)f)icnn. Other court w aichet^.:;t>i. and som e ju.s------Republicans surgingB tol< power on 1995, iheargiirgumcnts against public TV lend, lem dozens o f local stations wiwoulil he? uecad'-'S. W/ashington asl lawyers HmesI (ielllu'lliom tices speaking privatelyitely, cannot pin- Capitol Hill has public: telcvi.sionte fac- could shiftft tot< a m o re c u t-a n d -d rie d pul pul out of business, others wouiju M ln v c ■''I''-- I W - 'M t«n'lerm. w hich ended l;isi aiul Slephen Su Mint/, have erilici/ed:d in point one ccnain explaiplanation for the ing the fight of its life. issue: m oney,ey. to curtail( their operations, und.J, nalion- J"'"-; Proil"cc0 W signed ruling.s. the primIt Ihe tl court’.s '•.seemingly quixo’ fron•om th e M O -pcr-icm i Niitioii:ional Law Journal lhat the courtin Js_ iS -C lim bin|! — d ue in\ paip.’irt l» iniTivio-i) ^ i n g H o u s e M a jo rity’ LeaderLi Dick and cut taxesxes, PBS is considered by - ”You " wouldn't have the^ c rilic a l rt eninked out tlimtigh ifiickiii^king disputes it ought to t.ickle. filings by prison inmates.:iles. Armey. R-Texas, andnd Sen. Larry some lawmamakers lo be a luxury the ma.s1> ma you need to do th e v oJ hlu m i o f 'l«, i 1980s. Pressler. R-S.D.. who will chair a key governmentIt ccan no longer afford. programming." pro says Brugger.:r . presi- : court is on a sub-84 ^ , committee, have called for tlie "privati- But it work'on’i be easy to eliminate dent den o f th e A ssociation o f Ainicrica's m , zation" of public TV. funds for sucliuch large, enlrcnched 'insti- Public Pul Television Stations., " Y o u 'd justices have issued Supponen of the Public)lie Broadcasting tutions as the Corporation for Public have hav to have an awful lot of repcpeaLs on isions, are working on' S S ------ServicesQy-ikit-s^j-codtf-Wiu-word-for-a-cut— Broodcusting-ng-and-PBSr-For-one-thing;—the the-air^Y-ou-mighl-be-ublt.'-l' !i£lLit[giitiicnisjlrcudy_^H off of government funding.ng. 75 percent oof f ihe dollars earmarked for som son c o f tlie .shows." have been heard,J. anda have agreed to The S300 million thattha Congress public TV arand radio go to locol sta- When \ PBS was founded, p.yanofiLs htatarBumcnlsinain another 32. spends annually on pubpublic TV and lions. Those« stationss have boards filled missioQ mis was to be a high-qualit;lily alter- radio actually goes io,thethe Corporation with corporaorate executives, mony of native nali to the major comnierci'cial net- for Public Broadcasting,!. a private, ; non- whom havek’c lieS'to the Republican works. woi Now, its opponents say. ■ ■ profit organization set up in the 1960s Pany. ■ culmral cull programming is availa as a “heat shield” betwec■vecn Ihe polili- D avid Bmgmgger, PBS’ chief lobbyist, such sue cable networks as A&E a c ian s and the bruudcostcrs.crs. • says the realeai baltlc will be fought Discovc7 Dis Channel. SS Gtfl It is the Corporationio n fo r P u b lic behind ihe set m m scenes, betw een Uiosc PB S But E PBS and ils supporters arj;irguelhat (SSES EHOilUBl Broadcasting lhat Gingrngr'ich, Armey station boaraard members and their its ils shows: are better made ancnd m ore ’ and P ressler have in theirir sisights. RepublicanI frifriends in Congre*ss. wide-ranging wid than cablc's. ar "One ofthe things wc'rce ’re going to do T liose who■ho want to kill funding for becouse bee public stations breadca this year. 1 hope ... is to zero: out the p u b lic T V' contend ci that PBS is no the the. air, they cover alm ost 100 perwrcent o f Bring your^^^ right nowl __ Corporation for Public; B:Broadcasting.- longer needci:ded.or.can survive on its the country,i a claim cable can 't ffmake. wffich~has been eatingng taxpayers’, own. Aftcr.all,.all, public broadcasting gets PB'S'ai.so P gets criticized for nonoT mak“ /ewear-prescription 'Mountain'Wek's in­ m oney,” G ingrich said1 this ihi m onlh on only 14 p e rcxent a of its fuiiding from tlie ing ing Ihc mosl of spinoff merchailandising tO Mountain West___ store labjiiakesjt_ — “ National Empowcmicnt-7ilTclcvision, a—federal govern conservative cable channelmel. Americans Dut officiol:iols of the Corporation for Opponents C of PBS say that if public M ^1Optical. We start possible. Oiir “have been paying taxeses involuntarilyi Public Broadcadcasting and PBS say they TV TV were more aggressive in nenegotiat- M worlDrking on your new . jmmitment to quality lo subsidii'e somethingng which told can’t live witlArithoul the federal suppon. ing ing wilh ihe producers of such:h show s i makes it right. i them how they should tliinlhink." Every dollarir (o f governm ent m oney is as a s "Sesame Street," “Barnr n c y & tojlasses right here.. ^ In the past, public televi:cvision funding leveraged into int( about S5 in coiporate Friends" Frie and "B aseball." it co ujld lt m ake has enjoyed bipartisan supsuppon despite sponsorshipsips and public donations, enough cno money from toys andad ofher ■ vitriolic attacks on spccifi;cific PBS pro- And in smallilaller markets, the govern- products proi to cover Ihe loss off Ifederal ^ grams by incoming Senacnalc Majority menl's conlribiribution covers os much os funds. funi n State brings 2tmore r charges againstist nurse I o (2 o a .t - f . i , INVERNESS, Fla,"■ (■''’> - I u n t i a i n Prosecutors brought tw o mi M o i ) m ore chargcs y ^la a .cx ta .’T.i. against a nurse suspected:ted of raping. w patients in a hospital recpve The charges Monday bringbrii to seven 2aiuaH eSzjiaiatE.i the number of female patipatients Bruce Y oung is accuscd Of attacki:icking. W e j'S tW Young. 45. remainsis in jail on J o^ f C aiaal ^EbaToiEi•1 $ 100,000 bail and hass deniedd any 2 ' ^ v nij ^olcfia Coi-e\td, Cr. wrongdoing. ___ - He was arrested in OctoiciolKr,_ancr a - — nuree allegedly caught himlim having sex with an anesthetized I5-y(S-year-oId girl ^ at Citnis Memorial Hospital AL lital. H / OP•TIC The new charges ollegege 1he sexually iL 338 M o lt^, Goodii assaulted two women, inI 199119 and last flR ' )dlng 934-5636 - February, who were sedatedsei and recovering from surgery. ^EUUEAIiR IN 1I HOUFRl ^ Ji W hhere Fashiclion, Q ualitty & Expeie r t 2 0 « /yo-Q fi ^Follov ^Mafe“TFH ^ D T f f e r e2 rn c e R ~ All Regular PiPriced Merchandiidise* W 5255 BLI/E LAKIKES BLVD. • TWIN FALL*LS •ExcExcliulinc H i’sicry Applique Sw(weatshirts...l/2 Price 734-E 1Y E S (23 9 3 7 ) m 1095 E. 1 Selected Graf■aff Pe^i^s.'..40% Off« W I. MAIN • BUIIRLEY 6S 7 8 - 5 6 0 0 ifcfc 156 M ainI Ave. N. I 734-787811 ------"Wltere Customo m ^ S e r v k e ------I s O u r S p c a ^ H O>U R S : M o n . - F ri. 99 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 1 .Clojcd SunJliy iccialty" I ^ 3 0 - C lo se>ed Saturcd a y ^ Af1f t e r Hourjr s b y A pp(( O in tm e nIt— t

a ■-il ■/

A"I Timoi-Now's,, TwTwin Falls, Id.iho Wodnosdny.y. DocomborC 14.1994 - ‘ Natiorm G a pp b e t ^v e e n pi^ e n sio in f u n di i n g , ll ts w idle i n s

WASIIINCiTO;I'ON (Al>) ■ The giipp gap remains large and wce musin do more 10 iheir pla>lans went bankrupt, Beginninning ne.M enough lo move ial The pension agency/ saisaid ihc SI,7 billion ------ticly-4:cii-ruiuliiigig Ibrli private-peiision-pliins-■s—close il,” said Lubor-Secreiarelary-Roben-Rcichr^carrthc :hc-govcrnmcnt-^vilt-giiaranii inicc-iip-tn~}-2-firmrclosed j ------incrwscHn-undcrfiinding-ing-is-due-priniurily-tD— .mil lik* iH-ncfiiN. IhiIhc pkins proniise grew byy who is chainiinn of ihe corpoirporaiion’s hoard of S2,573.'8i;86 a month; often less thann ppromised 'Ilie companies id- lower interest raies,, Tl Thc agcncy said .i • • s l .7 billion liisl year yc: al the coinpunies wiihh directors. He said changc.ss in federal pension bencfiLs.IS, . ed Chrysler, thc n nd majority of companieses \with underfunded llic ?(t I’iuycM mule:lulerl'iindcci relircincni plans, laws "will do this over llie nextnc: few years.” Earliciicr this year, General Motor*.ors agreed fami machinery ir plans also operate fullyly ffunded plans from Iiul II) .sDiue cases c:i! ihere was improve- Legislation signed by PresidentPn Clinion lo spem:nd SIO billion over iwo.) yyears to The agency sai as which sufllcient moneyy cocould be obtained lo ------..------lllOlllr- - liisi week commiiiing thc-Ur-Unitcd-Siaies-ioM—rcdncc-b -by-ncarly-hair-ihc-underrundi, :iding.onu_concenlnilud!priii iir-_pa\’Jbi:all.promiscd.bcncfrn cftls. _ _ ------______• I III.' tIilTerciiCL':c helween I' the compan \cs ‘ worldwide trade agrcemenicntJnc.hidcsJan:_biggcsLi .Lpcnsion.plan._\vhich-i:i)Vi;t vcr.s-ahuui __ lincJnduilriaUinj nd I nc Iu s ion o n ihe listI does do nol necessariK___ |K’tl^lon li;ibiluii.'scs ami ; asscis loiaiecrSi.^y.77 guagc overhauling the nalion’sna: pension 600,000)0 hourly workers and rciirC'irees. Last lire and Kihbcr it r)’. mean a company s plann is in je o p ard y , hlliKii III l* )'a U|iup IromI S3« billion in l‘;92. laws. An esiimaled 8 millicillion workers and year, GNJM had a gap 6fSI5.9 billion>n between1 wiih S2I.9 billioi Vis The Pension Bcnetlltil Guaraniee' Corp ilii.' I’ciisitui Ik-nel■nelli ( iu a r a n iy C o rp . saidJ relirees arc covercd by und(inderfiinded retire- promisee■ed benefits and plan asscis, for ahoul 55 pen of guarantees pension bcncfmcfiis for 41 milliuf, l iii'-.iiiy in a'lciiMiiiisiny ils annual list i)flhc 50') ineni plans. L2jnillion of .lliem, in plans . The pensionp< agcncy said ihc 5tJ.5(J.con]pa- ihe liiilcd conij d.- vvorkcr.i:covcccdtin m nn o r e th a n 6 6 .0 Uu jiaiM 'iir pliins'wiiwllll Ihc biggcsricverofr ’sponsofed hy co'mpanies inn 11financial trouble, nies on1 iht e li.st repre.senlcd ahoui 56 pereeni Companies in the S7 dellned-bcnelli. single-cmr-employer reiircmcii: iiruk'il'uiulii;^. The pension agency’ hashj been more of naiioron's total S71 billion iinfiindinded pen- billion ofthe lota nd plans. Dcfincd-hcnefitI planspi: are ihose th.i: Ii \mis Ihe m m Iliconseeuiivcic i: increase, aggressive in trying to forciorce companies 10 sion liabiibilily. • commercial mad ir- pay a predetermined benet.•ncfit after retiremen: ■■|iii|'icneil pensicnsion luniling among sonic; close gaps in pension fundinjd in g b e ca u se som e T h e aj;agency said 10 companies listed li? last lines with nearly f K.T Such plans arc usually! fundedfui by contrihu- runip;mics is cneoiicouraging. hui ihe lunclingI relirees and workers couldId loseI benefits if year mailadc plan improvcmcnis suh^uhsianiial companies with S lions from employers andind w^ o rk e rs.

Walkc in the parirk ^ T e s5 t t h e l p s imes-News Classssifieds I i f i n dd m i n d

■ d i s oo r d e r s ! ^ V \sOjK,‘ ^ OkK (AP) - Willi Ihe mple questiunnairc. family ivcd almost as gotxl as ihe I Jeniilying mental disorders 20 pcrcent o f iheir paiient.s. I reporieil TiicsOfly, dociors routinely fail lo :n the mosi common men- - ■ N in .is many as 75 pcrceni —- nts who suller from them, lost patients with menial een by family dociors. not igisis or psychialri.sts. 1 9 recning lesis have been ■ I help diagnose mental .s is ihe llrM Ibr use i^y llun- .s;iid Dr. Robert L. Spilzer, ; > Sl at Columbia University he test’s dcvclo|K-r;, rad adoplion of ihe ques- | | k Q ' t e ■ - ■ nild reduce ihe suffering, help o f a simpid health care cost.s asst)ci- ‘ '• dtKiors pmvctcnial illne.vs. S p il/e r Kiid. e x jv n s ai idenDscnce of ihc question- lluii aHliet 20eys j showed that family rcsearchcrs ihiificdref and treated only I'amily doi>ercent o f palienl.s lhal idemify eveniti-widuncntaLdisordcrs. l .la l disorderN; qucsiionnaireit was used, n f llie patients •; R a y P e c k a nId d ^his two dogs Roxle, lefteft, and Rosa, don’t let coolooi w eather interfere with u m pcd lo 62 pcrceni. s;iid And yel nuisiroenke of the Unifomied I d a lly w a lk inI W estmoreland Park In Portland,Pc Ore. illness are seei'niversily of the Health by psycliologi;Bethesda. Md, Kroenke, Olher serecand gencnil pi“.ictilioner. --A m tFak-boar devi.sed lo l-wlilj^pitifer-in-dcvelop. hel ------— p F ed siprobe $23'53Tnillimi“ ne.ss. bill thi.stionnairc.,'. is f e m u U s m o n e y ily diKioni. ,s;ii( a psychiairisl: Meiedicare speending WASHINGTON ( and one o fih c I M anagers of th'e natit" '' " ' ' ' n .. Widespread WASHINGTO^rON (AP) — Fed- -bags. SotSome suppliers were trying senger railroad sys tionnairc coul< cral investigatorsts 'ui'arc probing nure- to pass 0 s off diapers or absorbent searching for ways to 1 disability and I ing home supplici)liers aHcr finding pads as f s female urinary collcction a projected S195'• aicd w iih mcni ------Mcdicarc-paid.$2.$233-m illion-last—doviccBs but-Medicareb doesn^t pay------M . ------d c fic il;------r-.-t* year for incontincniiience kits contain- for diapeipers o r a b so rb e n t pads, Am trak’s board met it vl'. naire, survey: Unickii Cl’ilJuu ' in g som e .rarely usedus© items, up fiom Medianicarc shelled ou t S233 million session Tuesday to' ' 7 **'' doctors ideiili | ^ 8 | | | JU > nd Held l'h ..„r S88 m illion three yc e years earlier. on incontitntinence supplies for 292,700 rcmedies-for-the-aystei i‘houi 25 peri e r e ’s --— Junc-QibbS'Bro'3rown, the inspec- jwtientss inir 1993, up from $88 mil- bled finances, including ------x a m c -ta ih u iL ' to r g e n eral o f healthhea and human Iionfor31-312,200 patients in 1990. $79^ X. sibility of cutting servic APpMs W hen Ihe qi r I services, said thehe ;payments were Of lastast year’s payments, HHS m o n e y . h their thai figure jum f . “out of control," t " Tlie problem has auditorsrs foundf $107 million to be Thc railroad lost S76.2” Dr. Kun Kroe __ i _ ___ ,i_becn.mosl n9utc.i1 tc.in^,I|lbrida,_with _qucsiionajnable.includingabout S88 ____------fiscal-1994, the fifUi-strai] S e rv ic e s Uni> ^ . its larg e elderly’ po;po pulation. m illio n) paidpi for patients'vvhO did - t i i n g bos been in the red, and ■I Scicnce.s in I3c The kits contaii ceive a catheter or other t Itain external uri- not recei was also down slightly„ J an iniemisl an ^ ; nary bogs to colit:ollect urine from prostheticrtic device. y e a r b efo re. ------eollulH)ruieti-w ^ " catheters — itemsms nursing homes Brownvn said some suppliers pro- Amtrak President Th ing the quesiioi ' o flc n u se — ass wwell os seldom^ ' vided “free"*‘fr diapers to nursing Downs announced a pi► ^ w o e s ! used syringes,'llI,'lubricants and homes toto get them to accept the 6 0 0 m a n a g e m e n l ”j ; saline solutions.s. EBrown said the incontinen[lence kits, which thc suppli- September and began ( A P ) - ' ' items typically coscost about S4. but ers then1 billedbi M edicare for directly, after Moiuii'li ment of a long-range colion’s pas- D rc so o n ip i’iiMt 7; the' su p p liers billedlied Medicare 520 One womanwc is quoted by inves- p la n . ,'s t c m u r e ; opiece for up to0 tlthree kits a day tigators: aoi s sa y in g th a t on aide a t a Among proposals bein : — Sl.SOOpermonnonthperpadent nursinglg home caring for her ercd were overhead co: $199 - ; !j Incontinent patientspa cannot motherr “opened“< a little room to tions, more efficient use ------. j .^ c o n tr o l u rin a ryy or-bowel oi func- show me-theme supply of all that m ent, cutting service, a s t m a s I ^i-,ttons. M edicarere pays] only for stuff, andant she said they had so fuel consumption and utiI -& .« ^ l i e s th a t areJ partpa of prosthetic much *cythe had to ' '' an^ finditig ways lo inct ! *i^ch,e?t cacatb<|gf|jyd the place for i > eriues. ng pos* i to sa v e MoioroU'Toii-Toie-Mi«nc |ilu|%Iepeile^nalhy ; ^ c e s . out tuiiery) & 7 'o u.‘re ‘n Invite(C7o aightycarit— m o i r t Mf r ' CSI W oodstoc>ck Club's 2nd An m $999 U^GINNATI-(Ai(AP)'=^Charge8-‘* ■ ly from ihc icfl^ against a busi}. ^ S I L E NITJMJCTK I r h o m a s M . ’ theibe aid he dis- \ J T J j j n d e v e lo p - ».,agB instJqs^h.sjA , Open: ing consid- m :sat.vbac.17 iaM :l r c d u c - I s t m a s UnlJcJnIJcn Diss.,Deo.20 9flO-4Sle of equip- )rnblr Phone—------— ---- "W eiCDec.2i , S i s w a Tliun.,Dec.22 9:30-4:!utility costs f , icrease rev- ' 'F ri.. Dm. 23 holidays. T hc onc dm e c\ Iah>st, Md »ubniittecemm l lieraa^irw lnl ;iv V y o 'u ^ ■ g i Pj^pjOmtmsbymIM p m. DelfveiytvtOH^ > loliday gift, C om inN ct is s i - cellular phones for the h< ^Jm fVS;gl.weT^. b r m a - . ON ■ 1 C om m N et CclliiJars di; 'o r k , 300-COM M NET.Orsto B e f o r e , ■•kln4Jtems In p U lidays, and thc crowds. MoiotDUCBKC3KC«ry Pl.onc Mahbflariy' B o d teK -T& (with twiterym e iy & H R jyiahooaiycurio't^bi# COMMNET^C I | j159 ; iHickpty.'^tertal(imHic ert^ W p -m . From thc Mountain tao p .m . _ 1:311 p.m. : ...... 736-20 1 :3 0 p.m. Mfl p.m. , The ho 'TwiaFalis,. -shbpE inj a oiiwiji.ioiwuti- Oak Rfeed.iyejijaM bi ------s a l e s ' d o n a r e a l h o i f ^ fp r priced cc

^ e c t s . i . call 1-801 . . the holid

f f t d o l s

ibard..7' ^ ' I

'______Wcanesd.iy. DccomberlOf 14, 1994 Tinies-News, Twin FnllsJdnMo^^^A^^F , Nation Man\^with a vilision: Geephart " h e ^ ll ready1to offer‘ Democrratic goa a n t d o w i i WASHINGTON (AP)(Af - House r 2 3 \ 2 ^ O n A t — ------DcnHKraiJi-will-propusc-.>se-u-iax-cul-for------^ ------families caniinj! loss lhan ih;i S75.0()() a yc4r a n d inecnii\ cs lo■ etKencour:ige com - panics to share proflisIs h w ith w orkers, # y p : ^ u r n i t u Rep. Richard Gcpltinli.dl. i the incom ing z : ------t iousc m inority leader.'’■.^■'dJ.ucsdayJ!______'Hic M i.ssouri bemtXTtXTil olVeg-d his _ J______— . - V ? —^ ^ vision o f lh e dirceiion Iiis party shoulcJ ' m ove a rte r the tlinLsisinj;ng iti received by K - ^ R epublicans.in last nionilonih’s elections. _ He_contra.sted.it]ilL\vilh.Jitvjhc goals of ,______; A lhe n e w in a jo riiy Reptil.•publicans w ho V "want lo hold up n punc t g unching bag for W i people’s fru.siniiioiis." " I l 's th e tried and icMikMcd GOP for- M J ■ ■ ■'? mula: division, exclibitu>ion and fear. j^H 1 It's w ro n g and I iliiiik pc k people should j^ B « ^ I I , - rejeci it out o f hand." ite, G e p h a rd t's proposedd lalax eui v\ ould W m ..M apply to workers oarnit lhan S75.0(X) regardless o f w heil luive children. Republicias- h.nvi pn^p>.)sed a ' * S500 por child 1;l\ ea-diill forfm pei'ple w iih f i ' incom es up to S20().(X)());mniully, ;uii 42-Inch Rou'und O^k Table ,1 “So the Am erican peoptco'pic will have I n c o m i n g] H ouse M inority Leader RichardRic Gephardt, contoror, of- Entetertainment a choice beiween iwo with 4 Bowback; KilchenJ Side Chairs I wo lax cuis," M issouri introducesIn tho Democraticitic leadership on Capitolll I H ill. i; C entete r - Lg. Wall Ljnlt Gephardt told lhe C : (.'enier for From left. Rop.R Vic Fazio, D-Caljf.;; Rep.R( Louis Stoke, O-Ohiin io ; . IZconomie I’oJicy. a Deji X-inivraiic-ori- and Rep. KiKvve/s/ M fum e, O.-Md. $ enied think tank. ! ' ; Ke« J R e g . $ 5 9 9 "The Republican ,)f siaff Leon Paneita. haveve been p‘ — llives a lax rebate tetested : GOP form ul* *13* House that would lelli:elling congressional leaderc rs lh a t for every child of (|j division, exciusioro n require a balanced C'liiI'linion's proposal probably ' X' ....'^fG LID ER the rich, or ihe n n budget, but docs cost;osi S.s() billio n to SlOO billion f \ jlJOCKERS Democralic lax and fear. It’s w ron; ... curi? i o s P % ^ not spell oul how ______- p . _ j . cul. which .say thal aand I think peoplele lhe delicil would all working people _i. should reject it out) U t Ih; eliminaied- deserve a break -- __ " W e w o n 'i 1 'fi not based on Ihc o f h a n d . ’ delay a \ote on Introducing.J... : ; Large size of the fami­ ^4.!7T lhe aiiieiulment." f\^ ’ t lies, but based on ^ Ciephardl said. v® 7 4 e A ik'm4. : the size of their — Rep. Richar "bui neither will incomes.''- Gephardt, D-My p I 'i Produciiviiy." with inciinceniives for /ens. If ihc R : Republicans are serious vt S /rfr/jH'■"sAi j J 8 B | ^ Assorted Styles & C o lo rs •' Ur«esi Selection Eve*Iv e r L; - -corporate prolil sharing^”g, about balaneiileing ihc buiigei. lel them '(g Sliirfnti; Ilf Starting At " T h a t w ay . w e will have lia\ the kind lay ihcir cardsrds on lhe labFe and lel ihc ^ ofsoeieiy we need*) fuelfnc our econ- people Ik- lhele ju i d g e ." omy well into the 21st century."cet Presideni111 Clinton, blamed by t W $ 2 3 9 lie also said he wouldlid iniroducei a many Dcmocrocrai> for the parly's loss H 1 9 9 I ’ S tan ttie holiday seasia so n ' • •; I______bill requiring Republicans F 1 7 9 ans 10 describe of both the.* liHouse and Senaie lasi . ^ X '■■/ith a fresh new look: fifrom 9 I exactly how ihey wouldId balanceI the m onlh. h as saisaid he wanis lo propose ^]N The Total Look Hair SalJalon! 1^;' 4; federal budget. GOP lioiHouse leaders a middle-incoicome tax cut o f his own. ha\'C promised to push a C( W / • WASH AND BLOW DRYf S t i ^ l M1NIATURIRE ! a constiiulion- as long as hehe can Ilnd w;ays to pay_ f . J • CUTS • FACIALS . PEflhRMS [>' fj ■ f l V iNITH > COLORS* FOIL HIGHLIG!IGHTS v^; J ,‘L CEDAR^ ! ' ■' Ex-legislatito r , l “R RON10,1 '' to j^ieadgi?uUty [Nl^[ P A I N M k7 J 2 1 2 2 FILER AVE. E E. . 'j TWIN FALLS Iu)Cli.iniii.'l x i — in-bankca Mow-FBi 9 -4 ; S a t a I _ _ 5 8 8 ScMtlh •______:ase— L — ^ ' I : ■ • WASHINGTON (AP)\P) — Carl ll — ^ U s T '■■■ Soil,illd W o o d $ii^9'9 9 E m . ‘‘Chris” Perkins, a fomjcrner four-ierm $yj€ ock and key g. $309 A i IM J I.' / ' conj^'essman from KeniucIlucky, agreed s a great gift ^ with lo< Tuesday to plead guiltyilty-io three Mafies i c lelony charges including: kiiingkill checks ■ I m l 9 I f - ■■ at th e ^ K W ^ 'o f Represenuitnuitivcs bank. J.«.\looM Room! — ZENl iV hlte-W cstlnghQ U se______the J 91"'-r f REGIIISTERfjro WIN

^ 3 - 5 istm as B BANANA CHAIRIR S ■: ^ r r ‘ 1 swivEiEL ROCKER or ------ReR e g .- $ 3 I 9 ------R e g . S 5 9 taping g ‘ p e c WING CHAIR I YOUUR CHOICE^------R e g r $ 2 9 9 ------{ * 3 9 o f Q^ift C ertificc:ates and Serr v i c e s , cHne-S ^ 2 1 9 1^ ^ h o u s e

. . . M UJ ! S T B E P R EE S E N T T O»WIN ' Participating ^ A 11 l : m ix HMH .rtiw) ------f T o m l2 :0 0 ■ [ MEMERCHANTS

'■ ■ A . < " - -V■V

■A-6 Timos-Nows,s, TwinTt Foils, Idaho WocJnosday, ay, Docombor 14. t 994 \ 7 Nationtn iThis year,] cojmputer • users a [S ttudy rej;jects si]n g le c aause send their1 widsh list vi/ia Inter]net SAN IRANCI.CISCO (AP) - Christinas civvs arearc doing more this for gui ------yfnr th;m making t< g toy.'; .ind’ keepin'g " ilfw a riillnesse: Saiilii Claus abrcas;casi of who's been W A S H l HINGTON (AP) — A stud)udy of more than ' Presiderlent Clinlon plans to request:st SISS million lo nauylity or niec. 1,000 aili liling P'crsian'G ulf W ar• veteransV( points S20 milliolion in his fiscal 1996 budgetget proposal, due *■ I’IciK y a rc plu;slugged inlo the s tr o n g ly a r' away from ihc idea of a ssingle causc of to be preseserited to Con^*ss next monTionth, to invesii- ______inicrnci,ji[l!>ivcriiiii:ing.e-mailed-wish- ______theirjjjncs; icsses, the.Pcntagon.rcponcdcd Tuesday.‘ . gate theseJc undiagnosed illnesses furtheiih e r...... lists Irom kids bigg aat n d s m a ll. M o st o f of those examined have knknown ailmenis, MeanwhA-hile, the Pentagon is e stab>lishing lish two treai------l^lOaiilaji-in.cvci:vcry-itore-in-iown.— p i ------leuving-rei -researchers-lO'focus'on"aT(a-rclatively'small—mcnrcVril rilers, one at'W allcr ReediI“A A' rm y 7 k ^c d ica l Ihcrc’s III) rciisoiiI he can’l have .sev- ‘ J Vni/a number stil still sufTering from unknownvn causes.i Ccnier inin'W ashingion. the other at Ihc U.S. Air eral c-in;iil addressessses,’‘PeierUohush ° . “There i •e is no magic bullet," saii>aid Dr. Stephen Force MciIcdical Ccntcr and Brookee ArmyA Medical Ilf Novaliiik Inieraieraelive Networks v jfl ■ ^ Joseph, ih'ihc assistant defense sccrei rretary for health , Center in^ Sani Antonio. Texas, to conc, officialsol cau- iring, sharing and H K K S c o mn c c.fo , rw ard w ilh on a jlm c nH i they tl believe is lioncd. I Jjappirrc.s'S'/ S o i f youy give /ovc linked lo iheih e ir service. S o m e of Iihe known ailments may rclairclatc directly to , and get love, ills ChrislmasCh every O f Ihe 11,11.000 who camc forward lo I 10 panicipate in service in ihihe Persian Gulf.'Joseph said.,lid. Skin di.scase day o f ihe year for y< the Pcntagoigon’s Comprehensive Clinic nical Evaluation and asthma,la, for example, could haver beenbci aggravat- Unrorlunalcly. al fo r th e Program. 1,019 I, hove been fully cvali valuatcd, In that cd by lim es; served in the harsh desert dinclim ate, purposes, of merryy nic.ssagcs.r the y group, thec FPentagon found that 85 pei perccnt had ail- But ihe nresearchers, using what JoseJoseph called a standard Inlernci return rt address A menls or diseasesdis wilh known causes. ‘ :s. These ran the "rather sopfphisticaicd range of invcsiigaligation" found for any prognini offc)ffcring aulomar- gamul fromjm circulatory and digestive ivc problems lo no evidence:c of damage caused by anyy oneor ofscveral - -ic -e-nuiil res is infections.. specific.s| injuries, psychologi logical problems causcs thatit Ihave been subject o f speculaculaiion among , RESl'ONSE-DAnNEMON. Ifyou and bloodI disorders. di About a quarter ( cr of ihosc fully ' veterans. TlThese includc nerve gas or some other -overlook lhal shivciivcry detail, the evaluated rc|reported psychological condi )ndiiions includ- chemical wcvcapon, pesticide, or taintedd inoculation.im ; letter's jusl righl forb r kids.I APpf«o in g d e p rc ssicision, headaches, posi-trauma matic stress dis- In a sense,sc, Jo.seph said, the 15 pcrccnl:eni with a vari- Sanla can alsoI be b< rcached al Nlssa Gr anxiciy. Grover, of M arlborough, MMa ass., reads som e Christ Cly o f unditJiagnoscd problems do repre [email protected]. w hen: a ICIICT m , s s a g „ rpresent a syn- “S dDefense; Department researclarch is focusing drome, , gels an immediate r< igos which were sent at thahe offlcos of NovaLInk in on th e 15 perceni pel whose ailmenis couldluld not be dlag- “A syndro ' W estbor,orough, M ass., from Internem e t u s e r s . Irome is'’really a collection1 oof f sym ptom s, Po.siy. th e m ail elf; nosed. Theseesc problems included heodac dachc and mcm- So whai I’veve described lo you in one sensesen is a syn- I “TTiank you for youryoi e-mail. Wc sonalizcdi :d rc.sponses lo mosi of the e- everything e I wanl. I will Icb a v c you latigue. sleep disorders,'arTdid intestinali and drome,” Jose>se:ph said. "T h is is n o t the sai I have rcccived yourtur Icitcr ai ihe mail me.ss : sa m e thing a s ' c.ssages ihey receive within Ulira L Slim Fast with your /a ilm e n ts. saying there . N o n h Pole, nnd il wii u r n o n ? f .t ■e is a single illness or singlele disease,"di will be given lo four days,ys, although all bels arc off healthy h cookie choices.” Sahla us soon as hete takest a-break asChrisim ;imas approaches. But you'll know ii’s from loading his sleigh W h ile: tlthe Idlers tpay be virtual, Chrislmas C when you visil “The automalic bounce-back bo is many ma! S c h u Dm er: Feds back1 video nake clear that milk and billed b as “the firsi coin kclll:iilc on Ihc 1 ) prom otingI g g u n s , so ihni people kno'now the leiter cookics s still figure in most Intem It et." The Salvation A ,, arrived and didn’t: getgc losl some- Chrislmas Army has WASHINGTOTON (AP) — The gov- indu;idustry’s program.” a s E ve pla n s. an a e-mail addrcs, about hunting was equivalentequ to fund- , where in cyberspop :ss ai. cmmenl is hclpinping the firearms indus- TI )Q.ce — a n d s o " I f y olur u r wife is liying lo put you bi The scrvicc has provided ssome ing ihe tobacco indusidusiry lo advertise parents don't have bclIring@ novalink.com whvhere you iry promote gun;uns among children by S225 ive Ihcir kids on a dicici. feel free lo take extra ci 229.000 lo Ihc National Shoeooling the Joys of smoking.lg. "This• is just as con send pledges or requcslest infor- financing a gunin I lobby video on hum - S p o r ’ going crazy dcmandinding the Icitcr cookies. Tl ports Foundation, a firearms inditdustiy shocking and tw ice as n They are in ihe cupboard,” m a tio n . ing. Rep. Charles as nutty," he said, be sent again andd aogain," said Daniel W. rIes Schum cr contended tradeadc associalion, lo help revise W. of Maryland wrole lo "Nationwide it’s been a3 problem) Tuesday, sc and Foundation Presidesidcnt Bob Delfay M ory-Bllcn Hcncycy of Internet Novolink. distriistributc three o f its videos on huilunling said more than 90,00( k. becausc bl we don’t hove pepeople lo Schumer. D-N 1,000 schools have ' Acccss in Ontari(irio, Canada. "Most c '•N.Y., urged Fish and andid wildlife\ managemeni. They f t of all what I want for man m the kciilcs," sold ihe ’ focus requested tjie videos,;os. and ihcrc have 1 , “We’re already gcttin e Army’s W ildlife Servicvice Direclor Mollic onwi tting over 1,000 ChristmasIS iis an official Ken Griffey C 1 wjldlife conservation. been no com plaints, Col. Leon Ferraez. "W e’rere hoping Beattie in a Icilc 1 ,,, le tte rs a d a y , so w e5’rcbusy." ’re Jr. jersey,’ ;ilcr to reconsider the Schumer. Se a leading gun con ;y,” fan David H. the th Internet will take up som onlrol 'This is nol aboutit sellingsc guns." he I These elves hope to ime ofthe agency's fundiiigiiig for, "an unabashed advotIvocate in Congress, said giving ! to provide per- zapped norlorthward. "If you bring me sh sl jc k ." : V-. .. ngthe said. ontWie criticism:isms were "totally industry from gr them to the ' lEEl V- MCI Tele<»mmunicat le cutter’s home port in The T flames were extingu{uished I 733*( a tJ o n s . which aUo rcfuefueled during Alamnla, Cal I___ ::alif. >y b y Saturday, when the C o a s t ' - ■

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■' *'_____ '___ ... Wodnosd.iy. Decci:cm bor 1-1, 19SM ’ Timos-Nows,■s. TwinT\ Fnlls. liJano A-7 Nation Desjiperatei H itler!*catch(esAUiiiedcon The Associated Prts! nm ancio f f g iiuard \ \ b rTld l i War 11; 50 years afTn ’ 0 ______G em ians let a medic help a w In the forest ihcfie snows lay deep and m wounded in the besiegedJ town,to to surrender, comnide. then killj;d both. In silent From that.1. they callcd ii -The J D 9 In all, K(i "Aw. nuis." wasas hish reaction which ______Gls_werc-deadQ but 43 man; ------G host Front.^’------attle of the n;iged-to -soon- beeam e-his-his-rcply: "To the e Bulge escapees inio the vmkhIs, Capt. Henry Realteaih, a gunner, wenl 30 a.m. on December 16,1944, Cierman C'ominaimaiuler: Nuts, The ♦4 , Ihe Gormans opened firo oo» n th e looking for his forv _ Word ofthe massacre drillil'ted like American C’omm.uun.uider." forward observer. He Is1st A rm y in th o se cto r of the WWe: estern Fronl, Tho Gormans,i. hopingI lo Front lines5 beforeb the battle fog ihroiiiih the Anlennes w hcr ^ found him cnsconcecKcd in an armchair in seize Ai lerc.iLlud— MeAitliflv-'s-emiremiss;ir}v-C-'ol,■^Joseph------J Antwerp._f^ughjJO_mi|osJnlo,tli□.the Ardennes before being ppi u sh e d - ‘ Fronlorilonthd moming -theopiwisteeireci'intendeil. *1'' It; somconcVsummet It angetvil ilarper.‘c.\plainedned lo the mystified m e r co ttag e ' lo o k in g _bad« by Ihe Allies. The German counijunteroffensive lasted from-Dec Bcomborte. t944- A\.Aiucricans..green or veteran, sti “ Ihroogha picture wir 'ecom boi------—— siilfening (iermans: "In'pl.iiiilain Ijiglisiril'irilie window w ilh binocu- 16 lo' ilsits high point on December 24,>4, 1944.______Iheir resolve tl) slop th e C Iem u n ______lars ol lhc.winlcr.soliisolitude.------8Si^g.A lIieUlios G '''' ans. Njmc ;is -c,o toLhcll^-\,nd-.^il'-you hel ------lilsowlicre, a itcniian ran !>%•, Hod he been able i Rundstedt's counterc y a liou.'.e conliniie to ;itl;ick.k. we'llw kill every god- )le 10 look beyond the eroffenslvo where Sgt. John iJannister wa trees th a i D ec. 15. vas ni.m- damn (ierman thathat iriesi to break into 5. 1944. Ihe spoiler Front lino on Docemlx:mCK>r 16,1944 ningMi' a macliinc eiin.T ake w o u ld h a v e se en tl ke.a 10-. the town." n ihe imp^ossible; a nm uue hre.ik,” the (Jeniian .slui mechanized Gerniaf Com'lormon attacks- h o l l a n \ ^ “ ^ 'i"! lunited in On the im nh .slumshoulder of the Bulge, man army somehow htighsh. ••WVII k - hack." " lio risen from Iherrubbubble of impending Daniel dug in his men Front lino on Docomboribor24an025 . -WcIIUiU-KMKTcPmrtnnTMct-- defeat about i6 I '’■Ln.uli '!,'i'~;hc''i 1 '■—ion. vclenm s o f N o h l f ' 0 launch its last haek. blitzkrieg. From tlno'on night ot1 DocomborDo 20 m ■ ■ ■ ~ c “ W i .Mricii, Sicily andid D-D;iy;I! "Wc stand Near Slavelot. engineers rut In rcirospcct, the B unning a ami ilic here!" Thehe Americ;ins/ ni;i,ssed le Battle o fth e Bulge U.S. Corps and divisions coorwuntoro Racks A a c h a ^ ^ sawmill lo make bridging li lhai struck out of the m T [ s lim b e rs .^-IS ;irtillcr>' pieces■ees thal sliallered the the pre-dawn fog the Drxiueis r—^ dropped Iheir ittols. picked'u| next d a y w as a deal. Somo Americanlunltfocatlons un up rilles (ierinan pan/er>. leath ihroe of Adolf TmAirn} i I anand blew up t\\,i bridges, m - . ____ Hitler’s ThousandrYi ______Ov______stalling Injhe center.jinijifn im d S t.,.V ilh ,an d ______kYear-Reieh.-Al-ihe— T hooi Peiper's ei'ihimn. Hitler’s favorit . time, despite fragmer ------■ w ' , — - S ■rite dare- StavVlnt. rnoiley gnii.groups in isolated for- mentary warnings, it , devil. SS Capt. Oito Skorzeii’ cau^l the Allied con an. 20, 1945, tho German armies my. who mationssUHHl linn.in. funherI' choking olV com m and totally otT nies were back'at their startingig point. ' bore a saber sear on his face' guard and portendec I days of fighting, 100.000 of the e from ;i ih e (Ie rm a n ;idvamv;ince. One (il used ided a disaster only Lhe original 250.000 G erm an scso ld iers si:duel over a ballet d.ineer, hail a avened by the sponl ! killed, wounded or imprisoned. E ;i spccial f ro /e n b o d ie s o'I f d dead (iermans to lonlaneous und epic id. Eight hundred of their tanksks and at FRANCK < ^ ’ mission. Using !:nglish-spc reaction of piecemc; 1.000 aircraft wore destroyed. C pciiking- cover over his loxhonhole. Peiper's meal groups of Ihe ’®3sll.( j. O f th o 6 0 0.000 Allied soldien - ] I (lennans dressed in (il cluihe^ a • American civilian-solisoldier G I; 8 1 ,0 0 0 . > and dri- men were cuT.olT( iKytimlIk) Stavelot. out 30 Americans and 1,400 British;h ywere casualties.______,A l.uitmbouibou'rj!-—- • ' VIIIvinp U.S. vehiclesfind lanks. he Thc thick pine iew;isto offuel.liH>d;mdanHianuuunition, ne forest of the — ^ ------inti mtiltrale behind Allied lines, mis lisdirect- Clen, I lasso vonon Manteuffel^ drove Ardcnnw along thele Gennan-Belgian-( w l f '______im j i!2gJIIllliLXkuigiiiii.rtiiKkigihf-at-and-thc lliice'divisluns ag;mig;nnst U;isiognc. Tlie ------Luxem boury bordL-r.:r. ifoQli.shly ili.i:med - ^ ' iik^like. im pene£rab/e by ffie • defenders' arlillervery was don/i to }t) le t French, had been Vorwor: tils sudilenly hail to tejl how G E R MANY , ‘ AV m;uiy nninds per gun, Thei'he b;iiile m ap h;id .so thc gateway for Hitler:tler’s greatest victo- . r — him '•■■V home nins Habe Ruth hit or wh;.'hat w;i,s m;my (ie n n a n posilio ry, the humiliatinging bliizkrieg or i 0BWEST1 ii,,. silions marked in red inschau J Runqsiwii I lhec;ipii;il of Illinois -- Hradlev Lightning.W ar lhal knc ;y h;id ;i " it lo o k e d lik e’ il h a d m e a s le s ," knocked France oui hard time eonvineing an MP it'\ ofW orldW arll in 19-1 1 wasn't Stragglers from the 28ih and lOlh cChicago 'lll — when challenged. ll. B rig. A nnored D ivisionsIS werew grouped in ;i But by late 1944 ihe Allies had land- Cien. Bniee t'la r k .o f ih e Tth A\nnored n combat team pamed __ *4Jn..N?j™andy,_lhe.then.suepi iicross.- .C\. med SNAI U — (il N '» DDivision iv was brielly lockedI upu lor slang liir Situ;ition No France to the ihreshcshold o f G erm any -CT > I Nomial, All Fouleil nsisting the Cubs were' in ir th e Up. wilh victory in sighi. lr Mndeed. the Allied /-C ^merican League. Skorzeiiy’s ^1 - z ■’s men On Hec, 23. a wcatweather change — a supreme commander.er. Gen.( Dwighl D. J idded to Ihe eoiifusion. Eighteen en were frigid Russian highh — moved o \'c r the Eisenhower, had bet:t five li pounds with ‘ \ ^ Dtvl rapiured ami ;ill e.xeeuied as spies. thc British ground coi es. Ardennes. Ii cleared•ed thet sky and also com m ander. Field S <\Ch»tMu I “ S^I iswlHHI 11Bradley and Patton did nol asse il ClnoyyV^ A f M sess the froze the ground, makingma ihe Icrrain Marshal Sir Bernardrd L.I M ontgom ery. ^ ^ illensive as nuijor. but Ivisenh ------nhower passable fbr armor,nor. Allied planes - thal thc war in Europeope would be over r i p - lid. The second d;iy he onlerei b y C hristm as. . red the swarmed over Ihe ih batllcfield. ■llie but baiile-weaf>’ K2nd and d mist Transporls parachut:huted supplies to Lt. Gen. Courtneycy Hodges,I whose .!/ ^irtuinie divisions oui o fa rehallabilita- B;istognc. 1st Army held part of the thin line in y \ f/fy^/^\Prum ion lion camp in l-ranee, where ihey ry w ere • The 4th A nnored Di thc A rdennes, sent Gen. d Divi.sion battled its jcn . O m ar Bradley. ^ \ / . \ p■raciieing ra e for a Christnnis foo '^^.•Bondo J ootball way toward the besielesieged town from the over-all American:an field comman- •)\ giimi;im e, up lo the rrotil. lhe .soulh. 'llie d;iy atleratle Chrislma.s. L t dcr. a captured busiusi of Hitler and ' / ■ . Driving Dt in trucks, stiine wiihoui )ut hel- C‘t)l. C reighton Abranvrams ordered a col- prom ised "lo deliverr thithe original in 30 | ) s J ' metslets or weapons, the lOlst arr irrived unui of 20 lanks to) "Let"L 'er roll," Tlie days." M ontgomery’ry’s inielligence j ( \ . .. ■ ' ear U;istogne at tnidnighl on Det chief. B rig. E.T. Willis 'ee. IK. siege w ;tsliiled. illiams, concluded ■ J , " t ? . \ , Basil^astogne, a town o f som e 4 .()0() 10 peo- 'Mic G enium s. lowIW ono fuel ;ls M odel thc enem y “cannot slagclageamajoroflcn. C r ■ \ \ Pl'-’-le. w ' as a key ro;id hub in an an sivc.” B u t... area til li;id predicled. still iriedIried Ibr the Meu.sc. ;w highw ays bui m any ^i;ick n - ■ ■ X a i i a j I'-'"' roads -The Bulge w;is now 40 miles wide Col. Oscar W. Koch•ch ;at Gen. George fc . A aid n d dirt d iniils. U bram ooT ^ I/-, 'j v and 60 miles deep.'p. BesidesI being S. ration’s 3rd Army■my headquarters / 1 1‘he Th Gemians, sending 24 divi‘ visions caught in lhe middle.le, BelgianIi civiHans warned that Germanyly h had nol yel coi­ sure a - again E s \ :aiiist ihree ofthe Isl Army, qui[uiekly fell victim lo Gennan lapsed. Col. Benjaminin Dick.son.E the 1st / > Neufchatoau\ \ V " ’’w * * xn e a wedge which becam e ;i bi bulge, eially hy the SS. Inn BiindeB 32 young Army’s G-2 or iniellijelligence officer. nowiiig the ;inger it would sp spark, men were roundedI up and shof. Near predicted an attack in the Ardennes isenlnnver nonetheless switc itched Stavelot 138 Belgiansms werev m;issacred. ’ where Britain’s supersicrsccret ULTRA od_ges’_ ispliiied.anny to Alon-^ i'vi. John Fague watclmatched 60 G erm an code-breaking‘servicecc I had picked up ' , .omery’s northern command, 1. pre- prisonen; marehed over a hill. L;iter lie traces o f German activiijiviiy. Elise IX‘lc. a r R A l etably outraging Bradley. ANCE ^ — s Q p saw ()0 dark shapespes in lhe snow. ._.BeIgi^ woman who1 hahad been picked A rio rT ^ ^ ^ Meanwhile, liisenhower lold P;Patlo n M;ilm edy w;m rem emmiliercd ix ______• up by the Germans and then csaped.. lon't-bc fatuous"-wheirilfi.^swift- On Christmas DayDay, gunners and reported intense nctivitivity behind the Sour» 2ts4DW Dayj ot Waf, An Diujtrjikj Chronology ol m«trx S«cond Wort andat a while fiag. A said 1 ij Am erican Gen. J, Duglit there might von Rundslitlsiedt, th e slilT old Prussian -thi id Lt. Col. Harry Kinnard of -them wore new uniforms. Di;discipline. German in Lt. Co )f lhe Lawion "Lightning Joe"Joe' Collins’ plan be a diveixionaiy attack:k l(lo relieve pres- H itler pickicked for command. "This sa Col. Joachim Peiper’s lOlsiIsi "Scrvaming luigk-s...... f h a t's saluting, seemed much light;hter. The SS battle group kil ;’s us. to cut otr lhe Bulge: by sinking from sure e lse w h e re on Hillcliller’s Siegfried damn thing i killed four with a burp So ihey’veihi got us surrounded, p lg doesn't have a leg to stand men m( o f the 106ih, green as the poor each shoulder. Fitialllially, the Allies ___ Line,_thc lasl defense bet le fir trees gun and woundedled a fifth. A lank ran basian before ihe Rhine on." said.—..T^.privalely— Field Marshal an hiards." The Genn;ins sent an olTer o attacked m id^y again • River! and in linc-onl)-a vreck, heardd •vchicle.s him over, gainst the salienl. Wallher MoModel, field commandcr for m< — ------to IWgrGcn.n rij Anthony McAulilTe; d moving, dogs barking. A Polishish pri-son- M aj. W erner Poi , divi- p;issing up thc chanciiee ton surround thc • • G erm any had lost 3.75 million m en ihe attack, Poetschke. com m ander siiin ai er said an aliack was comioj n artillery commander bul in chahafgc (iemian fore*e. by late 1944. B ul 7.5 mil:million were slill They urge jog. Elise oflhc Ist Panzer:r BattalionL in Peiper's rged a "small solulion." an Dele Dc had seen rubber ossaull be ; under arms. They weri boats and spearhead column,nn. rounded up about vere not all ihc encirclingg drive« to irap the Allied bri b ridging equipm ent. T he iypi(pical foul 140 captured GI storm troopers of 19405 — one division forces arount ^ I J rLa. fi e Id n ea r_ und A achen, «he first .sizable - Ardcnncs A r wealhcr was too | ,• was composed of men w J poor to Malmedy. He orderedon I'vt, Georg H^ H G R A N I n with digestive German c ci ity c a p iu r e d by th e ' a allt llow A llied pilots to take a goo D ^ O P E N I ] troubles who had lo havelave special diets Americans. I ood look. Fleps. a Rom.inianian volunteer, to kill a j f ^ ! s. Hiller would not have il. Bradley 1 was lo admh he took 35 Deceitmber 15-17 — bul. particularly witli i ok a "cal- lieulenanl. He did.di Then someone 1 itli Ihcir backs to T he fuIiTer.r. who \ some of his generals culated cui risk" in manning the .■ the wall, they were he Ghost called: "Machenm alle kaput!" (Kill B(V * ) * I Drawing EachI DayI For ISO Minuteiltos :rc m o tiv a te d , s a id liv e dJ in ii "cloud cuckoo land," FreFronl wilh only six divisions. Ii I Germany's citics and i l lw a s to them all.) ^ • 1 Dniwing EachI DayI lor A.G. Lotion i id indusjry had hoped to dividediv thc Anglo-American have ha\ been an 80-mile backwatei |f been pulverized by Alli iter where Tanks opened:d up with machine ^ With New Buibs •"“W Mlied bombing Allies by attackingall: ihe seam between bioblooded divisions could rccuper around, thc clock, but pn x-Tateand guns. The groansins of lhe wounded V production had their two armies.ar Then they might nevnew ones feel iheir way. ;; been ^ n t a i n e d well inio ■’were almost likeyC ai lowing." Twenty B nio 1944. come to iheirleir capitalist senses and join "W c gamble everything.” ihe ;; Nonetheless, his gei he dutiful or.so oflhe POWs,./s, mostly membeni of K generals were Germany inin an: assault on their natural Rund.stedl Ruj told his 250,000 mer - aghast when Hitler, iw ien in his a field artillery obsebservation unit, ran to B' iwiiching and enemy, the; communistco Soviet Union. final flni message. Elile SS troop jps were a cafe. The Gernu!•mans torched il and 'Our Gill Certificates n - s^ in g from a bombI attemplatt on his By hook,k , c ro o k a n d rem a rk a b le lol< r stuffersi lold lo.avenge the murders: oCo “our shot the Americansns JLSj ihey r;in o u t a V, life two monlhs earlier.ier, announced resilfence.. ihell Germans gathered a mo mothers, fathers .md children"n" in the Two hours later f J. on Sept. 16 that he was/as planning an force of 28 djvisioas.dj' 10 of them mech- bon :r SS men went from • j b om bing raids. b ody to b ody sho< 733-1300 flThe Suntan Be ; attack on the Ardenmnncs lo seize anized. All co hooting them in-ihc—B— ^ Beach I communications were to be EBefore dawn a furious bairagc -UNDER NB\V OWTOSJIIP!— Next to the Flsh Bowl at C a n ^ OCopp»aii n e r h i « | Antwerp, planned as thc,he Allies’ prin* bv land lines igcsplin- head. A few. in answeran to promised ies to foil Allied cavesdroo- tcretcred the silence. German irooc •ODS clad aid. sooke un —- ai a n d w ere s h o t The

(— ...... A M .inufaclurcrs Coi-^oufiQn 1 |lI'.XPIRES Fcbruar\'-2f28, ) o j :

. I Off An)^ 2 [ i M i l F iS . W / * \ L ^ c B ags O f ™ =C !:£; ■ - — R ead y To & t C e re a l, S B ^ E xcept Coco-Roos, Puffed : n jB W hhen e you’re shop;pping for cereal,1, walk this way i I \W h e at O r i saving;Igs':with th e grea:at taste of Malt- ' - I P’uffed i Rice. It-O-Meal cereal ---agaal savings aar ^ in the bag. 10853 8 3 2 ^ - -! ______I 1.

I ’ J

f A-8 Timos-Nows, TwitTwin Falls, Idoho WednoscJay.. DecomberDi 1<1, 199-1

^ o r l d Visiti]ing seniators leijarnlittl ic Braazil’s ex-]-presiden it’s foUoYiwers

aboutitN .K o[)rean lejiader KAm envisionn return toi powerT .T he W ashington PostiSt I I The senators' visil markirked anoiher RIO I)f;f-JANEIRO. J Brazil (AP) -— W' hat a difTer- President-elect . F e r n a n d o Mep in ihe cunlinuing rmprrirovcmeni of . i-’ncc a dayay made for forinctjircsidisideni l\*rnandu_ I Icnriquc Cardoso.3. . ______!______" 'lO K Y d - Two) U,S,U, .senalDrs said U,S.-Nonh. Korean relalioiions. Among ■ CollordeMiM ello. "1 Ic laughed w ith ani a ir o f .sat- , ihoy rcccivcd a-d-carpcirpet trcaimeni dur- other things, Simon and Murkowski \ liven asIS ithe Supreme Court votei>ted .M onday lo M' isfaction w-hen he: he:heard about it." ‘ingavisii in North KorKorea this weekend 'arrived^on the Iirsl U,S. mil:lililaty plane acqtlil Colliillor of corruption charges.;s. heI seem ed lo Mello said. !hut Oku Ihcy slruck oul every lime they. I f 1 : permilleil lo enier North K Ki orea in 41 em erge fron-•om a private exile that begangan with his fall I ^ Nothing seemsi imimpossible for ;iricd lo icam aiiyiliing:ng about Kim Jong ^ jp ‘ _v;e;iiv ___ from gracee aand po\vcr.t\\u.ycars ago ___ -CoIlor.-theJ5--ycar-o.ar-old s c io n o f .a ______------;Ilrthc mystery man vvliw ho .supposedly is Iiul ihe Irip tlid nothingg 10 re,solve Former■ p(political allies who had shunned shi Collor j wealthy politicalcal clan who ______Junniiig.llic.gQvcminaii:iait______.^ m i k —I her—baric— cnnundntm■m— feicing------Jlockcd-to-thrthe'farnilj-‘s-lnkcsidcTnansinisinn-in'Hrasili.i~ • Senators Paul SiitKimon, D-III., and 'emcrgcd'from ationyiDnymity in 1989“ Wa.shiitglon as il tries lo for;;)rge a policy the capital.1. loI commemonitc and makeakc plans. Well- ■ ^ ’ 10 take the presidency F rank H. M urkow ski.ki. R-Alaska. said :ncy by storm, e -B, toward I’yonyyang: Noboilody on the wishers sen,ent llowcrs and piles ofco' congratulatory Then an unknowtown governor :ilicy gol more direct rc| 1 replies when ihey . American side knows who) i is really in lelegram s. ;a.skcd about Nonh Korea’s Kor adherence J o n g II K im II S u n g ... Collor deI AMello fronnl’i-'poor sugar,ar c a n e -g ro w in g charge. Allhuuuh < ;to thc OclDbcr U.S.-: :h C o lln r d id n ’t m a k e a publttmitc'appca ranee. stale of Alagoas... Ci C o llo r w o n a S..N ori^)rean As a re.sre.sull t)fth e visit. Murkow.skii______l-rom its (ounditt;! in I9-1( ;niiclcar agreement. »'»'l Iiis _insiders.s^iidiidJic_cclchr;iUaUiib_s;iciuoi’ r>iiwih-«-iubliey__iiational_folli>Iluwing..w-i!h.a-slick.mcdia-c:a-campaign.and. ___ ■ ■ stiunded'id ' incline po'siiT^e a b o u t ih e: dealh‘ lasi suinmcr. NorthI KoreaK was and cigars anda: showed some of his ol - Murkow.ski, who hits i old e.xpansive- protni.scs loQ cleani up corrupt govemmeni.lent. hits previously cril- (icncva accaccord tlian he had in the piisl., ruled' solely by K im II Sun; jng. D uring nc.ss, B acked b>by big businc.ss, Collor beatat sisocialist Luiz :ieized thc accord, totol ld re p o rte rs in Hy |,;,.s bi r his reign. Kim had tried lo been one of a mimber of I !o arrange a ' T here e wkvn n was talk o fa iy9X presiileiiileniial hid, . Inacio Lula < ;ScouI he did not cxpccpeel any ellbn on Kepublican a da Silva in the runofT. Suddiuddcnly. hc-was ...... can senators cniical ofthe dealI herediiar>’I irinsler ol'powerTIO i his son. "Collorwi ’the p a n o f the new Rcpi will be back." predicted Rep,ep, Alila Lins of the counlryry's llrst freely elected pro;president after Republican majori- e^versincel:e IVcsident Clinton announcedI something no eontmunisl le leader any- the conser%alvalivc Liberal I'roni Pany. decades of militarym rule. 'ly in Congrcs.s to sciitilcillle iheagreenicni. j[. w here has ei er aeliieved. Right now.)w. a 1 yys campaign is out of 'I'he pact will bc "c.xamlamincd ihorough- "i would ofthe question. But the roi•oiler coaslcr was just starting.ing. On his first uld have fell more conitunable ,'Mihough il has been nearly ne live Collorwassl ^ y ." he said, i stripped o f his poijtical rightsihts alter he was day in office,:e. Collor froze 80 pcrcent oofthe f tl country's if cenain1 things tl had been done'diHer- "m onths since Kim II S ung iJ : died. Kim impeachedJ a n d re sig n e d in 1 9 ^ 2 . Melie cannot hold bank deposit. The nuclear agrceni:cmcnl siencd in t,„|y" Miii Jong 11 has not >ei been insK >iis to halt inllation. Inflationion abated. for a k1urkowski_,said in a teleplionc -I islalled olli- puhlic onicec e u m il 21)0 1 , Geneva on Oct. 2 1 provirovuics lhat North interview few months,s. but Brazil plunged into rccese cession. w . " b u t wc d id isel repealed cially i-' as ihe new siipremime leader, The.sohiiio Korca will shut down ; llion. his I'riends say, is aniiicMiioly, A frcc-tradade advocate, he knocked downdow trade bar­ «n and slo p using a ssiirancci:es from Ntirtli Korea on this he noiiccd a piece of lingui 1C counlry. But ihat changiangcd when it lu islic CVI- xuhniittlilting an amnesty proposal1 tolo Congress — appeared ihat jnoney. supplies and cqiiequipment for thc '• .-iH .syrl.s of brif/(Hg.s (Jej)i'e d that m ay be .-j ,s/g, lat Collor and hi» inner drcle:le vwere raiding ;tgn ((tr (fie ^ p,;,„ 1 eould splil the conservative N orth and will help fiimfund eonsiniclion (Voni all sons soi of olllcials, Bui when- lives who back thc henhouse. if a new type of reac e a c lo r in N o rili e v e r xve asked as lo see Kim Jung II. "i;verybody slill referredI loli Kim 11 ------f^orea. one that docs noi noi produce pin- we were toldto he is slill in mourning Sung !>y his old lille. 'ihe grcacal leader.’ P ' 6 nium , for his faih:iiher,'" Kim's father, Kim II " Simon said, "Hut whene.'le.ver they ^ Asked if the Nonli ear can tK tnjsicd to Sung, thee country’sc longtime ruler, spoke aboul the son. they cacalled him fonor the tenns, Murkov Tiiis kow.ski. who w ill clieti j„ Juuly. ly ’ll’ihe dear leader.' ” Some I’yi’yongyang- aiair thc East Asia subi subconimittee of "Oneoftlif the nio-sl surprising ihings." w atchers have suggested lhaiai il would ( Christinas ign Relations Murkowski;ki added, "w as ihal \\e were be an imponant sign for Kimn JongJ II if ______Commiltee in the nc,Kt C :t Congress, s u d . m eeiing iome son prclly top people, but il li.i-he were li> be given his fathericr’s ’’g a ‘at ■“ ■ saw. repcaledly. afll amnnative com- seemed ISas ifi none of them had even I'-*'leader" title. Hui as o fih e weeeekend, he mitmenl on the part ofN f North Korea to seen Kim:ii Jong 11 in the last few «■;w as Slill being refenvd lo wiihIh the less- u v e u p to their part o f llicIhc deal...” nninllis.” c r sobriquet. Goodil P o l i c e airre r st 40 linnked to dool o m s d a y c ul i l t t PARIS (AP) - FrenchFrc policc Luc Jourct.et. the seci's dead guru. It were \vt found dead in Canada. _ things nested about 40 pcopli Dplc linked to a w as not imiimmediaiely clear if any of Nineteen I of ihose who) di ie d in is W iall doomsday cult ult thrust into the ISwdulcluld be chargcd, Switzerland Sw were French cci itiz e n s. loriciy when 53 folio Dllowcrs. many Arrestss were also made in Steiner Sti said 20 Swiss invest-•sligators them bound and shot, liol, w ere fo und B rittany inn Iihc nonhwcsl and in the had ha been sent to Franco loli s e e k id in Switzerland and md Canada. Paris region,on. police said. information inf from thc.victini!ms’ rela- ) Policc released fewdetails det: about thc A Swissi.s | police official, Roberi. lives tivi and colleagues. operation, which was ca 5 carried out in Steiner, saidlid French police were act- Jourct, J a Belgian homeopupath and cooperation with Swiss au E s authorities and ing in accor;ordance with an interna- guru gui of the cult, was amoilo n g th e ' • icponcdly dealt with the the finances of tional wariarrant issued by Swiss charred eh: corpses found in a S w is s ^ ftic cult, thc O rder o fthle e SolarSl Tem ple, ju d g e s invcsl'cstiguting the cult. chalet. chii ^ ______; f. F i f t e e n p e o p le a rrerrested ; in thc Invcstigal gators arc still trying to Bom I in Africa, he inivelcd:d w idely______-j------^ K a uclusc-rcgion-of soull s outhcm France reconstruct:t what\ happened in early and am studied acupuncture’ andid hom e- were later released. Ai Among them October, whenwl 48 cult members opathy. opt lie set up a mcdicall^practicc p ja s ’Christian-Marie LeL e' Gall, a doc- were found id shot in charred chalets in in Annemasse,. just over thee French1 t>r who shored a medicalical office with and a formn ini Switzeriand, and five b bor o r d e r n e ar G eneva, Sw iizcrla ^ m e inn 1 FormerPrimime Minister Pinalay dies at 102 [riTho way to a man’s heart isithnsugh ti­ the Timos-News FoixJ Sectiction - ______. '.Z ------L-*.mR]S-(AP) ------Anloiiiloine-PinayrQ------From -Mdnrch-ro-DcCiJHilfann n ------D 'l^o ry w ed n es'd ay ^ I former prime minister•who wl played a 1952. he headed he, the govcrnmenl _ Central role in the reconsconstruction of as prime minister, mi helping bring T .’France after World Wi DR. RONALD S. CORB War II, died inflation urunder control for thc I Chiropractor jTuesday. He was 102. first time sinsincc the war ended. He I • Pinay died at his homi j a ir ome in Saint- resigned aftafter losing hjs parlia*. I •Chamond in eentral-Franccncc. His health mcntaiy majilajority, but returned to I ItonMm jdeelined after a lung5 ininfection in thc Cabinet:t ini 1955-56 as foreign I pAa^sls! •Octobcr, the m ayor's officeRce said. m in iste r.

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■ ..-WWorld Rebel leader):playsM(oscow’s; mefiaecew ell pSerbs allowV U;N. com[ivoys M O SC O W (AP) —• BeBeing Moscow’s ------rr ^ matuled an imp nviin bogcjnvin Ls a riskyik y I ^ sin i^ s,______iiportant air base in ]•':— -I^Moiiiii.Like-t-hc.-hechnj-arB lcrnrn-w as------^- ______Bm risk is whai ChechenChi leader — ^to_deli-vt^er-fiiel,-foo(od— — I -T small, persecuted:ed and" independence- - ; H D zhokhar D udayev thiitii:iinedfor, Heased j ■ SARAJI:\'(). Hosnia-Herer/e- The statement didlid i nol sp e citl- > minded. It wasIS hereI tiiat the rebel go r a to lly nuclcar bom bers foraliving.for I govina (AIM Bosnian SeSerbs cally place blame, hutbiii w\ arned thal inside Dudayev■ brokebr free. I Ie retiised ea; H As thc prcsidenl of■ a a-bclr republic. jjV';: \ ' cased off their iniiniidatioiM:Mac- ■'the, atlack “carries correspondingcor to ta k e p a n in the llii Kremlin's repres- (j^ r a D udayev has in a Je a scccsccond carei.T oui v z f l j v - ; . , ! lies Tuesdav bv allowing' j two individual rcsponsibilirbility," . ______sions~ngainsrihi.*clinleB.iliic li state, u.: ■ Im Rassianin 6 bear. For lliree U.N, convoys lo deliver desj-•sper- T h ed e alh broiighill theilu nuiiiber o f '■ tim e DDudavevi retired and_____ H years. he-has-threai«nc';ned ever>-ihing- ffif;— -atcly-needed-food-a lul-fueK-i-U>— I li;N r-fnlii!itios'jn-B om I')'>(), the Soviei U nion ^^y R from Islam ic liolj’ war■ to inuclear terror- \| govcniment-hcld areas. to I.V' in all o f fo nner n e r Yugoslavia. ' I, .Anyihing stvined pi's- ii ism. defying demandsids to lead tiny i Ki The minor concession camime a The. Unii,ed_Ma!iuiiS-Ciis-cundenined ------,]H sible. I-verythingsti sci.-ined up iiir uribs, tj,,. I". ChL'chn>'3 back inio thce Kremlin’sK fold. day after rebel Serbs 'in tlrfnolortli- Ihe attack huf saiil the local com­ .’\n d ill the fallall of l‘)')l. Dudayev Now the be;ir is nud.j. NMad enougji to ' wesi Bihac pocket rockoieted a iiiander's request for NATO air ~^rnbbed-U-picce;e of' Russia f»>r him- \^|_; •; out w th tanks and iIxhi?x)us3ndsoftnx>f»s. U.N, armored personnel _c.a_rrlC.r''-’''i _ '‘npr.'’n .h a d ,b cc n Uinu'i,inu'd do w n due ...... — self: “ Y o irh a v c: toIP b c :i hull:" he'S.iicl:------^ ' TIic object ofTis nige’isnig' a small. I w o u n k filig ^'ive B a iig la djeshi e to poor visibility in thethe; area, V • ■' • Ridinu popiilailiar opposition to tho p^; ‘i tightly wound man wiwith a pencil-• peacekeeper.s. Ono of the penicace- There was good.1 newsne on the ; . .' August'l‘>‘)|-So'Soviet coup aiictnpt, jh in mustache and pencliiichant for crisp keepers. Hassain Ismail, il^ed d relief from TuoMla>:: A hiimanitari-I ^ Dudayev's suppo'poriers sei/ed control ’I'u u n ifo rm s a n d fiercc riieiiheioric. Tuesday’of head injuries in a1 hos-li an convoy reached .Sanijeyo.Sar wiih V, - in Chechnya, In O ctober. D u d a y e v .,i,; s "IfRussia tries to settle;itle the’Chcchcn pital ill Zagrelv C roatia. I 11 ions of lood.’d.’ saids Peter j was elected prositesidcnt in a landslide, " i - problem by force, thererc ' \vill be a war The Ll.N, Security C’ouiuncil Kessler, a spoke.smanan forli the U.N, ^ , He look the oailiuh of oOico with his j.ssi * in thc Caucasus thatat will' eclipse i.ssued a siatemeni condemninglg the H igh C om m issioiicrT forfo R efugees hand on the KoKoran, llo doclarotl p^.j Afghanisian,"hc\vamcdiedreccnily. u.. peacekeeper’s death and deriianand- in Zagrcli_i Ic-said liireeiiree-moro c o n — r ------■ inv.(cpcndenee thellL' sam e Ja y . i„(, I 'i Dudayev's sins, hi thithe eyes of the V ing '‘that Mich attacks ilo nol rvcirciir," voys were planned Wed^Vedne.sday, u»j. .Moscow sentit iiin iroops. Dudayev |______1^1 Kremlin, are many. He has played g;i\elhcnisi\luHii>>uis to get oui, nie>' ilid. the mafia card, the natioalionalisni card. • He was a nationit*nal hero. the Islamic card. He; h;has. in short. • When the euphoihoria of independeiico ^ : played on Moscow's woworsl fears. - " o re olV. ChecliLiiiLiis found them selves ^ ; Dudayev rails at whathat he calls the S? 'Mill a falteringI Cieconomy. Daily life ' I* "m yth that C hechnya is.theinoiherofall the grew harder andI mon,*m im cenain/O /jJv i anarchy." Bui under himlim the Chechen Igs. someofthe'Soviel' i ■ capital Grozny — whichch meansi "terri- APortoto y-iitys. U nion’s inoM feaa'iaa'd and niihless erim- I ble” in Rassian — beeannanie a lunen for C hechenI leaderIg Dzhokhar Dudayev, ev, flanked by bodyguardr r i s i n iiuils. seem ed to flourish.floi } gangsters, gunrunners andnd Ihijackers. t h i s D e c . 6 . 6 photo, Is well-versod at fplaying the rebel. Hy e a rly l ‘>‘;.'^. there were anti- • Arms dealers peddledled Iheir wares Ole ItiV Lnc: h I)udaye\ demon.stii.stnili;-.ns. C ritics .said openly, jusl steps fromom ihe parlia- niii tiiost»st o f .ill, h e baited the bear tioi tions in the Stalin en. he was secretive. arhitnir)'.;i surround* ■ _ ment building. Mobstersters eniised the — time andid limei again, I Dudayev was bom in 19-1-1.. tthe year cd by ihiigN and politicalpe adventurers, .streets in M e rc ed e s______H e ra n -R 2_R^si^m troops_out of his his i>eople were loaded inio catrattle car*. D u d a y e v r e sp oiiiided m by declaring f, ■ D u d a y e v a ls o w elcoiiconicd Islamic Chechny.i — — and'kept most oTtheir^nKlaird'shippcdi)iriirCemrdl"-\.s■\.siarHi.<~^i‘.mini nilo-m AfAnnl:l^tf3z ------[- •militants from*aroundJ thetl world — weaptias. Hec le calkil the Kannlin a holbed first firs 1.^ ye ars w ere .spent in exih;ile. Although Diidajdayev slillotl inteniai ? $ and then boasted about oriie; out it. "A mil- of criminals. : favt Is. Iln'l> and knaves bent on He I had every reason to h:hate the dissent. ;he couldlid nol snuff it out. . Monday • Friday,F I l am - 4pm ' lion and a half mujaheahcdeen (holy exicmuiuiiiiig i ng the Chechen people, Soviei So\ .system, but liirived wiihiihin il, I le ,And the forces he has unleashed in warriors) ready to becoL'conie m arly rs T o >peak'ok of persecution is lo touch wa: Try our special lun was a member of thc Conniimunisl fheehnya nailaiionalism. fiuula- jnch menu for only S3.!S 3 .9 5 ! will come lo the Caucasuasus." he said, a searing cho ;hord in the Chechen soul. Pany, Par Tlie sy.sieiii enirusied hiihim with mcntalism. gangsti I) 11 long, bloody war in the bt>m(>en., bt>n it m ade him ihe first CClia-hen But then, iinlealeashing unconirol- fundamcnt;ilist clerics in L Lcbiuum. n>oi- l^ ih cen tu n '. ^ IH', T lifv died by ihe lens geticnil get) in the Ru.s.sian air forve. hihle t'orces i> wh;vhal nuclear bomber BURRR ITO O L E ' ed for Saddam Hussein in titlie G ulf War. o f th o u s a miids'duriijg ls mass deporta- AtA Ihe end o f liis career, hi.he coin- pilots train for. CHIMICK:h a n g a o l e Islamilic sumirnit dividied befqare it beegins ENi:HtLLADA SUIZA CASAULAliCA. Moi CHEESEBUURGER DELUXE V lo ro c c o (A P ) a b o u t a fiuulindamcntjilisi^revolt that was delayed for two hours TiTuesday and Prime Miniskisler Rafik Hariri of — K in g H assitn II appeal)caled Tuesday has claimed i ■d nearly 12.0l)() lives next by argument.si o\ er control oof hol\ Lebanon. King; Hassan1 met witli TAC< for M uslim linity nndmd tolerance door in Algi : 0 SALAD ilgeria in the past three site;sites and te n sio n s heiw eeii Ir;Iraq and Jordan's King iliis:iussein lo discuss the toward other religions as > as he opened ycar>. ‘Iran,an. Sudaii. Libya and Ku\K uwait, d isp u te o v e r holyy ssites in Jcnisalem. Your first Mexican Sp(pecialty Drink for only-SI.OO! S1 ------ag-Ulami(^utnmiLinari aancd.hv dis- .Mulianisi.inan have been accused of ' Privalc-talksP. lo silioolh ihihe di.s- i'oreign ministertcr.s.of the .‘'2-mem- putes amoiig Arab' part^ci ticipanl.s. .sponsoringrextrcniisi,group.s e; operal- pincpines altowijilTlmnimmlnrriiTTrnTCud-hg]-t)r^ n i7.itiorio n -'o f ihrrlT rlim T t?------The monarch bitterly ( ly complained . ihg under thehe b a n n e r u f Islam, asIS sisc h ed u le d . , C o nference w ere; unableui to roach full aboul exuvmisLs who liave ave “laniished’,’- Utrinviiedled tl) the confercnce. Howevpr. ii Saudi Araliia's fiforeign agreemeni on a suisummit agenda dur- . fi* Islam’s image and i J nskcd the .•Vlgwja’s IslamicIsl SalvationJ’ront minuinisler. Prince Saud al-l'aisasal. said ing three days of’preliminary pr lalks. ^ 1288 Blue Lakess s Blvd.6 Organization o f die Islamic mic Conference iirgeH '»he, delegates;de to boycdtt the heie didt not expect any direct;t nicei- Iraq, as expecuctcd, ol»jecicd lo a [ Twin FallsIs • to fonn a watchdog body :gression" tovvart'ard Kuwait, which il ____ 'sion. error or dubious inteipteiptvlalion," in January lIM' ‘J0 2 , * : ^ 'K r 734-068i85______L KuwalCs emif.'’SliHPJaITilieTal'invadcil'in IV9n:JOrJorda'n and the I^pfSOSvifCCAiiftH•|NA Hassan made no dire lirc ct a c c u s a - T iie sia nI ofa ol summit inlenJed to Ahi\hnied al-Sabah. conferred:d uilh Palestinians couldiildn't agree on who tions. Bui Morocco is is-eoncerned—heal division;ons-in-lhe Islamic,worid-.- i’res’resid en t H o sn i M ubarak o'j;.Piuypt should control holy•ly sites in Jcm .s;ilcm . ’

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I Emmrial ______J ______I j J ______I good \ | | - ...... - “ '"■ ------^Bon’t’tin fljg tctc o u r t r o o m1------^ ^ s i s .....' 1 ' V i o m y ------, TV.!s p e c t a c l e i i n I d a h o f ...The bad \ S tep right up, foilfolks. The Grciiitfst of thtthat process isjntrusive.. It pro- —— - Show on E arth is aboutabc to begin, motesles grandstanding and sensatisational- [ / — I If you're thinkiiking that’s "The ism.. VWorse, it fundamentally changesch: i:;i ? N utcracker," w a k:c e iup and smell the the n;inature of the proceedings. )y / A '/ We interrupt1 \ cofTcc. ______.A,s s Ianyone who- has watche(h e d the [f o ..p Ii t i l , / —this, It’s the O .Jj.SirSimpson trial, of. nevercerending televised run-upp t system. We’d argue that l counroom setting as much1 as technology1 lat they a n j magistraic cocourtrooms. — willI allow.a Flash bulbs and othericr fspecial today and sit in on a itrial or hearing, trivializdize justicc itself T he idea clcare ired a major hurdle last week,:k. It has worked ciscwhcr'here. The mles vary lighti:ning w ould be prohibited. A stillst photog­ Unless it’s juvenilele case, it’s your Thec jgenius of the Constitutio:tio n is Even though our I ir liming was. I admit, lousy,y. somewhat from state to0 stale,si bui camcras rapheher couldn't use a molor driveiv e - the noise right to be there. that itit rmakes every American rcsf•cspon- A commiticc ool f judges, attorneys and mo­ e- are allowed in trial courtsurts'in 42 stales. Nol lilticc device< that automatically ad\advances film The writers of thee CConstitution in- sible5 ffor his stake in the systi/stem , dia representativeves Tliursday recommended d jusi in urban states such:h as0 California and on 3535mm camcras. A TV crew/ wcwould have eluded the requiremement for public whethe /in g in a one-year expcrii:rimcni tliai would allow her it’s by voting or servini New York but in everyy otherol stale west o f to dislisengagc or covcr up the consronspicuous tria ls because th e y ki swhat newspaper and lelevisionlel cameras imo the ’ knew that noth- the milililitary o r on a jury.. T h a t’s v the Rockies. ■“ rcdlijlighl thai indicates when a TV camcra is ing makes justicc flcflourish like the has giv’iven American courts theircir sta- courts. The Idaho[10 Supreme Court will now Tliat alone docsn'l maknake an argument lo rollin;ing. riiv n f dccide on the reccicommcndaiions. light of day. Openingling the doors al- tus ass {guarantors of the integritj do anything. O ur stale's:'s legal1 system writes • Camcra, C crews would not over3vcrrun the The miserablec rminiseries o f the O.J. Simp- lows judges, prosecutcuto^s, attorneys, Americrican g ovem m ent. p- its own rules, as il shoulduld. As one member coururuoom. A judge might alloww only0 one son case provides jurors and the judicia es a less-than-ideal backdropp ofthe com m ittee aptly' popointed oul, Idaho is TV camcrac: and only one still photi cial system itself Throtrough most o f the first 200J yiyears ,0 propose bringir ihotographcr jing camcras inio Idaho Ihc only state in the uniorlion thai docs not al- and leaveIc the m edia lo share its "p to be held accountatitable, and it cn- of ourur history, the courtroomm has courtrooms. The e S ••pool" cov- 5. exhaustive coverage o f O.J.J. low an insanity defense.e- cragc.>e. genders puoHlTfiiillrih-im heinicgrity-bceinr•jrsecu!aneraplijraTjla5c“wI “w here has given p ^ I ce at liule better idea o f how But 42 states do providvide Idaho with a sol- Thehese rules are non-ncgotiable.,)le. And wc of the law that iss essentiale to a genderler and class and politicscs ;and the courts work. B . Dul let's be honest; the O.J.). id working knowledge! on the issue. If 42 ' agree;c they are needed, dem ocracy. prejudicdice matter less than the simsin ple debacle has madeJc a lot-^f-pcopli-jujit. tlint •a access in the court- I'vive been in enough courtroomsim s to know But Peny MasonI notwithstanding,n< truth, much more cyniciical about the news media, rooms and m aintain a tasltasteful scltif^lbr jus- thai wordsw o r sketches fail to tell:ll thed entire a courtroom is nott a theater. It’s a That’ were up against this in July at’s still the case in Idaho,10, b u t 'V® knew we w. ' lice. Idaho can certainlyly ddo it as well. story,y. The key moment o f icslimormony, an at­ nio our first com m iltee,. formalized, highly structured,str some- not inn imuch of the resrof Amernerica The Supreme C ourt'ss proposedpr rales - tome>ley’s closing argument or theic perceptiblep ____ mccting-beforc-ilu times arcane systemn cdesigned to en- Jurisprijprudence-is-just'anothersho’ die-Suprcme Court. It look drafled with the commilteeiuce’s help - arc an ex- slumpnp o fa defendant’s sjiouldcr’s:r’s when a ;ct to this poinl. It took 20 sure that the rules apapply equallyto grist foifor next w eek ’s “ S atu rd ay'Nicht Ni ussixyemtogct ccllent start. The mles areire beingI refined, but guiltyty vcrdic; is read. Any o f theselese momcnis minutes for som«icone to bring up O.J. everyone. Its goal is jjustice - a dry Live"’ skit.sl the first draft takes a force!reeful step toward bai- arc capturedca m ore directly on film,Ilm. And But as we tried::d to constantly remind the commodity that’s notlot easily refined Justiiitice demands better. 1 ance. They allow meaningiingful media access, ncwsf■spaper and T V audiences wanlvant to see • T h e committee, Idaho10 is not Los Angeles. Wc in to a sound bite. yet preserve die sanctity/ofdiccoonroom: of thesee moments1 firsthand. Suprem:me i Court should leave thee Ciearn- don’t have smog.,J. As long as il snows, wc • In essence, a judgec cccould shut down the We'c want to provide this covcragcragc. but not Placing a TV camerrlera in the middle eras outm tside. haveK)ur-own.wali alcr._Wc.hove_repprtersjnd_f camcras at any tim e durirftrirfg a trial or hearing, at thele expense ofjustice. We thinklink there's ■ cam era people whvho live in the towns and ThTkey pKrase here isi s “adm‘ inistrationof— roomrinrin-fdaho courtrooms 10 infoniform the------neighborhoods wc cover, and we live widi we justice.” Should a judge;e believeh die camcra publiclie and m aintain a fair and cfnccfficicnt judi- . the consequcnccs 1 :s o f our news decisions, crews are disrupting thele aiadministration o f cial system.sy That is preciseljcly why camera coverage juslice, w e’re out o f dicrc.crc. If, for example, a We'e believe a one-year expcrimciimcni - in m - ThleTiines- has worked in couourtrooms across the coun- wiuicss "freezes” on theIC sstand, a judge could rai one i-News md urban courtrooms across thi ,s the state - try-Mt has seemed:d lo work even in Idaho Stephen Hartgcn d a order die cam era crews5 to leave die court- • will allowal us to present our ease.c. Clark WaKwfth ADcn WU/Uionk Pclor York co u (^; the state St PuUiher MaManasir^ editor Circulation Supreme Court has pemiii- room. Uon manager Advertising dircdo ted A m era covera; rage since 1982. We!re now—V------•-C am eraerew s would-jldnotbe^llowed-to------Kevevin Richen'is president of’’the the Idaho “ hoptf^T he Supreneme Court will allow cam- photograph jurors. M ost li Them emibers bet of the editorial board and»d writerst of editorials st likely, die same Presss urv»catim,my y to endure, w e m ust stopD legislativele, bodies sembi) chool for ono year mandatory.y . 1It and Stuart Juniorr High F schools oh their pro- )ly eovcred by Amendment 1. • aod 1 experienced somemecartroublcMd from eroding o ur conslitutitutions bit by bit The 1 go further, though. It shouldd rcrequire g ^ ssiv e wins overer the season! IC first 10 amendments, whichich arc1 towed ftoo} Interstate & widiout the p eople's constinseni. known ild to attend classes afler norma;mal W e wish them died; very best at their na- vn as die Bill o f Rights, wererc proposedp Upon learning that tbe repair I think it was Benjaminlin Franklin who said on Sep hours w here the child w ill b}e e titausht m eet in Reniaio and sincerely hope The epl. 2,1789, and have beenI in Iforcc ; tnileage car would take s e w “the pricc o f freedom iss eternaleli vigilance.” since E t, discipline and responsibilitytyand t Times-News will1 keepk our communiiy posi- :Dcc. 15.179I. ^ much mere than we KOTWilfmgto CHARLES E . HARRISUS Two in their MTV* and Nintendo-do. cd on the results, VO olher am endments proposed3scd at the ' b e n d , w e dedded to trades.ttmanowave- it Twin Falls sam e ti ^ m inds tbat it’s im portant too thinkti going, guyuys! J time w ere rejected. AH otherlier amend-t ; hiclo. ■ ments I Mmeone else instead o f only,thcm- thi ERNBLLMILL]l e r s have been proposed separatclratcly. One | W e visited seve^ car lots, T w in Falls Prayer foes: Read I1st s t A m e n d m e n t amcndiidmcm repeals anodicr one. tog tbat Dooe had la interest«tatakm I g> . VIRl owner o f tbe gun that is taken to It seems like som eone is R G ILLA N O trade*io requiring mt({orfq>ai e IS always using die should bave to do one year in tli First A m endm ent as an ex( ^ Falls .. .W e.eventually ended u p ( n ^ c Huributtuphiheld Constitution excuse to leave die jail and pay a S5.000 fine - no < picture o f Mary and the Ba Raymond Mitsubishi/Pordra dealership.< Af* - ' I m ust commendid Judge Hurlbutt for up- : Baby Jesus o ff of ------IS, no plea bargaining. A ny gun < the postage stam p, at gradtaduations, at ball te r sales assbciate A lex Sutl bolding die Constittimtion o f die state o f Idaho, lid bave the intelligimce to be a i games and num erous other o u r ctonr, be w piked fo r fot e hos tried twice to amend her occasions. I have W rite to us fo u r fiours and soonsiblel)Ie. ^ owner or he o r sbe sboul[’nnw’nAf Our Legislature J come to the conclusion tha finally fotmd a e«r we tbo^oojllw ii-rigil lould not Quj. Constimtion by legislative edict regard- dial dicy never bodi- W^to.ownagun...... ered to read said doctmientlenL ^ rhe Times-Ncws welcomes-^ics^ttcrs 1 __ ertiaps it should read jlie______g y j ! it>e e: wav. Dirty H airy’s gun o f chc ------"A m endm enti: Congrcsjress shall make no------m readers on subjects o f publiciblic inter- ' ‘ ------After letoraing'to'Waslnn] — provisions concOTiminglhe amending process, t a J S 7 Magnum; it w as a Smitl • law respecting an establishiishmenl o f religion . To make sure your lettercr isi; pub- ; M v e d a pbone ^ fiom Mr. H ad the legislateitors proposed a reasonable a M odel 29, .44 M agnum. Thouj or prohibiting the free cxer icd promptly, here are a fewew guide- 1 '^^^ri^wfaetberweb^mad “ “gO' am endm ent for thele people to have voted on xercise thereof or Duldknow. abridging the firedom o f s] » to rem em ber ^JooR w y trouble-fiee. WhS T t o - in the 1994electioron, pnhaps it would have if speech o ro f the AELLFLOWMAN press or the right o f die pec .etters should include thec writer’sw | ___ solved m any o f thelie prohjems. W idiout giv- people peaceably to .^®' iF ilb assemble and to petition dii nature, mailing address and tele- | ' in;? the lawyers ti '757‘. percent pure-ore, open- 1 die govemment for a redress o f grievances.’• jne number. Letters considcilidcrcd li- > P 'it^ Id m x n e fo r K100 years.______n^iJTieStipieme Court lias g ous, ■obsccne_or in bad wstcitc willv be I _ I bqtin car; He tben droVd ft radki alive^idcMiig in ViV aney--I8it^*bietoorcomplcfcTheadjuditJalioh is M id.diatJdiTfirst^'" eight amendments a^'ly onlyonl to die ft^OTl ' «ted.-and . The-Timw-News-rcs-rcwrvcs-; tba d A and deUvervrtte'cartousin t ';.Wefiaviavic found it quite interesdng; to have uodertheConstinitiution as written when the govemment and not to diele states.si While diis is righl to edit all letters, preio C An.of this seOTttUihedoo; , icadtbbbBlastcotffile o f articles eodeemi■rming • pTOccss was Startedcd? If not, why not? Can mie o f Amendment 1, it isisnbw n setdcdby ,. Plecause f of space constraints,its, please] | ilio. Needless to say. w e wterssratber rai the n i l ^ be chaoge

O^wK^those ^ 0 have broojOOl^rtUS B y ( 5 3 ^ w m i v a y , with great nrasicc ppl h tt ' jg^^^.aroK TFl,1270 only yo o tv : m i 1 1 ^ ^ Weenosd.iy. Di-cumOclOof 14, 199J Timos-Nows. Twinrwin Fnlls, Idaho A-11 Idaho

I BriefI LandB(loardvottes to usee propose^ d »y ______Batt {H-oviivides music for inaugurationin govemo[)r’smanjision landd for par m i l - BOISE — Gov,.3v,-eleci Phil Uati w ill not onl%'Illy take ih e o a th o fo lllc e . BOISE (AP) — At lhe i b u | is pro v id in g; pa:pan ofthe souiidirack. • e request of fw ’ ' 'Sj;ir~ ing thai the state SpoSpokeMneii for I'oih >idey>aidlid Ihey outgoing Gov. Cecil, AnVndrus. the The Boise Childlildren's Openi will perfomi1 "Freedont•‘I Idaho." a song T •should give the weni\ercn't eniiivl> luippv wiih an' aeree-;i Idaho Land Board has voi,’oied to gel Batt wrote, at the formal ccrenionv on the ihc South Portico of the , g o ^ 'e rn o r a ho u s- tneiinent worked luu In M.iu- AiuliuillorJ.I), B ||||||M M M ||M | rid ofthe 15-acre parcel in lhe Boise J- ^ ' in g a llo w an c e, as Will Sialciiou.sc on Jan.an. 6 . ^\'illi:lm^ bin they a n ild live with r j S i i S j S foothills long planned as theth site o f a f. V __ Bait w rote tlio .song,tor.son a Cenicntiial coinpctiijoitjon. but never subjoined it. ^ i\ it does university •* The L.iru! lioaid \oied 10to pr«)- I M Q T ^ l W n T jiew governor's residence.. _ u . . At the^nauyura:ural:BalI.JanZ7,-niitt:wi!rsii sil in-with jarTrman Gene~ ______. ij _ ia _HK5idcnls..aiidJcu_ceci.•eedAviih fnui uinber-\;ilevfroMom.for-. - • ilie stale Land B t\m l \oicd.'dTuc'sday to H Harris and liis Ida!Idaho .Ml Stars a.s they piav a 50-minute5 s e t . ______. ■■ ■ th e chief execu- est:st landI Inirned bv ihi> \c a r ’ss fore.^tI —^lln.wclrfang tm tr.uwfemiig! tlietl — r a ------BattisTimvid-cid T iarinetisnvtiD ‘lia> j;iifitned'vil'wlili Hams tor 2'0 years, j ?~T«-tivc-livc-r\vhca" lie~tla'‘fla-sr 1 ogothcnhijTiilTrvViniini'TI >T! de BMMI m nair 1 lorizon Drive to die city'yoffkiu^for < N They will performrm a. sung liie new go\ emor wrotewi for his wife: Jacciue y M wants, an111 «e>iinKite ami briny thee state HniPM Irvquire fecfenil go\enim eiii ;ipppproval, ___I fa n n e r, h as reined S>l.'."‘> I .« million in leveiuie. Thai ends a long effonn b y l W . a Boise apanmcnt fI'he board coii>ideied deliiM aying H b m m P Attorney ccharges discrimii groups to raise private; mi o n e y t o ______lination in case > ______a n d m ov ed itiui ii siiU'iile>_on-in.lhe-.Blackwcll.I. Slar.--B iB U ^^ "Tniild a new governor's re;residence at eariier this momLinih, H e will f>e .sworn in ( iu l I? COEUR d'ALE!LENE — llie aiioniey for theih families of her three . liiilch ami MiiuK'ha .ireass ifo r a cost of more lhan SI milliillion. as governor JJ;: a n , 2. becoming the nioi < H victims contendss JaniceJ: He^s uf Moscow iss gettingu special ireaimcni tiontli at the reiiiiesi i*fan en\ h S | | | | S | m • "I never was in favor-otof a gover- state's llrst Repiepublican governor in 24 men n because the peoplepie she killed a year ai:o were'lre Indians. , nental e u n ij' bin Ji'culed ilieii. norjs residence being cir:i>i^l ni cted years.___ g ••The w hole ihingling look^ and Muell> like ihere':n:'s somefomi of discnni-' • [ noillothing lo be gamed In a delay, there." .•Vndnis told boardd meniliers. Andrus saidid there was a tempta- n ination here." Fred:ed G abou[ie s;iid. " If ihc ihreeree \ ictims had been white [ . I It w as th e la st m eeiin g h eL.* conductedc lion lo simplyly delay all ^he contro- |S M and the driver hadad Ibeen Indian, we feel lhe driverdri would have been in , •as c h ie f o f th e b o a rd . m;iiiade up of versial Land1 BoarclB decisions until ll j. H jail from liie stan.1. Hut13 M rs, He.sN lias yei u> do0 .iny.i jail time at all." five top stale officials,s. afler un next month, whenwl lie and .Alloniey Hess. 39. is awa:iwaitinu senieiieini: after plead.•ading guilty last week in j D unprecedented 14 years assgovemor. i General Larr■irry l-lchohawk and DELICIOUS A 1st Di-strict C o un tlto ihree eouni> of vehicularir ni:in>huighter,ii I" Andnis said he and hiss successor.> Schiwls Superiit'riniendem Jerry Evans ji H ess faces upI lo10 .M) year;, in prlMUi. bui her hei lawyer said an agree- | HOLI Republican Gov.-elect Phil P Bait, all leave the boardbo after a combined JDAY PIES ment with proseeuircuiors allow.s her lo wiihdrawaw her plea if she is sch- ,, Cfioose Fror agree there's no need to bu5uild a gov- 34 years of ser\’:r\'ic e . ^ i tcnced lo prison. • Alm ond Joy • Ap ____ em «: or's mansion or residencnee, liut lhe boardird cleaned up some old When ,\ndrus was clectededgovemor business, althoihough it didn't handle '■ • C hocolato Mint ••"oiorry ^ j Church ac(iccepts offer on IS[SU land trade er of eoii- - ; Board of Educationion'.s counter offer lo trade thelhe Church of Jesus Christ [, Including Sugar Fr~ r e c P i e s house used as the govcrn(■nor's resi- tests for statee leases1 now used for of Latter-day Sain■aims' Insiituie building al1 Idaho 1< .State University dence since the 1940s. The: Nonh^ End grazing. But: Lands L Direcior Stan Baked Fresh Dail % ; library for more lhanlha lO-acres of propcny nearrar lhe university library. y was sold to a Boise dcvcloptjper and tfie Hamilton s;iidI tho.scth involved lui\e 20 Treat yoursele lf, - 0 - U nder te rm s o■f f lheIh deal, ihe university will.1 alsoal pay S 145,000 to the „ money put toward coastruciiCling a new days to appealI fromfr this month’s auc- fam ily 6 fricni church for the buildjild in g it intend.s lo use for cla:classrooms and olTices, In g n d s ■ governor's residence. tions. so Januaruary is the earliest the exchange the churtuirch will lake ownership,ofofa parking lot near the But Andrus has been againsiaj it. Land Board cancai consider the con- library and 10-acres:res of Banz I-icld. where il wil.vill b e a new c en te r. a ORDER YraaR s. TOD/>)AY! I and the Permanent Buildiding Fund tlicts, When the churchch iinilially proposed the tradele twot years ago, it \v aiiied c _L Council voted against prcproceeding In olher aciioiion: a S580.000 cash pa;payment based on various appappniisals of lhe property, „ with planning or constructictio n . ♦ n i e Iwardi approvedaf an aga’cmenl I j But new a p p n iis;ils:ils adopted by the hoard ihis siimniersin pul lhe dilTerence "The public would not)t be well- between the Idaldaho Holaiitc:tl Gardem ( between the Insiiiuitluie's value and lhe univen.ity;ypropenyatSI45.0{)0. f ^ served to sp end tiie.capital oui3utlay need- and the Idaho StaleSti lli.storical Socieiy 1- 1601 H liii-B lv J ed to prvp;ux' the site," A ndni'iLS.siiid. over land and buildingsbui at the old Mate ■ vd. N ., Twin Falls • Call 734-211073-i Boise day' ccare denied liceiense renewal The g o v e rn o r said il was his feel- penileiuiary ontl thell initskins of Boise, BOISE — A Boisioise d;iy caiv w here a young cha.'liargc w ho wandeaHl away \v-as struck by a carir hash: l>een denied a renewal o f iusit city ehild-eare license, ( ! T lie c ity M ondayJay rejeeied Sm.ill World Cer.'enter’s reciuesi lo renew ^S tate tranisform s tree a tm e n t t' the license for itsts BloomI Lane facility, It al:also launched efforts to I revoke the license■e oofits director. Bonnie K, Gr;G ray. -I i. Small World aiioillomey Bob Aldridge said theth center will continue f> o r p e o p l ee w i t h d i s aib l ilities j operating and plansms to appeal the city’s actions.ins. The City Council will m ■ address appeals on3n JJan, 3, B9 ISE (AP) — Idaho is recreai- munity settings,gs. not insiiiutions. i One of Gray’si yc yo u n g c h arg es — D akoia ScSchaeffer — was stnick ing ” Its approach lo peofople wilh The slate willill close ils day-ireal-. ; by a c ar on N ov., S. Dakota sutVered leg and. headlit injuries. He is now developmental disabilities,;s. freeing ment programss ort turn Ihem over to in outpatient physilysical therapy. The long-iei■term eft’ecl of his head tax money 10 improve lluiheir non- the private seciocior. Thai is expected injuries remains unkunknow n. insiitutionalir ireatment in socociety. to free up ta.x mHoney o to enhance non- ,, m g o s ’ “I'm glad to see:e ll ih e city taking an iiffe;eM in lr\’ing lo stop iltnj kind ••people used to plan liveses for peo- inslilulional. private pri ireatment for r* of negligence." saidlid LI eon S m ith o f Tw in f-all.s. lhell Schaeffers' attorney. Ppie with disabilities." saids: Ken the 1.600 disablei:)led adults in Idaho. \ Patterson, administrator oftf the Slate At trealmenl nl centers statewide, \ s u K . l " ' Council um Division o f Family and. Coi’ommunity adults leam skillcills lhat help them be I incovers bathingg suit dispute Services. “ The new philososophy is as independentiinl as possible. For 1 COEUR d'ALENENE — The issue of skimpyly '■'ilfong b a th in g su its on "consumer ‘ choice," some, thal inclutludes ihings like prac- ' forV »«, the Coeur d'Alenene public beach ha> heen umuncovered agaiii by two The ambitious plan has:s a name, licing cooking mm e als . Cily Council mcmbcn b e rs. "Bridges to the Futurc," andJ isI; expect- T h e pro b lem:i is is lhat somelimes the II • On a 2-10-1 voie:e MN onday, ih e c o u n cil's G cnernenil Services Committee ed to be in full.swing by nextct 1m onth. sk ills learned in in such centers don't endorsed an ordinanttance ihat bans .specific typess ofo nudity citywide, any- Idaho spenci.s about S7K million n; in translate outsidside, advocates say. M A Home- i where those so cladad (can be viewed from a’publicllic right o f way. federal and stale t:ix m oney on 0 people What if the stovlove at the center has Voting for thee hban were councilnien Kevlevin Packard and Ron ''with developmental disabilitililies. That different dials lhanthi the one at home? E dinger. O p p o sedJ w,was Councilman Dan Englisllish. _ i.sn’t e.xpected to rise w ith tlie-•newplan. 11 In addition, somesot people got stuck r n "For me. it's a niamatter of looking al the eniireire picture." English said, The idea behind Bridge;■es is th a t in irea tm e n t rutsUls, getting whatever T “I'm certainly not an :advocate o f them. Given tlielie lim ited resources o f the adults w ith dcvelopmenirnial dis- .services luippenei:ned 10 b e pro v id ed by \ , criminal-jusiicc-svKic;-•stem— police.-pro.wution.-c^-rcoun-iimc— -iuls-iioujn_____abilities, mostly mentalI retarda-i a panicular agergency, even if il was ] ol a scrU*‘ o* GotAU«l». imponam priority to i lion, prefer fb be IreafelllJ~iin:cniT=— nom ppropriaterfrrPatTCT^orrsnid:------to m e as som e o flh e other pressessing ihings wc have," ''ST 'niri''"’'------M y H” ” '’” ' Officials apipprove Sand Cnreek route ------SANDPOINT —- Afler years of communitnlty conflict, the Idaho Mikee IMyers ______Transpbrtaiion Boa}oard has opted for-ihe Saneand' Creek route on'thc-^------Dana(a Carvey S ondpoini b ypass projeci,prc c o m i n g ATTRAi■RACTIONS ^ 'hh "The residents ofofSandpoini and the surroundinding areas have told us THE COASTEkSTERS D oc. 27-31!7-30 what they want." bo;board Cluiiriiian John X. ComDinbo .said Monday. '•It's ,lime now lo move.' for\vardfo wiili the projecl, TAMMY WYNEYNETTE Doc. 31-Jar• ;a n . I While no construitruction date has heen set,I, IdI a h o T ra n s p o rta tio n k WHTNElS^1 1 1 ^ 2 Departmcni officialsiais said it will take up lo eighight months lo develop a final environmentalal impacti statemcm. O L-D ies BUT <3C•OL.DIES SPECIAU. M e N U . jj Chlckon HalUli&ut Prlmo Shrtrri r t m p . ; j ; Accused teaeacher returns to classroom | Vtiu'll lau(lugh again! «omano Au GrSratin Rib Scama m p i S 7 . 9 5 $ 8J.95 .^ $9.95 $9.9! M h. You'll cncry again!! ,f DEARY (AP) — Whilepine School BoardJ nmembers voted unani- I N ot valid with mnyny ot»i«r prom otion or ofTar.r- 2 ______: , mously to allow Dcai)eai^' teacher Dennis JensenI backIw inlo the classroom H You'll hurlurl again!!! after being clearedJ olof sexual misconduct chargesges. I We pi;o»lt!e the quillcy md viriety of a fine dining rotauranc In a claulealeLatV«fai.iM« Li • The Monday votete tcto rescind Jensen's leave ofI absenceah efTective Jan. 30 1 »liown>on> tcCting. Dlnnn^ho(hows at 8 p.m. and Cocktail Showita ac e ltpI jn . camc in light o f a recc■eccnt slate B oard o f Educaiionm actiona e.xoneraiing him, M Rrwrv«lon» rwpjIirA Trtdif uxj SttunljyStt rvwmtiont require a trrdltt card ponntce. '(,) The school boardird voted despiie a writlen plplea from Pal Eck. the Cocktail thowi m|iilrn tktcrtvv-l'kh m>)>m> be punhiMd ar>d pickcd up at theie HotelHo ' ' CURRENT SUIIBSCRIBERS CAAN GET A ' drill, nrwfviiloni »rrihcldonir ht l/2 h«urb«T«>''>l™*«rv«ltlme,Ime, falhcrofI8-yc;ir-old,)ld S ally E ek, the m ain accuserser in tfie case. He callcd -i ThtCjliSho.lorfToom 1» chMed on Mondip. for board memberss loto make their own investigatiiation into lhe mailer, FREE UPGRanDE ON HBO/CINlNEMAX OR Pl«;a»c call:alll-000-821-tt03 A spccial panel:1 ofo Lewision teachers in AAugust recommended ^ ANY p rRtEMIUM: SERVICICE* forR ciervavadoni and Information Jensen be e.xoneraicdlied ofall charges, ■ ^ n g V i dd e o c s b l e ComTipilcd pi from w ire reports E S C a c I 7 3 3 - 6 a 3 0 HD® lu s P e te s ,.S 36.656S KIH'RIGiCAbi\'o-)Aaror,sEVADA • (W«r »crn ncl flW pn -.twtMl.llCfUt 1 S IM l’l.Y'IIIKHl'iS'f '..'I

D o Y ou H e a r W h a^ i T H ea r ?" f^no^inlW ho

C a r S t e■RED r i ■! Jioi 40 Channel CB • The fivo cafcjgory systsystem o f fh c [O n . TT ^ 3 R e c , $JI49.99 | . g^TREC.. $ 4 9 .9 9 — ---.voltJntQry film indust:Elilustry ratiniq____ _ J f e program is now OSbs follows: ijg' -SAtE^^ —S al^ $ 3 4 . 99 9 - - ^ ... ■'. 0 Generol oudicjdiences, oil D i l i ' J V’ ages odmlttcdffed. C a r S p e A % K - 4 0 A n t e n n a Delicious Chichocolates (fflm m 6x9 3 Wlt»,{| ^ycarVlaniiAy PC Parental Guidu id o n c e _ _R e c ^____ ^ Vii5REG, $4’4.99 ^------5ugge«f^r-Sc- S o m e ------“HighescQiQilality” ^ matcriol m» ay: y "O ' ^ S a le 5 suitable for• chchildren. M adeJxesh in Oui)ur Own Shop. f PG-13 Porents slrong S T r u n k MiflOUNT e A M P cautioncd lo‘0 g9"'0 Taking Orders Noww For Christmas. 170 W att BriiIridgcaStc AmpUllcr s^ ial guidard a n c e to r R e c . . $ 1149.99 4 •1 , 1>A, 2 , 3 , anid d 5 lb. boxes 5 1 1 - Somo™rllo“terid Special Ordc:ders and J^ S a le $ 9 9 .9 9 inapproprioleo \ o f o r \ ^ chifciren. Regular Assoisortments. ^ ...... ' /

- R Restricted, uncunder 17' ' w l ' j/^FREDERICKSON’jN’S CANDIES\ m requires accor I . 309 2nd St. East, TwinIn Fallsf • 733-7624 IM Aain St. • Buhl ______porent o r odul 1 9:00-6;00 MONDAY.4Y-SATURDAY M - \ V - -Aem s lroinatyPmtr*tVt? RUG 5 4 3 .4 3 4 7 , ------guardlnn f• 1-800'321-7354 u-— Ffoe>e L a y a w a y ------N M 7 No ono underJir 17 admlKed. 1$ " * C o m p l im e nitary t G Iftwrapplng. A-12 Timos-Nows, TwinWin rolls, Idaho Wodnosday. OocomtjorOoi 14, 199-1 : Valley lifeli ■■ ~ | " iWeddin lg errorss add exsti-a to c(ouple’s cday V a l l e yY happenn i n g s DEAR ABBY: You r rc e c e n tl y j p a3in in wilh a Caesarean. 1 kno\OW. 1 A fterw ard , we.^foundund out that there • asked for'wedding horror stc so Dean Abby ida normal delivery with myy firsti .were two very diffcr 'cncoiirayed to ailcnd. . note. ^lad a belter limene at a wedding. It all ondid baby.t While the pain of nonormal attend a dance, wilh.vilh c ak e , p u n c h I'or m ore inl'onniiiii)!Ilion, call Carolco lisltnger aial 73^1-21X2, The com- Then, when the ministerer asked depends on your)ur altitude. If you're childiildbirih was no picnic, whciten it and a e.ish bar. (Thatriiat's the one,\vc the friends and family to ; niilici; is a p;iriiii;rsliirsliip ofparcnls, local ser\ ice:e jproviders, rcpresenia- D signify uptight about eveevery little thing that wasas over, it was 9ver. andd the received.) iivc.s i>f llic m cilical;al ;and cducalional coniminiiiiniiics and slalT Jrorn the ")'iheir blessings of llie union,n, a little doesn't go as plai)lanned. you'll have a • recovcovery time was relatively sishort It seems lhat thehe bridal1 couple — ------t>iigirl shricked-at ilie top ofliei L ' r*. tli-vylopiiK'Hl CL'iKcf-"•:tr “ ; ; . ler hmgs.- -horriblc-iime.-L.“Life is like thal - (aboubout tw o w e e k s ) . ------was inicresicd'onlyn ly in -g e ttin g a.s------______' - - “••N N o!*'______' totally unprcdicdietable. and much WiWith the Caesarean, mv recovovery_. m any_weddiDg_giX(s:il(s.asipussible ______In the midBle of ilie outdooroi more Iun il you.)u JUSI take things a s perioi:riod was eight weeks, and I 1~\ was Whal is your opinion?ion? Secretaries’s’ group to gatheler Thursday r e c e p ti o n , r a in b e .g an tcto fall, rtiey conic, m uch more incapacitated and in far - SliCONT). I WIN' i-'AI.I.S ■ I’ro I’l fc ssio n a l S ccrciaries Inieiiiiernaiional will meet al Immediately Im following the ceremo-c ’ - JAN.N AND HADDAYR moreore pain than I had been withh m y R A T IiG U H S T ' ______m’Uii-IiiuisiIuy.aLNuiNuniiji.Chuck.wagun-ua.Rinibn ib c rly .k o a d .1------iiy^ihe_iiy groom Jiad-to-diangn g e -fro n i------JN.MINNEAPOLIS—II naiur;tural-birth.-nius,-I-have-an-u -u g ly ------DEARGUESTt-Sar-Samtas^ourrr------All Mipporl people[>le arc invited lo tlie no-hosiI It.lunch. Tliose atlending his hii luxedo inio his streetI t c lo lh e s DEAR JAN ANDA HADDAYR: e igghi-inch h t scar across my lo\o w e r — a'rc ii>kec! In hritii: mim id c n s i>r .stocking lo v s I'or»r llllie Chrislmayprojcct. bccause be his bcsl man. wIivho was There are timeses when a sense of lumnmmy ihut is sore - and ilclic h e s For everything youVOU need to know l or more inroniuilionion. call Pat al 733-6610. goingo g 10 rc tu rrt.th e g ro o mi’s ’s iux to humor can turnn ^Vhat some would from)in time to lime. about wedding plaiplanning, order thetht rental placc, got an emenergency call a tragedy inlinto a comedy. And TniTrust me. Natural is belter. "tlow io H aw a Love.ovdy Wedding." Jerome Art't Guild to hold h(holiday party phone call and iiad lo leaveve early, this was oione of them. -HAD IT BOTH WAA Y S Send n business-.•.‘is-si/ed. sell'- . The two burtenders got drut•unk, left • Congratulationsi ------IN SCOTTSDALE, ARlR IZ . addressed envelope.■)t‘. plus / chcck or .IlikOMI- • 'I'licJcrJerome An Guild has plannedled its annual Christmas the ihc bar, and staned dancing; vw ith th e DEAR ABBY;i'Y: This letter is in DEARDE HAD IT: 1 b e lie v e y.y o u . ttwney order for S.193S3. (S4..^() in |ia ri\' I'or 2 p.m . 'I'luiiliiirsday j;i tlie meeling room;>m at ihc Jerome Civic female foi guests. Then evererybody response lo ihele woman who was Andid II have a stack o f letters onn m y Canada) to: Dear Abby.Ab Wedding ( lull Memorial l.ihniihrary. _ started sla helping themselyes;s to the coniemplating a (Caesarean section desksk reiteratingr your testimo'ny. Booklet. P.O. Bo.\t{).v 44 7. .\lonnr Im c Ii m em ber shoiilloiild bring an H-by-10 painlinjling or olher ar( or crall |iqi liquor. in order to avoidlid th e p a in o f chilli- DEARDE ABBY: R e c e n tly' w c Morris. III. 6WS4-M4■0447. (1’osi.ige i^ i yil'l Tor exchange. TurkeyTiir and rolls will be iuniisinished and tho.sc alicnd- And / guess.what?.W e've.■e never. ..birth. Believe me.nc. you do not avoid rcceiceived a. w edding, inv italiclio n , - included.) in.i: are asked Io hringiim a tlcss'cn or salad to share,re. (iuesis are welcome. " j ' l or tiiDre inlbrmaiioiiion 32-l-2f)57. p _ _ g -

The Tiivcs-Ncwn,s' n dcomcs news ol'awiimmii------iniiy eveius. Senil— nuile- FW m l lo The Tin}cS‘Nc\iVcu'.s- Valley lliippenitii’s. PO'0 .l}ox .^4H. Twin Fulls, ‘ ______II) S.IVI3- O.yS. /‘lc:i'ina[’. consuiiKumer-sized addre.ss nndd lelcphoneii number to the L f l that leasvtisvtnjrSpai^i&h 'k'ivWCas.Vtt; O n io n ” i t Swecis onion. Judging; wiwill be based Promolion Conimillce,Cc in care of the ’ an originality, goodd uuse of the Evans Foodod Group, Attention C. H E R E ’S W HlAT i WE DO: IHERE’S WHYYWE DOIT: REAR $ 1 __ upion.s, (astc nppcnlan• and ease of Lavelle, 19090 Queen Anne'Avc. N„ ONLY ■ S - preparation. All recipcs;s bbecome the Scaille, WA\ 98109.9: Complete Fr■ront & Rear YYour vehicle's brake sysiiystem is only as Brake Servicce Includes;- ’<■reliable as its weakest part.pa We replace all (most (i:rs ond 1 /2 Icn 2V/DWDl:'.(k5) i CSI Book Stoiore sets buyback; k dates, times ✓ Replace or rebuild froiront calipers cicomponents which arese subject to normal The Timcs-Ncws b o o k s fro mTt CSI( students. ✓ New rear wheel cylindnders wwear & tear, or heat fatigitigue, to insure iong- Books may,ay be relumed from 9 a.m. ✓ New disc pads & shoeoes tcterm brake system depeipendability, & FRONT $ 1 C i TWIN FALLS - Th(The Collcgc to 4 p.m. Dcc.)cc. 19-22 and from 9 a.m. ✓ Resurface drums & rotorsro P'performance you can counton.coi , iONLY 1 3!4” ^ ofSoutlicm Idaho Book)ok Store .has to noon Dec.;c. 23. For more informa- ✓ Repacl^wheel tea^gngs (except FWD) ...... anJI/i loniWDIWOUuilul .. scheduled limes to buyuy backI text- tion, call ihcie bookI siorc ot-733*9554. - V New front seals (excecept FWD) ✓ New.hold-down returnm springs ______— A T L trSJ c c t i w a b , ✓ Adjust parl

T “i ■ ------D e iff^Pon i ^onoDt Iiutolled liuj ROADRYDERC I S S E E K I NM G Y O U R I I 14”» 21\2 ROAD RYDER S ^ Em 19”. 26^ 2 GAS STRUT CAR^DC m m f r 3 5 ” . 5i5 6 ^ ^ . MS s t o 'imiutKW SSJ .....ssffissstTmnuo] - On tho draft Departrirtment of . INEL BoiseIse Office I ' NURRYINlSAkF*|EN^PEqMBER31°n , Energy, Idaho Operasratlons 816 W. Barlannock, Suite 306 OTceWorWoroe ili^tllityV e Restructuring Plan.n. Boise PublJblic Library /chicles ------715 S. Capapltal Blvd. I2aw- ■-i S ta k eh o ld ers are InvitedInv to view a c o p y o f th e> planpi and INELPocaicatello Office 21 \ o] provide written comi)mments 1651 Alvinin Ricken Drive ; to L uella B ennett, U.U.S. ^ B ; i ! D^artmentolEneriergy. : Idaho Statiate University H . Idaho Operations Office.Of Library, 74741 S. 7th Aye. ! ■ ■ ? 765 DOE Place. Idahlal^FalLa ___ :______: ID 8 3 4 1 M 1 5 2 . INEL twininFallsbffice II ; 233 2nd 81Street, Unit B— - ~ IK iimltan eomimnHimuBt n . fBSmcetmeTby ■ : ■'Jri'iWnFallsS Public Library “ I g . i ; :C^KmlHr30,1liS4.<4. 434 2nd St

■: iS- l ^ ’p le s o f ^ d r ifDplan’iaria tp ' 'Shoshone-le'Bannock*Library H p n l l a b l e j o r rw lew lIn tlie V . ’.HRb'C Bulluilding H Enert V irflannockac Md Pina H 1 ~ IP u b llo RMdlng Rboiboms itli — rr sUnlvmiilHrPlaeeiNEWEL y ^ r - '-’tihlvetill^I^f^daHtfi.IffiSfy' ~ P STKlinlsV U^rafVrt^ street - |jj 1 i S e i ^ M C en ter DHvi "p jFaIt^in(i:tlie Idahg

' 1 11 '#aYM I USSCHV v i i l l l -- i I LES SCHWAB iR S ri B,CRED!T_PLAN_B^B1| ’ ^ V 1 ^

• -

i f f r a l f r i

/ 1/. ______; ■BEEBES IMag! iiieyr - Arouind___ Grant h(lelps ^ater c(:ourt to[)ps panlel agei;nda B y W illilliom Brock funher ieiiii>\cd I'rom iliele pprocess loi some — -T im e s -N•News-writor ------____ _^iThe_leacladership of the -QUIsUlc. >l|^K'Cllv e.,UMlj.ifi.V’ "interview — ~committ< !fi.uLwh.iui!c-l: r - .Ajoini legislative con: o m m iite e « Kimberly, coniiniliee co-eli;-eliauin.m. flievrallev- i o n th e S u d ic a tio n b r i n g ttogether o som ^ ' Snake River Basin .\djud Anioiig llie spe.ikeikei' .ire -Su'\e eet today to lake slock ofa f a r e c e n i p e o p l ei 3a little further S.iundeis. who liaiulles■s « ,iK'i- a d ju d ic.i- xeriter-p dtfcision-deularinji-many- >ved-from the—'------— lioii-wt>ik-!tir-titr-<-)re!> r e g n r - ; \ r r o r iiT? \ ------^1994Festrvtival of TVees L la w s enanacted by the 1994 Legisla (;eiier,il\ oi'llee. Mikee Ciilinore.C of the By Julie M. McKinnon b e u n constiiuiional.- o r . p r o c eess s for som e Idaho ,'\tinrijey (lenoral•ral's orfiee, .iml------nets moree ithan $70,000 T h e I Times-News writer meeting of the Logisl i s l a t i v o O U t s idide, < objective Keiili Migi:iriMiii, iliieoio'C lo r o f liie III.llio TWIN FALLS•S - More Ihan S70.000 C o u n c il il Committee on the SRB Deparimeni of W aier Ues> was raised duringing this year’s Festival at 10 a,m. in the House MMii-Sv ^analysissis of w hat the T W I N f a l l s ' - a 5120.230 51 grant Also on Ihe ai:eiulada Is I’lolVvM.r of Trees, a 1 pcpercent lo 3 percent • will allow (he .Magic Val 4 R o o m . ------— Valley Regional Caucus I ------decisiision m eans.’- Dennis Cotson «r liiele PnneiM1 lv ol increase over lastast year’s annual Magic Medical Center Foundatilation to open a "I* J*i J going to center pretiyly m u c h Idaho l.iw Iiool. Valley Regiona)nal M edical Center lively around Judge Hurl neutral place tor child-abi•abuse viclinis to exelusi% L irlb u tt’ s Farlier this \e.ir. { oK,.iN o n u ii.t e ,1 L-u.il F o u n d a tio n ’s fundind>raising effort, r. of the — Sen.Lain3ird N oh, R-Kimberly be inter\’iewed and medicalically examined, decisionon." said Susan Maiher. brief in Mippori of ilie I i-i--islatiite'sei nou . Frotn that amoinount. 512,000 will be The Children at RisIiisk [tducalibn eominiiiiitee staff. Last week. D i s t r i c t ------• waler la\\.s but llinlbi: Ibiill rel'iiscd lo . . , given,to 12 quickr ckTfesponse units in the Sers'iees program.- similarilar to one at Sl, Jmlge. 1Daniel .llurlbuirs, de<.iecision cqiiall\' between;cii,mvrul>er'.of the.Idaho' -a. e e e p i ii. ■ Magic Valley, amand at'least 528,000 is Luke's Regional Medicdical Center in released_d^a torrent ofbipartisan outi■utrage. House .uid .Scnali:iale. __ ...The.SU B/\_ii_aJcj:aLgal_UL\;eiiioi.\ of earmarked for the Magic Valley Safe ral’speakers are slated to a Boise, should open in aboabout .April, said Severa I address "The leadcr.siiip■iiip of ihe comniiitee is try." r o u g h ly I .•'(I.ODD e lam i i iils i lo w.iiet ill Kids Coalition,on, said foundation mem ber committee, which i foundation Director Larryry \V.’ Haxtei^ 12-m :h is split ing lo bring logei'g e ih e r si'in e p eople a liti'W Idaho's .Snake River b.isiiiisiii. Director Larry WW. . B a x te r. In January, a part-timeme manager and i------Aboul 15.2000 p people attended this interviewer t w h o h a vve e not yel been ------year’s Festivalai of Trees. Deo. 1 selected ~ and'the two physiciansph who . )ailv stroll — • - ih ro u s h -* t7 ~ B aA,iAt c i s a id .—A b u u f 5 t) 0 ------“ will Stan the program willvill be trained at ______people volunteer!;ered to get ready for San Diego Children’s HoiHospital, Baxter . and put on the eveijvent. hesaid. said. Baxter said the foundation spends Baxter and other localI ofofficials say the . between 525.000100 to 530.000 on the program ‘will benetlt thehe eight-county annual fundraiser,ser. Once the bills are- • Magic Valley in two way*'ays:'It will pre- paid and cach quiquick-response unit is vent children from havinging to repeatedly iKK k allocated ils guaralaranieed 51.000 grant, tell their stories and be exaexamined, and it J S ^ the rest will be givengi' to the coalition. _ will help the counties avoid•oid cosily trials,_____ ------h e s a i d . ------"1 t"h e I p s'n ie “cin ItJrcnen through the The coalition,. whichw is coordinated process.” said Twin l^'llls I'; County 9 9 ^ by the foundation,ion. runs on an aHndaT^ Prosecutor Richard Bevanvan. adding that budget of aboutaut 545.000 a year, children will be videotapedped by impartial . Baxter said, andind it receives aboui interviewers asking noii-l'ii-leading ques- 520,000 a year in miscellaneous con- lions, tribulions. Twin Falls pediatriciar:ian Dr. Barton Adrian said the programni probablyf will set up a system where soisocial workers, City Council:I plansp action . Departmenl of Healthh anda W elfare on bicycle roullutes next week employees, police and atloatiorneys can be TWIN FALLSS - The City Council behind a one-way mirror,:ir. T h e y w ill b e plans (0 act on two iw proposed bicycle able to send messages■ aboulab specific routes at its Dec. 19 P mceiing. incidents so interviewers•s c an ask a b o u t The council hadlad a chance lo decide them, he said. ■'Hopefully everyone Nvill Monday whetherier to accept federal will gel all Iheir questions answered in oi _ fu n d in g fo r rqa^dd imnroyements.tojhc ii _____ | l one interview two routes, whichich would connect processrTVdriansaid. Magistrate Charles Brum! schools and parksrks to local neighbor- __ umbach said the ------tio u a s:------— interviTOTrjonc-by iraillL'd'L‘d -p rorc.>!Sional!!------are accepted by bolh pro:irosecuiors and But afler takingng almost 90 minutes i l defense attorneys. Some cai J o f p u b lic c o m m e;nt n t - mostly in opposi- ' cases are eilher dropped because there is nol enough lion - on the routesjtcs, the council tabled ^ evidence or a person hasas been falsely aciion uniil nexi:xi week's meeting. • accused, or those chargei■ged w ith c h ild uuoor CKARLES MANGlNINGlNt/TtwTuiiMNvwi Councilman JeffGir Gooding attempted to ! abuse plead guilty or pleailea bargain, he’ Evoryy day, Jim Carpendcr of 1 _ approve Route B.J.j¥hich_iccdycdiiiile v ------1 if Twin Falls takes his docJogs Jako, a boxer mix, arand Rover, a terrier, for•a a \walk south ______said. negative sentimennents from residents, o n E aastlarfaOrlve’rd'th'eTwIri s 'In'Falls'CemeteryrRoverensifonteririb-fon^ljuiufJak‘eoff^IIR esiola(liry developer Jake _s stronger. Bevan said...... _Times-New;w s-w riler______------Schocnuu«;r-^laiiH — \Vhcn-poiran^earcifarScI Schoenauer fo r• Bosma has withdradrawn his applicatioji Adrian and Twin FallsIls pediatrician fiv e m en ki■ lographs t for evidence. Adrij drian said aboul saying thahat police who arrested himim went Coun. Twin Falls Couniy sherill'sI 's deputiestl and llie Bostna's atlorntrney notified Water 1100 children are seen for < or sex abuse at beyond thele-scope o f their seaa-h, Lolhspeich madeade the million in dismiss TTri-Coumy Drug'Task Forciorcc had seized a . Resources of thee decisiond on Friday. t the Pediatrics Center annualu a lly . Justin Schoenauer, Sc 23. was charged;ed with Schociiaucr's drugg chargecl bccausc the defense sismall amount of mclhaniphelanelamine from a car The new applicatioItion will include rec- “ W c k in d o f d o a ll o f th is his already, but po.ssessionn 'wilh intent to deliver meihanlamphei- could have suceessliiisliilly argual thal police had hhe was riding in. and 53.00(1,000 cash and ihe ommcndations rmade by. Water ' i it will be under one roof)of now." said amine. Twrwin Falls Couniy Chief DiDeputy made an illegal search.sea Twin l-alls Couniy siscales. Lolhspeich said. R e s o u r c e s to lessen le< ihe dairy’s /Adrian, who goes to thehe San Diego i------chanccs of incre:reasing the area’s CChildren’s Hospital annuallj g ro u n d w a te r c o n ssu u mr p tio n , Baxter said the 5120,23030 grant| award- P T ( The water righl;ht transfer has been ccd Friday from the Mcy-e:y'er Memorial X X'opane ^ tarn k er catcl;hes fire Police sc>eek vigorously resislecited by a family that 1Trust of Portland will bee usedu for pro­ lives imm ediatel;tely downhill from ggram operations for three ye;y e a rs. B y Liz W% right C hief Hud C’oinphi.pher ofthe Rural Filer . Dosma's dairy' b a r n . T h e f a m i l y ‘‘This program shouldI be bi fairly self Tinies-NiNews wriler Fire Pruieclitin Disir'isirici. I argues that Bosnia’: escapee,i ,1 7 iia’s dairy will dimin- sufficient s by the end of ththe e ih ird y e a r.’' Hillaili) said he shuislui off the propane valve ish the flows - andmd water quality - of said s Baxter, addingjhat thethc foundation _ TWINN FALLS - A propane lankciikcr thal beneath the lank oiflhemick. f ll then grabbed' , B I y Liz W right a drinking-waierr springsf they’ve used '; ■ vw jircdntinue to support itt oot: lh e rw is e . caught fire fi Tuesday could have donlone fa r' a tire CMinguishcrr frnmfn the shop .md tried ' ’ Times-News 1 writer for 70 years. As more Magic Valleyy counliesc use worse damage,d£ had 74-year-old LLa an d o n unsuccessfully lit hosihose dow n the fire. tlthe center, the volume at ihe center HilladoI noln chained the flaming truck:k toi his Then lie lowed I :d the truck out of the JI-R0M1-; - A 17-ycar-oldId escapede^ juvenile should increase enough forfor it lo need a small tiluebh pickup and towed it out 3ut ofa gar.ige. who has reni;iined al large for the past nionili H om eless slicltcliter group hires nmanager, a clerk and two inicrviewcrsini' in mechaniclie’s garage. "ll was ama/inglg I was able lo drag it simwed s up al home S;iliirdaya y long1 enough to full-tim e m ana^ the third year. In the first:t y e a r, an e s li- “ I ihoilought, ‘Oh my God, don't I lager as of Jan . 1 't blow out." Uilhuld said.id. ’I4ie llanies rose to steal ,s his parenl's pickup1 and an three guns. mated 225 children.will be interviewed yet,"'BillUlladosaid...... TWIN FALLS: - A group planning " iictw eai l()li> 12 feel‘eel liigh, lie said...... ‘ ppolice sa id :...... and possibly examined, hee said.sj , FirefigIghicrs were able to quicklyy doused Billiidu said he did to open a homeless:ss shelter next monih “ didn't know how long it "W e have a couple o f ideas■•as w\ here he might L ocally, the foundationion.has.raised._ ,jhe_flainenes before the truck's propane ____ camc one step closcioscrTucsday-by-hir ------^ m e tank look lo luw the vehiclihicle outside, be. bul noihint; concrete," said'aid.I.Vleclivc Dan_____ S3Q.000 lor equipment andid construction,c explodeded, but“noi’berdrirthe'nnrcac au se d "Il sl-L'inal lik e a lif ing a full-time manaanager to begin work- ^ ;riifciiiiie."he''said. 3_Cliallerion_utJcrunic-Cou: - *ouniy-,SIieriff‘s-- - and is_seeking_S22.000_mi ------i n g J a n - l ------morc,-Baxier ------.smoke-dadam age, id. Billado.‘s_Garage.iie.several ------I'irel'igiiicr.^'usij'd'ij'd'loam 10 smother the Depannicnt. i; said. The foundation is waiA'aiting on iwo . miles wes.’est of Twin Falls at Curry CroCrossing truck lire in several ni Valley Housesc Coalition Inc. ^ 11 minuies. Coniphersaid. I.aw cnfbrccmenl agenciesies natinnwi ide are more grants. on U ,S .IIH ighw ay 30. ______.._ . ___N o datiiaue csiiiiiaie \ Chairman Randyly Hansen said the lie was_a_\:,.ilable. H ad.ihe_____-onalie-alcrtJbr-ahe-youili.-whiu w ho is eonsidere.1 The program eventualjally will be Billadoy w as cau g^hi h i ^0011 afler the Times-News writer has been phenomenae n a l.” i miiiee mem:nibers to remember thai thelie plan C om iiiiiice niemliinil)crs also discusseil how '■'•escape. C'haiicrton s;iid. H a n se n sa id th ec coalition ci should be " is m ore tlialian an advisory document," miscelbiiemis platlUils may be a potential Saiurday nighl. the boy rctui;c tuiiied to his par- TWIN FALLS - It’s typical able to closc in thehe next week or two cal for people to Insieiidi. thetl plan omiines 'strategie.sie.s lhat probl'etii lor the ckui:c'Uiil\, Plah are site maps ems' home and told them he; wwa as going ui luni .want..to-ljve_in-a-safc,-health)Ithy-coinniunity—ihe-couniy-v ------its 'd c a l w iih D a llalas'Buhler'iiTbuythe s ' , .•-wiU-follow-in amemied-or-C!r-ereal-— ol'aui)divisit>nn-lh:ilh:il-are-rccordcrf'in'thc— -himself I'i inrG'hiillenon-snidrHut•Hul-hc-itc\-cr-kcpt ------Ihai offers their kids a quality e _fom ic£ motel. Initiaitially. families Will ly education, ingordinancnces. Howard said. coumv ashc.ssiir's ol'tice,oft hihis promise, and insiead slole.>le IwoI liigh-po\\. - B u t-T w in F a lls C o u n ty 'residents re* have A rough "be sheltered in ihthe five-bedroom ;h draft of the plan shouku ld b e In the lale l')7().s.).s. the t county allemplcd lo ercd hunting rilles, a shoigun;un ami a pickup. o th e r co n cern s, too. finished in house, and other horhomeless people will :n January. Thc committce-:(^.will [^t-a-sUip. i(iland- plan-p developing the platsla ts, SIsiolen vehicle, but they bee;;iecanie stranded On Tuesday.' the volunteerleer conmiiiiee ning and zrzoning commission, O ’Cor'onnor Hut Jim Barker• ofol Muhl said lhal would when someone else stole thehe cari conuiining ste Mini-Cassia B3 steering the county’s effort meuto-conipile—siiid'-the-mafme laRter-plan-should-be-a-guide ide-the—only-tbrce rapid devecv elo p m e n l lo occin". ihIheir collcciivx- belongings. CI'hattcnon hai said ‘ ‘ Club calendar !i list o f go a ls a n d o b je ctiv es{ihat thi will frame county canI li follow , The commitieee will v meet again next Anyone wiih informationion on Ihe boy's ' ilthe county's new plan. A m o n g tlthe issues the comniiiicee c o n - w eek to llni.sli work>rk on ils list of goals and whereabouis. ''' coniact JeromeJ CouniyCc Sherill's .. Meander Point resident Doug Do Howard, fronted Tue;les'day were waler quality,, com-c> Strategies. >Depattniem at 324-8K44.

. . . y . ''. . I . .

- • B-2 TimoS'Ncws. Twinfin FFalls, Idaho W odnosday, Docoocomoor 14.1994 : Buhl landfiU1 toi close H ansen ownners, n o t reienters, “ W e indell see] By Dionne Roach I ieights develonmcnl. de City engineer j " :eiving u tilit TinifS'Ncwsvorrospoispondcni Scon liybcybee expccis this subdivis-fon to begin rec< ity bills a n d aniic,''iic.xaiion to be jusj one of rhe Times-News C i ty a i i o r n e yy BillB Hpllrt-icId 13U1IL The citylily’s laiuinil at many motnore tii follow, which will resp ectt for grav*/e y a rd reminded the counciuncil ih.ii state law .Salimm F;ills Creek.'ck C a n y o n w ill increase: hishi workhiad. HANSEN - Owners of nrental mandates thc counouncil review the close on Mtiiiday. U n til ninow. Uybcc has worked By Steve Koehler Paul Isaacsorson said he's found projiroperty in Hansen soon will b(be gel- area o f impacl andind zoning regula- P iih ik - W o rk s Director Di Ciary many houlOurs w ith o u t c h a rg in g lhe Timcs-News corrcspon:)ndcnt f golf balls whc/hen iherc was no tinging watcr-scwer-sanitaiionn bills tions at this time. . . Winn saiil lhal rcsiJe^idenis may con* cily. lie ha sn ’t c liarg c d I'tir attending ' snow on the gr(ground. i„s„nstead of the rental residents.' '• He said ihcsc regulationsregi should ^ cily dump lo dis- nieciiifgs o liniic 10 ii.sc the oltl cii; s or for phone calls, he said. WI-NDIiLL - Snow)wmobiles But such aciiictiviiies are illegal Thc -j- council voicd to amenend an consider the countymy comprehchsivc ______1_. p o se of-inert iiialcrial.sials. Tlie.sc m ate*------I'lf-you-)u-vVant-to be a.community and- all-ierrain vcliiciicies have at thc ccmetcnery. Isaacsiin said. ordiirdinancc penaining lo the bibilling plan in dealing withvilh future popula- rial.s inelude leaves,.. grgrass, bninchcs. engineer.:r, then that’s just pari of been snarling throiough thc Sign!> listingI p prohibited aciivi- vibnday. The change will, dimiminate lion growth, transpoisponaiion, schools ' din. rock, asphail.. wood\v building being partart of the comntunity,’’ he g ra v e y a rd . tics are posteded ut thc cemetery he ,hc problem the city has hadid w ith a n d b u s in e s s e s . OOrdinances rd should ! inaicrials, and sh e d;l rock. ri All other said. Ccmeiery Carctakikcr Paul entrances, nlot o t knowing when a rcsidenctice has be sct forth to accomplishacc these . . . " -fc fu se su c h a s old1 appliances up and- —Councilcil mcniber-M aric Maicr — Isaacson complainud1 lorcenie-SurpliTs'sail l a i d - I i c - 'd l h a i c to <;hai:hangcd rcntersr Thc rcntal-o'-owner goals. A committee-tee-of people from akcn to thc coun- reported or .. carpcting niusi ho lakc : on the condilion oflhe.cily lery district commijilissioners closc the galeales because ihat u,j||vill add the city charges lo thee rrent, various occupations3ns will be formed ------T^tj-landrili:------ivtitertowwcrrShrsnid-thnrxcon'suIr c ------M ondny-abmitthtrsnolowmobilc-^vould'cxcludcde-lcgiTimare-vist': ------TT] h c council discussed hiniring a for ihts projcct. Thc closure willI enend ihc Adopl- ing firm reeommcndcdjnst:illingre an and all.-terrain vehiclclc (racks lors. lolicc officer and decided 100 ;meet Thc council alscalso renewed the .. v \-T ru c k program . . ------a lg a c -rc d i eduction and purificalion over thc graves of thc,ic W e n d e ll Isa a c so n saaid i( that typically. ^ithvith lhe couniy in sec whai tyjlype of liquor license for Daw’sDa' Markel, the _____! W itin sa id llial lliele cily c is looking system. M _M aicr_also_saidjliai_ibc ______C.tfmcicry.-______lanuar-y-and-E.-Eobruary-arc-thc ------3 ^n-affordablc'contracrcouli ” uld-bc-Town'House-and’tf d'the"South~Hi]Is ^ fo r Jin appropri:ile site>ile fo: a in n s f c r w ater lowewer will need major repairs •’l l ’s h a rd fo r m e lo 10 b e lie v e h e av ie st m o niths th ; for funerals. ;^orivorked out. S aloon. _____ l._.si;ition^oncjhaCs.oiii-0iiL0.fjlie_\yintl,__in_fi.Y.c_j:_y.ears._CQsiing_up_tu______. thal.wilh alLlhc.placcsc s a ro u n d .------In.anoihcr' rr m a lte r , th e c o m - .. ___ A Cransl'cr siaiioii is a place w h e re SIOO.OOO,[), thal ihey'd go oui theilere." said missioncrs comDmpleted the terms re fu s e is d u m p e d iniiinto trucks and In oihercr businc.ss,( the council; Harry Surplus, chairmanan of thc of lhe district'ct's contract with ■ liikcn to a landfill. The staiion itself • Approiroved renewing city beer ccmetery district board.•d. th c c a rc ia k e r.. sisubject lojeview ( . ■ is iisii;illy housed inn ;li/-metal build- and liquoror licensesI for 1^95, coiiiin- "I myself-havc feltIt lhal the by Lynn NelsoIson, the district’s , O a k l e y honor I* roll>11 ing. Winn does noi01 know1 al liiis gent on having h< stalc'and county ,4^em clery is Icind o frsacrcd." !i attorney. Lastist fall thc board . lim e w h a t su c h a faifacility would licen.ses. Siiid Com m issioner Lorenzo L switched thc jobjol status of carc- TThe Times-News ■ . cost. • W iiivcived the building pennii fee tvlocham . taker from ann iemployee to an Meanwhile in a unanimous una deci- for the comummunity sign, •'This is a sacrcd pla(lace, not a independentt (contractor - a • j OAKLEY - The. first iriirimester honor roll has Jiccnccn released by ______sion. jjic City Councilnci|^ a n nexed th c • C onsidsidcred property lax relief place for sports aclivitiiitics," said_mo.vc.tQ_save.th:.thedistricLlabor------COakley Junior/Senior High1 SSchool. Following are die: nna: a m es o f those Bulil VisiFor Cerileriler,' 7th Day • Consicisidered a cable TV fran- Clerk Karen Isaacson. related taxes.' studentsSI who earned high gra-rades. . Adventist Church, and lhe Heritage chise. SE N IO R S High Honors: Lisa Archibjibald, Tara Becker, Elizabeth:ih Bedkc,I Khali •Bcdkc. Donette Bergener,T, Holly Burch. Melanie: BBi u r to n . E ric a School)1 board ^Cranney, Todd Cranney., /Amber Hardy, Emily Heir4elms, Spencer ; S e r v iices c Mullen, Kristopher R. Okelbotli o f Rupert; and Jeannie Siam ludt of board approved thathal the students report Maggie Smith, Sam Spcarin,in, Rebecca W hittle, Shcree.’ee .W hittle -and ' Judith Loder o f TwiiFwin Falls; Lois N ielson o f Goolooding: Paul. on how much is ra Morgan Woodhousc. and William Pepper ofBuhl.ofl ______Bilths i raised al thc Fcbniary TrBrycc'CranncyrAniy King,mg. Jed Lloyd! A baby was bom too Mr,M and"Mni, Christopher Simn Hillary Matthews and Breann Released of.Durjey; and to Mr.^T. and Mrs, Fauslo Palomare In other busiusiness, the board Hi in Severe. I!; M onica D ekruyf^ofDuhl; o f nnd Betty Greenawniwnli o f Ileyburii. approved a p'ropo)poscd bcaulificiuion I_____ Gooding. MINIDOKAlA M1 EM ORIAL HOSPITAL projcci Ql Lincoln on thc conditionn tlthal the city doesn’t J3lim I] pson defei;nse files m oto t i o n CASSWM\ M EM O RL\L HOSPITAL Admitted impose any rcstrictiic tio n s o r perm its. Carol Davis, Rogerr SperryS] and Charles Villincs, allal of Sieve Henna,, cicommittcc chair for Admitted Rupert; and Leland CulleulleyofPaul.______— ------tho-bcQuiincatiorion-projectrtold'thc— lU ------Ji------— Nathan-Eogle,-Bettytlty-Hult-nnd-Jnnct-Simmonsrn ocanGelDNv^*A -pretrialhet e a r i n g — board that thc comiDmmittec w anls to tear Burley; Jerry DdfiaughlUghel and G ail P alom arez, both bot o f Released LOS ANGELES' (AP) — _ 0._L C ___ The genetic evidence•nccJs.at-die-hcan___ i _ Heybum; Vonda Edwidward5,.LoYajrayJor.and TarTam my__ —C^staLTliucson.andJ t along 2nd and_7th__.^Q' id-WoIlcr.Stark,-botli of-Rupen;r e - a n d - TiPSbn*.s la w y ers a sk ed lh e iu( ------^Woltersrall o f Rupen;t; andar Marie Schell of Minidolu.ca. ChristophcrM ason o f=Declo. De lace it with'a sprinkler Simpj iudgc of the prosecution’s: cascase. Prosecutors system, grass andnd irccs. He said the e ^ y lo cancel a pretrial hearingng on want to link Simpsonn to the June knife chain link fencaul and Barrett Schroyer; threeth the Idaho Legislablanire, and it takes a { ■ i'Q ro v e Oalry?for unty retlr- She attend*ided schools In Eastern 8^?'ireat-nephew s, Troy Chianarson two-thirds majorip^.io.c{v;ih-chambcr- W ^He-then-r^outh-Dakotkota and In-1926, moved jChroyer^Tracy-Gulse Schrciroyet 'to put thelMuc tidB « o re vo ters. ^ A Y 'S - Q md Brian Schroyer: three an /onstructior^ f o r - t o t h e Btafckiaero.J^tBaching.c^cJarw JfrW xnlng, South 1 ' - Sreia^OwTw «fO an Importerant factor energy d f^:^ iO r^* -. Dakota (occsccMlonally.substituUnd iand. parents, one brother and' ..S.'SU ., . ______U m i mm m M M ------'fflclency.can.t)e.ln.the.hc(T)9ceovmer»hlpequotten.-Todayroryro-Natlonol' ------ig lofly ^ i uUie r : 'rfu r n irn : ^rm iflBiiiwa¥«5)nh?rn&-:8'^ Assoissoclotion of Home BuHders' surveysu Indicates that 75 percei The funeral was heldTuesc ircent of new •anajn .1945j: moved to ^ ^ sday. SXGJ^A*AXiJ-RE homome buyers consider enero'OV efficiency to bo ono of )ec. -13. -1994, at the Twin F of the most lii wt^ere her husband F a lls Impcnportant factors when evolucluotlng o house. This leadss m65 e n erg y bills b e fo re buylna.ng. The good illsHigMSdiooi;.--- : Revlev. Jam es Frlsble offic ated.at ■Hiitm.’tifl ews Is that boHer Insulation. ^provedIn wlndovrt, and morenore efficient tHe 'firfh.Falls years, the ^ m a t i o n will lake p la c e a t W B B B B a i pplkances hove com bined wrtltiIlh other factora to croote honhomes today lat ore opproximotely twice os maineds. developed and Jrematory.and arrangementsr j ; ! W o o l It'Ot 3$ efficient cs.thoso of twentyIty yyeo rs a g o . Ils increased efficiency transit -829 Broaidway^'ilburish^lnl;lrt>ttelr h o m e , finally tak- mder the direction of Wt islates Info lower utility billsIs andar higher «hi,a :O rie] ffofdoblilty rate s In n e w e r homws. e: •deoM'Over-teaching and ' ^ortlo rtu a ry in Twin Falls, e n t a l . TTie fam ily su g g w ts memorial; You con Otways depond on 01our Intogrlty ond fine reputallolallon hore at tlHerrett Manufacturing TTi lAGIC VAUEY REALTY. INC. If' Herrett added fine:.theie Herrett Museum. P.O.%'S E . R uu : g s If you hove decided fo buyuy orc sell this ! Inter. It c o n b e to vour odvonfcifoge to work with us. Here ata t ; ,1238.Twfrl,WlslD832TO. 23€ 286 Addison Ave. E. (734-1991). ^ _ __ Startin - ...... 1). w e wH discuss your )al estate goals, your curren:)nt neods. ond ydur" > ^r ' " - - i 4x6 *119 - 6 x 9 * 2 4 9 2^e e d s for tom orrow a s weD. "We'/eVe Got ttw Mogtc.- VW ____ nOQCe a d this colum n In th e w ee k s or Qhebd os discuss M A . : I mlany a n other topics reloted to _____e*Wrtote. i ------yVT; TJie typical hcaUng/^olini 7 3 4 - 1 9 9 1 M n u n x a etajj'i home la Sl> nrreent nioir r},Sic„„uhan. 1.800.esa.< owo/20 yean ago. 5 8 ^ 2 v: ^ ■ P.O. Box 303-1266SeAddbonAvc.E. Ad y i s ■ fWnF>l«.lDB:.IDB3303 J j : - 1 ------^ :------... (

I. 'I.

W ______Hay-ll(llelujah Tax pirotestfeir apolcogizes ffor assaault B y Je n n ifer B u n ch M ullen saidd he h eould not say any- lot not worth the consequences, suchsu as about tax-protesiest guru Phillip Times-News writer tlijng morer about; ihe assault aniiin injured policc ofllcer. he saii;iid. Marsh"? beliefs ihat;hat an incom e ta x is charges. .-X' coii:ouri hearing to deier- ■ ' "Il’s"I never worth it when some- s unconsWiilional, BURLHV - An Oak ikley man mine whetherle r th e c a s e w ill b e ihiii;hing like ilui happens. I can1 see.in s Marsh, a Califiilifornian. is ihe arrested Friday for not til tiling state brought lo trialal isi set for D ec. 2 0 . he the future, too many people gelling g» founder of the JMloi Pil. Conneciioji____ —income taxes and-assauliini ing a police — Mullen andJ hish wife.-Aprilrcoop-—hurtuirtrlikc-fricmlsTwifc andTatiamily." Society, n.naiionwidiwide lax resistance ofJlcer said he was tired ofo tlghlin^t crated with cocourl order> Tuesdav heisLiiiiiL______! s ______group______■ a n d s o rn ' lo r w iiat lie Ciil. .and filed taxc returns n tor the vears DDespite his trouble and regretrets, his "Marsh has goneoiicn more people .•\ecording to a pnlict ce repori. 1989 ilirougiiI 1992.l‘i ,------phili>hilosopliy has not flagged. inlo trouble. I wouldnild encourage peo- ____ LeonardI H. Mullen Jr.. 46 46. spraved "We’re tired‘-•.d.ofjlghtinji.the-iiaie ------Mullen-!iaid-he-ihinks-thc-IniM Internal pie to tl.iroufand'coJ'coniplciely ignore ““pepper spray at Cassia I la C o u n i y on it." M ullenII said.s; Revlevenue Ser\ice is unconslilut:utional. him. There’s a lotlit o f people in th is . .Sherifl's Deputy Randy K Kidd, tem- Fifth Disiriiirici Judge Cieorge andind therefore a person has thele right area who follow him. hii And that’s a 1porarilv blinding Kidd in ir Ihe lefl Granaia Jr. releasedrel Mullen t'roni noii10110 file slate incom e lax f orms. n r big mistake." Mullenillen said. e y e. - ’ custody in thle e ia\ i ease. Bui Mullen "There "1 has been ho tax evirvasion Mullen said hec cameca to the con- "I want to make a public lie apology is still* in thee M ' ini-Cassia jail on invcnvolved. W'e’vc been very upfront up elusion that an1 income in tax was tot Randy. He is a fine oft iftlcer. and charges of assassaulliiig a police offi- withvith the slale and the IRS'." hee said,^ unconstitutional1 throughth his own I'm1 sorry that 1 hurt him.11. It was a cer. MMullen said he quif-fllingg state studies. He said he isi: not associated bad mistake." Mullen said.i. Mullen saidll rtresisting the slate was inconconie tax forms after he leilearned with any group.

! n FFood group) donates ; i o , o o 6 B r i e f l y i n M i n i - C aa s s i a ^ $1 By Kny Roth tributed their expiexpertise to make ------l imcs-News correspondeiit thc games a succe;ccess. The grand- Driver hurt iiin semi-truck ro!ollover son of Jesse andid Vina\ Esquivel, RUPERT - A checkk for employees at thele planl,f was one BURLEY - A sem;mi-truck rolled over Tueslesday evening on jld 510,000 was presented tito thc of the recipientss olof a wish come Interstate 84. sendingI thet driver to the hospitalI andai bloekiniLm i:.------______idaho-M abr^-W ish'IW ird;[UiilTon true Irom the tound;undanon, sliesijid “ - tie tor several hours, accordingai to an Idaho Slate:ite Police dispatch- |;,m ast week as a result ofthee hard All ihe money■y raised,r; stays to WOIvork of the em ployees o ol fth e help wiihin the stallilale of Idaho, and The accident happenened just before 7 p.m. aboibout 13 miles east sini jiniplol Hcybum Food Grourup aitd the group is phinranning on doing o f Ihe 1-86 interchange,;e. the dispatcher said. Traftaftlc was tied up in ryjj adio stations KBAR and KZ[ZDX. this special fund-rail-raiser agajfi rfext both lanes until aboi out 7.10 p.m.. when thele eastbound lane TlThe project was Spookvil'ille at year. reopened, she said. The T westbound lane-wasas expected lo be the ' he Cassia Counly Fairgrouncnds on Dick Huizinga1 of Ihe radio sta­ reopened al about 8:45'5 p.m.. she said. Malllal|_oween. This same groupjp hnd lions w ent to thete HeyburnI plant - The driver was takenMl 10 C a s s ia M e m o ria l H ospi'Spital. she said. iis t IS first Spookville iwo yearsirs ago and suggestedJ theyl do thc Furtirer details were; notr available Tuesday evei^■ening. und md raised S7,000 for the fouounda- Spookville mgaiii;ain. After the tioion. n which makes wishes of ter- employees becaineme enthused, thc iiinally ill yoongsiers come trtrue. work began, He obtainedobi ihe fair- Minidoka offificers ask for supipport , "'i'iHeading up the fund-raiaising grounds for'the usei s e o f th e S im p lo t RUPERT - Law enrnforcenient ofUcers in M:Minidoka Couniy conommiitee were Randy a n d G ro u p . ------havc-joined-olhers-llircirougliout-lhe-slHie-and-nalilalion-lo help-keep ------M-laggie— a j Holm— and—K a r y l ------Already-plans-uis - u r e - im d c r - w a y ------dnmk and drugged drivivers o ff the streets and roai:lads of the counly, Yel'felverion, adniinisiralive a:assis- for a bigger and belterbet Spookville Lew Jones, safety o luit at the Hcybum planl. JElJENNIFER OUNCfVTh. TkTert g o fo r a h a y rid e a n di c a ro lin g a ro u n d Rupert M ayor Dvvininelle Allred issued a prod:iclamalion making tovi^n M o n d a y evening.eve a ll o f th e m o n th o f Deci.'cember dedicated to makinjling residents more aware of the problem ofol drinking drivers, IT"' — Records ofthe OfUcece of Highway Safetv. Idahiaho Transportation (Order yo u r lioUci d a y , 5 5 Department, show more)rethan 11,000 Driving UmiInder the Intluence pip.S' now! arrests were made by lawI; enforceiiieni during 199.1. l‘. I here were W. Minic(CO Jr. high honorIi roll (Pick up by 6 pm Dec. more lhan 1.700 aecideile n ts fro m D U ls w ith 85 fal;;a ia lilie s. 24 ____.The Timcs-Ncws- C om piled:d fromI staff reports PAUL - Wcsi Minip isjdciwiLii^,nr>;:.irimoiitfi:------h o n o r roll. L iste d below;low are ihe students who achiirhieved high grades. jj LaRocco drr e p s "Chic:ck tiere I r e s t a u r a n tT r 598 Blue Lakes Blvd.. N, • Twin Falls NINTH GRADE ^"^BAKERY?’"T 6 7 7 - 2 41 0 0 3 High Honors: Kolb for tti(tie latest I ollan Arritl, Courtney D. BeBell. Oscar J. Benavidez, 4 ______610 N. Overland*! ■ Cassic A. Bingham,n, JenniferJ Bradshaw. Tash:sha Bradshaw. Dustin M. federal * judgS® Mini-Casassia news Cahoon, Tara Crowthc/ther. Jeremy Egbert. Donov:iivan Hartley. Doug Jones. _____ lysonJoncsJosli-D-JD_Maavch.-Ryi»n-l5r-Monciir^;iirr-Ainy-Monsonr^cathei— | MOSC.S, B rid g c tic C.■. Nay.N Jared Paslay. Lot RaiRamirez. Reece 5err. Beih -nomineeTai‘it----- r — Taylor, ;Toni Tuckne D. Kraus. W endi Taylor. Api\pril Torres, Megan Twiss, RRepublican takeover of thll e U .S ; Kandicc W ilkins. Lis:Lisa Velasquez, Jaimy L, AiA d a m s . E ric D. B e n n e tt. SiSenate, his noniinatiit i o n o f i ) r e s i> s e s b y _____ ShannQn3ilton..Saralaruh J. HansL-n-Charli^-S—t»_M errcll,-Eric-Swensen.- -Lewiston• L anorney JolmI Tail' to .------Matthew Wagcman and Caleb Waite. serve as an Idaho federal•al j u d g e - a K . C l tthie i Xge Honors: Jason T. DieiDietz. Nathan Elheringlon, Ha;Hayme (Amy) Gil. Cynthia • ww ill b e d r o p n e d i ______------GoodwinrKrirHaynciy'ncsrJamic'JarolinrekTM iiuIilthew Lallman. SaFiiii 'T ve talked with thee W h ite McCombs. Sandy‘Moivlolina, Krisiy R. Pelerson.1. j A n g ie J . Z a n o tti. L aura III louse counsel.andJLis-ck:lc u r-th u i______^ ^ ~Cc'aron Alvarez, Aliza Brower.■er. Scott T. Hale. Angela HaiHarper. Mireya Hernandez, ththe president will not molo v e fo r- Daniel Naranjo. Franknk D.I Patterson. Jennifer Perrj;rry, Melissa Thomson and wward with a number of qqL u a lille d Willi • Stephanie A. Tliueson. judicial nominations, inci c l u d i n g ^ EIGHTH GRADE ...... John's, Jo because of opposisition in XO High Honors: Sarah•ah B elliston. J o d ie B. E ilers.rs. J.ulianne Greer, Joshua the th Senate." LaRoeco saiia id in a ^ssica------Hill, Ashley Johnson,n, Alissai Jolley, Emily Jonesnes. Jolynn Jones, Clinton news.release nc Tuesday afieri::rnoon, ' ^ / / ) Morgan, Zachary Palteriltcrson, Derek B. Petemian.1. Dodief Woodward, Sarah "I'm saddened for John, li^ n n Zcmke, Lanc Beaver,r, ChristopherC Daberkow, Jamames Dayley, Kaiie Frank, person pc and an e.xcelleni attorney.at: ^ J M l • Marie A. Graf, Kimbeiiberly Hadden. Karie Helle\\lewell. Erin Hoy. Lisa A. who w! along with his famin i l y h a s Jensen. Mark Kniep, ChChad J. Kunzler. Beihany MeVIcCall. Crystal McKenzie, waited w; patiently nearly tw & WOMENS Harper. Vicky F. Hill,I, Wendy Massey. Mary McG:Combs, Yvonne Morales, cIcclogged since ihen. Tiffany Pallerson, Sar:sarah Peterson. Lindsey Phi’hillips. Jared Pricc, Job Judges from other statese s h a v e Ramirez. Karla Vergnrajnra, Morgan W aite, Matthewlew Workman. Cassandra beb e e n a s s ig n e d lo Id a h o lcto h e lp J___ Carlisle, Xogan.Roberisom o n . A licia G. S n y d e r a n d JesseJe? Williams. ______w w i ith Jlie .b a c k lo g ______„_MEIRCSSHi o j ^ L |[^CIasslfied - 73: ON SALE $ t SotitHftingForEvaffomOirYoiir^t!~t01 —^Famoi)us-B rand- -MVxen’s-Suits— - FROM ^179 J 0 N S A J L E $ -| • i My[en!s SportcoE•ats FRPM 109 J J3H ■ O N ^A L E ! - 0^3vercoats ______FROM

WEDXESOAY.DECaUERr Furniluifl-Acplianccs-Tools- hique ■ JheNeVew 1# Smoke Miscellaneous-Twin F; Here! R ain b o w ve ^5““ 0 nelShil ; s « s ■ G i f t . S ■; Sa\ )n Flani irts “ H m BROTHERS AUCT t a ttta T ro u t TTJESOAr, DECEMBER itr.saxipm2tr, Priced ini n a ll r a n g e s Trout J«ky the Nui Household-Tools-Anlit f r o m . of Seafood, IheL T^taSIi ” SllN'l'!J)AMTOItt£Kt ^ Specialtii : 7«vin Falls Counly Faitgioiitgiounds i J “J V 6 6 0 H w y 30. Filor,ilor, ID 83326 • 2 0 8 -326-4363 AdvCtlisctTKnl*JanuOT22 1 - 8 010-654-8660 0 AU AMERICAN AIXniON Proo Convnnionco ^H CORNEIIA;R OF 13TH&0YFi II OVERUND « BlAllt - 2 2 4 0 I AS iURKY » 678-i e ft EJ B-4 Timos-Nows, Twin FoilFoils, Id ah c W cdnosday, Docorr:ombQr 14,1994 Club cal(ilendar

WEDNESDAYW ' ClcaMFotySoi'SaiiizCittma Ave Ave Al-Aaco ButleylrieyUcoaiCU Ad'lflccd and bcRinncr^ fromfom 7' Jttt„ itjpm j: AtUictica AKeysEU (Wu Wu|Vu) Oimicrjtni>iniiiniilhrteWai>ISai«»('c7i:n ■Mioi-Ctttit M Area Ntrcolici Anonymouaous-Duriey H 10 9 a m tt OrehinJJ ValleyVa Head Stan. 1998 tk* 7;30pn10 p m al pint Imenuie lUnk Conference Hiwiwn, Cad»'licPJndi Hall, 2l6Sec«)J Ave.Ave t in Jeninie ' Sii>9.1llpm alWtlVcf,2l^t,2l4Sh.nhcncSt. N CooingChifflbciflibtf ofCooBncroe Grouplcipcnmcclinjil Gmi] . ' lijjtun Ruad in Wcmlctl.II, FiFor more inforrtulion. ctll BtaleylrieyRcoryOub * Miaj-Cataia A/ta Ntieolieaict AaonymoutA l,..^c- in [»inl.ill< iilnliin H...k |<< .luj, >t IMit (hciland m Ituilcy.7 . ^orniore MvCnuj>53frMi6l. NooniiwniiHieleyInn im.>lintf mcetincl Aicoholia AMDysna Gooding SenioriorCitioQl ( infmmjl.i«i.cjll infmi tk 24-W l«*ne Jl MK.I331330 OuhldMadierorCcaBBasaa Casait«faNewDinctioeM(j»uppynpw4'f<»r indi.in V'^v Iwm 8 to 9 3UI p.m at 524 OnciJj m NiiDn. ).3() p m. SpiniUi u>caViii)i3^111)1 JI 7 p m. ofoJ X IJinnctjlniDnji Ntmbci Aoxyniciui ^ - -Nu.mit'nielluniePlileJle *■ * vidualvwki«.hoirej<*huniin|i» Ru(«t Fur more mfiinna:i.m. ailaIlthc24.h.Hirh.4|:ncj: the pm,alMjpcVUlc>icllhi[>lUll.Hill.Kt)| S.x,«IAve GoodingTOPS^KNoi^aV'^'’^ S<..n S, at .Mjiiic \jllcy Fcllcmvhrn Mj II.,80ISoi>nd 80 ElublSaaarCtsna 4300io6pm,aiC'olle(,-eofSouthcmlJjlio tn( Thenl«ei. 67|>-I3.»0 N r»tiiMtinf(»miliiin,call7Jt>fl)|KWIK SJOpmjiSfni.■MWi.fC'ili/cnvHuiUinit ’ Ave. Ave. N in Twin Fjllv l» m»re ui|»nrutH n»n and anilTis alat 6 p m, at ccntcr. nu cost1 lu111 llthe pjniciruni more mformjiinn. callall 1the NataWaAntrijinoui Akotiotici ABOi)anoui (clmolJmctlinp..nt>nunak', ma . iltgamuVtUcytUcySoiiorCaacr^ 11I,0..f UM) |.WXJ-32H.5:57. B ^ E b D o e s Ccmer for ISew Dittunci. ji 736-0070 or 733-9.U,4, CTl.e Nocn at Mjkk \'alt> Fcllowvhmwdiffllljll, HOlSa.nd iniiJkohiilN.tonl)rl Duinetal nummjtcentef Jl ClynicrfvenfnmiVam III NocoOa Ni Aocoynnui 8 pm. althclodRC. 4W, Ave. N. in Twin FjIIv. For rrviree inf.inf.TOuiKin. call "•(- 7,J(rpni iia.urcl.(iflhc HrtihmtihfcTi.'Uii filer Ave. 3pm 7 til H 3U pm Jl Wjllcr('enter. 219 St»nh(nhnne Sl N. Bistey InsnunisticD dinkOiai ‘ Qziitisrioisi Akdnl nd Omg RoDvoy Meeting ll«)orl-«l0.3:8-5257, w;inr»..nlill. iltileyR«ByarO«b n mT»' Twm I all> (<» ii»ire mfc»iiuiii«i. tjll 73C»1(■►llMi»|. 910 11:30 j.minthehurbaietnent of the Ciisia Counl> 7.300pm, pjr at257 Maui Ave. ui Twin Fillij neiticitui ' Nnot)caAacii)iacu AkohotoAiwijmou* Jt l)ca<.(in.in Illluci Kc^Uunnl 4l«M28-5;j7 Hia>-1 r Couflhouie For more mformjOTunin. call 678-8221. Iniley’s.■» FoFc« tnoe inftmuoon. call 733-3133 " p m JI Ooodinj War Memon,nnonji Hall Kor ir.m- i>-cll.m>h

Ta»ofl.U» mfoTTulwr. call 736-1160 <» l-Mt>-3:WO-32M2-': Sckc.N. NiMiitChifuJ V.VilUwHevUiuanl. Hpm.JlJ:')F.Sl Hi 7io8pm.jtWalierCcniCcnier. 219 Sho> 98 p.n m. at Wwley Home. 908 Maple St in Duhl,Du Nttcffy»oJ:> J flA[unmenu. :o;6 Oim>et jt m.mmanctMi* ji center. N,Ni.inji Hupen l:lb Gooding Optitnk Oubb 734.7242.!42. Sccnnd Ave S in Iwin Falls. For more1 inlnriiu;:, n. LIujkihlilvd h»n«rinf.mutK»i.cK»i.t^ll7340jW LkeraolPrKticiJsicajNumAJwditioB SeSerenily « Nooo Ij a»>n>Tii»u»iiticetin(!l itx 7pm.tlWoodHiverImiInn DiiabU■bUAaicncnVctomNo. 10 call 736-1160or l-8«»-32.'i-525r Alcoholici Anopymom 'On1 Ibetbe Edge- Jtekpot____ Ip,m_.'Litiniil(iflliloliJ Meniurial Ho»piHlijjcp!j>x____Ni_i'uun uniil I pm. jl,Mjyi.VjUcy.i cllo*jj«slup.lljlL -JaoaeSaBorCifnrr*— 0 pm at uU R i ^ Armory. 13 d> ani DJitrxlMl_____New POXBi fir Bctw RetKiciabxalaft______Hn>m mHupcn. Wll.S,UII .ScvonJ Ave. N m Iwinljllt Ihnncr al ni»n at seniorx'cenict. cei 7 pm. II Twin Fj IIs MentalII llcjHcjllh HuilJinkV <:.! 7 p m jr Hope l.ullictin Chuichlufch. Cjrtui I'ctc'i Uneobi AktdxiUcioUctAnooyinoui ______apcthpneOolden Yean Senior CitiinM ______LiaalaAkaialiciAiaeytceytncm ______Dinwrtmer tt prm at wnirr cmleT in l*lcn______Hamvoo St. ------riJT;jTj;v7irii.irr4:7«r?------Hpm jtSctmirCiir Cili/ctiv in SticnKxicr' Hi S n m. al Soucr Ciluerala UiUuildinglirSESfiooe FDcrKhrKhim CUi Al-Anca (KXHBnciki2«) - T-iiiFiUi FiUi N^VtJIeyDiE(M>licseOri<^Club TvTwin FtUt Scoia Citiara (%tcr m I ^ Valley in m -NoonHw H Filer L’tiittd -Matodui Ouirch.______? p m Jt llej.1 Slan CciitcT.;,:96 l ills-\vc_U.4,______.7 "i.pir.ai.Mjtic.V»llcyK«i;u«elIu»\Ain JIjII. 801 . 7.3Upn>. 41 M>kKW Valley llridge Cenier, !4A Fj IIc iJiiuKT l)i 41 nini. Fi< mfc iiifninjliua cill7,il7J4.50K4- - 7.30 pm II YFCA7175II75rni/Jbetji nivj.-in Twin racrSearSecierCtiBea Twin Fills. F.» more inr.xnuaon.(V call riun' Sun,-., Jl S^windAvc N.R»m«tinfi'OtuiK«i,c.k«i.cjII7J(-’706 Avc. Twin Filb Senior Chim C em Ftlli Dmnert:ner al noon tt Fikr Savor I lav cn 7Jft-30.'0 nuhlKrmiiDub Medictre And & J:l-Atrviw-OverftOai lUam Noo-vtrenuoi;uouv and nu Miai^teit Area Nancitiax«iaAaco>moi«(openmecl- Getmln il 12-«cp RectMty Piopsn RupslWwmia N.«m j! Rjn»>naHcHjuraj>i ForSeoi»Owa»■ charychaivc Fi»mi»einrOTUtuwi.cjll 734-5(184. inn) NoonXI to I pm. tt the tpocopal Chureh. Suth-am:an)l NounatRupenLIksLod|,-e UuUSascrCittaia l()>m.ii>4pm.am. at Minidiika Couniy Senior .Service. Hui93Upm. at 524 OniOneida ui Rupcn. For more Slim inJl Ri^ien.Ru This meeting is for any tvpe of addiidJic- Sotir River LicraOub I>ini« JI f».«i al jcnit* csnla. '02UUi!>l.inKiiscnJpCIt. SATURDAY ------— - tnfermalion. tail the 24.htwiufhntiinc«67H-l330 hi ------twiorwovnTOeryy ln c y jto ttg puMic. • - -.7pm alPckingKetuuraniuiT^uiT>mFal1v IhffSeyEIb MU-CutiiAnaAn* Ntnotie* Anenymoui - Rupert Alceholio Ai Anooymoia NsnbciAaoeyinoua GksnF Sifpcn Oroif forScajil TtBini'BsniVictimt Hpni ait.'KlcHlKc Qn*^> (open itieciinuituiK) .S'<»naikImHlni^ilil .S'.i Mapc \ ’alley Fcllowi.wvhip lUII, Noon Jl .Manic Vtlley FellFellowship Hall. HOI Second Dinnetiinet It noon tt Three Island Senior Center 7 p.m. fot location and mortc infuinformj!i.m. call 'liw BuricyKMoaChib 7toH:.’0pm..il524 Jt5 0ne»lj.Formc«inromuiKm. 80101 Scciind S Ave. N l iif mine inliimuiiiin,n, call< 736- Ave. N. in Twin FilH. Fcr[* mmore inrumuiion. call 736- Goodii« Ni»ii ji 1‘ncc't (jfc. 2«4 iUndA>e cjlllie:4l.wrb«Iin«Iine»t67)H330. WIH.‘>IH. IIMorl 100.328-5257 m. it Walker Ccnier. "'T iie Off PoiDih S o i ^ (TOPS)OPS) Na 256 HurfcyOftinw. MinidDkiCcumy:tmy Senior OliinnCawr AlcoboUcaAtaiyTKxa Ai NmstiaAiKiiytnaut x&igSaBarCitiiBa 6 pm. at Cania Count) School:ho.>l Distni't ollKein Ni>in iilluilcyJiin lintfl:ih tnd .Span!panikhcbuesUuKtilfroin lOio 11:311 .S’oin .S’«miaiiua,call 734-52-5222. -Av«.N, in Twin Fills. Fcrrmnrinunnanoa mt call 736- IntotSencRkaa&iiMkx>] Pn)tr 6v W orn TwiaFilliTOPSO-tttrNaS-k3 ■ Nn.inailh;llujtfyri>1 Sir ji nom al wnior ccnier. O wnttii Aaooymcu1 r- morem/ncmifomuacn.call BevctU Rhode* al 73444J5 , An)iine inlcicvicd m joining the ggroup to talc oii I (ipni jlM ip c^ k y Kcllwihiphip IIjII. Hill Second Ave. N. in Twin Falli.Falli Kor nun inloraiaiion, call 73^- Dooley Du Se&iarCtiBn 3:30 pm. It College: of Southern Idaho Desen JeroaieRme Rooty Chi 11 p m. tl senior ccnicr.cr. l!uiUinit.Roomll2. N call I NscodctAuxiyinoymoui.CBidJeligttKtetfaig Cocaine Co. A»»)inoua RicbfieklSaaorCianaa JooaeScae Setter Ctin> S00-932-«i77, A uippi«i |7^P r<>r people KiihhemuiKinaltucMor cnn 10 p.m. tt Mjk>i|iK>c Valley Fellowship Htll. HOI 5:30 5:3 p.m. at Majic Valley Fellowihipilljll, II 801 Lunch tl no.* it the Commxnmimiy Buildng. Dinner 11 Twin Ftib Senior QaaatCentasto luniuiii. nictltx 7 pni in Knnn II]I IJ IIii the Collep (ir Secmd Ave. N. in TTwin Falu. For mure infomutiim. Seci'nixi'nil Ave. N. Fur mcirt infonTuiion.call 736-«16-0918. Rif]olAksbolkaAaai)iDoyiDoui Kciduathflo-Sua VtSey Rcory ciiib Dinner ai nooa For more tnfomuix»nui>on.caI1734.?ii\4 S(Hill><.-nildil.i/^]!uiMnK cain36.MM.if |.K•800.J28-5257,0( Goodisg Go. Alcofaolia Anoejmout (a puhkk 1infixma- Hpm. ti429f. St IMOpn0 pm. It Louie's Rolaunnt ui Kctchisn WaxkDKiwBiaCU) FikrSaiicfChizea ' OptBaMdubefTOfTwin F t n » ______nmcctingl ______5awiiy.K NoooUwmov['otK'}«nonupouuiKeui&)______Uhc/jxeAcofOaM Forpvoe* A«>ucttbaiiy(• MipM NuUMtCavtAi'v Mesic*nFr"3d-p klru\^n. ..',1 JwLn.« ,1,, .1 nnoo-«t------Nona* Mmthnij fi n ni ttr.»'»iin(! C.i«ffiJ«*ive Jiffy K.«im. Noon until I p.m. tt .MjjactJgic Valley Felk)w»hif liall. port pwip) hilnSCTiixlJJ^ R nw tmmimtnrijzmoQCliDic Mtpc Vtlley O a t Oub 801 Second Ave. N. in TwmtfiFtlls. Fa 7toH:3CT w p m at Faiih Chapel. I) and AJarasIS ini (his njbhc senKC aJumn isI tJev)dev)sinJ fi> jnnmjiiv Ooo&g OnroB i ADaoymuI 4.Jt)lo6:30pm..1 m. II Minidokt Giuniy CixinluHive. (.(• teii/'Ux-i«^'j“ith 1 Noon tl M a^: VtlleyVt Fellc>v.^hip Hall. KOI .Sctund MtiMtfic VtDey DifOkxe Brid^ dub 436-9‘>35or436-J935. xbcnkBoteiizvaitM niaOin <1>) and ucdfil m l linieleofAenken/V-n.*).! ofB tUg^wViO^S^ Con Av«. N. For more infwinfumul>(».catl 7.<6./name of JI ciniiinoct pcr-xMi'tV Ccnicr frun y Ssutxtn IditelOiyisdLetbisiAlliaDOE Oq Mil lui-DuiIey 1 p.m. tt .SSagic Vtlleyey Bridget Ccnier on Fallt 360Sh^^ahcme Street !iast. Tma-SoKX P.O /Jot MS. r-in fa/ S ’.-o.!. Mccti every otherither Thunday at t tncmbcr'i home. Gtno(TOflK^ien iTReting) Avenue aciovj fnm the Coll^-«H^-eofSouthcmldaho. Ma^VtX ViOey Siaglei Square D n e CU) artcn(i.n C7uh Cjkahr. The JaJIinenine is n.»n.\fi»i.ti,. ' Winnerilnoon.FcrmoreinlTinfomuiicti,call7J4-50K4. — ------JotlmeOpdmiaaulj------SouhenUiboPsiiPsaaifi>a^]drca(t»iprun|7oup NotNocotiea AfCBymxi Twia FansSeskraiiBaCa C d W «>..)dom.alK:>tlolnn. rurotVnivrparaiu)M N,.,Ni»ntl Mipc Vtlley Feltowihip lltll, KOI:01.Sccond litcieisc - OverWai lOarOam-Non-itienuousandno ^ - ^o^SoaorCitfaiia 7:3d nm. tl Fii«nt llaptinI Church. 910 Shovhonc Sl. Ave.,e. N.N in Twin Kjlli Fur m.« .n/.«njl«i. c I I. ctll 736. chvve. Fur more infomubun.rn.call734.50S4. c .« DinnciV nooi tl l)ie taiw ccwtr,I. ElnTunnFtlli. 116060.tf or I-800-328-5257. WsaUlSenkrCiliiBSI i.'-SOClLlTSIi M O K l N G r SteU tbC U)1) NetNtrcodca AfionytDOut [>inncr al noon al lenior centeenta on West Avenue A. '■ v '^ 1 A diet ebb. thiilil {group mctutl 1:30 pm. al the 7 7 toto 8:30 p m. at Walitr Center. 219 Shoihoo^oneSlN. YouthuYoub V•:i^Oup&a)DridgBaub'l i ' leniorccntCTinlligetngetnun. in Twin l alli. K«c more in/.imutiiin. call 736-11(•llftOwl. 7 10 8:30 p.m. at KMV:MVT Communiiy Room. l n tn. a NUg>c\»llcy nt^djc Comt,«cr. 246 Ftll. A vc. T «a Ftlk lOwmiivn O ii) XOO-32>0-328-5257. bvcryme it welcome. For meremn infflnratioa call 734- ^ E E D T O I CO S B W E I C j l ; M i^ V4l^ Pedik fit Pm I bnateEseeSodeCy NuontiTurfOtA.liA. NNenticair Aaooymoui - Fieedooi Graup 9363 or 543-5939. y ii 7:3l) p.m. il Collie o( SouthernKm IdahoI Shieldi Twin Filb Optimiflimtaaub 7pt7 p m. at Magic Vtlley Fellowihip IIj II. BOI01 Second ______Huililinj;Roky / WhbingSarFiMni)xmdritn NooiNoon tnd 7 p m. at Mjgic Vtlley Felknnhi;ihiplUII. 7nm.ttSt.auilciParishfiih Hall cn FinJ Street. For W ednesday,!f, Dcccmbcr H th / 7:30 p.m. tl Sodbtodbuiier RoUunnl in Twin Fallt. 801I ^Second Ave. N. For more inflation, ctcall 736- mc«t mfocmilion.eall7ia-tA821682. / Noon alMj^VilV? Fellow^n IUIitlC SOI Second New mcmben weleot:lcomc. For more inromutiun. ctll 0918.18. - AkDtoiictABoytau 7:00 p.m.n.'IOiOO p.m . Av«.N. in Twin FalU.\w more ln/c1 Ih; Ttm (h^tiir^udi.'jdt.9IOSho>hone Sl N. in Twin Ftllt.; ' - Alco/Mcoholict Aaoayaoui “On the Edge*-Jackpot Ji AkoholiaAioijnoui ______n s o R [ .icLtkf-s b Rlvii N o rth ______St F*ni. Vk Saw cm ------Nuui until l'|i.iii.ilOoiy FRIDAY 7 7 p.m.p.r tt Hope Lmheisn Chutch. Cactuius Pete's ElitabcthUlviiFormoreinfurmSmuM^SinSwa*'” O n l y ‘ 19J ppr at the diwr Memben' bonet. For nocc i&fbmuzmttioct. call 487- AMaoa-OuU1 TmlaPiia Pt* in Jackpot. Nc»_ .. OesnsngA«aiaSinglea(aciI (activity gm^ for area tijv M31 re»bvtetiinChufch.5l6h!JinSl.Fof PuhlSenfarfsArra Buhl glea) ver 20.000 ii>JivtJu;.U liavc atleiidcd RiVCRAkdetoAinvfflim J i s r s aallM3-5792cr736-2706. Polluck Pollu dinner and locial hour tl I p m. tlIt senior For more information, writewriti lo: Beginning Again Noobii4MF.S>., . . AMioi-SicphtaMcaiag center, Sinslcs.P.0. Box 818. TwiniFillilDa3303. Fill " "lil ‘ P[viwertiil cl.iu cunJucicd hy LX)ii Noon il Wtlerr CeCenter, 219 Shohone Sl. in Twin Minl-CuiU Mini An* Nareotiet Anonyiwui'ua(opcn ^ U isR o tity C U ) SpCIKtciKcf.CHt.. President of Hypnotism . 9u>llu>.ttMuadakiCauaiyColy Counhouic. For Filli. For more tftfomuinnttion.call736-2(n6. smoking*ing meeling) 7 am at Weiton Pica HoleHotel & Cnnventior Cenler. Intemjem.iiion:i1. Lcum to use the pnwet of. n m iafcnmiicii. caU 4J6.71U. AM m-W nkUl 7 10 8:30 pm. at 524 Oncidt in Rupen. FotFor more 1350 Blue Uka Blvd N. ?s Ufg'tiflHftCtWEtffTRAmiHfttftlHC______s. SpmttOntlLuhLmhenn Chuch. 1752 Soxmd Avt infotmac«mati«. e^l ihe 24-hoilr Imtliitt »i 67H-1330,la______ftirtttA)«totaABiijnB ViXirsulvconvfira tbe Ed|e~ Jickpot 7J0{? JO p.m.. with plis-cn from 0-50 muttr point] TT73 We’ve (K______SurrftmorHxae 10 phy tt die htagtf Valley ltmlgt.Cgi!i3'^4< ------l2io lpmHWilbrCcner.2l»Shi.9ShQriw>;St.-N. ^ ^ ^ n w 'U o p e LuiiLutheran Church. Caciut P^T i AvT"^An uatmctor vnll be present lo help the r -JbGei3tMoTe~0oaIity,'^K inTwtnFilk TnilcrPtridnJKl^twtNev. pUjtrwiww^bickfe^^playing problom. TMBSuffienQroop BtiilSatkxabn 4 pjn. tt 200 Ovotnl Ave. bl OwieOuriey. Fidlitttcd DisQaunaaniticnItouarctffer. 8:30i:30 a-m-1 tl Sun Oub, Sccond Street E. For aad£om[ort:^ ------by KiiW Cliri.ly.-M:A.rba1y P R e c l i n t .M om. Fte nm tafoRMSicn. oO Onoytioyti I 677-4723. HkrScriorQtiawBM .8pjn1 pm tl Senkir Citinn Center on Main Sm* . - TcaSqva'tOnii - DiaKrtt6 pjn.itFinFiteSeoiormvai. • .mocc&cckfomaaoii.(^l7H463l or 736-2706. r fh I 4»5(un.iBWinirCe«r,219SIa}S>aihoneS(.N.tD {&i»lShPSNo.©l79 AMt S $299 'TMiaFilli. -- ______IOi.m.tmtre«We lUtod Senior Cenler. For mote 8I p.m.p.ir at Saior Cilttcn Building on Noitl: 'neWdUtOeop infonnitloa ctll 366-7^7461 or 1-800.932-8677 for t~ ' StTvetet FotFi a m inrormation, call 5^.7802 oc _ R e _ c l i m 7JOtun.(tlOO&32}EFGrmccttnrc«tnfoniM>an,cil] clxMiayowBca. 5. 436-49IS. . . 0 «&«RaByClli Uwea 7 ' -MBMkUcnaDb 2:ISpjasLiDcsb)lsbilm. Sto6I to 6 pm at Witter Cenio'. 219 Shoihooe St 99 ■ : NoaaitWcsaBllnHctdeidOmiW tkB Center. Oo^Scsicradti3dm i Twinn FillFalls. 'U»BhBLikaBM.R Dukc it 8 pm uueeottr. e Music by the Old Time Akofa^kdatiaAiMiynM r - IMaFlDiRaHyarii FkkOcn. * Noonjoon tnd Sptnish ipetking tt 7 p.m. tl K >: NMOB-nifCU>.UsclibUfaticftuMinliticm- H ^e o m V il^'SodorOalcr S a . Vtlleyey F, 1 -benoToteeUa. DimiiixxBUcaicettB.Centerppcn(hxn9un.io infotmttiination, call 736^18. r- IWtaMbaiBierCklmCte 3pm AlcobUcobolksAaaaytaaB ? : Diaacr«BeoaForBetglD&nwiaB,aOB. c*H 734-5084. JtraaoAitQuad Nfoon m uotQ I pm M ChcRyvraod AptntMMs, I- -MaFkDiScaiorQinCkett . IpmMJcrotwFUil(WieUtntyMcetbgRoaRi Biabeth■beib Slvd-For mott Enfamttion. c^734459 t - EwdM>Ovw£0«t0uD.NaiHiR> k m m a C U m kle«boUcs AaaayBoua-Oa tlM Edts* Jk g , -^mFcTBmiBteaiincanTM^-SOH ^ DboiritBoaeKKs!icclarwma. Onop MMTonmso pbatBdil^CU) NooaJwa it Hope Luihent) Churtb. dictus P Rm Sl R ^^30^eMik\|lcVilleyBrk]|eCa«r.246Fias TnilerPi lerPai1cbJicipo(.Nev. g _ ;:Naoa«Oww'>MakMFoerl. t e l ' ' ‘DBOSDA.Y M*dfltaAac^m Tulsa Recliner >299 r - NoaBi>)iaiJia.«FlaiFmb)icriatriaa>nb,209 ■ tenaiBUixii»- CalphaloniLRS I Non-Stick Coiookware i . s - H S S s -— ______n ^ c d T M - u s m Hollywood ; Nminl«lpB.fernai^i^Vl. fi ' ■ guJm^al^almeofof •699 ------peribmutnce. ------^HoJlywoodR}d RedinerJ4S9^ _ Dawson Rediminer’329^ J Wd in i n e e ; r '3 7 9 u C T ts n ~ '■ Choose 'MMJL Qlm K ^YourStiie. aH'teLv.' ' TlradiOona'al,..:. H ContempQloraiy ■ ■ Calphalon 8 Pie•iece LRS orCoimtP,^ ' . . . .-'i*,iiji'iH Non-Stick Cookkware Set J ’ ■ DaytonRediRediner’37911 Hartford Redimirm *299 CanOnidgeRedmerHner’419 •• .;gKt.v Omd ette^^^i^m s^ th 4. RecilnasBx8 Bvm Flestccl oircr UfcUm WairantyonUraayCuiNons.\Vi i ------Fleiet^SelSeot^xing.-Pteci^} ww/ Fhim ond \kdmlstni—i-'------K § 9 lv '' 2 9 T ' • )■ Free WBozzun' O ' S 6 Monthiths Delivery to W FURNITURE ANO APPIVUANCE Same!/\S A Magic and ^^^SHOSHOHEjW AI M i f i f i , iIplulonLRS CashIhi cipi ( IVoocTR/ver m ipPF.. Non-St^itkk^^at^ ’ ______Valleys 213 S. RAIL- 8 8 61-7774-: _ _ M.T^ •1-800-953-240-04. . , S g g g . | ...

M .iln A V e .W . • W 5 4 7 7 ardware I' >6 q r I » Specctacialar]holicia y dlessei;rts _Retiim tc0 traditioins_goneb)y-w iththiiis-year-!s-CChristmass teeats— ■ — - ...... I ------]'-hu-holiday^-;jrtf-it-tiniiinK"-for-iriidiiiotis—fc;- - '*- = ^ T ii ____ passed .dow n. I hrough_iliL’he_.i;enerations. Family and friends gaiheIther to.participate in lim e-lionored celefiraiirations ofdccoral- ,, ing lhe iree. lighiing thelie iiienorah.i hang* seasiiOn for ing m istleioe'and waitiriling tireathlessly -..—3 fo r th e a rriv a l o f Sl. N'icIs'ick. Creating ex- '^ 8 tra-special desserts is alsoalsi a long-siand- " ^ ^ 5 ing holiday tradition. craniiberry In Victorian limes, candles ca glowing in the windows welcinrrotned \ isilors to ______------iho-good cheer and dedelicious foods within. This year, lightII lhI e c a n d le s a n d Tec welcome home everyomone w ilh Choco- ^ K 9 laic Pecan Cheesecakee with v Raspberry By Denise Turpcj•per Sauce. Fudgy Chocolate IVcan liars or H I^H Timcs-Ncws writim tc r • Chocokne & Cherries LayeredLa; Dessert. Some holiday rituals evolved c during TW IN K.■\LL^.LS - Il's cranberry (he mid to laie ISOOs. m le a v in g irTcadrm nnnriirnsk": ------sptfcijil-conftfctions-for-i)r-Sania_Qaus_nn_F^^B iny for a rcoipce she> had clipped I'rom Chrisimas Eve or deeoraiiraiing the Christ- I^ S R j Tlic Timcs-N'cvvsws and misplaccd. mas (rec. Surprise Sanla and his efves ■ It was Ibr low-nv-caloric Jcll-0 salad wilh glazed Easy Lemonon Crutiib■ Bars or K fl|B iik iiIl* w itli ciiLTryrry gelatin and cranber- classic lioliday Pecan Cake. C; .And for a rie s . special ireal a’fier decoraorating your tree, , [•loisc N cabryiry uf Twin Falls lo ihe serve a colorful Chocolaolaie Peppermint B& Sin L o g . Make this year's holid.ilidays traditional ...... “ H o p e th is rcciiccipc is the rccipcihai and festive-with luscioirioiis hotiicmade w a s a sk ed fo r."■ slishe wrote. desserts shaped by the handsluu and heart. jP p

R A W C R AANBERRY N SALAD CHOCOLATEE PEI C A N ^ 2 p;ick;igcs Clici'lierry Jell-0 CHEESECAKEKE WITH I yrotinii orangenge I cup Jiccil ccicrelcry RASPBERRY' SAUCES ■ ^ 1 I eup diccd appiip p le s J i m u i A . ' ■■2 cups groundd ccranberries rich, dense chocolatelate lining with a K fH fl i S ' j v T 1 3 cup choppccp e d niKs pecan and graham crusi andat a glistening raspberry sauce Dissolve Jello0 iiin 1 cup boiling wa- ter. Add 2 cups i V‘ cup grahnm crackerr cei ru m b s is ice waler. Stir until fw p ,. * -w-j.wRjWf|R2 dissolved. AddId ifruil and nuis and >1 cup pecan picces. loa^lo a s ie d a n d lln e ly ' .'j4i pour in a moldId ior casserole dish. c h o p p e d Chill uniil llrni. ‘A cup linnly packed brownbro sugar _ t'; cup margarine or bullmncr, mol.al, di- TradlticElonal holiday treats suchch as these can be fun to make and delicious toI e a t . . _ _ - Newhry ; v id e d ry also sent in another • ------A c hhewy e bar cookie-thaucax]lUHibines - eup-un.sweei>’eetened cocoa 1/3 cup unsweetened coi I'avorile gclaiin salsalad recipe. cocoa sweeten-•ned condensed milk, deer;ep. dark 2 lablespooii:ons margarine or butter. c h e e s e . md.a|.M cl,v pccims. ______m e lte d ______EASY LEMi M O N so fte n e d R E D H O O T J E L L - 0 2 lablespoonsins waler - e R tfM BBARS ^ ------I (14-ounce) cun swiiwcetoned con* | ^;i,p 'i cu p K cd lloi)i’s i’s (c a n d y ) p unsifted (lour ]V: teaspoonsns vanilla■ extract dcnsed milk (not evaporal<■ruled m ilk ) ^.i,p Dissolve in 1 cupi boiling water, ip unsweciened cocoa 2 (3-onnce)) packagesp cream cheese. Quick and easy delicacicacies made wilh •4 c e g s Add I small box,)x C h e rry J e l l - 0 . A dd 2 /"? cn;iip sugar so fte n e d cake mix. lemon puddiiJding and sweei* 1 tablespoon vanilla exit:xtraci ,^.as P'; cups applcsamauce. Sel half in a tial iispt>on sail I («-ounee)-•) c< o n ta in e r f r o z e n n o n -, ened condensed milk. I c u p ('A. pint) whipupping cream. ^up ______casserole dish. p colli m.irgarine or butter: r d a iry w h ip p e dd titopping, thawed — w liip p o d ------'l o other half,If. add I package of ------i-C g g K ------LOD .U-mine I 1(1 Xl^-ounce) nackui’kune lemon cake Additional pecuns croani cheese and cup of niayon- I ( 1 44-ounce) . can sweetenecled con; cake, ihawcil,. CUIci v e rtic a lly in to th ird sJ m ix Raspberry Snuce naisC'Und mix wellvell, d e n s e d[ milk n (not evaporated milk;ilk) ___ Ihen sliced H c u p v e g e ia b le oil - Dieeleupccleclery- and 'A c u p n u ts. ]'/: leeaspoons a masle (lavoring5 ’ I (21-ounce):e) can cherry pie lllling. I e g g Preheat oven to 300 di M ix . ) degrees. Com- 2 c u pfis s pecan halves or pieces chilleed pe ca n s------—denscd^milk (nol cvaporatoratcdniilk) — margarine-Press-firmly-or•-o n -b o tto m ‘o f V; p T c h i^ ------n n iL C .e lc o ro v cr’lrifird'then r’ it pmiiMlie eal oven to 350 degrees. In Ir large Additional whw'hipped lopping 1 (4-serving size) pack:tckage lemon lla- inch springform pan. Combine Co cocoa bowl, ci: c h e e s e m ix tu re ov«over top. Lel sel in re- combine tloiir. cocoa, siigiiigar and Pecan halves vor pudding mix (not insun sta n t) and remainmg 'A c u p m aargarine, rg stirring salt: cut (riyerator unlil Iinlirni. about I hour or It in margarine unlil cruniblib ly . S tir IK' teaspoons gratedted lemon -rind until smooth. In large mixnixcr bowl, beat in I’beat ------liiorOi------a te n e g g . In medium saucepan, sai combine sweet- Lemon Glaze cheese unlil fluffy. Add c< J cocoa mixture: i>rcs5; cevenly inurl3-by-9-inch-lh-baking—cncd-condcnsed- ed-milkrcocoa. margarine mix well, Gra'dually beat:ai in sweetened pan. Bai Irene Baltzer of Twin Falls sent in :ik e 25 minuies. Meanwhvhile. in and waler. Preheal oven lo 350 dejdegrees(325 de- condensed milk unlil smoitiooth. Add eggs m edium a suggestion foror llie rcquesl we've ni bowl, beal sweelenedicd con* Over low healieal, cook and stir unlil g r c e s f o r g la s s d i s h ) ,. liiIn la r g e m ix e r and vanilla: beat well.. Pour P inio pre- densed r been running Ibrbr recipes using sun* milk, remaining I egg andar Ila- margarine is meittelted. Remove from heat; bowl, crtmbine cuke mix,nix. oil and egg; pared pun. Bake I hour>\ir or until .sei. voring: . dried tomatoes. ; siir in pecan halves. Pouour over stir in vanilla,la. Cool, in large mixer be:il on medium speedd uuniil crumbly, Cool. Chill thorpughly,ly. Just before prepare She suggestss wwriiing to Timber •ed crusl. distributingg pecan| bowl, beal diceseese unlil fluffy. Uradual- R e s e r v i n g \'/; c u p s ccrumb r u m ixture, ___servj^, ^ with whippecped cream; gar- halves e’ - C r c s i - l - a r m s r ‘^-791 e v e n ly , B a k e 2.S m in u ie:s s longerI ly beal in choco.)colate mixture unlil well press I remainder firmlyly ion bottom of 79i-Dr>-(?reclc-Road;------nish with adUitionai pecancans. Serve witli or until' il golden, Cooi. cut info:fiTba rs, ■l)It!rdCd:"ch I ll‘ lIO'miiimesrI‘oId-U 0 rcups~;—grcascd-l-3-^by^M Tictrbrrbaklng-panThi ------Iloaldsburg. Calif:lif: 95AAH. Raspberry Sauce. Refrigcn •crate leftovers. Store’tigightly covered at room tempera- ten whipped toppin:)ing into chocolate mix- small • mixer bowl, boutit s\sw e e te n e d c o n - ••'I'liey h a v e seveirveral lealleis and also Makes one 9-inch cheese ■esecakc. ture. tu re. densed milk and puddiidding mix until publish a 156-pagcage boolv — 'Sonbmir Raspberry Sauce: In sm small saucepan. Makes:s 24 to 3f) bars, In 3* lo 3K--i|u-i|uurt glass serving bowl, :s m o o th . Dried Tomato} Cookbook.’”C she combine 1 (10-ounce) packagc pac thawed ------layer lialf the cacake strips ihen half the ■ ' Stir in rind. Spreadd o over prepared w ro te . frozen red raspberries in syrup, : vl cup 0 ljr lOCOLATE & CHEIER “ cliocolale mixturture, Top.wiih cherry fill- 'crust. Top with reserved:d ci c ru m b m ix tu re , red currant jelly or redJ raspberryn jam jnpT ing then remainiiining 2 cups whipped top- ^Bake 20 to 25 minuiestes or until set. R e q u e s ts and I tablespoon cornsturclurch. Cook and KICo LAYERED DESSE s ping. Sprinkle;le with I cup chopped |Cool. Drizzle with Lemonnon Glaze, Cul If anyone hass a special recipe lo stir until thickened andnd dear. Cool. ------. p e c u n s . ih e n reirreinuining cake strips and 'into bars. Slore covereded at room tem- share, particularly•ly for the holidays or C h ill. A d e c i cadent irifle-like creatiition ol chocolate iiiixtiiiUiire. Garnish wilh addi- 1 pcrulure. — ------for-S»pcr-Bowl-tiil-tinic.-pleusc-send-ii Makes aboul 1 1/3 cups.IS. pound Cicake, rich chocolate pud'Adding, lional whipped M akes 24 lo 36 bars. a lo n g , led lopping and pecan ------c h e r r y Ifilling. goUlen pecan*ms and |,;,|vc.s. Lemon Glaze: In smalnall bowl, com- . FUDGY CHOOCOLATE " h i p i 's dd to p p in g . Chill at least 5 bine 1 cup confectioners';rs' sugar, sifted, Requests for rrccipes e t or recipes to I 5 hours. Refrigerate lefl- • o v e rs. wilh 4 to 5 teaspoons waiwaler and lea- should bec sents< to Recipe £.v- PECAN BAI ______, | | . j . 1-oiince) can sweeteneded con* Makes 10 toI 12 servings, .■spoon grated lemon rind;d; iimix well. cluin^c, Denise TiTurncr. The Times- d e n s e d mmilk (not evaporated milk)Ik) News. P.O. Box: S-18.5- Twin Falls. ID P l e a s e s e e5 DEDESSERTS/C2 S33O3-0S4S. Please includc'c name,n address and ■ pbonc'ntimbcr. Holiliday !heese foimduejus st can’t missn %endtcoo m ^ ro iimtheSvwiss — memlories ion B e a n ______■ N e r e jis s Landwehr's recipo Ibr• classiccli' Swiss h II (I T i m e^ewVcorrespoTide ^ “ To'ndue, " Chestnuts roastinj ting on an open fire? S\SWISS CHEESE FONDUEJE O r S a n fa 'C la u s o■n n tlthcTooftop'.’ B r (9 'TWIN'IN FALLS — During thee holidayh season. Servess 4*1 W hat's your fa\favorite Christm as ' Landwehr treats her friend'tids to iraditional 1 1/3 popounds gruyere cheese m e m o ry ? W\\ S w i s; - Chrisjmas c cookies andd alla winicr long. 2 c u p si dryd white wine Tell us-your story:ory, in 200-words'Or------h'd”Iier’lnisband. Liulwig.L!. entertain i wilh 2 lo 4 lalarge cloves garlic le s s . e p a rlies. I tables].•spoon cornstarch W e'll prim soinome of them in ilie ley lell me I make liie bestlesi foiulue." she 2 jigccr':rs kirschwasser or vodka Chrisimas I:vo edilid ilio n o f The Times- D ash <)f,)f n u tm e g News. h good reason, The LandwcKvciirs were'born • Dash ofif freshly ground pepper ------^ S c n'd ”s I or PelT I b~DrDiTnise“TurncrrT/ifc* in SwitZ'ilzerland, where fondue origirig in a ieir RTib” !)!!;nsi’de of earthenware or CorningwareCo P .O.0. . Uox 5-IS. Twin TimcS'Nens. J J , L anidw'clir d v explained thai. inn 1i het lionicland. casserolee 'with garlic. Pul garlic through thrc garlic Falls. ID K3303-0.‘!4 • fonduee isi a social ritual, prepatcated in the pres* press andd a: d d 10 w in e . G ra te th e ciheese h e e and tni.\ P lc iis c in c lu d c: niname, address and e n c e o f g u e s ts a n d e n jo y e il wiv iiliil' the help of ilie cornsl;starch well into it. Heat thele wine slowly phone ninnber. ‘C p le a saint n t conversation and glasses■es ofi white wine, and bringg ir 10 a boil. Then start adding adi grated Stories musi be)c received : by Dec. ■ W h en thlhe pot is bubbling lightly.y. i each jierNoii in c h e e s e , a.1 Ihandl'ul at a time. Slir ilI wilhwi a wood- 1 9 .' tu rn speipears a chunk of bread, geni:eiiily switliiig ii en spoon1 iin tlgure eight fashion until unti cheese is C:i in melielied cheese in a figure eighighl piitierii unlil melted. AiAdd niore chcese. The mixinixiute should _ -• suitablyly c o ale d . ne\er boil,lil. When all the cheese is melled.ir sea- ■ iss Ira d ilio n sa y s w h o e v e■r r ilrop^iil iiis bread son wilhI ;ia dasli.of niKineg and fresiIreshly ground fondue pot must suffer ihcthe loss ui' lurn. pepper anand- add the kirschwasser,icr. Place the f-a lady, nnisi kiss every marnan at the table." casserole; ion an alcohol biirriCr thalII c.TnCJ b e reg u - Hom e & Garderd e n - C 3 - 5 ■ L a n ' j wvehr d said. "If a man, he: mustm share the lated, withilh the llame just high enoujn o u g h 10 k e e p MIKESALSDl5DUnvm>« Tlm»» Newi .COSl Ofthe f tl wine,"

t» ^ * -t)’ C-2 Timcs-Now3. Twinn Falls,Fi Idaho WodnostJay. Docoocombor 14.1994 GIVE' A T A S T E ( ^ Food I[DAHO b y g i v i n g t s - ^ F o m Desserts i d u e _ ^ ____ — ^------. (Old-Fashioned Conlinued from C1 Conlinuedd fromfi Cl . NMakes about '/i c u p . Im m ediatelyly turn cake onto I Quick Glaze: Preheat■at t)venx to 325 - i . l about 1/3 cup. ^ towel generousiisly sprinkled with I degrees-Grease 10-iiich n hnmcdorrcs- E confectioners”s” sugar,' Peel off ■ ular tube pan. Sprinkle ■ CHOCOLATE :fc will, Z-cup r i A S S - foil; beginning: atai narrow end. roll m lliiely chopped peeans.. In large mixer ^LM OOSSIC HOLIDAY m eat products PEPPERMINT LO______up cake with1 ttowel jclly-roll ^ bowl, beat ehee.se. m argairgarinc, sugar. PEC=CAN CAKE — • Smoked Hams OrOrder nt our booth ut Rivcrwenrmenrin i the . fa s h io n . vanilla, cinnamon andJ nuni tm eg until ------A cocoa-rich sponge cakt Lvnwixiil Shopping C cnter A '^’”1 Cool thoroughghiy. Unroll cakc; * • { lludy. Aild eggs, one al a • Sm oked Turkeys'^ III a lime. bcai. ra-moist holiday cakc a sweet pepperniini (llling; toppedti remove towel. Dk. 2nd through 23rd ■ . —ing welt alkr each addiliuIilioii. Combine with a chocolate glaze Hours: .Mon.-Snt. 9:30nm-6;00pmBpm cs, inuraschino cherries V ""J Spread willilh Peppermint • * Canadian^ Bacon H< flour and baking po\vdi:r. crunchy peppermint candy.' Sunday lliOOiim-SiOOpm cr. Add 10 bai- „„d clloppcdled pecans. ‘ ' Filling; rcroll. ler. mix well. Slir in cbopfloppcd chemes . • New York Steaks • .\IVKSuill ,i» ofifun Placc on servirving plate, scam-"' - ..— ^ _ ___ and,coarsely.choppcd.peI.p«ciins. Pour. —4 .e g g s ,-s e p a r a te d ______-•-Avonmore Cheese— ^ ineiy-chopped'pecans ------hTde (IbwnTTop'jp with Chocolate — Maitic Vnlley " 1 1 into prepared pan. Bake I I '/: cup plu.s 1/3 cup sugar Kehnbilitation Scn-iccfl, Inc. S “l”' ” . j I (8 -o ujnec) tii package crcam y ______Cila2c..Chil]____L. • Gill Packs & More! " S^i-teaspoon-vanilla'cxtracr --734-1112 fe Garnish as dcdesired. Store in '------near cenier comes oui dck o n . Cool 5 ■"'I’ c u p * ^ V: cup unsifted flour largnrinc or butter, .soft- refrigeraior. minuie.s.' 1/3 cup unsweetened coco. • 1 1 h I°° MakeslOuii;12 servings. M»oi-tiiorough- I v;.-cups-siirs u g a r------_ J 4 J c n s p 0 o n_^b a k i n g _pj w d e r ly. Drizzle wiih Q uick Gla:Glaze. Oaniisli | k ,e„.,poc '/> teaspoon baking soda loons vanilla extract Peppermint Filling:Fi In small as desired. Store tighllyIly covercil al | k, icaspoc '/• leaspoon salt >oons ground cinnamon - ^ mixer bowl, bcale a t I c u p p in t) If You W erej A room temperaiure. 1/3 cup water ('/: )on ground nutmeg am to sofl peaks, Makes one ‘10-inch cakc..ke. Peppermint Filling whipping cream Q uick Glaze; In .small t A d d Vi cup conl'inl'eciioners’ sugar. Times-New lil bowl, com. , 2 cSp., onsinsifted flour Chocolate Glaze vs ^■^7 bine I/; ciipseonfcctioncrs y-.cup crushedI hhard.peppermint .e.sugaiand joons baking powder 2 lablesp<«)ns milk: m ix we teaspoon pepper- incc) jar m araschino Preheat oven to 375 dcgcgrccs. “ "‘‘i” Subscriber, M akes about ;• cup. ng pan m '"! «*lr.a=l andnd red food color- cherries, wcla*ll drained and coarse- -ine 15-by-IO-inch baking ? eai u n til stilT. 1 (about K- cup) 'y''k'ith alum inum foil, extenending '"B 'f Y o u C o u l d CHOCOLATE PEPPERMl arsely chopped pecans fO”bil 1 inch over ends of pan; Chooolatc Glaze: Gl In small ' la z e ______iLloyrouslv Krease foil.______^.Wd'SlIra— ‘5uick-0la, •“U ) ^ i r e ; i i r m e 1l" 2 ------sweel pcppemiini tilling lof In large mixer bowl, beai;^7^sajiK pann>rer-Ii — Have-Savec!d chocolate glaze and crrinel l a r g a r i n c . A d d 2 ineliy peppei- p, oven to 325 degrees, whi/hites on high speed to0 soft tablespoons tnai mini candy. V; cun tablespoons oacach unsweetened M o r e T h a n Grcn.se lO-in-inch fluted or regular eaks. Gradually beat in H ter. stirring until lu b e p a n . SUgflugor, beating until stiff bubui noi cocoa and ivalci ^ _ 4 eggs, separated I s m o o th , S prinklee with K- cup finely dry.ry.In small rhixer bowl yi cupplu,s 1/3 cup sugar yolks Do not boil. Keiiem ove from heat: ______c h o p p e d p)ecan.s. e c In large mixer icdium speed, beat egg y heacj'n t_cuP_CQni■nrecci'oners’siiynr _ l l | bow l. t)catll c< h e c s c , niurgarlTTTT nd-vj»jiH«-3-t»mes:— l O Q ^ '/: cup unsifted flour on vanilla until » r v a n illailia, cinnamon and nui- OrGradually beat in remaininjini! 1/3 '«;aspoon 1/3 cup unsweetened c o « I t r o , meg until flullufTy. Add cgg.s, one at cupLip sugar; beat 2 m ore mininnlcs. Cool, 'A leaspoon baking powde '/i c u p . 0 tim e, bcotinoting wcH after each Con:ombine flour, cocoa, bo.o k in g ' Vi leaspoon baking soda ■ Last W eek Alonione addition. Con'ombine flour and bak- powiDwder, baking soda and sailalt. O n I------/. lea.spoon.sall ing powder,:r. Add to batter: niix low)w speed, add alternately V With Coupons^,4 . 1/3 cup waier w e ll. w aater tc to egg yolk mixture?^..Tiis: Lookin!ig for a Peppcrmini Tilling Stir in chc:hoppcd chcrries and untintil sm ooth. Gradually Chocolate Glaze , f o l d .Jasty re ______coorsely chohopped pecans. Pour chocliocolate m ixture into recipe? SSubscribe 7Today & S a’a v e F redpanrBakc"|-hour-w hiti Prchcal oven lo 375 dcg: nutes or until wooden SpSpread evenly into prep;— -C h e c k cout the n • 15*by-10-inch baking pan ;ed near ccnter comes pan.in . minum foil, extending foil I I. C o o l 5 m i n u t e s . , BBake a 12 minutes or untill i i i o p Foodse mixture just until smooth.h. (G radually r OPIEN 'TILIL 8 P.M.I . fold chocolate mixture into0 egg whiles. ON FRIIDAY! Spreod evenlyinto prepared^ p p a n . ------back when lightly touched. i JJl I p u IUI Immediately turn cake ontoto towelU gen- ■ H K crously sprinkled wilh confcDnfectioners' sugar. Peel off foil; beglnnirming at nar- :ards! ' row end, roll up cake with1 towto el je lly - , it--- ; — roll fashion. ------eooHhoroughlyt-Unro rem ove towel. Spreod w ithJ PcP ^ p e n n in t fj Filling: reroll. Place on servicrving plate, i w scam-side down. Top withh CChocolate i Glaze. Chill. Garnish as' desiresired. Siorc I ■------in refrigctaior.______M okes lO.to 12 servings.5- '||lS^^=r= -G aiion-ESS2 D _ I e 350 FUUJI Peppennint Fflltng; In smsmz all m ixer ir“ i i i i F U JI DISCOVEVERY bowl, beat I cup pint)t) vwhipping You get 55 extra£ Christmas 8mm Camcordeier 8mm Caiamcorder------pr~( •HI-FI s te r e o ROMASTER 90Q D ^------270ZOOM)M------creom to soft peaks. Add W icup con-' cards in thisIhi box. Come in “The Illuminator" uartz Dat» Back *35-70mm t.«na 'Quartzz DataDa Back •T rae ”0 “ L uxM O xZ oor m ‘Remola Conlrol Automatic *Auto Focus iectioncrs'sugar, K cup cnislnished'hard ------earljrfora-ragrcatselectiort: ------jIV _____ 'Fujly.i^tomnlic^ifOlosa.Rsa.Romota— ______^------. SUto S iWind *Auto Flash------•swKchabIs Panarama Back peppemint candies or teaspoon ti jy. ‘ ‘IncludosCaTTyC . d r o i 3ack Hi Just $8.50 rCsae ROP-IN LOADING ‘Rim & Batts *Drop-ln Load ‘Film & Balryairy pepperm int extract a n d red1 (ex.food color- fQ 9 0 ^ m g i f desired; beat until stiH*.ff. 9 C O O w 99 Chocolate Olaze: In small .. ^W 6 9 9 7 7 9 9 9 2 6 9 W ^ 2 6 9 8 0 9 m a " l«lL2_abLej______J I aM S w L O J l i ^ ______L = s p o o ^ m iffp irin e . A dd^2 tablespoonstobl ' I each unsweetened cocoa andoni water,. stirring until smooth. Do0 notn boll. Kurt's Remove from beat; beat inl lc1 < u p c o n - PRESCRIPTIONSi’f C E H m , ■ fectiooers' sugar and H1 teaspoon te PHARMAIIACY C*WD«»0)FTa vaiuUa until smooth. Coo!. INTHELYNlITNWGOD « 734-8177 • M akes about H ciq>. P i o k i e s ! _ p ------“ n_,| I Experieienced? H mm i u n . I 1^PliJ l DISCOVERY ^ PENTTAX 000 ZOOM well... the'J P resident liliked us. | C o m p a c t BB i in o c u la rs 3mm Lent ’Quartz Date Back Automoiw ’Rod Eya Roduction ^ 7x20 JlJupiter ^ ab le Panaram a Back 0 0 ‘Drop-In•In ILood ‘Film & Batry 'Z2 OurjoBs fiavel« iSigSi from servingig l^idents ^ "ora^UiaBa"a-Sates'toTtaldng^e 1 veggle-trays------^ Ltfetlm e LImHetited Warrantyl m for an open house.hb So whatever yoirou need for • 199’’ I your specialI ui p c o m in g e v e n t. 04c^ll Soran s — _- .^i iiatenngsSetvtoijcei-Magic-VaUey's^nu most ©Xpert- ^ __ . ' ■ ■ enced cateringIg iservice; since 1964.

ate an d S ocial events ■ •Bond'OiOeuvres’to French Oouiilinnet >■: • I tp --•SnuU andn d laig e-g ro u p j— IPliS! „ _ocn v M P O s i : . O i y M F ^ 9 “ NilmnrI I n f i n i tyMlnl, y styl Camera fylusZOOM Nice Touch:h■T 2 •Attlie'nunirf .Club or off.ptemise6 ' . n 35mm c a 35mm Camera Uz*d a n d S u p w U ghtw aight Compact 35mm OutjllOut •J^Autofocu* WHb PoetM Lmi * . ■ >pAutotOCU8W«all?erprMiT - ' ?AuocnafaaaT-^ tunZoomLBna------_ ‘Compoct ‘Bash & Macro modaslOdas ______» f t y w la iin in oi k . , ES»'’;=:fS:sSS^"I IlnW CholMoll1 ol R aah Modes INCLUDES: C ^ E , BATTS.,TS.AFILM - r g g S 99 9 ^ fiVyour individual ' m Wh'9^W1189” I *S9’‘ terestf.||ir )pen Sun. B lPo12-4 p.m. a S T IlyiKiN^a v e : ••TWINi FALLSs J__r' s i l ^ .mPVBE R L f t N IP • BliRLEY M i i i 'i ■ t )■ Horn len____ \ .

F e s t i v e i ^ r a f t s t\ a s t e a s Don’I ’ t l e t warm, ^ s good aI S t h e y 1l ( o o k Hero comi.'s Santa C laus, ai C'luKiiIaleki>s -a swcct-toothl-If-you-have these crafts will hit the sp Miiii;Hure pcaiuitI hultereup hui 9 H H I Iuinl-wr.i|^peil (.'hriL'hristm as candies cozyf l i f e b ui j g y o u ^ l look as good as they taste. Pieeeol'rihK'i) il'de;fd e sire d . .\ festive swag made frorom paper ' ____ Ifs winter. Ther h e s n o w doilies and prcity-Christmi softly outside whwhile you curl will surolv find a place in y (iliie Ilk' jMckage.• ofot' l.ifesavers onto ------up-in-your-ravorili ^ __C ath y J J irite-chuir-close— day dccorating this year. All fcj^^-the-gtm rviintiirsiilcrhilcrlTOk-nnhc-giim ------10 th e w o o d sto v e . aiul l.ires.i\LTr> g lu e 111mint patties, one is a foam wieath cut in halfIf 1to Ibmi'a • But how manyy bugsb arc you ^ y Walworth t y on each Ni»ie. ()ii the t swag, straight or sequin p he trojit sides glue ______' ‘'- h o u s i n g in th e the li.irJ e.iiuiii->. T liest.' 1*L J G reen______—package-4—to-6-inch-doilp' he^ejiiake-thc-fronl______beside the stove?■-e? J u s t u n d e r • 'Vl*' ^ *7011.aiui Ivick niieels. ( wrapped Christmas candy, ' s. t)n top of ihe ^hL bark. zillionsIK oc f tiny crca> thumbprints ^J/I.ires.i\crs. yliie the pe a lso need som e ribbon f o r a b pe.iiuit hutler cup (_jli'rcs are scurryinging about. They in Ihe Kick am i thle e ][1 lershey kiss on To begin, hot glue the foaoam pieces , p la n to h o l d d:lections e c next Sweepp ithem up and throw . . the thmi. together to fomi a .swag slui[lape. Pinch ' ' ' i a s / ■ •2 ^ ' V T u e s d a y . the bums:S co u t. If >ou wanl to h.inging your tniin. tie a doilies in the center and iwis'ist to fom i •Inside the bark;)k; vou’rc likely P" ther fronts, you can I pieee ol rihhoii aioiiiujmul llie middle and a flower shape. Stick pin thrhrough the to encounter a fewfew springtails, you’re mother-in-law tie a kiu'i in tlieeiuls,Is, K ids can u.se hot center o f each doily, and atta[tach to ihe • booklice. sowbugs.Igs. centipedes. >'0“u ' that poinsettia and • glue ifyou help, or u^cUse t.ieky glue, swag. Continue arranging ththe doilies ' tnillipedes, spider:Jers and occa- holly arcare poisonous. .The- ' ^’inir train will look tt> c o v er th e foam,* A rra n g•e e them so iK H vr V ' .H’k adonihle liang- sionally beetleses or-a wasp Duquesnene University School ^ I ing oil a tree. Uippiiii: that none of ihe swag is showiwing, pine a package or q u e en . P h a rm a e:y v in Pittsburgh force- — Takc-your-wrapped-caia n d y -n n d ------«:y p.'un vour m a n■lUc tle------The.se are just t rolkTTn-l'^il raisi.1'huge'a'iiTbuntironh'e “ Try these ideas amiaiul lliey will melt insen pin through the end off thei wrap- Those craftsi nnot only look good, butJt tastet good, too. th e b a rk . plants, puiput drops of the plant your heari aiul well■11 aas melt in your pers and then stick tlie pin thrliraiiell the b„„. Deeper inside youryoi innocent- sap in rabrabbits’ eyes, rubbed |j id of the swag. Atiacli adoralorahle eluu* elmo train nuule I doily and inlo the swag, Sc r from looking woodpile,le. you'll find poinsettiatia on anim als’ skins Scallcr thc |„„ps 1 siside on back of the catuly candy throughout the swag, powder post bccicetles. long- and tested.‘d for photosensitivity. g. M ake a s„.a|; iisiiif riWioihon o r w ire. This is to ^\ni will need: 7'r.-iev D,ilm wvlcoik'omcs ciymmciUs bow from festive Chrislmasasciilorcil |,ang your.leci.r.ili horned beetles (or[or roundhead- Researclrchers concluded that ration, Paekane |*ac ofuum on entlis o r n.\iiiesisIs lorli \:r.ill insinic- ribbon and attach to the cente;licr of your llvnn |m,-siii, • ed hnrersl. mefat[at,I,ic.he,e,i[rs “no signs aiiall kid s o r er.iiul(.iiN f’ildai’eiift.ile^avrrs_____ ^______nf)w..- nv.-f,- /.-f_h e r ^ -decuiation. Brinpitic-nUl.nIroiii Ti your „lio ivanl.lo gel i (somelime.s calledled flatheaded noted at anyan of the dose levels, ^ et inlo the ael. tr>- this ?2 mintm patties /•aiMe/i/. lihhi>S3.>27. b o r e r s ) a n d w w. oodw asps.' not did anyiny deaths occur." Termites and carjarpenter ants The testeriters estimated ihat a 50- { arc fond of the digsigs. as well, . pound chilihild would have to eat i S p a c i o lU S h o m < When you broug)ught the fire- about 500'0 toi 600 poinsettias to l e p e r f e5ct ( for e in t e r t a i nn i n g wood into the housi3use, the wood .surpass thele e.xperimentalt dose, Families who like to eentertain — ------warmed up and theth creatures Meanwliwhile, the Holly will appreciate the airy-■ (o p e n c s s d id . too. A ssociatitItion of America , o f t h e M a rc ______W ith a “Mcy. it’s it spring!’" rcpons.thath a t h o lly is n !i a.s to x ic ------one of them woke»ke the others as aspirin, rhis moderately sizedrd T ^ T o ^ ) square feet) home has a s up. Time to cxplor•lore, look for Researcl-rchers did find some great room at its core. food, friends, good go tim es, toxic chen"emicals in holly, but ^ In addition, there’s aI vaulted / ^ Check out the wwi indow sills, the same onesoi were also found gathering room, nearly aS' g u y s. in coffee aar n d te a . ^ S 'larg e. m m - Although thcs.le s e c r i t t e r s ------But the space isn'i e n t i r e l y open. A peninsular fin aren't likely to0 infest the U'/ijt’.-}.s buifgini:I your gar- ireplace. 7$^ open on three sides, helps house, they won’tI’t e a r n y o u a den? Sendnd yotir garden qucs- , J ps define , -j ■ the boundaries of the gre: "Clean House Awaward.” either, tions lo CaibyC. Walworth, in and gathering rootn. On Haul out the vacuuiuum. abroom carc o f Therhe Times-News. P.O. , days, it serves as a warm, and some dust clot:loths and get B o x 54H. F a lls. J P c ra c k in g . 8 3 3 0 3 .--- focal point that cnn-be e fr.from bolh of the family-ii ------' spspaces, as well as fro k itc h e n . D e c o r a tting i fo r thee holidays 1 In this home, the persor ing dishes need never.feel ed. s h o u l d n>’t ’ ta k e_aio[)t o f tim e Standing at the kitchen s ~oror shiT can converse with ' By Gary Krino lemons andan' limes around their silsiuing at the eating bar,r , w a tc h " Orange County Rcgistjister middles wiwith cloves and display acactivities in the gatherinin g ro o m in terra cicotta sa-ucers. Looks or study the landscape thtl r o u g h . M o s t o f Us r e a llyly >d o n ’ t h a v e g o o d , largelai windows facing thih e r e a r. 'i' the time to make a particularlyp Smells e\even bctier. N atupl light is abundantnt i^ th e ______biiUliLiLaC-diLgQiatinij rdinary-ptastic-planupots— tn a m in g -in ------:______space in the appropriipriate holiday • an upscalelie finish with a granite through •hi a wall of windovo w s th a t m a n n e r. s p r a y ( loook o for it in arts and overlooks the patio. P a tio There’s no quesiit!>lion that we __c ra f ts sh oj ps)-pji ^ ______The elegant high-ceilingtIged d in -______/Gflthoring ReR oom want to do’ it right,rbut bt we don’t ATteTthehe pots have dried, fill "Ming roo'm’ is every'bit ass b rig h t, want it to take all day.ay. them withh rred poinsettias (live or Clerestory windows augnum e n i th e That's where Lcsleslie Linslcy'" faux), andd tiet each pot wiih a red level of illumination. Utilitlilie s are - [ ■ ______c p m e s in . S h e ’s a u thoihor o f‘’Leslie ribbon. easilyea; accessed from citlither the r“ . J Linslcy's W eekendj DC c c o ra tin g : G r o u p"T tli hem to g e th ~ e r o n th 'e -kitchen-or-garagOT—The *V' l e - p a s s ------, - through space is outfiitci 1001 Quick Homee DC ecorating fireplace hearthhe or positjon them le d w ith B e d r oom ______' — j a fQ. i '11 Mttatnr ^ te ■cabinctsra”foldlng~'c'ount'n te r a n d rdcair; ripY and~H' H o w - 'l o ’ s ” g o in g upI iRFstairs tF or line them 1 3 'x l1 '4 - T~ I5‘8"x15‘4" (W arner Books. S9.99) d e e p sin k . 99). She’TJ got up on a win.'indowsill. G ronroot Room j Kitchen>n Bedrooms in the Marcre u s a re plenty of ideas for quiquickie deco-; Using aI vvariety of candlesticks ‘ ______split for privacy. The maslc i'lO'xl7'.1-- [jj ______.J jji______ratintl with style, ahdid it’si not tocf and candleJleholders in different ite r s u ite . J ------carlyrto-start-planningling—H cre^-a—hcights“to“:o-crcaTc"jusl the riglit Hs-on-t|te-righrsidc“ortlfc“c“libuse^ ~ and secondary bedroomss ; a re o n ? r lo o k . glow is enoinough to pull any eye to th e le ft. You can create a1 slshimmering thetablctopo p . - P X *! " n r o ,1:.L Features in the masterer suite '* L table centerpiece byy spraying S| an What's fufun about this projeci is • include a large walk-in clo.so s e t an d ordinary glass'fruit1 bowl b( with a that the can:andlesticks and candle- 'I" a private bathroom withI dt o u b le silver pearlescence: finish,fi then holders dolo not: have to match in Entry vanity, tub, shower, and en;n c lo s e d 'Iry Dining |j,.. filling it with silverr pinep cones, color, or inin; style. You’re going 10 ,pj| B e d ro o m to ile t. 1V6 - , 12-a- H I Add sprigs of real holilioHy or ever- go just a bit bi eclectic and pull it -j 13-X1V6- I; • \ The other two share thelie m a in greens and fake berrieTies. To save all togetheiher with a faux finish LIO , b a th ro o m . on the glass bowl,I, chcckc out .w^ray, For a review plan, incleluding ' L thrift shops. Do notot spray the If you aren’tan a Picasso, even scaled floor plans, eleva/a t i o n s , ■ ' P o rc;h h L aliq u e. with the helhelp o fa spray can, not section and artists' concc:e p tio n , Got a hallway thatIt n e e d s a lit- to w o rry . Try Ti this. Take red and j^n send SI5 to Associated Dedesigns, • I______I tie holiday help? TalTake a wide green applesles and polish them to a j |f G sra g o 1100 Jacobs Drive, Eugen.m e O re . plaid taffeta ribbon1 andai loop it high sheen 25-4-x23'2- en with a clean, soft 9^9]AT)2. , around a wreath of freshfrc or faux cloth, PPlease specify the Marcic u s 3 0 - _____ greens and then placcce the whole With a knife,kn cut a hole in the q35 039 and include a return a at d d re s s /larcLJs 30~C- 0 3 0 thing on the hall table.Ic. to p o f eac:h h apple ; large enough to whi when ordering, LIvInvlnp- A fo o______• 2 0 4 0 ! Fill the ccntcr off thetl wreath hold a tape 0 sq .ft. per candle. Insert the fyA catalog featuring mort)re than ^ with jolly, fat. redJ candles c of candles anc utsido DImonslons: fi2'• Xx 64- md line them up on a 15c150 home plans is availabib le fo r ------varying height, Scents : Us help make windowsillII o< r c lu s te r th e m o n a SS12. 12 ------tho-holidays a-bit-mor nore-special:—tablcrEithcricnvayryou ’vt-gonhc ------“ ForF more informationT i7"ca 11 For citrus frcshncs; less, piercc look. (80'(800) 634-0123,

------— — P a - C n % t ~ ^ 5 t U O F F y ■ (i& s t P r i c e | | ^ J u s t'A. s k AND WIWL ------

«DOWS ^ ^ Y o u - W itLRECEIVElf t W- (0 DOORS Save S0% onH basic iitshillatiim m ^ m s t - - I I \\ ______pins a SO-a■day money hack — ” m /INDOWS ) }>u(ir(mtcc w itith your donation to ■Jj i s i s S f the Salvationn Army aiid help us r r — u W w u e tinates Most The gift evesryone loves tl o g e t . aj^ain show thoseti. less fortunate ndensation I \ families in tht'ie Magic Valley the wiil also replace W eJ ship gifts r d r a f t y o lc f d o o r \ true spirit o f tithe season. Drop o ff I a Stanley Steel L./^ Exterlsrior Door. H undreds ofcdelicious gifts filledidwith , r* . your donationin o f toys or cannedf i tasty'deligtjhts, from $JO to $151150. . - L - goodids today. ------C A L L F O R . Q U O T E T O D 7 3 3 - 99 5 1 6 MAGIC VALLE'EY MALL • TWIN FALLS 1 • • • — - O r d e r byY PHONE 733-8802D3. ' I■ ^ i n g V f i d e o c a b Snake:e River (Glass SNAKE RIVEER PLAZA • BUFIRLEY ^ 7 3 3 -6 2 3so < • 5 3 6 -6 5 6 5 ' E a st •■■.Twin FallsIs » 733-9516 •1 wHiin wdM wi.icti jrpjor.i, CuJIomei muslnusiuiKonina B y /lr 405 M ain Ave O r d e r byY PHONE 678-334C Hiipsmjl (niUiUlflndjit to monr, tuck»ckflulunlM. flu ~ B - ^ ; I • biack • cvi/an • waaenta • vellowv -i , t':...... - - 4 ...... ,------

T ' C-l Tifiics-Ncws,■. Twin Tv Falls, tdnlio Wodnosflayly. .Docomtior . 14,1994______

Homei & GardenI Q h e howO M E p l a c e ') ,______^______i 3 ^ floweri]ing planits to dc U s ( canyon1 RIMRl realty) eek tho)se holicday hai Vs;— ' ^ By Tom MacCubbin'bin slay prcf>rciiicr for a longer period of - l a r - ’ ' ^ of red or white blossomsIS a re fo rc e d \ io lci* r e laalives li wilh broad, deep • • Holiday cactus: Or ( >il;iiulii Scnliiicl lim e, as a s Ihey oficn Imld ilieir bracts O ri g in a l YourcompUip le te o n e sto p cts into bloom,fop ihc holidadays. Azaleas green leaves.’CS, (iloxinias produce a selections se were know ------into the new year. You can iw n a s fio m e s h oopplng p f center. an remain attractive for twotv to three six- to cighl-;hl-week display of trum- Thanksgiving Tl or Christmas i Dcciiraliiiy [fic home ho wilh llower— cliooscic dwarf types or poinscttiasias weeks atid; as thc'flo' :owcrs fade, petlikc pink,ik. red tir purple flowers, bul bu mosl plants markeied aiare now 900 W.V. > A d d i s o n ’’ 'inv: phiiils IS ;i I'uiiiilitiiliar holidiiy iradi- trainedd loI tree rorms. Some also areire begin green leaf growi Wlh. Set the Gradually thethe plants dceline and the hybrids, hy Flowers are'of marany col- 734-£ lion liisi jlmul even.ery table yets a poi polled1 iiin hanging baskets to set on 4 :5 1 7 5 o n p la n ts o u td o o r s a fte r tliithe holid.iys, lubers beginin ;a rcsi period. Keep the ors or: including pink, red, lavavender. ^ ^ Kl .'dloi. :iiiil pNiiils.mis ol'icn arc cliis- pedesialitals or lo hang from balconies ies but protect them from freezing fr< until soil dry unlimil new growth appears orange, or: yellow, while and1 \b le n d s. ick'il .iiiiiiikI tin; Clirhrisiniiis irec. ftir a weiv e e p in g eH'cet. ihey ean be added lo the1C spring gar- and the planl^inis rc-hloom . Price: S7 to II,\lixpecl aboul a monlh of' f (lo w e r- Sc;i>oiKil,nt)wcrvers brighten llie I’^iec^;cs will vary, depending on on deil. Price; S4 toS7 foraa (6-inch pot, SI5fora6-in-inch pin, injing; then the plants can be>e a d d e d liuiiK' a n d L'clio lliclie holiday leslivi- where youyi shop. V»» can c.xpect to to ■ Oirysanlhemums: F.xpcctF.? fu ll ______— Ju-lhuJuliagcxollucliuii^ri tn"*. PcT^piir c n jn \'‘\-CTcarinp-aj|orrul"p.i7 c bciRMWeen anii iS lor a pomsel- el- month of color. Traditionjnal colors of ^ lo SS for a 6-inch pot. ili>;’Ia\s ill Ironl ol'111'the i llrcplaee. o ir iia in aI 6-ineh6 pol. red, purple and white area popular _ a llic MiaiillL’ :iiul a lo)iig n g a siair\vay. The Alter t :r'the holidays, poinsellias canan during the holidays, bubut yellows.^*^ LX 0 l I — I OF MAGIClie VALLEY____; ______blui.'.uiii.s.al.su.can-w).-wclcomc-giie'.l'.iii—l)»j-Ien-in t a Handle _ -in-IH)b-«)r-^ci-in-thc-ground-lo-•to—oranges-nnd-favcndcrran: iTC-al.wav.iil:------^------ihc ciiiiaiicc ol' a home lioi e restarted, Chrisima.s celebraiinnion lor more lhan flower s Ik ^ ______(;('mi7!u.ftiiuH ...... V 1-800-37 371-8667 sh o p s: Pricc: S6 to S10 for a 6-incnch pol. rtn 1511 y c a is . N e w e r seleciions s. will • Azah ;alcas; Varieties with pink.V, • Gloxinia: The plantsi a rc A frican

C h r i s t mn a s It's n o t tooo late forr n P I f l Sppecicd D on'l let;t 1back pain keep and Gouimtry: (C h r i s t m a ss p o rtraits • you hanyilying! Call u s t o h e l p y oou u uetayripon J n Lloliday i Sac d e l ------A p e r f e c __ComeAnto-Quala lify - l ______y o u r J vv T 'i .c k .p r o b le m s ______ictmix- GENTLE, .Orange County RegisterStCT g H l . Hour Photo I CHIW [ROPRA'aiC ■ ^ H ' A .ccessoriesc & Giftsi t s ■ ■ - December 22 for)r i/o iir C C A R E Hie people at Coiiiilrjiniry Hom e maga- , • Chroniclie AciiesG Pains • 2 0 % COff: ‘til Christmai%as x.ine know all aboutDUt capturing a 1 portrait sittingg a n d , H e a c iaa c Ih c s & D iz z in e ss sophisiicated Old Mac>IacDonald look. 4 lue'll liavei/oio u r • 'nnijiinfinfi & Numbness and Ihey go particularilarly bonkers at ^ S C itlG7 PPainfuf fomCS r ' ‘ . > S p e t i a i CSis>D>RjRg Room SeSets CliriMmas. package in time'le jo r • P i n c he c d d N e n /e s Clirisimas and countrmtry are a natural • Christmas!; / C a ll u s tltoday fora free 2 0 °> , % ^ 4 0 % 0 ff mix. Uotli. by dcfiniticlition, are wami. . c o n s u ltaIta tio n : comfy, iiiviiing. Iioiiiey.''-•y- _ , STORREWIDE SALE iryoiidon'lliavcacoI counlry look, no I — I Q B!Iue i l Lakes reason to get a migniini•line. Tliese holi- I This coupon'o/i good for CODNTINUES! day decorating ideas fromfrc the editors I ! h \ C hhiropractic i at Country Home, allhollhough designed | 1 F R E E e8 " X 1 0 " iarIe5 L,Porter,D.c with country decor in1 m ind, would fil j I U Chai 1UI>(?QlfTGeiTIFICAT:ates with purchase of portratrait sitting & package. w ell into m ost decoratinj;ting schcmes, j — - • -— [- -! O-Ludwij-vi5 - G ,L a n d w c lir;-D .e ------A bonus is thal thee decoralion.sdi are, j SI 2.955 ValueV. I f / M a r kkXRedwine, l D,C, _____ j or that arc-easilyly acccssible. | V ^ P h o t o I Inexpensive, too. So,So heehaw (a . Q ^ uality "fH i r r X 7 33 4 - 9 5 3 1 £'< J4endioiiI ’i ’d ...... sophisticated heehaw, oo f course) and j _ - • s ^ ! 153 u Blue Uka Blv(],N’, Tine Fumilun Since IWS w c’rv off. 7W INFJ FALLS • 733-4363 I ^ Monday-Fiy-Fridav8.«;a.m.-6KI0p.n), 14-40 lihie Likess lilvd,11 N„ Tw in I-.ills • 7n-9(yU(iW, Ca-aie v l^ c l te s u-sinfsing antique toys -j. 4 I — ^ .Satiimarday9iWj,iTi.-12:OOp.m, ' 7 0 8 B l u (plain old loys w ould wwo: ork niccly, too) • 31ue Lakes Blvd. N. (ACROSSiS FROMF BLUE LAKES MALL) ■ M , ______t)uill-i fhow Jihniil tlimou!s'i)r4cxtili»-or-^ a ’t ------______Mon;Hrl8-7 •S al 10-6 children’s dishe.s. Grouf•oup them'under llie tree or on a lable, usiiu sin g g rw n sa n d ' , , omamcnLs to pull the vignette vi{ togcth^ •; ,V^ CT. Here's one that’s trulytru Southern B M M California. Know all thosiiose shells your a § r II c ^ kids have collcctcd?d? String 'em I S f j together on heavy nylonIon fishing line. ______Etapc.lhc.garIands.on.thci.tbc.trec.orover ------^astringoftiny-whitcltghltght^'dn''a'man- ~ |^ H H -___ '.tlc.ortoble top. TTic lighligbts.will shine . .A ll-Adustroflamms— l ------. through the shells, crestrenting a warm, ^ n S Uitock------"himinesccntTooIc: : For a Victorian looJook, use fresh f l . . .'Jruit—-pineapple, opplpplcs, oranges, - 8 9 5 • pom egranates, ,orang(ngcs, lemons, SJandariaixi Features: I : limes, grapefruit and ^grapes — dis- ar Parts & Labor Warranty s ^playcd on a centcrpiepiece stand (a 2? , Lb. . Hopper Capacity tenance Free Motors ; pedestal cake plate! w would work ’Mainlei VO ;'^utifully here). •CastlixIron Construction For Long L 3 U R C Hl O I C E ~ VD. Pick Colors To Match Your D 1 I Deeoratc in unexpectc:clcdplacM - ’You PI; • P RR I N T S v a l uues e to *4®® y cd i __ N O W $ 2 ' atop an armoire, cntertairtainment ccntcr ” i 2 . S 9 • J t r Jor bedside tabic. Thele iccnterpiecc .p* J V E N I L E P RR I N T S R e g . ^ 4 ^’ - ’ y d . N O W $ 2Z . 9 9 -could be a small rockinging horse, teddy PEL-TEC ^ FIRREPLACES ■ - T EEE l SH IR T KNTS l l l S values to ’5“'’ yd, N O W $: 2 2 . 9 9 ...... ; i w o r a i t - g l a s s b b w l . TicT ie holiday rib- "*1300 Kimberly' RRd,, Suite 15 J.bqn around th e toys. Fillill thtl e bow l wilh - C HHECKED GINCJ G H A M R e g . S'*’ yd, N O W $! 2 2 . 9 9 - ^o m am cn ts o r glass tree g 8 (o/dCSIVo-Teciech Building) : garland. Swag - C AA L I C O R e g . ^*4’’ 4 yd. pictuTO w ith c vsgrecn e ^ or dried Twin Falls •• 733-8716"i ' . N O W $ 2 . 9 9 - R OD : S E V E L O U R : 6 0 'wide, val. to H O V 'AtPil-TecWtloiicThcCitC oU gF Im Season IWSTABTINGAT$22 : 9 9

y • CHRIS[S T M A S P Rl E V T S ^ ynliics to 'S.99 yd. NMOW ^ 3 ^

I * S H 1 RRUNG 1 FLANNEL L E E C E ^ E RINTS D ^ "60“ w ide,'vahiesto'7” yd t i o n ! Values to $ 1 5 .999yd 9 ______If ^ 5 ° ^ YD NOW AS LOW i , VVhy do listings expin3ire rather than sell? ■ RDUROY •COR!, prints, plains PILAINS 60" wide,t o[ ' f f ’ y d V a lu e!S s to $ 1 1 . 9 9 y d *,The most common>n occurence of expii fahies to , llstihgis is overpricing, 3 9 9 / $ 4 9 9 y p ig. Buyers sre a variety HOWOiw l y ^ T ^ ^ y d _JiftiIies-aniJ_3 eneMiMlly_choose_tbe-h.oi tyol NOW ^3 w hichh'offers the g rsa test5st value forthe’'pri( - m m r n g a g a priced"hom es "are-!-quIckly-spottTcTa c ' " S i Sriat^lftom cohsideratloilion,.,:.:: .... , SI *0^lother: reason listings! expiree is poor'firbpe ItiannSellery^stToold'malnal(F?irirpai5rfeuai I cosmetic items, beft LTERS S P E ^ ~ ” efofe the home_is.e\ fERS PRINTS 70% : s h o wn. n . ■ ' ■ '' v' (XTTC I QUILTE s w oOOL < TER QUILTS 3 0 % ause they have notibe ^ I B L E NNDS l I sweat flecce I H i natketed, to the(tjuyi NEWSHIPMEHT!I ■ ■ LA R G E SELEClE C r iO N ! liljjy of the sdlers' agehi ^ED TRICOT, 108" 1 Ith few showlndsimay¥ r nOFF On the other har i B 5 A r a 5 5 r^ ^ J 3 0 ^ F R I N m y showfirigs;: blit ;mand; ■ • M O I « P J V I I ' H l H l i l H

J - H pR EIljjro^^'^jci ■ i i iE ji^ iz A t 734^7^54dil7^S(M i i S ^ I WocJnesilay, DccomtjefL'f 14. 1094 Tmies-Nows. Twinin FrFnlls. Idnho C-5

Home & Garden f F L O O R J j ii?H »n .^ n n fn rii' , ih fireplailees are bi)oth effic:ient, effeActive, fi Q: When w e lived in Sweden, wc r ------efdcient option. These sto<:oves are try cleaning it. C — heated with ju st one large larj fir^lacc. . C'arefullv. snap oft' buili with sevcntl hundred poivnindsof the co\er and cl We burned it for onlylly • 45 m inutes, cic.in on anv dust < soapstone panels on ihe sid START VOUR N)JEW YEAR OFF Rl tw e e a day. H ow efficie iides and ’wiih a fine bnish.ill. Just a line layer o f _ . ^ R I G H T icient arc these fe]T | top.tor fireplaces? Do they 1 dust can insulatee ilii ami rcihice scnsi-. W ” ITH NEW FLOOORING IN VOUR^ HI O M E ! :y burn clean B tr-rr S’atuntl polished soapstonele i.s very ti\ity. enough to meet U.S. reqi C ;ii|;ir|)el • V inyl requirements? - beautiful and has double tl G. F. ’ thc heal If vou havee remr oileled % our * capacity of sleel or eastISI ir o n , h o u s e o r n o w k ( '•ill /(h/.li /(I SfiI (i ■/’ VoiK III lliiiiir A; Vou arc rcfcrrirring to true keep some doors Soap.sione slopes burn muchdlJu'lUT ..cliisi:a_Uic_aicJl m asoiiu' (o'fTcn t a l l a.1 i l-'inni>h)K lire-- :_iljw_pailerni-inav— ------Hian typical m elal stoves am:nd retain have changed,.1, This can crcaie ■ pla'ccs w iih su p e r liighll heat hi capacity, B — ihc heat for even, eomfofortable eitjier stagnant aitair pocki'ts or drafts In Scandinavia, wjth its high energy R . Iiu-.illv.nvtu\l hv j:, I w anntli. across the themrrmoslai. Hoth*;an )' -■L_0 ; 0 R costs, 90 pcrcciu ol' thcthe homes heat Bfl lini K K.iiul' ii'nkins a ' Wrilc for Utility Hills l^pd;Hlate No., atfeci its >ensiiivi _ - c\clusivcly--witlt a ma ^ iv iiy , . - _ - masonry fire- -i?-t2 _ lii tin g _ ij _ m a n u f a e iuurers-of-^K r eroiite-ihe-lo\'low—N-oliage-ibermo-— — ilililMllllL____ J ______iHacc. ll provide even cvi ra~dTant GMOfflMSSAMI fl I'innish llreplaccs. kits andlul soap- stai wire to a be AMI ,^s CASH OAC ^ warmih. like silting in il b e lte r l«>caiion I'or n Ihe sun on a stone stoves, prices, specilli _ c o lJ day,______^ llcations mounting, ______andam ^llrewood selector chan.n . Please A true masonry firtliTcplaee is a 'JmsaaLKS ■ mincludir^2^nd e a selPaUiliR l i v ^ I — W > r EM b cauiilul w ork o f a n . The Tin cxierior is »aaattassiiwyirvmwy envelope. Wrilc to James Du ess iTv ns KC'c n o n R a u e -hand built fruii] dccor;.•*»rali\e lil e s . fnwir.pue*prc«>ix>MMtAcwv«n]cc>T>>o>latt«ra(U-(^ul (,i>( Royalgrccn Drive. Cint WAIKINGDON H brick, sloiio or stucco,CO. T h c fin a l • BUOPUCO • POOP Ohio 45244. g>^rvaeaiea appcarancc is limiicd only or by your n------1 •Q: Without changing the'tlthermo- lOG inia^inaiion and thec skill s of Ihc ■ ■ James Dulley G a llo n suit setting, the temperaturere m my ^ m, ^ m ason, IWfl C u t yo u r_____h»‘house seems lo vary excess;ssively. Thc-inicrior t'lrc-burn:liming section What could be causing this i l A R I U M f g can be cuslom buili or : % or made from -r "T utility bill_____JSthermostats wear out over tim < ^ 3 prcca.si. color-coded, do-it-yourself do j '~x>.^______^______p.P. $ 0 9 9 § kius. M any h av e optional :ial u o ld -p la te d .'\: Thentiosiats arc very r< ■ irini. built-in'baking ovoiH-ons. s h e h e s '''“ ‘f'-'i''- IVith Wn thc super.hut..short elude 3ccessoriesJ_ and generail>^do‘nnt w carntr, ' , S ' ■ fHY benches, caihcdral arches,hes. etc. duration lire,ire. ihe combustion el'll- rw I ----- DO MOOREPEOPtE Inside a i-innish t'ire■ 'ircp la ce . ih e '•■'•''"•'y is |H)0 pcrcentp or higher, riicsc ^ M wood bums e\ireniclyv h o i. a s h ig h ' ‘f^'P'-icos produce pro verv little smoke p p iT iff,Ta H !S as 2001) degrees, lor oonl n lv ■?() lo 4*; n. At . 20110 degrees in the ' ■Mushroom. |. s minuies. You need onlyniv’build thi.s lirehox. nearearly all-ofthe particio ■ ______in ie n s e . sliu ri d iira liuu.Lj'ir,- u - nvi,.,..,and gases arcire completely burned.' ' e ac h day for- 24 hours of o f even he;iL raiiE m r \'ith this dcMgn. the llue ■ ^ —fi------IS ------M any use o v c r-n r’e a irr Ilowlli de.sicns n vviih tlic kindling on top'Pibrel'llcicn. l< up up the center of ihe lire- L-RI ills don't ^ 2 IHfl m c'y and easy ligluing. • place and backbai down iniernal side The heavy mass of‘the tin masonrv P-'^sage> lo' tJietJv chimney. This forces c,. I stop wheien you're I ^ u ^ P o n t gg 'CS 10 s n a k e th ro u g h for. Q i fireplace absorbs thisi inien.sein heal I s i c k 0or 1 hurl I ^ and slowly releases it in to v o u r '" ‘W Jioai rcleclention; J o t ' S ' ' udget and lloor space are ^ unnnlfllN ns m n t r \ a n d1 can't c / g I s home. The exterior newever e.xcecds „ H, >our biidi Uliie Lnlica m.d HJi s % , S ______liO.degrees______limiied. Iree-rre-standing radiant soap- , -linoliy V _vvoi Over llie 11-hour perio;riod beiwxx-n "‘H)d.biI-burning“sloves"arean“ " ^ flres'in a I'innish fircplacclace, the com------J i - bustion air intake is; ccl lo s e d a n d r m m ipet Ask A lnnil Mo.i ICAR sealed. This eliiiiinaies. chillych drafts. liA jK M o.ilth [nsiir.iiK'i.' : common with a't>'picalI ft:fireplace. MJHM The .Staid-L- iMriii W.iv I ;at theresi of your home. Claudle Brownn’s | V‘imusl\ aree v; e n erg y C A L L M L . — - n ^ w ry e a I.IIIIVN llll'll p n IHi>2 ,\ililiM.n Amv I I l l s hviti Kinv iCOMEIMN A N D SEI D o y o u k□ r n o w BI For Free EstimDate Call 733-211n08 I w h e r e y o i I Ik.' .1 K1..I m-nhlKii. s i ' f l l ^ Yourr M a ste r « ' S . » : Life.!. Dealer 202 t,.™ M.lin ran, Soul shutoffs aiare? S J i i r Oinvntiiwn no n'n'I'i .i.il..F.,um.i - -ByNickHarder ^ Or;ingc C‘oimt\’ Register _ 1 1 U - - n n .M uliial Carpet is•s ouri spechlty! _ S S K e d M a U ______A surprise Hood at n home IH invivI ,Ui.iili'et..)ill|Miiv .£ ^ 3 ^ im pressed m y w ife w ith tl lomliiKidti, lllliiiiiN tn C D I l % c m B a n h the impor- —7— • -- l O B n B a s a O taiice ol'knowing tlic locatication of ihe I— --— ■ - — 3 ^ ^ t:.ill h.r.lvi.iiK,iKiiti i.iwr.inf, . • s « f i n - : » EMM ! £ » EG a nim E9a ^ ^ SS9 IS water valve and the device"ic c io lu m it U>\K. [I'Mtli li.iuss.iliilii-iu'iv.il.ihly- .11 • W S S S K S i o lf . A "water surge" by►’ ihell Santa / — j^ ’Inrgaritn'W 'aTCrDisnicrcniJ!cnn5cd11ood=------p io'Buy^For^ ------ing insido and oulside manylany p e o p le's Fvri:he-^Hardrio homes, I was home lhat dav.day walking Ppr« inio my anige'. when I hearteardlhe-loud f rson “Who Has E verything”... s o u n d ,o f w ntcr ru sh in g ilifllirough Ihe pipes in. ^ ////, on one of ihe irrigalion pipespes adjacent I. Bloc Lakes DIvd.N. •714-279.'; to llie waicr main had popped. ■ I H oun: Mon-Fri H:J0-5::ill D R E5 S S S H I R T S I I glued llie plug on again,lin, scooped Sjlur({.iy« IlJjni-tpm k ^ mdcloth • Oxford Chtb up ihc mud and sw ept ihe driviirivc\\'ay. oth ^ l i . W "It was a good thing: yc y o u w o re '?p??pp?pp???p?p?P????PPP?P?PPPP^ R eg.S29.00 home.” my wife said, "I1 wouldn't vv < la V J f e & j m have known where lo turnj r n o f f t h e I f l f J IH w ater..A nd I didn’t know wl ARIVLUP W'~ ‘ sA $ / i o o _ Jh in g (iheshul-olTdevicc) w;a 0 i ' "We went over how lo“dddd‘lhis,‘*T ^ p ~ m ' W wE ^ H O L I Dl i A V S ^ NOW V H r o F said. P , with "W ell, thal wa.s years ago."1." she■ -s;iid. ^ - ••[ forgot.” ------W BRADSTREE’ S o, w e're going over il again. ag;! And 7 low Q u ill; I""... w e’re going over how to shul^hutolfthe P wt INSULATING^ r.KADlT. ( IELD, D O VER, & elcctricily ai llie panel, how: loto shut of}' ^ . J , & ? | the main gas line, ihe lo^aiioiItion of the 7 IntfOdUCucing an insulated wint/Indow shade which ^ D E fire exiinguishers and howlow u> use s e a ls all a four sides lo stcstop cool air from x.Wliilts6Pallms,GmlSilecicIcc/lOH ^ Ih e ta enteringig the tiousehold or offioffice. M y wife w on'i like it any/ morenn lhan ' Reg.S26.00-S38.00 she did the first lime, Dui thithese p re- iVincJow Quill P a tle rn 'S flc ctlo n cautions aren'l jusi for ourr siikcs;i any- P , „ ■ ’ _ ■______- t^ o re. T licv're for th e linle_ui ^------Lr — p— $ J ^ 0 ( T liai maEes il all ihe moa* iiiiptitiportani, ''p ; lili .'C ut heat L _ _ _ N fw pc I o s g i b y 8 0 % " ASf’CN w # OFiF Fp Kevim t T H j 'rene p ^ • .—''i'- • 'R e d u c e e '.Brai3radsbaw: ______fading of fine .'furnishings ^ ^ •feW M ,,, ^ OjM lW rP'SfcW jB fJJeg • Increase '0«( 5 ■ iiWiwi «'.5: privacy of "V'UHlJu. ^ ^ F R E E C irtRISTMASWRAP ^ the horned ' l l

• A d d t h a t decorative t o u c h US i^Lj S/ • Stop chilling ' :si.ii ■' ■ ' Long Slem I d r a f t s Verliciils . p n / Blinds : N FALLS 125 Main, H i n d o o 736-QUILT I LEY 1263 Overland RUPERTJOnT^ . W03-MainSt.^ F a s h i o n-D075 ! ^'yly^^l 736-8458 -•P5fl5 I PPPPPP7P? . LOW PRICES ^?????????????^^,^???PP?P??PP???7 A ll B m d s • D ucilcs • Veri M ini, Wood & Specially Bl 90 L)m5 SauI C^Oi - K Htmi Apn»s TWIN FALLS: 733-0( ■T0UFBg:1-800-8B2-g

. P - • . ' ,

n Ave. W . B U R L Squar£^_BU ^

'' I _

> I ) v e r 100(10

■ i ‘Tis the2 Savings!

. , D on’t let gift-givingig break your budgid g e t I I J ^ ththis year. Shop at t, A ce and save! Yoif e u ’ll ^ "discover 3 i plenty of f quality item s at

affordable prices. A/ nd with such a1

w iae^l^tiofT of ggiftldeas, you cana n

finish m ost of yourir holiday shoppingn g i n

o n e t r i p l

So choose from oi)ur m any fine gift i ia 3 < p selections on sale3 n o w !

■I ______

- 5 8 ^ 4 ci C E - — - ^ddeJ e — EA.______S s ^ Z ^

Gticd c t & Ppolesslonal Pliers ■ ' ' ' ' OBcmicnilVilNI-GSIDDie Choose G* long nose. ^

' 8’ adjustatJic w rc n ch a n d 10' g ro o v e joint pliersiers. ‘^^S w » 20040G7. 4 0 I 1

i l Q Q 9 9 " 32®® !? _ S ------D irt-U i ______.Upright Vacui7uum H a n dI V a c u u m ...... 4 5 P C . — — ------GnaHoreoupItjploaand-alnglosl------i n r • Heameanakariei 7.2 ompi wilh heodliodiighl. Hondle PowerfulII isuction and molor driven UllllilM llrM llm llB|[|[ I Socket Set ~Y^tS)mxutmuMrovooiy loyj Flol for-c!eantng-ng-tindorfur- bruih rcmsmove deepl/ ' ------Standard and molric • • ConlnDlMasJof-ho* Nut conM mtlnlaiRs nilure. 5 pc. lool >e>:>e> iloros on emboddeclod dirt. 17303 I sockets in !<* and acaralelotnpofsluriahjro I v outonutlc cooUng. 1 X" drivo sizes. dcttcfteslofwbmormoniUodoaflhg — -alloched caddy. I9S74 l?S3 Includes 4 socket ■ Nonstick surtac0.ir».hskJoiux)c«t.ki»(iMy'V~' - ' doaning ~ 7 ° ~ T r ^ i l . clip rails. 29320

600230 ,

1 ^ ' M agnalile

i s 1 / 2 ”

7 9 9 9 f' n ■immSSucMa ^ C o v e r e d R o a s t e r Wiw ith R a c k CoU aluminium™ (covered roaster F = I S K A R S * 9 '■ rnokeies cooking roasts 9 9 lou messy endI r m ore flavorful.' • 2 P c . v Q s s ^ I .6404265.64215 3 9 ® ‘ 15, 6404269 ______Scissors Seir e r ______A m ) . I t i a K i l a . Rskars llgfitwelghl.,hi. predsion F t o atting t Lantern ______>______^arpund,»dHor».iet r itess^-^'-- — W r -—— let includes 5 ‘-—-• — Shallerp fbilshlna&miler croft and 8* ulililya with. D ust Bag (y oll-puTsose switch.. IndudosI 6 volt boJIery. I ^ J E l joriitjat-M ------______------300N1» ^ ■ I h j 'olffl grip d ttlg n . 1.6 am p m olorJOf 139" I>p«ralas at 14000 OPM's fof w- •^.KX- ■ - Ml«r r u n o o lh w ndlng. Um wilh o r :.ck w,L » rithoul d u ^ b o g . B 0 4 5 5 0 . 2040S1408 . / 7 / 7 / ^ cIvM sii. InctudM two ohd a n y ln g - ^ ^230609 : ' .\y.. ------■ „P i ] ] S ~ — ^ iiiiiii^ ^ ~ 2 ® 9 - - ...... — =------ISOMulthFiFunction Set , li i ilfiil.; '•; }I !‘'"I ^ 1 -T-- ■ --■ Brthhtoog Strand witheW dllferonj : • r a s s o rte d b u l b s .__ 9 9 i s ------riHtpa-Tousti- — RnbliepHaslillgliIBM aB ' Hechi Shockproof, nistprpo ft a r g e a U e ...... F l a s h i ..andwatGrproof M‘aM ... flashlight Heavy duly, higWmpad houjinQ. 'tfuti'100% rubber.r. hJSTII *org. up to I yeor. Al- , rjd u d a8 2A A ba«orIt[orles. • w ays roa 3 » ? » 3OQdy 0 to us*. UL listed. .4 1 U “ B tlil? ^ 694 ■ E N C E , ^ R m c E & A f f 'A tU ErParklrdngislight p u t) f r o n t & ~ ^g ad y to ,s0|w v€(yoli,the ii)iriillutg^ou w alk ilin. Shop u s firsrst - with our gr( r e » a tj' > ^gi| w rapyoi3ur purchase fre[ r e e l :

pifPgllPBPPSM ' i m j .

9 i S il O ►n{Sal

- .\VAH£..- & ^ A 7 Pc. Coppfppof Sotlom or Aluminum Disc:c >99 ^ 14 Q t. i 0 0 8 8 C o o k w a re0 sSot. Sot Includos: 9 12' Vhistling X . M 3/4Qt.SaiJ,:aucopan w/covor ’eakettle * M / 2 Q t .SSaucepan i w/cover , , 4-1/2 Q t.DDulch i Oven w/covor WEAREVER* loinle$» sleel leokeokelllo w.ih eve^ 9*OponSki ______^ White spruce Skillot ^ — I 8 " F r y P a n eoling copper boll 1 o r black boilom. 350(5214,22 1 cup an d 1 Dufoble metallic « 1 643500. 2 1 qt. Measuring c exterior. Non- g pc. C oncaric a n tr ic J C ups slick interiors, Phehenolic handle. A ir Cookw an C 9 9 «00076f7ll0,e06 w are 6000780 10” ------6 0 0 0 6 0 6 1 2 " - ^ ^ — 6 - 4 ^ r f ^ ^ 3 / — H 643504• W l 1 ^ ___ :O ______f / g T tlB y L a s t 9 9 9 9” Pyresex Pie Plate 1I 11/2 qt. 99 . IWln Pack 9 9 co»o w t w o w w w IWOWi W - 8 rf Special^ C oounter u Saver 499 z :lin g W a r e 11Xl4-oCfylic-mot fof-nven1ionol oven. Com oi J wilh 2 m.metol skewers, 4003.«i4 Last yearsy< price was 37"

“ ' V j )

■ 1 1 ! ^ ^ 1 4^ 9 9 ^ CORN1HOWAR0- "

2 O f . Coveredi Casserole I Ovol( or round toiso ro lo in' • , ] ^ : Frenchf Whito design. Goes Fr< ^ I I trom ------L W ^■ rrelrigorolor lo microwovo or oven. 6IJV4.9J A i r B a k eB ,. 9’®; 1 4 9 93 A i r b a k e ir a k e C o o k i e S hf , e e e t - A i r B . 9 9 —Two thooli ioparoorolod by ori B fOo V w n i e P a n py/®s « ™ « p y r < injuloling layer■ of oir. No more W ith t h C o v e r k i n g D is h 6 ______burnt cookie». 2 Qt. Bakir ’--‘ x c o uOJ , boko evenly odgo fo edge ______t. Baking Dish .. . . . 4P304.0> ------— Oblong Pyrox-bt(-bol 6N07 - - - 13x99 X 2'. 6U00- -- — ...... ' I ------^ wo$herhor toFc. 6SIS9 5 9 9 ■ ^ r

9 1/2' Flavor Saver dIo Plain . ------— ® twtwin pack. Clear or cranberry. 64644435, 646448 ^r— Your— Choice! 9 “ 1 1 9 9 ■ A i r[BE a k e . J ' p y ism A i r B a k e “ 9 9 I i 4 9 9 Insufailated Loaf Pan C a k e P a n f e 14^ I Iniulolcdicd.wilh 0 loyer of oir lo w i t h C o v e r boko cak:akes and Foods evenly, Mixing Bowl Set 13 X 9* inidolodj coko cc pan bokei Produceicei higher, molslor caket Stoinleis sleol bow ls wilh. plo p l„„ic 2 P c. Stculpiured e t Casserole) ovenly. Cover includ;luded. 48309 and brearoods. A1N9 lids, t, 2 ond 3 quorls. 6i;9 i;9o Round oro0 RRoctanglo glass cQssorolo gogoes (rom ovon to tablo. Plastic lodd inincluded for storago. 43703,4314349S — ' ' ! ______^------^ I

- 2 0 1 55th t l St;, R upert 2 5 5 6 CO verland, Burley s y . - ' 4 3 ( 6 t 0 2 3 2 1 I 6 7 8 - 5 5 3 4 jL 8 a.m.-7■1 p.m . M on-Sat' l* |A 8 a.m.-.-7 p.m . M on-Sat 'sedSim dav^ s M S ^1 ^ 1 1 W l O i a . i Ira '4 (■ ■ I , ' I

■ \

M Tlmw-Nows. n Falls,f t IdohO’ Wodnosday, Ooc>)combof 14.1994 *•

.N ,,., ,.(■ ;„,I',, .oM Ci, ...-I I!. i:..,.,.i i„ .0 ■...... • ■ f ...... ‘- ’ - .'i - i ; i - - ■ ' v - . <;r'

r...... -- \

C_ f 5£fa\?N ?’F Hf NY ■



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m il '/W /f L. ^ / w L •3: r* -----^ — V ...... - X:

Lu x u r i o u s T r e a t s ” iiYb ' L i z C l a iiio iin e ;. a\ SI73 ‘ Viiluc, onlv “ I N T H IN A T ' 4 ATIONAI, F iWGIIANCE C o l l e c t i o n ,” a s i0 3 v;value, yours ; ' I S25.’5. I-or .som eone .spcci;ilI onc yonr j;ilt list. iIiIn m.-1 lfl in tlu iic s .3.^ I)/. Ibr'jnsl S25.!5. Precious fragrance colhoilectibles from tiiose intereniationally » •rf’iim c p u rse sp ray s o f I.i/ ; J •i/Oliiihorne. Koiiliiics aiuiIII ^X'ivicl. fa m o u s ciesij^signers. Incluiles: .14 o/.)/. Oscar de la Roma Parfnfnm; .12 oz.

3 6 0 ° I’c rry’ i:iiilis I’iirfu m ; . 1 1 oz. I.’AiiAir du Temps by Nina Rioicci P a rfu n i;

and .26 o/. OpiumC by Yves Sainl l.auronll.ai liau de Toilette.

r '” ' r.


f ^ G R A^ N € i H iA E ' „ 3 -JESJ '■ V

CCILXEiC - t I C5 M S - — 4 — r.

...... B e a u - tTljFUL FrA-GGRANGE E n ^j s e m b t . e s '/AT ‘S'PE C IA^ IL , P r i c e s 0

3 • ’

— IW J ^ tr^ c rf

!.- 3 I c :• ^ / ; ■ , « . jI A

'i ^ ' ''V’\V o ;^ '

•i'. ’• ’9 ' ' •. \*VC^itk 'J c

£'-13i-;v ■ 1 c _ . ::9’: ' ■.:

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m ’P E R r D m C o W E c ticn 0 N ” F R 0 M C h r i s t Ta n i .“ 3 ’ ■N D i o r . A $11 0 "P r e c Io u s ( 5 C ollectibles ” f r o)M m E l i z a b e t h T a y l o rI.. A S 1 7 0 P ::;„ "value.;e. yours for just 2^50. incncludes . 17 oz. perfum e concentrationscor of value, only 27.i7.50. This gem of a colIcciIcction includes: .12'oz. par'arfums of le;. Poison: Miss'DiorahS"3-Tendre Poisonr— ------r L______...... _ _ . ,■■ Wfiitc Diamoilondsi Diamonds and Hmeraids, Hn Diamonds andd R u b ie s, ■ \'.i T> --J •.. ..•; : 1C and Diamondsids and Sapphires. W omernen’s I-ragraiices. ■■Z 1

' i ' ’’u : ■"'' 'JI ti Ifi ______* " • ,71£ p l m u □ i l l

y. 1 ► M . 111 -i»X »>T, l | "I' 3 ) ■^,I i ' " i" j)’”j)= ” ''iiin i.'.' '•J’-” ", » ccfv d m 0 3 J o ■»■=''•

m m LLs034it&8pOr\.TOUL'FREE■ E IN ic^O - 1-80CW - 2 B 6 - 4 8 0 2 - -CHARoeir M n 9^m ^m SisW bum i:'6Fop^M bk-aiit.ioimD 'A.H.-10:OOi>.M.. SUND. OUR CARO TAKES 7:ao P.M>.M. CARE OF EVERYTHING . 1 0 1 f-r,—^^Vs;i■;'■- • ■ • ■: M m P \ " \ •■;:•'?•'7': ■; '.•* ■ '’ • ’ J, ...... ,i,i2L aa=A ^ Woflnosdny. Dccomtjoiaor 14. 1994 Titnos-Nows, Tv,in Falls Idaho C'.g "

. c :DlA'Ir c)N1LY

~ THBD R S M p K BEMBER 1 5 * 0 . SPErSPECISlmOURS8;00OAM^MIDNIG3 H T — ------S ave \ 15-£50% Sttorew iiid e


H r


SAVE 500% SAVE 25--50%___ S A ^ ^ % Junior Sweatersers & Knil Tops , Women's Access(sorics Rog. 9.99-24.99,4.99- OshKoslT, Carter2rs’, .99-14.99 Clioosy froni oI gigre.U sek'ctioii Keg, h.()0-32,00, 4.50-l‘■19.20.'Choosi,' I'rom a sele.’le e lio n o f ------i)f-colorsflnd stvles.es. Tlic-C iibe.- Busier B row n' annd HealthTex' ____ handbags,.M iulj_k'^i^her Kt'ods, \V.iHe(s-on-a-Si- S trin g , Reg. I4.()()-4l).{)l), 8.40-2-24.00, M atching t{ips andnd bottom s jewelry, coki w e.ilherr k1 n its a n d g l o w s , tTislTioi^ h aceessorle?v ------in infanl, toddler, girls"ls-4:r)!i,-n ivd-bny!T4--7rKids\\d s w o f ld :— ------lu'sierv, sticks, tighls... .nui slip[ii’rs. l-‘nshion AiAccessories. •

. ------, ■ ^ ] [ ^ s i . A ^ : . * " m

. . m

r I t m ...... ^ - 1 ^ ifj m

______m _ J m/ i . ^ a SAVE 40%0 - ... Si)lAVEAN EXTRAA 30% SAVE;30% SAVE 30“/% : Selected MissesssSw eaters------^AIi 27.99^9.999 ilready Reduced Mis!isses ------Perites’"!"Porlofino"------Misses Sleepvpwear^^Robes^-----“Toung^ M ^ 's Levi's Rug.'24.99-54.00,14.9!4.99-32.40. anc /i's T le d nd Petites Outerwearlar Collectioion from Blast Reg. 26,li()-75.0j),U 1 8.20-52.50. " Assorted colors, pnltt'merns ond Orj^, Tab’" 50r &550‘“JeJean s 'riR. 89.1)0-2.19.00, Ihon (.(,.99.•99-179/J9, Rej;, 3-i,()0-)-l6.11ll, 23.80-32.20. Savee Choose from knilsiils, flannel, satin, j, _____ prjn(Siin_sizes_S:nTJ:.x^J:.xI..Seluclioii------n o w Reu. .12.99-39.99. The oriujrig in a l______i\\“46;89-125.99rGhonsc'fTD:fmrrractivc:— nn-msiial-h-hnii-topjmnd-nmtching” ------brxislrlTark>ng w ool and rainainw ear' p.inls in ri'ced or purple. Petite sizes','s' more. Sizes s-m-l.-1. W o m e n 's s iz e s ' ' ^ or black denim . Rinsedd 501■orIhe5l 6 (yk‘s. v k M isses sizes 6-16, petitelites 4-M. p-s-ni.-Pctiltile Place,' available w here‘ normik ally sold. y, r e la x e d f it, t a p e r e d le g , R Ri e d T a b .Vlis^lisses Coats, Petite Place. Robes and SleepwL ^ v e a r ' ^ ?.''() jeans, llg e r Shop.

30% OFF . SA)AVE 40% SAVE3C10-40% SAVE30-40^0 % 3 Famous Maker Betletler Glo' 30-40% OFF . loves, Cold Wealher Knil!nils junior Drcresses, All Women's Bo(3ools C Sportswear andid Slippers Girls 4-16 and Boys 4-204-2 S p o r t s v v c?ar a & Denim Jeans and Boolies*^ SSportswear • Rcfi. •l«.(X)o2.(X). 33.60-310-36.40. Choose Re^.'g. IlU)()-2n.l)l), 6.00-15.00, CiuH:iUH>se iu'i;. I -I.''''. 12I2,s,(lll 8.‘)‘J-76,81), C hoose Re«. 223.‘J9-35.99, 3 .‘. Ciioosi' lf sliirts,'Is, paiils,| skirb, fri'ni''ni leallKT and suede gkivess ani n d Ircini .i ^riMll l sL-kvtioii of tiress stvles trom Daoiiex, Corshr sin a , IN prit a m i kiknit and'W oven top>, lletve, swc,Iters-.inti iiu're. Sizeiizt>s4-U i, s.-'m-l. asM'orli.‘ii 'r knitlod hats, muftlers,s, .. i.^n lli'ivc. si L.ve, s w e a te rs su eati-rs, ik'iiim shirts, otluTs,' Does not includeiiK Tiiiilvrland ai Misses Sporbwo.ir. n iilk ' and holtonis, KiilswtirM. (tens and holiday slippers. llaniu'l w ork’"kshirts, denim jeans and a n d N in e U 'e sl. VVoi^'omen's Sluu's.,______-______\lAshishion-A tc«.‘SSorit.*s:------

7 h BO>HMA E .

MAGIC VALLEY MAL ALL, TWIN FALLS ■ 73‘3 4 -4 8 0 0 • T O L L FREilEE IN IDAHO - 1-800-:0 - 2 8 6 - 4 8 0 f CHRISTMASS HHOURS: OPEN MON.-SAT.\ i10:00 A.M.-10:00 P.M;, SUNIJNDAY 10:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.A. i ■ v _ ^

■ P < ^ '

C-10 •^mos Nows, Twinvsfin Falls. ItJaho WoOnosday./. OocomborD 14. t994 ' e m :D r c)M[y


______^ S a v (^20-50D% fo r' th e H[o m e (?& F a ml i l y ^


i ^ '

______I —YQUfKhHOICEW;^99------SAV^40®y- W 9 ; 9 9 ^ Men's Cotton Swjweaters M en's Fancy D res:ss Shirts - . BI readm an Plus wilith Bonus Toaster • Reg. 36.00. Save on stylesst> by Tony Umbert, BBasix, Reg. 26.00-39.50,15.60-:)-23.70. Choose from Aller len Solly, rReg. 299.99. Features seeL'e-through w in d o w , 7 bre?jrcad j E ditions by Van Heus(usen. Sizes m-xl. Importected. wrinkle free, corporatee casual, {in'd clcarancc. A A w ide Slsettings, plus d o u g h pre]rep. Bakes 1-, 1 '/:■ a n d 2-lb2-lb. loaves. • i ^ Men's Sportswear. selection of stripes andd patterns in cottons an d 1 d blonds TTimer, electronic control.ll panel, and nonstick loafoaf pan. Men'si Furnishings. ModelN TR-600. Bonus: wwith purchase n?ceive the:he M axim ■■2-• 2-sIicc toaster, a 39.99 val'alue.______’ ~ I------

P P H | j | | j | M I

16.99 9.99 SAVE A4NEXTRA15%fo SAVE 30%% 999.99 —^Varailjttlannels- jckers® Savane®, Entile Slolock* ------Entire S'tock* ______sM aL C ookw are 8-Pc•Pc.Set______RegJSaajihod^fiDFronv^wide i ------Hagiggat*-Slacks------^------Solid’CoIi>Ior Towels^— . Fine Casual1 rs, heat . Row* plaid styles in 100%lOi cotton o l mvrinkle-firee i 100% cotton ' d ay only Z.12-17.00. i: C hoose from jxpansion channeled bottd flannel; with or,ivilhoulOutbuHbn • ’ casua Choose from Lenox,ox, Mil

SAVE AN EXTRA iVE40% SAVE 20-J-33% SAVE 25-30%% Si Entire 8fe^I^^-C :avE30% ^u& & tockReg,J0rice ______- - Entire Stock* Crystyslal ------^—Eh :Wire Slock H o ^ a y GiftsGi ~ - :^ 2bm)iRi)aES« nnel Sheets* and Duvetsels Stainless Pl .tiftedayon^^.99=l<^ Place Settings Stemware and Baiiarware Rej5eg. 3.99-99.99, Z 7^?.99. CCh h o o s e ■;i5.W15.00,siile»9 Reg.M;66-127 fttun our assortment of st 2750,19.^9.94.99. Reg. 10.0042.50,7.00--)0-31;60.Saveon froirom a festive assortm enl of holidayH r 9.00^.00. Choose ftom a largelar . Saveonplace Induding our ecdiblve q » settings from Oneida, goblets, wine glasses,JS, 1flutes, high dinlinncnvare. servew are, novel)v elty wints. YamazaJa; lorham, Mikasa and balls, double d d fashi< eramics, lighting and more.re. Selection£ featurinff the>tcnte(i Co h cotton. M a d e ^ USA shioneds, «?r, I ■ more. Silver., decanters and pitchers •arics by store. FiVo-Star,Kitclo tc h c n , Border d e m and h l^ tt orted. •Does not include Ralp]J p h ■' lers.’Does'not ' ’‘■'r 100% cotton coiyer^&ituial tui IMdlng. Laurerf" pren. ° " Bedding., include Gallery Ciysta'S ta l. Crystal.

------— ------— I ’ '''% ~ 7 ^ u i o tlfTAIM ’•''-i'i.' n.r ' /C/ . ‘ r mQicyAUEYM^UTWtNFmS-734^^4800 • TOLL FREE: IIN IDAHO - 1-BOO-ZBt p^^.;=r:^'CM IM nu» HOU m -4 S 0 2 . (^RSiOKHMOIMAT.Ia^9rOQAM.*10:<^ P.M., SUNDAY>AY10.-00AJ«t.7.i»p;u...... > ■ ' ■ ' .... I s i ; - - i ’ l - - - W'>'*'’nr.dny D0C«’nb0f 14, 199994 Timos-Nows, Twin Falls,Ils, liIdaho C-11 Q •NEa r o)Nly

A THIHURSDAY, DECEN;mberi5*opeIN SPECIAL HOIOURS 8:00 AM-ll-MIDNIGHf =30-*i0e9:on Et e t r o rm c s " ^ / ( -h V' ^ ^ ^ *‘-1 j j j H )

: ■ i ■ ^ ^ iil _;______

j " J * ^ l f \ ^ ' ‘- ' 1 ^ , 1 . : y Py|te.^>H B 1__ '

3 y 9 B | f i p

^~~$2jgr(gTYfQQEjCUOKia ' — M agnavox 25'25" Stereo TV or M;✓lagnavox VCR Plusn1S+'- VCR Sony Bookskshelf System Orig. $399, theo?o i5329, o n e day o n ly 525299. TV fcaturc.s broadadcnst slereo sound Reg. S599, onene day only save $120D.. Featuresi 5-disc caroustisel CD changer, system, remotee ccontrol; on-screcn merlenus. VCR fenlurcs VCR:r P1us+ “ 100-watt ampiiplifier with 7 band specK’ctrum analy/cr, dual cassettea deck, digital programming,, VVHS hi-fi sIltl’O s o u nui d system, remote controlrol. AM/FM tunerier witli 30 slatiun pre.^e.“sets, 3-way speakers, reiem o te control. ______^ ------W fTEiel-tBDTS:r55I):------

mi*i'S : ■ ■ ,',^ 1 _1J229___ M agnavox V.19" Stereo TV M . Orig. S299, (lienin S249, one ^ ■■ ■ ----- ■”■'■■ day on ly , $229.9. F eatures ^ Stereo sound sysystem, remote control, on scre<-een menus. Model 1960. NH

JBI''M i^ ’ - '

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r , ■ : ... - - i j i o HUH-If f l r t

. , MAGIC VALLEYVy MALL, TWI.^/IN FALLS- 734-414800 • TOLL FREiEE IN IDAHO - 1^i-800-286-4802 CHRISTMAS HOURS: COPEN MON.-SAT. 10:0(00 A.M.-10:00 P.M.. SUNJNDAY 10:00 A;M.-7:0QJP.M.- P i ■■■ : i C-12 Timcs-Nows,. TwTwin Falls. Idoho WdtJnosOny,y, CDocombor Id, 1994 Coffeecjcake mad(ie ahead of»f time can1 m ake Chhristm as nm orning aa little lesss hectic ()iic ('iiri>.1tii;iss I'VeI; wlicn my '/: cup sugar lhe yea.si, cupcup sugar. } tablespoons RiRoll each ha lf into 8 -b y -l2 incinch rcc- double, about iV: hours. hoi Hake ai 350 Ium'in. l;yy|il :ijul Linj about' 3 tablespoons butter » butter and Vj tea*leaspoon salt. Stir to melt tangangle. Combine 6 tablespoonss 1butter, degrees for aboutIt 202( to 25 minutes, •1 years dltl, ihcy were wi so excited H Valley cooking . JcgES t)ie butter. A ddid 2 . cups flour. Add thc \'/:'/; > cup sugar, and thc orange5C peel. Remove from the pan.par Combine pow- jiioiil Sania Claii.sus coming they f 6 ta b lesp o o n s so fte n ed bi * Dixie Thom as b u tte r eggs. B eat at low speed on your mixer SprtIprcad over the dough. Roll up;; sealst the dcrcd sugar^and orangrange juice for glaze, I'luililn’i >kv|). N o atiiamount of plead- I ' 'A c u p su g a r for aboui 3 t o•1 -1 minutes: Add enough seaneams. (If you put a little watercr along Drizzle over warmn rolls.ro Sprinkle nuis iiii:liylmhby(irtncmL- made any dil'fer- W ^ ’ R e a l e tca.spoons shredded ora \'/: irangcpeel flour to make:e a; fairlystiff dough, thelie : seam , it helps to seal.) Sliceice, each o \e r top. c n cc . Wc trie:d d ieverything we \V: cups powdered sugar Knead on a floured f]< surface until rolloil intoi 12 rolls. Placc in 9-inch:h round M akes 24 rolls, COIlUl lliii)k » t'(o i!cltl Ihcm I 10 Slay in r.i A7 pn 2 to 3 table-spoons orange •D ORANGE NUT ROLLS gfjuice smooth, aboutIt i 5 m inutes.. Place in a bakitaking pan. (You will probably wwant to ______. i hci). Niiihitig ucirkcilked. W c hail pul 1 cup nut.s (your choicec e: p e c a n s, greased bow l, ti ips Hour . tum and let rise until egg'gg wash these rolls — ^ water:ran j d l^ Dixie Thomass Rcak'R< wclcomcs ...... ilicin ll) bed il d ii/c n li:n tintc.s lhai nitfht , walnuis. cashews, almonds] kagc active dry yeast Is) doubled, abouo u t \'/: hours. Punch egg'gg whipped together and appliecied with commcnix on rccipa iinly In iiiivc llicin up again in live •• , ' ] ipcs. Hcruddrcs:: is m ilk - ...... Meat the milk lo 115 degi-•grccs. A d d dow n. D ivide in two.i a pa:pastry brush.) Covcr. Lei risese until 50J W. Eii:hlh. Jcror, .-nlitllll^.•^ M|itc:il:ng around nroi ihc house. iTomc. ID S333S. I licv were dclerniinudned 10 slay awake I Iill .'^iiiii LMiiie. ll Witsi^as iioing.to be a & m | | loil'J lllllll. W elu id .III old e.nil_iial^funiai^'in lhe_ ^ Ivheiiii'iil. Ardimd iiii-y ClC hristm as! ■ (ill Sania, You can’ian’i come to our : B ;0^2ii2iG‘ii2t23tK:3Sfni3F tiuusc yet. l''j:ypt a nid d 1Louie arc still f > aw ake. Slill awiikc! It is wway pasi their | bcdiiiiic. 1 know Siiiiia, Wc^Vc tr ie d to g e t | llieni til gl) lo bed. bubut they are so R p a . e\cileil iliey can't sC'seem to sleep. 9 ■ Coidtl yuu plciisc comeim e b a c k la ter? ffl ------l-don^t-kfiow-iri-canrancomeback-rl—H —i(OT~s g have a loi o fsto p s 10) m: m ako lon ig b t. a gm (iec Santa, if yoii)u 'would come S hack. I proiiiisctlicy’ wiwill be in bed. H ru try lo comc bu(buck. Bul they B bciicr be in bed or I wow on’t e v e n stop Ik tc. ------llu is e n u i cDllJiciTKIII KnocKco caeli oilier down gettingS t(lo bed.^Thcy squeezed tlicir eyes sliu so lig h tly it looked like ll Kurt. Tlic eliildren wen up agaii^jj^^^H a rm iiui 5 ii.m. S an taI had he come anu brought toys, lots and -ffOAo nd I01.S o f toys. uazakc The children lore into0 tl;Iheir giAs like ^ : SIZE BIT A n: sltark.^ jn a feeding frcn?•cnjy. |H jrai3.113...... 3 2 . 0 2 70S«; H b H u ^ ^ E I x j v 113...... 3 4 : 2 3 ------A -n iccco fT cecak 'cmmade i ahead of lesnn. IIZE PRICE K ^ V T lime can be warmcmcd up in a ^ B i7a/mim i s ...... 3 5 . 3 9 i s m w i j ...... 35.00 B ^ ^ ^ B 70 SERIES ■ K 3 7 U• 5 SIZE ^ticE mierowavc. ll, too,I, wouldw make ^BiBi/ttniitinn...... 37.60 i7W0m<...... 3 6 . 6 4 E B v K f l 1B8*.Ii;...... 2 1 ^ 1TB/J76/71M-13...... 2 1 . 6 3 B ^ H ■ I Ittli itnvj»-i5...c....62.5i■56 F * P 1 S 8 h h B . Christmas moming lesscss h c ctic , p liis ^ f l ltV7SRitfwM 3 8 . 9 4 isa/Toau...... , 3 8 . 3 7 i7V B «-tJ...... 24.44 in/768/7Sfl-is...... 25.23 B a so • $ g ffl» ij(ii.iB .....C....60.7' rs«14...... 4 2 . 7 9 19S/70R14...... (42.02 E B v ^O i 7B/7M-14...... 2 6 . 6 4 B 9 m it w o u ld bo a spccial1 tntreat, 1 w ish I ^ B t 9s/7sat 1BOTSH4...... 2 7 ^ 4 3 ITBff t ^ »tno.68ii-iB...J....o^-00 1 would have thought loto maken one for ^ B 20s/76RIrSRM...... 4 7 . 8 9 208/71*14...... 47.12E Si^|» ...... 3 0 . 3 3 1M7BV70R-14...... 2 8 . 2 2 ^ ^® ^ Ii7iwans..j...o0.7<7 4 Bt'7l‘lVM’JM g M B B ...... 4 7 . 8 9 ihiit memorable Christnistm as m o m in g ^ B 21S/8/7« i j ...... 4 4 . 4 2 f w i W B I m » u ...... 3 5 . 7 8 when Sonlnjiad lo come>me b a ck . H 2

CRUMB COFFETEECAKE IV4 cup.packngcd bisciiscuit mix ^^B H B w K K ^ ^ P free ,. c u p sugar tr Mix together, then add______------r-— l-larg c eg g ------V J f l H | ^ B 1 teaspoon vanilla ______-iK ______PRICE SIZE ' •. Mix well. Put in well-greasedw< ■ siz e SIZE . PRlCticE_ _size _. p w c T f c — ircalcepan. 12...... 35.90 iwroiMi...... SIZE PRICE rav7M-i9 ...J....62.9292 i,TawM.i««B....82.77 M Crumb topping; It 36.81 iTvnn-ti...... 4 6 . 6 0 70 SERIES 3 .... 4 9 . 2 3 B S g a a » y ^ B imw»ii.tB..x....M.0606 iTmm.iB»E....89.38 H Clip flour ^ B iBn-i$.. '3 8.64 i88ffl*-ii...... i » t * ...... V70II-1I...... 3 3 . M E t r 3 ...... 4 8 . 5 1 B E H * m H Inw7»-1B...C....70.81Bl tT2wna-iiHi....92.08 Q I tea.spoon vanilla ^ B tesK-is..u 4 1 . 3 7 troTOK-M...... 1*8W I ...... « a m B/TM-ii...... 3 4 . W F ^ y Z5__tTta.ifi^ ff 84.41 pB D ash .suit 5 0 . 9 8 iB w -ii...... 29.00 infftOTM-14...... 36;^lEA dBS Sj^M rni.mi5....c. ^ 0 3 .115 5 l ^ »p4irown-suRa»— =r5^5jjH B ^^ :W»M».tj;^7;;;;7.33.79---- 11^am*-i4T7;zr.37«92-B«slj|| i------TM » lUY H ^ B imun-iBnD....81>97 ^ I 1/5 oiince butler ______' tarnS/7M-14...... 39.96 IjH ^B mUDMATVAJIT c C —:------Mix_untiUi3c_icxturc.urc-of-coarse— .. crumbs. Sprinkle overver cake and ,-cook for about H hoh o u r 3 5 0 u- degrees. ^ ^ k S ^ P frEE' ,v Icing: - . 1 teaspoon butter 3 'o u n c e s po w d ered sug;sugar K. 1 d ro p vanilla i------r r 1 /lO c u p h o t watCT Combine and'drizzle:zle over the ^ B . PRICE ■ SIZE ■ PRICE L ^ 9 SIZE PRICE^6 SIZE PRICE T O 1i>warm cakc, i 6v nm - i is....;,..45.90 ta em -u ...... 5 9 . 3 6 SIZE PRICE SIZE BlSi!:e PRICE ^ B X ^ > MBBrtM.1B...J....67.47 ^ B i n mi-is - n ...... 4 9 .1 3 tos/7» i B ...... i t » t t ...... ,3 9.94- iia/7a ...... 6 3 . 7 8 ...... j h s B : J m «iWBim...j....69.97>7 itflMp#-i8. „ e . | 1 2 . 5 5 ■ RASPBERRY COFFmFEECAKE ■ i7wi»iiM l ...... 49.79 xi8/7»iB ...... 1BBR-1I...... 4 3 . 1 0 ita/niW0M4...... 5 4 . 0 6 .....67.61 8 . iT*W 7Si.i8»i.||7.53 M -1, 1 3-ounce packageIge creamed its/m-iiM l ...... 5 ? ‘6 4 tflVTSR-IB.------tB»-1l...... 4 6 . 1 1 1BS/7QIW0».14...... 5 7 . M H fHM ^ rav7Ba-iB...j....7^>26!6 iTUV7n>iB...e.1 i / * o 8 B l cheese ^ B 1U/7SI-14M 4 ..___55.49 av7»iB ...... ; 7 0 . 4 8 ro SERIES mmi-14 m ...... 61.29 B e K a | B iRwm-iB..x....99.97'7 ITUVTSR-Iliwl.1 1 8 .0 8 ■ cup butter or margiiri][tuine ^BtN/7n-i4H 4...... «5 7 .1 0 m u iu ri u v v u r 117I/70ft-1l, ...... , 4 9 . 4 1 TlTUADMAYVART PtlV7B-18...J...84'38i8 iTia/7SH-i8..j.l23.19 ■ /. 2 cups packaged biscuitn iit m ix m »> i.T . M . 1/3 cup milk H cup raspbcny pie filli In.mixing bowl, cut creamed^^ ^ ^ ^ B cheese and butter into0 b m ix m S S S m ^ FREE^ i tmtil mixture is cnimbly.lly. Stir in the SALANcct • milk. Tuni the biscuitlit dough( out r onto a floured surface:e and1 knead ^B H M M ^ I ^ B siZE ^ LOAORGRANGE PRICE l l ^ I about 10 to 12 strokes.ces. Roll the ♦He HH — i - -^ougb onto waxed'papcaper to'form ~ h j n 3 LTflB/TSI-IS...... XX ...... 9 4 . 6 2 BK J ^ ^ B Lt«V7aR-1B...------X . . 9 9 . 4 5 and 8'by-I2 rectangle, C a re A illy m m w a r n si/ixn-iB...... ;..x 1 0 1 . 1 3 m ■ tuni upslde"ddwn'onto'itoygreased I . PRtCe StZE MBBMI-II___ . 4 3 . M R0V76 n/iojoR-iB...... X 111.96 B ilB : cookie, sheet. Remove'e thet waxed ^ B , “ .l PR JCEljH ^I^I ^ FIBSflMMI___. 4 6 J 2 PWffBvTH-u...... M . a i t i n u » i s ...... x 1 3 0 . 6 3 B B ; paper. Spread the p ie fii:filling down H m « „ _ 4 7 . 5 0 ------. . . . . 5 7 . 9 8 !]! nT M oi-t*___. 4 4 . 3 1 R0S/7S B ^ B iTttnsi-iiM 1 1 6 . 9 1 S 3 die center of the dough,[h. Makei slits ■ m mH4 -u------5 1 . ^ |O M a|.iB_____ piB«M»-is...... J 0 . 4 7 R taV7sa-i8...... 62.31 m ^ B | Q^ ^ B LT»a/7SI-1i...... X .. 1 3 2 . 8 7 n B along the sides of tbe! rectanglere of ■ tUM-ii.h b _ 5 2 . 3 1 T n u m u MMffBH4___ 3 4 . 1 0 W TV7»iB B .....,.6531 B ^ ^ H^ ^ B S.S«l-1BJin ...... 1 2 1 . 4 2 U l ! f dou& and fold the slitsits over1 ras»- - ^ B hi.~..-.53.37 muuMmatM nwTsii-14___ 9 4 . 7 8 n a m ^ ^ ^ B ______--TIUSIUiu r» u T ------betiies. Bake at 350 degriegrees for.2S m u w d M u n — B ^ ^ B :— rr- to-30-minute8;-DriBloTvi~withl2iA'foI~ lowing icing. 1 powdered su o t JiteKpbonvaniUa^ ,> -^iK:tftblesp^iaw

4:»Dp'$i^6oiFNotxa(C IM N O ir

■ ' i ■ ( ''i ■ ( '

~ 4Mopiming™ M agfiicYallesy runiners pilace-hijigh in F By Karen Baumcrt Reno I Beo,eoji Je* of Wood River clainii Times-News writer inied thc top Ann Clapiericr of Dietrich also helped lea' llnish■h on the boy's side, takini: fo cad and you place m the loplo p .?il perccni. ih .ri's . I founh place a\i Idaho team111 toi a n.iiioiiiil cham p io n sh ip . in tho10 17-l S-year-oldsrJcx helpci p. oulslanding." Ni-Kon s.iid . 1 RENO. Nev. - Becky p c d th e Ida- C la p ie r's 3 ,'^4t 4 th pl.ice iltiish in c ra ll in ili ky Ward of Richfield ho teaeam win ihe ;i.itional clianipi Ihc Angela Bingham oof f ,fer«>inc. cajm ired I line ran 10 a third-place llnish iipionship in l5-l(..ycar-C.UM.|d uu ls A lso I and Field Junior Olympic h o 's team , ipics ill cross country' Fiveve Idaho ninners on that ie:»» conipciing 111 lhat calcialegoiv rrom Wood ______I I ■ in Reno. Nev.. Saturaay~ iniJo.o.k.All:^------L y lc - R o gScrs-ulLGuoditiji c r iiiid-Davii ‘X' .AnieniT ican honors by pla cin g in tl /id —Rivci-ivc-a-Jninifcr HoBs'oBson. who uuiIT'^i.in ■ I "She led it for the lirst 1 the top 2.‘'.' Simpson froiiHm C.uc\ led I'cani Idaho's sec :lrst half-mile to mile Jex w;was second behind another cc- and 1-rin Lyons. « h o p>laccd la c l\>rd, and then she dropped bac icr Idahoan, und 17-IS-yea*ear,-old team to a Ittili placi back and another girl Billy• HeniianI of Boise took seco ICC • Both Hinghani and I II. lobson runiiiiig on I ;cond in the- Ihiish, RoyJrsrs clainicdi a (-4ih place.tinisli 4 4 took charge." said Jack Nelson,Nc onc of Team 'Compcpetition, sh. I i-.mi lilah n 's I'lisi u-.iiiiMin 111 ih.ii.dh isittii. I while Sinip>onon e n d ed ‘)(itli. Idaho’s coachcs. "She■ wasw; in sccond unlil Acci help ed it conic .iw .i\ w j T o s a vve e tim e in tiie rcorditig to Bill M andl. WoA’ood River Nelsmi. wlu w ill) a fointh-pi.ii.-e I the last 100 meters andnd another girl out- cross i vlio also coachcs (looding':i's llnish. ■; couniry coach, the coursese was per- cross couniry ic t w o - m iin n i u te drill, tiie kicked her. ll w as a d o c: lightlli; for that place." fectiv,' team, said there were an avercr-_ Jnckson Essclmnn. al^. i.V'iuiicd ib r Jex. age of 20 team ai;.> of W.nul \U\ a-. I •Ward's finish in the 1?' ■aiiis p e r age g ro u p .m d 2 ..''(KO il'grabbed l4Sih pl.u'C in R a i d e r s now r practice 17-18-year-old divi-^ "Wh.'hen we gol there he got a big 111 i)ie bo\.s' I '-l-I- I sion led the list of Magi hig smile on niniiers at thee mni c d , agic Valley runners his facacc when he saw the hills.' yc.ir-olds. w a l k i n g Is." Martell "Wlicti thereere arc .UK) kids in vour r.icc \ I ng backw ard thai competed.' said. ice C o d y O rchard, ot' Jcrv>n and they are Ihc .Tv'rnc. c.iiite in I2 i-.i ■ - . a f t e r penalties | ______, . l ihclop.^Opaccm m ihe naiior:on in the h o \s ' I.''- !(*.vcaiI-o -i'l ld s. ■

9 9 - Syndindicated columnist Norman Chad Sparttans H Top teearns I

Daly retururns to PGA ^oxrtlca s t~ |» kvoid-paH—j Tour afterer scuffle PONTE VEDRy5RA, Fla. — John Daly. Braiins X upsetss I on the sidelines s :s since a scuffle with a _. .^By.Biad B o w lin ------spectator for3vrrmonths, will return to' Thc Associalcd Press -- ../Times-Ncwssporis.cdiioJiior____; the PGA Tour in thet 1995 season-opcn- ing Mercedes Charhampionship. "Idaho's top boys' higli.ll schs> o o l b.isketball H RUPERT - The Twi g ir ls T h c fo rm er PGD2 l|||^ H and in Houston, a louric spokesman said, A-1 Cenlenriial gen Kl.oO.of 12 flrsl-place H VOIC.S unning the .siaio'.s larglai'gcsi schools. I'he ‘1 f we get som e inside sl to we Patriots crushed lasl weekoek's No. 3 learn, Sports Illustri)trated honors might have had a shoi." .>1." Bruin coach l/ake Cily. and Cocur d'AA lc lc n e. w hile No. 2 Lawrence i’feflerle said a spcedskaters•s 1Blair, Koss d aOer the game. Rigby easily dcfcaled Burloy Bur in only “If we had played the fir^itr^it (quaner like we . gam e. M I L W A U K EiE E — U.S. Olympic played ihe third, w e could h Id have won it." The Trojans face ShelleyHoy and Borah this ‘ champion Bonniee BBlair was "back on thc Tliat first quaner starlei ned with Minico week before meeting third-lird-rankcd Capital top of the podium’Jm” Tuesday, this time up 4-0 and six o f Twin I-; 1 F a lls’ first sev- on Salurday. The Itagloss movedni up a spot ______sharing honors witlwith.fellow sneedskntcr _ en possessions cndinu ng with missed when Lake City fell out of ihe'poll. High- . Johann Olav Koss:ss as Sports lllustrated’s shots or turnovers. I he he tact that the cn Wllll one loss. Sportswoman andJ SportsmanS| of the Year. Bruins (2-6) trailed by oi oiily fi^e alkr moved imojlie rankings._\ss._whilc-Posi 1-ail.s______“I always ihoughiIght of this-award-as-so ------th c o p c n in g -fra n je w a s testesiinioliy lb the dropped out after losing lo A-2A Kellogg, high. !ip unatiainabllable. Now all o fa sud- Spanans own poor shootir oting. lhat 60-5X victory helpedIped Kellogg move den I’m on a list ■withwi Edwin Moses and "We missed 17 bunni nnies." Minico out ofa second-place tio withwit Sugar-Salem, , Mary Lou Rction."'n." Blair said during a . co.ich Jodie Mills famenti m ost y -ru m aiiied -th e -io p ------— ,------news-confercncc-atL a L M ilw a tik tx ls-U c ttii______------o f thostf-cameieurlyjimthc:thrgam c.-±Buni=^^^^| team in A-2. getting all'buibut one first-place_____ National Icc Cenier.ler. nies," Mills explained, ar from vote, Sugar-Salem tiroppei)ped io Ihird. tbi* three feet or closer. lowed by Salmon and Bonrlonncrs Ferr>\T l»^^^^B ______ExposjmmagegenAIou?s------flUDOY CHACHARl£9»Wra»rtmi.-nm»»:N*.„- TTBadgcrsrtbimri'thcinvay^lnFlnRrihiFfofrnv?=^^H ly in the sccond period, ■ Torle Davis (22) averts a steal from Twin Falls’ I co n tract extent;nded to 1997 Laura Robortson, after last week's No, 5 loan;eam. Snake River. ■ outscoring the BruinsIS I10-5 bcroro who pickei;ed up a foul on,the play.y- losi both of ils games. M ONTREAL —- FelipeFc Alou will manage M ichelle N em eth hit a tlireC'ircc-poinKr. ’nial s|,c hii ao The same five icams a.s la; again from oulside thc tiiree-poipoint arc ihe Bmins to within s last week fill out . the M ontreal Expos5 throughthi the 1997 season made it 23-19, and a Jackackic Rasnick frce forljictini lin 44-12 wiih 4:30 remain- the i A-3 rankings, although tl Irst'D niin lead since tlie first pcriorriod. ing. bui llial w as a s c >h th e re w as .some undcracontiactexiaisit throw followed by a Gre IS close as they would gel. * nsion announced Tuesday, Grclchcn Ncilsoa . Everyy Ilime the I3ruins threaiened u sliufiling below lop-ninkod;d Potlatch,P Malad jumper set the half-time scon J to take The Spanans, asas disciplined a group as \ . A lou. w ho is 59. signedsig a contract in 1992 |COreal 27.19. toillw l. I»iiowever. Gillelte slaninied thc was ihe only ranked teamI to lose, falling to that w as revised this yi At that point, PfefTerle knc’ ihc diHir. can he found amlong on] R egion III C lass A -I | is year and called for him k n a v his le;un luid a She hit aI number of overall poinls. Thc 'I Mustangs . offastealtodrawtlieBminsio U.S. reprcscntc(ited by Martin, LSlowitliin 27-2-1. then hit a three-poinier. After anoiher• G iesler * ‘•■'’cn s M inico‘si regional record posicd two easy victories a n d h av e Gillette drove to ihe baskiasket to stretch the .sikiI and sc score. Gillelte.s-injck from inside,J,., lo l-l. while Twinn Falls!■ drops to 0-3, more games thiin anyone inn th • Courier againsinst France lead back to five, but Laun:luni Robenson hit When t 1 the Bruin shooters went cold cc - Minico wmi ihcjaejayvee game.-14-37, ^ Carey also was improssi' w e e k . * - fo r T w in F a lls to ke ep th.cBniinsclo.se, e B Laura R( WHITE PLAINS.s. IN.Y. — Todd Mar- _ Robenson and Wcstburgs ci a e h ccHiiing from behind to beat be; previously _ _ ._ll_was Ncmetii a^in late:e-in-ilie in period, liit*. .m issed op ------lin-and'Jim-GourierrtTrbotlrDavis'dipT^cr open-shot.s --G illctic'again’fi ■10. Mi-.-im-t'l 374:r;(ifmill,!:0 0'J------.tiiirdrrankcxi_Munaugli4vv-fiv‘-fivtM Uid-kiiock'^^— ting an inside bucket lo get Twi rim ind-jrE S';;;-.?!,” ,; erans, will representent the United States Twin Falls to within R oam andid Minico was jliead to stay.. 43-37,4! 1 1 JJ3 ToMi^ ijli ing oir Oakley, That los.s'toto CareyC dropped a bucket at 30-28. And withth v tw o minutes leli. N em etli' llii:;:::;:" j;Munaiigh to fifth, while High against Francc whenen thc 1995 series be- ih's tiiird bomb ofihc night broiigiabrc; K ss:'s;;;s ;s" iighhnul of Craig- gins Feb. 3-5 in St.. PePetersburg. Fla. mont and Nampa Christian : un- bl U.S. Davis Cup• cacaptain Tom Gullik- beaten and each moved up a s| son selected Martin,1. rankedn No. 10 in the i world and Courier, NcN o. 13. ^ - "A captain is onlyIy asa good as the play— ------0(ids aree good: CCampois- ers he has on his tearr;am,” Gullickson said. Gernman trailnersblaiT Com pile.)iled from wire reports gambling ^ l g is wides problerm for*Chinjese drug wo(96S I Chicago Tribune and for evtveryone associaied with thehe uni- The AssociatedI PPr r c s s al athletes, who have all been su; sp e n d ed , T oday. VLTsiiy." NU Nl President AmoId“W I-b^>er said CHICAGO — At a mee were seven swimmers, uvo leeting. of the .Mctnday, "V"W e have a reputation for ninr u n n i n g ____ ^fML.'\.VI'A------^ High 8< ^ l boys basketballbai NiNCAA men's basketball comr ~T!ie-()lym pics'-chicf--orone cyclist find one hunller,- Jmmittcc a cou- a clean.-higiigh-qualiiy program,*’------anti-iliiping of'llci:Icial believes that coaches ' Minico a t Burioy; 6 p.m.-p, plipie of weeks ago. members ti '.'In each o f those s p o n s . vo ' s tn id e d sto ries F or th e moment. it Nonhwestem ofllnicjals ‘‘"‘I ifiiiners from:im fomierJ-ast (ierniany so Filer at Castloford,1.6 6 p.m.. they’d-heard thi about .spons bcti soiiKjonn of GDR irainer.s, i . ■ betting-on-thcir -arc-equallyly-conccrncd wiili“Uetermiiliiiii'mg * ■iiro'respunsiblc" H camcai puses. c for iheyreccni spate of inl'ornied." in said de M crode. whether thihe problem goes beyond sesenior positive drug lesls les involving Chinese tei • High school girls basteskotball '^ ■' priiblciii;iii ofiraincrs from (iDIJ their money to fly a student to I De Mcrode. however, said i no to L a s V eg a s .so have ad n iittitted gambling on college ssp p o n s (I^;is< (ie r n ia n yy) ) starting lo use ihcir ev he could placc wagers on game; cvidcncc lIuii top Chinese sporp o rts fnt-’s. with anotherler student, hahit,s with (he C h Chinese," Prince Alcxan- anire involvcil in any organi/i "We shared the .inccdotal infinformation we Weber s said Monday he hopes:s the dre dc Menule. cliainiiancli of the Inlcma- eai:anipaign, 5 30 p m — Cftwiftel 13. coieo. all had," said Bob Frederick.:k. ichairman of school's intt itcmal investigation will bee com-c lit'nal Olympic C'omniiliccCo medical coni- yit's nol coming from the lo| theliil: committee and athletic dirdirector at the pleted hy ih l' ■ 7.30pm. —CniftfWIIJ.tioiJnt the end of_ilie_month. whenien h i s ___ niission. said TuciiiC iday.------...... oiif>B.»wD0 ^ _ - ^ h ! ______UnUnive^ty_of.KansQS. "Thc p iioritics," lre ‘saTd, 'T f it'^w as ; ------cnomp*y\iNti to c-problcm'was reliieincht laYeseffcct.la "Wc know whathat happened in the GDR, icn probao^'prc more pervasive thai cm used in all of China, you v lh a n a n ^ o f us W eber wc:voiildn’i discuss specifics of the "cjsec:c titrainers from GDR acl- it i ______tho thou g h t." I in all olher spons also." . ■ • in v e stig a tioon,',but i it has been learned;d t|,;,i ing in a c.uiniry w|w’here you find the same I The committee’s discussi De Mcrode said il is nol su sur q K isin g to ssion.seem ed the univt:rsilsityJm -hired-a-fom ier assissistam problcin.-it^-easyisy lo su.spcci llie.se p eo - h a' largely academic until last wee lave more posilivc drug cases weekend, when U.S. attorneiiey. now in private practice ice. to Pl«- The Chiiie.se:sc neeil to make an in- bcilecansc of its size and popii ” r spo^sT u n e n»'Nonhwestem announced the suspensionssu; o f, handle the case.c: The university has noli PRO *COUtC£* HICH S' olilied quiryininthi>." CHSCHOOl5COR£S IWC;wo high-profile athletes for w nore than I'billion, lie also i ir w a g e rin g on the N C A A and ai federal law-enforcement;nt of- Mcrode i.s■ thpiuis super- cap ___ • . ecuicuiive dircctor. ‘*Wc have to m apaaiy of Ihe drug-testing hi 0 make people Northwester:ern officials tried to showw the power in ihe pastst fc\\I years pariicu- Jing awware a that this could happen on ng." he said, "If thev are lakiiak_ingjippiy^ _on yotircam - .I^CAA ihev li iiirol:------lariy-ihc.plicnoiin.'Hi pus: rLhad.lhe.problem-under-conir n.'nal-Mlev•e^s•of-its-^vom=— priaNate'hieasuriTsTilicy'wiTl rcci: 'UsrMaybc-the-IVortlilvcstcmlln dealVill do The schoollol isn’t liable to be sanctioi lUl." ioned swininicrs and.iid.irack and Ikid atlileles crec'edibility." unless it is shown sl lhat oflicials or coacI■aches. — 1’-'^ proiiiplcdI alallegaiions ol' a similar T Nonhwestem probably isn’t ; Thai's just what Chinese ofl Scores and statsts D2 N i’t an isolatcd^^igaged in wrongdoing,wi or thal a lack of in- doping program. ase. But Ihniiicemed little consi lencnd to do. High school-bask(skelball D2 “ -J ansolation at coi:onlrol contributed. But the; bas-b ’ China's credibilibiliiy was shiiken when \\ niversily that has prided itsel;self on beinii/Keih^^^ Wci Ji/hong, secretary gener im ittec’s recent push to pul:jubli- I ■ Chiiic.sc athleteele.s tested positive for Chi College basketbalball D2 »boibove the mire of big-time inle hinese (^lyrnpic Com niittee. inlercoWtrjIaie cizo the issuele niises the question of whellleilier _ pcvrorriiunce-eiili;: ih lelics.------— iihancing drugs at the Chiihina woiild set up a pcnnamei ■ , NBA D2 ; ------• " Ihc N C A A -ww ilftiyio make'an exampleile of Asian (iaincs in -Ja■Japan in October. The "to ' “It'i a matter of grave conctt^ncern fo r m e N o nhw estem , 0 work t'ull-iirnc againsi dopinj ^------: - ...... ' ------I 0 -2 Timos-Nows,TTwinwii Falls, Idaho Wodnosday. DeccmOofDi 14.1994 Paccjjrs can’’t keep / up winining SIitreak TOregon ccoach honnored CLI-VHI.y\NI)> ((AP) — Murk I’ricc pas>ccl (o (irc^ircg Drciling for a ^NBA roundup (luiik.jincl ilrovc for for (I layup at the — -with-B]Jiyantawa^ard-— stan of Ihc Ibiirthth quarter as the ovenhcM: Minnesota Timherwolves. Cleveland C'aviilicrs:rs ran i off lhe first Hawks,ks coaeh Lenny Wilkens earned HOUSTON (AP) -- Rich tender," said BrocIrooks. who has :H poiiK s o f lh e perio ith earcer victory, leiiving him - -•riod-nnd beat the .*!‘=‘ fBrooks, who led Oregon to ijs 1 *■'c o a c h c d for 18 y of Red Aiierhaeh’s NBA record, ' IndiatKi Paccrs ‘JO-83S 3 :i'iic, sila y n ie h l. >l'y “ . ffirst Rose Bowl berth sincc years al Ore. s lile fihh victory in seven gam es ’nie 'f’accrs. who *«'jusl27|xm-nlslui f,,,,"',;; won the Bear Bryant Awa Kawks'and the Ihird loss in a row J g o n , “ T h e in Ilii; decisive fininliIh pentKl, f had iheir ,|,y -j Tuesday night as collcgc ; Timberwolves, wiio Ii;ive 'C f o o l- 1 good news is ______llvc-f’aiiie witiiiin^s {p.truaJu.snappcd.-,|n,ppcd-inl-m .^ flh eirlasi 12, -baM’s coach ofthe year. we were able CIcveliiiul Ikw won Ihreelha- in a row. Wookiecie Ulaylock led liie Hawks w'iih Brook.s was one of six fir to finish the Chris Mills->c..rcored. 17. John l‘> pointsis ;uida Isaiah Rider, eoining iilTa for the honor, presented anr job at the end . Williams |,5 and Hohtohhy-P liills 14 Ibr highly pui;piihlieized spal wiih his cimcIi . by the Football Writers Ass o f the season. , C lev e lan d . Price Iuullad 13 pifin is. 11— piiecd the-'lie-'i‘imhenvolves wiih 2.V lion ^f Amcrica. ------**We had to iissisls;inil seven rehoi.•hminds. The other finalists were come from be­ • Rik Sniils led IndIndiana w iiir26 Lakcrs■slI5,M 1 av(;riek.sI08 winner Terry Bowden of Au\u b tirn , hind three dif. • poims.,aiuI Dale Da\ D a v is s c o rc d 16. DAI.1.A;l.A.S (AI*) - Nick Van li.u-l hitp • Tom Osborne o f Nebraska..S S o n n y ^ ------’ fcrent fc times .'Rci-gic Miller had i: I 13 -points on 6* foiir of hi- tie. liicn Van The Ducks stumbimbled early in . Oregon rccovcrcd from j i'IIII.A n i-|.l’IIIA(AI>:AP) - WilliL-nor- l-xd L-onneimeeted on 3-poiniers in siieces- 1 a 1-2 the season becausease of inexperi- • Ion, releaseil t.irlier thisIlli^ season by the sive possess•essions lo pusii liic Lakers' lead stan that included conscculiveve loss- ence. _ i.Mianii Ileal, si'orcil a , 1 a earecr-high 5^ i,» I07-I0202 with' 3:57 le d — le s to Jlawaii.and.Utah-to.finislish th e____!lWc.wcre a.vcry.yty.y o u n g .fo o tb all . ' points againsi his old tc d team to lead lhe Van li.xcl;.'4el-was S-for-16 from 3-point season 9-3 and earn a shoi aial Penn te am a iith e beginnin] I’hilailclpliia 76crs, ming of the sea- range andd addeda 10 assists, liddie Jones S tate in the R ose B ow l on Jan. Hiirion's tolal was ihc ;n. 2. so n ." B ro o k s sa idi. , ’’S" i e v e n tee n o f Ihe highest in lhe added l‘>9 pointsp and Cedric Ceballos \ < I “We beat Washington and ; NUA this .‘icasini. Il also id Ari- the lop 22 players on offense were ilso .sera Speelriim eontrihiiiedled 17 points and 10 rebounds zona b a c k -to -b ac k and thal solidi.sc freshmen and sophorrhomores and we ’ scorini: reeord. Mirpassin‘ismg lhe 52 pninis , fur, ihc Lak-akers. who have won-four-of— - -fied-a<;-a.s-a-lnic-Rosc-BowI-^I-con— really-niude-some mis ------rscorey coacii'Dick c \joiiii for insub- I ing 5 o f K .l-poiiucrs. an Richfieeld powe . and a franchise- orUinalion. ers 1 . _ ’ record 24 ol‘2K Tree Ihfow rows. - b ■; TT, K o c k c l.sjT?3, y Bullct.s 85 'H orncl.s 107, Bucks • I " IIOUSTOlTON (AP) --O tis Thorpe had [ -ii p a s t i S ^36— ; CHARI.OTTi;. N.C. (A(/ l’) — Alonzo 27 poinis amiam 14 relniunds as the Hous- I b ; M oumini! .scored 20 poir poinl.s 10 lead lhe ton Itockelicels led virtually ilie entire t Theti Timcs-Ncws ' Charloiie Ilomels lo ii vi< I victory over lhe g;imc, i|,c„;ii turnedi iiack a iJullets rally i High school • M ilwaukee Ihieks, who h lo l g irls .0 have lost 10 o f for a »>3.S5<5_vieiory..Tuesduy.nighl.nvcr— ' - RlCHFlELD.--r.Bccky.War'ard. __ ------—.‘-thcirlasi ll'gnmcs.------Washingion. fresh from a third-place finish T sh in by Wendell before postingnga43-41 a Canyon ;• Wilh lhe’seofc lied 90.9090 w ilh 3;U3 The Itulleilleis. down by 17 points in tiic . remaining!, Charloiic ligl thL e na tio n al c ro ss c o untry fina!nals, Conference vicioiy Tuesday4ay nighl.i tightened its dc- iliird period,id, niiide a fourth-qiiancr nm. ;.fense, foreiris filcnn Roh made her first baskeiball appe:lear* A l5-poini ihird quancricr hashoijiedh '^ohinson to m iss . uuiscoringi;.Houston ll 9-0-during a mid------ninhf Vnllcy inlo a 31-25 lead1 but Wendell ral------j'tw o junipersT I.any Johnsoi -anceG of the season-Tuesday nij nson scorcd a key quarter spunun to trim lhe Houston lead to "'Bhf- lied 10 lakea lead will, IWOwo minutesr lefl. leading the Richfield Tigers pa . baskel inside ami D dl Curry Cur knocked in jnsi 77.71. p ^ t Lmdi Schwarz licd il wiihih ataboul 40 %cc- a 3-poinier lo yivc the Hu Idaho School for the Deaf 67-^ Hornets a_ 97-92 Washingioi^ton then eul liie Iloiiston niar- |n ?.36. onds showing and lhe leamsams battled until lead wilh 1:17 logo, Indiana's Korrick M cKey fii ■ gin IU five. XK-83. H when Chris W ebber " jy drives on Cleveland’s 1 Richfield led 13-8 at the firsiirst Deimer hii lhe winner, Cliarloite then made eigf eight slraight free scored allerr HakecoiH Olajiiwon's turnover first quarter action Tuesiisday. The Cavaliers won, rest with Ward making hercntintry ^ P)reliminary. f'l''' -Ihrows. si.x by Hawkins. I IS'. R obinson had wiih 1-40 rcmcnmining. Dui that was as elosc . sh o rtly a fte r. S h e c a m e up withilh VsMoy 518 3143 ■24 for Milwaukee. as Ihc BuildsCIS could get despite ouiscoring Chieugo frtim a horrific Ihird qu:]uaner. and 'turnovers, arc .scor 16 point.s as the Tigers pulled I, Eo&wi 2,Scooil. Ilousion26.Ui-l«inthefinalperiod. Ihe Bulls went on to defeat thele depleted game during a four-n comfortably into the win. . VeJioy —Heoor1,H40#n3.Cn»miCnwnnn* 2.0«imcf Detroit Pislons 9H-7K Tue.sday nij • H awks 85,'fim bcnvolvolves83,OT night. The Pistons lied Twin Falls Christian Acadcn Joe Dumnrs and T erry Mill? em y ; ATLANTA (AP) — AnAndrew UnB'.s 98,, PPislons 78 Ils had 1^ record wilh 13 lumt won the preliminary 29-18, points cach for Detroil, playing withoutwi in- (mil 45-31 at halftii Kimberly 55, FiJer-ler 40 . short hook in the lane wilh/ilh 1:21 renuiti. CHICAGO3 0 (AP) — Scoiiie Pippen and jun isoa g i4 n I-ing in ovcnim c lifted lhe A jua-d Grant Hill, Lindsey H untersirandOIiv- -the second-lialf by Renf«kl- 131148 07 c Atlanta Hawks ToniKukocg(c got hot just in time lo rescue cr Miller.I Tiie Pislons, wijo com r ISOD — Elu> 2, Sifflpton 10. S«ne«r«ai 4 A3«^ FILER - Hoi ouisidelid e lh o o iliT ^b y ...... iiniilled 28 22.5 to lake a 53-50 nun 14 Touit 17 2-3 12 30 ,Raeheile Anderson and a definitedc heiglil RWif«kI R4o, 2. M. Wani 2, HuOvnsr■no) 12, advantage gave Kimberlyy a Canyon< Con- WM Tht»,.port*• 8M...HU0 '«• ® ^ ference win. I Gopheers take 1st loss 1 Anderson lalliedsix ofifher hei 15 point.s in to No. 117 Cincii Ihe firsl quaner and the BulldogsDull, shot 75 > MINNEAPOLIS (AP)VP) — L aZ e lle ^ Buhl 50, G ooding 24 pereeni from lhe Held in liieIhe second. quar- Tlic Bobcat.s (7-2) built a 19-1'-4 lead on It w as the sccor ter for an 18-poini halftimene lead.fe , ;D urdcn scorcd a scason-hi;vhigh 25 points COlleIlege roundup g uI Cus Joiinson's three 3.pointcrs..5. Johnson Michigan (4-4) and BUHL — Jenny Black went on a t212- Filer came oul wiih a presspres in the sec- |;Tucsday night, includinjling a tying 3- ' >oini run in ihe ihird quancr anil Jana finifinished wiih 17 poinis and was:s5-for.|0 ; win for the Quakers » opd ha lf to force 12 turnovers tun and ■ ;>POinler with 4.4 StynndgLs.lef^ Ir Inlregiiln.— gamCjIlSCipli A'atson bagged 13 rebounds Tuesibv iplinnry. suypensionHyofcd—irom-boyondHlir^-point-ltrtc: frot ------tngnitghrtoss 10 Cun y- ouiscon; the Bulldogs 17.H.i J L ______nglii when me uuiii girls ovcrpowcrea Howcv«. according 10 ; tJon and a key 3 in ovcnimitime to lead No. 16ofhisl8p8 points after halftime. ' Antuan f Johnson’s iip.in culI thei lead The Wolverines. \ ; 10 Filer coach jooding JO-24, Bnice Leningion. a slrong fc ______‘-M 7 .C in c in n a ti-to .a J I.888-victory 8 j .over------Voshon LenardLi led.the Gophers—to_25-15. * the closest thc-RaideiJers (2-3) game, finally tied luhl Mn the ixehnknwy, lg founh quaner _ ____ would get. iooftng 3 8l/24 by Bulldog senior Tracy'AtrcArrossa kept lhe |%prcviously unbeaten No.. 11 Minnesota. 19. movioving one point past Kevin King’s layup widi 15 luM 122230'30 50 Wildcats at bay. A 3.poinlcr by Mike Rccsc Durden had five 3*poirwinters for the McHale intoto fourtht Rlace on M inneso- ^ ;c pushed ^ Following a timeo •oodmg — AdAmton 4, HoekUntMr 4, 0 ^« 7 7, _ Filer’sjnyvee won 35-27.2T______the Dobcuis’ lead lo 44.’23 nnd tin HndiWna0.Tot»l*10*<1t24 .'■-fourth straig h t cam e asIS thli e B e arc a ts ta*s carecr scoscoring lisl w ith 1.7QS. they were * League chamnions \ luN-lHiW 3. 0«nowvuy7:ni»£k20,------a h e a d ^ 3 ^ 9 a t finminic:------court and got il to All hbshonc 64, Carey 28 He also got plenty of Ihelp inside ^9 l> ia (AP) - Gniy T r e n l ^No. 0 2 5 Michigan 60 It., to TUfoo poifil»^-Cn«f _____ matLfonvard Danny Forti '■ freshman Mauricc Ta :r. mounted a 10-0 lead and rolled imo110 a Oakley 50, Murtaug : 90-65Tucsday nfght. rcmi•emaining lifted to i 4-28 deeijion Tuesday nighl. lugh 47 points, 17 in the first half,alf, a n d c en tc r i, ^vns Trent 0 a 6--60 from lhe right side)n, c 90-83. . ent's ninth straight double* ^ict(octory over No. 25 Michigan or sheCarey won the preliminaiy 35-28. OAKLEY - A missed three-poinicrliyihre< ' Art Long, returning frcf ro m a tw o - double. on Tues- o f f the ba ck o f th« dayiay night. . coring only 84 points a XMAont 10 20 44 04 Murtaugh at Ihe buzzer gavegav Oakley a sounded. K»y 014 22 2a . Magic Valley Conference win. ir-game losing streak, Wwno c or — Penffl«1on 0, Ptyn* 18. Rm « 10 jJWrt* 7, M«MX 11, ScMimg 7. Tt The Hornets’ bench pulledliled'Oakley oul ' Baseball n cd a team single-quaner 1 ■ ofan early defeeii and Oakleykley held on for negotiationsts go in circleies, but no o]me leaves tliimovers in the second lo tnr woi — Wood 10. p««fw>n 2. MMhtm 2, K Ihe victory,______------^RYE3R00Kn^(Al Iftime. But ihcy opened m^;6,-Bf04M 'soo 7,-SUwn«l»i BToUi. 13 i T A P)^ Two afternoon andjid resumed talks at 9:40 .The Tl owners are to m eet Thi Wunaugh won the jayvceree decisiond 35-', J'dnys before the owners’:’ dideadline for p.m. EST. that liursday oflitigacion andby ouiscoring Chicago ison 26. [lat w ere still c ontinuing at inn Chicago, C and management ^ ■,0 deal, baseball negotiat< It nego- teams would open-50 lead wilh 2:52 lefi ^ iators agreed 1a.m. They remainedra stalemated over tiatc . & i s g s s ^ iator John Harrington has saids if with replacement pl lansen 47, Rait River 44' ’,their talks were going aroiaround iri'cir- a luxuiy tax,, evene> while the union dis- then here isn’t a deal by then, thele teams Orza said player: .HANSEN - Ondrea Gibson scored2 cles. Neither side, howcvi?cver, wanted cussed the poss 14, H. ossibility of trading saloiy willk-ill declarc nn impasse in bai her 24 points after inienniuion Tues- 7 to b e th e first to leave th e t sargain- meet os long as owr >y nighl. lisiing the Hansen girli pasi ue*i»y'0 . T0UI« 18 hetable. aititratidnfor'e)r e arliw free agency. inl g g at n d im pose a sa la iy c a p . innati ^ together, so talks ci «ft River 47-44. T1«« POint«.H*l« 3. W*m 3, V. H«| Afler recessing nt 1:05;05 a.m. EST "It’s fairto to say it’s fairly pivotal Tl B u The union would challengnge the night. Two sources - In a gunc Of opposiie halves. Raft RivWv. Oul V. MWMrtn. ^ Tuesday, the sides met for two houis here,” said Euj :ond straight loss for H Eugene Oiza, the union’s movloves before the National I jumped a h ^ 28-21 arter iwo'quanen ^;at midday, for about 2H hohours in late No. oflicial. 1 L a b o r sid e — sa id nothingm d the founh straight polni 2 al. Rdelations e la Board, lending to m 11 the Trojans were outseorcU'13-4 in[1 Dietrich 57, CamasIS 2 1 m o n th s plished durin g theers di (4-1) after an open- Wau: third quaner and couldn’l recover al- ^unisius. [ iTIginjugh they were alway* In eonieniion. FAIRFIELD-Half counin pressurepi de- s, who never led ih the GootR ^R iv e r won the opener 40-16. '• ' fense by Dietrich held Camasnas scorelesss in Scoresi and statIts ed il fft 60 on Jim m y , ^ ^ the first quaner and gave theiie BlueB Devils______"Mfl------o ^ n n r ------irNonhSlde Conference i 15 scconds remaining. B•'um — r«mnwftn 2. Mn 2, ToWim 0. Vivmrtgw ’Their half-coun pressure c H w 4, K. VrtBhl a. Co»l. 10. Toui; 1 3 ^ ure completely leout, the two-time Ivy *• took us out of our offensive,"e," ssaid Camas IS workeil lhe balLnp.------OuN- ,9 coach JeAnn Willion, High school boys JUCO standingsI NBAstandhigs^ S«>wib«GaUinSw,IM L S*tt»1-4MI,R.MAllen in die left comer. r» Dietrich then used an efTectfleciive tnnsi- Aawi-J2-2fLet«i}ainsiJCing..drovc-into______lion game 10 pull away. £ n * ...... SJOPA...... U ...... and... drilled a line-drive - ChJi DWWi 13 23 41 87 - assaC?« - muauH»t«B g«»?* .. . 0131821 n WMt«n(an4J0Nnt edge oflhe rim. alley43,W endeU41 - I ' i % IV . St>fw4, &Mn ----- fifort,-. «i . ^ T trt . . II. J ill - s,-wiih.no-timeoui9-rc------EDEN — ChrmyDetmcf hii# 12-foot Tot»l»-17 8-12-12.------— ffl “ ■ v 5 Miaw 1. Prviinor* i.'Htmvmrt.t.a ’{SS m. ’J,* i f f i u n S l K , .led up the court but fiper Wilh three seconds left and Valley S.;-,.: OpA tM i 97-417. s J, Taylor’s weak jumper 54^28alhered a late, close three-poinl aliempt *■ jisjj"’ r j " ' , , !S. S r i s s _ (.SaMmlM (I U«.u « T» Iitert s 11 J n ^ ' LA.CIRm«Pciivd.apiii e o f the lane bounced Ca i>i4 ai cmthtei Uit.llMal.ZAikthe rim as the horn snow "'ifffifassffiaM sjirr far:'"''’ IM4 IS n Mn 12 a en en. NBAboxscoio re s...... ti-M 8>. c k n M ...... - » a sn - Harey tops Slhoshone, 67-7-60 -"-H -iK ati-: ...... IS 1 11 ■; ass5.w ,,c». u s « a s 1! ! s — Top-ranked G irey ovcr- . itSSSST"' liM ;J!i . X u m s 11 Asa le Shoshone’s attem pt nt a zon« g . , ? ...... l a s ' . s s s H 2M2.Hw«rl-IM2. SdmCe*lA>M,Uhe table, me H igh .schoolI bb< o y s :— ^ 333 “ g sa ; ! I! a StfTWsday night to beat the Indians 67-^0<0 - MiMtioq fid the possibility Noithside ConfcjoK e battle. s a s w * - ' i'K S J 5 ^ Kimberly won the froih aodiod sophomores S.., — cn th e 1995 season HarTw team s played widtin three oto r Bames.______; .GoBegescotw . ■ .sr 'TtS' 1 playcni. r points o f each other most ofthe 11 24 48U ' 'e rs w e re w illin g to o fht her OS Carey had trouble againsiiist ■raona. RiMii, » I < LAUm a a: ? ' sL, 'iis 3 S 2 “ JU aivBAWM 'wncrs want'ed to get dayiiistz ni o n e it has this year, 5^0^^P«^8.M»«4,OUh,OUhop1B.TotaH ! s a » ■ “ i1t;«(V«nEa lM4llCMfeiW).D*iS( Dietrich 68, ..... : d a y ’s discussions. their i!il: o f three-pointers but bcllcr news E 5 E U ! , ! Ss f ssttfed2J.CWair.TcM- tUcrtrnfrl.MMO.' thoughiD o ric k Pm ke’s 22 points, : Camas CouniyL49___ i__A—J ----- tA CHf l , i . U .,!« • 1 CMnjMJfUMU ' ^MlFcubdcuUMn Raf 5 F A lR F IE fc D -C h e ste r S( ------RtriRivarey won the first game 48-45. :r Southwick ------—KulMff•>on* 172842M • paced a rebounding and scoringing aiuck* that s ------RiHRV 13304307 too much for Camas Countyunty and Diet- ; u u i M a u u i.i*ff»-tt.2iBii7M S CETsarm. * rich went home wiih a 68-49-49 Nonhsidet «17-n21-ai91. UftMIMllAdJn ...... SSSSffl-'*'— ' — EJmoh«n 3. Coe* 8. Poe* fl. C. Cook #. Conference win Tuesday m'ght.ht. , ------Southwick ended wiih 24 p- 0««4i:XiltZ2 15-^ 14 67 24 points b u t' - • aSaomiMl^K* lw«MMa6«W.2ntdi24, Tott«»23 iSJS'tl |S ^ 1 5 - * ii« » 4 ^ 4 ...... CAPnm —Ottx*ne 1. NMon 11. Ulitoynt 11 i K ' i i i s r a s I e. 10. W«» 1. To«ittM41l!ioe 13.0«on2. ' ~ ; ■ MMI.CWW.I came I 1W3.TOWH7 > —ltmalS.WaRws4. BM3.WBUmtS. 5£S5SS!3i*:?'' !. Bu»h 3. UcMey 3, HoOfWd 21. Totatt 23 2-'. inaN a isvi'ana .afjssas’i ’ RichfleId48, lSDB32J2 _ lOOMM]2-211.ST«i»1)t. The ii62,Kimb^riy56— ---- *ainwotk led ' ; mISSS'MMftjSl fourpo HichncUovtriSDOtoNonhililcwide Confa- :• ; S J t S m.1JMlT«*SMllH4 night\.Hotand.K.M Hnb ' u 13-l6against9-I9foriheBuUdogL Fov*wJOul-Hor1on. " " sMskx^ii J • ; Care' mdifllW ElAwe-lr^ll Shothon*' miSl^1l^ToMki*.*« Ck*v r.^-IMtl. Sheahon* 24.Uey«n UmMMUMaS41.]1l. C«f«y-D iimnM4S«ia.UdmM»- - PtynaK. ;CM*«l-2MlBend2.4M Z2.Toait; Ca*,MMlT<«ii»721l.

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• WodnoscJay, Docombor)or 14, 1994 ,Timos-Nows. Twnpvin Fnlls,F Idnho D-3 M iaimi poisised forr postsceason p la y Hurler ------MIAMI (AP) — Tl ttit h L ■ The December Lee Sm jinx is over. Now ihe Miami Doi- phihs wanl to positioi th e m se lv e s fo r th e playofTs. signs w ••Wc are looking al vith Ang( IWO ^els games wiih ihe hope t the l.os ANGf-LES (AP) - Free-!■ nin. bcsfrccord and ihc bes possible sit- nine of the last ' ' agent reliever Lee Smith, bh a se - II. I I. Andhohas uaiion.” Coach DonI ShShula said'after ball's career saves leader, agigreed ;ipp the Dolphins clincheded £a p la y o tr spot appeared in Tuesday with the CalitV imia An\n g e ls S9I S 9 I games, with Monday night's * vic to ry on ;i S4 m illion, iw ivycar eontniiniet, ^ ranking ra n lOlh over ihe Kansas.City. CChiefs. a - The Angels-said the only factorfa -T on good siiuation lo be in.' ' on hiiseb'irri's” ' ------remaining before Smith signs Last sea.son nfter run carccr lisl in to a pre-contract physical ex 9-2 rccord. tho Dolphi lh;ii calei:orv. th e ir- which will he held “in the iminm ie- o last five games and wo O f c o u r s e . elim inated diiiiedii ftmire." aecordine lo a> ______from Iho postseason ___ w -h c ih c rS m iih ------tarn general manager Tim Me; After losing ihree of pitches al all heading Smith gets an SSOO.OOO sigi in to th e K ansas C ity gai ig»ing Smith next year de­ ^•om ed_^^^H bonus. SI.5 million in 19955 and pon another doonicd Dcce: Ul pends on tho SSl,7 l million in 1990. Hecan«n cam labor situation. The hand — the Dolphins he strike that in an additional S500,U()0 porr sea-; staned Aug. I2andapr December since 1988. I appears U) bo a son in performance bonuiiu s e s long w ay from a re.sole.solulioii could Miami (9-5) rospondc the based onjjanics finished;d; ho makeSniiih'sdecision:ion niooi, • Chiefs (7-7); sooring-21-;-2 l-p o in is-in th e — w ould e a m th e full anioim i tfhc tl If there is a 199595 season;f the ihird quarter — ineludiluding a finishes 55 games. Angels will be the-fillh .dazzle interceptionn r — to illh leam Smith Smith, 37. led the majors: vwith h;is pitched for in the la; clinch, al least, a wild-c:J-card berth. le last sij^wars.______E l S . - n .3-3_baves-f’orJ3aliim orc-in-n - th t------Hc-said'he hlfdlioI no i'dea why- otlVour-back;--— strike-shonciiodstri 1994' season,n. 1 le th ere w as an apparent linebacker Bryan C o.n rent reluctance ■ O.N sa id a b o u t . had Iku a 3 .2 9 E R A , a 1-4 record. . getting into the playolTs, J. and by leams to sign himm oro otTer him 42 .strikeouts in 38 1-3 inning;Igs in long-tenn deals, andnd lluili h e ’s in M iami can win the■ .Al .'M'C liasi his only year with the Orioles.s. good physical condiiioiliiion. a victory againsi eithertier Indianapolis - c S H V. Speaking by conference: icall "I luiven't talked smae■maek aUm t any o r D e tro it in th e last iwiitwo games. The from his home in Casior. L a.,^ of tlic le;uiLS I’ve playedi'edlor,“ 1 hes;iid-______Dolphins can clinchII a llrsi-roi^d ' - I t 5mil]LsaidJw-talked-wilh-the-C.•-Ori— ^ J-havt7frJind7inp«E.-EvJTiirXEyBe Iv ------b y c Jjy -w jn n in g -6 oi(>-gtingiim cT------__\\ J l oles, Cleveland. St, Louis and ; d At- they’re just looking for me to drop 'Now wo have somethlelhini- >0 sl'ooi lc APp^Jto I;,,11 lanta as well as the Angels. off. llien; ;irv sti.maiiy gi for — winning the divisioiision." s.iid wide K a n s a s CIICity quarterback Joo MontJn tan a sh ak es Miami quarl ly guys v\ ho aiv irterback Dan Marino's hand h; after Mia- "I " w as o p e n -m in d e d ." he s:isaid, older than mo. 1 have0 ntno idea whal receiver O.J. McDulHe,ic. ".And• m nybc " 4 5 -228 8 victory M onday night, whictiwl secured ttie Dolpti >tiins a s p o t in tho playoffoffs. "Califomia'}]' was the one leam1 Uiati m y problem is. W hen:n youy< figure it also shoot for a bye andJa a lionicsaiiic."I „ . dull s tho advantage over tho Dolphins Do edged the Colls 22 ditln'i have any hesitation in ofl.ifler- out, you can give mo a:i holler."liol The Dolphins can gairpnn iiomc-licld Dolpiiins bv 22-21 on Players said Shi!>hula a d d ed a liiile bit ing liy 25 points. N o ing me a two-ye.ir deal. 1 guestoss, 1 S m ith d id n ’t k n onv w how 1 much - advantage throughout t Nov. 6. Simla said coniainiiling run- of inspiniiion duriiurine Ihe Kansas fily luol Ul lllc.pliiyolfs------S h u la saidlid.at a Tuesday news con-_ nin looked ai the other teams andid all longer he would pilch. o n ly i f they w in th e ir iie.\ n in g . ba c k ..Marshall .Haulk-iv.ilulluig:iin_g;mio.by.cuaching ch. !'™ p a " '" Icrcn c c Ihnilai m ay bo a fa c to r in th e bo. ng.frumihc-golf cart__ — iheIhe > ojHiuns I-had and the Califor'om ia------^I-don't-want lo go and finish in a tie with di bo a priority. . Still cenain pl;r go out-lhcrc - • il division lead-' u p c o n iin u g a ' ilays, particularly ihc AngvliLi\;cfc. Ani bc sl suited for m e," game_against,lhc.Colts,_____—Shula-also-suid-he-agai_ i r." just to get p.iid.“l!e‘sairsard:-"irrnr~ ___!___ e rs.S an .D ie g o a n d Piit.sl>iiB b n rfiir------w ; « i l l 5 ain-will-inicrcoplion'hy Miami’.sMi Gene Alkins h II eertiiinly have-lo tako that coach co:i from a golf earl. The In 14 b ig -le a g u e seasons. Smimith nol cfiee'tivc. I d o n ’t1 want w:i to keep • Bccause o f tho quatituiilninpliysicsol- i„,o c„n.sidcn le NFL’s and his subsequelueiK lateral lo Troy has Icniiion and do w hatever we winningesi w i i eoach recenil ■las a 6S -S 2 rc c o rd . a 2.93 El-ER A goin g oul th o ro .’l do n ’t pul n u ih - N F L tie -b re ak e r rules,i. II it would have canlotaiicad' lily had Vincent lo complepletca7|.yardtouch. and advantage o f it." Shula s;iid. surgery su r last week to rop, md 434 .saves jn 520 opponuituni- bers on how long I’d’d likeI to go. to comc down to net popoints in con- , Rum,inc Ih rpair an down, lesicd the; coach'sct resolve. tics, ’ the score up againsi Indi- Achilles Ac; tendon and cannoi ies. Ilc has 30 or more saveses in There are some thingsIgs I'd like 10 foronco games. Righthi now.i I’liis- anapoiis 01 s ta n d " T h e r e w erer times ti I wanted to eacl nay prove dilficuli — the w wit: ith o u t crutches. ;ach of ilio last five seasons anda do, pilch in a World SSer e ries." stand up in the goliolf can," Shula said, Ramsi Iclose in (on St Loouis mov^ Kelle^iy: LittleJ man witth big melouth _____ ^ A N A H E IM . C alif. (. — ll appears.Iho Lus.us.A iir------Anaheim-Sudium-is)-is-located about-.^5 nnles-so (AP) Kevin Kei- f!------gclcs Rains are closer ser than ever to signing a least’ase to east ot’iiowntown Losos Angeles., .•eight w ilh a heavy- play jn St, Louis, butUl sisueh an occurrence doesn’i i I’l nec- NFL Commissioner;ier Paul Tagliabue reiterated■d {•L.I ^ 'voighi mouth. the Ill perfect guy to cssanly mean the team am will be moving right away.ay. week the league i.s lalkingtail wilh Los Angeles M; ■ l'>-"lJlil'0 a showV coniiilcd boxing's .• .j Ram s prosident Joh John Shaw was quoted in Tues-ti Richard Riordan andd regionalro business interests al. i ; , " L ittle IJit; M en." day’s editions of iheIhe O r- building a football .st; "Like tbe days;r-sjof Sandy Sadler , aiigc Couniy Rogisteste r as um in Ihe a re a .' and.W illicI’ep, likelib the davs of Kid - saying ihat most detailslails for ‘I Still feuis very soon.’ Angeles)," Tagliabue' i he asked, liirning lo ------:------ly -in te re s t-in -th e -iee a a n m -to ------roponors before (ho7 I “ iii:tir"®"""'" M issouri businessnss m a n c .pi Anuelos.Raiders and] !s“' "Am I rieiii?" hohe asked. tiiniiniMo _____Stan Kroenko if theJti rJiiim s______Frank Brvant. presideaL ,7 Uiego Chargers playo< i t i l B • d e c id e lo m ovo. ^ Rams Booster Glutlub Jack-Murphy Stadium n the sorry state DggSSR However. Shaw addad d ed . ------— ------^ ------______Lf.LoJlCj-Lvy,ii:o igiit3.dLv.isiun-iK-in,—H h t: H b ------;— any-Ieasc-io-plaj-in' ------S h a w illu ild n ’t .say v T ,.,i,btw ei.b, c o m i n g ^ H | Louis won’t be the finalinal word on the team 's future.ire. the Rams have yoi lo to sign a deal with St. Loi bBF ^ : . W ______“Signine a lease coi _co tl 1 d_bej)ic_b.cginning-oilililihis— Kfoenkct-a-rcal-om;iii.'-ng aluigryjusi n i standing "\ h a :re ihan before wc met.*’ Bry; have groom ed myself fofor He's meeting a fighter fij: who sufTcr. and the team, on pace to lose .about S6 millilillion lold the newspaper. “I • - here n g h i n o w .”' he hi said, gripping this guy “I still (eel they’re going to : guy." the 26-year-old Kellc'ley might scoff at such a figure.fi Can- th is y e a r a cc o rd in g to3 thothi newspaper, would face hugehu liounce a deal wiih St. L( ‘ ‘ Ihe dais at Jimmy's,-'s Neuinil Comer, snid. "1 I. L o u is very soon, “For the lasi few fights. ’ 1 izalcs, considered onene ofc tho best­ b ills. "We asked her (Front kt'.m ^ popular midlotown rosiaurant have g: ontiore) what wc can do to kc : groomed m yself for ihihe kept secrets in boxinging. has been ■ S h a w said to avoidJ lhat, ih he might sign a shon-te;•temi the team here. She said i Irjn*. I 'trainer Jimmy mandate lid they need lo increase iheir Jalory defense. 1 don't wanant IBF bantamweight championcha for le a se 10 sta y ,in A naheirheim and wait to see if tho NlNFL come. We told hor tho the offer from Save the Rai th a t tilllille to go 10 Mexico. He';e’s nearly seven years andnd his: 16 title comcs through on a proposalpn to explore buildint:ing a would, in fact, do that j half of the main' going i< lal and turn the leam profilab ^ to realize in two or ihrei•ee defenses arc a record for the weight football-only stadium»in in the Los Angeles area. event. Wilfredo Va; S he seemed surprisedI by that.’’ Vazquez of Puerto roundsJs thati I’m nol ready to giviiv c class. Rico (41-6-3.32 KO's)K( defends his ii up yei y e t." "I’ve decided 1 havee noihingnc more I W B A j u n i o r f e aaiherweitiht tli litle Viiygi zqm:z^a_fotmcr-W 3A-ban-in-— to-provtf-at-lhat-weightf■hlT^Ganizales ------l~ against Orlando CaiCanizales. (3H-1-I, lamwoij -■MerCj'^ ter stiill standiIsTBaiH; 'eight cham pion, is ihe firsrst said. “My goal is to winin I'two titles." : BLOOMINGTON. Minn linn. (AP) — "IJ^s not ass goodg for iho eyes, but said,id. ’You’re not going to gel ^ i Thrif ; All the talk about the plannitinned "level- it’s good for ihi ft has hi\ the economics," Chong said ' ig plans 1 id W aller Bush. Jr, a membtb o r o f for Oriooles - C e n te r lum ed^ouijo o be a said.______------._ ------tlieJ ggroup r lhat brought pro hockckey to BOWIE. Md. (AP lot o f hufnhg'and puffing.' AP) — Syd Thrift ' league; sysiemsj; already rich in talent, lg. The arena C h o n g ’s busiusiness. Engineered Do- the ;st; state in 1966. panly by agro "W e're going to work)rk on< the fun- roemg expects to build thehe Baltimore Ori- "It’s in did not blow in Tuesday, molition Inc,:, ofc Minneapolis, was to bui s imponani to train the players:rs damentals. I don’l thinknk there'si any build a new arena. oles into winners b> But Anna Chong, presidesideni of the under contract < by working from in the:^an ar of winning basoball,” he substitute for lhal in th ct only to snap the inter- Veit Vei & Co. Inc. of Rogerss will the bottom up. 1 the game of ; demolition firm hired to implodeim the nal stool irusse sa id . ““You Yc havo to play fundamen-;n- baseball," Miscik said.J. "When peo- sses that supported tho knockock down ihe walls this weekk with' Thrift, who replaci • fo n n c r h o m o o f tho Minncsi accd Doug Melvin tally souround baseball. ncsoia North building’s shell,ell. said JonathanrDrap- backhckhoos. said Steve Hosier, pre pie go from here to Rochesicr Ro or jroject Qs ihe Orioles' direciector of playor de- “Wheniien die m anager gives the bunt • " Stnrs'hockey team, saidJ everythinge\ • er. a companyy spokesman.S| - ' -{• manajinager for tho company. mt Baltimore, they need to know how wcnl cxaclly as planned, velopmont, said TuesdayTu thal the or the hiihit-and-run sign, it's got to be Thousandss lined li nearby streets, BesBesides the North Stars, \ be to play in order to helplelp their new , Two-and-a-half sides ol , who key to a successfulI organizationoi is to execuiod,led. When a guy gets on third s of the 27- hoping to seeee the arena collapse, movci>ved to Dallas in 1993, the : rd team win." ; year-old building remained e Met teach the players howow lo win. base witlivith nobody oul, he’s got lo led standing Others watchcdicd from a parking ramp Cenicmier housod'a parade of oi to Thrift is looking aheaclead to spring ; after 900 pounds of oxplosi other “There are mana{nagors who have .score, losives were ai the Mall of America, righl next sponsjns franchises and appearance; training, strike or.not. lMe ie said; he has — —detonated inside it.------^------:e s by s o ld m a n a g e m en t:_QnjiicJdca_thal__lIl]iere. oi ero.arc-ccnain-things-lhat-hQve ------d o o r. ^ “ me~6T 't h o w o rld ’iT nio sT fa m ve—only-one-job-opening-lefrlcf\-to-fill-in ------“Nothing went wrong.” Ch mous playor dovclopmentj'L'lfiDyi.fining are to happe;ipen. and if you make those ’Chongsaid. When the e.xexplosives went off, enteritertainers: Elvis Presley. Fr sc the minor-leugue system.m. “It'sjus'tamatterofpushingi Frank two difTerent things,";s," he said, "1 say ihings happen,haj you will win." ngit.in," biack smoke pupulTed from the lop of Sinatrlatra. Big Bird', Michael Jack "W e’ve made tho chanj;langos we had Chong said her compar ckson that winning is theI byproductb’ of do- Toward'ard that end. Thrift hired Bob pany saved the building andam diny white clouds andj M ickey Mouse, Jb to make except for hiringing a Triplc-A ing all the little thingsiigs righl." Miscik l< ; $70,000 ^ ananginB its cxplosi'losives so thai billo w e d fromn thetl bottom . T ltc k lo manage the Double-AA pitching coach." he said.id. "W,o“ kept a rite Metropolitan Spons Faciliilitios Tlirift. 65. has been:e n in baseball for B o w ie B: ; Ihe w alls would not cave inn completely,cc As ihc air clearleared, spectators cheered Com n ; Baysox. M iscik. who spentnt number of poopio. I'mn kindki of old- mmission, which owns the prop-pt more than 30 years am ; even though iliat made iljc oxox-ntfiirless i to see the arena si and served as gen- last seasc:ason at Triplc-A Rochester,;r, -fashioncdrl-jusfdon'flik a Slill standing. e rtyy^ ^ ssaid.no.final-plans-have-b-been -eral manager for twt flikt*-t0-g0 'in ------_ 4_ dramatic tlian most people «pccipcctcd,- ...... irwas-jusri: IWO major-leaguo- -said his'fis-firsi 'ylijectivc would be lo10 and get rid of everybody :rlikcnhc’old-buildiiig"~madede 1 fo r it. leams. He has big pla ody — that's plans for a minor- teach hislis players[ the basics. kind of stupid." Navy pre]ep ofQcialss acknowleedge usingJ ethnic di’iversity to) pack Acaademy rosisters PROVIDENCE. R.I.-(A(AP) — A Navy ter-more3re-lhnn-20-years-scrvice-and-i nd'now-is N-ivy frnm 1969-7>-72,.T-l.e kiid-N A P S T s-m JUI- iT Typically about 30 pore : prep school who^e primaryiry missioa-isi to in- an Engliglish professor al Salve Rcgini lercent of the 250-siu- sharpe[)cn Ihcir academic skills beforeforo moving g in a U n i- ing its goal o f prooducing i minority officers. dent NAPS class is mad . crease the cthnic diversityy of o (he Navy's of- vorsity;y in New- nade up of recruited on to) cofficer training in Annapolis,olis. In receni "1 th in k if w■c c athletes. A disprportiona ; ficer corps also is beinglg used> to fill the pon, cha:harged that Dnaiely high number yearss tthe school's focus has broadeladcnod. w a n i diversity in play fooiball and baskotbaitball. "(Wl ; Naval Academy's footballlall and "the NAIJAPS spons ‘I th in k ifif wi e w ant diversit] W e) expanded it to includee helping he get ty in our olTicer■•r O fthe 02 fooiball play, • rosters, N avy ofTicials ack'noknowledge. prograir ilayers who suited up minonarities who really want to sorves and o u r d f f iicer c t corps, as w e ddo. corps, as we do,J, for Navy's Dec. 3 game : The Naval Academy PreparatoryPro[ School the scho:hool open ■ ne againsi Army. 52 have tlthe potential to bo good leadeiadors to have „ I h a l th is i.s a attended NAPS. About h : (NAPS), a one-year, cooduc;:hicalional school in lo crit'ici.sicism that.il th at th is is a valid w ay It h a lf th o b a s k e tb a ll ' the op|ipponunity to get their acadenidemics up to “ • valid way of go­)- roster nonnally is made u) ; Newport, commonly is usedised to got inio the is a holdolding lank nf q , e up of NAPS gradu- speed.’cl." R e n a rd sa id . ' g o i n g a b o u t i t . ’ ing about il." heIC ates. Renard said.______academy athletes who doD ncnot meol its aca- for thehe. N aval...-. . ------ButIt tthal goal hus-bccomrentwinci■•incd'W itirtlio - s a i d ,' ...... •^ NA’PS Academic Dean dcmicstandards'afterhighscll school, . ' Academymy's varsi- can Stephen Arendt Navy’s'’s desire lo stay competitive0 on'theon play- A- mininuimn rejeciiid the notion NAPS ; "To come direct (to the; academy), ac you've ty hopefilefuls, par- PS looks more favor- ing fielleldj where the academy stilllill competes , — Sen. John Chihafee combined .scoree ably upon hasketball and I g o t to h a v e p retty goo d academics." acai Naval ticula’riy•ly in fooi- and fooiball Tccruiis againstist-lhc likes of Notre Damee in football. Island— o£-l.J-20.on.ihc—c—bccauso-lho.'.e are the-top r ■ Academy.DcanoLAdmissio.ision.<;.John-kcnar7 hallr^------of-Rho(de Isi >p rev c n u e-p ro d u c in g —'l'hargj:■game”aldiie“pn)duces rmtidredjIrcds of ihou- , Scholastic Apti­i- sp o n s, ; said. "In my opinion you1 prob.nblypr do need In ann iiinlor\’iew , ■ sandsi o f dollars for tho athletic depar;p a n m en i. tude Test is re- “Tho unforiunalc porce : NAPS to get the (nthleies)4) there.tl ... It helps this week:ek, ho roiieralod the charge. rrception is that this It’s •if possible that without the: NAPS N. alh- quired for dia-ci aadmission to the academyy school is some sort of ; give them a good academicic grounding." g “Are: ll:the minorities there bccause v of way station foe letes.'ll: the academy would have lo;o dropdi down iew eare in Annapolis. MMd., where students aro0 jock.s.’-hesaid.'Thisisno ; . Stephen Myslinski. a fomi(trm er N aval o ffice r so intere.s:resied_in them as minorities? \ nol aTarm school." lo Divi.vision l-AA and forfeit tho: opponunityop >? W ould groomed for careerers as officers, ., . Arendi noted NAPS alur • ond NAPS leaehcr. is amongong those who be- they bec tlthere' if they wore not athlolc' ilumni graduate from to camm thal kind of money. clesV" he Biji siudonts canan bypass tliai requiremenVIt the Naval Academy at a 2 ; lieve NAPS puls too mudlUch e m p h a s is o n a sked. "T"The criticism of NAPS has bee I 2 to 3 perccnt high- "It’s’s imponani to stay Divisionion I-A. It's been lev- by gtnng to NAPSPS for a year, compiling a , er-rate than others at the scl i sports, l-lc aired hjs concerns:rns in a 1993 arti- elod forir rmany,years; iC.you.wcre.an a : school. an awJkvftrencss of the service academics,aca in aihlcie.—gradeipoini-averagiige-of2,0. passing ii-plij’si-'- ■ “We find that (a year : I cle written for the Navall alTairsaf magazine ytju wont:ni there." :ir at NAPS) .,. is a Whenn wc have an Army-Navyy gameg. and • . . cal Illness test andd earning the recommelida-• much stronger predictor i I Proceedings. ' T h e claclaim was rejected by U.S. Sen. or of success at the when1 we\ play Noire Dame we^c gotg some )cn. John tion of the schoolol’s commanding officer.'. N aval A ca d em y ih a n the S, : ^yslinski, who left ihe NNavyj in I99ruf- Cliafeeojo^Rhode Island, the secretary i e SAT." he .said. • good a'awareness around the countr)miry. I think try ofthe Capi. Randall lle.ss NAPS was founded in H :i 1915 to ^ Ip .sailors that’sw: what's imponani." Renard1 said.sai

I I ' ' ■ ' ■'■ T

D-4 Timos-Nows, Twinin FFnlls, Idahb W odnosday, Oicomboro i 14. 1994

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r RO»SSIGNOBL COMflPLETE iADULT ■ ^ {EXTR ■ — - - - ^ eaan K S iK I P iACICJIGE ______m SKIS eu■IAN ♦ ; ^ B O O TS S DOLOMITE COMPLETE SKI BIB ; K B IN D INNGS markeb — 4»AGKAGE- le II POLES5 SCOTI IV ateroroof &£( B reathable Mm PRICE R e q u l a rr l l y $ 1 4 0 B M O U NIT T IN G ^ 0 N o w O 0 n l y ...... # TOTA»L VALUE ® l75°° I ► ^ 9 J NOW ONLY m

O U T E R ALI■ L [ D c n I W E A R t l etSB O N S iALE!

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lO U N T A E ------C o l o r aa d o S h e l l — U N B IK E — 2:133 9 ” - 7 e tgir$160.0Q- irom olyPram e~i“AII\lldy Rims ,r $17 g W a s at c h S h e l l K • 1 8■Speed S H yperglide'e Shim ano Shifting 79” Re»g. $270.00 _ ■ ■ S v s ttem e t »ReBr*310 — E x t r e rm e~B ilis ^ ------^ 9 J9” ^ !g. $140.00 B H 9 i p L E x t r e nm e Pow der IP a n t * 419” R.leg. $80.00 f i rz n^ollerbladt » i $ < rORK'lN IT ^ ■ AS5TRO- ffoxLOVE r E BlLAPE K e y l air i R einforcei i __BegMlarly_ 5 - R e t i a i l ------* 1 1 0 3 9 ^ | | l N MOWBt^ A R E0 ~ ~ i WFO/HWide OpenI S A L i SNOWVBOARD PACKAGEF W ' . ' w b o o t s a n d d b i n d i n g s VYAWAY^*^ Pi^W EQ.BIacicIcB eautv-BO A ^ A N Y S A LLE ITEM FOR ■ d . R I D I N G B Oo ~ o f *210 ^ ™ = 2 0 % D O WIWNORTAKT I T H O M E re^^i^^B IN IM>ING *150 J IE NOW FOR i l ivrtaill Value NOTHIIIING DOWN

S B ^ I ' 3 S'r: N Q W J U S 1 W % 0 0 | l ^ s § i 2 S ; “ $ 2 A M onth e | H [ H (OAC\C) With Our ' ^ 4 4 9 - stan t Credit - - - r '■ ' I f nwivslagic Valle^yMall I Twin Faalls • T 3 1 3 - 0 3 6 7 . Mon.-Fri. 110:00-9:00 *SatIt: 9 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 1 P O I y - - - - ■ S l f l O - r ------l i l SK ; V.. ■il \\4oleiesaleprice IL es edges uppinNoveninber prodd u c e r ^ - \ Tlie Associated Pressfcss w hile; ClcufTcnl inllaiiiJh is k w . cosi pres pres- ' nom ic sta tis lie s a s ^lOcOck prices and p riC 6 surcs; are ai building." said Carl Palash :e in d e x \ \ ' Regulaators threaaten lash, bond priccs moved highiiher in moniing . WASiilNGTONDN — T h e n a lio n 's ehiel’a-i■aondmi.st at MCNl MoneyWnich iitdfloodft nich. Inding. Analysts said theite m arkets w ere swona^yw* econom y surged last m onlh w ith holi- a tlminc:incial advisory tim i in New' York. ' o^iarotf cftoo(w pwf monfft >rk- bolstered by signs ofa sinstrong economy, - day shoppcre buyinging m ore lhan c.xpcct- I’rivivate a economists had corrcctlj US West ctly even ihough it could mcai;an higher inler- t with penj[lalties ed and w holesale: priprices rising for ihc forccasi :asi T u es d ay 's .sharp 0,5 percen*eeni , est niles,in liicfulure.-. - . The Associnicd Pnss ~ ------fim tim e in ihrce morrtionihs- rise Tn ll ------to l‘)y.Vand inerci!ereascdagainthis ------— n ihe'Lakir Depanmenis Paxluc-due- The Federal Kescrv rvc is do.cr_ser^l};jr^hani_\VilM)u_niai.maintniiiedjhii.e.x: ______vice standards or face up Federal Reserve Ch:hairnian Alan — IJI ip to S2 (l teni o f any sc rv■ice ice problem s was whether ilie E\*d woul.ould nii-se rales at its T hec fI’PI had fallen 0.5 pcrceni in il_ in Cireensp;in Icl C ongress krknow hut week ,-0' I • rmllii'M in penalties next y c meeting next Tuesdaj«Jay. Uul they said il biiih Sc| year. The being overstaicd.lI. aiainl she blaincd Scpicniber and October, ihe llrsi lhat the cconom y continue lines would be returned i was a certainty-thai r ued to grow at a .1 tl) cus- any cusinnier serx'iirrx'icc problem s’on al riles w ould he go- back»io•lo-back declines in wholesale sale rapid rale and hinted bro;roadly'thal fur- tomers. sysiem dillictihies a: ing up btffoa* eiiherier lthen o r early next priccs«in in three years, cs and the region's Iher intere.st rate hikes .wcwould be fonh- The Public Uiiliiics Comimmission dramatic popiilaiio year. Uul ai alion growih that I analysis were taken by surprise'rise coming. .•ps, said that despite companyly assur- made l‘W the com "We have a sironrong economy and by a stro company's busiest itrong 1.2 petvent incrciise in a-iail-Mil Cynthia Laiia. an cconcmomist at DRI- ances that new prognuns wak'Oiildim- ye;ircver, .sales.-do-double whal had been expccicd, prove service, the exact oj led, M cGraw Mill Ine. in Lexii■xingioiK Ma.ss,. opposite Hut the commissiilissioneni siiid they I'hcy said con-sumcrs. bolsiered bv an ■ an Siiid to d a y 's rvports’dcpiclided an econo- i '”' “ . has occurred- The companany may were conviiice»l the rool cause o’f ecimomy'my thai,has a d d ed ,.\ miljion jojw obs inv ilij^is slili_growingJ siroiifly> wilh .q®, A M J JASON have pumped tens of milliIlions of rising cuslomer c»im:«implaints was the this year,ear. were spending \\’iih abandaii. li'ii. intlaiion under control. __d ^ lla rsjn io il.s com m unicalio‘>onsjiy-‘^-_ei>m pany's decisionion "10 reduce eiii- Comics espccialliaily for big-iickel ilcms such as i~ N o r - 9 3>~Oc>.~'&4~~Nov.-94- ~ ------I as She predicted that thehe Fed would 1 j n 1 <>A 1 tennii lUalro~iirrecenryeaears, ihe ployce'mimlvrs liHu;iHrquickl>^;iiul ii^i------E 3 . 8 cars and n d :fumilure, ] 1-0,5%! [0 5 ^ Classified wail until ihcir January- meeting mi befon; i ULUU i commission .said, but cusustoiner tar in iis altempt lo ln.'conieI a mon.' I W allII 5Street cheered T u es d ay 's cco* VO- increasing intea*sl rates ag:■pin. • trouble reports doubled fronom I ‘>92 com pciilive organizailiTation," —

— M arkk e t S T —

Do< Z 19‘, 2 JO 2 la Dow-Jonenes - g oSyPaJa '(m m Is /m 1MOO .<4W Mj/ ?30*. 231^ 2 10. -• OO-l li-w ri-gTirf-UK] ^luraDona BiOO W 15 850S • 74 -0 5 ii'x:- 5071,M20i»-flI) Ooic.oitf NEW YORK (APj~fnjiC■rulDo—Jon«i4,«ag„(or Fp6 cC.heon i 11700 115001IOW -M« «--r 2 38 . 2 38S 2 37^t 2: 38 - 00*. IDAHO FAim iAP|”1 . IklurKi.l, I OCIUXI pcicoi to> ld.1 kilii t>n-t3 995dM.Ui>Wix>kcortipicompojUn B 5 s a ° s > : ; OmTllELUEs'"' Gok].t3rDI0H^rH),AM.iim.in i i i l jiiis = ‘£s W S H = s s l lH IH -I! Beailans L i l : f i f llm mm Ip l i 1 1 ™ r r . _ . . = if l i i i i i ■ s Most activives ' srri?: | f ¥ H ; Fossil fuels5 f 11 ; | ■ains l i I I ; i s f i l )1 e t a l $ s S e EB e ?” ...... ^

■ i l . . . ' o « law * "Te Si : I i l l ______Localihtererest ■ S ; ______i :: S E l i l l i i i ^ S e a ii >1 o a MO? 24 Sil 74 65 ; ^ E ' i - I g SSF Livestoclck - I I ; N„I««10«ok 4 p m Ti« tl » 80,.lO.un. Ac 48 40 4U51 40 SSH!SC ...... ] S«I> 40.30 49 30 4D = : l f e g='a-5=5! s i c r ' is isilisTiilTi; ^ '.'or 18790 10700 1W34U IW i i i i __ _ K>.'>fiiTr»#a« tlMC* M 00- A,« I t j , I " \ i i i i l ------i l ------^ « 3 » ..0 3 60 4 « $ 0 iS ^

'■“lu 't'.-i.r",. Potatoes/Onion ii ll " k - S i i ...... ■ I i p s i s iy l J Ii l f j f■ i i i l l Ho«na.M„ IOO IU MC»S W,jcon-.,n 0 OC J § p 3 ~ S g l 1 .Z f;! ? ill rCwmrwvBnpoT-mD.ini-nsaay inm ., II'W 100 ID I.ick» 0 oo'ti 50, nioil'i' C J f f l S i^O-S 75. 50 It) canons, pnt hung>o

S to c k[ lis tin g s>______New York is :;!t s:::; “ts :r'“ ¥ w p l W i TS :; E? '1 ’! ili! s „ ;

- i i l J -liiilE, « e o o i 7*. ^ 0, ,ei 5 , K r ' 3 ; ; ; ! ! ; s " iv'v„” u! ,ir i l l ! ■ I M i t e i i m l E v I 5!; S ■ . ’T : rp „ S f f i ^ lir I i i l l i I f I f f i S l W° s;'M i ii!! ffi: s ’ jf i - i p i i • 1 1'-iiv! p i : i f ? |5 : .|a ■ i J I f f l i i l i i i i i •r:i ”! ;r--; iijif>H i;; i■ i l i I I B i i I ■ ij i£ ; L L i f i i s i '"■'!!! S ‘“ ” 'J " r l ; V ' ‘ ” 6MlU# ^ ” ? i; ;j?; k A Amcrirican- E l i l l l i'l i r i f 1 1 1 ■ i l l 1 i ti; > '*/V tj'"i ’* L»^ 41 'a t SX uiihta ai

l a i i i IH W i sir* IM6- ; IC jc iiu ‘ r . ■ ro , > 'J.tw j 4 ■------r?------i § —

) I - , f ‘ I /

— ^ - E-2 Timos-Nows. Twin"win Folia. Idaho Wodnosdoy. DocomborDo( 14. Comicirs P eanuts By Charles M. ScSchulz For Better o r ForF Worse By Lynnin JohnstqnJ< w h a t 's Y a B(BOOK OF WOUlDf.dn't you like to / V j MOHlCCMeocwr / I'P RATHER HAVe'^ NTGO(N& ------‘ T H IS ? P o s mR'i'..|'m . 6 I\/IN6 have so \ NfSeelHBPUF5S?2S?1 SOMEONEWHOLOVE5- ({ A t w e n t y -DOLLAR: 1 s E E H c w B ic m uVwiFrtM'. |n^„g^-T£>nfMH'HlM.' F 1 > ig b S T J IT T0 O A / 6 IRL IN . ■ YOU 6 l\ ^ 'T « v y 6IVE YOU A BOOK ' i Vy e i n ' c e r ^ f i c a t e ^ ^\VCLA55^ OFF)POETRY? ^ 5 T Z > < ^ •^1 - E S - f?lCHED.

^ ' S. j g , ^ !(. . 1 p t L ” Calvin and Hobbes)es ~ By Bill Watterwson j y - ^ - O - TOR'SHOH m o TEU.'■ 'TC f i - E r HWE SOMETVUNS TMi B lo n d ie m r -<00 AU. HAC By bean Young &I StanSt Drake The FartrSide I By Gary«ary Larson WIU. ASTOJHO *HD AMM£AMi Kwc.* S h o ts ? iPAa^^ccp.you is * k 5 u L W T j l \TOO MUCH SOOlU*3IUM AHO to o ! ~ . '(CW.' W i u n i t GUIKH <0 « _ de FRYIMG THATr r r —^ v e•Ry ry UHHEAtW,' '*■ ' ■ ______\

■ u

______I m .ii i» MMyry- B.C. ______By Johnny^Hart h --^ I f -4fjYnjifj&Eve»iVeRLHAPPgfJ5Toy iT mal)p6 , I pofJrIT \W\ 4 fJrT O Cl\/E . XoHEPOa SATIH6 _ A . evEM 6 h a J L ^ k i O H Fi&ORB liLYCXi.TOO THIS - J > e « e r r e R r our A WAY ------^ TO TAK& P r * YOl&AlCTWeR.’ fi= : V; ------ft f ' ^ t s EJ'' A "JOKHKKSONl SACK tN FORUATION! ...D*..Dang. $ 1 hat* sldrw lndvrs.' &: ____ IT'H ______^i E W S — Garfield • ______By Jim D a )avis Dennis the Memenace By Hank Ketcha:ham . The FamiTiily Circus By Bli IKeane ' - ----1 >PR£AP T HOSE AROONP' S - i - K

i • ^ —f N ij l \ym A A T V 'fift V

HI a n d L o is ______By Chance Browrwne ' yfi ' r N E E p . ~ -W ^ / vfeSi-meyRE^ ;rg isN 'rA X ^ NEWT(pg5>-N- av R o N / ^ N T } ON THE (ff?3 ^ 3FTHEA^j r 12-(«aN ^ ______. C A R . ? _ j ^ § ^ ^ ^ . m ...... ______...... — aDuf^mom knows SantaI 3_l3 = 1 ------p e r ssonailyrStTH^hoiitJb e liirrr 'I tolu S ^ n ta -thatHAT I WAS A VERY 6000 BOY. w hlenever e w e’re naughty." ______Do YOU Think h e I& BOUGHT IT ?" P S S r - H ACROSS ” r T i i ~ i t u i i i III III III ■ I 1 Congro{)alion's. [‘ | ‘ I* [’ THeTwizard of Id ] Sydney Omarlapp I___ / ByB^ Brant F ^ e r & jo nnny~Ha^arl s coioioguos — -sj^ t O b \ \ —1 10 Cold cuts sloro ------H i s ------Horoscopepe___J _ 14-nwi HOW^ftXfT^l 1 ■ 3 1 ' 15 Cfoom — crop ^ y i p g p W o F IF DECEMBER 14 IS YOUI'OURBIRTH- / IVIZ^AP/^NP A ICTnko — toavolt ^ THE a-E^IENT 17 UnknowaWo I DAY: You influcncc.no matteratterwhai your - ...... - -I-WMNTPO^ 1 19 Glon'sUn • rmancial status, extends Tar and'and wide, You m e f s THsfa’V 1 20RO3OOU...... - ■ are likely to be involved inn communica-'co; 2t Aoslholicpunull 3 ^ ------lions, information and news.w s. You are f 22 Thinos lh a l' — (Iravk’n to joumalisni, photograph?aphy, chaoc- \ ffurm p I V cnuso Bullorina ier analysiv, and you know how to relate a y ______23 Mild oom “ = = = Sir =r = \AHQ H M 7 £ ^ j _ SrFarmlnfl nood : .— ^•goodstory,—GcminirVtrBo.-Jgo.-Sagiltarius- 27 Mofo lolhal pcn>ons pby significant roleses in your life, 31 Handles s During 1995, emphasis willII be Ofl travel 5 35 Go wrong and'marital status. March andand December1 3 36 Slago dlroclton will be your most profitable,Ic, memorablerr 38 Show backer H agar th a Horrible I monlhs of next year. ______By Chris Brown/ne 3!>lnnhiohV il 19); Often — • oxcilo^ slalo M 87 ARIES (March 21-April I' 1 5 M T 1 T ? \ 41 Avid ■ Ihe money!" AFT$l2AUl.lU lU B W l/K ^ A m . ^ ... KIN P O F i u 5 v 5 ^ " you said. "If only I had ihe ) 43 U dy ol Spain ' l l i us un Iravcl. Now you’ll be rich. Focus u v/eyB^mrm 'O o\. ^ C pgblgj Ll-r^ / 44 Kindolnumoral lion, gain via freedom of thought and action, v ^ e & jp uHP F weep ^ ^ 46 Storios " n rrlH ~ written wonl. • A M A fjS^PACi^OFm.'JB^ fT 48 On a ponsiof^: O t«M TrtUM u«s« S«y DOWN l £ 0 (July 23-Aug. 22); Lxx 34BlocU»8Ri ' ' ' ' pringbuard - 1 Branch 37 Send along 1J/1W^ event ^ be utilized as spring u l limelight. 2 Woslom IndianI 4 0 -nw chidipoa p n ^ llin g you into national li 3 Formofty, ohc« It for better 42FIuto Utilize showmanship, fight fc ^Ww 4Eamoda3premII 45 Fomiorty coSod uci. talent. ______SA baca— . 47Strokoo B o f d ^ L M . B o y d 21); In- POfT\ \tlfTr/^A{ CAfU>f > SCORPIO (O a 23-Nov^ominales. : Ek 4. Q A. Fatigue, hungciIgcr and liquor - the V/ What’s what? v o lv ^ n l in legal affairs domlnand permls- I OFflCB\j iHl-r. tUT IS IT iJg bigihrccinmatleiscis emotional. positive concerning righ^? and Average heighl ol tions. image. ro o e A f t x T O . : of men in ancient ' ' ■ J sions. Focus on public relations J!fi . . Greece w as 5-foot-5,r5, ______Ihe fa iijtalytales.______reputation, marital status. 22-Dec; 21): ' j C The writer Den1 H

4 ...... v J f. ~ T 7 ~ I A*. . VVcenesil.iy, DeceinMiib.or 14, 1094 Timos-Nows,, TwinTwi Falls, Idnho E-3

Moneyr ^ ■ TI kicTimcsiScM's —

Newpproblem[IS su rfa cce i for Orrange C("ounty SANTA ANA. Calif. C lAi'l — panic." HavesHa lold a packed meeting in .n vating its iinesimoni fund.1 los'os,1. malic examplepie of inveslmenl prob- CLAS EBfl , Or.ini:c C'oumy will pui >SIFIE pur^orisk> .vecun- Santa-AnAna's Civic Center; saynig . g • The fundinvesied in a ranango o f secu- lenis. is not aloi'ilone. Withdrawals from a _ lies I'roni iis li-iiorcded poriibho in aii_ wealthy■ 0Oratige.County's fuiidameaul. Reach more than 53,000W e r s a day w ith j u s t one phone call! il- ritios-ilui-woro-hiiihh sensitive so to Iv\as mitmcipnip.i!-mvestmonrpooniiai .ordcrK w;iy ui limii.mi. the losses ihai econoniielie strength would help see it it inieresi raies. As rakV spiralrak\l iipw.ird made similarr invesimenisin reached SI luivi; ocaliiicil inuiaa banknipte> b.' cnsis, ihrouchI thetl biggesi municipal bank- this \o a r. ihoir \ .ilue fell, billion in IWO» days, d. And in Cuyahog;!' (iio Ci'lllllV’' now finaneiai t'llK' overseer niptcvinn U.S.L hision- and sevenl dilll- i- T h e liiiui also biirn'w od•dhea\il\io Counl\. Ohii'hio. which includes snid Tuod.iy. cult yearsirs 10i come, '■ pursue ils siraleg\ . When1 i:the br.iker- Cleveland, ollicllieials last week decideil Thoiiia> llayo>. tlie tlii I'ornior slate Tho county'sooi bankruptcy lawyer,r. ages ilial h4J loaned ii liunu' ■nev h^iuKlai- u-oul 11 pereeni:enl from ncM year's biid- trcasiiri.T liircil to> ro\iew rc Orange Bnico Ber 3-H931 iennott. said verbal agreement11 ed more liian Iulf ihc fund' id s iioldings gel .liter losim;ig SlS 1.^ million on a simi- C'ouiily's linancial calaniiiy. cal rocom- had been:en readied on a plan lo.0 . lasi week to keep from -usia L •laiiung loss- l.ir siralegv. _____ mended reducing ihc Ihc S2 bi,!!!,oii_the__sciahili/ci/o the count)'s keep tlie.• cashe. llowing for oilier crucial t ll The r.s. aitorno\'s oiTi JI n ic e , m ean- pl,ice »>f the cou; in\csiiiicni fund, ■ounty tre.isurer following whi'Io. has begun nuosiij;Healing ihe kM week's resig ilayes said losses ■signaiion o f Citron. •cs_alroaJy loial The week-oldwo banl;rnpicy oi' iho 0 n i\0.slineni disasiei, t'ociC.iiiUiil_i)ii Daxciuw-ill^- ______S2.l)2_billion.aCilic-S- l-*ervo-lor-00 dax-^m-per------;_S~.’v-bHlioii-ih:i!—natinn'mnifth^larjesrcniiiiiy i was 6irr- wlidheroustedcouiii\^ iie.i'u - I'-W'JI K icut-.n I I'uior Kolvn maneni replacen:emeni for Cilron will be ilie c o u n iy and 17d*p1'* public agencies feted -hyby more ominous news i s L. Citron, usod the ni.iil oiOl w iros 10 . olit*son Ijior. D.Da\on, who spent lour . !iad,in\csicd. lie alsiilso recomiuend- Tue.'day.k . KI epons o f co n tin u in g iiitla- i - defraud investors, iho I i'-. Angelos vo.us as Okl.ihoihoma's stalo 'auditor and in^.iliai ilic couniy^ly's newly hired lion andid a sirong cconomy from :i Times rcponed ioda\. iii'peclor, helpciped steer lhai slate oui of investmcni hank. Saloalonion Uroihors, Washini’U' gion iranslaied into a’poicn-• • "T his Ihing is so big_.iiid M)s|iooking M apcnod.iflinani manage tho fund in > lanoial trouble, -...J in su c h a w .i\ to n.ilK badid developmemi for ihe eouni\ i t lhai we lia\o to look inio ii."I." ihe news- C rodii ,igoi.is:incie> on Monday siriig- ill a\t>id a "I'lre ^■^le.'■—------because otofthe increased chaiiccs ih.ii [ aib 1 paper quoted ;iii in\ e siie a i.'r.'r.is savine___glcdJO joruoniint Ihe c o m ity 's ililTieul- "Il is iiiiporiaiii ihlhat wo do noi—intcrcst-rat i ' ' ' rate-‘r-w-itlriscrT\inhoi’':iggrar“ Orange Couni). whilo the10 m osi dra- lies. FederalI judge disrimisses ‘Joee Camel’ a He disin^,cil Ihe case withilh prejudice, meaning it "Ji'O (.‘a n id ’’ advenisiiusing c.uiip.iign for C amel ciea- ea- break an 1S‘).^ Wasliingionion law dealing wiih public c.caiiiioi beiefiled relies lias hecii di>mis>i.\l's ed In a t'ederal iuJiio. health and cigaroiles. ilK-’lll'V-.V In a news release issued Monday. M KJ, Reynolds The law suil ayaiiis'iiisi R,J-. R c\H old's T o b a c cCO o In his decision, issued I'r I I'riday. Cougheiiour ciied s.is.iid It agrees lliai \m ing ]KVj'leij'le should 1101 smoke. Co.. iho maker of 1,‘aiCamels, argiiod tho ad cam-in- iho l ‘)(o I-'odoral Cigarcllo L 10 Labeling and Adxeni'sing "W o hope lh.ii people willII lilocus on w hat re.searcli paiyn is false, decopiixpiive. encourages young peo--■o- ,Aci. w hich provides for uiiili inifonn c^gareiie labeling lo ciconiiiiiiallv Indic.iics i s a i ’ihe e hheart ofyouihsn^ioking _ f>/e k> siH oko and iliciilierc{ore \ ioJaies' siaio (aw.w. avoid a coiifusion ovi-r ------V S.-i)hilriet Jtirigr-.Inhfalui L'ouglieiloui- ruled ihafafa len by sialci^ [ In .tddiiion lo li ,l."ke\nold,)lds. of \Vinsion-Salem. federal law on cieareilrelic ad\oriising lakes prece-:c- C‘’>igl'enour said slates eli ' clearly haie Ihe power‘to N.C.. N deleiiil.uiis m ihe suitIt ini c lu d ed ihe tobacco deiico o\er a 'laiosialuialuio. bar eigarolio s;ilos lo minors, >rs. but ■'rL'guIaiiiig nonfaisc mmaker's p.iienl comi'.inv. RJKJK N.ibiseo Inc.. and ad The lawsuii was lilcded In1 Karon Sp.irks, llic nioihorlor ailvenising ba.sed oii siiiokin 'king .md healih is reson ed agoiioios ae McC.inn I nck'son PS.A Inc. and Young of IWO ciiildreii. who coiiiciidscoi ili.li ads wilh tlio Joeoe to the fodend go\ ommeiit." •li • ;■ R R' ubioami Inc.. all o f Now ^'oIk,Ilk,

1 ^ 3 1 ’

'f.'sk L iii laJI § Avul«)n rto I’jrr-.IIrluV i iins O: IjimScrt''" 15}^ aSHiti.iv/iriwjw! - ABC Chircropractor l*li» Aulp-. iH IS? FlF r e e preliminar)}iy consultationn H 'i^-'iciewwi loiw .IPI Ij' ip . ilWfV-Vji'i itlli>^r-,______B-Headaches-BS------...... - -' \ ■ Sore muscleicles ■ Fainful joint;ints kP- / ■ Weaknesss inif limbs • ^ Busiliness Hours; ^ ■ Neck, shoul()ulder or arm pain . - IMonilay-Frlday, 8:001Ito 5:30 •Saturday, 8;0i3:00 to 10:00 ■ i-ower-back.ck.-leg S hip pain- . - Address;

:------— D E D ICcATEPfTo rowWCPTERST h I aa L T H : ------mrTStreieet West, P,0. Box 548,W, TwinI IFalls, ID 83303 Z!l! FAX . ------^------(20i)8)-734^5538---- could sppend $4,,146 to runI thissad I LineUn Ads: innthelwirin Fallsi Yellow Pages.I • 3:00 RM. Monday Ihrougligh Friday foi ned day's publiiiblicalion :^5:0I1.P .M . friday-lor-Siiiiilnday^spalilicallon------•10:00 A.M. Saliiriay lorr IMonday's pulilicalion. ------orr ~ ------^ DisDisplay Ads:

• 3 business days ftior lo ppuWicalion. Call a Times-New\l'ews for tilhe same prrice, you o p r a c t o r Adveriising Sales.Represeijenlalive for moie information.on. couldd run this aad in The I iraM ^ DEOiCATEDTn'i.nMiNC.TERM HEALT^ ' Senior DiscDunlII • 25"/t-off regular open raie.'a ie s ------'-S liid a n l-O isto uintW n I i-off-regBlar-open-r-atei? t e s ------Timees-Newsmtloretliaii— • Hfm orial Noliitices 12 lines, 1 day, $8.50iO . • W anled'le Bu|■uy: n i n e s , 30 d a y s ," S 5 S 0 opractof “ •Fraa-Ails---Lost4-Foiindidrilem s to give away 3 linesnes, 3 days -60 timeiBS------fyconrMitnho'i (5+Timeies per month foior 12 months) •See order!r lorm ior our open rale •Fasist Cash Ads • ^ DEDICATED TO LON(NC-TERM S2.75/line,10day:ays, lor items Bticed lip to SI 000I " . ‘ Guaiaranteea Ads* ^ days teguisr Biice/7t)/Tdayslfeeoniiemslorsale. Cannoibe ...... 'used with other disdlscoumsoiieai esiaie lor sale ads. ABC Chiropractor Weekss misiIT run consecuii'.'e!/. ' f l_Froo pmliminory consultation n ANDD...Still buy this - i s _ ;*_ M $2 for each ajjh a t.it-juns-Stmday.-for Magitigic Values. - # - g j InM eyourailinAgIff Weeldy lor only S3 peroer week. ----- m dinthe Yellow DEOICiMCATED TO LONQ.TtRM HEAIEALTH -et’ Gel details on specials J y callingca iTimes-Hev/s Ciislomlomer E 2 E PageBS__ ^ SeService Rspresentalive.. ------: — - - f f l ' 4 ^ ------T H I N K ABO A U T IT,,. error,en report il to the CusloiT:m r Service Department The Yellow)w Pages stay closed most im portant, whichich will go T h e 'Ijjfnes-News T can m akek e i t rio40 receive an arf/os/rae/K. m ost of the i . 10 iime. The Times- farther in develop! iping name easy. "^ur sales staff a News, on the tli other hand, is recognition foryour.bij-business?, IS in h e l p i n g b u s i n e s s e s ' Ttie lim e s -N e w reserves IthIhe righl lo censor, reclassifysily or ■ read by morlore than 86Cr of all Think the answs w e r s a r e )urs get maximum impop a e t rejecl any cisssilieil adverlisiisemeni noi meeiing ndults in TvTwin Falls County obvious? So do we. 0;Our market . ' , hoir advertising dollars, Ilte standards o l the p u b lisher k e p c h w eek. research, conducu c t e d in "If W h i c h hlas a : more impact? Septem ber and Octcctober, will u want more informatiotio n , % W hich willII be seen by more answer those quest(Stions nnd free m arket conpultati(itio n •. people-and bvby more of your new give you w hat you neeileed to make on yourr type of business, callII ui s S TrheTimes-ISbbvs ■ ______nnd ropcniIt c< u s t o m o r s ? ~ A n d _3.hti.rigTit..decisions^_------^------;ii..7:$:?-o•Of).'n, extension-219.— C;USTOME|ER iERVIGE n a ThoTttJ. llw x ll ______S I H c c r r W 4648 • FIIER 326-5375 ' ______• • .... .ncn no ui.ofl our weekly connect lalti m'Th*Th* Timej-No*?1 Yn.n* ! .ii'. • GOODINGAvENDELL 5 3 6 -2-2535 5 ; f j - ' s i 13 ^/RUPERT 670-2552 ____ BUHL5d3-4i; ^ JEROME/HAGERMAN ♦ BURIEY/I I i

r / - s ■

E-4 TimoS'Nows.. TvsTwin Falls ItJnho Wodnosdnva,IV. Dccombof id. 1994

Legals*S ' A n n o u n c e ements-Emi:ip lo y m en t 11( 0 1 - 2 1 2


______SERVICE 3 1 ^ # 1 IULA\SSII FLEE y 7 3 ;3 - 0 9 ; 1 EMPIO^lOYWEHT

You never' K1 b o w 21205 MEDICAL/ 20fi208 PROFESSIONAL 212 T ' O M E ' .2 1 2 TRW)^ TR; DEfffAL — Hours___ Jcm U m lN d a g gGRESSIVEWDIVIOUAL f ------p Classified h -until you c< Exciting job with o Bolso Lookiriking loro caroorin con- ~D/?/V'E/7 ^ r ^ Exporioncod donlal assis- basod company. Candidalo struc-uction. Prolor agriculural TEAMSJ ______IVIondj . TmiJtfTncsNcn'F: lanl, 2 days por wook. must havo accouniing do- backickground. musi bo soil- ^ day thru Fridavly deadline: Good working conditions. 4 arior. soll-motivalod. E ta a r n u p t o - CUissilk'ds r i/f fu ll Jbono(it3.Cal?536-5441.. groo 0"' and 5 to 7 years oipo-. star) ------8I ; rionco with ognculturo ro- musijs l hold curront COL & ^ 8:00 a.m. - 3:0100 p.m. o f si:r[)riscs. T a ke ;i 1 Full-TimoRN Fi noodod (or Iated| q| induslry. Computor ModDd card. Positions avail- U - lo o k ill OLii p;igc':i i surgory. Contact Chariono proRcfoncy jy< roquin)d. &1I37 ablo:llo: exporioncod equip- $ ^ . 4 8 ' k ^ Johnson. 733-3700. oxt. S, >rt cporators: S indhidu- n for illld IjOll'll ^cc _ ; commonsuralo with oxpon- mort p e r m i l e )rnext day pubblication - 224, or sond rosumo to onco. on All rosumos nold aiswI willing to kwm conaote there's iiomelhing Twin Fals Clinic 4 HocpituI strictly gtr confidontial, Sond _4_allallphasos'ol conslruci:______.per:mP_0 onth______— esoShoshonoStEast.------,/>• ------_ S i ------far'ci'crijoirc.------yi ~rosumoio:B6xSS26S, % tion.:n. Send rotofoocos 4 ro- ^k'lth ^ ijh bonuses » Sundayad deaadline:— — TwiiFalls.IDB3301.EOE • Tho jb Timos Nows, P.O. Box sumtmos: J B a rs Construe- You iHTCr know OCCUPATIONAL ' ^- M8.-Twtn Falb.lO 83303.-_ lion.n. 2439I East 3700 North, YOUou C a n D olt— Pildfo^, >O.B332e.______g t a : Friday 5:00 p:mrp iiDlil tju ii ailt... THERAPIST \Vhon 'Vh« you havo somoinirg lo ------'■ U.S. Xpressl NovaCaro. Inc., onoof the soli, *« placo a cJassiriod ad. iATTENTION ' PlusYoulGol:Plu; J^'IV -'niiK sN m s nalion's luading providers —^Youll liko Iho l.y.i tctulis. • • Exocutrscutivo-SlyloBenofiia Ml ladiine: CUSTOMER £ol rehabilitation sorvicos. :OST CUTTERS signed ■93.'9SConv. Vlonday ad dea has an immodialo nood for 209 |iooul Roots Available------209 ■ RESTAURAHT/------FAMM ILY :::^sERurcE a ; temporary OCCUPA- HAIR CA RE .yofkuKoNocossery. S- LOUNGE Saturday 10:0C)0 a.m. TIONAL THERAPIST. V eTe Y o u r Style Training AvaAiblo Pioaso coll Donna Koost. ». Roeont Gmdualos I I s ’■ :r:-.vvr..-; ___ ^ 3akory holp wanlod. Now ■oWokomotoAajfy Coniract Son/icos Division. BARBER We at (800) 836-5655 or lax ro- taking applicaiions for full- Callustodeyr ' /eekday officee hours: limo baker tor bako-off typo DSMETOLOGIST goQ., opor3tk>n3. Exporionco is 0 50-558-2879 ! ■THEHAPV ug Scroon Roquirod t i Ip.m. m usi. Sond rosum os to: Wanlo(ilod: Righl out ol school EOEM/F/V/H 8 a.m. - 5:301 OPPOflTUNmES Box n„. 90956.% Tho Times- or ox Wo a/o cufTOfllly sooking ro- Nows. |gn; P.O. Box 546. Twin Walt" }rioncod siding crows sponsblo Thorapy Tochni- Foils. e^i 1083303______Highh Itraffic, tasl pacod, hjn odod. Mus havo own Salaturday office3 tiours: cmns (0 work in a diroct ca- - ols. Top wagos. Call ixporwnced part limo wait- or^yiri/ironmont. Toam work, Don 't paafy whh dovolopmontaHy ary plus commission. Vhitohood 1 ^ 0 4 porson for days. Apply in ***l“r fnorov, 733-968B. ' I dlBaoiod childron in our porson aftor 5. G o o ^ K's Advar •'1 • • . 7 a.m. - 10 a,a.m. ICFMR,28 bodwinfl. Ro- g?" .Fmo-Foodr(7(9Kimborfr sf hflve-WahO'/fcenser •M-limo-re ____ ^ -c«3rtuay”\?JSl Pirf I \ CT -lalodtnrportonarbrholplUir Rd.TF.aS' ______1 -Call11206)733-0306- (2 HAVEECOL.Applyin C[ per- a:m 7^0:00“a:nTr ■ b»but wo aro willing to train tf6ttlatien-only-7-a: rogb Lilypad Roslaurani is ComiroTtorica] roHgoratbn and R 4 R Disposal Inc hiBhlymoi™ iodindivi(i«. Fmgi Saw tooth N. Buhl, Orunk Stivers killI IIious.kkK ll ol pi'p[>li- qals.J, Full and part-limo poei- accepting pcc applications for ««kinking lochnioan wantod. f,[ i f i-vrty y e n . All ol I imum 5 yoars oxporl- MSaTi'-®Fri8:001012:30 and I Ihcm • virlinics ,ind ’ tions tic availablo. including full '^11 or part timo omploy- lo5;00. NO PHONE ol/ondcrt nlikc - ate ati sdtneonr's molhor Of wookonds. wi Wo oflor an ox- mom. "lor &37-6199-etl>eo. onco0 InI, commorcial rolrig- LEGAL NOTIC ksn, cooking oqujJmonl, . PLEASE! nCE 101 U S T S FOUND 105 PERSONALS f.i1lidr. 50n or douglighicr. People like you. colloni salary 4 bonofil LaCia Casita Moxican Rosiau- packogo including: rani rani has a full bmo posiikw ling & air cond. Roputa- HiringI drydrywall hangors S N o r i c e o F >uppy Grobor Tost Buy Mini Blinds, Dm il (Intsn'i h.jvc'c lo h.»pj)i-n. Vou c.in ^ & woi ostablshod com- topersrs fo for work In Burloy. APPLICATION FOR V, Found: block S brown popj (40 hours) availablo 00 day f oaso Unboatablo oncost Shq3pod clioosp cl (Iciiynijiccled (Jrivof. I.tkc ,i im I>, •Advancoffloni^ shift yin business for ovor Conlaclocl C Commorcial Con- TER RIGHT RWA- wiih fihaogy hoir. Ploat30;__ diroct. Proighl froo. shift for h>flhonofgy porson 5 9 ^ ! callntlor6offi733-€0e0. wjtk home or sinipliply nol drink. The Opportunilios 0 who who can work qbickk Job roars. Wagos dopond- struclora;lors. Nampa, 208- Tho Followi l-eOO-574-6876. sn qualilications 4 ox- 467-3333331 or Greg eves:------oppllcatlonfs) havo b( sol»lioii> nte imiplfnil-. Thi- .illerii.ilivi-s .Vff *Fk“FtoxiJtoSchoduIinfl involves inv£ lood prop ond ICSj^ ? k i l ° Pound: dog in Wondoll ilylono. SINGLE?-Moot somoono- wwo.Paidholidaya,va- 208-677-4i77-45f7.______filod 10 (spproprlaio'i® -M avofick. Mutt idonlil/ ^ ir.igic. You litink.. 'You drive. And you • 'M odical40onfaI' cooking. coo Exporionco nol ^ ____ spodal. Ffoo HoanOoost on A health insurance |jT public wotors of ttw St o[ so'mconc jiisi likeikc you ■ nioy die. aQj‘Paid Vacations necessary, noc just nood tho Hiring (or: ;'°sS -----— brochuro: 1-800.949-0411 'C hid Caro Assistance right lablo. Sond rosumo lo: . of Idaho: right attitudo and tho dosiro S . J g92113, c/o Timos ly/Tood procossing 65-13580 Lost largo malo rod dog. Etua t* WEDDING O retM i. voils I ^Tii,' Tuition Roimbursomont 10 tow work. Apply in porson. ijnwe ^KXtso workers ’ Friendly 4 Supportive ill, LITTLE ENTERPHIS tail, bohl liconso tog 0 Bridesmaid 4 Party ronlnis l i t S. PariTAwnuo EOE. i' i-d'SI s " itt operators JISES chain collar. Losl not 25% oH inviiminni 7S3-an3fl Woiking Environment 1 iu.aMUi, , ConstnWM LTD PARTNERSHIP, I s o n ------Taking applicBlions lor - 55^15 ruaion ' BOX 205 Cloor Lakos lish ponds 0 sofvors. Exporionco . . Of^.vtors noodod. eontoa .Mechanicsinics EMMETT, ID 83617 N8kloorrivof.545.6148.^ 107 SPEOAL 1 Fori=6r immodialo considorotion, nists ' pk)ptoaso call or apply at: Sourco: UNNAMI\ u c n LOST: Navy laathor boc^£ NOTICES . ^ C U S T O M E R ’“S o i l s ’ i s smtry? STREAMS ----- ^JSERVICE 5aIary*commisk>o. . .c o G rivIrivofs o t pack. Kimborly bolwoo TMmaP.rr.fviiu< ^Sodbuslor Rostaunuit, w>n Tributjuy: BIG CREEK «nt»d Immedjitely. .CooksI Blfch Sl S, Maano Lano“dt < ALCOHOLICS I AiiLGMRP ' —^■W gi"^^"i"^W N, Diversion Pi: LOTf-)T 9 Irono or Hwy 30 toward ■RS Twinin FallsFe 733-7300 Green Acres Ciro Center , (SWNW) Soc 18 T 14^ NM R Hanson. Call 423-505353 oor A N O N Y M O U S (vors-OTROryBox Burioy^ 67fl 6784040‘ No Feo ____ Coll 733-6300 r 1220 Montans S t ° ' t SK 05 E in.VALLEY.County,N R 423-5B80 Of 7334441. Ion Relmborsement______: Pi XY t P R E S S ------• SESE Soc 18 T 14N OVEREATERS groat opporlunily In tho ONNEL SERVICES ” 105 PERSONALS ■ ANONYM OUS " 109 PROFESSIONAL ast growing oloctronic in- liOER PROGRAM ■ ■- IST 734-4547 SERVICES s ; I: long haul injck driv- Holidays a p p r o ^ n a , par- iltrsiound TecM OIoglit, • voiio PREGNANCY CRISIS < SiofilSZSln? “i"-™ DL. tankors, doubles i r r /q a t io n s t o raAGE a c Ii09, gomorings. lun, CENTER - FREECONSULTATK)N“ lly In porson at Satellite s, hazardous o.- (900.00 AF) FranR-KomWum omont. Minimum i r r i g a t i o n FR C G U Y S A N D _ Froo toslino. Call 734-7472 T r a n G orl-800.371-7472. AtlomoyatLaw 203 AOniCULTllBAl. ,S j S = b S s d. Health, vacation STORAGE (800.00 AF)ROM g a l s d a t i n g D:N-T o f i LET HOLIDAY BILLS s sria.40IK pIan avail- DIVERSION TO STOj ------SANTA FOR HIRE ^Sodal S o o ^ Dis<^lity/SSI louiwoxponenco. aw nyto gi t yoo find lhal epoda 326-52Sflloavomgg ■BxponencowrtholTispOds .tii 4ake extra mooovsolinq Wffn~iv ______Total Divof«k>n: (16.S( O.U.I. Roprosortalion ■otTriarga ruw u u u upuiii^ ~r'ur :Avon:i^OO^^VOfJ. •[ youlf J loads. Oporaiosir 6.500 ^o^to6|M ^n^tor Gyn P n ^ w an s with Trans- -z------CFSr~^------*— RoasWNE CLASSIC SINGLES CLUBUB 73&-1863. Local Santas our kjcalion In Bliss 10. This SK iSfiSSS fest year incomo $24,000. «Comcmpany insurance ot monagoin'JO invofltofy. Expori- SENE igh noodod for oxtra aoots. ' _ rolatod cases Jlf Moot othor singles Ihrough Froo Totophofio Ko«perwn will bo rosponsbio rill nil kiVk Ray os noodod ond. ond resume to PO Box (group mtos oncodrd ononly nood apply. NESE NWSE SW SE 'otl cnodt classillod tor wtutovor El SESE voicomail. Froo rocordod Consultation ta working knowlogo of OB- -i2Z§i076. Twin Falls. 1083303. .RRotiromont, e prorrt Wag6D<)6 DOE. Souinom______S24NWNE3WNE___ mossj^flivosdotaib.t — - Ift a oraal way _j538-7760 800-548-2166 .,B.u.ch.0s a< loading^unloacL- ^ y3ynJk6domonJVascular, n ------PAFPARTIME POSmONS*-:------shorrg.-otc.-& ------Idahoo P P f p o;733^ 599. - - - ROSE S07 NENW Lol------^------C«U ^ | 2 » I m 14,----- W m H U utbM TY 01ing trucks 4 rail cars, and •cho's Ech and Color Flow AVAILABLEIII ■=> -AdvAdvanced training ask Ilor Larv.______jNWNW) Lot 2 (SWNW.Al 1 ___ g9yr»Srp«rf«ne» gonoral W olovalor molnto- Jopplor Oco sysioms. Fod-timo. FuFull-fmepay,Insido Fofmomore WormaliM about Wonted oxtx nance & housokooping. Ex- ovo oxperkinco outomo- m w ) f = = = s = Eliio Housoctoaning Sorvico. . solos. M train, call______M >"g •lauaj spoctaiist------NESW Lot 3(NWSW]’ L( porionco oporoling Bobcol wooiai3l.>Sii“S S--EEstablishodAcccunts. S satonla proforrod. Full bonofils Mar lonco on bonJor.4 4fswsvv)sisw-- I Lor For OurSerTiolor A dvertisers* 7, .lomorial Hospilol. 2303 FForappolntmont: ^ _ a nnd.asklorTonY; d ____ roloroncosICOS required. Magk ovoiiablo, Pioaso apply in Porl’orko Avo, Burloy. EEO ______eanm5t37. - Holo wai JOEULLER S! ranted, aulo ropoir Valtoy aroo.Sondoroo rosumo: p orson at 805 HWV 26 Emo•molovor. M-F-V-D SAUJALESOPPORTUWTY a h o p, .s somo oxporionco. Box 69732>732, % Tho Timos Bliss ID, locatod right olf -~ — igrosslvo consumor oloc- itools.opplylnpor- Nows.PO 825.0 ACRES TOTAL Discount 3 tho frooKrav. EOE______PO Box 548. Twin Pomilts will bo subloct: :b 2 5 % 1 17 o f fic e ; jnica company is seeking ' ««-131310AddrsonAvo.E. Falls.iOB3;D 83303. ^ aJ prior water rights. Pro loliof mlliior noodod. 2 loortwoonorgotic.on- ' ______toils may bo submlttoiP- off all regguiar rates ^ sh»^jM^nds^o^ _ iLsiaslic salospooplo. ijj— -— ______b u o d on tho critoria o Troo trimming & lopping, bi onto 4 carotodronics ox- I o d ( 3rm-us-at-the-time- —tFroo ostimalos. 734-1157 iOOKKEEPEflffiEOED - ! S ! dependent Junior Carrierrier Route ------Sac—42-203A—Idahc• "I Be sure to Inforr IMMEtWTELVI irioncoaplusbuinolnoo- a h O ' ------Typing, word procossing, ^04 CHILDCARE . If ary: Ploase sond re- Codo. Any protmt agolni c e your ad ! I DSroEiivo consumor oloc- Now Available!c tho approval of th li appl^iJn « you place >-gOCTMarinI.:^1W6 " 7 ,| unoto: cation m ust bo filod wilf 60 yrs or older U-CUT J FRESH CHRISTUAS ANNY. on U V E .tt Family liv- J,™}!!' «x 94230. %TheT«nos ??th *onyone6C ing near Now York Cliy the Diroctor, OopL ol Wa —TREESrNoturBl plnos:------lomputer exporionco 0 Nom^ P .O .B oxSW, Kim berly Twin Falb. 1083303 y _____ ter Roiourcoi, Woitorr *10-J20 + lax.Fri,4-7pm. 204 lOst. Ptoaso send rosumo ------^ Banning Drive South -100-350-399 Roolon, 2735 Mrport Way, Sal 4 Son. 9-7 or by appL ,>:' r SALES n e s - N e w s I k girl. Good driving record 0. - LES REPRESENTATIVE Center Street W est • 100-895W99 B o lio , Idaho 8 3 7 0 5 to- 736-6705 or 423-42Tl. NAf 3ox94230,%ThorBnes Duolorllo rapid growth and con- Mthorwfth a protest foo ol 8983 N 3600 EKimboify, nnd |nc rols rooulrod. Non- ^ H m Street N o rth -100-399399 smohor. Good solory. Own -f:Nows, P.O. Box 548, tinulnilulng expansion. Com- Lucille Sttcet W est - 200491 *25.00 en or boforo DE­ SmI E.y4miNolKMim to Twin Fans. ID 83303 mNol M 9 9 DE* ■ Dodroom.TobeghJuno 1, -rrrrr 'Jol collular. Amorica's CEMBER 27. 1W4. -Tho Will do C leaning, homo or lor gost rural collular tele- Madison Street W est - 100«9(yS99 prolestant muit also sond 1995. Plooso wrilo to ^Wico 4 Clerical positions. '»J90S ■ b g s i n e g g ./ ^ i ^ . gir one company, it cur- Oak Street Soulh-100-599599 a copy of the prolpit to INTERMClOUNTAIN onnachol Brolnin, 47 East jEXPRESS fomiy'itly seeking an ozpori- 37th St. Api eC, York PER!ERSONN& SERVICES oncod 110 PERSONALCARE 'JY ^ 10128. Plooso Includo t« cod sakn prolossional to If you live near any o f thesese streets,s ______^^•nTHIGOINSON, S t a f f i n g R e s o u r c e s SERVICES ^ Twin Fals.-733.7300 sorvicrvice tho Magic Valley^______£8Utfill2DttfllflI!6SL^_™s- rBuriouriqy.-67»iffi4Q^Nefee— -C om pi __^,and wouldJikc.to.bc.an:.aii______In d w n d c iit Junior C arrier PUBLISH: W*dn«actay, ' sistsots ol a substantial base ricr for Lady wia taka care oloMofty 516“ UEDICAU ^ The Tim es-News, callall .J ______0»gembar_Zand14.JM4. J i l l M l s j In thoir homo. Exper, oxcoi 3 PROFESSIONAL »o'aryiary, an oxcollont com- i p W S T i roferoncos. 734-3171. NY— DEKTAL------UJ ' ' ~ misslossion ond bonua p o to n ~ ------733-0931 ext. 202 oro r • ______FuntirrI timo positkin (or Drafting tial, an toll bee 536-2535 ext.. 20: 2 0 2 . -LtonsBd,-5emliprtvoB;— I, ond 0 comploto bone- m Y O V W A m . I bod LTCIaciilly sooking Dosiosignor of commorcial fitspocpoeiuige. i - — , W O J W M&CNAloioinourtDom: andind residential roo( and Forimnv ")M ilS liT !O T °ra^^. 206 immoduilo and conridon- 'iqaOOSBFROM g NA dassos otlorod at fo- floortw f^ ln g p la m a n d s o e - Hal coiI consideration, ploaso' ^ Jltye:ycnae. tkxa. i T h e r i m e s I ! a n d need w ork fo r a Kis. Minimum 2 yrs on tho forwoiword your rosumo lo ^ — s-News bautocad experience ro- Comm or io n s term , ” 3 mmNot Collular. 665 ii-‘ii -‘.■fcL- S T ” " ' i lod?c^o*nlB?& optical Qulf»jired. Benefits providod. Blueo Lz Lakos Blvd. N., TF. ID- lEWATELYflf _ enofitsavaUaUe. Sondsnd rosumo and school 83301»1.Ann:ToritorfaIMan- | “ HQUttoypflrtYZHS^?. irlnlormatloncollMaglc transsnsccipls to PO Box agor.or. < Collular Inc.-Com- I ranovMa«wr.53&<623. 1603asesond . Benefits ro g i^y o u rw iM rco ll Sifcim never know tho vnluB or jmoto: I ------1-aOO-734.45

-tam Oppw binH irln — ^ M l mil ^m - h - r ------i - i i '

I VVodnosdiiy, Docombcber 14,1934 ‘ Timos-Nows. TwinTw F.HI!;. Ifl.itio E-5 ym ent-Flnai Employ incial-lnstruuction-R eal ll Estate/Saale'Real Esistatfe/Rent 21!12-604

ThcTinies-\CTtT}k’s ' B U Y IT I - SELL IIT - FIND I CUSTOMEFI SERVICE M I "CLAVSSIIFIED 1 1 >733£ 0 9 3 J l* REAL ESTAiTATE/SAlE , 2\2 TRADE 213 MSCELLANEOUSS 213 kaSCELLANEOUS 502 KOICS 502 102 HOMES i 502)2 HOMES i s i 2 F/ Journoymarr oloctriciS T . OPPOffrUNfTlES> _____ OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE FARUSflANCHES i B02 UNFlJNFURNISHED ______musl bo liconsod. Rol ____F O R S ^ ______— COR SALE- ; .A] ANO DAIRIES------; HOU■lOUSES' oneos roquirod. 734-660 12 janitorial suporvisofs.rs. 1 Looking for full-timo salos- Start porson. so n d rosum o to AHIPRESIDENCEll G R E A T ------Machino (orch oaotal— — oafty momino. 1 day. Stoi with 6 bodrooms; • REDUCED! i 3 ^^:tos, power 4 wator ’ 1 bdnn..stove, sto\ rotrig. no pots, FuN-limo, knowlodgo ____ 837 W. Main. Joromo or RETIREMENT REDUCED! • jwajLCI CnII 825-5617. • rol., $350- 0111324-2388.______3'/i balhs, formal dining. 2 350 ♦doo. 734-4431 wolding & culling. Will in Inmily loom s, and 2 liro- ,, HOME $*tt' 500.51 Closo to froeway. ' Moro or loss-91 acres. 80 : 2bdm i.lt t • fantastic 'ory woll kopt condo, Ono Twin 1. 1 bath brick duplox Pay d o ponds on oxp placcs. a l on ovor 4000 sq win. VnJkjyschoob. 1040 sharos■os of TF walor. in hay /w hh3rdt oxpor, I EARNINGSI LO O KIN G bodroom, 1 bath. Kilchon. &□ ft 3rdbc}m»6fullb5mt. Booofits. AppJy or sond. It ol living'spaco. Hoal q ft main Aoor, 1048 sq n nndpa;pasturo. Homo, corrals, j GFAhoalhoot, gnstog.tippb, plicolion 10 223 ond Soi op- 1 ProC'wavo company sook' p living room, and laundry unfin S F O R pump, comral air. covorod mSneshod basomont. liard- lonltnstng sh ed s, good livo- ' carport,rt. niconl locntion. $500 Broftd<»mv. Bohl. IDM31South ; rgonofBo34.6774 ______ddof.WoD lroin.a24-86/t.Sftv I Cal 734-S»M ------{or-oxp^ing intornationar- G -CALL _WALT.T.ODAY.. in^othoLomonitios^L _SANDIIDMEYEHRANCH___ gbdrm -l bt ‘f- Givo tho gift that k o o p ro n " - pPriced at $167,000, #94- sower; garbago. lawn caie* ocro,cro, 1 shnro NSCC irngnt- OFFI -VbBth.-WDhookip;------^ marltciing frtm. No door 10•* Qiving. Flut« L tti o n t or ‘ 1 nnd extorior maintonanco. ingw FFERED FOR SALE garagee, fencediS bnckyard H I door or tolomarkoting. Call ig waier, privato soplic, A Tho lornirmland'and buildings (415 mo* 'I Begrnnlng PUno L«i> ’ CALLc"a' WILLIS STONE at noocood place, CALL TAD aro loc TM-. doo 734-7(91 IndependcDt Ji . tof an acot. 734-217^ . M n r CnII 734-3486. 324-7280, Could possibly RoS! !ocotod southeast ol olL "T— t Junior Carrier Route IOSSAT734-19I4 Buhl .Idaho, l( Tho legal do- tiom ein Murtaugh. Now Non-pioftt: Maturo adult lor " ront lill closing. Priced 01 tw nisnslonows: .yiZStuo.Cno- Call432.53B6 )w Available night mgr position, social $32,000, *94-3fi5 ^ sofvicn oxpprobnod. SnJ- it>d tract* A ar>d B of 2M TOhouihouso,oopo(6.-423------GEM S V4 o f S a o tlo n 9. 1,1377 altori_ltor 7pm. ____ W( ary A bonolits nogotiablo. STATE REALTY / Vendeil Sorxi rosumo to: Night Mgr. - 734-0400 i_, f g e m . i nnn,ctoan2bdrm on 'ett4di-100-499 PO Box 2444 .TP.S3303 STATE REALTY « , $400,837<304 WWSih.I0(>499 ca: : C^l Classlllqd._733-0B3t^ GEM V Falls County, Wtho. : W m i PARK RANGERSI Gamo • 'cZ u «o: 3 bdrni, $475 plus 'm ii wardens, parkpolico. $6- S T A T E R E A L T Y ______■it. Coll 733-495? Wttt-i61.10CU99 ^ H U R R Y J 734-0400______- mately filia«« y 7*. 100-499 $20 pof hr. Yoar round po­ Thimis boautilul 5 bodroom tV* ' )ovo parcels include '•o fo m0 o 2 2 bdrm. t gas hoal. sitions tor m on&womon. J BUHLjfTLER i«Aw..30(V«i balh homo will go quick, REDUCED I TO ^ ? irmstood, on buiWings. 0, Igyard, fe $400,324- Lm 601-799-1131 oxt P-3218. _^ Q HOMES ' S ' S Lowito-An Gorgoous landscaping. , S E L L ! _____ [ Tigaibn rights, _ ^ 734, Tn-CoTn-C Proo Momt SlM h RED CROSS ,, xabooa -30(kn 502 HOhES loncod backyard, covered ' 4 bedroom bo 2 both home 3bdr loin a bid p a ckage. Jorcmo;; Clonn Clo homo lor ront CASEWORKERS =* hot tub Sd o so to schools & shoshows prido ol ownorship! ition c] Tony Lor>gtin os tho on t t1 acres, ac $400 mo. If you live near w NEEOEOI FOR SALE sf ICS ano phorw number 324-6547,547;______- ra^fthgMstrecu, ind Altor hours voJuntoors u s o - Largo family room w-lire- lach woriiors noodod to help 3 bdrm lixorupor. 5604lh van 0 accopiod until 5:00 3-4 bdrm ~ ~T*ffhso?mjToTlTOaryFum“- “-Avo-N.-|55:000.-wfarms-— . tI4 2carpornQ o, Ro- movolOved rto. 729 Blh Avon. Irm. t ’/^j balh. $550. od lo-$^10g;e00rCnll-t— Ouhir ilios Program. Holp tamilios ''$ • 500 mo. 805-544.7444. C i y »w, 94-062DB I ______slay in touch. For moro in- =r S P R I N G ™ al purcho.o pilco. Sm 2 bdnn in coun- ■ tannatioo.caJIRulhYoung “HORSEPROPERTY i ColobraDbrato the holidays in ihis 1 rather ih milos from TF.$350. r lhan o p e r acre bid. Nbeows. 324-2834. 32 ______at 733-6464. 2-24’/iacrosallaJla4pos1uro. 1 / laulilul now custom bu« 3 I Bidsmanay bo submitted to S ,' ^ a SCCAA Hoad Start & Kids 6orgoous3,7l9sqft - C \ R E E K SC inuiy4bathhom oin thelolovlowing oddross; »a 3 ^ bdmt, 2 bath- 2 3 US Chikl Caro is occopling homo. 2nd homo a shop, SPRING siler. Homo includos: first NatkjtioftaTBank liroplacosic o s* lamily room. eliines^few s ' applications for possiblo Working corrals &horso ; REALTORS ^ JSIom inlorfor painl. gas North DaknkoloTMSAssol $650 1st. lost mo * ™ oponinos for Wrap Around 'barns, Gooding. $375,000, 734-4049 C opiaco. vaulted coiling, Managogomont ' — • ^ 0 0 dopop 733-91417; Ednh Spocialist. ($e.04-$8.45), will consldor trade, I — CREEK 5ge laundry room, pantry, I ' Attn: TeilerryLongtin. Smaller 2 bdrni,bdr suiablo lor 1 " "] Supervisor ($8.04-$e,45). .208-934-M02 . IMMEDIATE REALTORS F fiovo>vo dishwashor. groon- I 1 N, 41 SiSt,. o r2 , StoviHove 4 rolrrg furn. ^ Hoad Toachor ($6.14- “ OCCUPANCY - 7 3 4 ^ 0 4 9 ____ use window, linen 4 coot , P.O. Boi3ox600t W/Dhookiookup.No pels or • 56.45) i Assi. Toochor A* TRULY UNIQUE isot. largo mostor bed- I Grand1 FForks, ND------sm oking.$ig.$3e0-f$550do- {S5.44-5.7lidopondingon AVAILABLE! SP£IPECIAL BUYERS foomvjm w-hugo walk in clos- • 58206-6« 0 0 1 posit, 7&&-6656. -8 ______ovoly 2 bodroom 2 both 1 oducalon. Job oosaipiions vinyl siding, oir condi- iThosuce©cosclul biddof wil bo T F n Ic o 2 b d i t t i i homo wboautilul oak kitch- n„n nlTAKE NOTE!! 2 bdrm. 2 balh mo- and applications oro avail- looking for a spectacular ool the great proponios in «iiw. gas boat. patw. notiliodd 1uponaccoptanco bilo hommo. o. storage,i stovo, abVj at SCCAA. 726 Shos- Iviow and custom homn. on. spacious floor plan 4 2 lagerman Valloy. Ovor 11 iishod 2 car garago, ond shall^1 bo roquirod to on- rolrw. 423-5 hono Si. W or 296 Falls This ' ono-ol-a-kind home ^ca; garage, Movo m today, " ““i 326-5876.______torinloo -T R E E SKI D m I Ront until closing, 94- cros. spacious romodolod 5 on Earnost Monoy willlonKn0, optionor n salo, 4 rS& OTHER BENEFITS!- Avo. W.. Twin Falls. Clos- °overlooks tho Snake Rivor inlago moin home and Contractict with a down pay- k H m fl h/!? Canyon and is situated on ^ GOODING/ m onloi; bath, noar Down- ACCEPTING AF mg daio 1220.94 at 5 p m. malfor guoct or rental ^ ^ Jl 20 percent ortho 595 + $595 deposit APPLICATIONS FOR: throo-plus acres, Jane or hous3US0, This would mnko a WWENDELL HOMES bid. Thoho bolanco will bo Seam stress Stov«, *94-350 j Q onderlul horso acreage. ------______duo ond I id payabk) within 45 — ■ Day Care Workers Taxi driver# (or vory busy ^ ALL JANE OR STEVE salt season in Son Valloy. Must salo by builder; Now RNISHED Dishwashers SPRING )4-213 homo. ; Cooks-all levels bo25oroldor.FTorPT. < T«o. Ig lol, storting Irom f ' Ski S c h o o l C ashlen $66,90(1,900. For moro inlo, call All 1994!4 nod prior yoors- APTMTS/DUPLEXES lers Shop Mechanics (RR)) 62?-4e26of726.93St. ( 1-2452 . roalostEStale ta x o s will bo -pr-z------M tn.-Cashlers Toars'wot-Oispotch.- GEM I ------paid by■Ihoaolkjr th ------Cottagoaple;aplsikitchen units.------STATE REALTY | mles. 733-6696. s Pool Attendants CREEKREALTORS r JEHOMEmAGERMAN " V™!'«“avo any questions, monthlv mtOi Retail Cashiers I 7h« Timet Ntwt ___ , 734-040Q ' SEM-iS rryLonglinat(701) FurnisheddK Kii itchenelle apt. rs Bussers (Mountain) 734-4049 ST ByownorTSSoM/f ------STATE REALTY i95or 1-800-279- $275 mo,0 , AllA utilities lur- Ticket Checkers is curronilv accopting appli­ rs House Mechanic IN C O M E ------^ -0 - ^ 0 0 Dlton.2bdmi,wollinsu- rho ownor reserves nishod ixcoptoxen gas. Inundiv Ticket Sales cations lor toarshoot-Jis- c S w o t S h tto ro io c ta n y an d ladfiiies,, Call Cal 423-5550, Deli Cashier patchporeon.ltwillbooarly — BOOSTER!! „ UNIJN D E R $ 100,000 iQ'od. IS 4 bodroom. 2 balh homo PoriocIfoci family home In nico backy _ Joromo: Furnishod2bdrmFurr New Employee F momxigs Sal ond Sun. op- c o m b o window, $37,000. ------apl. 1 Of2tosponsblopoo- 2 to ae Recreation BenelllsI proximatoly 12 hours por 'ould moki) a groal rental. rosidd spacious living Instantintoqoityl2bdrmwilh 0 LOP ifvlCG daily irom Twin ^alls to ard. Inrpo covorod oatio. TS mo. CnII324-2639. 324 ------SuirVatluy diiu'iijtuin'— surnr'co. Pick up applica- ' or oas all on ono floor, Cily shod,d, RomodolodR wilh lots ______] & Hwy.^O Interseciion.on. tion Jfom Customor Sorvico kit roplaco plus groal loca-. itorANDTrprrvBto-woIr— ofTTxtnm ™ 5r$5rtii)tr-rar lOocos.v A t m u s r o ------kitchon cnbinots, countor I tjonon, FO ff INFORMATION. Ownovnors tronslerring and 324-521 ,'Votk)yRood,1milo : O o|t.1323rdS l.W .T w in toi loinlorsttstale, mid TF 4 Bur- rntown-$185 FOR MORE INFORMATION I tops, appliancos, Built-In , CAtALL WALT TODAY, “ «ixious lo to hovo another ______111423-5670 Tonlal(20fl)733-51IlotsION AND APPLICATIONS CALL: Fal. . 1063301. onlonainmont on conlor. Now | pne, 26,000,825-5617, 01 $IOD by our Empfoynienl Ollicc rieodnl$67.500,ir94-411 lamil]mily onjoy Ihls homo. PREUIERFAnM PRI " Studio avnil.! on Tucsd^s and Ttiursdiys VN(ilf^ RIVER HOTEL lloor I'o covorings. Oolachod I CALL /nil, $255, no pots.' aa.m .lo3p.m , at 630 flaysBiuc 11 a m 10 6 p.m.. Wcflncsdayf ^LLJANEOR STEVE, 800ocroijcnw, largo homo, now ting, Cal 825-4129 :A 3 iN0 * BINGO soparatobdrrn, so $49,500, I ^ 4-311 shop.pip. potato storage, lock ^15 COUKHeHCIAL ..nos^lry. VaJIcy Personnel al 800-894 Call Ray, ' ^894 MES'uUITE.NEVAOA Co g . __ _ bamaim and horso pasturo. PROI 'nico apt, wilh ______S_UMALLeMS^rj.£QUAL( id wolls with oarly prk>r> ______jspaid.walklo J.a.LORF.QflIUN|.Tl£MaOY£R.tf/M)------MOVE-IN!------1— 5GEM I dato. Six pivots pJos Commericl■fcWLotsFofSal# J«nt'4) casino wilh a Owr c g a g g — — O n o r musl soil ths 2 bdrm .'; STATFREALTY * ' ------V! indHnosriirM-wfioat— I5 0 r4 5 0OTeewerrwblo'r 7 l i i r T------■■ - ■ - 'C Mrf-ySmito'. A relaxed 2 21 both dbl-wido mobllo I_____- 734-0400 3EM--Siso.Assumabiotoan.. oloc-phoilo n o available. Vory nico smsmall a studio, sharo ji] & ^;n placo tw work. A homo ho all sot up in LazvJ MORI!R.EF0R_Y0UR_?$5.___^ iTATCRlALTY Klal$1.350.000_GJ25_ _,Pavod;fror I — b03utrfu|-*cmalltown*Tnmo:— pg T w i n -P arkT nC ilchon“ dpplF^— Covoivoly hbmow-3200 sq n ------— ICE-POULTON PRICE- ANO Kimberly f 6 ^ S 5 ~ ‘ ______tn“F a llr ^ i "I sphorotolivoinll! woshor wa & dryer, siorago tolliving6pacoon1,2l VININ T A G E H O M E . '■ COMPANY' of TF com WooHorgroatbonolilsI! shod. shi Vacant, immodioio :ros. moin tloor has In wilh major mo updates already 67e'1116116.678-8718or676-’ 4435, Seof tlRMSHED 401KPtan,oftwpmod«a)- poi Independi possession! Only $25,000, fnasaster sullo,2 bdrms, a occon:om plisnod. Owner is 4227 •S/DUPLEXES ident Junior dontaJvision-saipcardi Coil Ca Ray, ' beailautilul custom kitchon. motivelivaiod and anxious to ______. _ 518 MOGHBILE HO W S _____ '- Iif6 insuranco. Pro-omploy- spaci•acious bcml. has 3 moro sell,I, NoarlyN 5000 sq ft on SMALHAU ANO LARGE ______Carrier Rc monldaig testing roquirod.. - Irms, & Ig siorago room, Ihroo I bdm i apis, Routes Now DO lovols. Perfect lor a BUSINESS 0 1971 Floototwood, 24 X 44 ^ 335&up. ; Fax rosumos 101-702- J 'Calod in NE TF.TGmbofty larger30 or oxtondod lamily. OpporlunrlunityinthoMinl-Cas- mobilo ho ------_346:Z76Z^OE ■ .. SABALA ' s ;hool Distriel, $139,000, CAIL fl, dean comptox,' ., A vai LLJANE0RSTEV6. roa tanging Irom family balh. good nod.-dtslnwhof. _ ailable R E A L T Y I S )niact-;Rich w-Sooloy #94-111-110------oporalKirntions lo m i^ b u s L ...... bo movod. I VOLUNTEER BLOOD Jd. $13.500.-Will- — touK tociit o c i f l i o s .n o ^ '' nossacsodrvhos.Cal lordo- pay'/5oIn CHAIRMAN NEEOEOI _____7 3 3 ^ 2 1 linCY 734-6660 I Amorican Rod Cross rwods OVE IN FOR THE ^ Ownor financing avai- /S m iloraiM i S S 0. Call Bruco or Glon 43&4488, 2 bdmi opts I ovc'uirteortoholpcoofdi- ELBOW g; ROOM!! ' HOLIDAYS! I ^ Routu t e 8 5 2 I nail-and load blood drives, comi CE-POULTONAND '66Skvlino2fl n,,,,,,.-T77 Laurel Park/arkApartmonIs ;omoswith,lhisnowlyro- ;Boautiutllulnow3bodroom2 jncoSrN„TF, Oily pay is knowing you' 3EM 'HCOMPANY t o l K lK S , S S r " B K 700-800 M(s modeled hom o. 3 bed- ' bathth homo is roady lor oc- STAT A T E R E A L T Y | 678.1118, 34-4195. Meadows Drive I aro >iilp,G « « CObiir«r;;,-—-* -^ -1 -fl0 & -7 BEDROOM— = ------lemporary. soasooal. PT. & M, Kcw viv«»,vs Afio noon covcim«s, Y ------tSSR-NHOUSEShc 55, Youn FAMu will * Nico 14x655 N^ ashua mobile from$<>m $440, __ 900-1000 Spa FT omplovmor« noods. ^ vc t u ^ C l ’tOT.SOO.______* home.2bdr>dnn. 1toh.,front, __WachorSdr> Sparks Sl. North____ — In Twin Falls 734-6452 ' - f J R E E K j i ^ ” Sdryerhookiflj - ______BEOROOM/2-STORY HOME ori -ood cab(rws. ox. Small yardord 4 i storage l-800-72t.WORK \ REALTORS * Ition, lg wmdows, NorxHo!?: M;F/DA/-EOE-No loo GEM J 9, ;nL, DoN't uijs 11(15 CUE. Rcmodcieo r lc! 734-6600 ling, Bot-up In , 7 ,/ If you live nea S T A T E R E A L T Y , ' 1 DGE V(tW'-*tlOUIIO I'OllCnyi’AIlO. HEW/ KlUK!tCM[n. limi'LACE 2 ibath, romodolod lear any o f these 7 3 -M 0 4 9 I s ncjOH NIO IH I.W5tEn DEDflOOM. ‘12 streets, and w ot 217 RESUME ------f = Jogharoa2.700sq.fi. * iid.Loaso,$595 2 'ould like to be an -OUR BEDROOMS 1 4bdridmi. 2 bath, lomodolod * 6 ACRESAC OF PRIME INDUSTRIALlAL LAND on top * Nico 75 Char la s t+ $350 dop. PREPARATION Edilh. • Independent Juiluni.or Carrier for A N D O V E R ihrwflKjghout,c?>onkrtchon, ★ conutiniiEfi SHE Fon EASY access. Owneh■JEH WIU C011S1DEH * MuslsoolCt 733*2009 Ior customized :ar garage, lireplaco. •* txciwCiWXiE. *96,000. - ______2lw rm 2bath,bath, duplox lor The Tim es- 2 0 0 0 S O F T ' 2 “ ' ______ronl. $550 •*•$; :s-News, call ' prol. resume • Rov Slotion on1 onooni lovol in a nico nonh- on 1 o a e. moro oval- * * )-f $250ctoaning ■ ■ ■ doposrt. 339 733-093151 ext. 203. Rroteifloml Reiumet aaslorn oast neighborhood, A oil noodod. By ownor. * 339 Crosrview. Cini»i'-(liotn< ■ J 2 bdrm, familynlly room.iodee-I JEW LISTING • 31 i f I >AlUm.^„,73J-3M? * H | I R :Iudo2I d largo dining aroa Sharp, f r ----- W W J B oralod. 2 cor■M garago.g $595, I p. Stool Sided 3 bed- * 'nc;VolL'n..'-733gtnO * 1 ^ ^ ^ ■ n l l l l 1st. last mo m ind big rooms throughout, mnm 10 and $S00 dop, I S i^ - N e w s n. V/i bath hom o in * + 734-5650 ^ ★ - -A Call 733-9141.141, :A L U A N E 0 fls fE V 6 . BuhlMI: Oversized garogo * — - - * r n T i i i «ilhI Vwork shop, CALL M M l S j l a j l 2 studios,.appl4uiilsn- app. * i f k(**************^ * t* * * * * *_* * *_ U W U iU U i . ..duded$285o( — _ _ NOW,N, BONNIE_PAR.^______BS or $290 4dcp, IS,CRS»94-J29 — _____ • C °»73^733-3624, ; F H T h e T i 4 bdnn brick1 duptox,duf 2 balhs Independent[ V . - . - - h . B01_ FURMSDSHED ______lamily roomim.garogo.with . 5 GEMI7c - c c opohor. 2 liroiliroplacos, gas STATE REALTY I ■ HOUSE 734-0400 ______heal, nico loctlocation, credii trier Routes = 3 bdrm w-fufull unfinished lirod. $700 a mo, 301 BUSINESS ------m ------1 STFATE A REALTY ~i'^ bsml,W-Dh} hookup In Jor- * ^ ^ 0 dop..Call Cal 734-6619. (Twin FallsAvailable I: OPPOBTUNTTIES 73^0400 omo, SSSOI mmo-f $301 dep. '4 PLEX apt. 2 b(bdim, wUh ro- N E W L Y ■ i l — J Refs rog. 324124-4249mso j Irig and cloviilovo, no pots, 20yroW Inlomalional Co. ^ 0 Sm 1 bdrm IraIrailof. lumishod, I ? < 3 ® + * 2200 0 0 dep. 6 mo Junior Carr introducing poin reliofA !EMODELED WU ------' $200* doo,),CnII423-5926. ( loase.734-190<■1904MQ-6pm.l energy pr^ucts to Iho ■ i\ND READY DRINK 1 ! t e 7 6 8 HOT COCOA & ENJOY IMo) faifantastic viov/s ------lAvaiabkjnowlSwl Sharp 1 bdrm Now Av U.S.A, 6 tiguro incomo ■ r o O C C U P Y ILEY CREEK & WAIER!All (rom thi boinaachioved. t-800-366- ■ V roo'frsm ' “ 2 UNFUR^RNISHED apl. stovo. rolr>(rolrig, $325 mo., om small business to- 10I Includo! boat, boat aock. DOOcolula; ______uLarkmur i> 67l4ter rocordod Inlo. P* filOSS <300,^ nili' 5h tic ■ — — HOUSE5ES______rets. 731-2000. BasomoM oponr roQ! kilc»or>- Unique ctticiciciont nooiinn Tr;— rTTT ^m0?«:$300, RoutetHillcrcst lo302 MONEY TO LOAN EQUQUAL HOUSING : s po.fcallJanoorSlovo. i' systom.3m. m oslor $uHo w /w tnrlpool>1 rub ii. S pnvoio ilh.w-gorago, Sm uiliiies 4 cabcal k> on id, OPPORTUNITY vlow',V, Lanascoplng & auto, ipnnDfinkiinn Voof- l 423-555:555. Mon-Fri- ; & sonitalion inc ------SunriscJ wflAcH^tiicfimatolUc^ 1 f wm ro d e d h o m e has approx. 1536 1 tnd, $ ^ mo, 1.^99»4609. r a 536 sq.,ft. w/3 - ^'^1 b o RMIM HOUSE 734-6674 Of 73^ 2000 Blk. 1 aovoniso 'any pioloipnco Irooms. updated kiichon,1. livingii ro o m , ^ f 734-4121, t e 7 4 3 , - » NEED CASH? kntA^i:tacrdOTniinaS3ntniaJcn c t a7EM ' ' S Tl, stove, rolrig, e p ld c o & m ostor b e d fo o m wii 100 Blk. Wo buy no1os& roal ostato rxo.cck1, ccfcr. nf^wn. sox. hnrttop. S T AATE REALTY X l'o n Wllh (iroplaco. CaII42; W( rtdJtUiR "'s® * " n o s g a s h e a l & is p a itiartially (o n c o a ----- ?75-734-5483 conimcts. Cnutivo Rnanco U aaaj^ornaSoviortjacf a ______------w/spilnijtlnkler systom. G ot o w a y trom )cuslSL North » 1-800-99»48W. aninloft; )m tho hustio & 3 bdnn. 2 bathath. 327 Monroo Clean, q u:l«t.af1lclBnL io t,« inlonyon. to mako any such i O Wm N THIS CUTE bustiel:lel $88,500. KGS-267 Pioco, NO Mpots or smokino, 1 &2 bdnn>dnn apis, k. Juniper jj;;Unlimilod Ci^itol availablo loronco.. llmilaiion or Route ;ilminaiion,' F.imilial staius ™oom t bath homo for FACELIIELini Brick h o m o 'w /6 b o o io(Oonii.-Uboli>— o ------CriM73^ - 5 7 8 5 ____ !— J322.NonhWafltiVoflhinglonrTFr-'------iw Lane fc xfcjcMim undor ttw oood >ment hos pluiribif^o m won':!!■I'liioR Nowpr 3 bdrm, 2 bothMh mobJe homo ______733-0741-0740, IWng with paionis or log.il for growing tami- ^ii bik) Estates, No For rent oxcopiiof cl Lane botwoon $; 6pm and 9pm or kitchon ctfhlnots, nc-v/ C coi Q 'p o i lo b e inBuhlMobil plional condo, 2 100 BILLocir Wrfan; piegnant women .irxJ / - l-«J>iCatod on large lot w> Instoiiot.Hod & froshly p a ln to d mleiioi 01 I a monlh. Avoil- bdrm, 2 b ailhs,in lh s, secure write Worldwido Financial )d backyartf^i oxira rioso ti 'r on rnom Hoot pols. $450a 100 Blk. J I w ioaafingasCc>/adiUTn ;oncod o to schools. pQ(k & shoppmning A tfordoblc ablo Jan. 76668-4305, area, $600 a mmo, avail im- Sorvicos. PO Box 223. intxiaxia largoI Itlomily room. Only ■ing o t $75,000. Klmbofiy, ID 83341 $58,501500, ^/oods a liitio KDO-2&5 3bdrmhouso10 for ront in TF. . Sfvey Pallor- WiUow]ar any o f these 365 or 733- Laurel 1 ThisncvKncvK{vporwJnoll«»-^rty : TLC, Coll ( today, 94- od, kjcalion, no |°;? :7 3 3 -?3 6 S raid like to be an 305 CONTRACTS AND accopicipl anya advorlising.lor ioaI ' 056GO MAGIC VAI.LEYPf REALTY i ^5■^$300dop•, ______mior Carrier for .. »°"T0AGES Sl« S »itiich is in violation ol Ilm 7 3 4 -1 9 99 1 i : Cnl32ii124-2859, Housing applicotiiications aro bo- ,Ouf roadors s'o hombj i _ * _ Energy ollicio:ioni;_4 bdrm ln_ .li’s ocMPjodd lofIor fjoar.oWof:______If you live neari-News,-call ------rm od-tnafa’I dwollinnj • " O D ( V ^ - 1 2 8 6 Addison Aven/e n U O 'E a s t ------TP.jarage.h', NO potsi Rols, k . oldoriy AI handicapped-hai trtMd In this nows|.3pw .vo ' O I > 423-6301, olsablodporsojrsons. Ronl4 streets, and w oul Efstitissi;",-, s ^ R I N G t . ^Hallows 734-1290 Slovo Kolintopimoppi 3JG0&4O $S9S *dop^ I liXt. 203...------y- on .in pqu."* ertjr»tursty ' ^ GudrunnHnllows Hi 734-1208 CionoShmn d on Incomo, L To corrriar d dscmwveen I P P ••7j:ji559 Filer; 3 bdrm IW Independent Juni D l c JonnEino-;ino(IOao 734-I34D, Ell.oSlmtp 733 W59 balh, two cai now availablo HUD Tofltoo al 1-000 M5- ! I - fn c c i x MO 733-1270 Slovo DiLutCO fcr ront. For funh Trusi doods, corrtrads, 3777. T>i JCM 324 G773 3QOdop-366- furthorinlorma- -The Times-N f-Tho Toll'Iroo tolophonn I lOM______733-05D6 E?obbin Onnrcli ^•2741 m o m ------tion_contacLth:L th o Jorom o ------i m e s I S e m —]— motlgogesporehasod.— fwttrfaagfcrt^hrert^ hpW li -[— MEALTGRS— tj ------Forrontrsbflbdrm h ouso In Housing Aulhor 20%7S4-a727fcjTQUoJo,, I m g ? ? ilhorityot733-. ■ ------733-0931

. J . ; , . , ... - H lh e T u \ ' \ ■

- I , : • E-6 Timos-Nows. Twinin FFalls, IcJ.iho ‘ Wodnosday, DocomborDo 14, 1994 Real Estitate/Rent-F Farmer's M;1arket>Misc(;ellaneous ______^ 04-817 ~ J>r 711 HORSE 801307 CLOTHIHG 013 THE ACE:ES o n BRIDG Bobby W ol/f 3 HOIC S17' MMSCELLANEOUS 817 ««SCELLAN£OUS S S17 MSCEISCELLANEOUS GE® I F EOUPICHT — Voddlng dross: Sizo 10-12. ____ D E C O R A - ^ G _____ FFOR SALE FOi^ O R S A L E ______FORS3R SALE i horso trallor. now floor, wJiH^ca. wl M tontg^ng . p LP sorvico/dolivory por- Brunsvmswtck Snooker Tablo LogCtCtblnpkgSiO,59S Likonoww wwhito l motal crib "The ani is knowinving and wise; NORTH ,2,4.^ - bfflkottonint. 734-1443. _*i 00 tor Rupoft-Bortoy aroa. Paramiuoniount • top-oMho-ino. 24V32*r withw 8‘porch rool. r toir climbof. $50 but he doesn’t knotnow enough to A 7 2 ^ ^-Jow C 4 B 3 h o rio sla n t „ „ iaiary dqpofiding on oxpo- Valua!iluablo-nol many mado Swodlodish copo. saddlo tloTykoTc10 Toys, $20, Inlant «» cowirms S a t, $ 10. Mise skis take a vacation.” V 6 kutd. pul-lypo, waik-ln tack ' 60S lonco. Sond rosumoto: olihisIhis ora. Good cond. in- notch to — -wilh-maltsrlazy susan-^ -7- iouff^iirsonr1-1-1-1-1-1th----- elu«f(« l>vt f->lAy [gf oil —C^larenceDay. ------♦ A J o ? ------swina out soddlo rack. kjmputor; Homo, oflico and ^vo^ .P y ir o o .M l^ ^ ^ ^ O scoro»ro koopor i all a co ss^ olhorw s S o s f f S S j o * * ' 32<-S9t2.H2, ♦ J 10 0 4 3 2 ^$4400.733-3^1,______-SSschool. $700-737-1504. —^ IS. $6000.733-1003. ______330; 0 7 .w ; ^ 5 . Computers-Compctors 8144 .je w e l r y . . c £ - ) w lV 9eam os, $90,‘ , , W E S T doping soddlo, 15'V soot, iSO Out. 24* girls Mt. Movingor.°r socratoa05 EEducation Vkloo ' E A S T 1 'tow in box. clorting at $678, ANOFURS Bikosikos. Only 2 loft. $99 L x T s * Today's declarerer worked’ hard a Q 10 4 bought now, usod only 6 - S y iln m wl 4 - • ..AK9.6 5 Imefflhs Cftll 324-096?. ___ Caii 737-1M4, _ _ idi.-HfiffnorV733-OOtg— “ oachT. CCall 543-4497 or 540 vVoo bn today's diamondtnd-suit to g iv e 'V Q”J '0 4 K »n'°,SSE,V 94 2 ¥87 5 ~ ------3M IBM comptfior, cotor monitor. saJo 4 600 ga! 04 storago 543-fl06t260;______chair, $60. him self a chance to Pfimor, $700.436-6050. ‘'‘““ nf ^lIi“K>llinbox. $60. N etted indoor to bring in the ♦OSS ♦ 0 4 ■ m RRIGATION ^ nks, 4'x6‘. 1600 lbs. oa. Now OusJisJ Purpose Airgomo- basketballtball game, $25 clubs. Unfortunate!itely. whenhe * Q 8 ♦ K 9 7 5 ------IBM3MPS1 computor, $1100. ■SIofiof.206436-4384 . lo rS tminpor, $175.2 stud- Whlo 4 gok l2Thundorbitd28A« M Cr tackled the clubs, heriie m ig h t a s w ell C0II737. 150X 5;D- : ,• Iior. 734-9029. FREE d odiMS5SR 13 radial snow, ors& desk,esk, $60. Soars Lifo S O U T H ;whool lino, no monoy down uiiiIllsublshI lap-top model — — . Dnowooklri^iofE'oki Ono 1in)s,$50:S0. Can733-1050. Stylo rowor rowc 2 0 0 0 , $90 have been on vacatiortion. OAC. 532-4405/4364701, u | A A J 0 3 -■ MP286L.32MHord.3'/^& }17r HSCELUNEOUSt woiglwighl toss prodwas. No Now Phillilillips CD-I machino ;iO, Mise Childron-s South’s decisionion to leap to SRCCWfliorSharbs.Cal 5-/ VA K 10 3 . 5'/4dilvo. built-in modom. IFOR SALE______cblqalion. 736-1663. w-wirotostoss romoto. oocycto- :all 734-7070, ovos three no-trump wasvas not a good Dick. 655-4268 or $500.734-5489 $5 ______1 2oamos. 2mov»os- awoowwosOflds. r ♦ K Q 1 0 2 dryor.njnsgroai.$t50, podia,2j one. It takes a trumpmp lead to hold ______733-5336. ^owMuhimodbComp.nor. } Brunswick V. * slalo pool nid?rdor Rocking J pickup all onCDI C l Now $800, will Pool tobk>.i>bk>. balls. Bticks, L , : ro bio. $550.7344743 ______SouLhJo^tricks atIt d ia m o n d s ( h e ------To ioato S'A eharos conoi Ww)f0dand80lup,$1179, doii mpor, good condition, soil lorr $600 J or bosi ollor. oxcot cond.cotk $300. Col ' 4 ^compony wolor righls. Con- CompuSoorco C< 7364053. '66 ClChovollo SS & Earth $3S0.ESO. Babycrb.carsoat, 4 Dan, 736-36-0179 loavo msg 733-5100<100or733-23£3 I crossruffs). And toI compoundco the Vulnerable ble: BoUi ■ , taa: Ron Won. 543-8871. ~. Usod compulors dio o p ____ f/K®ovo with pipo. Bosi offor- othorhor baby ilom s in oxc N Cuaao.lamodol train sot.. .Redjadlos.losJO.fipd-biko,' ___ 1 ------:— felony, South also mi Intomsiod call 7 3 S -0 3 S lrr reondiik misscfdhis'opr—D ^erSS oi o u lh • ' WlWhai aro you wallitio fey?' “ 386 38 8 286compk«ofrom— -lis!® rKCianr423-52T7.-ovotr- - c ^ n o Koto , on 3'i6' laWo.-in-— hardly usod.isod. Oak compuior------p o r tu n ity in th e play.ly. IPlaco lhai classlllod nd $300. 73643711 ^'Itod}d movingr boios. various GroalII lamilyla; gitl. full sizo pool cludos6 6 onglnos, ' 30 cars. dosk. 8'I'SnowBladowiih Sn< lodu/, zos. Including wardrobo. lablo South took his hearthea king and The biddin,Jing: J 3lo. no chippod b alls. 27 swilcfIchos. 4 20 blocks, allachmonino^njB-i^oxhausi 10 RREWOCO *2>•$8.00 58 oadi 7.ri-.:W?6. $650.50. Cal ( 67S-36M ovos. $350. C»i Inn Ca!l733 cashed the club aceeand a diqroond „ ------810 W-si North East 713 71 POULTHYAND 7— kmg. Next, he ledJ hhis diamond __ „ sp & collonwood, $100- - P a s s -2 ♦ ------P a s s ------— M B B trs— ^ queen to dummy’s aceact to lead the p axd 4 upVSAD 536-6251 Fa,s.s P a ss P a s s -g club jack. W est won'■on th e q u e e n Doiaworo X layir>g hofts. $2 £ !rowood' ^ 734-3507. and exited with his la ------ooch. Call 544-2661. 1 la s t d ia m o n d . O pening load:Ico Heart queen ■ 1 FURNTTURE dummy's jack wini’inning while Phoosonls a Ouail, livo or drossod. Cult 43 2 -6 ^ . AND CARPETS South dropped his 10. T h is w a s a n m \ A □ W IT H T H E A C E S key play. Soutli preserserved llis dia- . % yards carpot. colory. ; n SHEEP* GOATS "S'Sosl ollor. 543-6916 r ■! m ond deuce to provide iM M i _ solid wood dinono sol. dummy's diamond ei| Ids: TVmiHFAUSUVesTOCK S i”K. I J ____ 10 4 ______CCOUUSSIONCOUPANY rand NEWi Slill in box. 1 ] ______to cash tiie clubs.— 3997348831:------•*-* VC} J 9 4 2 B U ^ N IESS & ;SERVr^ I H ow ever, th e goodod ^work in dia- EA R L Y M sqsq ytii. smoko/gray sculp- ♦ 9 5 3 irotf'carpot and pad. usod ■ ■ monds went unreivarvarded. When CONSIGNMENT ------thejJut)-suit-failed-tt ______r- - J mof«hs.-$3,50yard,-Mov-— ■ f - d-to-split-C^ar------— ------f o r - , ?g 7 boxos-lroo. 734.Q654 South could not bringing tlie suit in North ScS o u th V W e d s d a y D e c . 1 4 Boauilutilulvlnlago dining la- _ , m and he took only eightht tricks.t 1 ♦ 1I V' ScS a la s ta r ts a t .10 AM bto.D. chairs and hulch, dark CO:all i 733-0931 ext 2 fo,for more Information o,or your service represe How better to handmdle the club * ♦ • chon>ony.$1800.32-4-2964 _ esentative s u il? A fte r g e ttin g h is c lu b a c e o u t 200 slaughtof cows Blackck Iovo sool. $300. vanity of the way and enlerLering ^n»ny_ANSW EIVIV One no-trump. Hold-_ tOOmiiod&ioors&hotlofs sinknk 4 mirror. $100, colloo EiM SM W K ______300450 b e ______mbtebio.-$25. dining trblo 4 4— _____ via the diamond ac^So, SoutJ) should Jn g “ somelnethiiig" in diam onds” ' 'is75 mixod sloors & hoifeirs chniilairs, $ 5 0 .7 3 ^ 6 9 . 1 QRYW ALI^^^ le a d a lo w c lu b in s tead a d ofi the jack, rniglit makeike this choice m ore ap- 300-500 b a BrTuidnd now largo oak roll lop vallinstallarTwi, taping S W ard’s r d Homo I Pain Pai & Stress 125 mixod stoors & hoilors' dnrll •dt&tunl lUn^icd rnwlDp. eSORsiiroidAvo. (orsr’ salo, $420 Of bost oHor, » entry to bring home: ththe remain* Iil 736-1843______CuCurbs. Sidewalks. CcfijTwM.m. I»M. iMfd fV*lw»S>Tid{«tc Twlnftlli,ID Coin in g c lu b s . 733-7474 Compnpleto King size walor Drives, Insured. JAMES ______Bn> Brueo BHinoion. 73343.17 bod, ES RAY DRYWALL ^ d, moldiing hoad boad. J B3arS ar Construction Hang ENERAL Handi Gl G u i d e d | nightihl eland. & drossor wUh , ang. Tapes Texture. ^ HANI • 716 rror, $400.4 ^ 4 7 0 6 JeJerry Staley le Quilting g M6 FARM u s e . _ E E £ -toual. Ccm.-ncrcial d • — SER 's q .y d . I 604 UNFURNISHb ^ 615 “ ROOfcWATEs'’ 7705 FARM T ? ii J 2 yr old. country bluo 7 3 6 - 4 4 7 4 16 ft long cow panels, $10 sofafa iovosoat, Liko now. dsis PalcJiwikRepaiis, ) & Batting | APTS/DUPLEXES WAHTED (i .MACHINERY oa,o a ^ 7 6 ^ ^ cindor blocks, $400.JO. Cal 733-8956. S p R e l s . FREE ESTIESTIMATES-INSURED Quilting: Twin, | Joromo; 2 bdrm. oppls, now)w Fomolo roommato to sharo' lM1 F S 1 0 .t4 ll.d is c . with « o w 4 chairs. $95. ;Tso Iront ond loader with * ^ 0 u een . King. 0 carp o l. $395 dop. Callall my 3 bdrm. 2 balh homo. sprlngllmo harrow at- rba notto w-8 chairs $129 733-1021 025 o r 420 -6 3 9 6 So rpporo on bade. 734-3737 Rockieking tovosoat $95. 536-2466. $300 p o fm ^ h , 734-4373 iQchod. $2500. INH 425 326-i very Available Joromo basomoni apt. 2 boior $2500.1 I J ft comj- Most Soli IMMEWATELYl )rkgoldsola$69.0ak UQN S 7 ~ 2 Fumishod apl, suiiobk! lor 3 ■nor dosk 4 hutch $79. 3NEY DO, INC. I a irc h a rg e . bdnii, 1^ living room, w-tiro-0- collogo or singlo giris. gator bar with 4 corruga- 2 arch6ly1obuikJinM. ------I0T5. $250,1 two soclion 6 3 0x40'4 50x9?^ Bookokcasos $32.50 - B0(OOKKEEPING II5 5 4 4 . pJoco. rofrig. washor. sJovo.0. coin-oporatod washor & ^50. Tho Bargain Sido ■ < Utils indiKfed.NosmoMw.a dnror. [anllorlal «nrvlen»^ _ ft. hyw .liko-now . $250.1- 0 -SERVICE ------» 400 tno. J. dop. 324-25ifc btgvalioyequoozochuto I -S hMairrAvirWrn y SBSg'------p T r-aaxK ago.utililtos furnished, Computerized HONEY Lg 1 bdrm , culo & cloan.n Rots, no smoking or pots. wilh soll-eaiching hoad- Yameam aha 350 Warrior, rod. Diningig room tablo, 6 uphol- ' Y DO. INC.II »350 mo +' dop. 6 mo10 733-7749 or Trovor 733- - oalo, $ t 0 0 0 '^ f 4 2 . '87, ’87, with mounlod yard •od chairs, hulch, &>au- FleaReasonable Rales V a lleyey Fencings N o iob itoo small! - ^^B T T T T sprayof.$2500, likiloi s. 7903, y300 oal ovor hood gos tank. ***'5 largarot T ubbs Nj.moHngo,|»ii. , .C a i l 67^3654 ovoa. 734-71 h ln rc WEY TU B B S 734-6140.______' $1&, Cal 3 2 4 - 3 ^ ------£ 208) 734-6271 irsery Care 0 |n I n^rig tablo w-6 chairs, ' Lg bdrm, W-0 avail, oxira | '88 Logan 4 row potato wind- . ^ ______F a rm s •n ;E RF iV E R )0. Rolrig, $125. Cali ------& Residential S N A K E storaffCM-garago. m Bmbk- fowor, 168 primary 50 mm. ■ FiFencing. ______Inq. 1-2manjro. 734-9925 socondary loll, right, or W ^ 7 8 4 aflor 6om. ______^METAL■AL.CO______-Extra ta ------Now 2 and 3 bdrm opts;— -boihdlschargorhydraullc' ■■ I tall king sizo brass bod------^ 'ree'S Shrvb Manulactureilured in Twin Bhakors. Call 423-4706 of- K fl bodJing. $250,- 2 • ^t ST f a l l s ^ 2 (ulbalhs.covonidcarport. I ning or Removal SOUTHEIlERN IDAHO ■ Palls, rariotyiioty of colors, Walor, sowor and I tor 60m. ■ S wwn n Lazy Boy roclinors. PLP L A N R O O M 42 .00ch./234922- 0,3 4 2 3 ^ 7 7 5 ifore you buy, ------sanitation Indudod.------I Allis Chaimors 7045.2 WO. I I Draltlng S ervices for fret $650 ANO $695 plus dopoeil. I olsolkl walnut contom- free estimates '3 6 -4 6 5 3 - Available. Pafnting, ro ------CaU7344411 MorvFrUitof- - ary-dlnlno room sol. rooflna. sialng. 1 .8 0 0 -55 6 0 -6 8 1 2 ______Spm 73^4539 : 0, C al 733^876. . Jobs to bid llooring. homomo woathoring, ■ Nower 2 bdrm aitachod ga­ a i T t S a = ■ FuD izeslZ( pilow soft matiross BluBlueprint copies romodoling 702 CATTl£ Paul. ID. 4 3 6 - 5 ^ 801 1 ngofoll.typos. rage, AC, gas hoat, rolno, ' II AHnOUES 8 box 34-PLAN (7526) mrerowavo, slovo, dlsn- = ------$ tM .i R f j y n n K n i j B Rosidontialll i& Commorical i THolstoinatoors,500-550 ^MF50gastroc(of,3.hllcii, T j— washor. Prtvalo polk), largo ' now motor Iresh paint. Mk parfor KingBlri^izopUowsofl H V 7 M p M 3 2 4 - 8 4 3 2 ‘ 326-5332 yard, no pots, roforoncos. - lie. $0 ,K b . 6 ^ 7 0 2 5 Cail Brod 733-Ofe. ross 4 box spring, slill ^ H S l - r - r ^iS504.d£. 73^7408,------6 - 84MimooldHol8toln8toor tiod.$tOO. ------P R O F E SSSIONAL S I - 6pmof637-p^)f-lino, o ^ $350. Harvest 'ovososeal, roll top dosk. bdb,w 2 b a th ,.n le ty e td .. ~ or aW ldebales. t-eoo- NewKtwKenmoregu range, a nto d e a 324- 708-3868. T - V - r contlnNjtlnuouscleanwhitem Quflana1 size mattress, box- ■ij;KS80of3a4-40e3 ■■■. ^ ig, headboard and Comsaaoe,400lon. ' JtiSSL ______tol^C om or bv- —------Cal^20t7.-- Relrtaf iil2 S .^ 5 ^.- • EVA’SCLICMGSERVICE ^HSSZZ BizopfltowaoR' .u n m B a f S s m FffiDERHAYWAKTO.no rah .C d .S 9i .g x u - WasWn HOUSEKEEPING s a\WTOOTH w ...CMSSCi s OF ONE ntial. offices, anstmdion 'SHEEl•ETMETAL I S I W ,CI7»Z4m'’ ikAntortainmontcon- • ••Guarsnfffodd Tutoring"Tti ^ r-W gh..6a*-wkJo.22*.- -ilOOtall.ali.lt>ou'niiBlhappy, ____ Haating^Aiia^Air.c:ondition!ng______~-jSl»00-iq-ft-«ti)nna-1loor 7d»;.b/ilRY-v™ ^ -x '-r •• . tStonZnd : o m di CER'S “ English Grammarmar-Writing ■ • Eouwetir ...... B i ^ S stored fori 00 tepos. - Jfrlgeratlon T IN K t iM up to 30* TV. $500 we're not happy. ■Writing « » CRAFTS mmercial & SPRINKK L E R ^ CroalivoWnI f offor. 73M 257 Pleasa jraphy esldenilal LANDSC'CAPING Photograph ail wood bunk bodB. '733-9173 rch'itoti k board. Twin bed w- <2oe)8) 733-85487 &1 5S h ru b s CallJImalTXI ,-3.078 tq . It. otfle* ft retail Cl c a s e head b o ard , 4 • G r aa d d in g • rio HORSES ■■ • e s s oard, motal frame. ^ ^K 7 a 523.0f736-4060. ■ ■ ■ ■ • W a lls & m o r e l ______g i ^ Ifi 5ra«5JSiSaS'“^ . ------s p s c r a i 491 Caswel Ave W.TF ' '• W ' >MPUTER IncentivesIS • W jn te r okcaee headboard. S > Co irlatmaiBtzair.Tuas «book SALES, HPiMH v T W f f l H Snow RR e e m o v a l Jh*Wedl4Jh,^0am- ■ C0H7344471, ^ q E:RVICE,r & W pm^Goodielec. iyn»t*«lapiOoweoflmanross e m ■■■■■■■■■■ • Free estistlmates ' UPPORT ivODfc' 4 0 4 0 SHELTON'SI'S ^ T R E E • , f o . ! K OF AR T ecCTet ,'tm p8piiiinft. , . - u OurBuatneaa SERVICEMCE ^ s n services eftbrasadaybod"' The Cot:omputer Place • Handyma ______' Irbo topping 4 removal. re .' : b u u )IHo ■ ADDISON AVE Homorepalepair; Electrical, Shrub trim orir removal,rer MTBVAL8 1110? 734-1667 Plumbing,g, IlsIlghI ca^wnlry, iortM lor eale or trade lor ______3-Can 734^ 73 h a u linig g OBo painUng yai ) yard & building WHATIVEIIVIR 112 HEAEATDM&AIR d e a l I S r a S i 7340470 aftsrfiSn.' COfONDmONTNQ' NORTHWESTST COLORS F R E E E S T IMIMATES ^ 733- ’4 3 8 _ ^ 1»y*T Inventi oenent O iS lItr^ ^ ^E3 ------HO-HO a^bixAatoirmPertoGt 100x2! TelletaSliSporlon ^ K Z ! forapreecttoolrkler.Thie llordei wHdoOvor$l«)por —;------Tho Holiday .seaeason Is upon m m is $SS0.. p le ia 0 Sorno roetrictionL c d i us-S p ru ce up»py.»rw.l, “/ l tPREE r e laiStaM " ■ 73M678.rp.or734-2067evo. ■iHoineCaro ICE earn ol S h irt wofk boraee. 1^ - » Insert wilh glass N E WV & U S E D Diyrall'Panti » a lo l paint Serving ail11 MV& MV W A f l S M I » ; broke g e n tle; P air w hite M 7 Cw t n i w a n d fan, $200 or bost 1^ ^ . , aHg7Bli322. LocatedftId 81 Indoor Garafle . All .home Jisoonts . Woodriver areas,erei naoeflSOOorbeei—. -SalftW.EM.Htw LateaflW ------inside & outoul-IOyrsexp:- -GuaranteodWoWorkmanship ------3-000-536:515=5185:------•■Cdi32*-4iBe. Varietylety Added Daily FREEES-ESTIMATES ReferewmcM Mobilo 420-TF)--PREE. ■"■'ByfiSdiiiWiWBdiSkVv'i; 'SB 159 or 423-5403 CallGIII B ru c o . 735.25,aj, Local 536-51i-5185. 733-7J3-7543 In su re3 d d . ., . S f c s s T HaritDeeion^ySo* aoffor beet offer. a t7 3 M 5 5 3 .------

t ' u ■ ■ f J' I , ■ ■'

' ■ Wodnosday. DocotnOor;)f 14. 1994 -nmos-Nows. Twinwin IFalls. Ittoho E-7 ' Miscella laneous-Re

I r ^ J l TheTimes^i's5 ■ FT SELL nIT . FIND | - CUSTOMER FIED M—® >733K093^ ■ RECREAnOiT IO H A l — »17-llSCEUjkoUSUS 620 PETSAND 8 « w a wTEO TO BUY «906 GUKSANO giC COR SALE ‘ 110 SPORTING GOODS 1002C2 AUTO PARTS 1007 1 - g jP P U E S ...... -R IFU S I '7 TRUCKS. ____ 1008 4X-4X4______1041 TOHD3RD ___ W anlod: Anlmalo'd Mutant' Now ovofsized’drivofs. Roitaur^Bnt Equipm ont.:nt.2 3 CUo. tiny, UH»torod. AKC Ford F-250 campor spo-' '78 Fordd V*^ 4X4. nowp.iint. 1977 Thundo CC Ninia Turtio vidoo tapos. Acta . fast lor Christmas 10 w-cmtiiSodborofigrophile w S T T jndorbird SE. on op- botxtfrwilh tablo*. 1 cab foaPomorafMnautlbols.lis. C275. 4- 7,50x16 mud 4 $200aoooofbostoflof.733- rol.-$37i3700 or bost o llo r------riw ^' nov tauranl ( c h w ). 734-37375737 734-3l32or734.S4.17 torsldo-by-sido.$400or woods « w-stoel or orophilo ^w w on 1 ton whoois. tho 7I11dav8.734-947B t l l ( ovos. 543457f^75.n»„7. ;___ 423.fVi5______Ibost offor. T O ^ I . shafts G $254 $ 4 0 . ^ ^ • ^ Schwinnpofplo Hioh Plaii ■ow. $375.6^3310. 78 FofC imv. oxcollont cond. 197Q t Bird ’ loins Doborman puppios. 2 jo fo- - Wamod: Bobcats on carcass. Bi $25,345 woods$45 ^ Fofd PU Supor Cob. 8'/i' 'eSJim m ' }|rd, 43.000 milos, lacfiosbM.riddonVissilusthan mak». 11 wks old. Nood to A-^^ 7^ 4954^ ictory chrome Nissan rims compompor. nlc«l 678-7580 .$4S00.gI. dan 734:81.1.8... mochaneal.licolly sound, pow- S.! 6 hotiM. $ ^ ,7 3 4 .7 9 5 3 . C a l 4 2 3 ^ t .______: ^ a p o f f . 736-2455. 52 . 800lCan73«-l658. Ford. 9000 diosol. Oclrwi- " • « OOOl)OCE dually 2 whool Of.n«wboi1iUntlofy, $1 8 5 0 :C fll------. p Tunlurioieroisebiko. izo — - -Wartod; CaAorwor. startor ^ - GUNSHOW ^loidio Gold Flox,-oxcol > 2 0 0 .------DOCFOOO-- &detriwloflor2.8ilof-86 cond. $650. Soars Flox Ivor 92. 750 Allison auto, drivo,Cummins Ci turbodio- -7334t6S6. .,J30. lAMSchunWmini chunk Docombofl7lh»18ih « JAPANESE EHGME& withih aiair. 22- LL bod. all ox- sol. T.K. ‘ Of B7 GMC Of Joop. Sat.M4Sun.W «Force weight mochino, w- iK. air. auiso, aulo w- 1979FordMrd M ustang, good Nico Dining rm tob'lo,Ilo. 2 40*b^S26.99 TRANS, 4x4 spodols colcotIcond. 678-3654 ovos. pushbuttmttonO.D. PW .PL.4 cond.'now l ______C al 645-2323.______Notioool Goori Armoty_____ ^stoirstoppor, $150.934- ____ [ low liro 8 & rim t.4 ___ __ laovot w-6 chairs,43CKWOO,------LakvW fafrtnw ------1-6 0 0 0 6 M ^2 ------91-FortFonJFl50Xt.Tr0H0(>d0d‘ -soat.-TmTmtod nlosFwitfi 5W=----- cyl 4 4 cpd;cpdr$2000: P 08Bl------— —* • RWingtawnmowor, 55(XJ500. _ J» rw n « a3 * * P r Wanlod: Coloco gamo car- 1200S.KiiTbal - S )or window, low t*o bfotradn Cr -- trxk)os.423^. CoUwoS.kiaho Scl'Ichwinn Air-Dyno. $400. 10 new studdod snow tires, cab,lb, LLOAOEDIM ownor. »>9TOif n. Can 734-4436. Olhofmiac. 324-6547. 2.500. Coll 678-5017 9000mimi.Coll934-5li2or ------Ffoo 1 yoaroldChocoloto Admission $3,50 _ 2 i4*706Of»6.Usodlwook. _$12,St YtmahtPSRSolocltonitonic Lab. malo. Noods good“od Wontod: radial arm sow. 10* 1225.734-1306.______E I-800-3S9-8171, 1044 HOND3NDA ^ koybotfd, 4 odavo*. Soo f208>74&5SS5 Swi BOOMTRUCK ------1:2 Sofla homo in tho country. CallJail lablo saw. ro u d o rs bits.- — )w14*stoolvrf»olsrils-88 Accoplitopting bids. 1993 Ford 1 Chtihristmas presont, ------knoo pads, pipo clam ps. Now until Christtiias. an cola- ^ 9&jnogoarw>acoa«sorknrtos& 734-6184______’ o_:93_TopoLor_Tompo^ _|oa.win.wllfi service bod 4 24'.. ^993Joop Jo. Wrnnnler. soft _1?93 Hondanda Civic OX,-do------fc oama«.t75ntt.543-4S<6 k)Qordo(s15%ovDf^. — ;toroo sysiom. I5F “ luxo hubsjb s, AM-FM sioroo FREE;2mak)BordorCoflios.^ ‘ n lE R GUMS & AMMO g tl 50. Con 733-4640. boom,'om.Call934-845l ask top. sfo I Your fovtxito photos ol owl-Sat'10-5 ,005B ANHQUE AUTOS. 60179 kwivo mso, witor CoJr829-5785. hot tub. nico cond. rangod Wod&ThufBlC^e. 2200. oxtondod cob LOADEDED 1966 F350 lion. ™ ° ' I w oteholp for history phc( 1<>94RoadRangor.21'5lh ixcd cond. $3995. Can bod. dual whoois. Clossllleisltlod, 733-0C2Q.' f - book. Call Wondolyg Ho RugerGP 100.357 mag- whoo:. used onco. boauti- 30 Fort Modol A. 2-door )0 mi. AC. liR. cruise. Wcto ro.-idywdy whon1 you oral num. 6* stainless. 24 karat 06-51450rS36-S330 ' 79.000. fuLbadod.canoftof6. OOP. Cflll 733-6433 ------od.B w tw fst 324-5062. goW pfaling, holslof. Excol Ford pickup, groat irrioa- — __ orbaacoSularphono. * 677-3940. '« • 1063 MEROSRCURY t 818 MUSICAL I J u tt In tim* for Chrlilmasl cond. $350. Firm. Call —5 344436 Of 6554445 ntre«gr«.,$7'K . ■sl C at 734-3117. S43-8970.I 223lravoltmilor.$2500. “ /ANS & BUSES ______I'l MSTBUUEKTS AKC rog Oolmottan pup-'?■ Wanlod lo buy: o7 C al 733-3961. ,005 ______198. Morcurrcury Lynx. Good ____ ■ pios. m ua SOU! 825-5819 Ono call - wn'll do II alll » aUSSHEAVY J 4V4 1989 Dododgo Caravan, oxc coi 0 . nowlow ongino, has ^ Good usod NofdicTraek. ClaMmo686bs1 ------J ------oonHor.(^la«.-;o» ' ords.chiom o whoois, - wirnof., 734-2995.7; ______n.ss. Cal 734-8296 a to f ai Call 733-8599. a ollor. 934-8628 - >SAN (300. 3-x7' carpot wal«2fi d o g 8894 afler 3 om______“ 1 Joop Chorokoo. 4 door. MW. 5351. $7800. ______60m.' — 80 Cummins ongino, 5 hanging, nuolral colorotorod GROOMING AChrfttmatOrMm I moor packago. 5 spd. ------734-7162^ 197 9 280IZ. 2.1 runs& looks. ____ i_____ m w ntan scono. J25. CaJCall lOTOirs'ojporionca. . Wantod 10 buy: Slar War and 1986 t 9i Ford EMorado Preludo Id ironsm isslonN spd good. $1795.795.733-1798. •ownio. 2 drop-ends tor ?2)ILrV slofoo. 1 ownor. grool 423-5591-days ask loi - other sctoneofictioocofloct-___—, w-all cptbns. Excol cond. 00.$4000.7a8-96M. . ^jEVROLET Im m oculato'1Ito '92 Slanzo.4 ShoovorHMfc.______bios. Laura 81733-0016 $18.s60. Can 733-2872. ar-onds. can hear It run.- H-1566 - 733.3951. 1 ^ 8}FordFl50XLT4x4, Fo igag pw„, -doortultybac'badod.kjwmios;...... “ Nailtrim Wonlod to buy usod Nordic 6.733-9394. Grool tamily^,Lown)y WE CAN SELL .AT. $6950.1982 Joop '« o o o r , -S5Si«.Z Jamboroo Magic Gonmo^ ^ckionodApluckod ... Track ski m achino. Coll Your Voi moior homo or trovol _543;<067. ______igonoor Limited.'4x4, - Cord onjan.pocofl wood, traBoi lorcashlRoasonobk) « O j:o ll 324-3127 or levy % ton pIck-up. 1070 OIDSMDSM06LE I S e c o n d . $850. 'Pickup &dolvory WonlodlobuyVHF-UHF rotos. ra 22 yooxs olpofionco. n im aoroo. AC, ox- ______I. C a i 733-7515. J Chovy’A ion PU. 5000 d. 423-5073 1971 Olds19 98. 8 .4 5 5 ongino, scannorontonna. Good Gi exposure, oxcollont ____------mllrtK Ford F-250 XLT Loriol ______734-5363.______rorosulis. Call intormoOntain tos on prolossionolly fo- 1991 Foi vy Cavalior. sporty. t3P>Kiod.3^l14. tion. 3244677. L $175.Can7aM127. shaoo. Can 7334402. ANDEQUIPUEKT J___ ChampionshfaBloodlinos. .M50aCaa.4234023. o 1993I ToyotaTo T-100. 4x4 1973 240Z. H—tomiPlar>oi.73M905 brod lor ErcoSontTompor-rl Wanlod usod SokjRox, T7 S a.$300.CallM7-6683. 19899 FordF F -250.351 V-8 pick-up.•up. full sizo. mini cond, tomalor. cl rOTA Col 8B6-7677. 156’ doop lug Arctic Cat J i j im; To'im Synthosiror guitar and rack track, skis, muffler to fit 580 3511 Cloavoland C 400, $300. au*?.lo. PB. PS. AC. till, a u toj.a .a u iso . air. lilt, clolh. $ 1 ^ . 7334019.73: ______t:-----—7 mourri synthosizor, 1750. Wantlobuy:droploali{blo ^Polaris,alsoooodcontpkrto 30202 ports, wood stoves. ilso. now lltos. oxcol 20.000000 milos. $15,900. 1981 Oalsu >la Corollo, DX, 4 Crf73M0S8. dowod.tt00-$400. & chairs, ujodgorton 40 ay-734-8573 or ovos- Xl, $6000.324-4805.' 788-44744_7t,Hailoy, ovos. $500, Cni d’oo,Ar°AO^, AC, very low mi. 400 ccfiQuid Polaris on- Day 21536:5368. __ cxcolcond.Cfd. Col 734-9569. _ mulchof, codar soodlinos- nirgirw. 8 2 5 - ^ , ______73&3 ^ 6 2 9 ask for Larry. 19900 Joop J Comanche. 5 1994 GMCGM 0x1. cab. 3Stf,5 Whobsalopianoa.aBnwtf-^ Walkor Hound. lovoablo I ob,S550l^.FrDO 1979 Kawasaki 440. Invader. (4)Il65-70-I3auddodsnow 11 -Sgf.P'f. PS. r e . AC. 8374483 spd....air,lilt,curlse.mtfl. aii 1037 OOD»GE 1991MR2turtxturbo rod Toyota, ® moto. jood huntor. Frro to1; ™ ims. only usod 2 months- 199 Fi lOls. $19,500. 7 ^ - ______.low milos.. loodod.loo security Christmas dotrvory. OOOd homo. Can 543-8914. a a M c r "excel cond, 1500 milos. Un) 1 Ford Suporcab, 250 20e-67a.27t7 $850 or best ollor. Call worn fit rwwcarl $150. XLT.T. 4x2.4 oxcollont cond. ^ '*4 or o f734-3130. 'SO Dodgo0 Dynasty.I AT. AC. $14.^,324-L.PL. now liios. $4250 W urlitzorpiano.4yr8old. $40ooch.WiabTra^ _BodoBof. Can 829-5661. ------934-531-5375.______Ion., AT,cruiso.lill.nuwAT -ybo«o«fl)jor. 934-8628 108g VOLKSVXSWAGEN ^ iustlntfmforChrfttmasl 1979 Polaris 500 lor $ 1200. p i;^ - 198OSW.Doo500tof$eS0. k up box carpol linor. lits ',004; Toyotatb oxi cab pickup. 5. nico new balanco Yamaha Clorinot. oxcollontK 326-8635 _ Want to buy usod or now k» i | ^$47a).C all 324-4552 FORI)RD 1969 VW BogBog, now tiros, c o g g io n ^ K ^ Can aftor 1987 Yamaha Phosor lor 30 ml. 5 spood. whito. __ skates.adull sizos. Call _ja rtmanjtTirtioot-wlmrw- -H?24-27 — ------$1600orbiW MffOffor------$aOOOrCall-«37-6527^r idCountiysodon ______734-9514-9506.______= • 022-TOOtS-AHD------1- g837-6501. j ______Truckckchairts.11-24,5.2dou- 4 sumummor liras, bodlinor, '79 short t IMCHINERY os. 4 singlos, $250. Call oxc cc ’Srao"™ivogon. vory clean. 1990 VW Fox•ox SW.i loodod. M o m c E WfflpayuploJtOOIorarun- 1900 440 SH-Doo TNT. per- :cond.$11.950.Cali AC.Ssp - ningcar,upto$200fora L-wnflO. 788-301-3040 Haitoy. • 4 m o r^ owner, 289 AT, Coll runs andd lolooks groal. EQUPICNT LIko now Mark 5 shopsmlthh running truck. 734-8081. led cond. $750.324:5660. I t- $3900.324-2914-2964 - w-oxtras 734-1470 all or 5 1982JDTroilFiro 440, F-C Offal ctiafa. 733-5660. Now Industriol motal bond-• Wood worWng toob & oqub- $650. C al 736-8373. Panasonic FP 1617 copiorlior sow. vortical & horizonlalII 1986YahamaXLVsnowmo- ■ ■ w b ^ o S ttr ^ coptos. KOO500 CUI. 13*x8',^j-widoeapoc- bilo. electric Stan, hand f RESTACKICjjTHlDEEEfc >------ity-w-auto-oilor..J1200.- -wormors—runs-groat;— " ^AYMENTFOR- ___ ^6-5836 or 326-5045 $1800. Coll78B-1g66of 788-1528.______820 PETSANO I I 823 VARIETY FOODS 1987 MX Skidoo. long track, » DAYS! SUPPUES AND SERVKXS $1500 or best offor. Con of- lQf6pm 733-3969. : ^«Kc^-jgg,°p..ppi»=.08. Phoosants. commorciallyr 11989 9 ^ Indy 650 SKS, 1991 f __ Pfocossod. 432-6629. Indy 650 SKS,.1993 In d y ., _^ o r s i L Y - ______Storm 750 SKS. 4 placo 824 VIDEO —------sn£snowmobilo trailer. 734- I ■ 7 3 6 ^ 5 2 allor4om.. - ENTERrAMMEKT------:------88C8800aHor6om. - ~ 3 pure brod Wolkor Hound« 4 TELEVISION 901 ATVSAND m990 c Arctic Cat 530, long • pinjio#.10wk5old.h8vo MOTORCYCLES traitrack. $2800; Coll 326- had 1st shots, ^ o a . 70 tl Antonna towor. Irob______521 S216aflorSom.______Cal436-52S4. * 1 ^ r ...... _ _stnndir>ns good, good 1482 Of 678-7373 ovos. __ Circular slaircaso. a usod BUI. M.i/(l,)'s W.iir.inly is liclic WidoGliyo.Whywoil/2K cond. con' $1200 o r l o s t o m I'llct! Fresh s f AdorabUII3AKCTinyToyov motal or wood lorgo or milos. }usl brokon in. Show •93 -93 Phazor long track, i mile, Hijm(a-rr Io UiiMi|n.'f, 0 (li-(lin i,i!il<- shipment just in! y smal. 324-3036.______poodio pups, J250 oa, room condition, totally sharp shai machino, $3900 or H urry fofor BEST selection1 rDadyr>ow.C^423-5104.. ' Color TVs or VCR-snoodifW stock. Candy apple rod^, bost bost oflor. Joke. B234376. _____A d o ra b U AKC Gorm anip 7 3 4 - ^ 9 la s t« boautiful. $20,500 Shophord pupploBi Had* - -firmrWiUdoliyotlo l « fuilr refundablo daposil I re- shou > 1 5 0 ^ 324-5809._ thIno oloctronic,‘n o t -GRANTj j^ E T E R S I cojvo.Youwiilnolbodisflp- 23W.idCatEFI.733-5t4fl ^ s e n ------^^e’ll b u y y o u r gas _____Adorablo flully_w_h|lo pup^e. WOllKING or WORKING. n7 -733-6760:WWptet(UPtroo— • Jtari5je2.HXLElorra.track._ ___ to get here! pios, Bluo Hootor-Bbfdor ' ' skinskins. $3800. ‘91 440 B U IC K o i ^C ^ t r u c k - ^ ^ - C ^ X. 2 months oU. hHodKl GriII8(part6loy1938Chovy 902 g 8K5YCLES • - SpoSport, now skis, skins,- lit shots. ^ . 324-1178. _ pick^s^n ollor 6pm. , ifeM950.73449W. PONTIAC m a z AKC Shih Tzu puppy. 7 . Schwinn purpio High Plains WETRADEFOBSNOW WE wooKs,6uporbk)odlino. l a H am slorcago wilh lots ol ladios biko, riddon k»s than MACHINES 350 North Main1 street‘ M ountain1 h H o m e 1-801 ' 0-333-744J5! shot, wa hoid tiD Christmas,s, tubos, whoois A tunnols. 6 hours. $265.734-7952 Wosc to son now Kit travel traik)rs f«notS?8»3 ?2rrwnlT«OAC72 SnAPU :;qijip.icool:0 ol saw QfTwl IWiQli, AH rw Itu-.tigtioiiofj,______-^■a37-t040.______326-3145 ati Of 5:30. §Spociolizod Slump Jumper Usodlravollrailors L AKC Tiny Toy Poodlos.^ Inoxponslvo cab-ovor F.S.. excd cond. $1300 in- Usod L motor homos t1S0^5.C^423-Sa35. campof wilh hoot a stovo or vested, soli for $650. Call Usod U mobito homes Alaskan Husky pupplos sm al triMiI trailor. Scamw 4 2 0 W 5 . toawmsq. BrocirockmansHomoCvnter r j ^ || roadyforChristmas. $50;n typo call hutch. Chrislmas Acrosi»sslromPoDahial[ans.S101.. romance. 734-0595. Ibow. 10. lish finder, ro^itt •oitof. $6500 or oflor, 829- IM iVM 5 wooks old rww. Wtfi: ^ Door capos. S antkxs. Jmotw. $2500.678-2731 -S7S47S4 days 829-4202 ow s. _ < 2 3 ^ 1 .______Chhuc^^p^^w^, V 904 CAMPERS - 910D H n J : <300. Caa 737-2154! n 600 now. $250. Coll 324- ■ p j Wontod 2.8 V-6 ongino. (mn- I s , Christmas puppiosi Austro- ning), loranS -IO orS -15 i l l S B - ' ^ b L S h o p S ^ Bordor Co)- pickup or looking for bell £ loX.prDvonbioodino.$35 housing to go trom 4.3 V-6 s ^ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ _«a. Caa 324-4257. to 5 spd tronsmisskm. Call A Christmas piw>tos. black 423-6254.______$ 5 NOWPA\ Late for salo. S25. WANTED: u 2 horso ?• high I p ^ C al 733-2286. trailor. Call 733-9201. 9 CMstmaapupalAKCrog Elww.______^ Lsb«.fN>ldbialbloodlinos. Wanlod^_2 ^ 9 t200.'436^3350atlof5cxnr • - p i ■ Codutiob whito locod |G E E w Wamod:Cushmon motor . S 3 1 1 ■ A abinoa. 733-1334. scdolor.Anymakoormod- I ^ ON THES Cuto stocking stutforl Puro- oi. Any condition. S SPOT f P Caa Gary, 734-9393. F O n U S E D i .-*1W Wonlod: Good usod Nordic I S t C A R S I Good Chrtatmas gtftsi Bor- Tfad(troadmin.B37-6660 -I_____ A T R U COKS. i ------dorColUo'pUi^lo'srpuro- Waiilod: Molorcycio pioioc- C tionclothos, adult sizos. S ^ Top Dollar tor Any Year,ar. Any Model! $ Croat Christmas pupplos,' Small : wickorbwkolE. Sow- & Grotl Pyronoos. 10 wooks Ing I mochino ond sorgor, ^ _gjd.?106.352-4246. E I lna.P lall or Viking pro- i A w s i w . Groat iamlyiM . pure AkUas. J foffod. 326-5335.______9 V . CaU 738-OaD 8 8 0 ~ 9 • . 2 loft. 678-3654 ovonlnqs. Wanlod W old wagon whoois. A8k for Dick OJ -bfokonokCor423-6301.------^ B ib s o n . C — HaffBOfiJofCoaiop/i-Panlsh.- i j 60~i~MAIN~AVE ; */4 Ohoo. HokJ until Christ- Wontod: w Pool loblo good 'E. EAST. ^ M W mas.734-3^. ' 6h»o.CoJI543-9291. , $ ^ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ n

I J - iV O ......

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E-a Timos-Nows, Twinwin Foils, Idaho W odnosdoy.y. DocomborC 14,1994 ;

i • . < 1 ,

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_j.,------— StJpLUJ S i ^ i! ^ OVEIiR 25 USED SPORT POPCORN y UTIL]LITY4x4'sODNSALE!!! I pMp )]Py • HOIITCHOCpLATEJ W eha\ave yoxir model•1 priced to ttontoFUUSD (MS, m ' ' ‘ilHOtDC^S; ,□ save,yo(TOU$$$. I', TT lATURDAY ^ g t I n ’ & S U N D A Y ^M Chooose Ero&l.• ' • ‘ ■ '• i- I W l ^ • F o r dlExploiers l • Siiuhurbans iM ito n 1$. i: • TdyolOta 4-Runners I I ^ iTfimkees'i^ G£ ChefoKees ' ' A l i C A I i 'ft' ■\'> »‘Vl l W ;'M U - f t 1^ ^T ivE E ‘^•"Nissajan Pathfindersj; ; » Isuzu * MitisusubislMMontec «>8oM4:::.rr.;.' I :-..--r-.-.'u i. -.„y,>'“ •.

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