i t ^ . hz_________________ h e lf i n n e si - .. ^ r r Cf\ ■jgH ifllflFFI Tl G ood IIm o r n i n g T a x cc u t SCIr a m B ________Io.da):^Jbrecaleast:______ )le piccks uyp speeed __ _____________ Mo^ih cloikh w ilh paii.4ies ol' m orn-______ The Associatcd'tStss_______ ----------- li’r-h o -m c l-w iilt-ci ini; Iili!. l.iirlii \vimm ds, l Mighs near .'(I iic- -----------------------------T a:ax-cutpolltlcs~=“A; t-cconnmic^idnscnrt'orthc— flaiisporiaiion Seciei.iiv•iiy l e,k-;ico IVii.i .-eeoiid da\ in a row and he.nd I'rom at l:rcc^, l.o«\ nearir ;'() wiili a chance of W ASillN’GTO.S' - - Detc•e ten n in ed 10 de- mel l iiesd.is w ith Ctininii111 lou tend oi l' in.is- ' le.isi one I'ahineinet seciciaiA trving to s.ivc Mll>U lotlilllll. li\er a politically popular m: s u e rciliK iio Iis J iu l |'ui^ r middle-class ta\ ’AdniiiiiiiiMialii'ii officials, speakiiking on Ills aueiicy. i'osstblc cliiuiii.i- P a g e A 2 • ctil. Presideni Clinton pn - liou.J-ncrevi;iU»cTci:in--|laAll.lA-l O 'K m in lell pressed agency conditiontm oT ani'nyiniiy. >aid tlie-• center-c " t he'laiidse.ipe i]ie clumgcs on a d.iily l\i- a >WnJaTiiicctiiH; with \'ii heads Tuesday toearse upp theirtli budgets or piecc off irimisd.iy night's address■ w as_c\- MS," >.iid Ji'an l.tn; \'icc I’reskleiii \l climiiiaie programs to pav t'oi l.i'giic-K iiulcr. assisiam ,scc- tiorc thinking :.lie h.ul sa\' • I'or it. peeled to10 be the i:i\ cul. paid tor In>> olfset-1 relary t'or public .i't saved hei .'-.••vv c afl'aus al ihc I'reasiirv De- tri’in cliiiiinaiiiin In ajirci Cabinet sccrct.iries wererre scrambling 10 ting I'udiidgei rediiclions- Clinton ho|i'esho| lo p.inmeni. jire eiiig in ii:;^ >i cuts. comply while protecting. iheirihi turf where’ make .1 ssplash .with his prop.isalsIs bI e tb re |! k- „ u)si hkc ly pONsihlc. .And congressional I cly targets foi tnulgei cuts: The muldlc-ct.is, lax cut !i lal Democrats an- . Republic.ic.uiN i.ikc co n tro l o l'C o n g rcrcss s next ihc deiianmciiis ol .•III luis i.ikcn ir..-.v H elp for cliildi > ol l-.ncrg) . I latispoMatum. s h a p es in ih e I'asi lew il.i\> Idren nounccd ihcir own niiddle-clc-class tax break, monili ammd push iheir own plans ti> ci .l.ivs A ides sai,: it > cul lax- Mousing and IJriianUri Dcvcli>|imciii aiul A yr.iiil will all.nIlow a linspiial roiimla- gening a head siart on thehe president| iwo es and buiuidgeis. a p p ea rs C lin lo n w ill sumchinchii.w i.i-uet |V t- Health and lluinaman Scrviccs, Ul't'icials at lion 10 open a placca ce Tor child-ahtisc \ic - d a y s b e fo re he a d d re sses< Ihcili nation with Clinioiim's tlii\ughls on both I'ronis ; pie earning Ics.s ili.in xjoti,HH’.ono. ..lih tu i'jh Is appar- ihcse and other agenciesag. arc forecfiiltv de- linu u) Iv mien icwicwcd and mcdiciilly ex- his plans for.ihc second halfi the cap c.'uild m m c d.-wiI.'wnwai.l Ivi'o'ic ilfofhis tenn. ently w ck.•re far I'rom tlnal l uesd.iN. evene\ al- t'cnding ihcir budgi ai'iiincil. idgcls U) the While Mouse, Tliursday. P a g e B l --------- Mechanic saveves-garage------------- Demolishihed at davuvn 1 5 d i e ii r n A propane lankcr.cr lhal had a lire in ils ' cTlyinc •TncMla\ cco o u ld h a v e d o n e I'ar vvorr.c JainaLie. P a g e B l N . C a r oo l i n a p l a n e cr r a s h Tux protester■ relentsn The Associaied Press ___________ A ll O aklcv m an -.K'CUicd.ofliLN-cvaiiijnac> _______ and :iii:!cking;i p-'-licclicc olficcr apolii;;i/cd. M O R R IS V lL i:n .~ N .( ~' A tiL iiiie n c a n _______ niai reiiinis an.’ romv no iin c cd a la.\ I’iaglc comimiter plane canyilining 20 pctijile cnished and split in two ahoulabo fitur miles P a g e B 3 Irom Raleigli-Durliain InternleniaiK uiat .Air- s s SH m port Tuesday. At least I.S people were killetl.kill L » - | K M ight X'.7<; w as en routeIlte from1 (irce iis- boro to kaleigli-Durliam.II. a llig h i o f 71) High nationalI finishersfi miles, when il went tUiwnwn in a ruggeil. wtHulcd area a b o u i -li-lO p.m.\m . M.ST. It W.IS Dcckv Wart! o f1' RichfieklR and Heiiji foggy and a steady dri//lele w\' as fallin g al Jo\ or Wooil Rivercr finished ihird and llie lim e, fourtli ill tlieir rc>pcclicclive age divisions al Seven pe»)ple were lakenken lo hospitals llie naiinnal hii:h >elio eliool cross couniry fi- bu l tw o died a sh o rt tim e lalci iial.s. I’l kiler. O fthe live \ survivors,Sl al least two were;ere ^suffering ex- P a g e D l ___ tensive trauma, a hospital olllcialollli said, ll was the .second crash oof; f an A m erican Canipns ganihlibling grows l-lagle plane in less than twvo o mn onths, but it 1 1 -"___ did not involve one o f the .A I _____________R eiiofis o f i’,iml?liMl!linj:-bj'.itudcms and.- . ' A'l'R niaiies ila-_______ - “ alliicles al Norihwcsle.•sieni will open a mu- \ ^ ! i' airline recently grouiulcdI amidan concerns JOI I'.tn i>r u o r n i ss across.1 the naiion. over the planes' safely in icy conditions.c ' M 'A A ol'lk-ials hclicvlieve. David Stanley, who livesL'S neariii ihe crash P a g e D l site, said lie called ')1 I alterliter hearing the Jelslream Super 31 crash■ h aa: s il w a s aji- m I proaehingP' the airpon. _ j m m “ A ll o f a su tld e n 1 li.-;ir,lrd_wJui^uundud u _______ like a shoiguii go ol'f oul my The Terra Industries cht my back door." chemical plant was a mas:ISS o f h e said. wreckage, above, after! G oodies for «ue!licsts 9r Tuesday's explosion. T<T e re sa Iy He went to the scene.•, StanleySi said, Grove of Hubbard, Neb.,9b., and Milt Eloc of Homo s y l ' " where the only fight visible Tlie>c luiliilay dcs<c:sserts arc sure lu earn .. ior, Nob., B • ble was coming ymi'ravc reviewi., right, wait In a schoolI auditoriumai after being evacuat-'cv ‘ from small llres amid the wrecxu'ckagc. ed from their homes. A f 4 ^ 4 ^ : "I saw one person walking<ing-iirouiid.-He ----------- P a g e d A piece of charred motal,ll, b e lo w .j V",'- 'iS s was in shock." Stanley said.d. T he m an lold right, sticks out of theB sriowsi where.it landed aftifter be- - " . , h im h e W'as lo o k in g for his wife.w if From fondue toto cookies... ing blown several hundridred feet by the explosioi o n . M b . r x''. ■ ~ > I Jg A irp o n sp o k e sw o m a n Terc:I'ercsa D am ian o This Twin Falls cool•ook tavurs lier Swiss conlinued lhal 13 people were■ ere dead, ________ iM Jilions. Three survivors wore takenlaki to Wake P a g e C l I o w a chemicac al ' ik-'" — ' ■ ' M(Medical Center in Raleigh,, :ia spokesw^ om - in there .said. Tw o .survivorsrssu su n 'e riiig ‘‘e.\- ensive irauina" were at DukeDui Medical renter, said . spokeswom■Oman R e n e e p l a n t b J►last kills Please seeeelTRXSH7A2 ( _________ Picture th is _____ The AssociBtcd Press Cameras in Iilalio's.I's courtrooms',’ To* beams and uissed ( ^ssist^ sui day's 0 |iiniiiii page exploresexp ihe pros and yards initi a corntleU uicide cons. SIOUX CITY. Iowa —- AnA said. ■ explosion denuilished a fan P a g e A IO | farm I’ire officials saidd m o st o f h H ||H q h k B I P T I bban passess 1test chemical plani Tucsdajday. the buildings in the 1 kilting at least four workci•ker.s like complex M) mileses south of ------------------------- — Tht"he Associalcd Press and leaving only a crate■ater Sioux Ciiy were damaiiagcd, and where the .seven-siury buildin ‘T hlis i s is w orse Iding the main, scveii-storyy building LANSING. M kh, — Therelere i.s no right sio o d . was reduccil 10 a erarater. The tthan h any to:,) assisted suicide, anil Michig:rhigan's ban tm Fear level rises liighteen people wore in : in- scene was closed offf 10i all bul he pruciiee is constitutional•)nal, the stale ju re d . t o rr n n a d o I’v e The I’ubhc Broadcast-•asting System faces •* emergency workers, lupreme Coun ruled Tuesday.ay.
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