VENIA LO S Popotniško združenje Slovenije Hostelling International Slovenia Traveling with a group?! Youth Hostel Slovenj Gradec is waiting for you! Hostelling International Slovenia Hostelling International Slovenia IA Hostelling International Slovenia VEN O Hostelling International Slovenia (HI Slovenia) is the only national representative of Youth Hostel Slovenj Gradec L Slovenia in the International Youth Hostel Federation (Hostelling International – HI). HI is S a non-governmental and non-profit organization active in about90 countries in the world. The organization works closely together with UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization), WTO (World Tourism Organization) and other important Hostel Slovenj Grdec international organization – also it was proclaimed the sixth largest organization that offers overnighting. With 4 million members it is one of the largest youth organizations in Ozare 18 the world and is the only network of youth hostels with about 4.000 objects for spending 2380 Slovenj Gradec the night, 1.5 million beds and 30-40 overnight stays annually. +386 (0)51 63 83 23 HI has high standards for youth hostels, based on the treatment of the guests, security, cleanliness and privacy. But it is not its only role. Since it was established in 1932 it +386 (0)2 88 46 290 encourages young people for better intercultural understanding through informal education and peace, global friendship and environmentalism. The international organization, with
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