Npr 2.1: Enriched Uranium Versus Plutonium

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Npr 2.1: Enriched Uranium Versus Plutonium Joel Ullom ENRICHED URANIUM VERSUS PLUTONIUM: PROLIFERANT PREFERENCES IN THE CHOICE OF FISSILE MATERIAL by Joel Ullom Joel Ullom has worked at Princeton University's Center for Energy and Environmental Studies and at the Arms Control Studies Department of Sandia National Laboratory. He is currently pursuing graduate studies in physics at Harvard University.* ecent events in Iraq and cal record amply demonstrates that a naturally occurring element, has North Korea have sparked a state's rationale for seeking fissile a number of isotopes. The preferred R renewed concern over the material has often played an impor- isotope for weapons— U235— comprises spread of nuclear weapons. A re- tant role in determining the mate- only 0.7 percent of natural ore. current question in discussions of rial chosen. Mastery of the nuclear Typically, the concentration of U235 nuclear proliferation is which fis- fuel cycle can yield new sources of must be increased to about 90 per- sile material, enriched uranium or electricity, commercial revenue, and cent before uranium is suitable for plutonium, states prefer for their naval propulsion. Programs that weapons, though lower concentra- weapons programs? An answer yielded nuclear weapons have been tions can be used. Increasing the would shed light on the development undertaken with a mix of military concentration of U235 relative to the of nuclear weapons programs in the and non-military applications in more plentiful isotope U238 is a la- past, and also serve as a predictive mind, and the benefits listed above, borious process known as “enrich- mechanism to help understand how among others, have often played a ment.” Plutonium is not a naturally future programs may develop. This significant role in the choice of fis- occurring element and therefore study is an attempt to evaluate the sile material. Foreign assistance and must be produced, typically by bom- factors influencing a state’s choice the urgency of production have also barding U238 with neutrons in a of fissile material. The bulk of the been important influences. This ar- nuclear reactor. The chemical ex- article is comprised of a discussion ticle concludes with a rough tax- traction of plutonium from spent of earlier nuclear programs: those onomy of the aforementioned pro- reactor fuel is known as “reprocess- of the United States, Soviet Union, grams in order to identify forces that ing.” Considerably less plutonium United Kingdom, France, China, have repeatedly influenced states’ than uranium is needed to make a Israel, India, South Africa, Pakistan, choices of fissile material. Only a simple fission weapon. Brazil, Argentina, and Iraq.1 A full modest fraction of the programs will It would be difficult to generate history of these programs is not in- be identified as having been pre- dollar/kiloton of yield figures for the tended; rather, the factors that in- dominantly influenced by the innate two metals, and plots of cost versus fluenced the choice of fissile mate- technological accessibility of the two production time would be even more rial in each case are discussed. metals. The choice of fissile material must Both enriched uranium and plu- be preceded by the more basic deci- tonium were produced for the first * This work was supported by the sion to produce fissile material at time in the early 1940s by research- United States Department of Energy all. An examination of the histori- ers in the United States.2 Uranium, under Contract DE-AC04- 94AL85000. The Nonproliferation Review/Fall 1994 1 Joel Ullom elusive. The necessary production sublimation, the ionic centrifuge, shaken the whole world. The balance has been de- facilities are complex and technically gaseous thermal diffusion, ether- stroyed. Provide the bomb demanding and so defy easy esti- water, chemical and photochemical -- it will remove a great dan- mations of cost. Many types of en- separation, and the isotron. Both ger from us.3 richment techniques, reactors, and uranium and plutonium programs Stalin’s urging was not the start reprocessing facilities exist, and culminated successfully at about the of the Soviet program; work had even a single label, say “centrifuga- same time: the devices exploded at already begun in earnest in 1943 tion,” in reality describes a wide Trinity and over Nagasaki used plu- after a two-year lull in nuclear re- range of technologies. Production tonium, the explosion at Hiroshima search caused by the German inva- techniques have developed over de- used uranium. sion. Rather, the American explo- cades and presumably will continue The relationship between bomb sions transformed the Soviet effort to evolve. Hence, an a priori assess- design and the choice of fissile ma- into a crash program to build a ment of the innate technological ac- terial became apparent for the first bomb. Stalin directed that work cessibility of enriched uranium and time during the American program. should proceed “on a broad front, plutonium is difficult; hopefully, Fission weapons can be built in two on a Russian scale.”4 Concerned some insight can be gleaned from basic configurations: “gun-type” de- now with time more than expense, the historical record. vices where two subcritical masses the Soviets went on to develop both of fissile material are rapidly as- the uranium and plutonium routes. THE UNITED STATES sembled into a critical whole, and The scant evidence available sug- implosion devices where a single gests that although serious research Technological accessibility was subcritical mass is compressed into not the critical factor in the Ameri- on isotope separation (mass spec- a critical state. In the midst of the trography and thermal diffusion for can program’s choice of fissile ma- American effort, it was discovered terial. In the early 1940s, the pro- instance) was on-going as early as that plutonium, because of its higher 1940, the Soviets had concerns duction of fissile material involved rate of spontaneous fission, was technologies that were either entirely about the practicality of enriching unsuitable for the far simpler gun- 5 novel, in the case of reactors, or uranium. At their strongest in type design. The simultaneous de- 1940-41, these concerns persisted unproven at the relevant scale of velopment of implosion and enrich- application, in the case of enrich- after the resumption of the ment was then absolutely necessary, 6 ment techniques. A conscious de- program ; a 1943 memo from each in the event the other proved Kurchatov emphasizes the prospects cision was made to pursue many unworkable. paths in parallel to guard against of using plutonium especially since “this solution will obviate the need failure and speed the production of THE SOVIET UNION a weapon that could end the war. to separate the uranium ...” [empha- 7 The paths competed among them- Important similarities can be es- sis as in original]. A falling out selves for funds and resources; when tablished between the initial Soviet between Peter Kapitsa, another it became clear that centrifuge tech- and American efforts to build prominent weapons scientist, and nology could not contribute before nuclear weapons. Just as fear of a Lavrenti Beria, the head of Stalin’s the end of the war, the program was German weapons program catalyzed secret police and overall leader of dropped. By the war’s end, four the American effort, the explosion the weapons program from 1945 to technologies had been industrial- at Hiroshima catalyzed the Soviet 1953, has been attributed to ized: production reactors and repro- program. Stalin is reputed to have Kapitsa’s reluctance to work on en- 8 cessing facilities, gaseous diffusion, told a group including Igor richment. Kapitsa is said to have electromagnetic separation, and liq- Kurchatov, director of the Soviet written to Stalin complaining that uid thermal diffusion. Many other nuclear effort: by imitating the American program enrichment techniques were ex- (presumably by pursuing enrichment A single demand of you technologies), the Soviets were pur- plored: centrifuges, countercurrent comrades. Provide us with electromigration, countercurrent atomic weapons in the suing a way that “is very long and 9 molecular distillation, fractional shortest possible time. You expensive.” know that Hiroshima has 2 The Nonproliferation Review/Fall 1994 Joel Ullom At both the research and produc- American K-25 gaseous diffusion less important, industrial applica- tion stages, the Soviet uranium pro- plant and when the cascade was first tions of the two materials were also gram lagged behind the plutonium charged with UF6; and an additional considered, and plutonium was rated effort. Whether the dilatory progress eight months elapsed before the plant slightly more desirable on this ba- of the uranium program is a reflec- was truly complete.18 If the Soviet sis as well. (Production reactors tion or a confirmation of the Sovi- effort followed a similar time scale, would generate electrical power and ets’ concerns about the practicality it is likely to have been initiated plutonium could be used in the fu- of the process is unclear. There is, before criticality in the first produc- ture as reactor fuel, whereas an en- however, solid evidence that serious tion reactor. richment program would require less work had begun on isotope separa- Like the American program, the natural uranium initially and would tion before the first Soviet reactor Soviet effort after 1945 was charac- make possible reactors moderated by went critical in December 1946.10 terized by a driving sense of urgency. light-water.)20 The decision to de- Kapitsa’s letter to Stalin was written A solid argument can be made that velop reactors came in spite of the in November 1945.11 A group of the Soviets felt plutonium the more extensive experience Britain had had German physicists taken to the So- promising route, and indeed their with gaseous diffusion during the viet Union after Germany’s surren- reactor program matured more Manhattan Project.21 der began work on enriching ura- quickly.
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