Parish Magazine Worsbrough St. Mary’s, Elsecar Holy Trinity October 40p Who’s Who at Worsbrough? Vicar:- Revd Alison Earl The Vicarage, Wath Road, Elsecar, S74 8HJ Tel: (01226) 351806 Churchwardens:- Mr Tom Isherwood, 21 Stone Leigh, Tankersley, Tel: 740775 Mr Martin Pearson, 238 Sheffield Road, Birdwell Tel : 350330 Secretary:- Miss Margaret Fellows. Tel 299577 Deanery Synod:- Mr Martin Pearson, Mrs A Balme Organist & Choirmaster:- Mr Andrew Noble, Dip.R.C.M (Teach) A.R.C.M (PG) L.T.C.L Mother’s Union:- Mrs A. Balme (Branch Leader) Tel 281185 Meetings held every fourth Wednesday at 7pm Wives Group:- Miss Pam Kellett (Secretary) Tel: 744612 Meetings held alternate Mondays at 7.30pm V.I.P Club Mrs Diane Lawrance tel: 07773905575 Email – dianelawrance@btinternet,com Meetings held at 10.45am second Sunday of the Month Magazine Secretary:- Mrs A. Jacques tel 290067 Magazine Editor:- Mr A Gittner
[email protected] 28, Lynham Avenue, Birdwell. Tel 361475 Old School room Miss Margaret Fellows. Bookings Tel 299577 Messy Club Jillian Aranyi. Tel 294625 Check out our Church on the web. Parochial Church Council: - Mrs B Gittner, Mr J Driver, Mrs J Cameron, Miss M Fellows, Mrs Y Lunn, Miss I Thompson, Mrs A Balme, Miss M Oglanby, Mrs M Shepard. Mrs S. Hallam, Mr R. Thompson. Arrangements for baptisms, weddings and the publication of banns can be made by contacting the Churchwardens in the Old School any Thursday evenings from 7pm to 7.30pm or failing this by telephone.