

27 April 2016


In accordance with General Assembly resolution 701228 on the organization of the United Nations 2016 high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS, and further to my letter dated 30 March 2016, I have the honour to enclose herewith, a final list of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector which has been approved for participation in the 2016 high-level meeting onHIV/AIDS.

I take this opportunity to thank all delegations for their interest and support to the high-level meeting on HIVI AIDS and look forward to your continued active engagement in its preparations.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Mogens Lykketoft

To All Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the United Nations New York List of Non-Governmental Organizations not in consultative status with ECOSOC that have applied to participate in the 2016 high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS

NOTE: Organizations where the country designation is ‘Global’ are those for which three or more applicants representing offices in different countries for the same umbrella organization applied.

Organization Name Country 1. OHRA – Organization for Harm Reduction Afghanistan 2. ALBANIAN ASSOCIATION OF PLWHA Albania 3. Albanian Red Cross Albania 4. APCS Algerie – Association de Protection Contre le Sida Algeria 5. Jeunesses Plus Algeria 6. MWENHO – Associação de Mulheres Vivendo com VIH , Angola National Network of Women Living with HIV (Rede MWENHO) 7. SCARJoV - Associação de Reintegração dos Angola Jovens/Crianças na Vida Social 8. ABTUC - Antigua and Barbuda Trades Union Congress Antigua and Barbuda 9. Asociación de Mujeres Meretrices de la Argentina (AMMAR) 10. Fundacion Huesped Argentina 11. Fundacion Red Argentina de Mujeres Viviendo con vih y Argentina sida 12. FUNDAMIND Fundamind Argentina 13. Network of Women Sex Workers from Latin America and Argentina the Caribbean 14. Red de personas viviendo con VIH SIDA -ZONA OESTE Argentina – Red Argentina De Jovenes Y Adolescentes Positivos 15. Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamerica y el Argentina Caribe 16. Red Latinoamericana por el Acceso a Medicamentos Argentina 17. Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Personas Trans Argentina 18. MMLC Group 19. Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Australia 20. Youth Empowerment Against HIV/AIDS Australia 21. BRAC University 22. Somporker Noya Setu Bangladesh 23. C-NET+ (Collaborative Network for Persons Living with Belize HIV) 24. CERPD - Centre D'Etudes Et De Recherche Pour Une Benin Population Dynamique 25. RABèJ/SD (Membre du ROJALNU) Benin 26. Bolivian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 27. Fundacion Habitat Verde Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 28. IIWGHA - International Indigenous Working Group on Bolivia (Plurinational State of) HIV/AIDS 29. MANODIVERSA ASOCIACION CIVIL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 30. Brand You Africa Botswana 31. Engajamundo Brazil 32. Gestos-HIV, Communication and Gender Brazil 33. GRUPO PELA VIDDA – RJ Brazil 34. CIEDS - Centro Integrado de Estudos e Brazil Programas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável / Center for Integrated Studies and Sustainable Development Programs 35. YSAFE - Youth Sexual Awareness For Europe Bulgaria 36. Action communautaire pour le Bien être de l'Enfant et de Burkina Faso la Femme au Burkina (ABEFAB) 37. Initiative Privée Communautaire pour la santé et la riposte Burkina Faso au VIH/sida au Burkina Faso (IPC/BF) 38. RAME - Réseau Accès aux Médicaments Essentiels Burkina Faso 39. REGIPIV-BF- Resenau national pour une plus grande Burkina Faso implication des personnes infectees par le VIH/ SIDA 40. Réseau Accès aux Médicaments Essentiels Burkina Faso 41. ROJALNU-OMD/BF - Réseau Ouest Africain des Jeunes Burkina Faso Leaders des Nations Unies pour l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement Section Burkina Faso 42. ANSS - National Association of Support for People Living Burundi with HIV and AIDS Patients 43. SOLIDARITE DES FEMMES BURUNDAISES POUR LA Burundi LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA ET LE PALUDISME AU BUURUNDI 44. Centro da Juventude e São Vicente Cabo Verde 45. International Indigenous Working Group on HIV and AIDS Cambodia 46. KHANA - Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance Cambodia 47. Afrika Initiative e.V. 48. HURIFBA - Human Right and Forest Brain Africa Cameroon 49. Canadian Positive People Network (CPPN)/Réseau Canada canadien des personnes séropositives (RCPS) 50. Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation Canada 51. CCFA (Civic Commission for Africa) Canada 52. Dignitas International Canada 53. Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN) Canada 54. IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations Canada 55. Solidarité Africaine pour le Préservation de la Paix et de Central African Republic l'Environnement en Rép. Centrafricaine 56. CELIAF - Communication - Dynamisme – Developpement Chad 57. Coordinadora Nacional de Atención en VIH/Sida Chile 58. RENPO-CHILE Chile 59. Traveschile(Recoleta) Chile 60. Tianjin AIDS Care Home 61. Asia Catalyst China 62. Aide aux Femmes et Enfants Congo 63. Comunidad Casabierta Costa Rica 64. Hivos Costa Rica 65. Alliance CIV Côte D'Ivoire 66. ESPACE CONFIANCE Côte D'Ivoire 67. ROJALNU- Réseau des jeunes leaders des Nations unies Côte D'Ivoire pour l’atteinte des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement Section COTE D'IVOIRE 68. ACS/AMO Congo - Actions Communautaires Sida et Democratic Republic of the Congo Avenir Meilleur pour les Orphelins au Congo 69. BCIDE - Bureau Pour la Croissance Intégrale et la Dignité Democratic Republic of the Congo de L'enfant 70. CLUB DES AMIS DAMIEN Democratic Republic of the Congo 71. CONSTRUISONS ENSEMBLE LE MONDE Democratic Republic of the Congo 72. FONDATION FEMME PLUS Democratic Republic of the Congo 73. Pleaders of Children and Elderly People at risk PEPA Democratic Republic of the Congo 74. ASOLSIDA - Alianza Solidaria para la Lucha Contra el Dominican Republic VIH/SIDA 75. Centro de Orientacion e Investigacion Integral (COIN) Dominican Republic 76. COALICION ONG SIDA Dominican Republic 77. COOVIDA - ASOCIACION PARA LA PROMOCION DE Dominican Republic LA VIDA 78. Fundación Red de Jóvenes Unidos de Guachupita Dominican Republic 79. FURJUG - Fundación Red de Jóvenes Unidos de Dominican Republic Guachupita 80. REDOVIH+ - Red Dominicana de Personas Viviendo con Dominican Republic VIH/ SIDA 81. CEPVVS - La Coalición ecuatoriana de personas que Ecuador viven con VIH 82. Corporacion KIMIRINA Ecuador 83. Procuraduria para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos El Salvador 84. Red Latinoamericana de personas con VIH (RedLa+) El Salvador 85. REDCA+ - Red Centroamericana de Personas viviendo El Salvador con VIH 86. Ethiopian Interfaith forum for Development, Dialogue and Ethiopia Action 87. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Development and Ethiopia Inter Church Aid 88. National Network of Positive Women Ethiopians Ethiopia 89. Network of Networks of HIV Positives in Ethiopia (NEP+) Ethiopia 90. Union of Ethiopian Women Charitable Associations Ethiopia (UEWCA) 91. AIDES - Association de lutte contre le VIH/sida en France Europe 92. Coalition Internationale Sida PLUS France 93. Friends of the Global Fund Europe France 94. ICRSE - The International Committee on the Rights of France Sex Workers in Europe 95. Medzoe Health More Gabon 96. Mutapola Voices Gambia 97. Action against AIDS Germany 98. AIDS Action Europe Germany 99. Afrika Initiative e.V. Germany 100.ACTION ON AFRICAN WOMEN FOUNDATION 101.CURIOUS MINDS GHANA Ghana 102.Dolly Foundatiion Ghana 103.Trans -African Youth Agency Ghana 104.Afro Global Alliance Ghana 105.RESCUE ARMS NETWORK – RANET Ghana 106.AIDS -Free World Global 107.International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS Global (ICW) 108.International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) Global 109.ONE Global 110.Stop TB Partnership Global 111.APEVIHS - Asociacion Para la Prevencion y Estudio del Guatemala VIH/Sida 112.Asociacion de Investigacion Desarrollo y Educacion Guatemala Integral 113.Hivos Guatemala 114.REGAP+ - Réseau Guinéen des Associations de Guinea Personnes infectées et Affectées par le VIH/SIDA 115.ENDA Santé Guiné-Bissau Guinea Bissau 116.Caribbean Sex Work Coalition Guyana 117.Guyana Sex Work Coalition Guyana 118.Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination Guyana (SASOD) 119.APLCH - Association pour lutter contre l'homophobie 120.Corps des volontaires pour la paix et le developpent Haiti 121.Fondation Esther Boucicault Stanislas Haiti 122.Fondation Toya Haiti 123.Reseau des citoyens haitiens pour la promotion des droits Haiti de l'homme 124.Asociación Colectivo Violeta Honduras 125.Llanto, Valor y Esfuerzo (LLAVES) Honduras 126.AIDS PREVENTION SOCIETY 127.ASTITVA TRUST India 128.BCARE USA INC (BCARE International) India 129.Blossom Trust India 130.Boss India 131.Care and Support Society India 132.CBHO - Conglomeration of Bengal's Hotel Owners India 133.Centre for Community Economics and Development India Consultants Society (CECOEDECON) 134.Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee India 135.EMPOWER India 136.FRIDA Young Feminist Fund AND Emerging Leaders India Forum 137.GRAVIS - Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti India 138.IARF - International Association for Religious Freedom - India Coordinating Council for South Asia 139.Kolkata Rista India 140.PEOPLES ACTION FOR SOCIAL SERVICE India 141.Sampada Grameen Mahila Sanstha India 142.SOCIETY FOR EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENT India DEVELOPMENT 143.The Humsafar Trust India 144.UDAAN TRUST Foundation India 145.Universal charitable for research for health and education India 146.India HIV/AIDS Alliance India 147.Fokus Muda 148.Indonesia AIDS Coalition Indonesia 149.PKNI (Indonesian Drugs User Network) Indonesia 150.Positive Indonesia Network Indonesia 151.PP Fatayat Nahdatul Ulama Indonesia 152.Rumah Cemara Indonesia 153.SOS Childrens Village Indonesia Indonesia 154.A Partnership with Africa Ireland 155.Circ MedTech Israel 156.AIDOS Italy 157.Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition Jamaica 158.Developing Country NGO Delegation Jamaica 159.EVE for Life Jamaica 160.The University of the West Indies HIV and AIDS Jamaica Response Programme 161.Forearms of change center to enable community Jordan 162.Kazakhstan Network of Woman HIV Kazakhstan 163.Africa Christian Health Associations Platform Kenya 164.Fortress of Hope Africa Kenya 165.Heath Options for Young Men on HIV/AIDS/STIs Kenya 166.MOI'S BRIDGE COMMUNITY WELFARE ASSOCIATION Kenya 167.OPERATION HOPE (CBO) Kenya 168.WACI Health (Formerly, World AIDS CAMPAIGN Kenya INTERNATIONAL ) 169.WOMEN FIGHTING AIDS IN KENYA WOFAK Kenya 170.Young Women Campaign Against AIDS Kenya 171.Kenya Treatment Access Movement-KETAM Kenya 172.National Empowerment Network of People living with Kenya HIV/AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK) 173.Teenagers Plus Kenya 174.Объединение юридических лиц "Ассоциация СПИД- Kyrgyzstan сервисных НПО Кыргызской Ресублики "АнтиСПИД"" 175.Central Asian HIV Foundation Kyrgyzstan 176.MENAHRA - The Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association 177.RANAA - The Regional/Arab Network against AIDS Lebanon 178.SIDC - Soins Infirmiers et Développement Lebanon Communautaire 179.Lesotho Network of People Living with HIV & AIDS Lesotho (LENEPWHA) 180. Widow Assistance and Development Agency Liberia 181.Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL) Liberia 182.Reseau MAD’AIDS Madagascar 183.Badilika Foundation 184.Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education Malawi 185.Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS Malawi 186.HOPE FOR THE BLIND Malawi 187.Malaysian WARDU Malaysia 188.ARCAD -SIDA - l'Association de Recherche de Mali Communication et d'Accompagnement à Domicile de personnes Vivant avec le VIH 189.Réseau National de la Jeunesse du Mali (RENAJEM) Mali 190.PILS (Prevention Information Lutte Contre le Sida) Mauritius 191.APROASE Mexico 192.Balance Mexico 193.CAPPSIDA A.C. - CENTRO DE ATENCIÓN Mexico PROFESIONAL A PERSONAS CON SIDA 194.Central de Urgencias Medicas de Yurécuaro AC (CUMY) Mexico 195.Colectivo Sol A.C. Mexico 196.Interculturalidad, Salud y Derechos A.C. (INSADE) Mexico 197.Movimiento Mexicano de Ciudadania Positiva, A.C. Mexico 198.ALCS - Association de Lutte contre le sida Morocco 199.Organisation PanAfricaine de Lutte contre le Sida Morocco 200.Inyerfaith Youth Coalition on Aids in (IYCA- Myanmar MYANMAR) 201.MYANMAR POSITIVE GROUP Myanmar 202.Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association Myanmar 203.AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA) Namibia 204.African Youth and Adolescent Network Namibia 205.Out -Right Namibia Namibia 206.Positive Vibes Trust Namibia 207.Blue Diamond Society Nepal 208.Naya Goreto Nepal 209.Nava Kiran Plus Nepal 210.Rural Mutual Development (RMD) Nepal Nepal 211.Union C Nepal 212.Volunteers for Development Nepal (VFDN) Nepal 213.Dhanusha UNESCO Association Nepal Nepal 214.Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation Nepal 215.Aids Fonds Netherlands 216.Communities Delegation Netherlands 217.International Civil Society Support Netherlands 218.The global network of young people living with HIV Netherlands 219.Reseau Nigerien des Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH/sida Niger [RENIP+] 220.Bien etre de la Femme Rurale Niger 221.Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Nigeria 222.Development and Integrity Intervention Goal Foundation Nigeria 223.International Association of World Peace Advocates Nigeria 224.International Foundation for African Children (IFAC) Nigeria 225.Journalists Against AIDS( JAAIDS)Nigeria Nigeria 226.MAN -Project Foundation (MANPro) Nigeria 227.Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Nigeria (NEPWHAN) 228.OROL Youth Empowerment Initiative Nigeria 229.Pacific International Youth Development and Nigeria Empowerment Organization (PIYDEO) 230.PLAN Health Advocacy and Development Foundation Nigeria (PLAN Foundation) 231.Positive Action for Treatment Access Nigeria 232.RACO CHILD AND RURAL CARE INITIATIVE Nigeria 233.RENEWED INITIATIVE AGAINST DISEASES AND Nigeria (RENAGAIDS) 234.Sanctus Initiative for Human Development and Values Nigeria Sustainability (SIHDEVAS) 235.Sisters Joy Initiative Nigeria 236.Unique Aid Foundation for People Living with HIV Nigeria 237.Womens Rights and Health Project Nigeria 238.Economic and Social Empowerment of Rural Nigeria Communities 239.Nigeria Togo Association Nigeria 240.Youth Network on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Nigeria 241.NDLH, Network of International Diplomacy of International Norway Law and Human Rights 242.Human Resources Organization 243.Rafique Research and Educational; Society Pakistan 244.Sustainable Development Policy Institute Pakistan 245.Active Help Organization Pakistan 246.Amitiel Welfare Society Pakistan 247.Kawish Resource Center Pakistan 248.Sahkar Social Welfare Association Pakistan 249.Skyian Welfare Organization Pakistan 250.Cruz Roja Panameña Panama 251.Red de ONGs que trabajan en VIH del Paraguay Paraguay 252.SOMOSGAY Paraguay 253.UNES - La organización Unidas en la Esperanza Paraguay 254.Instituto de Estudios en Salud, Sexualidad y Desarrollo Humano 255.RED SIDA PERU Peru 256.Action for Health Initiatives, Inc. (ACHIEVE) Philippines 257.HIV & AIDS Support House, Inc. Philippines 258.National Council of Churches in the Philippines Philippines 259.NP E.V.A. Russian Federation 260.Некоммерческий благотворительный фонд Russian Federation ""Светланы Изамбаевой"" 261.ACTION FOR HEALTH AND INTEGRATED Rwanda DEVELOPMENT (AHID) 262.PAPWC - Pan African Positive Women’s Coalition Rwanda 263.Rwanda Union of the Youth and Children with Disabilities Rwanda 264.WOMEN WITHOUT LIMITS Rwanda 265.EASTERN CARIBBEAN ALLIANCE FOR DIVERSITY Saint Lucia AND EQUALITY 266.UNITED AND STRONG INC Saint Lucia 267.ENDA Santé Senegal Senegal 268.Aides Senegal / Africagay Senegal 269.Bokk Yakaar Senegal 270.Parole aux jeunes Senegal 271.Réseau National des Associations de Personnes vivant Senegal avec le VIH (RNP+) 272.Alliance Nationale Contre le SIDA ANCS Senegal 273.Network of Low HIV Prevalence Countries of Central and Serbia South East Europe – NeLP 274.Foundation for Democratic Initiative and Development Sierra Leone 275.BILAN AWDAL ORGANIZATION SOMALILAND Somalia 276.SAHAN Network - SOMALILAND HIV AND AIDS Somalia NETWORK 277.AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA) Namibia 278.Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation 279.Human Sciences Research Council South Africa 280.NAPWA -SA - National Association of People Living with South Africa HIV and AIDS 281.Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI) / South Africa Regional Inter Agency Task Team on Children and AIDS in East and Southern Africa (RIATT-ESA) 282.Social,Health and Empowerment South Africa 283.Treatment Action Campaign South Africa 284.World Aids Campaign International South Africa 285.Global Forum on MSM and HIV (MSMGF) South Africa 286.Somali Formal Education Network (SOFEN) South Sudan 287.ASIMA Spain 288.ASOCIACION T4 DE LUCHA CONTRA EL SIDA / Spain HIESAREN AURKAKO T4 ELKARTEA 289.CALCSICOVA - COORDINADORA DE ASOCIACIONES Spain DE VIH Y EL SIDA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA 290.CESIDA - La Coordinadora estatal de VIH y sida Spain 291.Comité Ciudadano Antisida de la Comunidad Valenciana Spain 292.Federación trabajando en positive Spain 293.Fundación Triángulo Spain 294.Salud por Derecho Spain 295.SUDAN AIDS NETWORK Sudan 296.Family Life Association of Swaziland Swaziland 297.Positive Women Together in Action Swaziland 298.SWANNEPHA - Swaziland National Network of People Swaziland Living with HIV and AIDS 299.Asia Catalyst Switzerland 300.Medicines Patent Pool Switzerland 301.Yolse Switzerland 302.Global Commission on Drug Policy Switzerland 303.International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Switzerland Societies 304.NGO Guli Surkh 305.Y -PEER Tajikistan Tajikistan 306.APCASO - Asia Pacific Coalition of AIDS Service Thailand Organisations 307.APCOM/ Youth Voices Count - Asia-Pacific Coalition for Thailand Male Sexual Health 308.Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health Thailand 309.Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) Thailand 310.Coalition of Asia-Pacific Regional Networks on HIV/AIDS Thailand (7 Sisters) 311.Youth LEAD Thailand 312.AFEL (Association Féminine la Lumière) Togo 313.Association AV-Jeunes Togo 314.Association Togolaise pour le Bien Etre Familiale Togo 315.PARLEMENT AFRICAIN DE LA SOCIETE CIVILE Togo 316.Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT) 317.Friends For Life Trinidad and Tobago 318.AEEFG - Association de l'Education Environnementale Tunisia pour les Futures Générations 319.Association Tunisienne de Prevention Positive Tunisia 320.Association Tunisienne Lutte contre les MST et le Tunisia sidaTunis 321.Community Health Alliance Uganda Uganda 322.Family Rescue Initiatives – Uganda Uganda 323.Federation of Uganda Medical Students' Associations Uganda (FUMSA) 324.Giving Children Hope Initiative Uganda 325.PINA UGANDA - People In Need Agency Uganda 326.REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH UGANDA Uganda 327.Reviving Hope Uganda Uganda 328.UNYPA - Uganda Network of Young People Living with Uganda HIV&AIDS 329.All -Ukrainian network of People Living with HIV Ukraine 330.Alliance for Public Health Ukraine 331.East Europe & Central Asia Union of People Living with Ukraine HIV 332.HPLGBT – Health Protection LGBT Ukraine 333.Каховское городское отделение ВБО ""Всеукраинская Ukraine сеть ЛЖВ"" 334.Al -Khair Foundation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 335.Athena Network United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 336.Cayman Islands Red Cross United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 337.Chasing Zero United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 338.EATG - European Aids Treatment Group United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 339.Elton John AIDS Foundation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 340.Gilead Sciences Europe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 341.HIV iBase United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 342.HIV Justice Network United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 343.Leonard Cheshire Disability Centre, University College United Kingdom of Great Britain London and Northern Ireland 344.RESULTS UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 345.STOPAIDS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 346.Youth RISE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 347.MTV Staying Alive United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 348.NCD Alliance United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 349.CSYM HUDUMA MTANDAO TANZANIA United Republic of Tanzania 350.Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS Service United Republic of Tanzania Organizations (EANNASO) 351.NETWO+ - National Network of Tanzanian Women with United Republic of Tanzania HIV/AIDS 352.TANEPHA - Tanzania National Network of People with United Republic of Tanzania HIV/AIDS 353.TANGA AIDS WORKING GROUP(TAWG) United Republic of Tanzania 354.TaNPUD - Tanzanian Network of People who Use Drugs United Republic of Tanzania 355.Tanzania Informal Economy Network on AIDS Initiatives – United Republic of Tanzania TIENAI 356.UZIMA PROJECT NDANDA United Republic of Tanzania 357.ACTION Global Health Advocacy Partnership / c/o United States of America RESULTS Educational Fund 358.American Medical Student Association United States of America 359.amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research United States of America 360.Athena Network United States of America 361.Bailey House United States of America 362.Bill & Melinda gates Foundation United States of America 363.C2EA – Campaign to End AIDS United States of America 364.CAEAR Coalition - Communities Advocating Emergency United States of America AIDS Relief 365.CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES United States of America

366.Cayman Islands Red Cross United States of America 367.Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health United States of America 368.Convent Avenue Baptist Church United States of America 369.Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières United States of America (MSF) 370.END AIDS NOW United States of America 371.Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS Tuberculosis United States of America and Malaria 372.Global Alliance for Women's Health United States of America 373.Global Forum on MSM and HIV (MSMGF) United States of America 374.Global Health Policy Portal United States of America 375.Global Network of Black People working in HIV United States of America 376.God's Love We Deliver United States of America 377.Harvard University Center for AIDS Research/Harvard United States of America Global Health Institute 378.He Intends Victory United States of America 379.Health GAP (Global Access Project) United States of America 380.Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation United States of America 381.HIV Young Leaders Fund United States of America 382.HIV&AIDS Initiative, Saddleback Church United States of America 383.IDSA Center for Global Health Policy United States of America 384.Imagina MAS United States of America 385.Infectious Diseases Society of America United States of America 386.International Association of Providers of AIDS Care United States of America 387.Jhpiego, an affiliate of the Johns Hopkins University United States of America 388.John Snow R&T/Inc United States of America 389.Medical Facility Aid United States of America 390.Naija Worldwide Charities United States of America 391.National Black Women's HIV/AIDS Network Inc United States of America 392.NCD Alliance United States of America 393.NYU and ACRIA Center on HIV and Aging - AIDS United States of America Community Research Initiative of America 394.Pangaea Global AIDS United States of America 395.Portland State University School of Social Work United States of America 396.PowerSource Tucson Inc United States of America 397.RESULTS Educational Fund United States of America 398.San Francisco AIDS Foundation United States of America 399.Sex Workers Outreach Project United States of America

400.StoptheDrugWar.org United States of America 401.Student Global AIDS Campaign United States of America 402.Teenagers Plus United States of America 403.The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation United States of America 404.The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) United States of America 405.The River Fund, Inc. United States of America 406.The Women's Collective United States of America 407.Treatment Action Group United States of America 408.University of California Berkeley, School of Public Health United States of America 409.Unspoken Smiles Foundation United States of America 410.Youth Advocacy Movement United States of America

411.University of Massachusetts United States of America 412.Observatorio Latino AID FOR AIDS United States of America 413.OutRight Action International United States of America 414.The Riverside Church Mission & Social Justice Ministry United States of America 415.UN Women US National Committee For UN Women United States of America 416.ATRU - Asociacion Trans del Uruguay Uruguay 417.Acción Ecuménica Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 418.Alianza lambda de Venezuela Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 419.Asoc. Mujeres en Positivo por Venezuela Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 420.Asociación Civil Mujeres Unidas por la Salud (MUSAS) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 421.STOPVIH Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 422.Aid Association Yemen 423.AFROCAB (African Regional Community Network) Zambia 424.Center for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE) Zambia 425.NETWORK OF ZAMBIAN PEOPLE LIVING WITH Zambia HIV/AIDS (NZP+) 426.Treatment Advocacy and Literacy Campaign (TALC) Zambia 427.ZANERELA+ - Zambia Network of Religious Leaders Zambia Living with or personally affected by HIV and AIDS 428.Africaid Zvandiri 429.CeSHHAR - Centre for Sexual Health and HIV AIDS Zimbabwe Research 430.Community Working Group on Health Zimbabwe 431.Development AID from People to People Zimbabwe 432.Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation Zimbabwe (ICCO) Zimbabwe 433.Vuka Uzenzele Trust Zimbabwe 434.Widows Fountain of Life Zimbabwe 435.Zimbabwe Podium Zimbabwe 436.Zimbabwe United Nations Association Zimbabwe 437.ACT 2015 Zimbabwe(Youth Engage), AfriYAN Zimbabwe 438.Africa n Young Positives Network (AY+) Zimbabwe 439.PAPWC - Pan African Positive Women’s Coalition Zimbabwe