Community Service Resource Manual

“Paws for a Cause”

2019 - 2020

You tell me and I forget. You teach me and I remember. You involve me and I learn.” -- Ben Franklin


Community Service Program ...... 3

What and Why is Community Service ...... 4

What is NOT Accepted...... 5

Requirements ...... 6

Steps for Completing the Community Service Requirement ...... 7

Reflection Project ...... 8

How Do you Serve

Fairmont Group Service Projects ...... 9 Individual Service ...... 10 Get involved! Fairmont Service Clubs ...... 12 Summer Service Opportunities ...... 13 Fairmont Preparatory Academy Placement Areas ...... 14 Ways to Help ...... 16

Listings of possible Volunteer Organizations & Agencies

Children/Youth ...... 18 Environment ...... 19 Health/Medical ...... 20 Hunger/Homelessness ...... 21 Libraries ...... 22 Miscellaneous ...... 24 Non-profit Agencies/Organizations ...... 25 Senior Services ...... 27

Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Volunteering ...... 28

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) ...... 29

Community Service Quiz ...... 32

High School Community Service Form ...... 33

2 Community Service Program Overview

Purpose The purpose of this program is to help our students to become “exemplary citizens of a global society”. A strong service program will not only help us to create students of character – it will also help our students in the following ways:

 Work Experience – Volunteer work is an excellent way for a young person to explore fields of interest, learn important workplace skills, and gain experience that will benefit them in college and beyond.  College Acceptance – Many colleges look at community service as one of their determining factors for acceptance. In fact, the UC system suggests that students complete community service during high school.  Promote School Community – Group service projects are great opportunities for students from different social groups to get to know one another outside of the classroom.

Program Components

1. Director of Community Service Mrs. Kunkle is the Director of Community Service. Her duties include:  To promote the community service program to students, faculty, and parents.  To provide service opportunities to students.  To collect, review, and track student service hours.  To promote the service program to the non-profit community.

2. Service Requirement Each Direct Entry student to the Preparatory Academy is required to complete 20 hours of community service for each year of enrollment. Each International Foundation Year and Foundation Program student is to complete 10 hours for each year of enrollment in the International Foundation Center.

The culmination of each student's service years will be in the creation of a reflective project detailing the services rendered and the subsequent lessons learned from these experiences. See page 8 for details.

3. Student Outcomes: Students will be provided the opportunity to:  Bridge varied ethnic, socio-economic, and generational backgrounds  Gain self-reliance, self-respect, and confidence while developing a positive self-esteem  Learn values and more fundamentals to American democracy  Experience connections between academic and real life situations  Develop life skills that apply to personal life, professional life, and possible future careers  Analyze their experiences via reflective writing and work collaboratively with members of the community.

3. Individual Service Opportunities In this manual, you will find many different organizations with contact information for which you can perform community service hours. In addition, we publish at least one service opportunity for students in the weekly e-newsletter. If you would like more personalized assistance, we are more than happy to work individually with families to find appropriate service opportunities for students based on their interests and abilities. Students are not limited to the hours published in this book – they may serve at any non-profit organization.

4. Group Service Opportunities Each month we offer an opportunity for Fairmont students to come together and serve their community as a group. Group service opportunities vary from month to month, and include:

 Beach clean-ups  Tutoring younger children  Preparing or serving meals to less fortunate  Packing and sorting donations  Cheering at walks and runs  And much, much more

5. Service Clubs We have many service clubs in existence. Please see Page 9 for further information or visit Mrs. Kunkle in room 28.


What is Community Service?

The Fairmont Preparatory Academy (FPA) Community Service Program helps guide students to develop, plan, carry out, and evaluate projects that improve the quality of life in their communities. Community Service helps young people build skills for family, career, and community roles and encourages young people to develop the positive character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Examples of community service projects include (but are not limited to):

 Cleaning a park through Adopt-a-Park  Participating in on-campus drives by donating much needed items including clothes, hygiene products (toothpaste, tooth brush, soap, etc…), food, blankets, etc.  Getting involved with Action Partnership or Boys & Girls Club  Reading to the elderly in nursing homes  Volunteering at hospitals (must be 16+ years of age)  Helping out at a local public library  Tutoring developmentally disabled children for free.

Community service that engages youth is often called youth service. It is a methodology that is simultaneously employed to strengthen young peoples' senses of civic engagement and nationalism, as well as assist them in meeting educational, developmental, and social goals. Young people throughout the country are receiving outstanding community service awards from the United States for their accomplishments. For more information on awards visit the Presidential Service Award website. Why is Community Service important for my student?

In cases of community service among youth, it is often a requirement for a student to advance to the next grade level or graduate from high school to perform a certain number of hours of service. This is the case for Fairmont’s Preparatory Academy.

Community Service is used by college-bound high school seniors as a way of attracting colleges to accept them. There is no general amount of hours colleges are looking for when it comes to community service. However, they do look for them. Some colleges also require their own students to volunteer a specific number of hours to graduate and get a degree.

Not only is community service beneficial for the community, but it benefits the student as well. Service learning is the deliberate connection of community service to stated learning goals. A common misconception among educators, youth workers, and young people is the notion that service learning can be assigned. Several experts attest to the necessity of engaging youth in deliberating, planning, implementing, and reflecting on their community service, thereby sustaining high quality service learning. This is intended to make community service an effective learning tool.

 To help other people  To enhance my college applications and resume  To feel good about oneself  To have variety in my life  To keep active in my spare time  To meet interesting people  To gain work experience  To make a difference in my community and the  To do something fun with friends world


What is not Accepted for Community Service Hours:

Examples of community service hours that will not be accepted include (but are not limited to):

 Babysitting family members or friends  Teach/babysitting at church  Tutoring (some forms of tutoring are accepted; see Mrs. Kunkle for pre-approval)  Fairmont service – working/volunteer at any Fairmont campus  Helping a teacher or organization on campus set up an event/activity  Serving as a teacher’s assistant (TA) at school or church  Online class from any non-profit (501c3)  Missing school to complete hours (example: working at a polling place, working school blood drives, etc…)  Any activity in which the student receives payment  See the FAQ section at the back of this manual for detailed information or contact Mrs. Kunkle at [email protected] or visit her in room 28

What is Accepted for Community Service Hours:

Examples of community service hours that will be accepted include (but are not limited to):

 Pre-approved hours by the Community Service Coordinator (hours may be pre-approved by email or in person).  Fairmont Prep Academy service clubs (with approval from the Director of Community Service)  Pages 18 – 27 of this manual  (please print opportunity from site as proof)  (please print opportunity from site as proof)  (please print opportunity from site as proof)

It is recommended that service projects/hours be pre-approved by the Director of Community Service before the service begins. Simply pick up a high school community service form, describe in detail on the form what the project is, and then get the pre-approval signature. Students who do not get pre-approval for service projects/hours take the risk of their hours not begin accepted.

The main purpose of Fairmont’s community service requirement is to help our students to become exemplary citizens of a global society.


The Requirement

The Community Service graduation requirement consists of the following:

1) 20 hours of service per year of attendance at Fairmont Preparatory Academy. This comes to a total of 80 hours for high school. If a student transfers to the Prep, they are responsible only for the hours corresponding to their grades of attendance. Likewise, current Prep students (19-20) are responsible for completing the following hours for graduation/promotion

Current Grade level # of required hours

Senior 80 hours Junior 60 hours

Sophomore 40 hours Freshman 20 hours International Foundation Year & Foundation Program 10 hours

These hours can be completed in a number of ways. Students have the option of completing all required hours in one summer, spreading it out over their years at Fairmont (20 hours per year), or any combination they choose. The hours can be earned through participation in Fairmont- sponsored group service projects or by doing individual service projects. One-half of the requirement must be completed within the United States. This resource manual is full of resources for pursuing individual service opportunities.

2) Students must submit a reflection project upon completion of their hours. 12th grade students must submit their completed Community Service hours prior to Spring Break, Tuesday, April 7, 2020, for documentation. The reflection project must be submitted to the Director of Community Service by Tuesday, April 21, 2020. This component provides a means for the students to look back at their experiences and contemplate thoughts and feelings as it relates to helping others. See the reflection project guidelines on page 8 of this resource manual.

Implemented June 20, 2016 – For 12th grade students only: All but 20 hours of the community service requirement must be completed by Tuesday, January 14, 2020. This was created so seniors don’t struggling second semester to fulfill this portion of the graduation requirement. The remaining 20 hours are due by Tuesday, April 7, 2020 and the reflection project is due after Spring Break on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.

“If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a month – get married. If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.”

-Chinese Proverb


Steps for Completing the Community Service Requirement

The following procedures are to be followed by the student in order to successfully fulfill the community service requirement:

1). Community Service Resource Manual: All information outlining the Community Service program and requirements are available on the Fairmont website at, listed under the Campus Life tab. Via the resource manual students may look up information on how to locate acceptable agencies from which students may choose and all documentation procedures. This information is shared with parents/guardians/homestays and printed copies are available on request.

2). Selecting an Agency/Organization: Community service is work performed with a non-profit organization for which you receive no pay. Organizations should be selected from materials printed by the school or via the Community Service bulletin board located outside room 29, the school website – under the Campus Life tab, or by email/visit Mrs. Kunkle, Director of Community Service – [email protected]. Community service performed for family members, for-profit businesses, or private individuals will not count toward the community service requirement. When a student is unsure of a community service opportunity, he/she should check with the Director of Community Service prior to the beginning of the project.

3). Contacting the Agency/Organization: Students are responsible for contacting the agency to determine days and times to perform the service. See the “Individual Service” section on page 10 or visit Mrs. Kunkle for further assistance.

4). Community Service Verification Form: Students are responsible to complete the top half of the form Community Service Verification form. At the end of the service activity, the bottom half of the form is to be filled out and signed by the individual/volunteer manager who supervised the student. Students choosing to serve their hours for the same organization over a long period of time should use only one form. Community Service forms need to be turned in within a month of completing the service. The white copy is for the Director of Community Service and once verified and accepted the yellow copy will be given to the student for his/her records.

5). Miscellaneous:

 Students may use as many forms as necessary to complete the required hours of community service.  The service may be performed anytime during the year, outside the regular school hours, including summer, winter, and spring vacations.  One-half of the requirement must be completed within the United States.  Any student who has a personal problem relative to this requirement should contact the Director of Community Service.  Requests for an itemized list of completed hours may be made with the Director of Community Service via email at [email protected] or students may view their community service projects and total number of hours in the “Official Notes” section of Blackbaud.

6). Awards: Student that go above and beyond the minimum 80 hour requirement are eligible for awards. For eligibility requirements please contact the Director of Community Service - [email protected].

 Presidential Service Award: Domestic students completing 100+ hours or more within one year are eligible for this award.  Congressional Award: Domestic students looking for an opportunity to earn a challenging certificate and medal.  End of Year Award: One senior who has completed 150+ hours within their high school years at the Prep.


Community Service Reflection Project

Overview of Reflection Options

In order to help students capitalize on their work and assist them in analyzing and synthesizing their service experience, students are required to complete a Reflection Project. This project can take one of two forms: (1) a written Reflection Paper, or (2) a Portfolio Project.

1. 500-750 word essay in MLA format 2. 3-5 minute video documentary 3. 15-25 slide PowerPoint Presentation 4. 15-25 page Scrapbook 5. Other (anything other than above must be pre-approved by CS Coordinator)

Choose and complete either the Reflection Paper or Portfolio as described below:

This project allows you an opportunity to reflect on your community service work. You are encouraged to write about your personal reaction to your overall experience, but should concentrate on the service experience. When completing your project, you should address the following questions:

 How did the experience(s) affect you?  Did you learn anything about yourself?  Did you learn something about others in your community?  Did you learn something about an issue or agency that is particularly interesting or new to you?  Was your experience everything you expected? If not, why?  What were the negative and positive aspects of your volunteer experience?  What types of benefits (academic, personal, professional) did you gain?  Do you feel you had an affect on a person, group of people, or problem in our community? How and why?  Is there anything you would change about your service work experience?  What impact will this experience have on your future, including career choices?

**Where appropriate, students are also encouraged to note references. You may cite any of the following that are relevant to your service work and your project: Agency brochures or material; newspapers or magazines articles; other published material such as videos. You may also use quotes from agency supervisors or people you served through your volunteer work. Please indicate references with appropriate citations.

If you have any questions please discuss them with the community service coordinator in advance.

Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

- Saint Francis of Assisi


How do I serve??? What do I do? Where do I go?

Group Service Projects

1) Every month Fairmont offers at least one group service project. These projects include sorting and packing food, sorting clothing and toys, cheering walkers/runners at non-profit 5k runs, beautifying local parks and beaches, caring for the sick and elderly, and serving food to the homeless at local shelters. Hours for participation in these projects are automatically added to the student’s file as long as the student turns in a permission slip and shows up to the project. Monthly group service project information is provided in the weekly e-newsletter, the Fairmont Prep Community Service Facebook page, is emailed to students via their Fairmont email account, and is also promoted on campus with flyers and morning announcements

To participate in the group service projects, students need to:

 Read the weekly e-newsletter, listen to the morning announcements, and/or visit Mrs. Kunkle’s office to find out what project(s) are being offered each month. . At the beginning of each semester, students are given the semesters list of projects in their homeroom class.

 Choose a service project of interest.

 Pick up the permission slip for the corresponding project (sometimes there are more than one a month) from the Director of Community Service office, room 28.

 After the permission slip has been signed by the parent/guardian/host, return it to the Director of Community Service by the deadline. (Note: Without a signed permission slip, students will NOT be able to attend the service project.) . An confirmation email will be sent to those students who have turned in a permission slip the Thursday before the service project.

 Show-up the day and time of the service project, serve the community, and HAVE FUN!!!!! (Note: Students must arrive on time and stay for the entire project to receive full credit).

 Parents/guardians/hosta must drop off and pick up their student on time.

 Students may not leave with another student unless the parents/guardians/host have provided a written note.

 If students have turned in a permission slip and attended the project, hours will automatically be input and added to your file.

“I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” - Stephen Grellet


Individual Service

To volunteer individually, students need to:

 Use this resource manual, talk with the Director Community Service, or perform individual research in order to find a project. o Assess your interests and time by asking the following questions: . What are some things I enjoy doing? . What would I like to learn to do better? . What is an activity I have never done but I have always wanted to do? . Where do I like to be: Indoors? Outdoors? Close to home? Far away? . Do I prefer to be: With people? On my own? . What kind of people do I like to be with: Old? Youth? Like me? Different from me? . Am I more comfortable with: Groups? Individuals? . How will I get to a volunteer opportunity: Car? Bike? Bus? Get a ride? . When am I available to volunteer: After school? Evenings? Weekends? . Do I want an on-going or a one-time volunteer opportunity? . What do I want to gain from volunteering? . What are three problems, in my community or elsewhere, that need solutions?

 Research the different types of issues and agencies/organizations in your community: o Look at the Community Service bulletin located across from room 29, the school website – under Campus Life - Community Service, Facebook (Fairmont Prep Community Service), or visit the Director of Community Service in room 28 for the following service areas: . Children/Youth . Disabled . Environmental . Health/Medical . Hunger/Homelessness . Seniors . Miscellaneous/Special Interest

 Contact the agency of interest and find out about current service opportunities and requirements for volunteering (i.e. Saturdays only; must be 16 to volunteer; parent permission required, minimum 12-month commitment, etc.). o Ask for the volunteer coordinator/manager. Express your interest in volunteering and ask for more information regarding the opportunity. Some agencies/organization will have an application to be completed. o It is helpful to schedule an appointment and visit the agency/organization to get a feel for the place and the people. It is important that you arrive on time for the appointment. If you are unable to keep the appointment or are running late make sure to contact the agency/organization and let them know. . When visiting the agency/organization make sure to ask the following questions:  What does your agency do?  What kind of services do you provide and how do you provide them?  What sort of things do you want volunteers to do?  What kinds of task will I be doing?  Are there job descriptions for the opportunity?  What type of initial and ongoing training is provided?  When (days, hours) do you need volunteers?  Do you require volunteers to commit for a certain length of time (once, 3 months, 1 year, etc…)


 Make your decision. If you are unsure about volunteering there, tell them you would like to think about it and get back to them. Be sure to let them know either way (yes or no) as soon as you have made your decision. o If you know that you do not want to volunteer with the agency/organization, it is alright to be honest and say so. Example: (“Thank you very much for talking with me, but this is not quite the kind of volunteer opportunity I had in mind.”) o It is important to give yourself time to explore a variety of opportunities with different agencies/organizations. While one particular opportunity may not be ideal for you, dozens of others may better meet your needs and expectations.

 If unsure about whether the service project will be approved for service hours, it is highly recommended that students get approval before volunteering. By getting a pre-approval signature on the community service verification form, the hours for the service project are guaranteed. For approval please see the Director of Community Service or send an email to [email protected]. Make sure you have completed the top half of the verification form and know what tasks you will be completing.

 Students/parents/guardians should take the community service verification form with them to the service placement. The contact person or supervisor for that day must completely fill out the rest of the community service form. Except for the “Community Service FPA Administrative Use”. This is for the Director of Community Service’s use.

 Once the hours are completed, the community service verification form must be turned in for logging and tracking purposes. You are welcome to turn in the form to the front desk; however, it is recommended to physically place the form in the Director of Community Service’s possession.

 Once the project is completed and the hours are turned in, they will be logged and kept in your file. You may view logged hours in MyBackPack, by clicking on the students photo.

 Students/parents are free to verify the logging of the hours by either emailing the Director Community Service at [email protected] or looking at the students “Official Notes” section of Blackbaud to see specific hours.

“I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” - Edward Hale Keller)


Get involved! Fairmont Service Clubs

Getting involved in a service club on campus is an excellent way to gain community service hours while making new friends and developing valuable leadership skills. Joining a club is easy and there are several ways to do it. You can:  Go to the Club Rush at the beginning of each semester. You can learn more about service clubs, ask questions, and sign up for clubs of interest to you.  Email Mrs. Joslyn Awa, Director of Student Services, at [email protected] for a list of clubs. Most listings include contact information for the advisor and president as well as regular meeting times.  Stop by Mrs. Awa’s office anytime and ask about clubs. She can put you in touch with the president or take your contact information and have him/her contact you.  Create your own service club! See Mrs. Awa to get started making your idea a reality at the Prep in the coming semester. Some service clubs are free and some have membership dues. Some meet weekly and others only for special events. A few (such as the National Honors Society) are by invitation only. Contact Mrs. Awa anytime if you want to learn more about service or any other clubs or if you want to start one of your own.

High School Service Clubs:

Here are a few service clubs:

Food Served Here – Purpose: To feed the homeless youth of Anaheim and to help make their lives better.

Key Club - Purpose: A means of providing community service opportunities in order to build character and develop leadership, we hereby establish the Fairmont Preparatory Academy Key Club.

Red Cross Club - Purpose: The Red Cross Club aims to make the world a better place. The objective is to raise awareness of human health as well as raise money to help the needy who need physical aid.

UNICEF – Purpose: To work with others to overcome the obstacles that , violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. We believe that we can, together, advance the cause of humanity. .


Summer Service Opportunities:

The summer is a GREAT time to earn service hours and engage more deeply in a field of interest.

Domestic Volunteer Programs:

Civic Leadership Institute Website: Phone: 847-467-2572 The Civic Leadership Institute offers service-learning courses for high-achieving students entering grades 7-12. Courses are three weeks in length and they combine a rigorous academic program with community service and an opportunity to explore a new city. Students will be introduced to social and political issues affecting our society today such as urban poverty, health care and homelessness. Programs are affiliated with the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) in San Francisco and Baltimore and the Center for Talent Development (CTD) in Chicago. Prices range from $2,500-$3,500.

Student Conservation Association Website: Phone: 603-543-1700 SCA conservation crews are open to students age 15-19. As an SCA crew member, you will build hiking trails, protect threatened habitats, sleep under the stars and connect to the land in ways you never thought possible. The work you do will endure, making an important difference in our national parks. There’s work to be done in all 50 states—in forests, on beaches, at fisheries and volcanoes. There is no trip fee, but you are responsible for your own travel expenses and supplies. Projects are generally a month in length. Applications are due March 15, so visit the web-site and apply as soon as possible if you are interested!

International Volunteer Programs:

Rustic Pathways Phone: 800-321-4353 Rustic Pathways offers travel programs for high school students, families, groups and college students. Summer programs are available for students from 12 years of age. Rustic Pathways also offers scheduled family adventures and customized family trips, as well as organized overseas programs for school, universities, groups, and clubs of all kinds. The company runs programs year round to , New Zealand, The Fiji Islands, Tanzania, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, , , , Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Transylvania Mongolia and the United States. Rustic Pathways summer programs are suitable for most students. Trips cost $2500-$5000.

Putney Student Services Website: Phone 802-387-5000 Putney Student Services offer 4-week programs where participants immerse themselves in programs in developing countries and disadvantaged communities working to improve schools or hospitals, construct or repair housing, run enrichment programs for children, and much more. Working alongside people from the host country, students build friendships and learn new skills. Locations include Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Grenad, Vietnam, Brazil, Alaska, Hawaii, and India and trips cost $5000-$7000.

Volunteer for Peace Phone: 802-259-2759 Volunteer for Peace (VFP) is a non-profit organization that places volunteers in “work camps” throughout the world. In these camps, students will work to restore the environment, teach English or build houses. The age requirement for most of the programs is 14–18 with a program cost of $500 plus travel expenses and equipment.

I did not find the world desolate when I entered it. My fathers planted for me before I arrived, so I plant for those who come after me.

13 - Talmud

Fairmont Preparatory Academy Service Program Placement Areas

Below are the ten (10) Placement Areas in which students may volunteer to get their service hours at Fairmont Preparatory Academy. Listed under each general placement area are specific agencies acceptable for that type of service. Students volunteering at an organization/agency in any of these areas should feel secure that the hours will be acceptable. Should the student, for any reason, be in doubt, he/she should see the Community Service Coordinator for clarification.

Animal Care Placements

 Animal Adoption Agencies  Animal Shelters  Animal Therapy

Civic/Cultural Placements

 Campaign Staffing  Community-Based Functions  Non-Profit Theater Performances

Disability Placements

 Facilities for the Blind  Facilities for the Deaf  Homes, Centers, and Schools for the Disabled  Special Olympics

Educational Placements

 Learning Centers  Libraries  Library Reading Programs  Tutoring Programs

Environmental Placements

 Beach Clean-ups with non-profit organization  Community Beautification/Restoration Programs  Graffiti Removal with city program  Recycling Programs


Fundraising Placements

 Jog-a-thons (i.e. OC Marathon)  Walk-a-thons (i.e. CHOC Walk, AIDS Walk)

Medical Placements

 Health Centers  Hospitals  Medical Centers  Rehabilitation Centers  Ronald McDonald Houses

Poverty Placements

 Clothing/Food Drive Distribution with non-profit organization  Habitat for Humanity  Homeless Shelters  Soup Kitchens

Senior Services

 Nursing Homes  Retirement Homes  Senior Centers

Youth Placements

 Boys and Girls Clubs  Boy Scouts of America  City/Park Recreation Programs  Coaching Youth Sports Teams  Girl Scouts of America  Orphanages  YMCA Programs

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can seriously help another without helping himself." ~Charles Dudley Warner



Getting involved in your community starts with the "little" things. Review this list of 36 ways to help and make efforts to accomplish a few each week. A little “you” goes a long way.

1. Offer to take an elderly neighbor to a medical 20. Agree to be an organ donor on your driver’s license appointment 21. Plant a tree 2. Recycle 22. Plant extra rows of vegetables in your garden and 3. Start a community garden share them with friends

4. Become CPR certified 23. Donate new shoes and socks to shelters

5. Play kickball with neighborhood kids 24. Donate an instrument to a school music program

6. Join a Service Club 25. Organize a fund raising event such as a drink stand, car wash, or yard sale and donate the proceeds to a 7. Adopt a pet charity.

8. Visit sick kids at a hospital 26. Leave your newspaper behind in a public place for the next person to read 9. Donate good-condition toys, clothing and household goods 27. Leave a nice note about your waiter on the back of the bill 10. Write messages to soldiers overseas 28. Get to school/work a little early and leave a piece of 11. Donate goods to support the troops 29. Bake something as a family and take it to a 12. Donate blood neighborhood or family in need

13. Turn everyday moments with a child into teachable 30. Wear a ribbon or bracelet to show support of a moments cause

14. Support businesses that care about the community 31. Educate yourself on issues you care about

15. Write thank you notes to those that help the 32. Play an instrument or sing for hospice patients community and hand deliver them 33. Donate new or gently used baby supplies 16. Ask a senior citizen to tell you about their childhood 34. Add a banner ad or widget to your personal webpage to raise awareness or funds for a cause you 17. Visit a nursing home and talk to someone with no believe in visitors 35. Participate in a local walk/run for a cause 18. Tape a children’s book and deliver it to a sick child 36. Promote worthwhile events and festivals by word of 19. Donate gently used books to a daycare center mouth


Volunteer Agencies & Organizations


CHILDREN/YOUTH Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Anaheim Family YMCA Boys & Girls Club of Garden Grove 240 S Euclid St. 10540 Chapman Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802 Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 635-9622 ext. 1613 714-530-0430 Volunteer Opportunities: Interact and work with Volunteer Opportunities: Recreational children

Anaheim Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Boys & Girls Club of Stanton 714-524-2976 11050 Cedar Street 714-477-7444 Stanton, California 90680 Volunteer Opportunities: soccer referee (714) 891-0740 Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Volunteer Opportunities: Recreational 14131 Yorba St. #200 Tustin, CA 92780 GOALS – ABC Community Volunteer Opportunities: Please call for more 2176 W. Alameda Ave. information Anaheim, CA 92801 714-956-4625 Boys & Girls Club of Anaheim! 311 East Broadway Volunteer Opportunities: Tutoring and playing Anaheim, CA 92805 with children. (714) 491-3617 Human Options Volunteer Opportunities: Interact and work with 5540 Trabuco Rd., Ste. 100 children in the areas of educational assistance and Irvine, CA 92620 public safety. 949-737-5242 Email. [email protected] Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park Volunteer Opportunities: Tutoring and playing 7758 Knott Ave. with children. Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 522-7259 Kidworks 1902 W. Chestnut Ave. Volunteer Opportunities: Recreational Santa Ana, CA 92703 714-834-9400 Volunteer Opportunities: Tutoring

Think Together E-mail: [email protected] Phone Number: (714) 543-3807 ext. 204 Volunteer Opportunities: Work with at-risk youth through mentoring and tutoring


ENVIRONMENT Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Adopt-a-Park Program 714-973-6871 Fullerton Arboretum 1900 Associated Road email: [email protected] Fullerton, CA 92831 Volunteer Opportunities: Cleaning up the lakes, 714-278-7548 beaches and parks of California. Volunteer Opportunities: Landscaping Anaheim Parks, Recreation & Community Services Harbors, Beaches, & Parks of OC 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 433 1 Irvine Park Road Anaheim, CA 92805 Orange, CA 92862 714-765-5191 714-973-6871 e-mail: [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities: Clearing House: Oak Canyon Nature Center, Kids for Parks program, Placentia Parks & Recreation Meals on Wheels, tree planting, graffiti removal, 401 E. Chapman Ave. etc. Placentia, CA 92870 714-993-8184 Coast Keepers (714) 850-1965 Volunteer Opportunities: Recreational Shadetree Partnership, Inc. Volunteer Opportunities: Clean the beach. 949-453-5670 Earth Resource Foundation Volunteer Opportunities: Water, weed, stake, 949-645-5163 prune, fertilize and replant plants. Take inventory and perform general nursery functions. Volunteer Opportunities: Beach clean-ups, water quality research projects and native plant Surfrider Foundation, South OC Chapter restoration. P.O. Box 865

San Clemente, CA 92672 Environmental Nature Center (ENC) 949-206-2523 949-645-8489 e-mail: [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Grounds maintenance, gardening, office duties, craft projects, birthday parties


HEALTH/MEDICAL Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Alzheimer’s Association of Orange County CHOC Hospital 17771 Cowan, Suite 200 455 S. Main St. Irvine, CA 92614 Orange, CA 92868 949-955-9000 (714) 558-2462 Volunteer Opportunities: Help with committees, Volunteer Opportunities: Child life: playrooms, events, information tables/health fairs, art therapy waiting rooms, school rooms. There are many others projects, general office work via the website.

American Cancer Society Garden Grove Hospital 1940 E Deere Ave # 100 12601 Garden Grove Blvd. Santa Ana, CA Garden Grove, CA 92843 949-261-9446 714-537-5160 Volunteer Opportunities: Students should contact the Volunteer Opportunities: Help promote the different volunteer manager for further information. health fair events throughout the year, such as, Teens Kick Ash Program and Relay for Life Program. Hoag Hospital One Hoag Drive, P.O. Box 6100 American Red Cross Blood Services Newport Beach, CA 92658-6100 600 Park Center Drive 949-764-HOAG (4624) Santa Ana, CA Volunteer Opportunities: Students should contact the 714-835-5381 volunteer manager for further information. Volunteer Opportunities: Help with registration St. Joseph Hospital during blood drives. Free training, volunteers do not 1100 West Stewart Drive touch blood! Orange, CA 92868-3891 (714) 771-8000 Anaheim Regional Hospital 1111 W. La Palma Ave. Email: [email protected] Anaheim, CA 92801 Volunteer Opportunities: Patient support, errands, gift 714-774-1450 shops, and much more Volunteer Opportunities: Clerical UCI Medical Center 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868-3298 (714) 534-0547 Volunteer Opportunities: Clerical


HUNGER/HOMELESSNESS Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Action Partnership Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter 11870 Monarch Street 1963 Wallace Avenue Garden Grove, California 92841 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3424 714- 897-6670 (949) 631-7213 Volunteer Opportunities: Packing food boxes that are distributed to the hungry in Orange County Volunteer Opportunities: Feeding the poor; mentoring/tutoring youth Catholic Worker 316 South Cypress Avenue, Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County Santa Ana, CA 92701 8014 Marine Way 714-835-6304 Irvine, CA 92618 Volunteer Opportunities: End of the month can (949) 653-2900 use more help with feeding the poor, interacting Volunteer Opportunities: Food labeling and with children, and various other opportunities. sorting for distribution to needy families.

Mary’s Kitchen Serving People in Need (SPIN) 517 West Struck Avenue 151 Kalmus Drive, H-2 Orange, CA 92867-5521 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-633-0444 Phone: (714) 751-1101 Email: [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Sorting clothes, Web: preparing meals and serving to the Volunteer Opportunities: Feeding the poor underprivileged. Someone Cares Soup Kitchen 720 West 19th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 548-8861 Volunteer Opportunities: Serve and prepare meals. Monday – Friday 9a.m – 5p.m., Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m.-2p.m.

Southwest Community Center 1601 West 2nd Street Santa Ana, CA 92703-3618 (714) 543-8933 Volunteer Opportunities: Serving the poor.


LIBRARIES Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Anaheim Central Library Cypress Branch Library 500 W. Broadway 5331 Orange Avenue Anaheim, CA 92805 Cypress, CA 90630-2985 714-165-1880 714-826-0350 Volunteer Opportunities: Shelve books in children’s area, craft projects, participate in puppet Volunteer Opportunities: Shelving books and shows, assisting with arts and crafts projects.

Brea Branch Library Garden Grove Branch Library #1 Civic Center Cir. 11200 Stanford Ave. Brea, CA 92821-5784 Garden Grove, CA 92840 714-671-1722 714-530-0711 Volunteer Opportunities: Shelving books and Volunteer Opportunities: Shelve books in straightening shelves and tables. children’s area, craft projects, participate in puppet shows, Summer Reading Program, create flyers Heritage Park Regional Branch Library and signs for upcoming events. 14361 Yale Avenue Irvine, CA 92604-1901 Chino Branch Library (949) 936-4040 13180 Central Ave. Volunteer Opportunities: General volunteers will Chino, CA 91710-4125 shelve and clean books and bookshelves. Summer 909-465-5280 Reading Program Volunteers will assist in registration, decorations, nametags and crafts. Volunteer Opportunities: shelving to sorting books, from story time to computer training, from Huntington Beach Central Library tutoring in our literacy program to assisting with 7111 Talbert Avenue children's programming Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714-842-4481 Costa Mesa Branch Library 1855 Park Avenue Volunteer Opportunities: Assist staff with Costa Mesa, CA 92627 shelving books, assisting patrons to find materials 949-646-8845 and checking materials in and out. Assist students Volunteer Opportunities: Book covering and with homework. Mending, Special Events & Projects, Children’s Programs, Computer Help Irvine – Heritage Park Regional Library 14361 Yale Avenue Irvine, CA. 92604 949-936-4040 Volunteer Opportunities: Please call for more information.


LIBRARIES Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

La Habra Branch Library Placentia Library District 221 E La Habra Blvd 411 East Chapman Avenue La Habra, CA 90631 Placentia, CA 92870-6101 562-694-0078 714-528-1906 Volunteer Opportunities: shelve and pull books Volunteer Opportunities: Computer help, shelve and prepare arts and crafts projects. books, tutor in the bookstore. Summer Reading Program volunteers will assist with the reading program through June, July and Santa Ana Public Library August. 26 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92701 Newport Beach Public Library 714-647-5250 1000 Avocado Avenue Volunteer Opportunities: Cleaning, shelving, and Newport Beach, CA 92660 straightening library materials. Filing, typing, and 949-717-3800 inputting data. Friends of the Library Book Sales. Processing library materials. Assisting with Volunteer Opportunities: Pease call for more children's programs. information. Tustin Library Orange Public Library 345 E. Main Street 407 East Chapman Avenue Tustin, CA 92780 Orange, CA 92866-1509 (714) 544-7725 (714) 288-2400 Volunteer Opportunities: Computer help, shelve books, tutor in the bookstore. Volunteer Opportunities: Help prepare for events, shelve and label books and assist with the Summer Reading Program.


MISCELLANEOUS Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Boy Scout of America/Council 39/OC 1211 East Dyer Road, Santa Ana, CA 92705 Girl Scouts of America Phones: (714) 546-4990, (714) 546-8558 949-461-8858 Volunteer Opportunities: The mission of the Boy [email protected] Scouts of America is to prepare young people to Volunteer Opportunities: Girl Scouting builds make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes girls of courage, confidence, and character, who by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath make the world a better place. and Law. Giving Children Hope City of Anaheim Police Department 8332 Commonwealth Ave. 425 S. Harbor Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 Anaheim, CA 92805 714-523-4454 Non-emergency phone: (714) 765-1900 Volunteer Opportunities: Sorting canned food and medical supplies for distribution to countries Volunteer Opportunity: Help with explorer in disaster program, do traffic control, events, office work and newspaper J.F. Shea Therapeutic Riding Center 26284 Oso Road Discovery Science Center San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 2500 N. Main Street 949-240-8441 Santa Ana, CA 92705 714-913-5037 Volunteer Opportunities: Maintenance e-mail: [email protected] Special Olympics of OC Volunteer Opportunities: Recreation, Office 2080 N. Tustin #B Work Santa Ana, CA 92705 714-564-8374 Extra Hands for ALS (949) 362-2869 e-mail: [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Recreational e-mail: [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Child Care, Working Wardrobes Development Landscaping, Household Assistance 3030 Pullman Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Friends of the Santa Ana Zoo Phone: (714) 210-2460 1801 East Chestnut Avenue Fax: (714) 434-2870 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Email: [email protected] (714) 836-4000 Volunteer Opportunities: Office duties, sorting and tagging donations, etc… Volunteer Opportunity: Help with different events throughout the year



Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Aids Services Foundation Orange County 17982 Sky Park Circle, Suite J Habitat for Humanity Irvine, CA 92614 949-809-5700 714-434-6200 Volunteer Opportunities: Prepare and serve e-mail: [email protected] lunch at a construction site, work in the ReStore, or Volunteer Opportunities: Office Work, Program organize a variety of fundraising events. Services Help for Brain Injured Children American Heart Association 981 Euclid 4600 Campus Drive La Habra, CA 90631 Irvine, CA 92612 562-694-5655 949-856-3555 Volunteer Opportunities: Office Work, Program Volunteer Opportunities: Office Work, Program Services Services HomeAid of Orange County 1744 Sky Park Circle, Suite 170 Arthritis Foundation Irvine, CA 92614 17155 Newhope Street 949-553-9510 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 714-436-1623 e-mail: [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Office Work, e-mail: [email protected] Construction Volunteer Opportunities: Office Work Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Canning Hunger 2020 E. 1st Street, Suite 120 407 W. Imperial Hwy., Suite H-313 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Brea, CA 92821 714-881-0610 714-990-9234 e-mail: [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Human Services, e-mail: [email protected] Office Work, Special Events Volunteer Opportunities: Human Services Make a Wish Foundation of Orange County / Inland Empire Goodwill Industries 14232 Red Hill Ave. 410 N. Fairview Street Tustin, CA 92780 Santa Ana, CA 92703 714-573-9474 714-547-6301 e-mail: [email protected] Volunteer opportunities: Office Work Volunteer Opportunities: Office Work, Human




Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

March of Dimes OC Division 2222 Martin, Suite 155 Parent Help USA Irvine, CA 92612 330 W. Bay Street, Suite 120 949-263-1100 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-903-2356 Volunteer Opportunities: Office Work e-mail: [email protected] Multiple Sclerosis Society of OC Office Work, Child Care 3000-C Airway Ave., Suites 100-125 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 800-344-4867 9272 Jeronimo Rd., Suite A-107A Irvine, CA 92618 e-mail: [email protected] 949-859-6312 Office Work e-mail: [email protected] National Fibromyalgia Association Children’s Services, Special Events 2200 N. Glassell St., Suite A Orange, CA 92865 Ronald McDonald House of OC 714-921-0150 383 S. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92868 Office Work 714-639-3600 Orange County Burn Association e-mail: [email protected] 333 The City Blvd., Suite 810 Human Services, Office Work, Orange, CA 92868 Special Events 714-456-9838 Salvation Army Corporation e-mail: [email protected] 10200 Pioneer Road Office Work, Special Events Tustin, CA 92782 714-832-7100 Orangewood Children’s Foundation th 1575 E. 17 Street Recreational Santa Ana, CA 92705 714-619-0200 e-mail: [email protected] Children’s Services, Special Events, Office Work


SENIOR SERVICES Volunteer organizations below are samples. Other non-profit organizations can be used for service hours.

Acacia Adult Day Service Cypress Gardens 11391 Acacia Parkway 285 W. Central Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Brea, CA 92821 714-530-1566 (714) 672-0183 [email protected] Elder Care Volunteer Opportunities: Helping with activities for elderly or disabled adults. Hugs for Health Hug For Health Foundation Alta Garden Care Center P.O. Box 896 13075 Blackbird Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 Garden Grove, CA 92843 714-832-4847 714-530-6322 Volunteer Opportunities: Room visits – singing, e-mail: [email protected] stories, general conversation, instruments a plus Elder Care, Special Events etc… Sea Cliff Healthcare Bradford Square Retirement Center 18811 Florida Street 1180 N. Bradford Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Placentia, CA 92870 714-847-3515 714-996-9292 [email protected] Elderly Care Volunteer Opportunities: Play games, exercise groups, room visits – orientation needed Buena Vista Care Center 1440 S Euclid Avenue Sunbridge for Tustin Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 541-1444 714-535-7264 Volunteer Opportunities: Interacting with Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer at Health residents; reading stories, conversation, activities, Fairs, community projects and work with etc… businesses for a no smoking policy.

Council on Aging Orange County 1971 East 4th St # 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3917 (714) 479-0107 Volunteer Opportunities: Help promote the different health fair events throughout the year, such as, Teens Kick Ash Program and Relay for Life Program.


Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Volunteering

 Do be flexible. It is rare to find the “perfect” fit right away. Keep an open mind – you might discover something new that interests you.

 Do be persistent. Volunteer coordinators are often busy, so don’t assume they are not interested in you if they don’t call or email you back right away.

 Do attend orientation meetings. Keep in mind that informed volunteers are the best volunteers. These meetings will help you do the best job possible.

 Do take necessary training classes. Ask about them before you decide to get involved and be prepared to learn what will be needed.

 Do be responsible. Show up on time and follow through with your commitments. People will be depending on you.

 Don’t expect to start at the top. You have to work hard and prove your worth before you are given more responsibility.

 Don’t think volunteering has to be a group effort. You can start on your own volunteer program and do it on your own time.

 Do expect to get plenty of personal enjoyment and satisfaction from your volunteer experiences.

 From Catch the Spirit! A Student’s Guide to Community Service published by The Prudential in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is the Fairmont Preparatory Academy Community Service Program?

Through the Fairmont Preparatory Academy (FPA) Community Service Program, students are provided with a structured program in which they can better understand the reality of service to others. Potentially, the Community Service Program will allow the student to experience community service in a dynamic way by actively participating in a wide variety of community service opportunities.

Is participation required in FPA’s Community Service Program?

Yes, participation in the Fairmont Preparatory Community Service Program is a graduation requirement.

How many hours are required?

Students must complete a minimum of 20 community service hours a year during their time at Fairmont Preparatory Academy. By spring break of the senior year, students should have accumulated a minimum of 80 hours. Students are encouraged to exceed the 80 hour requirement.

When do the students perform their service? All service hours must be completed after school, on weekends, holidays, or during vacation periods. Students are NOT allowed to be absent from school to perform their service hours or perform community service hours during school hours. The only exception would be for a specific service learning project for a class project.

“I slept and dreamt that life was pleasure, What if I transfer to FPA? I woke and saw that life was service, If a student transfers into FPA from another school the I served and discovered that service was pleasure.” community service hours will be pro-rated. For example: If th ~ Rabindranath Tagore Johnnie transfers in as a 10 grader then he/she will be responsible for 60 hours rather than 80 hours.

Can students get service hours through helping people individually? Helping a family member, friend or neighbor, who, for example, suffers from a serious illness or needs assistance with schoolwork, is NOT accepted in the FPA Service Program. This is considered a personal issue and NOT a form of community service. Service must be performed with a non-profit organization.

What activities will count for community service hours at church? There are many activities through religious organizations that students can use to earn service-learning hours. These include: preparing and serving meals to homeless; working in shelters; clothing/food/book/toy drives; community improvements/renovations; or participating in community clean-up projects.

As specified by the federal guidelines on the separation of church and state, service that is conducted for religious practice cannot be counted for community service/service-learning hours. This includes activities such as Altar services, Acolytes, choir, teaching and/or assisting in the teaching of Bible/Sunday school, and setting up for religious services.

Is baby-sitting accepted in the Fairmont Preparatory Academy Community Service Program? No, students cannot babysit for neighbors, friends, or family for free and earn community service hours. However, if the student is providing a service that helps address a community need, such as supervising children on site during a PTA meeting or a community health meeting (such as Alcoholics Anonymous or political forum), these hours could count. The only acceptable form of childcare results from a service preformed at a non-profit facility that is publicly licensed.


Can my child earn service-learning hours at a licensed day care center? Yes. All child labor laws must be followed and the center must be licensed by the state of California. Students must be working directly with children to promote healthy child development. Acceptable activities may include reading to/with children, assisting with arts and crafts, supervising recreation time, completion of learning activities that provide school readiness, tutoring, etc…

Additionally, students cannot be paid or used in place of a paid employee and the business cannot financially benefit from the student's participation (i.e., additional children cannot be brought into the day care facility because the student is present).

Does clerical/custodial work count for community service hours? Clerical tasks may be a component of many valuable service-learning projects. However, these tasks must be done in a nonprofit organization and cannot be more than 25% of the service experience (e.g., answering phones, stuffing and labeling envelopes, collating, stapling, filing, faxing). Work that is considered custodial or janitorial cannot count as service-learning hours.

Can my child work for my friend's business? All service-learning projects must meet a real community need. Students may be able to earn hours depending on the activity, but a business may not financially profit from the service-learning efforts of our students.

Example: Students can serve at a senior citizen home if they are visiting with residents and assisting with recreational or other approved activities. Students cannot work for a business without being paid to earn hours, even under an internship or work study program, unless their service meets a community need such as assisting a restaurant in the planning and serving of a free dinner for the homeless.

Can my child campaign for a political candidate/specific issue and earn community service hours? Yes, a student may complete independent service-learning activities for any political candidate or endorse any issue/cause of their own choosing without discrimination as long as it is done completely outside of the school day. All activities must be pre-approved and cannot be supervised by a teacher/advisor.

Can my child earn service-learning hours by being a team manager? No. While team managers/assistants can be a valuable part of school athletic teams, participation as a manager or assistant does not meet the state requirements for service-learning. However, students assisting in the coaching and supervision of community-based teams (such as those run by County Recreation and Parks) may earn hours if they are not paid for their service.

Can my child earn hours for participating in music/theatre productions? Students cannot earn hours for participating in a school performance or competition (such as the spring music concert). However, if the group is voluntarily performing in public (e.g., community parade or event, performing at a senior citizen center during the holidays) then students can earn service-learning hours for their service.

Where can students go to do service hours? The best way to get a better understanding of the types of service acceptable is to refer to the following placement categories: Animal Care, Cultural, Disability, Educational, Elderly, Environmental, Fundraising, Fairmont-related, Medical, Political, Poverty, and Youth. Generally speaking, organizations/agencies that provide service in any of the aforementioned placement categories are acceptable to the FPA Community Service Program. If the volunteer work being considered does NOT fall under one of the aforementioned placement categories, please contact Mrs. Kunkle, the Director of Community Service, at [email protected] BEFORE beginning the service. Additionally, students are encouraged to use the check their Fairmont email, pay attention to the morning announcements, and/or visit Mrs. Kunkle in room 28.


How are group service hours documented? Students that participate in Fairmont’s group projects do not need to turn in a green community service form. By signing up, turning in the permission slip, and showing up the day of the project, hours are automatically input in their files. Students who have NOT turned in a permission slip are not able to attend the service project.

How are individual service project hours tracked? Students that participate in individual service projects need to turn in a “In every community, community service form. Every independent community service project there is work to be must be pre-approved by the Director of Community Service PRIOR to done. In every beginning the project. nation, there are Once the service project has been completed the student must turn in the form wounds to heal. In in order for their hours to be logged. Once the hours are logged, the form is placed in the student’s community service file. Students are welcome to verify every heart, there is their hours with Mrs. Kunkle. the power to do it.” Students must have a community service form in their possession from the time - Marianne they start volunteering at a particular organization/agency so the hours can be Williamson documented as they occur. To prevent a form from being returned and slowing the verification process, students should be sure to follow all directions and policies as disclosed on the document. Only original community service forms that have been correctly completed will be accepted. Form letters or certificates of achievement from an organization/agency are NOT accepted in lieu of the form, but a copy of the letter or certificate may be attached.

How can the student make sure the service hours have been processed and recorded? Students may request a printout that details the number of hours they have served. This request can be made by sending an e-mail to Mrs. Kunkle at [email protected]. Approximately one week should be allowed for processing, from the time a community service form is submitted, before a printout is requested.

What is the “Reflection Project?” This component of the Community Service requirement provides a means for the student to look back at their experiences and contemplate thoughts and feelings as it relates to helping others after the required service hours have been successfully been completed. The outline for completing the reflection project is on page 6 of this book.

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

- Albert Pike


Community Service Quiz

To help you understand the difference what is a service project and what is not considered service the following quiz will test your knowledge. Circle the correct answer!

1). Is babysitting my brother service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

2). Is helping out at the Boys & Girls Club service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

3). Is planting a tree in my backyard service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

4). Is planting a tree in a local park service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

5). Is working in my dad’s office service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

6). Is working at CHOC Hospital service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

7). Is participating on my school’s track team service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

8). Is fundraising and participating in the CHOC Walk or AIDS Walk service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

9). Is feeding the homeless at my church service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

10). Is teaching Bible study at my church service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

11). Is going to Skid Row in Los Angeles with some of my church members to feed the poor service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

12). Is having a car wash fundraiser for my Travel Week trip service? a). YES, Service b). NOT Service

Answer Key! 1). B 2). A 3). B 4). A 5). B 6). A 7). B 8). A 9). A 10). B 11). A 12). B