(~~ \m)~ THE PRESIDENT OFTHE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 27 April 2016 Excellency, In accordance with General Assembly resolution 701228 on the organization of the United Nations 2016 high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS, and further to my letter dated 30 March 2016, I have the honour to enclose herewith, a final list of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector which has been approved for participation in the 2016 high-level meeting onHIV/AIDS. I take this opportunity to thank all delegations for their interest and support to the high-level meeting on HIVI AIDS and look forward to your continued active engagement in its preparations. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Mogens Lykketoft To All Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the United Nations New York List of Non-Governmental Organizations not in consultative status with ECOSOC that have applied to participate in the 2016 high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS NOTE: Organizations where the country designation is ‘Global’ are those for which three or more applicants representing offices in different countries for the same umbrella organization applied. Organization Name Country 1. OHRA – Organization for Harm Reduction Afghanistan 2. ALBANIAN ASSOCIATION OF PLWHA Albania 3. Albanian Red Cross Albania 4. APCS Algerie – Association de Protection Contre le Sida Algeria 5. Jeunesses Plus Algeria 6. MWENHO – Associação de Mulheres Vivendo com VIH , Angola National Network of Women Living with HIV (Rede MWENHO) 7. SCARJoV - Associação de Reintegração dos Angola Jovens/Crianças na Vida Social 8. ABTUC - Antigua and Barbuda Trades Union Congress Antigua and Barbuda 9. Asociación de Mujeres Meretrices de la Argentina Argentina (AMMAR) 10. Fundacion Huesped Argentina 11. Fundacion Red Argentina de Mujeres Viviendo con vih y Argentina sida 12. FUNDAMIND Fundamind Argentina 13. Network of Women Sex Workers from Latin America and Argentina the Caribbean 14. Red de personas viviendo con VIH SIDA -ZONA OESTE Argentina – Red Argentina De Jovenes Y Adolescentes Positivos 15. Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamerica y el Argentina Caribe 16. Red Latinoamericana por el Acceso a Medicamentos Argentina 17. Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Personas Trans Argentina 18. MMLC Group Australia 19. Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Australia 20. Youth Empowerment Against HIV/AIDS Australia 21. BRAC University Bangladesh 22. Somporker Noya Setu Bangladesh 23. C-NET+ (Collaborative Network for Persons Living with Belize HIV) 24. CERPD - Centre D'Etudes Et De Recherche Pour Une Benin Population Dynamique 25. RABèJ/SD (Membre du ROJALNU) Benin 26. Bolivian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 27. Fundacion Habitat Verde Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 28. IIWGHA - International Indigenous Working Group on Bolivia (Plurinational State of) HIV/AIDS 29. MANODIVERSA ASOCIACION CIVIL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 30. Brand You Africa Botswana 31. Engajamundo Brazil 32. Gestos-HIV, Communication and Gender Brazil 33. GRUPO PELA VIDDA – RJ Brazil 34. CIEDS - Centro Integrado de Estudos e Brazil Programas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável / Center for Integrated Studies and Sustainable Development Programs 35. YSAFE - Youth Sexual Awareness For Europe Bulgaria 36. Action communautaire pour le Bien être de l'Enfant et de Burkina Faso la Femme au Burkina (ABEFAB) 37. Initiative Privée Communautaire pour la santé et la riposte Burkina Faso au VIH/sida au Burkina Faso (IPC/BF) 38. RAME - Réseau Accès aux Médicaments Essentiels Burkina Faso 39. REGIPIV-BF- Resenau national pour une plus grande Burkina Faso implication des personnes infectees par le VIH/ SIDA 40. Réseau Accès aux Médicaments Essentiels Burkina Faso 41. ROJALNU-OMD/BF - Réseau Ouest Africain des Jeunes Burkina Faso Leaders des Nations Unies pour l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement Section Burkina Faso 42. ANSS - National Association of Support for People Living Burundi with HIV and AIDS Patients 43. SOLIDARITE DES FEMMES BURUNDAISES POUR LA Burundi LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA ET LE PALUDISME AU BUURUNDI 44. Centro da Juventude e São Vicente Cabo Verde 45. International Indigenous Working Group on HIV and AIDS Cambodia 46. KHANA - Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance Cambodia 47. Afrika Initiative e.V. Cameroon 48. HURIFBA - Human Right and Forest Brain Africa Cameroon 49. Canadian Positive People Network (CPPN)/Réseau Canada canadien des personnes séropositives (RCPS) 50. Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation Canada 51. CCFA (Civic Commission for Africa) Canada 52. Dignitas International Canada 53. Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN) Canada 54. IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations Canada 55. Solidarité Africaine pour le Préservation de la Paix et de Central African Republic l'Environnement en Rép. Centrafricaine 56. CELIAF - Communication - Dynamisme – Developpement Chad 57. Coordinadora Nacional de Atención en VIH/Sida Chile 58. RENPO-CHILE Chile 59. Traveschile(Recoleta) Chile 60. Tianjin AIDS Care Home China 61. Asia Catalyst China 62. Aide aux Femmes et Enfants Congo 63. Comunidad Casabierta Costa Rica 64. Hivos Costa Rica 65. Alliance CIV Côte D'Ivoire 66. ESPACE CONFIANCE Côte D'Ivoire 67. ROJALNU- Réseau des jeunes leaders des Nations unies Côte D'Ivoire pour l’atteinte des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement Section COTE D'IVOIRE 68. ACS/AMO Congo - Actions Communautaires Sida et Democratic Republic of the Congo Avenir Meilleur pour les Orphelins au Congo 69. BCIDE - Bureau Pour la Croissance Intégrale et la Dignité Democratic Republic of the Congo de L'enfant 70. CLUB DES AMIS DAMIEN Democratic Republic of the Congo 71. CONSTRUISONS ENSEMBLE LE MONDE Democratic Republic of the Congo 72. FONDATION FEMME PLUS Democratic Republic of the Congo 73. Pleaders of Children and Elderly People at risk PEPA Democratic Republic of the Congo 74. ASOLSIDA - Alianza Solidaria para la Lucha Contra el Dominican Republic VIH/SIDA 75. Centro de Orientacion e Investigacion Integral (COIN) Dominican Republic 76. COALICION ONG SIDA Dominican Republic 77. COOVIDA - ASOCIACION PARA LA PROMOCION DE Dominican Republic LA VIDA 78. Fundación Red de Jóvenes Unidos de Guachupita Dominican Republic 79. FURJUG - Fundación Red de Jóvenes Unidos de Dominican Republic Guachupita 80. REDOVIH+ - Red Dominicana de Personas Viviendo con Dominican Republic VIH/ SIDA 81. CEPVVS - La Coalición ecuatoriana de personas que Ecuador viven con VIH 82. Corporacion KIMIRINA Ecuador 83. Procuraduria para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos El Salvador 84. Red Latinoamericana de personas con VIH (RedLa+) El Salvador 85. REDCA+ - Red Centroamericana de Personas viviendo El Salvador con VIH 86. Ethiopian Interfaith forum for Development, Dialogue and Ethiopia Action 87. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Development and Ethiopia Inter Church Aid 88. National Network of Positive Women Ethiopians Ethiopia 89. Network of Networks of HIV Positives in Ethiopia (NEP+) Ethiopia 90. Union of Ethiopian Women Charitable Associations Ethiopia (UEWCA) 91. AIDES - Association de lutte contre le VIH/sida en France Europe 92. Coalition Internationale Sida PLUS France 93. Friends of the Global Fund Europe France 94. ICRSE - The International Committee on the Rights of France Sex Workers in Europe 95. Medzoe Health More Gabon 96. Mutapola Voices Gambia 97. Action against AIDS Germany 98. AIDS Action Europe Germany 99. Afrika Initiative e.V. Germany 100.ACTION ON AFRICAN WOMEN FOUNDATION Ghana 101.CURIOUS MINDS GHANA Ghana 102.Dolly Foundatiion Ghana 103.Trans -African Youth Agency Ghana 104.Afro Global Alliance Ghana 105.RESCUE ARMS NETWORK – RANET Ghana 106.AIDS -Free World Global 107.International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS Global (ICW) 108.International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) Global 109.ONE Global 110.Stop TB Partnership Global 111.APEVIHS - Asociacion Para la Prevencion y Estudio del Guatemala VIH/Sida 112.Asociacion de Investigacion Desarrollo y Educacion Guatemala Integral 113.Hivos Guatemala 114.REGAP+ - Réseau Guinéen des Associations de Guinea Personnes infectées et Affectées par le VIH/SIDA 115.ENDA Santé Guiné-Bissau Guinea Bissau 116.Caribbean Sex Work Coalition Guyana 117.Guyana Sex Work Coalition Guyana 118.Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination Guyana (SASOD) 119.APLCH - Association pour lutter contre l'homophobie Haiti 120.Corps des volontaires pour la paix et le developpent Haiti 121.Fondation Esther Boucicault Stanislas Haiti 122.Fondation Toya Haiti 123.Reseau des citoyens haitiens pour la promotion des droits Haiti de l'homme 124.Asociación Colectivo Violeta Honduras 125.Llanto, Valor y Esfuerzo (LLAVES) Honduras 126.AIDS PREVENTION SOCIETY India 127.ASTITVA TRUST India 128.BCARE USA INC (BCARE International) India 129.Blossom Trust India 130.Boss India 131.Care and Support Society India 132.CBHO - Conglomeration of Bengal's Hotel Owners India 133.Centre for Community Economics and Development India Consultants Society (CECOEDECON) 134.Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee India 135.EMPOWER India 136.FRIDA Young Feminist Fund AND Emerging Leaders India Forum 137.GRAVIS - Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti India 138.IARF - International Association for Religious Freedom - India Coordinating Council for South Asia 139.Kolkata Rista India 140.PEOPLES ACTION FOR SOCIAL SERVICE India 141.Sampada Grameen Mahila Sanstha India 142.SOCIETY FOR EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENT India
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