Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region

Włocławek Grudziądz Brodnica Lake District Active to urism k u j a w s k o - p o m o r s k i e

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region has perfect condi- tions for active recreation. Its biggest natural as- sets are rivers. They create various water trails, vast floodplains, picturesque valleys and green corridors, where one can actively spend time. The Vistula, one of the biggest and wildest riv- ers of Europe, runs through the region. All major cities of the region lie on this river. The region’s location makes that it is close to every part of . It is within a three-hour drive from Warsaw and Łódź. A trip to Gdańsk or Poznań takes even less time. The international airport in offers both domestic and international connections. It operates flights to Great Britain, Ireland and Germany. The E-70 water trail, connecting West- ern with Eastern Europe, regains its prestige.

www.centralpoland.pl 2 + 3 k u j a w s k o - Włocławek, the third largest city of the region, p o m o r s k i e is a great place for involvement in biking tour- ism. The local system of biking trails guaran- tees comfortable and safe traveling across the city. One can reach practically any place while traveling by bicycle. Principal tourist attractions of the city include its oldest church – the Gothic Church of St. Vitalis (1330), the Gothic Cathedral of Włocławek with its precious historic objects (including an artwork made by the famous Veit Stoss, the author of the altar in St. Mary’s Church of Krakow), the Classicist Bishop’s Palace, Baroque tenement houses, the Factory Town Hall dating from 1816 at the old Bohm Factory, and the old granary, the oldest brick building in the city.

Włocławek and Włocławek Reservoir

Peace and quiet, unique scenery, the soothing swoosh of water and a possibility of commun- ing with nature – all of these indicators of perfect recreation can be found on Włocławek Reservoir. Natural assets, geographical loca- tion and places, in which one can relax not only in summer season, make that the water body and its environs are attractive sites for involve- ment in water sports, fishing, hiking and bik- ing, mushroom hunting, horseback riding, and other forms of outdoor recreation. Włocławek Reservoir (Lake Włocławek) stretches from Płock to Włocławek, between 632 km and 675 km of the Vistula course. The lake is a manmade reservoir, established as a result of damming the Vistula riverbed in Włocławek (675 km of the river course). Nature preserves, situated in the proximity, along with unique specimens of fauna and flora, myriad tourist trails, accommodations and perfect conditions for water sports attract a growing number of tourists from all over Poland.

www.centralpoland.pl 4 + 5 k u j a w s k o - trips on the Osa River can be finished in Grudziądz, Active recreation p o m o r s k i e sailing out from the river to the Trynka Canal in the village of Kłódka. in Grudziądz Woodlands situated in the southern part of the city are great areas for strolling and Nordic walk- Grudziądz is one of the biggest cities of the region. ing. Grudziądz has a well-developed system of Its tourist offer allows for combining active rec- biking trails, offering easy access to attractive reation with a possibility of visiting attractive ar- parts of the city. chitectural landmarks. An impressive panoramic Those who prefer less active recreation can take view of Gothic granaries, welcomes tourists enter- advantage of the unique atmosphere offered by ing Grudziądz through the bridge. Behind them, the graduation tower built in a pyramid. Geot- we can find the Old Town with the Collegiate ermia Grudziądz facilities offer thermal baths Church of St. Nicholas, the Holy Spirit Church with in brine, massage and numerous Beauty&SPA Gothic roots, and a stretch of medieval city walls treatments. in the southern part of the Old Town. The Citadel, situated near the Vistula Scarp, is a treasure for fortification enthusiasts. Built in the second half of the 18th century, the fortress had fulfilled its military role only one time – during the Napo- leonic wars in 1807, the Prussian army resisted the besieging troops. The present Citadel is one of the most magnificent structures of 18th-century for- tification art in Europe. There are also interesting forts, which are part of the military facilities of the Grudziądz Fortress, built at the turn of the 20th century, enclosing the city. Grudziądz offers also possibilities for active recre- ation. Within its limits, there are two lakes – Rud- nickie Wielkie and Tarpno – with developed tour- ist facilities. The first one, featuring three beaches with lifeguard on duty, is an attractive water body for windsurfers. There is also an opportunity for renting water equipment such as boats, kayaks, pedal boats and sailboats. Lake Tarpno has also a beach with lifeguard on duty and a kayak rental. Due to its attractive location it is a perfect alterna- tive for those who want to relax in the northern part of the city. The Vistula and its right tributary – the Osa River – are perfect places for kayaking. Grudziądz or- ganizes regular water trips by the Vistula from Chełmno and to Korzeniewo near Kwidzyn. The Osa River runs through several nature preserves, which makes it more technically difficult for kay- akers, but at the same time very charming. Water

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Tuchola Forest – active recreation in the surrounding of wild nature

Pristine nature, crystal-clear waters, diversity of fauna and flora, extensive tourist offer, rich culture and tradition, hospitality of residents of the Tuchola Forest are the main strengths of this charming part of Poland. The Tuchola Forest is the second largest woodland in the country. Several landscape parks were established in order to protect the most valua- ble parts of the forest. They include the Tuchola and Wda Landscape Parks. One of the local attractions is the Cisy Staropolskie (Old-Polish Yew Trees) Nature Preserve, one of the oldest in Europe, located in Wi- erzchlas. A high diversification of vegetation has an impact on numerous varieties of mushrooms grow- ing in the area. In fall, throngs of mushroom hunt- ers arrive to the area, hoping for successful harvest. Due to high concentration of lakes, the Tuchola Forest is a paradise for fishermen. The biggest and best known of them include Lake Żur and Lake Ko- ronowo. These are perfect places for water sports. There are myriad resorts and agrotourist farms.

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Some of the biggest attractions of the Tuchola Forest are the local riv- ers. The and Wda Rivers have perfect conditions for kayakers. Both of them run close to each other, in the northeast part of the region. The Brda River, along with its tributaries, creates a picturesque kayak- ing trail, regarded as one of the most attractive in Europe. Particularly interesting is a section of the Brda River called “Piekiełko” (the Little Hell). It owes its name to numerous obstacles and stones, posing signifi- cant difficulty to even the most experienced kayakers. The Wda River is much quieter. Therefore it’s perfect for family trips. In , the Tuchola Forest, a must-see is an aqueduct built in 1843, which features crossings of two waterways, including the Czerska Struga River and the Great Brda Canal, running over it. A broad offer of accommodations as well as sports and recreation facilities wait for tourists. It is a perfect place for hiking, biking and Nordic walking enthusiasts.

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Brodnica Lake District

Every summer, Brodnica attracts throngs of tour- ists who travel across kayaking, biking and hiking trails of the Brodnica Lake District while com- muning with nature. Brodnica lies at a crossing of several European cultural routes, including the Trail of St. James and the Trail of the Castles of the Teutonic Knights. There are ruins of a medieval castle of the Teutonic Knights in Brodnica. The city has also a triangular market square, which center features remains of an old Gothic town hall, built in the late 14th century. The Drwęca, one of the cleanest Polish rivers and the biggest ichthyologi- cal nature preserve, runs through Brodnica. Due to its outstanding scenery and natural assets, the area was designated as the Brodnica Landscape Park. There are about sixty lakes in its area. Pic- turesquely located among large woodlands, they determine the forms of recreation and tourism, attracting sailing, windsurfing and other water sports enthusiasts. Those who enjoy kayaking can take advantage of water trails offered by the Drwęca River. The local tourist offer includes well- equipped resorts and agrotourist farms. www.centralpoland.pl 12 + 13 Tourist Informations in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region

Brodnica Nieszawa ul. Zamkowa 1, 87-300 Brodnica ul. 3 Maja 2, 87-730 Nieszawa tel./fax +48 56 498 44 48 tel. +48 54 283 81 91 [email protected] fax +48 54 283 81 22 www.it.brodnica.pl [email protected] Bydgoszcz www.nieszawa.pl ul. Niedźwiedzia 1, 85-104 Bydgoszcz Osie tel. +48 52 340 45 50 Rynek 2, 86-150 Osie [email protected] tel. +48 52 332 95 68 www.visitbydgoszcz.pl [email protected] Ciechocinek www.cit.osie.pl ul. Zdrojowa 2b, 87-720 Ciechocinek Świecie tel. +48 54 416 01 60 Wojska Polskiego 139 fax +48 54 283 64 23 86-100 Świecie [email protected] tel. +48 52 33 12 720 www.ciechocinek.pl [email protected] Gąsawa www.oksir.com.pl ul. Żnińska 19, 88-410 Gąsawa Toruń tel. +48 52 303 62 40 Rynek Staromiejski 25 fax +48 52 303 62 46 87-100 Toruń [email protected] tel. +48 56 621 09 31 www.gasawa.pl tel. +48 56 621 09 30 Grudziądz [email protected] ul. Curie-Skłodowskiej 19 www.it.torun.pl 86-300 Grudziądz Tuchola tel. +48 56 461 23 18 ul. Podgórna 3, 89-500 Tuchola [email protected] tel. +48 52 334 21 89 www.it.gdz.pl [email protected] Inowrocław www.it.tuchola.pl ul. Królowej Jadwigi 3 Wąbrzeźno 88-100 Inowrocław ul. Poniatowskiego 8 tel. +48 52 355 53 71 87-200 Wąbrzeźno [email protected] tel. +48 56 471 99 60 www.inlot.com.pl [email protected] www.wabrzezno.com Plac Zwycięstwa 22/2 Włocławek 86-010 Koronowo ul. Warszawska 11/13 tel. +48 52 382 46 53 87-800 Włocławek [email protected] tel. +48 54 411 27 57 www.koronowo.pl [email protected] www.it.wloclawek.pl Kruszwica The Regional Tourism Website: PTTK Oddział Nadgoplański w Kruszwicy Żnin ul. Podzamcze 1, 88-150 Kruszwica Plac Wolności 20, 88-400 Żnin tel. +48 52 35 15 303, +48 52 35 15 380 tel. +48 52 303 14 81 www.visitkujawsko-pomorskie.pl [email protected] [email protected] www.pttk-kruszwica.pl www.it.znin.pl

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