The Challenge of Facts, and Other Essays
Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER (1895) THE CHALLENGE OF FACTS AND OTHER ESSAYS THE CHALLENGE OF FACTS AND OTHER ESSAYS BY WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER EDITED BY ALBERT GALLOWAY KELLER NEW HAVEN: YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXIV COPYRIGHT, 1914 BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS Copyright, 1886, by The Forum Copyright, 1886, 1887, 1890, 1891, 1902, by The Independent G)pyright. 1887, 1889, by D. Appleton & Company Copyright, 1901, by The Macmillan Company Copyright, 1904, by P. F. Collier & Son, Inc. Copyright, 1905, by Longmans, Green & Company Copyright, 1907, by The Univeraty of Chicago PreM riBBT PUBLISBEO, OCTOBER, 1914 SECOND PBIMTINO, OCTOBEB, 1916 " PREFATORY NOTE All rights on the essays in this work are reserved by the holders of the copyright. The PubHshers named in the subjoined Kst are the proprietors, either in their own right, or as agents for the author of the Essays of which the titles are given below, and of which the ownership is thus specifically noted. The Yale University Press makes grateful acknowledgment to the Publishers whose names appear below for their courteous permission to include in the present work the Essays of which they were the original publishers. Yale University Press The New Haven Palladium: "For President?" The Providence Evening Press: "Democracy and Responsible Government." The Chicago Tribune: "Republican Government." The Forum: "Indus- trial War." The Independent: "The Demand for Men," "The Sig- nificance of the Demand for Men," "What the 'Social Question' Is," "What Emancipates," "Power and Progress," "Consequences of Increased Social Power," "What is the 'Proletariat?'" "Who Win by Progress?" "Federal Legislation on Railroads," "Legisla- tion by Clamor," "The Shifting of Responsibility," "The State as an 'Ethical Person,'" "The New Social Issue," "Speculative Legis- lation," "The Concentration of Wealth: Its Economic Justification." Messrs.
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