
Thor N. V. Karlstrom and George H. Billingsley, U.S. Geological Survey


Robert McColly, U.S. Bureau of Mines


Under the provisions of the Wilderness Act (Public Law 88-577, September 3, 1964) and related acts, the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Bureau of Mines have been conducting mineral surveys of wilderness and primitive areas. Areas officially designated as "wilderness," "wild," or "canoe" when the act was passed were incorporated into the National Wilderness Preservation System, and some of them are presently being studied. The act provided that areas under consideration for wilderness designation should be studied for suitability for incorporation into the Wilderness System. The mineral surveys constitute one aspect of the suitability studies. The act directs that the results of such surveys are to be made available to the public and be submitted to the President and the Congress. This report discusses the results of a geological and mineral survey of the Rattlesnake Roadless Area (03054), , Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Ariz. The Rattlesnake Roadless Area was classified as a further planning area during the Second Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE E) by the U.S. Forest Service, January 1979.


The mineral resource potential of the Rattlesnake Roadless Area, Ariz., is evaluated as low based on field studies performed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey during 198Z. No anomalous concen­ trations of minerals are indicated by geochemical sampling within the boundary of the roadless area. Evaporite deposits, basaltic cinders, and building stone have been mined or quarried near the roadless area. Cinders, sand and gravel, and crop out in the roadless area but are readily available and more accessible outside its precipitous system.

INTRODUCTION and Bias mark the west and south margins of the . Here the plateau surface falls Geographic setting off abruptly to the , drained by the Verde River, the master stream of the region. The Rattlesnake Roadless area covers 32,870 The maximum elevation in the roadless area is acres between long 111°37I30" and long 111O47'30" W. 6,834 ft at the basalt cap at the north end of Munds and between lat 34°40f and lat 34°52'30" N., Coconino Mountain. The lowest elevation, about 3,480 ft, is on and Yavapai Counties, in central Arizona (fig. 1). Dry Beaver Creek near the southwest corner of the Sedona and Oak Creek, the nearest population centers, roadless area. Maximum relief in the roadless area is are located respectively at the northwest corner and more than Z,000 ft between the Munds-Lee Mountains on the west margin of the roadless area. divide and the valley floors of the bordering Oak Creek The roadless area boundary follows the rims of and Jacks Canyons. Relief between floor and upper steep-walled canyons cut by Dry Beaver Creek and its canyon rims along the steep-walled and narrower main tributaries in Jacks, Pine Tank, and Rattlesnake Woods Canyon is 900 to more than 1,400 ft; the highest Canyons. The streams head in the plateau uplands canyon walls are on the east side of the canyon. Jacks beyond the north, east, and south margins; the plateau Canyon drops 2,400 ft over a distance of 13 mi from is traversed by Interstate Highway 1-17. The west and its head near the northern margin of the roadless area south margins of the roadless area are east and north to its confluence with Dry Beaver Creek. Dry Beaver of Arizona Highway 179, which connects with 1-17 at Creek drops 1,800 ft over a distance of 11.8 mi from the southwest corner of the roadless area. Bear where it enters the roadless area to its confluence Wallow Canyon, a west-draining tributary canyon of with Jacks Canyon. The gradients of the main Oak Creek, is traversed by Schnebly Hill Road and tributaries of Woods Canyon are somewhat steeper; marks the northwesternmost boundary of the roadless from where they enter the roadless area to their area. The mouths of Woods (Dry Beaver Creek), Jacks, confluences with Dry Beaver Creek, Pine Tank Canyon 111°45f

Dry Beaver Creek. V Colorado Plateau V Province

ROADLESS i m,. MH \ ?> v.__


EXPLANATION Contact Volcanic rocks (Tertiary) Fault-Bar and ball on Conglomerates, fluviolacustrine deposits, and downthrown side intercalated basaltic flows (Tertiary) Borrow pit A' Sedimentary rocks (Paleozoic) Line of geologic section Figure 1. Map showing location and simplified geology of the Rattlesnake Roadless Area (03054), Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Ariz. The entire roadless area has low mineral resource potential. 2 drops 1,200 ft over a distance of 3.3 mi, and (McColly, 1982). Nearly all 12 claims are just east of Rattlesnake Canyon drops 1,280 ft over a distance of Sedona near the northwest boundary of the roadless 4.3 mi. Dry Beaver Creek and its tributaries drain an area. No evidence of mining could be found at any of area of about 142 sq mi. these claim sites, and all had been filed by the mid- Canyon rims in the roadless area are accessible 1950's or earlier. by several four-wheel-drive trails across the plateau More than 20 oil and helium test holes have been surface from points along Schnebly Hill road and drilled in Coconino and Yavapai Counties outside the Highway 1-17. Access to Jacks Canyon is by road and boundaries of the roadless area (Conley, 1974). Most four-wheel-drive trail to Jacks Canyon Tank, about 4 of these test holes bottomed in Precambrian basement mi up the canyon from Highway 179. Access to the rocks; some showed minor signs of hydrocarbons in the head of Jacks Canyon is by foot or horse along a well- overlying Paleozoic rocks, but none were productive. maintained pack trail. Access to the bottom of Woods Canyon is by four-wheel-drive vehicle for about 2 mi GEOLOGY from Highway 179 and by pack trail for about 5 mi more. The exposed rocks in the Rattlesnake Roadless Area include as much as 2,500 ft of nearly flat lying Geologic setting and faulted sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Pennsylvanian to Early Permian. These rocks are The Rattlesnake Roadless Area includes the locally covered by variably thick Tertiary volcanic deeply embayed Mogollon Rim margin of the Colorado rocks and sediments (fig. 1). Well records for the Plateau Province and part of the Verde Valley. The Sedona area indicate a subsurface sequence of older Verde Valley is a deeply dissected lacustrine basin, one Paleozoic rocks (Cambrian to Mississippian in age), of several tectonic basins in the Arizona transition which averages more than 1,000 ft in thickness, and zone that separates the Basin and Range and Colorado which unconformably overlies faulted, intruded, and Plateau Provinces (fig. 1). Deep dissection of the rim metamorphosed granitic rocks of Precambrian age by headward of canyons draining the Colorado (Earl Huggins, oral commun., 1982). Plateau has created steep-walled interfluve ridges, The Paleozoic rocks in Verde Valley and the mesas, and buttes wherein are exposed flat-lying, Sedona area have been variously correlated with multicolored sedimentary rocks ranging in age from formations exposed in the (Huddle and Eennsylvanian to Early Permian. These sedimentary Dobrovolny, 1945; McKee, 1945; Twenter and Metzger, rocks are overlain by variably thick Tertiary basaltic 1963; Blakey, 1979; and Elston and DiPaolo, 1979). flows, eruptive materials, and associated sediments. Because of rapid facies changes, gradational contacts, Remnants of old erosion surfaces .at progressively and possible structural complications, discrepancies lower elevations are preserved locally beneath the persist among these proposed interregional correla­ flows. These surfaces define successive stages in the tions and in the resulting placement of formational erosional and volcanic history of the rim. Intercala­ boundaries within the area of Verde Valley and tion of southwestward-dipping basalt flows with Sedona. For purposes of this local study the Paleozoic marginal fluviolacustrine sediments below 5,000 ft section was subdivided into eight readily mappable, indicates that late phases of Colorado Plateau laterally persistent, and environmentally diagnostic volcanism were contemporaneous with late phases of lithologic units (fig. 2A) that most closely follow Verde Lake deposition during Pliocene time (Nations subdivisions proposed by McKee (1945) and Blakey and others, 1981). Following regression of Lake Verde (1979). from the region, cyclical deposition and dissection The Paleozoic section is largely capped in the along drainage lines took place in Pleistocene and eastern and southern parts of the roadless area by Holocene time. variably thick Tertiary volcanic flows, intrusive rocks, The structural setting is one of flat-lying to pyroclastic materials, and fluviolacustrine sediments. gently westward dipping sedimentary rocks cut by The volcanic rocks are mainly alkali-olivine basalt nearly vertical faults that trend primarily north-south, flows and include one or two flows as much as 300 ft east-west, and northwest-southeast. Significant thick in the northwestern part of the roadless area, faulting occurred either prior to or concurrent with and five to nine or more flows as much as 500 ft thick early volcanism of middle Miocene or earlier age and in the headwaters of Woods Canyon and along the east continued through late Miocene time. and south margins of the roadless area. Mears (1949) has reported intrusive rocks of basaltic composition at Mining and drilling activity Schnebly Hill. A large feeder dike or plug underlies the basalt cap of Lee Mountain. Smaller dikes intrude There has been no mining and little, if any, Paleozoic rocks in the Devils Dining Room area east of prospecting within the roadless area. Three claims Sedona and at the top of Cathedral Rock south of found in a review of the Yavapai County records were Sedona, and they intrude the Tertiary sediments described as being near the roadless area boundary in between Bias and Hog Canyons. Mineralized rock Jacks Canyon, 4 mi south of the town of Sedona. The suggestive of potential ore bodies at depth was not most recent of the three is more than 20 years old, observed along the exposed intrusive contacts of the however, and field work in the vicinity produced no roadless area. Potassium-argon-dated flows from the evidence of claims or mine workings. All other volcanic mantle of the Mogollon Rim, between Wet Yavapai County claims reviewed were clearly outside Beaver Creek to the south and Sycamore Canyon to the roadless area. the north, range in age from 14.6 to 4.5 m.y. (McKee Of more than 70 mining claims located near and Anderson, 1971; Damon and others, 1974, Peirce Sedona in Coconino County, 12 have descriptions and others, 1979); this age range suggests that much of placing them in or partly in the roadless area the regional volcanic activity took place in middle ELEVATION, IN FEET ELEVATION, IN FEET


Late Verde high lake level 5000 >/7/7/777?/777/777/777/7777/777/7777r&7/777/777?/777/, '/777/777/7777777?/777/7'/7777//777/777/777/777?/77T/777'/S777/777?/77T/', Erosion surfaces Tbu with intercalated sediment 6.4 m.y. t<^a \ /^\ ^ Ts.Tbh Tv-onlapping limestone with Thh-? 13.8-14.5 m.y. Tsb-largely mantled locally slumped, r 4000- sediment with intercalated flows


1000 m w

Figure 2. Generalized sections of the Rattlesnake Roadless Area. For lines of section, see figure 1. Horizontal scale 1:100,000; vertical exaggeration 7x; o = potassium-argon ages in millions of years. Tbu, basalt flows and pyroclastic deposits; Ti, basalt intrusive; Tbh, basalt flows; Tsb, sedimentary rocks and basalt; TV, Verde Formation; Ts, mainly prevolcanic sediments; Pk, Kaibab Formation; Pt, Toroweap Formation; PC, ; PCS, transition zone between Coconino Sandstone and Supai Formation; Psu, upper Supai Formation; Psm, middle Supai Formation; PPsl, lower Supai Formation. Outcrop of Fort Apache (?) Member of Supai Formation shown by line and dots ( ). Miocene to Pliocene time. A basal flow on Horse Mesa just below the reconstructed high-level position of in the roadless area is 6.4 m.y., late Miocene, in age Lake Verde, and probably were deposited as fan deltas, (Peirce and others, 1979). fans, or marginal terraces either during or shortly The volcanic flows in the roadless area directly after the lake had attained its maximum extent in late overlie either eroded bedrock, Tertiary conglomerates, Pliocene or in early Pleistocene time. Heavy-mineral or interbedded conglomerates and finer grained concentrations suggestive of potential placer deposits lacustrine sediments that fill shallow to deep channels or upstream primary mineral bodies were not observed cut into underlying bedrock. The conglomerate beds in the sand and gravel deposits exposed in the roadless vary appreciably in lithologic composition and range area. from monolithologic gravels of local provenance to The structural setting is of nearly flat lying gravels having mixed lithologies that reflect both local Paleozoic and Cenozoic rocks cut by a system of and more distant upstream sources. West-dipping nearly vertical normal faults. The faults trend conglomerate beds containing clasts of Precambrian primarily northwest-southeast, north-south, and east- rocks are associated with the faulted flows on Horse west. Faults having northeast trends are a minor Mesa and with the unfaulted flows south of Woods component of the extensional fracture pattern. Main Canyon. The conglomerates rich in Precambrian clasts elements of the mapped fault system are colinear with are at various stratigraphic levels. They evidently major fault zones that similarly cut Paleozoic and record repeated westward recycling of gravel sources Cenozoic rocks throughout . This on the Mogollon Rim, now covered with volcanic regional system is interpreted as primarily reflecting rocks. The gravel sources could have been derived major structures and fault displacements in the from Precambrian uplands west of the Colorado underlying Precambrian basement rocks (Huntoon, Plateau and deposited on the plateau prior to the 1974; Lucchitta, 1974; Shoemaker and others, 1978). structural subsidence of the Verde Valley in earlier The northwest-trending faults in the roadless Tertiary time (Peirce and others, 1979). Heavy- area and in the adjoining Sedona area (see map by mineral concentrations suggestive of potential placer D. P. Elston and W. D. DiPaolo, Levings, 1980, pl.l ) deposits or upstream mineral bodies were not observed are colinear with the Chino Valley fault system of in the exposed fluviolacustrine deposits of the roadless northwestern Arizona. The north-south- to northwest- area. trending faults in Jacks and Woods Canyons are Stages in the progressive dissection of the extensions of the Oak Creek fault mapped to the north plateau margin following relative uplift during the in Oak Creek and Casner Canyons (Mears, 1949; Laramide Revolution (Peirce and others, 1979) are Twenter and Metzger, 1963). The Oak Creek fault is suggested by remnants of old erosion surfaces traceable across the to the north as preserved at various elevations beneath lava flows of the system. Southward projections various ages (fig. ZB). The highest surfaces of of the major northeast-trending fault zones mapped to probable mid-Miocene or older age are beneath flow the north (the Bright Angel, Mesa Butte, and Sinyala remnants capping Munds and Lee Mountains and are fault zones) pass west of the roadless area, which may cut in the . An intermediate low- explain the general absence of northeast-trending gradient surface truncates bedding and structures in faults in the area. the upper Supai Formation and in the Coconino Within the roadless area, the north-south- and Sandstone beneath faulted flow remnants on Horse northwest-southeast-trending faults tend to decrease Mesa having a potassium-argon date of 6.4 m.y. (late southward in displacement and to split into a series of Miocene). The youngest buried erosional surface is a curving faults that define both horsts and grabens. broad, deep paleochannel cut below the Horse Mesa The progressive decrease in displacement and surface and into the lower and middle members of the bifurcation into secondary faults suggest that the Supai Formation (fig. 2C_). The paleochannel is buried roadless area is near the margin of a tectonic beneath a largely mantled and slumped sequence of subprovince. The displacement of faults east of Munds west-dipping fluviolacustrine deposits intercalated and Lee Mountains is mainly down to the east, whereas with and capped by conformable basalt flows. The the displacements on those to the west and south are lowest two basalt flows yielded potassium-argon dates mainly down to the southwest and south. The east- of 5.6 m.y. and 5.4 m.y., near the Miocene-Pliocene west-trending faults are similarly displaced down to transition. The record is of recurrent volcanism from the south. The fault pattern indicates that the Munds- plateau sources during the last post-Miocene phase of Lee Mountain area may be underlain by a deep-seated, Lake Verde deposition in the region (Jenkins, 1923; fault-defined crustal block that during displacement Nations and others, 1981; Nations, oral commun., has controlled differential block subsidence about its 1982). The mapped distribution of interbasalt east, west, and south margins. A magnetic high fluviolacustrine sediment and of lacustrine limestone coincides with the postulated differentially uplifted float and stromatolitic incrustations on surface flows crustal block, indicating that the block is probably indicate that Lake Verde rose to at least the present intruded by Precambrian or younger igneous bodies of 5,000 ft contour before its final regression from the high magnetic susceptibility (see section on roadless area. geophysics). During and following lake regression, gravel and The regional tectonic history includes repeated sand deposits at various elevations on valley slopes and episodes of faulting ranging in age from the butte tops record a multiple sequence of aggradational Precambrian to the Holocene. Seismic data indicate and erosional events primarily of Quaternary age. that some fault zones are still active (Shoemaker and Locally as many as five aggradational epicycles are others, 1978). Most of the Cenozoic faulting in the recorded by terrace gravels and alluvial fans graded to region is related to the compressional Laramide successively lower levels. The highest gravels, such as Revolution (Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary) and to those capping Table Top Mountain south of Sedona, are extensional faulting of post-middle Tertiary age (Lucchitta, 1974). Peirce and others (1979) proposed absorption spectrophotometry; for copper, molyb­ that potassium-argon-dated stratigraphic and denum, arsenic, iron, manganese, and rluminum by geomorphic relations along the Colorado Plateau flame atomic-absorption spectrometry; for uranium by margin may be the consequence of these tectonic laser-excited fluorescence; for specific conductance episodes plus a previously unrecognized tectonic event by conductivity bridge; and for alkalinity by Gran's that caused uplifting during Oligocene(?) time. They plot potentiometric titration. A complete listing of conclude that the latest movement along the Oak major- and trace-element analyses for the roadless Creek fault took place around 13 m.y., during mid- area is available as an open-file report (Gerstel and Miocene time. Differential displacements of Paleozoic others, 1983). rocks and potassium-argon-dated volcanic rocks on Horse Mesa where crossed by the Jacks Canyon Evaluation of geochemical results extension of the Oak Creek fault record movements both before and since 6.4 m.y. ago. These strati- The geochemical data do not indicate graphic relations place latest movements along the concentration of metallic minerals within the roadless fault in late Miocene or later time. The presence of area. The slight silver anomaly detected in Coconino unfaulted post-5.6 m.y. fluviolacustrine deposits and Sandstone to the south did not clearly show up in the capping basalt flows immediately south of Horse Mesa rock samples collected in the roadless area. Samples indicates that faulting may have occurred between 6.4 collected from fault zones, intrusive contacts, and and 5.6 m.y. ago, in late Miocene time. Mineralized from fluviolacustrine and alluvial deposits show no areas suggestive of potential ore bodies at depth were anomalies suggestive of mineral concentrations at not detected along the fault zones exposed in the depth or in upstream parts of the drainage basin. The roadless area. barium anomaly detected in some samples appears to On the basis of results of this and previous be related to the past fluviolacustrine environment of studies, none of the rocks within the roadless area the roadless area. boundary are known to be mineralized. Observations made along intrusive contacts and fault zones exposed GEOPHYSICS in the roadless area did not detect mineralized areas suggestive of potential ore bodies at depth. Heavy- Aeromagnetic data for the Rattlesnake Roadless tirineral concentrations suggestive of potential placer Area show the geophysical expressions of the major deposits or primary upstream mineral souices were not geologic features but cannot be related directly to found in the fluviolacustrine and alluvial deposits potential mineral deposits (Martin, in press). A examined in the field. Samples collected from dominating magnetic high centered near the Munds- intrusive contacts, fault zones, and fluviolacustrine Lee Mountain upland is probably caused by and alluvial deposits show no anomalous concentrations differentially uplifted Precambrian rocks intruded by of metallic minerals. an igneous body of high magnetic susceptibility. A steep magnetic gradient east of Munds Mountain, along GEOCHEMISTRY Jacks Canyon, possibly marks the faulted edge of the postulated intrusive body, and an east-trending Sampling strategy and analytical techniques magnetic ridge across Munds Mountain and Woods Canyon may relate to displaced or younger intrusive The geochemical survey of the Rattlesnake rocks at depth. Roadless Area included collection and analysis of 114 stream-sediment, 68 heavy-mineral-concentrate, ZO MINING DISTRICTS AND MINERALIZED AREAS rock, and 4 water samples (see accompanying map). The density of stream-sediment sampling averaged The Rattlesnake Roadless Area is not included in about 1.5 samples/mi , most samples were taken from any mining district, and no occurrences of metallic first-order channels. Heavy-mineral concentrates minerals are known within a 10 mi radius (Keith, were collected at about 50 percent of these sites. 1969a, b). Water samples were taken from local springs and Nonmetallic deposits are limited to borrow, ephemeral pools. The rock samples were taken to cinders, gravel, sand, and stone used locally for obtain background concentration of 31 elements in the building and road construction (McCrory and O'Haire, various geologic units found in the roadless area. The 1965). Pits from which borrow, cinders, gravel, and Coconino Sandstone was sampled somewhat more sand have been removed are found at several places extensively than other units because it is known to along Interstate Highway 1-17 and State Routes 89A contain slightly anomalous amounts of silver (6-9 parts and 179. Nearly all are inactive, most are small, and per million) in a location about 20 mi south of the none are in the roadless area. Rattlesnake Roadless Area. Near Sedona, several dozen mining claims were All stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concen­ located during the early- and mid-1950's for building trate, and rock samples were analyzed for 31 elements stone or flagstone, though none has a production by a six-step, semiquantitative emission history. Similar stone occurs in the roadless area spectrographic method. The rock and stream-sediment where the Coconino Sandstone and the Supai samples were further analyzed for zinc, cadmium, Formation are exposed, but there is no evidence of bismuth, antimony, and arsenic by atomic-absorption past production. spectrophotometry techniques, and for uranium by U.S. Bureau of Land Management records showed fluorimetric procedures. Water samples were analyzed no active mining claims and no leases or permits for for SO^, chlorine, fluorine, and NOo by ion oil, gas, or other leasable minerals in or near the chromatography; for calcium, manganese, sodium, roadless area. potassium, lithium, and zinc by flame atomic- ASSESSMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCE POTENTIAL Gerstel, W. J., Day, G. W., and McDanal, S. K., 1983, Analytical results for 178 stream-sediment, 98 The mineral resource potential of the heavy-mineral concentrate, 27 rock, and 11 water Rattlesnake Roadless Area, Ariz., is low on the basis samples from the Rattlesnake and Wet Beaver of field studies and research performed by the U.S. Roadless Areas, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Bureau of Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey during Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File 1982. The available information indicates a low Report 83-339, 156 p., 2 map sheets, scale potential for the occurrence of metallic mineral 1:24,000. deposits, energy resources, or nonmetallic mineral Huddle, J. W., and Debrovolny, Ernest, 1945, Late deposits other than borrow, cinders, gravel, sand, and Paleozoic stratigraphy and oil and gas stone in the Rattlesnake Roadless Area. possibilities of central and northeastern Observations made along intrusive contacts and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas fault zones did not detect mineralized areas suggestive Investigations Preliminary Chart 10. of potential ore bodies at depth. Heavy-mineral Huntoon, P. W., 1974, Synopsis of the Laramide and concentrations suggestive of potential placer deposits post-Laramide structural geology of the eastern or primary, upstream mineral sources were not found Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Karlstrom, T. N. V., in the fluviolacustrine and alluvial deposits examined Swann, G. A., and Eastwood, R. L., eds., Geology in the field. Geochemical samples collected from of northern Arizona with notes on archaeology intrusive contacts, fault zones, and fluviolacustrine and paleoclimate: Geological Society of and alluvial deposits showed no anomalous concentra­ America Guidebook for Rocky Mountain Section tions of metallic minerals. Numerous oil and helium Meeting, Flagstaff, Ariz., Part I, Regional test holes drilled in nearby areas and in rocks similar Studies, p. 317-335. to those mapped in the roadless area proved unproduc­ Jenkins, O. P., 1923, Verde River lake beds near tive. Deposits of borrow, cinders, gravel, sand, and Clarkdale, Arizona: American Journal of stone are exposed or can be inferred within the Science, 5th ser., v. 25, p. 65-81. roadless area (fig. 1), but abundant similar deposits are Keith, S. B., 1969a, Map of known metallic mineral more readily available outside the roadless area. occurrences (excluding base and precious metals) in Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, SELECTED REFERENCES Arizona Bureau of Mines, scale 1:1,000,000. _____1969b, Map of known base and precious minerals Blakey, R. C., 1979, Lower Permian stratigraphy of occurrences in Arizona: Tucson, University of the southern Colorado Plateau, in Baars, D. L, Arizona, Arizona Bureau of Mines, scale ed., Permianland a field symposium, Sept. 1979, 1:1,000,000. Moab, Utah: Four Corners Geological Society Levings, G. W., 1980, Water resources in the Sedona Field Conference Guidebook, No. 9, p. 115-129. area, Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona: Conley, J. N., 1974, Review of the development of oil Arizona Water Commission Bulletin 2, 37 p. and gas resources of northern Arizona, in Lucchitta, Ivo, 1974, Structural evolution of northwest Karlstrom, T. N. V., Swarm, G. A., and Arizona and its relation to adjacent Basin and Eastwood, R. L., eds., Geology of northern Range province structures, in Karlstrom, Arizona with notes on archaeology and T. N. V., Swann, G. A., and Eastwood, R. L., eds., paleoclimate: Geological Society of America Geology of northern Arizona with notes on Guidebook for Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, archaeology and paleoclimate: Geological Flagstaff, Ariz., Part I, Regional Studies, p. 393- Society of America Guidebook for Rocky 406. Mountain Section Meeting, Flagstaff, Ariz., Part Damon, P. E., Shafiqullah, Mohammed, and Leventhal, I, Regional Studies, p. 336-354. J. S., 1974, K/Ar chronology for the San Martin, R. A., in press, Aeromagnetic map of the Francisco volcanic field and rate of erosion of Rattlesnake Roadless Area, Coconino and the Little , in Karlstrom, T. N. V., Yavapai Counties, Arizona: U.S. Geological Swann, G. A., and Eastwood, R. L., eds., Geology Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map. of northern Arizona with notes on archaeology McColly, R. A., 1982, Mineral investigation of the and paleoclimate: Geological Society of Rattlesnake Roadless Area, Coconino and America Guidebook for Rocky Mountain Section Yavapai Counties, Arizona: U.S. Bureau of Meeting, Flagstaff, Ariz., Part I, Regional Mines Open-File Report ML A 133-82, 5 p. Studies, p. 221-235. McCrory, F. J., and O'Haire, R. T., 1965, Map of Elston, D. P., and DiPaolo, W. D., 1979, Pennylvanian- known nonmetallic mineral occurrences of Permian stratigraphy of the Sedona area and Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, Arizona environs, central and northern Arizona, in Baars, Bureau of Mines, scale 1:1,000,000. D. L., ed., Permianland a field symposium, Sept. McKee, E. D., 1945, Oak Creek Canyon: Flagstaff, 1979, Moab, Utah: Four Corners Geological Ariz., Plateau, v. 18, no. 2, p. 25-32. Society Field Conference Guidebook, No. 9, p. McKee, E. H., and Anderson, C. A., 1971, Age and 131-141. chemistry of Tertiary volcanic rocks in northcentral Arizona and relation of the rocks to Peirce, H. W., Damon, P. E., and Shafiqullah, the Colorado Plateaus: Geological Society of Mohammed, 1979, An Oligocene(?) Colorado America Bulletin, v. 82, p. Z767-Z782. Plateau edge in Arizona: Tectonophysics, v. 61, Mears, Brainard, Jr., 1949» Cenozoic faults, gravels p. 1-24. and volcanics of Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona: Shoemaker, E. M., Squires, R. L., and Abrams, M. J., New York, Columbia University, doctoral thesis, 1978, Bright Angel and Mesa Butte fault systems 84 p. of northern Arizona: Geological Society of Nations, J. D., Hevly, R. H., Blinn, D. W., and Landye, America Memoir 152, p. 341-367. J. J., 1981, Paleontology, paleoecology, and Twenter, F. R., and Metzger, D. G., 1963, Geology and depositional history of the Miocene-Pliocene ground water in Verde Valley the Mogollon Rim Verde Formation, Yavapai County, Arizona: Region, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 13, 117, 132 p. p. 133-149.