Critical Survey of Poetry: Topical Essays
More Critical Survey of Poetry: Topical Essays English and American Poetry in the Twentieth Century by Thomas C. Foster Introduction Twentieth century poetry has been variously characterized as romantic, antiromantic, impersonal, highly personal, chaotic, orderly, classical, TABLE OF symbolist, wholly untraditional, reasoned and measured, or incomprehensible CONTENTS Introduction —depending on the critic whom one reads. This radical diversity suggests a The rise of modernism fundamental problem with poetry in the twentieth century: It has no clear path The end of Victorianism to follow. Finding previous poetry inadequate to deal with the situation in which Cultural breakdown they find themselves, modern poets must create anew, must, in Wallace Decadence Stevens’s phrase, “find out what will suffice.” The modern poem is an act of Early modern movements exploration. In the absence of givens, it must carve out its own niche, make its Imagism own raison d’être. Symbolism William Carlos Williams The Metaphysical influence Walt Whitman and Thomas Hardy After World War II Surrealism Renewed Romanticism Eastern, mythic, and archetypal influences Moral ambivalence New Criticism Disjuncture and discontinuity The poem sequence The Bridge Paterson The Maximus Poems Personal sequences English and Irish poem sequences Crow Mercian Hymns The Triumph of Love North Renga Confessional poetry Beat and Movement poetry Whither? Language poets Martian poets Wit and humor Voices of diversity Irish poetry Women’s poetry Postcolonial poets Bibliography Not surprisingly, then, twentieth century poetry is marked by astonishing variety. What logic could successfully yoke together Robert Frost and Allen Ginsberg, Philip Larkin and William Carlos Williams, Sylvia Plath and Ezra Pound? None, so long as the category of modern poetry is understood to be a fixed entity; such definitions always aim at closure and exclusion.
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