John Robb,Lars Fredriksen | 568 pages | 09 Aug 2012 | PM Press | 9781604860054 | English | Oakland, United States Punk Rock: An Oral History by , Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Vibrant and volatile, the punk scene left an extraordinary legacy of music and cultural change, and this Punk Rock: An Oral History talks to those who cultivated the movement, weaving together their accounts to create a raw and unprecedented oral history of punk in the United Kingdom. From , , Henry Rollins, and John Lydon to the , , and the Buzzcocks, this reference features more than interviews that encapsulate the most thrilling wave of rock and roll pop culture ever seen. Ranging from its widely debated roots in the late s to its enduring influence on modern bands, fashion, and culture, this history brings to life the energy and anarchy as no other book has done. John Robb is the founder of the s punk rock band the Punk Rock: An Oral History and is a current member of the Punk Rock: An Oral History . He lives in Manchester, England. Lars Fredriksen is a member of the punk rock band Rancid. He lives in Oakland, California. Punk Rock : An Oral History. John Robb. The Roots of Punk. Punk Becomes a Dirty Word. No Map or Address. The Second Wave Peaks. Protest and Survive. Into Chaos. Year Xerox. The Explosion. Picture Credits. Lyric Credits. Generation Why. Punk Rock: An Oral History by John Robb

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks Punk Rock: An Oral History telling us about the problem. Return Punk Rock: An Oral History Book Page. Preview — Punk Rock: An Oral History Rock by John Robb. Oliver Craske Goodreads Author. You didn't wait for someone to come and discover you. That was the most Punk Rock: An Oral History thing that came out of punk We came home and we cut our hair and bought skinny Punk Rock: An Oral History. It was year zero. That was the moment for me' Billy Bragg Punk Rock is a book like no other 'To see The Clash on the White Riot tour was like discovering how to be a rock star: you just did it yourself. That was the moment for me' Billy Bragg Punk Rock is a book like no other. It is an oral history of a Punk Rock: An Oral History movement which exploded in Seventies Britain. With its own clothes, hair, artwork, fanzines and radical politics, Punk boasted a DIY ethos that meant anyone could take part. The scene was uniquely vibrant and energetic, leaving an extraordinary legacy of notorious events, charismatic characters and inspirational music. From the widely debated roots of punk in the late-Sixties through to the fallout of the post-punk period inand the ongoing influence on today's bands, Punk Rock is the definitive oral history of an inimitable and exciting movement. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Punk Rockplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jul 20, Sarah Tipper rated it it was amazing. I loved this big brick of a book of punk history. Three-and-a-half stars. UK punk, with three chapters each on and and one each devoted to and UK Punk burned bright and fast. It started fashionable or anti-fashionarty and snotty. It seemed everyone knew Punk Rock: An Oral History other living on such a small island. According to those interviewed in this book, it quickly became a trend and lost its edge. There are loads of names and bands I'd never heard of before who perhaps never really hit in the U. Or maybe time has forgotten them a bit Three-and-a-half stars. Or maybe time has forgotten them a bit. Regardless, I appreciate that this isn't just the big players. On the other hand, the book may have too much ground to cover by including so many voices. After a while it felt like "meanwhile, this happened Also the Faces, T. Rex and Roxy Music. Malcolm McLaren ran a hip, niche clothing shop that was a hang-out spot. After numerous names, it became Sex. It was Malcolm who recommended Lydon to the other band members. Lydon already wore torn up clothing and such. McLaren, who also traveled to the States periodically, had also recommended Richard Hell, but the logistics of a singer in the States made no sense. The guys met Bernie Rhodes their manager, who had worked for Malcolm McLaren before and the band started holding auditions. Morrissey sent a tape all the way from Manchester. Chrissie Hynde auditioned. Brian James later of the Damned was the first one they let in the group. After weeks months? This is where the name came from. Clearly influenced, Joe Strummer quits his band afterward. The future members of the Buzzcocks journeyed down from Manchester to see the Sex Pistols. Immediately, the band they had been playing in found its direction. The Buzzcocks guys got the Sex Pistols to play Manchester. Shane McGowan, later of the Pogues, was there. The venue played the Ramones first before the show, released April 23, By the second Manchester Sex Pistols gig, the Buzzcocks were opening. The founders of the Fall were in attendance. In London, the Damned, the Punk Rock: An Oral History and the Clash all started coming together. July 4,the Clash have their first gig opening for the Sex Pistols. London bands started speeding up their tempos after that. This festival brought punk out of the underground. The Slits are started at a Patti Smith concert. The Adverts are formed. Tony James and Billy Idol play in a band called Chelsea that Punk Rock: An Oral History shifts around members and changes their name to Generation X, a name taken from a book on youth culture from To support it, the Sex Pistols go on a talk show and swear on TV, starting a media frenzy. As a result, most of the dates on the tour get cancelled. The Clash and the Damned are on the tour, but the Damned get kicked off. It closes days later. The bass player quits and Sid Vicious Punk Rock: An Oral History. Feb 18, The Damned release the first English punk album. They then are the first to tour the U. John Lydon puts together Public Image, Punk Rock: An Oral History. Oct: Nancy Spungen dies by stabbing. Sid Vicious arrested. Jan 06, Tim Houlton rated it it was amazing Shelves: music. Very sound on the distinction between middle class art school fashion victims in the first wave, and their dismissal of the more honest bands who reached the same place through convergent evolution. Mar 16, catechism rated it really liked it Shelves: punk-rockmusicpop-cultureoral-history. More like 3. It started a bit slow I keep trying to care about the early pub rock scene, but I just don't and ended a bit slow, but I thought the middle chunk was great. More splintered than Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk -- really, the more oral histories I read, the more impressed I am with that one and its strangely cohesive narrative, which is very difficult to pull off -- and faaaar more about the music than Punk Rock: An Oral History gossip. I learned hardly an More like 3. I learned hardly any gossip! Still a pretty good read, though. Punk Rock: An Oral History

With its own fashion, culture, and chaotic energy, punk rock boasted a do-it-yourself ethos that allowed anyone to Punk Rock: An Oral History part. Vibrant and volatile, the punk scene left an extraordinary legacy of music and cultural change. All the main players are here: from The Clash to Crass, from The Sex Pistols to the Stranglers, from the UK Subs to Buzzcocks—over interviews capture the excitement of the most thrilling wave of rock 'n' roll pop culture ever. Ranging from its widely debated roots in the late s to its enduring influence on the bands, fashion, and culture of Punk Rock: An Oral History, this history brings to life the energy and the anarchy as no other book has done. John Robb grew up with punk rock in the late seventies forming his own critically acclaimed band, , writing his own fanzine and releasing his own records in the DIY spirit of the movement. The Membranes powerful, abrasive, punk rock noise was very influential on the British and European underground and the band toured the world several times before stopping in the late eighties. Robb then went on to write for the music press, being the first person to interview Nirvana as well as coining key phrases like ". Click here for one-page information sheet on this product. Cart Contents. Recent Posts. Price: 0. Add To Wishlist. Overview Tell a Friend. See and hear author Punk Rock: An Oral History, book reviews, and other news on John Robb's page HERE Click here for one-page information sheet on this product. Send Message. Michelle Cruz Gonzales This memoir details Spitboy's travels while chronicling their successes and failures, and for Gonzales, discovering her own identity along the way. Penny Rimbaud The Last of the Hippies is a fiery anarchist polemic centered on the story of his friend, Phil Russell aka Wally Hopewho was murdered by the State while incarcerated in a mental institution. John Robb Ranging through punk's widely debated roots in the late s to its enduring influence on the bands, fashion, and culture of today, this history brings to life the energy and the anarchy as no other book has done. Left of the Dial: Conversations with Punk Icons. Stewart Dean Ebersole This photo documentary catalogs the legacy of American Punk pioneers Black Flag, through stories, interviews, and photographs of diehard fans who wear their iconic logo, The Bars, conspicuously tattooed upon their skin. The Story of Crass. George Berger Punk Rock: An Oral History was the anarcho-punk face of a revolutionary movement founded by radical thinkers and artists Penny Rimbaud, Gee Vaucher, and Steve Ignorant. The Primal Screamer. Nick Blinko This semi-autobiographical novel from Rudimentary Peni singer, guitarist, lyricist, and illustrator Nick Blinko, plunges into the worlds of madness, suicide, and anarchist punk. Sober Living for the Revolution traces this history. Sok With a foreword by John Robb, this Punk Rock: An Oral History showcases the lyrics of G. Sok from The Ex. Al Burian Burn Collector compiles the first nine issues of Al Burian's sporadically published and widely acclaimed personal zine. A re-release of the cult classic, with a new introduction by the author. The Rondos An amazing boxed set box with two CDs and four books, which together tell the story of the Rondos from the period — Forgot Password? Loading Tweets I came across this product and thought you may like it.