Emerson Landry, T. White OFFICIAL JOURNAL Falconer LeBas Willmott Foil Leger Zeringue OF THE Total - 105 HOUSE OF The Speaker announced that there were 105 members present and a quorum. REPRESENTATIVES Prayer OF THE Prayer was offered by Rep. Smith. STATE OF Pledge of Allegiance Rep. Nancy Landry led the House in reciting the Pledge of FIFTIETH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Reading of the Journal Forty-second Regular Session of the Legislature On motion of Rep. Hill, the reading of the Journal was Under the Adoption of the dispensed with. Constitution of 1974 On motion of Rep. Hill, the Journal of June 2, 2016, was adopted. House of Representatives State Capitol Petitions, Memorials, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana Communications

Friday, June 3, 2016 The following petitions, memorials, and communications were received and read: The House of Representatives was called to order at 9:32 A.M., by the Honorable Taylor Barras, Speaker of the House of Conference Committee Appointment Representatives. The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of Morning Hour the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Bill No. 92: Reps. James, Jackson, and ROLL CALL Magee. The roll being called, the following members answered to their names: Conference Committee Appointment PRESENT The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Mr. Speaker Franklin Leopold disagreement to House Bill No. 859: Reps. Montoucet, Berthelot, Abraham Gaines Lopinto and Adams. Abramson Garofalo Lyons Adams Gisclair Mack Message from the Senate Amedee Glover Magee Anders Guinn Marcelle HOUSE BILLS Armes Hall McFarland Bacala Harris, J. Miguez June 3, 2016 Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. Bagneris Havard Miller, G. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Representatives: Billiot Henry Moreno Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim finally passed the following House Bills: Broadwater Hill Norton Brown, C. Hodges Pearson Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre House Bill No. 902 Carmody Hollis Pope Returned with amendments Carpenter Horton Price Carter, G. Howard Pugh House Bill No. 1130 Carter, R. Hunter Pylant Returned with amendments Carter, S. Huval Reynolds Chaney Ivey Richard Respectfully submitted, Connick Jackson Schexnayder Coussan James Schroder GLENN A. KOEPP Cox Jefferson Seabaugh Secretary of the Senate Cromer Jenkins Shadoin Danahay Johnson, M. Simon House and House Concurrent Resolutions Davis Johnson, R. Smith Lying Over DeVillier Jones Stokes Dwight Jordan Talbot The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions lying Edmonds Landry, N. Thibaut over were taken up and acted upon as follows:

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HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 227— "(1) The president of the Louisiana State Bar Association. BY REPRESENTATIVES JONES AND NANCY LANDRY A RESOLUTION To create a task force to study the structure of local governance of (2) The president of the Louisiana Association for Defense public elementary and secondary education in Louisiana and to Counsel. provide for the submission of a written report of findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the House Committee on (3) The executive director of the Louisiana Association for Education not later than sixty days prior to the beginning of the Justice. 2018 Regular Session of the Legislature of Louisiana. (4) The executive director of the Louisiana Clerks of Court Read by title. Association. On motion of Rep. Jones, and under a suspension of the rules, (5) A clerk of court in a district with a population of over three the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading. hundred thousand. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 228— (6) A clerk of court in a district with a population of more than BY REPRESENTATIVE HODGES two hundred thousand but less than three hundred thousand. A RESOLUTION To express support for the people of Israel and for their right to live (7) A clerk of court in a district with a population of more than in freedom and to defend themselves, to recognize the one hundred thousand but less than two hundred thousand. longstanding friendship between the people of Israel and the people of Louisiana, to condemn any and all efforts to boycott, (8) A clerk of court in a district with a population of more than divest from, and sanction Israel, and to extend best wishes to the fifty thousand but less than one hundred thousand. people of Israel for peace, security, and prosperity. (9) A clerk of court in a district with a population of less than Read by title. fifty thousand. On motion of Rep. Hodges, and under a suspension of the rules, (10) A clerk from a Louisiana Court of Appeal." the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading. On motion of Rep. Jackson, the amendments were adopted. Suspension of the Rules On motion of Rep. Jackson, the resolution, as amended, was On motion of Rep. Leger, the rules were suspended in order to ordered engrossed and passed to its third reading. take up and consider House and House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee at this time. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 133— BY REPRESENTATIVE JACKSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION House and House Concurrent Resolutions To urge and request the Judicial Council and its Standing Committee Reported by Committee to Evaluate Requests for Court Costs and Fees to study and make recommendations to the Louisiana Legislature regarding The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions the use of court costs and fees, to develop and recommend best reported by committee were taken up and acted upon as follows: practices for the use and collection of court costs and fees, and to limit the number of instruments creating new or increasing HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 191— court costs of fees by the Louisiana Legislature which are BY REPRESENTATIVE MAGEE subject to Judicial Council review until sixty days after the A RESOLUTION adjournment of the 2017 Regular Session of the Legislature. To create the Clerk of Court Statewide Filing System Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding the implementation Read by title. and development of a universal electronic filing system for civil pleadings throughout the state, and to provide for a written Reported favorably by the Committee on Judiciary. report of its recommendation and findings no later than sixty days prior to the 2017 Regular Session of the Louisiana On motion of Rep. Jackson, the resolution was ordered Legislature. engrossed and passed to its third reading. Read by title. Reconsideration Reported with amendments by the Committee on Judiciary. The following legislative instruments on reconsideration were The committee amendments were read as follows: taken up and acted upon as follows: HOUSE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS SENATE BILL NO. 476 (Substitute of Senate Bill No. 132 by Senator Martiny)— Amendments proposed by House Committee on Judiciary to Original BY SENATOR MARTINY House Resolution No. 191 by Representative Magee AN ACT To enact R.S. 22:1055, relative to the requirement for health AMENDMENT NO. 1 insurance coverage of diagnosis and treatment for temporal mandibular joint and associated musculature and neurology; to On page 2, line 13, after "consist of" and before "members" change provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. "eleven" to "ten" Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 2 On motion of Rep. Leger, the vote by which the above Senate On page 2, delete lines 15 through 28 in their entirety and insert the Bill failed to pass on the previous legislative day was reconsidered. following:

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Returned to the calendar under the rules. Chaney Ivey Pugh Connick Jackson Pylant Suspension of the Rules Coussan James Reynolds Cox Jefferson Richard On motion of Rep. Dwight, the rules were suspended in order to Cromer Jenkins Schexnayder take up and consider House Bills and Joint Resolutions Returned Danahay Johnson, M. Seabaugh from the Senate with Amendments at this time. Davis Johnson, R. Shadoin DeVillier Jones Simon Dwight Jordan Smith House Bills and Joint Resolutions Emerson Landry, N. Talbot Returned from the Senate with Amendments Foil Landry, T. Thibaut Franklin LeBas White The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions returned from Gaines Leger Willmott the Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were Garofalo Leopold Zeringue taken up and acted upon as follows: Total - 96 NAYS HOUSE BILL NO. 19— BY REPRESENTATIVE DWIGHT AN ACT Total - 0 To amend and reenact R.S. 14:337(A), (D), and (E) and to enact R.S. ABSENT 14:337(B)(3)(d) and (4)(e), relative to unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft system; to prohibit use of an unmanned Adams Carter, G. Huval aircraft system to conduct surveillance of, gather evidence or Armes Edmonds Schroder collect information about, or photographically or electronically Broadwater Falconer Stokes record a school, school premises, or correctional facilities; to Total - 9 provide with respect to elements of the crime; to provide for exceptions; to provide for applicability; to provide criminal The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by penalties; to provide relative to the definitions of school and the House. school premises; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 37— BY REPRESENTATIVE JONES Read by title. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 11:1821(B)(1), (2), (6), and (7), (C), and The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by (E) and 1842 and to enact R.S. 11:1823(A)(22), relative to the the Senate. board of trustees of the Municipal Employees' Retirement System; to grant certain trustees and their designees the LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS authority to vote; to provide relative to qualifications for service as an elected trustee; to provide for term duration; to provide for Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House submission of reports to the legislature; to provide for trustee Bill No. 19 by Representative Dwight compensation; to provide for expenditure of system funds; to prohibit trustees from accepting certain things of economic AMENDMENT NO. 1 value; and to provide for related matters. On page 2, line 20, following "the" and before "or" change "Cable Read by title. Reregulation Act of 1992" to "Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992" The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. Rep. Dwight moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to The roll was called with the following result: Reengrossed House Bill No. 37 by Representative Jones YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Gisclair Lopinto On page 2, delete lines 15 and 16 and insert the following: Abraham Glover Lyons Abramson Guinn Mack "for a period of six years. No person who has been elected to serve Amedee Hall Magee as an active and contributing member for more than one and one-half Anders Harris, J. Marcelle terms shall be elected to the board for another term." Bacala Harris, L. McFarland Bagley Havard Miguez SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Bagneris Hazel Miller, D. Berthelot Henry Miller, G. Amendments proposed by Senator Cortez to Reengrossed House Bill Billiot Hensgens Montoucet No. 37 by Representative Jones Bishop Hilferty Moreno Bouie Hill Morris, Jay AMENDMENT NO. 1 Brown, C. Hodges Morris, Jim Brown, T. Hoffmann Norton On page 3, line 26, after "conference" and before "held" insert "per Carmody Hollis Pearson fiscal year" Carpenter Horton Pierre Carter, R. Howard Pope Rep. Jones moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Carter, S. Hunter Price be concurred in.

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ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 1 The roll was called with the following result: On page 2, line 4, change "level-dollar payments annually" to "annual level-dollar payments" YEAS Rep. Foil moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Mr. Speaker Garofalo Leopold be concurred in. Abraham Gisclair Lyons Abramson Guinn Mack ROLL CALL Amedee Hall Magee Anders Harris, J. Marcelle The roll was called with the following result: Bacala Harris, L. McFarland Bagley Havard Miguez YEAS Bagneris Hazel Miller, D. Berthelot Henry Miller, G. Mr. Speaker Gaines Leopold Billiot Hensgens Montoucet Abraham Garofalo Lyons Bishop Hilferty Moreno Abramson Gisclair Mack Bouie Hill Morris, Jay Adams Glover Magee Brown, C. Hodges Morris, Jim Amedee Guinn Marcelle Brown, T. Hoffmann Norton Anders Hall McFarland Armes Harris, J. Miguez Carmody Hollis Pearson Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. Carpenter Horton Pierre Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Carter, G. Howard Pope Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Carter, R. Hunter Price Billiot Hensgens Moreno Carter, S. Huval Pugh Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay Chaney Ivey Pylant Bouie Hill Morris, Jim Connick Jackson Reynolds Broadwater Hodges Norton Coussan James Richard Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson Cox Jefferson Schexnayder Brown, T. Hollis Pierre Cromer Jenkins Seabaugh Carmody Horton Pope Danahay Johnson, M. Shadoin Carpenter Howard Price Davis Johnson, R. Smith Carter, G. Hunter Pugh DeVillier Jones Talbot Carter, R. Huval Pylant Dwight Jordan Thibaut Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds Edmonds Landry, N. White Chaney Jackson Richard Emerson Landry, T. Willmott Coussan James Schexnayder Foil LeBas Zeringue Cox Jefferson Seabaugh Franklin Leger Cromer Jenkins Shadoin Total - 95 Danahay Johnson, M. Simon NAYS Davis Johnson, R. Smith DeVillier Jones Thibaut Total - 0 Dwight Jordan White ABSENT Edmonds Landry, N. Willmott Emerson Landry, T. Zeringue Adams Gaines Simon Foil LeBas Armes Glover Stokes Franklin Leger Broadwater Lopinto Total - 97 Falconer Schroder NAYS Total - 10 Total - 0 The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by ABSENT the House. Bacala Henry Stokes HOUSE BILL NO. 54— Connick Lopinto Talbot BY REPRESENTATIVE FOIL Falconer Schroder AN ACT Total - 8 To amend and reenact R.S. 11:42(B)(introductory paragraph) and (2), relative to certain unfunded accrued liabilities of the Clerks The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by of Court Retirement and Relief Fund; to provide with respect to the House. payments on such debt; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 60— BY REPRESENTATIVE MIGUEZ Read by title. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 11:710(A)(8) and to enact R.S. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by 11:710(A)(5)(d) and (9), relative to the reemployment of the Senate. retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana in positions covered by the system; to authorize the reemployment SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS of retirees as school nurses; to provide relative to earnings restrictions on such reemployment; and to provide for related Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to matters. Engrossed House Bill No. 54 by Representative Foil Read by title.

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The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by ROLL CALL the Senate. The roll was called with the following result: SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS YEAS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to Engrossed House Bill No. 60 by Representative Miguez Mr. Speaker Franklin Leger Abraham Gaines Lopinto AMENDMENT NO. 1 Abramson Garofalo Lyons Adams Gisclair Mack On page 1, line 2, after "reenact" delete the remainder of the line and Amedee Glover Magee insert "R.S. 11:710 (A)(8) and (B)(1)(a) and (d) and to enact R.S. Anders Guinn Marcelle 11:710(A)(5)(d) and (9) and (B)(1)(e) and (f) relative" Armes Hall McFarland Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Berthelot Henry Montoucet On page 1, line 11, after "R.S. 11:710(A)(8)" delete "is" and insert Billiot Hensgens Moreno "and (B)(1)(a) and (d) are" Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay Bouie Hill Morris, Jim AMENDMENT NO. 3 Broadwater Hodges Norton Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson On page 1, line 12, after "(9)" and before "are" insert "and (B)(1)(e) Brown, T. Hollis Pierre and (f)" Carmody Horton Pope Carpenter Howard Price AMENDMENT NO. 4 Carter, R. Hunter Pugh Carter, S. Huval Pylant On page 2, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: Chaney Ivey Reynolds Connick Jackson Richard "B.(1)(a) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this Coussan James Schexnayder Paragraph, Any any retired teacher who returns to active service Cox Jefferson Seabaugh covered by the provisions of this Chapter within the twelve-month Cromer Jenkins Shadoin thirty-six-month period immediately following the effective date of Danahay Johnson, M. Simon such retirement shall have his retirement benefits suspended for the Davis Johnson, R. Smith duration of such active service or the lapse of twelve thirty-six DeVillier Jones Talbot months from the effective date of his retirement, whichever occurs Dwight Jordan Thibaut first, even if such service is based on employment by contract or Edmonds Landry, N. White corporate contract. Emerson Landry, T. Willmott Foil LeBas Zeringue * * * Total - 99 NAYS (d) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this Paragraph, If if the reemployment of a retired teacher is based on an Total - 0 agreement between the retired teacher and his employer where such ABSENT agreement was perfected prior to the retiree's effective date of retirement and where the agreement allows for the retiree to become Carter, G. Hazel Schroder reemployed within twelve thirty-six months immediately following Falconer Leopold Stokes the effective date of his retirement, the retiree shall not be eligible to Total - 6 receive retirement benefits for the twelve-month thirty-six-month period immediately following the effective date of such The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. reemployment, regardless of whether such agreement is express or implied. The provisions of this Subparagraph shall be applied Conference committee appointment pending. prospectively beginning on July 1, 2001. HOUSE BILL NO. 146— (e) Any retired teacher who returns to active service covered by BY REPRESENTATIVES MORENO, EDMONDS, AND AMEDEE the provisions of Paragraph (A)(4) of this Section within the twelve- AN ACT month period immediately following the effective date of such To enact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 895(O), relative to retirement shall have his retirement benefits suspended for the limitations of liability for court-approved mentors; to provide a duration of such active service or the lapse of twelve months from the limitation of liability to certain persons mentoring offenders on effective date of his retirement, whichever occurs first, even if such probation; to provide a limitation of liability for the court, and service is based on employment by contract or corporate contract. court officers, agents, and employees; to provide definitions; and to provide for related matters. (f) Any person who has been retired for twelve months and who has returned to active service pursuant to the provisions of this Read by title. Section prior to May 15, 2016, shall continue to be subject to the The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by provisions of R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(a) and (d) in effect on June 30, 2016. the Senate. * * *" SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Rep. Miguez moved that the amendments proposed by the Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Judiciary A to Senate be rejected. Reengrossed House Bill No. 146 by Representative Moreno

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 observation and invasion of privacy of another to include the use of unmanned aircraft systems; to define unmanned aircraft On page 1, line 14, after "offender" and before the comma ",", insert systems; and to provide for related matters. "that arises out of the performance of duties as a mentor" Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Motion On page 2, line 5, after "2320" and before the period "." insert "or the ability of an employee to file a claim for workers' compensation" On motion of Rep. Norton, the bill was returned to the calendar. Rep. Moreno moved that the amendments proposed by the HOUSE BILL NO. 642— Senate be concurred in. BY REPRESENTATIVE ROBERT JOHNSON AN ACT ROLL CALL To amend and reenact the heading of R.S. 37:3084, 3087(A), and 3089 and to repeal R.S. 37:3084(F), relative to the Louisiana The roll was called with the following result: Board of Examiners in Dietetics and Nutrition; to repeal the domicile requirement; to provide for provisional licenses; to YEAS authorize the promulgation of licensing fees; and to provide for related matters. Mr. Speaker Foil Leger Abraham Franklin Leopold Read by title. Abramson Gaines Lopinto Adams Garofalo Lyons The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Amedee Gisclair Magee the Senate. Anders Glover Marcelle Armes Guinn McFarland SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Bacala Hall Miguez Bagley Harris, J. Miller, G. Amendments proposed by Senator Mills to Engrossed House Bill No. Bagneris Harris, L. Montoucet 642 by Representative Robert Johnson Berthelot Havard Moreno Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jay AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jim Bouie Hill Norton On page 1, line 2, after "reenact" insert "R.S. 37:1178, 1184," Broadwater Hodges Pearson Brown, C. Hoffmann Pierre AMENDMENT NO. 2 Brown, T. Hollis Pope Carmody Horton Price On page 1, line 4, after "Nutrition" and before ";" insert "and the Carpenter Howard Pugh Louisiana Board of Pharmacy; to provide with respect to per diem for Carter, R. Hunter Pylant certain board members" Carter, S. Huval Reynolds Chaney Ivey Richard AMENDMENT NO. 3 Connick Jackson Seabaugh Coussan James Shadoin On page 1, between lines 6 and 7, insert: Cox Jefferson Simon Cromer Jenkins Smith "Section 1. R.S. 37:1178 and 1184 are hereby amended and Danahay Johnson, M. Stokes reenacted to read as follows: Davis Jones Thibaut DeVillier Jordan White §1178. Compensation of board members Dwight Landry, N. Willmott Edmonds Landry, T. Zeringue A. In accordance with the fee schedule provided in R.S. Emerson LeBas 37:1184, members Members of the board shall receive a per diem of Total - 95 $75 per day. NAYS B. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 39:231, the members Mack Talbot of the board may be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses Total - 2 approved by the board in connection therewith while attending ABSENT regular or called board meetings or attending to official business of the board. Carter, G. Henry Schexnayder Falconer Johnson, R. Schroder * * * Hazel Miller, D. Total - 8 §1184. Fees The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, the fees the House. and costs established by the board in accordance with R.S. 37:1182(A) shall not be less than the following schedule: HOUSE BILL NO. 635— Minimum BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER (1) Miscellaneous fees and costs AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 14:283(A)(1), 283.1(A), and 284(B) and (a) Photocopies of documents per page $0.50 to enact R.S. 14:283(G), 283.1(C), and 284(D), relative to crimes affecting public morals; to amend crimes involving the (b) Certification of document as true copy $5.00

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(c) Certification of document as office record $5.00 (j) Emergency drug kits for long-term care facilities $25.00 (d) Certification of license $20.00 (4) Certification and examination for pharmacy technicians (e) Official list of licensed pharmacists $150.00 (a) Examination and certification $100.00 (f) Official list of certified technicians $150.00 (b) Annual renewal certification fee $50.00 (g) Official list of pharmacy permits $150.00 (c) Certificate, duplicate $50.00 (h) Handling and mailing per page $1.00 (d) Reinstatement of a pharmacy technician certificate which has been suspended, revoked, or has lapsed by (i) Administrative hearing fee $250.00 nonrenewal $200.00

(j) Pharmacy intern registration $10.00 (e) Delinquent certificate renewal fee $25.00 (k) Law book $40.00 (f) Pharmacy technician candidate registration $25.00 (l) Certification of practical experience to another state $10.00 (5) Per diem $75.00 (m) Official list of registered pharmacy interns $150.00 A. (1) The board shall establish a reasonable fee schedule for applications, the issuance and renewal of all credentials issued by the (n) Official list of registered pharmacy technician candidates board, and for any other administrative function provided for in this $ 150.00 Chapter. The fee schedule shall be established and payable by rule adopted in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. (2) Licenses, permits, certification, registrations,and 49:950 et seq. The receipts from the payment of the fees shall be used examinations for pharmacists to carry out the purposes of this Chapter. The fee schedule may be modified from time to time by rule as deemed necessary by the (a)(i) Annual renewal fee for license $100.00 board.

(ii) Pharmacy education support fee $100.00 (2) In addition to any other fees in the fee schedule, the board is authorized to increase the following fees only to the maximum (b) Delinquent fee in addition to renewal fee $50.00 identified amounts: (c) Reinstatement of a license which has been suspended, revoked, or has lapsed due to nonrenewal $200.00 (a) Three hundred dollars for the pharmacist license application. (d) Credential certification $50.00 (b) One hundred fifty dollars for the annual renewal of a pharmacist license. (e) Examination and licensing $300.00 (c) One hundred dollars for the pharmacy technician certificate (f) Reciprocity fees $150.00 application.

(g) Certificates, duplicates $75.00 (d) Seventy five dollars for the annual renewal of a pharmacy technician certificate. (h) Certificates, silver $100.00 (e) Two hundred fifty dollars for the pharmacy permit (i) New issuance of certificates $75.00 application. (3) Licenses, permits, certification, registration, and any other designations for pharmacy locations (f) One hundred fifty dollars for the annual renewal of a pharmacy permit. (a)(i) New pharmacy permit fee $150.00 B. The fees established pursuant to this Section shall be paid to (ii) Pharmacy education support fee $100.00 the board. The board shall retain all fees and other monies received by it. The funds may be expended by the board without appropriation (b) Pharmacy change of location $150.00 for the cost of administration and other expenses. Any funds remaining unexpended and unencumbered at the end of each fiscal (c) Pharmacy change of ownership $150.00 year shall be retained by the board for expenditure in succeeding years and no part thereof shall revert to the state general fund." (d) Pharmacy permit renewal fee $125.00 AMENDMENT NO. 3 (e) Delinquent permit renewal fee $62.50 On page 1, line 7, change "Section 1." to "Section 2." (f) Pharmacy CDS permit fee $25.00 AMENDMENT NO. 4 (g) Delinquent pharmacy CDS permit fee $12.50 On page 3, line 11, change "Section 2." to "Section 3." (h) Reinstatement of a permit which has been suspended, revoked, or which has lapsed due to nonrenewal $200.00 AMENDMENT NO. 5 (i) Automated medication system registration $150.00 On page 3, after line 11, insert the following:

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"Section 4. This Section and Section 1 of this Act shall become HOUSE BILL NO. 689— effective on January 1, 2017. BY REPRESENTATIVE JONES AN ACT Section 5. This Section, Section 2 and Section 3 of this Act To amend and reenact R.S. 13:2005.1, 2488.7, and 2488.77 and to shall become effective on August 1, 2016." enact R.S. 13:2005(D) and (E), relative to city courts; to provide for the city courts of New Iberia, Franklin, Breaux Bridge, and SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Morgan City; to provide for the creation of Indigent Defender Fund Boards in those city courts; to provide for membership; to Amendments proposed by Senator Mills to Engrossed House Bill No. provide relative to fees collected for purposes of indigent 642 by Representative Robert Johnson defense; to deposit a portion of those fees into a special fund; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. Delete Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 5 proposed by Senator Mills and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. Rep. Robert Johnson moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Judiciary B to ROLL CALL Reengrossed House Bill No. 689 by Representative Jones The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 1 YEAS On page 1, line 3, after "(E)" insert "and 2013" Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto AMENDMENT NO. 2 Abraham Gaines Lyons Abramson Garofalo Mack On page 1, line 4, after "Breaux Bridge," insert "Jeanerette," Amedee Gisclair Magee Anders Glover Marcelle AMENDMENT NO. 3 Armes Guinn McFarland Bacala Hall Miguez On page 1, line 10, after "(E)" insert "and 2013" Bagley Harris, J. Miller, D. Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, G. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Berthelot Havard Montoucet Billiot Hazel Moreno On page 2, between lines 24 and 25 insert the following: Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay Bouie Hill Morris, Jim "§2013. Jeanerette Broadwater Hodges Norton Brown, C. Hollis Pierre A. Thirty percent of the funds collected by the city court of Brown, T. Horton Pope Jeanerette pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 15:168(B) shall be Carpenter Howard Price deposited into a special fund created for this purpose. The fund shall Carter, R. Hunter Pugh be referred to as the Jeanerette Indigent Defender Fund. Carter, S. Huval Pylant Chaney Jackson Reynolds B. The Jeanerette Indigent Defender Fund Board shall manage Connick James Richard and oversee funds remitted to the Jeanerette Indigent Defender Fund Coussan Jefferson Schexnayder and shall consist of three members residing in the Jeanerette City Cox Jenkins Seabaugh Court district and shall be composed of the following: Cromer Johnson, M. Shadoin Danahay Johnson, R. Simon (1) One member appointed by the city council of Jeanerette. Davis Jones Smith DeVillier Jordan Stokes (2) One member appointed by the Iberia Parish Council. Dwight Landry, N. Thibaut Edmonds Landry, T. White (3) One member appointed by the legislative delegation from Emerson LeBas Willmott nominees from the Louis A. Martinet Legal Society. Foil Leger Zeringue Total - 93 * * *" NAYS SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Total - 0 ABSENT Amendments proposed by Senator Allain to Reengrossed House Bill No. 689 by Representative Jones Adams Henry Leopold Carmody Hensgens Pearson AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carter, G. Hoffmann Schroder Falconer Ivey Talbot On page 3, line 5, change "shall" to "may" Total - 12 Rep. Jones moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a be concurred in. two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in by the House. ROLL CALL The roll was called with the following result:

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YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Franklin Leopold On page 1, line 2, delete "and 849(B) and (C)" and insert " 849(B) Abraham Gaines Lopinto and (C) and 851(D)" Abramson Garofalo Lyons Adams Gisclair Mack AMENDMENT NO. 2 Amedee Glover Magee Anders Guinn Marcelle On page 1, line 7, after "attorney general's state directory;" insert the Armes Hall McFarland following: Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. "to provide for the maintenance of invoices by nonresident tobacco Bagneris Havard Miller, G. dealers; to require non-resident tobacco dealers to keep certain stock Berthelot Hazel Montoucet separated;" Billiot Henry Moreno Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim Broadwater Hill Norton On page 1, line 9, delete after "and 849(B) and (C),"and insert ", Brown, C. Hodges Pearson 849(B) and (C) and 851(D)" Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre Carmody Hollis Pope AMENDMENT NO. 4 Carpenter Horton Price Carter, G. Howard Pugh On page 3, after line 20 insert the following: Carter, R. Hunter Pylant Carter, S. Huval Reynolds "§851. Dealers receiving unstamped and/or nontax paid cigarettes, Chaney Ivey Richard cigars, and smoking tobaccos required to file monthly reports Connick James Schexnayder and maintain records; vending machine restrictions Coussan Jefferson Seabaugh Cox Jenkins Shadoin * * * Cromer Johnson, M. Smith Danahay Johnson, R. Stokes D. Nonresident tobacco dealers. All purchases of cigars, Davis Jones Talbot cigarettes, and smoking tobaccos for distribution within the state of DeVillier Jordan Thibaut Louisiana by any nonresident tobacco dealer shall be evidenced by Dwight Landry, N. White a separate invoice from the seller correctly showing the date of Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott purchase and the quantity of each of said articles purchased by said Emerson LeBas Zeringue dealer for distribution within the state of Louisiana. Such stock Foil Leger purchased for distribution within the state of Louisiana shall be kept Total - 101 in an entirely separate part of the building, separate and apart from NAYS stock purchased for sale or distribution, or both, in another state. A nonresident tobacco dealer shall maintain invoices correctly showing Total - 0 the date, quantity, recipient, manufacturer, and brand of cigars, ABSENT cigarettes, and smoking tobaccos sold by the dealer for distribution in or into the state of Louisiana. The nonresident tobacco dealer shall Falconer Schroder keep stock affixed with a Louisiana tax stamp separate and apart Jackson Simon from the remainder of the dealer's stock. Every nonresident tobacco Total - 4 dealer shall, at the time of shipping or delivering any cigars, cigarettes, or smoking tobaccos in or into the state of Louisiana, The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by make a true duplicate invoice of the same which shall show full and the House. complete details of the sale or delivery of the taxable article and shall retain the same subject to the use and inspection of the collector for HOUSE BILL NO. 710— the period of two years. Nonresident tobacco dealers shall also keep BY REPRESENTATIVE HOLLIS a record of all cigarettes, cigars and smoking tobaccos purchased by AN ACT them for distribution within the state of Louisiana, and hold all To amend and reenact R.S. 47:843(D)(1), 847(A) and (D)(1), and books, records and memoranda pertaining to the purchase and sale of 849(B) and (C), relative to tobacco; to provide for requirements such cigars, cigarettes, and smoking tobaccos open to the inspection relative to stamped and unstamped cigarettes; to provide relative of the collector. to the time period in which cigarettes must be stamped; to provide relative to the inventory or stock of certain cigarettes; * * *" to provide relative to prima facie evidence of a violation; to provide for requirements relative to products not listed on the Rep. Hollis moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate attorney general's state directory; and to provide for related be concurred in. matters. ROLL CALL Read by title. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by The roll was called with the following result: the Senate. YEAS SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Mr. Speaker Gaines Lopinto Abraham Garofalo Lyons Amendments proposed by Senator Riser to Reengrossed House Bill Adams Gisclair Mack No. 710 by Representative Hollis Amedee Glover Magee

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Anders Guinn Marcelle YEAS Bacala Hall McFarland Bagley Harris, J. Miguez Mr. Speaker Gaines Lyons Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, D. Abraham Garofalo Mack Berthelot Havard Miller, G. Adams Gisclair Magee Billiot Hazel Montoucet Amedee Glover Marcelle Bishop Henry Moreno Armes Guinn McFarland Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay Bacala Hall Miguez Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jim Bagley Harris, J. Miller, D. Brown, C. Hill Norton Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Brown, T. Hodges Pearson Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Carmody Hoffmann Pierre Billiot Hensgens Moreno Carpenter Hollis Pope Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay Carter, G. Horton Price Bouie Hill Morris, Jim Carter, R. Howard Pugh Broadwater Hodges Norton Carter, S. Hunter Pylant Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson Chaney Huval Reynolds Brown, T. Hollis Pierre Connick Ivey Richard Carmody Horton Pope Coussan James Schexnayder Carpenter Howard Price Cox Jefferson Seabaugh Carter, G. Hunter Pugh Cromer Jenkins Shadoin Carter, R. Huval Pylant Danahay Johnson, M. Simon Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds Davis Johnson, R. Smith Chaney Jackson Richard DeVillier Jones Stokes Connick James Schexnayder Dwight Jordan Talbot Coussan Jefferson Seabaugh Edmonds Landry, N. Thibaut Cox Jenkins Shadoin Emerson Landry, T. White Cromer Johnson, M. Simon Falconer LeBas Willmott Danahay Johnson, R. Smith Foil Leger Zeringue Davis Jones Stokes Franklin Leopold DeVillier Jordan Talbot Total - 101 Dwight Landry, N. Thibaut NAYS Edmonds Landry, T. White Emerson LeBas Willmott Total - 0 Falconer Leger Zeringue ABSENT Foil Leopold Franklin Lopinto Abramson Jackson Total - 100 Armes Schroder NAYS Total - 4 Total - 0 The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by ABSENT the House. Abramson Harris, L. Schroder HOUSE BILL NO. 711— Anders Henry BY REPRESENTATIVE SHADOIN Total - 5 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 24:513(G), relative to audit reports issued The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by by the legislative auditor; to authorize the issuance of a the House. temporary restraining order or injunctive relief barring the HOUSE BILL NO. 737— release of an audit report; to provide for appeals; and to provide BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 47:114(E), relative to the Department of Read by title. Revenue; to provide with respect to deductions and withholdings by certain employers; to provide for the The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by submission of certain returns to the department; to change the the Senate. deadline for the submission of certain returns; to provide for applicability; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS related matters. Amendments proposed by Senator Walsworth to Reengrossed House Read by title. Bill No. 711 by Representative Shadoin Motion AMENDMENT NO. 1 On motion of Rep. Bouie, the bill was returned to the calendar. On page 2, line 5, delete "An" and insert "If an aggrieved party seeks HOUSE BILL NO. 738— an appeal, the" BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON AN ACT Rep. Shadoin moved that the amendments proposed by the To amend and reenact R.S. 45:1179, relative to the collection of Senate be concurred in. certain fees; to provide for supervision and enforcement of the collection of certain inspection and supervision fees; to provide ROLL CALL for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. The roll was called with the following result: Read by title.

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Motion ROLL CALL On motion of Rep. Bouie, the bill was returned to the calendar. The roll was called with the following result: YEAS HOUSE BILL NO. 763— BY REPRESENTATIVES CARPENTER, COX, HUNTER, AND JACKSON Mr. Speaker Glover Lopinto AN ACT Abraham Guinn Lyons To enact R.S. 28:931 and 932, relative to healthcare services for Adams Hall Mack persons experiencing mental health or behavioral health crises; Amedee Harris, J. Magee to authorize establishment of facilities to be known as Anders Harris, L. Marcelle intervention and stabilization units; to provide for powers of Armes Havard McFarland human services districts and authorities with respect to such Bacala Hazel Miguez facilities; to provide for the geographic location of such Bagley Henry Miller, D. facilities; to condition establishment of any such facility upon Bagneris Hensgens Miller, G. appropriation of funds; and to provide for related matters. Berthelot Hilferty Montoucet Billiot Hill Moreno Read by title. Bouie Hodges Morris, Jay Broadwater Hoffmann Morris, Jim The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Brown, C. Hollis Norton the Senate. Brown, T. Horton Pearson Carpenter Howard Pierre SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Carter, R. Hunter Pope Carter, S. Huval Price Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Health and Welfare Chaney Ivey Pugh to Reengrossed House Bill No. 763 by Representative Carpenter Connick Jackson Pylant Cox James Reynolds AMENDMENT NO. 1 Danahay Jefferson Richard Davis Jenkins Schexnayder On page 1, line 5, after "facilities;" delete the remainder of the line DeVillier Johnson, M. Seabaugh and on line 6, delete "geographic location of such facilities;" Dwight Johnson, R. Shadoin Edmonds Jones Smith AMENDMENT NO. 2 Emerson Jordan Stokes Falconer Landry, N. Talbot On page 1, line 7, after "funds;" insert "to direct the Louisiana State Foil Landry, T. Thibaut Law Institute with respect to certain designations;" Franklin LeBas White Gaines Leger Willmott AMENDMENT NO. 3 Gisclair Leopold Zeringue On page 2, line 9, after "unit" insert "." and delete the remainder of Total - 96 the line and delete lines 10 through 15 NAYS Garofalo AMENDMENT NO. 4 Total - 1 On page 2, line 17, after "Section" insert ". Any unit so established ABSENT shall be licensed" Abramson Carter, G. Schroder Bishop Coussan Simon SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Carmody Cromer Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Total - 8 Reengrossed House Bill No. 763 by Representative Carpenter The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Conference committee appointment pending. Delete Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 of the set of Committee HOUSE BILL NO. 792— BY REPRESENTATIVE ADAMS Amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Health and AN ACT Welfare and adopted by the Senate on May 5, 2016. To amend and reenact R.S. 37:3552(10) and 3556(A)(introductory paragraph), (1)(a), and (2) through (6) and (B) through (E), to AMENDMENT NO. 2 enact R.S. 37:3555(C), 3556(F), 3558(E), 3560, 3561(F), 3564(C), and 3567(C), and to repeal 37:3556.1, relative to the On page 2, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following: regulation of massage therapists and establishments; to amend "D. No intervention or stabilization unit, as provided for in this definitions; to prohibit certain acts of unlicensed support Section, shall be established by any human services authority or personnel; to specify a time frame for initial inspections of district unless and until the Legislature specifically appropriates establishments; to provide certain revisions with respect to funding for this purpose. Furthermore, no human services authority license qualifications; to provide relative to out-of-state or district shall divert any monies appropriated to the authority or licensees; to provide for the regulation of advertisement; to district for other purposes to establish or fund an intervention or authorize and prohibit certain enforcement by state and local stabilization unit." officials; to repeal exemptions with respect to persons licensed out-of-state; to repeal an expired provision of law; to require Rep. Carpenter moved that the amendments proposed by the rule promulgation; to provide for an effective date; to make Senate be rejected. technical corrections; and to provide for related matters. Read by title.

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The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Rep. Adams moved that the amendments proposed by the the Senate. Senate be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Health and Welfare The roll was called with the following result: to Reengrossed House Bill No. 792 by Representative Adams YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Franklin Leger Abraham Gaines Lopinto On page 1, delete lines 2 through 12 and insert the following: Adams Garofalo Lyons Amedee Gisclair Mack " To enact R.S. 37:3564(C) and 3567(C), relative to the regulation of Anders Glover Magee massage therapists and establishments; to provide for the Armes Guinn Marcelle regulation of advertisement; to authorize and prohibit certain Bacala Hall McFarland enforcement by state and local officials; to provide for an Bagley Harris, J. Miguez effective date; and to provide for related matters." Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, D. Berthelot Havard Miller, G. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Billiot Hazel Montoucet Bishop Henry Moreno On page 1, delete lines 14 through 17, and delete pages 2 through 5 Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay and insert the following: Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jim Brown, C. Hill Norton "Section 1. R.S. 37:3564(C) and 3567(C) are hereby enacted to Brown, T. Hodges Pearson read as follows:" Carmody Hoffmann Pierre Carpenter Hollis Pope AMENDMENT NO. 3 Carter, G. Horton Price Carter, R. Howard Pugh On page 6, delete lines 16 through 20 Carter, S. Hunter Pylant Chaney Huval Reynolds AMENDMENT NO. 4 Connick Ivey Richard Coussan Jackson Schexnayder On page 6, line 21, change "Section 5." to "Section 2." Cox James Seabaugh Cromer Jefferson Shadoin SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Danahay Jenkins Simon Davis Johnson, M. Stokes Amendments proposed by Senator Claitor to Reengrossed House Bill DeVillier Johnson, R. Talbot No. 792 by Representative Adams Dwight Jones Thibaut Edmonds Jordan White AMENDMENT NO. 1 Emerson Landry, N. Willmott Falconer Landry, T. Zeringue Delete Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate Foil LeBas Committee on Health and Welfare and adopted by the Senate on May Total - 101 25, 2016. NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total - 0 ABSENT On page 1, delete lines 2 through 12 and insert the following: Abramson Schroder "To amend and reenact R.S. 37:3552(10) and to enact R.S. Leopold Smith 37:3564(C) and 3567(C), relative to the regulation of massage Total - 4 therapists and establishments; to amend definitions; to provide for the regulation of advertisement; to authorize and prohibit The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by certain enforcement by state and local officials; to provide for the House. an effective date; and to provide for related matters." HOUSE BILL NO. 815— BY REPRESENTATIVES STOKES, BAGLEY, COX, HENSGENS, AMENDMENT NO. 3 HOFFMANN, HORTON, ROBERT JOHNSON, MAGEE, , AND POPE Delete Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 proposed by the Senate AN ACT Committee on Health and Welfare and adopted by the Senate on May To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1061.25, relative to human remains 25, 2016. resulting from certain abortion procedures; to require burial or cremation of remains resulting from abortion; to prohibit the AMENDMENT NO. 4 buying, selling, and any other transfer of the intact body of a human embryo or fetus whose death was caused by an induced On page 1, delete lines 14 through 17 and insert the following: abortion; to prohibit the buying, selling, and any other transfer of organs, tissues, or cells obtained from a human embryo or "Section 1. R.S. 37:3552(10) is hereby amended and reenacted fetus whose death was caused by an induced abortion; to and R.S. 37:3564(C) and 3567(C) are hereby enacted to read as establish penalties for violation of such prohibitions; to provide follows:" relative to disposal of remains resulting from abortion procedures; to provide findings; to provide for construction; and AMENDMENT NO. 5 to provide for related matters. On page 2, delete lines 25 through 29, and delete pages 3 through 5 Read by title.

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Motion Edmonds Jones Thibaut Emerson Jordan White On motion of Rep. Ivey, the bill was returned to the calendar. Falconer Landry, N. Willmott Foil Landry, T. Zeringue HOUSE BILL NO. 635— Total - 96 BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER NAYS AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 14:283(A)(1), 283.1(A), and 284(B) and Total - 0 to enact R.S. 14:283(G), 283.1(C), and 284(D), relative to ABSENT crimes affecting public morals; to amend crimes involving the observation and invasion of privacy of another to include the Abramson Guinn Schroder use of unmanned aircraft systems; to define unmanned aircraft Bagley Lopinto Simon systems; and to provide for related matters. Connick Pugh Stokes Total - 9 Called from the calendar. The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Read by title. the House. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by HOUSE BILL NO. 830— the Senate. BY REPRESENTATIVE SEABAUGH AN ACT SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS To amend and reenact R.S. 15:587.1(B)(1) and (C)(introductory paragraph) and R.S. 17:407.42(B)(1)(a), relative to the Amendments proposed by Senator Brown to Engrossed House Bill Department of Education; to authorize the department to request No. 635 by Representative Hunter criminal history information on certain personnel of early learning centers; to provide requirements relative to the state AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information upon the receipt of such requests; to provide relative to fees; to provide On page 1, line 11, between "is" and the colon ":" insert "any of the relative to effectiveness; to provide relative to implementation; following" and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Read by title. On page 1, line 16, delete "; or" and insert a period "." The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. Rep. Hunter moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Education to Reengrossed House Bill No. 830 by Representative Seabaugh The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 1 YEAS On page 2, line 20, after "department" change "may" to "shall" Mr. Speaker Franklin LeBas Abraham Gaines Leger Rep. Seabaugh moved that the amendments proposed by the Adams Garofalo Leopold Senate be concurred in. Amedee Gisclair Lyons Anders Glover Mack ROLL CALL Armes Hall Magee Bacala Harris, J. Marcelle The roll was called with the following result: Bagneris Harris, L. McFarland Berthelot Havard Miguez YEAS Billiot Hazel Miller, D. Bishop Henry Miller, G. Mr. Speaker Franklin Leger Bouie Hensgens Montoucet Abraham Gaines Lopinto Broadwater Hilferty Moreno Adams Garofalo Lyons Brown, C. Hill Morris, Jay Amedee Gisclair Mack Brown, T. Hodges Morris, Jim Anders Glover Magee Carmody Hoffmann Norton Armes Hall Marcelle Carpenter Hollis Pearson Bacala Harris, J. McFarland Carter, G. Horton Pierre Bagneris Harris, L. Miguez Carter, R. Howard Pope Berthelot Havard Miller, D. Carter, S. Hunter Price Billiot Hazel Miller, G. Chaney Huval Pylant Bishop Henry Montoucet Coussan Ivey Reynolds Bouie Hensgens Moreno Cox Jackson Richard Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jay Cromer James Schexnayder Brown, C. Hill Morris, Jim Danahay Jefferson Seabaugh Brown, T. Hodges Pearson Davis Jenkins Shadoin Carmody Hoffmann Pierre DeVillier Johnson, M. Smith Carpenter Hollis Pope Dwight Johnson, R. Talbot Carter, G. Horton Price

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Carter, R. Howard Pugh the secretary or the equivalent of the Department of Economic Carter, S. Hunter Pylant Development, Department of Elderly Affairs, Department of Chaney Huval Reynolds Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Department of Environmental Connick Ivey Richard Quality, Department of Health and Hospitals, Louisiana Coussan Jackson Schexnayder Workforce Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Cox James Seabaugh Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Department of Cromer Jefferson Shadoin Revenue, Department of Children and Family Services, Danahay Jenkins Simon Department of Transportation and Developement, Department Davis Johnson, M. Smith of Wildlife and Fisheries, Department of Agriculture and DeVillier Johnson, R. Stokes Forestry, Department of Insurance, Department of Justice, Dwight Jones Talbot Department of Public Service, Department of State, Department Edmonds Jordan Thibaut of Treasury, and Department of Veterans Affairs; to require Emerson Landry, N. White these entities to report to the legislature certain information Falconer Landry, T. Willmott concerning organizational matters and staff salaries; to specify Foil LeBas Zeringue the period for reporting of such information; to provide for Total - 99 technical corrections; and to provide for related matters." NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total - 0 ABSENT On page 2, delete lines 15 and 16, and insert the following: Abramson Guinn Norton "Section 2. R.S. 36:104(A)(15), 954(A)(9), 204(A)(9), Bagley Leopold Schroder 234(A)(14), 254(A)(15), 304(A)(9), 354(A)(18), 404(A)(10), Total - 6 454(A)(9), 474(A)(13), 505(A)(10), 605(A)(9), 624 (A)(9), 645(A)(9), 682(B)(8), 702(8), 722(8), 742(10), 764(A)(8), and The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by 784(A)(9) are hereby enacted to read as follows:" the House. AMENDMENT NO. 3 HOUSE BILL NO. 947— BY REPRESENTATIVES POPE, AMEDEE, BAGLEY, BOUIE, CONNICK, On page 2, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following: COX, DAVIS, EDMONDS, EMERSON, GAROFALO, GUINN, , HENRY, HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HILL, HOFFMANN, HORTON, IVEY, MIKE JOHNSON, JONES, LEBAS, LOPINTO, MAGEE, "§104. Powers and duties of the secretary of economic development MIGUEZ, GREGORY MILLER, JAY MORRIS, SMITH, STOKES, AND ZERINGUE A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise AN ACT vested in the secretary by law, he shall: To amend and reenact R.S. 17:7(22) and to enact R.S. 17:7(33) and R.S. 36:254(A)(15), 474(A)(13), and 645(A)(9), relative to * * * reporting of information to the legislature concerning the administration of certain state departments; to provide for duties (15) (a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following of the secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals, the information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services, convening of each regular session: the state superintendent of education, and the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; to require these entities (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is to report to the legislature certain information concerning current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which organizational matters and staff salaries; to specify the period shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the for reporting of such information; to provide for technical department. corrections; and to provide for related matters. (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled Read by title. position shown on the organizational chart. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this the Senate. Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS report required by Paragraph (7) of this Subsection. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Senate and * * * Governmental Affairs to Reengrossed House Bill No. 947 by Representative Pope §154. Powers and duties of secretary of elderly affairs AMENDMENT NO. 1 A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested in the secretary by law, he shall: On page 1, delete lines 2 through 10, and insert the following: * * * "To amend and reenact R.S. 17:7(22) and to enact R.S. 17:7(33) and R.S. 36: 104(A)(15), 954(A)(9), 204(A)(9), 234(A)(14), (9) (a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following 254(A)(15), 304(A)(9), 354(A)(18), 404(A)(10), 454(A)(9), information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the 474(A)(13), 505(A)(10), 605(A)(9), 624(A)(9), 645(A)(9), convening of each regular session: 682(B)(8), 702(8), 722(8), 742(10), 764(A)(8), and 784(A)(9), relative to reporting of information to the legislature concerning (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is the administration of state departments; to provide for duties of current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which the superintendent of education, and the State Board of shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the Elementary and Secondary Education; to provide for duties of department.

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(ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled * * * position shown on the organizational chart. (9) (a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not convening of each regular session: required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual report required by Paragraph (7) of this Subsection. (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which * * * shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the department. §204. Powers and duties of secretary of culture, recreation and tourism (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested in the secretary by law, he shall: (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not * * * required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual report required by Paragraph (7) of this Subsection. (9)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the * * * convening of each regular session: §354. Powers and duties of secretary of natural resources (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the vested in the secretary by law, he shall: department. * * * (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. (18)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this convening of each regular session: Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is report required by Paragraph (7) of this Subsection. current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the * * * department. §234. Powers and duties of secretary of environmental quality (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested in the secretary by law, he shall: (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not * * * required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual report required by Paragraph (11) of this Subsection. (14) (a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the * * * convening of each regular session: §404. Powers and duties of secretary of public safety and corrections (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the vested in the secretary by law, he shall: department. * * * (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. (10)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this convening of each regular session: Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is report required by Paragraph (12) of this Subsection. current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the * * *" department. AMENDMENT NO. 4 (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. On page 3, between lines 3 and 4, insert the following: (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this "§304. Powers and duties of executive director Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise report required by Paragraph (8) of this Subsection. vested in the executive director by law, he shall: * * *

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§454. Powers and duties of secretary of revenue (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested in the secretary by law, he shall: (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not * * * required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual report required by Paragraph (7) of this Subsection. (9)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the * * * convening of each regular session: §624. Powers and duties of commissioner of agriculture and forestry (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the vested in the commissioner of agriculture by law, he shall: department. * * * (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. (9)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this convening of each regular session: Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is report required by Paragraph (7) of this Subsection. current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the * * *" department. AMENDMENT NO. 5 (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. On page 3, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following: (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this "§504. Powers and duties of secretary of transportation and Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not development required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual report required by Paragraph (6) of this Subsection. A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested in the secretary by law, he shall: * * *" * * * AMENDMENT NO. 6 (10)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following On page 4, after line 7, insert the following: information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the convening of each regular session: "§682. Commissioner of insurance; powers and duties (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is A. The commissioner of insurance shall serve as the executive current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which head and chief administrative officer of the Department of Insurance shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the and shall have the responsibility for the policies of the department department. and for the administration, control, and operation of the functions, programs, and affairs of the department, to the extent provided by (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled this Title. position shown on the organizational chart. B. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this vested in the commissioner of insurance by law, he shall: Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual * * * report required by Paragraph (7) of this Subsection. (8)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following * * * information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the convening of each regular session: §605. Powers and duties of the secretary of wildlife and fisheries (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which vested in the secretary by law, he shall: shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the department. * * * (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled (9)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following position shown on the organizational chart. information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the convening of each regular session: (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which report required by Paragraph (5) of this Subsection. shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the department. * * *

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§702. Powers and duties of attorney general (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual in the attorney general, he shall: report required by Paragraph (5) of this Subsection. * * * * * * (8)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following §764. Powers and duties of state treasurer information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the convening of each regular session: A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested in the state treasurer by law, he shall: (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which * * * shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the department. (8)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled convening of each regular session: position shown on the organizational chart. (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual department. report required by Paragraph (5) of this Subsection. (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled * * * position shown on the organizational chart. §722. Powers and duties of Public Service Commission (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not in the Public Service Commission, it shall: required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual report required by Paragraph (6) of this Subsection. * * * * * * (8)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the §784. Powers and duties of the secretary convening of each regular session: A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is vested in the secretary by law, he shall: current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the * * * department. (9)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the position shown on the organizational chart. convening of each regular session:

(b) The secretary may submit the report required by this (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the report required by Paragraph (5) of this Subsection. department.

* * * (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled position shown on the organizational chart. §742. Powers and duties of secretary of state (b) The secretary may submit the report required by this In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested Paragraph in electronic format, and is further authorized, but is not in the secretary of state by law, he shall: required, to submit the report at the time of submission of the annual report required by Paragraph (6) of this Subsection. * * * * * *" (10)(a) On an annual basis, provide all of the following information to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS convening of each regular session: Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House (i) A full organizational chart for the department which is Bill No. 947 by Representative Pope current as of the date of submission to the legislature and which shows each staff position, whether filled or vacant, that comprises the AMENDMENT NO. 1 department. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate (ii) The current salary of the person occupying each filled Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the position shown on the organizational chart. Senate on May 24, 2016, on line 4, change "954(A)(9)" to "154(A)(9)"

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AMENDMENT NO. 2 AMENDMENT NO. 9 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 2016, on line 5, change "505(A)(10)" to Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 6, change "thirty" to "504(A)(10)" "fifteen"

AMENDMENT NO. 3 AMENDMENT NO. 10 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 proposed by the Senate In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 2016, on line 23, change "954(A)(9)" to Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 22, change "thirty" to "154(A)(9)" "fifteen"

AMENDMENT NO. 4 AMENDMENT NO. 11 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 proposed by the Senate In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 2016, on line 24, change "505(A)(10)" to Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 38, change "thirty" to "504(A)(10)" "fifteen"

SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 12 Amendments proposed by Senator Peterson to Reengrossed House In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Bill No. 947 by Representative Pope Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 4, line 5, change "thirty" to AMENDMENT NO. 1 "fifteen"

On page 2, line 5, change "thirty" to "fifteen" AMENDMENT NO. 13 AMENDMENT NO. 2 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the On page 2, line 22, change "thirty" to "fifteen" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 4, line 24, change "thirty" to "fifteen" AMENDMENT NO. 3 AMENDMENT NO. 14 On page 3, line 10, change "thirty" to "fifteen" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 4 Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 4, line 40, change "thirty" to On page 3, line 26, change "thirty" to "fifteen" "fifteen" AMENDMENT NO. 5 AMENDMENT NO. 15 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 1, line 34, change "thirty" to Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, line 3, change "thirty" to "fifteen" "fifteen"

AMENDMENT NO. 6 AMENDMENT NO. 16 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 2, line 6, change "thirty" to Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, line 26, change "thirty" to "fifteen" "fifteen"

AMENDMENT NO. 7 AMENDMENT NO. 17 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 2, line 22, change "thirty" to Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, line 42, change "thirty" to "fifteen" "fifteen"

AMENDMENT NO. 8 AMENDMENT NO. 18 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 2, line 38, change "thirty" to Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 5, change "thirty" to "fifteen" "fifteen"

1626 Page 19 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016

AMENDMENT NO. 19 Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 12, change "secretary" to "executive director" and between "the" and "report" insert "annual" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the AMENDMENT NO. 8 Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 21, change "thirty" to "fifteen" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the AMENDMENT NO. 20 Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 28, between "the" and "report" insert "annual" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the AMENDMENT NO. 9 Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 37, change "thirty" to "fifteen" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the AMENDMENT NO. 21 Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 30, change "the annual report required by" to "a report pursuant to" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the AMENDMENT NO. 10 Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 7, line 2, change "thirty" to "fifteen" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 44, between "the" and "report" insert "annual" Amendments proposed by Senator Peterson to Reengrossed House Bill No. 947 by Representative Pope AMENDMENT NO. 11 AMENDMENT NO. 1 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, line 46, change "the annual Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the report required by" to "a report pursuant to" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 1, line 40, between "the" and "report" insert "annual" AMENDMENT NO. 12 AMENDMENT NO. 2 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 4, line 11, between "the" and Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the "report" insert "annual" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 2, line 12, between "the" and "report" insert "annual" AMENDMENT NO. 13 AMENDMENT NO. 3 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 4, line 30, between "the" and Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the "report" insert "annual" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 2, line 28, between "the" and "report" insert "annual" AMENDMENT NO. 14 AMENDMENT NO. 4 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 4, line 32, change "the annual Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the report required by" to "a report pursuant to" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 2, line 30, change "the annual report required by" to "a report pursuant to" AMENDMENT NO. 15 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 5 Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 4, line 46, between "the" and Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the "report" insert "annual" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 2, line 44, between "the" and AMENDMENT NO. 16 "report" insert "annual" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 6 Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, line 9, In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate change "secretary" to "commissioner" and between "the" and Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the "report" insert "annual" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 3, lines 7 and 9, change "department" to "commission" AMENDMENT NO. 17 AMENDMENT NO. 7 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, delete lines 18 through 21 and Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the insert

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"* * *" AMENDMENT NO. 28 AMENDMENT NO. 18 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 43, change "secretary" to Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the "state treasurer" and between "the" and "report" insert "annual" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, line 32, change "secretary" to "commissioner" and between "the" and "report" insert "annual" AMENDMENT NO. 29

AMENDMENT NO. 19 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 45, change "the annual Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the report required by" to "a report pursuant to" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, line 48, change "secretary" to "attorney general" and between "the" and "report" insert "annual" AMENDMENT NO. 30 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 20 Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 7, line 8, between "the" and Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the "report" insert "annual" Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 5, line 51, change "Subsection" to "Section" AMENDMENT NO. 31 In Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Legislative Bureau and AMENDMENT NO. 21 adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 1, line 3, change In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate "May 24, 2016, on" to "May 25, 2016, on page 1," Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 11, change "secretary" to AMENDMENT NO. 32 "commission" and between "the" and "report" insert "annual" In Amendment No. 2 proposed by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 1, line 7, change AMENDMENT NO. 22 "May 24, 2016, on" to "May 25, 2016, on page 1," In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 33 Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 13, change "the annual In Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Legislative Bureau and report required by" to "a report pursuant to" adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 1, line 11, change "May 24, 2016, on" to "May 25, 2016, on page 1," AMENDMENT NO. 23 AMENDMENT NO. 34 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the In Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Legislative Bureau and Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 14, change "Subsection" to adopted by the Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 1, line 15, change "Section" "May 24, 2016, on" to "May 25, 2016, on page 1,"

AMENDMENT NO. 24 Rep. Pope moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the ROLL CALL Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 27, between "the" and "report" insert "annual" The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 25 YEAS In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Mr. Speaker Garofalo Lopinto Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Abraham Gisclair Lyons Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 29, change "the annual Adams Glover Mack report required by" to "a report pursuant to" Amedee Guinn Magee Anders Hall Marcelle AMENDMENT NO. 26 Bacala Harris, J. McFarland Bagneris Harris, L. Miguez In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Berthelot Havard Miller, D. Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Billiot Hazel Miller, G. Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 30, change "Subsection" to Bishop Henry Montoucet "Section" Bouie Hensgens Moreno Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jay Brown, C. Hill Morris, Jim AMENDMENT NO. 27 Brown, T. Hodges Norton Carmody Hollis Pierre In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Carpenter Horton Pope Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the Carter, G. Howard Price Senate on May 25, 2016, on page 6, line 36, change "(8)" to "(8)" Carter, R. Hunter Pugh

1628 Page 21 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016

Carter, S. Huval Pylant HOUSE BILL NO. 32— Connick Ivey Richard BY REPRESENTATIVES JONES, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BILLIOT, BOUIE, TERRY BROWN, CARPENTER, , COX, Coussan Jackson Schexnayder FRANKLIN, GAINES, HALL, HAZEL, HILL, HOWARD, HUNTER, Cox James Seabaugh JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, ROBERT JOHNSON, TERRY Cromer Jefferson Shadoin LANDRY, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MCFARLAND, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, MONTOUCET, MORENO, NORTON, PIERRE, POPE, Danahay Jenkins Simon PRICE, PYLANT, REYNOLDS, SEABAUGH, SHADOIN, SMITH, Davis Johnson, M. Smith WILLMOTT, AND ZERINGUE DeVillier Johnson, R. Stokes AN ACT Dwight Jones Talbot To enact R.S. 11:542.2, 883.4, 1145.3, and 1331.2, relative to state Edmonds Jordan Thibaut retirement system experience accounts; to debit funds from such Emerson Landry, N. White accounts to pay a benefit increase to certain retirees and Falconer Landry, T. Willmott beneficiaries of state systems; to provide qualifications for Foil LeBas Zeringue receipt of such payments; to provide relative to the amount of Franklin Leger such payments; and to provide for related matters. Gaines Leopold Total - 97 Read by title. NAYS The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Total - 0 the Senate. ABSENT SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Abramson Chaney Reynolds Armes Hoffmann Schroder Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to Bagley Pearson Reengrossed House Bill No. 32 by Representative Jones Total - 8 AMENDMENT NO. 1 The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. On page 5, delete line 3, and insert, "least age sixty-five and who retired on or before June 30, 2001." HOUSE BILL NO. 1060— BY REPRESENTATIVE STOKES AN ACT LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS To amend and reenact R.S. 47:301.2(G), relative to the Sales Tax Streamlining and Modernization Commission; to provide with Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House respect to sunset of the commission; and to provide for related Bill No. 32 by Representative Jones matters. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. On page 2, line 5, following "beneficiary" and before "if" change "is Motion eligible" to "," On motion of Rep. Ivey, the bill was returned to the calendar. AMENDMENT NO. "2 HOUSE BILL NO. 1— On page 2, line 9, following "retiree" and before "if" change "is BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY eligible" to ", AN ACT Making annual appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for the ordinary expenses of the executive branch of state government, AMENDMENT NO. 3 pensions, public schools, public roads, public charities, and state institutions and providing with respect to the expenditure of said On page 3, line 1, following "beneficiary" and before "if" change "is appropriations. eligible" to "," Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Motion On page 3, line 5 following "retiree" and before "if" change "is eligible" to ", On motion of Rep. Talbot, the bill was returned to the calendar. AMENDMENT NO. "5 HOUSE BILL NO. 2— BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON On page 3, line 25, following "beneficiary" and before "if" change "is AN ACT eligible" to "," To provide with respect to the capital outlay budget and the capital outlay program for state government, state institutions, and other public entities; to provide for the designation of projects AMENDMENT NO. 6 and improvements; to provide for the financing thereof making appropriations from certain sources; and to provide for related On page 4, line 2, following "retiree" and before "if" change "is matters. eligible" to ", Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 7 Motion On page 4, line 23, following "beneficiary" and before "if" change "is eligible" to "," On motion of Rep. Bouie, the bill was returned to the calendar.

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AMENDMENT NO. 8 SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS On page 4, line 27, following "retiree" and before "if" change "is Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to eligible" to ", Reengrossed House Bill No. 61 by Representative Hoffmann Rep. Jones moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 1 be concurred in. On page 1, line 2, after "reenact"delete the remainder of the line and ROLL CALL insert "R.S. 11:710 (A)(3) and (4)(b), (B)(1)(a) and (d), and (F) and The roll was called with the following result: to enact R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(e) and (f), relative to the reemployment" YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Mr. Speaker Franklin Leopold On page 1, line 10, after "(4)(b)" and before "and" insert ", (B)(1)(a) Abraham Gaines Lopinto and (d)," and at the end of line 10, insert "and R.S. 11:107(B)(1)(e) Adams Garofalo Lyons and (f) are hereby enacted" Amedee Gisclair Mack Anders Glover Magee AMENDMENT NO. 3 Armes Guinn Marcelle Bacala Hall McFarland On page 2, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following: Bagley Harris, J. Miguez Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, D. "B.(1)(a) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this Berthelot Havard Miller, G. Paragraph, Any any retired teacher who returns to active service Billiot Hazel Montoucet covered by the provisions of this Chapter within the twelve-month Bishop Henry Moreno thirty-six-month period immediately following the effective date of Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay such retirement shall have his retirement benefits suspended for the Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jim duration of such active service or the lapse of twelve thirty-six Brown, C. Hill Norton months from the effective date of his retirement, whichever occurs Brown, T. Hodges Pearson first, even if such service is based on employment by contract or Carmody Hollis Pierre corporate contract. Carpenter Horton Pope Carter, G. Howard Price * * * Carter, R. Hunter Pugh Carter, S. Huval Pylant (d) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this Connick Ivey Reynolds Paragraph, If if the reemployment of a retired teacher is based on an Coussan James Richard agreement between the retired teacher and his employer where such Cox Jefferson Schexnayder agreement was perfected prior to the retiree's effective date of Cromer Jenkins Seabaugh retirement and where the agreement allows for the retiree to become Danahay Johnson, M. Shadoin reemployed within twelve thirty-six months immediately following Davis Johnson, R. Simon the effective date of his retirement, the retiree shall not be eligible to DeVillier Jones Smith receive retirement benefits for the twelve-month thirty-six-month Dwight Jordan Talbot period immediately following the effective date of such Edmonds Landry, N. Thibaut reemployment, regardless of whether such agreement is express or Emerson Landry, T. White implied. The provisions of this Subparagraph shall be applied Falconer LeBas Willmott prospectively beginning on July 1, 2001. Foil Leger Zeringue Total - 99 (e) Any retired teacher who returns to active service covered by NAYS the provisions of Paragraph (A)(4) of this Section within the twelve- month period immediately following the effective date of such Total - 0 retirement shall have his retirement benefits suspended for the ABSENT duration of such active service or the lapse of twelve months from the effective date of his retirement, whichever occurs first, even if such Abramson Hoffmann Schroder service is based on employment by contract or corporate contract. Chaney Jackson Stokes Total - 6 (f) Any person who has been retired for twelve months and who The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a has returned to active service pursuant to the provisions of this two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in by the Section prior to May 15, 2016, shall continue to be subject to the House. provisions of R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(a) and (d) in effect on June 30, 2016. HOUSE BILL NO. 61— * * *" BY REPRESENTATIVE HOFFMANN AN ACT LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS To amend and reenact R.S. 11:710(A)(3) and (4)(b) and (F), relative to the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House System of Louisiana in positions covered by the system; to Bill No. 61 by Representative Hoffmann authorize the reemployment of school psychologists in critical shortage areas; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate Committee on Retirement and adopted by the Senate on May 24, The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by 2016, on page 1, line 36, after "of" and before "in" change "R.S. the Senate.

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11:710(B)(1)(a) and (d)"to "Subparagraphs (a) and (d) of this HOUSE BILL NO. 264— Paragraph" BY REPRESENTATIVE MACK AN ACT Rep. Hoffmann moved that the amendments proposed by the To enact R.S. 15:574.4(F), relative to juvenile parole eligibility; to Senate be rejected. provide for parole eligibility for juveniles sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for certain ROLL CALL homicide offenses; to provide for conditions; and to provide for related matters. The roll was called with the following result: Read by title. YEAS Mr. Speaker Gaines Leopold Motion Abraham Garofalo Lopinto Adams Gisclair Lyons On motion of Rep. Mack, the bill was returned to the calendar. Amedee Glover Mack Anders Hall Magee HOUSE BILL NO. 400— Bacala Harris, J. Marcelle BY REPRESENTATIVE REYNOLDS Bagley Harris, L. McFarland AN ACT Bagneris Havard Miguez To amend and reenact R.S. 17:351.1(B)(1), relative to textbooks and Berthelot Hazel Miller, D. other instructional materials; to provide relative to the review of Billiot Henry Miller, G. textbooks and other instructional materials by the state Bishop Hensgens Montoucet Department of Education; to require that the department Bouie Hilferty Moreno conduct such reviews in accordance with the schedule of the Broadwater Hill Morris, Jay State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for reviews Brown, C. Hodges Morris, Jim of certain content standards; to require the department to Brown, T. Hoffmann Norton prioritize certain reviews and to publish a related timeline on its Carmody Hollis Pearson website; and to provide for related matters. Carpenter Horton Pierre Carter, G. Howard Pope Read by title. Carter, R. Hunter Price Carter, S. Huval Pugh The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Connick Ivey Pylant the Senate. Coussan Jackson Reynolds Cox James Richard SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Cromer Jefferson Schexnayder Danahay Jenkins Seabaugh Amendments proposed by Senator White to Engrossed House Bill Davis Johnson, M. Shadoin No. 400 by Representative Reynolds DeVillier Johnson, R. Simon Dwight Jones Smith AMENDMENT NO. 1 Edmonds Jordan Talbot Emerson Landry, N. Thibaut On page 2, after line 9, insert the following: Falconer Landry, T. White Foil LeBas Willmott "Section 2. This Act shall become effective upon signature by Franklin Leger Zeringue the governor or, if not signed by the governor, upon expiration of the Total - 99 time for bills to become law without signature by the governor, as NAYS provided by Article III, Section 18 of the Constitution of Louisiana. If vetoed by the governor and subsequently approved by the Total - 0 legislature, this Act shall become effective on the day following such ABSENT approval." Abramson Chaney Schroder Rep. LeBas moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Armes Guinn Stokes be rejected. Total - 6 ROLL CALL The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a two-thirds vote of the elected members, were rejected. The roll was called with the following result: Conference committee appointment pending. YEAS HOUSE BILL NO. 215— Mr. Speaker Gaines Lopinto BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY Abraham Garofalo Lyons AN ACT Adams Gisclair Mack To provide for the establishment and reestablishment of agency Amedee Glover Magee ancillary funds, to be specifically known as internal service Anders Guinn Marcelle funds, auxiliary accounts, or enterprise funds for certain state Armes Hall McFarland institutions, officials, and agencies; to provide for appropriation Bacala Harris, J. Miguez of funds; and to regulate the administration of said funds. Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. Read by title. Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Motion Billiot Henry Moreno Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay On motion of Rep. Talbot, the bill was returned to the calendar. Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim

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Broadwater Hill Norton AMENDMENT NO. 1 Brown, C. Hodges Pearson Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre On page 2, line 15, between "exemption" and "the" delete "if" and Carmody Hollis Pope insert "and" Carpenter Horton Price Carter, G. Howard Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 2 Carter, R. Hunter Pylant Carter, S. Huval Reynolds On page 2, line 17, change "member of the state police" to "state Chaney Ivey Richard police officer" Connick Jackson Schexnayder Coussan James Seabaugh AMENDMENT NO. 3 Cox Jefferson Shadoin Cromer Jenkins Simon On page 2, line 18, change "they" to "the member or officer" Danahay Johnson, M. Smith Davis Johnson, R. Stokes AMENDMENT NO. 4 DeVillier Jones Talbot Dwight Jordan Thibaut On page 3, line 3, change "they have" to "the surviving spouse has" Edmonds Landry, N. White Emerson Landry, T. Willmott AMENDMENT NO. 5 Falconer LeBas Zeringue Foil Leger On page 3, line 5, delete "they then acquire" and insert "the surviving Franklin Leopold spouse then acquires" Total - 103 NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 6 Total - 0 On page 3, line 6, between "exemption," and "shall" delete "they" ABSENT and insert "the surviving spouse" Abramson Schroder Rep. Mike Johnson moved that the amendments proposed by the Total - 2 Senate be concurred in. The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. ROLL CALL Conference committee appointment pending. The roll was called with the following result:

HOUSE BILL NO. 505— YEAS BY REPRESENTATIVES MIKE JOHNSON, AMEDEE, BAGLEY, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BROADWATER, , CARMODY, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, DANAHAY, Mr. Speaker Gaines Lopinto DAVIS, DEVILLIER, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FOIL, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GUINN, HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HODGES, HOFFMANN, Abraham Garofalo Lyons HORTON, HOWARD, IVEY, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, PYLANT, Adams Gisclair Mack RICHARD, STOKES, AND THIBAUT Amedee Glover Magee A JOINT RESOLUTION Armes Guinn Marcelle Proposing to add Article VII, Section 21(M) of the Constitution of Bacala Hall McFarland Louisiana, relative to ad valorem property tax exemptions; to Bagley Harris, J. Miguez authorize an exemption for certain property owned by an Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, D. unmarried surviving spouse of a member of the military who Berthelot Havard Miller, G. was killed while on active duty in the armed forces of the Billiot Hazel Montoucet United States; to provide for eligibility; to require the Bishop Henry Moreno establishment of an application process; to require the Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay submission of certain information and sworn statements; to Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jim provide for limitations; to provide for effectiveness; to provide Brown, C. Hill Norton for submission of the proposed amendment to the electors; and Brown, T. Hoffmann Pearson to provide for related matters. Carmody Hollis Pierre Carpenter Horton Pope Read by title. Carter, G. Howard Price Carter, R. Hunter Pugh The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Carter, S. Huval Pylant the Senate. Chaney Ivey Reynolds Connick Jackson Richard SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Coussan James Schexnayder Cox Jefferson Seabaugh Amendments proposed by Senator Riser to Re-Reengrossed House Danahay Jenkins Shadoin Bill No. 505 by Representative Mike Johnson Davis Johnson, M. Simon DeVillier Johnson, R. Smith AMENDMENT NO. 1 Dwight Jones Stokes Edmonds Jordan Talbot On page 2, line 13, after "died" insert "or 2017, whichever is later," Emerson Landry, N. Thibaut Falconer Landry, T. White SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Foil LeBas Willmott Franklin Leger Zeringue Amendments proposed by Senator Riser to Re-Reengrossed House Total - 99 Bill No. 505 by Representative Mike Johnson

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NAYS ROLL CALL Total - 0 The roll was called with the following result: ABSENT YEAS Abramson Cromer Leopold Anders Hodges Schroder Mr. Speaker Gaines Leopold Total - 6 Abraham Garofalo Lopinto Abramson Gisclair Lyons The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a Adams Glover Mack two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in by the Amedee Guinn Magee House. Anders Hall Marcelle Armes Harris, J. McFarland HOUSE BILL NO. 572— BY REPRESENTATIVES SMITH, ADAMS, AND STEVE CARTER Bacala Harris, L. Miguez AN ACT Bagley Havard Miller, D. To amend and reenact R.S. 47:463.31(B), (C), (E), (F), (G)(1), and Bagneris Hazel Miller, G. (H), relative to the issuance of special college and university Berthelot Henry Montoucet license plates; to increase the fee for such plates; to provide Billiot Hensgens Moreno relative to charitable donations associated with such plates; and Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay to provide for related matters. Bouie Hill Morris, Jim Broadwater Hodges Norton Read by title. Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson Brown, T. Hollis Pierre The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Carmody Horton Pope the Senate. Carpenter Howard Price Carter, G. Hunter Pugh SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Carter, S. Huval Pylant Chaney Ivey Reynolds Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Connick Jackson Richard Highways and Public Works to Engrossed House Bill No. 572 by Coussan James Schexnayder Representative Smith Cox Jefferson Seabaugh Danahay Jenkins Shadoin AMENDMENT NO. 1 Davis Johnson, M. Simon On page 1, line 2, after "(H)" insert "and to enact R.S. 47:463.31(J)" DeVillier Johnson, R. Smith Dwight Jones Stokes AMENDMENT NO. 2 Edmonds Jordan Talbot Emerson Landry, N. Thibaut On page 1, line 8, after "reenacted" insert "and R.S. 47:463.31(J) is Falconer Landry, T. White hereby enacted" Foil LeBas Willmott Franklin Leger Zeringue AMENDMENT NO. 3 Total - 102 NAYS On page 2, after line 24, insert the following: Total - 0 "* * * ABSENT "J. In the event the motor vehicle registration system of the Carter, R. Cromer Schroder office of motor vehicles is re-engineered, or other technology is Total - 3 otherwise made available to the office of motor vehicles, that would allow for the issuance of personalized special college and university The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by license plates by the office of motor vehicles, then upon the the House. promulgation of rules by the department providing for issuance of a personalized prestige plate under the provisions of this Section, an HOUSE BILL NO. 678— applicant may request such plate at no additional cost to the applicant BY REPRESENTATIVE CARMODY above the annual fee as provided in this Section and the annual AN ACT vehicle registration license tax as provided in R.S.47:451 et seq." To amend and reenact R.S. 33:9109.1(A) through (D), (F), and (G), to enact R.S. 33:9109.2, and to repeal R.S. 33:9109.1(B)(9), relative to charges imposed on prepaid 911 services; to provide LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS for and modify definitions; to increase the amount of the prepaid 911 charge; to provide for administration of prepaid 911 Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Engrossed House charges; to restrict use of certain funds; to provide for Bill No. 572 by Representative Smith effectiveness; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. On page 2, line 22, following "for" and before "college" change Motion "said" to "that" On motion of Rep. Carmody, the bill was returned to the Rep. Smith moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate calendar. be concurred in.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 805— Rep. Robert Johnson moved that the amendments proposed by BY REPRESENTATIVES BROADWATER AND AMEDEE the Senate be rejected. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 33:9106 (A)(3) through (5) and 9109 and ROLL CALL to enact R.S. 33:9109.2, relative to communications districts; to provide relative to the levy of an emergency telephone service The roll was called with the following result: charge on certain communications systems; to increase the maximum amount authorized to be levied within the district; to YEAS provide relative to the use of service charge proceeds; to provide Mr. Speaker Franklin Leopold relative to the district's financial reports; to provide relative to Abraham Gaines Lopinto revenues collected from certain surcharge fees; and to provide Abramson Garofalo Lyons for related matters. Adams Gisclair Mack Amedee Glover Magee Read by title. Anders Guinn Marcelle Armes Hall McFarland Motion Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. On motion of Rep. Broadwater, the bill was returned to the Bagneris Havard Miller, G. calendar. Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Billiot Hensgens Moreno HOUSE BILL NO. 853— Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay BY REPRESENTATIVE ROBERT JOHNSON Bouie Hill Morris, Jim AN ACT Broadwater Hodges Norton To amend and reenact R.S. 34:1801, relative to the Avoyelles Parish Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson Port Commission; to provide for the membership of the Brown, T. Hollis Pierre Avoyelles Parish Port Commission; and to provide for related Carmody Horton Pope matters. Carpenter Howard Price Carter, G. Hunter Pugh Read by title. Carter, R. Huval Pylant Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Chaney Jackson Richard the Senate. Connick James Schexnayder Coussan Jefferson Seabaugh LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS Cox Jenkins Shadoin Danahay Johnson, M. Smith Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House Davis Johnson, R. Stokes Bill No. 853 by Representative Robert Johnson DeVillier Jones Talbot Dwight Jordan Thibaut AMENDMENT NO. 1 Edmonds Landry, N. White Emerson Landry, T. Willmott On page 3, line 2, following "effective date" and before "shall" insert Falconer LeBas Zeringue "of this Act" Foil Leger Total - 101 SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS NAYS Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Reengrossed House Total - 0 Bill No. 853 by Representative Robert Johnson ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 Cromer Schroder Henry Simon On page 2, line 10, between "district" and "who" insert "and at least Total - 4 one member is a minority" The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Conference committee appointment pending. On page 2, line 14, change "three nominees" to "at least two and not more than three nominees, at least one of whom is a minority" HOUSE BILL NO. 880— BY REPRESENTATIVE RICHARD AN ACT AMENDMENT NO. 3 To enact R.S. 47:338.138.1, relative to the Lafourche Parish School Board; to authorize the school board to levy and collect an On page 2, line 18, change "Together," to "A majority of the additional sales and use tax, subject to voter approval; and to legislators consisting of" provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Read by title. On page 2, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following: The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. "(4) If he is not appointed to the commission pursuant to Paragraph (3) of this Subsection ,the president of the commission on SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS the effective date of this Paragraph shall be an ex-officio non-voting Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal member of the commission and shall serve until January 12, 2020." Affairs to Engrossed House Bill No. 880 by Representative Richard

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 Broadwater Hoffmann Pearson Brown, C. Hollis Pierre On page 1, line 2, after "R.S. 47:338.138.1" insert "and 1925.13" Brown, T. Horton Pope Carmody Howard Price AMENDMENT NO. 2 Carpenter Hunter Pugh Carter, G. Huval Pylant On page 1, line 2, after "relative to" delete the remainder of the line Carter, R. Ivey Reynolds and at the beginning of line 3, delete "school board" and insert Carter, S. Jackson Richard "revenue and taxation; to authorize certain local actions; to authorize Chaney James Schexnayder the LaFourche Parish School Board" Connick Jefferson Seabaugh Coussan Jenkins Shadoin AMENDMENT NO. 3 Cox Johnson, M. Simon Cromer Johnson, R. Smith On page 1, line 4, after "approval;" insert "to authorize the assessor Danahay Jones Stokes in the Beauregard Parish Assessment District to receive an Davis Jordan Talbot automobile expense allowance;" Dwight Landry, N. Thibaut Edmonds Landry, T. White AMENDMENT NO. 4 Emerson LeBas Willmott Falconer Leger Zeringue On page 1, line 9, after "R.S. 47:338.138.1" change "is" to "and Total - 99 1925.13 are" NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 5 Total - 0 ABSENT On page 2, between lines 14 and 15, insert: DeVillier Hall Montoucet * * * Franklin Hill Schroder Total - 6 "§1925.13. Beauregard Parish Assessment District; automobile expense allowance The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. In the Beauregard Parish Assessment District, the assessor may Conference committee appointment pending. receive an automobile expense allowance equal to fifteen percent of his annual salary provided the assessor maintains three hundred HOUSE BILL NO. 882— thousand dollars of automobile insurance per accident for bodily BY REPRESENTATIVE ARMES injury and one hundred thousand dollars of automobile insurance per AN ACT accident for property damage." To amend and reenact R.S. 39:2175(6), relative to public contracts; to require a certain percent of evaluation points be awarded to certain veterans in requests for proposals; and to provide for Point of Order related matters. Rep. Jones asked for a ruling from the Chair as to whether the above amendments were germane to the subject matter contained in Read by title. the bill as introduced. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Ruling of the Chair the Senate. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS The Chair declined to rule on the question of germaneness of the Senate amendments. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Engrossed House Bill No. 882 by Representative Armes Rep. Richard moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 1 ROLL CALL On page 1, at the end of line 19, insert "The provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply to design-build or construction manager at The roll was called with the following result: risk methods of construction." YEAS Rep. Armes moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. Mr. Speaker Foil Leopold Abraham Gaines Lopinto ROLL CALL Abramson Garofalo Lyons Adams Gisclair Mack The roll was called with the following result: Amedee Glover Magee Anders Guinn Marcelle YEAS Armes Harris, J. McFarland Bacala Harris, L. Miguez Mr. Speaker Franklin Leger Bagley Havard Miller, D. Abraham Gaines Leopold Bagneris Hazel Miller, G. Adams Garofalo Lopinto Berthelot Henry Moreno Amedee Gisclair Lyons Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jay Anders Glover Mack Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jim Armes Guinn Magee Bouie Hodges Norton

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Bacala Hall Marcelle AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bagley Harris, J. McFarland Bagneris Harris, L. Miguez On page 1, line 5, after "legislature;" insert "to provide for Berthelot Havard Miller, D. management of the fund by the treasury; to provide for appropriation Billiot Hazel Miller, G. from the fund; to provide for reporting;" Bishop Henry Montoucet Broadwater Hensgens Moreno AMENDMENT NO. 4 Brown, C. Hilferty Morris, Jay Brown, T. Hill Norton On page 1, line 8, after "Section 1." delete the remainder of the line Carmody Hodges Pierre and insert "R.S. 46:2623 and 2625(A)(1)(introductory paragraph) and Carpenter Hoffmann Pope (a) are hereby amended" Carter, G. Hollis Price Carter, R. Horton Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 5 Carter, S. Howard Pylant Chaney Hunter Reynolds On page 1, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following: Connick Huval Schexnayder Coussan Ivey Seabaugh "§2623. Louisiana Medical Assistance Trust Fund Cox Jackson Shadoin Cromer James Simon A. There is hereby established as a special fund in the state Danahay Jefferson Smith treasury the Louisiana Medical Assistance Trust Fund, hereinafter Davis Jenkins Stokes referred to as the "fund", which shall consist of monies generated by DeVillier Johnson, M. Talbot the provider fees on healthcare services collected and authorized for Dwight Johnson, R. Thibaut deposit into the fund as provided by law and any other monies which Edmonds Jordan White may be provided by law. the fees on providers of health care services Emerson Landry, N. Willmott collected under the authority of R.S. 46:2625. The monies in the fund Falconer Landry, T. Zeringue shall be available for appropriation by the legislature to the Medicaid Foil LeBas program solely as provided for in Subsection C of this Section. The Total - 98 monies in the fund shall be invested by the state treasurer in the same NAYS manner as monies in the state general fund. All interest earned from the investment of monies in the fund shall be deposited in and remain Total - 0 to the credit of the fund and allocated to each separate account on a ABSENT pro-rata basis. All unexpended and unencumbered monies remaining in the separate accounts of the fund at the close of each fiscal year Abramson Morris, Jim Schroder shall remain in the separate accounts of the fund. Bouie Pearson Jones Richard B. (1) Within the fund there shall be segregated sub-accounts, Total - 7 one for each health care provider group that pays fees pursuant to R.S. 46:2625. Monies collected from each health care provider group The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by shall accrue to the sub-account of that health care provider group. the House. The state treasurer shall establish a separate account within the fund for each healthcare provider group in which provider fees are HOUSE BILL NO. 922— collected and deposited into the fund in accordance with law. Any BY REPRESENTATIVE HENSGENS monies deposited into the fund from other sources, and the interest AN ACT earned on those monies, shall be deposited into a separate account To amend and reenact R.S. 46:2625(A)(1)(introductory paragraph) within the fund, hereafter referred to as the "general account". and (a) and to repeal R.S. 46:2625(B), relative to fees on healthcare providers; to revise the fee amount for nursing (2) Monies shall be allocated, with accompanying federal homes; to repeal a prohibition on new fees or increased fees on matching money, to each of the health care provider groups in nursing homes without a majority vote of approval by the proportion to the amount of fees collected in each sub-account, based legislature; and to provide for related matters. upon fees established by the Department of Health and Hospitals pursuant to R.S. 46:2625. Such allocation shall be calculated using Read by title. collections data from the most recent four quarters for which data is available prior to the state fiscal year for which the allocation will be The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by made. The state treasurer shall deposit monies collected from each the Senate. provider group's provider fees into the account created for that provider group based upon actual collections of the provider fees. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS (3) The monies, including interest earnings, in each separate Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Health and Welfare account shall be appropriated by the legislature to the Medicaid to Engrossed House Bill No. 922 by Representative Hensgens program solely as provided in Subsection C of this Section. AMENDMENT NO. 1 C.(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Chapter, the legislature shall be authorized to appropriate as state funds to the On page 1, line 2, after "reenact" delete the remainder of the line and department for use in any fiscal year, all revenues dedicated and insert "R.S. 46:2623 and 2625(A)(1)(introductory paragraph) and (a) deposited into each segregated sub-account. Such appropriations and to repeal R.S." shall be made for the sole purpose to obtain federal financial participation in the provision of support to health care provider AMENDMENT NO. 2 groups listed in R.S. 46:2625. Any appropriation from the segregated sub-accounts for any purpose other than medical assistance payments On page 1, line 3, after "providers" and before the semicolon ";" to health care provider groups listed in R.S. 46:2625 shall be void. insert "deposited into the Medical Assistance Trust Fund" The legislature is authorized to appropriate monies from the separate accounts only if the appropriation is eligible for federal financial

1636 Page 29 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 participation under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, or its Connick Ivey Shadoin successor, except monies deposited into the general account may be Coussan Jackson Simon appropriated for any Medicaid program expenditure. Cox James Smith Cromer Johnson, M. Stokes (2) Appropriations from monies generated by health care Danahay Johnson, R. Talbot provider group fees, including federal financial participation on those DeVillier Jones Thibaut fees shall be expended as follows: for the fiscal year commencing Dwight Landry, N. White July 1, 2013, and fiscal years thereafter, all of such appropriations in Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott each sub-account shall be used for the purpose of Medicaid Emerson LeBas Zeringue reimbursement payments to the health care provider groups Total - 96 generating those fees listed in R.S. 46:2625. The Department of NAYS Health and Hospitals, or its successor, shall expend monies deposited into each account only for the reimbursement of services to the Total - 0 provider group that paid the fee into the account in any fiscal year, ABSENT except the general account may be expended for any Medicaid program expenditure. Any expenditure from the separate accounts for Davis Jenkins Morris, Jim any purpose other than medical assistance payments for the providers Guinn Jordan Pearson paying the fee shall be void. Jefferson Leger Schroder Total - 9 D. The monies in the fund shall not be used to displace, replace, or supplant appropriations from the state general fund for the The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a Medicaid program below the amount of state general fund two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in by the appropriations to the agency for the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year. House. E. The state treasurer shall report the status of the fund and its Suspension of the Rules sub- accounts at least quarterly to the secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals and the Joint Legislative Committee on the On motion of Rep. Hunter, the rules were suspended in order to Budget. (1) The state treasurer shall report the status and utilization take up and consider House and House Concurrent Resolutions on of the fund and the separate accounts quarterly to the secretary of the Third Reading for Final Consideration at this time. Department of Health and Hospitals, or its successor, and the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. House and House Concurrent Resolutions on (2) The Department of Health and Hospitals, or its successor, shall Third Reading for Final Consideration report on the expenditure of funds out of each separate account that comprises the fund quarterly to the Joint Legislative Committee on The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions on the Budget. third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as follows: * * *" HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 178— BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER Rep. Hensgens moved that the amendments proposed by the A RESOLUTION Senate be concurred in. To urge and request the Department of Transportation and Development to evaluate and report on the feasibility of tolling ROLL CALL highways and bridges in Louisiana. The roll was called with the following result: Read by title.

YEAS Rep. Connick sent up floor amendments which were read as follows: Mr. Speaker Falconer Leopold Abraham Foil Lopinto HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Abramson Franklin Lyons Adams Gaines Mack Amendments proposed by Representative Connick to Engrossed Amedee Garofalo Magee House Resolution No. 178 by Representative Hunter Anders Gisclair Marcelle Armes Glover McFarland AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bacala Hall Miguez Bagley Harris, J. Miller, D. On page 1, line 3, after "Louisiana" and before the period "." insert Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, G. a comma "," and "including but not limited to information regarding Berthelot Havard Montoucet certain past tolling operations in Louisiana, and implementing local Billiot Hazel Moreno option motor fuel taxes" Bishop Henry Morris, Jay Bouie Hensgens Norton AMENDMENT NO. 2 Broadwater Hilferty Pierre Brown, C. Hill Pope On page 1, between lines 14 and 15 insert the following: Brown, T. Hodges Price Carmody Hoffmann Pugh "WHEREAS, Article VII, Sections 4(C) and 27(A) of the Carpenter Hollis Pylant Constitution of Louisiana prohibit political subdivisions of the state Carter, G. Horton Reynolds from taxing motor fuel, but allowing local governments to raise Carter, R. Howard Richard revenue for their transportation projects would reduce dependency on Carter, S. Hunter Schexnayder state funding and provide opportunities to enhance local Chaney Huval Seabaugh transportation networks; and"

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AMENDMENT NO. 3 HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS On page 2, line 2, after "tolls" delete the remainder of the line and Amendments proposed by Representative Price to Engrossed House delete line 3 in their entirety and insert the following: Resolution No. 188 by Representative Steve Carter "and local option gas taxes as options to be considered as potential AMENDMENT NO. 1 sources of new revenues for transportation infrastructure projects." On page 2, line 23, after "designated" delete the remainder of the line AMENDMENT NO. 4 and insert a period "." On page 2, at the end of line 7, delete the period "." and insert "and AMENDMENT NO. 2 implementing local option motor fuel taxes in Louisiana." On page 2, delete lines 24 and 25 in their entirety AMENDMENT NO. 5 AMENDMENT NO. 3 On page 2, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: On page 2, line 29, after "Iberville Parish" delete the remainder of the "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report include a line and delete line 30 in its entirety summarization of lessons learned by the Department of Transportation and Development from tolling operations that took AMENDMENT NO. 4 place on the Crescent City Connection, including but not limited to practices which should not be duplicated for any future tolling On page 3, delete lines 1 through 7 in their entirety and insert "to operations in Louisiana and how best to ensure that all toll revenue fund the design and construction of needed improvements to the is spent on the facility which is tolled or transportation infrastructure intersections of Louisiana Highway 74 and in in the area of the tolled facility. Saint Gabriel, Louisiana, Louisiana Highway 73 and Louisiana Highway 30 in Geismar, Louisiana, and Louisiana Highway 30 at BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report include a Veterans Boulevard in Gonzales, Louisiana." summarization of best practices for the implementation of local option motor fuel taxes, including but not limited to methods by AMENDMENT NO. 5 which it can be ensured that monies that would be generated from such taxes be spent in the areas from which the monies would be On page 3, line 13, after "Iberville" delete the remainder of the line collected." and delete line 14 in its entirety On motion of Rep. Connick, the amendments were adopted. AMENDMENT NO. 6 Rep. Hunter moved the adoption of the resolution, as amended. On page 3, line 15, delete "department should enter into construction" and insert "and enter into design and construction By a vote of 91 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. On motion of Rep. Price, the amendments were adopted. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 184— Rep. Price moved the adoption of the resolution, as amended. BY REPRESENTATIVE LANCE HARRIS A RESOLUTION By a vote of 99 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution, as amended, was To urge and request the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission to adopted. analyze compliance with certain requirements for operation of a motor vehicle and traffic laws since penalties have been HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 208— increased and to report the findings to the House Committee on BY REPRESENTATIVE STEVE CARTER Transportation, Highways and Public Works and to the member A RESOLUTION of the House of Representatives representing House District To urge and request the Accountability Commission, which serves as Number 25 on or before January 1, 2017. an advisory body to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, to consider the advantages and Read by title. disadvantages of preventing a public school district that includes schools rated "D" or "F" from receiving a district rating of "A" Rep. Lance Harris moved the adoption of the resolution. or "B". By a vote of 99 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. Read by title. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 188— Motion BY REPRESENTATIVES STEVE CARTER, BACALA, BERTHELOT, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARPENTER, DAVIS, EDMONDS, FOIL, GISCLAIR, HOWARD, JAMES, JORDAN, MARCELLE, PIERRE, On motion of Rep. Steve Carter, the resolution was returned to PRICE, SMITH, AND THIBAUT the calendar. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Transportation and HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 170— Development to repurpose congressional funds earmarked for BY REPRESENTATIVE IVEY the planning, design, and construction of the Pointe Clair A RESOLUTION Expressway for the widening and improvement of certain To urge and request law enforcement and governmental agencies in portions of Louisiana Highway 30. Louisiana to avoid and suspend all contacts and outreach activities with the Council on American Islamic Relations Read by title. (CAIR). Rep. Price sent up floor amendments which were read as Read by title. follows:

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Motion HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 122— BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION On motion of Rep. Ivey, the resolution was returned to the To urge and request the governor of Louisiana to take action to calendar. restore voting rights to those in the state who are under an order HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 207— of imprisonment for conviction of a felony and to work with all BY REPRESENTATIVE THIBAUT stakeholders to ensure more accessibility to voting for those A RESOLUTION persons who are incarcerated and eligible to vote. To urge and request the secretary of the Department of Revenue to notify each taxpayer whose solar energy systems tax credit Called from the calendar. claim is pending his priority position within the credit caps established for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 and Fiscal Year 2017- Read by title. 2018 and determine the amount necessary to fund those pending credits that exceed the aggregate $25,000,000 tax credit Rep. Hunter moved the adoption of the resolution. program cap. By a vote of 29 yeas and 64 nays, the resolution was rejected. Read by title. Suspension of the Rules Motion On motion of Rep. Hoffmann, the rules were suspended in order On motion of Rep. Chad Brown, the resolution was returned to to take up and consider Senate Concurrent Resolutions on Third the calendar. Reading for Final Consideration at this time. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 211— Senate Concurrent Resolutions on BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON A RESOLUTION Third Reading for Final Consideration To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to develop and maintain on the internet a list of behavioral health The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions on third reading facilities and other pertinent information for persons seeking for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as follows: behavioral healthcare services. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 101— BY SENATOR WALSWORTH Read by title. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Environmental Quality to Rep. Abramson moved the adoption of the resolution. study the removal of Reid vapor pressure gasoline requirements in Ascension, Beauregard, Calcasieu, East Baton Rouge, By a vote of 101 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. Iberville, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Pointe Coupee, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. Mary, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 222— and West Baton Rouge parishes. BY REPRESENTATIVE HOFFMANN A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to Read by title. evaluate and report on the economic impact of prospective employee criminal background check costs on licensed Motion healthcare agencies. On motion of Rep. Hoffmann, the resolution was returned to the Read by title. calendar. Rep. Hoffmann moved the adoption of the resolution. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29— BY SENATOR CHABERT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION By a vote of 100 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. To urge and request the Coastal Protection and Restoration Financing HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 135— Corporation to study and make recommendations on the BY REPRESENTATIVE MACK feasibility of employing financing techniques to convert A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION settlement payments received pursuant to the consent decree To create and establish the Louisiana Probation, Parole, and entered into in the case "In re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig Correctional Officer Compensation Study Commission to study 'Deepwater Horizon' in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010", and examine the feasability of providing a salary increase for into current assets to be deposited and credited to the Coastal Louisiana probation, parole, and correctional officers and to Protection and Restoration Fund. report its findings to the governor and the Louisiana Legislature by February 1, 2017. Read by title.

Read by title. Rep. Zeringue moved the concurrence of the resolution.

Motion By a vote of 98 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was concurred in. On motion of Rep. Hodges, the resolution was returned to the calendar. Suspension of the Rules Motion On motion of Rep. Marcelle, the rules were suspended in order Rep. Hunter moved to call House Concurrent Resolution No. to take up and consider Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on Third 122 from the calendar, which motion was agreed to. Reading and Final Passage at this time.

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Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on Rep. Smith moved to reconsider the vote by which the above bill was finally passed, and, on her own motion, the motion to Third Reading and Final Passage reconsider was laid on the table. The following Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on third SENATE BILL NO. 201— reading and final passage were taken up and acted upon as follows: BY SENATOR ALLAIN A JOINT RESOLUTION SENATE BILL NO. 454— Proposing to amend Article VII, Section 10(F)(2)(b) of the BY SENATOR BARROW Constitution of Louisiana and to enact Article VII, Section AN ACT 10(F)(4)(h), (i), (j), and (k) of the Constitution of Louisiana, To enact Subpart N of Part IV of Chapter 1 of Title 33 of the relative to eliminating deficits in an ensuing fiscal year; to Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. revise the circumstances that would allow the reduction of 33:140.211 and 140.212, relative to smart growth developments; constitutionally protected expenditures and reductions to to provide for legislative findings; to provide for definitions; eliminate a projected deficit in an ensuing fiscal year; to provide and to provide for related matters. for additional exceptions; to provide and to specify an election for submission of the proposition to electors and provide a ballot Read by title. proposition. Rep. Smith moved the final passage of the bill. Read by title. ROLL CALL Rep. Garofalo sent up floor amendments which were read as The roll was called with the following result: follows: YEAS HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Mr. Speaker Franklin Leger Amendments proposed by Representative Garofalo to Reengrossed Abraham Gaines Leopold Senate Bill No. 201 by Senator Allain Abramson Garofalo Lopinto Adams Gisclair Lyons AMENDMENT NO. 1 Amedee Glover Mack Anders Guinn Magee On page 1, line 3, change "and (k)" to "(k), and (l)" Armes Hall Marcelle Bacala Harris, J. McFarland AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bagley Harris, L. Miguez Berthelot Havard Miller, D. On page 1, line 4, after "in" and before "ensuing" change "an" to "the Billiot Hazel Miller, G. current and" Bishop Henry Montoucet Bouie Hensgens Moreno AMENDMENT NO. 3 Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jay Brown, C. Hill Morris, Jim On page 1, line 13, change "and (k)" to "(k), and (l)" Brown, T. Hodges Norton Carmody Hoffmann Pierre AMENDMENT NO. 4 Carpenter Hollis Pope Carter, G. Horton Price On page 3, line 12, after "Any" and before "provider" change "health Carter, R. Howard Pugh care" to "health-care" Carter, S. Hunter Pylant Chaney Huval Reynolds AMENDMENT NO. 5 Connick Ivey Richard Cox James Schexnayder On page 4, at the end of line 6, change the question mark "?" to a Cromer Jefferson Seabaugh comma "," and insert the following: Danahay Jenkins Shadoin Davis Johnson, M. Smith "and to exempt certain funds and mandates from being used to DeVillier Johnson, R. Stokes eliminate a projected deficit?" Dwight Jones Talbot Edmonds Jordan Thibaut AMENDMENT NO. 6 Emerson Landry, N. White Falconer Landry, T. Willmott On page 4, line 8, change "and (k)" to "(k), and (l)" Foil LeBas Total - 98 On motion of Rep. Garofalo, the amendments were adopted. NAYS Rep. Zeringue moved the final passage of the bill, as amended. Total - 0 ABSENT ROLL CALL Bagneris Pearson Zeringue The roll was called with the following result: Coussan Schroder Jackson Simon YEAS Total - 7 Mr. Speaker Foil Leger Abraham Franklin Leopold The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. Adams Gaines Lopinto Amedee Gisclair Mack

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Anders Guinn Magee unexpended fees and self-generated revenue; to provide relative Bacala Hall Marcelle to certain state depositories and associated banking and Bagley Harris, J. McFarland checking accounts; to provide for reporting requirements Berthelot Harris, L. Miguez relative to such banking and checking accounts; to provide for Billiot Havard Miller, D. an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Bishop Hazel Miller, G. Broadwater Henry Moreno Read by title. Brown, C. Hilferty Morris, Jim Brown, T. Hill Norton Rep. Henry moved the final passage of the bill. Carmody Hodges Pierre Carpenter Hoffmann Price ROLL CALL Carter, G. Hollis Reynolds Carter, R. Horton Richard The roll was called with the following result: Carter, S. Howard Schexnayder Chaney Hunter Seabaugh YEAS Connick Huval Shadoin Coussan Jackson Smith Mr. Speaker Foil LeBas Cox James Stokes Abraham Franklin Leger Cromer Jefferson Talbot Abramson Gaines Leopold Danahay Jenkins Thibaut Adams Gisclair Lopinto Davis Johnson, M. White Amedee Glover Magee DeVillier Jones Willmott Anders Guinn Marcelle Dwight Jordan Zeringue Armes Hall McFarland Edmonds Landry, N. Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Emerson Landry, T. Berthelot Harris, L. Miller, D. Total - 85 Billiot Havard Miller, G. NAYS Bishop Hazel Montoucet Bouie Henry Moreno Armes Montoucet Pugh Broadwater Hensgens Morris, Jay Falconer Morris, Jay Pylant Brown, C. Hilferty Norton LeBas Pope Brown, T. Hill Pierre Total - 8 Carmody Hodges Pope ABSENT Carpenter Hoffmann Price Carter, G. Hollis Pugh Abramson Glover Lyons Carter, R. Horton Pylant Bagneris Hensgens Pearson Carter, S. Howard Reynolds Bouie Ivey Schroder Chaney Hunter Richard Garofalo Johnson, R. Simon Connick Huval Schexnayder Total - 12 Coussan Ivey Seabaugh Cox Jackson Shadoin The Chair declared the above bill, having received a two-thirds Cromer James Simon vote of the elected members, was finally passed. Danahay Jefferson Smith Davis Jenkins Stokes Rep. Zeringue moved to reconsider the vote by which the above DeVillier Johnson, M. Talbot bill was finally passed, and, on his own motion, the motion to Dwight Jones Thibaut reconsider was laid on the table. Edmonds Jordan White Emerson Landry, N. Willmott SENATE BILL NO. 407— Falconer Landry, T. Zeringue BY SENATOR MILKOVICH Total - 96 AN ACT NAYS To enact R.S. 39:1567(B)(4) and (F), relative to certain contract reporting requirements; to provide for reporting certain contract Total - 0 information on the Internet; to provide for the creation of the ABSENT Contract Services Joint Legislative Task Force; to provide for the membership of the task force; to provide for the duties of the Bagley Johnson, R. Morris, Jim task force; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for Bagneris Lyons Pearson related matters. Garofalo Mack Schroder Total - 9 Read by title. The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. Motion Rep. Henry moved to reconsider the vote by which the above On motion of Rep. Richard, the bill was returned to the bill was finally passed, and, on his own motion, the motion to calendar. reconsider was laid on the table. SENATE BILL NO. 460— SENATE BILL NO. 466— BY SENATOR LAFLEUR BY SENATOR HEWITT AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 39:372(A)(1), (D), and (E) and R.S. To enact R.S. 17:1519.2(C), relative to public hospitals administered 49:320.1 and to enact R.S. 39:82(K) and 372(F) and (G), by the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University; to relative to state funds; to provide for the annual reporting of provide for a procedure for the board and the commissioner of cash accounts carried forward and the annual reporting of administration to seek approval from the Joint Legislative

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Committee on the Budget and the legislature to proceed with a Ascension Parish; to provide with respect to the disposition of sale of any hospital; to provide for an effective date; and to fees deposited into the Ascension Parish Judicial Expense Fund; provide for related matters. to provide with respect to authority of the judge of the Ascension Parish Court with regard to the Ascension Parish Read by title. Judicial Expense Fund; and to provide for related matters. Rep. Foil moved the final passage of the bill. Read by title. ROLL CALL Rep. Jackson moved the final passage of the bill. The roll was called with the following result: ROLL CALL YEAS The roll was called with the following result: Mr. Speaker Franklin Leger YEAS Abraham Gaines Leopold Abramson Garofalo Lopinto Mr. Speaker Gaines Leger Adams Gisclair Lyons Abraham Garofalo Leopold Amedee Glover Mack Abramson Glover Lopinto Armes Guinn Magee Adams Guinn Magee Bagley Hall Marcelle Amedee Hall Marcelle Bagneris Harris, J. McFarland Armes Harris, J. McFarland Berthelot Harris, L. Miguez Berthelot Harris, L. Miguez Billiot Havard Miller, D. Billiot Havard Miller, D. Bishop Hazel Miller, G. Bishop Hazel Miller, G. Bouie Henry Montoucet Bouie Henry Montoucet Broadwater Hensgens Moreno Broadwater Hensgens Moreno Brown, C. Hilferty Morris, Jay Brown, C. Hilferty Morris, Jay Brown, T. Hill Pierre Brown, T. Hill Pierre Carmody Hodges Pope Carmody Hodges Pope Carpenter Hoffmann Price Carpenter Hoffmann Price Carter, G. Hollis Pugh Carter, R. Hollis Pugh Carter, R. Horton Pylant Carter, S. Horton Pylant Carter, S. Howard Reynolds Chaney Howard Reynolds Chaney Huval Richard Connick Hunter Richard Connick Ivey Schexnayder Coussan Huval Schexnayder Coussan Jackson Shadoin Cox Ivey Seabaugh Cox James Simon Cromer Jackson Shadoin Cromer Jefferson Smith Danahay James Simon Danahay Jenkins Stokes DeVillier Jefferson Smith Davis Johnson, M. Talbot Dwight Jenkins Stokes DeVillier Johnson, R. Thibaut Edmonds Johnson, M. Talbot Dwight Jones White Emerson Johnson, R. Thibaut Edmonds Jordan Willmott Falconer Jones White Emerson Landry, N. Zeringue Foil Jordan Willmott Falconer Landry, T. Franklin Landry, T. Zeringue Foil LeBas Total - 90 Total - 97 NAYS NAYS Total - 0 Total - 0 ABSENT ABSENT Anders Davis Mack Anders Morris, Jim Schroder Bacala Gisclair Morris, Jim Bacala Norton Seabaugh Bagley Landry, N. Norton Hunter Pearson Bagneris LeBas Pearson Total - 8 Carter, G. Lyons Schroder Total - 15 The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. Rep. Foil moved to reconsider the vote by which the above bill was finally passed, and, on his own motion, the motion to reconsider Rep. Jackson moved to reconsider the vote by which the above was laid on the table. bill was finally passed, and, on her own motion, the motion to reconsider was laid on the table. SENATE BILL NO. 120— BY SENATOR MARTINY SENATE BILL NO. 137— AN ACT BY SENATOR BARROW To amend and reenact R.S. 13:2563.5(B) and 2563.17(A) through AN ACT (C), and to enact R.S. 13:2563.5(C), relative to certain judicial To amend and reenact R.S. 33:2740.67(B) and (C)(1)(j) and to enact salaries; to provide for the payment of a judge's salary in R.S. 33:2740.67(G) and R.S. 47:338.217, relative to Baton Ascension Parish; to require the appropriation of amounts Rouge North Economic Development; to provide relative to the sufficient to fully fund the operations of the Parish Court in

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boundaries and membership of the board; to provide for hotel receive autopsy records, writings, and documents and coroner occupancy tax; and to provide for related matters. reports; and to provide for related matters. Read by title. Read by title. Rep. Smith moved the final passage of the bill. Rep. Magee sent up floor amendments which were read as follows: ROLL CALL HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS The roll was called with the following result: Amendments proposed by Representative Magee to Engrossed YEAS Senate Bill No. 241 by Senator Milkovich

Mr. Speaker Falconer LeBas AMENDMENT NO. 1 Abraham Foil Leger Abramson Franklin Leopold On page 1, line 15, after "the" and before "parent" insert "spouse," Adams Gaines Lopinto Amedee Gisclair Lyons AMENDMENT NO. 2 Anders Glover Mack Armes Guinn Magee On page 2, line 1, after "surviving" and before "parent" insert Bacala Hall Marcelle "spouse," Bagley Harris, J. Miguez Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, D. On motion of Rep. Magee, the amendments were adopted. Berthelot Havard Miller, G. Billiot Hazel Montoucet Rep. Magee moved the final passage of the bill, as amended. Bishop Hensgens Moreno Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jay ROLL CALL Broadwater Hill Morris, Jim Brown, C. Hodges Pierre The roll was called with the following result: Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope Carmody Hollis Price YEAS Carpenter Horton Pugh Carter, G. Howard Pylant Mr. Speaker Foil Leopold Carter, R. Hunter Reynolds Abraham Franklin Lopinto Carter, S. Huval Richard Abramson Gaines Lyons Chaney Ivey Schexnayder Adams Gisclair Mack Connick Jackson Seabaugh Amedee Glover Magee Coussan James Shadoin Anders Guinn Marcelle Cox Jefferson Simon Armes Hall McFarland Cromer Jenkins Smith Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Danahay Johnson, M. Stokes Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. Davis Johnson, R. Thibaut Bagneris Havard Miller, G. DeVillier Jones White Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Dwight Jordan Willmott Billiot Henry Moreno Emerson Landry, T. Zeringue Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay Total - 96 Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jim NAYS Brown, C. Hill Pierre Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope Total - 0 Carmody Hollis Price ABSENT Carpenter Horton Pugh Carter, G. Howard Pylant Edmonds Landry, N. Pearson Carter, R. Hunter Reynolds Garofalo McFarland Schroder Carter, S. Huval Richard Henry Norton Talbot Chaney Ivey Schexnayder Total - 9 Connick Jackson Seabaugh The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. Coussan James Shadoin Cox Jefferson Simon Rep. Smith moved to reconsider the vote by which the above Cromer Jenkins Stokes bill was finally passed, and, on her own motion, the motion to Danahay Johnson, M. Talbot reconsider was laid on the table. Davis Johnson, R. Thibaut DeVillier Jones White SENATE BILL NO. 241— Dwight Jordan Willmott BY SENATOR MILKOVICH Edmonds Landry, N. Zeringue AN ACT Emerson Landry, T. To amend and reenact R.S. 13:5713(J), relative to duty to hold Falconer Leger autopsies and investigations; to provide relative to autopsy records, writings, and documents and coroner reports; to provide Total - 97 relative to persons authorized to receive autopsy records, NAYS writings, and documents and coroner reports; to provide with respect to authorization of family members and next of kin to Total - 0

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ABSENT Hodges Miller, D. White Landry, N. Pearson Bouie LeBas Schroder Total - 11 Garofalo Norton Smith Hodges Pearson The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. Total - 8 Rep. Jackson moved to reconsider the vote by which the above The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. bill was finally passed, and, on her own motion, the motion to reconsider was laid on the table. Rep. Magee moved to reconsider the vote by which the above bill was finally passed, and, on his own motion, the motion to Suspension of the Rules reconsider was laid on the table. Rep. Leger moved for a suspension of the rules in order to take SENATE BILL NO. 403— up and consider Senate Bill No. 476 at this time, which motion was BY SENATOR MORRISH AN ACT agreed to. To amend and reenact R.S. 40:2852(D) and to repeal R.S. SENATE BILL NO. 476 (Substitute of Senate Bill No. 132 by 40:2852(E), relative to facilities providing housing or temporary Senator Martiny)— residence for individuals arrested for commission of a crime; to BY SENATOR MARTINY remove accreditation requirement; and to provide for related AN ACT matters. To enact R.S. 22:1055, relative to the requirement for health insurance coverage of diagnosis and treatment for temporal Read by title. mandibular joint and associated musculature and neurology; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Rep. Jackson moved the final passage of the bill. Called from the calendar. ROLL CALL Read by title. The roll was called with the following result: Rep. Leger moved the final passage of the bill. YEAS ROLL CALL Mr. Speaker Falconer Leger The roll was called with the following result: Abraham Foil Leopold Abramson Franklin Lopinto YEAS Adams Gaines Lyons Amedee Gisclair Mack Mr. Speaker Dwight Landry, T. Anders Glover Magee Abraham Falconer Leger Armes Guinn McFarland Abramson Foil Lopinto Bacala Hall Miguez Adams Franklin Lyons Bagley Harris, J. Miller, G. Amedee Gaines Magee Bagneris Harris, L. Montoucet Anders Gisclair McFarland Berthelot Havard Moreno Armes Glover Miller, D. Billiot Hazel Morris, Jay Bagley Guinn Miller, G. Bishop Henry Morris, Jim Bagneris Hall Montoucet Bouie Hensgens Norton Billiot Harris, J. Moreno Broadwater Hilferty Pierre Bishop Hazel Morris, Jay Brown, C. Hill Pope Bouie Hill Norton Brown, T. Hoffmann Price Broadwater Hoffmann Pierre Carmody Hollis Pugh Brown, C. Hollis Pope Carpenter Horton Pylant Brown, T. Horton Price Carter, R. Howard Reynolds Carmody Howard Pugh Carter, S. Hunter Richard Carpenter Huval Reynolds Chaney Huval Schexnayder Carter, G. Jackson Richard Connick Ivey Seabaugh Carter, R. James Shadoin Coussan Jackson Shadoin Chaney Jefferson Simon Cox James Simon Connick Jenkins Smith Cromer Jefferson Stokes Coussan Johnson, R. Stokes Danahay Jenkins Talbot Cox Jones Talbot Davis Johnson, M. Thibaut Danahay Jordan Willmott DeVillier Johnson, R. Willmott Davis Landry, N. Zeringue Dwight Jones Zeringue Total - 75 Edmonds Jordan NAYS Emerson Landry, T. Total - 94 Bacala Garofalo Mack NAYS Berthelot Harris, L. Miguez Carter, S. Havard Morris, Jim Total - 0 Cromer Hensgens Pylant ABSENT DeVillier Hodges Schexnayder Edmonds Ivey Seabaugh Carter, G. LeBas Schroder Emerson Johnson, M. Garofalo Marcelle Smith Total - 20

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ABSENT ABSENT Henry Leopold Thibaut Carter, G. Marcelle Simon Hilferty Marcelle White Henry Miller, D. Talbot Hunter Pearson Hill Pearson White LeBas Schroder LeBas Pope Total - 10 Leopold Schroder Total - 13 The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. Motion The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. Rep. Garofalo moved to reconsider the vote by which the above Rep. Garofalo moved to call Senate Bill No. 447 from the bill was finally passed, and, on his own motion, the motion to calendar, which motion was agreed to. reconsider was laid on the table. SENATE BILL NO. 447— BY SENATOR APPEL AND REPRESENTATIVE JIMMY HARRIS Suspension of the Rules AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 41:1212(G) and 1215(B)(1), (2), (3), (4), On motion of Rep. Mack, the rules were suspended in order to (5), and (6) and to enact R.S. 41:1215(D), (E), and (F), relative take up and consider House and House Concurrent Resolutions on to public benefit corporations; to provide relative to certain Third Reading for Final Consideration at this time. procedures and requirements; to provide relative to leases or subleases of immovable property owned, leased or controlled by House and House Concurrent Resolutions on a public benefit corporation; to provide certain terms and conditions; and to provide for related matters. Third Reading for Final Consideration The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Called from the calendar. third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as Read by title. follows: Rep. Garofalo moved the final passage of the bill, as amended. Motion ROLL CALL Rep. Mack moved to call House Concurrent Resolution No. 135 from the calendar, which motion was agreed to. The roll was called with the following result: HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 135— BY REPRESENTATIVE MACK YEAS A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Mr. Speaker Emerson Jordan To create and establish the Louisiana Probation, Parole, and Abraham Falconer Landry, N. Correctional Officer Compensation Study Commission to study Abramson Foil Landry, T. and examine the feasability of providing a salary increase for Adams Franklin Leger Louisiana probation, parole, and correctional officers and to Amedee Gaines Lopinto report its findings to the governor and the Louisiana Legislature Anders Garofalo Lyons by February 1, 2017. Armes Gisclair Mack Bacala Glover Magee Called from the calendar. Bagley Guinn McFarland Bagneris Hall Miguez Read by title. Berthelot Harris, J. Miller, G. Billiot Harris, L. Montoucet Rep. Mack moved the adoption of the resolution. Bishop Havard Moreno Bouie Hazel Morris, Jay By a vote of 98 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. Broadwater Hensgens Morris, Jim Brown, C. Hilferty Norton Suspension of the Rules Brown, T. Hodges Pierre Carmody Hoffmann Price On motion of Rep. Henry, the rules were suspended in order to Carpenter Hollis Pugh take up and consider House Bills and Joint Resolutions Returned Carter, R. Horton Pylant from the Senate with Amendments at this time. Carter, S. Howard Reynolds Chaney Hunter Richard House Bills and Joint Resolutions Connick Huval Schexnayder Returned from the Senate with Amendments Coussan Ivey Seabaugh Cox Jackson Shadoin The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions returned from Cromer James Smith the Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were Danahay Jefferson Stokes taken up and acted upon as follows: Davis Jenkins Thibaut HOUSE BILL NO. 984— DeVillier Johnson, M. Willmott BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY Dwight Johnson, R. Zeringue AN ACT Edmonds Jones To provide with respect to the Revenue Sharing Fund and the Total - 92 allocation and distribution thereof for Fiscal Year 2016-2017; NAYS and to provide for related matters. Total - 0 Read by title.

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The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by included in apprenticeship agreements; to prohibit any the Senate. apprenticeship law from invalidating any special provision in an apprenticeship agreement, apprenticeship program standards, SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS apprentice qualifications, or the program operation procedure Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Engrossed House Bill relative to veterans, minorities, or women; to provide for an No. 984 by Representative Henry effective date; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by On page 45, line 15, delete "f" and insert "of" the Senate. Rep. Henry moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial ROLL CALL Relations to Engrossed House Bill No. 1001 by Representative The roll was called with the following result: Jefferson YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Foil LeBas On page 1, line 6, after "relative to" delete the rest of the line and Abraham Franklin Leger insert "persons protected against employment discrimination; to Abramson Gaines Leopold provide" Adams Garofalo Lopinto Amedee Gisclair Lyons AMENDMENT NO. 2 Anders Glover Mack Armes Guinn Magee On page 2, delete lines 1 through 4, and insert the following: Bacala Hall Marcelle Bagley Harris, J. McFarland "(3) Any special provisions in the apprenticeship agreement for Bagneris Harris, L. Miguez persons who are protected from discrimination pursuant to the Berthelot Havard Miller, D. "Louisiana Employment Discrimination Law", Chapter 3-A of Title Billiot Hazel Miller, G. 23 of the Revised Statutes of 1950, which are not otherwise Bishop Henry Moreno prohibited by any law, regulation authorized by statute, or contained Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay in any apprenticeship program standards, apprentice qualifications, Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jim the operation procedure for the program, or the apprenticeship Brown, C. Hill Pearson agreement program." Brown, T. Hodges Pierre Carmody Hoffmann Pope Rep. Jefferson moved that the amendments proposed by the Carpenter Hollis Price Senate be rejected. Carter, G. Horton Pugh Carter, R. Howard Pylant ROLL CALL Carter, S. Hunter Reynolds Chaney Huval Richard The roll was called with the following result: Connick Ivey Schexnayder Coussan Jackson Seabaugh YEAS Cox James Shadoin Mr. Speaker Foil Leger Cromer Jefferson Simon Abraham Franklin Lopinto Danahay Jenkins Smith Adams Gaines Lyons Davis Johnson, M. Stokes Amedee Garofalo Mack DeVillier Johnson, R. Thibaut Anders Gisclair Magee Dwight Jones Willmott Armes Glover Marcelle Edmonds Jordan Zeringue Bacala Guinn McFarland Emerson Landry, N. Bagley Hall Miguez Falconer Landry, T. Bagneris Harris, J. Miller, D. Total - 100 Berthelot Harris, L. Miller, G. NAYS Billiot Havard Montoucet Bishop Hazel Moreno Total - 0 Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay ABSENT Broadwater Hilferty Norton Brown, C. Hill Pearson Montoucet Schroder White Brown, T. Hodges Pierre Norton Talbot Carmody Hoffmann Pope Total - 5 Carpenter Hollis Price Carter, G. Howard Pugh The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Carter, R. Hunter Pylant the House. Carter, S. Huval Reynolds HOUSE BILL NO. 1001— Chaney Ivey Richard BY REPRESENTATIVES JEFFERSON AND COX Connick Jackson Schexnayder AN ACT Coussan James Shadoin To amend and reenact R.S. 23:391, relative to apprenticeship Cox Jefferson Simon agreements; to provide for limitations regarding language Cromer Jenkins Smith

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Danahay Johnson, R. Stokes "Section 2. R.S. 45:803 is hereby enacted to read as follows: Davis Jones Thibaut DeVillier Jordan White "§803. Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board; members; duties Dwight Landry, N. Willmott Edmonds Landry, T. Zeringue A. There is hereby created the Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board. Emerson LeBas The board shall be domiciled in Baton Rouge. Total - 95 NAYS B. Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to oversee development and operation of emergency 9-1-1 systems within the state of Johnson, M. Seabaugh Louisiana. Total - 2 ABSENT C. Duties. The duties of the board shall be to: Abramson Horton Schroder (1) Secure resources for the creation, operation, expansion, and Falconer Leopold Talbot cooperative undertaking of local public safety answering points. Henry Morris, Jim Total - 8 (2) Facilitate information-sharing among public safety answering points. The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. (3) Create and maintain best practices databases for public Conference committee appointment pending. safety answering-point operations.

Speaker Pro Tempore Leger in the Chair (4) Encourage equipment and technology sharing among small jurisdictions. Motion (5) Take steps to expand enhanced wire-line nine-one-one Rep. Broadwater moved to call House Bill No. 805 from the service to every telephone user in the state. calendar, which motion was agreed to. HOUSE BILL NO. 805— (6) Assist public-safety answering points in implementing BY REPRESENTATIVES BROADWATER AND AMEDEE wireless technology. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 33:9106 (A)(3) through (5) and 9109 and (7) Provide a clearinghouse of contact information for all to enact R.S. 33:9109.2, relative to communications districts; to telephone companies operating in the state and contact information provide relative to the levy of an emergency telephone service and nine-one-one fees charged in each jurisdiction. charge on certain communications systems; to increase the maximum amount authorized to be levied within the district; to (8) Respond to data requests of the Federal Communications provide relative to the use of service charge proceeds; to provide Commission ("FCC") in connection with 9-1-1 operations and fees. relative to the district's financial reports; to provide relative to revenues collected from certain surcharge fees; and to provide (9) Develop training program standards for nine-one-one call for related matters. takers. Called from the calendar. (10) Take other action as necessary and proper to implement the provisions of this Section, including but not limited to, the adoption Read by title. of rules in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by provide for the duties and functions of the board. the Senate. D. Members. The board shall be composed of thirteen members appointed by the governor. The members shall be subject to SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS confirmation by the Senate. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs to Reengrossed House (1) Members shall serve for terms of four years which shall be Bill No. 805 by Representative Broadwater concurrent with the term of the governor making the appointments. Each member shall continue to serve until his or her successor is AMENDMENT NO. 1 appointed and takes office. A vacancy occurring for any reason shall be filled in the same manner provided for appointment of the On page 1, delete line 3 and insert membership vacated. Members shall serve without compensation. "33:9109.2 and R.S. 45:803, relative to emergency communications (2) The members shall consist of: and public safety; to provide relative to communications districts; to provide relative to the levy of an" (a) Seven members from a list of names recommended by the Louisiana Chapter of the Association of Public Safety AMENDMENT NO. 2 Communications Officials. On page 1, line 7, after "fees;" insert "to create the Statewide 9-1-1 (b) Four members who are representatives of Advisory Board and provide for its powers, duties, composition, telecommunications carriers from a list of names recommended by members, and procedures;" the Cellular Telephone Industries Association ("CTIA"). AMENDMENT NO. 3 (c) One member from a list of names recommended by incumbent local exchange carriers operating in Louisiana. On page 9, after line 25, insert

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(d) One member from a list of names recommended by cable Adams Gisclair Mack companies that provide interconnected VoIP services in Louisiana. Amedee Glover Magee Anders Guinn Marcelle E. Meetings. Armes Hall McFarland Bacala Harris, J. Miguez (1) All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the open Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. meetings and public records laws. A majority of the members of the Bagneris Havard Miller, G. board shall constitute a quorum, and a majority thereof may act on Berthelot Hazel Moreno any matter within the jurisdiction of the board. Billiot Henry Morris, Jay Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jim (2) The board shall hold its first meeting not more than thirty Bouie Hilferty Norton days after appointment of all initial members has been completed. At Broadwater Hill Pearson its first meeting, a chairman, vice-chairman, and other officers as Brown, C. Hodges Pierre considered necessary shall be elected. Officers shall be elected for Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope terms of one year and annually thereafter. There shall be no Carmody Hollis Price prohibition against officers succeeding themselves. The board shall Carter, G. Horton Pugh also adopt rules of procedure and may also appoint committees as Carter, R. Howard Pylant deemed necessary. Thereafter, the board may meet as often as it Carter, S. Hunter Reynolds deems necessary, but shall meet at least four times per year. Chaney Huval Richard Connick Ivey Schexnayder SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Coussan Jackson Seabaugh Cox James Shadoin Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Cromer Jefferson Simon Affairs to Reengrossed House Bill No. 805 by Representative Danahay Jenkins Smith Broadwater Davis Johnson, M. Stokes DeVillier Johnson, R. Thibaut AMENDMENT NO. 1 Dwight Jones White Edmonds Jordan Willmott Delete Senate Committee Amendments No. 1 through 3 proposed by Emerson Landry, N. Zeringue the Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Foil Landry, T. Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 5, 2016. Franklin Leger Total - 97 AMENDMENT NO. 2 NAYS On page 3, delete lines 12 through 15, and insert: Total - 0 ABSENT "districts. It is also the purpose of this Section to provide civil immunity for the provision of 911 services by wireless service Abramson LeBas Schroder suppliers and all communications districts." Carpenter Leopold Talbot Falconer Montoucet AMENDMENT NO. 3 Total - 8 On page 9, delete lines 2 through 5, and insert: The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. "provisions of R.S. 24:513. In addition, each district shall submit an Conference committee appointment pending. annual report to the legislative auditor which includes information on the revenues derived from the service charge authorized by this Motion Section and the use of f such revenues. Such report shall include a report on the status of implementation of wireless E911 service." Rep. Stokes moved to call House Bill No. 815 from the calendar, which motion was agreed to. LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS HOUSE BILL NO. 815— Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House BY REPRESENTATIVES STOKES, BAGLEY, COX, HENSGENS, Bill No. 805 by Representative Broadwater HOFFMANN, HORTON, ROBERT JOHNSON, MAGEE, DUSTIN MILLER, AND POPE AMENDMENT NO. 1 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1061.25, relative to human remains In Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 proposed by the Senate resulting from certain abortion procedures; to require burial or Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs to Reengrossed Bill cremation of remains resulting from abortion; to prohibit the adopted by the Senate on May 26, 2016 on line 6 change "15" to buying, selling, and any other transfer of the intact body of a "14" human embryo or fetus whose death was caused by an induced abortion; to prohibit the buying, selling, and any other transfer Rep. Broadwater moved that the amendments proposed by the of organs, tissues, or cells obtained from a human embryo or Senate be rejected. fetus whose death was caused by an induced abortion; to establish penalties for violation of such prohibitions; to provide ROLL CALL relative to disposal of remains resulting from abortion procedures; to provide findings; to provide for construction; and The roll was called with the following result: to provide for related matters. YEAS Called from the calendar. Mr. Speaker Gaines Lopinto Abraham Garofalo Lyons Read by title.

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The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Franklin Leopold the Senate. Gaines Lopinto Total - 97 SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS NAYS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Health and Welfare Total - 0 to Engrossed House Bill No. 815 by Representative Stokes ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 Abramson Falconer Norton Broadwater Jefferson Schroder On page 3, line 25, after "subject to" delete "the" and delete lines 26 Brown, C. Jenkins through 28 and on page 4, line 1, delete "(b) Civil" and insert "civil" Total - 8 SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. Amendments proposed by Senator Barrow to Engrossed House Bill Conference committee appointment pending. No. 815 by Representative Stokes Speaker Barras in the Chair AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 2, delete lines 6 through 8 and on line 9, delete "C." Motion Rep. Stokes moved to call House Bill No. 1060 from the AMENDMENT NO. 2 calendar, which motion was agreed to. On page 3, line 19, after "D.(1)" delete "Notwithstanding any HOUSE BILL NO. 1060— provision of law to the contrary" and insert "Except as provided for BY REPRESENTATIVE STOKES in Subsection E of this Section" AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 47:301.2(G), relative to the Sales Tax AMENDMENT NO. 3 Streamlining and Modernization Commission; to provide with respect to sunset of the commission; and to provide for related On page 4, line 11, after "prohibit" insert "any transaction related to" matters. Rep. Stokes moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Called from the calendar. be rejected. Read by title. ROLL CALL The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by The roll was called with the following result: the Senate. YEAS SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Mr. Speaker Garofalo Lyons Amendments proposed by Senator Johns to Engrossed House Bill Abraham Gisclair Mack No. 1060 by Representative Stokes Adams Glover Magee Amedee Guinn Marcelle AMENDMENT NO. 1 Anders Hall McFarland Armes Harris, J. Miguez On page 1, line 2, after "reenact" delete "R.S. 47:301.2(G)" and insert Bacala Harris, L. Miller, D. "R.S. 47:301.2(F) and (G) and to enact R.S. 47:301.2(H)" Bagley Havard Miller, G. Bagneris Hazel Montoucet AMENDMENT NO. 2 Berthelot Henry Moreno Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jay On page 1, line 3, after "Commission;" insert the following: Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jim Bouie Hill Pearson "to establish and provide with respect to a subcommittee for the Brown, T. Hodges Pierre development of recommendations for a policy for coordinated multi- Carmody Hoffmann Pope parish audits;" Carpenter Hollis Price Carter, G. Horton Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 3 Carter, R. Howard Pylant Carter, S. Hunter Reynolds On page 1, line 6, after "Section 1." delete the remainder of the line Chaney Huval Richard and insert the following: Connick Ivey Schexnayder Coussan Jackson Seabaugh "R.S. 47:301.2(F) and (G) are hereby amended and reenacted and Cox James Shadoin R.S. 47:301.2(H) is hereby enacted to read as follows:" Cromer Johnson, M. Simon Danahay Johnson, R. Smith AMENDMENT NO. 4 Davis Jones Stokes DeVillier Jordan Talbot On page 1, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following: Dwight Landry, N. Thibaut Edmonds Landry, T. White "F. There shall be a subcommittee established for the Emerson LeBas Willmott development of recommendations to be presented to the commission Foil Leger Zeringue concerning potential policy changes regarding coordinated multi-

1649 Page 42 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 parish sales and use tax audits. The subcommittee shall be composed ABSENT of the commission members representing the Police Jury Association of Louisiana, the Louisiana Municipal Association, the Louisiana Abramson Havard Morris, Jay School Boards Association, the Louisiana Association of Tax Broadwater Jackson Norton Administrators, the Louisiana Sheriffs Association, the Louisiana Brown, C. Jefferson Schroder Multi-parish Tax Commission, the Department of Revenue, and the Carter, G. Jenkins Thibaut Louisiana Legislative Auditor. The members of the subcommittee Falconer Moreno shall elect a chairman as approved by a majority of the members of Total - 14 the subcommittee. The subcommittee's report shall be presented to the commission by January 15, 2017. The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. G. Reports and Recommendations. The commission shall review any reports of the research groups and subcommittees, and HOUSE BILL NO. 1049— after having conducted its comprehensive review, shall prepare a BY REPRESENTATIVE BARRAS report of its recommendations for any revision of current practices, AN ACT administrative procedure, statutory law, and Louisiana constitution. To appropriate funds for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 to defray the A recommendation concerning the collection or administration of expenses of the Louisiana Legislature, including the expenses local sales and use taxes shall require approval of three-quarters of of the House of Representatives and the Senate, of legislative the members of the commission. The commission's interim report service agencies, and of the Louisiana State Law Institute; to shall be submitted to the governor, the president of the Senate, and provide for the salary, expenses, and allowances of members, the speaker of the House of Representatives no later than January 15, officers, staff, and agencies of the Legislature; to provide with 2016. The final report shall be prepared as determined by the respect to the appropriations and allocations herein made; and commission." to provide for related matters.

AMENDMENT NO. 5 Read by title. On page 1, at the beginning of line 9, delete "G." and insert "H." The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Rep. Stokes moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate the Senate. be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to The roll was called with the following result: Engrossed House Bill No. 1049 by Representative Barras

YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Gaines Lopinto Abraham Garofalo Lyons On page 1, delete lines 9 and 10 and insert: Adams Gisclair Mack Amedee Glover Magee "Section 1. The sum of Sixty-Six Million Seventeen Thousand Anders Guinn Marcelle Five Hundred Thirty and No/100 ($66,017,530.00) Dollars, or so Armes Hall McFarland much thereof as may" Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bagneris Hazel Miller, G. Berthelot Henry Montoucet On page 4, delete lines 12 and 13 and insert: Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jim Bishop Hilferty Pearson "Section 3.(A) The sum of Nine Million Thirteen Thousand Bouie Hill Pierre Three Hundred Forty-One and No/100 ($9,013,341.00) Dollars is Brown, T. Hodges Pope hereby allocated out of the total" Carmody Hoffmann Price Carpenter Hollis Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 3 Carter, R. Horton Pylant Carter, S. Howard Reynolds On page 9, at the end of line 13, change "6,517,935" to "9,013,341" Chaney Hunter Richard Connick Huval Schexnayder Coussan Ivey Seabaugh Ruling of the Chair Cox James Shadoin Cromer Johnson, M. Simon House Rule 7.19(D)(2)(a) requires the Chair determine whether Danahay Johnson, R. Smith the Senate amendments proposed to House Bill No. 1049 appropriate Davis Jones Stokes one-time money. DeVillier Jordan Talbot Dwight Landry, N. White The Chair determined that the Senate amendments proposed to Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott House Bill No. 1049 do not appropriate one-time money. Emerson LeBas Zeringue Foil Leger Rep. Henry moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Franklin Leopold be concurred in. Total - 91 NAYS ROLL CALL Total - 0 The roll was called with the following result:

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YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Garofalo Leopold On page 1, line 2, after "(B)" insert "and to enact R.S. 38:321.1(C)," Abraham Gisclair Lopinto Adams Glover Lyons AMENDMENT NO. 2 Amedee Guinn Mack Anders Hall Magee On page 1, line 9, after "reenacted" insert "and R.S. 38:321.1(C) is Armes Harris, J. Marcelle hereby enacted" Bacala Harris, L. McFarland Bagley Havard Miguez AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bagneris Hazel Miller, D. Berthelot Henry Miller, G. On page 2, after line 4, insert the following: Billiot Hensgens Montoucet "C. A state agency or any local government agency may rely on Bishop Hilferty Moreno a certificate of the office of state procurement that the contract bid is Bouie Hill Morris, Jay also in compliance with Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of Broadwater Hodges Morris, Jim 1950, and has been adopted as a statewide cooperative contract Brown, T. Hoffmann Norton pursuant to the cooperative purchase provisions of La. R.S. 39:1702 Carmody Hollis Pearson et seq." Carpenter Horton Pierre Carter, G. Howard Pope Rep. Magee moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Carter, R. Hunter Price be concurred in. Carter, S. Huval Pugh Chaney Ivey Pylant ROLL CALL Connick Jackson Reynolds Coussan James Richard The roll was called with the following result: Cox Jefferson Schexnayder Cromer Jenkins Seabaugh YEAS Danahay Johnson, M. Shadoin Davis Johnson, R. Simon Mr. Speaker Gaines Leger DeVillier Jones Smith Abraham Garofalo Lopinto Dwight Jordan Stokes Adams Gisclair Lyons Edmonds Landry, N. Talbot Amedee Glover Mack Anders Guinn Magee Emerson Landry, T. Willmott Armes Hall Marcelle Foil LeBas Zeringue Bacala Harris, J. McFarland Gaines Leger Bagley Harris, L. Miguez Total - 98 Bagneris Havard Miller, D. NAYS Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. Billiot Henry Montoucet Total - 0 Bishop Hensgens Moreno ABSENT Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jay Broadwater Hill Morris, Jim Abramson Franklin White Brown, T. Hodges Pearson Brown, C. Schroder Carmody Hoffmann Pierre Falconer Thibaut Carpenter Hollis Pope Total - 7 Carter, G. Horton Price Carter, R. Howard Pugh The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Carter, S. Hunter Pylant the House. Chaney Huval Reynolds Connick Ivey Richard HOUSE BILL NO. 1066— Coussan Jackson Schexnayder BY REPRESENTATIVE MAGEE Cox James Seabaugh AN ACT Cromer Jefferson Shadoin To amend and reenact R.S. 38:321.1(A)(introductory paragraph) and Danahay Jenkins Simon (B), relative to the purchase of certain items through an existing Davis Johnson, M. Smith public contract of another political subdivision; to authorize the DeVillier Johnson, R. Stokes state and any political subdivision of the state to purchase Dwight Jones Talbot certain items through an existing public contract of another Edmonds Jordan White political subdivision; and to provide for related matters. Emerson Landry, N. Willmott Foil Landry, T. Zeringue Read by title. Franklin LeBas Total - 98 The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by NAYS the Senate. Total - 0 ABSENT SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Abramson Leopold Thibaut Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Brown, C. Norton Affairs to Reengrossed House Bill No. 1066 by Representative Falconer Schroder Magee Total - 7

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The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Adams Glover Mack the House. Amedee Guinn Magee Anders Hall Marcelle HOUSE BILL NO. 1080— Armes Harris, J. McFarland BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO Bacala Harris, L. Miguez AN ACT Bagley Havard Miller, D. To amend and reenact R.S. 33:1236(21)(b) and (30)(b), relative to Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. the powers of certain parish governing authorities; to authorize Billiot Henry Montoucet certain parish governing authorities to enact ordinances Bishop Hensgens Moreno requiring property owners to remove deleterious growths, trash, Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jay debris, and other noxious matter; to provide relative to liens Broadwater Hill Morris, Jim granted in favor of the parish governing authorities with respect Brown, T. Hodges Norton to such properties; and to provide for related matters. Carmody Hoffmann Pearson Carpenter Hollis Pierre Read by title. Carter, G. Horton Pope Carter, R. Howard Price The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Carter, S. Huval Pugh the Senate. Chaney Ivey Pylant Connick Jackson Reynolds SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Coussan James Richard Cox Jefferson Schexnayder Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Cromer Jenkins Seabaugh Affairs to Engrossed House Bill No. 1080 by Representative Danahay Johnson, M. Shadoin Garofalo Davis Johnson, R. Simon DeVillier Jones Smith AMENDMENT NO. 1 Dwight Jordan Stokes Edmonds Landry, N. Talbot On page 1, line 2, after "(30)(b)" and before the comma "," insert Emerson Landry, T. White "and to enact R.S. 47:1925.13" Foil LeBas Willmott Franklin Leger Zeringue AMENDMENT NO. 2 Gaines Leopold Total - 98 On page 1, line 6, after "properties;" insert "to authorize certain local NAYS actions; to authorize the assessor in the Beauregard Parish Assessment District to receive an automobile expense allowance;" Total - 0 ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 3 Abramson Falconer Thibaut On page 1, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: Bagneris Hunter Brown, C. Schroder "Notice of intention to introduce this Act has been published as Total - 7 provided by Article III, Section 13 of the Constitution of Louisiana." The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Conference committee appointment pending. On page 5, after line 8, insert: HOUSE BILL NO. 1086— "Section 2. R.S. 47:1925.13 is hereby enacted to read as follows: BY REPRESENTATIVE LANCE HARRIS AN ACT §1925.13. Beauregard Parish Assessment District; automobile To amend and reenact R.S. 38:2212(A)(1), relative to the contract expense allowance limit for public works contracts let by certain municipalities; to authorize certain municipalities to let contracts for public works In the Beauregard Parish Assessment District, the assessor may in accordance with state public bid law rather than a home rule receive an automobile expense allowance not to exceed fifteen charter; and to provide for related matters. percent of his annual salary provided the assessor maintains three hundred thousand dollars of automobile insurance per accident for Read by title. bodily injury and one hundred thousand dollars of automobile insurance per accident for property damage. The expense allowance The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by shall come from existing funds in the assessor's office and at no the Senate. additional expense to the state or the local governing authority." SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Rep. Garofalo moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be rejected. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works to Reengrossed House Bill No. 1086 by ROLL CALL Representative Lance Harris

The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 1 YEAS On page 1, line 20, after "Section" insert "unless that municipality by affirmative act of the governing authority adopts a more restrictive Mr. Speaker Garofalo Lopinto limit imposed by home rule charter" Abraham Gisclair Lyons

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AMENDMENT NO. 2 ABSENT On page 2, delete lines 1 and 2, and insert the following: Abramson Garofalo Schroder Carter, G. Henry Talbot "municipalities with a population less than sixty-five thousand Falconer Miller, D. persons as of the most recent federal decennial census." Total - 8

SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. Conference committee appointment pending. Amendments proposed by Senator Long to Reengrossed House Bill No. 1086 by Representative Lance Harris HOUSE BILL NO. 1099— BY REPRESENTATIVE THIBAUT AMENDMENT NO. 1 AN ACT To enact R.S. 40:1046(J)(9), relative to license fees to produce Delete Senate Committee Amendments No. 1 and 2 proposed by the marijuana for therapeutic use; to establish fees to be assessed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works the Department of Agriculture and Forestry for the license to and adopted by the Senate on May 19, 2016. produce marijuana for therapeutic use; to provide for collection and disbursement of the fees; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Read by title. On page 2, line 2, change "fifty thousand" to "forty-eight thousand five hundred" The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. Rep. Lance Harris moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be rejected. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Reengrossed House Bill No. 1099 by Representative Thibaut The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 1 YEAS On page 1, line 2, after "To" and before "enact" insert "amend and Mr. Speaker Gaines Lopinto reenact R.S. 40:1046(D) and to" Abraham Gisclair Lyons AMENDMENT NO. 2 Adams Glover Mack Amedee Guinn Magee On page 1, line 3, after "use;" and before "to" insert "to authorize the Anders Hall Marcelle Board of Pharmacy to promulgate fees;" Armes Harris, J. McFarland Bacala Harris, L. Miguez AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bagley Havard Miller, G. Bagneris Hazel Montoucet On page 1, line 7, after "R.S." delete "40:1046(J)(9)" and insert Berthelot Hensgens Moreno "40:1046(D) is hereby amended and reenacted and R.S. Billiot Hilferty Morris, Jay 40:1046(J)(9)" Bishop Hill Morris, Jim Bouie Hodges Norton AMENDMENT NO. 4 Broadwater Hoffmann Pearson Brown, C. Hollis Pierre On page 1, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following: Brown, T. Horton Pope Carmody Howard Price "D.(1) The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy shall submit a report Carpenter Hunter Pugh to the legislature no later than January 1, 2016, with Carter, R. Huval Pylant recommendations on possible fee amounts relative to the provisions Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds of this Section. Chaney Jackson Richard (2) The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy shall promulgate fees for Connick James Schexnayder applications pursuant to R.S. 37:1184 as deemed appropriate. Coussan Jefferson Seabaugh Cox Jenkins Shadoin * * *" Cromer Johnson, M. Simon Danahay Johnson, R. Smith SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Davis Jones Stokes DeVillier Jordan Thibaut Amendments proposed by Senator Mills to Reengrossed House Bill Dwight Landry, N. White No. 1099 by Representative Thibaut Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott Emerson LeBas Zeringue AMENDMENT NO. 1 Foil Leger Delete Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed Franklin Leopold by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on Total - 97 May 30, 2016. NAYS Rep. Thibaut moved that the amendments proposed by the Total - 0 Senate be concurred in.

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ROLL CALL HOUSE BILL NO. 1121— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER The roll was called with the following result: AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 47:302(U) and 309.1, relative to sales and YEAS use taxes; to provide with respect to certain sales of tangible personal property and taxable services in Louisiana; to require Mr. Speaker Foil Lopinto that certain notifications be provided to purchasers of such Abraham Franklin Lyons property and services for purposes of collection of use taxes Adams Gaines Mack under certain circumstances; to require the filing of annual Amedee Garofalo Magee statements by certain remote retailers concerning their sales in Anders Gisclair Marcelle Louisiana; to provide for definitions; to provide for the powers Armes Glover McFarland and duties of the secretary of the Department of Revenue; to Bacala Hall Miguez authorize rulemaking; to authorize the subpoena of certain Bagley Harris, J. Miller, D. information; to provide with respect to implementation and Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, G. enforcement; to provide for effectiveness; and to provide for Berthelot Havard Montoucet related matters. Billiot Hensgens Moreno Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay Read by title. Brown, C. Hoffmann Morris, Jim Brown, T. Hollis Pearson The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Carmody Horton Pierre the Senate. Carpenter Howard Price Carter, G. Hunter Pugh SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Carter, R. Huval Pylant Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Chaney James Richard Affairs to Re-Reengrossed House Bill No. 1121 by Representative Connick Jefferson Schexnayder Leger Coussan Jenkins Seabaugh Cox Johnson, R. Shadoin AMENDMENT NO. 1 Cromer Jones Simon Danahay Jordan Smith On page 3, line 26, delete "first class mail" and insert "certified mail Davis Landry, N. Stokes or electronically at the purchaser's choice" DeVillier Landry, T. Talbot Dwight LeBas Thibaut SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Edmonds Leger Willmott Emerson Leopold Zeringue Amendments proposed by Senator Morrell to Re-Reengrossed House Total - 90 Bill No. 1121 by Representative Leger NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Hazel Hodges Pope Henry Johnson, M. Delete Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate Total - 5 Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the Senate ABSENT on May 31, 2016. Abramson Guinn Schroder AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bouie Hill White Broadwater Jackson On page 3, line 26, after "first class mail" insert ", certified mail, or Falconer Norton electronically at the purchaser's choice" Total - 10 Rep. Leger moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by be concurred in. the House. ROLL CALL HOUSE BILL NO. 1120— BY REPRESENTATIVE SCHRODER The roll was called with the following result: AN ACT To enact R.S. 47:1525, relative to the Department of Revenue; to YEAS provide for the review and revision of the tax laws of the state; to establish the Louisiana Tax Institute; to provide for the Mr. Speaker Falconer Lopinto membership, terms, powers, and duties of the Institute; to Abraham Foil Lyons authorize the Institute to assist in the reform and continuous Adams Franklin Mack revision of the state's tax laws and policies; to provide for the Amedee Gaines Magee submission of certain reports and recommendations; to provide Anders Gisclair Marcelle for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Armes Glover McFarland Bagley Guinn Miguez Read by title. Bagneris Hall Miller, D. Berthelot Harris, J. Miller, G. Motion Billiot Harris, L. Montoucet Bishop Havard Moreno On motion of Rep. Pearson, the bill was returned to the Bouie Hazel Pearson calendar. Broadwater Hilferty Pierre Brown, C. Hill Pope

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Brown, T. Hodges Price AMENDMENT NO. 5 Carmody Hoffmann Pugh Carpenter Hollis Pylant On page 2, between lines 5 and 6, insert the following: Carter, G. Horton Reynolds Carter, R. Howard Richard "E. Each contract perfected pursuant to this Section shall be Carter, S. Hunter Schexnayder renewed annually biennially at least sixty days in advance of the Chaney Ivey Seabaugh expiration date of the contract by submitting to the office of motor Connick Jackson Shadoin vehicles an application for renewal upon a form supplied by that Coussan James Simon office, together with the renewal fee and the surety bond for the Cox Johnson, R. Smith renewal period." Cromer Jones Stokes Danahay Jordan Talbot LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS Davis Landry, N. Thibaut DeVillier Landry, T. White Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Engrossed House Dwight Leger Willmott Bill No. 1127 by Representative Howard Emerson Leopold Zeringue Total - 90 AMENDMENT NO. 1 NAYS In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate Johnson, M. Morris, Jay Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works to Total - 2 Engrossed House Bill 1127 and adopted by the Senate on May 26, ABSENT 2016, on line 10, after "page 2," change "between lines 5 and 6," to "line 6, delete " * * * ", and" Abramson Hensgens Morris, Jim Bacala Huval Norton Rep. Howard moved that the amendments proposed by the Edmonds Jefferson Schroder Senate be concurred in. Garofalo Jenkins Henry LeBas ROLL CALL Total - 13 The roll was called with the following result: The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. YEAS HOUSE BILL NO. 1127— BY REPRESENTATIVE HOWARD Mr. Speaker Franklin Lyons AN ACT Abraham Gaines Mack To amend and reenact R.S. 32:735(C) and (D) and 736(A), relative Adams Garofalo Magee to auto title companies; to provide relative to contracts between Amedee Gisclair Marcelle the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, office of Anders Glover McFarland motor vehicles, and auto title companies; to provide relative to Armes Guinn Miguez fees charged to auto title companies; to provide relative to the Bacala Hall Miller, D. surety bond required of auto title companies; to extend contracts Bagley Harris, J. Miller, G. of auto title companies; and to provide for related matters. Bagneris Harris, L. Montoucet Berthelot Havard Moreno Read by title. Billiot Hazel Morris, Jay Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jim The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Bouie Hill Pearson the Senate. Broadwater Hodges Pierre Brown, C. Hoffmann Pope SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Brown, T. Hollis Price Carmody Horton Pugh Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Carpenter Howard Pylant Highways and Public Works to Engrossed House Bill No. 1127 by Carter, G. Hunter Reynolds Representative Howard Carter, R. Ivey Richard Carter, S. Jackson Schexnayder AMENDMENT NO. 1 Chaney James Seabaugh Connick Jefferson Shadoin On page 1, line 2, change "R.S. 32:735(C) and (D)" to "R.S. Coussan Jenkins Simon 32:735(C),(D), and (E)" Cox Johnson, M. Smith Cromer Johnson, R. Stokes AMENDMENT NO. 2 Danahay Jones Talbot Davis Landry, N. Thibaut On page 1, line 9, change "R.S. 32:735(C) and (D)" to "R.S. DeVillier Landry, T. White 32:735(C),(D), and (E)" Dwight LeBas Willmott Emerson Leger Zeringue AMENDMENT NO. 3 Falconer Leopold Foil Lopinto On page 2, line 2, after "company" delete the comma "," Total - 97 NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 4 Edmonds On page 2, line 4, after "Safety" insert "and Corrections" Total - 1

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ABSENT Armes Hall Marcelle Bacala Harris, J. McFarland Abramson Huval Schroder Bagley Harris, L. Miguez Henry Jordan Bagneris Havard Miller, D. Hensgens Norton Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. Total - 7 Billiot Henry Montoucet Bishop Hensgens Moreno The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jay the House. Broadwater Hill Morris, Jim Brown, C. Hodges Norton HOUSE BILL NO. 1149 (Substitute for House Bill No. 682 by Brown, T. Hoffmann Pearson Representative Leger) Carmody Hollis Pierre BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER— Carpenter Horton Pope AN ACT Carter, R. Howard Price To amend and reenact R.S. 38:330.1(C)(3) and (4), (D)(2), (E), Carter, S. Hunter Pugh (F)(1), and (H) and to enact R.S. 38:330.1(C)(5) and (D)(3) and Chaney Huval Pylant 330.2(A)(2)(c), relative to the Southeast Louisiana Flood Connick Ivey Reynolds Protection Authority-East and Southeast Louisiana Flood Coussan Jackson Richard Protection Authority-West Bank; to provide relative to the Cox James Schexnayder nominating process for vacancies on the board of Cromer Jefferson Seabaugh commissioners of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Danahay Jenkins Shadoin Authority-East and the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Davis Johnson, M. Simon Authority-West Bank; to provide relative to the terms of DeVillier Johnson, R. Smith members of the boards of commissioners of the Southeast Flood Dwight Jones Stokes Louisiana Protection Authority-East and the Southeast Edmonds Jordan Talbot Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-West Bank; to provide Emerson Landry, N. Thibaut relative to the powers and duties of the board of commissioners Falconer Landry, T. White of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East and Foil LeBas Willmott the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-West Bank; Franklin Leger Zeringue and to provide for related matters. Total - 102 NAYS Read by title. Total - 0 The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by ABSENT the Senate. Abramson Carter, G. Schroder SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Total - 3 Amendments proposed by Senators Peterson and Morrell to The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Reengrossed House Bill No. 1149 by Representative Leger the House. AMENDMENT NO. 1 HOUSE BILL NO. 308— BY REPRESENTATIVES BACALA, ADAMS, AMEDEE, BERTHELOT, EDMONDS, FALCONER, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GUINN, MIKE On page 1, line 12, after "Bank;" insert "to provide for transitional JOHNSON, NANCY LANDRY, MIGUEZ, GREGORY MILLER, JAY matters; to provide for an effective date;" MORRIS, AND PYLANT AN ACT AMENDMENT NO. 2 To enact Chapter 10 of Title 42 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 42:541 and 542, relative to public On page 7, after line 3, insert the following: officers and employees; to prohibit the granting or authorizing of increases in pay for state officials and employees during a "Section 2. The commissioners of the Southeast Louisiana Flood certain period of time; to provide for personal liability of Protection Authority-East and the Southeast Louisiana Flood persons responsible for granting or authorizing such raises; to Protection-West Bank whose terms expire on the effective date of provide for enforcement; and to provide for related matters. this Act shall remain as commissioners until replacements are appointed pursuant to this Act. Read by title. Section 3. This Act shall become effective July 1, 2016." The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. Rep. Leger moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs to Reengrossed House Bill No. 308 by The roll was called with the following result: Representative Bacala YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Gaines Leopold On page 2, after line 27, insert the following: Abraham Garofalo Lopinto Adams Gisclair Lyons "D. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any pay Amedee Glover Mack increase approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget Anders Guinn Magee in accordance with R.S. 49:201.2."

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AMENDMENT NO. 2 Broadwater Hill Norton Brown, C. Hodges Pearson On page 3, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following: Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre Carmody Hollis Pope "Section 2. The provisions of this Act shall take effect and Carpenter Horton Price become operative on July 1, 2016, if the Act which originated as Carter, R. Howard Pugh Senate Bill No. 57 of this 2016 Regular Session of the Legislature Carter, S. Huval Pylant is enacted and becomes effective." Chaney Ivey Reynolds Connick Jackson Richard AMENDMENT NO. 3 Coussan James Schexnayder Cox Jefferson Seabaugh On page 3, line 10, change "Section 2." to " Section 3." Cromer Jenkins Shadoin Danahay Johnson, M. Simon SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Davis Johnson, R. Smith DeVillier Jones Stokes Amendments proposed by Senator Lambert to Reengrossed House Dwight Landry, N. Talbot Bill No. 308 by Representative Bacala Edmonds Landry, T. Thibaut Emerson LeBas White AMENDMENT NO. 1 Falconer Leger Willmott Foil Leopold Zeringue Delete Committee Amendments Nos. 2 and 3 proposed by the Total - 99 Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs and adopted by the NAYS Senate on June 1, 2016. Total - 0 AMENDMENT NO. 2 ABSENT On page 2, after line 27, insert the following: Abramson Garofalo Jordan Carter, G. Hunter Schroder "E. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any pay Total - 6 increase approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget in accordance with R.S. 39:84(H)." The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. AMENDMENT NO. 3 HOUSE BILL NO. 409— On page 3, after line 14, insert the following: BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY AN ACT "Section 3.(A) Except as otherwise provided in Subsections B To amend and reenact Code of Criminal Procedure Article and C of this Section, the provisions of this Act shall become 895.1(F)(3)(e) and to enact R.S. 17:1519.6(E), relative to state effective on July 1, 2016. funds; to provide for the deposit of certain funds into the state treasury; to provide for outstanding fund transfers; to provide (B) The provisions of R.S. 42:541(D) as enacted by Section 1 for the deposit of hospital lease payments; to provide for of this Act shall take effect and become operative on July 1, 2016, distributions out of the Sex Offender Registry Technology if the Act which originated as Senate Bill No. 57 of this 2016 Fund; and to provide for related matters. Regular Session of the Legislature is enacted and becomes effective. Read by title. (C) The provisions of R.S. 42:541(E) as enacted by Section 1 of this Act shall take effect and become operative on July 1, 2016, The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by if the Act which originated as Senate Bill No. 49 of this 2016 the Senate. Regular Session of the Legislature is enacted and becomes effective." SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Rep. Bacala moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Reengrossed House Bill No. 409 by Representative Henry ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 1 The roll was called with the following result: On page 1, line 2, after "reenact" and before "Code", insert "R.S. YEAS 39:91(A), R.S. 47:302.2(C)(1)(b), and R.S. 49:258(3) and 259, and"

Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto AMENDMENT NO. 2 Abraham Gaines Lyons Adams Gisclair Mack On page 1, line 2, change "895.1(F)(3)(e) and" to "895.1(F)(3)(e)," Amedee Glover Magee Anders Guinn Marcelle Armes Hall McFarland AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. On page 1, line 3, change "17:1519.6(E)," to "17:1519.6(E), and to Bagneris Havard Miller, G. repeal R.S. 49:259(C)(3)," Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Billiot Henry Moreno AMENDMENT NO. 4 Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim On page 1, delete lines 5 and 6, and insert the following:

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"and transfer of hospital payments; to provide relative to the percent to Pamoja Art Society and fifty percent to Rho Omega and Deepwater Horizon Economic Damages Collection Fund; to provide Friends, Inc., and one and one-half percent for the Shreveport Bossier relative to the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Deficit Elimination Fund; to African American Chamber of Commerce. provide for the allocations of certain monies in the Shreveport Riverfront and Convention Center and Independence Stadium Fund; * * * to provide for the definition of "state agency" for the purpose of the procurement of legal counsel; to authorize and direct the state Section 4. R.S. 49:258(3) and 259 are hereby amended and treasurer to transfer certain monies received by the state as a result of reenacted to read as follows: the Deepwater Horizon incident; to provide for the transfer of excess funds in the High Risk Pool Fund; to provide relative to the §258. Procurement of private contractual legal services for state Department of Justice Legal Support Fund; to provide for agencies distributions out of the Sex Offender Registry Technology Fund; to repeal R.S. 49:259(C)(3); and to provide for related matters." Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary and specifically the provisions of any law that authorizes the state or AMENDMENT NO. 5 a state agency to appoint, employ, or contract for private legal counsel to represent the state or a state agency, including but not On page 1, at the beginning of line 11, change "E." to "E.(1)" limited to the provisions of R.S. 42:261, 262, and 263, and R.S. 40:1299.39(E), any appointment of private legal counsel to represent AMENDMENT NO. 6 the state or a state agency shall be made by the attorney general with the concurrence of the commissioner of administration in accordance On page 1, between lines 17 and 18, insert the following: with the following procedure: "(2) The health care services division shall transfer to the * * * Department of Health and Hospitals, or its successor, all revenues received from the public private partnership hospitals for the (3) For the purposes of this Section, "state agency" means any provision of accountable care services. department, board, commission, agency, office, special district, authority, or other entity of the state, but does not include the Section 2. R.S. 39:91(A) is hereby amended and reenacted to secretary of state, the Public Service Commission or the State Bond read as follows: Commission or any political subdivision of the state, as defined by Article VI of the Constitution of Louisiana, or any entity of such §91. Deepwater Horizon Economic Damages Collection Fund political subdivision. A.(1) There shall be established in the state treasury as a special §259. Department of Justice Legal Support Fund permanent trust fund named the Deepwater Horizon Economic Damages Collection Fund. After Notwithstanding any provision of A. There is hereby established in the state treasury a special law to the contrary, including but not limited to R.S. 49:258 and R.S. fund to be known as the Department of Justice Legal Support Fund, 49:259, after allocation of money to the Bond Security and hereinafter referred to as the "fund". The fund shall be comprised of Redemption Fund as provided in Article VII, Section 9(B) of the proceeds recovered by the attorney general on behalf of the state Constitution of Louisiana, and prior to any other allocation, the from court judgments, settlements, fines, fees, forfeitures and treasurer shall deposit in and credit to the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 penalties, from the recovery or award of any attorney fees as Deficit Elimination Fund as created in Subsection D of this Section, provided in R.S. 42:262, or from proceeds recovered by the attorney the first two hundred million dollars of the proceeds of the general from any other source from which revenues are designated settlement, judgment, or final disposition of the state's economic recommended by the attorney general for deposit into the fund, damages claims asserted in State of Louisiana v. BP Exploration & except those judgments and recoveries made on or pertaining to any Production, et al., MDL NO. 2179 (E.D.LA. pending) (hereinafter office of risk management litigation, or litigation involving the "DWH litigation") to recover economic damages sustained by the Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of state from the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill that Environmental Quality, or the Deepwater Horizon incident as occurred on or about April 20, 2010, at the MC 252 site in the Gulf provided in Subsection D of this Section. of Mexico. B.(1) After satisfying the requirements of the Bond Security and (2) All settlement proceeds received on behalf of the state shall Redemption Fund as provided in Article VII, Section 9(B) of the be reported to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. Constitution of Louisiana, the treasurer shall pay transfer into the fund each fiscal year an amount equal to from the proceeds received * * * as provided in Subsection A of this Section in an amount which is sufficient to bring the balance in the fund to shall not exceed ten Section 3. R.S. 47:302.2(C)(1)(b) is hereby amended and million dollars annually. The balance of the fund shall not exceed ten reenacted to read as follows: million dollars. Any proceeds remaining received as provided in Subsection A of this Section after making the annual deposit into the §302.2. Disposition of certain collections in the city of Shreveport fund of ten million dollars shall be deposited into the state general fund. * * * (2) The attorney general shall notify the state treasurer, the Joint C. Subject to an annual appropriation by the legislature, monies Legislative Committee on the Budget, and the commissioner of in the fund shall be used as follows: administration immediately upon receipt of any proceeds received as provided in Subsection A of this Section. (1) For allocation from all monies in the fund in the following amounts: C.(1) The monies in the fund shall be annually appropriated to the Department of Justice solely for the purposes of defraying the * * * costs of expert witnesses, consultants, contract legal counsel, technology, specialized employee training and education, and public (b) One and one-half percent for African-American Multi- education initiatives. Monies in the fund may also be used to defray Cultural Tourism Commission to be divided equally with fifty the expense of employees hired, including attorneys and support

1658 Page 51 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 staff, and to pay related expenses to represent the state. Monies the economic damage settlement proceeds from the BP settlement in appropriated from the fund shall be used to supplement the accordance with R.S. 39:91. Immediately upon signature of the Department of Justice budget and shall in no way be used to displace, governor of this Act, the treasurer shall reverse any prior transfer to replace, or supplant appropriations from the state general fund for the attorney general of settlement dollars associated with the thirty- operations of the Department of Justice below the level of state day BP settlement or the sixty-day BP settlement. general fund appropriations for that department in the current fiscal year. Section 9. When the Department of Revenue prevails in any suit, appeal, or petition associated with an amount paid under protest (2) No employee salary or wages or other expenses, to be paid and held in escrow in accordance with R.S. 47:1576, the proceeds from the recovery or award of any attorney fees as provided in R.S. thereof shall be transferred to the state general fund. 42:262, including the recovery or award of any attorney fees from any claims resulting from the Deepwater Horizon incident, shall be Section 10. R.S. 49:259(C)(3) is hereby repealed." paid by the Department of Justice, until funding is approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. AMENDMENT NO. 10 (3) Each fiscal year, monies shall be deposited into the fund in On page 3, at the beginning of line 8, change "Section 3." to "Section an amount sufficient to bring the unencumbered balance in the fund 11." to ten million dollars. SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS D. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A of this Section, no proceeds shall be deposited into the fund from court- Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Reengrossed House awarded judgments and settlements involving the Department of Bill No. 409 by Representative Henry Natural Resources as specified in R.S. 30:136.3(B)(1), nor any judgments, settlements, or recoveries which are designated for credit AMENDMENT NO. 1 to the Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund, the Environmental Trust Fund, or any other funds administered by the Department of In Senate Committee No. 3 proposed by the Senate Committee on Environmental Quality under the Environmental Quality Act. Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 1, lines Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A of this Section, no 7 and 8, delete "and to repeal R.S. 49:259(C)(3)," proceeds shall be deposited into the fund from court-awarded judgments and settlements involving the Department of AMENDMENT NO. 2 Transportation and Development. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A of this Section, no proceeds shall be deposited into the In Senate Committee No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on fund from judgments, settlements, or recoveries from litigation or Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 1, line arising from the Deepwater Horizon incident, including but not 20, delete "to repeal R.S. 49:259(C)(3);" limited to litigation expenses, assessment costs, court costs or attorneys' fees. AMENDMENT NO. 3 * * *" In Senate Committee No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 3, line AMENDMENT NO. 7 36, change "attorneys'" to "attorney" On page 1, at the beginning of line 18, change "Section 2." to AMENDMENT NO. 4 "Section 5." In Senate Committee No. 9 proposed by the Senate Committee on AMENDMENT NO. 8 Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 4, delete line 13 in its entirety and insert """ On page 3, at the beginning of line 1, change "Section 2." to "Section 6." AMENDMENT NO. 5 AMENDMENT NO. 9 In Senate Committee No. 10 proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 4, line On page 3, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: 15, delete ""Section 11."" and insert ""Section 10."" "Section 7. Upon cessation of the Health Plan Board by March SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS 1, 2016 per R.S. 22:1205(C)(7) and notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 51:2365(E), the state treasurer is hereby authorized and Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Reengrossed House directed to transfer the excess High Risk Pool Funds to the Mega- Bill No. 409 by Representative Henry Project Development Fund. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Section 8. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, upon receipt of any monies received on behalf of the state as a result of In Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate claims involving the Deepwater Horizon incident, the attorney Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, general shall notify the state treasurer, the Joint Legislative on page 1, delete line 3, and insert the following: Committee on the Budget and the commissioner of administration. The state treasurer shall immediately transfer the thirty-day BP settlement agreement payment of approximately Twenty Million "47:302.2(C)(1)(b), and R.S. 49:259, and" Dollars to the Oil Spill Contingency Fund. The state treasurer is further authorized and directed to immediately upon receipt transfer AMENDMENT NO. 2 the full amount of the sixty-day BP settlement agreement payment of approximately Nineteen Million One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Delete Senate Committee Amendment Nos. 2 and 3 proposed by the Dollars to the Natural Resource Restoration Trust Fund. The state Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, treasurer shall immediately upon receipt transfer the full amount of 2016

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AMENDMENT NO. 3 Subsection A of this Section, after making the total annual deposit into the fund of ten million dollars shall be deposited into the state In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate general fund." Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 1, delete line 15, on page 1, line 16, delete "legal counsel;", AMENDMENT NO. 11 and insert the following: In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate "provide relative to the transfer by the Department of Revenue of Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, monies in escrow; to direct the treasurer to transfer certain funds in on page 3, line 19, after "fees" delete the remainder of the line, delete the state treasury; to direct the attorney general to remit certain line 20, and insert the following: funds;" "resulting from the Court Order [Regarding Payment of the Gulf AMENDMENT NO. 4 States’ Attorneys’ Fees and Costs] (Rec. Doc. 15441) issued in the DWH litigation on October 5, 2015, shall be paid by the Department In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate of Justice, until funding is" Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 1, line 17, change "incident" to "litigation" AMENDMENT NO. 12 AMENDMENT NO. 5 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate on page 3, delete lines 22 and 23, and insert the following: Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 1, line 20, delete "to repeal R.S. 49:259(C)(3); "(3) Each fiscal year, monies shall be deposited into the fund in an amount sufficient to bring the unencumbered balance in the fund AMENDMENT NO. 6 to ten million dollars." In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 13 Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 2, on line 22, after "Section 4." delete the remainder of the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate line and insert the following: Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 3, delete lines 35 and 36, and insert the following: "R.S. 49:259 is hereby amended and reenacted to read" "arising from the DWH litigation, including but not limited to AMENDMENT NO. 7 litigation expenses, assessment costs, court costs or attorney fees." In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 14 Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 2, delete lines 25 through 39 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 9 proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, AMENDMENT NO. 8 on page 3, delete lines 48 through 54, on page 4, delete lines 1 through 8, and insert the following: In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, "Section 8. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, upon on page 2, line 47, change "recommended" to "received" receipt of any monies received on behalf of the state as a result of the settlement, judgment, or final disposition of the state’s claims AMENDMENT NO. 9 asserted in State of Louisiana v. BP Exploration & Production, et al. (E.D.La.), consolidated with In Re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate “Deepwater Horizon” in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010, Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, MDL 2179 (E.D. La.), including (1) Twenty Million Dollars paid on page 2, delete lines 49 through 51, and insert the following: pursuant to the Court Order [Regarding Payment of the Gulf States’ Attorneys’ Fees and Costs (Rec. Doc. 15441) issued on October 5, "to any office of risk management litigation, or litigation involving 2015 (hereinafter “attorneys’ fees and costs”), (2) the recovery of the the Department of Natural Resources and or the Department of unreimbursed Natural Resource Damage assessment (NRDA) costs Environmental Quality, or to the settlement funds, judgments, or final incurred by the Trustees and the natural resource damage (NRD) disposition of the claims asserted in State of Louisiana v. BP payments due pursuant to the Consent Decree Among Defendant BP Exploration & Production, et al., consolidated with In Re: Oil Spill Exploration & Production Inc. (BPXP), the United States of America, by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico, on April and the States of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas 20, 2010, MDL No. 2179 (E.D. La.) (hereinafter "DWH litigation"), (Consent Decree), and (3) the economic damages owed under the as provided in Subsection D of this Section. Settlement Agreement Between the Gulf State and the BP Entities With Respect to Economic and Other Claims Arising From the AMENDMENT NO. 10 Deepwater Horizon Incident (Economic Damages Settlement Agreement), the attorney general shall notify the state treasurer, the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, and the commissioner of Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, administration. The state treasurer shall immediately transfer the on page 2, delete lines 56 and 57, on page 3, delete lines 1 through 3, Twenty Million Dollar payment for attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant and insert the following: to the Court Order to the Oil Spill Contingency Fund. The state treasurer is further authorized and directed to transfer, immediately "together with the balance in the fund as of each July first is upon receipt of the first installment of the NRDA costs paid in sufficient to bring the balance in the fund to ten million dollars accordance with the Consent Decree, Nineteen Million One Hundred annually. Annual deposits into the fund shall not exceed a total of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars to the Natural Resources Restoration ten million dollars The and the balance of the fund shall not exceed Trust Fund. The second installment of Nineteen Million One ten million dollars. Any proceeds remaining received as provided in Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars for NRDA costs and all

1660 Page 53 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 future NRD payments made pursuant to the Consent Decree shall Carter, R. Hunter Reynolds also be transferred to the Natural Resources Restoration Trust Fund, Carter, S. Huval Richard in accordance with La. R.S. 30:2480.2. The state treasurer shall Chaney Jackson Schexnayder immediately upon receipt of the initial payment of economic Connick James Seabaugh damages in the amount of Two Hundred Million Dollars, transfer Coussan Jefferson Shadoin these funds in accordance with R.S. 39:91. All future payments of Cox Jenkins Simon economic damages, as set forth in the Economic Damages Settlement Cromer Johnson, M. Smith Agreement, shall also be transferred in accordance with R.S. 39:91. Danahay Johnson, R. Stokes In order to comply with this section, immediately upon signature of Davis Jones Talbot the governor of this Act, the attorney general is hereby directed to DeVillier Jordan Thibaut remit from the Attorney General's Consumer Support Escrow Dwight Landry, N. White Account the amount of seven million dollars which was transferred Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott to the Attorney General's Consumer Support Escrow Account on Emerson LeBas Zeringue May 17, 2016, to the state treasurer and costs made pursuant to the Falconer Leger October 5, 2015 Court Order or the NRDA payments made pursuant Foil Leopold to the Consent Decree." Total - 100 NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 15 Total - 0 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 9 proposed by the Senate ABSENT Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 4, delete line 9, change "any suit" to "the suit" Abramson Ivey Schroder Guinn Moreno In Senate Committee Amendment No. 9 proposed by the Senate Total - 5 Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, on page 4, delete line 10, and insert the following: The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. "petition associated with the legislative instrument which originated Conference committee appointment pending. as House Concurrent Resolution No. 8 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, the amount paid under protest and held HOUSE BILL NO. 538— in escrow in" BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO AN ACT AMENDMENT NO. 16 To amend and reenact R.S. 13:980(D)(1), relative to court reporters for the Thirty-Fourth Judicial District Court; to provide for court In Senate Committee Amendment No. 9 proposed by the Senate reporter fees on matters on appeal; to provide for private Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, 2016, contracts for transcripts of testimony for matters not on appeal; on page 4, delete line 13, and insert the following: and to provide for related matters. "Section 10. The attorney general is hereby directed to remit Read by title. from the Attorney General's Consumer Support Escrow Account the amount of $7,028,196 to the state treasurer. Notwithstanding any The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by law to the contrary, the treasurer shall transfer the $7,028,196 to the the Senate. state general fund. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Rep. Henry moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be rejected. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Engrossed House Bill No. 538 by Representative Garofalo ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 1 The roll was called with the following result: On page 2, line 3, after "is paid." delete the remainder of the line and YEAS on line 4, delete "fee is paid." Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto Rep. Garofalo moved that the amendments proposed by the Abraham Gaines Lyons Senate be concurred in. Adams Garofalo Mack Amedee Gisclair Magee ROLL CALL Anders Glover Marcelle Armes Hall McFarland The roll was called with the following result: Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. YEAS Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto Billiot Henry Morris, Jay Abraham Gaines Lyons Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jim Adams Garofalo Mack Bouie Hilferty Norton Amedee Gisclair Magee Broadwater Hill Pearson Anders Glover Marcelle Brown, C. Hodges Pierre Armes Hall McFarland Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope Bacala Harris, J. Miguez Carmody Hollis Price Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. Carpenter Horton Pugh Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Carter, G. Howard Pylant Berthelot Hazel Montoucet

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Billiot Henry Moreno SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Broadwater Hill Norton Affairs to Engrossed House Bill No. 858 by Representative Brown, C. Hodges Pearson Montoucet Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre Carmody Hollis Pope AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carpenter Horton Price Carter, G. Howard Pugh On page 1, line 2, after "2476(C)" insert "and (H)" and after Carter, R. Hunter Pylant "2536(C)" insert "and (H)" Carter, S. Huval Reynolds Chaney Ivey Richard AMENDMENT NO. 2 Connick Jackson Schexnayder Coussan James Seabaugh On page 1, line 7, after "2476(C)" insert "and (H)" and after Cox Jefferson Shadoin "2536(C)" insert "and (H)" Cromer Johnson, M. Simon AMENDMENT NO. 3 Danahay Johnson, R. Smith Davis Jones Stokes On page 3, between lines 24 and 25 insert the following: DeVillier Jordan Talbot Dwight Landry, N. Thibaut "H. Any member of a board shall be liable to removal from Edmonds Landry, T. White office by judgment of the district court of his domicile the court of Emerson LeBas Willmott original and unlimited jurisdiction in civil suits of the parish wherein Falconer Leger Zeringue the board is domiciled for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, Foil Leopold incompetency, corruption, favoritism, extortion, oppression in office, Total - 101 gross misconduct, or habitual drunkenness. The district attorney of NAYS the district wherein the board member resides may institute such suit, and shall do so is domiciled shall institute such suit upon the written Total - 0 request, specifying the charges, of twenty-five citizens and taxpayers ABSENT of the municipality of which the board member is a resident. The district attorney shall associate in the diligent prosecution of such suit Abramson Jenkins any attorney selected and employed by the citizens and taxpayers. Guinn Schroder Total - 4 * * *" The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by AMENDMENT NO. 4 the House. On page 5, between lines 22 and 23 insert the following: HOUSE BILL NO. 735— BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON "H. Any member of a board shall be liable to removal from AN ACT office by judgment of the district court of his domicile the court of To amend and reenact R.S. 47:103(A), 287.614(A)(1), original and unlimited jurisdiction in civil suits of the parish wherein 287.651(A)(1), 609(A), and 1675(H)(1)(e) and (f) as enacted by the board is domiciled for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, Act No. 23 of the 2016 First Extraordinary Session of the incompetency, corruption, favoritism, extortion, oppression in office, Legislature, relative to income tax returns; to provide for the gross misconduct, or habitual drunkenness. The district attorney of time and place of filing of certain income tax returns; to provide the district wherein the board member resides may institute such suit, for the deadline for the payment of certain taxes; to provide and shall do so is domiciled shall institute such suit upon the written relative to the claiming of certain transferable tax credits in the request, specifying the charges, of twenty-five citizens and taxpayers Tax Credit Registry; to provide for applicability; to provide for of the municipality, parish or fire protection district, as the case may an effective date; and to provide for related matters. be, of which the board member is a resident. The district attorney shall associate in the diligent prosecution of such suit any attorney Read by title. selected and employed by the citizens and taxpayers. Motion * * *" On motion of Rep. Abramson, the bill was returned to the Rep. Montoucet moved that the amendments proposed by the calendar. Senate be concurred in. HOUSE BILL NO. 858— ROLL CALL BY REPRESENTATIVE MONTOUCET AN ACT The roll was called with the following result: To amend and reenact R.S. 33:2476(C) and 2536(C), relative to the municipal fire and police civil service board; to provide relative YEAS to the members of the board; to provide relative to the appointment of such members; to provide a judicial remedy for Mr. Speaker Foil Leopold failure to appoint such members; and to provide for related Abraham Franklin Lopinto matters. Abramson Gaines Lyons Adams Garofalo Mack Read by title. Amedee Gisclair Magee Anders Glover Marcelle The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Bacala Hall McFarland the Senate. Bagley Harris, J. Miguez

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Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, D. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. the Senate. Billiot Henry Montoucet Bishop Hensgens Moreno SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jay Broadwater Hill Morris, Jim Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Health and Welfare Brown, C. Hodges Norton to Reengrossed House Bill No. 1019 by Representative Edmonds Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre Carmody Hollis Pope AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carpenter Horton Price Carter, G. Howard Pugh On page 2, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following: Carter, R. Hunter Pylant Carter, S. Huval Reynolds "(3) "Diagnosed" means a determination made by a physician Chaney Ivey Richard based on the results obtained from any genetic screening or prenatal Connick Jackson Schexnayder testing procedure to detect a genetic abnormality." Coussan James Seabaugh Cox Jefferson Shadoin SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Cromer Jenkins Simon Danahay Johnson, M. Smith Amendments proposed by Senator Appel to Reengrossed House Bill Davis Johnson, R. Stokes No. 1019 by Representative Edmonds DeVillier Jones Talbot Dwight Jordan Thibaut AMENDMENT NO. 1 Edmonds Landry, N. White Emerson Landry, T. Zeringue On page 1, line 5 after "child;" insert "to provide for an exception Falconer Leger regarding the life of the mother;" Total - 98 NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total - 0 On page 2, between lines 13 and 14 insert the following: ABSENT "E. The provisions of this Section shall not apply whenever the Armes LeBas Willmott abortion is nescssary to save the life of the mother." Guinn Pearson Havard Schroder SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Total - 7 Amendments proposed by Senator Mizell to Reengrossed House Bill The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a No. 1019 by Representative Edmonds two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in by the House. AMENDMENT NO. 1 HOUSE BILL NO. 907— On page 2, line 8, after "abortion" insert "of an unborn child of BY REPRESENTATIVE LEBAS twenty or more weeks post-fertilization age, as provided for in R.S. AN ACT 40:1061.1," To amend and reenact R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(b) and (D) and to enact R.S. 11:710(A)(9), relative to the reemployment of retirees of SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana; to provide relative to the earnings limitation applicable to retirees who Amendments proposed by Senator Ward to Reengrossed House Bill return to work as substitute classroom teachers under certain No. 1019 by Representative Edmonds circumstances; to provide a definition; to provide for reporting requirements; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. On page On page 1, line 5, after "child;" insert the following: Motion "to require information on resources prior to an abortion when a pregnant woman is aware of a genetic abnormality of the fetus; to On motion of Rep. Armes, the bill was returned to the calendar. provide for creation of a resource document;" HOUSE BILL NO. 1019— AMENDMENT NO. 2 BY REPRESENTATIVES EDMONDS, ABRAHAM, AMEDEE, BAGLEY, BARRAS, BISHOP, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CHANEY, COUSSAN, COX, DEVILLIER, EMERSON, FALCONER, LANCE HARRIS, On page 2, line 8, after "abortion" insert "of an unborn child of HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HILL, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HUVAL, twenty or more weeks post-fertilization age, as provided for in R.S. IVEY, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, LEBAS, MIGUEZ, POPE, 40:1061.1," REYNOLDS, RICHARD, TALBOT, AND ZERINGUE AN ACT AMENDMENT NO. 3 To enact R.S. 40:1061.1.1, relative to regulation of abortion; to provide a definition of genetic abnormality; to prohibit the On page 2, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following: performance of an abortion and any attempt to perform an abortion when a pregnant woman seeks the abortion because of "C.(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to intentionally perform a genetic abnormality of the unborn child; to provide penalties or attempt to perform an abortion of an unborn child of less than for violations of the prohibition; and to provide for related twenty weeks post-fertilization age without first providing the matters. pregnant woman with an informational document including resources, programs, and services for pregnant women who have a Read by title.

1663 Page 56 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 diagnosis of fetal genetic abnormality and resources, programs, and The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by services for infants and children born with disabilities. The the House. informational document provided for in this Subsection shall be given to the pregnant woman at the same time as the requirements in Suspension of the Rules R.S. 40:1061.17(B). Rep. Henry moved for a suspension of the rules in order to take (2) The Department of Health and Hospitals shall develop an up and consider House Bill No. 1047 at this time, which motion was informational document to comply with the mandate established in agreed to. this Section to include resources, programs, and services for pregnant women who have a diagnosis of fetal genetic abnormality and HOUSE BILL NO. 1047— resources, programs, and services for infants and children born with BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY disabilities and shall make such information available to any AN ACT requesting provider of women’s health care services and shall To appropriate funds and to make certain reductions in maintain the information on a link on the department’s website." appropriations from certain sources to be allocated to designated agencies and purposes in specific amounts for the making of AMENDMENT NO. 4 supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015-2016; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. On page 2, line 12, change "C." to "D." Read by title. Rep. Edmonds moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. Ruling of the Chair ROLL CALL House Rule 7.19(D)(2)(a) requires the Chair determine whether the Senate amendments proposed to House Bill No. 1047 appropriate The roll was called with the following result: one-time money. YEAS The Chair determined that the Senate amendments proposed to House Bill No. 1047 do appropriate one-time money. Mr. Speaker Emerson Leger Abraham Falconer Leopold Motion Abramson Foil Lopinto Adams Franklin Lyons On motion of Rep. Henry, the bill was returned to the calendar. Amedee Gaines Mack Anders Garofalo Magee HOUSE BILL NO. 1160 (Substitute for House Bill No. 921 by Armes Gisclair McFarland Representative Davis)— Bacala Hall Miguez BY REPRESENTATIVES DAVIS, FRANKLIN, IVEY, NANCY LANDRY, Bagley Harris, J. Miller, D. JAY MORRIS, PIERRE, AND STOKES Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, G. AN ACT Berthelot Hazel Montoucet To amend and reenact R.S. 17:3394.3(A)(4), relative to corporations Billiot Henry Morris, Jim that support public postsecondary education; to provide relative Bishop Hensgens Pearson to capital projects undertaken by a nonprofit corporation on Bouie Hilferty Pierre behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Broadwater Hill Pope Colleges; to provide procedures for soliciting and evaluating Brown, C. Hodges Pugh proposals from contractors; to provide that certain records of the Brown, T. Hoffmann Pylant corporation be made available to the public; to require Carmody Hollis Reynolds monitoring and status reports on projects; to provide relative to Carpenter Horton Richard the board of directors of such corporation; and to provide for Carter, R. Howard Schexnayder related matters. Carter, S. Hunter Seabaugh Chaney Huval Shadoin Read by title. Connick Ivey Simon Coussan Jackson Stokes The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Cox Jefferson Talbot the Senate. Cromer Johnson, M. Thibaut Danahay Johnson, R. White SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Davis Jones Willmott DeVillier Jordan Zeringue Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Dwight Landry, N. Affairs to Reengrossed House Bill No. 1160 by Representative Davis Edmonds Landry, T. Total - 91 AMENDMENT NO. 1 NAYS On page 1, line 17, delete "the" and insert "a" James Marcelle Price Total - 3 AMENDMENT NO. 2 ABSENT On page 2, line 6, delete "in response to any public records request Carter, G. Jenkins Norton made pursuant to" and insert "consistent with" Glover LeBas Schroder Guinn Moreno Smith AMENDMENT NO. 3 Havard Morris, Jay Total - 11 On page 2, line 10, delete "in response to any public records request made pursuant to" and insert "consistent with"

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AMENDMENT NO. 4 YEAS On page 2, line 14, delete "in response to any public records request Abraham Franklin Lopinto made pursuant to" and insert "consistent with" Abramson Gaines Mack Adams Garofalo Magee AMENDMENT NO. 5 Amedee Gisclair Marcelle Anders Glover McFarland On page 2, line 18, at the end of the line, delete "in" Armes Guinn Miguez Bacala Hall Miller, D. AMENDMENT NO. 6 Bagley Harris, J. Miller, G. Berthelot Harris, L. Montoucet On page 2, line 19, delete "response to any public records request Billiot Havard Moreno made pursuant to" and insert "consistent with" Bishop Hazel Morris, Jay Bouie Henry Norton AMENDMENT NO. 7 Broadwater Hilferty Pearson Brown, C. Hill Pierre On page 3, line 16, delete "a project" and insert "any project in Brown, T. Hodges Pope excess of fifty thousand dollars of total installed costs" Carmody Hoffmann Price Carpenter Hollis Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 8 Carter, G. Horton Pylant On page 3, line 21, delete "for public inspection in response to" Carter, R. Howard Reynolds Carter, S. Huval Richard AMENDMENT NO. 9 Chaney Ivey Schexnayder Connick James Seabaugh On page 3, line 22, delete "any public records request made pursuant Coussan Jefferson Shadoin to" and insert "consistent with" Cox Jenkins Simon Cromer Johnson, M. Smith AMENDMENT NO. 10 Danahay Johnson, R. Stokes Davis Jones Talbot On page 3, line 23, after "(h)" delete "The" and insert "For any DeVillier Jordan Thibaut project in excess of fifty thousand dollars of total installed costs, the" Dwight Landry, N. White Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott AMENDMENT NO. 11 Emerson LeBas Zeringue Falconer Leger On page 5, line 26, delete "in response to any public records" Foil Leopold Total - 97 AMENDMENT NO. 12 NAYS On page 5, line 27, delete "request made pursuant to" and insert Total - 0 "consistent with" ABSENT

SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Mr. Speaker Hunter Morris, Jim Bagneris Jackson Schroder Hensgens Lyons Amendments proposed by Senator Erdey to Reengrossed House Bill Total - 8 No. 1160 by Representative Davis The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by AMENDMENT NO. 1 the House. On page 4, line 14, change "anything" to "any thing" Motion AMENDMENT NO. 2 Rep. LeBas moved to call House Bill No. 907 from the calendar, which motion was agreed to. On page 4, line 16, change "anything" to "any thing" HOUSE BILL NO. 907— AMENDMENT NO. 3 BY REPRESENTATIVE LEBAS AN ACT On page 4, line 20, change "anything" to "any thing" To amend and reenact R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(b) and (D) and to enact R.S. 11:710(A)(9), relative to the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana; to provide AMENDMENT NO. 4 relative to the earnings limitation applicable to retirees who return to work as substitute classroom teachers under certain On page 6, lines 11 and 12, change "in response to any public records circumstances; to provide a definition; to provide for reporting request made pursuant to" to "consistent with" requirements; and to provide for related matters. Rep. Davis moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Called from the calendar. be concurred in. Read by title. ROLL CALL The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by The roll was called with the following result: the Senate.

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SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to In Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 proposed by the Senate Engrossed House Bill No. 907 by Representative LeBas Committee on Retirement to Engrossed House Bill No. 907 and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 2016, on page 1, line 39, after "of" AMENDMENT NO. 1 and before "in effect" change "R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(a) and (d)" to "Subparagraphs (a) and (d) of this Paragraph" On page 1, line 2, after "reenact" delete the remainder of the line and insert "R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(a), (b), and (d) and (D) and to enact R.S. Rep. LeBas moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate 11:710(A)(9) and (B)(1)(e) and (f), relative" be rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 2 ROLL CALL On page 1, line 11, change "11:710(B)(1)(b)" to "11:710(B)(1)(a), The roll was called with the following result: (b), and (d)" YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 3 Mr. Speaker Falconer Landry, T. On page 1, line 12, change "11:710(A)(9) is" to "11:710(A)(9) and Abraham Foil LeBas (B)(1)(e) and (f) are" Abramson Franklin Leger Adams Gaines Leopold AMENDMENT NO. 4 Amedee Garofalo Lopinto Anders Gisclair Mack On page 1, delete lines 19 and 20 and insert the following: Armes Glover Magee Bacala Hall Marcelle "B.(1)(a) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this Bagley Harris, J. McFarland Paragraph, Any any retired teacher who returns to active service Berthelot Harris, L. Miguez covered by the provisions of this Chapter within the twelve-month thirty-six-month period immediately following the effective date of Billiot Havard Miller, G. such retirement shall have his retirement benefits suspended for the Bishop Hazel Montoucet duration of such active service or the lapse of twelve thirty-six Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay months from the effective date of his retirement, whichever occurs Broadwater Hilferty Pearson first, even if such service is based on employment by contract or Brown, C. Hill Pierre corporate contract. " Brown, T. Hodges Pope Carmody Hoffmann Price AMENDMENT NO. 5 Carpenter Hollis Pugh Carter, G. Horton Pylant On page 2, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following: Carter, R. Howard Reynolds Carter, S. Hunter Richard "(d) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this Chaney Huval Schexnayder Paragraph, If if the reemployment of a retired teacher is based on an Connick Ivey Seabaugh agreement between the retired teacher and his employer where such Coussan James Shadoin agreement was perfected prior to the retiree's effective date of Cox Jefferson Simon retirement and where the agreement allows for the retiree to become Cromer Jenkins Smith reemployed within twelve thirty-six months immediately following Danahay Johnson, M. Stokes the effective date of his retirement, the retiree shall not be eligible to Davis Johnson, R. Thibaut receive retirement benefits for the twelve-month thirty-six-month DeVillier Jones White period immediately following the effective date of such Edmonds Jordan Willmott reemployment, regardless of whether such agreement is express or implied. The provisions of this Subparagraph shall be applied Emerson Landry, N. Zeringue prospectively beginning on July 1, 2001. Total - 93 NAYS (e) Any retired teacher who returns to active service covered by the provisions of Paragraph (A)(4) of this Section within the twelve- Total - 0 month period immediately following the effective date of such ABSENT retirement shall have his retirement benefits suspended for the duration of such active service or the lapse of twelve months from the Bagneris Jackson Morris, Jim effective date of his retirement, whichever occurs first, even if such Dwight Lyons Norton service is based on employment by contract or corporate contract. Guinn Miller, D. Schroder Henry Moreno Talbot (f) Any person who has been retired for twelve months and who Total - 12 has returned to active service pursuant to the provisions of this Section prior to May 15, 2016, shall continue to be subject to the The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. provisions of R.S. 11:710(B)(1)(a) and (d) in effect on June 30, 2016. Conference committee appointment pending. * * *" LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS Motion Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Engrossed House Rep. Abramson moved to call House Bill No. 735 from the Bill No. 907 by Representative LeBas calendar, which motion was agreed to.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 735— SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON AN ACT Amendments proposed by Senator Morrell to Reengrossed House To amend and reenact R.S. 47:103(A), 287.614(A)(1), Bill No. 735 by Representative Abramson 287.651(A)(1), 609(A), and 1675(H)(1)(e) and (f) as enacted by Act No. 23 of the 2016 First Extraordinary Session of the AMENDMENT NO. 1 Legislature, relative to income tax returns; to provide for the time and place of filing of certain income tax returns; to provide Delete Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 7 and 8 proposed by the for the deadline for the payment of certain taxes; to provide Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the relative to the claiming of certain transferable tax credits in the Senate on May 24, 2016. Tax Credit Registry; to provide for applicability; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. Called from the calendar. On page 1, line 3, delete "(e) and (f)" and insert "(e), (f), and (g)" Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 3 The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by On page 4, line 5, delete "(e) and (f)" and insert "(e), (f), and (g)" the Senate. AMENDMENT NO. 4 SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS On page 4, delete lines 14 through 22, and insert: Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs to Reengrossed House Bill No. 735 by Representative "(e) To claim a credit on a tax return, either: Abramson (i) The effective date of transfer, as reflected in the Tax Credit AMENDMENT NO. 1 Registry pursuant to R.S. 47:1524, must shall be on or before the due date of the return, without regard to the granting of any extension; or On page 1, line 2, between "287.651(A)(1)," and "609(A)" insert "and" (ii) On or before the due date of the return, without regard to the granting of any extension, the transferor and transferee shall have AMENDMENT NO. 2 executed a binding agreement to transfer the credit. The agreement shall be on a form approved by the secretary. The specific project On page 1, line 2, at the end of the line, delete "and" from which the credit shall be generated, specific type of transferable AMENDMENT NO. 3 credit, and the exact amount of credit to be transferred shall not be required terms of the agreement. On page 1, delete line 3 (iii) For purposes of this Paragraph, "effective date of transfer" AMENDMENT NO. 4 means the date of transfer as reflected in the Tax Credit Registry pursuant to R.S. 47:1524. On page 1, line 4, delete "Session of the Legislature," (iv) A credit acquired through transfer can be applied to any AMENDMENT NO. 5 allowable tax liability that is due for the year the credit was originally earned or to any year due afterward until the applicable carryforward On page 1, line 6, after "certain taxes;" delete the remainder of the period is over. line (f) A tax credit with an effective date of transfer, as reflected in AMENDMENT NO. 6 the Tax Credit Registry pursuant to R.S. 47:1524, or an executed transfer agreement entered into after the due date of the return, On page 1, line 7, delete "tax credits in the Tax Credit Registry;" without regard to the granting of any extension, may shall be utilized AMENDMENT NO. 7 as a payment applied only to any allowable tax, penalty, and interest and shall not be claimed as a credit on a tax return. On page 4, delete lines 5 through 22, and insert: (g) A credit acquired through transfer that is applied as a "Section 2. The provisions of this Act shall be applicable for payment can may be applied to any allowable tax liability, interest, income tax periods beginning on and after January 1, 2016 and and penalty that is due for the year the credit was originally earned corporation franchise tax periods beginning on and after January 1, or to any year due afterward until provided that the applicable 2017." carryforward period is over of the credit has not expired. AMENDMENT NO. 8 * * * On page 4, line 23, delete "Section 4." and insert "Section 3." Section 3. The provisions of this Act shall be applicable for income tax periods beginning on and after January 1, 2016 and SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS corporation franchise tax periods beginning on and after January 1, Amendments proposed by Senator Claitor to Reengrossed House Bill 2017." No. 735 by Representative Abramson Rep. Abramson moved that the amendments proposed by the AMENDMENT NO. 1 Senate be concurred in. Delete Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1, 2,3, 4, 5, and 6 ROLL CALL proposed by the Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the Senate May 24, 2016. The roll was called with the following result:

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YEAS SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Abraham Gaines Lyons Affairs to Engrossed House Bill No. 737 by Representative Abramson Garofalo Mack Abramson Adams Gisclair Magee Amedee Glover Marcelle AMENDMENT NO. 1 Anders Guinn McFarland Armes Hall Miguez On page 1, line 2, between "R.S. 47:114(E)," and "relative to" insert Bacala Harris, J. Miller, D. "164(D)(2), and Section 2 of Act No. 425 of the 2015 Regular Bagley Harris, L. Miller, G. Session of the Legislature," Bagneris Havard Montoucet Berthelot Hazel Moreno AMENDMENT NO. 2 Billiot Henry Morris, Jay Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jim On page 1, line 8, after "R.S. 47:114(E)" delete "is" and insert "and Bouie Hilferty Norton 164(D)(2) are" Broadwater Hill Pearson Brown, C. Hodges Pierre AMENDMENT NO. 3 Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope Carmody Hollis Price On page 1, between lines 15 and 16 insert: Carpenter Horton Pugh Carter, G. Howard Pylant Carter, R. Hunter Reynolds "§164. Information at source Carter, S. Huval Richard Chaney Ivey Schexnayder * * * Connick James Seabaugh Coussan Jefferson Shadoin D. Withholding of tax at source. (1) Cox Jenkins Simon Cromer Johnson, M. Smith * * * Danahay Johnson, R. Stokes (2)(a) The motion picture investor tax credit pursuant to R.S. Davis Jones Talbot 47:6007 awards a tax credit for investments made and used for DeVillier Jordan Thibaut production expenditures in this state for state-certified productions. Dwight Landry, N. White Therefore, any individual receiving any payments for the Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott performance of services used directly in a production activity, which Emerson LeBas Zeringue payments shall be claimed as a production expenditure for purposes Falconer Leger of certification of tax credits, is deemed to be receiving Louisiana Foil Leopold taxable income whether directly or indirectly through an agent or Total - 103 agency, loan-out company, a personal service company, an employee NAYS leasing company, or other entity and therefore these payments are Total - 0 subject to the withholding requirements of state and federal law and ABSENT regulations. Jackson Schroder (b) Any motion picture production company, motion picture Total - 2 payroll services company, or other entity making or causing to be made payments as provided in Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph, to The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by an individual, or to an agent or agency, loan-out company, personal the House. service company, employee leasing company, or other entity is considered to be paying compensation taxable by the state of Louisiana. For purposes of eligibility as a production expenditure, the Motion company or other entity shall withhold taxes from those payments at the highest individual rate of six percent, or the highest individual Rep. Abramson moved to call House Bill No. 737 from the rate in effect at the time and remit these payments to the department calendar, which motion was agreed to. quarterly, excluding any amount that would otherwise not be subject to the withholding requirements imposed pursuant to state and federal HOUSE BILL NO. 737— law and regulations. BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 47:114(E), relative to the Department of (c) The motion picture production company, motion picture Revenue; to provide with respect to deductions and payroll services company, or other entity required to withhold withholdings by certain employers; to provide for the income taxes as required by this Paragraph shall electronically report submission of certain returns to the department; to change the the information required by Items (i) through (iv) of this deadline for the submission of certain returns; to provide for Subparagraph and remit such the withholdings on all payments applicability; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for provided for in Subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this Paragraph to the related matters. Department of Revenue quarterly. The information reported as required by this Subparagraph may be provided to the Department of Economic Development and if proided, shall be subject to the Called from the calendar. confidentiality provisions of R.S. 47:1508(B)(20). The reports shall contain the following information: Read by title. (i) Name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by loan-out company or other entity. the Senate.

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(ii) Identification of entity type: C Corporation, S Corporation, Abramson Garofalo Magee or Limited Liability Company with tax type specified. Adams Gisclair Marcelle Amedee Glover McFarland (iii) Name, address, and social security number of the payee. Anders Hall Miguez Armes Harris, J. Miller, D. (iv) An affirmative statement of whether or not the production Bacala Harris, L. Miller, G. company is a related party to the loan-out company or other entity, Bagley Havard Montoucet and if so, provision of an affidavit stating under penalty of perjury Bagneris Hazel Moreno that the transaction is valued at the same value that an unrelated party Berthelot Henry Morris, Jay would value the same transaction. If the production company is a Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jim related party to the loan-out company, the report shall also include all Bishop Hilferty Norton of the following information: Bouie Hill Pearson Broadwater Hodges Pierre (aa) The ownership structure of the loan-out company or other Brown, C. Hoffmann Pope entity. Brown, T. Hollis Price Carmody Horton Pugh (bb) An estimate amount of what the loan-out company or other Carpenter Howard Pylant entity will pay the payee. Carter, G. Hunter Reynolds Carter, R. Huval Richard Section 2. Section 2 of Act No. 425 of the 2015 Regular Session Carter, S. Ivey Schexnayder of the Legislature is hereby amended and reenacted to read as Chaney Jackson Seabaugh follows: Connick James Shadoin Coussan Jefferson Simon * * * Cromer Jenkins Smith Danahay Johnson, M. Stokes Section 2. The provisions of this Act shall be applicable to Davis Johnson, R. Talbot expenditures occurring after January 1, 2016, for productions which DeVillier Jordan Thibaut receive initial certification on or after January 1, 2016." Dwight Landry, N. White Edmonds Landry, T. Willmott AMENDMENT NO. 4 Emerson LeBas Zeringue Falconer Leger On page 1, line 16, delete "Section 2." and insert "Section 3." Foil Lopinto Total - 100 AMENDMENT NO. 5 NAYS On page 2, line 1, delete "Section 3." and insert "Section 4." Total - 0 ABSENT LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS Cox Jones Schroder Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Engrossed House Guinn Leopold Bill No. 737 by Representative Abramson Total - 5 AMENDMENT NO. 1 The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate the House. Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 2016 on page 1, line 5, after "page" and before ", line 8" Motion change "2" to "1" Rep. Stokes moved to call House Bill No. 1120 from the AMENDMENT NO. 2 calendar, which motion was agreed to. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate HOUSE BILL NO. 1120— BY REPRESENTATIVE SCHRODER Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the Senate AN ACT on May 24, 2016 on page 1, line 38, after "if" and before "shall" To enact R.S. 47:1525, relative to the Department of Revenue; to change "proided" to "provided" provide for the review and revision of the tax laws of the state; to establish the Louisiana Tax Institute; to provide for the AMENDMENT NO. 3 membership, terms, powers, and duties of the Institute; to In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate authorize the Institute to assist in the reform and continuous Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the Senate revision of the state's tax laws and policies; to provide for the on May 24, 2016 on page 2, line 7, after "425 of the" and before submission of certain reports and recommendations; to provide "Regular" insert "2015" for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Rep. Abramson moved that the amendments proposed by the Called from the calendar. Senate be concurred in. Read by title. ROLL CALL The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by The roll was called with the following result: the Senate. YEAS LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS Mr. Speaker Franklin Lyons Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House Abraham Gaines Mack Bill No. 1120 by Representative Schroder

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 10 On page 2, line 1 , following "from the" and before "Certified On page 4, line 7, after "directors of" insert "the Louisiana Assessors Public" change "Louisiana Society of" to "Society of Louisiana" Association," AMENDMENT NO. 2 AMENDMENT NO. 11 On page 2, line 2, following "Board of the" and before "Certified On page 4, between lines 11 and 12, insert: Public" change "Louisiana Society" to "Society of Louisiana" "(11) Consider suggestions from, and work collaboratively with, AMENDMENT NO. 3 the Public Affairs Research Council, the Council for A Better Louisiana, the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, On page 3, line 18 following "the" and before "Tax" change "Multi- Blueprint Louisiana, the Committee of 100 Louisiana, and the State" to "Multistate" Louisiana Budget Project." AMENDMENT NO. 4 Rep. Stokes moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. On page 4, line 7, following "Association," and before the end of the line change "the Louisiana Police Jury" to "the Police Jury ROLL CALL Association of Louisiana " The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 5 YEAS On page 4, line 8, following the beginning of the line and before ", the Louisiana Sheriffs" delete "Association" Mr. Speaker Foil Lopinto Abraham Franklin Lyons SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Abramson Gaines Mack Adams Garofalo Magee Amendments proposed by Senator Morrell to Reengrossed House Amedee Gisclair Marcelle Bill No. 1120 by Representative Schroder Anders Glover McFarland Armes Guinn Miguez AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bacala Hall Miller, D. Bagley Harris, J. Miller, G. On page 2, line 9, at the end of the line delete "This" Bagneris Harris, L. Montoucet Berthelot Havard Moreno AMENDMENT NO. 2 Billiot Hazel Morris, Jay Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jim On page 2, delete line 10 Bouie Hilferty Norton Broadwater Hill Pearson AMENDMENT NO. 3 Brown, C. Hodges Pierre Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope On page 2, line 13, after "Business." delete the remainder of the line Carmody Hollis Price Carpenter Horton Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 4 Carter, G. Howard Pylant On page 2, delete line 14 Carter, R. Hunter Reynolds Carter, S. Huval Richard AMENDMENT NO. 5 Chaney Ivey Schexnayder Connick James Seabaugh On page 2, line 17, after "Business." delete the remainder of the line Coussan Jefferson Shadoin Cox Jenkins Simon AMENDMENT NO. 6 Cromer Johnson, M. Smith Danahay Jones Stokes On page 2, delete line 18 Davis Jordan Thibaut DeVillier Landry, N. White AMENDMENT NO. 7 Dwight Landry, T. Willmott Edmonds LeBas Zeringue On page 2, line 21, after "Business." delete the remainder of the line Emerson Leger Falconer Leopold AMENDMENT NO. 8 Total - 100 NAYS On page 2, delete line 22 Total - 0 AMENDMENT NO. 9 ABSENT On page 3, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following: Henry Johnson, R. Talbot Jackson Schroder "(5) A board certified tax law specialist shall be appointed by Total - 5 the Board of Tax Appeals from among its members to serve as an ex- officio non-voting member of the Institute's board during the duration The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by of his term in office." the House.

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Suspension of the Rules (c) A statement regarding the percentage of minority, women, veteran, and Louisiana-based ownership of the contracting entity, On motion of Rep. Richard, the rules were suspended in order unless it is a publicly traded entity. to take up and consider Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on Third Reading and Final Passage at this time. (d) A statement that all applicable federal, state, and payroll taxes owed by the contracting entity have been paid and are current. Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on (e) If the contracting entity is a nonprofit organization, a Third Reading and Final Passage statement that the contracting entity has filed a current Form 990, as required by the Internal Revenue Code, along with a copy of its most The following Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on third recent Form 990. reading and final passage were taken up and acted upon as follows: (f) A statement indicating the type or nature of the contract with Motion the state agency, including whether the contract was publicly bid, competitively bid, competitively negotiated, or let through a Rep. Richard moved to call Senate Bill No. 407 from the noncompetitive process; the value of the contract; and the name of calendar, which motion was agreed to. each state agency which is or would be a party to the contract. SENATE BILL NO. 407— (g) The names and addresses of all agents, registered lobbyists, BY SENATOR MILKOVICH and other persons lobbying, as "lobbying" is defined in R.S. 24:51 or AN ACT R.S. 49:72, on behalf of the contracting entity relative to a contract To enact R.S. 39:1567(B)(4) and (F), relative to certain contract or potential contract with the state or an appropriation or grant." reporting requirements; to provide for reporting certain contract information on the Internet; to provide for the creation of the On motion of Rep. Gary Carter, the amendments were adopted. Contract Services Joint Legislative Task Force; to provide for the membership of the task force; to provide for the duties of the Rep. Richard sent up floor amendments which were read as task force; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for follows: related matters. HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Called from the calendar. Amendments proposed by Representative Richard to Reengrossed Read by title. Senate Bill No. 407 by Senator Milkovich Rep. Gary Carter sent up floor amendments which were read as AMENDMENT NO. 1 follows: Delete the set of House Committee on Appropriations Amendments HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Amendments proposed by Representative Gary Carter to Reengrossed Senate Bill No. 407 by Senator Milkovich Delete the set of House Floor Legislative Bureau Amendments AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 3 In Amendment No. 1 by the House Committee on Appropriations On page 1, delete line 2 in its entirety and insert "To amend and (#5010) on page 1, at the end of line 2, change "R.S. 39:1567(B)(3)" reenact R.S. 39:1590(A), (B), and (C)(introductory paragraph) and to "R.S. 39:1567(B)(3) and (4)" to enact R.S. 24:653(N) and R.S. 39:9, 10, 11, and 1567(B)(3), and (4) relative to contracts; to" AMENDMENT NO. 2 AMENDMENT NO. 4 In Amendment No. 2 by the House Committee on Appropriations (# 5010) on page 1, at the end of line 4, change "R.S. 39:1567(B)(3)" to On page 1, delete line 4 in its entirety and insert "creation of the "R.S. 39:1567(B)(3) and (4)" Contract Services Subcommittee of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget; to provide for the" AMENDMENT NO. 3 AMENDMENT NO. 5 On page 1, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following: On page 1, at the end of line 5, insert "for contracts reported to and "(4) For purposes of Paragraph (3) of this Subsection, reviewed and approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the "information" shall include but not be limited to the following: Budget; to provide" (a)(i) If a legal entity, the official name and domicile address of AMENDMENT NO. 6 the contracting entity as reflected in documentation submitted to the secretary of state's office. On page 1, delete line 8 in its entirety and insert the following: (ii) If a natural person, the full name and physical address of the "Section 1. R.S. 24:653(N) is hereby enacted to read as follows: contracting entity. N.(1) The Contract Services Subcommittee of the Joint (b) If a legal entity, a complete and accurate listing of the Legislative Committee on the Budget is hereby created to review owners of the contracting entity, whether in title or beneficial, unless contracts and make recommendations to the Joint Legislative it is a publicly traded entity, and a complete and accurate listing of Committee on the Budget as provided in this Subsection and R.S. the board of directors or equivalent governing body, if any, and 39:1590. The subcommittee shall be composed of eight members of officers, if any, of the contracting entity. the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget: four members of the

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Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate and four members B. For each expenditure by a state agency, Louisiana of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the Transparency and Accountability portal and online spending database House of Representatives. (LaTrac) shall include the following information: (2) The subcommittee shall review contracts reported in (1) The amount of the expenditure. accordance with R.S. 39:1590 and make recommendations to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. The subcommittee may (2) The date of the payment of the expenditure. review any other contracts as determined by the subcommittee. Additionally, the subcommittee may review the processes by which (3) The vendor or contractor to which the expenditure was paid. these contracts are negotiated, drafted, procured, and executed. (4) The state agency that made the expenditure, including the (3) The president of the Senate shall appoint a senator to chair name, phone number, electronic mail address, and physical address the first meeting until officers can be elected from among the of an agency contact. subcommittee membership at the first meeting. A quorum of the subcommittee membership shall be required to conduct business. C. The website shall graphically present the information on the website regarding state agency expenditures, including charts and (4) Annually, the subcommittee shall report to the Joint graphs, to provide a better understanding and organization of the Legislative Committee on the Budget, the president of the Senate, the information. speaker of the House of Representatives, and the governor no later than sixty days before the regular session regarding any §11. Compliance with the requirements of Louisiana Transparency recommendations relative to contract procedures that may require and Accountability portal and online spending database administrative action or may require legislative action. (LaTrac). (5) The provisions of this Subsection shall become void on June A.(1) The legislative auditor shall perform periodic and 30, 2020." unscheduled audits of each state agency to ensure that the agencies are in compliance with this Chapter. The auditor shall report to the Section 2. R.S. 39:1590(A), (B), and (C)(introductory state treasurer and the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget any paragraph) are hereby amended and reenacted and R.S. 39:9, 10, 11, findings of state agencies that are not in compliance with the and 1567(B)(3) and (4) are hereby enacted to read as follows: requirements of this Chapter. §9. State agency reporting requirements * * *" A. State agencies shall report to the division of administration AMENDMENT NO. 7 by the twentieth day of each month, in a form and manner as prescribed by the treasurer, information on all expenditures made by On page 1, at the beginning of line 13, change "(4)" to "(3)" the agency in the previous month that is necessary to fulfill the requirements of R.S. 39:442. Except as otherwise provided pursuant AMENDMENT NO. 8 to R.S. 39:440(C), reports shall not include expenditures in the aggregate, but shall be an itemized list of expenditures. On page 2, delete lines 1 through 24 in their entirety and insert the following: B. Each state agency shall display on its website a link to the Louisiana Transparency and Accountability portal and online "SUBPART F. APPROVAL OF CERTAIN PROFESSIONAL, spending database (LaTrac). PERSONAL, AND CONSULTING, AND SOCIAL SERVICES CONTRACTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 THROUGH §10. Louisiana Transparency and Accountability portal and online FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 spending database (LaTrac) reporting requirements §1590. Approval of certain professional, personal, and consulting, A. The Louisiana Transparency and Accountability portal and and social services contracts for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through online spending database (LaTrac) shall include the following: Fiscal Year 2017-2018 (1) A searchable database of all state expenditures reported by A. In Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through 2017-2018, the state agencies. commissioner of administration, in consultation with the state chief procurement officer, shall report each contract for professional, (2) Ability for the public to search expenditures by the personal, and consulting, and social services with a total dollar following: amount of forty thousand dollars or more per year that is funded solely with state general fund (direct) or the Overcollections Fund (a) State agency. and is for discretionary purposes to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget for review and approval prior to the effectiveness of (b) Category of expense. the contract. (c) Vendor or contractor. (1) Each contract reported by the commissioner of administration shall be referred to the Contract Services (3) Ability to aggregate expenditures by: Subcommittee of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, as provided in R.S. 24:653, for review. The subcommittee shall meet (a) State agency. within ten days of receipt of the contract to review the contract. Within five days of each meeting of the subcommittee at which a (b) Category of expense. contract is reviewed under the provisions of this Section, the subcommittee shall make a recommendation on the contract to the (c) Vendor or contractor. Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. (4) Ability for the public to download information from the (2) If within thirty ten days of receipt of the recommendation on website. the contract, the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget does not

1672 Page 65 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 place the contract on its agenda for review and approval, the contract ROLL CALL shall be deemed to be approved. The roll was called with the following result: (2) (3) If within thirty ten days of receipt of the recommendation on the contract, the contract is placed on the its YEAS agenda for review and approval, the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget may take the following action: Mr. Speaker Franklin Leger Abraham Gaines Leopold (a) Approve the contract. Adams Garofalo Lopinto Amedee Gisclair Lyons (b) Reject the contract and notify the commissioner of Anders Glover Mack administration that such funds otherwise proposed for this purpose Armes Hall Marcelle shall be deposited into the Higher Education Financing Fund as Bacala Harris, J. McFarland provided in R.S. 39:100.146. Bagley Harris, L. Miguez Bagneris Havard Miller, D. (c) Recommend revisions to the contract. If the Joint Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. Legislative Committee on the Budget recommends revisions to the Billiot Henry Montoucet contract, the contract shall not become effective until it is revised, Bouie Hensgens Moreno resubmitted to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, and Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jay acted upon again by the committee. If the commissioner of Brown, C. Hill Morris, Jim administration, in consultation with the state chief procurement Brown, T. Hodges Norton officer, does not resubmit the contract to the Joint Legislative Carmody Hoffmann Pierre Committee on the Budget within thirty days after the committee Carpenter Hollis Pope recommends revisions to the contract, the contract shall be deemed Carter, G. Horton Price to be rejected and funds otherwise proposed for this purpose shall be Carter, R. Howard Pugh deposited into the Higher Education Financing Fund as provided in Carter, S. Hunter Pylant R.S. 39:100.146. Chaney Huval Reynolds Connick Ivey Richard B.(1) The commissioner of administration, in consultation with Coussan Jackson Schexnayder the state chief procurement officer, shall periodically determine the Cox James Seabaugh amount of monies appropriated for professional, personal, and Cromer Jefferson Shadoin consulting service consulting, and social services contracts that are Danahay Jenkins Simon not approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget and Davis Johnson, M. Smith remain unexpended and unencumbered as a result of implementation DeVillier Johnson, R. Stokes of this Section. Such determination shall take place on the following Dwight Jones Talbot dates in fiscal years 2015-2016, 2016-2017, and 2017-2018: Edmonds Jordan Thibaut Emerson Landry, N. White Falconer Landry, T. Willmott (a) September thirtieth. Foil LeBas Zeringue Total - 99 (b) December thirty-first. NAYS (c) March thirty-first. Total - 0 ABSENT (d) June thirtieth. Abramson Guinn Pearson (2) Following each determination required pursuant to the Bishop Magee Schroder provisions of this Subsection, the commissioner of administration Total - 6 shall report to the state treasurer the amount of state general fund (direct) and Overcollections Fund monies appropriated for The Chair declared the above bill was finally passed. professional, personal, and consulting service consulting, and social services contracts that are expected to remain unexpended and Rep. Richard moved to reconsider the vote by which the above unencumbered at the end of the fiscal year as a result of bill was finally passed, and, on his own motion, the motion to implementation of this Section. These monies shall be available for reconsider was laid on the table. deposit in and credit to the Higher Education Financing Fund as provided for in R.S. 39:100.146. Conference Committee Reports Received

C. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, this Conference Committee Reports were received for the following Section shall not apply to the following professional, personal, or legislative instruments: consulting service consulting, or social services contracts: House Bill No. 218 * * * Senate Bill Nos. 123 and 395 AMENDMENT NO. 9 The conference committee reports for the above legislative On page 2, at the beginning of line 25, change "Section 2." to instruments lie over under the rules. "Section 3. " Suspension of the Rules On motion of Rep. Richard, the amendments were adopted. On motion of Rep. Thibaut, the rules were suspended in order to take up and consider House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Rep. Richard moved the final passage of the bill, as amended. Third Reading for Final Consideration at this time.

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House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Ladies and Gentlemen: Third Reading for Final Consideration We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions on between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 81 by third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as Representative Broadwater recommend the following concerning the follows: Engrossed bill: HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 207— 1. That the Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate BY REPRESENTATIVE THIBAUT Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs (#2839) be A RESOLUTION adopted. To urge and request the secretary of the Department of Revenue to notify each taxpayer whose solar energy systems tax credit 2. That the following amendment be adopted: claim is pending his priority position within the credit caps established for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 and Fiscal Year 2017- AMENDMENT NO. 1 2018 and determine the amount necessary to fund those pending credits that exceed the aggregate $25,000,000 tax credit On page 1, after line 13, add the following: program cap. "Section 2. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Called from the calendar. C.B. Forgotston Act." Read by title. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Thibaut sent up floor amendments which were read as Representative Chris Broadwater follows: Representative Michael E. Danahay Representative Stephen E. Pugh HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Senator Karen Carter Peterson Amendments proposed by Representative Thibaut to Original House Senator Beth Mizell Resolution No. 207 by Representative Thibaut Senator Wesley Bishop AMENDMENT NO. 1 Rep. Broadwater moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. On page 1, at the end of line 4, delete "and" and delete lines 5 and 6 in their entirety and insert a period "." ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 2 The roll was called with the following result: On page 2, at the end of line 17, delete "and determine" and delete YEAS lines 18 through 23 in their entirety and insert a period "." Mr. Speaker Foil Leopold On motion of Rep. Thibaut, the amendments were adopted. Abraham Gaines Lopinto Armes Glover Mack Rep. Thibaut moved the adoption of the resolution, as amended. Bacala Harris, J. Magee Bagley Harris, L. Marcelle By a vote of 77 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution, as amended, was Berthelot Havard McFarland adopted. Billiot Hazel Miguez Broadwater Hill Miller, D. Suspension of the Rules Brown, T. Hodges Miller, G. Carpenter Hoffmann Montoucet On motion of Rep. Broadwater, the rules were suspended in Carter, G. Horton Morris, Jay order to take up and consider Conference Committee Reports for Carter, R. Howard Norton Consideration at this time. Carter, S. Hunter Pope Chaney Ivey Price Conference Committee Reports for Consideration Connick James Reynolds The following Conference Committee Reports were taken up Coussan Jefferson Schexnayder and acted upon as follows: Cox Jenkins Shadoin Cromer Johnson, M. Smith HOUSE BILL NO. 81— Danahay Johnson, R. Stokes BY REPRESENTATIVE BROADWATER DeVillier Jones Thibaut AN ACT Dwight Jordan White To enact R.S. 44:33.1, relative to public records; to require public Edmonds Landry, N. Willmott bodies to make certain information concerning the custodian of Emerson LeBas Zeringue records publicly available; to provide for the manner in which Falconer Leger such information is required to be made publicly available; and Total - 71 to provide for related matters. NAYS Read by title. Seabaugh CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Total - 1 ABSENT May 26, 2016 Abramson Garofalo Lyons To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Adams Gisclair Moreno Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Amedee Guinn Morris, Jim Senate.

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Anders Hall Pearson YEAS Bagneris Henry Pierre Bishop Hensgens Pugh Mr. Speaker Gaines Mack Bouie Hilferty Pylant Abraham Glover Magee Brown, C. Hollis Richard Amedee Harris, L. Marcelle Carmody Huval Schroder Armes Hazel McFarland Davis Jackson Simon Bacala Henry Miguez Franklin Landry, T. Talbot Bagley Hensgens Miller, D. Total - 33 Berthelot Hodges Miller, G. Billiot Hoffmann Montoucet Broadwater Horton Morris, Jay The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Brown, T. Howard Norton Carpenter Hunter Pierre HOUSE BILL NO. 340— Carter, R. Huval Pope BY REPRESENTATIVES STOKES, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, CHAD Chaney Ivey Price BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CONNICK, COX, DAVIS, EDMONDS, HILFERTY, HOFFMANN, HORTON, JONES, LYONS, Connick James Reynolds MIGUEZ, JAY MORRIS, PYLANT, REYNOLDS, WILLMOTT, AND Coussan Jefferson Schexnayder ZERINGUE Cox Jenkins Shadoin AN ACT Cromer Johnson, M. Smith To enact R.S. 51:1422, relative to the regulation of the sale or the Danahay Johnson, R. Stokes solicitation for sale of an extended service agreement for motor DeVillier Jones Talbot vehicles; to prohibit certain sales or offers for sale of an Dwight Jordan Thibaut extended service agreement; to classify each violation as a Emerson Landry, N. White deceptive and unfair trade practice; to provide for exceptions; Falconer LeBas Willmott and to provide for related matters. Foil Leger Zeringue Franklin Lopinto Read by title. Total - 71 NAYS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Total - 0 June 2, 2016 ABSENT Abramson Garofalo Lyons To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Adams Gisclair Moreno Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Anders Guinn Morris, Jim Senate. Bagneris Hall Pearson Bishop Harris, J. Pugh Ladies and Gentlemen: Bouie Havard Pylant Brown, C. Hilferty Richard We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Carmody Hill Schroder between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 340 by Carter, G. Hollis Seabaugh Representative Stokes recommend the following concerning the Carter, S. Jackson Simon Reengrossed bill: Davis Landry, T. Edmonds Leopold 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Total - 34 Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs (#2853) be adopted. The Conference Committee Report was adopted. SENATE BILL NO. 111— 2. That the following amendment to the Reengrossed bill be BY SENATOR BARROW adopted: AN ACT To enact R.S. 33:9097.28, relative to East Baton Rouge Parish; to AMENDMENT NO. 1 create the Parkwood Terrace Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Improvement District within the parish; to On page 2, line 6, delete "FDIC" and insert in lieu thereof "Federal provide relative to the purpose, boundaries, governance, and Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or National Credit Union powers and duties of the district; to provide for the imposition Administration (NCUA)" of a parcel fee and for the use thereof; and to provide for related matters. Respectfully submitted, Read by title. Representative Julie Stokes Representative Thomas Carmody CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Representative Senator Daniel "Danny" Martiny May 25, 2016 Senator Dan Claitor Senator Barrow Peacock To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. Rep. Stokes moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Ladies and Gentlemen: ROLL CALL We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 111 by Senator The roll was called with the following result: Barrow recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill:

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1. That the House Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by Carter, G. Landry, T. White House Committee on Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs Davis Lyons and adopted by the House of Representatives on May 3, 2016 be Garofalo Moreno rejected. Total - 28 2. That Legislative Bureau Amendments No. 1, and 2 proposed by The Conference Committee Report was adopted. the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the House of Representatives on May 3, 2016 be adopted. Recess 3. That House Floor Amendments No. 1, 2, and 3 proposed by On motion of Rep. Leger, the Speaker declared the House at Representative Carpenter and adopted by the House of recess until 12:30 P.M. Representatives on May 9, 2016 be adopted. Respectfully submitted, After Recess Senator Regina Ashford Barrow Speaker Barras called the House to order at 1:58 P.M. Senator Yvonne Colomb Senator Mack "Bodi" White, Jr. House Business Resumed Representative John "Johnny" Berthelot Representative Barbara West Carpenter ROLL CALL Representative Edward "Ted" James The roll being called, the following members answered to their Rep. Carpenter moved to adopt the Conference Committee names: Report. PRESENT ROLL CALL Mr. Speaker Gaines Leopold Abraham Garofalo Lopinto The roll was called with the following result: Adams Gisclair Lyons Amedee Glover Mack YEAS Anders Guinn Magee Armes Hall Marcelle Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto Bacala Harris, J. McFarland Abraham Gaines Mack Bagley Harris, L. Miguez Adams Gisclair Magee Berthelot Havard Miller, D. Amedee Glover Marcelle Billiot Hazel Miller, G. Anders Harris, L. McFarland Bishop Henry Montoucet Armes Havard Miguez Bouie Hensgens Moreno Bacala Hazel Miller, D. Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jay Bagley Henry Miller, G. Brown, C. Hill Morris, Jim Berthelot Hensgens Montoucet Billiot Hill Morris, Jay Brown, T. Hodges Norton Broadwater Hodges Norton Carmody Hoffmann Pearson Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre Carpenter Hollis Pierre Carter, R. Horton Pope Carter, G. Horton Pope Carter, S. Howard Price Carter, R. Howard Price Chaney Hunter Pylant Carter, S. Hunter Pugh Connick Huval Reynolds Chaney Huval Pylant Coussan Ivey Schexnayder Connick Ivey Reynolds Cox James Shadoin Coussan Jackson Richard Cromer Jefferson Smith Cox James Schexnayder Danahay Jenkins Stokes Cromer Jefferson Seabaugh DeVillier Johnson, R. Talbot Danahay Jenkins Shadoin Dwight Jones Thibaut Davis Johnson, M. Simon Edmonds Jordan Willmott DeVillier Johnson, R. Smith Emerson LeBas Zeringue Dwight Jones Stokes Falconer Leger Edmonds Jordan Talbot Foil Leopold Emerson Landry, N. Thibaut Total - 76 Falconer Landry, T. White NAYS Foil LeBas Willmott Franklin Leger Zeringue Landry, N. Total - 102 Total - 1 ABSENT The Speaker announced that there were 102 members present and a quorum. Abramson Guinn Morris, Jim Bagneris Hall Pearson Bishop Harris, J. Pugh Suspension of the Rules Bouie Hilferty Richard Brown, C. Hollis Schroder On motion of Rep. Leger, the rules were suspended in order to Carmody Jackson Seabaugh take up and consider Petitions, Memorials, and Communications at Carpenter Johnson, M. Simon this time.

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Petitions, Memorials, and Conference Committee Appointment Communications The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of The following petitions, memorials, and communications were the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the received and read: disagreement to House Bill No. 907: Reps. LeBas, Pearson, and Hoffmann. Conference Committee Appointment Conference Committee Appointment

The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Bill No. 60: Reps. Miguez, Pearson, and disagreement to House Bill No. 1001: Reps. Jefferson, James, and DeVillier. Broadwater. Conference Committee Appointment Conference Committee Appointment The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of disagreement to House Bill No. 61: Reps. Hoffmann, Pearson, and the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Miguez. disagreement to House Bill No. 1080: Reps. Garofalo, Berthelot, and Leopold. Conference Committee Appointment Conference Committee Appointment The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of disagreement to House Bill No. 400: Reps. Reynolds, Nancy Landry, the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the and Pope. disagreement to House Bill No. 1086: Reps. Lance Harris, Havard, and Hall. Conference Committee Appointment The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of Message from the Senate the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Bill No. 409: Reps. Henry, Barras, and APPOINTMENT OF Hodges. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE

Conference Committee Appointment June 3, 2016

The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Representatives: disagreement to House Bill No. 763: Reps. Carpenter, Hoffmann, and Smith. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Conference Committee Appointment like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 92: Senators Claitor, LaFleur, and White. The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Respectfully submitted, disagreement to House Bill No. 805: Reps. Broadwater, Carmody, and Adams. GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Conference Committee Appointment Message from the Senate The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the APPOINTMENT OF disagreement to House Bill No. 815: Reps. Stokes, Hoffmann, and CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Ivey. June 3, 2016 Conference Committee Appointment To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of Representatives: the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Bill No. 853: Reps. Robert Johnson, Havard, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President and Hall. of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Conference Committee Appointment House Bill No. 773: Senators Johns, Claitor, and LaFleur. The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of Respectfully submitted, the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Bill No. 880: Reps. Richard, Nancy Landry, GLENN A. KOEPP and Gisclair. Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate Motion APPOINTMENT OF Rep. Zeringue moved to call Senate Concurrent Resolution No. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE 101 from the calendar, which motion was agreed to. June 3, 2016 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 101— BY SENATOR WALSWORTH To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Representatives: To urge and request the Department of Environmental Quality to study the removal of Reid vapor pressure gasoline requirements I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President in Ascension, Beauregard, Calcasieu, East Baton Rouge, of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Iberville, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Pointe Coupee, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. Mary, House Bill No. 859: Senators Colomb, Ward, and Appel. and West Baton Rouge parishes. Respectfully submitted, Called from the calendar. GLENN A. KOEPP Read by title. Secretary of the Senate Rep. Zeringue moved the concurrence of the resolution. Message from the Senate By a vote of 94 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was concurred APPOINTMENT OF in. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Suspension of the Rules June 3, 2016 On motion of Rep. Ivey, the rules were suspended in order to To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of take up and consider House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Representatives: Third Reading for Final Consideration at this time. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President House and House Concurrent Resolutions on of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Third Reading for Final Consideration like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 935: Senators Johns, Smith, and Ward. The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions on third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as Respectfully submitted, follows: GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Motion Rep. Ivey moved to call House Resolution No. 170 from the Message from the Senate calendar, which motion was agreed to. APPOINTMENT OF HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 170— CONFERENCE COMMITTEE BY REPRESENTATIVE IVEY A RESOLUTION June 3, 2016 To urge and request law enforcement and governmental agencies in Louisiana to avoid and suspend all contacts and outreach To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of activities with the Council on American Islamic Relations Representatives: (CAIR). I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Called from the calendar. of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Read by title. House Bill No. 1118: Senators Martiny, Bishop, and White. Rep. Jackson sent up floor amendments which were read as Respectfully submitted, follows: GLENN A. KOEPP HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Secretary of the Senate Amendments proposed by Representative Jackson to Original House Suspension of the Rules Resolution No. 170 by Representative Ivey On motion of Rep. Zeringue, the rules were suspended in order AMENDMENT NO. 1 to take up and consider Senate Concurrent Resolutions on Third Reading for Final Consideration at this time. On page 2, after line 19, insert the following: Senate Concurrent Resolutions on "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall have no effect until the Federal Bureau of Investigation makes a Third Reading for Final Consideration determination that CAIR is a terrorist organization." The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions on third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as follows: On motion of Rep. Jackson, the amendments were withdrawn.

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Rep. Mike Johnson sent up floor amendments which were read On motion of Rep. Mike Johnson, the amendments were as follows: adopted. HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Rep. Ivey moved the adoption of the resolution, as amended. Amendments proposed by Representative Mike Johnson to Original Rep. Gary Carter objected. House Resolution No. 170 by Representative Ivey A record vote was asked for and ordered by the House. AMENDMENT NO. 1 ROLL CALL On page 1, line 3, after "all" and before "activities" change "contacts and outreach" to "formal contacts and formal outreach" The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 2 YEAS On page 1, at the end of line 5, add "and formal outreach activities" Mr. Speaker Edmonds Landry, N. Abraham Emerson Leger AMENDMENT NO. 3 Adams Foil Leopold Amedee Gisclair Mack On page 2, line 18, after "all" and before "activities" change "contacts Bacala Guinn Magee and outreach" to "formal contacts and formal outreach" Bagley Harris, L. McFarland Berthelot Havard Miguez AMENDMENT NO. 4 Brown, C. Hazel Miller, G. Brown, T. Henry Morris, Jay On page 2, after line 19, insert the following: Carmody Hensgens Pearson Carter, R. Hilferty Pope "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in this Resolution Carter, S. Hill Pugh shall be construed to reflect a wholesale judgment of the CAIR Chaney Hoffmann Pylant organization and its entire membership or to disparage or cast Connick Hollis Reynolds negative light on the Islamic community in Louisiana or those who Coussan Howard Richard adhere to the Islamic faith." Cox Huval Schexnayder Cromer Ivey Seabaugh On motion of Rep. Mike Johnson, the amendments were Danahay Jackson Talbot adopted. Davis Johnson, M. Thibaut DeVillier Johnson, R. Willmott Rep. Jackson sent up floor amendments which were read as Dwight Jones Zeringue follows: Total - 63 HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS NAYS Amendments proposed by Representative Jackson to Original House Anders Glover Jordan Resolution No. 170 by Representative Ivey Bouie Hall Landry, T. Carpenter Harris, J. Moreno AMENDMENT NO. 1 Falconer Hunter Norton Franklin James Price On page 2, after line 19, insert the following: Gaines Jefferson Smith Total - 18 "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Louisiana Attorney ABSENT General correspond with the United States Department of Justice to determine whether CAIR has been involved in or supported any Abramson Hodges Montoucet terrorist activity. Armes Horton Morris, Jim Bagneris Jenkins Pierre BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall have Billiot LeBas Schroder no effect until the United States Department of Justice makes a Bishop Lopinto Shadoin determination that CAIR has been involved in or supported any Broadwater Lyons Simon terrorist activity." Carter, G. Marcelle Stokes Garofalo Miller, D. White On motion of Rep. Jackson, the amendments were adopted. Total - 24 Rep. Mike Johnson sent up floor amendments which were read The resolution was adopted. as follows: Suspension of the Rules HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS On motion of Rep. Carmody, the rules were suspended in order Amendments proposed by Representative Mike Johnson to Original to take up and consider House Bills and Joint Resolutions Returned House Resolution No. 170 by Representative Ivey from the Senate with Amendments at this time. AMENDMENT NO. 1 House Bills and Joint Resolutions On page 2, after line 19, insert the following: Returned from the Senate with Amendments "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in this Resolution The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions returned from shall be construed to prohibit correspondence or contact related to the Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were criminal investigations or the reporting of suspicious activity." taken up and acted upon as follows:

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Notice of Intention to Call Carter, S. Hunter Pugh Chaney Huval Pylant Pursuant to House Rule No. 8.26(A), Rep. Carmody gave notice Connick Ivey Reynolds of his intention to call House Bill No. 678 from the calendar on Coussan Jackson Richard Sunday, June 5, 2016. Cox James Schexnayder Cromer Jefferson Seabaugh Motion Danahay Jenkins Simon Davis Johnson, M. Smith Rep. Henry moved to call House Bill No. 215 from the calendar, DeVillier Johnson, R. Stokes which motion was agreed to. Dwight Jones Thibaut Edmonds Jordan White HOUSE BILL NO. 215— Emerson Landry, N. Willmott BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY Falconer Landry, T. Zeringue AN ACT Total - 96 To provide for the establishment and reestablishment of agency NAYS ancillary funds, to be specifically known as internal service funds, auxiliary accounts, or enterprise funds for certain state Total - 0 institutions, officials, and agencies; to provide for appropriation ABSENT of funds; and to regulate the administration of said funds. Armes Harris, J. Schroder Called from the calendar. Carpenter Marcelle Shadoin Garofalo Miller, D. Talbot Read by title. Total - 9 The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the Senate. the House. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Motion Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Engrossed House Bill No. 215 by Representative Henry Rep. Henry moved to call House Bill No. 1 from the calendar, which motion was agreed to. AMENDMENT NO. 1 HOUSE BILL NO. 1— BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY On page 4, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following: AN ACT Making annual appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for the "Payable out of State General Fund ordinary expenses of the executive branch of state government, by Fees and Self-generated Revenues pensions, public schools, public roads, public charities, and state for claims expenditures $ 30,990,252" institutions and providing with respect to the expenditure of said appropriations. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Called from the calendar. On page 4, delete lines 40 through 43 Read by title. Rep. Henry moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. ROLL CALL SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS The roll was called with the following result: Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to YEAS Reengrossed House Bill No. 1 by Representative Henry Mr. Speaker Foil LeBas AMENDMENT NO. 1 Abraham Franklin Leger Abramson Gaines Leopold On page 1, at the beginning of line 10, delete "Section 2.A." and Adams Gisclair Lopinto insert "Section 2." Amedee Glover Lyons Anders Guinn Mack AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bacala Hall Magee Bagley Harris, L. McFarland On page 2, delete lines 7 through 9 Bagneris Havard Miguez Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. AMENDMENT NO. 3 Billiot Henry Montoucet Bishop Hensgens Moreno On page 10, line 17, delete "General Fund direct" and insert "General Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jay Fund (Direct)" Broadwater Hill Morris, Jim Brown, C. Hodges Norton Brown, T. Hoffmann Pearson AMENDMENT NO. 4 Carmody Hollis Pierre Carter, G. Horton Pope On page 16, at the end of line 15, delete "$1,700,000" and insert Carter, R. Howard Price "$1,200,000"

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AMENDMENT NO. 5 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Senior Centers Program $ 3,526,747" On page 16, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 19 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Property Taxation Regulatory/Oversight On page 26, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following: Program for operating expenses $ 500,000" "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 6 to the Administrative Program for related bene- fits and one veterans disability claim payment $ 125,457 On page 17, delete lines 18 through 20 Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 7 to the Cemetery Program for salaries and rela- ted benefits $ 59,413 On page 18, at the end of line 32, delete "$10,097,509" and insert "$9,801,739" Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Claims Program for salaries and related AMENDMENT NO. 8 benefits $ 21,109 On page 18, at the end of line 33, delete "$1,287,678,029" and insert Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) "$1,287,973,799" to the Contact Assistance Program for salaries and related benefits $ 122,960" AMENDMENT NO. 9 AMENDMENT NO. 20 On page 18, at the end of line 43, delete "$10,016,318" and insert "$9,720,548" On page 29, at the end of line 19, delete "(72)" and insert "(188)" AMENDMENT NO. 10 AMENDMENT NO. 21 On page 18, at the end of line 45, delete "$10,097,509" and insert On page 29, line 19, delete "Administrative" and insert "Secretary of "$9,801,739" State Services and Operations" AMENDMENT NO. 11 AMENDMENT NO. 22 On page 19, between lines 1 and 2, insert the following: On page 29, at the end of line 21, delete "$9,758,658" and insert "$25,432,571" "State General Fund (Direct) $ 295,770" AMENDMENT NO. 23 AMENDMENT NO. 12 On page 29, at the end of line 28, insert the following: On page 19, at the end of line 6, delete "$1,287,678,029" and insert "$1,287,973,799" "Ensures the government and the public continued access to essential AMENDMENT NO. 13 informationcreated by the State through a viable and responsive On page 19, at the end of line 17, delete "$4,043,676" and insert records management program and "$4,419,746" a comprehensive preservation effort, and makes the archival materials ac- AMENDMENT NO. 14 quired and maintained by the pro- gram readily available for resear- On page 19, at the end of line 18, delete "$70,264,884" and insert chers and for education programs. "$69,888,814" Presents exhibits, education and other programs to the public that emphasize AMENDMENT NO. 15 the political, social and economic in- fluences, personalities, institutions, On page 20, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following: and events that have shaped the land- scape of Louisiana's colorful history "Payable out of the State General Fund by and culture and its place in the world. Interagency Transfers from the Governor's Provides for business, financial, and Office of Homeland Security to the Military legal communities timely and efficient Affairs Program for disaster recovery efforts $ 170,551" service in the certification and regi- stration of documents relating to se- AMENDMENT NO. 16 curing and retaining business enti- ties and assets; processes legal ser- On page 22, delete lines 25 through 27 vices documents and communications of business licensing information as AMENDMENT NO. 17 required by law and makes such in- formation concerning these business On page 23, delete lines 24 and 25 entities available to the public." AMENDMENT NO. 18 AMENDMENT NO. 24 On page 23, between lines 40 and 41, insert the following: On page 29, delete lines 37 through 54

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AMENDMENT NO. 25 and commissions and their officers, officials, employees and agents in all claims covered On page 30, delete lines 1 through 9 by the State Self-Insurance Fund, and all tort claims whether or not covered by the AMENDMENT NO. 26 Self-Insurance Fund. The Division has six regional offices (in Alexandria, Lafayette, On page 30, between lines 34 and 35, insert the following: , Shreveport, Monroe, and Lake Charles) that handle litigation filed "DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE in the geographical areas covered by the regional offices. 04-141 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Gaming - Authorized Positions (51) EXPENDITURES: Nondiscretionary Expenditures $ 411,731 Administrative - Authorized Positions (57) Discretionary Expenditures $ 5,526,418 Nondiscretionary Expenditures $ 1,454,603 Discretionary Expenditures $ 3,890,503 Program Description: Serves as legal advisor to gaming regulatory agencies (Louisiana Gaming Program Description: Includes the Executive Control Board, Office of State Police, Department Office of the Attorney General and the first as- of Revenue and Taxation, Louisiana State Racing sistant attorney general; provides leadership, Commission, and Louisiana Lottery Corporation) policy development, and administrative services and represents them in legal proceedings. including management and finance functions, coordination of departmental planning, profes- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 63,836,339 sional services contracts, mail distribution, human resource management and payroll, em- MEANS OF FINANCE ployee training and development, property (NONDISCRETIONARY): control and telecommunications, information State General Fund (Direct) $ 1,618,686 technology, and internal/ external communi- State General Fund by: cations. Interagency Transfers $ 1,297,649 Fees & Self-generated Revenues $ 33,940 Civil Law - Authorized Positions (79) Statutory Dedications: Nondiscretionary Expenditures $ 152,191 Department of Justice Debt Collection Fund $ 137,333 Discretionary Expenditures $ 20,954,276 Department of Justice Legal Support Fund $ 49,219 Riverboat Gaming Enforcement Fund $ 205,866 Program Description: Provides legal ser- Video Draw Poker Device Fund $ 205,865 vices (opinions, counsel, and representation) in the areas of public finance and contract TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCING law, educationlaw, land and natural resource (NONDISCRETIONARY) $ 3,548,558 law, collection law, consumer protection/ environmental law, auto fraud law, and MEANS OF FINANCE (DISCRETIONARY): insurance receivership law. State General Fund (Direct) $ 3,189,391 State General Fund by: Criminal Law and Medicaid Fraud - Interagency Transfers $ 21,268,105 Authorized Positions (120)Authorized Fees & Self-generated Revenues $ 6,782,774 Other Charges Positions (1) Statutory Dedications: Nondiscretionary Expenditures $ 247,649 Department of Justice Debt Collection Fund $ 2,253,995 Discretionary Expenditures $ 12,978,858 Department of Justice Legal Support Fund $ 8,417,678 Insurance Fraud Investigation Fund $ 712,664 Program Description: Conducts or assists in Louisiana Fund $ 2,148,200 criminal prosecutions; acts as advisor for di- Medical Assistance Program Fraud Detection strict attorneys, legislature and law enforce- Fund $ 1,426,608 ment entities; provides legal services in the Pari-mutuel Live Racing Facility Gaming areas of extradition, appeals and habeas Control Fund $ 834,658 corpus proceedings; prepares attorney ge- Riverboat Gaming Enforcement Fund $ 1,663,609 neral opinions concerning criminal law; op- Sex Offender Registry Technology Fund $ 826,057 erates White Collar Crimes Section, Violent Tobacco Control Special Fund $ 200,000 Crime and Drug Unit, and Insurance Fraud Tobacco Settlement Enforcement Fund $ 400,000 Unit; investigates and prosecutes individual Video Draw Poker Device Fund $ 2,617,226 s and entities defrauding the Medicaid Pro- Federal Funds $ 7,546,816 gram or abusing residents in health care fa- cilities and initiates recovery of identified TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCING overpayments; and provides investigation (DISCRETIONARY) $ 60,287,781 services for the department. Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Litigation Division - Authorized Positions (172) to the Secretary of State Services and Operations Nondiscretionary Expenditures $ 1,282,384 Program $ 300,000 Discretionary Expenditures $ 16,937,726 Payable out of the State General Fund by Program Description: Provides legal repre- Interagency Transfers from Louisiana State sentation for the Office of Risk Management, University and Agricultural and Mechanical the Self-Insurance Fund, the State of Louisi- College to the Office of the Attorney General ana and its departments, agencies, boards

1682 Page 75 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 for the Litigation Division Program for legal AMENDMENT NO. 37 representation $ 50,000" On page 34, at the end of line 53, delete "$9,913,087" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 27 "$7,945,486" On page 31, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 38 "Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 34, at the end of line 54, delete "$14,004,868" and insert Interagency Transfers from the Office of "$12,037,267" Tourism to the Administrative Program for operating expenses $ 166,073 AMENDMENT NO. 39 Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 35, at the end of line 14, delete "$2,087,655" and insert Interagency Transfers from the Office of "$4,055,256" Tourism to the Grants Program for operating expenses $ 73,775" AMENDMENT NO. 40 AMENDMENT NO. 28 On page 35, at the end of line 22, delete "$60,259,900" and insert "$62,227,501" On page 33, between lines 38 and 39, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 41 "Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Utility and On page 35, between lines 29 and 30, insert the following: Carrier Inspection and Supervision Fund to the Public Service Commission in the event "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) House Bill No. 431 of the 2016 Regular Ses- to the Management and Finance Program $ 200,000" sion of the Legislature is enacted into law and to the extent additional revenue is recognized AMENDMENT NO. 42 by the Revenue Estimating Conference for the Utility and Carrier Inspection and On page 37, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: Supervision Fund $ 700,000" "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 29 to the Office of the Secretary for the Administra- tion Program for the Aerospace and Technology On page 33, at the end of line 42, delete "(104)" and insert "(111)" Workforce Training Program $ 513,121 AMENDMENT NO. 30 Payable out of the State General Fund by Interagency Transfers from the Division of On page 33, at the end of line 45, delete "$13,120,214" and insert Administration to the Office of the Secretary "$14,678,664" for the Executive and Administration Program for the Louisiana Job Connections Program $ 1,231,829" AMENDMENT NO. 31 AMENDMENT NO. 43 On page 33, at the end of line 52, insert the following: On page 38, delete lines 1 through 7 "Operates and maintains the Indian Creek Reservoir and Recreation Area." AMENDMENT NO. 44 AMENDMENT NO. 32 On page 38, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: On page 34, at the end of line 3, delete "$9,913,087" and insert "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) "$7,945,486" to the Office of Business Development for the Business Development Program $ 400,000" AMENDMENT NO. 33 AMENDMENT NO. 45 On page 34, at the end of line 4, delete "$10,650,710" and insert "$10,159,725" On page 39, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 34 "Payable out of the State General Fund by Interagency Transfers from the Office of On page 34, at the end of line 11, delete "$10,590,963" and insert Tourism to the Management and Finance "$12,257,963" Program for operating expenses $ 376,530 AMENDMENT NO. 35 Payable out of the State General Fund by Interagency Transfers from the Office of On page 34, at the end of line 20, delete "$7,737,178" and insert Tourism and the Office of State Parks to the "$7,797,178" Administrative Program for operating expenses $ 293,000" AMENDMENT NO. 36 AMENDMENT NO. 46 On page 34, delete lines 43 through 47 On page 46, at the end of line 9, delete "$5,265,498" and insert "$6,928,286"

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AMENDMENT NO. 47 AMENDMENT NO. 61 On page 46, at the end of line 16, delete "$6,329,835" and insert On page 47, at the end of line 43, delete "$114,354,633" and insert "$14,832,624" "$112,014,663" AMENDMENT NO. 48 AMENDMENT NO. 62 On page 46, at the end of line 23, delete "$41,788,593" and insert On page 47, at the end of line 45, delete "$13,513,840" and insert "$22,056,618" "$16,329,071" AMENDMENT NO. 49 AMENDMENT NO. 63 On page 46, at the end of line 24, delete "$0" and insert "$9,301,722" On page 47, at the end of line 49, delete "$19,736,995" and insert "$22,552,226" AMENDMENT NO. 50 AMENDMENT NO. 64 On page 46, at the end of line 32, delete "$838,140" and insert "$1,102,816" On page 48, line 8, delete "AVOYELLES" and insert "RAYMOND AMENDMENT NO. 51 LABORDE" On page 46, at the end of line 43, delete "$65,053,021" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 65 "$45,585,722" On page 48, at the end of line 11, delete "$749,030" and insert "$0" AMENDMENT NO. 52 AMENDMENT NO. 66 On page 46, at the end of line 44, delete "$65,053,021" and insert On page 48, at the end of line 12, delete "$2,550,253" and insert "$45,585,722" "$3,299,283" AMENDMENT NO. 53 AMENDMENT NO. 67 On page 46, at the end of line 46, delete "$5,872,882" and insert "$25,340,181" On page 48, at the end of line 19, delete "$24,638,633" and insert "$24,742,445" AMENDMENT NO. 54 AMENDMENT NO. 68 On page 46, at the end of line 51, delete "$11,595,333" and insert "$31,062,632" On page 48, at the end of line 38, delete "$29,960,528" and insert "$30,064,340" AMENDMENT NO. 55 AMENDMENT NO. 69 On page 47, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: On page 48, at the end of line 40, delete "$24,992,663" and insert "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) "$24,347,445" to the Adult Services Program $ 5,000,000 AMENDMENT NO. 70 Payable out of the State General Fund by Inter- agency Transfers from the Louisiana Workforce On page 48, at the end of line 43, delete "$25,387,663" and insert Commission to the Adult Services "$24,742,445" Program for adult offender training $ 1,150,000" AMENDMENT NO. 71 AMENDMENT NO. 56 On page 48, at the end of line 45, delete "$2,550,253" and insert On page 47, at the end of line 11, delete "$2,815,231" and insert "$0" "$3,299,283" AMENDMENT NO. 57 AMENDMENT NO. 72 On page 47, at the end of line 12, delete "$13,513,840" and insert On page 48, at the end of line 49, delete "$4,572,865" and insert "$16,329,071" "$5,321,895" AMENDMENT NO. 58 AMENDMENT NO. 73 On page 47, at the end of line 19, delete "$111,539,402" and insert On page 49, at the end of line 11, delete "$343,018" and insert "$0" "$112,014,663" AMENDMENT NO. 59 AMENDMENT NO. 74 On page 47, at the end of line 37, delete "$134,091,628" and insert On page 49, at the end of line 12, delete "$1,341,376" and insert "$134,566,889" "$1,684,394" AMENDMENT NO. 60 AMENDMENT NO. 75 On page 47, at the end of line 39, delete "$112,580,583" and insert On page 49, at the end of line 19, delete "$18,917,344" and insert "$110,240,613" "$18,994,051"

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AMENDMENT NO. 76 AMENDMENT NO. 91 On page 49, at the end of line 37, delete "$22,170,559" and insert On page 51, at the end of line 10, delete "$12,747,999" and insert "$22,247,266" "$12,738,686" AMENDMENT NO. 77 AMENDMENT NO. 92 On page 49, at the end of line 39, delete "$19,010,235" and insert On page 51, at the end of line 12, delete "$12,747,999" and insert "$18,743,924" "$12,738,686" AMENDMENT NO. 78 AMENDMENT NO. 93 On page 49, at the end of line 42, delete "$19,260,362" and insert On page 51, at the end of line 14, delete "$131,625" and insert "$18,994,051" "$140,938" AMENDMENT NO. 79 AMENDMENT NO. 94 On page 49, at the end of line 44, delete "$1,341,376" and insert On page 51, at the end of line 19, delete "$295,209" and insert "$1,684,394" "$304,522" AMENDMENT NO. 80 AMENDMENT NO. 95 On page 49, at the end of line 48, delete "$2,910,197" and insert On page 51, at the end of line 30, delete "$773,659" and insert "$0" "$3,253,215" AMENDMENT NO. 96 AMENDMENT NO. 81 On page 51, at the end of line 31, delete "$3,131,296" and insert On page 50, at the end of line 11, delete "$4,465" and insert "$0" "$3,904,955" AMENDMENT NO. 82 AMENDMENT NO. 97 On page 50, at the end of line 12, delete "$251,904" and insert On page 51, at the end of line 38, delete "$34,298,257" and insert "$256,369" "$34,439,258" AMENDMENT NO. 83 AMENDMENT NO. 98 On page 50, at the end of line 17, delete "$14,112,173" and insert On page 52, at the end of line 8, delete "$41,847,515" and insert "$12,748,037" "$41,988,516" AMENDMENT NO. 84 AMENDMENT NO. 99 On page 50, at the end of line 24, delete "$14,419,543" and insert On page 52, at the end of line 10, delete "$34,297,633" and insert "$13,055,407" "$33,664,975" AMENDMENT NO. 85 AMENDMENT NO. 100 On page 50, at the end of line 26, delete "$14,116,638" and insert On page 52, at the end of line 13, delete "$35,071,916" and insert "$12,748,037" "$34,439,258" AMENDMENT NO. 86 AMENDMENT NO. 101 On page 50, at the end of line 27, delete "$14,116,638" and insert On page 52, at the end of line 15, delete "$3,112,130" and insert "$12,748,037" "$3,885,789" AMENDMENT NO. 87 AMENDMENT NO. 102 On page 50, at the end of line 29, delete "$127,122" and insert On page 52, at the end of line 19, delete "$6,775,599" and insert "$131,587" "$7,549,258" AMENDMENT NO. 88 AMENDMENT NO. 103 On page 50, at the end of line 33, delete "$302,905" and insert On page 52, at the end of line 30, delete "$1,213,637" and insert "$0" "$307,370" AMENDMENT NO. 104 AMENDMENT NO. 89 On page 52, at the end of line 31, delete "$4,675,771" and insert On page 50, at the end of line 44, delete "$9,313" and insert "$0" "$5,889,408" AMENDMENT NO. 90 AMENDMENT NO. 105 On page 50, at the end of line 45, delete "$244,208" and insert On page 52, at the end of line 38, delete "$48,879,838" and insert "$253,521" "$49,083,988"

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AMENDMENT NO. 106 AMENDMENT NO. 121 On page 53, at the end of line 8, delete "$56,946,613" and insert On page 54, at the end of line 36, delete "$61,004,663" and insert "$57,150,763" "$61,187,361" AMENDMENT NO. 107 AMENDMENT NO. 122 On page 53, at the end of line 10, delete "$49,488,608" and insert On page 54, at the end of line 41, delete "$67,007,013" and insert "$48,479,121" "$67,189,711" AMENDMENT NO. 108 AMENDMENT NO. 123 On page 53, at the end of line 13, delete "$50,093,475" and insert On page 54, at the end of line 43, delete "$43,344,505" and insert "$49,083,988" "$42,653,256" AMENDMENT NO. 109 AMENDMENT NO. 124 On page 53, at the end of line 15, delete "$4,675,771" and insert On page 54, at the end of line 49, delete "$61,878,610" and insert "$5,889,408" "$61,187,361" AMENDMENT NO. 110 AMENDMENT NO. 125 On page 53, at the end of line 19, delete "$6,853,138" and insert On page 55, at the end of line 2, delete "$5,128,403" and insert "$8,066,775" "$6,002,350" AMENDMENT NO. 111 AMENDMENT NO. 126 On page 53, at the end of line 30, delete "$434,080" and insert "$0" On page 55, at the end of line 3, delete "$5,128,403" and insert "$6,002,350" AMENDMENT NO. 112 AMENDMENT NO. 127 On page 53, at the end of line 31, delete "$2,532,757" and insert "$2,966,837" On page 55, at the end of line 14, delete "$629,885" and insert "$0" AMENDMENT NO. 113 AMENDMENT NO. 128 On page 53, at the end of line 38, delete "$22,827,427" and insert On page 55, at the end of line 15, delete "$2,086,031" and insert "$22,922,393" "$2,715,916" AMENDMENT NO. 114 AMENDMENT NO. 129 On page 54, at the end of line 8, delete "$27,440,000" and insert On page 55, at the end of line 22, delete "$20,435,570" and insert "$27,534,966" "$20,521,111" AMENDMENT NO. 115 AMENDMENT NO. 130 On page 54, at the end of line 10, delete "$22,663,306" and insert On page 55, at the end of line 41, delete "$24,864,741" and insert "$22,324,192" "$24,950,282" AMENDMENT NO. 116 AMENDMENT NO. 131 On page 54, at the end of line 13, delete "$23,261,507" and insert On page 55, at the end of line 43, delete "$20,609,418" and insert "$22,922,393" "$20,065,074" AMENDMENT NO. 117 AMENDMENT NO. 132 On page 54, at the end of line 15, delete "$2,532,757" and insert On page 55, at the end of line 46, delete "$21,065,455" and insert "$2,966,837" "$20,521,111" AMENDMENT NO. 118 AMENDMENT NO. 133 On page 54, at the end of line 20, delete "$4,178,493" and insert On page 55, at the end of line 48, delete "$2,086,031" and insert "$4,612,573" "$2,715,916" AMENDMENT NO. 119 AMENDMENT NO. 134 On page 54, at the end of line 31, delete "$873,947" and insert "$0" On page 55, at the end of line 52, delete "$3,799,286" and insert "$4,429,171" AMENDMENT NO. 120 AMENDMENT NO. 135 On page 54, at the end of line 32, delete "$5,128,403" and insert "$6,002,350" On page 56, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following:

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"The commissioner of administration is hereby authorized to adjust "Fees & Self-generated Revenues $ 3,152,918" the means of financing in Schedule 08-419 Office of State Police by reducing the appropriation out of the State General Fund (Direct) and AMENDMENT NO. 143 increasing the appropriation out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to adjust for revenues incorporated into On page 59, delete lines 8 through 10 the Revenue Estimating Conference's Official Forecast for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 due to the reclassification of the certificate of title AMENDMENT NO. 144 fee increase as authorized by Act 110 of 2015." On page 62, at the end of line 40, delete "$31,954,636" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 136 "$33,254,636" On page 56, between lines 36 and 37, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 145 "Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 62, at the end of line 54, delete "$114,843,129" and insert Statutory Dedications out of the Riverboat "$116,143,129" Gaming Enforcement Fund to the Manage- ment and Finance Program to correctly a- AMENDMENT NO. 146 lign the OTS statewide adjustment $ 1,800,045" On page 63, at the end of line 6, delete "$96,403,178" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 137 "$97,703,178" On page 57, at the end of line 13, delete "$84,920,899" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 147 "$83,133,271" On page 63, at the end of line 13, delete "$110,179,442" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 138 "$111,479,442" On page 57, at the end of line 30, delete "$268,337,196" and insert "$266,549,568" AMENDMENT NO. 148 AMENDMENT NO. 139 On page 63, delete lines 44 and 45, insert the following: On page 57, at the end of line 47, delete "$65,835,936" and insert "itemization of supplemental payments and uncompensated care "$64,048,308" costs payments to the LSU Public Private" AMENDMENT NO. 140 AMENDMENT NO. 149 On page 58, at the end of line 7, delete "$257,559,430" and insert On page 65, between lines 28 and 29, insert the following: "$255,771,802" "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 141 to Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority $ 515,965"

On page 58, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 150 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) On page 66, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: to the Operational Support Program due to elimination of the Debt Recovery Fund $ 2,368,148 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to Florida Parishes Human Services Authority $ 657,145" Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Insurance Verification System Fund to the Traffic En- AMENDMENT NO. 151 forcement Program due to elimination of the Debt Recovery Fund $ 24,951,563 On page 66, between lines 46 and 47, insert the following: Payable out of the State General Fund by "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the to Capital Area Human Services District $ 411,188" Operational Support Program due to eli- mination of the Debt Recovery Fund $ 29,108,343 AMENDMENT NO. 152 Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 67, delete lines 13 and 14, insert the following: Statutory Dedications out of the Insurance Verification System Fund to the Operation- "Federal Funds $ 14,692" al Support Program due to elimination of the Debt Recovery Fund $ 2,230,358 AMENDMENT NO. 153 Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 67, delete lines 28 through 30 Statutory Dedications out of the Riverboat Gaming Enforcement Fund to the Traffic AMENDMENT NO. 154 Enforcement Program due to elimination of the Debt Recovery Fund $ 2,488,862" On page 68, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 142 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) On page 58, delete lines 38 and 39, and insert the following: to Metropolitan Human Services District $ 61,407

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Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 164 to Metropolitan Human Services District $ 696,215" On page 70, delete lines 45 through 50 AMENDMENT NO. 155 AMENDMENT NO. 165 On page 68, after line 48, insert the following: Delete pages 71 and 72 "EXPENDITURES: Medical Vendor Administration $ 1,550,046 AMENDMENT NO. 166 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,550,046 On page 73, delete lines 1 through 8 MEANS OF FINANCE: AMENDMENT NO. 167 State General Fund (Direct) $ 775,023 Federal Funds $ 775,023 On page 73, delete lines 23 through 43 TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCING $ 1,550,046 AMENDMENT NO. 168 EXPENDITURES: On page 74, delete lines 1 through 13, and insert the following Medical Vendor Administration for the third party liability (TPL) "EXPENDITURES: contract, including one position $ 910,000 Payments to Private Providers Program for reimbursement rate increases for hospitals, in TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 910,000 the event that monies in the fund are recognized by the Revenue Estimating Conference $ 25,305,755 MEANS OF FINANCE: State General Fund (Direct) $ 455,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 25,305,755 Federal Funds $ 455,000 MEANS OF FINANCE: TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCING $ 910,000 State General Fund by: Statutory Dedications: Payable out of Federal Funds for the Hospital Stabilization Fund $ 9,550,392 electronic health record incentive Federal Funds $ 15,755,363 program $ 47,850,500" AMENDMENT NO. 156 TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCING $ 25,305,755 Provided, however, that of the total appropriated out of the State On page 69, at the end of line 5, delete "$3,849,357,156" and insert General Fund (Direct) in this agency, the amount of $17,000,000 for "$4,504,774,679" the thirteenth managed care payment in Fiscal Year 2016-2017 shall only be available for expenditure when the Department of Revenue AMENDMENT NO. 157 prevails in any suit, appeal, or petition associated with an amount paid under protest and held in escrow in accordance with R.S. On page 69, at the end of line 19, delete "$47,850,500" and insert 47:1576 and transfers such monies to the State General Fund to be "$0" utilized to fund the thirteenth managed care payment." AMENDMENT NO. 158 AMENDMENT NO. 169 On page 69, at the end of line 26, delete "$237,081,842" and insert "$588,154,942" On page 74, line 16, delete "(370)" and insert "(369)" AMENDMENT NO. 159 AMENDMENT NO. 170 On page 69, at the end of line 31, delete "$9,296,717,459" and insert On page 75, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following: "$10,255,357,582" "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 160 for the Health Standards Section $ 80,000 On page 69, at the end of line 42, delete "$1,060,293,574" and insert Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) "$1,307,190,404" to the Office of the Secretary $ 4,000,000" AMENDMENT NO. 161 AMENDMENT NO. 171 On page 69, at the end of line 47, delete "$182,370,583" and insert On page 75, after line 41, insert the following: "$225,840,025" "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 162 to South Central Louisiana Human Services On page 70, at the end of line 4, delete "$2,935,096,087" and insert Authority $ 964,651" "$3,603,369,938" AMENDMENT NO. 172 AMENDMENT NO. 163 On page 76, between lines 33 and 34, insert the following: On page 70, at the end of line 5, delete "$4,261,704,727" and insert "$5,220,344,850"

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"Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 179 to Northeast Delta Human Services Authority $ 600,324" On page 83, after line 48, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 173 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) On page 78, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following: to Central Louisiana Human Services District $ 405,793" "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 180 to the Louisiana Emergency Response Network $ 93,675" On page 85, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 174 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) On page 78, after line 44, insert the following: to the Administrative and Executive Support Program for restoration of operational funding $ 1,062,008 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to Acadiana Area Human Services District $ 853,946" Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Prevention and Intervention Services AMENDMENT NO. 175 Program for restoration of operational funding $ 752,238 On page 79, after line 54, insert the following: Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Community and Family Services Program "Payable out of Federal Funds to the Public for restoration of operational funding $ 503,663 Heath Services Program for the HIV Program $ 9,900,000 Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Field Services Program for restoration of for sanitarian positions $ 983,632 operational funding $ 1,682,091" Payable out of the State General Fund by AMENDMENT NO. 181 Fees and Self-generated Revenues for the Louisiana Rural Water Association, in the On page 90, line 42, delete "from prior and current" event that House Bill No. 995 of the 2016 Regular Session of the Legislature is en- AMENDMENT NO. 182 acted into law $ 500,000 On page 90, line 43, delete "year collections" Payable out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues for the AMENDMENT NO. 183 Safe Drinking Water Program, including 40 positions, in the event that House Bill On page 91, at the end of line 2, delete "$47,224,396" and insert No. 995 of the 2016 Regular Session of "$44,207,089" the Legislature is enacted into law $ 12,961,600" AMENDMENT NO. 184 AMENDMENT NO. 176 On page 91, line 5, delete "from prior and current" On page 81, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 185 "Payable out of Federal Funds to the Office of Behavioral Health for the Behavioral On page 91, line 6, delete "year collections" Health Community Program $ 7,742,685 AMENDMENT NO. 186 Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Hospital Based Treatment Program $ 1,000,626 On page 91, at the end of line 6, delete "$37,170,732" and insert "$40,188,039" Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Office of Behavioral Health for the AMENDMENT NO. 187 Administration and Support Program $ 62,335" On page 91, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 177 "Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 82, delete lines 27 through 32, and insert the following: Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the Al- cohol and Tobacco Control Program for com- "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) pliance check investigations, bullet proof vests, to the Community-Based Program for costs and supplies $ 94,829 associated with assessments of individuals currently on the Request for Services Registry $ 983,632" Payable out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the Al- AMENDMENT NO. 178 cohol and Tobacco Control Program for per- sonal services expenditures and three (3) clas- On page 83, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: sified positions $ 250,240 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Payable out of the State General Fund by to Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority $ 429,509" Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the Tax

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Collection Program for Office of Technology AMENDMENT NO. 196 Services Interagency Transfer expenditures $ 2,806,220 On page 96, at the end of line 12, delete "$1,301,308" and insert Provided, however, the commissioner of administration is hereby "$2,502,772" authorized and directed to correct the means of financing for the Office of Revenue by replacing the appropriation out of the State AMENDMENT NO. 197 General Fund (Direct) with Fees and Self-generated Revenues in the event House Bill No. 717 of the 2016 Regular Session of the On page 96, at the end of line 26, delete "$36,797,766" and insert Legislature is enacted into law and to the extent Fees and "$37,999,230" Self-generated Revenues are recognized by the Revenue Estimating Conference." AMENDMENT NO. 198 AMENDMENT NO. 188 On page 96, at the end of line 37, delete "$30,483,761" and insert "$31,685,225" On page 91, at the end of line 30, delete "$6,036,435" and insert "$5,598,770" AMENDMENT NO. 199 AMENDMENT NO. 189 On page 96, at the end of line 46, delete "$34,872,953" and insert "$36,074,417" On page 92, at the end of line 49, delete "$116,779,708" and insert "$116,342,043" AMENDMENT NO. 200 AMENDMENT NO. 190 On page 97, at the end of line 10, delete "(224)" and insert "(223)" On page 92, delete line 58 AMENDMENT NO. 201 AMENDMENT NO. 191 On page 97, at the end of line 13, delete "$72,673,393" and insert "$72,578,761" On page 93, at the end of line 10, delete "$81,407,525" and insert "$80,969,860" AMENDMENT NO. 202 AMENDMENT NO. 192 On page 97, at the end of line 18, delete "$74,015,995" and insert "$73,921,363" On page 93, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 203 "Payable out of Federal Funds to the Office of Environmental Compliance Program for On page 97, at the end of line 30, delete "$17,925,535" and insert EPA Multipurpose Grant funding autho- "$17,830,903" rized by the FY 2016 Consolidated Appro- priations Act $ 458,701 AMENDMENT NO. 204 Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 97, at the end of line 54, delete "$72,673,393" and insert Statutory Dedications out of the Environ- "$72,578,761" mental Trust Fund to the Office of Environ- mental Compliance Program in the event AMENDMENT NO. 205 House Resolution No. 118 of the 2016 Re- gular Session of the Legislature is adopted $ 150,000" On page 98, at the end of line 10, delete "(247)" and insert "(236)" AMENDMENT NO. 193 AMENDMENT NO. 206 On page 95, delete lines 12 through 19 On page 98, at the end of line 12, delete "$70,031,296" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 194 "$68,924,464" On page 95, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 207 "Payable out of Federal Funds to the On page 98, at the end of line 17, delete "$71,285,434" and insert Louisiana Workforce Commission, "$70,178,602" Office of Workforce Development for the Louisiana Rehabilitation Services AMENDMENT NO. 208 activities $ 6,096,479 On page 98, at the end of line 31, delete "$22,212,197" and insert Payable out of the State General Fund by "$21,105,365" Interagency Transfers from the Louisiana Community and Technical Colleges Sys- AMENDMENT NO. 209 tem Board of Supervisors to the Louisiana Workforce Commission, Office of Work- On page 98, at the end of line 40, delete "$70,031,296" and insert force Development for the Louisiana Re- "$68,924,464" habilitation Services activities $ 1,650,000" AMENDMENT NO. 210 AMENDMENT NO. 195 On page 101, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following: On page 96, at the end of line 10, delete "(9)" and insert "(21)"

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"Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors, Southern University to the Administration Program for operating Board of Supervisors, University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors expenses $ 229,329" and the Louisiana Community and Technical Colleges Board of Supervisors, the amounts shall be allocated to each postsecondary AMENDMENT NO. 211 education institution within the respective system as provided herein. Allocations to institutions within each system may be adjusted as On page 101, after line 47, insert the following: authorized for program transfers in accordance with R.S. 39:73 as long as the total system appropriation of Means of Finance remain "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) unchanged in order to effectively utilize the appropriation authority to the Administration Program for operating provided herein." expenses $ 23,000" AMENDMENT NO. 216 AMENDMENT NO. 212 On page 103, between lines 31 and 32, insert the following: On page 102, at the end of line 10, delete "(2)" and insert "(3)" "Provided, however, in the event that any legislative instrument of AMENDMENT NO. 213 the 2016 Regular Session of the Legislature providing for the elimination of the Executive Board of the Louisiana Universities On page 102, between lines 39 and 40, insert the following: Marine Consortium for Research and Education is enacted into law, the appropriations for Schedule 19-674 Louisiana Universities "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Marine Consortium shall be transferred to Schedule 19-671 Board of to the Administrative Program for operating Regents and shall be considered a program within the Board of expenses $ 29,000 Regents appropriation. Such transfer shall include all positions and all key and supporting performance objectives and indicators for the Payable out of the State General Fund by Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium Interagency Transfers to the Local Tax Provided, however, in the event that any legislative instrument of the Division Program for operating expen- 2016 Regular Session of the Legislature providing for the elimination ditures in the event that House Bill No. of Louisiana Student Financial Assistance Commission is enacted 978 of the 2016 Regular Session of the into law, the appropriations for Schedule 19-661 Office of Student Legislature is enacted into law $ 27,000 Financial Assistance shall be transferred to Schedule 19-671 Board Provided, however, that the commissioner of administration is hereby of Regents and shall be considered programs within the Board of authorized and directed to correct the means of financing for the Regents appropriation. Such transfer shall include all positions and Administrative Program by replacing the appropriation out of the all key and supporting performance objectives and indicators for the State General Fund (Direct) with the appropriation out of the State Office of Student Financial Assistance." General Fund by Interagency Transfers in the event House Bill No. AMENDMENT NO. 217 717 of the 2016 Regular Session of the Legislature is enacted into law." On page 103, at the end of line 34, delete "(19,483)" and insert "(0)" AMENDMENT NO. 214 AMENDMENT NO. 218 On page 102, delete lines 44 through 48 On page 103, at the end of line 35, delete "$1,026,512" and insert "$72,303,730" AMENDMENT NO. 215 AMENDMENT NO. 219 On page 103, delete lines 1 through 26, and insert the following: On page 103, at the end of line 36, delete "$74,150,911" and insert "The appropriations from State General Fund (Direct) contained "$560,854,407" herein to the Board of Regents pursuant to the budgetary responsibility for all public postsecondary education provided in AMENDMENT NO. 220 Article VIII, Section 5 (A) of the Constitution of Louisiana and the power to formulate and revise a master plan for higher education On page 103, at the end of line 41, delete "$75,177,423" and insert which plan shall include a formula for the equitable distribution of "$633,158,137" funds to the institutions of postsecondary education pursuant to Article VIII, Section 5(D)(4) of the Constitution of Louisiana, are AMENDMENT NO. 221 and shall be deemed to be appropriated to the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System, the Board of Supervisors of On page 103, at the end of line 43, delete "$1,026,512" and insert Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, "$72,303,730" the Board of Supervisors of Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Board of Supervisors of Community and AMENDMENT NO. 222 Technical Colleges, their respective institutions, the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and the Office of Student Financial On page 103, at the end of line 44, delete "$1,026,512" and insert Assistance and in the amounts and for the purposes as specified in a "$72,303,730" plan and formula for the distribution of said funds as approved by the Board of Regents. The plan and formula distribution shall be AMENDMENT NO. 223 implemented by the Division of Administration. All key and supporting performance objectives and indicators for the higher On page 103, at the end of line 46, delete "$11,850,738" and insert education agencies shall be adjusted to reflect the funds received "$498,554,234" from the Board of Regents distribution. AMENDMENT NO. 224 Out of the funds appropriated herein pursuant to the formula and plan On page 104, at the end of line 4, delete "$74,150,911" and insert adopted by the Board of Regents for postsecondary education to the "$560,854,407"

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AMENDMENT NO. 225 AMENDMENT NO. 226 On page 104, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following: On page 104, delete lines 18 through 20, and insert the following: "The appropriations from State General Fund (Direct) contained "Provided, however, funds for the Louisiana Universities Marine herein to the Board of Regents pursuant to the budgetary Consortium shall be appropriated pursuant to the plan adopted by the responsibility for all public postsecondary education provided in Board of Regents for each of the programs within the Louisiana Article VIII, Section 5 (A) of the Constitution of Louisiana and the Universities Marine Consortium." power to formulate and revise a master plan for higher education which plan shall include a formula for the equitable distribution of AMENDMENT NO. 227 funds to the institutions of postsecondary education pursuant to Article VIII, Section 5(D)(4) of the Constitution of Louisiana, are On page 104, at the end of line 23, delete "$101,436" and insert "$0" and shall be deemed to be appropriated to the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System, the Board of Supervisors of AMENDMENT NO. 228 Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Board of Supervisors of Southern University and Agricultural and On page 104, at the end of line 24, delete "$9,408,880" and insert Mechanical College, the Board of Supervisors of Community and "$7,420,647" Technical Colleges, their respective institutions, the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and the Office of Student Financial AMENDMENT NO. 229 Assistance in the amounts and for the purposes as specified in a plan and formula for the distribution of said funds as approved by the On page 104, at the end of line 35, delete "$11,640,316" and insert Board of Regents. "$9,550,647" The plan and formula distribution shall be implemented by the AMENDMENT NO. 230 Division of Administration. All key and supporting performance objectives and indicators for the higher education agencies shall be On page 104, delete line 37 adjusted to reflect the funds received from the Board of Regents distribution. AMENDMENT NO. 231 Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) On page 104, at the end of line 39, delete "$101,436" and insert "$0" to the Board of Regents for the payment of operating expenses associated with carrying AMENDMENT NO. 232 out the functions of postsecondary education pursuant to a plan and formula distribution of On page 104, delete line 41 such funds as approved by the Board of Regents $125,158,046 AMENDMENT NO. 233 The commissioner of administration is hereby authorized and directed to adjust the means of financing for the Board of Regents by On page 104, at the end of line 48, delete "$11,538,880" and insert reducing the appropriation out of the State General Fund by "$9,550,647" Interagency Transfers by $13,439,874. AMENDMENT NO. 234 Payable out of Federal Funds to the Board of Regents for On page 105, delete lines 7 through 9, and insert the following: additional grant expenditures $ 2,172,314 "Provided, however, funds for the Office of Student Financial Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Assistance shall be appropriated pursuant to the plan adopted by the to the Board of Regents for the Office of Board of Regents for each of the programs within the Office of Student Financial Assistance for the Taylor Student Financial Assistance." Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) $ 81,229,202 AMENDMENT NO. 235 Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Board of Regents for the Louisiana State On page 105, at the end of line 13, delete "$8,423,471" and insert University - Agricultural Center $ 4,000,000 "$5,439,110"

Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 236 to the Board of Regents for the Pennington Biomedical Research Center $ 4,000,000 On page 105, at the end of line 24, delete "$35,013,829" and insert "$5,461,073" Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Board of Regents for the Southern AMENDMENT NO. 237 University - Agricultural Research & On page 105, at the end of line 30, delete "$297,080,871" and insert Extension Center $ 1,000,000 "$60,261,750" Provided, however, the $4,000,000 in State General Fund (Direct) for AMENDMENT NO. 238 the Louisiana State University - Agricultural Center, the $4,000,000 in State General Fund (Direct) for the Pennington Biomedical On page 105, at the end of line 34, delete "$380,469,405" and insert Research Center, and the $1,000,000 in State General Fund (Direct) "$111,113,167" for the Southern University - Agricultural Research & Extension Center shall be in addition to the funds provided for the purposes as AMENDMENT NO. 239 specified in the distribution of the plan and formula as approved by the Board of Regents." On page 105, delete line 39

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AMENDMENT NO. 240 AMENDMENT NO. 253 On page 105, at the end of line 47, delete "$379,575,445" and insert On page 107, delete lines 14 through 19 "$110,291,207" AMENDMENT NO. 254 AMENDMENT NO. 241 On page 107, delete lines 25 through 33, and insert the following: On page 105, delete lines 48 through 50 "Payable out of the State General Fund by AMENDMENT NO. 242 Fees and Self-generated Revenues to Lou- isiana State University Board of Supervi- On page 106, delete line 12, and insert the following: sors for Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center – New Orleans $ 1,700,000 "Grants Program, an amount not to exceed $1,900,000 shall be deposited in the Louisiana" Out of the funds appropriated herein to the Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors, the following amounts shall be AMENDMENT NO. 243 allocated to each higher education institution." On page 106, between lines 25 and 26, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 255 "Payable out of the State General Fund On page 108, between lines 40 and 41, insert the following: by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the Administration/Support Services Program for a "Provided, however, that the LSU Health Sciences Center – grant from the National College Access Shreveport shall enter into the contracts necessary to ensure the Network (NCAN) $ 51,300" success of its medical education mission." AMENDMENT NO. 244 AMENDMENT NO. 256 On page 106, delete lines 26 through 32 On page 109, delete lines 28 through 30, and insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 245 "Provided, however, funds for the Southern University Board of Supervisors shall be appropriated pursuant to the formula and plan On page 106, delete lines 34 through 37, and insert the following: adopted by the Board of Regents for allocation to each of the Southern University Board of Supervisors institutions." "Provided, however, funds for the Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors shall be appropriated pursuant to the formula and plan AMENDMENT NO. 257 adopted by the Board of Regents for allocation to each of the Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors institutions." On page 109, at the end of line 33, delete "$5,979,809" and insert "$0" AMENDMENT NO. 246 AMENDMENT NO. 258 On page 106, at the end of line 41, delete "$17,160,780" and insert "$0" On page 109, at the end of line 34, delete "$119,321,253" and insert "$89,866,795" AMENDMENT NO. 247 AMENDMENT NO. 259 On page 106, at the end of line 42, delete "$896,492,020" and insert "$599,676,690" On page 109, at the end of line 35, delete "$125,301,062" and insert "$89,866,795" AMENDMENT NO. 248 AMENDMENT NO. 260 On page 106, at the end of line 43, delete "$913,652,800" and insert "$599,676,690" On page 109, delete line 37 AMENDMENT NO. 249 AMENDMENT NO. 261 On page 106, delete line 45 On page 109, at the end of line 38, delete "$5,979,809" and insert "$0" AMENDMENT NO. 250 AMENDMENT NO. 262 On page 106, at the end of line 46, delete "$17,160,780" and insert "$0" On page 109, delete line 40 AMENDMENT NO. 251 AMENDMENT NO. 263 On page 107, delete line 2 On page 109, at the end of line 50, delete "$119,321,253" and insert "$89,866,795" AMENDMENT NO. 252 AMENDMENT NO. 264 On page 107, at the end of line 13, delete "$896,492,020" and insert "$599,676,690" On page 109, delete lines 51 through 53

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AMENDMENT NO. 265 AMENDMENT NO. 275 On page 110, delete lines 1 through 5, and insert the following: On page 115, delete lines 3 through 6, and insert the following: "Payable out of the State General Fund "Provided, however, funds for the Louisiana Community and by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the Technical Colleges Board of Supervisors shall be appropriated Southern University Board of Supervisors for pursuant to the formula and plan adopted by the Board of Regents for Southern University - Agricultural & Mecha- allocation to each of the Louisiana Community and Technical nical College pursuant to R.S. 17:3351.20 Colleges Board of Supervisors institutions." relative to mandatory fees $ 3,080,869 AMENDMENT NO. 276 Out of the funds appropriated herein to the Southern University Board of Supervisors, the following amounts shall be allocated to On page 115, at the end of line 10, delete "$16,002,132" and insert each higher education institution." "$0" AMENDMENT NO. 266 AMENDMENT NO. 277 On page 111, delete lines 41 through 44, and insert the following: On page 115, at the end of line 11, delete "$293,706,866" and insert "$195,423,057" "Provided, however, funds for the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors shall be appropriated pursuant to the formula and plan AMENDMENT NO. 278 adopted by the Board of Regents for allocation to each of the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors institutions." On page 115, at the end of line 12, delete "$309,708,998" and insert "$195,423,057" AMENDMENT NO. 267 AMENDMENT NO. 279 On page 111, at the end of line 48, delete "$32,033,061" and insert "$0" On page 115, delete line 14 AMENDMENT NO. 268 AMENDMENT NO. 280 On page 111, at the end of line 49, delete "$764,126,272" and insert On page 115, at the end of line 15, delete "$16,002,132" and insert "$602,343,677" "$0" AMENDMENT NO. 269 AMENDMENT NO. 281 On page 111, at the end of line 50, delete "$796,159,333" and insert On page 115, delete line 17 "$602,343,677" AMENDMENT NO. 282 AMENDMENT NO. 270 On page 115, at the end of line 26, delete "$293,706,866" and insert On page 111, delete line 52 "$195,423,057"

AMENDMENT NO. 271 AMENDMENT NO. 283 On page 111, at the end of line 53, delete "$32,033,061" and insert On page 115, delete lines 27 through 40, an insert the following: "$0" "Out of the funds appropriated herein to the Louisiana Community and Technical Colleges Board of Supervisors, the following amounts AMENDMENT NO. 272 shall be allocated to each higher education institution." On page 111, delete line 55 AMENDMENT NO. 284 AMENDMENT NO. 273 On page 119, at the end of line 38, delete "(215)" and insert "(195)" On page 112, at the end of line 6, delete "$764,126,272" and insert AMENDMENT NO. 285 "$602,343,677" On page 123, delete lines 1 through 5, and insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 274 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) On page 112, delete lines 7 through 9, and insert the following: to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for the Administration Program $ 60,908" "Payable out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the AMENDMENT NO. 286 University of Louisiana Board of Super- visors for the University of Louisiana at On page 124, between lines 33 and 34, insert the following: Lafayette pursuant to R.S. 17:3139 et seq. $ 6,000,000 "Payable out of the State General Fund by Interagency Transfers from the Louisiana Out of the funds appropriated herein to the University of Louisiana Workforce Commission to the Administra- Board of Supervisors, the following amounts shall be allocated to tive Support Program for additional Jobs for each higher education institution." America's Graduates (JAG) programs $ 250,000

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Payable out of the State General Fund by AMENDMENT NO. 296 Interagency Transfers from the Louisiana Workforce Commission to the District On page 127, at the end of line 38, delete "$26,294,019" and insert Support Program for additional Jobs for "$10,488,091" America's Graduates (JAG) programs $ 250,000" AMENDMENT NO. 297 AMENDMENT NO. 287 On page 127, at the end of line 43, delete "$23,382,176" and insert On page 125, at the end of line 3, delete "$195,984,685" and insert "$7,576,248" "$159,868,978" AMENDMENT NO. 298 AMENDMENT NO. 288 On page 127, at the end of line 44, delete "$23,382,176" and insert On page 125, at the end of line 7, delete "$1,220,001,486" and insert "$7,576,248" "$1,183,885,779" AMENDMENT NO. 299 AMENDMENT NO. 289 On page 128, line 48, delete "(331)" and insert "(0)" On page 125, at the end of line 15, delete "$80,040,528" and insert "$43,924,821" AMENDMENT NO. 300 AMENDMENT NO. 290 On page 129, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following: On page 125, at the end of line 20, delete "$1,202,531,297" and insert "Payable out of the State General Fund by "$1,166,415,590" Fees and Self-generated Revenues to Louisiana State University Health Care Services Division $ 1,995,443" AMENDMENT NO. 291 AMENDMENT NO. 301 On page 125, delete lines 32 through 39, and insert the following: On page 130, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Student - Centered Goals Program for the "Payable out of the State General Fund by Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Statutory Dedications out of the Insurance Program $ 36,115,707 Verification System Fund to the Local Hou- sing of Adult Offenders Program for the Payable out of the State General Fund by housing of parole holds $ 2,279,642" Interagency Transfers from the Louisiana Workforce Commission to the Student - AMENDMENT NO. 302 Centered Goals Program for additional Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) programs $ 2,500,000" On page 136, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 292 "Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the East Baton On page 126, between lines 26 and 27, insert the following: Rouge Parish Community Improvement Fund for the following: "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Recovery School District for the Research Park Corporation $ 102,550 Recovery School District - Instruction Program $ 643,976" Urban Mass Transit System $ 102,500 AMENDMENT NO. 293 Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Lafourche On page 127, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following: Parish Enterprise Fund to the Lafourche Parish Tourist Commission $ 750,000 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Minimum Foundation Program $ 1,470,000 Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Shreveport The commissioner of administration is hereby authorized and Riverfront and Convention Center and Inde- directed to adjust the means of financing for the Minimum pendence Stadium Fund to the Louisiana Foundation Program by reducing the appropriation out of the State State Exhibit Museum for the Louisiana State General Fund by Statutory Dedications, Support Education in Oil and Gas Museum $ 75,000 Louisiana First (SELF) Fund by $1,470,000 based upon the official forecast of revenues available for appropriation on March 16, 2016." Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the St. Mary AMENDMENT NO. 294 Parish Visitor Enterprise Fund to the city of Morgan City for the Shrimp and Petro- On page 127, at the end of line 17, delete "$15,292,704" and insert leum Festival $ 35,000 "$7,404,383" Payable out of the State General Fund by AMENDMENT NO. 295 Statutory Dedications out of the St. Mary Parish Visitor Enterprise Fund to the city of On page 127, delete lines 22 through 26 Patterson for the Patterson Main Street Program $ 25,000

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Payable out of the State General Fund by downtown development. In the event that total revenues deposited in Statutory Dedications out of the St. Mary this fund are insufficient to fully fund such allocations, each entity Parish Visitor Enterprise Fund to the city of shall receive the same pro rata share of the monies available which Berwick for the Berwick Lighthouse Festival $ 10,000 its allocation represents to the total. Payable out of the State General Fund by Further provided, that from the funds appropriated herein out of the Statutory Dedications out of the St. Mary Madison Parish Visitor Enterprise Fund, $12,500 shall be allocated Parish Visitor Enterprise to the city of and distributed to the Madison Parish Historical Society, and $10,000 Franklin for the following: shall be allocated and distributed to the city of Tallulah for beautification and repair projects. In the event that total revenues Caffery Park $ 35,000 deposited in this fund are insufficient to fully fund such allocations, Teche Theatre for the Performing Arts $ 50,000 each entity shall receive the same pro rata share of the monies available which its allocation represents to the total. Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the St. Mary Provided, however, that of the monies appropriated from the State Parish Visitor Enterprise Fund to the St. General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Tensas Parish Mary Parish Council for the following: Visitor Enterprise Fund, the amount of $15,000 shall be allocated and dedicated to the Tensas Parish Police Jury for economic development Bayou Vista Recreation $ 50,000 purposes." Brittany Project $ 10,000 Keep St. Mary Beautiful $ 10,000 AMENDMENT NO. 303 Payable out of the State General Fund by On page 140, at the end of line 16, delete "$40,651,080" and insert Statutory Dedications out of the St. Mary "$39,301,080" Parish Visitor Enterprise Fund to the St. Mary Parish Tourist Commission for the AMENDMENT NO. 304 following: On page 140, at the end of line 20, delete "$40,651,080" and insert Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana $ 15,000 "$39,301,080" Tour du Teche Paddle Race $ 15,000 Franklin Black Bear and Bird Festival $ 10,000 AMENDMENT NO. 305 Franklin Harvest Moon Festival $ 5,000 Wooden Boat Festival $ 10,000 On page 140, at the end of line 22, delete "$40,651,080" and insert Patterson Cypress Sawmill Festival $ 10,000 "$39,301,080" Rhythms on the River and BBQ Bash $ 10,000 Eagle Expo $ 5,000 AMENDMENT NO. 306 Bass Master Fishing Tournament $ 10,000 Techeland Arts Council $ 5,000 On page 140, at the end of line 23, delete "$40,651,080" and insert St. Mary Landmarks Society $ 5,000 "$39,301,080" Festivals and Special Events Advertising and Marketing $ 10,000 AMENDMENT NO. 307 Provided, however, that from the funds appropriated herein out of the On page 141, between lines 26 and 27, insert the following: Iberia Parish Tourist Commission Fund, the monies in the fund shall be allocated and distributed as follows: $10,000 shall be allocated "Provided, however, that out of the State General Fund (Direct) and distributed to the Jeanerette Museum; $10,000 shall be allocated appropriated herein, the Secretary of the Department of Economic and distributed to the Bayou Teche Museum. The remaining monies Development is authorized and directed to expend up to $185,000 for in the fund shall be allocated and distributed as follows: forty-five the Debt Service and State Commitments Program for the support of percent (45%) to the Iberia Parish Visitors and Convention Bureau, the Louisiana Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) at thirty-two percent (26%) to the Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette." sixteen percent (16%) to the Iberia Economic Development Authority, six percent (6%) to the Sugarcane Festival and Fair AMENDMENT NO. 308 Association, four percent (4%) to the Iberia Parish Government for the Iberia Sports Complex Commission, and three percent (3%) to the On page 143, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following: Bunk Johnson/New Iberia Jazz Arts & Heritage Festival, Inc. "Payable out of the State General Fund by Provided, however, that of the funds appropriated herein to East Fees and Self-generated Revenues to the Carroll Parish out of the East Carroll Visitor Enterprise Fund, one Prepaid Wireless 911 Service Program in hundred percent shall be allocated and distributed to Doorway to the event House Bill No. 678 of the 2016 Louisiana, Inc. D/B/A East Carroll Parish Tourism Commission. In Regular Session of the Legislature is en- the event that total revenues deposited in this fund are insufficient to acted into law and to the extent Fees and fully fund such allocation, Doorway to Louisiana, Inc. shall receive Self-generated Revenues are recognized the same pro rata share of the monies available which its allocation by the Revenue Estimating Conference $ 5,355,000" represents to the total. AMENDMENT NO. 309 Further provided, that from the funds appropriated herein out of the Richland Parish Visitor Enterprise Fund, $25,000 shall be allocated On page 144, delete lines 20 through 27 and distributed to the town of Delhi of which amount $5,000 shall be allocated to the Delhi Municipal Golf Course and the remainder shall SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS be allocated for the Cave Theater, $10,000 shall be allocated and distributed to the town of Mangham for downtown development, and Amendments proposed by Senator Fannin to Reengrossed House Bill $25,000 shall be allocated and distributed to the town of Rayville for No. 1 by Representative Henry

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 9 On page 93, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following: In Senate Committee Amendment No. 302 proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, "Payable out of State General Fund by on page 31, at the end of line 36, delete "$102,550" and insert Statutory Dedication out of the Environ- "$152,500" mental Trust Fund to the Office of the Secretary Program for the Louisiana Rural AMENDMENT NO. 10 Water Association $ 437,665" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 302 proposed by the Senate SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, on page 33, line 10, between "the" and "Bunk" insert "city of New Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Reengrossed House Iberia" Bill No. 1 by Representative Henry AMENDMENT NO. 11 AMENDMENT NO. 1 Delete Senate Committee Amendment No. 309 proposed by the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 21, proposed by the Senate Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, 2016. on page 2, line 36, delete "Secretary of State" AMENDMENT NO. 12 AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 12, delete lines 3 through 24 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 26, proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, AMENDMENT NO. 13 on page 3, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following: On page 23, between lines 40 and 41, insert the following: "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Services and Operations Program $ 300,000" "Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the New Orleans AMENDMENT NO. 3 Area Economic Development Fund to the Parish Councils on Aging Program for the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 26, proposed by the Senate New Orleans Council on Aging, Inc. Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, notwithstanding any other provision of on page 4, delete lines 51 through 53 the law to the contrary, and specifically notwithstanding R.S. 47:322.38(C)(1)(b) $ 355,000" AMENDMENT NO. 4 AMENDMENT NO. 14 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 141, proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, On page 24, between lines 25 and 26, insert the following: on page 14, delete lines 8 and 9 and insert the following: "Provided, however, of the monies appropriated herein, the amount of $60,000 shall be transferred to Department of Agriculture and "Program to correctly align the OTS statewide Forestry to promote and advance development of the horse racing adjustment $ 2,488,862" industry in Louisiana through the publication and dissemination of information relating solely to the horse breeding and horse industries AMENDMENT NO. 5 in Louisiana." In Senate Committee Amendment No. 180 proposed by the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 15 Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, on page 18, delete line 36 and insert "On page 86, between lines 32 On page 42, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following: and 33 insert the following:" "Provided, however, that out of the monies appropriated herein for AMENDMENT NO. 6 the Office of Cultural Development, the amount of no less than $100,000 shall be allocated for salary and related benefits of an Delete Senate Committee Amendment Nos. 181, 182, 184 and 185 archaeologist position." proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016. AMENDMENT NO. 16

AMENDMENT NO. 7 On page 144, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following: In Senate Committee Amendment No. 187 proposed by the Senate "Payable out of the State General Fund by Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, Interagency Transfers from the Louisiana on page 19, delete lines 33 through 38 State Racing Commission $ 60,000" AMENDMENT NO. 17 AMENDMENT NO. 8 On page 145, between lines 36 and 37, insert the following: In Senate Committee Amendment No. 240 proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 30, 2016, "Payable out of the State General Fund by on page 26, at the end of line 1, delete "$110,291,207" and insert Statutory Dedications out of the Casino "$110,219,207" Support Services Fund to the Parish

1697 Page 90 HOUSE 50th Day's Proceedings - June 3, 2016 of Orleans for support services rendered Introduction of Resolutions, by the city of New Orleans $ 3,600,000" House and House Concurrent Rep. Henry moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate The following members introduced the following entitled House be rejected. and House Concurrent Resolutions, which were read the first time by their titles and placed upon the calendar for their second reading: ROLL CALL HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 229— The roll was called with the following result: BY REPRESENTATIVE JEFFERSON A RESOLUTION YEAS To commend Ralph Garr for his legendary baseball career with the Atlanta Braves and upon his selection as the guest of honor at Mr. Speaker Foil Leger the Grambling State University National Alumni Association Abraham Franklin Leopold Scholarship Gala. Abramson Gaines Lopinto Adams Garofalo Lyons Read by title. Amedee Gisclair Mack Anders Glover Magee On motion of Rep. Jefferson, and under a suspension of the Armes Guinn Marcelle rules, the resolution was adopted. Bacala Hall McFarland Bagley Harris, J. Miguez HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 230— Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, D. BY REPRESENTATIVE WILLMOTT Berthelot Havard Miller, G. A RESOLUTION Billiot Hazel Montoucet To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to Bishop Henry Moreno coordinate a study effort with select healthcare workforce Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jay development stakeholders to identify means by which to Broadwater Hilferty Morris, Jim enhance access to needed health services in health professional Brown, C. Hill Norton shortage areas. Brown, T. Hodges Pearson Carmody Hoffmann Pierre Read by title. Carpenter Hollis Pope Carter, G. Horton Price On motion of Rep. Willmott, and under a suspension of the Carter, R. Howard Pugh rules, the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading. Carter, S. Hunter Pylant HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 231— Chaney Huval Reynolds BY REPRESENTATIVE BARRAS Connick Jackson Richard A RESOLUTION Coussan James Schexnayder To direct the treasurer to allocate money deposited into the state Cox Jefferson Seabaugh treasury from constitutional and statutory dedications that flow Cromer Jenkins Simon through the Bond Security and Redemption Fund for the Danahay Johnson, M. Smith purpose of paying debt service. Davis Johnson, R. Stokes DeVillier Jones Talbot Read by title. Dwight Jordan Thibaut Edmonds Landry, N. White Rep. Barras moved to suspend the rules to consider the adoption Emerson Landry, T. Willmott of the resolution, which motion was agreed to. Falconer LeBas Zeringue Total - 102 Rep. Barras moved adoption of the resolution. NAYS By a vote of 89 yeas and 6 nays, the resolution was adopted. Total - 0 ABSENT Conference Committee Reports Received Ivey Schroder Shadoin Conference Committee Reports were received for the following Total - 3 legislative instruments: The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. House Bill Nos. 773 and 859 The conference committee reports for the above legislative Conference committee appointment pending. instruments lie over under the rules. Conference Committee Appointment Speaker Barras in the Chair The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of Suspension of the Rules the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1: Reps. Henry, Smith, and Barras. On motion of Rep. Leger, the rules were suspended in order to take up and consider Petitions, Memorials, and Communications at Speaker Pro Tempore Leger in the Chair this time. Suspension of the Rules Petitions, Memorials, and Communications On motion of Rep. Barras, the rules were suspended in order to take up and consider Introduction of Resolutions, House and House The following petitions, memorials, and communications were Concurrent at this time. received and read:

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Message from the Senate and long-term measures that can be taken to tackle prescription opioid and heroin abuse and addiction in Louisiana, by using the ASKING CONCURRENCE IN best practices and evidence-based strategies for its prevention, SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS treatment, and enforcement. June 3, 2016 Called from the calendar. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Read by title. Representatives: The above resolution was taken up with the amendments I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has proposed by the Senate. adopted and asks your concurrence in the following Senate Concurrent Resolutions: SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 143 Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Health and Welfare to Reengrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 113 by Respectfully submitted, Representative LeBas GLENN A. KOEPP AMENDMENT NO. 1 Secretary of the Senate On page 5, between lines 28 and 29, insert the following: Senate Concurrent Resolutions "(35) The president of the Louisiana State Coroner’s Lying Over Association or his designee. The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions contained in the (36) The president of the Louisiana Osteopathic Medical message were taken up and acted upon as follows: Association or his designee. Suspension of the Rules (37) The president of the Louisiana Association of Self Insured Employers or his designee." On motion of Rep. Leger, the rules were suspended in order to take up and consider Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 143 at this AMENDMENT NO. 2 time, which motion was agreed to. On page 6, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following: SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 143— BY SENATORS PEACOCK AND TARVER AND REPRESENTATIVE "(5) Evaluate and recommend policies and procedures for LEGER improved access and more effective opioid abuse treatment and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION prenatal care for pregnant women with substance abuse problems, To direct the commissioner of administration to prioritize payment including but not limited to clarifying current services available for of legacy costs borne by the LSU Health Sciences Center at these women, increasing the number of providers properly trained to Shreveport, the LSU Health Sciences Center at New Orleans, provide care to this group, and effective ways to achieve treatment and the LSU Health Care Services Division associated with the over incarceration." privatization of state hospitals; and to develop and report to the legislature concerning a plan for permanent funding of such AMENDMENT NO. 3 costs. On page 6, line 14, change "(5)" to "(6)" Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Rep. Leger moved the concurrence of the resolution. On page 6, line 17, change "(6)" to "(7)" By a vote of 91 yeas and 3 nays, the resolution was concurred in. AMENDMENT NO. 5 Suspension of the Rules On page 6, line 19, change "(7)" to "(8)" On motion of Rep. LeBas, the rules were suspended in order to AMENDMENT NO. 6 take up and consider House Concurrent Resolutions Returned from the Senate with Amendments for Consideration at this time. On page 6, delete lines 26 and 27 and insert "executive director of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners or his designee and the House Concurrent Resolutions Returned executive director of the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy or his from the Senate with Amendments designee." The following House Concurrent Resolutions returned from the SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were taken up and acted upon as follows: Amendments proposed by Senator Mills to Reengrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 113 by Representative LeBas HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 113— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEBAS AND SENATOR MILLS AMENDMENT NO. 1 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To establish the Louisiana Commission on Preventing Opioid Abuse On page 5, between lines 28 and 29, insert the following: to study and make recommendations regarding both short-term

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"(38) The president of the Louisiana Academy of Physician Suspension of the Rules Assistants or his designee." On motion of Rep. Leger, the rules were suspended in order to Rep. LeBas moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate take up and consider Petitions, Memorials, and Communications at be rejected. this time. ROLL CALL Petitions, Memorials, and The roll was called with the following result: Communications YEAS The following petitions, memorials, and communications were received and read: Mr. Speaker Foil LeBas Abraham Franklin Lyons Message from the Senate Abramson Gaines Mack Adams Gisclair Magee DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE BILL Amedee Glover Miguez Anders Guinn Miller, G. June 3, 2016 Bacala Hall Montoucet Bagley Harris, J. Moreno To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Bagneris Harris, L. Morris, Jay Representatives: Berthelot Havard Morris, Jim I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Bishop Hazel Norton refused to concur in the proposed House Amendments to Senate Bill Bouie Hilferty Pierre No. 136 by Sen. Ward, and ask the Speaker to appoint a committee Brown, C. Hill Pope to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement. Brown, T. Hodges Price Carmody Hoffmann Pugh Respectfully submitted, Carpenter Hollis Pylant Carter, G. Horton Reynolds GLENN A. KOEPP Carter, R. Howard Richard Secretary of the Senate Carter, S. Hunter Schexnayder Chaney Huval Seabaugh Message from the Senate Coussan Ivey Shadoin Cox James Simon APPOINTMENT OF Cromer Jefferson Smith CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Danahay Jenkins Stokes Davis Johnson, M. Talbot June 3, 2016 DeVillier Johnson, R. Thibaut Dwight Jones White To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Edmonds Jordan Zeringue Representatives: Emerson Landry, N. Falconer Landry, T. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Total - 88 of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a NAYS like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 60: Senators Peacock, Boudreaux, and Cortez. Total - 0 ABSENT Respectfully submitted, Armes Hensgens McFarland GLENN A. KOEPP Billiot Jackson Miller, D. Secretary of the Senate Broadwater Leger Pearson Connick Leopold Schroder Message from the Senate Garofalo Lopinto Willmott Henry Marcelle APPOINTMENT OF Total - 17 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. June 3, 2016 Conference committee appointment pending. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Conference Committee Reports Received I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Conference Committee Reports were received for the following like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to legislative instruments: House Bill No. 61: Senators Peacock, Boudreaux, and Cortez. House Bill Nos. 216, 795, and 805 Respectfully submitted, The conference committee reports for the above legislative GLENN A. KOEPP instruments lie over under the rules. Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 763: Senators Barrow, Mills, and Perry. June 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of GLENN A. KOEPP Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 400: Senators Appel, Morrish, and Gary Smith. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 3, 2016 GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President APPOINTMENT OF of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a CONFERENCE COMMITTEE like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 805: Senators Luneau, Morrell, and Martiny. June 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 409: Senators LaFleur, Alario, and Peacock. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 3, 2016 GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President APPOINTMENT OF of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a CONFERENCE COMMITTEE like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 815: Senators Barrow, Mills, and Peterson. June 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 481: Senators Bishop, Cortez, and Luneau. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 3, 2016 GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 853: Senators LaFleur, Cortez, and Johns. June 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of GLENN A. KOEPP Representatives: Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 1080: Senators Martiny, John Smith, and Morrell. June 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of GLENN A. KOEPP Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Message from the Senate of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 880: Senators Brown, Morrell, and Chabert. June 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of GLENN A. KOEPP Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1086: Senators Luneau, Cortez, and LaFleur. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 3, 2016 GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President ADOPTION OF of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 907: Senators Peacock, Cortez, and Morrish. June 3, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Respectfully submitted, Representatives: GLENN A. KOEPP I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Secretary of the Senate adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 81. Message from the Senate Respectfully submitted, APPOINTMENT OF GLENN A. KOEPP CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Secretary of the Senate June 3, 2016 Message from the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of ADOPTION OF Representatives: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 3, 2016 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Representatives: House Bill No. 1001: Senators Bishop, Riser, and Carter. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Respectfully submitted, adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 340. GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Respectfully submitted, GLENN A. KOEPP Message from the Senate Secretary of the Senate APPOINTMENT OF Message from the Senate CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ADOPTION OF June 3, 2016 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 3, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives:

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I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has House Bill No. 257 adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement Returned without amendments to Senate Bill No. 123. House Bill No. 280 Respectfully submitted, Returned with amendments GLENN A. KOEPP House Bill No. 283 Secretary of the Senate Returned with amendments House Bill No. 286 Message from the Senate Returned without amendments ADOPTION OF House Bill No. 529 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Returned without amendments June 3, 2016 House Bill No. 603 Returned with amendments To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: House Bill No. 631 Returned without amendments I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement House Bill No. 696 to Senate Bill No. 395. Returned with amendments Respectfully submitted, House Bill No. 772 Returned with amendments GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate House Bill No. 887 Returned with amendments Message from the Senate House Bill No. 965 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Returned without amendments House Bill No. 992 June 3, 2016 Returned without amendments To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of House Bill No. 995 Representatives: Returned with amendments I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has House Bill No. 1008 concurred in the following House Concurrent Resolutions: Returned with amendments House Concurrent Resolution No. 148 House Bill No. 1153 Returned without amendments Returned without amendments House Concurrent Resolution No. 149 House Bill No. 1161 Returned without amendments Returned with amendments House Concurrent Resolution No. 150 Returned without amendments Respectfully submitted, House Concurrent Resolution No. 151 GLENN A. KOEPP Returned without amendments Secretary of the Senate Introduction of Resolutions, Respectfully submitted, House and House Concurrent GLENN A. KOEPP The following members introduced the following entitled House Secretary of the Senate and House Concurrent Resolutions, which were read the first time by their titles and placed upon the calendar for their second reading: Message from the Senate HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 152— HOUSE BILLS BY REPRESENTATIVE JACKSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION June 3, 2016 To recognize the month of September as "Suicide Prevention Month" in Louisiana to promote suicide prevention and to raise greater To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of awareness of the problem of suicide among military service Representatives: members. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Read by title. finally passed the following House Bills: On motion of Rep. Jackson, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. House Bill No. 58 Returned with amendments Ordered to the Senate.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 153— HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 203— BY REPRESENTATIVE JACKSON BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION To urge and request local, parish, and state law enforcement agencies To commend Deputy Jennifer Belton for her service and involvement to implement special training for officers who encounter in the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office Deputies Making a military service members and veterans who encounter crisis Change youth mentoring program. situations that result from reintegration into civilian life. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 204— Read by title. BY REPRESENTATIVE BISHOP A RESOLUTION On motion of Rep. Jackson, and under a suspension of the rules, To encourage retail establishments with public areas, including the resolution was adopted. restaurants, food service establishments, offices of medical providers, facilities that offer sleeping rooms, barber shops, and Ordered to the Senate. beauty shops, as well as meeting rooms and waiting rooms for many other offices, to dedicate at least five percent of their total Conference Committee Appointment seating to chairs with arms in order to accommodate persons The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of with physical disabilities or limited mobility and to provide the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the better accessibility to these establishments that invite and serve disagreement to House Concurrent Resolution No. 113: Reps. the public. LeBas, Hoffmann, and Reynolds. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 205— BY REPRESENTATIVE MIKE JOHNSON Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment A RESOLUTION June 3, 2016 To commend Corey Ingersoll of Airline High School upon his selection as a representative of Louisiana at the Hugh O'Brian To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of World Leadership Congress. Representatives: HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 206— I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the BY REPRESENTATIVES BARRAS AND MIKE JOHNSON following report: A RESOLUTION To commend the organizers of the Louisiana Hugh O'Brian Youth The following House Resolutions have been properly enrolled: Leadership seminars and to designate Wednesday, June 1, 2016, as Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Day. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 173— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 209— A RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals not to A RESOLUTION establish freestanding emergency departments as a type of To commend Madeline Yates upon her recognition for excellence in licensed healthcare facility in this state except, potentially, in creative writing by the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts limited circumstances specified herein. (NOCCA). HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 175— HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 210— BY REPRESENTATIVES LEGER, ADAMS, BAGNERIS, BERTHELOT, BY REPRESENTATIVES JIMMY HARRIS, GAINES, AND HUNTER BILLIOT, BOUIE, GARY CARTER, DAVIS, EDMONDS, GLOVER, A RESOLUTION HILFERTY, LYONS, MARCELLE, MORENO, NORTON, WHITE, AND WILLMOTT To recognize Thursday, June 2, 2016, as Omega Psi Phi Day at the A RESOLUTION Louisiana state capitol and to commend Omega Psi Phi To authorize and request a comprehensive plan for citywide delivery Fraternity, Incorporated. of health services in New Orleans, and to form a study committee to assist with development of the plan. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 211— BY REPRESENTATIVES ABRAMSON, AMEDEE, ARMES, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BOUIE, CARMODY, GARY CARTER, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 199— CHANEY, CONNICK, COX, CROMER, DAVIS, FALCONER, FOIL, BY REPRESENTATIVE MARCELLE FRANKLIN, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, LANCE HARRIS, HAZEL, A RESOLUTION HILFERTY, HODGES, HORTON, HOWARD, HUNTER, JACKSON, To designate Tuesday, May 31, 2016, as Louisiana Public Health LEGER, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MORENO, PYLANT, SCHEXNAYDER, Association Legislative Appreciation Day at the state capitol. SMITH, STOKES, WILLMOTT, AND ZERINGUE A RESOLUTION HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 200— To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to BY REPRESENTATIVE WHITE develop and maintain on the internet a list of behavioral health A RESOLUTION facilities and other pertinent information for persons seeking To commend All Hands Volunteers and the groups that worked behavioral healthcare services. under its direction in response to the Louisiana floods in the parishes of Washington and St. Tammany. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 212— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 201— A RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE FRANKLIN To commend Orlando Gilbert upon recognition for excellence in jazz A RESOLUTION instrumental by the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts To urge and request the Department of Transportation and (NOCCA). Development to review the feasibility of installing an additional turning lane at the intersection of United States Highway 171 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 213— North, locally known as Martin Luther King Highway, and BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER Moeling Street in Calcasieu Parish and to report its findings to A RESOLUTION the House Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public To commend Janeva Morris upon recognition for excellence in visual Works and the member of the House of Representatives arts by the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA). representing House District Number 34 on or before March 1, 2017.

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HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 214— I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the BY REPRESENTATIVE LANCE HARRIS following report: A RESOLUTION To express the condolences of the House of Representatives upon the The following House Concurrent Resolutions have been death of Lester "Rocky" Stroud of New Iberia. properly enrolled: HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 215— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 145— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER BY REPRESENTATIVE STOKES A RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend Landry Duchane upon recognition for excellence in To designate Tuesday, May 31, 2016, as abstinence day in the state culinary arts by the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts of Louisiana. (NOCCA). HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 146— HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 216— BY REPRESENTATIVES TERRY LANDRY, BAGNERIS, BOUIE, BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, COX, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GLOVER, A RESOLUTION HALL, JIMMY HARRIS, HUNTER, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, JORDAN, LYONS, MARCELLE, DUSTIN MILLER, NORTON, To commend Shane Anderson upon recognition for excellence in PIERRE, PRICE, AND SMITH AND SENATORS BARROW, BISHOP, classical instrument by the New Orleans Center for Creative BOUDREAUX, BROWN, CARTER, COLOMB, MORRELL, PETERSON, Arts (NOCCA). AND TARVER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 217— To recognize Thursday, June 2, 2016, as National Gun Violence BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER Awareness Day. A RESOLUTION To commend Chloe Conger upon recognition for excellence in media HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 147— arts by the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA). BY REPRESENTATIVES LEGER, ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BROADWATER, CHAD HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 218— BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, BY REPRESENTATIVE ROBERT JOHNSON ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, A RESOLUTION COX, CROMER, DANAHAY, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, To commend the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana for its many GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, HALL, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, contributions to the state of Louisiana. HAVARD, HAZEL, HENRY, HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, HUNTER, HUVAL, IVEY, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 220— JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT BY REPRESENTATIVE RICHARD JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LEBAS, LEOPOLD, LOPINTO, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, A RESOLUTION MCFARLAND, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, To commend Lieutenant Douglas Foreman of the Lafourche Parish MONTOUCET, MORENO, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, NORTON, Sheriff's Office upon being the recipient of the 2016 Deputy PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PRICE, PUGH, PYLANT, REYNOLDS, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SCHRODER, SEABAUGH, SHADOIN, Sheriff of the Year Award from the Louisiana Sheriffs' SIMON, SMITH, STOKES, TALBOT, THIBAUT, WHITE, WILLMOTT, Association. AND ZERINGUE AND SENATORS ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, BROWN, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HEWITT, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 221— JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, BY REPRESENTATIVES SCHEXNAYDER, BACALA, BERTHELOT, MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, GAINES, GREGORY MILLER, PRICE, AND WILLMOTT PERRY, PETERSON, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, A RESOLUTION THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, WARD, AND WHITE To commend the River Region Caucus and its member parishes and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION designate Thursday, June 2, 2016, as River Region Caucus Day To commend Edgar "Dooky" Chase, Jr., and Leah Chase upon the at the state capitol. seventy-fifth anniversary of their Dooky Chase Restaurant and to recognize Leah Chase upon her receipt of the 2016 James HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 223— Beard Lifetime Achievement Award. BY REPRESENTATIVES HUVAL AND TERRY LANDRY A RESOLUTION To commend the Cecilia High School boys' track and field team HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 149— BY REPRESENTATIVES WILLMOTT, ADAMS, BILLIOT, CONNICK, upon winning the 2016 Class 4A state championship. GISCLAIR, HENRY, HILFERTY, LEOPOLD, LOPINTO, LYONS, STOKES, AND TALBOT AND SENATORS ALARIO, APPEL, CARTER, MARTINY, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 224— MORRELL, PETERSON, AND GARY SMITH BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION To commend the Metairie Kennel Club upon its fortieth anniversary. To commend Billy Roy Wayne on his sixty-fifth birthday. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 150— Respectfully submitted, BY REPRESENTATIVE FOIL A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION CHRIS HAZEL To recognize October of 2016 as Audiology Awareness Month in Chairman Louisiana. The above House Resolutions contained in the report were Respectfully submitted, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the rules of the CHRIS HAZEL House. Chairman Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment The above House Concurrent Resolutions contained in the report were signed by the Speaker of the House and taken to the June 3, 2016 Senate by the Clerk of the House and were signed by the President of To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of the Senate and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of Representatives: State in accordance with the rules of the House.

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Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment HOUSE BILL NO. 146— BY REPRESENTATIVES MORENO, AMEDEE, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BILLIOT, BOUIE, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, EDMONDS, EMERSON, June 3, 2016 FALCONER, GAINES, GLOVER, HALL, HILFERTY, HORTON, JACKSON, JAMES, LEGER, LYONS, MARCELLE, NORTON, PIERRE, REYNOLDS, To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of SMITH, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE Representatives: AN ACT To enact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 895(O), relative to I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the limitations of liability for court-approved mentors; to provide a following report: limitation of liability to certain persons mentoring offenders on probation; to provide a limitation of liability for the court, and The following House Bills have been properly enrolled: court officers, agents, and employees; to provide definitions; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 19— BY REPRESENTATIVE DWIGHT HOUSE BILL NO. 158— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVES MONTOUCET AND GLOVER To amend and reenact R.S. 14:337(A), (D), and (E) and to enact R.S. AN ACT 14:337(B)(3)(d) and (4)(e), relative to unlawful use of an To enact R.S. 33:2476.5 and 2476.6, relative to the municipal fire unmanned aircraft system; to prohibit use of an unmanned and police civil service boards in certain municipalities; to aircraft system to conduct surveillance of, gather evidence or provide relative to filling the office of board secretary; to collect information about, or photographically or electronically provide relative to salary of the secretary; and to provide for record a school, school premises, or correctional facilities; to related matters. provide with respect to elements of the crime; to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 223— exceptions; to provide for applicability; to provide criminal BY REPRESENTATIVE TERRY LANDRY penalties; to provide relative to the definitions of school and AN ACT school premises; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 14:95(E), relative to the illegal carrying HOUSE BILL NO. 37— of weapons; to provide relative to felony penalty provisions of BY REPRESENTATIVE JONES AND SENATOR PEACOCK possession of a firearm while unlawfully in the possession of a AN ACT controlled dangerous substance; and to provide for related To amend and reenact R.S. 11:1821(B)(1), (2), (6), and (7), (C), and matters. (E) and 1842 and to enact R.S. 11:1823(A)(22), relative to the board of trustees of the Municipal Employees' Retirement HOUSE BILL NO. 335— System; to grant certain trustees and their designees the BY REPRESENTATIVE SCHEXNAYDER authority to vote; to provide relative to qualifications for service AN ACT as an elected trustee; to provide for term duration; to provide for To amend and reenact R.S. 3:43(A)(2) and to enact R.S. 3:48, submission of reports to the legislature; to provide for trustee relative to fees for unmanned aerial systems; to establish a compensation; to provide for expenditure of system funds; to registration fee for unmanned aerial systems; to establish an prohibit trustees from accepting certain things of economic agricultural education and safety training course fee for value; and to provide for related matters. operators of unmanned aerial systems; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 54— BY REPRESENTATIVE FOIL HOUSE BILL NO. 357— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER To amend and reenact R.S. 11:42(B)(introductory paragraph) and AN ACT (2), relative to certain unfunded accrued liabilities of the Clerks To amend and reenact R.S. 48:388(F), relative to rail; to provide of Court Retirement and Relief Fund; to provide with respect to relative to assistance for rail service; to provide for an effective payments on such debt; and to provide for related matters. date; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 56— HOUSE BILL NO. 383— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER BY REPRESENTATIVE HAVARD AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 11:3384(A)(2), (B)(2), and (D)(2) and To enact R.S. 33:3819(K), relative to waterworks districts; to provide 3386(B) and to enact R.S. 11:3384(A)(3), (B)(3), and (D)(3), with respect to the per diem paid to members of the board of relative to new members of the Firefighters' Pension and Relief commissioners of districts located in certain parishes; and to Fund in the city of New Orleans; to provide relative to provide for related matters. retirement eligibility and benefits for such members; to provide relative to benefits for beneficiaries and survivors of certain HOUSE BILL NO. 401— such members; and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVES REYNOLDS, AMEDEE, ARMES, BAGLEY, BILLIOT, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, COX, DAVIS, FALCONER, GLOVER, HALL, LANCE HARRIS, HOFFMANN, HORTON, HOWARD, HOUSE BILL NO. 57— HUNTER, JENKINS, LEBAS, LYONS, MAGEE, PIERRE, SCHRODER, BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER SMITH, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 11:3363(B), relative to employee To amend and reenact R.S. 17:282.3(B)(1), relative to personal contributions in the Fire Fighters' Pension and Relief Fund in financial education; to require public elementary or secondary the city of New Orleans; to provide with respect to the schools to offer instruction in personal financial management; regularity and amount of such contributions; to provide with and to provide for related matters. respect to consent to such deductions; to provide relative to the establishment of an "employer pick-up" plan within the system HOUSE BILL NO. 429— in accordance with Internal Revenue Code provisions; to BY REPRESENTATIVE BROADWATER provide relative to the transfer of such contributions to the AN ACT system; to provide relative to the powers and duties of the board To amend and reenact R.S. 38:2212.1(N)(1) through (4)(introductory with respect to such contributions; to provide relative to paragraph) and to repeal R.S. 38:2212.1(N)(4)(a) through (g), member rights relative to such contributions; and to provide for relative to group purchasing of school materials, equipment, and related matters.

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supplies, including any installation thereof; to authorize public issuance of a citation for careless handling of hazardous school districts and public schools to enter into agreements with material in certain circumstances; and to provide for related qualified group purchasing organizations for the purchase of matters. materials, equipment, and supplies; to provide relative to definitions; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 632— BY REPRESENTATIVES JIM MORRIS, ARMES, BILLIOT, BISHOP, TERRY BROWN, CHANEY, COUSSAN, DEVILLIER, FOIL, GISCLAIR, HOUSE BILL NO. 537— GUINN, LYONS, MIGUEZ, MONTOUCET, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO AN ACT AN ACT To enact R.S. 30:4.3, relative to financial security required by the To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1165.1(A)(2)(b)(i) and (ii), relative to commissioner of conservation; to provide for financial security medical records; to provide relative to the maximum charges for required to conduct certain oil and gas activity; to authorize the providing certain medical records; to provide for the form in commissioner of conservation to promulgate rules and which to store and provide medical records; and to provide for regulations; to provide for required amounts; to provide for related matters. exemptions; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 539— BY REPRESENTATIVE HAZEL HOUSE BILL NO. 635— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER To enact R.S. 9:1551(F), relative to the training of dogs; to authorize AN ACT the donation of tissue and biological samples for training a dog To amend and reenact R.S. 14:283(A)(1), 283.1(A), and 284(B) and to search for human remains; and to provide for related matters. to enact R.S. 14:283(G), 283.1(C), and 284(D), relative to crimes affecting public morals; to amend crimes involving the HOUSE BILL NO. 557— observation and invasion of privacy of another to include the BY REPRESENTATIVE JAY MORRIS use of unmanned aircraft systems; to define unmanned aircraft AN ACT systems; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 37:1356(introductory paragraph), (1), (4), HOUSE BILL NO. 667— and (5), 1357(introductory paragraph) and (1), BY REPRESENTATIVE REYNOLDS 1357.1(A)(introductory paragraph), 1358, 1359, and 1360 and AN ACT to repeal R.S. 37:1356(9), relative to the practice of To amend and reenact R.S. 26:75(C)(1), 275(B)(1), and 359(B)(1)(h) acupuncture; to provide for definitions; to provide for the and (i), (2) and (3), (C), (D), (E), and (F) and to enact R.S. certification of physician acupuncturists; to provide for the 26:359(B)(4), relative to wine shipped directly to consumers; to certification of acupuncture detoxification specialists; to provide provide for sampling of beverages of low alcoholic content; to for the certification of licensed acupuncturists; to repeal provide for sampling of beverages of high alcoholic content; to provisions for the certification of persons performing provide with respect to certain requirements for direct shipment acupuncture for research purposes; and to provide for related sales; to provide for exceptions; to authorize the commissioner matters. to promulgate rules; to provide for permit applications of certain wine producers, manufacturers, and retailers; to provide permit HOUSE BILL NO. 570— fees; to specify the due date of a monthly statement; to provide BY REPRESENTATIVE SCHRODER for additional penalties for violations; to provide for an effective AN ACT date; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 37:1271(B)(2)(b) and (4) and R.S. 40:1223.3(5) and 1223.4(A) and to enact R.S. 37:1271(B)(6) HOUSE BILL NO. 702— and R.S. 40:1223.5, relative to the practice of telemedicine; to BY REPRESENTATIVES JIMMY HARRIS AND TERRY LANDRY AND provide with respect to communication between a telemedicine SENATOR CARTER provider and a patient; to provide for medical record AN ACT maintenance; to provide for in-state referrals; to provide for To enact R.S. 32:409.1(A)(2)(d)(ix) and 410(E) and (F) and R.S. venue in suits involving care rendered via telehealth or 40:1321(O) and (P) and to repeal Act No. 807 of the 2008 telemedicine; to provide with respect to the promulgation of Regular Session of the Legislature and Act No. 151 of the 2010 rules and regulations; to provide for an effective date; and to Regular Session of the Legislature, relative to the issuance of provide for related matters. drivers' licenses and special identification cards; to require applicants for either a driver's license or special identification card to provide proof of Louisiana residency; to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 614— implementation of the REAL ID Act of 2005; to provide for BY REPRESENTATIVES MORENO, BAGNERIS, BOUIE, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, JIMMY HARRIS, HAVARD, exceptions; to require certain documents or photographs HILFERTY, HORTON, LYONS, MAGEE, MARCELLE, NORTON, PIERRE, obtained in the process of applying for a driver's license or PRICE, SMITH, AND WHITE special identification card to be disposed of under certain AN ACT circumstances; to provide for an effective date; and to provide To amend and reenact R.S. 18:1310(A)(2) and to enact R.S. for related matters. 18:1308(A)(1)(d), relative to voting absentee by mail; to provide for the electronic transmission of voting materials to HOUSE BILL NO. 710— certain voters under certain circumstances; to provide relative BY REPRESENTATIVE HOLLIS to the procedures and requirements for voting using such AN ACT materials; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 47:843(D)(1), 847(A) and (D)(1), 849(B) and (C), and 851(D), relative to tobacco; to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 625— requirements relative to stamped and unstamped cigarettes; to BY REPRESENTATIVE TERRY LANDRY provide relative to the time period in which cigarettes must be AN ACT stamped; to provide relative to the inventory or stock of certain To enact R.S. 32:1512(E) and 1520(C), relative to the transportation cigarettes; to provide relative to prima facie evidence of a of hazardous material; to provide when a penalty will not be violation; to provide for requirements relative to products not imposed on persons who transport hazardous material following listed on the attorney general's state directory; to provide for the certain incidents involving hazardous material; to prohibit the

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maintenance of invoices by nonresident tobacco dealers; to HOUSE BILL NO. 886— require non-resident tobacco dealers to keep certain stock BY REPRESENTATIVE GAINES separated; and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 34:2471(A)(introductory paragraph), (3), HOUSE BILL NO. 802— (4), (5), and (6), relative to the Port of South Louisiana BY REPRESENTATIVE JACKSON Commission; to increase the membership on the commission; AN ACT and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 893(A) and (E)(1)(b) and R.S. 13:5304(B)(10)(b) and R.S. HOUSE BILL NO. 933— 15:574.2(C)(2)(a) and 574.4(B)(1), and to enact Code of BY REPRESENTATIVE GREGORY MILLER Criminal Procedure Article 890.3 and R.S. 15:824.2, and to AN ACT repeal R.S. 15:827.1(E)(3)(b), relative to crimes of violence and To amend and reenact R.S. 9:315.19, relative to child support; to parole eligibility; to provide a procedure by which certain provide for the schedule of basic child support obligations; and crimes of violence are designated as such in the court minutes; to provide for related matters. to provide relative to certain benefits and restrictions based HOUSE BILL NO. 936 (Substitute for House Bill No. 329 by upon this designation; to provide with respect to deferral of Representative Marcelle)— sentences; to provide for participation in certain programs; to BY REPRESENTATIVE MARCELLE provide relative to parole eligibility for persons convicted of AN ACT crimes of violence; to change the number of votes required to To amend and reenact R.S. 47:532.1(A)(5) and to enact R.S. grant parole for offenders convicted of a crime of violence who 47:532.1(A)(7)(e), (f), and (g) and (E), relative to public license meet certain conditions; to provide relative to the eligibility to tag agents; to provide relative to the fee assessed for public participate in reentry preparation programs; to create the license tag agents to require license plates be made available to Programs to Reduce Recidivism Fund; to provide for the public license tag agents; to require for payment of production purposes of the fund; to provide for the appropriation of monies of such license plates and reimbursement of such payment; to into the fund; to provide for the administration of the fund; to require public license tag agents undertake certain actions; to provide for the distribution of monies from the fund; to provide provide relative to contracts between the Department of Public relative to the calculation of savings realized by the Department Safety and Corrections, office of motor vehicles and public of Public Safety and Corrections; and to provide for related license tag agents; and to provide for related matters. matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 948— HOUSE BILL NO. 819— BY REPRESENTATIVE STEVE CARTER BY REPRESENTATIVES JIM MORRIS, ARMES, BILLIOT, BISHOP, AN ACT TERRY BROWN, CHANEY, COUSSAN, DEVILLIER, GUINN, MIGUEZ, To enact R.S. 17:3351(J), relative to education facilities at public MONTOUCET, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE AN ACT postsecondary education institutions; to require management To amend and reenact R.S. 30:82, 84(A)(1), 86(B), (C), and (E)(1) boards to adopt policies with respect to use of such facilities; to and (2), 87(A), (E), and (F)(1), and 95(A) and to enact R.S. require reports; to provide relative to construction of new 30:83(F)(2), 83.1, and 86(F), relative to the Oilfield Site facilities; and to provide for related matters. Restoration Fund; to provide for definitions; to authorize the HOUSE BILL NO. 984— issuance of bonds for certain purposes; to provide for the pledge BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY and dedication of the monies deposited in the Oilfield Site AN ACT Restoration Fund; to provide for the duties and powers of the To provide with respect to the Revenue Sharing Fund and the secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and the allocation and distribution thereof for Fiscal Year 2016-2017; Oilfield Site Restoration Commission; to provide for the and to provide for related matters. liability of the state; to provide relative to the requirements and limitations for issuance of revenue bonds; to authorize the HOUSE BILL NO. 1134 (Substitute for House Bill No. 433 by execution of certain documents; to provide for uses of the Representative Hazel)— BY REPRESENTATIVE HAZEL AND SENATOR THOMPSON Oilfield Site Restoration Fund; to provide for fees on crude AN ACT petroleum and gas produced; to provide for the suspension and To amend and reenact R.S. 32:414(R)(3), relative to economic resumption of collecting fees; and to provide for related matters. hardship licenses; to require the issuance of economic hardship HOUSE BILL NO. 830— licenses when related to state tax delinquency; to provide for the BY REPRESENTATIVE SEABAUGH conditions under which such license can be issued; to establish AN ACT the duration of such economic hardship licenses; and to provide To amend and reenact R.S. 15:587.1(B)(1) and (C)(introductory for related matters. paragraph) and R.S. 17:407.42(B)(1)(a), relative to the HOUSE BILL NO. 1135 (Substitute for House Bill No. 777 by Department of Education; to authorize the department to request Representative Moreno)— criminal history information on certain personnel of early BY REPRESENTATIVE MORENO learning centers; to provide requirements relative to the state AN ACT Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information upon the To amend and reenact Children's Code Articles 1007 and 1015 and receipt of such requests; to provide relative to fees; to provide to enact Children's Code Articles 1004(I) and 1015.1, relative relative to effectiveness; to provide relative to implementation; to the termination of parental rights; to provide relative to and to provide for related matters. parties who may petition for termination of parental rights; to provide relative to grounds for termination of parental rights; to HOUSE BILL NO. 856— provide relative to effects; to provide for the confidentiality of BY REPRESENTATIVE HUVAL AN ACT petitioner's address; to provide regarding court costs, other To enact R.S. 9:2800.23, relative to the granting of a voluntary right costs, and fees; and to provide for related matters. of passage to certain enclosed cemeteries; to provide a HOUSE BILL NO. 1137 (Substitute for House Bill No. 818 by limitation of liability for granting a voluntary right of passage; Representative Mack)— to provide for exceptions; to provide for revocability; to provide BY REPRESENTATIVE MACK definitions; and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 15:146 and to enact R.S. 15:162(I), 166, and 167(E), relative to indigent defender services; to amend

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provisions of the Louisiana Public Defender Act; to provide for membership of the Louisiana Public Defender Board; to reduce the number of members on the board; to provide with respect to the powers and duties of the board; to provide relative to member qualifications; to provide with respect to the dispersal of funds; to provide with respect to the delivery of indigent defender services; to provide definitions; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1145 (Substitute for House Bill No. 328 by Representative Lopinto)— BY REPRESENTATIVE LOPINTO AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 13:5304(B)(1)(b), (3)(f), (5), (6), (11)(c), and (D)(3), (E)(introductory paragraph), (J)(2) and (3), (L)(2) and (N), relative to the drug division probation program; to provide penalties for violating conditions of drug division probation; to provide with respect to drug abuse treatment and addiction treatment; to provide for designated treatment professionals; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1151 (Substitute for House Bill No. 849 by Representative Robert Johnson)— BY REPRESENTATIVES ROBERT JOHNSON, BROADWATER, TERRY BROWN, DAVIS, HAVARD, HAZEL, HORTON, MIGUEZ, PYLANT, WILLMOTT, AND ZERINGUE AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 22:1060.4(A)(introductory paragraph) and (B) and to enact R.S. 22:1060.3(C), relative to coverage of medically necessary prescription drugs and intravenous infusions; to provide for notice by a health insurance issuer making a change in such coverage; to provide relative to an appeal of any such change by the insured; to make certain technical changes; and to provide for related matters. Respectfully submitted, CHRIS HAZEL Chairman The above House Bills contained in the report were signed by the Speaker of the House and taken to the Senate by the Clerk and were signed by the President of the Senate and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Governor for executive approval. Adjournment On motion of Rep. Billiot, at 4:20 P.M, the House agreed to adjourn until Sunday, June 5, 2016, at 3:00 P.M. The Speaker of the House declared the House adjourned until 3:00 P.M., Sunday, June 5, 2016. ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House

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