PUBLISHED BY EXECUTIVE WOMEN IN TEXAS GOVERNMENT OCTOBER 2007 Monthly Luncheon — October 24, 2007 Max Sherman, Chair Emeritus and former Dean of the CALENDAR OF EVENTS LBJ School of Public Administration October 10 October Minicourse Joelyn Weeks, Program Director Carver Branch Library, 1161 Angelina, at Noon. Topic: “Workplace Attire or Other Wear”. Presented by Amber Travis- Max Sherman will be the keynote speaker at the October 24, Pallinas and Linda Wedick of Career De- EWTG Monthly Luncheon, where he will be discussing Barbara sign Specialists. Free to members and Jordan and his new book Barbara Jordan: Speaking the Truth guests. For information and lunch option with Eloquent Thunder. This book brings together several major reservations, contact
[email protected] or political speeches that articulate Barbara Jordan’s most deeply- call 512.248.2044. held values, some of which readers can also watch on an enclosed DVD. Throughout her career as a Texas senator, U.S. October 11 Retiree Committee Meeting congresswoman, and distinguished professor at the Lyndon B. Mandola’s Market, 4700 West Guadalupe (In The Triangle Johnson School of Public Affairs, Barbara Jordan lived by a at Lamar and Guadalupe), at 5:15 pm. This monthly meet- simple creed: “Ethical behavior means being honest, telling the ing is open to any EWTG member who is retired or who is truth, and doing what you said you were going to do.” Her strong stand for ethics in interested in retirement issues. government, civil liberties, and democratic values still provides a standard around October 11 Houston Affiliate Meeting which the nation can unite in the twenty-first century.