AARON KYLE REYNOLDS 615 Gaylor Street, Austin, Texas 78752 (512) 576-8767 ▪
[email protected] Education PhD. U.S. History University of Texas at Austin, 2013 Master of Arts in History, 2010 University of Texas at Austin Master of Arts in Teaching, 2001 Austin College, Sherman, TX Bachelor of Arts in History, 2000 Austin College, Sherman, TX Professional Development Author: “Inside the Jackson Tract: The Battle over peonage labor camps in southern Alabama forests 1906.” Southern Spaces: Landscapes and Ecologies Series, January 2013. “Yoruba Cultural-Urban Landscapes in Nigeria of the 1960s: Reflections on Toyin Falola’s A Mouth Sweeter Than Salt” in Niyi Afolabi, ed. Toyin Falola: The Man, The Mask, The Muse. (Durham, NC, Carolina Academic Press, 2010) pp. 871-886. Presenter: “We see no peace on the job.” Migrant labor reform and Peonage violence in the Immokalee Tomato Camps, 1965” Southern Labor Studies Association Annual Conference, Athens, GA May 2018 “A long Quavering Chant…” The Langdale Family’s Informal Conservationist Ecology and Peonage Labor in the Okefenokee Swamp 1917-1945. Southern Labor Studies Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. March 6-10, 2013 “In the woods they can do anything they want and no one can see them but God.” Opportunity and Contention in Great Southern Forests 1906-1907. Southern Forum on Agricultural, Rural, and Environmental History, Armstrong Savannah State University, Savannah, GA. April 8-9, 2011. If I had known it was an Island, I would not have gone: Life and Labor in the Florida Keys Railroad Camps 1905-1906. After Slavery Conference, Charleston, S.C.