A Abhisit Government, 13 Business Sector, 75 Financial Aid to Cambodia
Index A Anuphong Phaochinda, 51 Abhisit government, 13 armed clashes, 3, 67 business sector, 75 Preah Vihear temple, 83 financial aid to Cambodia, 24, Article 60 of the Statutes of the 100 ICJ, 43 nationalism backfires, 79–84 Asian Development Bank (ADB), and Preah Vihear temple, 70–74 17, 44 suspension of financial aid, 33 authoritarianism, middle-class, 101 Abhisit Vejjajiva, 3, 69, 70–74 Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Ackaratorn Chularat, 68 Economic Cooperation ACMECS. See Ayeyawady-Chao Strategy (ACMECS), 26 Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy B (ACMECS) Beittinger-Lee, Verena, 8 ADB. See Asian Development Bodirak, Phra, 59 Bank (ADB) Boonsang Niempradit, 51 Administrative Court border clashes in 2011, 77–78 establishment, 68 border trade, 28 jurisdiction, 68 Bovornsak Uwanno, 68 Adul Wichiencharoen, 62 buffer zone, 62 Alongkorn Ponlaboot, 28, 75 business sector, 75–76 Anand Panyarachun, 28 Anek Laothamatas, 8 C Angkorean Empire, 39 Cambodia Angkor Wat, 77 aid as soft power, 28–30 Annex I map, 40–42 army, 47 in MOU, 80–81, 89n7 bilateral agreements with, 72 anti-neighbour nationalism, 102 cross-border import and export anti-Thaksin products, 22 coalition, 59 economic linkages, Thailand, 14 intellectuals, 69 economic players in, 20–24 movement, 37, 68 economic recovery, 30 115 07 State_Uncivil Society.indd 115 7/30/13 11:31:52 AM 116 • Index economic sanction, 14 Thailand’s Economic FDI, 24 Cooperation with, 19–20 financial aid to, 100 Thailand’s strategies in, 24–28 financial assistance from Thaksin business in, 3–4, 64 Thailand, 13, 30 Vietnamese invasion of, 15 foreign investment in, World Heritage, 48 approved, 23 Cambodian military, 52 foreign investors, 23 PAD leaders trespassing on, 82 France’s take-over of, 61 Cambodian People’s Party, 66 GDP real growth rate, 30, 31 CCC.
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