 As research & policy advocate in the diversity team at HQ and appointed member of the Policy Working Group, I have a proven track record in developing and presenting policy papers for members’ debate.  With a brief spell in finance, I applied regulatory policy more specifically to derivatives and equities trading. I have been able to transfer and devote my skills to the political process, in engaging with decision-makers to provide much needed oversight and strategic direction.  Based on a clear perception of the policy issues affecting the country, I will relay my views. I bring to the table outstanding interpersonal skills, a contagious enthusiasm and a deep-rooted drive for excellence. Having attained a practice-led Masters degree to scholarship level, I am well aware of the substantive debates running throughout Britain and the EU.  Implementing our vision for social justice is not easy. With me on your side, we will govern our party back to prosperity and peace. A party that recognises law and order, whilst being of great warmth and generosity.  Championing Liberal values is vital to our existence and I am determined to uphold these ad infinitum. Vote to support a team that delivers first-class outcomes time and time again. As an up and coming leader, elect me as Member of the Federal Policy Committee and I will be sure to make things happen!

• Ph.D. Physics • Company Director • Tech Investor • EU Parliament Candidate (Germany) • Chair, LibDems in EU

Dr. Robert Harrison Demanding a Better Future

As a member of the Federal Policy Committee, I want to bring my experience as a Brit living and working overseas to the party to strengthen our international work. I’m passionate about how science and technology can be used to improve everyday life and create wealth to support our public services. My current interests include the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning and I’ve been looking not only at the science behind these technologies, but also the implications for society.

Policy Development Experience

Free Trade for Australian Business Contact Citizens’ Rights for UK citizens in Europe Commercialising innovation Email: [email protected] Intellectual Property Rights : RobHarrison_EU Transport and Mobility Facebook: RobHarrison_EU Science Research and Development LinkedIn: robertharrison Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Paul Noblet for Federal Policy Committee Vote Paul NOBLET #1

Grassroots I’m a former councillor and cabinet member for regeneration and the environment, and an ex-local party chair. I know how important it is to involve local members in making new policy. If elected I would work hard to engage members through social media and other forums to make sure our policies reflect members’ views and the country’s needs.

Experience I’m Head of Media & Public Affairs for a youth homelessness charity where I work on a range of policy areas from benefits and housing, to education and mental health. I’ve also worked for the party in the Westminster press office, helping to turn evidence-based policy into positive media coverage on issues as diverse as criminal justice and foreign policy.

Policy knowledge I recently chaired the party policy working group, A Fairer Share For All, which led to the Autumn 2019 conference adopting new policies such as: cutting waiting times for Universal Credit from 5 weeks to 5 days, introducing universal access to basic services including the legal right to food, and creating a £50bn rebalancing fund to boost economic growth outside London and the South East.

Contact me: [email protected] @paulnoblet Fellow Liberal Democrats… Policy is at the heart of what we do. Our vision for a fairer, better society can only be delivered if we have the right policies. Policies that will help ensure that our fellow citizens are not enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. I have over a decade’s work of experience working and developing policy, focusing on policies for industry and business and the health and care sectors. I am also a passionate volunteer campaigner on active transport and private renting. I deliver policy that makes sense. At this year’s Autumn conference my policy proposal for reforming the private rental sector received overwhelmingly support, and is now party policy. I believe that good policy making rests on ensuring that everyone affected by an issue, challenge or problem is supported to be involved in its resolution. Citizen involvement is a core tenet of my approach to policy making, and I have championed and delivered it in both my professional and voluntary policy making work. If you give me your support to serve on our Federal Policy Committee, I commit to:  Ensuring that our policy making fully and fairly includes members, and takes account of their experiences and insights.  Ensuring that our policies truly reflect our Constitution, and respond to the pressing need to support those in our society living in poverty or just managing to get by.  Ensuring that our policies connect easily and effectively with our local, regional and national campaigners.

Vote For Mark Platt Find me on Facebook at mark.platt.3517 Your First & Best Choice for FPC Find me on Twitter at Mabbes1408 Dr Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey for FPC I would like to change the London centric nature of the party to change with you use of video confer- encing more than going to London for meetings. This would allow more time for work in their local areas, which is necessary during a time of great division in our country. My Experience Directly Elected Member of the FPC Vice Chair of South Central LibDems Former English Council Executive member for the FPC Former member of the English Council Executive Former Deputy leader of the opposition on Wokingham BC Member Nuclear Weapons Policy FPC working Group Member Green Lib Dems, Lib Dem Women and LGBTQ+ Lib Dems Member World Science Fiction Convention Executive WHAT CAN WE DO DIFFERENTLY? Decentralise some decisions to the State Parties. Consult the latest new and existing members and re- gional execs on what they want to see as new policies and involve them in implementing them. Train more members to use technology and use it to help us win more seats. Put DR RACHELLE AS YOUR FIRST CHOICE FOR THE FEDERAL POLICY COM- Support NIGEL QUINTON for FEDERAL POLICY COMMITTEE

● County Councillor since 2017 ● Parliamentary Candidate in 2010, 2015 and 2017 ● Borough Councillor 2006-8 ● Successful entrepreneur before entering politics, grounded in the real world away from the bubble. ● Experience on regional policy committee and policy working groups

As a party we are not short of policies - but the most common refrain from our opponents is ‘nobody knows what the LibDems stand for’. I am well used to explaining our policies while canvassing and know how important it is that policy passes the doorstep test. I want to see the party use the vast influx of talented new members to improve its policy making process. I have a background in energy, a passion for green technology, a real desire to reform our housing and planning laws, plus a solid grounding in health and social care through my roles at Hertfordshire County Council, where I currently lead on public health. Please make me your #1 choice for Federal Policy Committee Vote 1 Adam Corlett Years of policy experience outside the party:  Professional policy analyst for a charity and leading commentator on poverty and inequality  Author of 40+ think tank reports, on housing, tax cuts for low earners, wealth taxes, social security, fiscal policy and more  Expert on modelling the costs and benefits of political policies  Experienced in engaging with parliamentarians, NGOs, academics, business groups and civil servants about good policy  Background in science and passionate about decarbonisation policy and animal welfare

Expert knowledge of Lib Dem policy and other parties’ positions:  Co-authored party policy on business rates  Member of two previous policy working groups on social security  Helped author the shift to a more liberal drugs policy in 2011  Created the basis of party policy on inheritance taxes  Not an expert in designing leaflets

The right priorities for Federal Policy Committee:  Presenting a clear, optimistic vision for voters of what politics can deliver once we stop Brexit  Putting in place the right processes to make the most of expertise and views from members, party organisations and civil society  Ready-to-implement, ambitious policies that stand up to scrutiny, outdoing other parties in good policymaking  Encouraging policy papers with less breadth but more depth, and ensuring Conference has juicy decisions to debate Follow me or get in touch @adamcorlett on Twitter, or email [email protected] Garth Shephard standing for the Federal Policy Committee [email protected] Revoking Article 50 means we can concentrate on making the UK a key global player again and provide a progressive domestic agenda. The key issue for the next administration will be the climate emergency. Zero carbon dates are no good without clear and committed policies. These policies should be drawn from a partnership with the people and supported by the Green LibDems. The policies should challenge the established taxation system and legislate to change corporate behaviour. I am a Parish Councillor in Cornwall and proud to have led St Austell and Newquay Liberal Democrat Constituency through the lean years after 2015. These next few years will be critical in re-establishing our radical but pragmatic credentials. We need policies to provide housing with truly affordable rents, an achievable social care policy, and a, well-resourced education system which equips the next generation to value and contribute to our democracy. I am married to an American citizen and have family in the US and UK. I believe strongly in international collaboration and have worked with many commercial partners in Europe and America. I am predominantly a strategist and have, as board member, taken companies to world leading market positions and Queen’s Award status. I designed and developed world-first technologies and established and ran my own company for twenty years. I was engaged by the UK government Chief Scientist’s Office to write a White Paper on international research and development opportunities in Asia. We now have a golden opportunity which we must seize by establishing a series of clearly described, progressive policies that let everyone see that representative government is alive and well with the Liberal Democrats. How I aim to contribute to FPC

With burgeoning membership, the capacity of Federal Conferences as an outlet for ideas and the opportunities to express them is under increasing pressure.

The opportunities for member engagement in policy making that Regional Party Conference debates provide would be more highly valued, by participants and the party, if their outcomes fed into Federal policy-making by being made available for consultation, by FPC, by relevant Policy Working Groups and by interested members in other Regions.

This will be especially important as Regional economic rebalancing measures become more dominant in political discourse. Think tanks such as UK2070 and IPPR are developing and promoting solutions for addressing regional disadvantage which also recognise the living cost/travel/environment pressures which limit the future growth contribution that current regional engines of prosperity can provide in the future.

The recently adopted “Fairer share for all” policy devolves Rebalancing Fund money allocation and expenditure decisions. This necessitates the plugging of gaps in the devolution map, the development of local rebalancing plans and a democratically accountable process for developing rebalancing strategies which impact several local authorities or whole regions. As NW Region Vice-Chair (Policy) I am actively involved in collaboration with the other two Northern Regions to address these issues.

There are many other policy areas, notably Climate Crisis Policy, where more localised bottom up action planning is an essential to effective implementation.

For FPC please vote: Andrew Haldane 1

My Party Roles; NW Region Vice-Chair (Policy) English Council rep. Local Party chair, former Councillor/PPC

My Career background: Manufacturing industry then academia, includes 25 years involvement in EU-funded research and innovation programmes. Sally Burnell for Federal Policy Committee

@sallyonFPC | [email protected]


I care passionately about evidence-based policy. I’ve worked across many policy areas – animal welfare, public health, criminal justice and social policy. I’m director of policy & media for a UK-wide membership association and have the skills to communicate complex issues.


I’m an active member of FPC - I’ve been a member of a policy working group and worked on the GE 2017 and Euro 2019 manifestos. I’m an FPC rep on Federal Conference Committee giving me wider experience in chairing policy debates. I’ve also worked for the Party across the UK – in the Westminster press office, in the National Assembly for Wales, and in local government.

Member engagement

As a member of FPC I’ve worked hard to engage the wider membership in policy debates. I’ve delivered policy training at Federal and London Conferences, I created policy toolkits for local parties, I’ve provided drafting advice for members, and I’m active in Lib Dem policy Facebook groups.

Sally BURNELL #1 Re-Elect Belinda Brooks-Gordon What has she achieved? ● Chair Consenting Sex Policy Paper 126 – the widest consulta- tion in Party history. ● Chair Equalities Policy Paper 120 ● Member Post-16 Education Working Group ● Co-author ‘Real Women’ manifesto with Jo Swinson – to bring in Equal Pay and Parental Leave. ● Worked to amend Education Bill for fairer deal for students. ● Advocated for justice for vulnerable groups, Belinda wants to be re- prisoners, and migrants. elected to Federal Policy ● Led successful campaigns to improve lives Committee of women – taken Liberal policies all the way to the United Nations. She has the personal qualities, progressive ideas, ● Championed human rights and civil liber- ties of minorities, LGBT+, and disabled. and experience to create policy in active ● Contributor to Manifestos 2015 and 2017 consultation with our ● Reported back to members on social media members. ● Used novel ways to ensure FPC consults widely e.g Chatbox Live with Young Liberals Belinda wants to ensure we have effective policy About solutions to ●Expert in Crime, Prisons, Health, important Economic Psychology. social issues for ●Passionate defender of Higher Education the next ●Radical, grassroots activist, exciting stage ●Trusted and team player to liaise with in our political FPC as conduit for member views. journey. ●Real world experience as beautician, left school at 16 yrs. Vote Belinda ●Did PhD in Cambridge Law Faculty as single parent. Brooks-Gordon ●20 yr history campaigning for vulnerable For Federal Policy women and under-represented groups 1 Committee “Belinda is not afraid to fight for truly liberal causes. Her approach is always evidence-based and properly thought through” Jeremy Hargreaves for acon! My Liberal Democrat vision is for a society in which everyone has the freedom to live the life they want, acvely supported by government and society. 1. Fairer: Our society is too unequal. I persuaded FPC to develop policy on how we should tackle poverty. A Fairer Share For All approved in Bournemouth commied at least £5 billion into helping the poorest, and £50 billion investment into regions which need it. 2. In Europe: Campaigning for Europe is in my blood. Aer ten years with the European Movement I became chair of the Lib Dem European Group (LDEG) “Jeremy is a great source and led several pro-European campaigns. of good new Liberal Democrat ideas, and he 3. Winning votes: Liberal Democrat policies should understands the big win us votes. We don’t change our ideas to suit political picture as well as others, but we must present them in a way that the detail aracts voters. Working much more closely with our ” Lucy Nethsingha MEP, campaigns, polling and communicaons colleagues so East of England our policies do some polical work for us has been my constant refrain on FPC over the last three years! “Jeremy works extremely And Jo’s proposals for a “wellbeing economy” draw hard, and with great on a full policy paper I led seng out Lib Dem effect, to ensure that the thinking on wellbeing (at if Party develops policies you’re interested) which not only reflect all I’m a vice chair of FPC and have been closely involved interests, but also engage in wring the last few elecon manifestos. On FPC I’m and appeal to voters” constantly looking for ways to engage more members Tilly McAuliffe, Chair, across the party in discussing and making party policy. Lib Dem Business & Entrepreneurs Network Away from polics I’m an independent consultant on health and educaon, and sit on the boards of an NHS Find out more about what primary care provider body and a welfare charity - as I’ll do on FPC! well as being the busy father of two girls. Before that I was a senior manager in the private sector and the jeremyhargreavesforfpc

NHS, and part of the Lib Dem team running a London @jeremyharg council.

“I’ve worked with Jeremy on policy issues for a number of years, and have been impressed with his incisive analysis - but more, his ability to translate this into a policy position.” Jane Dodds AS / MP Brecon & Radnorshire Dr MOHSIN KHAN

WHY MOHSIN FOR FPC? @thedoctorkhan !Radical, liberal spirit tempered with [email protected] knowledge of how to get things done.

MY FPC VISION !Non-voting FPC member this year – CLARITY & EMPOWERMENT I’m familiar with its workings yet bring !Clear, inspiring headline manifesto a fresh, challenging pair of eyes! policies. We must mix emotional impact !Vice-Chair of both LDCRE and Lib with policy diversity to engage voters. Dem Health & Care Association. !Encourage wider member involvement !Track record in building successful throughout policy development. grassroots participation at all policy ! Make online 'pre-consultations’ the levels – and getting your policies norm. We must get wider input earlier in the passed nationally. policy process – well before Conference. !Worked on multiple national policy !Greater member access to spokespersons’ working groups over a decade. policy groups and commissions. !Experienced Regional Policy Chair. !Establish process for working groups & !Hospital doctor, school governor, ex- FPC to routinely consider rejected union rep, ex-Whitehall. Conference motions & Regional motions – !Experienced media communicator – We mustn’t let your hard work go to waste! I know how to get policy across!

‘Mohsin would be a great asset to FPC. He's experienced in policy development, particularly in health. He knows how to work with different parts of the party to get things done and is experienced in cross-party collaboration, increasingly vital in today's world.’ Sir Norman Lamb MP ‘He brings a collegiate way of working, clarity of thinking and the understanding that Lib Dem policy always has a strong evidence base. Without doubt I recommend his candidacy.’ Baroness Jolly

‘Mohsin has been an excellent Vice-Chair of the party’s campaign for racial equality and has great ideas for opening up the policy process.’ Sir Ed Davey MP

‘Mohsin has an instinctive understanding of how our values and policies must keep diversity at their core. I've been impressed seeing him work with Parliamentarians ….[his] work as a doctor has given him extra insight into the challenges faced by those from BAME and LGBTQ+ backgrounds.’ Baroness Hussein-Ece 20+ nominators – including Siobhan Benita, Isabelle Parasram, Lee Dargue, Tahir Maher, Roderick Lynch, Avril Coelho, Lib Dem Campaign for Race Equality, South Central Region, and many more! Tara Copeland for Federal Policy Committee

About Me: I am originally from Vancouver, Canada where I was a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. I moved to the United Kingdom in 012 to study History at the University of Edinburgh. Upon moving to London in 2017 I joined the Liberal Democrats because I believed in our strong policies on mental health, the environment, and striving for equality.

My Experience: • Policy Officer for the Young Liberals (Feb. 2018 – Present) • Currently an observer on Federal Policy Committee • Member of the Crime and Policing working group which produced the “United Against Crime” policy paper and motion, passed at Autumn Conference 2019 • Co-authored the “No To Unpaid Internships, Yes to Real Opportunities” and “Young Carers” policy motions which passed at the 2019 Spring and Autumn Conferences, respectively • Successfully co-authored an amendment to “Reforming Our Party’s Disciplinary Process” which passed at Autumn Conference 2018

Why I’m Running: • My experiences as an immigrant to the United Kingdom gives me a unique perspective. • Having been a representative of our party’s youth wing, I am able to understand the effect of policies on students and young people and have a deep insight into the issues that matter for this key electoral group. • From contributing to the Crime and Policing working group and sitting as an observer on Federal Policy Committee, I have acquired invaluable experience of how our party develops policy. • I want to help develop strong, practical, and radical policies.

Kindest Regards,

Please consider giving me your vote for Federal Policy Committee!


FEDERAL POLICY COMMITTEE CANDIDATE Peter is Professor of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry at The University of Sheffield and an Associate Fellow in the Understanding of Politics. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institution of Chemical Engineers and has particular interest in tackling the Climate Emergency.

The North needs a strong evidence-based voice in policy development

An active Member of the Sheffield Liberal Democrats, regularly campaigning particularly in the Hallam Constituency. He is acutely aware of problems within the health and social care and is researching in the consequences of policy change. , Awarded a Royal Society Westminster Pairing in 2015 and spent time in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Peter has long-standing expertise in Policy Development and has co-authored a number of climate change related Policy Briefings and White Papers both in the UK and the European Union. He co-authored the Mission Innovation CCUS report on behalf of the G20, representing the UK government, which has resulted in a commitment to a doubling UK of research funding.

Peter says: “I feel this is the right time for me to offer my services as a scientist, engineer and critical thinker. We stand at a point in time where many emergencies are developing that need immediate attention and action. These include: • Europe and the rest of the world • Climate Emergency • Failings in social care across ages • the fragile state of the NHS • The need for integrated transport solutions. • The Liberal Democrats have an outstanding history of addressing mental health problems and this should continue to be seen as a key policy in increasingly stressful times. My name is Christa Wiggin. I have worked with Lib Dems for as long as I can remember, and I am currently a member of the Cotswolds Lib Dem Exec and the Parliamentary Election campaign group supporting Liz Webster our PPC.

I am married, have 4 sons and 8 grandchildren and live in the Cotswolds. I have recently ceased to work full-time and also just completed a major research project.

I have experience of local and central government, the private sector and the independent sector. I was the Assistant Director of Social Services in Oxfordshire for 8 years, I worked with KPMG as an Assistant Director, becoming UK Market Leader for Health and Social Care and most recently I worked as an Independent Consultant in our family Health and Social Care Consultancy where my area of work latterly focused on child protection. In and amongst I have worked with the Audit Commission and I sat on the Care Standards Tribunal for over 10 years. I also ran a shop and on-line business in Cheltenham for 4 years. In a voluntary capacity I have been a Trustee of the British Institute for Learning Disability, a Member of Gloucestershire Police Authority and was a member of Gloucester Community and Race Relations working group.

I have always been interested in policy development and research, from researching on the streets and shelters of Leeds to develop the Children’s Society homeless policy, to achieving a doctorate researching with Oxford Brookes Business School.

At last I have more time and would love to work with Central Office on policy developments and research projects. Christine Cheng

Equal opportunity for all

Senior Lecturer in War Studies at King’s College London. Award- winning author. Previously taught PPE at Oxford. Worked for the UN, World Bank, Wildlife Conservation Society, McDonald’s. Undergraduate in engineering. Twenty years of experience in international affairs and higher education in the UK, Canada, and the US.

LibDems Policy Experience In the three years I’ve served on FPC, I’ve advocated for policies that are (1) principled and values-driven (2) joined-up with campaigning (3) easy to understand and easy to communicate. I know how important it is to speak to our core vote, but also appeal to those who may be joining us from Labour or the Conservatives.

I was honoured to be chosen by my FPC colleagues to serve on the Snap General Election Manifesto Committee. I’ve served as Vice Chair of the Britain in the World Policy Working Group and I helped initiate the Nature of Public Debate Policy Working Group.

What do I offer the Federal What do I stand for? Policy Committee? I believe that every citizen As an experienced academic, I bring should be able to reach their independent authority and expertise. I full potential. To that end, I am not afraid to ask tough questions. have been an advocate for I have fresh policy ideas having lived gender equality for twenty and worked in Canada, the US, Japan, years. Please listen to my South Africa, and Liberia. Having TEDx talk, Gatekeepers & Role joined the party in 2016, I bring a new Models– How to Create a member’s perspective. Gender Equal Politics.

Twitter @cheng_christine Blog Email [email protected] Michael Kilpatrick For Federal Policy Committee I live in South Cambridgeshire and previously worked as a microprocessor designer for ARM. I keenly follow local transport, development and devolution issues and chair our local Rail Users’ Group. Besides family, politics and a rather excessive collection of vintage saxophones, my passion is the music of Duke Ellington, for which my expertise has a national reputation.

Having left ARM and taking a break Scottish referendum have together from work, I have the time and highlighted the need to fix the social, energy to pursue my passions – my political and economic divides across 16-piece jazz orchestra and politics. the UK and reconnect the people to If elected to Federal Policy government. The Liberal Democrats Committee I will work hard on issues should be the standard-bearers for that motivate me, as conscientiously reform but have shied away from as I pore over the Duke Ellington developing a more comprehensive manuscripts at the Smithsonian vision for the UK. This must change. Institution in Washington DC. I have attended every federal I will fight for intellectual rigour and conference since autumn 2015 and self-consistency in policy over catchy spoken from the podium in each mantra or dogma, and will ensure one. My first ever policy motion (on the federal party pays attention to devolution) was passed almost policies from the regional and state unanimously at the 2015 East of parties. I will strive to give the party England conference. This foray into a distinct and radical platform with policy debate drives me to take an which to inspire the electorate. active policy role in the federal party. Since my first vote in 1987 I have been driven by the desire to reform Read more about me: our structures of governance and [email protected] taxation. Brexit, austerity and the Dr Dennis Pain Liberal Democrat Member no: 12160218728

With a PhD in Political Social Anthropology, Dennis has a career in community and development work both in Birmingham’s inner city areas and in less developed countries in Africa and India. This includes 13 years as a civil servant and senior advisor with The Department For International Development (DFID).

He has been a consultant on national and regional social policy, including with the African Union, drawing on the model of EU social policy alignment to implement its own Social Policy Framework; working on conflict resolution and reconciliation, which this country badly needs, and on social inclusion and equity, including disability issues.

Combining hands-on community work with policy development at national and international levels around poverty reduction and opportunity, Dennis feels he has the skills to help LibDems develop policies for the UK to become an inclusive caring society.

Married with three adult children; at home Dennis’ activities include art, carpentry, gardening and in Church leadership.

His experience can be seen at

Contact me on 07980 803088 Dr Susan Juned [email protected] Experience that counts I have been a County and District councillor, a Council Leader and a parliamentary candidate. I am currently the LD Group Leader on Stratford on Avon District Council. I have experience running successful public, private and charitable organisations, setting strategic directions and putting policy into practice. I have served on many FPC policy development working groups. My priorities We are entering a critical time in politics. A unique time for the Liberal The FPC is responsible for researching Democrats. We have a real chance to and developing policy. The results must establish our clear vision and political be clear, distinctive and capable of identity with achievable, costed policies making a difference to people’s lives. based upon our core values. I want to ensure that this happens, but - I need Liberal Values - our party has a strong your first preferences. core set of values and ideas that make us distinctive. Such values must be at the heart of our policies. Other experience Campaigning - Our policies must be clear A scientist who has worked with and capable of delivering social justice, universities, business and local councils localism and a green economy. Support to put research results into practice. for young people and a determination to Specialises in renewable energy, address climate change gives our country a future. Health care and tax has energy efficiency and sustainable to be fair for all. Social care must be development. Director of an energy capable of treating older and vulnerable efficiency advice charity and a people with dignity. community energy charity. Active contributor to the Party’s environment We must end the Brexit crisis that is and energy policies. doing so much damage to our country. SUSAN JUNED 1 20 years of professional experience in the policy arena Alyssa Gilbert Working to shape our policy agenda to support the Lib Dem surge with evidence-based but radical Liberal policies

What I bring: Achievements since joining • Deep policy expertise in the Lib Dems in 2017: environmental and climate change • Active member of the climate policy, with practical economic skills change working group • Professional experience in the • Accepted onto the forthcoming public and private sector bringing a nature policy working group range of perspectives into policy • Stood for Local council in May 2018 • Committed and hard-working • Member of Borough of Brent Lib having served on committees for a Dem Executive research council, private trade body and local community • Approved as a PPC Alyssa Who I am: speaking • Director of Policy, Grantham on climate Institute - Climate change and change at environment, Imperial College the 2019 Autumn • 12 years of environmental Conference consultancy doing policy design and analysis for governments around the world • Member of Natural Environment Research Council advisory group Contact me: • Worked in London government and as a journalist in Brussels Email: [email protected] • First class science degree Twitter: @AlyssaRGilbert Facebook: Alyssa Gilbert LibDem

Vote Alyssa Gilbert for the Federal Policy Committee ALISTAIR BIGOS

Helping turn our

WHO AM I? As a Federal Board member, I will ➢ Treasurer of Southwark Party since 2017, creating strategies that have helped revive the Build stronger links between the federal party party to over 1500 members and made it solvent. and local parties, so they can get the support they ➢ Lead on fundraising committee; established a need to organise, campaign and win. strategy that raised over £150,000 for 2018 local elections in which we increased our elected councillors and built a war chest for the Support local parties with financial strategy and upcoming snap general election. ways to build effective ties with local business to ➢ Developed a local apprenticeship programme to provide jobs for the London river community. increase their fund-raising capability. ➢ Stood up to big developers in South London by developing new planning laws which will lead to more public open space, better air quality and Investigate ways to build better data sharing improved living conditions for local people. between all Liberal Democrat organisations so we ➢ Running high-profile local business London can be the best informed campaigning force we can Ducktours for over 10 years. be. ➢ A Lib Dem member and activist since 2013.

Dr. Catherine Royce Who am I? The Sex Discrimination Act was passed more ● A medical doctor with than 40 years ago and has still not been experience in the NHS, implemented. After a long struggle, finally we are pharma R&D, and the ‘not for making progress in the party, in parliament, profit’ sector, mostly in the professions, the boardroom, on the factory Ethiopia. floor and in everyday life, but there is still much work to do. ● Former PPC for Uxbridge (2001) I will fight for implementation of the 2010 Equality Act and for and Romsey (2017). all those without a voice with the same vigour. ● Previously on exec. of I would like the policy-making process to be much more LibDemWomen, currently on dynamic. Single issue, evidence-based policies tell people exec. of Liberal International explicitly what we stand for, and make powerful campaigning British Group and member of tools. FPC since 2016. The NHS is facing an existential threat and we must fight for it, ● Member of working groups on emphasising prevention and raising awareness for healthy Ageing Society policy paper 122 choices, underpinned by evidence. It is everyone’s responsibility (2014) and Health and Social to safeguard the NHS and use it appropriately. If we do that we Care policy paper 139 (2019). CAN maintain a universal service, free at the point of use. ● I’m passionate about equality, justice, the NHS and health services in low income countries. Catherine ROYCE 1 Federal Policy Committee Richard Cole

I have been a member of Federal Policy Committee for the last 3 years, and have a good record of actually attending the meetings!

My aim has been to make sure; ● our local councillors, and their views, are well-represented, ● that as many people as possible are able to contribute to policy, ● that we listen to as many different voices as possible. That’s the way we will come up exciting, engaging and vote- winning policy. Federal Policy Committee does some great work but still needs to be more open to new ideas. Our working groups attract some very talented people but we also need to be include more new members and more diverse voices. If re-elected I will continue to work to achieve that.

I am a former local councillor and now work for ALDC. That role takes me around the country, meeting councillors and campaigners, members new and old, and activists and officers. This perspective helps me understand the variety of views from across the UK and across our membership, as well as the exciting vision that people have for the Liberal Democrats.

Help me to work to harness the talent and commitment of members across the party by voting No. 1.

No.1 choice for Federal Policy Committee E l e c t A r i a B a b u t o t h e F e d e r a l P o l i c y C o m m i t t e e

About me I joined the Lib Dems before I started university. In the following years I founded the UCL Liberal Democrat society and have been both the policy officer and the communications officer for the Young Liberals. In these roles I created targeted adverts for young voters in the 2017 GE, helped members draft policy which was debated at conference, and started the Young Liberals Housing Working Group.

After graduating, I started work in a higher education charity before moving to a consultancy where we create policy by combining a thorough evidence base with public opinion. I work mostly with technology and innovation and I'm passionate about exploring policies that enhance the uptake of new tech and tackles the underlying causes of the productivity crisis. As part of this, I joined the Fairer Share for All policy working group.

As part of the FPC I would Bring opinion research into our working groups Work more closely with SAOs and AOs when they want to submit policy to conference Champion policies which appeal to younger voters and make their lives better OLIVER CRAVEN For Federal Policy Committee I am an engineering student in Lincoln who got involved in the party just after the EU referendum. I realised that the country faced a huge number of problems and that we needed a radical, liberal party to fix them.

I have helped write policy for my local party for local elections as well as assisted in drafting amendments and motions for party conferences, including assisting in the fight to move us to a Revoke position for a number of years.

I was recently selected as the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Sleaford and North Hykheam, making me one of the youngest Lib Dem candidates in the country. If Elected, I will: 1.Ensure that members can easily feed into the policy process, including making sure that member motions aren't frozen out by regular policy papers on a topic 2.Fight to have ordinary member-led motions and amendments represented in our manifestos, so we can campaign proudly for some of our most radical and life-changing policies, in or out of government. 3.Work closely with associated member organisations so that they get full input into working groups and manifesto drafting. 4.Speak up for radical policies; we shouldn't be afraid of some people disagreeing with us. 5.Aim to increase transparency and accountability on FPC, helping members to judge elected representatives on their record

Keith Melton - FIRST for FCC:FPC 1 Keith was the founding Chair of the Green Liberal Democrats in 1988 and is currently Vice Chair (Campaigns) of GLD. Keith first stood as a Liberal Candidate in 1964 in a mock G Election at school. He has fought four G. Elections and two Euro Elections (best result 25% second place: Broxtowe - 1983) Keith spent most of his working life at Nottingham Trent University, initially as a Senior Lecturer in International Marketing and then Founding Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development in Business. At its peak the Institute employed 22 research and admin staff under Keith`s management. Team building is a key “transferable skill” for running conferences. Keith has organised, and contributed to, many national and international conferences in Sustainable Development, chairing numerous conference sessions. He has organised the last two Green Liberal Democrat national conferences in Nottinghamshire. Retiring in 2006, Keith published an historical novel about Captain Cobbler, an ancestor who led a rebellion against Henry Vlll in Lincolnshire (anti-authoritarianism runs in the blood!) Keith was also the Chair of the former Liberal Peace Group and is currently a member of Lib Dems Against Trident (LDAT). Keith says,“It is time for the Party to make sure we live by our ideals – Federal conference needs to organise its recycling; ban single use plastic in refreshment centres; and significantly reduce meat options, increasing vegetarian and vegan options”. Lizzie Jewkes for FPC

● Created the policy of raising the income tax threshold. ● Developed policy for Lib Dem Women for several years ● Party member since 1984 ● Parliamentary candidate since 1992 ● Grassroots activist ● Winner of the Patsy Calton Award 2019 I am best known as the ordinary party member who created the policy of raising the income tax threshold. Read how I did it on Lib Dem Voice: As a parliamentary candidate, I know how important it is to have policies that not only differentiate us from the other two parties but policies that deliver real improvement to the lives of ordinary people. I live in the North West so am a voice for those who live outside the London bubble.

I was elected to FPC for the 1st time in 2016 and would love to be re-elected, please give me your first preference vote and allow me to continue to make the case for innovative policies.


Described by Stephen Bush of the New Statesman as ‘The woman who has done more to undermine the British state than anyone since Boney . Read the whole article at: Lizzie Jewkes 1 Alisdair Calder McGregor FOR FEDERAL POLICY COMMITTEE I'm standing for re-election to continue broadening party policy.

I believe FPC should be listening to the wider membership through the State, Regional and Local Parties and the associated member organisations.

To represent the whole country, our policy-making process must listen to the whole country. As a member from Yorkshire, I know policy can be dominated by voices from London. FPC needs voices from across the country.

[email protected] @A_C_MCGREGOR

FPC needs radical voices to push for policies based on our values.

Right after the Brexit referendum in 2016 I argued that the Party should commit to revoking the Article 50 notification. It's striking that our successes as a party always come when we make a bold, forthright stance based on our principles, not on focus groups and triangulation.

Politics is about principles, values and moral choices.

Our policies flow from those, because they are what makes us a political force. We need to showcase our values through our policies in parliament and in elections, showing how our policies spring every facet of Liberalism.

That's why I have served as liaison between FPC and LGBT+ Lib Dems, and with their help fed policies and priorities into the manifesto that showed our commitment to values of Human Rights and Equalities.

Elect me and I will ensure that FPC listens to voices from across the UK, and truly represents the values of the Liberal Democrats. ALISDAIR CALDER MCGREGOR 1 Duncan Brack

You’ve probably never heard of me (unless you’ve been to conference)… … but I’m exactly the sort of person you want on FPC I offer: • Experience – of the party’s democratic policy-making process and understanding of how to make our policies tell a coherent story about us. • Effort – creating policy requires hard work! Over the last year I chaired the party’s climate working group and was the main author of the policy paper Tackling the Climate Emergency adopted at Bournemouth. • Ideas – but ideas by themselves aren’t enough; our platform has to be coherent and credible. I’ve worked to develop comprehensive and rigorous proposals, particularly on green issues. Duncan is: • Environmental policy expert • Vice Chair, FPC • Special adviser to Chris Huhne at DECC, 2010–12 • Chair, Federal Conference Committee, 2003–10 • Editor, Green Book and Green Manifesto • Editor, Reinventing the State: Social Liberalism for the 21st Century • Editor, Journal of Liberal History

For more information, see or email [email protected]

‘Please vote to re-elect Duncan to the FPC. We need his commitment and energy in Liberal Democrat policy-making, and his long-standing determination to make the Lib Dems a truly “green” party.’ Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats 2017–19 Henrietta Bewley PPC for Ealing North; 2017 PPC Plymouth, Sutton & Devonport; former Chair of Hammersmith and Fulham LibDems. My policies: 1 Enable residents to petition for a local referendum on using STV (proportional representation) for electing their local authority councillors. 2 Full sustainability / environmental impact on all goods and services, starting with big items such as cars and plane tickets. 3 tax goods according to their environmental impact. I have a Ba(Hons) in Geology, and worked as a computer programmer and business analyst for British Airways. I then became an opera singer. I am a member of Green LibDems and XR, and many other environmental groups. I am currently studying Non Violent Communication and community building.

Ryan Mercer For Federal Policy Committee You can contact me by email - [email protected] or on twitter at @MercerRyanJ

Experienced in Giving a voice to A programme for shaping policy young people our future I have nearly seven years Whether it is on Brexit or The Lib Dems are a major of experience of climate change the voices party again. Alongside developing policy. In the of the younger generation fighting Brexit we have party I’ve contributed to are often crowded out in ambitious plans for health, numerous conference our politics. education and housing. debates and was Our party offers the best I will also ensure we previously the Liberal future for the young develop our stances on Youth representative on people but they need a other areas like defence, FPC, and contributed to real say in shaping that which are essential for a the 2015 manifesto. agenda. party of Government. Professionally, I have I would likely be the On every issue, I want our worked for a Lib Dem MP youngest full FPC member policies to reflect not just and for various charities, in years, and believe I am our internationalism, but including the Royal Society well placed to ensure they the values of liberal and (The National Academy of are heard. social democracy we have Science) as a Policy Adviser long fought for. on education. Gareth Shelton for Federal Policy Committee My Priorities Experience Be Bold - In 2017 I completed a As Liberal Democrats we need to be at Masters with Distinction the forefront of the big issues of the from the London School of 21st C, from automation to a radically Economics in Political shifting geopolitics. We need to be Economy of Europe, with a actively exploring bold ideas like a special interest in the Minimum Income and shifting the Political Economy of the policy-Overton window. Welfare State and the development of Populism. Be Thorough My experience in business and - I have 6 years SME and academia has taught me to explore entrepreneurial experience, issues from multiple angles. We need navigating the booming to ensure our policy encompasses the creative industries and gig most marginalised in society and those economy. who are often overlooked in policy discussions. - I have digital campaign Unleash Experimentation experience spanning local Local government is powerful in itself, elections, General Elections, but our local parties should be further and now the 2020 London empowered to work as a laboratory for Mayoral Election. our national policy vision. FPC has a bigger role to play in helping local @garethlshelton parties with policy formation and ideas.

Vote Gareth Shelton #1 for FPC



I am a businesswoman who has built a successful career in technology and the digital economy, specialising in robotics and AI. I started out in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, born in my local NHS hospital, going through the comprehensive school system and then to university. I want everybody to have the same opportunity to achieve the life they want. Growing up as a mixed race child gave me a real insight into being a minority within a community and the importance of defending all minorities.

I joined the Liberal Democrats to STOP BREXIT. I want to give a voice to the many people who oppose the intolerance and economic catastrophe of Brexit, but also those who our economy has left behind.

ON FPC I WILL PRIORITISE: MY EXPERIENCE: DIVERSITY • PPC Brentford and Isleworth • Intersectional policy making • MEP Candidate London 2019 addressing the needs of under • Fairer Share For All Policy represented groups like women, Committee member BAME, LGBT+ and those with • Vice Chair London Region, Policy disability and Diversity brief • Executive Lib Dem Women, FAIRNESS Strategy brief • Taxation for the 21st Century • Over 18 years in business • Properly funded public services NOMINATED BY: THE FUTURE • Liberal Democrat Women • Seizing the opportunity of the • Candy Piercy, Chair Campaign Robotic 4th Industrial Revolution for Gender Balance • Safeguarding our data rights • Charlie Hasted, Disability, LGBT+ • Embedding sustainability in campaigner policy making • Rabina Khan, PPC Kensington • Championing bio diversity and Chelsea