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Board of Registration in Medicine

PUBLIC DOCUMENT . . . . No. 56.



'VNJVooàJa , Board of Registration in Medicine.

J anuary, 1904.

BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 P o st O f f ic e Sq u a r e. 1904. A p p r o v e d b y

T h s S t ATE tOyvR») O'J ?UBvICATI.Oy Crnmnontoltlj af Jttassachusctts

B o a r d o f R egistration in M e d ic in e , S t a t e H o u s e , D ec. 31, 1903. To His Excellency J ohn L Bates, Governor. Sir : — The number of persons applying for registration this year is 3(50, all of whom have been examined except 3. The number of applicants on the rejected lists who have been re-examined is 86, a small percentage of whom have secured registration. The whole number of individual examinations given this year is 443. The results are given in tabulation, as follows : —

Percentage E xam ined. Registered. Rejected. rejected.

March examination, ...... 59 42 17 29 May exam ination,...... 32 18 14 43 July exam ination,...... 199 156 43 21 September examination,...... 75 51 24 32 November examination,...... 78 56 22 28 T o t a l s , ...... 443 323 120 30.6

The following tabulated data apply only to results in first examination of graduates : —

Y ear of N um ber N um ber Graduation of NAME OF INSTITUTION. exam ined. registered. R ejected Applicants.

H arvard U n iv e r s it y ,...... 80 80 Tufts C ollege, ...... 43 41 1899-1903. U n i v e r s i t y , ...... 29 25 1878-99-1902-03. Physicians and Surgeons, Boston, .... 11 7 1902-02-03-03. University of V erm o n t, ...... 17 11 1898-99-1902-02- 03-03. 4 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

Y ear of N um ber Graduation of NAME OF INSTITUTION. N um ber exam ined. registered. Rejected Applicants.

D artm o u th ...... 8 8

B ow doin...... 2 1 1891. Jo h n s H o p k i n s , ...... 5 5 Baltimore M edical, ...... 19 16 1902-03-03. Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 8 5 1902-03-03. Woman’s Medical, B altim ore,...... 1 1 B altim ore U n iv e rsity ,...... 7 1895-95-97-98- 1900-03 03. Southern Homoeopathic,...... 1 - 1903. Maryland Medical C o lle g e , ...... 4 2 1903-03. M c G ill,...... 7 7 L a v a l , ...... 10 8 1901 03. F o r e i g n , ...... 15 12 1890-91-99. University of Pennsylvania, ...... 3 3 J e f f e r s o n , ...... 3 3 M e d ic o -C h iru rg ic a l,...... 1 1 Hahnemann, Pennsylvania, ...... 1 1 University and Bellevue Hospital, .... 5 5 Physicians aud Surgeons, New , 4 3 1903. Albany Medical, ...... 1 1 New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, 1 1

Long Island College H ospital,...... 1 1 American Medical Missionary College, 1 1 University of Michigan, ...... 2 2 Saginaw Valley, ...... 1 University of L ouisville,...... 1 i V a n d e r b il t,...... 2 1 1894. Y a l e , ...... 1 i W e stern R e s e r v e , ...... 1 1

Kentucky School of M edicine,...... 3 2 1903. Savannah M edical...... 1 - 187S. Medical College of V irg in ia , ...... 1 - 1900. W om an’s M edical, Pennsylvania...... 2 2 Leonard Medical S ch o o l, ...... 1 1 Syracuse University, ...... 1 1 P ulte M e d i c a l , ...... i - 1902. New York Homoeopathic Medical College, 1 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. o

Tabulation showing number and average rating of graduates from the following medical schools : —

N um ber A verage NAME OF INSTITUTION. exam ined. R ating.

H arvard U n i v e r s i t y ,...... 80 75.1 T ufts C o l l e g e , ...... 43 73.5 Boston U niversity...... 29 72.3 Physicians and Surgeons, B o s t o n , ...... 11 68.4 U niversity of V e r m o n t , ...... 17 70.0 D a rtm o u th ,...... 8 78.1 Johns H o p k i n s , ...... 5 78.8 University of M a r y l a n d , ...... 5 74.4 Baltim ore M e d i c a l , ...... 19 71.5 Physicians and Surgeons, B a l t i m o r e , ...... 8 69.4 Baltimore U n iv e rsity ,...... 7 49.2

M c G ill,...... 7 76.0 L a v a l , ...... 10 71.2 Foreign ( E u r o p e a n ) ,...... 15 73.3 University and Bellevue H o s p i t a l , ...... 5 74.4 Physicians and Surgeons, New Y o r k , ...... 4 74.0 J e f f e r s o n , ...... 3 70.4 University of P ennsylvania, ...... 3 78.1

The regular meetings for the examination of applicants begin on the second Tuesday in March, July and November,

at 9.30 a .m . , and close on the afternoon of the following day. Special meetings are held in May and September, on corre­ sponding days and hours. Applicants are admitted to examination by an “ examina­ tion ticket,” stating the applicant’s number and the date of the examination. Tickets arc issued to applicants on filing their applications ; also to applicants applying for a re-examination, when such applications are made not later than five days before the examination date. The examinations are conducted in writing, in the English language, and are intended to be “ sufficiently thorough to test the applicant’s fitness to practise medicine.” In each of the examinations held this year sixty questions, divided into sets of ten, have been given, and two hours allowed in which to 6 REGISTRATION IX MEDICINE. [ J an. answer each set. The applicant is required to designate his papers not by his signature, but by the number given to his application when tiled. This requirement insures an incognito rating of his entire examination work. The subjects on which the examinations are principally con­ ducted are anatomy, hygiene, , pathology, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. When the general average of the ratings given the several sets of papers of an applicant by the individual examiners is below 70 per cent., his examination is regarded as unsatisfac­ tory. If, however, one’s general average is found to be near the minimum requirement, his papers are reviewed by the Board in general session, and his ratings fixed by a consensus of opinion. Applications for an examination should be filed at least five days before the examination date, and must be made upon blanks furnished by the Board, signed and sworn to by the applicant, and must be accompanied by the required fee, which is twenty dollars. Certificates of registration in other States, or diplomas of graduation from medical colleges, do not exempt from an examination. Upon this point the law is mandatory, — that all mast be examined. A person refused registration by reason of failure to pass a satisfactory examination is entitled to two re-examinations within one year from the date of his first failure, without filing a new application or paying an additional fee. Since the organization of this department, in July, 1894, the Board has issued 7,079 certificates of registration. Of this number, 3,792 were issued prior to January, 1895, during the six months next following the organization of the Board, to practitioners residing in this Commonwealth at the time the registration act became in part operative. These practitioners were registered in two classes, and are designated in the annual reports of the Board as Class A and Class B. Class A includes graduates of medical institutions authorized by law to confer degrees in medicine, who were residing or practising in the Commonwealth at the time of the passage of the law ; Class B includes non-graduate practitioners, who had •practised medi­ cine in the Commonwealth continuously during the three years 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. next prior to the passage of the law. There were 3,443 names enrolled in Class A and 349 in Class B. There were 608 per­ sons refused registration during the six months above referred to, they being unable to meet the requirements of the law as to graduation, or as to three years of continuous practice. The work of registration under written examinations, con­ ducted by the Board as required by law, began with the year 1895. Since that time the Board has given 4,311 individual examinations, and has issued 3,285 certificates of registration, — an annual average of 365. The number of unsatisfactory examinations is 1,030, — an annual average of 114. The number of registered physicians now in practice in the Commonwealth is approximately 4,700, — an average of 1 to every 625 inhabitants. In the examination in November, the last held, the questions submitted were the following : —

Differentiate stone in the bladder, in the ureter and in the kidney. Differentiate dislocation of the hip joint and fracture of the neck of the femur. In a case of threatened death from general anaesthesia, what methods of resuscitation would you adopt? Describe the method of passing a metallic catheter in the male. Differentiate a large encysted gallstone, abscess of the right lobe of the liver, and an acute suppurative appendicitis. Give the symptoms and treatment of tubercular disease of the hip joint. Name the varieties of ulcers, aud treatment of any one. What precautions should be taken in the use of cocaine as a local anaesthetic ? Give treatment of fracture of a fibula in its upper third. Give the constitutional and local symptoms and treatment of frost­ bites. State briefly the sources of animal heat. In what tissues or organs is it chiefly generated ? What foods are the greatest heat producers ? Name, in the order of their importance, the three principal outlets for animal heat; also name three factors which influence heat loss and heat generation. Compare the function of the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal sys­ tems. How are the two systems united? Name the different parts of the alimentary canal in their order, and the function of each part as named. 8 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

What muscles are affected by paralysis of the third nerve? Where is the centre of the vasomotor nervous system located? Describe the system, and explain its function. Describe the pleurae, giving kind of tissue, and function. Describe the suprarenal glands, giving their function and the result of their extirpation. Describe the Eustachian tube, and state its function. Name the organs concerned in the elimination of waste materials of the body, and the character of the material eliminated by each. Describe pus, and give its essential elements. Define immunity. Discuss briefly the natural and the acquired forms. Name the bacteria usually associated with ordinary inflammatory and suppurative processes. Define arthritis deformans, and give its morbid anatomy. In what diseases is there usually an excess of uric acid? Discuss the pathologic conditions in herpes zoster. Define membranous dysmenorrhcea, and give the pathology of its principal lesion. Define rigor mortis, and give the conditions attending it. Name the varieties of fibromata, and the forms of tissue from which they originate. On what structures do they most frequently occur ? Give the pathology of interstitial nephritis. What dangers may be encountered in a footling case, and how would you endeavor to avert them ? What conditions or symptoms would cause you to suspect albumi­ nuria in a pregnant woman? On finding albuminuria, how would you treat the case? Failing to remove the conditions, what would you expect to occur at confinement, and how would you manage the case ? Give diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of uterine fibroid. Define involution. When should it be complete? What conditions may retard it? Describe uterine curettage, and name three conditions requir­ ing it. Describe three important forms of haemorrhage which are liable to occur in obstetric practice. Define dysmenorrhcea. Name three common causes, and state your method of treatment in a given case. Define metritis, perimetritis, and endometritis, and give treatment for the latter. Name the differential physical signs of ascites, ovarian cyst, and pregnancy. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 9

Name the pelvic bones, and describe the difference between the male and female pelvis. Give cause, symptoms, and diagnosis of gallstones. In what way do narcotics act? Name three, and give the dose of each. Give the symptoms of belladonna poisoning, and state how you would treat a case. What is a poison? Name three, and give antidote to each. Give diagnosis and treatment of cerebro-spinal meningitis. Give your method of using electricity for abnormal growths. Diagnose and treat a case of rubeola. Diagnose and treat a case of cystitis. Give etiology, pathology, and treatment of podagra. Define and give the causes of haemoptysis, haematemesis, and haematuria. Describe the ductus communis choledochus. Where, and into what, does it empty ? State what organs are partly, and what are entirely, invested by the peritoneal membrane. Describe the reflections of the pelvic peri­ toneum in the female. Describe muscle anatomically. Mention varieties and function of each. State the origin, the insertion, the action, and the nerve and the blood supply of the pectoralis major muscle. Describe the axillary artery, and mention its branches. What points of difference are noted in the male and female chest? Describe the principal fissures of the brain. In treating a scarlet-fever patient, what precautions would you take to prevent the spread of the disease ? AVhat diseases may be caused by the drink habit; also, by the tobacco habit? Define malpractice ; also, criminal malpractice.

Financial Statem ent. Expenditures. Services of members of Board, . $4,299 96 Incidental expenses of Board, . 464 83 Investigation of complaints, 185 24 Clerical service, .... 780 00 Printing and material, 44 08 Books and other office supplies,. 195 08 Postage, expressage and telephone, 181 70 $6,150 '89 Receipts. Fees received from 360 applicants for registration, . $7,200 00 10 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan. 1904.

The Board desires to call the attention of the Legislature to the insufficient salaries received by its chairman and secretary, and to recommend that the same be duly considered and ad­ justed, that proper compensation may be received for services rendered. In this connection it should be noted that the receipts of the Board, which are paid into the treasury of the Commonwealth, amount annually to about 81,000 more than the aggregate salaries and incidental expenses of the Board.

Appendix A contains the law relating to registration, and an opinion of the supreme judicial court on matters relating to the “ meaning of the statute ; ” Appendix B, the names of all the practitioners registered in this Commonwealth.

Respectfully submitted,



L aw relating to the R egistration of P hy sician s.

[R ev ised L aivs, Ch a pt ek 76, S ectio n s 1-9.] S ection 1. There shall be a board of registration in medicine consisting of seven persons, residents of this commonwealth, who shall be graduates of a legally chartered medical college or university having the power to confer degrees in medicine, and who shall have been for ten years actively employed in the practice of their profes­ sion. No member of said board shall belong to the faculty of any medical college or university, and no more than three members thereof shall at one time be members of any one chartered state medical society. One member thereof shall annually in June be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, for a term of seven years from the first day of July following. Section 2. Said board shall hold regular meetings on the second Tuesday of March, July and November in each year, and additional meetings at such times and places as it may determine. At the regular meeting in July, it shall organize by the choice of a chair­ man and secretary who shall hold their offices for the term of one year. The secretary shall give a bond to the treasurer and receiver general in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with sufficient sureties to be approved by the governor and council, for the faithful performance of his official duties. Section 3. Applications for registration shall be made upon blanks to be furnished by the board, and shall be signed and sworn to by the applicants. Each applicant for registration shall furnish satisfactory proof that he is twenty-one years of age or over and of good moral character and, upon payment of a fee of twenty dollars, shall be examined by said board. If he is found by four or more members thereof to be twenty-one years of age or over, of good moral char­ acter and qualified, he shall be registered as a qualified physician and shall receive a certificate thereof signed by the chairman and secre­ tary. An applicant who fails to pass an examination satisfactory to the board, and is therefore refused registration, shall be entitled within one year after such refusal to a re-examination at a meeting of the board called for the examination of applicants, without the payment of an additional fee ; but two such re-examinations shall exhaust his 14 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [.Jan. privilege under his original application. Said board, after hearing, may by unanimous vote revoke any certificate issued by it and cancel the registration of any physician who has been convicted of a felony or of any crime in the practice of his profession. All fees received by the board shall, once in each month, be paid by its secretary into the treasury of the commonwealth. [S ection 4.* Each member of the board shall receive ten dollars for every day actually spent in the performance of his duties, and the necessary travelling expenses actually expended in attending the meetings of the board, not exceeding three cents a mile each way. Such compensation and the incidental and travelling expenses shall be approved by the board and paid by the commonwealth only from the fees paid over by the board.] S ection 5. The board shall keep a record of the names of all persons registered hereunder, and of all money received and dis­ bursed by it, and a duplicate thereof shall be open to inspection in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth. Said board shall annually, on or before the first day of January, make a report to the governor of the condition of medicine and surgery in this common­ wealth, of all its official acts during the preceding year and of its receipts and disbursements. Section 6. The board shall investigate all complaints of the viola­ tion of the provisions of section eight, and report the same to the proper prosecuting officers. S ection 7. Examinations shall be wholly or in part in writing in the English language, and shall be of a scientific and practical character. They shall include the subjects of anatomy, surgery, physiology, pathology, obstetrics, gynecology, practice of medicine and hygiene, and shall be sufficiently thorough to test the applicant’s fitness to practise medicine. S ection 8. Whoever, not being lawfully authorized to practise medicine within this commonwealth and registered as aforesaid, holds himself out as a practitioner of medicine, or practises or attempts to practise medicine in any of its branches, or whoever practises medi­ cine or surgery under a false or assumed name, or under a name other than that by which he is registered, or whoever personates another practitioner of a like or different name, shall, for each offence, be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. In a case in which a provision of this or the preceding section has been violated, the person who committed the violation shall not recover compensation for services rendered.

Repealed by the Acts of 1902, and fixed salaries established. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 15

S e c t io n 9. The provisions of the eight preceding sections shall not be held to discriminate against any particular school or system of medicine, to prohibit medical or surgical service in a case of emergency, or to prohibit the domestic administration of family remedies. They shall not apply to a commissioned medical officer of the army, navy or marine hospital service in the performance of his official duty; to a physician or surgeon from another state who is a legal practitioner in the state in which he resides, when in actual consultation with a legal practitioner of this commonwealth; to a physician or surgeon residing in another state and legally qualified to practise therein, whose general practice extends into the border towns of this commonwealth, if such physi­ cian does not open an office or designate a place in such towns where he may meet patients or receive calls ; to a physician authorized to practise medicine in another state, when he is called as the family physician to attend a person temporarily abiding in this common­ wealth ; nor to registered pharmacists in prescribing gratuitously, osteopathists, pharmacists, clairvoyants, or persons practising hyp­ notism, magnetic healing, mind cure, massage, Christian science or cosmopathic method of healing, if they do not violate any of the provisions of section eight.

C ommonwealth v. St. P i e r r e . This is a case in which a person in Fall River was accused of practising medicine without registration. His professional sign was that of an “ eye specialist.” He was sentenced in the municipal court to three months’ imprisonment and to pay a fine of five hundred dollars, the maximum penalty. The case was carried to the superior court, where sentence was sustained ; but certain exceptions were taken by the defendant’s counsel to the rulings of the court. The exceptions were finally disposed of in the following opinion of the supreme judicial court, rendered on the thirteenth day of December, 1899 : —

L o r in g , J. The exception to the exclusion of testimony offered by the defendant on cross-examination must be sustained. The government had introduced in evidence testimony of a number of persons to the effect that they had visited the defendant at various times ; that he gave to them med­ icines, and advised them how to use them ; that at these times they had conversations with him about the nature of their complaints ; that he after­ wards visited some of them at their houses and treated them there, and that they paid him money, and the bottles and packages, which the witnesses testified were given to them, had been put in evidence. 16 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

The defendant offered to prove that on “ each and every occasion at the time the parties were told by the defendant that he was not a doctor, and that he did not charge anything for his services.” This evidence was excluded. If the defendant sold the medicines, receiving payment therefor, and gave advice gratuitously as to the use to be made of them, he was not, so far as those instances were concerned, holding himself out as a physician ; his declarations accompanying the acts and showing the character of them were admissible as part of the res gestce. Of course it was open to the government to contend that in these in­ stances he was really acting as a physician, and was paid as such for his services, and that these statements were efforts to evade the statutory pro­ visions here in question. But when the Commonwealth put in testimony to the effect that he had given directions and advice as to the use of the contents of the packages and bottles sold by him, and had been paid by the persons to whom the contents were sold, it was the right of the defendant to prove that in each instance he was paid not for the advice but only for the drugs, and that he declared that he was not a physician ; and in that way to raise the question whether, so far as these instances were concerned, he was selling the drugs and giving information gratuitously as to their use, and therefore not thereby holding himself out as a physician, or whether he was really acting as a physician, taking payment therefor, and was seeking by such declara­ tions to evade the effect of his actions. This question was a question for the jury, under all circumstances, and the testimony offered should have been admitted. As the questions involved in the other exceptions may arise in a new trial, they may be briefly disposed of here: — 2. The burden was on the defendant to show that he was a registered physician, if he relied on such a justification. Pub. Sts., c. 214, § 12. This applies in cases where the absence of a license is made part of a descrip­ tion of the offence. Commonwealth v. Kelly, 10 Cush. 69. Common­ wealth v. Tuttle, 12 Cush. 502. Commonwealth v. Barnes, 138 Mass. 152. Commonwealth v. McCarthy, 141 Mass. 420. 3. Proof that the defendant acted either as a physician or surgeon was sufficient to support the complaint, which charged him with holding him­ self out as a physician and surgeon. There is but one offence, and that may be committed by the defendant’s holding himself out as a physician or a surgeon ; if the complaint charges that the offence is committed by the de­ fendant’s holding himself out both as a physician and surgeon, the whole offence is proved if he is shown to have held himself out as either. Com­ monwealth v. Dolan, 121 Mass. 374. 4. The ruling that, if the defendant held himself out as an eye specialist he held himself out as “ one who devoted himself to a branch of the healing art which is the profession of the physician and surgeon,” and that “ if the defendant held himself out as an eye specialist, he held himself out as a physician and surgeon within the meaning of the statute,” was correct. New trial ordered. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 17

A p p e n d ix B.

Officia l L ist of P ractitioners of M ed ic in e registered in th e C ommonwealth to th is D a t e , D e c . 31, 1902. N ote. — The following are the forms of certificates issued : — Form A, to graduates of legally chartered medical colleges or uni­ versities having power to confer degrees in medicine, who applied for registration before the law went into full effect, on Jan. 1, 1895, graduation and residence in the Commonwealth at the time of the passage of the law being the only requirements for registration. Form B, to those who applied for registration before J a D . 1, 1895, under the three years’ practice clause in section 3 of chapter 458 of the Acts of 1894, three years’ continuous practice in the Common­ wealth next prior to the passage of the law June 7, 1894, being the only requirement for registration. Form C, to graduates of legally chartered medical colleges in this Commonwealth who applied for registration subsequent to Jan. 1, 1895, and previous to May 1, 1896, during which period the law permitted their registration without an examination, a diploma from such sources being by the law considered satisfactory evidence of fitness to practise medicine. This provision of the law was repealed May 1, 1896. Form D, to graduates examined by the Board. Form E, to non-graduates examined by the Board. Form F, to graduates of more than sixty years of age, who, prior to the passage of the law, had practised ten years in this Common­ wealth, being exempt from an examination by an act approved April 1, 1896. This act is not now in force. Certificates D and E are the only forms issued since May 1, 1896. 18 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O fficia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e .

A Abbe, Alanson Joseph. D Alcorn, Thomas Grant. A Abbe, Edward Hooper. D Albro, Christopher Durfee. C Abbe, Frederick Randolph. D Alden, Eliot. A Abbot, Edward Stanley. B Alden, Flora Sweet. D Abbot, Florence Ilale. A Aldrich, Albert Clinton. A Abbot, Samuel Leonard. A Aldrich, Eben True. B Abbott, Adelaide. A Aldrich, James Mott. D Abbott, Albert Francis. A Aldrich, Nathaniel Borden. A Abbott, Charles Edward. A Alexander, Clara Jane. A Abbott, Charles Shewed. D Alexander, Thomas Branch. D Abbott, Edson Mo9es. D Alfred, James. D Abbott, Eulalie Marie. A Allard, Frank Ellsworth. A Abbott, Fred Lincoln. B Allard, Joseph. A Abbott, Frederick Wallace. B Allen, Alfred Morton. D Abbott, Howard Edwin. A Allen, Carl Addison. A Abbott, Samuel Warren. D Allen, Clarence Jean. A Abbott, Solon. D Allen, David Edmund. A Abbott, Stephen Wendell. D Allen, . B Abbott, Sylvina Apphia. A Allen, Edwin Howard. D Abel, William Clay. C Allen, Frank Neute. A Abell, Paul White. A Allen, Franklin Haley. D Aberle, Lillie Anastasia. D Allen, Freeman. A Achorn, John Warren. A Allen, Gardner Weld. A Acken, Thomas Moore. A Allen, George Edwin. D Adam, John Geikie. A Allen, Granville Stevens, Jr. D Adams, Carl Schadeker. D Allen, Horatio Cushing. D Adams, Charles Baker. D Allen, James Henry. A Adams, Charles Eli. A Allen, Justin. A Adams, . A Allen, Lam son. A Adams, Edward Hitchcock. A Allen, Louis Edmund. A Adams, Edwin Boardman. D Allen, Lyman. D Adams, Eva Argene. B Allen, Nathan Leverett. C Adams, Francis Way land. A Allen, Samuel Johnson. A Adams, George Edwin. D Allen, Seabury Wells. D Adams, George Francis. A Allen, Stephen Arthur. A Adams, George Smith. A Allen, William Howard. A Adams, Herbert Williams. E Allendorif, John Aloysius. A Adams, James Forster Alleyne. D Alley, Ernest Jason. D Adams, James Thacher. A Allison, George Freeman. D Adams, John. D Allison, Nathaniel. D Adams, John Dresser. D Amadou, Alfred Mason. A Adams, John Quincy. A Amadou, Arthur Frank. D Adams, Walter Forester. A Amerige, Charles Wardwell. D Adams, Walter Henry. A Ames, Charles Edwin. A Adams, Wendell Holmes. A Ames, John Lincoln. D Adams, William Carlton. A Ames, Robert Parker Marr. D Adams, William Gray. D Ames, Winlield Howard. D Adams, Zabdiel Boylston. A Amesbury, Ivon Raleigh. A Ahearne, Cornelius Augustine. A Amesbury, Water Raleigh. A Ahearne, Cornelius Augustine, Jr. A Amory, Robert. A Ahlborn, Henry Christian. D Amrock, John Henry. D Ahlquist, Ellen Maria. D Amsden, Henry Hubbard. A Aiken, Frank Jonathan. I) Anderson, Hyrum Andrew. D Aiken, Thomas Francis, Jr. A Anderson, Martha Ann. A Ainsworth, Frank Ilenley. I) Anderson, Robert Harcourt. A Albee, George Macdonald. D Anderson, Thomas. A Albee, George Sumner. I) Andrews, Alfred Ross. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 19

Offic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Andrews, Brainard Alge. D Babbitt, Charles Holton. D Andrews, Edward Austin. A Babbitt, Henry Bradford. D Andrews, Harold Virgil. A Babbitt, Warren Morris. D Andrews, John Henry. A Babcock, Daniel Arnold. A Andrews, Mary Annette. D Babcock, Elisha Franklin. D Andrews, Oren. A Babcock, Francis Lester. D Andrews, Robert Eaton. D Bachand,Joseph. D Andrews, Robert Foster. B Bacon, Grenville. A Angell, Henry Clay. D Bacon, John Lowell, Jr. D Angeny, Granville Louis. A Bacon, Jonas Edward. A Anthony, Francis Way land. A Bacon, Joseph Ambrose Patrick. A Anthony, Jeremiah Christopher. E Bacon, Newton Samuel. A Appleton, Lucy. D Bacon, Theodore Spaulding. C Appleton, William. D Badanes, Ida. D Archambault, Jean Baptiste. D Badger, Fremont Dayton. D Archambault, Joseph Arthur. B Badger, George Augustus. A Archambeault, Charles Francis. D Badger, George Sherwin Clarke. D Arkin, Louis. D Baff, Max. D Armstrong, William Lucius. E Bail, John Warren. D Armstrong, William Willard. A Bailey, Charles. A Arnold, Horace David. A Bailey, . A Aronowitsch, Anna. D Bailey, Ernest Harry. B Aronson, Harris. D Bailey, Florence. A Arthur, Asa Adgate. D Bailey, Frederick James. E Ascher, Joseph. A Bailey, George Guy. C Ash, John Henry. B Bailey, George Henry. D Ash, Thomas Francis. E Bailey, George Samuel. D Ashley, Edward Fiske. B Bailey, Henry Plummer. D Aspray, Joseph. I) Bailey, Marshall Henry. D Atkins, Francis Grant. A Bailey, Stephen Goodhue. D Atkins, Grace Elizabeth. D Bailey, Walter Channing, Jr. C Atkinson, Leonard Woods. A Bailey, William Henry. A Atkinson, Lizzie Daniel Rose. B Bailey, William Howard. D Atkinson, Roger Trowbridge. I) Bailey, . A Atwater, James Billings. D Bain, John Baxter. A Atwood, Albert John. A Baird, Julian William. D Atwood, Abel Wilson. A Baird, William Perry. A Atwood, Charles Augustus. D Baker, Albert Sherburne. D Atwood, Charles Fenner. D Baker, Benjamin Ward. A Atwood, Frank Sumner. D Baker, Monroe. A Atwood, George Manley. A Baker, Flint Almena Jane. A Auger, Adolphe Alphonse. A Baker, David Erastus. A Auger, Henri Michel. A Baker, Frank. A Auger, Louis Lemaitre. A Baker, Frederick Herbert. A August, Albert. D Baker, George Lorimer. A Austin, Arthur Everett. A Baker, Harry Beecher. B Austin, Charles Gorham Stubbs. D Baker, Ida Belle. D Austin, James Cornelius. A Baker, Jane Rogers. A Austin, Lewis King. B Baker, Joseph Calbeck. D Austin, Mabel Fletcher. A Baker, Leland Madden. D Avedisian, Avedis Der. D Baker, Lewis Forrester. D Averell, Charles Wilson. E Baker, Lily Owen. C Averill, George Goodwin. D Baker, Osinyn. A Averill, Jesse Howes. A Baker, William Henry. B Averill, Meliitable Merrill. D Baketel, Roy Vincent. D Avery, John Waite. D Balch, Alfred William. A Ayer, James Bourne. A Balch, Franklin Greene. A Ayer, Silas Hubbard. D Balcom, Elmer Irving. D Ayer, Thomas Herbert. A Balcom, George Franklin. E Ayres, Harold Winslow. C Balcom, John Alvin. 20 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE [Jan

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Balcom, Lafayette. D Barry, John Aloysius. A Baldwin, Frederick William. B Barry, William Copinger. D Baldwin, Harrison Peck. A Barstow, Benjamin Packer. A Baldwin, Henry Cutler. A Barstow, Henry Taylor. C Baldwin, Herman Trost. D Bartlett, Charles Watson. D Baldwin, Sanford Oscar. D Bartlett, Clarence Samuel. D Ball, Clarence Franklin. A Bartlett, Frederic Russell. A Ball, Thomas Joseph. A Bartlett, Oliver Leslie. A Ballance, William Pell. D Bartlett, Percy. D Ballantyne, Charles Thomas. D Bartlett, Philip Challis. A Ballard, George Tyler. D Bartlett, Robert Lander. B Ballou, Henry Edmund. E Bartlett, Samuel Danforth. E Balmer, William Edward. A Bartlett, Solon. E Bamji, Manak. D Bartlett, Walter Oscar. A Bancroft, Edward Erastus. D Bartley, John Joseph. A Bancroft, George Andrew. A Bartol, John Washburn. E Bancroft, Irving Reed. D Bartol, Edward Francis Washburn. A Bancroft, Winfred Baxter. A Barton, Charles Herbert. D Bandiera, John. A Barton, Chester Manley. A Banfield, Francis Loring. A Barton, Jedediah Marcus. A Bangs, Charles Howard. D Barton, John Alfred. A Bannon, Bernard James. D Barton, Walter Emery. D Bannon, John Hugh. B Basford, James Lendale. A Barbrick, John Fraser. A Bass, William. D Bardwell, Frederick Albert. D Bassett, Alice Haley. A Baribault, William Alfred. A Bassett, Elton James. D Baright, Herbert Edwin. D Bassow, George Joseph. A Barker, Emilie Jones. A Batchelder, Frederick Prescott. A Barker, Frank Justin. A Batchelder, John Couch. D Barlow, Myron. A Batchelder, Mary Ann. D Barnard, Belle Strickland. A Batchelder, William Burdett. A Barnard, Rebecca. A Bateman, Frank Elliot. A Barnaud, Elie. D Bates, Charles Atwood. D Barnes, Allan Foster. A Bates, Everett Alanson. E Barnes, Charles Hall. C Bates, Mary Elizabeth. D Barnes, George. D Bates, Walter Simpson. A Barnes, Francis Henry. D Bates, Willard Asa. A Barnes, Francis John. A Battershall, Joseph Ward. D Barnes, Harry Aldrich. A Battershall, Mary Hannah Wolf- D Barnes, Harry Lee. enden. A Barnes, Henry Jabez. A Baxter, Edward Hooker. A Barnes, Ida Florence. A Baxter, John. E Barnes, James Arthur. D Baxter, William Elihu. D Barnes, Lynn Moore. D Bayliss, Andrew. A Barnes, William Ellsworth. A Baynum, Mary Herrick. D Barney, Charles Norton. A Bazin, Adelard. A Barney-Hall, Lucy Robinson. A Beach, Henry Harris Aubrey D Barraclough, Alfred Whitley. D Beal, Herman Alaric. A Barré, Joseph Aladin. D Beal, Howard Walter. E Barrel!, Charles Sewell. D Beale, Samuel Marsden, Jr. A Barrell, George Morton. D Beals, Arthur Loring. D Barrell, Mary Elizabeth A Bean, Charles Pierce. D Barrett, Edward William. A Bean, George Henry. E Barrett, Joel Lewis. A Bean, Jacob Walter. D Barrett, Michael Francis. A Beane, Newell Wesley. A Barrett, William Marshall. D Beaton, Alexander Angus. A Barrows, William Ezra. D Beaton, Archibald Edward. I) Barry, Emmet William. I) Beattie, John. D Barry, James Henry. D Beattie, Robert Fowler. E Barry, Joanna. A Beatty, Franklin Thomason. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 5(5 21

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Beauchamp, Aimé. D Bergeron, Pierre Norbert. A Beauchamp, Joseph Octave. A Bergeron, Seraphin Ensfcbe. A Beauchamp, Zenophide. D Bergeson, John. D Beaulieu, Francis Xavier. D Bergin, Stephen Albert. A Beaudet, Napoleon. D Bergwall, Walter. D Beckett, Frank Henry. B Berkman, David Wulf. D Beckley, Chester Charles. D Berlin, Fanny. D Beckner, Clara Lee. A Bernard, Barnard Lecherzack. A Bedard, Joseph Armand. D Bernard, Flocker. E Bedall, Albert Richard. D Bernauer, Emil Constantine. D Beddell, Charles Ellsworth. E Bernier, Joseph Adolphe. A Beebe, George Hatch. E Berry, Charles Francis. A Beebe, John Belcher. D Berry, John Cutting. A Beebe, Richard. A Berry, Lauriston. D Beebe, Theodore Chapin, Jr. D Berry, Nathaniel Leander, Jr. D Beecher, Clarence Henry. D Berry, Walter Durant. B Beecher, John Asbury. A Bertram, William Henry. D Beede, M. Josephine. D Bertrand, Alexis Evariste. E Beering, Frederick William, Jr. D Berwick, James Roderick. D Beharrell, Sarah Elizabeth. A Best, Enoch George. A Belaud, Henry Severiu. A Betliune, Donald John. A Belanger, David Simeon. A Betts, Helen Loretta. D Belden, Albert Matson. D Bicknell, Ralph Emerson. E Belding, John Eastman. E Bicknell, William Horace. D Belknap, James Lyman. D Bigelow, Alfred Mahlon. B Bell, Christina Eunice Crawford. A Bigelow, Charles Edwin. A Bell, George Parson. A Bigelow, Enos Hoyt. A Bell, Homer Simpson. A Bigelow, William Sturgis. A Bell, Jam es Bachelder. A Bill, Harriet Parmenter. D Bell, Robert Eddy. A Billings, William Chester. A Bell, William Appleton. A Bilodeau, Wencelas. D Bellamy, William Woolsey. E Binford, Ferdinand Augustus. D Bellehumeur, Stanislas David. B Bingham, Edna Mel via. A Bellows, Howard Perry. D Bingham, Russell. D Belt, Edward Jones. D Binney, Horace. A Bemis, Charles Albert. B Birch, Sylvan us Jutkins. A Bemis, Charles Yose. D Birchard, George Grant. A Bemis, John Merrick. A Birdseye, Frederick Gould. A Bemis, Merrick. A Birge, Ella Freeman. E Bemis, Oscar Adelbert. A Birge, William Spafard. D Bender, Prosper. B Birmingham, Lewis Haydn. D Benjamin, Walter Robinson. D Birmingham, Louis Howland. A Benner, Burnham Roswell. A Birmingham, Robert Michael. D Benner, Herbert Orray. D Biron, Joseph Frederic Rodolplie. D Benner, Richard Stan wood. A Birtwell, Charles Ebenezer. D Bennett, Ernest Walsworth. D , Franklin Lee. A Bennett, Frederick Sherwin. B Bishop, Henry Earl. A Bennett, John Hilman. B Bishop, Jane Emma. A Bennett, William Henry. I) Bixby, Ernest Pierre. D Bennett, William Hurlburt. A Bixby, Josiali Peet. A Bennitt, Francis Marion. D Black, George Luke. A Benoit, Benjamin. E Black, James Stanislaus. A Benoit, Louis Raymond. D Black, Jotham Freatliy. D Benson, Charles Sweetser. A Blackmer, John. A Bent, Gilbert Wesley Warren. E Blackmore, Richard, Jr. D Berg, Tekla Amalia Joseilna. A Blackwood Chamberlain, Ellen E Bergengren, Charles Henry. Ram sd ell. B Bergengren, Frederick Wilhelm D Blaine, Walter Edward. Alexis. A Blair, Arthur Walter. A Bergeron, Francois de Borgia. I) Blair, George Kenniston. 22 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Blair, James Franklin. D Bonney, Robert. A Blair, John. C Bonyman, Harry Evan. D Blair, Orland Rossini. D Boodro, William Henry. D Blair, Orrin Curtis. A Boody, Charles Hayes. D Blair, William Franklin. D Boomhower, Alberta Sylvia. A Blais, Pierre Gaspard. D Boos, William Frederick. A Blaisdell, George Warren. A Booth, Anthony Francis. A Blaisdell, James Edward. C Booth, Edward C'hauncev. A Blaisdell, Walter Channing. A Booth, Robert. A Blake, Charles Abbott. A Boom, Augustus Keefer. A Blake, Clarence John. D Borden, Charles Richardson Cobb. A Blake, Harrison Gray. A Borden, Henry Francis. E Blake, James Henry. A Bossidy, John Collins. A Blake, John Bapst. A Bosworth, John William. A Blake, John George. A Bothfeld, James Francis. A Blake, Le Grand. A Bottomley, John Taylor. B Blake, Mary Jane. A Boucher, George Alphonse. A Blake, Warren Perkins. A Boucher, Joseph Adelard. D Blakely, David Newton. A Bough, Irvin Gustavus. A Blanchard, Albert Henry. E Bouin, Charles. A Blanchard, Benjamin Seaver. A Boulay, Josephus Charles. D Blanchard, Randall Howard. A Bourbonnais, Hermangilde. A Blanchard. Walter Irving. D Boutelle, Harry Clifton. A Blanchette, Alexander. D Bowen, Enos Emanuel. D Blanchette, William Henry. D Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll. A Bliss, George Danforth. A Bowditch, Vincent Yardley. D Bliss, Jesse Leonti. E Bowen, Alfred Preston. A Bliss, Wilbur Howard. D Bowen, Arthur Ilosmer. A Blodgett, Albert George. E Bowen, Fred J. A Blodgett, Albert Novatus. A Bowen, John Templeton. D Blodgett, Harry Peroival. A Bowen, Merritt Alphonso. D Blodgett, John Hammond. A Bowen, Seabury Warren. D Blodgett, John Henry. D Bowers, Elbern Taylor. A Blodgett, Stephen Haskell. A Bowers, Walter Prentice. D Blodgett, William Ernest. A Bowker, Alphonso Yarion. A Blood, Robert x\llen. A Bowker, Charles. A Blossom, Anne Mooers. C Bowker, Everett M. D Boardman, Albertus Kellogg. B Bowker, Horace Leander. A Boardman, William Elbridge. A Bowker, John Copps. A Boardman, William Sydney. B Bowker, Samuel Dawes. E Bodlisli, Gertrude Trevette. A Bowles, George Hall. D Bohemier, Joseph Eugene Napo­ A Bowles, Stephen Wallace. leon. E Bowman, Alfred Winthrop. A Boland, Elisha Shepherd. D Bowman, Anthony William. D Bolles, Celia June. A Bowman, Fred Raymond. A Bolles, William Palmer. C Bowman, Winthrop Height. D Bolster, Augustus Sargent. A Boyd, Herbert Drummond. A Bolton, Charles James. D . Boyd, James Van Wagner. D Bolton, William Jackson. D Boyce, Alvin. D Bommarito, Paolo. B Boyer, Joel. A Bond, Aaron John. D Boyer, Joseph Napoleon. A Bond, Sarah Adams. D Boylan, Thomas- Edward. E Bond, Walter Legrand. C Boyle, Alfred John. A Bond, Willis George. D Boyle, Frank Meagher. A Bongartz, Walter Eugene. D Boyle, John Francis. D Bonnar, James Miller. D Boyle, Thomas Patrick. D Bonnell, Clarence llornbeek. B Boynton, Edwin Moses. E Bonneville, Alfred Joseph. E Boynton, Henry Bullard. I) Bonney, Charles Austin, Jr. B Boynton, Stella. A Bonney, Franklin. A Brace, George Welles. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 23

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

A Brackett, Elizabeth Annastatia. A Briggs, Joseph Emmons. A Brackett, Elliott Gray. D Briggs, Lloyd Vernon. A Brackett, Humphrey Fall. D Briggs, Merton Lawrence. A Bradbury, Charles Huntress. D Brigham, Clarence Sumner. A Bradbury, John Elmer. A Brigham, Edwin Howard. A Bradford, Cary Carpenter. D Brigham, Fred Clayton. A Bradford, Edward Ilickling. A Brigham, Hubbard Hammond. A Bradford, Henry Witliington. D Brigham, Percy Herbert. A Bradford, Oliver Leach. D Brightman, Helen. A Bradley, Charles How. A Brimmer, Ida Lucinda. A Bradley, Charles Seymour. D Brindamour, Joseph Edmond. A Bradley, Hannah Laura. A Brindisi, Rocco. D Brady, Frederic Le Brun. A Brissett, Henry Rupert. D Brady, James Francis. E Broadbridge, Harry Norman. A Bragdon, George Albert. A Brock, Charles Fremont. C Bragdon, Horace El wood. E Brock, Laurence Ambrose. A Bragg, Francis Adelbert. A Brockway, Charles Henry. D Bragg, Leslie Raymond. D Broderick, Frank Patrick. A Brainerd, John Bliss. A Broderick, Thomas Joseph. D Brainerd, Walter Scott. D Broga, William Wallace. A Braird, William Henry. A Broidrick, James Patrick. A Braley, Henry Hudson. D Brooks, Edith May. D Branch, Charles Franklin. B Brooks, George Frederick. B Brande, Charles Drake. D Brooks, Ida Joe. A Brandt, William Eugene. A Brooks, James Fenner. A Branscomb, William Gower. A Brooks, Lawton Stickney. A Bray, Amanda Currier. A Brooks, Samuel Doolittle. A Bray, Edward Van Deusen. D Brooks, Simon Pomeroy. D Brayton, Roland Walker. A Brooks, William Allen, Jr. A Breck, Samuel. D Brosseau, Arthur. A Breck, Theodore Frelinghuysen. A Brough, David Dandie. E Breed, Nathaniel Perkins. A Brough, Frank Thomson. D Breed, Nathaniel Pope. D Broughton, Arthur Nicholson. D Breitling, Joseph Cushman. A Broughton, Henry White. D Bremer, John Lewis. I) Brousseau, William Gilbert. A Brennan, John Joseph. A Brown, Alden Woodbridge. E Brennan, Joseph Thomas Louis. D Brown, Alphonso Bickford. A Bresenliam, Charles Wilson. A Brown, Anthony Leopold. B Breton, Joseph Henry. A Brown, Charles Robinson. D Brett, Edward Joseph. A Brown, Daniel Eugene. A Brett, Frank Wallace. A Brown, Daniel Joseph. A Brewster, D Brown, Daniel Rollins. Wales. D Brown, Edward Manning. A Brewster, James Bartlett. I) Brown, Edward Wells. A Brewster, Mary Jones. A Brown, Edwin Coleman. A Brick, Francis. A Brown, Electa Ann. D Brickett, Beatrice Hannah. B Brown, Eugene Merchants. D Bridge, Emma Frances. A Brown, Francis Henry. A Bridgham, Charles Burr. A Brown, Frank Byron. D Bridgham, Samuel Crosby. A Brown, Frederick Augustus. D Bridgman, Burt Nichols. A Brown, George Artemas. D Briggs, Albert Simmons. D Brown, George Christopher. A Briggs, Charles Albert. D Brown, Harry Albertus. D Briggs, Charles Edwin. A Brown, Henry Rienzi. A Briggs, Charles Poor. D Brown, Henry Rolf. A Briggs, Clifton Dean. A Brown, Henry Wilson. A Briggs, Edward Cornelius. D Brown, Hubert Leslie. D Briggs, Elizabeth May Richardson. B Brown, Jacob Wales. A Briggs, Frederic Melancthon. A Brown, John Peaslee. B Briggs, James Henry. D Brown, Luther Ainslee. REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Brown, Marshall Lebanon. D Bugbee, Marion Louise. A Brown, Martin Millard. B Buhrman, Ettie Ray. D Brown, Melvin James. A Bulfinch, George Greenleaf. A Brown, Orestes Morton. E Bulkelev, Frank Stedman. A Brown, Orland Jonas. A Bullard, George Eli. D Brown, Percy Emerson. A Bullard, Herbert Cutler. I) Brown, Phoebe Bay. C Bullard, John Thornton. A Brown, Plumb, Jr. A Bullard, William Norton. A Brown, Roscoe Ellsworth. C Bullock, Edwin Warren. A Brown, Wallace Everett. A Bullock, George Bexter. A Brown, Wilfred Gardner. B Bump, Lewis Nye. B Brown, William Edward. C Bumpstead, Serano Edwards B Brown, William Francis. Dwight. D Brown, William John. A Bundy, Frank Eastman. B Brown, William Ronald. B Bunn, Frank Caulkins. A Brown, William Symington. C Burchmore, Charles PYancis A Brown, Windsor Aldrich. Preston. D Browne, John George. E Burden, Ernest Druecilla. A Browne, Percy Gilbert. A Burge, William Prentice. A Browne, Proctor Kinsman. B Burgess, Albert Lindsey. A Browne, Will Warpool D Burgess, Charles James. A Brownell, De Ette. A Burgess, Oliver Graham. D Brownrigg, Albert Edward. B Burgess, Sherman William. A Brownrigg, John Sylvester. D Burke, Francis Ramon. B Bruce, Charles Wesley. A Burke, James Joseph. A Bruce, Baniel Angus. B Burke, Michael PYancis. A Bruce, Emily Allen. B Burke, Walter Thomas. A Bruce, Frank Colverd. A Burke, William George. A Bruce, John Angus. B Burke, William Henry. D Brunelle, Pierre. A Burleigh, Charles. B Brunet, Michel. A Burleigh, PYederick Wing. B Brush, Frederic Louis. B Burleigh, Robert Fletcher. A Bryant, Alice Gertrude. B Burley, Benjamin Thomas. A Bryant, Anna Mary Borr. D Burnell, Charles Willard. B Bryant, Charles Sawyer. A Burnett, Frank George. A Bryant, Edward Gilman. A Burnett, Frank Hollis. B Bryant, Fred. A Burnett, PYed Nelson. A Bryant, Giles Waite. A Burnett, Theodore Crfetfc. A Bryant, John. B Burnett, William Walton. B Bryant, John Edmund. B Burnette, John Everett. A Bryant, Lewis Lincoln. A Burnham, Elmond Arthur. A Bryant, Virginia Frances. B Burnham, Frederick Gray. A Bryant, William Sohier. B Burnham, Joseph P’orrest. D Bryer, James Allen. B Burnham, Melvin Page. A Bry so n, Ad el bert Allen. D Burnham, Parker. A Buck, Augustus Walter. D Burns, Frederick Stanford. B Buck, Charles Edward. A Burns, Hiram Hutchins. A Buck, Charles John. D Burns, Robert. B Buck, Edward Terry. E Burns, Walter Linn. C Buck, Howard Mendenhall. B Burpee, Carroll Colby. D Buck, Maurice A lion. D Burque, Joseph George. A Buckingham, Edward Marshall. A Burr, Charles Henry. D Buckley, James Thomas. B Burr, Noah Arthur. A Buckley, John Francis. A Burrage, Walter Lincoln. A Buckley, Philip Townsend. A Burrell, Benjamin Henry. B Buckley, William Stephen. A Burrell, Herbert Leslie. B Buehler, George Van Buskirk. B Burroughs, Amelia. E Bufford, John Henry. B Burt, Charles Kellogg. B Buffum, Herbert Edwin. B Burt, Edward Waiter. B Buffum, William Henry. A Burt, PYank Leslie. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 25

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

A Burtch, Harry Mercein. C Camfill, Robert Emmet. A Burton, Charles William. A Camp, Charles Welford. D Burton, James. A Camp, Mary Augusta. A Burton, Stephen Caspar. D Campbell, Annie Butterfield. D Bush, Arthur Dermont. C Campbell, . D Bush, Charles William. D Campbell, Franklin Edward. A Bush, John Stan dish Foster. A Campbell, Fidelia Green. C Bushee, James Anson. B Campbell, Henry French. D Busjinell, Edward Henry. B Campbell, James Parker. A Bushnell, Homer. D Campbell, Josiah Calvin. D Buswell, Albert Currier. D Campbell, Kleber Alexander. B Buswell, Arthur True. D Campbell, Matthew Philip. D Butler, Benjamin Joseph. A Campbell, Patrick Henry. E Butler, Charles Shorey. E Campbell, Sheldon Samuel D Butler, David Presbury, Jr. Stratton. D Putler, George Edward. D Cane, Francis Edward. A Butler, John Edward. D Canedy, Charles Francis. D Butler, Patrick Francis. A Canedy, Francis Joel. D Butler, Richard Bernard. A Canedy, Fred Snow. D Butler, Rodman. D Canedy, Ransford De Los. A Butler, Winthrop. D Canfeld, Ralph Metcalf. D Butler, William Hodnett. D Canfield, Roy Bishop. D Buttler, Charles Yoorhees. D Cannev, Ellen Rose. B Butman, William Aaron. B Canning, John Francis. A Butterfield, George Washington. A Cannon, David Howland. C Butterworth, Mary Frances. D Capelle, Charles Stanislaus. A Buzzell, Daniel Thompson. D Capen, Elwyn Winslow. A Bychower, Victor. A Capen, Samuel Ross. D Byers, David Walter. A Capen, Thomas Allyn. D Byrne, Charles Armstrong. D Capps, Joseph Almarin. A Cabana, Louis Victor. D Carbone, Giovanni. A Cabot, Arthur Tracy. A Card, Frank Edwin. D Cabot, Hugh. D Card, Horatio Smith. A Cabot, Richard Clark. E Carden, Charles James. D Cadigan, John Joseph. D Carl, Bertha Frederica. A Cahill, Charles Sumner. D Carl, Isaac Daniel. A Cahill, Eliza Buckman. C Carleton, Dudley. A Cahill, George Stephen. A Carleton, Francis Boyd. E Cahill, John Thomas. A Carleton, Ralph. A Caiger, Albert Edward. A Carleton, Charles Greenleaf. C Cain, Henry Walter. A Carleton, Charles Horace. E Cain, Maude Florence. A Carleton, Elizabeth Abbott. A Cain, Willie George. C Carlton, Mary Elizabeth. E Caisse, George Emile. A Carmichael, John Ilosea. D Caithness, George Eager. E Carmody, William Francis. A Calder, James Squair. A Carolin, William Terence. A Calderwood, Samuel Herbert. D Caron, Amable Bertlielat. D Caldwell, Albert Francis, Jr. D Carotliers, William Ilarsha. C Caldwell, George Peters. A Carpenter, Edward Annon. A Calkins, Barry Howes. B Carpenter, George Clifton. A Calkins, Cheney Ilosmer. A Carpenter, Helen Braddock. D Calkins, Irving Romaro. B Carpenter, Julia May. A Calkins, Marshall. B Carpenter, Mary Adelaide. A Call, Emma Louisa. B Carpenter, Sylvester Stiles. D Callahan, Joseph Thomas. A Carpenter, William Henry. A Callanan, Sampson Aloysius. D Carr, Christopher James. A Callender, Charles Harlow. D Carr, Bernard Joseph. D Calnane, John Andrew. A Carr, Frank Fletcher. D Cameron, Charles Ernest. D Carr, George Byron. A Cameron, Ewan. A Carr, Lucy Stearns. 26 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Carr, Walter Sherman. A Chandler, Henry Beckles. B Carroll, Elizabeth Minnette. B Chandler, Ira. A Carroll, Francis Edward. A Chandler, Luther Graves. A Carroll, John Aloysius. A Chandler, Norman Fitch. D Carroll, John Philip. D Chandler, Thomas Evans. A Carroll, Thomas Francis. A Channing, Walter. D Carroll, Thomas Francis. D Chapin, Alva Le Roy. A Carroll, William Edward. D Chapin, Clifford Samuel. A Carruth, Sidney Stetson. A Chapin, Delia Lucretia. D Carsley, Sidney Raymond. A Chapin, Frederic Wilcox. A Carson, Paul. A Chapin, Walter Henry. E Carter, Curtis Sumner. A Chapman, Charles Ratchford. A Carter, Frank Henry. D Chapman, Howard Jones. A Carter, Mills Olcott. D Chapman, William Lewis. A Carter, Robert Lindsey. D Chaput, Henry Ernest. C Carter, Theron Harlow. A Charbonneau, Joseph. B Carver, Ichabod. D Charbonneau, Noe Napoleon. A Carvill, Alphonso Holland. A Charbonneau, Oliver. D Cary, Foster Harrington. A Charles, Orlando Warrington. D Casgrain, Charles Arthur. D Charron, Joseph Rosario. D Casselbury, Clarence Marmaduke. D Charteris, Mary Alena. D Castillo, Frank Martin del. A Chase, Arthur Brown. D Castle, Catharine White. A Chase, Augustus Lucius. D Castle, Edward Beardslee. C Chase, Charles Tristram. A Castle, James. D Chase, Daniel Emery, Jr. D Cate, Frederick Symon. A Chase, DeForest Woodruff. A Cate, George Riley. D Chase, Edwin Llewellyn. F Cate, Shadrack Mellen. A Chase, Eli Ayer. D Cauliield, George Beresford. D Chase, Frank Hills. E Caulfield, Thomas Edward. D Chase, Henry Melville. C Cavanagh, Charles Russell. A Chase, Heman Lincoln. A Cavanagh, Walter James. A Chase, Herbert Augustus. D Cavanaugh, Loretta Katherine. A Chase, Hiram Luce. D Cavanaugh, Mortimer Thomas. A Chase, Horace. D Cavanaugh, Thomas Edward. A Chase, Irah Eaton. D Caverly, Charles Frank, Jr. A Chase, John Winslow. D Cawley, Ernest Guy. A Chase, Joseph, Jr. A Celce, Frank Frederick. A Chase, Richard Fitch. A Celce, Jean Henriette. D Chase, Walter Greenough. D Chace, Ann II. A Chase, William Bradley. D Chace, Eleanor Sarah. D Chaussé, Joseph Arthur. A Chadbourne, Arthur Patterson. A Cheever, Clarence Alonzo. D Chadwell, Orville Rogers. D Cheever, David. C Chadwick, Henry Dexter. A Cheever, David Williams. A Chadwick, James Read. D Cheever, John Howard. D Chaffers, Joseph. A Chenery, William Elisha. A Cliaguon, Charles Emile. D Chenevert, Joseph Ovide. A Chagnon, Joseph Samuel. D Cheney, Ernest Lin wood. A Chagnon, Winceslas John Baptiste. A Cheney, Frederick Edward. A Chalifaux, Joseph Ilerm6n£gilde. D Cheney, Harry Cleveland. A Chalmers, Robert. A Cheney, Oscar Dustin. A Chamberlain, George Felton. B Cherry, James.B. D Chamberlain, George Elliott. D Chesley, Alice Maud Mary. A Chamberlain, George Washington. D Chestnutt, Arthur Allan. A Chamberlain, Myron Leon. D Chevrette, Wilfrid. A Chamberlain, William Eugene. B Chick, William Harrison. A Chamberlin, Edward Henry. C Chicoine, Isidore Hermanigilde. B Chamberlin, James Prescott. A Child, Edward Moses. D Chamberlin, Theodore. D Childs, Alfred Henry. A Champlin, Martha Godfrey. A Childs, Helen Simonds. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 27

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

A Chipman, Anna Mary. A Clark, Theodore Wright. A Chipman, William Reginald. D Clark, W'alter Almon. A Chirurg, Michael. A Clark, Walter Thomas. D Chisholm, Miles Dudley. D Clark, William Goodwin Chad- A Chisholm, . bourne. A Chisholm, William Parmer. A Clarke, Augustus Peck. A Choate, David. A Clarke, Edith Leavitt. D Choate, Horace Henry. A Clarke, Edwin Augustus. E Cholerton, Herbert. D Clarke, Elliott Mason. E Choquette, Joseph Henry. A Clarke, George Clarendon. D Chorlian, Kirkor Hovhannes. D Clarke, George Haven. E Christian, Andrew Forest. A Clarke, George Salisbury. D Christie, Samuel Abraham. A Clarke, Henry Little. D Chrystal, Michael Henry. A Clarke, Israel James. A Chubbuck, Lurana Abbie. B Clarke, John Henry. A Church, Adaline Barnard. A Clarke, Joseph Payson. A Church, Benjamin Taylor. D Clarke, Joshua Williams. D Church, Charles Albert. A Clarke, Louis Henry. A Church, Herbert Ashley. A Clarke, Maurice Dwight. D Church, Mary Violet. A Clarke, Mortimer Hall. D Church, Russell Shepard. D Clarke, Thomas Michael. E Churchill, Donald. A Clarke, WTilliam Crocker. E Churchill, John Darling. C Clarke, William Johnson. C Chute, Arthur Lambert. D Clarke, WTlliam Thomas. A Cilley, Daniel Plumer. E Clarkson, Thomas Carbarns. A Cilley, Orran George. D Cleary, James. B Clailin, Anna Frances. E Cleaves, Ezra Eames. A Clancy, William Henry. D Cleaves, Frederick Henry. E Clap, Edmund Wright. A Cleaves, James Edwin. E Clapp, Arthur Martin. D Cleghorn, Allen MacKenzie. A Clapp, Frank Horace. D Clement, Allen Bell. A Clapp, Herbert Codman. A Clement, George Colburn. A Clapp, James Wilkinson. A Clement, George Wilmot. B Clarendon, James Campbell. A Clement, Lydia Ramsdell. D Clark, Albert Ulysses Franklin. D Clement, Merton Wallace. A Clark, Caleb Wakefield. E Cleveland, Heber Howe. A Clark, Clinton Dewey. D Cleveland, Theodore Parkman. A Clark, David. D Cliff, Alfred Addington. D Clark, Edward James. A Cliff, Leander Albert. D Clark, Ezra W. C Clift, Joseph Wales. D Clark, Franklin Edward. A Clock, Frank Benson. C Clark, Frederick Lincoln. E Closson, Leon Monroe. D Clark, Frederick Timothy. D Cloudman, Harry Radcliffe. D Clark, Genevieve. B Clough, Charles William. A Clark, George Henry. E Clough, Frank Herbert. A Clark, George Stillman. A Cloutier, Felix Joseph. A Clark, Homer. A Coady, Patrick Francis. A Clark, Henry Frederick. A Cobb, Albert Crocker. A Clark, James Colby Dorr. A Cobb, Carolus Melville. A Clark, James Samuel. A Cobb, Charles Henry. A Clark, John Marther. A Cobb, Farrar Crane. A Clark, Joseph Eddy. A Cobb, Frederic Codman. A Clark, Joseph Leonidas. A Cobb, Harriet Hodges. A Clark, Julius Stimpson. D Cobb, Oliver Wrarren. A Clark, Leonard Brown. D Coburu, Horace Fordyce. A Clark, May Chadbourn. A Coburn, Henry Harrison. A Clark, Seth Corbin. A Coburn, William Franklin. A Clark, Sidney Avery. A Cochran, George Buck. A Clark, Stephen Wilson. A Cochran, William James. D Clark, Thomas Francis. A ^Codding, Edwin Hayden. 28 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE [Jan

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — Continued.

C Codman, Ernest Amory. A Combs, Leander Warren. E Cody, Joseph John. A Comey, Perley Pierce. A Cody, Edmond Francis. D Comins, James Brooks. E Coe, Richard. A Comtois, Odilon Joseph. D Coifey, Daniel David. A Conant, Thomas. D Coifey, Leonard James. A Conant, William Merritt. A Coffin, Arthur Baylies. D Conboy, Michael Aloysius. D Coffin, Frank Herbert. A Cone, Dwight Eleazer. D Coffin, George Henry. A Congdon, Lennier. A Coffin, John Lambert. E Congreve, James Mandeville. A Coffin, Juliet Evelyn. D Conkey, Caroline Root. D Coffin, Rockwell Augustus. D Conklin, Jay Robert. D Coffrey, William Francis. A Conlan, Thomas. A Cogan, Joseph Ambrose. D Conlin, Joseph Michael. E Cogan, Thomas Francis. A Conlon, Andrew Aloysius. C Coggeshall, Frederic. A Conn, Henry Leon. A Coggin, David. A Connell, Arthur Irving. A Coghlan, . A Connell, Charles Walter. A Cogswell, Charles Frederick. D Conner, Chandos Burton. A Cogswell, Charles Hale. D Conner, Horace Leigh. A Cogswell, Edward Russell. B Connihan, Edward Joseph. A Cogswell, George Proctor. E Connolly, John Matthew. A Cogswell, William, Jr. D Connor, Charles Frank. D Cohan, Francis Henry. A Connors, Willett Spurgeon. D Cohill, David Young. I) Conro, Arthur Clifton. D Colburn, Frederick Wilkinson. D Conroy, Edward Cornelius. D Colburn, Harry Hay ford. A Conroy, Peter John. A Colby, Edward Porter. A Constans, Frank Elmore. A Colby, Edwin Alonzo. B Contré, Pacifique. D Colby, Fred Bennett. D Conway, Francis Bernard. D Colby, Gilman. A Cook, Charles Henry. B Colby, Sarah Ann. A Cook, George Andrews. D Colby, William Morrill. E Cook, John William. A Colcord, . A Cook, Mabell Melissa. A Cole, Charles Higgins. D Cooke, Henry Arnold. A Cole, David Smalley. A Cooke, Snow Parker Freeman. D Cole, Lorenzo Waite. D Cooley, Abbott Lathrop. A Cole, Ralph Marcus. A Coolidge, Algernon, Jr. B Cole, Stillman Asbury. A Coolidge, David Goldtliwait. A Cole, William Ezra. A Coolidge, John Nelson. A Coleman, Ellen wood Bunker. E Coolidge, Sumner. D Colgate, Charles Henry, Jr. D Coon, George Bailey. A Collamore, Francis. A Coon, Marion. A Collet, Peter Achille Anaclet. D Coon, Mary Jameson. A Collier, Lawrence Henry Good­ A Cooper, Almon. win. A Cooper, Hermon. D Collin, Carl Oscar Louis. D Collins, William Morris. D Collins, Aubrey John. A Copeland, Charles Ward. A Collins, David Aloysius. A Copeland, Elmer Humphrey. A Collins, Edgar Clarence. A Copeland, Horatio Franklin. D Collins, George Lehman. A Copeland, William Henry. D Collins, John James. A Copp, Owen. A Collins, Orville William. A Corcoran, Luke. D Collins, Richard. A Corey, Francis Edwin. D Collins, Wallace Jason. D Coriat, Isador Harry. A Collins, William Droien. A Corliss, Oscar Luzerne. D Collins, William James. B Cornbloom, Charles. A Colt, Henry. F Cornish, Ellis Holmes. A Colton, John Jay. A Cornish, Theodore Osgood. B Colvin, William Henry. D Cornwell, Edwin Sylvester. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 29

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Cornwell, IlerbertCerda de D Crease, Henry George. Vilarrestau. D Creesy, Everett Larcom. D Corr, Francis Xavier. A Crisand, Carl. A Corrigan, John Patrick. D Crispo, Peter Timothy. E Cort, Parker Martin. D Crittenden, Harrison Murray. E Cosgrove, John Joseph. D Crittenden, Samuel Wright. D Costello, John Henry. D Crittendon, Rufus Asaph. A Cote, Camille. A Croacher, Anna Wood. D Cote, Honoré Joseph. A Crocker, Benton Pulsifer. A Cotterell, Samuel Parker. A Crocker, John Myrick. D Cottle, Louis Albert. A Crocker, Susan Elizabeth. D Cotton, Curtis Briggs. A Crocker, Willard Crafts. A Cotton, Frederic Jay. A Crockett, Eugene Anthony. D Cotton, Harry Andrews. B Crockett, Fred. D Couch, Oscar Roberts. A Crockett, Frederick Eugene. A Couch, William Anthony. D Croft, Benjamin Pomeroy. C Coues, William Pearce. D Crofts, Nicholas Matthew. A Coughlin, John William. A Cronin, Henry William. A Couillard, Pierre Leonard. D Cronin, Jeremiah Augustine. D Coulson, Richard. D Cronin, Joseph John. A Councilman, William Thomas. D Cronin, Michael John. A Courtney, Joseph William. D Cronin, Thomas Joseph. E Courtney, Samuel Edward. D Crooker, Hiram Henry. A Cousens, Nicholas William. D Crosby, Frederic Chandler. A Couture, Michael Horatius. D Crosby, Leander Marshall. A Cowden, J. Morrow. D Cross, Albert Elmer. C Cowdrey, Arthur Harris. A Cross, Grace Ella. D Cowern, Ernest William. A Cross, Hiram Bliss. A Cowles, Edward. D Cross, Louis Kent. A Cowles, Frank Augustus. E Cross, Rupert Calladon. A Cowles, Fred Waterman. D Cross, William Patrick. A Cowles, Sigourney Trask. A Crossman, Frank Albert. A Cowles, William Norman. A Croston, John Francis. D Cox, Gardner. D Crotty, Thomas Henry. D Cox, Simon Francis. C Crowell, Hannah Hall. D Cox, Thomas. A Crowell, Samuel. A Coy, Seth Willard. A Crowell, Willis E. D Coyle, Walter Edward. D Crowley, Ambrose. D Coyne, James Augustine. A Crowley, Jeremiah Francis. E Coyne, Thomas Joseph. D Crowley, John Michael. A Crabtree, Addison Darre. B Crowninshield, Phoebe. D Cragin, Donald Brett. A Crozier, Thomas. A Cragin, Francis Milton. C Cruikshank, Herbert Wyche. A Craig, Daniel Hiram. A Culbert, Robert Ronayne. A Craigin, George Arthur. A Culbertson, Emma Valeria P. B. A Cram, John Wesley. D Cummin, . D Cramm, William Edward. D Cummings, Alvah Cochran. D Crandell, Arthur Richmond. A Cummings, Charles Stearns. D Crandon, Le Roi Goddard. A Cummings, Edwin Francis. D Crane, Bayard Taylor. D Cummings, . D Crane, Carl Custer. A Cummings, Irving Oscar. D Crane, Clarence. D Cummings, John Joseph. A Crane, . A Cummings, Maria Louisa. D Crane, Stella Howard. A Cummings, Michael Aloysius. A Crawford, Charles Henry. D Cummings, Morton Everett. D Crawford, Francis Xavier. A Cummings, Mott Alvah. E Crawford, Howard Tribou. B Cummings, Willard Corydon. A Crawford, John William. A Cumston, Charles Greene. D Crawford, Joseph Warrington. A Cundall, Charles Carol. A Crawford, Sarah Marcy. B Cuneo, Augustus. 30 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Cunningham, Benjamin Frazier. A Dale, John Lombard. D Cunningham, John Henry, Jr. A Daley, Robert Nicholas. A Cunningham, Joseph Henry. D Dalrymple, Addie Blanche. A Cunningham, Thomas Edward. D Dalrymple, Alfred Tomblinson. D Cunningham, Patrick Vincent. E Dalton, Charles Francis. E Cunningham, Wilfrid Bernard. D Dalton, Charles Howard. D Curley, Clarence Proctor. D Dalton, John Edward. D Curley, George Frederick. D Dalton, Martin James. D Curley, Walter James. D Dalton, Michael Henry. A Curran, Charles Henry. A Daly, Bernard Thomas. A Curran, Charles James. A Daly, James. D Curran, Simon Francis. E Daly, Jeremiah James. A Currie, John Zebulon. A Daly, Richard Francis. A Currier, Mary Barnard. D Daly, Timothy Joseph. A Currier, May Carrie. C Daly, William Joseph. E Currier, Richard Doe. A Dam, Alvah Morton. D Currier, William Eugene. D Dame, Fred Russell. A Currier, William Hale. A Damon, Arthur Lewylenn. D Curry, Edmund . A Damon, Newcomb Lincoln. D Curtis, Belle Dora. A Dane, John. A Curtis, Francis George. D Daniel, Vivian. A Curtis, Hall. A Daniels, Edward William. A Curtis, Henry Fuller. A Daniels, Edwin Alfred. B Curtis, Thomas Mitchell. E Daniels, Roy Adelbert. D Curtis, William Goodwin. D Darby, Edward Arthur. A Cushing, Alvin Matthew. D Darby, Margaret Gurney. A Cushing, Ernest Watson. D Darling, Cassius Harriot. A Cushing, Eugene Bonaparte. A Darling, Charles Balfour. A Cushing, Hayward Warren. A Darling, Eugene Abraham. A Cushing, Ira Barrows. A Darrah, Rufus Elmer. A Cushing, Oliver Fernald. D Daudelin, Simóon Alphonse. A Cushman, Andrew Barnard. A Davenport, Bennett Franklin. A Cushman, George Thomas. A Davenport, Charles Albert. D Cushman, Mary Floj'd. A Davenport, Francis Henry. D Cusick, Thomas Francis. D Davenport, Frank Douglass. D Cutler, Alice Surry. D David, Mary Ina Miles. A Cutler, Cecil Stevens. A Davidson, Kallman Meyer. A Cutler, Charles Lewis, Jr. A Davie, Charles Herbert. E Cutler, Charles Newton. D Davies, Thomas Franklyn. A Cutler, Edward Roland. A Davis, Andrew Jackson. A Cutler, . D Davis, Anna Belle. B Cutler, George. A Davis, Bessie Delano. A Cutler, James Tucker. D Davis, Charles Henry. A Cutler, William Bullard. A Davis, Edward Parker. A Cuttei, Charles Kimball. A Davis, Ella Maxfield. E Cutter, Arthur Hardy. D Davis, Francis Alvorde. A Cutter, Ephraim. E Davis, Frank Albert. A Cutter, John Ashburton. D Davis, Frank Albin. A Cutter, John Clarence. A Davis, Frank Stewart. D Cutting, Charles Theodore. A Davis, Franklin Jerome. A Cutts, Harry Madison. A Davis, Frederick Augustus. D Dacey, Cornelius Joseph. A Davis, Frederick Augustus. D Dadmun, Eliza Josephine. D Davis, Grace von Stauffer. E Dahlquist, Edward Bernhard. D Davis, George Anthony. A Daigneault, Joseph Arthur. D Davis, George Healy. D Dailey, Richard Connell. D Davis, Lincoln. A Daily, John Wesley. D Davis, Minot Flagg. A Dake, Dumont Charles. D Davis, Myron, Jr. A Dakin, Edward Arthur. C Davis, Myron Henry. A Dakin, Mary Anna Dorgan. A Davis, Nathan Johnson. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 5(3 31

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Davis, Percy Guy. D Demers, Adelard Olivier. A Davis, Roland Augustus. A Denig, Blanche Alpine. A Davis, Samuel Alonzo. A Denkinger, Joseph Anton. A Davis, Samuel Thomas. E Dennen, Joseph Horace. D Davis, Stephen Rich. D Dennet, Charles Augustus. A Davis, Wesley. D Dennett, Alonzo Gustin. B Davis, William Everett. D Dennett, Daniel Clement. D Davis, William Henry. A Dennett, George William. E Davis, William Horace. A Dennett, John, Jr. B Davis, William Philip. D Dennett, Roger Herbert. D Davis, Winnifred Puffer. D Denning, William Edward. C Davison, Archibald Thompson. A Dennis, James Henry. E Davison, Arthur Howard. C Dennis, Jane Louise. A Dawes, William Greenleaf. D Dennison, Archibald Sayre. A Day, Clarence Currier. C Denny, Francis Parkmau. B Day, Henry Bailey. A Denny, Harry Ernest. D Day, James Arnold. A De Normandie, Myra. D Day, Josiah Fisher. D De Normandie, Robert Laurent. A Deal, Edward Edwin. E Depew, William Robertson. A Deal, George Francis. B Derby, Emma Angeline. A De Amezaga, Gualtiero. D Derby, George Strong. D Dean, Charles Henry. A Derby, Hasket. D Dean, Hubert Tidd. A Derby, William Parsons. D Dean, Ralph Denniston. D De Robertis, Antonio. A Deane, A sahel Sumner. A Deroin, Francis Xavier. A Deane, Ebenezer Alexander. D Derrick, George William. A Deane, Henry Augustus. D Dervin, Laurence James. A Deane, Wallace Harlow. A Dervin, Peter John. A Deans, Herbert Clair. B Desmarais, Joseph. A Dearborn, Alvah Burton. A Desmario, Joseph Henry. A Dearborn, John George. E Desmond, Clarence Francis. A Dearborn, John Henry. A Desnoyers, Dontagne. A Dearborn, Reuben Fletcher. D Desrochers, Alfred. A Dearing, Henry Lincoln. D Des Rosiers, Désiré. A Dearing, Howard Summer. A Desrosiers, Louis Amedie. A Dearing, Thomas Haven. A Pésy, Gustave. A De Beer, Johannes Benedict D Devlin, Peter Clarke. David. D Devenny, Joseph Henry. A De Blois, Thomas Amory. A Dever, Charles Edward. E Decker, William Nelson. D Devere, Arthur Clarence. A Dedrick, Albert Clinton. D Devere, Fred Hewitt. A Deehan, Peter Eugene. A Devereaux, Jane Smith. D Deely, George Edward. A Devine, William Henry. E Peering, George Edwin. A Dewey, Charles Gipson. A Defriey, William Peabody. A Dewis, John William. A De Grandpré, Louis Philippe. A De wolf, Edward Gardner. A Dehn, Edward William. D Dews, Frederic Gifford. A Delahanty, William Joseph. A Dexter, Ella Louisa. A Deland, Charles Airrnet. A Dexter, Franklin. A De Langle, Charles Petit. D Dezell, Frederick Burr. A Delano, Marcus F. A Dickens, Job Byron Marcus. A Delano, Samuel. A Dickerman, Silas Barnet. A De Laval-Thyernay, Melville D Dickerson, Spencer Cornelius. Endore Forbin. D Dickinson, Amelia Ann. A De Liguori, Giovanbattista. A Dickinson, Charles Henry. A Delisle, Joseph Damase. A Dickinson, Harvey Middleton. A De Lue, Frederick Spaulding. D Dickson, Richard Ensign. D De Marco, Tom asino. D Diemar, Lena Hess. A Dembo, Fanny. C Dike, John. D De Merritt, Charles Law. A Dillon, Thomas Joseph Bennett. 32 REGI STE. AT ION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — Continued.

E Dillon, Richard Hastings. A Dorr, Charles Alonzo. A Dimock, Daniel Wright. E Dort, Elizabeth. A Dinenson, Abraham Isaac. A Dorval, Tancrfede Cesaire. A Dion, Thomas Joseph. D Doten, Arthur Chapman. B Dionne, Louis. D Doucett, Frederick Luke. B Dionne, Louis Edward. A Douglas, Charles Joseph. D Disbrow, John Robert. A Douglass, . A Disbrow, Robert. D Dow, David Crooker. A Disney, Frank Arundel Elias. A Dow, Edmund Scott. D Dix, George Alfred. D Dow, George Farwell. A Dixon, Joseph Henry. A Dow, George William. A Dixon, Lewis Seaver. A Dow, James Arthur. A Dixon, Robert Brewer. D Dowd, Edward Francis. A Dixwell, John. D Dowd, Michael Joseph. A Doane, George Washington. C Dowling, John Joseph. D Doane, H arriet M. A Downey, Charles John. A Doble, Ernest Edgar. D Downey, Fred Clifton. D Dobson, Clarence Henry. D Downey, Henry Arthur. D Dodd, Isaac Spencer Finney. D Downey, William Henry. D Dodge, Arthur Malcolm. E Downing, Bertha Carol. A Dodge, Fred Wilder. D Downing, Charles Harland. A Dodge, William Wooldredge. D Downing, Franklin Chace. A Doggett, Frederick Fobes. A Downs, Harry Ashton. A Doherty, Charles. A Doy, Wilberforce Clarkson. D Doherty, Helen Isabel. A Doyle, Daniel Patrick. A Dolan, William Andrew. D Doyle, Francis Henry. D Dolan, William Edward. D Doyle, John Henry. E Dole, Charles Frederick. A Drake, Arathena Bianca. A Dole, Mary Phylinda. E Drake, Arthur Knowlton. A Dolloff, Albert Simeon. A Drake, Norman Lucca. D Dolloff, Charles Hale. D Drake, Olin Milton. A Doloff, Eugene Malcolm. E Drake, Percy Greenough. D Donahue, Francis William. D Drake, Richard Alvin. A Donahue, Hugh. A Drake, William Abram. D Donahue, William Francis. D Dranga, Amelia Augenia. D Donaldson, James Frank. D Draper, Alexis Lumb. D Donlan, Charles Edwin. D Draper, Arthur Derby. D Donlan, John Malachi. D Draper, Charles Ransom. D Donnell, Rufus Edwin. A Draper, Frank Eugene. D Donnell)', Augustine John. A Draper, Frank Winthrop. D Donnelly, Harry Albert. A Draper, Joseph Rutter. D Donnelly, James Harvey. A Dresser, George. A Donnelly, John Bernard. D Drew', Charles Aaron. E Donner, John Albert. B Drew, Frances Harriet. D Donoghue, Daniel Francis. A Drew, Frank Haynes. A Donoghue, Francis Dennis. A Drew', Frederick. D Donoghue, James Crowley. D Drew, Frederick Prescott. E Donohue, George. A Drew, Maria E mma. A Donovan, Benedict. A Driscoll, Thomas Daniel. D Donovan, Timothy Stephen. A Driver, Stephen William. C Donovan, Michael Ricard. E Drohan, James Henry. D Donovan, Sylvester Edward. D Dronin, Wilfrid George. D Doray, Frank Leslie. A Drown, Edward Payson. A Doroey, James Edmund. A Drummey, Nicholas Daniel. E Dore, Francis James. E Drummond, Edward Augustine; D Dorgan, Joseph Aloysius. A Drummond, Juan Fernandez D Dorion, Jean Baptiste Théophile. Bennett. A Dorion, Louis Philippe Adélard. D Dreyfus, Edna Helen Weil. C Dorman, Albert Barnes. D Dubois, Eoliue Beatrice Church. A Dorman, Daniel Webster. D Duckering, Florence West. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 33

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Puckering, William West. A Earl, George Henry. C Dudley, Augustus William. A Earle, William Alva. E Dudley, Charles. D Early, William Wallace. A Dudley, Henry Watson. D Eastman, Alexander Crane. A Dudley-Clapp, Susan Ida. A Eastman, Charles Albert. A Duff, John. A Eastman, Charles Albert. D Duffee, Thomas Edward. B Eastman, Mary Roena. A Duggan, John Joseph. D Easton, Elwood Tracy. A Duggan, John Thomas. A Eaton, John Marshall. D Duhaime, Gandiose Lemaitre. A Eaton, Lilley. A Duhamel, Oliva Gilbert. D Eaton, Richard Gardner. B Du Mont, Ilenry. A Eaton, Samuel Lewis. A Dunbar, Frank Collins. A Eaton, William Winslow. A Dunbar, Franklin Asaph. A Eaton, Wyllis Gilbert. B Duncan, Florence Josephine. A Ebann, Charles Deletang. D Dunham, Frank Lee. D Ebbs, Bertha Evelyn. A Dunham, George Perry. B Eckstein, Caroline Katherine. A Dunham, Henry Bristol. A Eddy, George Stetson. D Dunham, White field Otis. A Eddy, Hiram McCrery. A Dunlap, Charles Bates. A Eddy, Richard Henry. D Dunn, Charles Hunter. A Edes, Robert Thaxter. C Dunn, Charles Stein. A Edgar, William Ladell. A Dunn, Jennie Sophia. A Edgerly, Jonathan Frank. C Dunn, William Aloysius. D Edmands, Idelle Lydia. A Dunn, William Ambrose. A Edmonds, Louis. A Dunne, Alexander John. A Edson, Carroll Everett. A Dunning, William Meddaugh. A Edson, Ptolomy O’Meara. B Dunphy, John. D Edwards, Arthur Frank. E Dunsmoor, Ilarrie Victor. D Edwards, Franklin Wallace. A Dupont, Flavien. D Edwards, Merton John. B Duquet, Philorome. A Edwards, Thomas Alvin. A Durant, Charles Edwin. A Edwards, William Lothrop. A Durell, Thomas Moulton. D Eclls, Joseph Oliver. D Durgin, Edward Chase. D Egan, Edward Winfield. A Durgin, Samuel Holmes. C Egan, John Joseph. D Durning, Charles Francis. B Egan, Sebra Temple. A Dutton, Charles. D Egbert, Jay Hobart. A Dutton, George. C Egland, Christopher. D Dutton, Richard. A Ehrlich, Ilenry. C Dutton, Samuel Lane. D Eidam, Carl Hermann. A Dutra, Emmanuel Christian. A Ela, Paul Francis. C Dutra, Joseph. A Ela, Walter. D Dutrizac, Joseph Ovid. D Elcock, Harry Alfred. D Duval, Josias Louis. B Elderen, John Van. A Duxbury, Joseph Edward. B Eldridge, Benjamin Davis. A Dwelly, Jerome. A Eldridge, David Gorham. A Dwight, Edwin Weller. D Eldridge, Harvey Loud. D Dwight, Henry Leonard. A Eldridge, Jerrie Allen. A Dwight, Thomas. D Eliot, Henry Whitney. A Dwinell, Byron Lee. D Elliot, Henry Libby. D Dwinell, William Grout. A Elliot, John Wheelock. A Dwyer, John Edward. D Elliot, Sidney Barrington. D Dyer, Charles Lathrope. D Elliott, Alfred. D Dyer, Ebenezer Alden. A Elliott, James Prescott. D Dyer, Florence May. E Elliott, James William. B Dyer, Frank Pierce. D Elliott, Richard Andrew. B Dyer, Willard Knowlton. A Elliott, Russell Dunson. D Dyer, William Henry. A Ellis, Charles Curtis. D Eames, Frederick Henry. A Ellis, Dean Samuel. A Eames, George Franklin. A Ellis, Edward Harvey. 34 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Ellis, Edward Keith. D Ewing, George Winburn. A Ellis, Frederick Warren. D Fagan, George Augustus. A Ellis, George Livingston. A Fagnant, Benjamin. I) Ellis, Robert Hale. A Fahey, James Charles. E Ellis, Sidney Allan. E Fair, John Francis. D Ellis, William Raymond. D Fair, Robert Patrick. A Ellison, George Washington. A Fairbanks, Arthur Willard. D Ellsworth, Samuel Walker. A Fairchild, Courtland de Nor­ A Ellsworth, Victor Albert. mandie. D Elmere, John Alfred. D Fairhurst, O’Connell. D Ely, Richard Skinner. D Fairing, John Walker. D Emerson, Benjamin Kendall, Jr. D Fales, Alonzo Cartland. A Emerson, Charles Sumner. D Falkenbury, Arthur Ezra. D Emerson, Ernest Benjamin. A Fallon, Michael Francis. A Emerson, Francis Patten. D Falvey, Humphrey John. A Emerson, Frederick Lincoln. D Faria, Joao Baptista de. D Emerson, George Edward. A Farley, William Chase. D Emerson, George Short. A Farlow, John Woodford. A Emerson, George Washington. D Farmer, Frank Emerson. A Emerson, Herbert Clark. A Farnham, Charles Chittenden. A Emerson, Nathaniel Waldo. A Farnham, Edwin. D Emerson, Robert Leonard. A Farnham, Mary Eudora. D Emerson, William Robie Patten. C Farnham, John Marshall Wil­ D Emery, George Edwin. loughby. D Emery, Harry Smith. B Farnsworth, Sarah Elizabeth. E Emery, William Campbell. D Farnum, Mary Louise Rolfe. A Emery, William Henry. D Farquhar, William Abercromby A Emery, Winfred Newell. Gordon. D Emmons, Arthur Brewster. A Farr, Edwin Lawson. D Emmons, Henry Manning. D Farrell, George Louis. D Enebuske, Claes Julius. C Farrington, Annie Louise. D , Albert Charles. A Farrington, Leander Morton. A Ensworth, William Howard. A Farwell, George Davis. A Entin, Gilel. E Fassett, Fred Julius. C Erb, Theodore Charles. A Faulkner, Henry Clay. E Erickson, Anna Maria. D Faulkner, William Edward. A Ermentrout, Sallie Justinia. A Faunce, . A Ernst, Harold Clarence. I) Fawcett, Deborah. D Erving, William Gage. A Faxon, Eudora Meade. D Eskelin, Karolina Sidonia. C Faxon, William Lyman. D Estabrook, Charles Taylor. A Faxon, William Otis. D Estes, Fiorella. D Fay, Charlotte Hooker. D Etienne, Arthur Octave, Jr. A Fay, Frank Gleason. E Evans, Albert. A Fay, James Monroe. B Evans, David. D Fay, Joseph Henry. D Evans, John William. A Fay, William Eastman. D Evans, Joseph Harold. D Fearl, Fred Henry. D Evans, Miner Harlow Amos, Jr. E Fearney, Frank Albert. D Eveleth, Charles Wonson. D Fecteau, Adelard. A Eveleth, Edward Smith. E Feeley, Charles Philip. D Eveleth, Fred Shailer. D Feindel, Joseph Creighton. E Everett, Eugene Ellsworth. B Fellows, George Robert. A Everett, Horace Stan wood. D Fenelon, Katherine Agnes. A Everett, James Bradley. D Fennessey, John Francis. A Everett, Oliver Austin. A Fenwick, Joseph Benson. A Everett, Oliver Hurd. A Ferguson, Arthur Bixby. A Everett, Willard Shepard. A Ferguson, Charles John. D Everhard, Eleanora S. D Ferguson, Creighton. C Ewald, Carl Adolph. E Ferguson, Edward Hugh. D Ewing, Edward Hilts. A Ferguson, Hugh. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 35

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Ferguson, Robert Henry. D Flagg, Elisha. A Ferland, Joseph Severin Ernest. C Flagg, Franklin Parkinson. A Fernald, Charles Augustus. B Flagg, Jonathan. D Fernald, Guy Goodwin. A Flagg, Pay son Jonathan. C Fernald, Herbert Elwood. D Flanagan, Peter Joseph. A Fernald, Otis. D Flanders, Alton Leroy. A Fernald, Walter Elmore. A Flanders, Frank Byron. A Ferrari, Francesco Edoardo. D Flanders, Walter Hubert. D Ferris, Phoebe Annie. A Fleet, William Earnest. A Ferry, James Francis. D Fletcher, Robert Swan. A Fesler, Frank Joy. A Fletcher, Robert Whitney. A Fessenden, Charles Hill. A Fletcher, Rosa. A Fessenden, George Russell. A Fletcher, Samuel Ernest. A Fessenden, Joseph Palmer. A Fletcher, Samuel William. A Fewell, Samuel Jackson. A Fletcher, William Kelly. A Fick, Hermann Andrew. D Flett, Penelope McNaughton. D Fickett, Jerome Perley. D Fleming, Margaret Amanda. A Field, Charles Elmer. D Fleming, Patrick Joseph. D Field, Harvey Adams. D Fleming, Peter Joseph. A Field, James Brainerd. D Flemming, Anthony. D Field, Martin Thomas. A Flewelling, Douglas Scovil. A Field, Phinehas Peck. A Flinn, Matthew Bonner. A Field, Susan Hammond. A Flint, Charles Cookeman. A Fillebrown, Charles Dalton. E Flint, Edward Rawson. A Fillebrown, Thomas. A Flint, Omar Alpha. D Finch, Edward Bronson. A Flood, Everett. D Finch, George Hardy. D Flood, Thomas Wilfred. A Finn, Edward William. A Flower, Alfred Hollis. A Finn, James Anthony. A Flower, Richard Charles. D Finnegan, Daniel Joseph. E Flynn, John Edward Leo. A Finnegan, Patrick Joseph. A Flynn, John Joseph. D Fischbein, Louis. D Flynn, John Joseph. D Fish, Ernest Clifford. A Fogerty, Williams Clemmons. D Fish, Louis. A Fogg, Irving Sylvester. A Fish, Ralph Charles. D Fogg, Walter Augustus. A Fisher, Edgar Alexander. A Foley, Timothy John. D Fisher, Irving Jewell. A Foley, Walter James Paul. D Fisher, James Tucker. A Follett, Ammi Ward. A Fisher, Theodore Willis. A Follett, John Atwood. A Fisk, Charles Lee, Jr. D Floyd, Cleaveland. A Fisk, William Willard. A Folsom, Charles Follen. A Fiske, Eustace Lincoln. A Fontaine, Marc. D Fiske, Harlo Adoniram. C Fontaine, Henri Theophile. A Fitch, Edward Doolittle. A Forbes, Charles Holt. D Fitch, Ralph Boswell. E Forbes, Edwin Bannister. D Fitts, Alston. A Forbes, George Foster. A Fitz, George Wells. A Forbes, Henry Gordon. A Fitz, Reginald Heber. A Forbush, Albert Waldo. * D Fitzgerald, Charles Francis. B Ford, Daniel Frink. D Fitzgerald, Clara Pauline. A Ford, John Francis. A Fitzgerald, James Bernard. D Ford, Michael Angelo. D Fitzgerald, John Joseph. B Forrest, Josephine Winifred. D Fitzgerald, Maurice Edward, Jr. D Forster, Robert William. D Fitzgerald, Thomas Patrick. A Fortin, Julian Elz&ir. D Fitzgerald, Yance Lee. D Fosgate, Elmer Gilman. A Fitz-Hugli, John Alexander. D Foskett, Eben. D Fitzpatrick, John Joseph. A Foskett, George Mason. A Fitzsimmons, Philip Mansfield. E Foss, Alvin Warren. A Flagg, Alpheus Dexter Smith. A Foss, David. A Flagg, Edwin Barber. A Foss, John William. 36 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

E Fobs, Percy Harold. A French, Winslow Burrell. A Foss, Warren Sartwell. D Friedman, Leo Victor. A Foster, Charles Chauncy. E Frietas, José Carlos de. D Foster, Clarendon Atwood. B Frink, Charles Tatman. A Foster, Edwin Scott. D Frink, Claude Augustine. E Foster, Ellis Edwin. D Frink, Lewis James. A Foster, Frank Albert. A Frisbie, Jesse Franklin. E Foster, Frank Brooks. A Frissell, Edward Merle. D Foster, George Benjamin. A Frizzell, Seraph. A Foster, George Emory. B Frost, Charles Chauncy. A Foster, Horace Kendall. A Frost, Edward Clayton. A Foster, James Milton. D Frost, Flora Eva. A Foster, James Richards. D Frost, Horace Bird. D Foster, Louis Everett. D Frost, Samuel Kapp. D Foster, Matthias Lanckton. A Frost, Woodbury George. E Foster, William Augustus. D Frothingham, Charles Benjamin. D Foster, Winifred Smith. A Frothingham, James Edward. D Fountain, Oliver Reynolds. D Frumson, Lazarus. A Fountaine, Felix Dydime. A Fry, Charles Wilson. D Fournier, Arthur. A Frye, Charles Marshall. C Fourtin, Edmund Randolph A Frye, Edmund Bailey. Peaslee. A Fryer, Winson Farnum. A Fox, William Yale. B Fuller, Amos Warren. A Foye, Charles Frederick. D Fuller, Charles Benjamin. A Frame, Joseph. A Fuller, Daniel Hunt. C Francis, Adeline Eliza. D Fuller, Elmer Ellsworth. A Francis, Carteton Shurtleff. D Fuller,. Ernest Page. A Francis, George Ebenezer. D Fuller, Etheridge Ide. A Francis, George Hills. D Fuller, Frank Boutelle. A Francis, Tappan Eustis. A Fuller, Frederick Henry. A Francois, Edward Albert Louis. B Fuller, George Albion. A Franfaglia, Gabriéle. A Fuller, George Ephraim. D Frankel, Charles Louis. A Fuller, James Robert. B Franks, Baron. D Fuller, Solomon Carter. A Franz, Adolph. B Fuller, Walter Tracy. A Fraser, Donald Allan. D Fullerton, Walter Wilson. A Fraser, John Chisholm. D Fulton, George Herbert. D Fraser, Margaret Ethel Victoria. D Furniss, Maud Granger. D Fraser, Roderick. E Furrer, Arnold Frotcham. D Fraser, William Leslie. A Fyfe, Thomas Tass. E Frasier, Joseph Anthony. D Gabier, George Lewis, Jr. B Fréchette, Clément. D Gaboury, Henri Tancrede. E Fre ed m an, Louis Mark. A Gaertner, Alexander. A Freeman, Franklin Willard. D Gaffney, James Francis. A Freeman, Frederick Augustus. A Gaffney, John Patrick. D Freeman, George Franklin. A Gaffney, Henry Joseph. A Freeman, Russell Ballou. D Gafney, Harry Dabol. A ^Freeman, Simon Augustus. A Gage, Edward Franklin. A French, Alfred Joseph. A Gage, Homer. A French, Charles Austin. A Gage, James Arthur. A French, Charles Ephraim. A Gage, Thomas Ilovey. A French, Charles Henry. D Gageby, Lenore Hamilton. A French, Charles Lindol. A Gaggioli, Girolamo. A French, Charles Peaslee. A Gahan, Edward William. D French, Edward Henry. D Gahan, Myles Joseph. A French, George Henry. D Gahan, Patrick Francis. D French, John Innés. D Gaidzakyan, Olian. A French, John Marshall. D Gaillardet, Philippe. E French, Towneley Thorndike. B Galbenewetz, Benjamin Goth. D French, Warren Kilburn. A Gale, George Washington. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 37

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Gale, Harold Adams. A Gavin, Patrick Freebern. B Gallagher, James Thomas. A Gay, Almon De Bois. D Gallagher, John Henry. A Gay, A rthur Park. D Gallagher, John Vincent. D Gay, Clarence Bertram. D Gallagher, . D Gay, Fritz Walter. D Gallagher, William Howard. A Gay, George Washington. D Gallant, Isidore. A Gay, Ellen Angeline Kidder Hutch­ A Galligan, Edward Francis. inson. D Galligan, Edward Joseph. E Gay, Herbert Seymour. C Galligan, Eugene Thomas. B Gay, Mary Cochran. A Gallison, Ambrose John. A Gay, Warren Fisher. A Gallison, . E Gay, William Frederick. A Gallison, Jefferson Cushing. D Gay, WTilliam Madison. A Gallivan, William Joseph. A Gaylord, John Flavel. A Galloupe, Benjamin Franklin. E Gaylord, William Avery. A Galloupe, Charles William. A Geddes, Peter Spearce Walker. A Galloupe, Isaac Francis. D Gehring, Norman John. D Galvin, Augustus Hughes. A Gelineau, Charles William. A Galvin, George William. A Gelineau, Ovila Clément. A Galvin, William. A Gendron, Joseph Alexander. E Gammell, Samuel. A Gendron, Joseph Etienne. A Gannett, William Whitworth. D Generalis, Demosthenes John. A Gannon, Annie Margaret. A Genereux, Joseph Albérie. B Gannon, Anna Maria. A Genereux, Joseph Oliver. A Garceau, Edgar. D George, Arthur Phillips. A Gardiner, Perley Forest. D George, Frank William. D Gardner, Archibald Robert. A George, Oscar Fowler. D Gardner, Charles Wesley. D Germain, Harry Homer. A Gardner, Clarence Rhodolphus. A Gerould, Joseph Bowditch. D Gardner, David Moulton. A Gerry, Edwin Peabody. A Gardner, Edward Everett. D Gerstein, Morris. A Gardner, Frank Augustine. D Gerin-Lajoie, Mederic Thomas. A Gardner, George Henry. B Gertz, William Henry. D Gardner, Harry Milton. A Gervais, Emery. A Gardner, William Wallace. A Getchell, Albert Colby. A Garey, Charles Wendell. C Getchell, Stillman Perry. B Garfield, John. D Gibbons, Lister. A Gariepy, Joseph Camille. E Gibbons, Sherwin. A Garland, Albert Stone. A Gibbs, Howard Augustine. D Garland, Cornelius Nathaniel. D Gibbs, Joseph Addison. D Garland, Frederick Eugene. A Gibbs, Linnaeus Victor. D Garland, George Franklin. A Gibbs, Lucero Jackson. A Garland, George Minot. A Gibbs, Samuel Whelpley. A Garland, Guy W. D Gibbs, Susan Burley Harris. A Garland, Joseph Everett. A Gibby, Isabel Parker. A Garmon, John Oscar. A Giblin, Frank Joseph. A Garneau, Joseph Pierre Alphonse. A Gibson, Arthur Allen. D Garrett, Frank Steele. B Gibson, Elwyn Deloss. A Garrigan, Thomas James. E Gibson, Robert Francis. A Gary, Clara Emerette. A Gidman, Bramwell Carvosso. D Gatchell, David Harris. A Gifford, Benjamin Dods. D Gates, Ernest A. A Gifford, Fred Hooker. D Gates, George Cushman Coleman. A Gifford, John Henry. A Gates, George WTellesley. D Gifford, Nathaniel Howland. D Gates, James Moseley. A Giguere, Joseph. B Gauthier, Franklin. A Gilbert, Aurelia Eliza. A Gavin, George Freebern. A Gilbert, Daniel Dudley. A Gavin, John Harrison. D Gilbert, Frank Leslie. E Gavin, Joseph Leo. A Gilbert, John. A Gavin, Michael Freebern. D Gilbert, Louis Whitmore. 38 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE [Jan

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

E Gilchrist, Charles Robert. A Goodwin, Charles Otis. A Gildee, James Bennett. D Goodwin, Edward Everett. A Gile, John Martin. D Goodwin, Elmer Ellsworth. B Gilfether, Frank Emmet. A Goodwin, George Erving. D Gilflllan, Donald Robert. D Goodwin, Harold Carl. C Gilflllan, Thomas. A Goodwin, James Joseph. D Gill, Mary Eva. A Goodwin, Richard James Plumer. D Gillard, Arthur Ernest. A Goodwin, Tirzah Eveline. A Gillespie, John. A Goodwin, Wilford Watson. D Gillette, Claudius Wesley. A Goray, James Philip. D Gillette, George William. A Gordon, John Alexander. D Gillingham, Horace Porter. A Gordon, Miles Remond. A Gilman, Eugene Albert. C Gordon, Stephen Masury. D Gilman, Frank Madison. A Gorham, Frederic Croswell. A Gilman, Warren Randall. D Gorham, George Hartley. D Gilmartin, Albert Edward. D Gorman, John William. C Ginn, David Richards. D Gormly, Harry Hemming. E Girard, Leopold Adolphe. A Gorshel, Richard. D Girdner, John Harvey. A Goss, Arthur Vincent. A Girouard, Simeon Joseph. A Goss, Francis Webster. D Girouard, Joseph Arthur. A Gottschalk, William von. D Giroux, Charles. D Goyer, Joseph Rodolphe. A Giroux, Joseph Raymond. D Gould, Alfred Henry. A Glancy, Charles Augustine. A Gould, Charles Asahel. B Glancy, William Carte Minnette. A Gould, Clarke Storer. A Glazier, Frederick Prentiss. D Gould, Chester Harlow. D Gleason, Benjamin Whitney. B Gould, Forrest Burton. A Gleason, Charles Sherman. A Gould, Frank Moriah. D Gleason, Edward Francis. F Gould, Joshua Baylev. A Gleason, Edwin Putnam. D Goulding, Timothy Francis. E Gleason, George Hathaway. D Grace, Ralph. A Gleason, Mardis Edward. E Grady, Eliza. D Gleason, Willis Webster. E Grady, Henry Matthew. A Glendenning, Robert Thompson. B Grady, John William. A Glennon, Michael. A Grady, Joseph William. E Glidden, Howard Kenneth. D Grady, Patrick Anthony Salmon. A Gobron, Louis Constant. D Grad}*, Thomas Henry. D Goddard, Abigail Elma. A Graham, Douglas. D Goddard, Henry Edward. D Graham, Maria Louise. A Goddard, Josiali Hamilton. D Grainger, Edward John. A Godfrey, Joseph Witter. A Grainger, William Henry. D Godfrey, Thomas Francis. D Grandison, Wilfred George. A Godin, Joseph. D Granger, Eugene Norton. E Golden, Lazarus. E Granger, Frank Butler. A Golden, Michael Charles. A Granger, Frank Clark. A Goldtliwait, Joel Ernest. D Granger, Karle Henry. A Goldthwaite, Seth Vale. A Grant, James Henry. A Goodale, George Lincoln. A Grant, James Henry. A Goodale, Joseph Lincoln. A Grant, William Herbert. D Goodall, Ellis Leon. D Grant, William Victor. D Goodall, Harry Winfred. D Graves, Benjamin Augustus. D Goodall, Henry Skinner. E Graves, Frederick Clinton. A Goodell, George Zina. D Graves, Robert John. D Goodenow, Daniel. E Graves, Walter John. A Gooding, Emma Jeanette. D Graves, William Phillips. A Goodman, Nathan Mark. D Gray, Alice Maude. A Goodman, Samuel. A Gray, Charles Henry. D Goodrich, Harriet Rawson. D Gray, Elizabeth Taylor. D Goodridge, Frederick James. A Gray, George Henry. A Goodspeed, Helen Amanda. E Gray, Hugh Barr. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 39

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

A Gray, Robert Williams. A Guild, Edgar Hunt. D Greany, Annie Gertrude. A Guild, Edward Frank. E Greaves, John George. D Guild, Thomas Ezra. A Greeley, William Henry. D Guiler, Robert Workman. D Green, Abraham. D Guilshan, Joseph John. A Green, Charles Montraville. D Guimond, Omer. A Green, Györe. D Gulick, Luther Halsey. A Green, John Orne. A Gunning, Thomas Francis. A Green, Milbrey. A Gunter, Fred Berkeley. A Green, Thomas William. A Guptill, Ira Clark. D Greenaugh, Robert Battey. A Guptill, Lucian Hayden. E Greene, Daniel Crosby, Jr. D Gurley, Revere Randolph. A Greene, Edward Miller. D Guy, Walter Bryant. D Greene, Eva Keith. D Gwin, Robert Campbell. A Greene, Frank Alonzo. D Haché, Henry Clement. A Greene, Frank Eugene. A Haddock, Charles Whitney. A Greene, llarrie William. E Hagen-Burger, Gothfried Leon­ A Greene, James Sumner. hard. A Greene, Jared Alonzo. A Ilagopian, Sarkis Morkir. D Greene, Ransom Alphonso. A Hahn, Ammi Rahamah. A Greene, Ray Woodville. D Haig, Andrew Atchison. A Greene, Robert Anderson. D Haines, Ignatius. A Greene, Thomas Francis. A Hale, Edward Preston. D Greene, William Addison. A Hale, Edwin Emery. D Greene, William Henry. B Hale, George Carleton. D Greenfield, Melvin L. D Hale, Robert Carleton. A Greenleaf, George Walter. D Hale, William. A Greenleaf, John Ruggles. B Hale, William Alonzo. A Greenleaf, Richard Cranch. E Hale, Willis Le Baron. D Greenough, Clara Mary. C Hall, Charles Brackett. A Greenwood, Allen. D Hall, Charles Francis Adams. D Greenwood, A rthur Moses. A Hall, Charles Henry. A Greenwood, Sewell Elliott. D Hall, Fred Augustus. A Gregg, John Argelo. D Hall, Gardner Wells. B Gregoire, Albert. A Hall, George Clifton. A Grieumard, George Augustus. D Hall, Herbert James. B Griffin, Alva James. D Hall, Harry Porter. A Griffin, Arthur George. E Hall, James Frank. D Griffin, Frederic Stanley. D Hall, James Sanberg. A Griffin, Louise Amanda. D Hall, John Baptiste, Jr. D Griffin, Nathan Leroy. A Hall, Mahlon Freeborn. D Griffin, W alter Alden. A Hall, Newbert Jackson. A Griffith, John Auckland. D Hall, Rufus Hacker. D Griffith, Thomas Richards. D Hall, Walter Davis. D Griffiths, Albert Farnsworth. A Hall, Walter Langdon. E Grimes, James Henry. D Hall, William. D Grimes, Warren Parker. A Hall, . A Grinfield-Coxwell, John Edward. A Hallett, Edward Bangs. B Grise, Herman Pierre. A Hallett, Walter Lewis. D Griswold, Merton Lyman. D llalligan, Edward Maurice. A Groll, Edward Wright. A Halloran, Michael Joseph. E Groppner, Max Carl. E Halloran, Timothy Joseph. D Gross, Hermann Williams. A Ilallowell, Clement Howard. D Grossman, Max. A Ilallowell, Henry Carleton. A Grouard, John Shackford. C Halpin, Andrew James. D Grover, Arthur Leon. D Halsall, Mary Elizabeth. D Grovestein, William Pride. D Halsted, Alfred Thompson. A Grow, Timothy Rose. A Halsey, Frederick Wadsworth. A Gruver, Samuel James. D Ham, William Addison. A Guertin, Auguste. D Hamblen, Edward Everett. 40 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Hamblen, Howard. D Harriman, Cora Elizabeth. D Hamilton, Annie Lee. D Harriman, David Eugene. E Hamilton, Edward Sylvester. A Harriman, James Lang. D Hamilton, Robert De Lancey. D Harriman, Perley. A Hamilton, Theodore Erskine. A Harriman, Samuel Knight. D Hamilton, William Francis. A Harrington, Arthur Hudson. D Hamlin, William Edward. A Harrington, Charles. A Hammersley, Jonathan Beadmore. D Harrington, Charles Woodbury. A Hammond, Allen Dexter. A Harrington, Francis Bishop. A Hammond, Lemuel Hodges. A Harrington, Francis Michael. A Hammond, Philip. A Harrington, Harriet Louisa. D Hammond, Roland. A Harrington, Thomas Francis. D Hammond, William John. D Harrington, Michael William. A Hammond, William Penn. D Harris, Arthur Eugene. A Hands, Anna Carville. D Harris, Charles Edward. A Hands, Herbert Abraham. A Harris, Emanuel. A Handy, Beniamin Jones. A Harris, Francis Augustine. A Handy, Harrie Delmar. A Harris, Georgianna Warren. D Handy, Harry Tucker. E Harris, Samuel Jacob. A Hanley, Francis Joseph. B Harris, Sophia Roper. A Hanley, John Joseph. E Harris, Wilfred Ernest. A Hanlon, Daifiel James. D Harris, William DeBlois. D Hanlon, Joseph Peter. D Harris, William Landow. A Hanna, Edmund Steelman. A narrower, David, Jr. D Hanna, Thomas Francis. B Hart, Charles Oliver. D Ilannaford, Charles William. E Hart, Francis Joseph. A Hannum, James Wilson. A Hart, George Fred. D Ilanscom, Walter Vose. D Hart, Henry Brown. A Hanscom, Sanford. D Hart, James Overton. A Hanson, Frederick Augustus E Hart, Joseph Storer. Tafte. B Hart, Mary Schooumaker. D Hanson, Justus Greely. D Hart, Michael Joseph. A Hanson, William Green. A Ilarte, Richard Hickman. D Hapgood, Lyman Sa win. A Hartley, Henry Alexander Sat- D Harding, Ambrose Hastings. urnise. A Harding, Edward Mitchell. D Hartley, Rebecca Agnes. A Harding, George Franklin. D Hartnett, Edward Daniel. D Harding, Walter Allen. D Hartshorn, Edward. A Harding, Wilbur Fisk. D Ilartung, Harry Hall. D Hardwick, Everett Vinton. D Hartwell, Arthur Spear. A Hardy, Charles Silenus. A Hartwell, Benjamin Hall. D Hare, Andrew Jackson. A Hartwell, Edward Mussey. A Hare, Charles Henry. D Hartwell, Harry Fairbanks. D Hare, William Andrew. D Hartwell, William Winn. B Hargrove, Alfred. B Harvey, Alvah. B Hargrove, Frances Flora. A Harvey, Edwin Bayard. B Hargrove, Sidney Bulwer. B Harvey, Elvira Adelaide E Harkins, Cornelius Patrick, Jr. E Harvey, Frank. A Harkins, Daniel Stanislaus. A Harvey, Frank T. D Harkins, John Francis. A Harvey, Henry Sydney. A Harlow, Corydon Webster. A Harvey, John Franklin. A Harlow, George Arthur. D Harvey, Roland John. A Harlow, Granville Albert. A Harvey, Walter Emerson. A Harlow, Harriet Susan. D Harvey, William Wirt. A Harlow, John Martyn. A Harwood, Charles Hamant. D Harman, Austin Roy. D Hasbrock, Ira Daniel. A Harmon, Byron Richmond. D Haskell, Harris Bigelow. A Harmon, Melville Alphonzo. A Haskell, Henry Hill. D Harper, Alfred Alfonso. D Haskell, Lyman George. A Harriman, Charles Henry. A Haskell, Nelson Cary. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 41

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

D Haskins, Frank Eugene. A Heald, William Frederick. D Haskins, Frank Henry. D Healy, Daniel Laurence. A Haskins, Solomon Foot. A Healy, James Joseph. A Haslam, Frank Alden. D Healy, John Aloysius. A Hassett, John Joseph. D Healy, Thomas Raymond. A Hastings, Caroline Eliza. A Heard, John Theodore. B Hastings, Frank Josiah. E Heard, Mary Ann. D Hastings, . D Hearn, Walter Lawrence. A Hastings, Judson Worthington. B Heath, Abbie Knowlton Marden. A Hastings, Robert Worthington. D Heath, Edward Allen. A Hatch, Anselm Dimmic. A Heath, Joseph Webster. ✓ D Hatch, Edward Sparhawk. D Heath, Newton Emmer. D Hatch, George Stephen. D Heaton, Thomas Henry. D Hatch, Leonard Francis. A Hebbard, Ellery Cola. A Hatchett, William Josephus. A Ilebbert, Charles Alfred. E Hatfield, Hugh Kerr. D Hébert, Georges. A Hathaway, Clarence Lockwood. A Hedenberg, James. D Hathaway, George Stimson. A Heffern, Patrick William. D Hathaway, John Gael. D Heffernan, David Aloysius. B Hathaway, . A Heigham, Jabez William. A Hathaway, Sarah Lewis. D Hemeon, Frederick Chipman. A Hathaway, William Fales. D Hendee, Leslie Horatio. A Ilaub, Augustine Catherine. A Henderson, Charles Russell. D Haviland, Nathaniel Clark Bacon. D Henderson, George Dallas. D Hawes, Alfred Taylor. D Henderson, Lawrence Joseph. A .Hawes, Edward Everett. A Henderson, Pinckney Marion. D Hawes, John Bromham, 2d. A Hendrickson, Charles Damarin. A Hawes, Joseph Quinnum. D Ilenin, Chaim Chaimor. E Hawkes, Charles Eleazer. A Ilenion, John Briggs. B Hawkins, Horatio Gates. B Henotte, Constant. A Hawks, Alfred Joseph. A Henry, John Goodrich. A Hawks, Esther Hill. E Herbert, Edward. A Hay, Gustav us. A Herrick, Edward Barton. D Hay, Joseph Smyser. A Herrick, Joseph Thomas. D Hayden, Lewis Brooks. E Herrick, Timothy George. A Hayes, Albert Hamilton. D Herrick, Van Buren. D Hayes, Blanche Adelyn. A Hersey, Freeman Clark. D Hayes, David Patrick. D Hess, Peter William. D Hayes, Frederick Legro. A lletheringtou, Gilbert Edwin. A Hayes, Irving Benjamin. C Hewes, Henry Fox. B Hayes, John Joseph. A Hewins, Parke Woodbury. A Hayes, Justin Gideon. D Hewitt, Clarence Elbert. A Hayes, Stephen William. D Hewitt, William Oakes. D Hayes, Wentworth Larrabee. D Hews, India Cocliel. D Hayford, Herbert Scott. A Hichborn, Herman Granville. A Haynes, Charles Frederick. A Hickey, Garrett Joseph. D Haynes, Mabel Stevens. D Hickey, John Aloysius. D Hayward, Abner. D Hickey, John Joseph. A Hayward, Joseph Warren. D Hickey, Lawrence Joseph. D Hayward, Walter Barrows. D Hicks, Charles Andrew. D Hayward, William Frank. D Hicks, Elias Peter. C Hayward, George Griswold. A Hicks, Joseph. A Haywood, George William. A Hidden, Charles Walter. A Haywood, Isabel Pridham. A Iligbee, Edwin Wilbur. A Hazard, George Stevens. A Higgins, Frank Albert. A Hazelton, Isaac Hills. D Higgins, Harry Eugene. D Hazen, Robert. A Higgins, Henry Rich. D Hazlett, Olive Binkley. A Higgins, James Hayden. D Ileald, Charles Gerry. B Higgins, John Henry. A Ileald, Joseph Berthelet. B Higginson, Ella Aurilla. REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — Continued.

A Hildreth, John Lewis. A Ilogan, Fremont Lincoln. A Hill, Almon Ward. D Ilogan, Joseph Ambrose. B Hill, Calvin Augustus. A Hogner, Per Gustaf Richard. D Hill, Edgar Dwight. A Iloitt, Eugene Gorham. D Hill, Ernest Lin wood. D Holbrook, Bradbury. D Hill, Eugene Woodbury. A Holbrook, George. C Hill, George Hillard. A Holbrook, Guy. D Hill, George Jackson. B Holbrook, Joseph Edgar. D Hill, George Sumner. A Holbrook, Levi Bradford. D Hill, Ira Clark. A Holbrook, Silas Pinckney. A Hill, Ira Joseph. B Holbrook, Solomon Harding. A Hill, Lucy Clialoner. D Holbrook, Vernon Dayton. B Hill, Mary Janerson. A Holbrook, William Edward. A Hill, Noble Hind. A Holcombe, Charles Clifford. D Hillard, James Pearse. A Holden, Austin. D Hills, Charles Everett. A Holden, Charles Sumner. A Hills, Frederick Lyman. D Holden, Clarence Parnell. A Hills, William Barker. A Holden, Eugene Martin. A Hills, William Henry. D Holden, George Walter. A Hilton, George White field. A Holden, Leonard Preston. D Hilton, John Daniel. E Holden, Nebuther. B Hiltpold, Jacob. A Holden, William Daniel. D llinchcliffe, Harry Palmer. B Holland, Allen Joseph. D Hinchey, Richard. D Holland, Hubert Thomas. D Hinckley, James William. A Holland, James William. A Ilincks, William Sylvanus. D Holland, Robert Ambrose. A Hines, Archelaus Don. D Holland, William Timothy. A Hines, Isaac Bright. D Hollister, Robert Russell. D Hinson, Jacob Miller. D Holmberg, Carl Lester Magnus. A Ilipkiss, George. A Holmes, Alvin Dennett. D Hirchler, Rose. E Holmes, Arthur Brewster. A Hitchcock, Alfred Owen. D Holmes, Benjamin Henry. A Hitchcock, Edward Bigelow. D Holmes, Daniel Henry. A Hitchcock, George Goodwin. E Holmes, Edgar Miller. A Hitchcock, Henry Russell. A Holmes, Harry Bigelow. A Hitchcock, John Sawyer. D Holmes, Harry Clinton. A Hitchcock, Walter Samuel Deane. A Holmes, Horace Marshall. D Hitchcock, William Alvau, Jr. D Holmes, Howard Fowler. E Ilixon, Edwin Colfax. C Holmes, John Parker. A Hoadley, Alfred Henry. D Holmes, Luke Melvin. D Hobart, Austin Walter. B Holmes, Lydia Maria. A Hobart, Mary Forrester. D Holmes, May Salona. D Hobbie, John Remington. D Holmes, William Franklin. A Hobbs, Ezra Allen. A Holmquist, Gustavus. D Hoch, Charles August. D Holohan, Patrick Athanasius. A Hodgdon, Andrew Hall. D Holt, Clifford Parker. D Ilodgdon, Frank Amasa. A Holt, Edward Brown. D Hodgdon, Luther Albion. D Holt, Edward Wells Atwood. D Hodgdon, Ralph Franklin. D Holt, Frank Hammett. B Hodge, Dwight Munson. D Holton, Charles Edward. A Hodges, Almon Danforth. A Holyoke, Frank. E Hodges, Stoughton Fletcher. D Holzman, Joseph. A Hodgson, Mary Cobb. E Homan, John Milton. A Hodgson, Richard. D Homans, John. A Hodgson, Thomas Smithson. A Homer, John. A Hodskins, Edward Bryant. D Hood, Mary Gould. D llodskins, Morgan Brewster. A Hooker, Charles Parker. D lloey, Warren Henry. A Hooker, Edward Dwight. A Hoffman, Gustavus Adolphus. D Hooker, Stuart Van Rensselaer. D lloffses, Granville Ernest. D Iloole, John Edward. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 43

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

A Hooper, Everett Dennison. D Howland, Edgar Joseph. A Hooper, Frederick Hubbard. D Howland, Joseph Briggs. A Hooper, Harriett Pervier. D Ilowlett, Thomas. D Hopkins, Bertrand Hiram. D Hoyt, Dixie George. D Hopkins, Frank Henry. A Hoyt, Edward Malcolm. D Hopkins, Frederick Eugene. A Hoyt, Walter Scott. D Hopkins, Henry Wade. D Huard, Joseph Edouard. A Hopkins, Samuel Augustus. A Hubbard, Charles Thacher. A Hopkins, Stephen Worcester. A Hubbard, Frank Allen. A Hopkins, William Thorpe. A Hubbard, George William. A Horgan, John Augustus. D Hubbard, Joshua Clapp. F Horne, James Metcalfe. A Hubbard, Josiah Clark. E Horne, Lester Wallace. A Hubbard, Osmon Huntley. D Horner, Harriet. A Hubbard, Rufus Peabody. A Hornly, Mary Stamper. A Hubbard, Simeon Pease. A Horr, Albert Winslow. A Hubbard, William Allen. D Horton, Emma Luella. A Hubbell, Adelbert Merton. D Horton, Herbert Bradford. E Iluckins, Theron Howard. D Hoskins, Bertha Ladd. A Hudnut, Frank Parker. A Hosmer, Charles Edward. D Hudnut, Paul Albert. A Hough, Garry de Neuville. E Hudson, Arthur Stanton. A Houghton, Henry Lincoln. D Huehne, Julius. A Houghton, Niedhord Hahnemann. D Hughes, George Frederick, Jr. A Houghton, Silas Arnold. C Hughes, Laura Ann Cleophas. A Houghton, Simon Willard. D Hughes, Patrick James. A Houle, Anselme Ephrem. D Hughes, Rudolph Emmet. A Houle, Joseph. A Hull, Ernest Liverus. A Houston, John Alexander. A Hull, . D Hovey, Robert Ferry. A Hull, William Henry. C Howard, Alonzo Gale. A Hulme, Laura Payne. A II ow a rd , A masa. B Ilulse, Lester Addison. A Howard, Arthur Chadwick. B Humes, Albert Henry. D Howard, Charles James. A Ilunking, Charles Dustin. D Howard, Charles Tilden. D Hunt, Alice Elizabeth Palmer. D Howard, Eugene Henry. A Hunt, Allston Frost. D Howard, Frederic Hollis. A Hunt, Charles Richard. A Howard, George Canning. A Hunt, Daniel Lawrence. A Howard, Herbert Burr. A Hunt, David. D Howard, Joseph Francis. D Hunt, Ernest Leroi. A Howard, Margaret Emily Pagelsen. A Hunt, George. D Howard, Perez Briggs. A Hunt, George Eddy. A Howe, Elsie Brewster. D Hunt, George Pratt. A Howe, Francis Augustine. A Hunt, Israel Thorndike. A Howe, George Joseph. A II unt, Joh n Abram. D Howe, Harry Newell. A Hunt, Lemuel Judson. A Howe, James Sullivan. C Hunt, Otis Eugene. D Howe, Joseph Dimock. F Hunt, Simeon. D Howe, Martha Annie. A Hunt, . A Howe, Octavius Thorndike. D Hunt, William West. A Howe, Oliver Hunt. A Hunt, William Otis. D Howe, Walter Clarke. D Hunt, Wilson Eugene. E Howe, Winfred Lewis. D Hunter, Edwin Norman McLeod. B Howell, Ella Virginia. D Hunter, Henry John. D Howell, Harry Warfield. A Hunting, Nathaniel Stevens. D Howell, Thomas. D Huntington, Thomas Marshall. D Howell, William Wescott. A Huntoon, Hazen Prescott. A Howes, Clarence Linden. A Huntress, Leonard. A Howes, Pitts Edwin. D Hurd, Albert Gordon. A Howland, Barker Cushman. A Hurd, Alonzo L. D Howland, Clarence Eugene. A Hurd, George Platt. REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan,

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — C o n tin u e d .

D Hurd, Randolph Campbell. A Jackson, John Henry. A Hurd, William Weymouth. D Jackson, John Patrick. C Hurley, Daniel Bartholomew. D Jackson, Oliver Howard. A Hurley, Daniel Madison. D Jackson, Osceola E. E Hurley, John Joseph. A Jackson, Ralph Wentworth. D Hurley, Patrick Eugene. A Jackson, Samuel Hahnemann. A Hurtubise, Louis Francis Ath- D Jackson, William Andrew, Jr. agnase. A Jackson, William Benjamin. D Hurwitz, Abraham Joseph. A Jackson, William Leavitt. C Huse, George Wood. E Jacobs, Charles Michael. D Hussey, Charles Bumps. D Jacques, Joseph Alexander Dam- E Hussey, Edward John. bourges. A Husted, Louise Akerly. D Jacques, Louis Désire Onesiphore. B Hutchings, Charles William. A Jacques, Napoleon. A Hutchings, Joseph Henry. A Jaffe, James Arthur. A Hutchings, George Henry. A James, Frances Celicia. D Hutchins, Guy Howard. D James, Howard. D Hutchins, Henry Talbot. D James, Joseph Francis. A Hutchinson, Charles Martin. D James, Lucille Amanda. A Hutchinson, Chessman Palmer. J B James, Woodbury Dyer. A Hutchinson, Claribel Merrill. B Jameson, Robert Edwin. A Hutchinson, Edwin Darius. A Janes, George Herbert. A Hutchinson, Marcello. A Janson-La-Palme, Rodolphe B Hutchinson, Nelson Vinal. Gaspard. D Hutchinson, Walter Perkins. A Jaques, Henry Percy. D Huyck, Clifford John. A Jarvis, William Furness. D Hyatt, Harry William. D Jeffers, Edward. D Hyde, Frederick Tanquary. A Jefferson, Herbert Perry. A Hyde, George Smith. D Jefferson, Willis Grover. D Hyde, James Samuel. A Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. D Ide, Henry Clay, 2d. D Jelalian, Hairabed S. D Ide, Philip Sheridan. ( B Jelen, Henry. A Ilsley, Frederick Roscoe. A Jelenkiewicz, Jacob. A Inches, Charles Edward. A Jelly, Arthur Carlton. A Ingalls, George Hancock. A Jelly, George Frederick. D Ingham, Lucius Thomas. A Jenckes, Joseph Franklin. E Ingoldsby, Joseph Emmanuel. B Jenkins, Charles Dunsford. A Ingraham, Lena Vaughn. A Jenkins, Charles Edwin. A Ingram, Mary Petronella de Booij. A Jenkins, George Oscar. A Irish, John Carroll. E Jenkins, Gladstone Lawson. A Irvine, William Herbert. A Jenkins, Thomas Lincoln. D Irving, John James. A Jenks, Harrison Darling. D Irwin, Vincent Joseph. D Jenness, Burt Franklin. A Jack, Edwin Everett. A Jenness, Sarah Abbie. A Jack, Ernest Sanford. A Jenney, Arthur Barker. A Jack, Frederick Lafayette. D Jennings, Curtis Herman. D Jack, Lewis Harlow. D Jennings, Robert. A Jack, Robert. A Jernegan, Holmes Mayhew. D Jackman, Alice May. D Jernegan, Walter Stewart. D Jackson, Alexander Washington. A Jewett, Fred Bryce. C Jackson, Alton Atwell. A Jewett, Frederick Augustus. A Jackson, Amos Messer. A Jewett, Howard Clifton. A Jackson, Charles William. A Jewett, Nathaniel. A Jackson, Cornelius Sampson. C Jewett, Walter Kendall. D Jackson, Fred Kinney. A Jillson, Franklin Campbell. A Jackson, Fred William. A Johnson, Charles Frederic. E Jackson, Gertrude Pearson. D Johnson, Charles Kimball. A Jackson, Henry. B Johnson, Charles Lemuel. D Jackson, Howard Bigelow. D Johnson, David Joseph. A Jackson, James Marsh. A Johnson, Edward Stearns. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 45

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

C Johnson, Elmore Reuben. D Jordan, William Henry. E Johnson, Erik St. John. C Joslin, Elliott Proctor. A Johnson, Francis Emerson. D Joslin, Perry Edward. C Johnson, Frank Mackie. D Joslin, Samuel Lees. A Johnson, Frederick William. A Josselyn, Eli Edwards. D Johnson, George Anson. D Jouett, Fred Robert. D Johnson, Grahame Dove. E Journeay, Warren William. E Johnson, Granville Roswell. A Joyce, Charles Pitt Fid. D Johnson, Harold Abbott. D Joyce, James Henry. D Johnson, Herbert Shattuck. A Joyce, Thomas Francis. A Johnson, John Gore. A Judah, Lucian Alexander. D Johnson, John Herbert. A Judd, David Hiram. A Johnson, John Waldo. E Judge, Albert Augustine. A Johnson, Orville Edson. B Judge, James Daniel. A Johnson, Otis Henry. D Judkins, Anna Gertrude. D Johnson, Peer Prescott. A Judkins, Frank Luvelle. A Johnson, Sara. D Junkins, Helen McDuffeQ. A Johnson, Stephen Joseph. A Kaan, George Warton. D Johnson, Walter Sydney. A Kahn, Alexander. A Johnson, William Augustus. D Kahn, Paul. A Johnson, William Louis. D Kahn, Wulf. D Johnston, Reuben Thomas. D Kalousdian, Nazareth Manoug. D Johnston, William. A Kane, John Henry. A Johnstone, William Joseph. D Kapp, Julia Seaton. D Jones, Arthur Wilis. A Karner, Edwin Belden. A Jones, Charles David. D Katsainos, George Michel. A Jones, Claude Perry. D Kazanjian, Ilampar Baghoss. D Jones, Daniel Fiske. A Kean, Louise Janett Darnstaedt. A Jones, Daniel Wayland. D Keaney, Henry Joseph. A Jones, Elbert Archer. C Keany, Francis Joseph. A Jones, Elgin Wilbur. E Kearney, John Henry. A Jones, Ellis Preston. E Keate, Walter. D Jones, Everett. A Keating, James Edward. E Jones, Francis Joseph. D Keay, Harry Chester. D Jones, Frederick Ellis. D Keck, Charles Erhard. D Jones, Frederick Elmer. A Keefe, Daniel Edward. A Jones, George Howard. A Keefe, Patrick Henry. A Jones, George Warren. A Keegan, Charles Andrew. A Jones, Gilbert Norris. A Keegan, Vincent Elijah. D Jones, Harold Wellington. D Keeler, William Basil. D Jones, James Arthur. A Keenan, Herbert John. A Jones, John Clark. D Keene, Charles Herbert. B Jones, John Paul. A Keep, Charles Manning. D Jones, John Thomas Paul. A Keife, Carolyn Ignasce. A Jones, Joseph. A Keir, Erskine Johnston. A Jones, Lombard Carter. D Keisker, Laura. A Jones, Lyman Asa. A Keith, Ellen Louisa. A Jones, Mary Elizabeth. A Keith, Frederick Scott. D Jones, Mary Scott. A Keith, George Wallace. D Jones, Raymond Child. D Keith, Halbert Lynn. D Jones, Seth Warner. A Keith, Wallace Cushing. A Jones, Sophia Carlton. A Kelelier, Francis Joseph. D Jones, Wellington West. A Keleher, William Henry. A Jones, William Marks. D Kellelier, Patrick Francis. A Jordan, Charles. A Keller, Elizabeth Catherine. A Jordan, Charles Harold. D Keller, William Johnson. D Jordan, Ernest Major. E Kelley, Daniel Joseph. A Jordan, George Albert. A Kelley, Horatio Sprague, Jr. A Jordan, Henry Jacob. D Kelley, John Thomas. D Jordan, John Franklin. A Kelley, Joseph Henry. 46 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

D Kelley, Joseph Henry Ilart. A Kimball, William George. A Kelley, Michael Joseph. A Kimpton, Edwin Sewell. A Kelley, Seth Wight. A King, Calvin Bryant. E Kelley, Walter Henry. B King, Charles Duncan. D Kelliher, Mayville Sumpter. C King, Frederick Augustine. A Kelliher, Michael William. D King, Howard Frost. A Kellogg, Edward Brinley. D King, James Aldrich. E Kellogg, Emery Campbell. D King, Jesse. A Kellogg, Frederic Leroy. D King, John William. A Kelly, Michael. D King, Maxwell Benedict. A Kelly, Samuel James. D King, Myron Louis. D Kelly, Thomas Francis. A King, Nathaniel Clark. D Kelly, William Dugan. D King, Sarah Ella. A Kelly, William P. C King, William Rufus. A Kelsey, Otis Hiland. A Kingman, James Henry. A Kemp, Edwin Augustine. A Kingman, Rufus Anderson. C Kennard, Harry Delano. A Kingsbury, Albert Dexter. D Kenealy, Joseph Henry. A Kingsbury, Charles Franklin. A Kennealy, John Henry. E Kingsbury, Charles Henry. D Kennelly, Julia Grice. A Kingsbury, Joseph Byron. A Kennedy, Alexander Edward. A Kingsbury, Charles Langdon. D Kennedy, Alexander G. A Kingsley, Charles. A Kennedy, Alonzo Lewis. D Kingsley, Patrick Joseph. A Kennedy, Catherine Moloney. D Kinlocli, Raymond Alexander. A Kennedy, Charles Francis Joseph. A Kinne, George Lyman. D Kennedy, Eugene Augustine. A Kinney, Eunice Draper. A Kennedy, Frederick William. A Kinney, John Edgar. A Kennedy, George Golding. D Kinney, William D’Arcy. D Kennedy, Harris. A Kinnier, Denis Francis. A Kennedy, James Simon. E Kinsley, Cephas Daniel. D Kennedy, Michael Colville. D Kinsman, Henry Francis. D Kennedy, Thomas Francis. D Kirby, Francis Joseph. B Kennedy, Thomas Patrick. D Kirby, Frank Alonzo. A Kenney, Franklin Woodbury. D Kirby, Holder Crary. D Kenney, Hattie Eliza. D Kirby, James Richard. D Kenuey, John Erie. D Kirby, Nathaniel Harris. D Kenniston, William Beaman. A Kirby, Thomas Edward. D Kennon, Charles Edward de Yen. A Kirk, Lucy Anne. D Kent, Bradford. D Kirshner, Adelaide Rosalind. B Kent, Daniel Hurley. D Kite, Walter Chester. A Kenyon, l enry Jesse. A Kittredge, Joseph. A Keown, James Archibald. A Kittredge, Thomas. D Kepler, Charles Ober. A Klein, August Andreas. D Kernan, William Everett. A Klemmer, Denis Francis. D Kerr, Isabella Dickieson. A Klemmer, Wilhelm Nickolaus. D Kerrigan, James Thomas. D Klopp, Henry Irwin. D Kershner, Warren Edglie. A Kludjian, Assadour Hagot. D Kilbourn, Arthur Goss. A Knapp, Philip Coombs, Jr. A Kilburn, Henry Whitman. D Kneeland, Wellington Edward. A Kilby, Henry Sherman. E Knickerbocker, Percy Gates. A Kiley, Edward Stephen. A Knight, Augustus Smith. F Kilgore, George Liberty. D Knight, Charles Eugene. E Ivillory, George Leo. E Knight, Charles Lewis. A Kilroy, Philip. D Knight, Charles Storer. D Kimball, Alice Laviuia. A Knight, Charles Sumner. D Kimball, James Henry. D Knight, Edwin Augustus. A Kimball, Joseph Edwin. E Knight, Frank Henry. A Kimball, Leonard Morong. A Knight, Frederick Irving. A Kimball, i.evi Houghton. A Knight, Granville. A Kimball, Samuel Ayer. A Knight, Henry Sargent. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 47

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M f.d ic in e — C o n tin u e d .

D Knight, Howard Webster. D Landers, Maurice Joseph. A Knight, Joseph Noble. B Landis, Lillian Etta. A Knight, Marcus Whitney. A Landry, Napoleon. B Knight, William Henry Anderson. A Lane, Albert Clarence. A Knowles, James Harris. A Lane, Charles Franklin. E Knowles, Robert Keneborough A Lane, Edward Binney. Black. A Lane, Francis Augustus. A Knowles, William Fletcher. D Lane, Frank Ellsworth. A Knowles, William Kelley. B Lane, Ida Ella Hale. A Knowlton, Charles Davison. A Lane, John Goodwin. A Knowlton, Herbert Eugene. A Lane, Orville Wilbur. D Knowlton, John Greenleaf Whittier. A Lane, Robert Low. A Knowlton, Wallace Mills. D Lane, Walter Appleton. D Knowlton, William Thomas. B Lane, William Colton. D Koch, James Lafayette. D Lang, Herbert Bowman. B Kolian, Alexander. D Langan, John Thomas. D Konikow, Antonia Frederica. A Langevin, Joseph Alphonse. A Konikow, Moses Joseph. A Langlois, Joseph Augustin. D Koplowitz, Abraham. D Langlois, William Edward. A Krauss, James. A Langmaid, Samuel Wood. A Krebs, Franz Hugo. D Langworthy, Henry Glover. B Kronberger, Israel Baruch. I) Lambert, John Francis. D Krum, Frank Wilson. D Lamphear, Charles Howard. D Kurth, Gustave Emil. B Lanman, Charles Henry. D La Belle, Martin James. A Lanoie, Joseph Eusibe Eugene D Labelle, TJrgele. D Lanone, Alphonse. E Lacaillade, James Oliver. D Lapham, George Nelson. D Lachance, Alfred Phileas. A Large, Alfred. E Ladd, Fred Eugene. B Larkeque, Garret Bancroft D Ladd, Joseph Howard. Breckinbridge. D Ladd, Maynard. D Larrabee, Herbert Manson. D Ladd, Samuel Tilden. D Larrabee, Ralph Clinton. D Lafontaine, Gustave. E Latham, Benoni Mowry. A Laforce, Edward Dontial. A Latham, Caroline Augusta. B L’African, Eugène. A Lathe, Leonora Fletcher. A Laidley, John Baine. A Lathrop, William Henry. D Laighton, Florence Marion. A Latter, Leonard. D Laird, Arthur Turner. D Latterner, Frederick Henry. A Lake, Hiram. B Laurence, David. D Lake, John, Jr. D Laurin, Tlieophilus. C Lakeman, Mary Ropes. D Laurion, Adelard. D Lally, Francis Henry. D Lavellee, George Omer. D Lamagna, Domenico. D La Vigne, Alfred Willis. E Lamaire, Willard Wallace. D Lavoie, Joseph Paradis. D Lamarche, George Tancrède. A Lawler, Thomas Joseph. A La Marche, W alter Joseph. A Lawler, William Patrick. A Lamb, Colby. D Lawlor, John Joseph. A Lamb, Frances Gertrude. D Lawlor, Richard Henry. D Lamb, William Dan. D Lawrence, Arthur Abbott. D Lambert, Fred De Forest. D Lawrence, James Chrisby Hurd. D Lambert, John Henry. D Lawrence, James Wllmot. D La Motte, Xavier Alexander. A Lawrence, Joseph Henry. A Lamoureaux, Joseph Elzéar. D Lawrence, Nellie Louise. A Lamson, John Augustus. D Lawrence, William Ethan. D Lamson, Theodore. A Lawson, Frederick Bartlett. D Lancaster, Alston Howard. D Lazarus, Benjamin. A Lancaster, Sherman Russell. A Leach, Albert Clinton. A Lancaster, Walter Brackett. A Leach, Clara Celestia Austin. B Lande, Abraham Joseph. A Leach, Edward Morton. D Landers, Garrett John. A Leach, Horace Morton. 48 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

E Leahey, Frederick Andrew. A Levey, George. A Leahey, George Henry Aloysius. D Levis, Harold James. E Leahy, James Percival. D Levy, Felix Julius. A Leahy, Thomas Joseph. D Lewandowski, Joseph. A Leard, John Samuel Hick. B Lewis, Andrew Valentine. B Learned, Noyes Newton. A Lewis, Arthur Cuthbert. A Learned, John Barr. D Lewis, Edwin Ray. A Learned, William Turell. D Lewis, Frederic Thomas. A Learoyd, Charles Berry. C Lewis, George Fred. D Leary, Adelaide Olga Cushing. A Lewis, John Taylor. D Leary, Chrysostom John. D Lewis, Marion. A Leary, James Edward. C Lewis, Marion Hall. A Leary, John Henry. B Lewis, Millard Edrie. A Leary, Patrick Frank. D Lewis, Seth Ames. C Leary, Timothy. B Lewis, William Edmund. D Leary, William Charles. D Libbey, Charles Emerson. D Leary, William Cornelius. A Libby, Charles Adelbert. A Leavitt, Dudley. D Libby, Edward Norton. D Leavitt, Edwin Alden. A Libby, Jesse Herbert. D Leavitt, Frank Clyde. D Libby, Mary Gordon. D Leavitt, Forrest. D Libby, Mildred Augusta. D Leavitt, Mary Augusta. A Liebmann, Gustavus. A Leavitt, William Whipple. A Lighthill, August Ponliam. D Le Bel, Timothée. D Lilientlial, Alice. A Leblanc, Aimé Noël. B Lilley, William. D Le Blanc, Clement Oliver. E Lilly, Albert Henry. A Le Boeuf, Joseph Sylva. E Lilly, Thomas Eugene. D Lecompte, Walter Augustus. A Lincoln, Guy Alvan Thorndike. A Lee, Frank Herbert. A Lincoln, Jacob Read. A Lee, Luther Milo. D Lincoln, Merrick. D Lee, Wesley Terence. E Lindquist, Carl Augustus. A Leeds, Charles. D Lindsay, Joseph Ira. D Legg, Arthur Thornton. D Lindsey, John Hathaway. D Leen, Thomas Francis. A Lindsey, Joseph Ferdinand, Jr. A Lehmann, Anthony. A Linfield, Edwin Porter. D Leib, Edwin Roy. A Litch, John Goodrich. A Leib, Thomas Nuttall. C Litchfield, William Harvey. B Leighton, Harry Burbank. D Lithgow, Robert Alexander A Leitch, John Alvin. Douglas. A Le Lâcheur, Ellis Sweetlove. A Littell, Alice. A Leland, Clarence Henry. D Little, Abby Noyes. A Leland, George Adams. D Little, Charles Sherman. A Le Maître, Joseph Michel. E Little, George Thomas. D Lemieux, Théodule Alfred. A Little, Harry James. E Lentine, Gaspare Emmanuel. D Little, John Mason, Jr. D Leonard, Edwin, Jr. A Little, William Brimblecom. D Leonard, Henry Fiske. D Littlefield, Anna Maria. A Leonard, Henry Patrick. D Littlefield, George Curtis. E Leonard, Isaac Edward. D Littlefield, George Ilenry. D Leonard, John Michael. A Littlefield, Samuel Horace. A Leonard, Milton Hall. B Liverpool, Joshua Henry. D Leonard, William Joseph. D Livingston, Clarence Bertram. E Lepper, David Barnard. D Livingston, Ernest George. A Lescadre, Henry. D Livingston, Isabel. A Leslie, Freeland David. A Livingston, Joseph Alexander. E Leslie, Herbert Granville. A Lloyd, Charles. A Leslie, Horace Granville. B Lloyd, Seth Louis. D Levasseur, Augustus Joseph Hugo. D Lockary, Joseph Logue. B Levenson, Sophia. D Locke, Edwin Allen. D Leverton, Charles Henry. A Locke, . 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 49

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

A Lockhart, Joseph Smith. D Lowell, Hannah. D Lockwood, Charles Edwin. D Lowenstein, Frederick Philip. D Lockwood, George Bertrand. D Lowney, Dionysius Joseph. E Loewe, Leonard Joseph. E Lowney, John Francis. D Loftus, John Thomas. A Lubin, Leon Théophile Jules. D Logan, Frank Parker Tays. A Luchsinger, Harry Warner. E Login, Louis. D Luck, Emil Paul Max. A Lombard, John Patrick. A Ludden, Emerson Augustus. C Lombard, Julia Mary. B Lull, Henry Cushman. D Long, Margaret. A Lund, Fred Bates. B Longfellow, Melvina Frances. A Luscombe, Job Everett. A Longley, Mary Theresa. A Lussier, Charles Arthur. A Loomis, Charles Otis. A Lussier, Cyrille Francois. D Loomis, Julius Sterling. D Lynch, Charles Francis. A Loomis, William Wellington. E Lynch, Cornelius Joseph. D Lootz, Emma. A Lynch, Michael Henry. D Lord, Frederic Pomeroy. D Lynch, Patrick Michael. D Lord, Frederick Taylor. F Lynn, Charles William. D Lord, Herbert. A Lyon, Annie Isabelle. A Lord, Sidney Archer. A Lyon, Arthur Yinal. D Lord, William Ogden. D Lyon, Frederick Dow. D Loring, Benjamin Tappan. A Lyons, Christopher Philip. A Loring, Harriet Augusta. A Lyons, Herbert Henry. D Loring, Robert Gardiner. A Lyons, Joseph Benedict. A Loring, Robert Pearmain. A MacArthur, George Elden. A Lortie, Joseph Charles Ilormisdas. D MacCabe, Arthur. A Lothrop, Charles Arthur. D MacCarthy, Francis Hamilton. A Lothrop, George Edgar. D MacCormick, John Allan. A Lothrop, Harriet Eleanor. D Macdonald, Alexander Ambrose. A Lothrop, Howard Augustus. A Macdonald, Angus. D Lothrop, Percy. A MacDonald, Archibald Elexcis. B Loucks, John Stearns. A Macdonald, Colin William. D Lougee, Arthur Jewett. A Macdonald, Donald Francis. A Lougee, Frank Taylor. D MacDonald, Elmar Joseph. A Lougee, May Williamina. D Macdonald, Frederick Corneilius. D Lougee, William WHieeler. A Macdonald, James. B Lougest, Charles Albert. D Macdonald, James Stevens. D Loughran, James Francis. A MacDonald, Rufus Cyrene. A Louis, Isaac. D MacDonald, William Campbell. D Love, James. D Macdonald, William Clifford. D Love, W7illiam Lathrop. A Macdonald, William Gregorv. A Lovejoy, Charles Averill. A Macdonald, William Lewis. D Lovejoy, Fred Wendell. A MacDonnell, John. A Loveland, Charles Harrison. A Macdougall, Duncan. A Lovell, Charles Dixon Smith. D Mace, Charles Herbert. A Lovell, Charles Edward. A Mace, Herbert Eugene. A Lovell, David Bigelow. D Macgowan, Joseph Johnston. B Lovell, Gideon. C Mack, Charles David Gibson. D Lovell, Harriet Jane. C Mack, Helen Georginia Flagler D Lovell, Lucinda Sarah. D Mackay, Andrew Joseph. D Lovell, Martha Eleanor. D Mackay, Edward Hart. A Lovering, Anna Temple. D MacKay, George Finlay. A Lovett, Robert Williamson. A Mackeen, Alfred Atwater. D Low, Harry Chamberlain. A MacKenzie, Freeman Alexander. D Lowd, H arry Mosher. A Mackie, George. D Lowe, Ernest Whittier. A Mackie, Laura Viola Gustin. C Lowe, Fred Messenger. A Mackie, William Basilio. D Lowell, Albert Fay. D Mackie, William Charles. D Lowell, Alverne Percy. D Mackillop, Daniel. D Lowell, Freeman Lamprey. C Mackin, Charles. 50 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — C o n tin u e d .

D Mackintosh, Ernest Robert. D Mann, Henry Levi. D MacLachlan, Thomas Mitchell. A Mann, Martha Elizabeth. 1) Maclean, Emeline Helen. A Mann, Mary Ella. D Macleod, Harry Found. A Mann, Mary Frances. D Macleod, William Preston. A Mann, William Orris. D MacMahon, John Joseph. B Manseur, Mary Merrill. D MacMillan, Andrew Louis. A Mansfield, Charles. D MacOdrum, Angus. D Mansfield, Francis. D Macomber, Nathaniel Gilford. A Mansfield, Henry Tucker. C Macpherson, George Sturtevant. D Mansfield, James Albert. A Macpherson, Frederick William. A Mansfield, John Robbins. D Macrae, Annie Campbell. A Mansfield, Robert Joseph. B MacKae, Duncan. E Mansfield, Walter Ralph. D MacSweeny, Edmund George. D Mansur, Leon Wallace. D MacWhinnie, Arthur Morgan. A Mansur, Richard Harrison. D Macy, Fred Stevens. A Mara, Frank Timothy. E Madden, John Joseph. A Marble, John Oliver. C Madden, William Daniel. D Marcley, Walter John. D Madison, James Daniel. D Marcon, Louis Benjinmn. A Magee, Edward Joseph. A Marcy, Henry Orlando. A Magee, John Augustine. D Marcy, Henry Orlando, Jr. D Magrath, George Burgess. D Marden, Milmot Leighton. D Maguire, Charles Francis. A Marin, Joseph Paul Aster. C Maguire, John Edward. D Marin, Raymond. D Maguire, Thomas Henry. D Marino, Luigi. E Maguire, Thomas Joseph. A Marion, Horace Eugene. C Magurn, Francis Thomas Louis. A Marion, Otis Humphrey. D Mahady, Joseph John. D Markham, Erwin Walter. D Mahady, Stephen Augustus. D Marr, Myron Lawrence. D Mahlman, Robert Mowe. A Marsh, Albert. D Mahon, James Arthur. C Marsh, Arthur White. D Mahoney, Daniel Francis. A Marsh, Charles David. D Mahoney, Edward Joseph. D Marsh, Frank Film ore. E Mahoney Francis Aloysius. A Marsh, James Elmer. D Mahoney, George Clifton. D Marsh, Lucinda Anne. A Mahoney, John Bernard. D Marshall, Augustus Thompson. E Mahoney, John Lewis. D Marshall, Bertrand Frank. A Mahoney, John Stephen. A Marshall, Carey Fenton. A Mahoney, Stephen Andrew. A Marshall, Foster Leroy. E Mahony, Francis Ronan. A Marshall, Julia Ann. A Maine, Frank Duane. D Marshall, Perry. D Mains, Charles Frederick. D Marstin, Chauncey Macaulley. D Makechnie, Arthur North. D Marstou, Albert Jeremiah. A Makechnie, Horace Perkins. D Marston, Daniel William. C Mallory, Frank Burr. A Marston, Edward Brooks. E Malone, Charles. B Marston, George Dexter. D Malone, John. E Marston, Joseph Norris. D Maloney, Daniel Arthur. A Marston, Luther Moulton. D Maloney, Thomas Aloysius. D Martel, Stanislas. D Malonson, James Henry. D Martin, Archibald Herbert. A Manahan, Herbert Wellington. A Martin, Francis Coflin. D Manahan, Thomas James. A Martin, George Albert. A Manchester, Delos Burd. A Martin, George Forrest. D Mandell, Augustus Hamlin. A Martin, Gregory Arvide. D Maney, John Joseph. D Martin, Harry Charles. A Mangan, John Joseph. E Martin, John Brayton. D Mangan, Patrick Henry. D Martin, John Joseph. D Manix, Edward Tuck. D Martin, John Macleod. D Mann, Arthur Teall. A Martin, Luther Orin. F Mann, Augustine Alvan. A Martin, Miles. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 51

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — C o n tin u e d .

A Martin, Pearl. E McCarthy, Patrick Henry. D Martin, William John. D McCarthy, Timothy Francis. D Marvell, Mary Wilbur. D McCarthy, Thomas Francis. A Marvin, Grace. A McCarthy, Thomas Horatio. B Marvin, Ora Elisha. A McCarthy, William Henry. D Marvin, Sydney Robertson. A McCarty, James Joseph. A Maryott, Erastus Edgar. E McCauley, Albert Anthony. D Maskell, Leonard Joseph. D McCausland, William James. B Mason, Almond Waldo. A McClean, Alexander Spear. A Mason, Amos Lawrence. A McClean, George Chesley. A Mason, Atherton Perry. A McClearn, Charles William. D Mason, George. D McCluskey, Henry Lincoln. D Mason, Gilbert McClellan. A McCollester, . E Mason, Nathaniel Robert. A McCollom, John Hildreth. E Massa, Gaetano. A McConnell, Hugh Beemer. D Masse, Jean Baptiste. A McCormack, Alexander Leslie. D Massé, Mathilde Marie. A McCormack, Reynold James. D Masten, Charles Howard. D McCormick, Alfred Hugh. D Mastrangelo, Marco. A McCormick, Cornelius Joseph. D Matheson, James Renwick. E McCormick, John. A Mather, Edward Elias. D McCormick, Thomas Joseph Henry. D Mather, . E M’Coy, George Madison, Jr. D Mathews, George William. E McCoy, Hugh Alexander. A Matte, Joseph Hubert Ambrose. D McCoy, John Cresap. D Maxfield, George Henry. A McCrea, Albert James. D Maxwell, George Bannerman. D McCuen, Charles Nicholas. A Maxwell, Warren Brown. D McCurdy, James Huff. E May, Charles Emerson. D McDermott, Bernard Francis. A May, George Elisha. D McDermott, Joseph Edward. D May, John Shepard. D McDermott, William Vincent. D May, William Ropes. A McDevitt, James John. C Mayberry, Charles Bradford. D McDonald, Charles Dearborn. A. Mayberry, Edwin Nelson. A McDonald, James Athanasius. D Mayberry, Frank Eugene. D McDonald, James William. D Mayell, Ernest Alfred. A McDonald, John Henry. D Mayers, John Edward. E McDonald, Joseph. D Mayes, Matthew Taylor. D McDonald, Samuel James. D Mayhew, Orland Smith. A McDonald, William Alexander. D Maynard, Herbert Ernest. D McDonald, William Joseph. A Maynard, Louis Aime. A McDougall, Samuel Jay. D McAdams, James Philip. B McDonough, Thomas Patrick. D McAdams, Peter Stevens. E McEvoy, George Albert. D McAllister, Frederick Danfortli. D McEvoy, Thomas Edward. D McAllister, John Gilman. D McFee, William David. D McAllister, John Joseph Hector. D McGann, John Henry. D McArdle, John Joseph. A McGannon, Thomas Gerald. E McAuslan, James Lewis. D McGauran, George Daniel. A McAvinnue, Frank. B McGauran, George Francis. D McAvoy, John Joseph. A McGauran, Michael Sheridan. D McBain, William Ilearst. D McGee, Fannie Maria. D McCabe, Denis John. D McGillicuddy, Cornelius Joseph. A McCabe, John Joseph. A McGillicuddy, John Timothy. D McCaffrey, Charles Francis. D McGillicuddy, Richard Aloysius. A McCann, Alfred Ernest Arthur. D McGirr, Felix Francis. D McCarthy, Charles Ambrose. D McGourty, James Eugene. A McCarthy, Charles Daniel. D McGovern, Catherine Elizabeth. A McCarthy, Charles Florence. D McGrath, Bernard Francis. A McCarthy, Eugene Allen. A McGrath, John Edward. E McCarthy, Frederick. D McGrath, William Fennelly. A McCarthy, John Coakley. A McGuigan, John Joseph. 52 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINA [Jan

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — C o n tin u e d .

E McGurn, William J. A McOwen, William Henry. E McHugh, John Francis. D McPherson, Ross. D Mclnerny, John Michael. A McPherson, William Ellsworth. D Mclntee, Michael Joseph. D McQuaid, Thomas Bernard. A Mclntire, David. A McQueeney, Francis Joseph. E Mclntire, George Francis. D McSheehy, Theobald Coleman. A McIntosh, Donald M. I) McSweeney, Daniel Justin. D McIntosh, Edward Francis. D McWilliams, John Leslie. D McIntosh, Elizabeth Ellard. D Mead, Frederick Ammi. A McIntosh, Frederic Lemont. A Mead, George Nathaniel Plumer. D McIntosh, Herbert. A Mead, Julian Augustus. D McIntosh, John David. D Mead, Louis Guy. E McIntosh, William Henry. A Mead, William Frederick. A McIntosh, William Page. A Meader, Charles Eugene. A McIntyre, Herbert Bruce. A Meagher, Michael John. D McKechnie, Frederick Joseph. A Means, Andrew Fuller. I) McKeen, Sylvester Forshay. E Means, Philip Cory don. A McKenna, Frank A. D Meara, Frank Sherman. A McKenna, Francis Patrick. D Medina, Frederick Emanuel. E McKenna, Janies Charles. D Medlar, Faith Curtis. A McKenty, Jonathan Thomas D Meek, Edith Ruth Eliza. Edmund. A Meeker, George. A McKenzie, John Robert. A Mehegan, Daniel Joseph. I) McKibben, William Watson. A Mehrenlender, Albert Nochim. B McKinstry, John Alexander. D Meigh, Josiah. D Me Knight, Adam Stephenson. A Meigs, Joe Vincent, Jr. A McKoan, John William. C Meigs, Jonathan Harding. D McLaren, Alexander Lome. A Meigs, Return Jonathan. A McLaughlin, James Stephen. D Meikle, Robert Howard. A McLaughlin, Henry Valentine. A Mellen, William Michael Edward. A McLaughlin, Joseph Ignatius. D Mello, Antonio Amor de. D McLaughlin, Patrick William. E Melius, Edward. A McLaughry, Elizabeth. A Melius, Edward Lindon. A McLean, Charles. A Menard, Anthyme Sylvestre. D McLean, James Clifford. D Meramble, Clarence Eugene. E McLean, Norman Thomas. A Mercer, William James. D McLean, William Corbett. A Mercer, William Marcelline. D McLellan, Archibald Colin. D Mercier, Joseph Euclide. A McLellan, Edward Augustus. A Merriam, Frances Adelaide. A McLennan, Roderick. E Merriam, Franklin Henry. D McLeod, John Scott. A Merrick, Robert Michael. A McLeod, Percy DeMille. D Merrick, Sara*Neweomb. I) McLeod, William McKenzie. A Merrill, Arthur Ellsworth. D McMann, William Henry. D Merrill, Quincy Heald. A McMichael, Willis Brooks. D Merrill, Theodore Clarkson. A McMillan, Isaac Murray. D Merrill, Tristram Hurd. D McMillan, Kate. A Merrill, William Howe. D McMurray, Francis Michael. A Merritt, Louis Arthur. D McNair, Robert Hamilton. A Merritt, Silas Virgil. D McNally, David Albin. D Merritt, Victor Sulviro. A McNally, William Joseph. A Merry, William Henry. D McNamara, Edmund James. A Messer, Charles Carson. D McNamara, Eugene Thomas. A Metcalf, Ben Hicks. D McNamara, John James. B Metcalfe, Stephen Michael Ryves. E McNamara, Thomas Francis. D Metzger, Butler. D McNeil, Archibald. D Meyei^ Adolf. D McNeil, Edmund Johnson. D Meyer, Edward James. E McNeish, Alexander. D Meylan, George Louis Julien. D McNiff, William Joseph. D Middleton, Willis Johnson. A McOwen, Timothy Edward. A Mignault, Armand. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 53

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

A Mignault, Arthur. A Molleur, Louis Francois. D Mignault, Louis Joseph Adolphe. D Moltcr, Herman Louis. A Mignault, Rodrique. I) Moomjian, Sarkis K. A Mignault, Victor. E Monahan, John Ambrose. A Milan, Michael Bernard. A Mongan, Charles Edward. A Miles, Charles Edwin. A Monks, George Howard. A Miles, George Albert. D Monroe, John Eugene. A Millard, Henry James. B Monroe, Thomas Wilson. A Miller, Albert Eber. D Montague, Charles Elbert. A Miller, Albert Monroe. D Montgomery, Mary Isabella. A Miller, Charles Hermann. D Montgomery, Mary Louise. D Miller, Edward Alexander. A Monteiro, Manuel Garcia. A Miller, Edward Roscoe. A Mooers, Charles Albert. D Miller, Elmer Manton. A Mooers, Emma Wilson. A Miller, Ernest Parker. A Mooney, Philip. B Miller, Frances Jane. D Moore, Elmer Ellsworth. D Miller, Henry William. D Moore, Frederick Fiske. D Miller, James, Jr. E Moore, George Andrew. D Miller, Jared Homer. D Moore, George Colton. E Miller, Lester Colwell. D Moore, Harry. A Miller, Lizbeth Dora. A Moore, James Herbert. A Miller, Norman Rogers. D Moore, James Spencer. D Miller, Samuel Osgood. D Moore, John Henry. A Miller, Vesta Delphine. A Moore, John Patrick. A Miller, Webster. E Moore, Philip Patrick. A Millerick, Daniel Edward. D Mooring, Scott Webber. A Millet, Wilfred Antonio. A Moran, Horace Sheridan. A Millett, Charles Sumner. D Moran, James Joseph. D Milliken, Charles Warren. A Moran, John Brennan. D Milliken, Roscoe Green. A Moran, Martin William. A Milliken, William Hardy. D Moran, William. E Mills, Augustus Webster. D Morey, Mary. A Mills, George Westgate. A Morgan, John. A Milot, Alphonse Francois. D Morgan, John Albert. D Milot, Wilfred Francois. A Morgan, Lewis Edwin. D Minard, Ralph Waldo. D Morgan, William Edward. D Miner, Jennie Theodate. D Morgner, Richard August. A Miner, Worthington Warner. D Moriarty, James Lignori. A Minot, James Jackson. D Morin, Jacob Mauritz. A Minot, John Francis. A Moroney, William Joseph. D Minshall, Arthur Gladstone. A Morong, Arthur Bennett. A Mintz, Fishel Tonchel Zelmarowich. A Morrill, Charles Plummer. A Mitchell, Arthur. A Morrill, Ferdinand Gordon. A Mitchell, Charles Henry. A Morrill, Frank Armington. D Mitchell, Ethel Susanna. B Morrill, Frederick. D Mitchell, Harry Walter. B Morrill, George Albert, Jr. D Mitchell, John Joseph. A Morrill, Henry Brown. B Mitchell, John Singleton. A Morris, Frances Morris. D Mitchell, William. D Morris, Frederick Otis. D Mitchell, William Hiram. A Morris, George Patrick. A Mitchie, James Carey. A Morris, James Stewart. A Mixter, Orlando. A Morris, John Galvin. A Mixter, Samuel Jason. A Morris, Michael Augustine. A Moffatt, George Tufton. D Morris, Richard Holt. A Moffitt, Carl Walmer. D Morris, Robert. A Mollitt, Herbert Charles. D Morrison, Charles Carr. D Moir, Archibald Campbell Milton. A Morrison, James. A Molin, Isaac. A Morrison, Robert Edgar. D Moline, Charles. D Morrison, Robert Francis. A Moll, Louis Arthur. A Morrison, William Alexander. 54 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — C o n tin u e d .

A Morrow, Charles Harvey. C Murphy, Daniel Francis. D Morrow, William Robert. D Murphy, Edward Frederick. A Morse, Abby Swan. D Murphy, Edward Martin. A Morse, Almon Gardner. E Murphy, Edward Vincent. A Morse, Charles Ellsworth. A Murphy, Emily Frances. A Morse, Charles Francis. A Murphy, Francis Charles. D Morse, Charles Frederick. D Murphy, Frank Augustine. A Morse, Charles Wheeler. D Murphy, Fred Towsley. A Morse, Edward Gilead. D Murphy, Jeremiah Edward. A Morse, Frank Adelbert. A Murphy, John Henry. A Morse, Frank Leander. A Murphy, John McKonkey. A Morse, Fred Harris. A Murphy, Joseph Briggs. A * Morse, George. C Murphy, Joseph Patrick. B Morse, George Franklin. E Murphy, Patrick William. C Morse, Henry Lee. E Murphy, Stephen Nicholas. A Morse, John Aline William. A Murphy, Timothy Joseph. E Morse, John Hinckley. D Murray, Charles Albert. A Morse, John Lovett. A Murray, Edward Francis. A Morse, Martin Van Buren. D Musgrave, Percy. A Morse, Nathan Ranson. D Musso, George Henry. A Morse, Robie Sidney. A Muttart, George Morley. D Morse, Seth Bradford. E Myers, Edward Everett. D Morse, Vernon Harcourt Chipman. D Myers, Laura Theodosia. D Morton, Arthur Oscar. E Myers, Samuel William. A Morton, Helen. D Myers, Solomon. D Mosher, Frank Orson. D Myrick, Hannah Glidden. D Mosher, Harris Peyton. D Nagle, Evelyn Wyman. A Mosher, Marshall James. D Nalchajian, Dikran Davis. A Mosher, Mary Edna. D Narey, William Joseph. D Mossman, Alvaro E. C Nash, George William. A Mott, Albert. A Nash, Horace Milton. A Mott, Joseph Varnum. A Nason, Arthur Clark. A Mott, Walter. A Nason, Laurentius Melancthon. A Moulton, Albert Roscoe. A Nason, Osmon Cleander Baker. D Moulton, Arthur Bertram. D Naugliton, John Philip. # A Moulton, Benjamin Francis. D Nay, Winfield Scott. A Moulton, Charles Fred. A Neal, Charles Arthur. D Moulton, Star Abner. D Neale, Lillian Belle. A Mowe, Frank Henry. A Neefus, Robert Henry. D Mo wry, Classen. D Neilson, John Land. D Moxom, Philip Wilfred Travis. C Neilson, William. A Mudge, Kate Gertrude. E Nelligan, John Patrick. D Mullen, John Henry. I) Nelson, David. D Mullen, Peter James. D Nelson, John William. D Muller, Carl Andreas. A Nelson, Lois Leverett. A Mulligan, James. E Nelson, Louis. D Mulliner, Mary Rees. D Nesbitt, Thomas. A Mullins, Eugene Norton. E Neuville, Josephine Mitivier de la- A Mumford, James Gregory. A Newcomb, Elizabeth. A Munhall, Katharine Stanislaus. B Newcomb, George Lewis. D Munger, William Richard. D Newcomb, Marietta Eaton. D Munro, CatherineNisbet. B Newell, Charles Martin. D Munro, Cranswick Burton. A Newell, Frank Samuel. C Munro, John Cummings. D Newell, Franklin Spilman. C Munsell, George Nelson. D Newell, Henry Edward. A Munson, Virgil Hitchcock. A Newell, Otis Kimball. A Murdock, Edward Arthur. D Newhall, Alden Russell. D Murdock, Frederick William. D Newhall, Avery Lester. D Murphy, Arthur Sterling. A Newhall, Edward. A Murphy, Daniel David. A Newhall, Herbert William. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — Xo. 56 55

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitionebs o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

A Newhall, Lawrence Thompson. A Norris, Sarah Frances. D Newman, Elizabeth Benham. D Northrop, Clarence Clark. E Newman, Leon. D Norton, Chauncey Williams. E Newsome, Edgar Thomas. A Norton, Eben Carver. D Newton, Aaron Lewis. A Norton, Eliza Bogart Lawrence. A Newton, Kennedy. D Norton, George Edward. B Newton, Adin Hubbard. D Norton, George Paul. D Newton, Carrie E. D Norton, Herbert Rozelle. A Newton, Edward Cazneau. A Norton, James Salford. D Newton, Edward Roswell. A Norwood, Ephraim Wood. A Newton, Eleanor Frost. A Nottage, Herbert Percy. A Newton, Frank Loomis Sabin. D Nowland, George Dunn. D Newton, Leroy Allan. A Noyes, Ernest Henry. A Newton, Sarah Fenno. D Noyes, Margaret Louise. D Newton, William Curtis. A Noyes, Nathaniel Kingsbury. A Nichols, Arthur Howard. A Noyes, Rufus King. B Nichols, Charles Edward. D Noyes, Wilbur Fiske. A Nichols, Charles Fessenden. A Noyes, William. A Nichols, Charles Lemuel. E Nute, Albert James. A Nichols, Edward Hall. D Nute, Marion. D Nichols, George Hayward. D Nutt, Walter Elwyn. B Nichols, Helen Lucinda Clift. A Nutter, William Dennett. A Nichols, John Holyoke. D Nutting, Frederick Harrison. A Nichols, . A Nutting, William Walace. E Nicholson, Samuel Alexander. A Nutting, Will Wallace. A Nickerson, Asa Harden. D Nye, Harry Royal. A Nickerson, Franklin. D Oakes, Fitz Albert. A Nickerson, George Wheaton. D Oakman, Carl Shepard. E Nickerson, John Peter. E Ober, Ralph Beverley. A Nickerson, William Jabez. D Ober, Marion Helena. D Nicol, Philippe Henri. E O’Brien, Charles Thomas. D Nicola, Charles Chesterfield. E O’Brien, Daniel Paul. * D Nicola, Mary Byington. A O’Brien, Denis Aloysius. D Nield, William Andrew. D O’Brien, John Charles. D Nielson, Edwin Bjorne. A O’Brien, John Francis. E Nightingale, James. D O’Brien, Joseph Jerimiah. A Niles, Edward Harry. D O’Brien, Loretta Joy. D Nilsson, Peter. B O’Brien, Michael John. A Nims, Edward Beecher. A O’Brien, Owen St. Clare. A Niquette, Louis Bartholomew. A O’Brien, Philip Thomas. D Niver, Emmett. D O’Brien, Thomas James. A Nixon, Alfred John. D O’Brien, W alter John Leo. A Nobile, Angelo. A O’Callaghan, Denis Francis. D Nobile, Gaspare. A O’Callaghan, Mary Vincent. A Noble, Alfred Ira. D O’Connell, Delia Maria. D Noble, Anngenette Fowler. A O’Connell, John David. B Noka, Benjamin Gardner. D O’Connell, Joseph Cyril. D Nolan, Frank Wesley. D O’Connor, Charles. E Nolan, William Francis. D O’Connor, Denis Francis. I) Nolen, W alter Freeman. A O’Connor, James Bernard. E Noon, John Joseph. D O’Connor, John Edward. D Noonan, Mary Ellen. D O’Connor, John Francis. A Noonan, Michael Charles. D O’Connor, John Henry. A Norcross, Ernest Freeman. A O’Connor, John James. A Nordstrom, Cynthia Maria. A O’Connor, Thomas Hugh. I) Normand, Jean Napoléon. A O’Connor, Watkins Roberts. D Normandin, Alphonse. D O’Day, George Frederick. A Normandin, Louis Zephirin. D Odiorne, Walter Burlingame. A Norris, Albert Lane. A Odlin, Charles Cushing. D ' Norris, Arthur Perley. D . O’Doherty, John Dominaca. 5(3 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

D O’Donnell, Edmund Emmet. D Owen, Mary Angeli. A O’Donneil, Francis Michael. A Owen, Varillas Linus. E O’Donnell, George Thomas. A Packard, Edward Albert. D O’Donnell, James Coughlin. D Packard, Francis Sylvester. A O’Donnell, Louis Patrick. D Packard, Frederick Henry. B O’Donnell, William. D Packard, George Henry. D Ogden, Charles Ludlow. A Packard, Horace. A Ogden, Jay Bergen. D Packard, Loring Bradford. D Ogilvie, James. A Packer, Edmund Hilliard. D O’Hearn, Daniel Aloysius. D Packer, George William. D Ohnesorg, Karl. D Packer, Henry Ernest. A O’Keefe, Michael Wallace. A Paddock, William Leroy. A O’Keeffe, Daniel Thomas. E Padelford, Frank Mason. A Olds, Frank Williams. A Padula, Thomas Francis. A O’Leary, Helen Bartlett. A Page, Albert Kidder. A O’Leary, Joseph Augustus. C Page, Calvin Gates. A Olin, Francis Henry. B Page, Charles Edward. B Olive, Eben. A Page, Charles Whitney. A Oliver, Charles Augustus. A Page, Charlotte Evans. A Oliver, James. A Page, Edward. D Olloqui, Marie Jeanette de. A Page, Frank Wilfred. A Olmstead, Charles Edward. D Page, Frederick Carroll. A Olmstead, William Adams. D Page, George Thornton. A O’Meara, Michael John. A Page, Harstein Wendell. D O’Neil, John Walsh. D Page, Joseph Gregory Elias. E O’Neil, Richard Frothingliam. B Page, Margaret Beulah. A Oppe, Samuel. D Page, Peirson Sterling. D Ordway, Charles Anthony. A Paige, Nonius. A Ordway, George Albert. D Paine, Alonzo Kingman. B O’Regan, John. A Paine, Amasa Elliot. A O’Reilly, William Joseph. F Paine, Ara Marshall. D • Orr, Jane. A Paine, Nathaniel Emmons. D Orr, Samuel Sanford. D Paine, Sumner. A Osborne, Aaron Sylvanus. D Painter, Charles Fairbank. D Osborne, Caroline Amelia. A Palardy, Joseph Hector. D Osborne, Ernest Sumner. D Palecek, Albina Marie. B Osceonneo, Charles Edwin. D Palfrey, Francis Wilson. A Osgood, George Cowles. A Palmer, Ezra. C Osgood, George Edward. A Palmer, George Monroe. A Osgood, Gilman. A Palmer, Lewis Merritt. A Osgood, Hamilton. A Palmer, Sarah Ellen. A Osgood, James Henry. B Papineau, Louis Joseph. D Osgood, Robert Bayley. D Paquin, Elzear. E O’Shea, Daniel Joseph. D Paquin, Ubalde. C O’Shea, Edward Flavin. A Parcher, George Clarence. D O’Shea, Joseph Francis. A Park, Francis Edwin, Jr. A Osman, Charles Frank. A Park, Isaac Park. A O’Sullivan, Daniel Joseph. A Park, James Timothy. D O’Sullivan, John Joseph. A Park, John Gray. A Otis, Edward Osgood. E Park, Osmond Franklin. D Otis, Susanna. D Parker, Albert Munro. A Otis, Walter Joseph. E Parker, Arthur Holmes. D O’Toole, Michael James. A Parker, Charles Edwin. D O’Toole, Thomas Henry. D Parker, David Woodbury. A Oti, George John. D Parker, Edward Grahame. A Otterson, William David. D Parker, Edward Oliver. D Outhouse, John Stanley. A Parker, Edwin Monroe. D Overlook, Melvin George. B Parker, Ernest Kent. A Oviatt, George Alexander. A Parker, Francis Fullam. B Owen, James Williamson. A Parker, Frank Howard. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 5 7

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

A Parker, Harriet Eliza. D Paul, Willard Augustus. D Parker, Helen Schlesinger. A Paulhus, Ovide Maxime. D Parker, Henry Caldwell. A Paulig, Frederick August. C Parker, Henry Ward. D Paulself, Mary. D Parker, Jabez Sparks. A Paun, Amos Bos worth. D Parker, John Howard. D Pavlides, Demosthenes. A Parker, Moses Greeley. A Payne, George Harkness. D Parker, Ralph Walter. A Payne, James Henry. A Parker, Rufus Stanly. A Payne, James Henry, Jr. A Parker, Rupert William. A Payne, John Howard. D Parker, Walter Henry. D Peabody, Anna Howe. A Parker, Wallace A sahel. A Peabody, Charles Augustus. A Parker, William Edward. D Peabody, Sophia Reed. A Parker, William Thornton. D Pearce, Arthur Cushing. D Parkhurst, Daniel Burleigh. D Pearce, Mary Alice. A Parkhurst, Luman Boyden. A Pearce, Richard Mills. A Parks, Edward Luther. D Pearl, Frederick Warren. A Parks, John Wilson. D Pearson, Charles Lusby. D Parks, Margaret. A Pearson, John William. A Parks, Silas Henry. A Pearson, Mary Morey. A Parmalee, William Josiah. A Pearson, Maurice Wellesley. D Parmenter, Kenneth Raymond. D Pease, Charles Wood. D Parodi, Teoiilo. A Pease, Edward Allen. D Parr, John. D Pease, Ella Gertrude. B Parris, John Bowers. A Pease, Herbert Orrin. D Parry, Eleanor. A Pease, James Milton. D Parsons, Payn Bigelow. D Pease, Lewis Waite. D Parsons, Clarice Johnston. A Peasley, Emma Janet. D Parsons, Frank Sears. A Peck, Albert Fred. A Parsons, Harry Snow. D Peck, Eugene Chase. A Parsons, John Eleazer. D Peck, Luke Baker. D Partree, Homer Tomlinson. D Peck, Willena Abby. A Partridge, Charles Catlin. A Peckham, Anson Churchill. A Partridge, Frank Joseph. A Peckham, Katherine Fenner. A Partridge, . D Peckham, William David. D Pascoe, James Botterell. C Pedrick, Stephen Augustus. A Pascoe, William Whelan. D Peebles, Thomas Chalmers. A Passoff, Edward Jacob. D Peggs, Harry MacDonald. D Pastene, Albert Angelo. A Peirce, Amos Hagar. D Patch, Ann Sophia Kenney. A Peirce, Charles John. A Patch, Frank Wallace. A Peirce, Edward. D Patch, Jennie June. A Peirce, Elihu Proctor. A Patch, William Thurston. E Peirce, Frederic Joseph A Patenaude, Samuel. D Peirce, George Alphonso. B Patrick, Joseph Edward. A Peirson, Edward Lawrence. A Patrick, Thomas William. D Pelletier, Alfred Georges. D Pattee, Asa Lee. D Pelletier, Joseph Edouard. A Patten, Anthony Dimock. D Pender, George Edward. D Patten, Stephen Kerr. D Penny, Herbert Thomas. D Patterson, Agnes Christy. D Percy, David Thomas. A Patterson, Alice Maria. A Percy, Frederick Bos worth. D Patterson, Alice Zelia. A Percy, George Emery. E Patterson, Belle French. D Perkins, Alfred Raymond. D Patterson, Charles Frederick. D Perkins, Anne Elizabeth. A Patterson, David Nelson. A Perkins, Archie Elmer. C Patterson, William Francis. A Perkins, Charles Edwin. D Patton, Lawrence Finney. D Perkins, Eben Meade. A Patoël, Francis. A Perkins, Henry Phelps, Jr. D Paul, Luther Gordon. E Perkins, Herbert Crawford. A Paul, Walter Everard. A Perkins, Nathaniel Royal. REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

A Perkins, Stella Manning. A Pierce, Matthew Vassar. A Perkins, Thomas Lyman. A Pierce, Willard Henry. D Perkins, Thomas Tounge. D Pierson, Frederick Harrison. A Perkins, Wesley Bennor. A Pierson, Henry Walter. A Perrins, John. D Pierson, John Corbin. A Perrins, William Arthur. A Pigeon, James Cogswell Dunia- D Perley, Roscoe Damon. resque. A Perry, Arthur Pedro. D Pike, Forrest Fay. D Perry, Arthur Reed. A Pike, Forrest Wiley. D Perry, Charles Freeman. A Pike, Lucy Johnson. A Perry, Charles Homer. D Pike, Winfred Carle. A Perry, Eben Greeley. D Pilling, Simeon Orison. D Perry, Edward Franklin. E Pill8bury, Boyden Harlin. A Perry, Edward William. D Pillsbury, Ernest Dean. A Perry, George Lewis. E Pillsbury, Frederick Ainsworth. D Perry, Henry Joseph. A Pillsbury, George Harlin. A Perry, Herbert Brainerd. D Pillsbury, Warren Wilbur. C Perry, Joseph Frank. D Pinault, Joseph Josué. D Perry, Lillian Garabrant. B Pinkliam, Arthur Clarance. A Perry, Martha. A Pinkham, George Edwin. D Peters, William Chute. A Pinkham, Joseph Gurney. D Petersen, Alfred Charles Nicholas. A Piper, Frank. A Petersen, Henrik Georg. D Piper, Fred Smith. A Peterson, Charles Augustus Burton. A Pirlot, Julius Adrien. D Peterson, John Adna. A Pitcher, Herbert Frank. A Petit, Alphonse Hubert. A Pitcher, Samuel. D Petluck, Joseph. A Pitkin, Leonard Fox. D Pett, Alfred William. A Pitman, Benjamin Fosdick. D Pettee, . A Pitt, Thomas Smith. D Pettigrew, Richard Richardson. D Pitta, Joao Carlos da Silva. A Pfaff, Franz Ludwig Friedrich Ernst. A Pixley, Elbridge Simpson. D Pfarre, Edward Robert. D Place, Ralph Waldo. B Pfeiferkorn, Charles Hermann. E Plainfield, Mark Henry. A Pfeiferkorn, Ferdinand Carl A Platt, Belle Joanna. Ludwig. E Pleau, Louise Beatrice. B Pfeiffer, Jens Paulus Immanuel. A Plimpton, Lewis Henry. B Phelps, James Richardson. A Plummer, Edward Marwick. A Phelps, John Samuel. C Plummer, Frank Wentworth. E Phelps, Joseph Royal. D Plummer, Frederic Howard. A Phelps, Olney Windsor. D Plummer, Francis Joseph. B Phillimore, Frederick George. C Plummer, Henry Lincoln. D Phillips, Charles Henry. A Plummer, Julia Morton. A Phillips, Charles Hiram. D Plummer, Paul. D Phillips, Charles Winfield. A Plunkett, John Lawrence. A Phillips, Eugenie Marion. D Poirier, Alfred. D Phillips, Frank Elmer. A Poirier, Emile. B Phillips, Freeman Allen. D Poirier, Horace. D Phillips, William Converse. E Poitras, Joseph Francois Xavier. D Phillips, William Eugarde. A Pollock, Lewis Lawrence. D Phillips, Wilson Frank. A Pomerat, Charles Marius. A Pliippen, Hardy. D Pomeroy, Harris Starr. A Phipps, W alter Andros. A Pomeroy, Hiram Sterling. D Pickard, Isaiah Lovell. A Pomeroy, Stephen Franklin. A Pierce, Andrew Martin. A Pomeroy, William Henry. C Pierce, Appleton Howe. D Pond, Bernard Wesley. E Pierce, Charles Willard. D Pond, Eleanor Dorcas. A Pierce, Frank Benneville. • A Pool, Charles Bret. D Pierce, George Burgess. E Poole, Alva Emory. B Pierce, George Jacob. E Poole, Florence Faulkner. A Pierce, Helen Frances. A Poole, George Fred. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 5 9

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

D Pope, Ernest Folger. A Prior, Charles Edwin. A Pope, Frank Fletcher. D Prior, James Edward. A Pope, Irvine Clarendon. D Prior, James Howland. A Porter, . D Prisco, Nicola. A Porter, Charles Burnham. E Pritchard, William Percival. C Porter, Charles Ilsley. A Procter, Percy Clement. D Porter, Elizabeth Dwight. A Procter, Thomas Walter. A Porter, Francena Elizabeth. A Proctor, Francis Ingersoll. A Porter, Francis Edward. B Proctor, Hannah Maria. D Porter, Fred Knight. D Proctor, John Donald. D Porter, Herbert Kent. E Proctor, Joseph Whipple. D Porter, Margaret Cochran Dewar. A Proulx, Jean Thomas Philias. A Porter, Omer Pillsbury. A Prouty, Albert Henry. D Porter, Robert Brastow. C Provan, Robert. D Porter, William James. D Provandie, Paul Hector. A Post, Abner. D Pulsifer, Thomas Benton. E Pote, Leonard Ilolden. A Purcell, Thomas Aquinas. A Pothier, Joseph Charles. D Purdy, Frank Le Roy. D Potter, Alexander Carleton. D Purinton, Herbert Harmon. D Potter, Frances Wason. D Purvis, Alice Hatheway. A Potter, La Forrest. D Purvis, Charles Burleigh. D Potter, Lester Forest. A Putnam, Charles Pickering. A Potter, William Gage. D Putnam, Charles Russell Lowell. A Potts, Joseph Henry. C Putnam, Charles Willis. A Poulin, Damase Mark. D Putnam, Frank W'endell. D Pound,John C. A Putnam, James Jackson. D Powell, Jonathan Rider, Jr. A Putnam, Joseph Morrill. D Powell, Lefferts Morrell. D Putnam, Marion Zachariah. A Powers, Abner Howard. A Putnam, Mary Parks. A Powers, Edward Joseph. D Putnam, Ralph. D Powers, William Joseph. A Putnam, Thomas Joy. A Pratt, Calvin. A Putnam, Willard Abram. A Pratt, Charles Albert. A Qua, Lester Robert. A Pratt, Charles Augustus. A Quackenboss, Alexander. B Pratt, Edwin Alton. D Quessy, Alfred Henry. D Pratt, John Edward. A Quimb}7, Sumner Ferdinand. A Pratt, John Frank. A Quinby, Hosea Mason. A Pratt, John Washburn. E Quinby, William Carter. D Pratt, Joseph Ilersey. D Quinlan, Henry Francis. B Pratt, Samuel Barker. D Quinn, John Joseph. B Pratt, Thomas Choate. A Quint, Norman Perkins. A Preble, Wallace. D Rabergh, Herman. D Pr6fontaine, Louis Aurfele. A Rabethge, Charles Armand. A Prentiss, Harold Townsend. A Rabinovich, Helen. A Prentiss, Henry Conant. D Rabinowitz, Solomon. D Prentiss, Ralph Newbury. D Racine, Ernest Eusebe. A Presbrey, Silas Dean. A Raddin, Frederick Stocker. A Prescott, Charles Dudley. D Radcliff, Sue. A Prescott, William Herbert. D Raymond, Loring Hay. D Pressler, Florence Augusta Solo­ D Ramos, Frank Inkerman. mon. E Ramsey, Frank William. D Preston, James Louis. A Rand, John Prentice. D Prevaux, John Jacob. A Rand, John William. D Price, Oscar Jay. A Rand, Nehemiah Wheeler. D Price, Walter Herbert. A Rand, . E Priest, Herbert Bancroft. D Randall, Arthur Theodore. A Primeau, Narcisse Arthur. B Randall, Charles II. D Prince, Calvin Oliver. A Randall, Charles Lawrence. A Prince, Morton Henry. D Randall, Clifford Walcott. A Prindle, Charles Henry. A Randall, Francis Drew. 60 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE [Jan

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d ic in e — C o n tin u e d .

D Randall, George Merrill. D Rice, Carrie Elizabeth. B Randell, Otis Gray. A Rice, Charles Henry. A Rankin, Thomas David. A Rice, Frederick Winslow. D Ranks, Walter Hildreth. D Rice, Florence Frances. A Ranney, Archibald. A Rice, George. D Ransom, Eliza Taylor. A Rice, George Brackett. C Ransom, Nathaniel Morton. A Rice, George Le Roy. B Rappoport, Abraham. A Rice, Harry Edwin. D Ravicli, Simon. E Rice, Robert Astley. A Rawson, Charles. D Rice, Thomas. A Rawson, George Wallace. D Rice, Walter Henry. C Ray, John Edward. D Rich, Charles Edwin. D Raymond, Charles Nevier. E Rich, Edwin Willis. A Raymond, Richard Michael. A Rich, Frank Urbanus. D Raynes, Myrton Berry. I) Rich, Herbert Lowell. A Read, Robert McLellan. D Richard, Alfred Edouard. D Read, Willard Fulton. A Richard, Marcel. D Reagh, Arthur Lincoln. A Richards, Caroline Maria. D Rearden, Thomas Francis. A Richards, George Edwards. D Reardon, Daniel Bartholomew. A Richards, George Lyman. D Reardon, Timothy Joseph. D Richards, Karle Taylor. D Record, Wellington. A Richards, William. D Reddy, Joseph Warren. A Richardson, Anna Gove. A Redfearn, Joseph. A Richardson, Benjamin Franklin. A Redmond, James William. D Richardson, Charles Harper. D Redmond, Thomas Henry. D Richardson, Dana Putnam. A Reed, Albert Church. A Richardson, Edward Blake. A Reed, Andrew Fairfield. D Richardson, Elizabeth May. C Reed, Asa Pingree. A Richardson, Emily Metcalf. A Reed, Clara Deborah Whitman. E Richardson, Francis Allen. D Reed, Caroline Tliyng. A Richardson, Frank Chase. A Reed, Thomas Greenlialgh. D Richardson, Joseph Warren. A Reed, Robert Gates. A Richardson, Mark Wyman. D Reed, Victor Augustus. A Richardson, Maurice Howe. D Reed, William Edward. A Richardson, William Lambert. A Reed, William Gilman. A Richardson, William Shedd. B Reeder, Albert. A Richmond, Ernest Dalton. D Rees, Rees Bynon. D Richmond, Ivus Irvin. A Reeves, Harriet Elmira. D Richmond, Lauriston Amaziah. D Reid, Eustace Palmer. D Richmond, Mary Lovejoy. E Reid, Francis Walsh. D Richmond, Simon. D Reid, Isidore Eugene Rosen stein. A Ricketson, Arthur. A Reid, Robert Alexander. D Rideout, Herman Leslie. D Reilly, Charles Francis. D Riley, Elizabeth Angela. D Reilly, James Aloysius. A Riley, John Henry. D Reis, Frederick. E Riley, William Norton. D Remillard, Joseph Laury. A Ring, Allen Mott. A Remington, John Alfred. D Ring, Arthur llallam. E Rencurrel, Manuel Emile. D Ring, Barbara Taylor. A Reynolds, Edward. B Riopelle, Alexander Joseph. A Reynolds, Henry Vose. D Riordan, Walter Daniel. B Reynolds, Hiram Creamer. A Ripley, Frederick Jerome. C Reynolds, John Phillips. A Ripley, William King. D Rhodes, Frank Edson. E Ripley, William Littlefield. A Rhoads, George. D Ritter, Henry. A Rice, Albert James. C Rix, Frank Reader. A Rice, Albeit Raymond. D Roach, George Ernest. E Rice, Alexander Hamilton. D Robb, William Matthews. D Rice, Alger William. A Robbins, Elliott Daniel. B Rice, Austin Bradford. D Robbins, Elmer Ellsworth. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 61

O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

D Robbins, Eugene Stanley. D Rockwell, Marion Balfour Mar­ A Robbins, Fred Gibson. shall. D Robbins, Fred MeAuslan. D Rodrick, Albert Fowler. D Robbins, Frederick Carver. B Roff, Moses. A Robbins, James Ilcnry. A Rogers, Albert Edward. D Robbins, Michael Uriah. D Rogers, Charles Cummings. E Robert, Albert Napoleon. D Rogers, Charles Eugene. E Robert, George Clovis. A Rogers, Charles Rufus. A Roberts, Dolphin Pernanders. E Rogers, Daniel Eastman. E Roberts, Lucius Warren. A Rogers, Frank Alvin. D Roberts, Frank Eugene. D Rogers, Gorham Davis. D Roberts, Frederick Albert. A Rogers, Orville Forrest. D Roberts, Frederick Alpha. B Rogers, Triton Raphel. A Roberts, George Kerr. A Rohrer, Softer Rudolf. A Roberts, Henry Ambrose. A Rolfe, W'illiam Alfred. A Roberts, Isaac Lincoln. A Rollins, Charlotte Abbie. A Roberts, Linneus Alton. E Rollins, Edwin Theodore. D Roberts, Oscar Brown. A Rollins, William Herbert. A Roberts, Oscar Samuel. D Romei, Troiano. A Roberts, Oscar Waldo. D Rood, Luther Colby. A Roberts, Osmon Osmore. B Root, Alice Lucinda. D Roberts, Stephen Martindale. B Root, John Reynolds. D Roberts, William Frederick. A Root, Richmond Barbour. D Robertson, Frederick McNaugh- D Rosa, Henry Antonio. ton. B Roscoe, Tom. A Robertson, James Douglas. E Rose, Alwyn. D Robertson, Wilbur Burdett. A Rose, Daniel Campbell. C Robey, William Henry, Jr. D Rose, William Henry. A Robie, Walter Franklin. E Rose, William Milton. A Robinson, Albert Brown. A Roseman, Milton Joseph. A Robinson, Alexander Lincoln. D Rosenfeld, Bertha Agnes. D Robinson, Ernest Franklin. E Rosenthal, Charles. A Robinson, Ernest Frederick. D Ross, Ellsworth Frank. A Robinson, Florence Nightingale. D Ross, Frank Augustus. D Robinson, Francis Arnold. A Ross, George Ivison. D Robinson, Fred Hilliard. D Ross, Lydia. D Robinson, Fred Israel. D Ross, Robert Oswald. D Robinson, Harry Pringle. D Ross, Walter Howard. D Robinson, Herbert Winslow. B Rosson, Emma. D Robinson, James Arthur. A Rotch, Thomas Morgan. A Robinson, Jonathan Henry. A Roth, Edward. D Robinson, Joseph. D Rotheram, Marie Cecelia. A Robinson, Joseph Henry. D Rothfuchs, Charles Christian. A Robinson, Lucy Morton. D Rothwell, Charles Robert. D Robinson, Mary Emma Bliss. D Rotondi, Leopoldo Francesco. B Robinson, Millard Lyman. A Roulier, Jacobum Phillippe. D Robinson, Samuel. A Round, Arthur Morey. A Robinson, Thomas Johns. D Rounds, Daniel Willis. A Robinson, Wilhelmus Bogart. D Rounds, George Herbert. A Robinson, William Henry. A Rourke, Joseph Edward. D Robinson, William Perry. A Routhier, Michael Omer. E Robison, Alice Anna. A Rovinsky, Alexander. D Roche, Thomas Francis. A Rowe, Alice Eliza. D Rochette, Edward Charles. A Rowe, George Howard Malcolm. A Rochette, Louis Victor. C Rowen, Henry Stanislaus. D Rockafellow, John Chester. A Rowley, William. E Rockwell, Alfred Elijah Perkins. A Roy, James McDonald. D Rockwell, Herbert George. D Roy, Joseph Ferdinand Elzear. A Rockwell, John Arnold. A Roy, Joseph Hormidas. D Rockwell, John Arnold, Jr. D Roy, Joseph Napoleon. «2 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f f ic ia l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e — C o n tin u e d .

D Roy, Joseph Napoleon. D Sanders, Charles Barton. A Roy, Loul8 Joseph. B Sanders, Edwin Melvin. A Roy, Pramath Nath. E Sanders, James Samuel. A Royal, Herbert Benjamin. A Sanders, Orren Burnham. A Ruddick, William Henderson. A Sanderson, James Henry. I) Buggies, Edwin Parkenham. D Sanderson, Mary. A Rnggles, Willard Osman. D Sanford, Alexander Chace. I) Rumrill, Samuel Dudley. A Sanford, Edward. D Rundlett, David Livingston. I) Sanford, Frank Burton. A Runnells, Andrew Jackson. D Sanford, Henry Lindsay. A Ruppel, Emil Carl Fraser. D Sanford, Margaret McPbee. A Ruppel, Myra Daniel Allen. D Sanford, Walter Howard. C Russegue, Henry Elmore. A Sanft, Frank. D Russell, Edward Ervin. D Sanger, Guy Edward. A Russell, Flora Smith. D Santosuosso, Joseph. D Russell, Frederick James. D Sargent, Albert Alonzo. A Russell, Frederick William. A Sargent, Ara Nathaniel. A Russell, John Henry. A Sargent, Charles Samuel. B Russell, John Perkins. C Sargent, George Amory. C Russell, Julia Ann Bray. A Sargent, George Bancroft. C Russell, Simon James. A Sargent, Lorenzo Dow. A Russell, Trueman Everett. D Sargent, Oscar Franklyn Libby D Russell, Walter Aloysius. D Sargent, Walter Leslie. D Russell, Walter Burton. D Sauer, Emil. A Russell, William Henry. A Saunders, Ambroze Courtis. D Russell, Willis Adams. D Saunders, Edward Louis. B Rust, Charles Manning. D Saunders, Joseph Henry. D Rust, Frank Lee Drummond. F Saunders. Levi. D Ruston, Warren Dunn. D Savage, Grace Gertrude. D Rutter, Clara Hannah Rogers. D Savage, Ross Eliot. D Ryan, Dennis Matthew. A Savard, Alfred Henry. D Ryan, George Whitehouse. A Savignac, Arthur. A Rvan, John Lawrence. C Saville, Sumner Carruth. A Ryan, Philip Marcellus. D Sawabini, Elias. A Ryan, William John. A Sawin, Charles Dexter. D Ryder, Charles Edward. A Sawin, Robert Valentine. D Ryder, George Hale. A Sawtelle, Benjamin Albert. A Ryder, Godfrey. A Sawtelle, George Bassett. D Ryder, James William. A Sawtelle, Henry Winchester. A Sabine, George Kraus. D Sawyer, Alfred Stanford. D Sabine, Jane Downes Kelly. A Sawyer, Alzaman. A Sackett, Harry Robert. A Sawyer, Benjamin Addison. A Safford, Moses Victor. D Sawyer, Carleton. D Safford, Wilber Pray. A Sawyer, Charles Milton. D Salakian, Esther Kevork. D Sawyer, Edward Allen. A Saltmarsh, Seth. E Sawyer, Edward Keyes. A Sampson, Lottie Emma. A Sawyer, Elihu LeRoy. B Sampson, Nellie. B Sawyer, Emily Harriet. I) Sanborn, Byron. A Sawyer, Frank Wade. A Sanborn, Edwin Aaron. A Sawyer, Herbert Houston. A Sanborn. Emma Mary Eastman. B Sawyer, Katie Sarah. E Sanborn, Fletcher Greene. A Sawyer, Walter Fairbanks. A Sanborn, Frederick James. A Sawyer, Wesley. D Sanborn, Frederick Rodney. A Sawyer, Willis Herbert. D Sanborn, George Phippen. D Sayles, Joseph Borland. D Sanborn, John Wesley. D Say ward, William Henry, Jr. A Sanborn, Joseph Lander. D Scales, Robert Bass. A Sanborn, Kate. D Scalzilli, Erico Arnaldo. A Sanborn, Nathan Willard. E Scanned, David Daniel. A Sanborn, Perley Lewis. A Scanned, Michael Edward. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. * 63

O ff ic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Continued.

D Scanlan, Thomas John. A Seymour, James Dwight. D Schaefer, August Theodore. A Seymour, Susan Pheland. E Schallenbach, Ernest Bradford. A Shackford, Charles Harrison. A Schenck, Ellen Eastman. D Shanahan, Edward Joseph. A Schiller, Louis Edouard. A Shanahan, John. E Schmidt, Frederick Sextus. D Shanahan, Thomas Joseph. A Schneider, Jacob Philip. D Shanks, Charles. D Schofield, Benjamin Franklin. D Shannahan, Richard Joseph. D Schofield, Otho Lester. D Shannon, James Herbert. D Schoonmaker, Arthur 'fwing. A Shannon, Nat Vaughn. D Schorer, Cornelia Bernhardine A Shapira, Israel Jarius Elihaf. J o h a n n a . A Shapleigli, Alfred Lindsay. D Schroeder, May Catherine. D Sharp, Leedom. D Schubmehl, Frank Edward. A Sharp, Walter Nevin. D Schultes, Hugo, Jr. D Shatswell, James Arthur. D Schultz, Simon Robert. D Shattuck, Albert Milo. D Schwartz, Myer. A Shattuck, Charles Harvey. C Scoboria, Arthur Gilmore. D Shattuck, Edwin Chase. A Scofield, Walter. A Shattuck, Frederick Cheever. B Scott, Charles Winfield. A Shattuck, George Brune. A Scott, Cyrus Wallace. A Shaw, Albert Joel. A Scott, Gavin Steel. A Sliaw, Arthur John. E Scott, George Dow. B Shaw, Charles Albert. B Scotti, Federico. D Shaw, Francis. A Scribner, Ernest Yarian. E Shaw, Frederick King. A Scudder, Charles Locke. D Shaw, Harry. A Seaman, William. A Shaw, Henry Lyman. A Searle, George James. A Shaw, James Stott. D Searles, Frank Rufus. A Shaw, . A Sears, Eloise Augusta. A Shaw, John Holbrook. D Sears, Frederick Manning. A Shaw, John Joseph. A Sears, George Gray. D Shaw, John Port. D Sears, Harry Edward. A Shaw, Sarah Jane Hutchinson. C Sears, Henry Francis. D Shaw, Thomas Bond. D Sears, Stephen Hull. A Shaw, Thomas Pierpont. D Sedgley, Frank Robert. D Shaw, Thomas Wighall. A Seelye, Hiram Henry. D Shaw, William Hubbard. A Seelye, Ralph Holland. A Shay, Thomas McGuire. E Seelye, Walter Clark. D Shea, Alfred Drake. B Segool, Hyman. D Shea, John Francis. A Segur, Willard Blossom. D Shea, John Joseph. A Seip, Charles Lewis. D Shea, Michael Henry. A Selee, Annie Maud. A Shea, Thomas Bernard. A Sellew, Philip Hamilton. D Shea, Peter Owen. D Sellew, Robert Cowan. D Shead, Edward Wadsworth. A Selling, Leo Milton. E Sheahan, Joseph Maurice. A Selva, Julius. D Sheedy, John Francis. D Senesac, Archibald. E Sheehan, Martin David. D Sennott, John Ralph. A Sheehan, William Joseph. B Senter, George Eldredge. D Sheehan, William Joseph. A Serijanian, Tatios Kasbar. A Slieeliy, William Clinton. D Sever, James Warren. A Sheldon, Chauncey Cooley. D Severance, Ella Eliza. D Shepard, Luther Dimmick, Jr. A Severance, William Lyman. B Shepardson, Oscar Jerome. A Severance, William Sidney. C Shepherd, Hovev Learned. A Sewell, John Jasper. A Shepherd, Susan Symonds. D Sewny, Kar6keen Hekimian. D Shepley, Luther James. D Sexton, Frank Joseph. E Sherburne, Andrew Arthur. D Sexton, James Henry, Jr. E Sherburne, Frederick William. A Seymour, Christopher. A Sheridan, Oliver Michael. 64 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

O f fic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M ed ic in e — Continued.

A Sherman, Charles Francis. A Slattery, John Richard. A Sherman, Frank Morton. A Slayter, John Theodore Harding. B Sherman, James Henry. A Slayton, William Taft. A Sherman, James Turner. D Sleeper, Frank Warren. A Sherman, John. D Sleeper, Karle Raymond. A Sherman, John Howard. A Sleeper, Walter Julian. A Sherman, Mary Hastings. D Slettengren, Oscar. A Sherman, William Sprague. C Slocomb, George Albert. D Sherskefsky, Ceciliê Lande. D Slqpum, Clarence Jonathan. A Slierwin, Aurelius Calvin. D Small, Albert Ernest. E Sherwood, Walter. D Small, Ernest [Winfield. D Sherwood-Dunn, Berkeley. E Small, Guy Darwin. A Shirley, Allen Lincoln. A Small, Herbert Elwyn. D Shine, John Patrick. A Small, John Wesley. D Shisler, William Henry. D Small, Richard Dresser. D Shohan,Joseph. A Small, Whitmell Pugh. A Shores, Harvey Towle. D Smalley, Fred Lyman. A Shreve, Octavius Barrel 1. D Smallwood, George Washington. D Shultis, Frederick Charles. D Smart, Frank Everard. A Shurtleff, Eugene. E Smeltzer, James Finlay. A Shurtleff, Frank Atwood. E Smith, Alfred Charles. A Shurtleff, Fred Cazeaux. A Smith, Arthur Vincent. A Shurtleff, George Frederick. A Smith, Asa Dennis. A Shurtleff, Henry Austin. A Smith, Charles John Janies. D Shurtleff, James Frederick. A Smith, Charles Morton. D Shurtleff, W alter Davis. A Smith, Charles Sherman. A Sibley, Hartwell Augustus. D Smith, Charles Wesley. A Sidney, Austin Wilbur. D Smith, Chiron Waterville. A Siggins, John Jacob. D Smith, Conrad. D Silbert, Joseph Jacob. A Smith, Daniel Patrick. B Sill, John Wellesley. B Smith, David Wiley. A Silva, Francis Pierce. D Smith, Edward Shepard. E Silver, Frank Rudolph. D Smith, Edwin Wallace. D Simmons, Charming Chamberlain. A Smith, Ella Gertrude. A Simmons, Clara Congdon. A Smith, Ezra Algernon. D Simmons, Hannah Coralvnn. E Smith, Forster Hanson. D Simmons, Orren Williams. D Smith, Frank Herbert. A Simmons, William Edmund. D Smith, Frank Llewellyn. A Simonds, Manila Reed. A Smith, Frank Simpson. A Simpson, Charles Edward. A Smith, Franklin Benjamin. A Simpson, Edmund S. C Smith, Fred Stevens. A Simpson, George Foster. A Smith, Frederick Glazier. A Simpson, James Edwin. D Smith, George Carroll. B Simpson, John Thomas Lionel. A Smith, George Herbert. B Sims, Charles Hawkins. A Smith, George La Breclie. D Sims, Frederick Robertson. D Smith, Harold Wellington. A Sinclair, Alexander Doull. D Smith, Harry Atherton. A Sinclair, William Albert. A Smith, Henry Marcellus. I) Sise, Lincoln Fleetford. A Smith, Herbert Llewellyn. A Siskind, Alexander Louis. A Smith, Ilermon Joseph. A Sisson, Edward Rotch. D Smith, Ilervey Lewis. D Skarstrom, William. A Smith, Hiram Fred Markley. D Skelton, Grace Evelyn. A Smith, Homer Alvan. D Skinner, Anna Mabel. D Smith, Howard Harry. A Skinner, Edward Manning. D Smith, James Gardner. A Skinner, John. D Smith, James Jay. D Skolileld, Ezra Byington. D Smith, John Hall. D Slack, Francis Ilervey. A Smith, Jonathan Jason. D Slagle, Sarah Elizabeth. D Smith, Joseph Arthur. E Slate, Ames Wilswortli. A Smith, Joseph lleber. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — Ko. 56. 6 5

O f fic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M ed ic in e — Continued.

B Smith, Julia Ann Crafts. D Spaulding, David Nathan. B Smith, Levi Jasper. F Spaulding, Ebenezer Farrington. 1) Smith, Lewis Albert. A Spear, Edmund Doe. D Smith, Marshall Evans. C Spears, George William. A Smith, Mary Almira. B Spencer, Emily Jone. A Smith, Murdock Campbell. C Spencer, George Albert. D Smith, Ota Mafry. A Spencer, George Frederick Allen. D Smith, Peter Matthew. A Spencer, William Warren Conant. D Smith, Samuel Breese. A Spooner, George Robert. D Smith, Samuel Finlay. E Spooner, Henry Garrettson. A Smith, Sumner Phinney. A Spooner, John Winthrop. A Smith, Thomas Burke. A Sprague, George Percy. A Smith, Walter Anson. A Sprague, Phebe Ann. D Smith, William Benjamin Tyng. A Sprague, Rufus William. D Smith, William Henry. D Spratling, Edgar Johnson. C Smith, William Lord. A Spring, Clarence Walter. A Smith, WTinfield Scott. A Springer, Nathan Ayer. A Smithwick, John. D Sproul, John. C Smithwick, Marsena Parker. E Sproules, Joseph Aloysius. E Smorgonsky, David Joseph. A Squier, Angelo Orin. A Smyth, Herbert Edmund. E Stack, Charles Francis. D Smyser, Charles James. A St. Clair, Austin Emery. A Snow, Asa Vernon. A St. Dennis, Joseph Nelson. D Snow, Frank Whipple. D St. George, Archibald. E Snow, Frederick Stedman. A St. George, Norman. D Snow, Henry Curtis Butler. A St. Georges, Wilfred Mark. A Snyder, Charles Wight. A St. Germain, Joseph Pierre. D Snyder, Charles William. A St. Germain, Valmore. B Solomon, James Madison. A St. Jacques, Joseph Robert. B Solomon, Sarah Augusta. D St. Marie, Philippe. B Solomon, William Burr. A Stackpole, George Edmund. A Somers, John Edward. A Stacy, Charles Franklin. E Somers, Pierce Edward. A Stafford, Frank Dalmou. A Soper, Lyman WThite. B Stahl, Alfred Franz. A Sopher, Curtis Levi. A Standish, Myles. D Soule, Horace John. A Stanley, George Henry. B Soule, John Albion. A Stanley, Josiah Marsh. A Soules, Silas George. D Stanley, Leonard Gove. D Sousa, Jay me Ernesto Salaza D Stanley, Mark Page. D ’E oae. A Stanton, Jere Edmund. D Souther, Robert Fulton. D Stanton, Joseph. A Souther, William Towle. C Stanton, Thomas Leo. B Southgate, George Alonzo. D Staples, Hall. A Southgate, Robert William. D Staples, John Walter. A Southwick, George Rinaldo. A Stapleton, Richard Henry. D Southworth, Thomas Shepard. A Starbird, Edward Perley. D Soutter, Robert. A Starbird, Isaac Warren. D Spaid, Charles Jacob. D Starbuck, Joseph Clinton. A Spalding, Charles Franklin. D Stark, Maurice Albert. D Spalding, Fred Maurice. D Starkweather, Charles Robert. D Spalding, Harry Osgood. B Starr, Christopher Hamlin. A Spalding, Henry Edwin. A Steadman, John Abraham. B Spalding, Jacob Franklin. A Stearns, Charles A. E Spalding, Roger. A Stearns, Charles Goddard. A Spalding, Samuel Hopkins. A Stearns, George Washington. A Sparhawk, Clement Willis. A Stearns, Isaac Holden. D Sparks, Clarence Irving. E Stearns, John Warren. D Sparks, Ernest Elliot. E Stearns, Robert Thomas. D Sparling, John Henry. A Stebbins, George Stanford. D Spaulding, Charles Lester. B Stebbins, Marion Rowena Hayward. 66 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M ed icin e — Continued.

A Steelman, Charles Ellery. D Stilwell, Benjamin Watson. A Steelman, George. A Stilson, Willard Charles. A Steelman, Henry Rust. A Stinson, John Woodbury. A Stedman, James Parker. F Stocker, Alfred Augustus. A Stedman, Joseph Cyrus. D Stockwell, Edgar Washburn. D Steele, Albert Edward. D Stockwell, George Norman. E Steele, Harry Leon. D Stockwell, Herbert Emmons. A Steele, John McClary. A Stoddard, Henry Bradish. A Steere, David Ro6coe. D Stoddard, Mortimer Joseph. B Steinberg, Joseph. I) Stodder, Charles William. D Stenning, William Arthur. A Stokes, William Royal. D Stephens, Edna Harriet. A Stone, Arthur Kingsbury. A Stephens, Edward Buckminster. D Stone, Arthur Lile. A Stephenson, Benjamin Swift. A Stone, Byron. B Stephenson, Milton Elmer. A Stone, Charles Sinclair. A Stephenson, Nellis WTitter. A Stone, Ella Gertrude. E Stepp, Jacob, Jr. I) Stone, Ellen Appleton. A Stetson, C larence Augustus. A Stone, Frank Ellsworth. D Stetson, Frank Eliot. C Stone, George Arthur. D Stetson, Frederick Winslow. A Stone, James Savage. D Stetson, Halbert Greenleaf. A Stone, Lincoln Ripley. A Stevens, Andrew Jackson. D Stone, Moses Cornelius. B Stevens, Charles Albert. I) Stone, Murray Chaffee. A Stevens, Charles Benjamin. E Stone, Ralph Edgarton. A Stevens, Edmund Horace. A Stone, Waldo Hodges. A Stevens, George Beckwith. D Stone, Warren Buxton. D Stevens, Grace. B Stone, Wolf. A Stevens, Harry Laurence. D Stoneman, Edgar Ames. A Stevens, Henry Burt. A Storer, John. D Stevens, James Edward. A Storer, Malcolm. A Stevens, James Herbert. C Story, Alvin Francis. D Stevens, Michael Mallett. D Story, Helen Louise. D Stevens, Oscar Howard. E Stowe, Irving Elmer. D Stevens, Ralph Emerson. A Stowe, Willard Hanley. D Stevens, Ruey Bartlett. A Stowell, Edmund Channing. D Stevens, Sara Elmina. I) Stowell, Frank Edgar. A Stevens, Seriali. A Stowell, Joab, Jr. A Stevens, William Caldwell. C Stowell, Maud Evelyn. A Stevens, William Stanford. A Stowell, Sarah Russell. D Stevenson, Arthur William. D Stratton, Ralph Ricker. D Stevenson, Willis Mack. D Straw, Amos Gale. E Steward, Benjamin Gadsden. D Straw, O’Neil Watson Robinson. D Stewart, . I) Strayer, Edgar. A Stewart, Anne Clark. D Street, Charles Edward. A Stewart, James. A Street, Jerome Charles. A Stewart, James Hope. 1) Street, Lionel Alexander Burnet. 1) Stewartson, Charlotte Dodd. D Streeter, Howard Alvertus. D Stick, Henry Louis. I) Strickland, Samuel Perley. A Stickney, Alonzo Lawrence. D Strong, Charles Howard. A Stickney, Clifford Webster. E Strong, Frederick Finch. A Stickney, Edwin Pangman. D Strong, James Henry. 1) Stickney, Elizabeth Mary. D Strong, Lawrence Watson. A Stickney, George Augustus. A Strong, Thomas Morris. D Stickney, Henry Constant. A Stuart, Frederick William. D Stickney, Whitman Gibson. A Stuart, James Henry. A Stiles, Charles Wallace. I) Stubbs, Frank Raymond. A Stiles, Fred Merritt. D Stubbs, Richard Henry. C Stiles, Herbert Kendall. D Sturgis, Benjamin Franklin, Jr. A Still, James Thomas. D Sturgis, Walter Horatio Wakeman. D Still, William Henry. A Sturtevant, Charles. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 67

O f fic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M ed ic in e — Continued.

D Sturtevant, Charles Alton. A Swett, George William. A Stutson, William Peckham. A Swett, Percy Walter. D Styles, Myron Francis. D Swift, Frederic Norman. A Suffa, George A Ison. D Swift, Henry Marshall. D Sughrue, Dennis Francis. A Swift, John Baker. E Sullivan, Daniel Aloysius. A Swift, Lawrence Chew. D Sullivan, Daniel Bartholomew. A Swift, Robert. A Sullivan, Daniel Henry. A Swift, William Nye. D Sullivan, Daniel Thomas. D Swiney, Merrill Alpheus. D Sullivan, Edward Coppinger. D Swope, Dalva Hamit. D Sullivan, Florence Augustine. D Swope, Oscar Clinton. D Sullivan, Francis Augustus. D Sylvester, Charles Porter. D Sullivan, Frank Aloysius. A Sylvester, Stephen Alden. A Sullivan, James Francis. A Sylvester, William Hillman. A Sullivan, James Francis. E Sylvia, Charles Anthony. A Sullivan, James Stephen. A Sylvia, Manuel Victorino. A Sullivan, James Stephen. E Symonds, Alice Gertrude. B Sullivan, John Francis. A Symonds, Benjamin Ropes. A Sullivan, John Henry. A Synan, William Edward. D Sullivan, John Joseph. D Syrett, Edgar Charles. A Sullivan, John Thomas. D Tabor, Edward Orlando. D Sullivan, John Thomas, Jr. D Taft, Albert Atherton. E Sullivan, Joseph Lawrence. A Taft, Mary Florence. D Sullivan, Leon Daniel. D Taft, Maud Emilie. D Sullivan, Martin. A Talbot, George Henry. A Sullivan, Michael Francis. A Talbot, Winthrop Tisdale. E Sullivan, Patrick Eugene. D Tallant, Alice Weld. A Sullivan, William Joseph. D Tailman, Arthur Doyle. D Sumner, Harry Herbert. A Tailman, Augustus Littlefield. C S u m n e r, P h ilip S. B Tailman, William Cyprian. E Sturnick, Max. D Taminosian, Timotheus. A Suter, William Norwood. A Tanner, John Alexander. D Sutherland, Jane Hunting. E Tapliu, Grace Batchelder. A Sutherland, . E Taplin, George Colby. 1) Swain, Howard Townsend. D Tarbell, Harold Appleton. A Swain, Mary Lizzie. A Tasker, Frank Edwin. D Swain, Oliver Alden Tinkham. A Tassé, Joseph Chrj^santhe Edward. A Swan, Charles Louis. A Tatum, Rives. A Swan, Charles Walter. A Taylor-Cole, Anna Bessie. A Swan, Henry Storer. A Taylor, Charles Warren. D Swan, Horace Cheney. A Taylor, Edward Wyllys. A Swan, Jesse Johnson. D Taylor, Erwin Hartwell. A Swan, Roscoe Wesley. A Taylor, Esther Woodman. A Swan, Will Howard. A Taylor, Frederic Weston. A Swan, William Donnisou. D Taylor, Frederick Leon. A Swan, William Ellery Channing. A Taylor, George Lyman. A Swasey, Edward. B Taylor, Henry. A Swasey, Oscar Fitzallan. E Taylor, James, Jr. A Sweeney, Hilary Tucker. D Taylor, James Ralph, Jr. A Sweet, Charles Frederick. E Taylor, John Danforth. A Sweet, Clara Maria. A Taylor, Jubal George. B Sweet, Elisha Wilbur. D Taylor, Stella Mary. D Sweet, Ernest Albert. D Teahan, William John. D Sweet, Frederick Benoni. A Temple, Franklin Stuart. B Sweet, Job. A Temple, Hiram. E Sweet, John Henry, Jr. A Temple, William Franklin. B Sweet, Orrin Preston. A Ten Broeck, Stanton Jacob. D Sweet, Willard Hamilton. A Tenney, Benjamin. A Sweetser, Frederic Ellsworth. D Tenney, Elmer Seth. A Sweetsir, Charles Leslie. A Tenney, John Arthur. 68 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [.Tan.

O fficia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Continued.

C Tenney, William Northend. I) Thompson, Wellington Andrew. 1) Tessier, Charles. D Thorn, Edwin Cyrus. D Tétreau, Thomas. A Thorndike, Augustus. D Thatcher, Haines C. A Thorndike, Paul. B Thayer, Charles Nathaniel. D Thorndike, Townsend William. A Thayer, Charles Paine. D Thorning, William Burton. A Thayer, Eugene. A Thornton, James Brown. A Thayer, George Dickinson. B Thornton, William. D Thayer, Hartley Wales. & Thorpe, Benjamin Franklin. A Thayer, Ilenri Riedelle. A Thorpe, Edward Elephalet. A Thayer, Samuel Chase. B Thumin, Samuel. A Thayer, Samuel Ezra. A Thuot, John Vincent. B Thayer, Washington Irving. A Thurber, Madison Templeton. D Thayer, William Ilewins. E Thurber, Stephen Francis. A Thayer, William Sydney. B Thurlow, Edgar Theodore. A Therrien, Edward Joseph. A Thurlow, John Howard. E Therrien, John. A Thurston, Rufus Leander. A Thissell, Joseph Abbott. A Tibbitts, James Thomas. B Thomas, Adelida Annabel. A Tierney, Edward Howran. D Thomas, Carlton Revere. A Tierney, Martin Henry. A Thomas, Caroline Louise. D Tierney, Thomas Francis. A Thomas, Charles Holt. A Tigh, Frederick. A Thomas, Flavel Shurtlefr. A Tilden, Frank Elmer. A Thomas, George Francis. E Tilden, Irving Niles. C Thomas, George Henry. D Tileston, Wilder. A Thomas, John Jenks. A Tilton, Edward James. E Thomas, John Willard. A Tilton, Frank Herbert. D Thomas, Raphael Clarke. A Tilton, Josiah Odin. D Thomas, William Kilpack Smith. A Tilton, Letitia Marie. D Thomasson, Aaron Hood, Jr. D Tilton, Nellie Norris. D Thombs, Samuel Brackett. A Timmins, Patrick Joseph. D Thornes, John Blanchard. F Tingiey, Benjamin Wilson. D Thompson, Arthur Percival. D Tingiey, Louise Paine. D Thompson, Charles Arthur. A Tinker, Martin Buel. D Thompson, Charles Edward Perry. A Tinkham, Granville Wilson. A Thompson, Charles Marsh. A Tirrell, Vinson Meader. D Thompson, Charles Edward. A Titcomb, George Eugene. A Thompson, Charles Oscar. D Tobey, Carter McVine. A Thompson, Eben. E Tobey, Edward Nelson. A Thompson, Edward Charles. A Tobey, George Loring. I) Thompson, Edward Henry. A Tobey, Walter Henry. A Thompson, Frederick Henry. A Tobin, James Henry. E Thompson, Frederick Henry, Jr. E Tobin, Johli Henry. A Thompson, George Eben. E Todson, Clara Leona. D Thompson, George Soutliwick. A Tolman, Julia. C Thompson, Harry John. A Tompkins, Albert Henry. A Thompson, James Gillespie. A Toorney, John Peter. D Thompson, John Budd. A Toorney, Thomas Patrick. B Thompson, John Buxton. D Toothaker, Horace Edward. A Thompson, John Henry. D Topaz, Anna. A Thompson, John Joseph. D Torbert, James Rockwell. A Thompson, John McQuaid. D Torrey, John Paine. I) Thompson, John Stephen. A Torrey, Noah. E Thompson, Joseph Mariner. A Torrey, Samuel William. B Thompson, Marshall Elcry. D Totman, Virgil Connor. I) Thompson, Peter Hunter. A Tower, Charles Bates. I) Thompson, Ralph Leroy. A Tower, Frederick Russell. 1) Thompson, Richard Henry. A Tower, George Augustus. A Thompson, Richard Joseph. D Towle, Benjamin Newell. A Thomson, George Francis. D Towle, Charles Edward. 1904.] te, og as. m o h T eorge G , e. ttle u lin T aro C s e c n ra F A , ttle u T A e Edwar Lambert. b m a L rd a w d e. E , ierc P ’ ley b r. e m y o eorge a w h G T T ell, rd a w itch d w E T ll, A e h itc w T A . n a rm A e H e rg eo G , ttle u T . ry en H rt e lb A A , ttle u T A te, l nd. d an R rl a K , ttle u T A . ster. th u rce R o , W e tin ric s u au T M . y r, e re h rn p u m T u H D s rle a h C r, A e n r u T D Tur , l Ha ry. erly av H s r. rle lte a a h W C s r, e stu u rn . g . u w u T lan A ch arro r, H e aclan n rn h M u o T s J D r, stu e u p g p u u A T rdon. o r, G A e r p u p u rth T . h A p C r, se e p Jo p u rd a T w d A E , lly u T E A Tucker WilsLer . y ro e L illis W r, e k c u T A Turner James y. ry n e H s e m a J r, e n r u T E . n erso m E illiam W hase. r, C e k c el u u T am obey. S T r, e rd k a c . w u d T rth E A o r, sw e d k a c u W T cy A u L , k c u T lter. a A W , w slo ru B T , D ue t Edwi Weston. s. W rd in a w w d d E E , n y o m rth o ile e h w P ru , T ilas. S le a n o sd e rm a ru H T , A n a m e ru T D A Tr Her tOsgood. O rt . e h p rb se e H Jo , s e e u ru q T c a J l, e d ru T A A . ry n e H rd a w d E , e g all. rid b arsh w M ro . T an illiam ilm W G , s w ro eliu T rn A . o n C , lsto w A ro T A eorge G , p rip T A D Tr Ri d ith. m S rd a h ic R , e ru T D llen. A eorge G ll, e x ro T I) Tr t MaurceJ eph. h p se Jo . e ey ric u a arv M H , e c n ren sto lo re F T , n silia re T D D r. ete P n h o J r, o n a re T C Tr chl ,Al tJulus. s liu u J rt e lb A r, unson. le M h id ic av re D T , rtin a c ce. re ren D T la C rd a w d . A E rry a r, e H v h ra a T lv A tt. re r, B e r. v e n h ra in A o T rd J a r, G o zo in n ra lo . T D A , n atthew M fto n ra h T D o J , y s. e c siu ra y T lo A A bus. rd a w olum d C E D r , e y h c p ra to T ris h C , y c ra T A B Tr Thoma enr}r. H as m o h T , y c ra T . A an erm H s rle a h errick. C M ier, illis z o W T , d sen n w o T D endell. W arles er. h d C C n a , d lex sen A n w o T illiam W e, Jefferson. n w o T arles A h C arles. h e, C n w ry o n T B e H le, ow T B A Towns David. D , d n se n w o T D To e vey ker. e rk a P y e rv a H le, cates. S ow T d re F le, ow T A A > udley. D in w d E , le w o T I) o O fci l ia ffic udeau, r Aurele. u A arc M , u a e d ru T udeau,Wifi . ilfrid W , u a e d ru T L ULC OUET—N. 56 No. DOCUMENT — PUBLIC ist

of P ractitioners c y, i or . e c n re lo F cia u L , ry e ick V A Vi , ank as. m o h T k n ra F l, a in V A aecilia. C es n g A r, ieto V A l. ae Ism r, e rn e V A

Vi y, lim y. ry n e H illiam W . , ilip ey h in P V t, n ce . in eth V B . B t, n ry e c en in H r V r. e lte A n a rd W a l, G a in rry V D a H al, in s. V D rtu e vila. lb A A d e n c u n m E re d la E C h p iles, se V o J er, ig V A D . eco ach P sé o J . , k ira n ie ra V F n a rm e H D , ry e ick V e. A en g u E scar O e, ily erm art. V b o H s a n o J A , n a h g u a V A s. illiam W id av D , h rg u B r e d n a V A Vigi Fr i ece. ierc P lin k n ra F , in irg V A . rd a w d E h p se o J t, n a e ig V D s. stu u g u A e n e g u E , ry e ick V . an D erm H k ric e d re F tt. re erhoff, e V v E s rle a h C I) , n a h g u . a e g V rid lb E d s. re A F rle a , h y e C rn a ith d V E , y e rn a A V A yckoff. W e d rtru e G lt, e P an V A Voe, or ouis. L e rg eo G ogel, V D . J R. itt v a e L , m u rn a V E E. r. e la ichael sse n M r. e te R e ce, P an ry n V le, e k H in er, W an ssela D V en R n a . V n h D Jo . r oy J R , Le in D r, jam arte en B M ess, an n V ag M arch. M an r V u o D m y e S e, n D lsty A n a V B arles. h C ry n e H , e ell. tin n ow H le a e V ric au M , tley s. A U e m Ja , tley A U A Va uren,GereLi sy. esey iv L eorge G , n rse eu D an . V rd a W ey arv D H llen, A n st. a V rre o F n h o A J , e tin n le a V D ell. osw B . in rd w a d E w d E n h o J L'tley, rt, a h u rq A U A Vale d. rd a w d E n h o J allée, V D is. c n . ra F ry n en h H o J n rie, h U o J , ouis. L rich s U C rle a h C , n to p A . U am th a L D r. eorge e G ak B , d o o eorge G erw d n , U d o o erw d leason. n G U A id av D , d A o o erw d n U A Upha Emiy ar . rk ay. la F C n ily rto m o E H , am , h d p o o U erw d n . U D rew d n A is c n E ra F , d o o erw d n . U am rah G l e rt. u e D rb am e S H e ill, rg erh eo d G n U ill, rh e . d n ley D U d u D s rle a h E C ill, erh d n U A tt. e n n e B n h o J r, le y T A Under l,Elzabet Colden. C th e b a liz E ill, rh e d n U ctave O l u a P D e ric au . M ry , e en d H ro y o T ald W r, le y T ason. D M rt e lb A A r, le y . T d lfre A , n sso e g A y T A of M j . x èju V f . ci e in ic d — Continued. 9 6 70 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M ed ic in e — Continued.

E Vogel, James Oswald. A Warner, Carmillus Turten. I) Von Groll, Maximlllian Charles. D Warner, Charles Norton. I) Von Sonneberg, Archie Siegfried. A Warner, Emerson. A Vose, Albert Churchill. A Warner, Frederick Augustus. I) Vose, Robert Henry. A Warner, Henry. D Voss, John William. B Warner, Thomas Jefferson. D Vrahnos, Antonios Nicholas. D Warren, Alva Harding. D Vrooman, Earle Morey. D Warren, Arthur Fay. B Wade, George Washington. I) Warren, Edward Dane. A Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield. B Warren, Edwin Smith. A Wadsworth, Peleg. A Warren, Ernest Leighton. B Wagner, David. I) Warren, Franklin Lafayette. D Wait, Sheridan Paul. D Warren, Henry Stanley. A Waite, Clarence Howard. A Warren, Herbert. A Waite, Lorenzo. A Warren, Hobart Endicott. A Wakefield, Albert Tolman. A Warren, John Collins. B Wakefield, Josiali Judson. A Warren, John Kelso. D Walcott, Henry Joel, Jr. A W a rre n , G rin. A Walcott, Henry Pickering. I) Warren, William Barnard. B Wales, Edward Clarence. B Warren, William Marvin. E Wales, Ernest de Wolfe. A Warren, William Thomas. A Walker, Alexander Taylor. A Warwick, James. A Walker, Augustus Chapman. A Washburn, Elliott. D Walker, David Harold. E Washburn, Frank Hall. A Walker, Frank Clifford. I) Washburn, Frederic Augustus. B Walker, Gustav us Freedom. A Washburn, George Hamlin. A Walker, James Taylor. B Washburn, Vienna Amelia Parsons. A Walker, James William. D Wasson, Watson Lovell. I) Walker, Lewis Marshall. D Waterhouse, Henry Edwin. E Walker, Mary Wheeler. D Waterman, George Arthur. A Walker, Thomas Jackson. B Waters, Samuel William. D Walker, Dunlap. I) Watkeys, Frederick William. A Walker, William. B Watkins, Charles Edward. D Walker, William Emrich. A Watkins, Robert Lincoln. I) Walker, William Hastings. 1) Watkins, Royal Philip. D Walker, William Pomp. C Watson, Francis Sedgewick. C Walkley, William Samuel. D Watson, Frank Gilman. A Wallace, Frank Huron. B Watson, Fred William. D Wallace, George Loney. A Watson, George Henry. D Wallace, John. A Watson, James Maurice. A Waller, Thomas Gilmore. D Watson, Walter Linwood. D W a llis, N a th a n ie l. A Watson, William Purkis. I) Walsh, Charles Francis Adams. A Watters, William. A Walsh, Charles Joseph. I) Watters, William Henry. D Walsh, John Edward. A Wattles-Faunce, Mary Ann. D Walsh, Thomas Emmet. 1) Watts, Harry Adelbert. A Walton, George Lincoln. A Watts, Henry Fowler Ransford. I) Walton, William Joseph. D Weaver, George Albert. E Ward, Edward Silvanus. A Webb, Mary Elizabeth. D Ward, Frederick Spalding. A Webb, Melville Emerson. A W a rd , G eorge O tis. D Webb, Waiter James. 1) Ward, Horace William. A Webber, Alonzo Carter. D Ward, Parker Myles. A Webber, Amos Paterson. A Ward, Rollin Clayton. A Webber, Frank Orland. 1) Ward, Roy Joslyn. C Webber, Frederick Ward. E Ward, William Greenleaf. A Webber, George Franklin. E Warden, Ralph Alexander. D Webber, Henry Allen. 1) Wardsworth, Richard Goodwin. A Webber, Horace Green. A Wardwell, Percival Goodwin. A Webber, Samuel Gilbert. A Wares, Abel. 1) Webster, Frederick Alonzo. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 71

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M ed icin e — Continued.

I) Webster, Fred Paterson. A Wetherbee, Angeline Giles. D Webster, George. D Wetherbee, Lucy Emma. A Webster, George Arthur. A Wetherbee, Roswell. A Webster, Helen Baker Worthing. A Wetherbee, Sarah Lucretia. A Webster, Jonathan Edwards. A Wetherell, Arthur Bryant. A Webster, . A Whalley, Thompson. D Weed, George Franklin. A Wheatley, Frank George. A Weeks, . D Wheatley, Louis Frederick. A Weeks, Joshua Franklin. D Wheaton, James Lucas, Jr. P Weidner, Calvin. A Wheeler, Alfred Augustus. D Weil, Edna Helen. A Wheeler, Charles Augustus. A Weinerovitch, Nochine. A Wheeler, Charles Douglas. A Weinstein, Isaac. A Wheeler, Edward Reed. A Weir, Frank Le Sieur. D Wheeler, Emma Hammond. D Weis, Joseph Deutsch. E Wheeler, George Day. A Weiser, W alter Rupert. E Wheeler, Gilman Avery. I) Welch, David Francis. A Wheeler, Harry Deveraux. A Welch, Edward John. D Wheeler, James Hudson. D Welch, Edwin Andrew. E Wheeler, Jenness Day. D Welch, George Oakes. A Wheeler, Leonard. A Welch, John Frederick. D Wheeler, Lucia Anna. A Weller, Francis Joseph. A Wheeler, Morris Plumer. D Wellington, Claude Ryder. D Wheelock, Albert Andrews. F Wellington, James Lloyd. D Whelpley, George Frederick. I) Welles, Delbert Arthur. C Whipple, Albert Lawrence. D Wells, Abner Toothaker. A Whipple, Farrington Ilasham. D Wells, David W ashburn. C Whipple, Frank Lewis. A Wells, Frank. A Whiston, Edward Andem. A Wells, James Lee. A Whitaker, Clarence Wilder. D Wells, John Milton. A Whitcombe, Charles Reed. E Wennerberg, Francis Joseph. A White, Belle Joanna Platt. A Wentworth, Arthur Howard. C White, Charles James. C Wentworth, Caroline Young. A White, Charles W arren. D Wentworth, Harry Wilder. D W hite, Clifford Allen. B Wentworth, Horace. A White, Edward Forest. A Wentworth, Jacob Brackett. C White, Emory Lincoln. Ü Wentworth, Lowell Franklin. D White, Everett. A Wentworth, Walter Henry. D White, Frank Punster. D Wentworth, William Ezekiel. D White, Franklin Warren. I) Wentworth, William Parish. A White, George Edwin. A Wentworth, William Warren. D White, Henry George. A Werner, Anders Christen. A White, Herbert Warren. E Wernick, Benziou G. A White, Janies Clarke. D Wescott, William Henry. D White, Jonathan Hutchings. B Wesley, Charles Main. A White, Leon Edward. A Wesley, John Lyman. A White, Leonard Darling. A Wesley, Sarah Jane. A White, Levi. A Wesselhoeft, Conrad. D W hite, Michael William. A Wesselhoeft, W alter. A White, Robert. C Wesselhoeft, William Fessenden. A White, Walter Henry. C Wesselhoeft, William Palmer. A White, William Allen. D West, Bertha Helen. E Wliitford, Robert Atwood. A West, Edward Graeif. D Whitehead, Eugenia. A West, George Leon. D W hitehead, Mary Charlotte. B West, Pliny Hume. D Whitehead, Willett William. P Westall, John. A Whitehill, George Edward. A Westergren, Frances Clarke. I) Whiteside, George Shuttuck. A Weston, George Drake. A Whitford, Andrew Foster. A Weston, Isabel Gray. A Whiting, George Washington P Westwood, Mabel Inez. W h itn e y . 7 2 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [.Jan.

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Continued.

A Whiting, Lewis. A Williams, Francis Henry. A Whiting, Walter Booth. C Williams, Frank Percival. B W hitman, Edson Fobes. D Williams, Frederic Allen. D Whitman, William Dutcher. D Williams, Frederic Darbey. C W hitmarsh, W illard Francis. A Williams, Harold. A Whitmore, Albion Stinson. A Williams, Harry Augustus. A W hitney, Charles Alvano. D Williams, Harry Edwin. A Whitney, Charles Melville. A Williams, Henry Clarence. D Whitney, Chester Field Smith. D Williams, Hubert Joseph. A W hitney, Edward Melville. D Williams, Hugh. I) Whitney, Edward William. A Williams, Jacob Lafayette. I) Whitney, John Augustus. A Williams, Joseph. A Whitney, William Fiske. D Williams, Pearl. A Whitney, William Herbert. I) Williams, Ruby May. B W hittaker, William Austin. A Williams, Sara Jane. A Whittemore, Dwight Stanley. B Williams, Thomas Francis. A W hitten, George Edwin. D Williams, Wellington. 1) Whittier, Cordelia Melvina. D Williams, Virans Van. A Whittier, Daniel Brainard. B Willis, Andrew Everett. A Whittier, Francis Fremont. D Willis, Charles Austin. B W hittier, Helen Adelaide. D Willis, John Embert. 1) Whittle, John Augustus. C Willis, John Warren. D Whoriskey, John Joseph. B Willis, Josiah Greene. D Wiggin, Ralph Cleaves. A Willis, Reuben. D Wiggin, William Irving. I) Wilson, Almira Janette. A Wight, Daniel Webster. » Wilson, George Gordon Byron. A Wight, George Dewitt. A Wilson, Georgiana. I) Wight, Thomas Henry Toynbee. A Wilson, Charles Milo. C W ilbur, Alliston Chester. A Wilson, Charles Oscar. B Wilbur, Ezra Richmond. A Wilson, Darius. A Wilbur, Hubert Granville. D Wilson, Erastus Lozier. A W ilbur, Sarah Mann. C Wilson, Frederic Newhall. A Wilcox, Dorvil Miller. A Wilson, George Slocomb. 1) Wilcox, Franklin Samuel. A Wilson, Howard Eugene. A Wild, George Warren. D Wilson, James Johnston. A Wilder, Raymond Sargent. A Wilson, John Bradford. A Wilder, Sarah Elizabeth. D Wilson, John Herbert. A Wildes, Adeline Wilkins. D Wilson, Louis Thornton. D Wiley, Harriet Mary. A Wilson, Nettie Frances Mosher. B W ilinsky, Adolph. D Wilson, Robert Browning. A Wilkin, Anna Maria. D Wilson, William Eaton. D Wilkins, Charles Downes. D Wilson, William Henry. 1) W ilkins, George Clarence. D Wims, Denis Patrick. A Wilkins, George Henry. E Winchester, George Wesley. I) W illard, Frederick Buell. A Windsor, Sarah Sweet. B Willard, Mary Antoinette. A Wing, Clifton Ellis. D Willey, Chauncey Warner. A Wing, Edward Payson. 1) Williams, Abram Case. E Wingersky, Abraham Samuel. A Williams, Augustus Gilbert. A Winkler, Joseph Alexander. B Williams, Benjamin Barney. A Wiukley, Jonathan Wingate. A Williams, Charles Crosby. A Winn, Charles Henry. E Williams, Charles Edward. E Winslow, Benjamin Sabert. C Williams, Charles Herbert. A Winslow, Edward Smith. A Williams, Christopher Earle. D Winslow, Frederick Bradlee. B Williams, Clara Augusta. D Winslow, George Edgar. I) Williams, Dudley Abeel. A Winslow, Ivenelm. C Williams, Edward Denison. I) Winslow, William Henry. A Williams, Edward Russell. D Winslow, Richard Elliott. A Williams, Edward Tufts. A Wiswall, Edward Hastings. A Williams, Frances Elizabeth. A Witham, Charles Henry. 1904.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 73

O ffic ia l L ist of P ractitioners of M e d ic in e — Concluded.

D Withee, Frederick Elmarien. D Wormelle, Charles Burton. A Withington, Alfreda Boswortk. E Worth, Edward Philip. A Withington, Charles Francis. I) Worthen, Charles Arthur. A Witt, Stephen. D Worthing, Frank Bertelle. A Witter, Wilbur Fiske. D Worthington, Arthur Morton. D Wix, George Brinton. D Wosc, Alfred Millard. A Wolcott, Grace. D Wren, William Guy. B Wolcott, Joseph Arthur. D Wright, Charles Sias. A Wood, Albert. D Wright, Charles Wardsworth. D Wood, Duncan McRuar. C W rig h t, E lip h a le t. A Wood, Edward Stickney. A Wright, Erwin. A Wood, Henry Austin. B Wright, Frank Edward Kemble. I) Wood, Isabella Smith. D Wright, George Hermann. A Wood, Julia Beard. A Wright, Helen La Forest. D Wood, Mary Anna. A Wright, James Henry. D Wood, Nathaniel Knight. A Wright, John Homer. A Wood, Nelson Mervin. A Wright, Mary Jane. A Wood, Norman Perkins. B Wright, William. A Wood, Rosto Owin. B Wunsch, Paulina. A Wood, Stephen Andrew. E Wyer, Harry Gage. A Woodbuiy, Charles Edward. A Wylie, Ella Rosalind. I) Woodbury, Frank Taylor. C Wylie, Eugene Cushman. A Woodbury, George Edwin. E Wyman, Harry Monroe. D Woodbury, Herbert Elwell. A Wyman, John Lansen. A Woodbury, Louis Augustus. D Wynne, Richard. A Woodbury, Stillman Philetus. D Yager, Granville Lewis. A Woodbury, William Richardson. A Yale, Charles Henry. 1) Woodhead, Raynor. A Yale, Joseph Cummings. A Woodill, George Franklin. D Yale, Leroy Milton. I) Woodman, Alice Stuart. E Yardume, Manoug Garabet. A Woodman, Auriu Payson. D Yeaton, George William. A Woodman, George Sullivan. A Yenetclii, Henry Ainsworth. A Woodman, Julia Frances. D Yoosuf, Abraham Kevork. A Woodruff, Morgan Lewis. E York, Herbert Leroy. D Woodruff, Richard Allen. A York, Roger Sherman. D Woodruff, William Jessup. A Yorke, Albert Daniel. A Woods, Charles Edwin. A Young, Benjamin Herbert. A Woods, Charles Livingston. A Young, Charles Sayward. A Woods, Frank Aylmer. A Young, Edgar William. D Woods, George Lyman. A Young, Edmund Sanford. A Woods, Jarvis Uriah. E Young, Emma Elizabeth. A Woods, Jonathan Henry. D Young, Ernest Boyen. C Woods, Prince Tannatt. C Young, Jonathan Frank, Jr. D Woodward, Charles Todd. A Young, John Daniel. A Woodward, Johnson Rufus. A Young, John Francis. A Woodward, Lemuel Fox. A Young, John Franklin. A Woodward, Samuel Bayard. A Young, LeyanderJohn. A Woodworth, Dwight Sidney. D Young, Oscar Cummings. D Woodworth, Helen Ida. E Young, Ralph Randal. E Woodworth, John Dawson Ros­ D Young, Roy Demas. w ell. D Young, Ward. E Wooldridge, Frederick Vanuxem. A Young, William Henri Antonio. A Woolly, Emma Myrtice. E Yost, John Dixon. A Worcester, Alfred. A Y von, Jean Baptiste Wilfred. A Worcester, Edward. A Zabriskie, Frank Hunter. A Worcester, Fitzwilliam Sargent. B Zannos, George Anast. A Worcester, George Waldron. 1) Ziplinsky, Henry Edward. A Worcester, John Fonerden. A Ziselman, Max.