GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON: a Literary-Biographical-Critical

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GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON: a Literary-Biographical-Critical 1 GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON: A literary-biographical-critical database 2: by year CODE: From National Library in Taiwan UDD: unpublished doctoral dissertation Books and Articles Referring to Byron, by year 1813-1824: Anon. A Sermon on the Death of Byron, by a Layman —— Lines on the departure of a great poet from this country, 1816 —— An Address to the Rt. Hon. Lord Byron, with an opinion on some of his writings, 1817 —— The radical triumvirate, or, infidel Paine, Lord Byron, and Surgeon Lawrenge … A Letter to John Bull, from a Oxonian resident in London, 1820 —— A letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Byron, protesting against the immolation of Gray, Cowper and Campbell, at the shrine of Pope, The Pamphleteer Vol 8, 1821 —— Lord Byron’s Plagiarisms, Gentleman’s Magazine, April 1821; Lord Byron Defended from a Charge of Plagiarism, ibid —— Plagiarisms of Lord Byron Detected, Monthly Magazine, August 1821, September 1821 —— A letter of expostulation to Lord Byron, on his present pursuits; with animadversions on his writings and absence from his country in the hour of danger, 1822 —— Uriel, a poetical address to Lord Byron, written on the continent, 1822 —— Lord Byron’s Residence in Greece, Westminster Review July 1824 —— Full Particulars of the much lamented Death of Lord Byron, with a Sketch of his Life, Character and Manners, London 1824 —— Robert Burns and Lord Byron, London Magazine X, August 1824 —— A sermon on the death of Lord Byron, by a Layman, 1824 Barker, Miss. Lines addressed to a noble lord; – his Lordship will know why, – by one of the small fry of the Lakes 1815 Belloc, Louise Swanton. Lord Byron, 2 vols Paris 1824 Bowles, W.L. Letter to Lord Byron on a question of poetical criticism, 1822 Breme, Lodovico di. Osservazioni, Milan (?) Bruno, Francesco. Cenni sui mezzi piu atti a mantenere sani i soldati in Campgna ed in Guernigione, Missolonghi, 1824 Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton. Letters on the Character and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron, 1824 Clinton, George (Sir James Bacon, P.C.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the right honourable Lord Byron, 1822, published with author’s name 1824 Colton, Charles Caleb. Remarks Critical and Moral on the talents of Lord Byron, and the tendencies of Don Juan. By the author of Hypocrisy, a Satire. 1819, 1820 (rpt Folcroft 1975) Dallas, Robert Charles. Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from the Year 1808 to the End of 1814, 1824, tr French as Correspondance de Lord Byron avec un ami, Paris, Galignani, 1825 2 Gordon, Sir Cosmo. The Life and Genius of Lord Byron, 1824; reprinted in Pamphleteer 24 1824 Hazlitt, William. In his Lectures on the English Poets, 1818 Heber, Bishop. Lord Byron’s Dramas, QR XXVII 1822 Hobhouse, John Cam. (Baron Broughton) A Journey through Albania and other Provinces of Turkey, 1813, 2 vols 1813, reprinted, 1855 (as Travels in Albania). —— The Substance of Some Letters Written by an Englishman in Paris during the Last Reign of the Emperor Napoleon; letters addressed to Byron, 1816 —— Historical Illustrations to the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Murray 1818 —— Lord Byron’s Residence in Greece, Westminster Review 2 1824 —— Exposure of the mis-statements contained in Captain Medwin’s pretended Conversations of Lord Byron, 1824 Howitt, William. A poet’s thoughts at the interment of Lord Byron, 1824 Hugo, Victor. Sur George Gordon, Lord Byron, La Muse Française 15 June 1824, pp 327 -39 (Irving, Washington). Lord Byron, Analectic Magazine (Philadelphia) July 1814; reprinted in Poetical Works of Lord Byron, Boston 1814 — An unwritten drama of Lord Byron. Gift for 1836 (New York) (1835); ed. T. O. Mabbott, Metuchen NJ 1925 Jeffrey, Francis. Lord Byron’s Tragedies, Edinburgh Review XXXVI 1822 (Lockhart, J. G.) A letter to Lord Byron by John Bull, 1821; ed. R. L. Strout, Norman Oklahoma 1947. Also ascribed to John Black. See Athenaeum 7 March 1905 M’Dermot, Martin. A Letter to W.L.Bowles, in reply to his letter to T.Campbell and to his two letters to Lord Byron, containing a vindication of their defence of Pope, The Pamphleteer, 1822 Medwin, Thomas. Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron at Pisa, 1824 (3 editions). Reviewed in Blackwood’s Magazine November 1824; GM November 1824. ed Ernest J.Lovell jr. 1966; tr French, Paris 1824; Italian (extracts) in Antologia del Gabinetto Viesseux, Florence January 1825 Murray, John. Notes on Capt Medwin’s Conversations of Lord Byron, 1824 (privately printed); reprinted in Works of Lord Byron (Murray) 1829 Pellico, Silvio. Review of CHP IV in Il Conciliatore No 24, pp 371-3 and No 36, pp 3-6 —— Review of The Corsair in Il Conciliatore No 68 pp 490-8 Pichot, Amédée. Essai sur le Génie et le caractère de Lord Byron, with a preliminary notice by Charles Nodier, Paris 1821 M.R.. Essai sur le caractère, les mœurs et l’esprit de Lord Byron, traduit de l’anglais, Paris 1824 Scott, W. The death of Lord Byron, Edinburgh Weekly Journal 19 May 1824; reprinted in his Miscellaneous Prose Works vol 1, Edinburgh 1841, tr French by A. Pichot, Paris 1824 —— Character of Byron in The Pamphleteer XXIV, 1824 Shelley, P. B. History of a six weeks’ tour, 1817 Simmons, J. W. An inquiry into the moral character of Lord Byron, New York 1824, London 1826 Stacey, John. A Critique on the Genius and Writings of Lord Byron, with Remarks on Don Juan, Norwich 1820 Stanhope, Leicester. Greece in 1823 and 1824, to which are added Remniscences of Lord Byron, Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, 1824, 1825, Paris 1825 Stendhal (Beyle, M. H.) Rome, Naples et Florence en 1817 par M. de Stendhal, Paris 1817; tr 1818 Styles, J. Lord Byron’s Works viewed in connexion with Christianity and the Obligations of Social Life, 1824 3 Vigny, Alfred de. Littérature anglaise: Œuvres Complètes de Lord Byron, Le Conservateur Littéraire (Paris) December 1820 Capt Medwin Vindicated from the Calumnies of the Reviewers by Vindex, 1825 (Watkins, John). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron, with Anecdotes of some of his Contemporaries, 1822; tr German, Leipzig 1825 Watts, Alaric. Examples of Lord Byron’s Plagiarism, Literary Gazette, February 24 1821 pp.121-4, March 3 1821 pp.137-9, March 10 1821 pp.150-2, March 17 1821 pp.168- 70, March 31 1821 pp.201-3 Wilson, John. Byron’s Heaven and Earth, Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine XIII, January 1823 Wiffen, J. H. The Character and Poetry of Lord Byron, New Monthly Magazine May 1819 Full Particulars of the Much Lamented Death of Lord Byron with a Sketch of the Life, 1824 The Particulars of the Dispute between the late Lord Byron and Mr Southey, Edinburgh 1824 The Radical Triumvirate: or Infidel Paine, Lord Byron and Surgeon Lawrence colleaguing with the patriotic radicals to emancipate mankind from all laws, human and divine, by an Oxonian, 1820 Review of Dallas’ Recollections, add Exposure of the Mis-statements contained in Captain Medwin’s pretended Conversations of Lord Byron (1824) El Telegrafo Greco (Missolonghi) 24 April 1824 1825: Anon. Anecdotes of Lord Byron, from Authentic Sources, 1825 —— Stanze alla Memorie di Lord Byron, Livorno 1825 —— The Life, Writings, Opinions and Times of Lord Byron, 3 volumes 1825 —— Stanzas to the memory of Lord Byron, 1825 Allart, J (?) Karakterschets van Lord Byron als Mensch en als Dichter, with P.Gamba, Merkwaardige bij Zonderheden van Lord Byron’s la atste Verblijf in Griekenland, Delft 1825 Blaquière, Edward. Narrative of a Second Visit to Greece, including facts connected with the Last Days of Lord Byron, 1825 Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton. An Impartial Portrait of Lord Byron as a Poet and a Man, Paris 1825 Byroniana: Bozzies and Piozzies, 1825 Clinton, George (Sir James Bacon, P.C.). Memoirs of the Life and writings of Lord Byron, 1825 Dallas, Robert Charles. Correspondence de Lord Byron avec un ami et lettres à sa mère, en 1809, 1810, et 1811, du Portugal, de l’Espagne, de la Turque, et de la Grèce, Souvenirs et Observations; le tout formant une Histoire de sa Vie, de 1808 à 1814. Ornée de son Portrait et d’une Vue de Newstead-Abbey, 3 vols Galignani, Paris 1825, tr German, Stuttgart 1825 Gamba, Pietro. A Narrative of Lord Byron’s Last Journey to Greece, 1825 Hazlitt, William. In his Spirit of the age, 1825 Hobhouse, John Cam. (Review of Dallas’s Recollections and Medwin’s Conversations) Westminster Review III 1825 Iley, Matthew (attrib.) The Life, Writings, Opinions and Times of Lord Byron, including Copious Recollections of the lately destroyed memoirs by an English gentleman in the Greek Military Service, 3 vols 1825 (Kilgour, Alexander.) Anecdotes of Lord Byron from authentic sources, 1825 Parry, William (asst. Thomas Hodgkinson). The Last Days of Lord Byron, with his Lordship’s opinions on various subjects, particularly on the state and prospects of 4 Greece, 1825: see William St Clair, note in KSJ 1970 (Phillips, W. or Andrews Norton.) A Review of the Character and Writings of Lord Byron, Atlantic Monthly, October 1825; reprinted 1826 Pichot, A. Essais sur Lord Byron. Paris 1825. For Byron’s comments see J. J. Coulmann, Une visite à Byron à Gênes, Paris 1826 de Salvo, Le Marquis Carlo. Lord Byron en Italie et en Grèce, London, Paris, Strasbourg 1825 Tricoupi, S. Funeral Oration on Lord Byron, delivered at Missolonghi. 1825, 1836 Vindex, Captain Medwin Vindicated from the Calumnies of the Reviewers, 1825 Z [John Mitford]. Lord Byron’s Residence on the Island of Metylene [sic], The Portfolio, No 141, October 1825, pp 433-4. 1826: Albrizzi, Isabella Teotochi, in her Ritratti scritti, Pisa 1826 Lake, J.
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