"Is Basilides Quoted in the Philosophumena?" Journal of Biblical
.. JouRNAL OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE. ELEVENTH YEAR-1892-PART II. Is Basil ides quoted in the Philosophumena? PROF. JAMES DRUJIIMOND. MANCHESTE:It NEW COLLEGE:, OXFORD. s is well known, the theological interest of the question which is A placed at the head of this article depends on the occurrence of undoubted quotations from the Fourth Gospel in the extracts which sketch the system of Basilides. The following passages occur : Ka~ Toiiro, tPTJCT{ll, lcrTt TO Af)'OP.fliOll lll TOt~ dXJ.yy().{Ot~. 9 Hll TO </Jw~ TO aATJ- 8woll, ~ <jJwT{'u 1Tal1Ta 11ll8pw1Toll lpxop.£liOll £l~ Toll Kaup.oll.1 Again, ·oT, 8£, <fJTJcrlll, lKacrToll l8lov~ lxu Katpov~, iKallo~ o crwT~P ).i:ywll· Ov1rw ~K£t ~ wpa p.ov, K~ oi p.ayot TOll aCTTfpa n8mp.illot! If these words were con tained in a treatise written by Basilides, then the Fourth Gospel must not only be of earlier date than many critics in modern times have supposed, but it must also have been included in a recognized collec tion of gospels. The evidence which may be thus afforded has been summarily dismissed on the ground that Hippolytus 3 mentions Basi lides, and Isidore his son, and 1ra~ oToVTwll xopo~, and then cites them collectively through the whole of the following paragraph by the word <fJTJrr{. We have, th~n, to inquire, first, whether Hippolytus is citing the opinion of the school collectively, that is to say, is presenting the general Basilidean theory in his own words, or is quoting some par ticular· person; and if we decide that he is quoting, we must then inquire, in the second place, whether the person quoted is Basilides.
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