Clemson College Library Campus V ■-* QUARANTINE CONTINUED *>f ^ c


V(XL. XXVI. Clemson College, S. C, February 18, 1931 No. 1? X.J? STATE QUARANTINE TO TIGERS WIN THRILLER NUMEROUS DIVERSIONS TENTATIVE TAPS STAFF SOPHOMORES GOMPETE REMAJNIN EFFECT FROM KENTUCKY FIVE BREAK MONOTONY ELECTED BY JUNIORS FOR STAFF_POSITIONS Twenty-one Men Recommend- Development of New Case of Six Points Behind at the Half, Twelve Men to Work as Under- ed by Faculty for Work as Meningitis Causes Extension Clemson Makes Comeback to OF QUARANTINE studies in Various Depart- Reporters of Quarantine; Throat Cul- Hand Blue Grass Lads 29 to ments 26 Setback tures Taken The Royal Bengals are still confined With the election of a new "Tiger" On Wednesday night, February 11, Clemson triumphed over Kentucky to their lair. Since their confinement , staff, a new staff of reporters were Quarantine regulations prescribed by in chapel, the Junior Class convened last Saturday night, 29-26, in one of roars and growls have come from selected from the Sophomore class. AH the State Board of Health will remain for the purpose of electing candidates the most thrilling contests ever witness- their cage in one long caesCendo of these men were recomm°"'i'(l bv Pro- in effect here "until further notice," for positions on the 1932 "Taps" staff ed on the local court, to give the lads sound. Forced to stop the predatory fessors in the English department. They on account of the appearance of an- Twelve men were chosen to try out for from the Blue Grass state their second wanderings so common to their kind, were selected according to their ability other case of cerebro-spinal meningitis three positions Editor-in-Chief, Busi- i upset in the southern conference race. the Bengals are turning their attention, in English and other qualification*, in the cadet corps. to the meaty carcasses of "Whiz- ness Manager, and Photo Editor. essential for a good news-writer. W. H. Padgett, sophomore, of Salu- Clemson seized the lead at the start, Bang," "College Humor," and various In selecting these men an unusual form Twenty-one men have beep aih^en da, developed the disease Sunday night but the smooth-working combination other toothsome morsels. Others, less of election was chosen. Four men assignments, and the staff of reporters Dr. James A. Hayne, State Health of the Colonels soon sized up the situa- choice in their meat, have turned to were nominated by the Juniors, and for the year will be chosen from this Officer, was notified and sent Dr. R. tion and ran up enough points to give the tougher, more sustaining diet of one was elected. This procedure was group by a series of eliminations. Those G. Hamilton to Clemson, at the same them a 19-13 advantage at the half books. Many are possessed with a repeated twelve times to insure the working for positions are: L. J. Bar-: time extending the quarantine. way mark. ravenous appetite for exercise, and it choice of competent workers, rather than bare, J. K. Bishop, V R. Coggins, At the present time there are two The second half kept the frenzied is a common sight to see one of these merely popular ones. The cadets W. W. Dickson, J. L. O. Foster, R. cases of meningitis at the hospital. crowd in ecstasy from start to finish. huge cats dressed in golf togs, running elected were: G. H. Brigman, P. N. S. Gilreath, T. H. Hewitt, L. R. Hoyt, William Sanders, who has been con- At times it looked like a football game, pants, or football togs ambling along Calhoun, F. D. Cochran, W. W. Fridy, W. P. Hunter, W. L. Jacobs, W. K fined with the disease for more than so anxious was the playing. in pursuit of his daily recreation and O. H Green, Dozier Howard, J. P. Lawlor, E. G. Lawton, R. H. Lindsay, two weeks, is steadily improving. Clemson scored twelve points before enjoyment. Littlejohn, J. W. Talbert, B. E. B. H. J. McCallister, M. G Miller, J. H. For several days his condition was the visitors tallied in the second period, Snowden, and J. A. Weston. They Mitchell, P. M. Parrott, C. P. Walker, critical, but he responded to treatment, and went into a 25-19 lead, but the Some few of the denizens of the are not the staff of next year's "Taps", T. M. Watson, and W. R. Williams. and, barring unforseen development, Kentucky captain, Carey Spicer, cageu cage manifested symptoms of fear but three of their number will be F. L. Prickett has been selected to help is now regarded as on the road to two long ones within the next few when their dreaded enemy,, the menin- elected to fill the three most import- recovery. Reports from the hospita1 in the circulation department. moments to make things even. Romain gitis, was announced to be in their ant positions, on recommendation of the today are to the effect that Cadet Smith was running wild with his diffi- midst These few timid ones were college business manager and the Padgett is also improving, although cult shots, and "Footsie" Davis was quickly quieted by the older feline present staff of "Taps." The remain- his condition is still serious. making life miserable for ambitious members who had seen this dread ing nine positions will be filled at an MANY SHOW PROMISE IN Throat cultures have been made of Kentuckians hovering around the goal. spectre before, and life in the cage election to be held by the Junior Class all students and members of the col- It was Davis' great guarding which is almost normal again. at a later date. lege staff. Those found to be carriers SPRING GR!D_ PRACTICE was responsible in a large measure This year's staff is finding their of the meningitis organism will be iso- Many of the Cats have had a far for Clemson's victory. He was a hawk successors very willing and capable. lated until their throat cultures show away look in their eyes since the gates Wealth of Material Uncovered in getting the ball from the backboard Already sample assignments have been negative reactions. of their cage clanged shut upon them. and received 'a great ovation from the apportioned and several Juniors are by Coach Neely Extension of the quarantine can- These adventurous ones evidently miss crowd when removed from the game learning the art of bill collecting. celed basketball games with Furman their usual weekly trip to the jungles in the closing minutes. Practice in writing, as well as in the here, Wofford at Spartanburg, and of Anderson, Greenville, and Seneca. Spring Football practice at Clemsou Kentucky broke the tie bv sinking business phase of editing "Taps", is Florida at Gainesville; also boxing Those mighty fighters, the athletes, started with a bang on February 2, a foul shot, but the Tigers knotted it with North Georgia Aggies here. Bas- distributed among the new men in order the first day of the second semester. again by also making good a free seem to be especially savage. Woe to ketball with Carolina in Columbia that they may learn all the details of The initial day of the spring season toss. "Footsie" Davis did likewise, and the unlucky fo whom they first meet Monday of next week, and boxing with producing a college annual. brought out about fifty huskies from (Continued on page six) after this trying confinement! Carolina here Saturday may also be If they continue to develop in pro- the cadet corps. Besides the letter cancelled, although there has been no portion to the zeal and ability they are men there were a few promising mem- definite announcement in regard to now showing, the "Taps" saff of 1932 bers of this years rat team who drew these contests. JUNIORS TO ORGANIZE will make Clemson's annual an over- their uniforms the first day. The RIFLE TEAM MATCHES whelming success. following few days brought out several CRACK PLATOON SOON more candidates who, because of class- ENGINEERING BUILDING HAVE BEEN POSTPONED work at the first of the semester were Those Juniors who wish to show MINARET CLUB WILL not able to get out to the first practice. GROUNDSJMPROVED their mettle along military lines will The following days of practice have an opportunity to do so this Good Showing Made in Fourth brought out a few points in Neely's Plans are Daily Becoming a week, when the organization of a SPONSOR ART EXHIBIT system of coaching. As far as ca'n be Corps Area Match Reality Junior Platoon gets under way. Drill seen, Coach Neely is using the Notre will start immediately in order that the To Begin February 23 and Will Dame system of line play. He is. using a big center and tackles, and For the past two weeks, the grounds platoon will be functioning smoothly Due to the quarantine and the pre- Remain Here Two Weeks in time, to stage an exibition drill at small but fast guards. Among the in front of the Engineering Building valence of influenza during the last have been the scene of much activity. Spring Inspection. The platoon will candidates for the guards are Proctor, month, the Tiger Rifle Team got off The two four-foot walks leading to the be under the leadership of Colonel The Minaret Club of the Department Moss and Bowles, who are all letter Shop Building and to the main walk Newman until it has been permanently to a pcor start as several of the sche- of Architecture will sponsor an exhibi- men. Bowles being a senior, may from the Athletic Building have been organized and instructed in a number duled matches had to be postponed. tion of the art work of the New not come back next year, but being torn up, and the slabs placed in such of new movements, after which time York School of Fine and Applied Art. eligible for another year of football.- a manner as to form a walk from the leadership will be turned over to The Bengals, during the past two The exhibition will reach here about it is hoped he will return. ' At tackles the Post Office to the rear of Riggs a member of the platoon to be elected weekly Fourth Corps Area contests, February 23, and will remain for two "Footsie" Davis, Reuben Seigle, and Hall. Teams and men have grader by his fellow-members. Competitive have made remarkable records in both weeks. This exhibit is touring the "Moosehead" Fleming, are the letter down the rough places and the whole drill at the first of the year proved prone and sitting positions, the respec- South in an effort to develop a greater men among Coach Neely's aspirants. interest in Art; not only Fine Art, front of this building is beginning to that there is a wealth of good material tive scores being 95.9 for prone and Although Fleming made his letter at look like an entirely different place. for a snappy unit. The platoon will 93 for. sitting, each out of a possible but Industrial Art, Arts and Crafts, guard, he has been shifted to a tackle Commercial Art, and Art in the schools Where the road once ran, a sloping be made up of six squads, four of hundred. Johnstone and Bethea were during spring practise. "Big" Williams and colleges, thereby, giving a more grade has been placed so as to meet which will form Clemson's representa- high scorers in the prone position, while is another promising man to fill the universal interest in Art. This will the slope of the ground in rear of tive unit at camp next summer. The Watson and Crymes led in the sitting. shoes left vacant by Mule Yarborough. develop good taste, the first step in the the Trustee House. cup which is given each year at Fort Several more matches have been sch- "Red" Fordham is back at his regular The steps leading into the Engineer- McClellan to the best drilled platoon duled for the next few weeks, each appreciaion of the true meaning of Art. position, at center. Other candidates This exhibit will consist of one hun- ing Building are almost thirty fee' came very near being in the possession team to fire at home and the results for this position are "Rusty" Orr, dred mounts, showing the work of the lower than the steps to the entrance to of Clemson last summer, when our to be transferred by telegraph. "Army Mule" Guy, and Metz Gresham, students of the above School in Cos- the Main Building, but the ground be- platoon, under the capable leadership although he is not able to be out for The rifle team has always held a tume Designing, Illustration, Interior tween these two buildings has been so of Colonel Newman, lost to The Citadel spring session because of sickness. minor place in the sports life of the Decoration, Advertising, Designing, and graded and the walks so arranged that by only three points. With the material Candidates for the other positions college, but in view of the fact that so Posters. they appear to be much nearer the at hand, it is highly probable that that who look promising are as follows: much interest has been taken in this All students and people of the com- same level. When this work is finished cup will come o Clemson next year. Ends—Rivers, Patterson, Wertz and division, it is probable that block let- munity are cordially invited to view Riggs' Hall and its surroundings will, The showing made by the platoon at Craig. Backs—Miller, Priester, Arm- ters will be awarded the members this this exhibition which will be open daily be the prettiest building on the cam- camp will have considerable influence strong, Hook, The Kinghoms, Heine- year. Capt. Kron and his men are to in the studio on the third floor of pus with the possible exception of the upon the military standing of the mann, "Little Goat" McMillan, and be commended on their fine spirit. Riggs Hall. library area. school as a whole. Continued to page 6 PAGE TWO THE TIGER WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY r.8,. E93X

the inner side, the fiat bar-iron was- Clemson students have always been Our nomination for the most polite nailed." In February, 1832, the first noted for their sportsmanship and loj man on the campus—Professor Henry United States mail ever carried on a alty to Alma Mater. Enthusiastic spir- W. Rankin. railroad was taken out of Charleston it, in the form of yells and cheers, has For the most unique philanthropic over the twelve miles nearest the city. been manifested by the Corps in every idea—that of the First Presbyterian This section is probably not from athletic contest staged here at Clem- Church of Rock Hill, whose ladies the original "flat bar-iron," but from 'HE ROAKS FOR CLEMSON son. There are times, however, espe- sent boxes of edibles to all their a rail in later use which was spiked cially in very large crowds, when members at this school on Valentine to the top of the wooden rail, or Founded by the Class of 1907 and published weekly, during the college perfectly well-meaning people become Day. ( A hint to other churches and stringer. session, by the Corps of Cadets of Clemson College. over-enthusiastic and lose complete con- organizations). Broken End of a Steel Drill used in trol, temporarily, of their emotions. An Entered as Second Class matter at the Post Office at Clemson College, construction of the tunnel through unbecoming incident, due to such over- South Carolina. Stump House mountain above Wal- zealousness on the part of the cadet REGENT CONTRIBUTIONS halla. This tunnel was part of the cheering section, occurred at an athle- Blue Ridge Railroad extension to EDITORIAL STAFF tic contest here several nights ago. Knoxville and was to have been There is no doubt that the offenders REGEIVEDJY MUSEUM 5800 feet long, but was stopped by J. E. BAKER Editor-in-Chief had no malicious intent in making the the Civil War at which time it was F. E. JOHNSTONE Associate Editor The Clemson College Museum has remarks. They simply did it thought- almost complete. The drill was found H. C. WOODSON Managing Editor received the following gifts and loans lessly in the fervor of their intense in the tunnel by Cadet H. W. Arnold E. R. KELLEY Athletic Editor which are now on display in the excitement. Nevertheless, such deplor- and presented to the museum by him. W. H. TRAMMEL Associate Athletic Editor museum on the gallery of the Library: able occurrences reflect upon the char- 2 Rifle Bullet Molds, presented bv O. H. GREEN .-. : Exchange Editor A pair of Derringer Duelling Pistols acter of our sportsmanship, and their Mr. R. S. Vemer, Seneca, R. F. D. W. F. GILLAND Campus Editor loaned by Cadet R. J. Robinson. These One of these molds was hand wrought C. P. HOGARTH Y. M. C. A. Editor repetition in the future should be care- pistols were owned by his grandfather, fully avoided in Oconee Co. almost 100 years ago B. D. CLOANINGER-' Joke Editor Mr. J. G. Wright. These are very and shows how bullets were made W. W. DICKSON and T. M. WATSON Associate Joke Editors small pistols, so small one of them This quarantine is of course having at that time. The other shows a later J. A. WESTON _ Assignment Editor may be concealed in the hand and are its effect upon the students and their model. the same type Czolgosz used when he occupation of time. Such interests as 15 Pieces of South Carolina and Staff Reporters shot President McKinley at the Pan music, largely of the popular type as it Georgia Confederate Currency, presented L. J. BARBARE, J. K. BISHOP, V. R. COGGINS, J. L. O. FOSTER, American exposition in Buffalo. is broadcast over the radio, reading, by Mr. J. O. Armstrong of Seneca, R. S. GILREATH, T. H. HEWITT, W. P. HUNTER, W. L. JACOBS, 15 specimens of Indian relics loaned practically all of which is magazine R. F. D. This shows some paper W. K. LAWLOR, R. H. LINDSAY, M. G. MILLER, C. P. WALKER, by .Mr. M. B. Stevenson of Clemson fiction, and observatVms of the work money in small denominations such W. R WILLIAMS College. of nature and the rapfaiy appearing as: ten cents, twenty-five cents, fifty i* 41 specimens of Indian relics loaned signs of the coming of spring are hold- cents, one dollar, two dollars, etc. BUSINESS STAFF by Cadet J. O. Rowell. J. P. LITTLEJOHN Business Manager ing an unusually large place among the 1 Pair of Tooth Pullers, presented 4 specimens of Indian relics loaned A. D. HOWARD Associate Business Manager student pastimes. Picture shows are by Mr. J. O. Armstrong of Seneca, by Mr. Chas. Elrod of Seneca, R. F. D. receiving the largest consistent attend- R. F. D. These tooth pullers .were 58 specimens of Indian relics loaned CIRCULATION STAFF ance^ on record. Antiseptic mouth- hand wrought in some blacksmith by Cadet Victor Fleming. W. G. NEELY Circulation Manage wash and gargle solutions are enjoying shop in Oconee County about 1870 Section of Iron Rail presented by H. G. SETTLE Associate Circulation Manager extremely large sales. Bull Sessions and were used by Mr. Armstrong Mr. Geo. H. Leitner, Vice President. for the general extraction of teeth. W. H. PADGETT Assistant Circulation Manager are both more numerous and more F. L. PRICKETT .' Assistant Circulation Manager Graniteville Mfg. Co. Used many Crude but probably effectiv.e extensive. The quaranune ana me years ago on the South Carolina Rail- Other articles received will be men- futurity of leaves of absence are the road, between Charleston and Ham- tioned next week. main topics of interest at these "tete burg, S. C. The museum is also to receive 100 a tete," while the members of the fairer This railroad was begun January 9, specimens of different kinds of birds' EDITORIAL sex still receive their usual amount of rS.30, and completed to Hamburg, S. eggs, which will be loaned by Mr. both favorable and unfavorable dis- C. in October 1833, at a cost of Elias P. Earle of Clemson College. cussion and comment. Some individuals, $951,148.39- It was the first railroad These will be on display as soon as With this issue the new "Tiger" staff makes its initial very evidently, have become more senti- in America built expressly for loco- the exhibit can be arranged and fur- mental during this period od inevit- bow to the readers of the school weekly. Though you have tive power; and the first railroad ther information about them will ap- able restriction, while others affect an seen examples of our work during the past year when we engine built in the United States was pear in The Tiger at a later date. air of detached indifference and, in some worked as reporters and understudies in the various depart- used on it. This locomotive could The museum is particularly anxious cases, of complete abandon. However, run up to 35 miles per hour as a to receive articles which depict the ments, this is the first issue the new staff has published alone. as yet, there has been no increase in maximum. It weighed four tons. early life of South Carolina and it Realizing that "The Tiger" is, or should be, representa- the amount of time that the students This railroad was, until 1840, the is hoped cadets and others will tive of the school and all its activities, every effort will be put are spending on their scholastic work. longest in the world—136 miles. It either present or loan to the museum forth to make it a successful and an interesting newspaper. was built on piles, which were "bound such articles they may hvae. Each Our apologies are extended to Mr. With a very capable and industrious staff in every department, together by transverse sleepers; these article will be properly labeled and Mclntyre as we drift into the making the Editor is assured of cooperation in every way. were surmounted by the longitudinal kept in a locket display case in a All phases of school and campus life are to receive at- of a few "personal nominations " wooden rail, on the top of which on fireproof building. tention along with several feature columns which we feel are an asset to any good newspaper. JK~:~K~:~K~X^^^ The members of each department are readily learning x their responsibilities, and we are now off on our voyage across X the Sea of Administration with cheerful hearts. All weather T t reports are favorable, and we mean to make use of every t 7 opportunity in order to produce a bigger and better "Tiger". f T T Clemson's Drug Store T At the Junior Class elections of the "Taps" staff for next T T year, there were approximately fifty members present out of T 'DOWN THE STREET' T a total enrollment of more than two hundred and fifty. What <~M~M~!~M~t~* T is wrong with the Junior Class? Are the majority content to Tt *>^$$&$4"&^$^$- f sit back and allow a mere handful to run things to suit them- 7 selves or are they too lazy to walk to the chapel? Surely if t it is the latter, we have come to a sad state of affairs. What- T 7 ever the cause, there is a deplorable lack of class interest T Jb. 6. dllazUn T among the Juniors. And what is worse, the non voters criti- T T cise destructively the manner in which the class is run without t trying to remedy matters. cv f t 2) counter a certain amount of criticism T <2 t * and censure among our readers. Such T Y OBSERVATION criticism will be welcomed if offered P. S. McCOLLUM, Manager T to us in the form of suggestions. In t Y AND COMMENT fact, we should be glad to receive the Y opinions of our readers who are in- f OFFICIAL COLLEGE BOOK AND SUPPLY STORE terested in our remarks. T Y Crawford & Adams Checks Cashed Cheerfully T T *»i In introducing this column, which Valentine Day was observed here T T will appear weekly in the Tiger, we at the telegraph office last Saturday. T t wish to state that our intention is to Floods of telegrams bearing the mes- t confine our comments as nearly as sage, "I love you" and other expres- T SODA - - TOBACCO - - DRUGS t practicable to observations and opinions sions denoting sincerest affection and t on college life in general, with espe- devotion were dispatched to all sec- i Y cial emphasis upon our life here at tions of the country. Perfectly good TOASTED SANDWICHES Clemson. picture-show money was recklessly T The varied topics which we shall squandered in order that the one girl WHITMAN AND NORRIS CANDIES discuss will be presented in a liberal could have one more valentine to show Y and informal manner There will be her girl friends. As usual, I arrived f SaBEBaSHHEBHlliasi^^ Y no restrictions as to style or form. just when the telegraph office was T Y Comments will be based upon actual being most heavily besieged by cadets. T Y incidents, personal experiences, existing In sending my telegram, I encountered T BE SURE TO GET GOLF TICKET WITH EACH 25c PURCHASE Y conditions or, in brief, upon any sub- about the same amount of opposition T t ject which, in our belief, warrants con- that one meets in making out his sche- f sideration. dule at the beginning of a semester. Since this is our debut as-er- Which all goes to show that "six weeks f Y columnists, we naturally expect to en- absence makes the heart grow fonder." * »»»»»»♦ »♦ ♦+#»»++*+++#*+**>*+++4^^fry»» WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1931 THE TIGER PAGE THREE

LAST WORDS OF NOTED MEN. One should not be surprised at any- tine Inspector and is located at Phoenix "Don't give up the ship."—Captain thing that happened last St. Valentine's H. F. Tate, '23, is District Inspector Lawrence. day, for the day before was Friday and is located at Tucson. "I still live."—Daniel Webster. the 13th. If you broke up with your T. E. McLeod, '25, is Inspector in "I know that my redeemer liveth." sweetheart, you may find another. But charge the Quarantine Station at King- ■—Horace Greely. it's bad luck either way. man. "This is the last of earth; I am con- L. W. Hart, '28, is inspector in tent."—John Q. Adams. charge of the Quarantine Station at "I die hard, but I am not afraid to Clifton, and is assisted by R. S. Ryan go."—George Washington. '23. "I regret only that I have but one WITH THE ALUMNI F. H. Duffie, '29, who is now an life to live for my country."—Nathan inspector at the Yuma Station, was Hale. married December 25 to Miss Wilma Rat basketball will start Monday, WITH THE ALUMNI "Let us cross over the river and get Kohlenburg of Yuma, formerly of VESPER SERVICE February 16, in the Y. M. C. A. tinder the shade of the trees."—Stone- Paora, Kansas. gymnasium. All the companies have Vesper service was held in the Y wall Jackson. The Washington chapter of the W. W. Player, '29, who is now entered teams, and the schedule has auditorium at the usual time with a large "Let me die in my old American uni- Clemson Alumni Association, upon tht working at the Duncan Station was >• been arranged so that each team will attendance. News reels were shown be- form in which I have fought my request of former officers, recently met married December 20 to Miss Nettie play two games. The eight teams fore and after the service. battles. God forgive me for having with other Carolinians in Washington Osborn of Duncan. making the highest scores will be The service was in charge of R. H. put on any other."—Benedict Arnold. and reorganized the South Carolina C. R. Cook, '29, was married to picked for the tournament to be run McGee. L. O. Clayton lead in a short "This is a sharp medicine, but a Society. About twenty-five enthusiastic Miss Ruby Ross, of Clifton, on Decem- off later. A consolation tournament devotional, after which an impromptu cure for all disease."—Sir Walter South Carolinians living or stationed ber 17. He is now working at the will be held for the eliminated teams. quartette rendered a selection. Raleigh, (Beheaded). in Washington were present, including San Simon Station. ., The main speaker of the evening was The schedule is as follows: members of congress, alumni of Clem- Mon. 5 P. M.—I vs. F. C. M. Burdette, '29, is an inspector Prof. Burton. His talk was based upon son College, prominent business men, at the Red Rock Station. Mon. 7 P. M.—G vs. E the parable of The Good Samaritan, THREE THINGS army and navy officers, and other Tues. 5 P. M.—A. vs. L C. E. Hayden, '27, is an inspector and gave a new interpretation of the Three things to LOVE—courage, persons connected with the govern- Tues. 7 P. M:—M. vs. B assisting McLeod at the Kingman Sta- old story. According to Prof. Burton, gentleness, and affection. ment service. tion. Wed. 5 P. M.—C vs Band man has passed through three great Three things to FIGHT FOR— Thurs. 5 P. M—D. vs. H epochs, each of which had its own honor, country, and home. Several distinguished guests were Thurs. 7 P. M.—K vs. I Three things to GOVERN—temper, philosophy of life. He pointed out how present at the meeting of the Clemson Boss (to negro painter) : "I think Fri. S P. M.—G vs. F tongue, and conduct. A these philosophies were related to the Alumni Association, Washington chap- you had better put on another coat." Three things to HATE—cruelty, actions of the men in the parable. Prim- ter, February 11. At this meeting of- Painter: "Yessauh, gib me one ub arrogance, and ingratitute. eval man's philosophy was to live by No machine, no material contrivance, ficers were elected for the ensuing yours." any means, fair or foul. When con- Three things to DELIGHT IN— year. R. J. Cheatham was elected as regardless of how ingenious, can ever frankness, freedom, and beauty. ditions changed, man developed the president, while R. B. Stewart will act take the place of the human heart, Three things to AVOID—-idleness, Don't worry if your job is small philosophy of live and let live. Now it as secretary. the human spirit.—Benito Mussolini. loquacity, and flippant jesting. And your rewards are few; is live and help live. He asked the Three things to WISH FOR— Quite a number of Clemson men Remember that the mighty oak boys the question: "Which will you use, Giacomo Puccini wrote: health, friends, and cheerful spirit. are employed by the state of Arizona. Was once a nut like you." and how will you apply it to your life?" ' 'The Parker Pen is superlatively good" Three things to ADMIRE—intellec- Those listed below are working in the The talk was very interesting, and gave tual power, dignity, and gracefulness. Agricultural and Horticultural Depart- "There's a lot of juice in this grape much food for thought. Three things to THINK ABOUT ment. fruit." The service was closed with a word life, death, and eternity. J. H. O'Dell '20. is Chief Quaran- "Yes, more than meets the eye." of prayer by Mr. Holtzendorff. STEPPING INTO A MODERN WORLD CABINET ENJOYS SUPPER The "Y" Cabinet enjoyed a delightful supper at the "Y" cafe immediately af- ter the Vesper service on Sunday even- ing. The discussion centered about the injKrstate Y. M. C. A. meeting to be held in Charlotte this week and the coming election of the officers of the Clemson Y. M. C. A. A nominating committee composed of Mr. Holtzen- dorff, G. A. Black, H. M. McLaurin, C. V. Rentz, R. H. McGee, and L. O. Clay- ton was appointed to consider nomina- tions for officers of the "Y" All the members of the Cabinet were present, and the evening was thoroughly en- joyed by all.

THE DISCUSSION GROUP COMPOSER OF LABOHEME, LA TOSCA The discussion group postponed its and MADAMA BUTTERFLY meetings, which were to begin Thursday Feb. 12. Some of the professors, who Wrote his were to speak at the meetings, advised this for they thought it best not to greatest Operas come into barracks during the quaran- with a ine. According to present plans the meetings will begin Thursday evening, Feb. 17. Parker Pen GUARANTEED FOR LIFE SOPHOMORE COUNCIL You, too, can capture your preciou: ideas on the fly, if you have this On Tuesday evening, Feb. 10, the Pressureless Writing Parker Duo- Sophomore council met in the club fold Pen ever handy on your person room of the "Y" with Dr. Milford as and desk. the speaker of the evening. The meet- Parker Pressureless Writing — as ing was opened with a short devotional subconscious as breathing — avoids Dr. Milford gave the group a very in- all interference with thought. teresting talk on "Sex Relations." He Go and see the new streamlined brought to the members a new light on Parkers that rest low and unexposed Out of 25 telephone companies the subject which should aid in the in pocket or hand bag, without solving of the student problem. Then bulge; yet hold 17.4% more ink the meeting was closed by a word of than average. The same pen is con- prayer. vertible for Pocket or Desk Base. . . . ONE SYSTEM THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Janesville, Wisconsin PICTURE SCHEDULE Greater ability to serve the public is the rea- benefits from the work of the Bell Telephone son for the Bell System — made up of the Laboratories and Western Electric — scien- American Telephone and Telegraph Compa- tific research and manufacturing branches of Feb. 19—"PAID," Joan Crawford. Feb. 21—"BACHELOR FATHER," ny and its 24 associated telephone companies. the System. Marion Davies The Bell System is operated by these 24 Bound together by common policies and Feb. 23—"REDUCING," Marie associated companies, each attuned to the ideals of service the Bell System companies Dressier. Feb. 24—"SEA WOLF," Milton Sills area it serves. Each enjoys the services of the work as one. Tn helping to administer this Feb. 25—"MEN OF THE NORTH" staff of the American Company, which is $4,000,000,000 property, men find real Feb. 26—"DUBARRY," Norma Tal- continually developing better methods. Each business adventure. The opportunity is there! madge.

BY THE WAY BELL SYSTEM All doors open to the man who can prove himself useful, to the man who can smile at defeats, to the one who can endure the terrors of standing PEN GUARANTEED FOR LIFE alone with truth, and to those who de- $5 $7 $10 pend upon smiles rather than threats. Other Parker Pens, S2.75 and S3.50 A NATION-WIDE SYSTEM OF INTE R-CON N E CTING TELEPHONES PAGE FOUR THE TIGER ■»i;Bfiritf

Ah suah does piety you, said a col- Walton: What are we going to play Al: Peggy has such a minute mouth. ored pugilist to his opponent as they next? Pal: Minute—Say her kisses last squared off. Ah was born with Kenneth: Heroes of War. for an hour. boxin' gloves on. Walton: Gosh, I just played that. Maybe you was, answered the other Joe proposed to me last night and ah reckon you is goin to die the Alice: Do you drink milk. Goody, I win my bet. same way. Mary: No, I can't get those wide What bet? mouth bottles in my mouth. I bet him he would get drunk again The same informant tells me of this month. RECEIPT FOR MAKING HOME "Now, suppose a man suddenly falls complimenting a lucky Ozarkin on the Vic. Fleming was a wonderful baby; from the river bank into the river. He BREW beauty of his young daughter who people came for miles around to see Are you a college man? can't swim. He cries out for assistance. Pursue Kangaroo five miles and peeped shyly from the cabin door. him; they wondered what it was. Yes. Lend me a buck, fill up my His wife hears him an runs to the gather hops; to them add a shot of She's all right I reckon, he drawled, flask, lend me a pack of cigs., lend me arsenic and two bars of soap. Boil as bank. Why does she run to the bank. but she has been cuted too much— Prof. Burton: Now students pay your Tux, give me your lighter, let i And the tight people in the rear long as you wish and drain through meaning too many of the admiring close attention to the board while I run me have your roadster, and tell your piped out "To draw his insurance Union Workers sock or it won't work. swains had told her she was cute. through it again. girl to meet me tonight sure. Pour a little in the sink; if it takes money." the enamel off, it's ready to be bottled. Skinny Long: "What would you do Drunk (lying on side walk) I'll climb Sam, dat mule you sold me am blind. +-*} Gosh, said the miffed boy friend, if I kissed you. this wall if it takes all night. What makes you say dat? "When is your girl not a virgin?" You act as though it's a sin to pet She: I'd scream I let him loose, an' he just ran into "Well I'm waiting." on Sunday." Long: Right now? Does Molly like the breath taking a tree. "Nine times out of ten." Listen, big boy, said the flapper, the She: No, I'm hoarse from last night. speed of your new motor boat? Dat mule ain't blind. He just don't way you pet isn't a sin—it's a crime. Search me. She just sits on her give a darn She: You remind me of the ocean. She "I like you well enough, Fred, stern and pants. Bill Campbell: Wild, romantic, rest- but you just aren't my type." "Just where did the car hit you? .«»] Mother: Bobby, I'm ashamed of you less- Fred: "I'm afraid I don't grasp you" Whenever you see a gold digger with "Wel-1-1," said the injured girl, "if She: No, you just make me sick. eating your sisters share of cake. She: "Yes, that's just it." twelve men, you may be sure she is I'd been wearing a license plate it would What have I been trying to teach doing her daily dozen. have been badly damaged." Frank: I dont see how you tell those you? twins apart. Bobby: Always to take her part A lot of girls' idea of the lamp of My girl went to the dance wearing The Cop: You are exceeding the Bill: That's easy. Mabel always mother. knowledge is the tail-light of a parked a hand grenade dress speed limit Miss. Your name please. blushes when we meet. coupe on a roadside. Explain yourself, big boy. Margarette: But Officer, you can't Jim: Now I know he is a liar Pull the pin and every man for him- arrest me, this isn't my car and I "^ Judge: What brought you here? John: Why? You are the sand in my spinach, self haven't a license to drive. Prisoner: Two cops. Jim: "He says he opened a can of You're the lack in my beer— Judge: I don't mean that; drunk I sardines with a key. suppose ? You've been too darn expensive Since I called you "dear". Victim : Yeah, bot' of them. Mack you certainly have the knack Unusual opportunities for men who wish to enter of getting these lunch room waitress "There's always one thing a young A dumb little jane the life insurance field to run their feet off for you and give wife can count on when she marries Is Lucille DeMorse, Old line insurance with low cost guaranteed— the best things to eat. How do you She thinks a bridal party an old man." do it? not estimated "What's that?" Is a picnic for a horse." Bill Well, you see before I give "Her fingers." them my order I tell them I am a The rumble seat was made famous SOUTHEASTERN LIFE INSURANCE GO, motion-picture man." Oreanized 1905 He who kisses and run away will by the way girls into them get, never have to jump out of some other But until they mount an aeroplane— C. O. MILFORD, President man's window. "Who was it that just laughed?" You ain't seen nothing yet. Southeastern Building .-:- -:- Greenville, S. C "I did sir, but I didn't mean it." Capital, Surplus and Reserves for protection of "What do you mean?" In a recent motor trip through New Charles: Why are the days longer policyholders over four million dollars. Hampshire the following road sign "I laughed up my sleeve, but I did in the summer notice was observed. not know there was a hole in the el- Wade: Because the heat expand "By order of the selectmen, cows bow." them. grazing on the koadside or riding bicycles on the side walks is hereafter forbidden."

Myrtle: Why don't you try to meet that good looking fellow if you're so crazy about him ?" Mary: Migosh! Do you think I wanna' get tangled up with a wrestler. Mrs. Newwed: "I cook and bake for , D you and what do I get? Nothing." Mr. Newwed: "You're lucky. I get indigestion."

Aha- There's the baby I've been ? looking for." "Which one, Bill." "The third one from the end." Which is the larger of these "Listen, Bill, if you take my advice, don't take her out." two white squares? Don't "Why?" trust to your eyesight alone. "Well, I had her out yesterday and

"What of it?" "Well why don't you take out one of the others? They all look alike, and "Now listen, Joe: I know what I'm doing There's live ones and dead ones. I got to find out for myself." "You'll just waste your time if you YOUR EYES MAY FOOL YOU take this one out." Bill "I got just lots of time, fella." "Wei, why not start at the end and try 'em all." BUT "Blah! I've been playing around in this game for years, Bill and I know what I'm doing. This third baby is the one I tell you." Hand me the wrench, Bill. I'm not YOUR TASTE tells the Truth! going to look at all eight of these sparkplugs when I know this is the one that's fouled."

But the booby prize goes to Jane, she thinks a maiden voyage is a honey- moon.

He: Darling, you are the light of my heart and life." MILDER. ..AND She: "Well, don't go too far when BETTER TASTE the light is against you."

Goodness, Mabel, iwhat happened? You don't look like yourself at all. Why I'd almost take you for someone else. Yes, can you beat it? The fellow I was out with last night took me for a tramp." He: Joe has a very powerful pair 0k of binoculars." She: Has he? I dearly love those © 1931, LIGGETT & MYIRS TOBACCO CO. men with strong, manly arms." >•*•'


Furman a 24-22 lead which the Tigers From the Alchemist comes the fol- W. King: "I fell down a hill with PUGILIST ARE IDLE were not able to overcome in the 011 an examination just for amuse- ten bottles of beer and didn't break dwindling seconds. lowing extract, "One doesn't cheat a one of them." DURINGJUARANTINE The lineups: ment. One cheats because he doesn't B. Barnwell: "How did you accom- FURMAN (24) G F T know the subject. He (or she) goes plish such a wonderful feat?" After a beginning that has been Wells F 1 0 2 to the exam knowing that no matter W. King: "I had them inside of rather hectic, a ray of light is glimmer- Morse F 1 1 3 what was asked (he or she) wouldn't me." ing on the horizon for the Clemson Alley F 1 1 3 know it, but—there is no alarm in the pugilistic team. If present plans are Watson C 4 2 10 heart of the student, for he goes pre- not changed, the boxers still have a Ohlsen G 1 0 2 pared. Down on the chance to show their fellow cadets Ranich G 0 S 5 "Cribbing" has reached the status some real fighting Tiger spirit. of those things called "Arts." It is Stanford Farm The opinion is prevalent among the Totals 8 8 24 as truly a beautiful art as murder, or Corps that the boxers have not had CLEMSON (22) G F T bank robbery, or treason, but still— a fair chance to prove themselves. The Gibson F 2 1 5 an art. Therein lies "the tragedy of first two, and only bouts so far of the Davis F 0 1 1 the institutions of higher learning." presen season, with L. S. U. and Crain C 3 2 8 It seems to me that this is worth Tulane, found Coach Guyon with a Craig C 0 0 0 thinking over. Just before the first string of men who, for the most part, Clark G 1 2 4 semester exams at Clemson, there was were inexperienced. The first of these Smith G 2 0 4 much discussion about cheating. Some struggles found only Capt. Cannon classes even went so far as to draw among the winners. In the next, Totals 8 6 22 up a petition against the ues of unfair "Little Gun" Cannon, Capt. Cannon's Referee, Chest (Cumberland). means. But for the most part, the "brother, upheld the family honors with boys realized that "a starving man a victory over his opponent at Tulane. will steal," and put off action until Another factor that has hindered MILLS ARE INSPECTED the new semester. Now that the new the development of the team has semester is under way, we wonder if .. . pipe smokers Tieen the quarantine. Besides prevent- steps are being taken to do away with ing the boys from leaving on weelp* BY TEXTILEJTUDENTS the use of unfair means in the final agree with ends and securing a little relaxation exams? Preparation for the classes Textile Engineers and Weavers the quarantine was responsible for the now will remove the necessity of "crib- NAVY * HARVARD Visit Nearby Mills concellation of the bouts with P. C. bing" when exams roll around. and Florida, and the postponement of WASHINGTON THE SAME PEN Members of the senior and junior TWO WAYS the bout with Carolina. classes in textile engineering and Now 1 sit me down in class to sleep, COLGATE As a Pocket Pen, If Carolina fulfills their present Converted for Desk weaving and designing recently made I hope my chum my notes will keep. plans of attending the Southern Con- "T^ROM the foothills to the bay" trips of inspection to two mills. If I should snore before I wake ference joust in Charlottesville, on *■ the curling tendrils of smoke The student specializing in weav- Do poke my ribs, for pity's sake. February 28, they will no* be able to from pipes loaded with Edgeworth ing and designing, accompanied by —Howard Crimson. meet the Tiger sluggers, and the Ben- Professor Shinn, visited the Oconee rise to meet the sunset fire. or Of gal schedule will be terminated this mills in Westminister to study meth- AND HE WAS A WISE MAN? In the Stadium before the big Friday night. ods in rayon warp preparation and It is reported that King Soloman games... watching spring football weaving. They were very heartily on attending a musical comedy wanted practice ... in the great hall of "Sherlock greeted by the superintendent, W. D. to date the first three rows of the Encina . . . over on the Row and TIRFRS BARELY L Hardy, and reported a very profitable chorus. up on the Hill . . . men of Stan- 7 visit. ■—The Plainsmen. ford give Edgeworth the preference Holmes' BY HURRICANE QUINT Professors McKenna, Eaton, and over all other tobacco brands. used this McCormac accompanied the class m THE HIGH ROAD College men everywhere are turn- Pressureless -Writing Pen Jacquard weaving to the Kenneth Tigers Lose Fast Game to Tune ing to Edgeworth! In 42 out of 54 GUARANTEED FOR LIFE of 24-22 Mills in Walhalla, where a study was "To be honest, to be kind, to earn of the leading colleges and univer- made of the manufacture of bed- a little, and to spend a little less, to 31% more Parkers in college too sities Edgeworth is the favorite as nation-wide pen poll shows spreads and draperies. The 'officials Josh Cody's rambling Tigers received make upon the whole a family happier pipe tobacco. The late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle their first interstate defeat of the sea- of the plant showed every courtesy for his presence, to renounce when To win the vote of so many wrote reams of manuscript —tried in allowing the students the oppor- that shall be necessary and not to be son at the hands of Furman's stellar college men a tobacco must be good. all sorts of pens. Came the day, as tunity to see the latest theories ac- embittered, to keep a few -friends, but ic h is to 26 million others, when quintet in one of the fastest, most If you've never tried Edgeworth, tually applied in the mills. these without capitulation; above all, h_* discovered the Pressureless- spectacular games ever witnessed on begin today! The pocket tin is Writing Parker Duofold. "I have on the same condition, to keep friends the Hurricane's court by a 24-22 count only 15^. Or, for generous free at last met my affinity in pens," he last Thursday night. The winning with himself; here is a task for all a said. You, too, can gain great aid man has of fortitude and delicacy." sample, write to Lams QC Bro. Co., from this Pen that lets you write points were scored in the last few Twelve things to remember : 105 S. 22d Street, Richmond, Va. without strain, and think without minutes of play by Sam Ranich who irritation. Go to the nearest pen 1. The value of time; 2. The suc- was awarded a brace of free throws counter and look for the name— cess of perseverence; 3. The pleasure "Geo. S. Parker-DUOFOLD"— after being fouled in the act of shoot- EDGEWORTH of working; 4. The dignity of simpli- on the barrel. That Guarantees the ing. genuine for Life. city ; 5. The worth of character; 6. SMOKING TOBACCO The Tigers started off with a rush, The Parker Pen Company Now that the old order has given The power of kindness; 7. The in- Janesville, Wisconsin and were leading 9-7 in the middle of over to the new the task of presenting fluence of example; 8. The obligation Edgev/orth is a blond the first half, but Furman braced her- of fine old burleys, this column, I deem it appropriate to of duty; 9. The wisdom of economy; self and ran the score up to 14-n as with i ts natural savor inform the gentle reader (gentle at the 10. The virtue of patience; 11. The enhanced by Edge- the gun put an end to play in the worth's distinctive beginning, but, in all probability, cen- improvement of talent; 12. The joy , EXTRA first period. eleventh process. soring long before the end) concern- of originating.—Marshall Field. Buy Edgeworth any- Clemson was shooting rather errati- where in two forms rarker ing the aim of the column. To my — " Ready- Rubbed " cally, due, probably, to the superfc desk has come a deluge of collegiate "He drew a circle that shut me out and " Plug Slice." All guarding of Wells, Ohlsen, and Wat- sizes, 15t! pocket "Duofold news, which has succeeded in o'er- Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. package to pound son who kept the Tiger offense well whelming me for the time. From these But love and I had the wit to win: humidor tin. PEN GUARANTEED FOR LIFE • $5 • $7 • $10 outside the danger zone most of the Pencils to match them all: $2.50 to $5 college papers an endeavor will be We drew a circle that took him in." Other Parker Pens, $2.75 and $3.50 night. Failing to draw the Hurri- made to select news, drama, pathos, ■i mm. w.n—,-nBffl5BBl cane's defense out, the Tigers resorted tragedy, humor—or what have you "When a fit of sunshine hits ye, to long-distance tries which, for the that will be of interest to collegians After passing of a cloud, most part, went for naught. and alumni. When a fit of laughter gits ye and ye'r The second canto of this blazing In looking over the papers before spine is feelin' proud, battle kept the huge crowd grunting, me, I find only six states represented. Don't forget to up and fling it at a groaning, and cheering from start to It is the desire of this writer to soul that's feelin' blue, finish. The Hurricane renewed their double or even treble this number, For the minute that ye sling it it's a activities by sinking a couple of goals boomerang to you." -»r> that the Tiger Exchange might become in the opening minutes, and the gal- a worth while feature. lery seemed to sense a walkaway. How- In concluding, I would have you It may make a diference to all ever, they had not conceived the cali- peruse this column each week for what eternity whether we do right or wrong bre of the purple bengals. for the I hope will be a well balanced menu, today. YOU'LL never do your best in felines came back quicker than Sher- including food for thought, certain "exams" or "quizzes" unless man's march through Georgia, and spicy morsels, and a dessert of chosen Freshman: "Why did you fall for you feel top-notch. So make knotted the score 19-19. Furman fol- humor. that little girl down at the laundry." sure you get heaping dishes of O. H. Green: "Well, I just couldn't Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes to lowed with another field goal and Here goes with our first efforts. Clemson reciprocated. Furman called resist the tender sentiments she al- The most popular ready- help keep you in trim. to-eat cereals served in ways wrote on the tail of my shirt. These better bran flakes are time out to make an estimate- of the It isn't such a large world after all, the dining-rooms of situation, and all the while the frenzied for in rambling through The Virginia American colleges, eat- brimful of nourishment—whole School master: "This makes the spectators were whooping it up like Tech we find that there is a decided ing clubs and fraterni- wheat goodness. Chock-full of an ancient Spanish fiesta. scarcity of water in Blacksburg. The fifth time I have punished you this ties are made by Kellogg flavor — the famous tempting week. What have you to say?" goodness of PEP. And they The vocative referee, Mr. Chest, student body has ben requested to re- in Battle Creek. They in- Youth: "I'm glad it's Friday." clude ALL-BRAN, Corn contain just enough bran to be sounded his whistle and the bovs start- frain from unnecessary usage, since Flakes, Rice Krispies, mildly laxative—to help you ed acain. Red Watson, for Furman, am' excessive drain would probably Housekeeper: "Are you really con- Wheat {Crumbles and keep regular. sunk a nice shot throueh the hamoer, mean the closing of the school. The tent to spend your life walking around Kellogg's WHOLE WHEAT Get your fraternity house and Pomnin Smith. slender feline, students evidently realized tne serious- Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag the country begging ?" steward to order Kellogg's PEP Coffee — the coffee that plaved follow-tbe-lender with a long- ness of the problem, for the sale of Tramp: "No, lady, many's the time lets you sleep. Bran Flakes. one from the center to tin the count soft drinks is said to have increased I've wished I had a car." nfsin. Both the teams were traveling 100 percent. One scribe, in comment- nt a terrif'<- nacp with thirtv seconds ing on the shortage, wrote, "We have Dr. Sherrill: "Do you have the least to nlnv. and thp score was tied 22-22. been told that cleanliness is next to idea as to how an Eagle looks?" At tb;<: innrtnro Cmirr. substituting godliness, and there is exactly one foot V. Fleming: "No sir." ■for Tpd fYnin ivbn WHS ptected via of water in the tank on the hill. If Dr. Sherrill: "Well, do you know *«? the foul rontp. fouled Panich in the the present shortage keeps up, we pity how a half one looks?" BRAN FLAKES act of shontino-. and th» Illinois marks- the girls who come) to Blacksburg for V. Fleming: "No sir, but I do know man made both of them o-ood to give the dances this week-end." what a bald eagle looks like." PAGE SIX THE TIGER WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY, 18, 1931 s P 0 R TS Athletic Schedule Temporarily Suspended SPORTS

MANY SHOWS PROMISE IN TIGERS WIN THRILLER TRACKMEN RESPOND TO SPRING GRID PRACTICE FROM KENTUCKY FIVE (Continued from page 1) COACH CARSON'S GALL Romain Smith, not to be outdone, (Continued from page one) dropped in another from the corner Prospects are High for a Suc- Clark. Rumor has it that Maxcie to clinch the game. cessful Season Welch will be back at Clemson before The entire Kentucky team played op this edition of the Tiger goes to the great ball, but the work of Spicer, The Tiger track squad is rapidly KJPfiKYi! press. There are many other hard- Bronston, and Worthington was espe- reaching the peak of condition as they playing "footballers" who deserve men- cially outstanding. Their teamwork workout every afternoon on Riggs tion but lack of space prevents the was by far the best witnessed in the field. This fine spring weather is a ACT ENTRE listing of their various names and field house this season. big help to that sturdy band of Tigers. •*>J accomplishments. "Hoot" Gibson and Smith were The old regime of athletic prognostication has passed In previous years the Tigers Jiave into a state of decadency, and, in doing so, have passed on Clemson's offensive celebrities, and had some mighty hard schedules, but No article on spring football at Davis and Clark did wonders defensive- their troubles and cares to a new staff who must bear these the one this year is unusually stiff. Clemson would be complete without ly, especially in the second half, by woes for the coming year with all the virility that our col- The schedule is as follows: a few words about the new Coach. holding the Colonels to three field legiate militarism is supposed to develop. A huge task it is, April 4—Georgia at Clemson In our estimation there couldn't have goals, two of which were from the too, when one considers the many hundreds of persons whom April 11—Tennesse at Knoxville been a better selection to fill the shoes middle of the floor. this column must attempt to please. Ye scribe expects many April 18—Ga. Tech at Atlanta of the "Big Man". When he came to The lineup: April 25—South Carolina at Clemson of his soothsayings, epitomes, and paraphrases to be met with Clemson there were very few people, CLEMSON G F TP May 1 and 2—State Meet at Clinton either in the cadet corps or on the Gibson F 1 1 3 strong negative ideas, but if these critical readers have any May 8—Furman at Greenville campus that knew him. In a very objections to make let them put it in writing if they believe Davis F 0 1 1 May 15-icl—Southern Conf. at Bir- short time however he has made a Crain C their comments to be helpful. This job of editor is indeed 1 3 5 mingham. place for himself in the hearts of the Smith G 7 0 14 a thankless task, but when my labors are done in the far- The team this year will be composed cadets as well as the campus folks. Clark G 124 away future, here's hoping that my prestige will still be un- of experienced men from last years As far as can be ascertained at present Craig F 102 tarnished and my colors still flying. squad. Some of the bright prospects he has made a selection of no assist- for this year are: ants, but we feel sure that the ones he Totals 11 7 29 BASKETEERS START FIREWORK ladies; likewise, we should always rise 100-220 yard Dash—Kelly, Arm- picks will be as praiseworthy « ne KENTUCKY G F TF and offer them a chair when they strong, Rivers, Thompson, and Harvley, himself is. He is quiet, and unassum- Spicer F 4 2 10 enter the room. Every noteworthj Josh Cody's quintet of hard-wood who has promise of a good man in ing but the boys have learned that Sale F Oil aces are the first ones to feel the relief business profession has a code of ethics the 440 yard run. . when he speaks, he says something Yates C 102 of the prolonged isolation. They tackled which they regard as inviolate. Schools 440 yard run—Rivers, Harvley, Ho- worthwhile. We feel sure that with Bronston C 3 2 6 Furman in Greenville last Thursday and universities, too, usually have some garth, Martin, Kitchens, Pickens, Hill the material he has he will turn out Worthington G 1 2 4 night, and from the looks of the crowd sort of traditions which they revere and and Adams. a top-notch team although he is tack- Darby F Oil which jammed every inch of available fight for. 880 yard run—Newman, Vance, and ling a tough job, coming into the space, including the steel rafters ovei Unfortunately, Clemson, as a corps, Hart. coaching position at Clemson at present Totals o 8 26 head, everyone had forgotten that SUCH does not seem to know the meaning 1 mile run—Lineberger, holder of a thing as a quarantine ever existed at of courtesy, ethics, or tradition. This the state title. Clemson. was manifested in the field house last 2 mile run—Cannon, Webb, and Ellis It was a Furman crowd, naturally so, Saturday night during the Kentucky Pole vault—Ferguson and Rowell game. Nobody wants to hurt any- but the clean fast game that the Tigers High jump—Thompson a. played won many new friends for them body's feelings, but the attitude some Broad jump—Ramey, Justus, and in the textile city. The Hurricane won men took upon the entrance of a certain Vance. the decision by the narrowest of mar- player into the game was certain most Weights—Coin, Morris, Va,^e, 24.50 AND $27.50 gins, and shoved the Royal Bengals out abominable, and one which we do not Seigle, Patterson, and Wilson. of the first notch in the state race. want to foster at Clemson Regardless Hurdles—Pollard, Whitmire, Wig- THESE ARE THE FIGURES ON CLEMSON VS. KENTUCKY of who a man is, or of what value gins, Dunn,- and Blakeney. Josh proved to quite a few agnostics he is to a team, his services ought to It is desired that a large number be appreciated by those cadets who do of Freshmen report for track practice last Saturday night that he really has H a classy basketball team. By compara- nothing else but indulge in "bull ses- this year. There are about twenty m m tive scores his club should have lost sions" and read Whiz Bangs. Freshmen out so far. A schedule is m m by a goodly margin, but the boys not The attitude was uncalled for and being planned and also a State Meet m unnecessary, and the men at this col- m believing in predestination, went out of the Freshmen in Clinton. H with the determination to prove lege who participate in athletics cai The plan of a freshmen meet in Hoke Sloan's that even the best of critics can make appreciate this feeling more Keenly conjunction with the varsitv m~<-p=ts misakes. In this game the Tigers than those who do not. Nothing is at Clinton is not final, but Coach Car- matched speed with speed, cunning with quite so disconcerting to the athleti son is prospecting the idea with hopes NEW SPRING SUITS cunning, and goal with goal to defeat as is a bit of pointed criticism fron* that such a match will be favorably a club which has been having a grand the grandstand, so it is hopevf,