Cass City Chronicle 8 PAGE~ CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1927
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cASS cITY cHRONICLE 8 PAGE~ CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1927. VOL. 22, NO. 45. % Negro Spirituals, Mrs. McNamee. I SANILAC CO. SCHOOL NOTES. Hymns and Their Origin, Miss I Joanna McRae. M[MBEI S ALAI M[D !ENIEIPRIS[ AND I W. J. Musselman, county school EnterExit Roll Call, Favorite Hymn. • • ~, ~ 4~11^~ A i "-";::'"t~!L{;;~'~:'~:'~('~'>" ~ C~I~CCZ ~-:-'-=, ~-.'- ,~ - F- ing dates for ~he county seventh and .. eighth grade examinations: Seventh grade on May 12. Eighth grade on CATHOLIC LADIES' AID May 13. The places for holding both ELECTED OFFICERS CORN BORERBILL [ eOW AND PROSPERseventh and eighth grade examina- tions are Marlette, Croswell, Shab- The Catholic Ladies' Aid met on bona, Peck, Sandusky, Deckerville, Thursday evening, Mar. 10, at the Deadlock Is Feared as Senate "Bill" Otto Tells Community Brown City, Wickware and Argyle. home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kee- Delays Action on Death Program for examination: Seventh noy and was attended by 31 members. Club What Civic Energy and grade: A. M. Orthography, spelling, "?:.--!:"..... Election of officers was held and the Penalty Bill. Loyalty Will Do. penmanship, reading. P.M.Phys- following were chosen: Pres., Mrs. J. iology and geography. Eighth grade: B. Cootes; vice pres., Mrs. Edmund Requests Are A. M.--Arithmetic, grammar. P.M.-- Surprenant; sec. and treas., Miss Appropriation Huge; ' ~minating Committee, Program History, civics, agriculture. Pauline Thurlow. A very delicious Committees Delay Vote on The examination in. reading this lunch was served. The next meet- Major Issues. Committee and Home Talent Play year will be based on "The Vision of ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Committees Are Named. Sir Launfal" by Lowell. Catherine Ross. All children doing satisfactory work While the more controversiM issues in history and geography must be re- hava .~immered in cloak-room conver- One hundred members and guests corded in the office by May 7 so ~hey sations and boiled in committee of the Cass City Community Club at- will receive credit for same. :'i.'-:.:.:.:~:'::':~ rooms, the Legislature has devoted its Teachers are requested to send a GANDiDAi['; tended the March meeting of that or- --N daily sessions to routine measures brief statement as to the efficiency of i ganization on Friday evening and en- quite devoid of extraordinary popular work done during the year by pupils joyed the banquet selwed by the la- interest. Workmen's compensation who are writing" on either of the ex- IN VILLAGEELECTt[INS dies of the Evangelical church. Mem- bills, highway finance measures and bers were treated to a short concert aminations. major appropriation requests loom up Written application for tuition by the Ryland-Katz Trio as they on the horizon and promise interest- must be made on or before the fourth Nominees on "Only Ticket" at gathered in the church auditorium. ing battles in the near future. Monday in June to the school board Community singing was under the ef- Both Gagetown and Cass City The Armstrong-Palmer capital of in which child is a ficient leadership of G. W. Landon. the district the punishment bill, passed some time ago resident. Such written application Meet Opposition. At the business session which fol- by the House 61-35, is still bein~ held must be n-rode each year that the pupil lowed the meal, G. H. Burke, Dr. i. in the Senate Committee on Judiciary desires to have tuition paid, A. Fritz, John Marshall, C. U. Brown At both Gagetown and Cass City, and it is being prophecied that a leg- and E. W. Kercher were named as the village elections on Monday were}islative deadlock will result if this members of the nominating commit- scheduled as tame affairs With only measure is r~t reported out b,Y the tee to select candidates for the execu- one ticket in the field at each point, committee in the near futu~,v., Repr~ tive committee of the club, and an- Printed slips were used at Gagetown isentatives are threateniy~# to delay ac~ nouncement was made of the selec- in an effort to elect Frank Crow- Lion on all Senate hi!l~ until the Sen- Lion of Herbert Maharg, Wo Lo Mann ell and Lloyd McGinn in place of John late makes defin!t~ disposition of the and Frederick Pinney as a committee F. Fournier and Arthur N. Freeman, I death p.e.~&lsy measure: for the program of the May meeting, who were nominated at the village Speculatie~ is rife as to the total the last gathering of the club for the caucus for the position of t r.u.stte.~, appropriations t~ be made by the :spring and summer season. Doctors Work Three Hours to The slip candidate~ were each defeat-lpresent session of the Legislature. PT. AUSTIN ELEVATOR stables, Fred Pobanz, Thos. Farson, The executive committee decided at CAUCUSE L LT8 Frank Farnum and Geo. Meyer. ed by seven votes, t Budget requests are considerably in u recent meeting that the club pres- Resusitate AnnabeU Spencer RAZED BY $40,000 FIRE At Cass City, 62 ballots were cast excess of those of previous years and en~ a home talent play, the proceeds without Success. by village voters. The election was the committees which have investb of which are to be used to purchase Fire of undetermined origin early E]mwood. apparently quiet though E. A. Cor- i gated the various state institutions equipment for the new schooI build- IN SiX ]:OWN;HIPS At the Republican caucus in Elm- Sunday destroyed the elevator and pron, one of the candidates for trus- report that many of them are in de- ing and M. B. Auten was appointed Annabell, 18 months old daughter wood township, the following ticket adjoining warehouse of the Bad Axe plorable condition and need extensive . tee, on the only ticket nominated to have charge of the proposition. of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Spencer of De- was placed in nomination: Grain company at Port Austin. The was defeated by friends of Glenn repairs and additions. To further Mr. Auten has named the following ford, was drowned in a ditch a short Supervisor, Bert M. Perry. loss, mostly covered by insurance, Grant Is Only Township in List Clerk, M. P. Freeman. Folkert, who wrote Mr. Folkert's complicate the situation, bills carry- committees: distance from her home Wednesday was estimated at $40,000. This in- mg appropriations for new projects Committee to choose play and de- afternoon. That Has Two Tickets in Treasurer, Harry McGinn. name a sufficient number of times to eludes the buildings and about 10,000 are numerous. The Senate Commit- cide upon date of play~H. W. The little girl had been left in the Highway commissioner, Jas. J. Phe- make him a winner by 17 votes. The bushels of grain. Andrew Gorelski, 1 Field° lan. vote stood 38 for Folkert and 21 for tee on Finance and Appropriations Holmes, Frederick Pinney, Rev. Allu- care of a neighbor, Mrs. Win. Gage, resident manager for the Bad Axe , Member of board of review, S. B. Corpron. and the House Committee on Ways red, Rcv. Cargo. while Mrs. Spencer was engaged in Grain company, which controls a Publicity, location and ticket-sell- picking beans at the ele~¢ator of the Calley. The following is the ticket elected: and Means are progressing slowly and chain of elevators in the "thumb," ! Two hundred seventy-eight citizens Jusffce of peace, Cla~zton Hobart. President, Geo. W. West. with considerable caution, but it is ing committee--Ernest Croft, H .F. Cass City Grain Co. Annabell left said construction of a new, modern] Lenzner, R. J. Knight, Bruce Brown, the Gage home, and as She was cross- attended the Republican caucus of Overseer of highways, Dist. No. 1, Clerk, Cameron M. Wallace. evident that they will soon have to elevator would begin almost at once. Elkland township on Monday after- Albert Russell; Dis~. No. 2, Roy La speed up their work if the session is Frank Hog!or, Archie McLachlan, C0 ing the plank which spanned the Treasurer, Chester L. Graham• noon when candidates were chosen for Fave; Dist. No. 3, Perry Livingston; to be completed by the end of April, J. Striffier. ditch, she fell into the water which Trustees for two years, Walter L. township offices. Dist. No. 4, Frank Wright. the usual time of adjournment. Committee to choose the caste and was about I~ feet -deep. She had Mann, Lester Bailey, Meredith B. From an agricultural point of view, arrange for directcr--F. A. Bigelow, been away but a very few minutes The meeting was called to order by Constables, Chas. Seekings, W. C. Auten. Sons and Daughters probably the most important action W. L. Mann, G. W. Landon, C. L. when Mrs. Gage noted her absence John Marshall. J. A. Caldwell was Downing, Win. Simmons and Dan Trustee for one year, Glenn FoE chosen chairman and H. L. Hunt sec- taken during the past week was the Graham. and she hurried from the house to kert. Entertain Mothers rotary. Mr. Caldwell appointed the l Mullin° passage by the House of Senator Frederick Pinney, who presided as search for her and found the little A lively contest was made for the Assessor, Harry L. Hunt. following tellers: John Marshall, C. J. I nomination of highway commissioner Horton's Corn Borer Bill. This meas- toastmaster Friday evening, advocat- girl in the water. Gagetown Officers. The last meeting of the Woman's Striffier, Herman Doerr; J. C. Cor-and three ballots were necessary to ure gives the State Department of ed more activity on the part of the Two physicians were called, who At Gagetown, the following village Study Club was held at the Presby- kins and James Gulick.