Santa Fe New Mexican, 07-19-1913 New Mexican Printing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-19-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 07-19-1913 New Mexican Printing company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 07-19-1913." (1913). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FE NEW VOL 50 SANTA FE, NEW MEXIGO. SATURDAY, JULY 19, WIS. I NO. 133 MORAL STANDARD ii driven to it. In the meantime they! are making efforts to get out of the BOARD READY OF THE WORLD ROGUE INVENTS CHAOS REIGNS SENATOR FALL count rv. ANARCHY RULES HAS IMPROVED Arrested. Kl Paso, Texas, July lit .1. !. Bud-;ge- TO HEAR BOTH Chicago, 111.. July 19. David and WONDERFUL IN SOUTHER WOULD FIX proprietor of the IN SEATTLE Salomon and some other patriarchs Hadger Fuel company, was arrested were excellent men as judged by the jtcday by t'nited States officials on a standards of their own time, but th-j- charge of conspiracy to ,niggl, am- TO-DA- SIDES would not be admitted to membership DEVICE REPUBLI POLICY munition. Jt was in ills coal yard Y in the church of today. that the officers seized over four Thus spoke the Rev. John Thomn-son- , hundred thousand rounds of amr.imil- - of Chicago, today, addressing the NEW FEDERAL BOARD OF MEDIATION ORIGINALLY INVENTED TO FURTHER ALTHOUGH SITUATION IS VERY NEW MEXICO SENATOR SPRINGS FOLLOWING A NIGHT OF RIOTING, t'ig Des Plaines camp meeting, Ulna BAD, ASlivt: Air. MA- A1 Badger, former Police MET Y FOR ORGANIZATION, Irating his contention that the world BLACKMAILING SCHEME, THE IS GAINING SENSATION BY INTRODUCING Serjeant MAYOR COTTERILL ASSUMES IMPRESSION GROUND Powell Roberts and live is growing better. Mexicans DE- have now been AND, ON MONDAY, AT NEW "There seems to be mor crime CHINE OFFERS WONDERFUL POS- THAT HUERTA'S OVERTHROW RESOLUTION THAT WOULD arrested in connection PERSONAL CONTROL OF POLICE, with case. and evil than ever," he c ntinued, the WILL TAKE UP THE WAGE SIBILITIES OF A USEFUL AND WOULD BE SURE AND FINE THE AMERICAN POLICY IN' Diaz Denies Exile CLOSES SALOONS AND STOPS YORK, "but this is because through the PRECIPI- Story. Tt'xis. July 1!'. Humors DISPUTE. world searching enterp; :se o .h PRACTICAL NATURE. TATE ANOTHER REVOLUTION. IVIlAIuw. that political exile is involved in Gen- - STREET MEETINGS. newspapers we hear moic M out It." leral Felix Diaz's special to The speaker said that the rise rf embassy baseball and Jt'ier THE ERIE RAILROAD golf, o'jluoor ELECTRITICIANS MAKE A HOW THE MEXICAN TREATIES DISCUSSED Participation in the Mexican centennial ORDERS SUSPENSION OF was a sign of thj improving sports denied in a message from lUr: re- - moral standard. iar GIVES ITS POSITION TEST OF THE MACHINE ARMY IS RECRUITED AT CABINET MEETING cph,d, here tnIav ,h; ,nt DAILY SEATTLE TIMES otiiu. imoMKMi io ,iapan soieiy MORE TORPEDOES ;and exclusively to give thanks for the 1 - of re-at- Salt Lake City, July :. In the Mexico City, July 19. Only the Washington, 1). ('., July lit. Sen- .embassy that government to our Seattle, Wash., July 19. Declaring Washington, D. C, July IS. X NEEDED THINKS presence of electrical experts, federal conviction that' the retirement of Kail, who has been a critic forwent centennial. Any other motive is that "the condition of riot and tumult" , commis- - and William Lee Chambers, CONGRESSMAN officers and detectives here today President Huerta means the elevation the government's Mexican policy, junfounded entirely false." which prevailed last night was in "im- T"n is to sioner of mediation under the was demonstrated what was declared of another revolutionist and the policy, sprung a mild sensation in the message interpreted mean minent danger of a renewal" Mayor X Newlands law and G. W. W. Han- - to have been the most re- senate by the adoption of a!tnat Diaz will be a presidential cundl- - 19. "There perhaps plunging of their country into great- asking George F. Cotterill, of this city, pro- commissioner. X Boston, Mass., July are death-dealin- in- a X ger, assistant markable machine er of hopelessness, prevents resolution defining nolicv of tlieitate. claimed his of control of X not enough torpedoes in this country depths assumption were confirmed by the senate vented in recent years. The invention government regarding foreign rela- t fi i f r ti ct tit-jt- rtfaaA 'ill OQ to one round in a combat thousands of representative Mexican f ' will work Si today fight SECRETARY APPEAL , '"'' late today. They begin is the work of W. L. Cummings, 23 business men from In a peti- tions. It declared that every Ameri- WILL l7 Z, - with another said uniting ""Lr;,' X Monday in New York on adjtist- nation," Congress old, who confessed to federal can citizen and his every- BIG TREASURY CASE. man Fred A. of a years tion to the existing administration to property publication of the Seattle Times until X ment of wage disputes between Britten, Illinois, and officers when he was where must be by the IT. S. member of the house naval commit- municipal yield. Many of these business men protected proofs of all matter for publication be X the eastern railroads and their It arrested yesterday that he hud thieat- - believe intervention The resolution finally went over be- - Washington, D. C, July 19. Secre- - tee today on his arrival at the that only foreign submitted to him. X trainmen. X ened to use it to Miss Doro- can but cause of objections by Senator McAdoo today finally decided to Charleston Navy Yard. With the destroy restore, peace, expression of Kernjtary The office was surround- thy Bamberger, a wealthy society girl, such is not and are and other Democrats. appeal the decision of the customs newspaper yJS3S3SXX3SSSXS8X others of the committee, Mr. Britten is opinions popular ed noon to en- unless she give him After had an executive court free of wood by police just before an of the naval sta- $1,000. the made guardedly or with due reserva- Secretary Bryan granting entry Washington, D. July 19. When making inspection demonstration ofhe'iils conference with the senate and to all force the order. C, tions on the coast. government tion. Overthrow of Hurla by any of foreign pulp paper countries having new board of mediation Atlantic to-- , The publishers of the Times an- the federal took possession of the machine. the rebellious forces probably would relations committee at the capitol "favored nation" treaties with, the "Immediately on my return to u met today to organ ice for adjudica- What is held to lie of more mean "llu " uumuun oecause nounced they had sought injunctions Washington," he said, "I shall intro- import- succession to the presidency of inueu aiates tne privilege is tion of the wage dispute between the ance, the invention It is said, can be or or ' not loucneci on, it was me pn-- , to Canada. The must against the mayor and the police. duce a resolution to double the capa- Carranza, Maytorena Obregon gianted treasury eastern railroads and their tra'tiraen, turned to the saving of life by pre- no universal mary of the meeting was to surrender three million dollars in du- - Clarence B. Blethen, managing city of the torpedo station at other leaders possessing object It. was discovered that one of its venting train or ship collisions. such as could be oonsider renewals of arbitration trea- ties.' editor of the paper, issued a state- Post following depended members, Assistant Secretary Electricians at noon today took the on to stop rebellion. ties with Great Britain, France and ment charging that Mayor Cotterill of the department of labor was legal- machine into a steel and concrete vault other countries. was responsible for the riots of the barred from Late in June a plan wa advanced ly serving. in an office Another of Renewals were some time two per-rr.itt- building. part by Manuel Calero, former Ambassa- delayed SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO last nights in that he had law in LOBBYCOMMITTEE REST the contrivance on which was mount- on the of Senator Cham- The New.lands provides that dor to the United States, Jesus Flores ago objection "the display of the red flag addition to commissioner, ed a bell and an incandescent to the with Great the federal globe, Magon and Vera Estanol, for- berlain, treaty and spread of anarchistic principles" members Bhall be officials of the was in a closed room across Jorge Britain. feared a renewal the UNTIL MONDAY placed mer cabinet members, to unite upon lie might TEST CASE upon the streets during the Potlatch who have been a hall. Then the electric current of the United States to arbitrate government appointed a candidate for the agree- compel festival. This Blethen said, had led to to thir offices with the con- the' machine In the vault was presidency the Panama canal tolls original airtight able to loyal citizens and rebels. This dispute. the attack upon the United States sol firmation of the senate. The assist- turned on. President Wilson lias expressed to two to suggestion had for Its weakness the FILES SUIT TO DETERMINE .WHETHER THE diers nights ago, and the ant of labor does not come MULHALL ONLY ONE THIRD THROUGH.