Vol. XLVT.—No. 73. ATLANTA, GA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1913. — JrAtrCjiST> A mr«. ******siulc •*****eel, c«i»t«r» mevwr,d mt Bewutu* **«»*«» ** » . TROOPS TO BE MOBILIZED ON MEXICAN BORDER; E HOME." WILSON CALLS TO AMERICANS IN MEXICO HARRY THAW WINS MEXICAN OFFICIALS SILENT The Mexican Trouble-Maker IN REGARD TO EMBROGLIO UNITED STATES PREPARES \o Member of the Huerta TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS Cov ernment Will Make CONGRESS RALLIES AND CROWD CHEERS Statement About the Mes- FROM HARM BY MEXICANS sage of President Wilson. Ovation Given to the Slayer TO SUPPORT WILSON of Stanford White Would Mexico City August 37 —"Without American Consuls Ordered to Notify All Mexi- Have Done Honor to a comment FTederi o Gamboa the min President's Message on Mex- ister of foreign affairs presented to can Officials That They Will Be Held Strictly the standing oomnrittee of the Mexi ico Indorsed by Leaders Prince of Royal Blood. ran congress tonlg-ht all the facts in the oontrovers> between Mexico and Message Termed "Admira- Responsible for Harm or Injury Done to the United States THAW AND BRITISH FLAG The congressmen comprising the ble in Tone and Spirit" Americans or Their Property. committee received the faots without x GIVEN ROUND OF CHEERS comment other than that indulged in Wa^hinp-ton August ff7 — Con&res as individuals after adjournment tin sional leaders declared tonight that less Ohere are new developments it N President Wjis > i vjg-orous assertion Improbable that discussion oven of a of a definite jol f\ toward Mexico UNITED STATES TO BE NEUTRAL "We'll Give You Justice^ private character w, 11 continue lon-g woul 1 ha\ o SonorGanVboa insists th.at.ithe neigo AS BETWEEN MEXICAN FACTIONS Harr>," Spectators Shout- tiatlons are not entirely concluded Ibut should they be It Is probable tha ed—New York Authorities aoon the entire affair will be regard BUT TO PROTECT OWN CITIZENS ed as a closed Incident The con discussed, the mess ige agreed in the Disappointed b\ Decision gressmen in discussing the note1? free general statement that it presented a 1\ com mend encie to President \V ilson s message the plans outlined ov-atlon from the townspeople of Sher ments of World Will Bring Huerta to Reason. Officials of the government refuse to Baron Appro^ea Meimaffe discuss it with the exception of Senor brooke that would have done honor The pi esldent s message is an ad to a prince of royal blood Gamtboa, who referred to the ex changes tht»n onlv aufficientlv to ex mtrable document said Senator Ba So riotous was th« eoene In the con chairman of the senate foreign re 1 plain that the documents he was hind Washington \tigust 27—President \\iKon tonight warned all "" superior court when at the morning ing out for publication were those ex lation*? committee It sets forth thn session 1 idsr,e Arthur Ulobenskv re changred u^ to last nlprlvt leans to leave Mexico at once \t the ->ame time the American f ised to allow counsel representing facts w Ithout reservation and puts Xe*v ^ork stat to be party to the Statement for Huerta Regime UB right before the world \i > eo er embassj and all consular representatives throughout the southern proceedings that the court subse All the g;o\ ernment cared to sa\ I behe\« it will have a calming effect quently w atned spectators that a regarding the situation was published on oui own people and a soothing In lepubhc \\ere instructed to ' notify all officials civil and military, in repetition of the cheerlngf chair tont&ht In the official Diarlo a paper fluence upon public expression In the Mexico, ' that they would be held strictly responsible for harm or Tisfd by tttie g-overnment for dissemi The good offices of the United States to aid In restoring peace to Mexico climfblng handkerchief waving and United States The magnificent ova nation of official news Save been flatly declined by General Huerta President Wilson and his injury done to Americans or their property general hvsterJa would mean jail sen tlon g-iven the president showed that tences for the demonstrants *Sino« ths strained relation* exist advisers seem to think that the Huerta regime will soon fall Meanwhile Ing between Mexico and the United he has behind hlrr both branches of Huerta has been informed that he will be held responsible tor the safety UNITED STATES WILL AID AMERICANS 9p«ELktng from the bench at the Btates began " said Senor Gamboa in afternoon session Judg-e Qlobensky congress without regard to party dl of Americans in Mexico President Wilson has also advised Americans in TO GET OUT OF ANARCHY-RIDDEN MEXICO. this article the ad nterlm government vision satfl that ne-^er In his experience as v, ith a full understanding of the ob the troubled republic to return to the United States n member of the bar and of the bench ligations and responsibilities purposed p^ator Lodge the ranking republl Secretary Bryan dispatched long telegrams to the embassy and > id he been a witness to such dis with the greatest pc-sslble spirit of can member of the foreign relations conciliation to preserve national de all consular representatn es, quoting extracts from President Wll- K aceful scenes It was carried out corum which was In great danger o* committee aJso expressed general aj> In the presence of court attendants ) sorv> address, ^o congress todays JJI.J.J^JJ^JI^JJIQ rcj;unxr;it jflH^jfPtfi*-.. suffering? a serious and transcendental proval of the messa&e- ^ 1 and four armed dominion police who affront had another line of conduct rtlcuJarly the poUey of rpeac"ene|fOtiafj6ns wTth the ^Huerta government and the poficy the "**oo3 immobile wh«« emotional wom- been adopted from fffat wlileh was \entlon, and the embargo on the ahip en rushed toward Stanford White s taken under the present circumstances Untted States would rsue The strictly secret character of the IINPflN^nniK RY RflAH P" hereafter toward Mexico Ma\ er oryin-ff Three cheers for ment of arma across the border an" negotiations which were still under Senator Root declared the messae"" UlluUnOulUUO Dl nUnllj In these messages the consuls were instructed to render every Thaw Three Cheers for the British way decided the government upon flag We will gHe >oti Justice Har withholding until toda\ the publication was admirable In tone and aplrlt aid possible to departing Americans furnishing transportation and r> of the who3e of the correspondence *x Senators Sniveiy TVilllama and "Slit Skirts and Other New changed between the chine ell or lee Stone all democratic membere of th«* President's Daughter Is Thrown any other pecuniary assistance to the needy They were informed In view of the fact that the presl Toniffht with Thaws term of oon dent ot the United States already has foreign relations committee Indorsed Styles Would Please Him From Horse—Found by that a sufficient number of ships would be provided to carry away f liit ment Indeterminate and the fcey submitted the case to congress the the doc iment for the policy of peace Much " Says Broughton a Physician to the riddle "Jtill not found there w a^ conntitutlonal admterlm KO\ ernment it outlined and for its emphatic as | tho^e m the seacoast towns a general etodus of those who rush believes it to be Its dutv through the en a r*fflolal orgran to Inform all the inhabi s rtion of the attitude of the United Foreigm go\ernments \\ill be notified of the action of the United ed hither after the fu^HU e a * * tants of the republic of the state States tional escape from \Tatteawan Wll NTew Tork August 27 —(Special )— Plainfleld N H August 2" —Mil of these delicate negotiations .Fur If I were the de%ll =ald T>r t,en resale Wilson daughter of President States so that they ma> gi\ e similar advice, but the American consuls Him Tracers Jerome former prose poselv not a single comment is a Id Indorsed by fVimite I carter*. cutor of Thaw and specialist on mat ed since the gox ernment belle'\ es that FTo ise leaders likewise gave their G Broiifrnton pastor of Christ church wilson *hils ridingriding: near here late will help all foreigners in any emergency London and formerly pastor of " the documents are eloquent enough In strong indorsement to the president the )!\estero'ay was thrown from her horse t^rs appertaining to his life left to Biptlst Tabernacle In Atlanta in LARGE NUMBER OF AMERICAN TROOPS i ight for Quebec accompanied bv themselves It confines itself to hop It seems to me that this Mexican ing for appro\ al of Its acts b\ tn" sermon toda\ at the tent evTngel on and lay unconscious for more than Franklin Kenned depuU attorne% peeflple Whose dest nles it tempoianlj sit latlon said Speaker Clark pre West 124th street certainly l would half in hour on the roadside WILL BE MOBILIZED ON THE BORDER ^ funeral o* N w York guiJes and recommending the great a case -where silence on the part not enjo\ anvthSnpr so much as a walk She was found there by Dr Charles Mther tonight or tomorrow District est calm and discretion m order that Within a day or tuo an announcement is expected of the rnobili- of most follcs is eolden It is ick up Broadway or Fifth avenue looking W Worthen of White RKer Junction 73tlOn vttorne, K * ^on^er and Sheriff the decorous and solemn course of the aforementioned nf Rotiatione ma\ not lish and gr i \ e The president s aj at the silt skirts and other new w ho applied remedie... s and;,+,, restored her ! of a larg"e number of American troop"s along«.iv«g- thLUe Csouther a*-»Tftnernn TTornbeok of Dutches co-unt> Super styles of women s dress intendent Kie-b of Matteawan John be hindered It e?s to congress on the subject s art to consciousness Later Miss wiison frontier to enforce neutrality in the traffic of arms and munitions ol Haerta the Stumhllnir R! w bar to the acceptance of the proposl Ion Tn the very natur nf n< goes among his people like Haroun Cornish home of President Wilson was ] R . - . vicLrti.^ them sheriffs and deputies sheriff or tion^ In the secfln 1 m te w is In the he 1 no \s more at ) it \ situ 'Al Raschld drew considerable ap notified by telephone Her injuries are ^reCKenriClge Ol tne war department, tonight, but the nature of HlS A ermont and Vew Hampshire wh > Insistence thit President H ert i Hm t on which * hai fes e\ ery day—almost plan a e The audience even appliudel I not believed to be serious communication W 3S not revealed T^ere reads to string themselves alons innte himself from The ele ton) con e e \ h tit —th in the t st * f is a i i when Dr Broughton said In unmis j Tvi,3s VV Ison s fiance Iiancis B the border line and seize Thiw In test Their point is that this w is im •= ks \\ ti filler •< irnier^^e Hie .tnkable terms that the answer to the possible for him to -do sine* he ite a Si>re with whom she had started for It ia believed the president not only e\ont of his deportation -- - • • • - ' fui lost i i actical suggestion that he 'question which formed his text Shall Mexican clti?en If there sho 11 b. 1 Ja ride had gone ahead of hei and. is preparing to strengthen the border Messrs rerome and Kfnnea\ win ther negotiations t is pr oticill\ cer 1e w that \inericii s sho. ,rt\co>me .we know our lo\ed ones in heaven * confer at Quebe * ith th* attorney tair thit th«M innot be ^itlsfict >r U it ot Mexico as npldl\ and ai soon j—amounted to this foi the silhouette knew nothing of the accident unt 1 patrol, but desires the strictest vfgt- general of the pr-n, nee in the hope concluded if this demand of the t nited as | o^sible (devotees— we shall not reco^nlT-e them he riderless horse dashed past him fatJi-t-en Is insisted upo»n MILLIONAIRE JURY that he as the provinces h ef officer Rep esentative Kuiison of Missis [in heaven beciuse they will not be In no qu irt i did the mee'; i"~e a n ise The scene of the accident was on >f the crown ma\ be ihle to open si i i a niembe < f tl fore gn affairs 'tin the New Hampshire side of the Coi lock that h Us in great excitement s tl e prnmei t the lesal iimittee sa 1 he he! e\ t 1 the plac I T nttl \ er\ i erentlj T ne\ei knew rectieut i iver j jst opposite the Ver agents as well is ] re-ss 1 si at hes 1 d Ingr of an absolute embargo on the a w imnii w 1 o w as not intei ested In Weat her Prophecy jail forewained Gene il lluertt and his if mont town of North Ha i tland Three I-o«nl» Vk on bv Tbaw fa] Ip ncnt of arms fi >m the \ nited jew.el-5 and clotiir»j he co-ntfnued But GENERALLY FAIR. ticial amilv a^ to v\ hat to *>M eot Cornish N H August 27—At Ha- The three po nt* in v h oh Tlaws states wo ild be follow d b> similar no\\ they have lost their Interest In Pres dent ^\ Ilson « s*« on 1 note ftrtioi b othei world \ L»W ers clothing and are going around the lakendon the Wilson summer home law>ers were s icce*3ful in their first made public ton t,ht Insists tot 01 an No act on is looke 1 for on any of sti eets -without an\ on I don t 1 now here it w as said tonight that Miss San Francisco Gal August 27—The OeorKla^-Fnlr north. local ' Kliow*nc* legal skirmish were immediate answer onl\ to the de I New ^ ork ^tate wa«? d*>n ed the 'he re&ol utions now pending- In the an> plire w here the devil co id I e Jessie Wilson had recei\ ed no serious trial of F Drew CamlnettJ charged ra*h» portion, Tbtiraday; Friday fair, mand thit l.eneial Huerta be e itnl tv*. o he ses of congress calling rli?ht to be partj to the p iceedlnffs fo happier than In New Tork this sum with violation of the Mann white to moderate variable nated fiom the ele toril contest All InC >rmitton and for steis bj the o\ ,iner where the prevailing fashion fo^ Injury apparentU from the fall from In court other points Fa>s I res dent ^\ l^oii her horse though she was still s iffer slave act proceeded today before the "> Counsel for the Btate failed in e nn ent to protect \ riericins in Mex women Is wear as few clothes as ma\ be taken up later s iggestm« Senators Sheppard and Tenrose [possible and make those few as short ling somew hat from contusions jury that was selected before the Local Report. their effoiti to ha^ e Thaw arraigned howevtr that thej be taken up with both of whom hue resolutions pend possible The^e thing's lead omly morning: session ended The Interest Lowest temperature before a magistrate and the commit ., 70 ^ out gi eat delav ing sa d toda% the\ would make no to the devil They tempt men and no Highest temperature ment on which he is held qorashed and tension that characterized the .. 88 Couldn t Be I on re Bic KnoiiRh effort to secure action u pou them or woman ever fell without the aid of Mean temperature This would have released him to the trlaj of Maary I DIggs companion of Mr uamboa repU ing to the ae ond to discuss the Mexican situation Camlnettl who was convicted a week Normal temperature Immigration officers Yes I know some of you will sav note l reeent&d b-v Mr L arranted the ' You neecln t come over here from Lon JONES IS CONFIRMED ago were laclttngr and counsel on both effect that his first answer might. Deficiency since 1st of mo inches La* plea of Thaw s counsel for a discon GOVERNORS APPROVE Ides seemed anxious to hurry the case stand for a replj to this note b-ut don and criticise the wav we New Deficiency since Jan l. tnche* .rJ(L tlnuance of the writ of haboa* corpus MESSAGE OF WILSON York women dress continued Di o a conclusion •nhich might ha-ve torouKht ibo it his that President Huerta, desiring to exercise extreme f orebearance v, as Denver Col August 27 —'The Den Broughton Then why don t you Lola Norris the Sacramento girl Ne-w York, women quit getting s our ATLANTA POSTMASTER willing to make further explanations \ er Po^t today prints statements of Camlnettl Js accused with enticing- Report* From Various Stmtlomm. selves lai auch a fix aa to set talked Continued on Page Fourteen to the suggestion effected bj Pres! i netepn go\ ernors attending the con with Marsha Warrlngton her chum to ~~ MU """ Tempcrttw dent "Wilson that if the Mexican ^o% ference of go\ ernots at Colorado about Many of the women dress the way they-do to get talked about Accounts of His Office Are in Reno Nev will take the stand to *i£X*AT H .J&& ernment "acts Immediately and fa Spi ngs on President Wilson s Mexl morrow It is expected Theodore ?_ -?*- ' ^^T^SSS? i orahl j upc£ snge:e-fitlons President can message Most of the statement Good Shape Declares Atlanta clear 82 88 are favorable Dr Broughton will come south Roche assistant United States district Atlantic Clt} pt c 00- W ilR« n woul i txpi ess to Amrrican 76 78 *WoWn Governor McDonald of New Mexco a few davs to conduct a revival rnett Hugh L McKee attorney said today that her testl Baltimore clear 76 A CLEARING HOUSE bi k is pelesqness of Baptist -ministers beginning: Sep given in the case of Diggs Miss 90 00 H lerta s attempts to restore order jtember 7 The nomination of Boiling- H Jones Boston cloud} | 7(i 80 i m 1 ate loin s itficlent to meet the Warrlnffton will follow her on the Browns\Ule pt. c 1 82 .so That s what the Wanted \s to armed inter\ ention he added as postmaster at Atlanta was con 94 .00 temporary needs of the present ad stand Buffalo clear | 66 68 Situations column of The nun sti all .in I cannot sav that I am in favor of It AUTO TOUR ENABLES firmed by the United States senate Charleston cldy | 76 .00 Governor Colquitt of Texas remark Just before adjournment a comment 80 .42 Constitution is 'iou will do To this Senor G-amboa replied Wednesdav afternoon This action Chicago pt cldy | 70 74 ed Wilson seems to ha\ e come as made b> Judge Van Fleet bear j .00 well to read the ads there The e coild not be i loan big enough THIEF TO ROB BANK Denver pt cldy | 84 90 00 aiuuiid to the opinion of the Texas automatically removes Hugh I* Me Ing directly upon c-amlnettl a respon j Galveston cMy J 82 SB every dav if von re looking offered to induce those entri ited with Harlehurst Miss 4. u gust 27—While nacteras clear [ 76 1.06 the national dignity to put tbat dig go\ ei nor w hen he sa> s peace arid Hu Kee f-om the office Mr Jones will siblllty in the Reno trip Counsel fop ] 80 fit for good men and women erta are at opposite poles the population of Hazlehurst inclnd 82 mt\ aside take charge as soon as he receives the the defense 86 .00 Gov ernor Slaton of Georgia said Ing the clerks of the Bank of Haale Jacksonville oldy 78 90 But, if as sometimes oc The minister decl-nred that the rec necessary authority and makes the j skcd by Roche seeking to show that K-ansas Cit> clr curs you don t nnd w hat the t nited States would, not be justi huist were w atchLng the arrival of a 98 102 .So ommendation regarding the wlthdi aw automobiles In a good roads tour to required bond 'the defendant had participated In ar jiKnoxvllle clear SG 92 jou want phone Main ">000 fictl in interv ention except under the Louisville pt. c / 86 so •09 al of General Htiert « cindidaci n as nece«yity of protecting Its own clt day a thief entered a side door of the Mr Jones has stated that he in ranging and conducting the trip stat 00 or Atlanta 109 and ask for impossible of fulfilment sa> Ing Not Memphis clear | 84 I Sri izens bank and *»xti acted something over tends to conduct a thoroughly bus! Miami clear .00 an ad taker Your require- onl\ T\oild we forego o ir sovereignty ed that members ot the train crew 82 88 •00 - Govein >r Fberhart of Minnesota $1 000 escaping- without being seen 1 ness administration without allow Mobile clear 80 90 ments will be put into but roinpiom s*. for an Indefinite futuic The loss was discovered when the i Mont&omerj clr *l_4- approves the polio of the g-overnment ing politics to enter into his office 84 9O »OQ proper shape and inserted In o ir destinies as a <*o\ ert gn entltv and and is opposed to intervention clerks began to check up the counter Montreal pt c 62 74 a^ all future elect ons f jr president v> ouM Governor Spr> S>f Utah said It cash Bloodhounds failed to pick up He will adhere strictly to th« cl\ II New Orleans cldy 84 90 The Constitution the re- engaging of the drawing room on the New York cloud> .01 quired number of times be submitted to the \ to of anv pres is eas> to tell Americans to get out a trail bevond the sidewalk where eerv ice rules where they apply and 74 78 •»Uflfi£ dent of the t nited States Such an of Mexico None of us wants to gee man> persons had massed the public is assured of competent train Oklahoma, clear 94 100 =_ enormity no government ever w ill at It Is not necessary" said the court Phoenix clear 98 103 First thing every morning war and personallv I don t think the service 1 •UniUl tempt to perpetuate overruling the objection, "to show PKtsburg clear 74 80 people out of work or look whole of Mexico *** worth the lives .t Mr Jones lost nfgiht said that he Portland pt c 84 84 Huerta Bnrred l>i, Constitution might cost but if we have to go In country' A great man\ of them have the defendant handled the money or Qft mg for better jobs read The had not as > et received any official made the purchases Certainly if the Raleigh pt. cldy 70 88 .Z4 Constitution Want 4ds He pointed out thf clause in the con there with an army I am In favor of already done so and others would government proves that he was In the San Diego cloudy 70 - 78 •DO stitution which Sncapacitat-es a pres doing the job- right and taking over like to hut ca*n t Some have been confirmation of his nomination and party, under the circumstances they San Francisco c 58 70 00 Index to Want Ads Page 10 Col 2 dent ad ^nterlm fiom becoming a can the entire country for ourselves killed while try Ing to get away so did not know when he would take St. Louis clear 92 96 .00 have set forth, it is sufficient show- St Paul cloud* J>A didate at a forthcotningr election and t Itlmate war with Mexico is tore Governor Lister Washington It office ing to devjelop the connection ot the ! Salt Lake City, dr. 7* 80 "lou Can't Get Something tor said casted bj Governor Byrne of South Da seems to me that the presidents poai Mr McKee also has not yet been 82 si .06 tlon is logical* defendant with the transaction ' ' Seattle, clear 70 72 .00 Nothing " If President \\ Ison had talven such koti who sa>s the "Wilson plan looks Shr&veport. clear 86 paragraph in-to consideration before to me to be rather a weak policy Governor OJ^eal of Alabama Hu- officially notified of Mr Jones' con- The Jury is conspicuous for the num- ^B DO erta caa never pacify the country, and firmation but stated "Wednesday night ber o( wealthy men it includes, and* as Tampa, rain 72 9ft -«? venturing to impose upon us th© con Governor Hunt, of Arizona Things Toledo, clear . « 72 32, 't M THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTIOiN dltlons in question and which we ha\e are In a terrible condition In Mexi- it would be disgraceful for tftis coun- that the accounts of ±Jhe -office are In Washington, pt c 78 no power to admit the present state jf co and It grieves me to think of o ir try to recognize a man like him good shape and that he Is ready at r* xi. affairs between you and ourselves people down there. Does Presiden* no occasion for intervention. any time to turn over the offica to his It Is already known aa "the million- would have been a\ oidQd. * Wilson ea> for them to get out of tne this couu*»™ * successor. aire JUfy." f

'l •-, "V "^V<7 _! ( *• « »*••>.. >_ •K> Mt*4> .

SPAPLRl vspAprfil port of congress. Irrespective of poltt- Minister ce molemnly entered Into and scrapul-1 "lattes by troops already watching Uie Jtor the Huerta government the Amer-' usly observed. ; -• International boundary lean proposals, left no room for doubt "Security given lor an early and free - * Secretary Garrison, of the war de- ThiTpresident bad an Informal talk as to the situation, the way IB open ectlon In which all will agree to partment, it was announced tonight, with Senator Boot, republican, in the for future negotiations, either at tne ake part, Will be In New York next Wednesday speakers room, just before he was initiative of Mexico or the United "The consent of General Huerta to escorted to the house rostrum, ana iwl himself no* to be a candidate for " ~ to Confer with Strands Burton Ham- States ectlon as president ol the republic Bonwu,» buuuut ittt. waflOrOs saiBidAdU atttt. th\M*ye whitw tlli-tei j learne•^.m.uf-du tha„__.t, th- e New York senato»»••»**«•#r Meanwhile Nelson O'Shamshnessy st and disinterested 'friendship It is TdT tfcls^consVnrof 'mankind "to what ?e could triumph as her enemies—and probably will remain In Mexico City this election. and, ur purpose in whatever we do or pro- are attempting;, this attitude of how, much more handsomely with howse that his return to the east from I soon would make a speech in support The agreement of all parties to ( wthee great nations of the world towards much higher and finer satisfactions of hiT«s« wester* n iinspectio i n tri._ip_ ^vas no*t \~fV1 thae administrations policy Mr tn charge of the American embassy ose in this perplexing and distressing 1 Root s utterances are calculated to at John I4nd, the president's personal bide by the results of the election and ituatlon not only to pay the most, what we may attempt in dealing -witn conscience and of honor " prompted by any prospective troop representative, still Is in Vera Cruz o-operate in the most loyal way in or- crupulous regard to the sovereignty movement. tract attention m Latin America, be- and probably will remain there as anlzing and supporting" the new ad- nd independence of Mexico—that w Mr f persons who may have personal of the armi s n nature ot an appeal to the moral Ind and said he was led to believe r propert> claims in Mexlcc* which PROPOSAL OF UNITED STATES day, in which he outlined the policy the troops ir Texas already 1 ° "his forces of this and foreign nations the he Huerta g-overnrnent rejected the hey may feel that they have the right of the United States toward Mexico wav to ^ ashmg'ton merlcan proposals because the au- o press We are seeking: to counsel pesident made it clear that he based lextco for her ov» n good and in the as one of absolute non interference Central \\ otherspoon attached to horltles at Mexico City had been of the chief tf "taff said high hope upon the effect the an- nterest o-f her own peace and not for tral America Strongly backing tHat and strictest neutrality The presi the of fie, nouncement of thla g-overament s rossly misinformed and misled upon ny other purpose whatever The gx»v- Mexican Reply Alleges That there 33 a mistake because to this dent held out hope tor a resumption Lt much woul 1 dej end upon policy will have upon not only the ie spirit of the American people In rnment of the United States would date no charge has been made bv anv tht'^eKperUme of th next few days he matter and upon a mistaken be eem itself discredited if it had any foreign g"ovt inment accusing' us of of negotiations and ultimate success People of this country and the govern President Wilson Is Igno- the aboA a lack of compliance we are on the border In dt-t rn i i nrf upon the ments of other nations but upon the ef that the present a-d ministration, elfish CT ulterior purpose in transac of a policy of persuasion backed b> order for more trooys Secretary ions where the peace happiness and punctually meeting all our credits; we people of Mexico themselves Now that id not speak for the people of tha are still miintaining diplomatic mis- < the moral force of tne governments* Bi v ui pi inned to n i f i w lt-h Presi- rosperlty of a whole people are in rant of Real Conditions in the United States has exhausted the Jnited States ' So long- as such a mis oHe-d. It is acting- as its friendship sions, cordial rx accepted in almost all of the world dent \VilbJn eailj tumo row on the effort to bring about peace and a nderstandlng continued the president or Mexico, not as any seUish interests, countries and v. e continue to b-e in- First results ot the president s op subject and the aesuran e was given sta.ble Mexican government, the presl sserted that this nation ci uld onlj lu tates Southern Republic—Recog- •\lted to all kinds of international con- ttmiaxn were apparent tonight when that t-vpr\ thinK nece«*aa:\ -would be dent believes that this government s wait the time of their awakening to All \mr-rtcn Crleit for Settlement. ferences Secretary Bryan announced the re- done to c*rr> out strict neutrality example to the world will avail great realization of the r^al facts ' The present situation in Mexico H nition of Huerta Demanded Senor Gamboa aavs a contract has s re tir\ D in it-Is ton ferret with The situation declared the presi ,n-compatible with the fulfillment of been signed w ith Belgian capitalists ceipt of a message from John Lind good in the end which meins to Mexico the constrttc tli pi M i v sea as Mexico s friends sooner than we encouraging and lomrnentpd on thp 1 ei,,M o w 11 & it w a*-, understood is addiess the president predicted therefore that the United States by insti uction of, the president is in a pi ompt solution of our disturbances * to uld triumph as her enemies—and fact that he had for several days us* a t Kit hie nut bet-n asked tp place hat the steady pressui e of moral offers her counsel and assistance AH how much more handsomely with how erica ones out for a faettlement part as follows Why Hnerta Decline* u t nib ii KO on the shipment ot m in c*rce will before miny da> s break the the word unchanged much hleThei and finer satisfactions of *A satisfactory settlement seems The .government of Mexico has paid Sa\ ing thit Mexico cannot take Into tinns f \ \i oi arms to Mexico but arrlers of pride ana prejudice down Secretar> Hr>aii **id that while th- conscience and of honor to us to be conditioned on— due attention to the advice and con consideration the four rend tions which sum !h* pi s 1 nt in his message assorted nd n-e &hall triumph as Mt xico a I Ind mebsa^f * ontamed onlj . Thf* president told congress that (4.) An Immediate cessation of siderations expressed by the g-overn- President Wilson proposed Senoi tic lent tf it ^ « j\*-rnment had been given rlends sooner than we could ti umph figrhting- throughout Mexico a definite Gamboa cites these reasons therefor nuir> of tht ( unl 01 note *u everything this na'tion did in the ment of the United States has done tl J- tuns inoial support of lor her enemies armistice soK mnl\ entered into and •\n immediate suspension of the had been rec \varrmt tal ins? situation confronting it must be this on account of three principal rea strugg^*1 in Mexico a definite armistice t it,n iti n^ in the proposals to the MOTE FROM HUERTA f uioii^H oiljsei \ ed feons Mist because MexUo enter- BT> an roote-1 in •patience and done with (. B) st cunti Ki\ en for an earl\ solemnl'v constructed nnd scrupulous an encourasin^ \ lew «r Hi i i i p, _>% ernmc nt •» hk h ha\ e been re SOT READ BY WILSON tains the highest respect for the pei- added that th* < i »>"*»• Ilott* Wd < aim disinterested deliberation He and f 11 e election in w hi<-h all will sonality of nib excellenc> \\ oodrow 1\ obser% ed is not passible as to d ) l ct I H btt- «ne knuHii th it the ad had no word of rebuke for Mexico Senor OambG i s note TV hit h \v d^ if •p to t tke paT t this It would be necessary that thet e rpplv to thp --ui plemeiitar\ fe n? IT M i**iiitl m has under serious consld Wilson second because certain EUI o and reached th« determination to •ended to the pi esident « addt t ss w (,C> Tho const nt of General Huer pean ami American governments with should be some one capable of pro tions made In Mr I nul IK lore 1 PI itlun tht or luring uf se\ eral th u md.into.iti strict neutialltj after hav an exhibit was not read by tttie prt.ai '.A. tu bin i himself not to be a t,andl which "Mexico cultivates the closest posing It without causing a pro d mui date for election as president of the found offense to civilization to th« m« Mt\ico (- IM fur \f'a ( r i/ e ti 1 the Mexican bor in^f presented the "whole situation to dent but f ui nished to congresb ia a relations of international amity na.v line d it s, many bandits who under this or thit the members of the foreign relations irinted d j umei t {L» The agreement of all parties prt t^xt are marauding tow ard the RECEPTION BY CONGRESS th it thi« be done Iwgrhi} gratifjJng- to us made use of < ommittce in congress Mrs "Wilson and hei daughteis and to abidu bv the results of the ele^ti m their good offices to the end tr^at south and committing the most out ^LEASES WILSON \ fr K 1".,W tht 'SOI *. UFTAIL. \VAS iecretai y Jbtrj an wete In the. ex i. itive nd co oi «-i ite in the most loyal v. ay Mexico should accord > ou a hearing rag*eous depredations and I knou of 1 ht i ns d* nt \v is niU rrm U oi l\ THI. T nrs inl/ln^ ind supporting the new no country In thp TV 01 Id "which maj * RLPC BI ic i l> 1Ur I»R.EJ311>L1^T*S HKSSAfefc ^a.ller> Other members of tht o ibi nanasmucs h as jooi \vtre the bearer of a 1 nf tit 1n j private mission from the president of ha\n ever dared to enter into agree- itnts uigren request to Not in fssential detail did the The ^overnnrunt of the United ment or to propose nn armistice to in , piruoularlj. pleased he clamber had been biwtd aid th. < omm nl He w I'- Mexu o tp ]H i e the coun , presidt nt w ithhold In his presenta States R IT be s"lad to pJa> ans pa.i t ll uh v in bis K < pption in ton i'1- * "l 1 iMzed t ) coriM t"i*j tru neces • ;olt.mnit> of the occasion «as impies this settlement or in Its tarrying fiom the ipptaiibe s tlon of the case for the public p-ub grt ss Nor ui U t l i i tijn on the recent request slve as th^ chaplain Rev Henry D out which it tan play honoralbl> and lishlnjf also to the world the reply of Couden in his pra> ei said onsistentlv with international right rh u grated him is he began his ad f St rtt\i\ Urvan for an appropi la the Mexican government to Mr I_*ind s Rule Thou In the hearts of our It pledges itself to recognize and in (oncUibion but ti i t i $100 000 with whi h to aid clti in which Senor Gamboa refers to the in ss and i' <' rulers and sway the minds of these \ erv wai possible and proper to as through ppr*on il (cmgratulatjon. .s -sent, of the I i itt d St Ues In their exo American proposals aa humiliating fst the admimsti atlon chosen and set dus fr >m th scene of oofllct Such denies the representation by President .he servants that as a nation we may up in "Mexico in the way and on the t resident \V ilsoii ft It a spired th it he move forward to all that Is pure an 1 in aj. i i pr at < n is Included In a de W ilson that Mexico had not made conditions suggested Condition* In Mexico lives must be severed for the sake of"" > id behind him the unduithd sup noble Until all the peoples of all the •Tikinpj all the existing conditions the biological and fundamental prln h lem v bill m \v In tho hands of the progress tow ard p*ace and thou ^h The imputation in vooir instruc v\ orld shall recognize the purity of into coiibideiation the government of dple then the use of the sprouts *> house ipi iopi it i M". cinirn ttee and it ex pressing appreciation of the axow tions that no progress has b^en made should grow and fruitifv < ir motives the Unite! Statoa can corn.el\e of no is expect* J t*i 000 Americans >eared he plunged into the read in j Mt xiro in declining- the offices of to us than if convinced of the preci JONES CASH GROCERY now tendered us we should have to diction with their gross imputation pice to which we are being- dragged ' wheieas th ie were h l 000 several decline them in the most categorical of his message without delay friendship thi s offered Can Mexico which Is not supported bi anj proofs R-Ke the oivilized world a satisfactory by the resentment of thefr defeat. In * veirs t i \re-\lco c t\ it Is est The president finished reading- a 0 principally because there are h n and definite manner Tvery thing; reason for rejecting our pood offices a moment of reaction they would de- mated th -it tl e i e are less nan Onn th it Mexico had said to this govern 21 o clock Another great roar o affords me piea«un to refer Mr Con pos.p their rancor and add their -*-a WEEK END SPECIALS applause broke out Then the joint Jf Mexico can suggest any better way Hdential Agent, to the following Vmericars todiv ment In response to the proposals was in which to show our friendship serve strength to ours so that all together j session dissolved, and tine house ad facts we would undertake the great and ur- , The dij 1 tm-xtlt relations between the made public including the Huerta al the people of Mexico and meet our The Mexican republic is forced by 7 WE DELIVER 1 journed and the senate filed back t< international obligations we are more gent task of national reconstruction two counfie - It is understood -n ill ternative that nothing could be wel twenty seven states three territories TTnfortunateH they don t avail them remain is thr\ ai e it present each its side of the capitoi than w IHing- to consider the sugr^res ard one federal district Eighteen 124 WHITEHALL: corned except -unrestricted recognition tion selves of the amnesty law enacted c ~)untr\ maintaining an embassy with of his g-overnment After he had con states the three territories and the b-v the pr )\ isional gov ernment imme- •* out ofJical recognition presided How L.Ind Pxectited ToAk federal district (a total of twenty diatelv after Its inauKuration but on eluded hts meflsag"e and listened to the two political entities) are under reso r\er b\ i hir^P d affaires Though a-pplause which greeted it the presi Mr Lind executed his delicate and the contrary well known rebels left 25 Ibs Granulated Sugar gt 25 lute control of the present government the country without molestation not the president m ide it i lam in his state dent turned toward the "white hous< difficult mission with smgmdar tact THE MESSAGE ON MEXICO firmness and g"ood judgement and •n hich aside from the abo\ e exer w th ^landing the Information which No 10 Silver Leaf Lard $135 mrnt that all nefrotiations thus far to await Its effect He believes that made cl^ar to the authorities at the cises its a-uthority over almost every ha\e come to naught and the message It will be beneficial City of Mexico not onl> the purpose port in the republic and consequentl} No 10 Cottolene §51 16 President Wilsons message follows of his visit but also the spirit in over the custom houses Continued on Page Three. w hieh it had been undertaken But ' Its southern frontier is at peace 24 Ibs Postell s Elegant Gentlemen of the congress M> g-overnment has an army of 80 000 It Is clearly my duty to lay befor< the propos Us, he submitted were Flour jected in a note the full text of which men in the field with no other pur _ ou very fully and IA ithout reserv i pose than to insure complete peace in Will Relieve Nervous Depression «td Law SairtU .ion the facts cc not mini, our pi e sen 1 take the liberty ot Laying before 24 Ibs Gold Medal Flour UNITED STATES AND MEXICO >ou the republic the onlv national as pi The old standard general strengthening tonic relation*. % ith the republic of Mexico TROVES TA3TICL.ES3 cbill T./NIC arouses the I am led to bel eve that they were ration of the present provisional 24 Ibs Best Self-Rising The deplorable po-sture of affaii s in president The abo\ e is sufficient to ltv*r drives out Malaria, and builds up tho sys- Mexico I nt-efl not describe but rejected pai tlj bin ause the authorl exclude anj doubt that mj ^overn tem A euro Appetizer and alfl to digestion. 50s Flour (guaranteed) deem it my dutv to speak very f i ankl ties at Mtxico Citv had been grossly —fadr > ARE DISCUSSED BY WILSON of what this government has done am misinformed and misled upon two ment is wort hi of the respect and No 1 Irish Potatoes, pk obedience of the Mexican people shall seek to do in fulfillment of it p >ints rhev did not realize the spirit My government fails to understand obligation to Mexico herself as a fntni of tht Amtr can people? in this matter 1913 Section Honey and neighbor and to American citi r what the United States means bj sa> DR. GAULT their e u nest f i lendHness and > e ing that it does not find itself in the IN MESSAGE TO CONGRESS zens whose li\es and \ital Interests ai sober detei ruination that some jusl A reliable specialist 2 Ib can Sunbeam Extra dall> affected bv the distressing- con same case with reference to the other solution be found for the Mexican nations of the earth, concerning what In diseases of men- Lo- Sifted Peas : dltlons wh rh now obtain bevon-d ou difficulties and they did not believe southern border is happening and Is likely to happen cated in Atlanta nine that the present administration spoke in Mexico Conditions of Mexico at Two 10c Boxes Shaker partislana of either party to the con These conditions touch us ver; t:hroug"h Mr LJnd for the people of years Address 52 ln- nearly Not merely because thev 11 the present time are unfortunately Salt test that now distracts Mexico the Lnited States neither doubtful nor secret it is at man Building 22 % S. The President Outlines Amer- or con our very doors That of course The eff* ct of this unfortunate mis stitute ourselves the virtual umpln makes us more % 11 idly ind more COTI flicted with internal strife whUh, has Broad Street, Atlanta, Lemons, dozen understanding on their part is to been raging almost three >ears and between them stantU conscious of them and e\ f leave them slngnlarly isolated and ican Position—"Hands Off" Instinct of neigrhbo-rly interest i which I can only classifj in these Ga To urge all Americans to lea\ e Mex witho-ut friends who can effectually lines as a fundamental mistake With Fresh Shipment Snow- sympathy is aro ised and quickened aid them feo long as the misunder Ico at once and to assist them to ge them but there is onlj one elbrnent reference to what might happen in drift Just Received, at Pohcv, But Huerta to Be standing continues we can only awai Mexico neither v ou Mr Confidentiil awa> In ever} way possible the determination of our duty \\ e ar the, time of their awa-kenin-g to i glad to call out selves the frieu Is o Ag-ent nor I nor anyone else can Lowest Prices. Held Responsible for Safe- To let e\ eryone in Mexico whey realization of the actual facts wl prognosticate because no assertion Mexico and we sh«Jl I hope ha\t man cannot thrust our good offices upon FORSYTH sumes to exercise authority know tha an occasion in hapi. ier tirm s as w e possible on incidents which have not t\ of American Lives and as in these days of trouble an i con them Tht situation must t>e g-iven occurred this government shall vigilantl fusion to show that our fi leudship little more time to work Itself out in -watch the fortunes of tiioee American genuine and disinterested capable < the new circumstances and I believ Good Offices Declined Bond & Beaton—Lewis A Daily 1 that only a little ivhile w ill be neces ^jj^a^sEaucaMiii^MMiSM*"™^^^™ ™— Property who cannot g-et away and shall hoi lacrifice and e\erj ge-nerous m inffe Senor Bamboat saj s hi government Four Hegata—Joe Flynn tation The peace pros]erit> ir d coi s iry I or the -circumstances are new Meredith Slaters—Claude Golden those responsible for their suffering The ie1ection of on friendship maket a-ppreciates the good offices tendered tentment of Mexico mean moi e m ch by the United States M>ut If such and losses to a definite reckoning more to us than mci clj in (ill n^ed th m nciv and will inevitably bring- fttorf Week Saitl M4MV A CO. its own alterations in the whole aspec good offices ai e to be of the charac "SEWELL'S" That can and will be mad field foi oui comiTierc( tnd enteii i1s« ter of those now tendeied to us we ^\ a«h ngton ^upri st Pies,ident They mean an enlargement of tht field of aff tiis The actual situation o SPI'CIAL" K>R 1 HI KSDV1 plain beyo-nd the possibility of a mis the a ithontifcs at Mexico City will should have to decline them in the of self pu\ernment and the realivatim most categorical and definite man- NO 111 I MI t LItC LI Al Vv Ilson appeared in peison before con understanding- declared the preslden of the hopes and i ights of L nation presently be i e\ ealed Me in w h ile what is it our dut> to ner gress Uda> ind laid befoie the world Negotiations foi tne friendly media ith whose best aspn ations so long- Inasmuch as the United States Is SCATS NOW SCLLINO »N-t 10 F ll Sn \vclrift suppressed and disappointed w e deep do Cleailj everything v,e do must Mlsiourl Hi ind Ked C,i the details r£ the I n ted States eflo*-ts on of the United btates ai e ope willing to act in the most disinterested to resumption at anv time upon el the ly sympathize \\ e bha.ll > et pro\ e to be rooted in patience and done with friendship it will be difficult for it LYRIC NEXT WEEK pound the Mexican people that wt know how calm and disinterested deliberation Missouri I and Hrtaktist to Orjnrt about peace m Mexico the the initiative of this government or o to find a more propitious opportunity to serve them vi ithout first thinking Impatience on our part would be child than the following If it would only EMMA BUNTIH6 poui d tacts cun ermnt Huei t \ s rejection of Mexico how we shall serve ourseKes ish and would be fraught with every MIs'.ou i Hr in I ! ui 1C tl watch that no material and monetar> tl t, i t ace ; i OPTJS ila nnd the polio to \\orlxl exercise the self restraint of a assistance is given to rebels who con I be fursiei now k> tins go\ rnrnent But TVe are not the 01 1\ ft lends of spire and provide themseHes with "THE CIRCUS GIRL" BY HUERTA REGIME i eally fgt eat nation whlc-h reali/es Its i,rms and food on the other side of the ib tay i DEMANDS MADE "Mexico The w hole v- orld tle&lrcs hei ow. n sti er M"tl and scorns to misuse it Matinees Won, Toes, Ttmrs. and Sat B itti 111 e Hi l«e \ccompanying the piesidenl 3 peace and progress aiul the w h ile border If it should demand from Its H was iur dutj to offer our active minor and local authorities the strict- * U CSH IF SI SNAl BbAN-, BY UNITED STATES dress was the reply of the Huerta gov world is interested as iievei bcfoi e assistaine It is now our duty to show c 1 Mexico lies at last whe-ie all the world est observance of the neutrality laws qutit -='-* 1 tie f esldent annuuritnJ tl e pc si tinmen t rt jecting the American pro what true neutrality will do to enable I assure Mr Confidential Agent that >tiitst i .i-,li Y n i Potiti v looks on Central Amei ica is about to the people of Mexico to set their af . tion uf the United States to 1 e as f 1 posals It was written by Pc/reign Min the complete pacification of this repub pfCk *"*^ be to-urhed b> the gi eat routes of the fairs In order apraln and wait for a is ter Oamboa. It »uggested the tc- worlds trade and intercourse tunning lir would be accomplished within a fre-.ll ( >m?ti% I-,j,s i] >z J4'/_c Jon-a f irtjier opportunity to offer our frien 3 relatively short £Ime -\\ (• i«tr\ii- t v i- RI rHfNt. lowiny alternative policy for th free from ocean to ocf an at tho Isth H L ounsels The door Is not closed No armed intervention I nltcd states mus The luture haa much in stoi e fo-r His excellency Mr Wilson Is labor <.<> H> I *T VI \\HOIF- f? ilnst the resumption either upon ing- under a serious delusion when he * n i- rmc FS • Strict neutiaUtj foilidLii th ex Rect ptJon iff a Mohican ambassado Mexico as Tot all the states of C en U Hlitlie of \Ie\i o or upon our own Kinemacoior tral America but tht- best Mfts <• a" declares that the present situation of 5c portal on 01 arms or mui uns of in \N a^hi rife ton of the effort t » bung- order out o( Mexico is incompatible with the com uonie to her onl\ if siie Le i eadj and th^ c >nf i«i m bv friendlj, co operative Motion Picture* In UnM 7 P. M. Seweli Commission Co. w a-i of am kind from the I nited lhat the Lnited States send a free to rec.ci\e them and to t njo\ them pliance of her international obllKa. Natural Color \\ holexnte nurf Rttnil ambast,adoi to Mexico without a tlon should fortunate occasion of tions witn the development of its own States to an> part of the i it 1 c of honorably \merica in partlculai — fer EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN 1 I t-I"> >\ h.teUall Street sti amtb Ame-rica north and south ai 1 ujon both civilization and with the required lOc ilrnnch Store 1«4 Detntur st Mexico Situation Mn*t Be Ended maintenance of certain political and Now Every D>y Under no circumstances to be the btrlct observance of the neutral It continents—wait upon the de\ elop 7 to I(h30 laws and see to it that no materii meats of Mexico and that de\ elop While we wait the contest of the economical conditions tolerable in Cen or monetary assistance is g-Iven to ti ment can be sound and lasting only if ri v al forces v. 111 undoubtedly for a It be the product ot a, genuine free little while be sharper than ever just rebels dom a just and ordered go\ ernment Lncondltional recoffnition of th because it -«ill be plain that an end founded upon law Only so can it be must be made of the existing- sltua Huerta g-overnment peaceful or fruitful of the benefits of tion and that very promptly, and with The occasion had not been parallele peace Mexico- has a great and en the increased activity of the contend in more than a century No othe viable future before her if onl> she ing- factions will come it is to be president since George Washington ha choose and attain the paths Ot honest feared increased danger to the non- Specials fo* Today Only constitutional government combatants in Mexico as well as to appeared before congress on a foreig The present circumstances of the affair The senate and house assem those actually in the field of battle republic I deeply regret to sav do not Ihe position of outsiders 13 alwavs bled In the house chamber the sena seem to promise even the foundations particularly trying and .full of strife tors filing in two by two As th of such a peace We ha\e waited many and a whole country is upset. president mounted the platform wher months mo-nths full of perU and anx "We should assist them to get away in bpeaker Clark and Vice President Mar lety for the conditions there to m e\ try way possible—not because we sha.ll were waiting- the blgr chambe prove and they have not improved would mean to slacken in the least our They have grown worse rathei The efforts to safeguard their lives and was hushed Attirect In a conventlona territory in some part controlled bv frock coat suit th» president stoo their interests but because it is im the provisional authorities at Mexico perative that they should take no un- at the clerk s desk and read his a-d City has grwwn smaller not larger nece^sary risks when it -Is physicall> dress In the easy conv ersatif/nal ton The prospect of the pacification of the possibie for them to leave the countr> for which he is noted Scarcelj country even b> arms has seemed to \\c should let e\ erj one who assumes sound interrupted grow more and moi e remote and its to exercise minority in an\ part of pacification by the authorities at the Mexico know tn the most uneo.ui\ ocal WILSON OUTLINES capital is evidently impossH ie b-\ anx Texas—Kew Orleans—California other means than force Difficulties way thit we shail vlg-ilantly watch MEXICAN SITUATION more and more entangle those \\ ho the fortunes of those Americans who TO cannot set away and shall hold these First pointing1 out that Jt was claim tw constitute the legitimate p;ov tOB AVQEX.B9 ernment of the republic They have responsible for thetr suffering's and dutj wlthotit reservation to lay not made g-ood their claim in fart losses to a definite reckoning That SOTTSTON SEATTLE S&ZT JJTBQO the .facts concerning the relations cin be and will be made plain beyond TAOOMA SA2T JOSH Their successes in the field have QAX.TBSTOIT the United States with Mexico th proved only temporary "W ar and dls the possibility of a mlsunderstandnlg •WACO ABO For the rest I deem It my duty president outlined what the Unite order, devastation and .,..,confusion , seem 25c Rogers' Merry Widow POET IWOBTH MA3TT States had done as a friend and nelgrh- to threaten to become the settled Eofo^r to exercise the authority conferred STOCKTON upon me by the law of March 14 1912 DALLAS bor Asserting that this nation was tune of the dieti acted country As Self-Rising Flour SAJT ANTONTO pourrs friends we could wait no lo>ngpr tor to see to it that neither side to the Fresh Roasted Coffee glad to call itself tne friend of Mexi struggle now going on in Mexico re EI. PASO solution which every week seemed fur co and hoping for many future occa- ther awa> celve any assistance from this side of sions to show that disinterested friend- the border I shall follow the best 18c Pound Bag 92c ship tlhe president declared tl^at we \\hy I4nd \\an Sent practice of nations in the matter of Western Summer Excursion Tickets on Sale Daily shall yet prove to the Mexican people It was our duty at least to \olun neutrality by forbidlng the exportation that w e know how to serve them with teer our good offices — to offer to as- of arms or munitions of war of any Homeseekers Excursion Fares to Many Points on Sale First sist If we mig-ht in effecting1 some kind from the "United States to any and Third Tuesday Each Month. out first thinking how we shall serve part of the republic of Mexico-—a ourselves arrangement which would bring relief policy suggested by several interesting Describing Mexican conditions and and peace and se1t up a universally New Pack Fancy Green the events that led up to the negotia- ""^cSssyf &ss°s&r?« ^f^"?co;s^p^ tions just concluded President W ilscAi sending the Hon John Lind formerly tical expediency We cannot in the Pork and feeans Virginia Cabbage outlined how war and disorder, de governor of Minnesota a/a my personal ircumstances be the partisans of elrh- SERVICE \astation and confusion to spokesman and rep-resentatU e to the er party to the contest that now dis City of Mexico, with the following in- tracts Mexico or constitute ourselves threaten to become the settled fortune the virtual umpfre between them FAST, SAFE and COMFORTABLE of the distracted country ' As friends structions Small Can 5c Pound 3c- \\orld Sentiment Backs United States. he «d th.. country coula wait no |t .ntj£-f \V*SZS??Z, l^ e^I longer for a solution of things In the in~ authority or wielding influence Jn I am happy to say that several of Call at Office for Information and Literature. sister republic —Mexic • o th•• e followin- - -* g- consideration*.,-._,., s the great governments of the world I and advice have given this government their gen- 121 PEACHTREE ST., ATLANTA, GA. INSTRUCTIONS erous moral support in urging upon the The government of the United provisional authorities at the City of Large, Smooth O P. BAKTLETT, Gen'l Agt. R. O. BEAN, T. P. A. GIVEN ENVOY LIND States does not feel at liberty any North Carolina longer to stand inactively b> while it Mexico the acceptance of our proffered President Wilson read his instruc- becomes dally ntore and more e\ ident good offices in the spirit in which they Fresh Apples Irish Potatoes tions to John Lind that no real progress Is being- made were made We ha\e not acted in this For information regarding farm lands, industrial loca- • All America orles out for a settle- towards the establishment of a gov matter under the ordinary principles ment, read the note Mr Lind bore to ernment at the City ot Mexico which of international obligation All the tions and opportunities in Texas and Louisiana, address Mexico A satisfactory aettlement I the ^untry^wUl^^obey ^and respect world expects us in such circumstances Peck 32c Peck 24c Industrial Bureau, Sunset Central Lines, Houston, Tex. to act as Mexico s nearest friend and seems to us to be conditioned c/n ( n'oTESSl intimate adviser This ia our memo- An immediate cessation of fighting with the other great governments of rial relation towards her There throughout Mexico, the world in respect of what is happen- of the courage of the Mexican women. place to the definite government which T x iijaa reaoliea the citr ot tt« They not only Jug their children may be elected by tfte people, f death, of Julian C. WaUon, who !• * The request that General VIctoriano MORTUARY. •weU Known In «fais section, Bavins Let Mexicans Purchase Arms along- and carry great burdens in the Huerta should agree not to appear as lived at diaries, about sis "mllea west walte of the a-rmy, but they dare the a candidate for the presidency of the* of s«re for several years kast hail of rifle balls to carry water to republic in the coming elections can-f cunmnms however, he mo d to Griffra,- -at their wounded husbands B.ot be taken into consideration be-; W. M. Gachet, /r., West Point. place fae made his home for - And Settle Their Differences "But, to revert to the pas of the cause aside from its strange and un- Wsst Fomtv Oa August 27 —(Sp » months, but retin-ned to Charles soldiers, Madero offered a division of warranted character there is a rjsk that the same might be interpreted as cial ) — w N Gachet, Jr , the Infant few months ago 'n feeble health. J. ponahue the lands, of Mexico when his admin FOR SENATE SEAT son of Mr and Mrs W. N Gach^t. a m-itter of personal dislike This Istration should have been establish- point can onlv be decided by Mexican died last nlg-ht nf*er an extended 1U ed. Upon this rainbow promise the publfc opinion when It mav be ex- . . ness He was Jud to rest this after- The Best Hot Went&ec Tonic. poor people and federal soldiers alike noon In Pine wood cemetery at 4 GROVE S TASTELESS chill TOVZC enrtcto« ffi» flocked to his standard, and when he pr Pt p aary Commlttee Takes o clock b!oo<3 and builda up tho whole system, tti&s. tt With This Amendment For- had grained the presidency of the pa "Th2 p^ s?0^. SS!?.S°?h2 -irJIl woc<3ertttlly strengthen and tortOy you tft tion they sat down and waited for Up Case of Gov. O'Neal's withstand th« aepressmc effect of the hot «nm« their 40 acres and a mule ^ hich was loval mannei to support and organize Afrs. Mary Allen A 2 ken. mer GOc —(A4v > mer Resident of Mexico 1 the new administration is something not foi thcomlng to be tacitl* suppo***^ and desired and Appointee — Bankhead Is Mrs Mar> Ellen Aihen died at a Approves Message of Presi- ProoilMen \ot Fulfilled. that the experience of what this in private sanitarium Wednesday moin- ternal strife means to us In loss of Urging Clayton Be Seated. Ing- at 12 30 o clock The body was This was but one of the promises life and the destruction of property ••-•t^? dent Wilson made oy .Ma-dero and his 3 ea tiers will cause all contending: political f-ic- removed to the Burkert Simmons CURED TERRIBLE which were not fulfilled tions to abide bv the results b-ut it chapel The funeral will be neld It is not surprising therefore that would be extemporaneous to make By John Corrlsnn, Jr Thursday afternoon at 3 o clock and After a residence In Mexico of s]* when these impossible promises were anv assertion m th s respect even oy Washington, August -1 —(Special )— the bod> will be sent to Houston fears, during which time he has seen not fulfilled that the people readily the most experienced countries in The question of whether Representa Texas at 5 20 o clock for interment. HUMOR ON FACE followed the next leader who offered civ il m. liters hi as much as no one tive Henry D Clayton is entitled to a She is survived b> her husband R much of the strife and change in can foi e^ee the ei i ors and excesses N Aiken and a slater Mrs Charles Tha next Insurrection resulted in a which men iri ijkelv to commit seat in the senate on the credentials the sister republic and has been upon raise to oO cents In the pa> of the H Edse practically ever> foot of her tprrltorv especial H under the influence of po issued to him b> Governor O Neal, of Could Not Go On Street Without 'Veil. arm> In order to hold the federal &ol liti al p isston Pat J Donahue a former Atlantan Mabama was taken up b> the senate Tells What Rc«lnol nid For Her. dicr** true to Madero I eii-I«a Deplored. has returned and Is now visiting his •Today Iluerta pavw his ^oldiers $J 50 Prrnr committee on privileges and elections W. T House W e hastei to si^ fv o u -inp ecia \\ T House 5 months old son of L C Philadelph a Pa— In December, brother In law Herman \griroli of per daj Per da\ is literal foi if PE~.n tin i jf the { u tt- t "- bt* LUS** thev ti nigiht 1908 nii face became sore I tried 526 Central avenue member of the arm> does HOL ijt A speedh b\ Senator Robinson of House died at his home 11 Joe John agi ee from totlav to ecognize and aid ston avenue, at 9 o clo-ck "Wednesday everything that V.HS recommended, and When he heard the news Wedne* cei\e his $1 50 at sun*(tt h«* immediate the future « hi ' the \[^xuan Vi kansas upholding the rig-ht of Gov 1> deserts That is w h> I &a% the peo( le maj ele t to ilt, our destlnie--. morning: The funeral ser\ice will be my fice got worse instead of better, I flay afternoon of President \V ilson s gi eatU depliie ernor O Neal to appoint \Ir Clayton conducted from the home at 10 o clock spent over $100 and got no benefit. The Mexicans are without pat: iotisni On tht oth^r h in i and a general discussion of the con 1 face and nose wei e very red and declaration of the policy to be fo! Americans 4re Elated tlie prpBprjf t« TC-I jn our relations this morning the interment following lowed by the United States tow i r J with \oiir co ntr^ i tension -w hirh stitutional amendment for direct elec- in V\ est View the eruption had the appearance of Of course the Mexicans cordial 1\ has been j i o 1 i \ « ithout Mexico tion of senators featured the session small boils which itched me terribly. Mexico he was much pleaaed with th hate the Americans The Americans having if 1 01 dp i 1 1 slight esi cn.use of the go\fin N"o action w as taken Fred Moseley. I cannot tell vou how terrible my face Judgrment the president had «riirm n ami are largely responsible for this be the rt foi The 1 ^ looked—all I can say is It was dread-^ "ommended him highl} Mr Donahue cause thp\ pa\ them so* much that thej, ment of ( tneiil i n cannot be "Election or Term." Fred Mosele> infant son of Mr and of our political An earnest argument in favor of ful and I suffered bej ond descrip- bas business Interests and friends in call us fools ami lose respect for us disput d Arti 1. ^ Mrs R L. Mosele> died at a private tion Mexico and had awaited this declare A. Mexican will maTce three tr Ips up a •constitution pi a\ 1 '• seating Mr Clav ton was made by sanitarium at 6 o clock "Wednesday If Pt the ueg i i In )f a eonstl Senator Robinson of Arkansas who 1 have not gone on the street any tton from th*> president with inter long hill with a hea\j trunk on his tutional tei m r eitht tht president evening The body was taken to time bince 190i without a veil, until eat. baclc each trip and an American will pointed out that the new seventeenth Bloomfield s undertaking establish nor the \it_4 e pie--iHit elefted present amendment provided In its closing now Just four months ago, a friend Policy H in b« 4fii>rovrft pa> him 50 cents but you take an U e ; 01 if the elei tion had not ment and will be sent to Dallas, Ga , Persuaded me to give ResJnol a trial. LnfTlIshman a German, or well to do bi e i hf 1 j I the results thereof words this amendment shall not be today for the funeral services and in I have used three cakes of ResinoX I believe that this policy will m r Mexican and he will gi\e him 16 cents d 1 i t b the _ .- of December^ so consti ued as to affect the election terment In the familj burjing ground Soap and less than a jar of Resinol with the approval of the Americin and tell him to get about his business iiev 01 the] <-•- t lie pi esiaent whos< or term of any senator chosen before Ointment and m> face is perfectly frea citizens in Mexico and also with ihf term has t \\ lei will t ise In his fiom any eruption and. mj skin is as and be quick about it f j it becomes valid as part of the con l approval of the powers 1 hej are not afraid of us and c'pen funt-ti ns i j h secret i \ for for , stitution He said the controversy Mrs Etta E Evans clear and clean as any child s It s 'Of course to one who h iuld be TU «€ i< tarv fop Senator Johnston would continue until Tuesda\ nlffht al 11 o clock fohe is f stand I have hut on^ point in which 1 b 191. off the map foreign xffa rs or if h should be m ISl ) no matter how ma.nj- otfher sena- survived bv hei husband J P E\ans Practii.allv every druggist sells Resl- I differ with the pr lirv < ntlb frl I I here ai e manv Japanese colonies capacitated thf prrs }t n \ shall de tors ma} octupv the office and Sour children The bod> will be the president In his me<»'-at,e That is v olvp on onp nf the oth i spc r^taries nol Ointment and Kesinol boap Pre- In MeMco Thousands of Japs hi\ e So there 1*3 no way for a senator sent to Redan Ga this morning for scribed foj t lt;hteen >ea.ra for Itch- regarding the Importation of -urns int ) pursuant to the 01 lei p ovide-d bv the 7 nu \ ed to Mexico and bought land law establish m,j their number The to get rid of his term inquired Sena the funeral service and interment In ing turning skin troubles sunburn, Mexico I believe that th* < ibirt,o i n there But \Je\lcans are taking- en tor Ken>on the famil\ burlai ground pimple bl ickl eads dandruff ulcers-, arma should be lifted uer th s Mexico has to fear That Jap Ln is w hen on H av e of nbseno* from his If congress had intended to pro- Lumpkfn Ga August 27 — (Special equipment with which ti settle tht i looking for a foothold on the western post if he should b^. list hanging his vide what you say it did would It not differences is supj lied s< much the, duties and when n the co arse of his ha\ P used the words term for which quicker will the tr > ibJe be settle \ hemisphere and especially in conveni term the nb«of te o>l>sen e of both *>nt proximit> to the canal theie is no functionari s sho ild occur an/v senator Is chosen' suggested and peace restored R\ no other mean« wax that pet e can be restored That doubt Senator Pomerene I am satisfied w ill the pe iple e\ er n Now then the facts which oc Is to rTet ill disinterested parties out But I ha\e talked with the JTJ>^ * curred are the following The resig Senator Robinson quoted several come to an understand n>, with them of £h/ M iv as lir is possible and Wexfcr and the\ la IK'I at the idea of nation of I rin 1st o I \Tadeio con state decisions to support his position •elves all >w tKth feltials and rebels ever &tit itir i al pies lent an! Jose Maria Books In that the I tilted S it**s sho 11 joining Mexico in c-sse of inteiven R B Fv ans legal adviser to Gov Rex poss hie farllltv with w h ch to carry tion The\ admit that the United Pino <*uarex coi st tutional \ ice presl ernor O Neal of Alabama, argued that not Interfere with an it m d foi H the this fight 13 the bittei end to which States bujs about 67 per cent of Ja dent of the i c^ ublit, The^e rcslgna strict indeed must be the construe president is eminently correct 1 o lo it is de stined to go and w th th-e tions haMi ^ boei accepted Pedro of all this would be to luterf ie with a f im pin s Deports while Mexico buys about T..a "sou rain minister fot f )i eign af tion of the law which would deprive a greatest u ssible HPcod 3 per cent and sa> that they ai e not sovereign state of that equal repre- ! JUSt lly quarrel that Is not ours I urth i Th it s whv I th nk the embargo fair*; took charge bv opeiation of law this would mea-n the annex iti >n qf i on irnis shouli have been lifted b> inclined to turn ag~alnst their beat cus of tho vacant ex< c itive power ap sentation to which the constitution Publishers Out great part if not all of Mt xlco by the tomor for scJ poor a one as Mexico pointing as he had the p iwei to do entitled it * the t i Ued States General \ ictoriano Huerta to the post He further argued that senators are United btates which woul 1 displease 1 here is reTson i nough w hv T am Preparing for Trouble of minister of tho Interior As Mi J< . the other powers who ils > hive sreit of th s belief In t ie ml Mexicans Mexican leaders are preparing- for J a*=curaln soon *\ fterw ai ds tesigned state officers and under the Alabama Interests In Mexico in 1 w oul 1 be jeal law the governor was authorized to Including THE T do not th nk there is a spark of tro1 ible tho igh The last week that I ind ns his resign xtion w as immedi oua of the L nited '-t it <* in the p JK [>it i tism irid the quicker the-v makt w a * in \ era Cm? Just before I left atelv accept* d bv congress (. oneral fill vacancies In state offices BOSS]on of this ten It _>rv for the st-itP I WTS told bt a worker \ ictoi lano Ilieita t^tk h irge of the Bankhead Works for Cla>* Ut 1 and indei the until peace ib i-e which < rcdit tS*> him was peaceful of oonstlt uonal l»w In whi h no foi By the Author of The Ne er- in I irosp^rou= th> soldiers re^elveJ 17 and 18 which are Independence seventeenth amendment in proof This Do Well 'The ipoilera ' stored There is no questi n t davs But few eyos v.ere blinded to eign nation no m ittei how 1 oweiful savs the new amendment shall not af course as to the dut f t i s natTon 0 cents pri la\ and fed themselx es the fact however that Huerta w is but and res net t Hi le H mav be should in the case of \ i >le u e 11 such cit The m jn th-^t the\ fed them mediate in the least feet the election or term of any sen casting about to «now w here he atorg chosen before it became valid izens as find it nece^sn* * te» rem tin solves is th tt th \ will not gr? to war might find a readA force Rtvaerntffnn of KiK-rts Iron Trail' L\^K\ asrain' —thi In Mexico \\ithoit tbeit wi\es and families So The seating of Mr clavton may have i have nothing agatnst the govern Moreo\ er mv gov ern ment cons 14 an effect upon the tariff bill hence A scene of Rex Beach b I have foi six vears le iH Intimate th n w \ s po alon^ and do the cook ment officials howe\ ei The\ have ers thit at the present t m the 11 COEJ ly with the Mexicans an 1 I am lirm Inp; T. h x are q-uartermasters the urgencv in having this disputed great successes—in a story always treated me courteously and I nition of t) c groveinment of Geneial point settled Members of the judiciary ly convinced thut there is but one En d ritaliv I am a great id-mirer have ne\er come to harm Huer^a. bv that of the United States more crowded with action Is not cone erned inasmuch as facts committee the law committee of the which exist on their own .account are senate i eached the coaclusion that and sentiment than any- not and cannot he susceptible of Governor O Neal was required under thing he has e\er done be- HUERTA REJECTS reognitlon The onlj thing which is the amendment to the constitution, to hemp r'lucuss^c! is a suspension of ro fore Struggles of rival rail- WILSON'S PROPOSALS lations as abnormal and -witho-ut re i call the legislature together and have for sale by son abnormal "bet auso the ambassa it au thorize Mm to fill the vacancy road builders, fig-hts against dor of the T nited States of \merica Vice President Marsihall la quoted the glaciers, and the Io\ e of In his hig-h diplomat investiture and as believing Mr Cla-v ton s credentials Confined from Page Two appeal in^r &** dean of the foreign are valid Senator Robinson, of Ar an unusual heroine, make d dml >m itu coi ps acci edited to the kansas has Issued a statement sap COLE BOOK powerful no\ el quickening government of the rep ibli congratu Durable — Efficient — Economical porting this view Hannis Taylor a the blood like glacier air As the government had that the\ •w ere lated G-eneral H tert i upon his elev a famous law writer and authority on in going to foreign lands to work against tfon to the p esnlcncv continued to for humor—there is a new The CHASE line of motor trucks is known everywhere Its interests orrespond with this dei artment h^ tematlonal law will appear before the mnans of iiplomitic n< ti s and on his senate committee In his behalf yem of it in ' I he Iron Trail ' J for completeness and diversity of usage. No ArmlHttce \\ttb Tlebeln COMPANY departui e left the fust secret u v of as rich as the gold through For every carrying capacity up to two tons, we can show *\V ere we to agree -with them to the (mbassv of tlu Initei Stit s of the finest line on the market to-day Amer ca a1- chaise d affaires ad in Klondike s be=t ore the armistice suggested thev wo ild terirn ind the littei continues \ ei e in BIG SUFFRAGE MEETING ipso ficto recognl?e their belligerencv tho free exoi cJse of his functions and 85 Whitehall $1 35 net Oar Model Line — 6 Capacities and this Is something -which cann it VA tl O'Ut reas 311 because 1 repe vt v^ e A T THE CAPITOL FRIDA Y Model M. 500 IBs Capacity Mod>| K, 2000 Ibs Capacity be done for manj reasons ivnich in hive i ot given tht slightest pretext ___ HARPER & BROTHERS „___. Model D 1000 Iba Capacity Model L. 3000 Iba Capacity not escape the per*;pi acitv of tho Tho onfidontial igent rnav believe Everything is In readiness for the Model H. 2000 lb> Capaary Model J, 4000 Ibs Capacity L-nlted States which to thi«» da> nn 3 that sololv bet ause of the sincere big- open suffrage meeting which will publl itv at least his cl issed them esteem In wh ch the people and the bf held in the senate chamber ITn as rebels just the s^me as w e have \ nited Btates are htld bv the* people da\ night at S o clock A special fea The very moderate price for CHASE trucks coupled \ml it is an ecc« pt d doctime that a id, ETOV ?iniient of "VTexico and h« ture of the meeting will be the men with the demonstrated low cost of up-keep account for their m armistice can be concci ted with •c iuse or the cons deration which it rebels his for ill friencllv n vtl >ns (ind who will bpeak in favor o the enfran wonderful popularity both here and elsewhere The ass trance Tsked of mj gov especiallv in this case for those which chisement of woman Aimong those ernment that it shoulrl pi n nptl\ con h ive off< i e 1 their good offices) rrv who w 111 be heard will be Rev A M LEADERS IN DIVERSITY OF USAGE v ene free elections is not the inop-t evi gov rnm nt i jnsented to t Lke Into Huhlett. Dr M C iHardln, Attorney National dent proof and the most in* quiv oc il consldei (tion and to answer as hi lef Leonard J Grossman and others of 6 Models — All Styles of Bodies concession that the government of the 1\ as the mitler permits the reprt sen note, 500 to 4000 Ibs Capaoty t nited States considers it leprallj and tations of \\lti h J OtJ firf th >>e irer "VIr Grossman will discuss the form POlidH oonstit iterl and that It is exei Oth rwist it would have itj '(.d tin m cismg like all those of its C!TSS acts i ntn li itel\ because of th ir h mill lug of men s leagues for the enfran Conservation JOHNSON MOTOR CAH COMPANY of such impottanee as to indicate th< atmg nm unusual chi i ter hai dlv | chisement of Georgia women Mi - 3, DISTRIBUTORS perfect CIM! operation of a sov i ei^n adn i«slhl ev i-n in a ti f itv of pp let j Gross-man expects to announce soon nation Inasmuch as our laws alreaav after a v ictorv innsmiith is In like ! the plans The address of welcome 455 Peachtree St , Atlanta Phone Ivy 1969 provide such assurance thei > is m c \se in\ n i IK n whi h in the lo ist re Exposition ^ fear that the latter maj not V ob spe ts itself v\L>ill do likewise It is | will be made bv Mrs Mary Ly= Mel en served during the coming elect* rts and bee i is mv % >v ei nnif nt his t onfi don president of the Georgia "V\ ornan -while the present government is of a d nee in thit wh n the justice of its Suffrage association provisional character It will cede Us cause in roi onsidereu" with seienitv and f* >m t loftv point of view bv the Sept. 1st to Nov. 1st pies nt pi silent if the [ nited st ites wluis s ns of m tralttj inj upright C B ALVERSON TO RUN IH ss ir« be\ ond d'U stion th it he will w ithdi in fr >m his ittitu It an 1 w ill FOR COUNCIL IN FIRST 4.ontrihu p to thf itne\\al of still Knoxville, Tenn. rmer I s c f r tl t i 1 it ons of sin < harl^s B Alverson 20 Peters street cere fi IPJI Ishij an 1 goo \ understand the grocerj firm of Alverson 3ros inp toii-illv mpcstd ur >n us thro-u^h South J orsy th street announced A FEW DAYS MORE o it the < enlurles bj thf ^: o,_,r iphio il ednesdav night that he would be a neai ness something v\ hi h neither <" f candidate for the office of councilman oh tng> include herewith and cording to friends of Mr Alverson w hi*-h sav If Mexico can suggest NO CHANGE OF GARS of high-class at the price quoted for anv hettei w av in u Mch to show our friendship tcrv e the peopU of Mexico and nu et o-urr international oblig-a YARD CONDUCTOR HURT City Ticket Office, 4 Peachtree Street tons we are more than willing to j BY A FREIGHT TRAIN Summer Reductions. consider the suggestion that final pait causes me to pi opose the follow t Union Passenger Station ing e ivi tllv deooious arrangement ' Ivan Dovle a } ard conductor in the employ of the Western and Atlantic The merit of Muse clothes ib shown One That our ambassador be receiver d , in -ttashlngfon Two That the l nitcd railroad was run down bj a fretght '-I states of Amtiica send us a new am train in the Bolton yords of the road -# bussador w ithout prev ions conditions Wednesday afternoon sustaining the in the splendid quality of materials and And all this threatening and dis ! tressing situation will have reached a j loss of one leg and other injuries It happv conclusion mention tvill not be' is not known exactly In what way tailoring; the style is the conservative made of the causes which m ght rarr> j Doyle was caught under the engine us if the tension peisists to no one The injured man lives at 7 Twenty sort that keeps. know s vv h it inralc liable extremities second av- enue in Birmingham He foi tvv o people^ who h iv e the un- was taken to Elkln & GoMsmlth g av oidoible obligation to continue be sanitarium in Patterson 3 ambulance, inj, ft lends prov ided of coun wnere i[ was A selection, thus late, vviii serve \ou this friendship ife baser! up_pn utui I found that the amputa- lespect. whi h is indespensible be- tion of his right leg would be neces- tween two sovereign entities w hollj. sary It was stated last night by at- v\ell, and a fit in something that will equiliv before law and justice tending physicians that Doyle would survive please you is assured. SWITCHMAN ON GEORGIA SOUTHERN CARRIAGE For a f evv days longer, the prices are LOSES ARM IN ACCIDENT] MEN MEET IN ATLANTA The Southern Carriage Builders met O } E aj ton a switchman for the In Atlanta Wednesday in the commit- tee rooms of the Hotel Ansley There Georgia railioad fell from a box car were about forty members present while performing his work Wednes The association was ?ormed at High $11.25 fo $30.00 da> evening about 6 o clock and in Point. N C a few years ago by the borne manner his right arm was Vehicle league of that place and the caught m front of the rolling wheels meetings heretofore have been held in Formerly $15.00 to $40.00 and was completely severed fiom his the Carolinas but desiring to broaden the sphere of activity and usefulness, body it was decided to hold the meeting He was rushed to the Ta.be* nacle la nearer the center of carriage building firmary in Patterson s ambulance and construction and Atlanta was de- where it was found that aside from the cided upon as the point The associa- ught arm his injuries would notprote tion had a delightful .luncheon In the Geo. Muse Clothing Co. — ««riou£ and Uxat he would recover. 'pine room o£ the Ansley When Judge His 87th Birthd&y Until a short time ago, scarcely MBOTfFI.12 w&fpw OFMGODBEE TODAY one person in a thousand had Rome, Ga.. August ,2T.—(SpeclaL)— Date Was Fixed at Meeting of Unique invitations specifying; that at- Record Number of Enlistments Slayer of Judge and Wife to Alleged Prominent Savannahan Ire Snay' v"be "for men, 'ariything; tor ever tasted a really good soda City Executive Committee in Atlanta Division During Appear Before Justices Raised Mother's Check From a dies, street pr dress or shadow cos- cracker-^as it came fresh and on Wednesday. ,umes as they may prefer," -were sent July and August. at MUlen. $16 to $1,600 and Cashed It. out today by Judgre Joel Branham, who will celebrate his seventy-eighth birth- Savannah, Ga.. Augnst 27.—(Special.) crisp from the oven. September 12 will be the last day , day on Thursday at his home in this According' to Lieutenant J. A. Gal- Doubt as to whether the preliminary Savannah, Gi . August 27.—(Special.) candidates for 'council, alderroanic city with an "at home.'' logly, U. S. A., who is'in charge ot hearing of Mrs. Edna Perkins Godbee, Robert Norton, sen of the Jate Dr. B- hoard and general manager of the wa"- | ,.,rt on the proposed applied for admission on Wednesday, GEORGIA POSTMASTERS c*inal cut-off fr.->-n St. Johns, F*la.. mary In order to keep down the reg- "butch" on the Atlantio Coast Line, according- to the officer, and of this istrations and freeze out candidates to Lake Beresfor.l near DeLand river bet-ween Waycross and Albany. As the number about sixteen were accepted, CONFIRMED BY SENATE landing. The entrance to Lake Beres- •who are considering announcing. 10:25 train passed through Tifton atter passing- the physical examination. "Washlngton,~Au¥u^t~27-—(Special.)-— ford is 128 miles, and DeLand is I2i Tuesday morning tor Albany, the chief The recruiting- officers ctf this dis- miles f rom Jacttsonville. HOTELS AND RESORTS HOTELS AND RESORTS was on the watch and saw several Georgia postmasters confirmed today trict, to which the office at Columbus 1 INDUSTRIAL BULLETIN local characters go to the "butoh" and was added Wednesday, are preparing were: D. F . X>avenport, at Amerlcus; give him money. 'When the "butch" for a great Influx, of applicants who A. L. McArthur, at Cordele. and Mrs. WILL BOOST ATLANTA handed one of the men a package from have accepted President Wilson's ulti- Mary lu. Carswell, at Jeffersonvllle. HOTEL^AND^RESORTS the 3:30 train on his return from Al- matum to Mexico as a practical decla- The Atlanta Commercial and Indus- bany, Chief Thrasher placed him un- ration of war and it is expected that ATLANTIC CJTV. MANHATTAN SQUARE HOTEL trial Bulletin, an eight-page publica- der arrest. Dasher entered a plea of this district will establish a record for tion prepared for the Atlanta Cham- guilty before Recorder J. S. Rrldgdlll enlistments which will exceed any NEWEST UEAfH-FRONT HOTEL OPPOSITE MANHATTAN SQUARE PARK, FACING MUSEUM OF ber of Commerce by W. H. Leahy, of to keeping on hand Intoxicating former records of the war department w The industrial bureau, has gone to ALA MAC HOTEL NATURAL HISTORY. liquors tor illegal sale, and -was as- fo-r any district In the United States. U-'urnierly Young's.) J>ress, and will be ready for distribu- sessed a fine of *75 or four months. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. tion within a few days. Twenty thou- Dasher lhad been operating as a tiger On the f among Boardwalk at Tennessee ave- pand copies will be printed, which will nue. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Furnlsbod tor SO to 58 West 77th St., New York City tie given away free to all who wish it. for some time. Taking orders for PERRY MAY OPPOSE FOR ALL LINES ifort and aUracuvenefaS. Sea water In dli I Amons" the articles which the book- whisky as he passed through for Al- Iri bed rhambers; mod let will contain will be one on the bany in the morning and delivering the HON. SAM J. TRIBBLE , WMP1 DEPOT TICKETOFFICE,, caf Coolest Location in City Industrial conditions of Atlanta, the goods In the afternoon as he came Hotel Merlon, aiianufacturers' exhibit, a complete back. IN CONGRESS RACE Overlooking Hudson River, midway between Rtver«lde Drive «nd ropy of the "blue sky law," notes of the convention and industrial bu- Central Park. Ten minute* to (hopping and •mucement center. j-caus and general chamber gossip. NEGRO IS LYNCHED Madison, Ga., August 2".—(Special.) Parlor, bedroom and bath, $2.60 per day for two person*. Parlor, Among the Illustrations will be th? BY A LOUISIANA MOB It is rumored here that the friends of Come Visit Chicago's two bedroom* and bath, 93.50 to $4.60 per day for three or four per- Jatest sky-line photograph of Atlan- Hon. Grant IX Perry, of Morgan coun- ta, This was taken from the top of •om. Bert value In city. STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS HOTEL IN Jennings. J.». Anffust 27.—James ty, are urging him to enter the race the Walton building, and shows all the for congress next year from the eighth HIGH-CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD. new skyscrapers. Comeaux. a n*gro. was lynched by a Home Hotel district, opposing Hon. 6am J. Tribble. Original photographs of this skyline mob here earV ti.<'£.y. He was taken The cool breezes from Lake Mich- *vill be sent all over the country by from his cell in the iail sometime aft- Mr. Perry at present Is a member of F. N. ROGERS, Manager Mr. Leahy to people Interested in the er midnight, shot to death and his the state senate from the twenty- igan find every room in the Metro- future of Atlanta. body left lying at the Jail door -where eighth district. He is a 'man of strong pole—Chicago's home hotel, famous Mr. Leahy received a letter Wednes- it was found ' i'-^r by a night watch- personality, big, brainy and bright. for its warmth of hospitality and its day from Valencia. Spain, asking for man. Should be enter the contest he -would the namos of Atlanta produce dealers Comeaux had neen arrested for as- make a strong race. refined atmosphere. who handle peanuts, oranges, almonds, saulting \. W. Joseph, an Italian mer- Mr. Perry, when seen on the streets Every equipment for comfort. pnlons. garlics, etc. This Spanish firm chant, who nad accidentally swept of Madison today, would say nothing Fine view of the lake. Located on Offered to pay for the information. dirt on the neg-.j £ shoes while he was of the ruimor. He stated, however, passing? the ItA.Ssn's store. that it was too soon for the discussion Michigan Boulevard, Chicago's "up- Two of Joseyfi » relatives have been of such matters before the people. town Fifth Avenue." Ten minutes' WRONG SANDERS NAMED arrested in coni:ect!i,n -with the lynch- To. llulah. ing:- walk from the business district. Falls, Ga. IN CEDARTOWN ACCIDENT GA. MILITARY COLLEGE Delightful, appealing, reasonable. CLIFF HOUSE Cedartown, *Ga., August 27.— (Spe- Rome's First Bale. OPENS NEXT TUESDAY European,. Rates $i-5P «p;' Special OPEN JUNE TO OCTOBER 1st cial.>—Recent reports of the accidental Rome, Gu., August 27.—(Special.) — rates for families. Write for booklet MhootlnK at this place of Miss Frances Rome's first bale of cotton was sold MllledgrevUle. Geu. August 27.— (Spe- Address IS) The most centrally located hotel In Tallulah, near the new Virown have been incorrect in statingr at auction on the streets here Wednes cial, i)-*—Arrangements for the opening power dam and lake. Dancing, Horseback Riding, Swimming, that the pistol was in the hands of day and brought 19 cents. The bale of the Georgia Military college next Tennis, Mountain Climbing. J. P. Sanders when it was discharged was raised by Arthur Cox and J. T. Tuesday have been perfected. It now For further information address Irtsteau. it was A. J. Sanders who was Phillips, tenants on the farm o-f Ham- seems certain that the attendance -will with i.'.e young woman when the ilton Yancey. Four other bales reached exceed that fa any previous year. H. R. CANNON, Proprietor. we:ipun was accidentally flred. J. P. tc'wn Soon a-fter. Indications are that President O. R. Horton Is now occu- Sanders was not present when the ac- the crop will be a heavy one in Floyd pied In arranging- ana assigning rooms cident took place, and knew nothing county, as all conditions have been In the barracks to the boarding cadets nf It until so-me Lime afterwards. highly favorable for the past month. wrtho will begin to come in the latter part of the week. The military department will organ- ize four full companies at *he coming- session, which will be headed by e well-org-anized band. The Athletic association of the •school will receive new recruits, which will add greatly to the strength of the organization, both on the gridiron and upon the diamond. The opening exercises Tuesday EVERY CONDUCTOR CLAIMS A PRIZE morning will be of unusual interest. Colonel Roy Stubbs, of Eatonton, will address the students.

NEW FIELDS OF WORK This they are sure of, as every man is paid a cash commission for each order ac- FOR BUSY LITTLE BEE cepted at The Constitution office. Washington, A'ipust 27.—New ttells of endeavor for th« "busy little foe >' that is said In pjsey to "iraprox-e each shining hour" ha/e been found by the scientists of the department of agrn- culture, who announced today that • they had compls'ud a motion picture THE EASY WAY ifilm of the winded workers engaged ! In their industry o; honey making, The film Is ^t»^lared to be one of the most remarkal.le ever taken by Is to interest all of your friends. Invite them to work for you*, and by using this method the department. It is to be included In the series thi povernment is getting out for educational purposes along ag- you will be surprised at the extra number of votes they will secure for you. ricultural lines. L. S. Sullivan, fr,r years the official photographer of trie department, is the "man behind the camera" to whom credit 3s given. This film will dLs close the progrs-;s of honey manufac- turer from thrt t1rne the bees leave FOR TODAY ONLY the hive In search of the blossoms un- til their return with the trophy _>f '. sweets. ' Notice the Special Vote Coupon below, which is good for 2,000 votes when turned

An ordinary cup of coffee contains about 2)4 grains of MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN in with a new subscription. This coupon is void after today. * caffeine—a poisonous drug. TROPHY IS AWARDED Many conductors are calling at every house along their lines. This is a good sug- Five grains of caffeine is enough to kill a rabbit. Of The president's oup of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, given to the course that much wouldn't kill a man. committee which obtained the largest gestion to all contestants who are not already familiar with the idea. number of new members during the But continual coffee drinking usually produces bilious- spring membership campaign, and ness, headache, dullness, sleeplessness, irritability and heart which was won by committee No. 4, ' agitation. Many people have gotten rid of these troubles Fred (Houser, chairman, was received ' In the chamber rooms a few dajfs ago. by quitting coffee and using It was formally turned over to the 1 victorious committee, and placed1 In the office of I^red Houser, of the con- vention bureau. Do Not Forget the Special Vote Coupon The cup is a handsome 15-Inch affair, beautifully engraved, and placed upon - INSTANT POSTUM an ebony pedestal. It has caused much favorable comment. NOMINATION BLANK It is pure and made entirely of Northern wheat and the August juice of Southern sugar-cane. Postum is a genuine food- "WHITE SLAVER" CASE GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES. drink—rich in Nature's phosphates, and contains no drug whatever. TO BE HEARD IN CAMERA The Atlanta Constitution: This Coupon if presented . at Postum com«s in two forms. Pensacola. Fli, August 27. — A hear Please enter Mr. ing of charges of violation of the Mann white sl*v*! «jct ag-alnst Ben G. [ THE CONSTITUTION OF- Regular Postum (must be boiled.) . Heinberg, prom* nor- - merchant of this Conductor's No Street city, will be h«M tomorrow. Heinberg, As a candidate to the Street Car Conductors' Popularity 'instant Postum requires no boiling, but is made who is a mem.be.- ->f a wealthy Pensa- Contest. FICE today with a new sub- instantly by stirring a level teaspoonful in a cup of hot cola family, wa.» arrested yesterday , charged with ha\ Ins transported Nel- The above persQn is now an employee of the Georgia water with cream and sugar to taste. 'lie Ward, a 15 -year-old g-frl. from this Railway and Electric company as a conductor in good city to Blrmlni^-iani for Immoral pur- scription, is good for an ad- Experiment until you get it to suit your taste, then poses. A number cf witnesses from standing. have it always made that way. Made right, Postum, has a Birmingham h.ive been summoned to testify. The p

lEWSPAPERI 41-2-POUND POTATO W. C. PUCKETT IS ILL* CELL OF LEO M.FRANK- GROWN IN CENTER OF MANAGER DAN CAREY Gets Leave of Absence and Buc- SOUTH GEORGIA TOWN AHACMW RULES hannan Will Do Work. L, {, Ivuta^ of the real estate firm Assistant City At* ornc> W D E1IK, Prisoner Is Preparing State- of J>u as &. Knight of 41ma, Ga., Head of the Park Department Jr, asked the ^s ims committee of JHE SUNDAY CONSTITUTION brought to The Conatttutlon office on council for a thirt., day leave of ab ment as An^uer to Solicitor "W edntsdav what he claims to be the Charges Attempt to Force sence for W C Pi ckett. Investigator ' biggest potato ever dug up in Georgia attached to the 'r ce of the city at i Dorsey's \rgument so eir) v in the season It tips the His Resignation torne^. Captain Ellis told the com scales at onlj slightly under 5 pounds mittee M it In^es tptor Puckett is sv» , m*-as ires 9 inches from tip to tip and riously 111 s 2J inrhet. in < ircumfer* nee General Manager Dan <""are> of the The comtnitte* win recommend that ' The cell ( f T er> M Frank J the n Th' m »nstfr potato was dag ur> in park department charges tha.t the Major Woodward g^ant the leave Un , Tower Js fast rf-ssunin^ the ipptaiante th» rc' nance the mayor I Of a, liviriR --oom "i "steiciax a new rcslder » is s luited In the center ee to leav e his duties j adopted by the rule's committee w ere t p Tor rived All th. lav prison attti hes 'I-ir-d th n h;s thriving town of I 005 drawn up with the e\fdtnt purpose of J Weight jn -P " Buchannan has worked ren >\ j.tin_, f a tet embarrassing him and toi ^eit ui him to report to count- i membei s of since Jipr husban 1 « irni i is mn nt she the work until th" claims committe t I is M, n the b >ard who absent therii>el\es from can mako other tirranR-ements It s visited him In his < Ml il> *"ti fo th< •• tw o c onsecutlve board meetings with have accepted th so »—• tlte j n er^ probtble th it fn^rector Buchannan CRAWFORD WILL CASE t it excuse I ndt r the law orea.tin? w ill be retained y the committee un- dtnlns: rfom on th first tlf»i t 11 k s the park board a member w h 3 fdilfa to mother Mrs Ret ! t ink ilsn \ is fed ,til Piukttt rtturns and -will compen . HEARING IN OCTOBER attend two meetings with >ut be ns PX bate him fur th* t xtra work him Wednesda\ i ti i r r »n II" v. i f j ised Is automatically removed f rt»m remained unf 1 n 1tt.ll Great Features in Next itlj, iti n in 'i Crawford will i as. I 1 is plate Menafrei ( nty sa% s that Frank Cliecrful. *-nj I- rlon«H whi h Mr- M r> Belle Cr iw foi t i f he his to repoit absent m< mbei s t 1 SLAYER OF MARCHMAN \ Frank Is cheeiful h s friends s i> a s d t f th i> Isunmp uf her J oo un 11 he w ill ilw 11 s t e in hot wat- t and is hopeful of the r it jre He ^x ilth\ h it- t i the late Joshua B Manager Cai t \ sa\ s that unue j HELD IN THE TOWER piesses cunfld«T(t of i n w tn il uul L HI * tn«I u hi h h is b( en post tht new rules the ereneial mariaprt i of thf, prospect f n i urnplr te * xon ri IP 1 dirfr-i th tank tiial is not | cannot maintiin distiplnu amons his Rushed to Atlanta for safe keeping i Sunday's Constitution L< 1 ' h r -< rrtd before Auditor tlon in the 1. np, rjn fit an irentl> . suboi dlnatP" He is a ithorized to su^ tiler Brewbter negro slayer of L C f nf s \ i l i before the middle has su ferefl n i ill effects ft m the j p ill but the board cm roliifatate t>ub- j Marthman a prominent Meriwether strain of the four lc nju, w* ks it tr il ordinates after gi\ ing them a hear- county farmer is held in the Tower and c-f the reyuJtant \ * i I t Ht 'is ^ 1 i 1 * r R Arnold and ing Another rule which Manager Ca P > s"1! two of the men He was oeptnred in the northern part suffered not a moment ^ !ln> ^s di r rey savs will hamper the work of th-e of Heird county day before j esterday Li I«d LI-^O M Frank, are a^ ( Ing his entire imprisonment department is the one which says that Shet iff J B Jerrell of Meriwether It wa-s stated T\ edi es 1 \ b\ frloi ds \ (h (ju or Smith in the de the general manager shall not order 4 r Mrs C -iwfoid and It Is rush, d htm to this clt> in an automo fhat Frank la prep iririK a «t itr n ent material or start work on any improve biu (in the v. ay Brewster admitted THE VICES OF SOCIETY,' kno th it t TJ /• '•e not willing to fo-r publication In hi h h f r in 1= the ment until directed h\ the board [1*^ PI i lit In i^ m " hitter fitfht - speech of V>1I< t I » s< T. is ir f ill 0 Park President Coi hran denies that BY ISMA DOOLY. ti f i i i <. f i t f <-r u unti' the> have Th( i iri>c was committed several and underhanded Tt w i is r 11 or the r lies were aime n is hi t st fr M i tr e fatig-ue of th3 etfort to foico him to resign He ST.J- =s it suited \ngtl Swanson a m gro ac having- said and if I c ukl h t\, hil L .1 i r m U t i il ( i 1 n 1 1 *a I i nt -, who represent" that the board belie\es it proper to < mpliLC in the murder who was Every reader of The Constitution is familiar with Miss Dooly's Just one hour In wh! h to i oplv t» his dt al w ith all matters if po]ir> and argument I ciulrl 1 \\ * r in 1 the ( n u 1 > X Ci \ f i mil other re'a ti ung- up bj a mob last Mondtij night r ^ f ti P d i i ir in agreed to th*1 ' finances and leaves the administi att\ » n Meriwether counts jurv that T was in inn e it un \ id I ffatuies to the manaj^ei that thf^ solicitor « i^ ml^n r i sent p sti n n nt n i ider thit the e capability of expression, her keen insight into all things of and per- Ing facts n it,l i IP n h 1 iv in the rnuider case I am i reparincr a "-I fl i\ m the matter S ENTERTAINMENTS taining to society. The text for this article was given by a country l ir If M f- 1 t on innble to locitp t red j ON CITY'S SIDEWALKS? have st tted \ rirl if it \ I iu v is d em IN THE EXHIBIT ROOMS ! it ad\ is ible I « ill i t ike it p i Ik I inih th< New Yoi k birbor who Is t know thi.t his stit-ri ^ \\ r* |ii t js ] ( (fitl ni w ith the w TJo \ j Tje old mt toted question as to who i The committee on the permanent 1 lady who wrote Miss Dooly asking some very pointed questions aented to the jir\ iifinls inl th it ' owns the trees adorning the sidewalks ' manuf icturers exhibit of the ch irnber the> ha I thi ir vt t i_l t In i I i i -. I of Vtlanta has been resurrected "IF WOMEN WANTJflM of cornm< rre is pieparin^ plans b> the twel e rm n th »t re ths -. t t Ithiou^h a protest filed with the claim« | w Inch enter i mm tuts esjtft i,ill> for about what she had read regarding smart society, and Miss Dooly's only wa> b\ w hi h I •* 1 t if* to committee of ouncf] bj to R I?r3dg-es THE MEN WON'T MIND" the Atlanta people w ill be gi\ en from p >M) cope vvlththl«tunfit"litii u 8 turiest a\enut. i time to tiim in th exhibit i uoms I The pane depirtment sent Mr I Siitnmon-i ( hicC < U rk.. \\ i i s*. c t \ suit - —OP*-". *il ) These ent rtalnments will tike th* 1 Br[df?e^ a hill £01 $1 "*<> for trees plant- ^ answer is at once illuminating and conclusive. If you miss it you'll Frmk su tin M t 1 «-« ' H i\ s !u w ill rit>t insti uct ,r itui of THJsi*, ties minstrel shows ^ i oss »[ c< riiPn to xi i eat w umeii pd in front of his pjopprtj for pur , Herbert "schltf . etc at -which the rn-iniif i tuitis m ±\ \ h i [ t ai in p it> ii, i v* a\ ciobfe with potes of atlui iiment Bridges pioteits tant witness C n gi\e souvenirs of their products, etc th 1 k l Its lor \\ t man to d> on the tn ound th j.t he is of the opinion ' miss one of the smartest literary hits of the season. jail \\ednesd i\ inin it, u W H 1 eahj head of the mdustiial that the trees ai e the property of the i«l w h it i b st for her to wear, a numbei if 1 ir*i^ I is ne- and stat! stleal bureau w ho is one of clti. and for that reason he should not i i\ s tlu ti,u\ or -un,** I t ii 11 IIP M.,V\ fiimUd if r ur I eruest, tlu mt n tleie s much sood spice H ft and the the tiots pi mted on sldeu alka 01 prl , BY NED M'INTOSH 5 grant a nt-v, tr il i u 11 1 ( w ni mill \ f«. \\ of the ne%v stj le c tmmitue n c h-n r? of the woiK Is rate prop rt\ o\ en though the city I Tower," v atfUcairiPit r i sjii- si t hi\ i>i t irt 1 he te. but e\i <: pt extieneU in\ious to get this taken plnnted th< m Mi Bridges will ha\e | 8Y BRITT CRAIG present thr K ft si is 1 li u th tn si < ne no undue excitcnit-nt so th it the ri< tlve woik of establish to pa\ the ?1 t> according to the city Mr. Mcliitofch, in" his own inimitable \ is t rt at id Its pl< a to tn e i i 1 hr t l \ ir\K the exhibit ma> besin Tttornej style, will give a now phase of the Is a btor\ that peers into the inner 1 "speed mania," which is daily refculting workings, of the switch tower, that in- in deaths in e\ evy nook and corner of tenselv interesting institution that the woi Id. According to Mr. Mclntosh, guards the lives of the hordes of trav- it is not those \\ho risk then- life and limb who are the sufferers i'rojm this elers that ride daily into Atlanta over modern madness, but the thousands who the railroads. It reveals the intricate watch the feats of daring and urge the systems that operate the multitude of racers to e-\ en more desperate efforts. switches and the fearsome responsibil- Mr. Melntosh's feature is gripping in ity that rests upon the tower man in its appeal to the e\er\-dav sort of a 1550 person, and_will make mteubeh inter- guiding the swift and roaring trains esting reading. o\er their various paths. Some of the flitter Great Features The above-men^oned are onl\ a few Sunday Constitution's Fashion depart- When You Get Acquainted With This "SIX" of the great features contained m Sun- ment. Whether it be hats, gowns, hair- day's Constitution. There are hosts of dressing or anv of the real smart new others; among them we will mention: ideas that attract the ladies, it is in The You Will Surely Want One Constitution's Fashion Section. Best Sporting Section in the A drive in the Studebaker "SIX" will The instant and full answer to your call for South. Colored Comics. charm, and convince you. increased speed or power, the sure and perfect "The Quality Kid" is making the hit response to your control, the quietness, the absence Dick iTemison, sporting editor of If there has ever been confusion in your The Constitution, is famed the south of his Doling life with the readers, both mind concerning the qualities of a worthy of vibration, the sheer thorough-bred ability of this old and young, of The Sunday Constitu- "SIX" to do all its work without strain or percep- t>\ er for excellence 111 handling the news Six, your questions \vill be fully answered of the spotting world, and in addition tion. Along with him are "Hank, the after you have driven this "SIX". tible effort—trftse things will prove a never-ending to the telegraphic news, covering every Hermit,'" an old friend of all, and the delight. other blight spots that make the Sunday And even it i ou are aware what some good feature of outdooi sport the w orld over, jolly for the kiddies and keep them at sixes can do, j ou \ i'l enjoy a greater glow of satis- It is as hard adequately to .describe this "SIX" he has arranged for special articles bj" home and happy. faction \vhen 3. ou dm e this car. as it is al\va\s difficult to describe any new and some of the foremost sportsmen. As \ ou sit behind the alluringly smooth and more perfect instrument. Associated Press Dispatches. Foreign News. responsive motor, no one \\ill need to tell you why BUT—the Studebaker "SIX" will win you, as The Sundav Constitution is in touch A special page of happenings in the you hke it. You will know perfectly well. sure as ever you sit behind the wheel. with the remotest corners of the \\orld old World, fully illustiated, is one of the via the Associated Press, that marvel- very interesting features of The Sunday Buy It Because It's a Studebaker ous oigamzation that maintains corre- Constitution. spondents everywhere fend gathers and Club, Federation and Women's Studebaker "Six" Engineering- the last operation, accurate to the one- Cuff upon oar dealer or fat him sends the news as fast as it becomes thousandth of an inch, the "SIX" is built tmow that yOn are interested known. Departments. The design of a fine six-cjlmder car, with a scrupulous regard for fine work and especially in the mo or tails for exceptional the best materials. Specifications Society Department. No other Sunda\ newspaper in the skill and wiue e\pcn<-ncx. $155O country devotes as much space as does Efficiency at all speeds and the absence of Studebaker Standards of Luxury Studebaker "SIX" The Sunday Constitution's society The Sunday Constitution to depart- vibration, which are the unique advantages From the beautifully balanced chassis _to department, covered by alert corre- ments of particular interest to women. of a \\orthv Six, can only be attained by the the deep upholstery and complete equip- Long Stroke, 4O H.P. Motor} spondents the state over, is the wonder most scienuhc engineering. ment, the "SIX" shows careful attention Electric Starter Among them ai'e- Federation of Wom- To attiin perfect results we use experi- to appearance and comfort. Electric J ights and admiration and envv of the news- an's Clubs; Mothcis' Congress; United It is, of course, electrically lighted and Electric Horn paper world. The local field is always mental laboratories of large s ?e and full 34 x 4 inch tires Daughters of the Confederacy; Daugh- equipment, where eicrvidea built into the started. Detachable, Demountable Runs fulh repoited bv a competent staff. ters of the American Revolution, and Studebaker ' blX ' has been proved correct The auxiliary seats, making ample room for Extra Rim beyond the possibility of error. six-passengers, are exceedingly comfortable Tire Holders Fashion Page in Colors. Political Rierhts of Women. They are and yet may readily be folded to one side. Speedometer The latest and newest styles, direct all there. The Constitution is the offi- We work by know'edge, not by theory. Three-quarter Elliptic Rear Springs The painting is lustrous, requiring twenty- Full floating Rear Axle from Paris, are pictured m colors in The cial organ for all these organizations. Every ton of steel -sve buy is first made four operations, including _ many days of Silk Mohair Top and Cover according to Studebaker formulas and drj ing and aging, before it is finished. Studebaker-Jiffy Curtains later rigorously tested to be sure it is up to Clear-vision, Ventilating, Ram-vision Order The Sunday Constitution left at your-home. It will be standard. We use Studebaker-Jiffy storm curtains, Windshield Throughout the manufacture, which is the most ingenious improvement ever made Tools and Special Tool Box carried on entirely m our plants, from forty in automobile curtains. there when you arise in the morning to amuse and instruct you and The Studebaker "SIX" is a car of complete ("»"• Con^/e f. o. 6. huge power hammers which forge out over D 250 parts for every Studebaker "SIX", to comfort and strikingly handsomeappearance. V*** '"">* - " ">""' all the family. $885 Studebaker "25' $1290 Studebaker "35" * Remember, "The Poison Belt," by Conan Doyle^starts Sun- STUDEBAKER, Detroit day, September 7. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA 245-251 PEACHTREE STREET ATLANTA, GA

NEWSPAPER THE .CONSTITUTION CONCERT. ICj.tablI.hed 1868. Ot great interest to those who are In- Just From Georgia A Story vo/ ihe ^ Moment THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER terested in music will be the appearance Br WAJUT MASON. The World's Mysteries of the Fifth Regiment band, assisted by Br FRANK. L. STAtVTON Tb*> Famous Pros*- I*o«t WAS "MONTE CRISTO" BASED ON TRUE STORY? PublisW Difly. Sunday. Tri-Weekly Organist Charles A. Sheldon, and the At- lanta Music Festival association, at the Jnat Growli A CHAIN OF INIQUITY. The great army of readers who have legal records of this part of the story are CLARK HOWELI. Auditorium Thursday evening. Only a "I sent you my bill a week ago, cj'onel." I. read, and many of them enthusiastically de- to be found at tyTlt*n. From there he made Eei'tor *nttcJt porch of until in the throes of death and unable An', up dar. whar ang~els shout, MISSOURI MIXES. If you don't get busy and send them a regis- versation, when one of them announced that to reveal the secret. Dey will tell you: "Face about! he was going: to marry a wealthy girl named The revenge of Picaud and Monte Cristo tered letter. Then you adopt their Black The tables .have turned. Missouri has You'll tu'n heaven wrong side out Theresa, His name was Picaud. One of are almost Identical In story. Loupian was Hand tactics and tell me you'll organize a th*» post off let* a.t Atlanta shown something to somebody. Recently, in Des growltn*! his companions, E,oupian by name, after ihe last to perish Ho was stabbed *n the n ml -class mail matter. vigilance committee unless I bring you my accordance with a proclamation of Gov- Picaud had taken his departure, mide a gardens of the Tu jeries, and by his side hard-earned saving.-*. was a piece of paper bearing the numerals POSTAGE HATES i Why H« Tarnen. wager with" the others that the marriage ernor Major, every able-bodied male citizen "Not having any hard-earned savings to would not take place upon the day appoint- 1 and 30. The one signified that he was Untied States and Mexico, "Tbat old gray-headed fellow you see over jo to iS-paKc paper*, lc; 12 to 24-p««e in the state lent a hand for two days in yonder is waiting on 'em to settle the tariff, spare at this Junctuie, in order to me°t your ed. They asked hir.i how he would p.-event the primary object of the vendetta, and the pa pern. £«* ; 24 to UG-pate papers, 3c i 36 to putting the roads of the state in better and I reckon he'll live to see the day, as he requirements I'd have to get a sandbag and it. and he replied: "Oh. by means of some 30 that he was tht thirtieth victim, This Ittt-patse paper*, 5c. comes from the longest-lived family In the lure some stranger into a dark alley and rob practical Joke or oUier. took place In 1826. shape. Picaud made a death-bed confession to county, and "was here before the county site him, which I absolutely refuse to do. I have was staked off." his chaplain, and also signed a statement ATLANTA, GA., August 28, 1913. Since the Missouri experiment the told you repeatedly that when it suits my press of the nation has poked a good deal containing his story and had It placed In convenience I'll send you a check, and that the hands of the French authorities. He SUBSCRIPTION RATES. of fun at the state in one way or another. ultimatum stands. If you came to me and bequeathed his entire fortune to the church By Mall In United States and Mexico. Vivid verbal pictures ha^e been drawn of told me, as man to man, that you needed the jia-tjujewn. and charitable Institutions. His confession i Payable Invariably In advance.) money for your personal" use. It would be for the French authorities was communi- 1 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. the judge and the blacksmith pressing Thereupon the chief of police had Picaud arrested and sent tr. an island prison .n the cated through the French embassy in Lon- nailv and Sunday 60c $3.25 56.00 down the Bides of the same scraper, and different. If you had a sick cow and need- r>ally Sue 2.25 4.00 ed the veterinary, I'd recognize an emergency south of Prance, where he was Incarcerat- don, and through the Paris foreign office to the prefecture of police in the French Sunday 1-25 2.00 of the minister and the bartender riding and try to relieve the financial stringency. ed. In a dungeon He was given no trial, Tri-Weekly ---- 1-°° as was not unusual at that time, and he was capital. These documents are In exittence the same plow. But there is no emergency. If I gave you By Carrier. soon forgotten by the authorities at Paris. and bear the date July. 1828. the money you would send It to Jenks & In \tlanta 55 i-fiits per month or 12 cents These pictures were intended to be Picaud was a very likable fellow and It is not known j«.st how Dumas obtained per w«ek. Outside of Atlanta 60 cents per humorous, but they are not. If, in those Jankinson, who are strangers to me. and I while tn prison made the acquaintance of his knowledge of the story, but that would month or 1 ^ cents p«r week. two days, Missouri sacrificed a hundrod see no reason why T should cripple mv sus- an Italian priest ot great learning and con- not be a very difficult matter. His novel penders rustling- around trying- to raise mon- of "Monte Cristo" appeared sixteen years J. R. HO LIU DAT. Constitution Building, thousand dollars—from neglect of other siderable fortune. The priest died in pris- -olp Adv.-rtlainpr Manager for all territory ty for pt-ople 1 wouldn't know if I met them on, and as Picaud had cared so" tenderly for later. In 1844, and the two stories are too utside of Atlanta. business—and If the roads were not im- on the street. him during his illness, he left him every similar tn every respect, to admit of mere proved a single thousand dollar's worth, "If we could trace this matter up to Its vestige of hie fortune. coincidence, at least such is the opinion of The address oE the Washington Bureau Is such writers who have given a careful study two days of state-wide social leveling, of source we'd probably flnd that the banker's After Napoleon was overthrown In 1814 No. 1727 S -stroll, N. W., Mr. John Corrig.in. Picaud was set at liberty, and started at to the subject, but Dumas always affirmed J r , staff cort espondent. in charge. wife is at the bottom of It. I read In the practical democracy, will prove to be of in- once for Milan., where, after some difficulty, that his "Monte Cristo" was merely'a fanci- paper just the other day that the banker's calculable benefit to the commonwealth. he obtained the execution of his friend's will ful story of a secret vendetta which he THE CONSTITUTION' is on sale in New wife is going to spend a year in Europe York city by 2 p. m. the day after issue. It It has been called "Missouri's Picnic." and received possession of his property. The had worked out in his own mind. ran be had at Hotalinff'x Newsstands. Broad- with her daughter. The daughter. It seems, way and Forty-second street (Times building What if it was a picnic? \Vhat if a htin- has a patent back action larynx, and some- corner). Thlrty-dprhth atrfft and Broadway body told her that she has a great future a-s and Twenty-ninth street and Broadway. dred-dollar-a-day business man did accept sandwiches from the hand of the wife of a a singer, BO she Is going abroad to study BY ALWAYS THINKING. Modern Inventions NOTITB TO OUT-OF-TOWN SUBSCRIBERS. two-dollar-a-day laborer? What if the wife music under some old fossil who needs a By GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS The Trarellrie representatives are C. G. haircut more than anything else. It costs IMPORTED HUSBANDS. RRADUKY and C. CJ. SMITH. No one else is of a millionaire did pour coffee for the real money to senu two women to Kurope, It is said that sorrebody once asked New- By GEORGE KITCH. authorized to accept subscription money. Sets yer veins a-tlnprle to hoar the dollars Aatbor of "At Good Old Stmub" blacksmith? and the banker has been sweating blood ever ton how he had made his marvelous dis- jingle! Double file, or single, we're movin' Whether tbe efforts of those two days s'nce the project was broached. So he re- coveries in the physical realm, and his reply The Constitution Is not responsible for right along; where grim Care has bound (Copyright. 1913. for The Constitution.) advance payments to out-ot-town local car- pulled Missouri out of the mud or not, they you. Plenty's hosts surround you; Joy at last Borts to desperate measures to raise the was: "By Always Thinking about them." riers, dealers or airento. price. His bank has been loaning money to Imported husbands have t>een all the rage furnished an occasion for bringing togeth- has found you with the music of a song! Toll, Back of all habit Is Thought. And, too, Jenks & Jankinson, and he sends them a let- in those American circles which are able to er, on pleasant terms, those who had pre- that didn't tire, saw its hopes climb higher; Thought may be itiafle anybody's greatest still kept up the /Ire, burning late and soon; ter telling them to pay up or take the con- afford them, for some years. and most useful habit. A SIGNIFICANT WARNING! viously had no common meeting ground. Life's no more a riddle; Plenty's on the sequences, and they get rattled and send you An imported husband Is the most styllsn By Always Tir* i-ing you shut out the. The message of Preeident Wilson to Other states may well follow the example griddle; Hey! Take down that fiddle and an incendiary letter, and you lose your pre- thing that can be roped in with a marriage useless and purposeless affairs that, blood- congress, on the Mexican situation, brings of Missouri in promoting good fellowship reel us off a tune! sence of mind and use abusive language to license. Ho costs all the way from a million ***** an elderly warrior who saved the country sucker-like, seek to take from you without dollars up, and usually doesn't last long at affairs nearer than ever to a crisis. among all classes, and, incidentally, in cul- "Learn How to Ralnv Yourself." when you were in ^waddling clothes. giving anything helpful in return. that. If a re^liy flossy imported husband tivating a feeling of personal interest and "But the chain of iniquity stops r'ght By Always Thinking, the unkind and cut- H is not expected by anybody that con- I. wears for five years h* is doing very well ownership in highways that have felt the there. That old warrior, whose blood has ditions will remain as they are for much ting: words that so orttn escape your lips, indeed, and the friends of the purchaser re- touch of every man's hand hi the state. I-ay thi-m new style i-apers stained a doznn hard fought fields, refuses never are uttered. Ana By Always Thinking mark In complimentary terms upon her pow- longer. Kvery American in Mexico has Forever on the shelf; to be a party to sucti a system of oppression. 1 the Kind and Cheerful Thoughts you have Instead o raisin' Cain, my boy. "You write to Jenks & Jankinson and tell ers of endurance. been warned by the president to leave at already accumulated, grow richer In value Ivearn how to raise yerself! them that you'll pay when you get good and Imported husbands usually come as while their power tor hatching and Hap- once, which, of course, means that the sit- THA W'S MILLIONS. To raise yerself—I'll tell you plain: ready, and maybe they'll get up a little spunlc incumbrances on titles. It is impossible to Heats a)l the fellers raisin' Cain. uation is critical, and that serious develop- Bitterly complaining of the frequent and write a similai letter to the banker, piness goes on and on. get a title in this country without a hus ments may be expected at any time. newspaper talk of "Thaw's Millions," Mrs. II. and the banker will tell his wife and .laugh- By Always Thinking, the mistake that band attached, which makes It very awkward ter that if they want to go to Europe they'll you make' today will not be the mistake for those fortunate young ladies who have The president makes it clear that he Mary Copley Thaw, mother of the erst- Jes' lay thorn new style capers 1 have to swim. you make tomorrow. And By Always Think- while prisoner of Matteawan, blames these forever out o sight; everything- else but a title. If titles without opposes intervention in the struggle now "I hate to pay my debts for the reason ing you will most materially reduce the reports for much of the public hostility to The bees are raisin' honey — husbands were put on the market In this going on between Mexicans for Mexico, anc And they're raisin' of it right. that the money Is sure to be misused. I total number of mistakes you make. country they would have an enormous sale her son. 'By Always Thinking you need have little that it is the intention of this country to Raisin' yerselfs the lesson plain. don't like to encourage extravagance, and and the astute country which went Into th-i With that quality of mother love which Beats all the fellers raisin' Cain! 1C I paid your bill at the present time, I'd concern as to your Life Station. Tour Pro- business would be able to take a large slice occupy a position of strict neutrality. blinds the devoted parent to all the sins be encouraging those women to go to Furope gress—no matter where you are-—will be off of its national debt. steady and permanent. While the satisfac- The O rift In of I^au^hter. and burn up good money that I need nyself Imported h us-bands come over free of The whole trend of the message, how- and defects of her own offspring, she la- tion of efficient service reflected hack *o Tho philosopher of The Manhattan Na- ihe -worst way. Take my advice, and the duty and return the same way. In fact, duty ever, which is an exceedingly able docu- ments that Harry Thaw would have fared tionalist ttives this analysis of "Laughter:" you personally, as well as in the face of and titled husbands are usually strangers next time you dun a customer, don t say "daughter is supposed to bo a develop- the whole world, will make you one of the and continue so until the divorce court geU metit. means that there is a fuse under the better but for the hateful references to his 1 ment of the primitive grin; and the grin anything about Jenks & Jankinson, for no- world's real players. in Its -work. Rio Grande powder keg, and that the fire millions. i.s supposed to have boprun as a peeling bark body cares a whoop whother they need money Imported husbands would not be so bad which has been slowly burning for months She insisted that her hus'band had left of the. lips at the sight of food. One good or not. Say that ihe doctor has ordered you if they could be kept in this country where to buy a bobtalled oow, so that your lamlly Gigantic Appetites. is likely to strike the business part of the a mere bagatelle of $10,000,000. square meal in thft I'leocene Age was good the fathers-in-law could occasionally get at "Why, one might imagine we were Van- for one oblong grin. The more refined we may quit llvlnp: on condensed milk, and if (From The Baltimore American.) them with a club. Unfortunately, after an keg before irutny days. are. the Jess we laufi-h. T have known a the customer has any change In his pocket fn all times. Including this finical age American girl has Imported a husband she derbilts or Astors," the frantic mother m:m who was so refined that he could ac- has to go back to Europe with him. The All of which means that.if peace cannot he'll be tempted to let you have It." of many courses and small portions, the complained to the reporters. "Why, Mr. tually go through the motions of laughter "Tell the rest tc some lyceum bureau," man with a gargantuan appetite never fails worst thing about imported husbands m without a sound of escaping1 from his mouth. this country Is exported wives. be restored in Mexico in one way it may Thaw, when he died, left an estate valued said the grocer, -with a discouraged sigh. to excite wonder and admiration. Gustave be brought about in another. He was as solemn and shiny as a boiled Lexander, a citizen of Brooklyn borough, has Europe is pretty well sprinkled with at $10,000,1)0.), to be divided among his ten shirt in a cold storage warehouse." become almost as famous as Ty Cobb by American wives who accompanied their pur- children and a number of benevolences, it's simply devouring at one feast a 12-pound chases back to the old country and have positively ridiculous to talk of 'Thaw's Sny« the Major. turkey, with two loaves of bread, seven big- fiever been able to save steamer fare home THE "SENATOR'S" CONTEST. A land of lovollness w» spe WHOSE WAS IT? Irish potatoes, five preen peppers, fourteen out of their pin money. An Imported hus- Millions.' Some people have been after As bright the seasons pass. slices of tomatoes, all of which was washed band costs more to run than an imported The ground on which Governor Emmett Thaw's millions ever since he was put in Dreams for the poet-soul; for me down by ten bottles of beer. The stowing automobile. But this is because, as a rule, O'Neal, of Alabama, claims the right to Matteawan." I-.et Ice clink in the glass. Kditor Constitution: On my recent visit away of so much food and drink by a single he Is about twice as fast as anything else appoint Representative Henry D. Clayton The blessing of a- shady tree, to the reunion at Gettysburg I met a Union individual at one meal seems almost Incredi- on earth. Regardless of the estimated expenditure A eourh of cool PS t grass, soldier TV ho has a sword and belt taken ble, but there were 400 spectators who saw Imported husbands "wouldn't be so bad if lo the vacancy in the United States senate of $.".00,')00 to employ expert alienists and And where the bright mint-pardons be from a Confederate officer at the battle of him do it. Now he Is to be matched against they came with the usual accessories cuii- caused by th«* death of Senator Johnston counsel in the several fights Harry Thaw Let Ice clinic in the glass. PeterHbur^. another heroic eater who once got outside On the sword are the words. "Presented a 15-pound blueflsh at a single festal sitting. is contained in che third paragraph of the has made for life and liberty, the wild and by the I-adips of Georgia." Not Sntl«f!<-«l U 1JI. AVoJI rnodtrh. Intellect, we are told by the scientific new seventeenth amendment. This Union soldier desires to return the reckless expenditures of tbe millionaire The Adams Enterprise believes In holding sharps, is but a transmuted form of roast sword and belt to the rightful owners, and I r provides: your ground and not soaring too hlg"h all poultry, broiled steak, boiled ham, pumpkin patron of New York roof gardens, and the I am writing to make inquiry for informa- This a rat1 ml me n i shall not be ?>> con - at once, accord ing to this comment: pip, stewed prunes and such. What an in- x{ i a,-,I ,is t-, affect (!:«• elt-rUori or tf-rm of man who is charged with bribery of at- tion from any one who may recall the pre- tellect that man Gustave Lexander would put 1 "Instead of remaining in the Ifg-islature. sentation of such a sword and belt, and that IA\\V sen,i tu i chosen bcfniv it becomes valid tendants at Matteawan and the employment where he made a reputation, our representa- into performance If he could only Set the as a p.irt of the constitution." they send me the name, when and where the transmutation scheme to work right. But, of professional gunmen to aid his escape, tive is resolved to elect himself to congress, same was presented and Such facts as they The words "or Term" are the crux of where he will never be heard of afterwards— anyhow, even If he can only transmute his his mother sees no reason for references to niay have or know about the presentation. half bushel of provender into brawn, what the whole matter. Those supporting Mr. unless they give him a vacation and he takes If you will publish this, 1 assure you I his wealth. what Mr. Bryan has left of the lecture plat- a percheron of a man ho should be! Some- C'la> ton's right to his seat insist that It will appreciate It. Very sincerely. Xo one believes that if Harry Thaw had form " times thf great feeders have been men of affects not alone senators chosen before • «•»•* A. J. WAT^L, remarkable mental powers, but not always not inherited a one-tenth share of a $10,- Milledtfevllle. <",IL., August 25, 1913. the adoption of the seventeenth amend- The- Invitation. so. Many of the famous exemplars in liter- ooo.fMiO estate bis case would have nause- ature, the sciences and professions have had ment, but the terms of those senators. ated the public for so long. His own esca- r. Coming Back to Comfort. feeble digestions and a. food-consuming ca- Had this not been the intention of con- pacity remarkable for the srnaUneas of its pades have kept his name in the papers 1 gress in proposing the amendment, the I'-oiuf In' O)d Time.*). 7-^t the .\Vu- (Kiom The Philadelphia Ledger.) i^auge. It generally requires much fuel, how- to an etxent to make some persons mis- Shake the farewell-hand of you: Sou ii the summer ..ides win oe turning language might presumably been limited ever, to provide muscle power. takenly believe he has been the victim of May he you some word can say toward the home. The middle of Aug-ust to "the election of any senator." Hut when Oivlng cheer along the way. marks the flood as well as the beginning- persecution, it included the words "or term," an entirely After all the dangers passed, of the ebb, and while those who can afford •Sic Transit. "\Vhere fathers-tn-law could occasionally ff*t Ai'n'l you glad to rest at last '.' it are tarrying later and later in the country (From The Saturday Review.) at them." different effect is cl;i iimMl to have been tht: vast majority will use their return tick- Can this be death? 1 lueriu has been sparring for time to n. ets within the next two weeks. Moat of created. I—did not know sidered necessary in this country for a first- Had congress iutended that Ihf new learn how to fall gracefully. them will be glad. That death could be, so kirid- class, permanent husband. When an im- An Oriental proverb has It thnt the night- ported husband is accompanied by morals, I'unte in. wh^rp the N>w Times make 1 feared immeasurable woe— amendment should not" beronit* efffrtive ingale was shut up in a golden cage, intelligence and ability, he makes as fine a , Merry fur the Old Times' sake! A choking—horrid fight for Dr^ath - until the end of the term for which sena- Note (hat the Colonel is doing some in- n but still siu- ci-IfU. "My hume, my home'." husband as the domestic brand. There should J.ife is>y ung with them, and they A rushing of the wind. Hundreds of thousands who have been shut be an import duty of 1,000,000 per cent on all tors then ser\ ing had been elected, re- teresting and perfectly harmless magazine Have no minute's space to stay. up in. the more or less golden cages of the But—over there. others. writing: HOW. Nigh t around the old glooms fast : gardless of how many men might succeed summer resorts have often .sighed for the What strange clear light Ain't you triad to rest at last? them in the six years or less that remained expanses of tht; old hnuso and the monopoly Is breaking through the darkened skies? May Join Consolation Club. of the bathroom and they will return with of their terms, it seems this would have Whose hushed prayer (From The Baltimore American.) And. too, the Mexican trouble has de- a new sense of appreciation that ought to Divides the solemn pauses of the night? Some stuck-up is this government ot oun been set forth in the congressional de- prived the lecture platform of one of its You'll know when you read this para- 'add much to thefr livabieneKs. What form is it that flies when it won't recognize such eminent Indi- graph from The Kansas City Star that It After all, this Is the quality that weara — bates. As we recall, little attention was most eminent and paying attractions. And brings to me an unguessed peace— viduals as Huerta, Sulzer and Glynn. paid to this possibility. never way as hot as you said It was In 1 liveableness. Most of the unhapplness of the Undreamed—unknown! Ot-nrpia: I world is caused by the excessive desire to Jjips pressed in the racking pain? Self-Evident Fact. The popular impression was that the Great mining country Is Mexico, but "An Indiana man who didn't know the be happy- Most of the mournfulness is the With what unutterable gain result- °r joy-seeking. The pendulum swings i From The Baltimore American.) new seventeenth amendment became ef- frequent explosions there seem, to indicate Kansas h-5at wave had been broken sent a Ot rest and cease— fective as soon as it was proclaimed after l.-tter Inclosed in an asbestos envelope to a back In spite of fate and dollars. The real I go to face The question has now been raised whether that powder mines predominate. friend in Stafford." value of the summer vacation is tha,t It The hidden grace woman originally came before man- No one, boing ratified by three-fourths of the arouses a new enthusiasm fur, the home. A Of God—alone. however, will deny that be that as it may states. Oon't >"ee*J a Monument Vet. bit of a room with a bed that feels like a —EILY ESMONDE. she has been after htm ever since. Yet thore is much force in the argu- To have to pledge the kaiser iu lem- The Nashville Banner says: "Now that map of the Rocky Mountains is often Worth onade is enough to make his subjects sour Georgia has passed a law providing for 54 a day as an educational experience. ment of those who point to the letter of on him. prompt payment of school teachers, a monu- the amendment as deciding the intention ment should be greeted on the peak of Lost Z>oes Seem Strange. 'It Is, In My Opinion, the End of the World' of congress. mountain to George Bailey, of Texas, for 1 (from The Washington -Herald.) It is noticeable that no personal reflec- The "tiger" flask usually accompanies his arduous and unceasing labor in the A Startling Assertion Made by Professor Challenger in the First the bulldog revolver of the deadly hip cause.'* But perhaps Oeorge would rather J ust as the senate gets about ready to Installment of Conan Doyle's Masterpiece, "The Poison Belt," tion upon "Senator" Clayton is voiced by have a block of .stock in a Georgia rock agree on a date to vote on the tariff bill any critic of Governor O'Neal's action. pocket. quarry? If so, we'll vote him that. the weather turns cool. Which Begins in The Sunday Constitution, September 7. That he would fill the high place with dis- John Line! escaped with his head, being A Toaat. "The end of the world"^ Is a phrase that "It Is, In my 'opinion, the end of the world." tinguished ability and credit to his state is To lift Joy where no sky is dim i Hard Lines in Kansas. may mean the toppling of skyscrapers, the one may imaslne the consternation the re- ' proven by his long and honorable service too wise and careful of himself and mis- And with rare roses crown him; * From The Rochester Herald.) Impact of planets, the rush, of gigantic tidal mark caused, for Professor Challenger has1 already become famous, and his remarks are • in aiiorhe.r branch of the national congress. sion-to talk it off. To got old Trouble in the swim Kansas is in hard lines. The wells have waves the final smash and end of this earth gone dry. and beer is barred. of ours or the prosaic passing: of a man's to be heeded in fiction thac reads like real Should the senate finally decide that he j Antj — drown him! But that phrase always strikes a vein •The Poison Belt," a story that cost {5.000 was entitled to his seat it would insure \ Looking for this item in The Matteawan At Close rtan»ce. that pulsates clear to the Innermost being in cold, hard cash, begins In The Sunday Con- Alabama having another able lawmaker in News: "Harry Thaw, late of our berg, One of Life's Compensations. of most men and women; to some It Is terror stitution. September 1. It will create a sen- "Never saw a "statesman who didn't dwin- and horror, to others a passing sensation or sation when It starts and you are warned (from The Louisville Courier-Journal.) the chamber which was honored so long after a flying trip through several states, dle some at close ranj=r«?.range." says a philosopher; Interest—but it Is always interesting. to get your order In now. so you will have Anyway, it will be pleasi-ng to experi- by the presence of John Tyler Morgan and will probably spend the winter in a nice, "but it ccan'a "t "b e "helped " : ™They'r* e obliged to Hence, when Professor Challenger, In Sir the first chapters. You will be reading U. mend the:ei,r fence~~s~ an-- d howl for help, just ment with the pleasure of sending- express Arthur Conan Doyle's great novel, "The Poi- before the last instaJraent rs printed. an« Edmund,W. Pettus. warm Canadian jail." like ordinary huma**n* bsiaws^-" packages at reasonaJaLe ratoa. son Belt." turned to his companions and said: you might as well begin at the start \ .„. RELATIONS AHD INTERESTS • : Scotia, with the bodies OFSPEER CITY SEIZES PROPERTY JIM CONLEY WILL 17 YEARS IN PRISON, Tried and Con-vleted. Bram charged with the murder, was OF THE BELL SYSTEM AND THE PUBLIC then sent to Boston and tried He BRAM GETS RELEASE was convicted and sentenced to hang, VALUED AI MILLIONS but upon an appeal was again con- ORDERED BY HOUSE victed and sentenced to life Imprison- Indictment and Sentencing of Man Convicted of Triple Mur- ment Unless Back Taxes and Costs ne system under one common control _ the Negro Will Be a Mere der W ants Job and Chance It appears that the onlv evidence The suit brought by the United After Substance of Charges Are Paid Quickly It Will against Eip.m was Monks statement. States questioning the purchase of cer- nd that It cannot be given by in3«- Be Sold Formality to Prove Innocence His lawyers remained Interested !n tain telephone properties in the north- mdent systems unless they are 0per- ^ Was Read Resolution for his case and have often tried to se- west, as well as the pending Interstate ted under agreements wftJch result In cure his release CQramerce Commission telephone In- common control and one comtnott /<• •Warden Moyer was much Impressed Inquiry Was Passed With- | \p-PT-oximatelj $3,60t> 000 worth of Jim Conley admitted accessory af After serving seventeen vears of vestigation, have caused many inquir- nterest In effect makinK them it, , life sentence for a triple murder upon with the conduct ol Bram in the^led ies Without taking up anything gx>- property has been seized b> the ritv ter the fact in the murder of little where, he d-eclares, Bram ngle system out a Division. | and will be sold for taxes unless the Mary Phagan laet Memorial day in t*he the high seas ot whl-ch he declares he eral prison Iffg to the merits of these proceedings, We believe that rates should be Mtf- Thomas M C Brejm one was one of the greatest powers for j owners pay back taxes and costs National Pencl^ factory, and accuser Is not guiti good inside the prison walls It has seemed to 1*3 proper to state djusted as to afford the company^ mate of the American By John CorrlK&n. J* ' rhairman Charles Whlteford Smith of Leo M Frank, tne superintendent time first generally what has been our policy ufficlent revenue to pay such -wages % \Vashtngton \u^ust 27—(Special)—• of the tax committee has instructed who w as convicted Monday will be bark Herbert Fuller " was released and purpose In the conduct ot our nd compensation as will secure the ~ from the federal prison on Wednesday lost efficient service, to maintain tfcA, Judge Erm ry Speer s life and conduct rit> Clerk Waltei Ta\lor to proceed brought before the grand Jury lor In- Ex-€onsuJ Caughey Dead business His parole was MKn« u in Washington We have found or thought that we highest an-d most advanced stand— while on the federal bench is to be in against the propert> under section dictment as soon as the next grand Richmond Va. August 37—Charts had that our Interests were best served "•ds of plant and apparatus, to carry vestlgated b> a committee of thp house IS77 of the (it> code \\ hioh puts the Jury is empanelled next week, ac Mond iv under the n^w federal act to j M Caughey former United States when the public interests were best n such scientific and experimental *** of representatives to determine iordina to Solicitor Hugh- Dorsey allow for pirole of life prisoners after ( reounfeuo l to Messina and Milan ItaH cltj license inspector in charge of the The indictment and, in fact the sen served, and we believe that such suc- earch and Indentions as to apparatus whether articles of impeachment should ser\ice of fifteen \eais died here today alter a protracted ill prop«*rt\ to be held by him and di« tent ing of the negro will be a for ness Mr Caughey was first appoint tess as we have had has been because nd methods as to insure the highest j be preferred against him Atlantann Aid Bram. posed of cithei at sale o.r in some mahty that will soon be ended Be ed by President Cleveland Since that ouf» business has been conducted on tandards, and to carry to reserve and ThlB was decided toda> after Re.' Manv \tlantans were Interested in ! other manner prescribed bj the mayor fore the grand jury will be submit tec time he had served under succeeding these lines epreciation such a me/Tints as will en- resentatlve Henry U Clayton of Ua the customary proofs of the girl s his case and -iimong whom were administrations His connection with an i <. ouncll Gaorpe FVeemin and Harr\ Perker We believe that our company has an ble the company at any time to **-_. bania. had laid before the house a sum 1 deith the fact that Conley was seen the consular service covered a period Some Property Redeemed son of Free-tnin & Perkerson clithiers interest as vltaJ as that of the public lace oJd plant and old methods with mary of the charges wh1<-h the dtpart In One factory that da> and also that of twentj five yp-xre \ portion of the property seized has at Iixl\e Points ind it was largely in the proper administration of the ew plant and new methods as fast as ment of Justice examiner ha J inquired he signed a statement in which h b e-n redeemed by the owners \\ ed lecUred that he had aided In dispos- through the irfluence of his friends problems of electrical inter-communl- hev may be de\ eloped and found to- * into The vote for the r» s lutu n of nesdn\ afternoon the tax cc mmittee ing of the body. that his parol was obtained cation The success and prosperity of to the advantage of the service. investigation was unanim > ih Kepi e t irne^i o-\ er to Assistant CU> \ttorney <- onle\ maj get three years in the Rram s Kreat desire now. he says ia our company depend upon a solution belie\ e that In addition, such fair sentatlve Jamis R Mann of 111 no i rmtentiary for his crime That I: to pro>-e his Innncent e of the crime EXCURSION of these problems which shall be sound hargee should be paid upon the IB- F His a largt batch of quit claim deeds of which he w^sc n-v n ted b> unright the republican loader who hid blocked the maximum penalty In a case liki from both the standpoint of the com estment In plant as will enable the for cincellition Since the cit> served living He is lokinf? for work A consl-dt ration of thi resoluti>n on jes this but it is expected that as h. GRIFFIN TO ATLANTA pany and the public which it serves ompany at any time tw obtain money notice on the owners about $10,000 In tuined states evidence he will get off chance is ill ho wants he sa\ s terday offered no furthei objection Following our own best judgment, leces^ary to provide the plant re- " tixes h«.s been collectwa lighter This is the s tor's of the crime and twday ROUND supplemented by the best obtainable uired to meet the continuing demands ~ j There still raniains unpaid about Bram s convicti 3n Inquire B«rtn» "*f««-r Front' In June 159^ Biam was the first •>d\ice we ha\ e endeavored to do what f the public and in order that fT-aste until I ?40 000 in taxes costs and interest TRIP The inquiry will not b^Rin mite of the Heibert fuller bo ind would best serye the pub-He interest nd duplication of effort may be ^ if The tax ommitiee anticipates about NO RAIN IS EXPECTED after frost Ju Ige ^l>« <•! with a oarffo of lumber from Boston wherever possible our plans have been -voided and uniformity of purpose $10 000 In tax* s before January It ferer from ha fever and Is now at IN ATLANTA TODAY to the Platte ri%er in South \merlca Tickets on sale for all ti aina from disclosed to th<» public In advance and nd common control be enforced, that" 1 is expected that the Georgia railroad Mt Airj Ga seeking rel of and x At midnight on the 11th -while Bram Griffin September 2 what has been done In carrying them here should be a centralized general w H pi\ the citi a-boiit $50000 repre While the w eather men oat west waa doing watch on deck he was in Good returning- on all ti alns up to pei-ts later to g IP nto the White out has been along ordinary business d mini strati Monk a pe^senpei that and including train No 8 leaving mountains ot New Ham] i line until s F tn g the a btjssimnt on Its property Atlanta 11 45 p m , September 4 Ines v*ith the Implied and generally. the hot weather keeps on arriving the t'he captain s wife and the first mate vlth and having general authority ^ cooler weather abates ,l« attacks «nd the Atlanta Joint Terminals The For tickets and other information. with the expressed approval authorl- •* er the whole on matters common to , riilroid officials declare that the road local forecaster announces that the were murdered Brim had Monk put ASK THE TICKET AGCNT An aff'uav rr was I i S-. nted the 7ation or consent of the municipal and w ll m ike no fuither fight against the same mild summer weather with a In Irons on suspicion Monk then ac CENTRAL OF GEORGIA 11 or matters of general policy. «•" r S H RAILWAY state authorities dlrectlv interested committee "*isn fl f)v I cit\ ind will pay tHe money over just maximum temperature of about 85 de cused Bram dlrectl) of the crime and W e believe that any aurplus beyond ers his physician stat !!„ that gre<>8 is dueSiere today and possibb Our effort has been not only to obey hat necessary to equalize dividends as «0on as it can setilc with the state the lai\ but to avoid everything which tpeer s health would l>e « I I uil} Held Lp bj State for --ome time a fair basis should be used by the The weather recently has been rath might e\en haie the appearance of an dangered if he wti e om tiled to lei t omi ti jller General Wright is hold companj for the benefit of the public er e\ en in temperature and fqr the attempt at evasion the hlKh iltlt ties he has sought and i it „ the matter of the state s income, and she/old be inalienable for any "* pist three da> s the highest point Our business methods and policy Ka to Washington 01 fifteen to und. rKO from the \sstsbmt nt of the railroad ther purpose and shottld be either in- reached bv the mercurv column has and practlrall\ all of the details as to this examination I pon this stit< ment It i ti t^ in abeyance and until he It's Always The Satisfied Customer •ested in revenue earning plant until the transaction of our business are committee tikt* •• m act! m the money will be been in the neighborhood of the half of the case the J I liclary wa> stop between SO and 90 degrees matters of common knowledge and necessary to substitute plant which ; decided to deI"O the \eitlgation for h 1 1 from the citj may become In-adequate or obsolete, 1 lit c u is ilso figuring on increas Local showers or thunder show ers That unhesitatingly stipulates are and for many years have been or should be used to make the service several weeks n K Hit t ix returns 5'oOQO bj assess fell around the state Wednesday but well known to" the government W» i or un iheaper or better W e do not want to b< h ii ^ ti „ ill i ill 10 id tn kri^e within the Atlinta did not get one although •111 willingh furnish the governmen i ri ha^ c there was a possibility of one chanc- feeling tow nd Julfcf ->[ eer f r t\ tim t^ In 01 ler to reach an accu any additional information which is in We believe that under proper gov- Kladlv sklled to his. wishes in the ing to come this T* ay According to E. G. WILLINGHAM'S SONS' ernmental control and regulation the r tt in Hislon as to the miles of our possession or under our control Ilepr the w either man no shower is in matter of a sh >rt del IA sii ti-a ki_,e iiululin^ the increase since and will cordially co-operate with it In profits from promotion or operation »f the th< list i^so^sment w is mad the cit> prospect for today at least in Atlanta allowed to be distributed should not ~" sentatUe Claj ton halt man For those who think that 84 de- Lumber, null work and interior trim. obtaining such further information as will It forced to make a surve^ of all so large as to warrant or tempt committee grees w-as rather warm here Section It may require Every possible assist lights of w i\ s ^ Our auto ttucks make safe and speedy deliveries complete duplication of plant and or- t »e of Drucn Denied t ouricil h is \otei $500 for miking Director C r \ on Herrmann has an ance will be given by us to the ccAirts anization with Us duplication of US Dr RoS'is aff Uvit rcfirs I ids t c SLII% > and i leport will be made array of reports from the west which to all parts ot Atlanta. In their effort to determine whether Thout th! c i_h the construction department ire comforting—to Georgians In our policy Is or has been inimical t< capl tal ch arges and Its organization, -.peer as a t ime--'~ three cities far west of here the mer operating maintenance and deprecia- th tt h with n th next si\t> da> s You are assured of yom order when 3 ou phone us. the public Interest We desire tha t > di rury climbed to a point wf ere the 100 tion expenses and we do not believe I h ' anything wrong be corrected we wll larl direction These cities were 542 Whitehall Street efficient and sufficiently comprehensive *?' ll ll t may be pointed out to us and so fa: empl 3 Phoenix Vr 7 Oklahoma Cit\ and universal service should be subject to the ust of ic urn thioi HE ATTEMPTED SUICIDE Dodge ("m Kan as It ma\ be determined that our pol It to 11 \\e\ e h"^ 1 % ! Icy or anv act under It is against thi limited ^competition, not giving such Ult JUd service Competition which ignores the " 1 ht suhco mint t ^f 1 h it Jim* 9 \N Hutch MS of 296 public interest we will promptly con «outl in obligation to furnish a complete and ,, mmitt t will % »lt th. -.jiuh Mtl'aiitl street a patent medi- form to such determination tiitt of (,i HKI i liter or 1 ine s Ut - nan h id no intention of We belle\e that if each of our comprehensive service la not compe- i hairm in I I i^t >i nil ht-al committing sui Ide on Tutbdaj night tlon, is not for the benefit of the ins" •''thi t » itn.ss, s \> nr be changes were made an independen when I i ol cerm n were called to the public In that It does not reach the fure the full < jmmitt. c unit and If each connecting line wer pi x b\ p< oi le who informed them put under a separate control the ef whole public Interested ton that a man was beiting a woman ia If the committees 1m e'-tl^ation feet upon the telephone service of th If therefore, complete du-plicatlon, the statement m ide bj Hutchins hia . tn th it r ii« country would be a condition BO Intol Ith Its dual exchange connection and i\ c i from ifti t w ife aical connection Investirf in hand with competition. f the present suasion of con home and found that a man to whom co'mmon control of these various unit the end as would amalgamate them into We believe that the record of the &1,_ ,, th h. — b u.vts thit he had entrust, d a large consignment Jud --! i h i" been jruilt\ of hist of medicine had not left the money single system Physical connection i Bell System will be accepted by the lime-, and mis Ifme"in >i s it will piss tor it -with Mrs Hutchins and that the case of telephone or telegraph doe p/ublic as fully in accord with these" these imj i hint nt chir^f s The sen he then ordeied his drl\er to hit h up not mean transfer of messages from declarations Consistent adherence to"" it. will Ihcn tr% the cist U is not the horse and deUared th it he would 3 LAST DAYS one line to the other It means sue this policy has given tne public of the , \P tf i that the tri -il if hue his money or one of them would a connection as will permit one perso United States the beat, most compre- bero f I red hv tho houpe vlll o to have the actual posaessicm of th hensive and cheapest telephone service He declares that while his wlf» and n xt sess in OF OUR particular line of communication from In the world and made the Bell stand- lie fond Speer the men were tiUng to keep him from ludfie I nll«>va-* one end of It to the other and this ca ards the standards of all nations. I c^all \\ of pom- «.h 11 lrt only be given efficiently b> exchang To remove any possible . . iMu iwton t* 1 L the $oOO consignment of medicine that icuse for systems and connecting lines under misapprehension on d to look ift i th Interests ot Officers Andrews ind Boyce came into account of the -vj -er In th- im\ e i hrmnt cist tne vird and flashed their seai ch Summer Reduction Sale common control and that is what th many misleading statements which, cted that h will represent on him and covered him with Bell System is ha^e been circulated as to the alleged K Is exp tc/ld them to sho^t the ac u^ed J tn the pieliminao their pUtols an! he j In this connection, and for genen unnecessary and overcapitalization j inted to that he had as soon tnv estlK ition nid duiinrf the tri U if If I information we will restate the polic and excessive charges of the Bell Sys- thtn ^a next dav \Vhen Officers OF >ne U h id J flt,t \ndrt w J Cobb of which controlled the building up tem the following statistics are given m and Pilmer came up Hutchins Athens will b aaso i Lted \\ ith him the Bell System and our belief as to Lxcept where stated, the figures are 1 he explained matteia to them and In resi onse t( r£pe«itta rlem ii i - oy what a telephone system should be and for the Bell Ssstem that Is. the ader Mi in I liaii m in office: s all left Hutchins »a>8 Republic in I bi ought to Low Shoes lot Ladies, Misses and what are its relations to the public American Telephone and Telegraph, Cla> ton of the jurti i i i \ i mniitt thit his inon^> "- tht buhst in e i tsterd-\> mormnpf ~We believe in and were the first to and Us Associated Companies. todav «a.^e the h >vise advocate state or government control of the charges made L^, mist JLI i^e The entire Bell System on June 30, 1913. had outstanding speer in- a i l ort f om Vttornoj Oen and regulation of public utilities that the hands oC Children, Men and Boys this control OT regulation should be by the Lta.1 MiB i n 'Ids GRAND JURY TO HOLD public obligations _ notes, These charkts ir? f*iii Ju l=re 'M per LAST MEETING FRIDAY f permanent quasi judicial bodies, act- qpen accounts bonds and shares) to attempted liiht^ took mon > fiom ing after thorough 1"A estlgatlon and the par value_ of ?776 000 000 court funds, foi pt itt s i • -*e^ »n t on Friday go\erned b> the equitl&s of each case The book value of the total tangible tiar\ to the law eni[ lo\ I his s i in r inKemciits If you haven't taken ad\ant,i£ce of this sale, we suggest your and that this control or regulation be :sets which is considerably less thanttal, law al ut his »nt ml uf es \ u *ond requiring the greatest efficieno their replacement values form Ul\ amounted to lated th 1 inki i t \ Uws \Ulit d i irt All three doing bo "now." Frugal peopl- will^see positively a great sav- and cconomv should not interfere $960 000 000 lawb ielati\t t< the seU t n of jurus tht. s n e Many appraisals of o it of town a with management or operation We propert} Included In these assets have violated bui t nit c > irt m 1 lUs d* ppen d before ing—staple stales will never asam he as cheap elded HI fivot of h t. " i t i 1 tw m th nf, thit h >s n \ believe that these bo-dies, if thej are been made and most of them under but Tudkt Ce.iffe I Bell is exp* ct«d to to be permanent effective and of pub matters re f itinpc to fees i-e i court be held for the the direction of public authorities. In officials as prUat. s r\ inf all -wed return tod i; and Lots of bargains are here yet. lie benefit should be thoroughly rep- no case has the value as it stands on di^ hirK f th K nd jui y the dit-sipat'on of is tt*- ot estates in e which m^t de resentative they should be of such the books failed to. be sustained, and tihe custod> of th, co irt e^t ibiKh d Ihc j i N K tht character and should so conduct their nite -• He t >i Hush Dorsey s oppo«i in most cases It has been very largely receiverships w ith it i t tl t tn nw n rs investigations and deliberations ae to j exceeded t n and t <-k up the question of in refused to allow the Usn -'-al of Htl command such respect from both the j The total e il 1 a ct i r> th nesro dividends and Interest; gation ffi^ i cl it \ . L ) M 1 r ink the factor-, public and the corporations that both | ia during the year 1912 amounted •* allowed m to r e n th i U Ii pa ind it Is i egarded as will without question accept their con-| to only 61 per cent on the average or ~v terest In b. in w h t th nimt. of the negro elusions ou atand interested IM, tUl \ 27-29 would lit" ' ">* obl.eat.ons. to l« ti f ire them for 11 diet \\ e believe that the public 0 Ma a dered sold rfv wo"' ! than 5 per cent on the average value In this way get all the advantages | of it-3 assets used druKs in the m irder of little WHITEHALL the c i ll e and avoid all the manifest dlsadvan-; Aftei the sum The actual cash which hM been paid ^ tt 1th 1* L i tages of public ownership was read tl e K •, iM ins of the superior Into the treasury of the American, <*-*S olution foi in I We believe that centers of business i t It-ei n «es on* during Telephone and Telegraph Comuany on a d \ ision and population exist for the conveni- i term aiid at pres< nt Judye account of the capital obligation now* I ence of the public as a whole and that T 1 .n ^ eton 1 ^ on a tour ot the outstanding amounts to $82,000000 I no such center can prosper without :i and ei&t J K ,pe ^ D Ellis is more than the par of such outsta'nil-'- ^ > ith l ' Li o mi and Judge I sufficient and efficient means of Inter Ing obllgatloni return todav hah ! course with other centers and tribu- is due o The Associated Companies collected Diamonds Sent ii th t. i ^ tary territories that such means can from the public and paid back In only be afforded by prospe/ous util taxes over »10 000 000 during the year for Inspection ity and service companies and that SAN FRANCISCO CALL I fair rates are essential to prosperous The steadily Increasing necessltlea \Ve ^1 idl\ for\\ ard dm co-npanies AV e do not believe that any TO APPEAR IN EVENING of the public not onlj for additional mond jt_\\ clrj to an j one fur public either desires or can obtain nor nishinq suitable references but for new telephone service can only Fian Isc Cal \ugust 27 —An can any service or utility furnish per- Sending for diamonds m made toda> that The this \vav in\ol\ es no obhga ^•tn' Francisco Call a morning paper, e AUCTION SALE! tion to buj and tt for an\ will arr n.r on ^e ternber 1 as an even reason a purchase is not in<- paper M H r>e\oung proprietor made w e cheertull> pa% e\ of"lne San Franc «co Chronicle, who boi *ht the morn i g paper plant haa press (harsjes both, wavs =. > tl the equipment excepting the color . -'rom 1*160000 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT either through the less of the capital j We can afford to do this as [r ««es to the new owners, -who are 000 ml]es e:5chanKe wlr a matter of business be inn unc d as I W Kellogg publisher Involved, the losses Incident to poor > from 6 ooo 000 miles t cause the \alues offered are in \ resident reprebenting 80 per cent service or the necessary Increase in. J the number of exchange stations In' such that practicall> ail of the stoLk of John D Spreckles, charges required to pay for duplica- , crea-ed from 2 730 000 to 5,200,000- shipments result in sales tormerK proprietor of The Morning tlon of capital [the number of stations of Independent The advantage of being able Call and now holding 20 per cent of •We believe that the highest commer- T companies connected with the Ball to calmlj inspect diamonds the stook of the evening paper clal value of the telephone service de-|Svtem Increased from 343,000 to 2.- The new alignment of newspapers in jour own home is ob\ious ATLANTA & WEST POINT RAILROAD pends on Its completeness—on the ex- | 62° 00° The number of Independent Ua\e -an Francisco with two papers s tent and comprehensiveness of the fa- companies connected with the BeH. and this privilege is at the m th*. morning neld—The Chronicle command of reliable people ai d The V xamlner-—and four ITT the climes for intercommunication, not System is about 25000 The number In accordance with the law, at 9 o'clock on rBtem> not an> where e\eimg—The Bulletin The Post, The only between individuals but between °nci™n?^ employ e ? nnected For references we require N ws and The Nt w comer centers of population, that no Isolated compaLnies. on December 31, °° a bank or two well rated teection can be considered independ ^41 000 ently of any other section or of the Dai ins this same period the number merchants FOR THE "TOY LADY" Write for a cop> of our THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1913 whole, that rates must be so adjusted ot snareholders of the American Tole- illustrated diamond booklet LITTLE ONES MOURff as to make it possible to obtain the phone and Telegraph Company, not In- and tell us about -what \ou * maximum development by making it eluding either the associated or coil- Washington \ prust 27 —Hundre Is possible for every one to be connected ( nected companies. Increased from. 17^—^ at the local freight station of the above mentioned line (fourth floor) located at 00<) to require Your inquiry w ill qf children with tear wet eves> toda\ who will ad 100 shares, , teous" attention the lo> La w hose funeraJ drew the corner of Central Ave. and Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga., I will sell at public out- the greatest number, that the Inter- ?^h. «5.0^ shareholders hold from. them to *--t Mar\ s church Miss Kate was the prtprietit of a store Known as cry, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay freight, storage and otner charges, Maier & Berkele, inc the Lincoln T )\ ^hop because dur Diamond Merchants ITX the crvil WT- Tad Lin oln deal*- versal Intercommunication justify and) hojaers ot B,000 aharea „,. * his purcnases her^ and sometimes a-- about 260 packages unclaimed and refused freight and baggage. require some services partjy at the, own rleht A majortty Q( tne 31-33 Whitehall St. companied b> his father * islted thd expense of the whole for the benefit, holders are women. Established 1887 place to feast nis e>es < 11 rfhe treaj of the whole ures U contained Miss Kate' M. J. BRADLEY, Agent -We believe that this highest com- i France w as 63 y* -JTS old and had Cfc j grown up w*Ui tl e shop. UNCLAIMED WAREHOUSE. mercial value can only be attained by

LWSPAPLRl :WSPAPLRI th e centerpiece of the taible was a mirror ed-ged with smilaac, upon which GLYNN IS RECOGNIZED was- a floral boat of pink roses and pink snapdragons ^-t either end mm BEAL CAUSES of the ta-ble were vases of pink roaes SOCIETY The place cards were decorated with BY NEW YORK ASSEMBLY miniature boats and the favors for ARREST OF MITCHELL each gniest were tiny trunks filled with bonbons and the guest of honor Action Came After Bitter Fight sen&ale I-ebie Ewingr Mrs William was given a handsomel> bound book "Walhngford" Game Charged to Basket Lunch Sunday School. Jenkins Mrs Clarke Fraser Mrs. For the Toiler in which. to keep a record of her Vote 48 For Recognition The final basket lunch Sunday Frank Winecoff Mrs Sam Kidtson scfhool of the season will be held at travels Prisoner by Alleged Victim Mrs St Elmo Massengale and Mra J Mrs Brine wore a sown of white to 29 Against The cost of living is a hard Silver lake this Sunday Dr J Wade H Sutten from Roberta. Conklingr paator of tlie Lnitariart embroidered voile with hat of white lace Miss Brovles g"o« n was of nut to crack for the working church will have an Interesting mes Albany N Y, August 28 —Lleuten saffe for all who come and efforts are white point d esprit with sash and man. He must have nutri- Saunders-Ragan An amateur detective from south ant Governor Martin H G\\ nn was being made to have the attendance girdle of apple green and her large Mrs F B Saunders of Cole man a ClaIm le f formallv tious food and plenty of it records broken hat was black he°w^s 7oroth\ \rkwnght. Miss Virginia the E o nds. Ml expecting to attend quarters in defense of her husband and sent by "Mr Glvnn as acting governor 1 I^ipscomb Miss Marg-aret Northen and ar«» irged to call Main IT' '6 or I\y For M^ss Broyles told the south Geor&ia sleuth he w as a to the legislature Messages also were than there is in 4 Ibs 3020 J and advise to that effect Miss Margaret McCartv er tertainpd Misa Dorothy High sadlj mistaken individual and. refused received by the senate b,ut with the of beef? It is rich in ten g-uests Informally at tea j e3terda> to Iea\ e the station until h&r husband ' express understanding that objection afternoon at thp- Driving <.ltib in hon For Visitors insisted that she needed sleep and ] could be made later to their official gluten, the food content W C T 6 ~ or of AIlss 1/oulse Bro~v lea / would catch, a bad cold In such dread ception i thougrtt they had not The Atlanta Fran es W illard Worn Mtss Anita Honour entertained at •,& that makes muscle, bone pretty heart die** party Tuesday evenV f ul surroundings been read an B Christian Temperance union will Matinee Party honor of Miss Veil Honour of The several incidents comprised an The senate session was brief and and flesh. hold Its regular session this Miss Gresham of interesting little drama the first act colorless but the assembly remained afternoon at T o lock In the Sunday Mr T L, Jones will entertain at a Greenville S in session long- after midnig-ht Ita Virginia and Miss L,illie Maj Helms laid in Poberta. Georgia when school room of Trinity church matinee j ai-t\ iSaturda> in compli R L* Mitchell president of the Mitch proceedings were characterized by of Griffin Buperii tpndents of departments ment to \Tlss Mary Honmir of Gre<*n ell Lumber compar v of Atlanta , sharp criticism and the bandying- of have been urged to he -present ville fo r who is the guest of Miss The house ^3.3 attractlvelj <1eco rated v. 1th pink *vnd white flowers bought a carload, of lumber frcmi M A epithets between friends and oppo MLA.RY U MI^KNDON \nlta Hono ar nents of OJo\ ernor Sulzer Referring The prizes were won bj Miss Au^uata Lifbe> Lifsey is the man TV ho trailed. SPAGHETTI President Gardien and Mr Cmil Faust and each the lumber dealer to his lair In At to alleged attempts to punish him JANF A ADKFNS Ian to. (through the medium of criminal In For Senoia Friends lonor guest WTIS presented w 3th an Recording- *>erretar-\ Mrs C M Clark and her sister Mrs appropriate sou\ enlr Mitchell s office In in the Temple 'dictme-nts for the part he had taken in Court building L-ifsev declares Mitt h the impeachment proceorHngfa Major will reduce your cost of / M Sp. me of Camilla will enter Mrs Honour and Mrs J H ell bought lumber and. nev i paid Itv LiCad^r Levy bitterK denounced tain for a few of their Senoia friends resham assisted in entertaining1 living. Cut your meat Ice Cream Festival for It and not only this but that he Ivnn J Arnold cme of Govei nor Sul The ladies a JxHiir> to the Brotl er who are now making their home In bills two-thirds — Atlanta Frida> afternoon from 4 to hid bought se\e:d-l carloads from va zet s trusted lieutenants who has hnod of Rallroaxl Tra n TITI will have nous other persons and ne\ er paid been active in tiiib matter buy a few packages of an !<-*• rream festiial I i the nnrreto 6 o clock, at the residence of the r Thomas-Wells Mrs Alicf Muse Thorn s announces for them JLifsey brought the sheriff, let indictments come if the* build ng at t.rint park ft m a to 10 father Colonel J >hn F Methvin 23? thp marrligp of her daughter Adeline f-t his county -with him to prove hi: added Mr L.e~vy They cannot swerve FAUST SPAGHETTI o clo^k this evenli „ "Euclid avenue Jnman Park to Mr Tames Leech ^\ ells which took allegations and to take Mitchell back i from my duty' a week. Tastes deli- plac* \\ afternoon AUGUST to Roberta Morning Bridge Part\ Mrs Brine's Luncheon at o o clo k at home. 91 Peachtr e Second act Detective Bill Harper cious, has an appetizing, Mrs \\altei '-in t! nUrt , *> \ at Mr= Geort^p W Brine enter talne 1 plaee I>r O i* Brown of VenderbiU arrested Che alleged ^V alllngford 1 he GAINESVILLE ACCEPTS savory flavor. You can bridge \f*t*»rd.i\ n 71 n^ in t o npli at i beautiful luncheon > esterday at an uncle of the bride officiating detective and prisoner had barely m*>nt to M nt the Piedmont \.)r\\ Ing: club In hnnor On acco mt of a recent bereavement reachLd headquarters when Mrs Mitch CHAPTER'S MONUMENT make a whole meal of ell arri\ ed v, I Idly excited and want flromerv h^ K' t"*t of Mis \\ ilhim of Mis^ Lo use Bro> les who leave-, the groom s fin-nly only the nit m ing to know what It was all about Her it Send for free recipe Tenktns rht* gam** \\ a-a ili\ei on the ^aturlav for Ni w York where she bers of the famU> and most intimate opinion of the Roberta man was any TO COL. C. C SANDERS porch w~hi h w a,s atti i ti\e with will be f r a week before g-oJng to friends witnessed the ceremony book — shows how Far s whe e she will attend school After a wedding trip Mr n.nd Mrs thing but flattftlng Attorney William flowers an-d grow ing pi ints M Smith has been eng-ag-ed as Mitch many ways Spaghetti thi«? winie e)!** -will i e tit home with the brides The RTUests in I ided Misfiea *lma ell a counsel Unless he procures Galnesv Ills Ga Aug-u=t 27 Downing- Marg: K rHf H irper [• innle The 1 ui^heon fvhle was plarel on mother until October when their will clal ) — The memorial monument to Col can be cooked. the ; >rf) > Ijoining- the ball room an I go TO housekeeping bond $ be carried to Roberta this Slmraon txru be VI 11 vine Ma> Mas morn I j whei e the third act will be onel C C banders of the Twenty put on fourth Georgia v&lun*eers C S A was At all grocers'— unveiled this mo^rnln^ at 10 o clock For Miss Ryan. The monument Is of pure white marble Sc and lOc packages. Misses Mij and I^aurent Horine the figure being in a sitting- posture In give a "v >ry delightful informal danc ASLEEP ON CAR TRACKS confederate uniform surmontin g part> at their home Ormewood WHITAKER IS INJURED beautiful marble colonnade beneath MAUIL BROS., SI. Louis, Ho , >v rt In compliment to Miss f dvthe _ . J i -which stands a drinking fountain This S an who wit i her mother is el end monument was ei ected by the C C g s >me time at the Georgian Ter Fill ng- asleep on the private rlg-ht- of w a\ of the Georg-ia. Railway and Sanders chipter of the Children of the n_e Confederacy and stands as the first .Tower t ompanj. on the nast Lake line STICK CANDY The apartments were decorated with monument ever erected b> any chapter f^rns and flowers and manj Japanese ne ir Pines street T H \\hitaktr ad dr€ ss unkno-w n w as run dow n b> an of th it Tnilat Cnaitial • James Cream of Benzoin Almond, an exquisite for the kiddies: give them antcrns lighted the grounds about the This monument is said to be the only A lOliei apeGlal . toilet cream Made by us from the purest mndsome home outbo me! street cir Wednesday nlprht memorial of a confe lerite soldier want It satisfies the and suffered th^ loss of Tils right Assisting In entertaining the g-iiests erected upon federal soil and stands materials. It makes the skin smooth as velvet Regular o C r\ af their little stomachs were Mr and Mrs F 1L Horine Mrs ar i on the same sldo of the Gainesville 50c bottle, beautifully packed, today The accident occurred atbout 10 ^0 . and is a pure digesti- ?e %V orsha mandMrs D \ Rjo.n * ederal buildjnK t} it the statue o] Try our new Oriental Face Powder guaranteed In- Each stick is wrapped Miss K> an w ore a go" n of pink o clock and Motormin T O ITarp -who Abraham Lincoln will be erected upon crepe de chine Miss Miry Horine wore was running the street car states that At the opening of the w ar Colonel troduction price, per box 59c re-proof paper to pre- )ink chiffon over white satin and \\hitiker was 1> ng asleep with his Sanders was a btudent at the old Geor flavor and purity In Miss I^aurent Horine -w as gowned in right ai m thrown across the track gia Milltarv rollepre He entered the 141 Pecohlre* Slro«t ,5 sticks 25c. white chiffon There were sixty guests and his feet hanging in a ditch which service of the south and rose to the JAMES DRU8 STORES W PoachtrM and N Av0 fakirts tlie rails for som-e distance The rank of colonel He vv as offered the Peachtree-34 Whltehall--33 Peachlree In furecT man was rushed to the At post of brigad er general but refugee For Miss Irzuin l\nti hospitU in the Grf-enT^erg &. it on the grounds that he had rather Misa Irmi Ir^vin o' VTontgomers Hond ambulance and the hospital au be with his old regiment After the Ala vias the guest Of honor it a d th >r ties stated at an earl\ hour th s war he settled in Gainesville Ga am htful bridere part\ g~i\ en ycsterdas morning- thit ht T^ould rccov er hei e made a great business success EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL afternoon bj Airs Willl xm Iv Jenkins The ceremonies conslstel in the San Tirden flow ers In profusion decorated ders chapter of the ChiMren of th« he house end the prizes were a pearl NEW POST FOR STEWART ConSederacj marching around the Wliy Ejidure the hatpin for top score, and a set of f3an Miss Luc lie Bean Miss Theodosia An ders and to the city of Gainesv ille drews Miss Ruth Srmll of Macon M ss New s was received in Atlanta Wed At the close of her speech the children ITS MUSIC DEPARTMENT Do Not Lease Apartments L.J da "N/ish Miss "Marion Fielder Miss nosdav of the appointment of N B pulle 1 the cords and loosed the vei LT.ura Fiple\ Miss Fth 1 Law Miss stew art i former Ceor^rian and a around the statue Pi ofessoi A "W Recognizing music as a valuable element in a liberal iarah Buir Miss Julia Hardw ick Mrs graduate of the Lnl\ersity of Geor \ an Hoosc of Shorter college ac education, Washington Seminary, Atlanta, maintains Before Inspecting Dan Mclntvre Jr Mrs Claude \\eller t, T- to the post of Americ tn Counsul ceptexl the monument in behalf of the and Mrs W A McCullougn nt Milan Jtalj famili in a beautiful eulogy of the life a first class conservatory of music—piano, voice, pipe- ATr Stewails first consular appoint of the dead hero Dr P F B Robert | ment was to Castellamare di Stahia son mayor of Gainesville accepted tn< organ, violin, theory and harmony. , following six ^ ears service In both the monument in behalf of the city SOCIAL ITEMS army and nai. y departments He then A full course in music is allowed to count as three wont to Cuba and ser\ed three years in the en^ineeriner department of the units of the sixteen units required for graduation m cit\ of Hasina In the > ear 1902 Mr CAPUDINE W m=am RP no!fln ami the literary courses, except hi the college preparatory The Is o Bl mltiEham ar« thi i'-'tew irt w is appointed provisional p MAT ha\ ng an- ved yei tieasur*r of the I hilliplne Islands g^o course Students are thus able to devote ample time \mg fr Jm there to Durham South V f Peach tree Street rU L \vhcie he ser\ed as American to their music, receive credit for it, and not forced to rons) } up t > the first of Vug-ust when and rl to his hotr |hr> was pri motet! to the Mll«in post AD take it simply as an extra Ponce de Leon Ave ' [Diirini., his stay 3n Durba-n Mr Stew HIC(KS*CAPU _ The music faculty for the coming year includes such Atlanta, Ga. n rt formed a lai ge and -warm circle of IN A LITTLE*WATE1 today for the influential friends who regretted very well known teachers as: Terrace ii u h to see him leave for his new jltilian post V cult ired sch lar read CURES < i d linsu st and a gentleman of Miss Marguerite Bartholomew, piano, harmony and European the old sch jol Mr Stewart has a large musical literature, Mrs. Mary Craft Ward, piano; Miss Plan I number of f rii nets in Georgia who -will i HEADACHE Hotel | rej lire to learn of his deser\ed pro ' COLDS AND GRIPP Eda Bartholomew, piano and pipe-organ; Miss Clemen- m jti n to the Important post of SOLD AT WELL-STOCKED DRUG STORES \mencan consul at Milan Italy tine Macgregor, piano; Miss Pearl Rivers, musical km A LUXLRIOL^ Residential Iransitnt Hotel affording dergarten; Mrs. L. D Scott, piano; Miss Mary W. Love- the excki'ineness jf a Private rlome Marfha Tacob Mr= ^ W ^ 01 lace,' voice; Alexander von Skibinsky, violin. LFXSLS nou being- made from September I with imme TENTS For illustrated catalogue address L D & E B ECZE1 LOOKED AIMD diate possession Suites from one to eighteen rooms, tur Scott, Principals, 1374 Peachfcree Road, or phone Ivy nished or unfurnished and inj number of baths M -w TPnnlf D Tlarr =t anrl Mi«t Mnrv Hole' Moodv re raed v^lerfla Torn Toxn^ay AWNINGS 5672-J. MFL\II H in the best Residential District bevond dis Mr and Mr« Ijff Ash rnTt annn nca th ' t AWFULi FACE b rth o' B la Kh *-r -wfin has been ian f turbanccs of cit\ traffic and smoke and only a iov minutes t, eanor ^ ilev for hor paternal (?rand nothor SESSION OPENS SEPT. 11, 1913 from the shopping district and cltpots. »•• * Started with Watery Pimples. n is the Cnest of day-i Itched and Burned Badty. Awful TRA\SIF\T Rite- Roomb with u-^e ot bath trom $i 50 Sore. Used Cuticura Soap- and Rooms i\ith bath trom S- oo B^ C Peters will rotm-n r-Idav from Ointment. Boy Now Well. S l \l R\TF to I ^ Vrmv Ohicers and their Tid Mri W R fii^rf hTvc tn ^n an K F D 3So 2 Fredericks Hall Va — Prompt Service nd Elevei Ti e re«t-< T c> tnovM Monday 1 MARIST COLLEGE *»* My little son was -very bad off with the eczema on his face Ifc started with watery ATLANTA TENT A. rr\\ Iaie.e i loin- with f ith toi huhelors Club Dr anrj Mrs Hugh K Walker and familv Day School for Boys will move o t1i«l- home In Pearhtrea Clrqje pimples and ib itched and AND AWNING CO. breakfasts \ iU t opt^mber 1 burned so badly that h» 1T4 Marietta St. Main 3724 wanted, to scratch It all tha Opens 12th session September 8th A.LTO Bus meets pnnupal 11 n- time and he made an awful return«tf from i vlelt to Clrfenltrfpr WTi IP Sixth, seventh, eighth grades, four years Sulphur Springs and other resorts of W PSI "Vir sore on his face I would sic and hold his bands a lot of high school. A. Careful Selected Patronage the time to keep him from. EDUCATIONAL MTB TiM I* w Rht aflo- L etay "f two month* scratching It He dldn t sleep Literary, Commercial, Science Depart- GOLF at Lalie Torsway Is at 1 any scarcely The eczema ments. Mr Albert D Thomson and \Uus looked awful while on his face PEABODY Thomson -tiave et i*Tle Mfs1* ment are most successful In the treatment fir (be leading- oUei*«s ment of college life Dr John M T Ftnney president Board of TTOB- Nose Guards, all makes of merit MIQnon Mi-Carly of affections of the skin, scalp, hair and bands theyareaIsomos&valtiabJof,orevery- tnes. PRANK W PINE Hcaamaater means efficient Opera and Field Glasses of high power Mrs Fueiare A ^ix^ lia« ret ir^ed from preparation for a Lorgnettes gold and silver Galnea\ Ule -wh^ro *"hc has hfen the gueat of day use in the toilet, bath and nursery, be- ~Vra L C Sanders for several weeks cause thny promote and maintain the health lucrative position. Graduates have never failed to pass State Oculist's Prescriptions always correct • »* of the skin and hair from Infancy to oge. examination. Send for catalog to Dean S. C. B«m£et, U. D , Atfaxni. Ga Eyeglass Cases, gold and silver Mir." Fmma Kat« Amorous IR ill at 't Joeepl e CuticuraSoap (25c ) and Cuticura Ointment Auto Gogqles, best makes only Inflnnarj (5Qc )areaoldeverywhere Liberal sample of Malt Orders returned same day M!«! T (Ml* May tirlma Of Griffin. Is ttio each mailed free with 32 p Skin Book Ad- guest Of Mips L*oulse Ga> dress post-card* Cuticura Dept T,Boston" Corner S Pryor and Hunter Sra. Atlanta, Ga WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL COMPANY, .W-Mea who shave and shampoo with Cu-* MONTHLY FOR TUITION 85 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga tloura Soap will flnd It best for akm and scalp. Class rooms equipped with every P»E:^^O^CK-F-I_E:ET- FME: The SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY OP modern convenience Offers trained and experienced cnrl»t! an men to direct tbe work of their students at MiUSrc opens September 2 at 353 ;$io tbe critical period ot their development IS ew modem steam heated brick Bchftglhouae on INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Riv<-n hy tbe Peachtree St Apply at once for choice proprietor* in person Catalogue Free. Fourteenth street, between the Fcachtree* Individual instruction In small classes Dal y of teachers — (adv > physical work In gymnasium under a <*ir ector Fifth sixUi seventh and eighth gr»Je work anfl four yeara o( lilgh school Fa. 11 term begins September 8 Professor 3 H Peacock will t&ItQ a limited number of b oorders Into his home For catalogue, addrass KODAKS School 41 West Fourte«atll street FSo n« Ivy 6434 J d elve yoo perfect results and QuloH Leper Again Escapes Ttt* Butt FlnUfrlni «nfl Ealkrg Southern University oiMnsic Mall u» nosaflve for free sample print. Int Tt-at Can B* "roduoed Enlargements made and colored. pictures framed. St Louis Me* August 27—Geoi ge A 6£RA8D~THi£RS, KVXT MUElltft DJredorj Chemical* Cameras 93.OO to 989.00. Hartman the leper who recently was Oock uaatAir nicpUea. tiulu 353 Peachtree fat Atlanta, Ga, isolated at the quarantine camp 14 31*11 wnlce for out-ot town roatotaer*. Krcah film* t» fit a»y camera-—guarantee* Send for Catalog; and Price t.i*t Eminent Faculty Diploma and Cer- to stick <»r oatoh. Write for catalogua. Qutck T»aU miles south of the city escaped todaj Academy of the Immaculate Concepton tificate courses. Dormitories Write for MB Wubincton Street. Atlanta. Ga. order Berrio«. B- BL CONBi. Ine, -A Good This was his second escape since he KODX- catalog Stare"——A tl•nin- DEPT Boarding *nd D«r school condoctod or tbe Statma ot Memr 37ie conrso Is Otoroxucli was first taJten to the quarantine 14 ^ViatehmU Sfc» Atlmnta. G«, Telephones bracln. *I1 tuo brancht* for c «plla u4 reanea education. Th. xftool c*mp lees than three weeks ago. Office, Ivy 6490. Dormitory. Ivy ber », IMSi For

WSP4PF-R! not only %von a %•!! Came tor Atlanta yesterday, bat be EDITED BY won two of tb«- field event* sod broke record. Tommy Long Sets Run-Getting Record Dick femison Long's Homer Turns the Tide; BREAKS RECORD Long, Nixon and Manush WI'NEILBENEFIT WHIFFS "Rabbit" Sets a Run Record; Win Field Day Events

Bisland Has a Great Day The Orackers made a clean sweep his home run is a safe bet that ATI.AXTA in rapfdly closing- in on of the field day events with the Tur- would have shown 13 seconds flat. Birmingham in the race for the larg- tles at Ponce de Leon yesterday aft- Manush wais first in fungoe hitting pro^^^Q nf est attendance dpu ring- the spason. The with Manage r Bernhard, of the Mem-] -trOCeeQS Or By Dick J*-ml»on. [Tilled with unusual plays whicft kept | ernoon. Tommy Ix>nw and Frank. Man- attendance during the present home 1 phis club second. There were four Wednesday, August 27, will sro dowi i the fans guessing. usli winning two events each and Al other competitors. Meet Will Be Sent to Me-- Htay has been splendid and the locala 1 Xixon .the other. in the record aa "Tommy l^ong day The box Prank entered the eack race at the are hut a few hundred behind the H'HAII a -. h. po. a. MOB. h. po K. Tommy captured the 100-yard dash last moment and walked awav with It. Barons now. A little con-certed effort at Ponce de Leon park. The fleet littl Mar.-an.2b 0131 Stock. sa and circling1 the bases. Alan us h won Nixon, Love and Welchonce fell to Neil's Mother in Scot- will put Atlanta in th« front rank •eft fielder _ild so many thl O O 1 0 6 1 3 0 the ground. Kissinger and 1 1 0 Ii the fung-oe hitting and the 50-yard : only otherg to finish. t where she bolotiKs. ye t«.|-day that we will have to dwell a 1111 were the land. ;• h •t 0 1 1 0 uk-t.lb 4 2 2 1O O sack race and Nixon won the long- In the' 1long distance throwing Nixon.J ff-w minutes on his achievements. M'BHde.lf 4 O 1 4, O 230 distance throwing. from deeep center field, threw thirty I Johnny \V an. M'Gil'y.rb .10O12-1 3 J .' Long won the 100-yard dash from It was his h _> 6 Clarlt.K 170 x, T ,'? ow niRrht will be "Jock Me- Clifton. Smith,'Nixon, Baerwaid and Schweitzer. Bern hard and I*ove were the other batnr- Inning, a mighty smash over Schwpit- 40011 Miner.rf 120 They finished in that order. Wallop contestants. i^eil ,\ig-ht" att he local motordrome. JOHNNY I>OBIJS was mis Hards' 30110 Campb'l.p O O 2 day at Ponce de J-.*>un i the Hllli- z.-r's head, with Joe Agler on base, surprised even his fellow players by Manxish won $5 and a Pair of silk Ail the proceeds of the races will ff* 1 0 O O 0 to dead rider's mother who Is in Scot-- kenis iind the Cracker: pla\ fd their that bro'iKht ^home a 6 to 5 victory for his burst of speed in this event. shirts gHen by Farks-Chambers-Hard- n. Johnny, it- In circling the bases, Tommy did wirk company. Long won a pair of final game of th»-: seas' Lhi- Crackers over the Turtles. The Totals. y-J i r^2G 10 Total*. 3j !> 13 27 The riders have 'donated theiV ser-i is lea rn*jd, was in >>t. I-^u'.s making x-Hatted tor Hardgrove in ninth. it in 11 seconds flat. Hut he lost shoes given by Byck Brothers and a m«t playw clout went several feet beyond the en••• Not Worth While, i!liK rwr>rd. e.stabHsheltM no I b'- vv-- ilfci hy run smash. (unassisted); bases on balls, off Camp- Clayton Perry Set Record The feature event of the night will series it might be won h t in*. T..-Ti-T.y showed hip heels to all con- bell i: struck out. by Hardgrove l bv be a spec! il match race between Tex what ran the Cra'•k.-*rs ica t'Stants in the 100-yard dash, and went Campbell 1; wild pitch, Hardgrove Richards of his famous Indian No. inj>- Savannah ? Th-n th.' nr-Hji,,) me bases like a streak in the Time, 1:43. Umpires, Ke-rin and Hart. 23. and Morty Graves on his fleet Excelsior machine. l rourn'o them goes with"'; t saying, ci rcling- the bases event. For Consecutive Hitting Southern leasu« t wi i-lf i hn hern :i There Is considerable rivalry -be- to ohtM-K th^- heavy a r till -ry of Tommy I.ons'n nay. Lookouts 5, Billikens 5. tween tho riders and the local agents lotalg except in n n • • £ a m w All a great uaj for thp ''hattanooga. Tenn., August 117.— of the two machines. The riders have ly, How ci.ulit .» .-;ili> 1«'. little •ft fi . and he deserves Manning lost control in the ninth to- Wallop Smith's record of conseou- in 5 times up and duplicated his stunt bet $50 and who ever wins will don- be* expected to. Then, J"» e\>-rv bit of praise that an enthusias- day after Montgomery had apparent- tlve hits has been broken. Clayton Wednesday. ate H to the fund that will be sent ' burs of bf>th loams nr<* nn: ly won the game. 5 to 2. With two Perry, of Nashville, has run the total In the last eleven times up Perry to Mrs. -McNeil. The same a>pplies to ts- fan public can Rive him. We for- the local agents of the two machines. to their h o m t> s a, n rt t h - - y ^out. a base on balls and two hits up to eleven. has made 11 hits, tallied 6 runs driv- like a lot of woc»d*'n m*• n if g^n to mf tit Jon; >Io also contributed An attractive progrram has been ar* filled the bases. Manning forced in In the g-ame with New Orleans Mon- en in seven and stolen four bases. a jrrea.1 catch in the pinch. two rung after which C. Brown went This is the Southern 'league record ranged for the" evening. Tickets for | day Clayton eot a hit the last time the benefit will sell at 50 cents and Another Serlem. Kllmtt I lent started Tor the Crack- in and hia wild pitch, allowed the tv-- as far as we have been able to ascer- ers. His teammates not Tiim a three- ! up. ' tain a/fter a close scrutiny of the can be purchased at the usual places. ing run to score. Brown fanned Hero ig the progrram: run lead, and it was won. He had the Turtles eating out I'M field called the same on account of darkness. (1 mile heatn, 2 mile final*. 2.1 ton, Tfxas, l.--ag";f t.-am. Th-- of his hand. But nt the start of the for first, in for aecond nnd iO for are practically *-erta.ln nf win fifth Inn)UK. he bfca/me suddenly ill. •Manager l^obbs punched the umpire tblrrl.) Pennant in their reHptM-tl ve in the lirst inning in an argument A catch H.ppeiired in hls> If ft side and over a decision at third, and w as First heat: Swartz, Graves, Lewis and the business m-ri of th.- f he could not raise his arms above his and Glenn. are subscribing nmmmts to rt** put out of the park. RUCHE AND WELSH Second heat: L.uther, Richards, ht-ad to make his delivery. expenses of th*: scrips. Th- Lockner and Ren el. Joe Cnnzplman was put in cold. Joe box THAT. M (TNT al TOMMY LONG. SPKX'IAIj MATCH. was wild, a couple of boots and a cou- •41111 M'O'w'I.cf (Best two out of three 1. 2 and 3 mile ple of hits putting the Turtles in the a l i) -2 :\ Crackers' left fielder, who scored heats for a side bet of ?TH>.» 101st run yrsterd-av. establishing UP ARTICLES JIM C.VFKN Kl . f the K-ad with only one «one. -i 0 2 10 3 First heat (1 mile): Graves vs. riot ;L< 'L tn I' Slim Love was shot to the rescue, 51^21 4034 U new record for the league. Richards. 4 (» 0 2 0 c.l.rf 4 O 1 Final: Southern championships. he askc d him and Slim en me through In fine shape,. 4 I) 1 2 0 Vancouver. B. C.. August 27.—Ar- born questions Madison's right h. did not I a k - •A trip 11*1 got better as he went along, anrl .'. 0 0 K> 1 ticles for the world's lightweight th.3 amateur baseball title of the SWEEPSTAKES. tr) y ,t hnw f, 7> I 2 ] 1 championship (bout here between Wil- state of Georgia. The following- let- (French point system. IO for first* A •rforme-d. wh'-n Tommy poled his hrnne, cinch I ny ter sneaks for itself: for seeond, 3 for thlrdi Heats 2. 4 i>f his umpi i'"s 3 «i o o a 4 0 o o i lie Ritchie and Freddie Welsh Sep- Miami that is pa . i»C your thi- battle, he b rt-f zed along to the 01 ooo Sporting- Kditor, The Atlanta Consti- nnd 6 mile*.) the way (j;iff ii' put IT. o 0 o o n SOUTH ATLANTIC tember 20 were signed today. For- tution: Xewborn's title to the amateur First heat: Two miles. Lockner. that some Sou! Another R Inland Day. feits will be postal tomorrow. Jim championship of Georgia appears to Renel, Swartz, Luther, Lewis and would hand tli> 87 5 8 3O 11 41 > 33 30 12 Griffin, of San Francisco, probably will kc as good as Madison's. Newborn Glenn. II i s 1 n n d had mm t h P r one of his t-IU, f-T Sommcre has played 33 games this season, won Second heat (2 miles); Special match Kavannugh. Tin De Indians 5, Peaches 1. ibe referee. •ii mplrrs i ii the grtsit days, and they are pelting *° - Score by innings. R. 2:1, tied 2 and Jost 8. Newborn does race. art in th* a n-gu'.ai- im-idont of the ball garne at Savannah, ("la., August U7,—Taylor not boast of beating Sociajl Circle Second heat (4 miles): Sweepstakes. Chattanooga ..000 002 003 0—5 Third heat <3 mi-lee): Special match .lump. Th R'f Totu-e, d,> I.p.m these days. Thi3 feltww Montgomery . .200 001 101 0 — 5 outpitr-hed Ad.tins in the, first of a and Oxford, who do not claim to have poorest in tii U; th . Viest shortstop in the league in a hall team, but have defeated the race. ( Summary—Krrors King 1. Coyle 1, sc h i-*l u ] f-d d o u b 1 e - h e a d f r .between M a - Third heat (6 miles): Sweepstakes. ever\ di-part men t, and, in our humble Cra.fr 1. .Sommers Jantzen 1 ; two- con and Savnnnah today, hut was poor- CLOSING DATES strongest amateur teams in the state. The Chalme Trophy. opt n mn, is the iH'st man ixt the posi- base hit. Coylo, - - le- n bases., Wart-R 1!_,, Iv supported and the vi si tors lost, 5 to Newborn has played Lithonia, D&catur, Rast Point. Sparta. Jackson, MeDon- tion that has ever been In the league. Knaupp 2, Sloan; sacrifice hits, GraffGraff,, j ]. The ^c.-ond game was called off o-n IN ALL LEAGUES JO 15 JA*'KSON. •e ,N;ip-s. ami ougli. Fort McPberson, Monticello, Hiz7.y Sot four olean drives safely in AVares. Oribbens; hits off Manning, S* -u-coiint of d-irkness Madison and others. It is true New- ! th. fhillK-s. arc s in 8 2-3 innings, 4 runs; off Som- i ' ' four trip to the pan. They were hit born lost 4 out of 6 to Madison, two j d mers. IT, In 9 Innlngrs, 6 runs; bases I Score by innings R.H.I,. Here are the season's closing dates SPENCER WISHART Maron 00 ! l of these being- lost by Newljorn's pitch- ! thf iphii'H this fall as r i c ii t over tho second sac- k, where no on halls, off Sommers 1, off Manning' °°° ° ° °— -t)i) O.'lx—5 o t) for all the baseball leagues through- i-r in the first of the game, so as to ni'-n to thei r club nne iMniLd possibly ^ct Oh^m. He made 5, off C. Brown 1; struck; out, by out the United States: in the two majors. What nlmut \Vtil- several n;i^ plays in the'field, handling make it impossible for the team to Sommers 4, by Mnnninp 2, by'C. Urown *H—Tayk r mid Herder; Adams American association, September 29. reduce it. Why this blow came twice t »• i- .1 oh nsori? Take him H.WH> frurn ten o 11 a n c e s cleanly. 2: hit hv pitched ball, by Sommers I and G •1. Time. 1 :40. Umpire, L,eary. , October 5. Washington and that club would !.•» in succession the management is at a. The I'rni-kers hud three men to throw < Jantzen>; wild pitches. So mm era, C. Appalachian league, September 1. loss to know. Newborn defeated I-at III nis St. Louis Cor the .'f I la r posi- out at the plate during the pr«jrih. or Brown.. Time, 2:20. Umpires, Pi field Canadian league, September 1. Kast Point 3 out of 3, and they, too, and Wright. , September 1. Wnshlnmun than any other »>ne man tho score would not have been as close Scouts 2, Foxes 1. are claiming the amateur champion- Elgin. 111.. August 27.—All previous . "Kastern association, September 7, ship. The Newborn team challenges j practice records for the Klgin Auto is to any other ono team in either bt& as It was. The Turtles had one man >nvil!o. I'la,.. A u^ ust 27. — Bur- , September 1-1. ** five Innings Madison to another series of three mobil•mi e "speedway were smashed during U-MRUO. Vols 17. Pels 4. after pitclnnp Kitty league, September 1. game? and believe if the challenge is the tuning up for Friday and Satur- \ The Crackers prahbed the load In the y. wt-nt back Int tho box for International league, September 21. I at.reptea.' the tale will be told little da>y's races today when Spencer Wis- ; Nashville, TP nn., August 27. — Nash- -•I Ho this aft on anil, aid- . September 1. 1 different •\aturnl Hitter. first inning. Agl^r pcooprcer was clocked, on two < the dirt I o 111 o m i dd 1 o meadow f o r a ut if (if f ii- Id ins,, hf.-h he Vat f anal league, October 5. Newborn, Ga., Aucrust 25, 1913. successive laps at 6:46 for the eierht - erg for twenty hits, winning the third to a l,u -cl cTeatc d the Co- Nebraska State league, September S. 1) \VR ROHKKTMtN. iho Mobile cushion. I^OHH,- sont him to third with! straight game of the series, 17 to 4. and a fraction miles speedway. This , t Hi UK' big outt'u-M.-r. must h>- a lumbi by th .. of 2 to 1. Xew .Brunswick State league, Sep- gave him an average speed of 78 ; a doM bio to right, and "\Vallop poled I Beck pitched good ball for the locals. ho pitch for the visi- tember f-. a tn ;I!P to the "bull." scoring both. ! Perry led the batters with five hits, miles per hour. ' Mds th; n h«- tors. tivirl'-d ft J3. but tho Jark- Nmv Kngland league, September 1,1. Colored Auto Drivers Bisland sent \Va-llo-p home with a ciee,n i making ten consecutive hits for him Fonvillf playe ruLged to 'b'UiTich Vew York-New Jersey league, Sep- .••a! lot Pavo has not j in two games, probably a record for U hit single. their hits on him. The feature of the tember. Will Hold Race Meet Crackers' Daily Hitting. ] at t tho Southern league. In the last two New York State league, Septem- all kinds of htui piu-hmg 1U i'ith Oent I-envea Game. pame was a perfect pe«- from deep games Perry has not only made ten •center to .the plate by Pownall. ber 15. These figure* tnclud* Wednesday's game Vitn *» r>op- up I'.-snlt. U'h.-u i (hat Dent was waltzing through the Tur- hits, but has driven in six runs, scored At S-peedway Monday \ hits At- Score liy innings: R.. H. E. North Carolina league, September 3. ISPS this slump wht-n he five himself and stolen four bases. Northern league, September 1. play* n t n. w i- do n " t know, but he dim't tles like taking c-indy from a baby. •foUimbu? . . . 000 010 000 — 1 6 0 l Wei c ho ok a« «rm -il at the plat.? • cally as Scihweitzer, the first man up in the j Tl- Jacksonvillp . . 010 000 lOx — 2 4 2 Northwestern league, September 28. N'lxon NAJiH. po. J Ohio State league, September 21. I plKV,.r-. might fifth, singled, liont had to retire and Batt^rfVs; Mr-.-Tormifk and Thomp- The Colored T-abor Day association 3 1 Pacific Coast league, October 2fi. t h t> lof.il 11 f ill n-'is «orn !' K i nn O o n z e 1 in a n, who had no time to TV a r-m 4 0 1 4 0 | lias arranged an automobile race meet 4R5 155 1 40025 son ; liuririei^tt-r and Krebs. Time, South Atlantic league, September 1. inx on him. K.vcry time h* h;is 1.20. 1'mpires. Moran and Fender. at the local speedway for the week 4Ofi 126 up. was yf [it in. I Sprat t.Jtb Southern league, September 7. I ir grinning Monday, which is Labor 131 448 334 11' r e 11; i v i - h n,B swung at 11.1 d ball He walked Abstein. Shanley shot \ Hofm'n.lb Southern Michigan league, Septem- 38 373 51 h;i*l ha'J — :ind misHOil. In other day. for the benefit of Big Bethel one through Holland for two cushions, church. . Aglci 133 1.12 r i olds lu- has b-.Mi hi 11 UL- t h" sa ITU- ;; i i 2 o Babies 1, Gulls 0; HVxas league, September 7. Ho and . 31 . 27 US n, I :jf bJ Ila nv-pr thr- t't-nr.-. \V hut's scoring Schweitzer. Ivong made a 4 0 t R 5 The entrants in the races are all 18 gren t catch on Sn ell's fly. <^onzclrnan Three-! league, September 7. chauffeurs for local business men and Dent . . nswer ? "We pass it up. ;{ o o 2 o Smith, f Gulls 5, Babies 1 Tri-State league, September 3. Ma:iurth . . 64 1B7 25 46 walked Ilarreil, filling the bases. 20011 Ijinrtsay.ee .11144 that several fast races will be run is Price . . 38 91 S 1 0 O 0 1 Bech.p Charlcsf on. S. C. August L'7. — Albany I'll ion AssooiafJon, September 17. certain. 30 Love hit to Aglor, who thrt-w to the . Virginia State league, September 13. Thompson I 0 0 O 0 and Cliarl.-st.-ii divi-ii-f! a double-header Bill Jones will drive a Cole 30; Jes- 73 214 40 plate. Abstein knocked Dunn over, t'he h.-rp t od LI y. t hi- visi tors winning the \VeHlprn Canada league, August 30. sie Jiunkler will drive a Stearns. Jes- Toniclman 18 51 • R ball rolling from Joe's hands, nnd ! Tlotals first ^ramt-, which w;is a pitclif-rs' b;»t- Western league, October G. SI 4 (I 24 20 I .If* 17 0 2T 14 1 sie Hawkins will drive a National. 12 0 Mo-i'il." i:«H>. Shanlt'y. who kept corning, also scored, j Batted for Pcddy In fle. ,'L/nf next to tfic fastest p:;i me pJav<-«l ^Vesurn Tri-State league, Septem- Harry .Terrell will drive a. Marrnon and is nf hard lu.-fc Hnrrell cminted on Mcrrltt's single to jI Score by Inningrs. R. in tin- S.iliy, one hour and otsht min- other entries that will be announced was lost for f utes. by the score nf l to n. Morn/w \Visconsrin-IlHnois league, Septem- later. fop a while. right. llaerwalj hit to short and ij Xt-w Orleans . . 000 000 103— 4 was a cinrii for t !u- locals in the sec- ber 7. . . . 42fi 122 00' Those drivers were -on the speedway ' now \V, Tto,i ~> v e \v as s n u f f ^ d at the pla Sli i Xashville ..-_... on-d ^atTie, wht*-h went st-vtri Innings yea U-rd ay and averag-ed 75 mJJes an the latt-Kt hiuw jvo pitching at this stage i Nummary—Krrors, Kyle 1, Glavenich by aKi-'-entonl. and the (lulls won, 5 to hour in "their tryouts. They expect to all- N.-ws ,-otm's- The Crackers tied it i their !I 1. Youns 1. Gibson 1; two-base hits, 1 . A n m --handed jumping catch by l exceed this in the races. ihat a b'ulldtui u< t h Long hit to Ward, who thr Perry, Oallahan, Beck, Kraft; double Colby of Kirby's lonjr fly in the first Costello, the only negro aviator in j plays, Kraft to Krwin to Adams to game was the chl*-£ ft-ature. !'ii] pennant that th o first, Rabbit goin; AMERICAN L.EAGUE the world, wil] make flights every day flv and tnre U to i 'Hendryx to Glavonich; basics of cr- KIItST GAME. during the week. Welchonce Kicked in with a single, r0rs. Nashville 2, New Orleans 2; left Ixini? countinp. Smith sacrificed Wei- on bases, Nashville 10, New Orleans Score by innint^.s: "R H. K i nee down. BlsTmid singled, "but 1 4; passed balls, Adams 2; Inning's Albany ...... 000 Onn 1.00 — 1 3 0 It Vuntoc was thrown out at the I pitched. by Glavonich 5, with 16 Ch.-irU-ston ...... ^00 000 000—0 4 ] Congratulations in Order; hits am1 16 r ns hfts on hjlll Katteri nd \\>lls: Foster plate. He hurt ttie calf of his left IOK ! , " i, f t n f* and Mem 1 :08. lTmpin , Barr. in trying to keep 8 from hurtln. Catcher j J^i^t ^y^dla^VnTch^J^y ?^^ I > OAMK. Gil Price Has Birthday; Snell, and harl t< L> l»>ave the- Ktnne. , _ Heok 2: wild pitchers, Giavenirh 2. ,, in ningw: R. "II. 1-3 ' EMPIRE STATE LEAGUE for25c ; won in the seventh. | Beck 2; hit batsman, by Peddy [ \i'i,.im ...... noi ono o~i 5 2 Is Twenty-Four Today sltT hit to Sha H-y. I-fe heal it to rirst j (Younfft. by Beck (Kraft); saf-rifice i ^li}l'..lt; ...... O'i:i 10! x — 3 II I I A very popular enape thet"U bem stjrteever ir o hit. ami vlu ihanlrv threw] hit?. Perry, Gibson; stolen base*.. ' ' \\AVCROSS S, BaiT^SWICK 2; 1 s- -Morrow ami Wells : Kirhy so long. Not too radical but a delightful badly to first he scconri Tom \ Hoffman. Younff. Perry 2-, Gib""" and M.- n ee. Timf. 1:1-. I'm pi re. Barr. f \VAVCIIOSS I, BRC'STSWICK 1 Congratulations are in order. Gfl- Time 2:20. Umpires, Breitenstein change (ram the more conservative chapes. my l

VSPAPERI jalesmee Who Sell the Goods May Be Quickly" Reached Thrbii! The Constltutioe Want Ad;

,*»- ^RAIJ.ROAJDJ CHEPULES_ « HELP WANTED —Femal e FOR SALE — Miscellaneous. MONEY TO LOAN ;; ; Ai rival and Oepar ture of Passenger ! INDEX TO WANT •f^^Vsr~TrA~ 3Frr~wT»mr m town botb. n LOANS-— $10 OOO or more at « per cent to lend "SAFES on store property. 1C you will apply el once -Trains Atlanta ^AVTJCD — O i&b r 1 refined experienced lady Iflo S^OO $1 OOO to ?-> OOO at S per cent on At The follow? Ing sci lectule figures OJa ATLANTA'S STRIDES ADVERTISEMENTS E- aran pi-d Ceo ge Lee 41 Auburn to ran furnished dining room la apartment BANKERS' SAFE AND anta real estat* \V e buy purchase money nova 4 la la 6->3 only best pationag* Will rent or arrange part oo Dunson and Caj 4O9 Eauitablo bids published only as in formation and are WE HAK1- switcnes Crotn combine rership wHii approved partj Address curran B VAULT CO. MONFY to 1 in on (niprov«d farme In Farb not guaranteed Mile Gallabvr F1J * Maron (,* t Sunday Aaotfon *>ale» IO « Miller an! Derail r counties a.I»o for bun J •Dally excep W YNTf-T) — doling ladv clerk in our strich ECa J NO 35 East Mitchell St Mam 2646 ng home;, to sell 1 a growing town Address Only vered promptly FROM DAY TO DAY' b 1> 1 tl a d er department must writ good hdnd H*n«J» i I OR * ! ^| ^ Main 34C BEST SAFE AND LOCK Real Saint* Box 1S3 BUkelv Ga inaJ Station. 3fl n a rt D a 0" J 129 South nr> f leaning i o Jn*oph May &. Sons 169 Atlanta Term Barter A Itfhnnfrp U 3 MONKY *OK ''ilxlKIt.IJ Pfc.OPL.B EXPERT IN THE SOUTH A menu C onndentlal Scott & Co No Arrive * rom No Depart To — 5 LM1MRE Fl^H M^ CA Cj TT Jeweli-% scraps of gold and • ^Vet-t P*t S lo am BiiMineHH Oppwrtiinltleii 1"> treet work or tompeteit hrlp of any kind call Bell oon. S^O Aus ell building ** jV~>O~ l~| pljittnum ot «Tcr\ d«s«.rip "4-1 U est P t 9 ^3 am to New Orleana 5 45 am Building- your borne by tion smallest quantities ae MORTGAGE UlANb !\ AN", AMOl NT ON DE IS Lolumbija 10 20 am 19 Columbus 6 *5 am S\I Ei,LAD1 In t ok and toy *tore N Box 3 F MT) FOR c«pte4 business confldentlal U Montgom y 0 10 am 7 Bppalntwoi ' i M^ Q ""fiR SIRABU PROPfc-RT. MiE L H ZURUNb Dlrerlon. <° W\e«0r "LpS 1 S t>G \R ULNL\P I \tol-H A.NCE AGbN \ _02 i9 New Orleans 2 OO pro. \1\RKET j" Columbus 4 Oo pm I \M \\ I \RK I I H "N OLD GOLD WORKS* 60fcMPIRf cL,II* t ANDL-fc-R BL.D(.T y 1 f.RFSH Fi^H lailv 41*, I" 37 New Orleans 5 20 pra the Atlanta real estate 1 nJ w. HI Vi* BLILDINC J 1 pi ins 01 Aaatell Julirfirtg Qjtnerr MortKBge Comparv Gout i bunding * J ( enfral of Oeoi-Kla Railway. I or Kent — \pnrtmeot* J* '* II 'i OU »a.ni Prst alo^* ho as* cleea"nine"call l*J for the year win he c u Miner. >-n 1 freight toda-v at tiie \ B & \ UONE'i to lend on Improved real efitate C C No \rr ve From 30R-» DOMESTICS. McGehee Jr 622 to 624 Empire Bulldlot N Depart To — Harris G Whttf> whr v, i^ < « t 1 treight depot on \\ est Hunter rhomasvllle ^ 6 _5 am baxannab - S 00 am president a month or s AX > v! 1 i e laokBotiviUt- (i 47 ara \lbaj> 8 00 am PER CENT LOAXS on Atlanta proparty J H Savannat „ _ sent man> of his view^ I ratifi a- street at 10 a m 3 an Ma un 12 30 pin HELP WANTED- WANTED House mail tl oiouehH rained for Albany e „ Ma on 4 00 pm din ng roum ttnd ho\ sew i k Must be well COTTON STENCILS FOR real estate loans fee \\ B amlth (^ Ja luioovllle .^ ,,„ Jn keou Hie 8 JO pm MOHES AND OPM recommended Oood w ifces and room JD place COTTON BRl SHt.3 Among minv if the ; i -^t < r s tn F irih National B ik building ««">" 6 i «„, SDIU) nah 9 35 pra t s rtnl*. ailn unilered w win l i th it f t --Ti ,„ rt ntinj; nacrin jo ^ B!1J t or It* n « — Offh e« 1 1 « M lie 11 4o pra lor J*«ui I>p««rlt«r-* »0 "• f The threp st 1 i nt, t "it ood piace for n N l RA l- H K W \NTI D—* . ot UOV>RNML.N r pos tlona otwn to women ITS WANTED— Money^ t r 1 un.ruf Nofl<^ IH 2 la a neTviprtp^r Soutli«rn Holiday, rnents v%hn.h is > P! p, I'i t < month Write 1m n iiaielj tor free list Fran* OLD HOSS S\LF of unclaimed H F an Inieat. you no e f r >ou on Brst lit Ip \\ nnd ei -* nt in J wt tutc Dtp W l> Rochester V T 'Premier Carrier of the houth " H, In \\ntit<«i — 1 finale IO * fi eight todai at the \ , B & A \\ lllo-vv street h\ I ( ^ 1 ^ ^' i, v. o 1 rf*t 1 d c\piT n t, 1 " \rrival en 1 Dojiartun. PaB&« iger Trains Atlonta. Ilorxo. A V,h. mon th List of positions troe freight depot on West Hunter Tl RMAN BL\< K ^ 4 \LHO1 N ^Th« foil w nK scacdul t fl^urett are published has been i lar*-cl v. t \ ' t "• ^ 1 ^ ! 1 nt A ! Ire^ },i ing aj, \.M rk i e a 1 j Ilot.fx 11 r k n losiii r Uopt _ P Rochester \ T Second I loor Fniplrc ar« not guaj-anteed of tlu B M Oi t il 1 -1 ' ^' f i. t, cKrapher are Co K itullon street at 10 a m No ArrJve From^ — Hou.^-hohi (.o I tlr » \\\N1M> A I.DOJ n Nt A 1 oi.ml 10 - ~~ ~\1L^NT\ S\FE CO" lo New York C 0(1 am H F West JX) i olumbus fi -0 am. 1 ! Jatk illle 3O am hp OTK* ( r t 10 HI i i i t h^ \\ \N 1 !• i Ciool ! it 1 ju bt. room on. lot \p REMODELING repainting a id repairing Vew o U t inclnnitl 5 4O ara pi K VIo eld f \< aid secondhand aafes 0 Madlsoi ave Main J_ tt Vuller 7 16 »m bouth Thirt\ ^ ] t i s 1 400 1 I- fahre\eport 6 M am 3 Blr bam / G 50 am l[ liot>»i-i M let A HU»oKnvenlenc«_s --u 1 \ J ' National Cash Registers 1" T croa 8 10 am 1. H chmond 6 55 am IN r»«>»nl 1» •> rs»J i S I 1 r 1] = P > V in in -t» Heflln S 10 am me< hinir il r*»fr -. ' i 1 i b v. nt, \ OL L \N \V IK $35 $^0 $60 $ ^ $IOO and uft. terms tuar 23 Kan City T 00 am ["iiblii S(( iu.fc.r ipln r-« lit Hill sch larsl IP n "h « 1 U li b « Stif>r ha 1 H. G HASTINGS & CO., Ib Bmnanlck. 7 45 am ers etc will h« ff» i t l t \tl int L THE NATIONAL ( A^IT REGISTER CO H Lhatta ]0 3o am _j Blr ham 11 A) am Prof* NMioii il ( ur«lM i'» - IKAJDES» t k e. J* Bt 11 an c* i * No o BO Vorth Br n<1 s,tr«et Seeds Uulbs and Poultij buppliea publU PRO* ESSIO^** AM> I L gat n to t v ">*Tml In njimt, for enrol 7 Macon 10 45 am 38 N«w York 11 01 am H Jill rim ie tor information Bog . f hnprany aee co«t ? .00 and s g ol as the dai 40 Charlotte 12 OO n n Renl 1 -.tat* for snU 11 7 ltd u tne u ber trade lit « aay j Hu. -^ H»K« -*M 1 urkle "t Atlanta 21 i-olumbus 10 5O if) G Macau 12 20 pm H left tha factor> Will 1 at a bargain t >r IF YOL live on the ionh r south side let That busln SB 1 i l m nt. (.allege* Com 6 Clnclnn»tl 11 10 »m 30 NTew York 2 45 pm ca*;ri or on t«rmh 1110 E N jrtl avenue Phone us ha\e your order b(.loi u clock or If rou fall will b hrKk is v It M h\ U ••* 1 1 u at 1 ditiur i our hai ol *>h pa e *0 Bir ham 12 40 pm 30 Columbus }2 SO pm « ^t \\ h pa more" Tho fi nd"; Ivy 6011 «rs 1 Jnmau Park or U at had gMe your order ma^-nti In w hu h b is s Pi( ^l J^ £O Columbue 1 40 pm la Chattan ga 3 00 pnr It* xordK — ^niiituer A \V tilt* r M ta s i np; sho •« or mak nt, g;ooo d wages At SIJTUA^O^SJA^ ipTS A T ~*^ ^HOI "S \L,F for y^Ttor «5" before - o lock antl thej wl 1 be delivered th* 80 Blr ham 2 30 pra 3& Dlr bam 4 10 pra irp at the pi f^V-nt titr ( I th pa-- itLhel street VTT\TT^^J jnb^^~^oT~!raC ITp^T"' V> V/JL1.-L.1 'urnnce and gratea als« terlll Bailie day wt re x;t>e them Please be-ir this in 89 ( harlotte 3 56 pm 18 Toocoa 4 30 pin 1 few da>s a 1 ir^f nun I o f w i T in se«-d A, I*«t stwik p «, i ta *n K apher onaiderable X 5 Macon 4 UQ pm 22 Columtus B 10 pm pc 1 w ! \t pr*"- nt in i ^B"at AtlantB ^^1 AlKnta Na !ona Sank Bide ST V** York 0 00 deeds lodn Iff fib et h i r- _ 10 Situation* U anted—Mnlc I\ WF H \\ T g" t«« In our tirst importation of Pm 6 Cincinnati a 30 pm \OL CAN \\ IN aai 1 k a J t nek i er Ca i furni^l, A -o bulba a I th«j are the lirgeet and best •»« lo Brunswick 7 50 pm 28 Ft Valley 5 20 pm i ei 01 d 1 ikexv ise then h i^ 1 * < m t ' Siiunlloiis \Vnnte 11 cfs E C WUIIngha-n -, Son-! 4 ^Vhi * i ! [roin the best growers It lo line now tt> plant 16 Chtm ga 9 35 Dm 44 Wash ton 8 43 pm StrPet lUColumr,™ W 20 ?m 24 Jack Tllle 9 3O pm The prospert f K ^rri t t rt or luxUnhs 10 .3 J4 j I uck *• 1 aye W h ie Nur l«sue V* hlu- R di H>ac[nt..is i i local hits t I Mir n i >m 1 U d ! a an 1 a live never 1 fl el FORM LFTTER*5 n IttgrinheS prompt and neat and Freealaa If von plant bulba get your stock 81 Ft Valler 800pm 11 Shreveport 11 OO pm T 1 14 (. inclnnnti 11 Oo pm 14 Jack viHe 11 lOpra Is lending i c s\ i t U I Hijf it f« « f r h g fi ac op; o tun tj t trom Htiat ng* and hn>w j ou ar geUH i, the beat \\ d — H iin.-Ko mM All trains run daily entral tlma trade great d b on j r =1 naole figures Aid es^ THE BFbl autl o ill a u poultiy a *l s claim n u k«*t in 1 w h t t li Tii t t st 1(1 "EAGLE^MULTIGRAPHING co City Ticket Offlc.- \ 1 Pea entree St. s,< Mmi l i ^ ie tuu i n that h n«* should b« fed ven IHile on during 3 fall set n tl rf sV o i! i h if, 1 r Bell 'phon« Main Ilo8 S North I^or yth at \\ nii<« erial ho «i* w tl c an^e for t>roino ion Vddretis !• Gt>T pr \\ <• hu\e bought one bundred bushels ol The following s<^hedule figures ara I he Bert \ ol f H i h is t i n nd oo this week Telephone M 2SsO W t. Tkrynlam [ID'I II> t U ejtlra flni. at cl and aa lon^ ae it lasts %* Will published only as : nformatlon and are en ft m Jihn W ff n it f i I rt* WANTED — Barbers to Wnow we carry full ltn» sell II at SI Ai per busliel You bad better one« to t BO>KKI1)J KR eiperU iced competent and re fl-itureo and auppliea [n Stock In Atlanta "Wrtta not guaranteed foi $ )0 ) on a pie * of p f r em FUNERAL NOTICES get a big °E thJ** napaij X T-I for catalogue Matthews & Lively Atlanta "Dally exc MK M >i th Melt i \ tl ui n % * n it I l -l M s J to leara the Qa Ir 1OI. 1 \o a ar birds It will pav you to ••Sunda y Only ftet v. st of I i dn nt i n i r given for S 0 wit on u n al 1 L Uu\ 18 ca c (.nistuutlon ome to our stor*> and Bee the bea.uClful lot of "VJ T.TT"rr RUBBFR tiros t^-t on youi- baby S ar onK*. ers »e have they oertainly are little Union Passenger Station tt [*• >er Lcllege 'ol 1 HINT i \\ 11 pupi r eJ Job an! newv a per 1>I X!J VI naf repairs I repa t&d and recover beauties oni going a ?2 50 each Guaranteed to xt30 f ->< t fiUe\ f i H_ht t oa 1 an i r liable wai fl pot tl tn *d Ivy 307B Robort Ml c cli "> 1 ige\oo'l Atlanta, Btrmtn« bam and Vt Inn tic. urposes FIH--1 ! ASS ft, j D \ i !res^ L rtntcr ( a <, I i Hotel INJJFI IBLiE Linen Mftrking outfit far stutleti« Depart To — • mm a N d V la a ___ maflp on short notice po«tpalil oO SORr HF 4F> IH about the woret disease that C rdal Half Inter* *tt Sold ao hen c I kens ar* 1 elr lo It ehould be H Kt I 1 H \~M! I t now oil" a prot j Bennett Stamp i bt_at o -J S B~oad VI antR F ipe aid (jen a! t IifCorc! L s un a ilno at i i {«"» ter an ti e 1 n t long r ilian it takes to obU-ln a <* 30 am 7 10 pm Way r 3«s 7 dO am 8 00 pm a k-igf tl r nke a hi keo Pox Remedy which B unn Jck let t . tht \tl int i I v ci i ie n ..tan* K n P i I oil 1 <•<] i.red AJ STL WAR I & 1IU.N f \ [ l ur*. n short order svllle p in in PUUMUfc-R^ " 1 \<*T HT.VTFR bT 1 ullman Hl^eplng Int lent Rop^r f- I W CR POTS and ^auoep" all Blues arg on Bigot tra ns between cst in the il I M I >\ a i m>*. [PI- A.n «nplny«i at PRT-A f NT tlft- los o }ur lo hes Utf a D T! Atlanta and Thomasvl]!e l v, all i ut e posit n. b> ^cpietnb r Indelible eta nplng outfi Dx vil and Sin r \N\ni HIRD CACES nnd Bah globea v LI U tnd rottirir, ia a^ nan for nc n 1 i I i w o i tj i -r A Idr MS O B conslde ation not nil* j i 1 \lrn L. 1 AI Ot? or sin Railroad. tjr and Uul d*.r SAFKS Blea cabinet^ new and s«con 1 han 1 rt> U i to a Bdl Phon* Main SOTS Atlanta Phone o93 No Ar «o From etil \rides>n »K tht lis \\ \N n 1 Til i h tl oro ifthly competent Gookln Bank and OfB e Equ pment Company No Dep-irt TO — •i U !>*• N A t^R(, H — AND — BOB) 3 Augusta 6 25 am 4 Augx-eta 12 10 n t <-m r II WiU f ?• u 3 nn I «xi *• f 1 i k^t-p*- and genera of III 11^ North P yor street McUILLA-N BR«S SP ED COMPANT • Ccnlngton 7 oO a _ Augusta and „ iv H $- riOO n tf d i* Ma 1 Ul ot \ f> R h r SE.CONDHXND safes all sizes Some safes Jl THE VF\\ HI<-»H Qt ALIT^ Sb>fD STOUt, 9 J L n on Pt ^ ^0 ftir ty to hanJtf ai 1 frrrnre ^H P a *• •? «m -arc Constl ut m New York 7 SO am it X per rent in t^i ft Htld »i 1 fTi only pr pirai m up Hall s bank and burg ar proof eafee vaul FIBL.D AND TRtjCKFRS 1 Au£U£ta 1 "JO PIT •"6 Uthonla 10 30 am to a«_t tb an;1 1 vs ul*. n\ r» fl t, *•»!« i an s th rnanj years ct 1 doors C J Dan cl 4Hj Fourth Nat Bank b Is 12 ^outh Broad Street Atlanta G* "^5 L,l honla 10 prr 2.H Augue a 3 2S pm t n f I rrrui r* llor^jraffe Tr« hapol I<-rlcn No i ai 1 u -»r a o it an> epc B does not iiij tre i prcwtrv j FOR S1LE A fro n ban! 1 orsi boiler wl ANCORA GOAT — Male 1^ years old broken t 27 Nc^ "iofk and 94 tnlon pt 5 00 pm V in rtsriLsre fu ? 1 8 000 the Tib U O "0 \ 11 o n a i 1 j i ft/i ih*--.- H K ol mo cy n l App > stJ k (.omplf r 11 f 1 heip Tr i Jstoa harness bargain Ad Ireso X Y Z 44 car Auguata & 20 Sir •1O covinst^i 6 10 pm ern i It Inf i rnai \ ind Tr i i ffff ^ h 1 mak $iOJ i » 1 i h h* > to n- u n \d<3r a K B x S Ca 10 Hojst i c, nsttwtion for\urs& toSvin hv m[ret«"£ hookke*T»r ttn !«, ? > New *iork h a « hee roncplled ml ly 1 J flower seed also pet. ntccft J C McMillan Effefllvf. Mnv JS- Leave Arrive 1 ? fo t rtito > t lj a o t-o 6t tutio 5 Ilshlng Company mortpaffe fot thf ^ in f an lit t?i\ on \ & bRANOOi\~CO Jr leed Co 23 S Broad st < hi ago and No LHw&at \RC1 \Q\ N( M \N wi IB io« ! )n at nee a* tii a=slst ON Cln Innati LoulsUlle } B 10 pm 11 ^5aIn to the Gcorfcl t *- ' \ i^s R u k & Tr jst - Directors are now located 1 J, T. VT "alCNi, ilsninea bent qualltr FOR &\L,S— B«ruir ful ma a ro! [P one jear od T t 1 k p r dJ se era oft e vio k. 1 I\ r N L Kent =!U <^o nO"4 Pe chtroe s $1O Mrs Bot enBfld Phone De -ntur 2 I Cl icinnati and LouUvill B ~ 1_ am 9 50 pm t^mpin\ The pi ~>pe t\ s "1\1"0 ffc-t Kno\TiIle In Blu-e Kidg in their new home 24b 1\> street 1 ' IR ^ A I F A y 1 Ing o whnt or oil pos=ib e ~ 3 am 5 12 pm on L, ickie stre-f t e^st R if to ^ Ip •!.<• C Kn t\ Me la art r i lo 1 on 9 50 pm corner Bikt r Auto imnvilmce t Urn U >oi \\ \N n \ J h n si es -11 K 1 fT nil (or J obs \u 01 Ho «•* 1 Ufra u S Mtreet Kn i lie via artern 1 e 5 10 rn 11 53 am H r I ire < ii-* on H\\ II \\O HIN \ wb TP Mar^p llvn pattc ~n Murphy accommodation 1 4 GJ art 1O 50 am Dakota I arniM \uetion I oiUo A O & ROY DONE110O ( 1 S «* r 1 uool" IS"! <• 1 n PS ».,s 413 Spring "trfp FtDR S M/t — One car good western horses parti *i e al -il | H v re T w \ M «"•>" V B«^ 1 Thr 1 dwli P \nMo\ iSTPi \ w 11 b I \LixM.. P VHLOHfci r ONr tho~^an i va d« or Inlaid lino cum Jacobs broke ! to jram old R, \Vaifi« d &, ( o *.enl>oorcl *lr hold Chelr t tie of firms rh <; mi TI n-, 1 ^\ I ) f I n as hip ins; le li two >cara \ i 1 "11 De a ur *?t \] DC L n o i S H k ^ arde I 1T*» t »r Ai 0 t ftfaiietta k>t $ per i \prrlTt r- / Box 1 a *" tttutlon it 10 o flock at Oakoti 1 ne c^ in B Phone M 184" Ulanta 4H > ,- lal \d ir *>» FOR S \L,fc. at $ >0 «K> a good work mule Ipnl Nn Arrl t rom — Nn Depart To — t> Sixtj. choice faJ ms w H be s« »I ] l New, •. rK G 20 arr HRIrnngm 6 SO am 11 N f ik 6 *.0 an- vi) N AL-L, I 0"\\ SHOI S mi go t red - Stewi 11 Memphis 6 30 prn at the ea-^j rate of 1O pei cent ttsh SPRATLING IS DYKING SITUATIONS W'T'D — Female il \\ a = h ion 6 20 am B Vr» ^orR 12 50 pin and the halince in from o p t > fi v e Iflr $H lAUt f > \\h «» I f*c f j u na 1 11 r rt- o h 6 T) BT 30 Monroe 7 OO am ( n o^hlng D I' 10 pm yeais at a -nod i ate rite ot Interest Alournmp Black IN One D\"i b Ni tico work I tea"- t f i l j«jars tp rifnoe Addt es 1" \"il <• e ^ r S i am The lind about Dakota s t^efl In- (, Mpmp ^ 1 -i f )r i SF \|\( 1 n P ate fatnllj b> exptri 1 ?1 00 PR\C1IC\L MIL1J\ER\ 2 Blrminp m 12 lO pn- 23 Blrrr Ing m 4 I ) pra wide diversification of < r< pfe Pott n ins t-a 1 al 1 won A Cn 1 I > * 23 J ., B rminc m "5 05 pm AlI DYE AND CL-E\N1N WORKS SODA AND LUNCH Tb.ACHt.b full course mill Q n In IT week " Now "\ ork 4 % prr n make [ T corn and other st i_ple ptolicts thuve A « Ivy -34O AtlaiiUi D54 \V ANTI X\ d i-> to r!"an first olasi? work Bl SINt-Sb for sate at big BacriS«><> Most -fi\ Our rntea are lower for what we give you lian Memphis 5 05 pm •" No fnlk" 4 •> prr eKoeedinp:l> well there md U K i ing K r c1 \dl f* Mrs B US Wells Btre t tral location ve-rj cheap long Kaee nno any other reputable school Now Is th* Um« to IS \btc e -5 c 4 OO pm ™ an 1 dopn 11 t Porfsrno th 4 ' p n equipment 1\ 111 stll fo about half of orlR star so sou finish for fa 1 ^ as n In estlgat 12 New ^ Qrk 8 55 pm thought that there will be an unus 1 U of Met I B n ng m f- ^ p n I*1 Norfolk 8 '5 pm uall> IH.I gre cro-r, & pre-8-ent to b d ipon MUs Raltiwat r 4 'VVli mail Bt pa mcnr or ? 01) caal haJan f "«*• JnrcFLi ;ri Monro 8 00 prr 1 Port n th 81 pm Con,pai> Colun bu,» t Sl the f irms t>ffei ed Ola B, t. q i k fining i Goodroe Bui, n s Uruker<> \tlanta \rt Sdiool ^V^TS ( it^ i icU«-£ t)frict , *»H Peachtre« hi. 41 Pe er« b i Irttng Albert Ho lo ed <-n a ler SCHOOL" BOOKS DR \\MNG AVTJ P \INTlNt from 1 f<- and a-it a itf ATON,t II M F INTEREST IN 4N UP TO D VTP" taught In N<-» York Art School 10 1- ri- \\ <-!«t< rn nnd A tlnntlc Railroad. Hu0 i M Doisey Arthur Herman • pt n nf, foi t AND PROOHE 'SIVfc. A.D\ FRTISING BLSINE-jS b holm-ship V\rlt for ty-» k e S u Tpntn hour I No *r e From No Depart To — \Var n.t> Loifety Brev,-, «r l[ov\ell & Heyman 3 sel BOUGHT WF P V\ ash for all k ndfi of new second WITH UNLIMITF U PObblBILITll " I is OFf > RFD ed in institute Mrs Ada T Ral * Dlr our 1 Na-ih lie 10 am 04 hlc-ago 8 -00 am J2 000 — W H \au« n to P F Ja-rkron lot \tt.5int\s at Law \ I <• to ic op^v h I" t tiarirt and al >P worn books in good aalablB K)R S\LF TO LIVE OVb WH ) AN 1NVI-&T -~Hj-T>T 0 L.EARN millinery B *t trade t " n m" 1O 20 am 2 Nashville 8 35 am oa the west *1 le of b ineet eniu. "-i7 ct-t nlc^i are t i t 52 .»OO A THOROUGH INXFSTIt \TION TAIL.L JT N^i-h HP 11 4' am Offices 20.2 -04 20o 20b 207, 208 210 Home Bu dt s ) 3!i on uff 1 anywher In the slate Call at 12 Ntu-hvllle 4 5O pna emiCh of Simpson etr«>«t, "-i£K24O Au(,u;ft 28 \d\ Depf ruttnn O my CONVINt E lOL AJ>DRP jj** F BOK I CARE 1 Ni^h lie " 1 ) pm "2 Roma 5 15 Kiaer Uuilding' Atlanta da blore phone 1S2" M o nail l!=t for fall season Pays $60 to $1 Chi ago - 50 pm 4 "Jashvi le 8 50 pm Ideal b hool of Millinery 100^ W 1 itehall S «ore la land lot bO Seventeenth <*lst t Au Long Distance Telephone 30 3 30*4 1 Southein Book Concern H \\ F pioi>osltl • In autor oblle bi « le^s" mi gust 21 and 302o Atlanta Ga ANTED \\ \NTrD~^Pupll« lo Ipej-n Span sh Profetwo j^O —Estat e Of A P V C-iv^ (by admfnlstra LLE8MEN (C, \\ \N S) T A VTr* A T3O THAT int tor) to Fanny Harris la on th* Ma n 4MO Vtian a Partner K Box 151, care Conetitutt HOUSEHOLD GOODS Helen Manrtle lot o the Ktruth Id o( Cru 1 )4*f. I O Hn\ ______Btreet 21. " fe«t eO«t of \\a^tii (,tt>n 3t eel — o LB—Oood p "-.Ming and dry cleanihg bu HAMNG recently b>ui,h Belle Isle which 100 August 12 er »T~ke> -t Yale keys 2 or ^ to Sell ur offlc siKcIaltH SCHOOI BOOKS \\ VMED Na.tiuna.1 Furniture M r> close 515 OOO — South«Ti Morts«J!« comp«n to r R Wy= Ueturn to Fred elwlnr a ar> o Electilca.1 Spec altia WE Bn pel! t all Mali 7+5 and I*. M Morris lot at the- corner of L,M H aboard A.Jr L n« offjc* Peachtree Bt and ro _f_ ri-h TJ3 llbrarv tabl oak Lahugan IVY 5190. ATLANTA 3,598. ja.vanua and Oxjrdon streot ~n S2 800 — B W Ku llT»n to O C I^-wia lot O ron-ventlon by the Atlaji a St cl pped about 1.000 pounds EXm t obs A iction Con iani 51 D« ^^^ die w«r aide of Grant st e«t M Ie*rt north of DFRS of the Cagl* Mtt ing Oompanj ajit-e Barretts and Iiwporlnls lld hind f**t Wttte spot on back Georgia. B.T-OTTW 4«JttOl June 4 19O6 on l SOT i their nan e«i adareasea and statement iheet iron the-xs in nothing betu> In u SI 25O —Chnrl« § J Steverwali lo Dora as to number of Chares helcl OT r pr«"flented to the M DONALJ3 1-lILNITl.Rr CO Wfcttaker lot on th« weit side of f"i*-stnut LrOS T— Dlajnond out A idlting Comm ttoe 12 Pandlor building .10 W Mitchell s be> n 1 Ter nln LO AI represeTtativt, w ntod no ranvaBS Atla its Ga Your nterest demands Immediate fitr»«t, 134 f»H from Ceckwith Htrs «o It ifi requlr -d good incomo asi- irpri att ntlon ^ , OLD HObS S-VLE of unclaimed An g - 1 = Nationa.1 Oo Operatlvt Roaltj to C A I/pchurcb, lot v PACKARD TAXICABS 51 000— W C Powe t OtaT —On « bu^cJl of \Innl n bulldlivg Waal i glm P C ! \VT P -For casi ^a U freight toda\ at the A , & A th« south Pto^e of aie wr>o 1 avena^ 400 f and Klser bulldlug \tlanti S ipb Conpan ««at of Connatlj street *^7^ -\ KUH i I \ J =: Make big n i ey »fl In* mi P i nSon ulll -ill FOR RENT—TYPEWRITER S Freight depot on \\ tst Hunter J2000— Mrs Nellie r \\aie to Mr i L, c g letters tor st rca and oTflre', ^ Phones: Ivy 1000; Ivy 4051. r K»urmann lot on the east side of v, i< outfi fr wi h sr<- '«' o°*« forest Lcltei street at 10 a m •treet 2oO feet south if J*fl*r««oi uh C FOR SALE—Miscellaneous i MONTHS FOR $5 j* N D UP KMGHT RE\'T SERVICE WH2OO \usuflt S FcmrHAiT vn NT Se* Rebuilt Typewrite™ $^3 to $75 ^_O Fast To SOLID mahogan} 4 post Teister 52 VK) — P R G Clark to Forr^ R AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY Office lot on the southcist corner o* V» carrt 43 NTortn Prsor S Phone Main 2526 bed , perfect condition Address and Jonwbnro road -rfHlfiO \iii,u t 19 SF CND H \VP PRTMTINC MATERIAL Aragon Hotel Lobby achin la the S12 *O — Sarno to 3nm« ot on h -?-. FOR SALE CHEAP MOST i-ompf«te Hoe of r ABL^ BODIfc-D south all machinei first class conditio Rein furniture, P O Box 1015 «om«r of R-umby an-1 Lee atreet'i ~,>t36N PERSONAL ington Monarrhs an 1 Smith Prem er Brst papers price 2OC tal bo or ha o cost 5Oc rates from $1 67 to $3 00 per month per machine JSOO —Joh n P Shannon to Phn*nU Inv fu t Capital Ijpholstenng Co PERSOVAL NOTICE j j AddlU 11 HemiH ton Ijpewrlter Company compan-* lot 1W feet eitat of tr«* n r_hf lo hlng Quarter: H >FPICE 'urnlture a specialty all kind of it you tak« the lot lOc 5S NORTH BROAD ^RTTFT ner o' Flm -nreet and DM -1 n e one who \\ ill turnish the Af JO >«.»rs i tuft refln -htd packed and shipped on .f pay an-1 m a 14^ Soul1! Pryor Both phones address ot conttdtratc soldier ig ten gallej s up to three $! 2W Jahn D Vulflr 1 ; ip «,nd iLwhore bry lot on the nnr h -- III lt U S Ma I n MUSIC AND DANCING \\ ho ^er\ ed in J t Jac kson s fn tries co«t $8 50 aal* OLD HOSS S\LK of unclaimed B il Alia j DAN BUSINESS AND MAIL Lompan-v, o£ 1 illapoosa counl^, \KN Nt mefi h^iaing 1^ casea coat ! fl067 J freight toda\ at the V , B & A Continued on Page Twelve ! e S10 ORDER DIRECTORY •\labama vvill center a fa\or on a three-«QUirnn freight depot on \\ est Hunter l)a\id H \\inn \\ho str\cd in ' MONEY TO LOAN. street at 10 a rn > $10 that LGinpam , and \\i-.hcs to cor \V E F \Y h gh«it catJi pr res fc a i sale price J100 LOAISES $25.00 AND UP planoe and olflce fu niturc 1 Insertion lOc a line respond \\ uh membtrs of tins lol 1 3O full size u^ses A FLAN TA UPHOUSTfRING On Furniture. Pianos consignment Central Auction 296 UHITEHALf. MAIM 24T5, .1 Insertions do n line toni^anj Important \ddrcss D c Mitchell street Dell ph i «• Ms ALL. kinds of Turnlture repaired, upoolnered r*- T Insertions 5c a line [\^ \\ inn 1215 Summit A\ e , Coi • rial trill be solrt In lots to suit. or Indor ed Notes FOR SALE—Nice enttmellfd s beat Inlaid 'nHhi-d cuahlons made lor porch f oral tor* \\ A\ it D—50 bo\ s \\ith wheels A F RATIOS permitted by the laws at tile state llnoloum good $tiO steel cheap also OV.Q freight ARCHITECT No ad\ ertisement accepted for s.c^in t 1 cxns ( Lst pav Messenger stivicc Our eaty payment plan allows you to pay us gag raise new ijustintajifoi iieater Coma less than f« o lints count se\ en ~n TION bach lo ault jour Income \\o al^o protect you quick as miw>t be pold this wt 01f S Pryo ord na*"v words to each line 3 S L ors\th St __ pu! 1 i_Ity and J \COBS Avictlo: Co make ihe i_a vlng of a loan satisfactory lo you th« way ot ho use hotel goods. We pay th» Discontinuance of ad\ trtlslng lal nice well k pt nok drt Ing pan 30 ** « hiteha I ALT' Mt HI Li- fafgheat cash pr] es CaH AC! pbono 22S3 B*>11 must be In writing- It will not be ,e urtil oblU - Decatur St ina &. 7z.hn pn PUct accepted by pht ne This protects pi r ir 1 li at FOR BVRGAINS In furniture household goods \\D TITLE IX8VHA-\*Cll. 1 O II e your interests as> w ell aa ours age bu_ la_ GUAHAJSTTEE LOAN CO., or office fixtures call Atl. phone -2S5 Sell Hb A I r Tf naln 1434 Jaccba AU(,Uon^:o_ jl_D«-catur_ S_ Thli Is Jl« to be cured Room 318 Atlanta iMationai Bank Bell pnono Main 5420 ,21 PHONE M4-.I1* Write ] ed rates Dr Brown 312 bl lg TOR S\LE Bldg,, Bell Phone Main 440 DANDY oak si fie boa d $12 SO beautiful tmifet. build ng M $10 South ern Wreckage Co H4_ S, Forsyth at DI.IE PUINTS. SHOES HAL.F SOLSD SEWED >AVE 25 per cent bj buying your fu-nliu ( MAIL carriers wanted S6o to $10l> uaontli eiaml Ed Metthana & c. o 23 Cut Alaba-ni 50 CENTS aatioria com t£ Specimen question* free LORESTG SPRINGS MONEY TO LOAN w no = ^h e SIi p S M I 1 A GIFI E\ LEVY, money to lend on improved 1+T Sou h Prj Photic Main 1421 llil.iurd ontl Pocket 1<* 11 Jo vjt ha mur t w PXI RIf N~ h D la rvmJti must be g oi n Iker Box 909, New Orleans property, either straight or Pnone Main 1769 also ca 1 i hor 1 1 «di,ii I an 1 S L n CAST-OFF CLOTHING 1 0 9 ir tn il lint monthly plan. Also for pur- brick BILLI\RD AND FNP TII Nt. 1 D fT e 1 * 1 DROP a card •Ing cash for oh oca and s't Bong or \V.O. PEASE SSI ii 1 lingx I appcarauif ail nt Jl g nt •> 160 Decstur St. BILLIARD PARLORS HAVING bought the chase money notes. Foster ONfe. having .nd hand clothtn; Please BC3T equipped parlors in the SOTjTH Try « Semd Yoar Want Ad FOR" o >red SouOiern \ulomoM1« si uanl Uu i & Rob&un, 11 Edgewood Ave. Ireui N ttox T -a e Constitutor and bee Over MONTGOMfc-RY THEATER. •\ ^ V^iTARILM — Pr nlgbt classes corner Mat,nolia ST PEACHTRES 8T cared for "° ll buj Courteous operatois thoroughly Tattg Elevator op Slghthand Side vl I i r n a*it" I a or adop op b»n familial with iatt-s> rults and etas SPECIAL HOME M T M t h 1 2f WIi treet i —no sheet TO ( FND on Atla home or bustneaa prop BificatJons ^vil ^\e ><_u c mpltL,te crtj at lowest ra Monej advanced to build Intormation A.nd if >ou wish they ATLANTA PORTRAIT CO M D >N \LD ers \\rlte or call AUCTION SALES. v, ill a^toi&t % ^u In w ordin,., \ our 130 Ul UL^- S PF~"T no \\t 9x12 RLGS cleaned. $1 50 and up Ivy 347t- want ad to make it most efieetive Catilo^ue _ Ju-t B >o IS. W. CARSON OLD HObS b\LE of unclaimed Bell phone Main 5O27 We atoK. tha.t \ ou do not un v. l i>ri rli; * W \NTFD—\ hfph school teacher (tadyt for a FOR GOOD SHOR1 LE \F 24 SOUTH BROAD STREET freight today at the A , B & A Cleanem and Preaaerw. tlngl^ aJU'-c this phone «er\ i(_e Ac posit n near At anta also many ofior pr ac Counts, tii e opened for d.ds b> phone pals and grade teachers 'or qn ck ra Is Soul1* PARTIES wanting large loans . r "HITEHMJ, TAILORING AND paEssDsa"cii* PINE LUMBER, \\ RITE erty or money to build buslneea bouaea on cen- treight depot on West Hunter solelj to accummodd.te j ou Make *ted Ij he S H CU: Atlantic Tpachers \gency 1125 \tlanta National T now located «t 66 Whltoliall Terr»ce Clatte* GEORGIA P1\ E LUMBER tral property please come In to Bee us. Tie Mer- street at 10 a m cleaned and preased eatlafactioo guaranteed, j^ paj ments pi umptlv after publiua Bank butldlnK Atlanta, Ga r______chants and Momifactiircrs Banking and Loan tion or TV hen bills are presented by rd edslnfi manicuring THE SCUITHFRN IOCTION AND*SALVAGB CO Main ITffi) MANY einergenc> calls now da* to reslEnatlons CO , MORRIS STATION GA Company 209 Grant, bids "Telephone lyy 5341 moil or solicitor a~ad >ou accommo- etc W, rite for llterattii e Posters Teachers at 00 S Fn°or will buy or sell your furniture date us. Continued on Next Page, Afieacf. SIC Third Nat] Bank Bld£, Atlanta Oa. (Continued tn Next Column) Continued ou Next Page. household £oo4s or piano phone Bell Main 2303. Continued on Next Page. NEWSPAPER! NEWSPAPER! Constittitioe Waet Ad

AUTOMOBILES BOAKD AND ROOMS FOR RENT—Rooms WANTED^-Apartments REAL ESTATEr-Sale, }OOOOQOGGOO BUSINESS AND MAIL BUSINESS AND MAIL SUPPLIES— ACCESSORIES. NORTH SIDE. SIDE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. ORDER DIRECTORY ORDER DIRECTORY OXYGEN-ACETYLENE 477 PEACHTREE ST. fnrnLshed front rooma Car se&t , 5 -Vy-ANTEE^—To trade for abort, - . . , , CONTIXCED ESPECIALLY pretty front roorn with private Call Ivy OOOS-I.. 143 Spring street. TWO apartments, fur. or unfur., four and Hvo on any good north Aide rtoaV "Wfu /Dttt,;, -, WELDING bath tor young men or couple, with or without FOR RENT—2-room front apart-. Bleeping porch, room*, respectively, Phone Main 8005. Rant O In as cash payment-a new «-room^,1Mg»-^:^ "TT STICKS LIKE A BULL PUP." meals: faomelifce. Ivy TO1O. phon«, bath, all conven., 245 W. Peachtree St, Department. \ O ga|ow In lemon Parfc' and ytyJ^lffe CONTRACTOR A.\O UUU.OKB. Plumb tnjg. BUT tbla process d 't •Imply •Ciek thlnjp to-. TURMA2*. BLACK A CALHOTTN. See or call Mr. Lane. Ivy "ISOSi; ii-^fi-w^*;.,.,-;^, getber. it UBLTS tbe metal FOR RENT—Nicely lur. room, with or without r >l a the crack or* NORTH AVE. icals. gentlemen prefarred. ivy 301S-I* ____ Second Floor gmpire. O" Brown-SUndolp_ h building. ' "" '*-'- Belcher Heating & Plumbing Co. ak,, and runs It togetfcor again. We weld «nj- AT 87 -E- North, beautifully fur. »ront room with O GENERAL CONTRACTOR AJJD BUILDER. Es- 44 FAlHLTS ST thln« mad* ol any kind ol metal. KoitUng too board to couple or gentlemen. Ivy 242S. Tabl«) ATTft ACTIVE. bright room. In private home, OOQOOOOOOOOOO email or -too large. * > o gentlemen. Ivy 671&-J. tlmatee gladly furnished. I buy and handle PIANOS. FOR RENT—Houses o «*conrf-imHd [umber. Fatronsgo *offelted- Offloa FOR HBNT—N'fee rooms, .with or without board, O WANTED—To tmtfo vacant i»wiflww.'VJo*';<(; ADA.M SCHAAF PIANOS. Established 1873. ATLANTA WELDING CO. 516 WEST PEACHTREE entlemen preferred. 21 Blast Cain, on W. Cain street, between -Sprinr MW^ The most beautiful deuigiia. Warranted for 10 Bell Phone Ivy 5367. 74 Ivy 'St. LAROS front roon also smaller room; morning $27.50 PER MONTH. large e-room hoow; nicely O James, as cash payment tor good'j«Wettc«& Jg~fe NICELY fur: room, running water, near In. 205 papered; beautiful cabinet mantels, gas, hot and years. In.iorsed by thousands o! satisfied cus- - Ivy 2719-L. Spring. ivy 2108-1* on north, side; value around ^T.OOO^ai"^ CONTRACTING PLASTERER tomers an-J dealers. W. F. Malcom. Southern cold water; lot 75^200, West End; doable car will pay difference or assume '..tttrutf MATERIAL. CAREFULLY FUHNISHEJi repre^ntatlre^ 622 Gaudier Bids-. Atlanta. On.. BELLEVUE INN FOR RENT—NlQeJy fur. bedroom opposite Lyria line; good neighbors; ono year lease to acceptable AND RF.PAIR WORK DONE BY CXPKtiTS. loan. See or call Mr. Lane.- Ivy;'JSQ TAKE NOTICE NICEl/T furuisbed single 01- double rooms, wJtli ~ Carnegi-_^_^- e Way- . party; could be iiasd (or two families to good £24 Brown-Randol'pb bulloinff. ', ;'"*.$& Both Phones Main 273-i, Atlanta 5S3'J M. . or without meals. 57 East Third. Ivy 1588-1* FOR RENT—Nicely fur. room, close In; board advantage. If so desired. Apply Wore & Barpir. J. W. JAMES & fJO.. ^^ „„„„„ lso new roof laid XEW GARAGE, No. 25 Warren Place, adjoining "WANTED BOARDERS—Nicely fur. rooms; g Spring .No. 725 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Main 1703 OOOOOOOOOOOOO 0"O-p-pjiO Office 211? a. Fgrayth at. and Atlanta 188& Ptaperly. Jones Slate Rooftr.g Co., 417 Fourtn Auditorium. We 'store your cur for tha low tlemen or couple preferred. Splendid locit FOR RSNT —On e nicely fur. front room »-. , National bank bullrtlng; estimates f^adly tur- O WANTED—To trade two nice batldilll 10 COTTOA W AH.EHO LJSJ K. price of $4.50 per month: also sell ana ex- 179 North; Jackson. References exchanged, geg tlemea . cloae_Ivy 1984. 85 W. Harrta. \ r __ j . Fifth St.. lower •ii»^1 Main 1615. change your eecomi-hand car for real estate. We 3789-J. After September 1. p(>R B ENT Septem1 er lt 80 E O in Deoitur, SOrfCK) each, oa oa^t.. i»» FOR RENT —On « nicely fur. room; board If de- floor; reception hall. Bitting room, and lava- do the best repair work Jn the city; also repaint 5, water «ach room; flrst-d meni Into a aunga-low noaz* car lfafl-^4C i atatro price on brands. All worii guaranteed DE8I.RABL.E : ;ired; I door Spring ot. S9 Mills at. tory, dining room, pantry, and kitchen; upper pay difference In monthly notes, -• 'Sec'.v •»arw*l! Rubbpr St*rn;> *'O . _liK|j- :• Broad «t. your car. Price* aro right and we guarantee you table; tine lion. Mrs. D. H. White, the beat service. Try us. We want your bus- -One large tront room, floor; tour bed rooms, and bath; *l«ctrlc Ilgata O call Mr. Lane. Ivy 15OS. 224 .Br^TT Plaza Hotel, • »pen Sept. 1 No, 23 East No and steam heat, witbln half block of F«achtreo. CO.NTUACT1NU l'I.t .MHiiU. ^ J N LlTTLiC paints aaJ rtpatrs All kind* of iness. Phone M. 2053. Garago No. 25 "War- avenue. Jackson. Ivy 3504-J. O Randolph -building. ' '-.-'„:'- ren Place. $65 per montb. See E. R. DuBose. ot Cbamber- rooms; wills and puts On roof felt and paint. XIR RENT—Two nicety fur. rooms and kitchen- lln-Johnfion~DuBo8« Company. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6^0 terlat of flchert Plum 1)1 UK t omp-iny. We 1M WhltciiBli. Main 614. TABLE BOARD CLOSE IN ette, all modern conveniences. 139 W, Peacntree. EKCHANOE—For ,creas„« „ - ~ everything awlm! in tlif plitfiirifng Ji light rooms, with or without table board; rel ONE nicely fur. front room, cloee in; also some avenue, in best residence Election. Now -"thl EEPATNTKD nfur. rooms. 150 Courtland. Brothers, Main S62. , CO.NTHAC'l'UK A.MJ HCll.L»fc:H. TOPS recovered and repaired. Wheels, axles and erence required. Call Bell phone Ivy 1536-L. lethlns good and price right. *WtU , FOR RBXT—In bloclc of Peachtree, quiet place, or take difference in cash. AddreBB' Q>'.X^'.Co springs repaired. High-grade work at reason- 862 PEACHTREE ST., nne location, large, choice QEST our Weekly Rent Bulletin, W« moTe ten- G. jB. BON1> will remodel able ar'ces. room for cusp's cfr gentleman, young raaa nicely furnished rooms with board. 35 Currier. ants renting *12.5O and nj» PRBB. See notJco. 31 Inman building. Phone M. 2068. " - " •?< St.. or phono M 1W7.' K'jpJi'r *wrk .*; .ill iTlnd.H. All JOHN M. SMITH. wants roommate, flrst-clnfis table board. AT 3ttti Pt*43mont ave., furnished rooms for John J. Woodside. tba BenUnc A«ent- 12 An- 120-122-124 AUBI7RN AVE. enttemen or couple; every convenience. that old store front' and TWO nicely fur. front i with board; EVK!' burn avenue. CAMP CLEANS CARBON conveniences; gentl preferred. Apt. NICETLT fur., large, eam-bpated front room. ESTATE—For - Ct.EA.NINU A.MJ CORRECT. Ivy 3504. 193 Sprin jta lavatory. 64 F •est are. FOR RENT—No. 278 Jnnlper street, near Tenth, make it look like new. 428 IT is NO PAKB. two-story frame houne, furnace heated, eleven R.ESIUENCE DISTRICT.- * NORTH SIDE HOME—Will R.KNT — Faralshed rooi ; all modern oon- OUR EXPERIENCE PROMPTED US TO tNSTALL rooms, sleeping poroh, and garage. Price 973 BAROATN—$7.750. 34-rtx>m hoO3«. Sjri E?npire B]dg. Main 1540. THIS CARBON CLEANING couples or gentlemen, leocea"* - ISfl Ivy. Plioi 4281 Ivy._ _ monthly. Ivy 4169. rk right jtn-t gu Bell phone 1336-L.. NIC E:LY"* fur, rrontT rooms, close In. 50 Mills et, Nonh Boulevard. 6 rooms can b« used m Shot; Repairing;. CAMP MACHINE SHOP FOR RBXT—HOUBOU. stores and apartment*. arate apartment or whole for largo. aMfl. LARGE, light room, two Ivy 5138-J. Call, write or phone for our Bulletin. Botb rooma communicate. Terms. Apply 812 ' WKST SlUti TAlI_'HtrN'r v <> . 275 Marietta Street. ' aen; electricIty; ex^ell phones 5408. Qgorg« P. Moore. 10 Auburn Ava. Boulevard. ' A; - 1«» WEST M1TCMKLL ST , A:«:iii'.a 5JW7-A. We •" r AUTOGENOUS WELDING NICELY fur. rooma, wltl board, all convent- «reryt£lag for rent. Call for one or let urn responalble party for 56.00O, $600 c&Oi."< klade. Work callivl ;^r ami dell vs-t-1. OvAr «nces, block of postofnc 72 Walton street. I I KMSHKn—SOUTH SIDE!. mall It to you. Forrest Jfc George Adatr. like reiK. Way not save your rent tttdt Harrla. Manager. ___; K A Mi OFFICE FI RIDDELL BROS. Ivy 50O9-J. 307 RAWSON STREET NO. 72 BAST AVB., 6-room bungalow, modern i your home? Possession Sept.- 1st.' rC ALL parts of automobiles welded and made aa LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, excellent table In every way. Owner deairea one room with 2934-J. . CARO S> A.M> M t%- good as new. HAVE IT done In a machine TWO nicely furnished rooms for light boose- board. Phono Ivy 0790-J. Mrs. Sullivan, 4 W. adult fa nil ly. Neteon, Box _lg, Ci om cottage on desirable ^.lo ahop and DONT3 RIGHT. Peaclitree. keeping. Walking^ dlataaca. Atlanta 1868. FOR SALE-r-7-r 10-18 EAST MITCHELL ST. FO>T "RE NT—Two ~ "connecting rooms for light CEJ—Ionian Park, 9 bed rooms, bath, over ooie acre double frontage; In gooil TO t wo gentlemen, -oJJ fu 1 houfccheeplng ; hot and cold water; walking ; ail convenience $45 per motita. Ion of Dertatur a flrst-class boma propMlt 1 toard : al 1 conven Ha 422 Atlanta Nat. B«afc :.-. < C'I,KA.M>ti, I>\ KIX; A N U J'JV'ci?- -^' BANKRUPT SALE distance, JOS Raweon street. owner. Ivy 871 Atlanta 310&- A. _ > 1 STOVE ANO KA-XGK RKPAIHJNG. WANTKD—A few ael^'t >boa.rdera and roomers - others fall "Ask Mr. . - A'lL*A N f A"riTK*AM"uV"£~"& ' 'l.K ANI N\i \\UliK. WB are closing out bankrupt stock automobile FOR RKNT—Two~ nicely fior! rooms upstalra;" 262 SPRTN-G— Five-room cottagei with bath SAl^E — When 53 Auburn avriiuts Ivy liH 111, Ati.tr ta U."i-j. accessories and supplies at greatly reduced H>8 W. Peachtree.___Sep_t. 1. Call Ivy 434fl. between Alexander and Mills. $20 per month. «a" to sell yyour property, 12-t£ T^"TrK\TARDT3lFF-ERED Euatlennen preferred; all conveniences. 2OO ont hotel). J»y 1581. prices lor cash. Maoonio Temple building. 216 NICELY tur. rooms with board, c!nse In, all coi Rawsoo. M. 1552-1* Ivy 1561, _ oinin" g Piedmo CAIU'KJT t l.KANN Ivy et. Ivy 413S-J. up-to-date bungalow, i " <->r niakf bake. We are «xp«rt tfbJmney swcep- veniftncea. 130 FOR RENT—Fumlflh*d rooms for herasuktwrrins. FOR RENT—6-room apartment, 125 West Peach' VERY choi board, tront room. Meal location, Private bath. Nu children. Hetorftncea. Main tree; low price, $35 per month. See R.. C. s, modern COnv«nI«ncW, • s, Ma:ivUni stove and Supply Company, 1*1 AUTOGENOUS WELDING orth om owner. Ivy 70SS*XjL' irK-r.a. Htrcot. Main j:t«9 R. L. Barber, Man- ]U8t Off \ st P^achlree. Ivy RO42. 2900. 250 Woodward. Woodihery & Co. Phone Main 72. RL'GS cleans 1 lui-i ^".Jii i Kn .tiuiro rryaJre-1 MACHINE parts of all kinds accurately reatorei A BARGAIN—Five-room bungalow, AT. toiff bargain, two-story honw, ys&sxumx&r:"jj 80 Garaett SL Phone Main 3O18. ,ve., near Ponce de Leon. $1.000 cut OB prlce*-^ DAN, THE FIXER distance. All conveniences. 241 S. Pryor. CALL, write or phone for our rent bulletin. Wo STOVK3 AND RANGE REPAIRING. SOUTH SJI3K. M. J. today. M. F. Ramsey, Main 66. - '~;-..'.i%f& For the Original Moncrief carry a large list o! houses for reaL Ralph 1 FURNAL'E ptuine Mon^ueC furnu.,D L-J , Ul> 3 We sweep rhlmnoys. Carbon in Your Cylinder? 292 RAWSON STREET. IE IT lo real eati to you want to buy QT.:MlV TWO connecting rooms, enlta-blo tor light housed O, Cochran. 74-76 Peachtre« »u see ma. A. OnWib _S4'\'Bft Pryor at. Main -&o. La. 11 fur 3. P. Muucri«i 121 Wh.i*>hall St. Roll Phone Main 2fl99. NICELY furnished rooms. Walking keeping; all conveniences; private family. B62 will pay you t£ or J. B l^f. RIDDELL BROS. Capitol ave. M. 10. NO. 80 Bast ave., 3«»t off N. Boulevard; seven- unter str«ef.. STUVK SL'l'PLV COMPANY. W« alao WILL. remoTQ It without diBturblng any adjust- distance. Home cooking. Reason- LIST your property wit& us for quick and? imney «ta,-k8. Ivy 7240. 101 N. Forayth ments and at a low prlc?. Gome and »e the new FOR RENT—One nicely furnlflhed room, all con- room tyuJiBa-krw; all modern conveniences. Nel- a eon, Boi 16, City. ictory resaltfi. Fischer & Cook. Main OXYGEN METHOD. 10-18 Bast Mitcntjll Btr««t. able. Main 1854. veakMictis, private family, walking distance. 16S Eafit^Fai_r street. SLBLItBAN. S.LL. on Ooodri-m and Tvrrell when In need of BOARDERS WANTED—The Elma House, for FOR RENT—Second floor, 6 rooi COMK ece our lull a*^y screen, uur rallwr- E. H. ODOM BRO. CO. FOR REN'T—T w—o ni— cely --furnished rooms, all trance; references. 443 Courtla: itfjythine In the hardwa.ro llaa. 108 EdgewouJ HAVE 3 automobile r*Daired THE RIGHT Christian people, to room and board. 293 East res. 176 Central avenue, third floor. J2.500.00. 4 .... •-,.-Pigr tar. U *in pay > uu t.. «tc ",ir S./..IM Jiid *rt WAT. Hunter street. 5094 -L. FOR RENT—Comfortable north elde hous< 5 ACRES near Marietta car lln«; 6-room -Mrt*,^™* REAR 46 AL'BUHN AVB, IVY 6983. WANTED—Board. rooms and bath, $18. Fbone Ivy 6452. tago with bath, water aJid aewer. Fine" lantfi'y'''" prices. ^17 Ki»<'r BUls lUln 1"1U Parlor FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished front rooms Ith branch through rear, very Uest tocatioa;^ , distance; tlera Crew •'.. FOR RENT—8-roora housa. 379 Washington THE WHITE WAY TAILOR WARD & THOMPSON, for Jifiht houaeke ;plng. 160 RichardEon. At- .f Walker, 1020 Fourth Nat. Ban_k_ blflg.^^ '^'^ AND Dry Planing «'o . K. K. Bmamiel, Prop. M. 54S5-L. ata 3U48. Apply^to Owner. S7O Washington Repairing uiid L phol NOW LOCATED AT 175 3. FORSTTH ST. WE FOR SALE—New 6-room housa in AK*»nrtK. rt>iialrnf* anil ilyelns. suits dry clean- ARE NOW PREPARBD TO DO YOUR AUTO- NEfWLY tarnished front rooms, with or without FOR RENT—One fur. room, private home, excep- FOR RENT—Two-atory, 9-room house, 297 Law- ed. Wurk , dlh',1 f.jr ami ,!*•]! vrred. '>'uf scd." board. 48O Whitehall. ' Atlanta phone_4158. lights, water, bath, $3,25O; $360 caflV balancft^ "'" MOBILE WORK.. FORDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN .1 _lor_at1on. 223_Caj)ltoI Ave. M. 2958-L. ton. West SS5-L. easy. I 'letcher Pearson, 422 Atlanta NatlonalXj'^ nv.il.ly don#, Woi k -^l.--'} for l XICE cool rooms with or without board, close Ja. FOR RENT—Thr. ome~anT~icUchenettc, aulu H ding. Young K. L i- sun, 1T'J Mai-i'-t'.a stn>«:. 9S Central ave. M __4413-J. FVUNISHEO. S H O K IIKl> A I III >'Ci. J fl-Me tor Hfiht ekoeping. 88 Pulllam at. TWO lota on Sunset avenua, 50 by 159:''One--0 NORTON VULCANIZING & TWO nicely furnished, rooms" with flTl convcnl- WELL furntehed, attractive house, ItMJ Juniper Ls.ke av«., between Elisabeth ajid Buclifi, '-G FUR RKNT—Tur. rooms, prlvati llj." aplendtia street, for two months, to approved family. TIRE CO. «ncea, with best table board. 238 Washington. hington st. Phone M. 3415- by 24O. If Interested call Atlanta 3498. . - -. -• PlIRNISHEcT rooms,""alBo~exoencn"t "table" board" Very reasonable rental. Owner (man) might T'LrTANIZINO and nil klnde 0( tire work. Phones FOR RBXT— Xifcl furnlshod rooms with hot •board with tenant. Main 330O. 718 Empire bldg. $600 BUYS lot on ten-acre pork U 'ANDERSON .ISHUS. & RICH 300 SprlnK street. Atlanta 1874, na culd water. 173 S. foray th. Others 5400. No Interest Flats. •,7!> rtvr-n ;.• II >• 'i pli vy-g Tl I'K. \VUITKHS. _-_---— - [over Realty Company. i HltiH-CLASS vulcanizing; 32i2V4; tfreg retrcad- FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms, prl- V'V " *sVAND'* «d. $8.10; tube repairs, 20c up. ate family. T>OS Washington. Main 3415. FOR RENT—OfFices j-^t -i \. ni*<-h ino personal «s«." FOR RENT—Rooms FARM LANDS. GLN AN 1) LUCK lil-:fAlKINij--\W announ •" '.-'">• it a v dors, tiio proTentiiono, etudcntji, the borne. SOUTHERN RUBBER CO. FOH RP~XT—<>rie nicely fur. room, private home; ul-KICKS in the Moore building at No. 10 ;ny lady'.-, buu-ioir Wt. G Ibs. Hr1-«, $5O. A 02 SOUTH FORSYTH ST. (JNFlIlMSHi: JSORTH SIDE. entlfmcn only. 60 Formva.lt. M. 1320. burn ave. Steam heat; passenger elevi 40 ACRES ON CHATTAHOOSt, L. loh :.-n-'. 4ct. K.i-j-titltlp Gidg Main 2351- _ THRBK connecting re lights and Janitor service. $12,60 to $18. The D. unii I). L,.i. \ i/-i . 4 S.nuh Kur-vt.il St AUTO-MOBILE REPAIRERS r*=¥ont calltra. through miaundcrp furnished office, price $17.BO. CHEE RIVER, $i,8pb Till MX*.. 11AGS AMJ StlTCASES CAL.1. AND SEB rooms are sail for riint. Will bo FOR RENT---Apartment3 THIS ts one ot the best producing fat^iit iJl UeoT^:;Vt^ HATTKHS. ItKTAIl,KO AMJ REPAIRED. you again. ;HX> Klbert at. OFFICE FOR RENT—Suitable for halrdresatDi gla. It !s level and hafl 25 acres In cultlvatloa;';;^ TRAVIS & JONES parlora, medical doctor or real ectat«; otflc*. 7 acres In wooda, balance In Bermuda pasto^o'. *" - FOR RKNT—Oni •ge, cool, unfur FURNISHED. No. 23% Whitehall, For Information call either IVY 4S32. 20 JAMES STR'EET. TO adults only, very desirable apartments; every- Can mafce terms. This is 12 mllea from J "" ' LADIES ftn.i g.-tus1 i'as.Ain-i Imw. sirii»s, sort with alecpiDg :h; board If d«sl: phone 23ft. Pr. H. Jenson Dental Company. This is a bargain. W. A. Baker & Co., KOUNTREE'S 64 West Peachtree. Ivy 7635-J. ^iing modern and nrst-clene; eptendld location; and *tJflr lull haw t-lra;:i'.l and r^haptfd. l^aro )I. Main 3576; Atlanta DIXIE GARAGE i garage. Phona Ivy^ 2432. FOR RENT—One-half at office, with ase Fourth National Bank b!dg. F&OJJ& Main < • t>Lea. D«>C wori.- Out of-tuwu or.itrs given ACTO SUPPLIES. Repairs or expert mecbuiloB. FOR RENT—JfriO; 6-ro< ] telephone and typewriter. Apply 630 Trust ur..tiH't dUciUK.ii. AVMIJ tut (.cis, 2IHKKI,I.AS—\\ L«t ue wash and pollen your car- 8, 10. 22. U iraprovoments, cloae 61-A W. Baker, M. L.OVKLY ""Tittle apt. completely furnished for I Company oC Georgia Bldg. Phone Main 1551. AUSTELL FARM TAIL. Cain Ivy Hl». 2633. W. C. Tolbort. lRht houseltoeping; furnace heat, electric lights, hot water; north elde; to couplo with 40 ACRES - - -& ' TKY""TVyY Ma da" Horse Shoeiu^ uiid ^ i*«,oJi DOBBS TIRE REPAIR CO. UAKUR.XISHKO SOUTH SIOK. nl reference. Ivy f>73l. VTB HAVE an extra good farm of 40 acres, H4£s? U M U RE L LAS neucn.bi handle. WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OP FOR RENT—Business Space miles of Austell. on the -main road. It has ' Ui j-iriVM. -Vo i'liargi* for r*>pt. lone Mafn, FOR RENT—Three unfur, conneRtlug roo TIRBS AND TUBES. 226 PEACHTREE ST. Grant Park section. 8« Augusta ave. VVKUK-XISHED. good new 4-roora house, barns, etc. The land'rf p.my. lUtVj Whitenall. PHONE IVY 5646. level and In high state of cultivation. This la' Bl'tLDlNG. i-L'()i.r.nt; a"J pjui^iiie, ruober tires phone Main 41^29-J. Atlanta photie__a792. READY SEPTEMBER 1. out on it r.> UHmer «t. bargain at Sa.a-W. W. A. Baker & CO.. l IIKI'AIKKL*. ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished" r<~>onis.~"ckww Fourth National Bank bldg. Phone' Main ' 5 Itt High lower street; prefer without childre THE LAWRENCE 1MJL.V.N Hl-:itUS. VIADUCT FLACK A REAL, I-WESTMENT— It's a SOS acre' f& Maln 51U0. FOR HKNT—Two nic« unfurnisht 52 AND T,J V PEACHTREE PLACE. '"" L»j£^J. c"* M. KK1-: at CO- all nlodt-rn Improvements; build Inge In ' n^ _R^c-»v4THl£t> .tOHTU SHJili, fler wire fence ; soil, dark gravel, clay \ uti~ 18 W. HARRIS ST. IVY 7 A(tju.*U'is. lie tore buyins FARMS for eala nead Fort Valley; -will liinds of aifih-Krado, lihilit inai-hlim woik doii' IN. STEAM HEAT, EVKHY (X)N VKNIKNC 1C for Atlanta property, J. T. KlmbraagJi, - t or hnnsuig juur ol.l shaeils. ca.ll lUia APARTilSN-Td 5 AND tj. . 61 EAST CA1.V IVY J. L. TURNER Sp^'lul attt-nc.uri ~><-\:-.i LI- icva-rn « or tnsin«?«fO ,-in.l B'U all Uie >Iata front U. B. Henry, 4O9 Atlanta National Bank building. ' . tiiatruments, LEVELS auti '_!'HANjalTS. •_ MOTORCYCLES—BICYCLES 3137. 1,-i20 CANDL.ER OLDG. IVY 5213. BARGAINS In second-hand ill T*WO b&autirul oonn^ctlog fron t rooma, mode TIMBER LANDS. LACK CL KTA1> S LAI makes. 62 Nortli Fryor, Atlanta. Ga. G'j. *"*''''' \\ALL PAl'KIUXQ. home, everyf convenienca, newly rurnishei} wl FOR BALE—2.000 acres of original . Caatle. mahogany ml lure; good nelgbborhnod, on c BOSCOBEL AND E1UCLID yellow, hard pine tlmoer. Will give guarant«o.l. Prk-o ^.'ii; to iue per pair ,mesa center. £21 Courtland strei able length of time to remoTe tlmfcer lUtra yhor.e -(HI. STOEJ! LISTEN! PUBLIC^STENOGRAPHERS I vy_630G-J. APARTMENTS Come and look over and see for yoursalt- LOCK! A.\l> ULNNM1TH. FOR RENT—Furnished room, connecting iTi Dr. J. W. Daniel, Owner, at Franklin, PKF; O. I. TilAMElHRS for papering painting bath room and sleeping porch, in refined fai CORXBR Euclid avenue and Hurt «tr«et. ONLT k*i. g'Hi -111,1 F*.!* c\\"?tl In Atlanta ami timing. UU7 On-mer dt. Aitania 1931; Main A. N. GOOCH, ily, B.erommodatiiig from two to four; gei Three and four rooms, steam. ;heated, 4" Fo r "uxahT" *V« i" "pa p«rV **raV"« lock! BARTER AND EXCHANGE ites, asfl dumps, hardwood floors, tile porch. co ronpeslion In halla. The moat dellght- PIEDMONT AVB., near \tunii- S-ipcIy tMnipany. Ph«»ne Main 3810. [•LmentB In tne city. FOR BALiS or exehange. a $1.0UO r&Kiatetfd •n porch, screened throughout, shades up; to $37.50 each. a well-built 7-room, 2-story W 3*011 will ,nli. ^ money purchase mortgage railroad bond bear- nil's room; shade in front- Soracttiina aice er FOR RElStT—Garages and Barns with furnace, etc.; on an east WIMJO\V A.MJ HOUSECLEA-MNC. ins *J P cent Interpat, payable annually; ma- Phr ie 80 Ivy. tures litftl; will exclianga for good roadster FITZHUGH KNOX FOR RENT—Garage lot for $7,750.^ Terms. . '' nit: LKvn-ui cKAi-'L' .-i'.>>i'." automobile or a diamond aJid dlfterenre. rail THE FAIRLEIGH 2532 J. 1 1111 l;! Ivy 7R2O-J night, Ivy 406.1- Ask Cor Stevens. 133-5-T SPRIMG ST.—Phono Ivy 5558-J. famish- 1913 CANDLEH BLDO. FOURTH WARD renting BEST muUlBi-af ' ^ *'" » Souili. Pr.tmpt ed •> rooms and fumlslied 3-room apart in entw, Right close in, we have some \\ OOO PATTERNS. close In. with all conveniences. NORTH COURT. NO. 12 E. NORTH FOR RENT—Miscellaneous negro property renting for ?720 " MEDICAL TWO businoe AVISNUE, FIVE ROOMS, STEAM Ml Slt'AL,. ^ ^ Robertson Pattern Works. >m, two clotties cloaeta. big dreaBfiu; FOR RENT—Coal yard; best locatlo in city. We can sell for $6,000. Terms. " . ~Tansy^^renay HJiAT F1JIST FLOOR. $50. B. M. Addrftjs J. Ii., care Oonstittitlon, full par- ton Root PI lie, a sale and re 1 la bio treatment room, hot and cold running water In It. con- CUtANT & CO. lYLANTA""!^"^"*^"^ nected by bath; hot water furiiaco. 4fe8 Peacti- tlculora. S. PRYOR ST.; rather close',1 TORY—A inodtrn L-Jiisoi-/.iU.r> . an .'inlnent VAC I I U CI.OTIII-'.S \VASHEIl. for Irregularities. Trial box by mall, 5O cents. tacultv and an hotiesi eKiui.Ur^i have givt-n ini^ Frank Edmonflaon & Bros., manufacturing envoi* BERKELEY. NO. 9 WEST ELEV- a good store and 8-room, ZrBTOCj^ '\V""l"*J. IL,\>" nt L-luihes in 0 minutes. No .chool" the largest ,>,irol Um-ut in \*« touih. 2u Ists. 11 North Broad street. > tlant*. Q«- ENTH STREET, BRICK BUILDING, modern house, renting for •*—-'•- •••=-*•«* Knat BaVer St.. Al'in'a. r. t S. - I f.-- .•;•! jloguy rubbing; no b*-nJln« u\ur. and with very lit. AT THE CARROLLTOX WANTED—Real Estate ;!.• «iii-k 'LDrills or for cash, ?^.5O to J7.5Q. 20 CARNEGIE WAY—Furnished apartm«nt3 ONE SIX-ROOM, THIRD FLOOR. $75. for $4,500. Terms. ...^,.^,.- Me lH>:ni)nstrati')ii rooms l'5(i t.Mgew**od avenue. STORAGE & WAREHOUSE furnished rooma. J. F. Steels, Mgr. B .M Oil ANT & CO. Z.ANOS. RENT—Beautifully FATIM WANTED—If you own a good farm 30 E. PINE ST., not far from Hunt-S!t.iU ^HOXl"^""^^'^!^"?^?"^ STORAGE AXD TRANSFER CO. WERNER. NO. 49 WASHINGTON ST. to 100 acres near good town north or northeast we have a good 6-room cottage"-"cioj» AUTOMOBILES i move, store, pack an 1 ahip household table boarders. Ivy ftW5-J. 84 W. fa: KAC1NG THE CAPITOL GROUNDS, of Atlanta and within two houra of Atlanta, j exclusively. 6 and 8 Madison evenua. trea st. NKW IJK1CK BUILDING, THREE AND i which you really -want to aeU at a. bargain, ad- 50-foot front lot for only f2!(85(fc?^ KUK. SAL.K. 1466-3310; Atlanta 1422. FO U R-ROO'M Ai'AKTMENTS,, EVERY ! dress with full particulars, O. F,, Box 1, Consti- Terms. •'',":erS^ FOR RENT—One large front r , STEAM HEAT AND tution. ___ . • '- ;%a Used Cars, Right Prices MELi & CIjOSE. Transfer, packing and Btor- Ing room and kitchenette; JANITOR. $35 to $47.50. B. M. GRANT WE HAVS aereral customers tor large and NEAR* THE corner Ponce de ^Ljeosfls PTl tM-:"-i M\ -1R T-pusJ-ctijiiT I'-iuriiig Car. aKO. OfTU-e 43 Spring Bt. Bell phone Main close In. 41 W. Baker. Call S: CO. small tracts Georgia farm and colonization and N. Boulevard, we offer a raliUac 5-pasnviiger Touring Car. 154-J: Atlanta 1143. bd cottage, with hardwood floors,''eli6i;!. & All fulfy equipped, and in Rood condition. HOTELS prlvato family, lot Dtlt'incn only. Xo FI.OOR APARTMENT. IT HAS BJEEN' Atlanta, Stafford apt-. S2 Can Way. Ivy «709 gant fixtures, etc.; on a level-;'-Jo HIGH-CLABS residential hotel, all modern conveni- NKWL.Y DECOIIATED. VERY LARGE WE NEED SOME FARMS FOR OUR CUSTOM- BU1CK .MOTOR CO. ERS WRITE US Ft/ULr INFORMATION AND 5ftxl80 to an alley, with garage "anclgp 241 PEACHTREE STREET. ences: meals excellent; single room with meals, 64 E. HARRIS STREET PORCH. STEAM HEAT AND JANI- GIVE us TOUR FARM FOR SALE. JTJST so IT 57.50 ana up per we«k; without meals, $3 «nd up. FDR rooms with ali conveniences; cloaa la. TOR. $55. B. M. GRANT & CO. servants' house. $6,750. Terms, " COLUMBIA AUTOMOBILE Feachtree Ian, 391 Peachtree. Phono Ivy 9129. IS IN GEORGIA. FISCHER & COOK, FOURTH 358 PEACHTREE ST. TUrNJTY. NO. 140 TRINITY AVENUE, NATIONAL BA.NTC BUILDJXG. 101 ACRES, 7 MILES south o£--;Dgll; EXCHANGE BRICK BUILDING, CLOSE IN, ONE 2Hi \\1I.L. h,i-. a l.nn-1-aew V. A. Baker Elec- COMFORTABLE rooms, 5Oc up. Special rat» peg WINTURN COURT NO. 63 CAPITOL Barnett. A dandy lot, 75x200 "' i-o (M'ir*. •4->a^«,3tigpr. 1SJ33 model. This ia aa.ce heat, next to bath, $35 per month, reek. Nice meals, 25c. 50^ S. Foreyth St. Boulevard Apt. A, 14-i Highland avenue. AVENUE. BRICK BUILDINO WITH for only ?75 per front toot. S4 NORTH 1'RVOK ST. $4111) ifj- rhdn tJiews c.'irs soil lor and $800 will '»!.- a m.'w .'i p i^--. ofJ FOR RENT—Larg«. cozy TOR, ONE FIRST AND ONE THIRD '-s ' :;>*»;. :.^ ^ar Iiiny txjuiypyd. Fur full particulars HILBURN HOTEL men; ateam heat; privj Peopfie with means to [flno«.a; reasonable. Ivy FLOOR. ?50. E. M. GRANT & CO. [-h .(.e U_y tW'Jl- ______10 AND'l2 WALTON STREET. buy anything you have FISCHER & COOE PIANOS AMJ PIANO 1'I.Al KKS. FOH SAL.K- 7-[).'issrngfr OldPtnobtle In perfect FOR GENTLEMEN only; center ol city, NEW FURNISHINGS—Prlvata horna. ST. BHJDE. north side, three blocks from Cand-, « - » H isoR.luioa- v.il tra-ie far suburban or city equity near new postoffiee. Rates, 50o, T5o nelgh'borhood, all conveniences; cloao In. ^ ' 'R"* *pTA;^o"u'uVE'H"V tiflii .-nva ^ou m.ltl».j. " and $1. ler building, windows three sides, giving perfect llOr S3tiC FOURTH NATIONAL BANK me anil aee. £S K. Fry or. .T Sl.T.'i'i S*H> us at coca. Porter & Swift, ISO^ Inera people. Ivy 87O7 J. Iv N-ew Mjinagement. Rates AeasoiUbla. FOR RE^IT—Two lovely furnished rooma; oil winter; Uiree beautiful rooms with kitchenette; waBt ads every Bell Phones: Main WALTER HUGHES °NT5 o* the re- Cool Roomn. conveniences; steam heat. Qne locality. mcaU large bath; three closets, steam heat, hot and . reliable kind; next door. Tralned^nurFefi preferred. Ivy 30C5 L PAINTING HOTEL PEACHTREE cold water, vacuum cleaner, Janitor service, " Atlanta Phone 1A&7. SS^ Peaclitree Street FOR RENT—N i co ly fu r. i bath" shades, sae ransc and refrigerator furnished free; ______best class of tenants; vacant September 1. In- FOR RENT—Houses FOR RENT—Houses ELEGANT s, 5Oc and up per flay, ?'2.5O and all conveniences; 10 mln •alk to xT^ -Jii*y ca*h. One Columbia city. Ivy 5S43. 4^ Irwln quire owner. Apartment 9, or phone Ivy 428. H.ORVB BROS., painting, con t -at- tor?, all ki^.d- . D«y And Night Sarvice week. Hot and cold baths trefc Qmt* 7)2 East Cain. o£ palming. Interior dixrorauns: aUo extt.r-or street. _ % Snnlh Forayth at. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, with or without ^ toard; g«ntlem€n preferred. Ivy 1576-L, 374 paintiag; slsn paintias ^ spe-inlty. We di 1 TWO -elegant 4-room apartments, flrat and third G. R. MOORE & CO. 1 \Y~ILL. t-\,-!iar.E-- nt my electric cars for lot Piedmont avenue. hardwood floors. OttlL-i . l'ni;.-d Supply and fain- of equal valu trada for Rood gaa car. Dr. RESTAURANTS floor, 324 Forrest avenue, ?40 per month. ATLANTA 2483 . BELL IVy 4978. 116 LOBBY CANDLER Company. Phone Main I4S7. We also do work __ _ _ Front and rear porches. Janitor service and all out of town. _ . _ THE CHESTERFIELD modern cooicnience*. Apply on premises. Phone POKKH' itiu Ford tin ring car: m'ust sell THE SAVOY CAFE Ivy 50S-J. L. B. Sanders, Owner. ick n i.ls dismast for cash. 4 Walton at.. FOR ladles and gentlemen. The nicest place In FURNISHED rooms. Shower paths._l_5 W. Haj-ri( RESIDENCES the city to «at. Everything snotieiu and sanl- FOR RENT—Three completely niflhed EAST CAIN—45%- Five rooma; good repair; ;ias,«fnt;er. fully equipped and Ii for light houBeli&sping, hot 1 cold references required. Possession at once; 8-R. H., 68 Austin Ave J46.00 8-R. H.. 27 Hlghtower St. ... ICII>B Destroy a chlclc«n mites and a 6-H. H_ 156 Luckie St. 25.60 8-R. H.. 91 Lee St i. .1 !>arffain. Call All. pboni OPEN ALL NIGHT Ivy 3990-J. $25 per month. Apply 508 Atlanta National 7-R. H., 69 St. Charles 'Aye. S12 AustcU buildlne. 34 PEACHTREE 9T. ATL. PHON^I 403. 11)3 SPRING St., Apt. 5, large corner room. Bank building. 6-H. H., 185 Holderneaa St. 30.00 Bt&am heat, separate bed; steady business men 6-R. H., 261 E. Georgia Ave. ... 27.50 7-R. H., SOO B. Cain St. preferred. "Ivy 4474. P. M. Ivy «08j\ THE LILLIAN, 6-R. H., 155 Crumley St. 32.SO 9-R. H., 135 Myrtle St. :55;6«7l*l NOTICE TO BUSINESS MEN EIGHTH ST., tear Peachtre«; hlgh-claflfl, «fac- 6-R. H., 20 Candler St. 25.00 9-R. H.. 83 Ashby St DINNER. 2Hc; excellent tablo. Th« Ponclaona. FOR RENT—One large front room to couple. JT rocm»apts., strictly modern in design; material. 8-R. H., 524 W. Peachtreo Company, before you get your papering dou«. LIES - ACCESSQH.1ES. 22 and 24 East ner month. Has to be aeen to be appreciated. style and comfort, $65. J. W. Goldsmith. lv/ 6-R. H., 20 Morgan St 20.00 Prices are reaeotwble; sailsCactfon is guarantped. EXTRA fine lunch served with Springer's Bo- 34 Irwln rt. Ivy 2471. 2739-J. 6-R. H-, 109 Confederate Ave.... 15.00 (Nicely lurnlsiied) ; 13 South ForsyBb street. Main 4S27. Atlanta AUTO DIRECTORY Ian Beer, lOc per bottle. $1.00 per dozen. FX3R RENT—2 well Mr. rooms and kitchenette 6-R. H., 36 VT. Twelfth St...... 47.00 8-R. H., 665 Waahineton St. ..,"..-3TiS WE have some nice four end five-room 8-R. H.. 249 Euclid Ave. 25 South Pryor- Main 1526 Atlanta 3778. with sink; private porch; conveniences; o apartments on the north eldo for 6-R. H-. 123 N. Lawn St. -. 27.50 Atlanta and Vicinity, 1913 eepnrate rooms. JLS3 Ivy. 6-R. H., 26 Hale St...... 20.00 6-R. H., 9 Krog St ^iCii.iJ-' KRAME13. rent. , Chas. P. Glover Realty Co.. 2*fc furnished rooct 6-R. H., 262 Spring St...... 20.00 5-R. H., 16 Colqultt Ave. .. CO-NTAININO route and readlnga ot the recog- W ANTED—Board—Rooms FOR RENT—Nicely Walton street. __^ 5-R. H-, 16 Leonard St ..i nized toure leaving Atlanta; . Georgia laws venlencea. 2OO VS cst Peach tree. 6-R. H.. 7 Angler Place 30.00 "Guaranfee""PTciure Frame Co. WAXTED—Unfurnished, one room, kltcheaette 8281. References. READY for occupancy September 1. two 5-room 8-R. H., 37 Copenhlll Ave. 42.50 We have the hotlse you NEXT 6O or '9O days we will make frames to regulating and running ol macblnea; rules of apartments at Piedmont place; ever? modern the road, city ot Atlanta ordinance «!BO regis- and bath. In heated apartment or house. Ad- 8-R_ _. H.—. 123 W—. Harri — s St• . -" 40.00 order at cost; enlargements a speclaUy. All dr«?«3 F. P. C., F. O. Drawer 17S2. STEAM-HEATED front room, north side, pri- convenience. Call Main 4472. tration number, owner's name, address and make vato home;; electricity; excellent meaJs acros:. ord»s called lor and delivered. 518-3J-^2 Mari- ol car la numerical order. OWir two hundred BEAUTIFUL 5-rooni apartment, all convenience*, *Ua strept. Art "Tit a 1993. _ __ WANTED—At onee. unfurnished rooms tor light atreet. I vy 1284-J. Dagea. price 50 centa: Tou need tnl» book. housekeeping. State location and price. Ref- close In. Apply Owner, 715 Peters building, FOR RENT—Nice rooms, also light hensefceep- or call Main 1225. G. R. MOORE & CO. AND YTA1»I. PAJPERIXG. erences. B. J. C., care Constitution. lap apartment, private family, close in. 131 116 LOBBV CANDLER BLD^. ATLANTA 241:3. AUTO REGISTER CO., COUPLE -wants board ana rooms with private you want to rent apartments or buBtn,«3» ibalh In strictly private family. Most be roperty, see H. M. Grant ft Co., Grant Bids. a bid on your papering and house palming. 414 Temple Court, Atlanta. Christian family. Address 1107 Caodler nldg. FOR RENT—Attractively Fur. room, singl AVALON—West Peacntree and North avenue, 1O7 North Pryor street. Phones: Ivy 43O. suitable for 2 young men or business Ti-room apartment. Call Mr, Martin. Main 1T54. Atlanta 3o65^ ______Phone M. 331. SEPTEMBER 1, 7 or 8 rooms, furnished, for two Close in. 29 Currier street. or three montlis, poeaibly longer; preferably on FOR RENT—Two 4-room apta. at 279 Eaat PI: (Continued ia Nest Column^, CContlnued In Next Column.) oorii filte.. fbcne Strut ^Continued la Next Column.) street. Ph

iNEWSPA'PERf . fame, jy>t narth aide fif- east side Pl«dmto£ ftreaue, 30x521, land lot 51. cta& Jick&on atr^et. 334 feet north? ot 'Ponce Bt'reet, 30x61 25X105 teetC alStt Iqt *«* «Sa Cruitt View arcnae, 1<» teet aottit of Wavld A Wbeeler to C E. Travte 3ot on 50rl41> April SO $925—JomeB a. Balnea to Gnfetare «nd ,$13.000 —•Tabernacl e Inflrraary and jTcBinl $1O—Nannie ttifl S**horo Lee to Atlanta Cas- te«t ju»y 23 v „ -* ^ Jf-V the east side of Acorn aveaue 350 feet -north. Transferred to MrB Ida G Wilson May 30 Lot west street, 50 feet School (or Nurseepto Georgia Savings Bank an3" ket company, lot adjoining above property, Au- fUNTA QUOTATIONS of Mayson's avenue SOxl^ December 1 1012 $4,000 —Jeeel e M and Rutn, E Jobn- sourti or Forrest street, nO*173 AuRUBt 21 Trust company; the building kntfwn aa Tabemft- gust 26 ?2,25O — Jalluf? smttb to Charffe Tbopias, Jot aon to F J Kete lot west j P»edmo»t ave- $92V-sSame to same, lot west ajde Bast street, cla teflrmary on LucKie itr«et, #3 feet east yi "00— TO H P Cwrfedge, 1?3 wttle strart, on the north side ol West Hltihetl street 1ST land la s -W a»d 31 being lot 36 ot Udaell 10O fe«t aoutb of Forrest street, 4Oxl75 Au of Bar*ow street. 74^:130 June 21 Mortsaerei*. to build two-8tory frame dv^lUnr »ay work. Grain. feM east of Ashby streel 4Ox-OO \U3TMt 25 St Johnson subdivision, 60x241 June 2. gnat 21 $300—1+- W Wells to C A Nix, lot 454 ot $120— To Dr ypchurch, T«ar 282 PullUm 1 mixed ?2 GOO—Copenblll I^aad company to same $1 000—Oscar C Lewis to DIcUnsan Trust subdivision of northwest Atlanta 50K140 teet street to move and underpin. "W C Peas* con- BoadN for Title. Lot South elde Blue Ridge a-. enu«, S1O feet compariy tme'e* Nb S!Z9 Grant street 46x101 -August 22. tractor east ot L>lovfOo4 avenue TOxJOfi 3Iay 3O August 25 $10 000 — James S Floyd as trustee for Alex -.—' tt* S oats (new) •53 SOO— \l Tiiurman t J D \ Wlie*l* suider Lumbet company bankrupt, to Thomas $500—-Mrs Matilda J Gaunt to Mrs Leah S4C—T a Sollfaa Jfharmacy 209 Marietta S8 300—J G Yarbrougn to MM Dana Ste- *350—H I* Harper to "ft H Towery lot street to erect gas 8lg». Atlanta^-aia IJBlit Wfcite com a*t sld« Avenue S^O tect north of Ma\ Hilton lot on west side South Pryor street. •Well No 36 Whitehall Terrace 4:5x86 teet Au- Cottonseed meal TOxl jiJ Ati^u^t 2J 3ft32 phena lot south slfle Greenwood a\oirae 382 uoutheast corner South Boulevard and Bates frost 1$ company foniraMors teet vest of HIeWand avenue 50x200 August aveuue "WiISO \ngust 2S at right of way of Southern railway 200x285 „ 7*0. 2 ralcMlhig cotton 514 OOO — C II Ashrord. to Mrs. lennle Ullen- teet July 2» $120—Mra Mary H Putton to tjeorgia Savings 5 _TO- To \ R Dyer, 35 Cascade avenue, lorff lo <*ast elde Hu land lot 14 26 271—W O MLDonnold to Baat Point Lumber BaJQJt and Trust aompacj No 511 and 61 Krogg to bulttl onc-storv frame dwalllng C Suelv«r^ ^ Brown abort* lOO^TS" Aufeust 2b ?4 010—P H Melt to Clifford I- Anderson oompaoj lot on East Cambridge avenue 2fiO street 53x133 feet August 26 ton tontrattor « Tennasee meai halt Interest ID lot boufflieabt corner Soutb SI.' W»— Henry <= Hart , to Robert D Dor feet eaei of Adams etre^i 50x100 August 26 a'llt-Clnlrn Deed*. *232—W B Bell to Atlanta Banking and Ba\ ?100- To Third National BanU. Marietta and Georgia m-wl fcy lot north »*"ee corc*-( Fifteenth and Center Eouievai d and rottlnghsm avenue SlOtl75 $,000—Anna D and Ethel B Hunt'to Tnnel ?U04 — Georgia Improvement" lucorporation w In^s company No 192 North Butler street, Brorjtl strpf-rs to erert metal als» l>ay worh 'XK140 April Mar^h TO 101O er« insurance company Vo tS and 40 Peach Morris Cohen lot on southeast Corner Humphries 47x135 feet \ugust IS $7-,— To W Kennedj, 2T1 North avenue, to Country Produce Mr Ma G Wilson Maj 3O Transff-rred to Atlanta Banff tug anil Savings tree Plar*. "OtlOO Vtigust 23 and Liberty streets 5fK90 teet August 25 $2 000—Clifford !>, Anderson Lo same lot on add and re ia r D^v work $1O —Samp 10 *m" l*ot north side Fit company August 25 Jl "KIO—W O MfDonnolJ to Mra Hattle 51 — lira Annie J Chlpman Jo W R Tfchenor southeast corner South Boulevard aad Cottlag- S'K>— To -« D riai 4 Marlga^iU street, to (Corrected b Tidel ilv J--ui and P-o Paoj- ippnih street 10O t-t w("rt t r * enter stre«t Hlrsrh Lot ^outh etde Camb"td|je avenue Jt%0 Vo 52 Rosalia street TOiloO feet August 22 ham avenue. ^10xl7"> feet August 26 build bath rix m Day work pa ij ,7 Soulh Mr jad 9ti •*• 1 10x1-44 April HI Teet *-ast o Actams street 1CHI9O Au£Ut>t 23 $2t — Atlanta ( asket cornpanr to Nannie and $$23—Ed Baker to ssm-e lot on west side S-H)_ TO I i t Id«*nc« B Clo , 32 Gneensferry \ tGTTABI F*? PINE^PPLI-S real Spanlsb $2 i(O<22 2H Transf0 S-l >0a 00 B&AVS $I_'JO Wax ONIONS cravfl $125 White crate CABBACC trato 3c Tl> ceLERY dozes I LOHJDA TLLI RY p«r crate CLASSIFIED A D VER TISEMENTS POTATOFS r is buw'iel n w 51 00 White bushel n™w rop 51 Oft SCO PL\MT crate FOR RENT—Houses FOR RENT—'. FOR RENT—-House^__^_ gg_^. ESTAT-E—For Sale. REAL ESTATE—For Sale. REAL ESTATE-^-For Sale. TOMATOS3 fancy crate mock Choice Ji jo $1 - FOR RENT. W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSON GEO. P. MOORE SQUASH yellow ?3 00 fiell Phones_1031-1032__ 11 EDGEWOOD AVB Atlanta Phone 1S81 White £ FOR RENT I FOR SALE $1) 00 | VV f H \v\vrr aa reareall homhomee of eight rooms OR H S". Oimonil l Real Estate Row. 10 Auburn Ave. POt / TRY AVD FX5GS 2V<> WALTON STREET. (J K U 41 C .1 Jon \\c 0 (10 ^erj 11 oltrn oon^enlpnc** on one ol the beat , n() | » nh fiitJc street" n<>ar West Pearhtree and u Friers pound G R H lib L r 11 -, -•* Pfa htroe for $~ 000 This la a sacrifice, «s Ducks 14 R H I7{ I^nckie St " R H 95 Elmira St $45 00 ti R H 2-1O F Ga A«> -1 HO «tf- id moung awaj froln fhe eltv II will pay PIEDMONT AVEXtiE, and fronting Piedmont Park, an 8 room home, on lot Eggs dozen 12 R H 164 \\ North \ve 8n 00 7-K H 9M9 Pieamont Ave ID 00 6 H H 100 F t ala 1 bo \o to in-vP^tlgate this Se* Mr Frederick or 100x150, for ?8.000 Ixjts in this block are worth $3,000 each Can 7 H H 6> W Pcaolitree plice TO 00 t? R H 17 L,uclle Ave d 00 arrange some terms 12 H H " \\ HdgewyoJ we He aiur and >a&t Lake curt, a. 6 room bouee EAST LINDEN STREET, in second block from Peachtree Street, 8-room 10 R H 161 Pinci de Leon A 7'iDO fi R H 21S K Georgia Ave 2300 (Corrected ~by While P avlston t o ) « R H JW <-her k*... A\e il or good niiterinl but not modern Two house, with, cool exposure This place is considered in easy walking oCrnSeid hams ]0 to 12 ave J 10 R H m W Piaihtree St 60 00 6-R Apt . Berkeley Apts "5 00 >m 8t!r ints *» R H llarrard acd Majdfi •o (H) ^ hou^e On a dandy corner lot, distance Price, ?6,BOO ornflCeid hams 12 to 14 ave 1 R H ME Soith Ave 5300 fi R TT X7 Elmira St 40 00 K-W) f«~s $2100 will buy It Tha lot alone Corhfield Bklnned hams 16 to IS ave r f» H II Hardee St Kiik 7i j w(m li 1 P II 7i K \Itiritts A\e 4", >0 6 It H "7 \V Boulevard D« worti ^,1 -DO Madernl/p this plare and sou BUNGALOW HOME on the choice part of St Charles Avenue, Price, on ornfletd plfCnlc ham* 6 to 8 ave * K H ins j-,st \ionue 4000 K«!l, 27 50 b H H 62 CaadJ r ^t iO 00 'J ?ia e n «p!< n h 1 home or place tJiat will bring Cornfield picnic UAEQS 6 to 8 ave S R H in AKrttf St =i . 00 f Tt it 2S Queen St 27 50 ( R H 621 < *pl ol -_ ,jO I u t,o>1 | oil '-PC Mr Bradshaw ______terms, $6,400 Cornfield breakfast ba<-on r s Ft H hi Curru r M 45 1)0 * R \pt Corinthian Apts ,'i 00 R II 4 Gbmp C til n •* l Grocers style bacon (wide an J nar-owf r 10 00 40 At H) i ARM nlp Stone Mountain TENTH STREET, off of West Peachtree, brand new 2-story, 8-room, furnace- Cornfield fresn pork sausage 1 nk or bulk S H H '1 > s Pr\or St 40 10 i R \pt I til \pt R H CTO Centri iinpr but good lanl f t R Vpt Corinthian ^pts 4000 heated house Place is beautiful Has east front, $6,000 Terms like rent. la - "i tb buckets h R II If" (- ipltol ^\ e 4J ".0 K H il Paik J*Mce Cornfield (rankforta IO Ib boxes P H !T North Po\il< ^ ard -11 00 -( H Apt Bfll Apts 40 00 Rcda Roaii 14 mil from Atlanta 4O FOURTH WARD—Negro investment property Rents for $S 10 per month. Cornfield Bologna sausage ~-> Ib boxes R H fitl !.«Prince r>(= *- e iplanl bottom land ar Cornfield lunc&<->Q ham -IS Ib bor?«f 6] R H Ktntu kx Ave s oo i IP h ii it] ijlH \oodel No lmpro-\cm«nt Price, $850 Cornttold Smoked Un* sausage 23 Ib boiei i ^\oRR^ • U I n \\ r n— IFI suo\\ YOU R H B ulr\nr 1 UfKiIb i $40 | ^ acre _ _ R H Cor Hardln an i Ma CORNER of Glenn and Crew Street, brand new bungalow, with all modern Cornfield smoked lie*. «a wag« In pi lie th lv ir, little" town of "Smyrna Oa the la 30-lb can* 1 R H 2J Harue!! improvements, including furnace heat This house is part of the Burk- 3 H H 5<» B*>rne IS IU : s iburb ot \tlnnta on Marietta car line Cornfield trankforta in plrkle \'> Ib Itlui &. 4 nllroad tituated on large shadv hart property, and is considered close in Price is only $4,260, on terms Cornfield pure larfl tit-ret* ba H i R II 210 JjaU« \.^-e r Country styf* pjre lard "HJ IL. tins only FOR RENT BY > R, H 1 Marietta R S nxtra MD9 ~ R H ^'> W Boulwir-1 D vi ^J! Iv nej d r theai for eitlver homes or Inveetment See 10 room home House has two baths, furnace, slate roof, etc Lot D 3 rib bellies medium ait-ra^e EDWIN" P. AXKLKY R H Ib Hto s A\e r :0j "- " 100x200 This site will be worth big money some day for apartment pur- O 3 rib bellies licit nveragw > 1- H 1 t4 H glila i 1 \\e , 40 O i I \Q\ \ tF rpquettPil to inap« t No--» 184, 1W) and poses House is fitted to lot so that jou conld build apartment now and Bis.i !^ ^ HO^^ ivi » R H ii( 1 1 raeer 1 00 ' I 'i --tenant avonuL The,ly Low prices 1 but to wind up estate wil] sell for $8,000 6 ) Lucklc st 4 \\alker st 8 $ 30 00 build a me on wt. h I\P or 'ark at | ltl t ,-,a^ trrm" TVe v\ill submit any offer S^a reas* Dlarnonl Jl T o 1 Mica, Last Lake a bargain See Mr Cclei 261 I udiil \ve •\T \V1ii p 3 2 Jllca $4 2-> 3Zt Uhitehill St —Alderney 18'^ 111 B riovtiilh St JSO t MUI tlat a st R«H- Rock filngor A IP—Q urt pliite 510 J'l P J air si ..i- ('• urili? d st B. F. BURDETTE REALTY CO. tPu Syrup SI 0 per gallon ^^EAL^EST^TE--.^!^^^ ^JRj^L^STATnE—P^^^ b04 \vashinst<'ti st (14 lloKUlKl Vvp Canay Stick GVic mixed c-horolatea 41S 14 EMPIRE BUILDING BOTH PHONES 2099. •jbS N la* kson st 21 > SM1 He, St Salt—loO Ib has* "2c Ice cr GOa Ideal SACRIFICE new Ponce de Leon "home Owner leaving city for business BOe oN ^ barrcia $" 2"S EDWIN L. HARLING reason This is furnace-heated, hardwood floors, clothes chute, sleep- Arm an I Ua: mer S>la $3 OS keg soda 2c EDWIN P. ANSLEY PF\T F-T\TT 32 r\<=T AT \RA^\U^Tnj^FT^___^BOT^^ Poval baliliiR p * Ic $4 SO Nu - $1 Hosford 3 ing porch This is what you've been lookmg for—a fine home at a sacrifice. *4 00 Good ( < If $57 ^ucivs* 51 SO Rough \OitlII SfDi |{OVIf (Jri on1 of the t a i rtlt st io strict" near P n e d* l.*on avenue a.nd Alder Si 80 We can't give number and price, but it you m^an business we will show you. Bean-—I tins ">jr nary $3 Two-Koom Suites m the Poiaco de Loon Apartments lieat^d houc6 that we offer for $ >M| \V e i 1 i ak na purl pannent a ^rnall pie ^ of proper y Our terms are $2,500 cash, balance $1,250 annuallv Jelly— T Ib paH« $1 3T 4 |2 TO IN THIS building we hi\*> -m the font f dt loon cut\e suites on each floor "Vnur_—n tcrii? will handle this^ hou-ne ind 1> •^pa^lictl! — 51 !)0 FOURTEENTH STREET, between the Peachtrees One of the best homes conMstlnpr of living room b tlroom and ul* b-itJ; Th*>se are most dr-»lnble sol TH PR\OR ^TRFTT I.ORM K—Clo-;e In On ^01 h Fr j or «>t Cft we offer for a qul k -;ale i Pith r — ^hlto ofHt 18i- in e\ f r\ •n iv md \\ Itti tho r ifr foaturf of HP buildi nt$ the\ iie pTPticuIirl^ In this high class section to exchange for acreage suitable for subdi Pepjie —Trui t 1 g-i i i i! inJ at a s -it sacrtfl n an ^ ronni J •-tori *)o\i«*t 01 a c irnt r lot for S 7 0 SI OOO sh desirabh foi ooupli s Thrse ire IK inj. t ipiOl\ tdkpn as the rental is \ er> $ 0 **"• m/RETi for fie hala/ice nitli no Jr in Hi ° pit re of properJj i or <~ r(M> vision Practically new 2-story 9 room house on lot 50\1SO feet to allej rioiir— FleRant i n doiblp jou Hardwood floors, furnace heat, servant's room, cement drive-wav and garage Train \fi _ .__ _ wnl _ __ hal 53 00 I \liK COTTXCF — On \lillfdf, r)-I t it fio park iTc ( om LATC! 1— r t nlcnc $~ "0 B. M. GRANT & COMPANY lol "' drift f !aft- WhI e ] 1 (^ basis Pl"^ H L.L, \rRb\GE—IT t*io ctt of Ilnpi.^ 1H ne ha\c an S acre tract with a nvw 6 room $25 CASH, $20 PER MONTH bungalow that. v,« can sell for $> (D f ' "> ai, i $ !0 ptr month or th? balttn e 1h!s Sour Gherkin- Per ate $1 <* k &i $120 on one o' tho bust drivewajs leading on fi om Hape\ille If ^ o\i will 1ft is -ihow you thlt 15 sweet mixed kegs ? 12 OO il»e* !X)c to t of prop* rt> ind jot are n the markr lor an live tir^nt * o\i wi 1 t i\ this at o ir pric*1 $3,250—In one of the best suburbs of the city we offer S-l 50 per doreti rsLTAU--— I0t Sliders 9Oc you a 6-room cottage, lot 70x212, fronting the car line ders $_ pc- dozen APARTMENTS FOR RENT Sugar — Granulated j I 4 and convenient to churches and schools. dark brown 4«i dom no S INVESTMENT Atlanta Live Stock Market THE OGI..KTREE 224 \\ashmRtonjTHE GEORGIAN, Ivy and Harris Bv W II \\lKf Jr of White Pr \ sicm Co Street, third floor 7 rooms strictly Streets 5 rooms each Tust put in $2000 C \^H tin n"; the deal and puts \ou m po-.-.ev-ion of a HARPER REALTY CO. first (lass September 1 $6"> no I first class shape $4250 and $4300 $5 50 to 56 7-i piece of ne 2^ f"

Medium co s ste "Off to property is located on the north «ide, and a main stieet, too Bell Phone Ivy 4286. Atlanta Phone 672. (5 OO lo $•> ">t) G^vod to ill i< See LIEBMAN Has never been vacant House t\\.o yeais old 54 75 to fi TO Medium t ;j $4 W to 54 7 ) 17 WALTON STREET. ANSLEY PARK (lood to ..hoi ^17, tr, $•! TO 12 PER CENT STORE PROPERTY •Vtprtlum Tt S 7uO 00 *4 50 IS Jt\ ITIII\ three blocks of Peaihtiee street, on a cornet and OX INMAX CIRCLE, \ir,lej. Park ne ha\e a beautiful 2-story, The abo it K APARTMENTS THREE AND FOUR ROOMS quallt> of Inrti lo 1 8 room house *vith every city comemence, sleeping porch, fur- da( y tjpe= cr leased foi 6 _ viar-- at $<)oo oo per \car Pi n_c, $7,500 Medium --tee s If fat M>«> to KJO pounds Si 0 ? 0(> IN THE BOSCOBEL AND EUCLID $1,500 c_a->b balance $10000 pci montli Both pieces arc sure nace heat, basement, convenient to tar line Price, $13,000. Me Hum. imiu n o«s If fat 70O to SOO poun Is 53 0 t ? )O \Iixc I «.x (o «OO p unds $" 00 CORNER EUCLID AVE. AND HURT ST. to enhance in value to W 75 do r! butt S( -•> to $4 (K) ^ultlbl'i the best up to ddto stea t hentel ^ith e\ ei > mndei n con\en Primp h< -on ?s (t u $y s K r i e thite and fo n ro<. m TP n tment** m tht nt\ The 1 If I Alt his just DO-\OL u \\T v ncnn - SMITH & EWINC 1-*0 to 1«0 SS i) to e» fini-.hi 1 It n is ^\ \11 be 1^ wall tec 11 it\ sues Price ?TO o Tnd $33 ATL 2865. " n i n .11 \T\( I I r I U SFF IVT 1513 130 PEACHTREE STREET ss _'. riern PS ' Heav> nj |S1 nilxt d h >ga $7 00 FITZHUGH KNOX W. L. & JOHN O. DUPREE $5 00 GOOD MIDDLE GEORGIA FARM Ml nn ill r to coin ft I hoc-* m Ibl- C \NUT PR Bl RH \L KsTMF UMPIRE BLDG ani peanut la Bl-tJ PHOXf M \t\ 3457 300 ACRE improved farm in Monroe county, about three miles of Forsyth, Vbot Ga High state cultivation Forty acres good bottom land Pour good tvhitb 1 001} other two 1 j Is B APARTMENTS FOR RENT tenant houses Thi3 is a good, fertile farm, and a bargain at the price of qUk kl\ >10 d 10 t \ Inn market genr ally FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, $2,250 $15 00 per acre Only $4,500 Think of it and investigate this at once if . CORINTHIAN—BELL you want to buy a good producing farm cheap and un 1 {N i HI III! ( Ji rif ird n d I . WE HAVE j now (he-room cottage, just being completed, Hog 1 T UtMll a ml OTIP I 111 * . foi ro U GEORGIA HOME & FARM CO. I IN 1 IIT- TORIN I HI \N It*" on lot 30\ir>0 to all(M, tli.it we can bell for ^2,250 OBI "OLD BILL'' IS MAKING il irtmerit t >r r* r r 114 CANDLER BUILDING STRONG BID FOR LIFE er\ eas^ terius. 1 m <1 i *- i- the dot-toi*. it tn CHAS. P. GLOVER REALTY CO. ANNOUNCEMENT state lai ni < ml th it Old Hill Mil ei PITTMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. tvas ibonl to ma.kt his list #t t a u a\ I\ 1 UJO 2U \\ ALTON b WE ARE ino\mg today into our new offices—No. 54 He V.T- low n 11 1>--<1 ind IIIIL >ns sou-^ PHONE 4327 202-5 RHODES BLDG. viith tj istt iti*> mil hi-- phvsi tin** be Peachtree street. Iie\etl that tin t e .1 i\ ^ it the longest FOR RENT—Stores Was the limit of Ol ! ) Ml s st i\ it WE WILL be pleased to ha\ e \ on make our new home the faini your headquarters. But Old H II s ulUt-i \ iet. h* I to FOR RENT Fulton County Home Builders and opened h s t\t'- WE'LL FIN\NCR your building Idea Well help you secure or pay for the NJ.VV he siid I Tin I t rol?in \ t lot you selec , ~w e 11 dra^v your plans w e U build the house W6 11 th^n HURT & CONE lies not eithei luit tht dintars s\\ meet your reasonable requirements for repayment. We are building for scores th it he will ne% ei ^« t out of b-1 i 397 PEACHTREE STREET of others—v,by not for jou' WE APE BUIL.DINC a ' classes of houses email and large bungalows and REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE—INVESTMENTS The shatkle^ palitial residences Our diiforfnt inspectors w ith their respective Core- from Old Uill ^ mfBiiTsHnies | AN K\< KljLPjNT stoi e f < »i retail ]nirposcs. Fine base- men and mechanics are each qualified for tbetr special class oC building Let 54 PEACHTREE ST PHONE IVY 2939. and sa% •* i us show you \Vell th. \ie >vv , etk n { nicnt and ]>l( nt\ ot bp ser\ant s and trunk room In basement. Large EENJ PADGFTT JR Superintendent of Construction bath room tile floor \\ Uh enamel tile on all aides running from floor to SOUTHERN COTTOF OIL SWONU FLOOR KMPIRE BUILDING 529-30 CANDLEB BUILDING " PHONE IVY 4674 lling Finest chandeliei a and othar fixtures handsome brick mantels in ning room and Hbrar\ birch doors throughout house large closets and MEN MEET AT ANSLEY dressing rooms Toilets on tver\ floor including basement Cement driveway I leading from street to rear > ard House screened throughout garace *tc. \boui Iifi\ iiernbrr;, conceivable ronieniente On beautiful lot 50x200 feet Price $12 500 Cotton Oil L t n i m\ met in \rl inta 1 - L. O. TURNER CO. Terms arranged \\ednf 4-tii\ ind held i bu«in ««-•* ni et "PUT YOT'R SAVINGS TN LAND" 1217 ATLYNTA NATION \L BU1L.DINQ in-? c-on^ummg d. Lar^-fi part ot the R, C. WOODBERY & CO. hill o the Uuti 1 \nste.levi iomn , N TONF^Bv")Kt) Rt)A I > si^ milp*. n i»m » it\ On Fort \ ait v branch a September S an >thei matting- wilmill be ' ^ ftf ^.;uth(iin itU]« M hump *.tuitn in !e« f * t of property I>and m hi^h EAST GEORfJT V -^VTINTjE NE \R GR \NT STREET—Best block, 6 room cot- held at tlu -* tme pi ^c • w hen about st lte of c litl\ ition Two grood 3 J oom hou*>*»s *nd barn on land No loan tage on -vi I' lot ele\ ted just rifrht For fe \ da\s 5^ oOO $50u cash and $25 a montl* twent\ fi t will I e ui attendant fi om pru t and tt rm<* ^U en it our nffic* _ PIEDMONT CREST. tbe t a^t Tin outloc k ft t bus nes^ 40 ACKr\,b ON ( V^l \1>I ROAD eisht miHs f i om cit\ 40 acres In cultivation VVENUE—Vacant lot $S50 $2->0 cash_ balance about $200 a year this ea^ori t>runu two spring ind a creek along KT-.MIRA PL,\C'F— '"well bu galow of \iasu-« 5 No. 1520 CANDLER BLDG. IVY 5213. $350—Provident RealL> and T-uet ompany to I 5 ROOM HOUSE and lot 47x250, $2,250, $200 cash, balance $20 per month MJss Annie King lot on the n< rthesst corner FOR SALE SOUTH WARREN STREET KIRKWOOD of West Fourteenth '-ireet and Francip street P\RK—On one • f th ? best 4SxIoS Januarv II Iflll BUY ood 6 room house and lot 1( 0 with six room* on fo\? S > ^0 OT more Electnc S2..10O—MlB^ \nni« Kins to > B Turmaa , . BIG MONEY MAKER lot on tbt> northeast orner of M DonougS road j Igrm, lights Oiily $^00 cash, balance easy and Martin street 100x192 Jul> ^0 1911 PIEDMONT \\EMjE—In th« he^t home section we have a 2-stor> 8 room , WOODWARD AVENUE yi 925—Same to same lot on the west aide h 1 l t r t It modern im r erae tt4 RIGHT IN TOWN, and on Marietta street, we are offering the of takewood avenue 211 feet north o' M Don h«at ° PrTc* $77*V on 't5i ms **** *" P ^ " including furnace { g RQQM HOUSE, lot 50x160, for $3.500, on terms oagh road lOOxIRo 4ugu-»t J5 Orpheum theater, on a lot 66x200 to S A, L railroad, at a sTRBtT — \n elegant 2-stor\ home on lars"e corner lot with WEST TENTH STREET J750—West End Part company to -. C Orr t-acnhce If you ever intend making moiiev in your life, bin this lot on the -west aide of Fast Ontario avenue 575 fine shade trets This is on the bebt pait of the street and is priced wa> 5 ROOM HOUSE and bathtb(, with lot 50xL5050x150, ?3,500?3 500f 5500 cash balance easy feet south of Gordon street lOrtJ-iO August Jl under its real value You will h ^ e to see this beautiful home to appi eciate Ww M .TRFTEJEFFERIESR IKS. R W PAR.RTP ARRIS nnrandi WW •ttrrrtrzrwWITHERSQ , Salesme«Qlo0r«o»n at a price far below the market. It is a Vs>tory building and a $9 OOO—James M Johnson to C I DeFoor It. It has ever\thin?r lot on the w«st side of Myrtle street. 120 teet PONCE ~~~~DE~LEO~ N AVKNTJK — \ heauTffuf bi i ~n^eer~ hom^ Pi ice sTs~500" sure bargain bee us at once for a price and terms north of Fourth street COtll),! \UffiMii J6 $S85—John S Owens to Mrs SalUe M Ross PIECE OF RENT\L, PROPERTY close in paying 14 pe-r cent lot cm the south stde of Peat.htre« avenue 101 THE R. E. EASTERLIN ftefeaat of Grand View avenue lOOxJQO July J7. 1912 W. T. NEWMAN & COMPANY PRINTING AND ENGRAVING COMPANY MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. " lot on tile east clde of J MAIN 4311. 9M FOURTH NATIONAL, BANK BUILDING. aailman "Bvnaag. ZO& PEACHXREE. Pbou«. ivg. THIRD NAT'L BANK BLDG. PHONE IVy 1276—ATL. JoS.

1EWSP4PERS NEWSPAPER! COTTOtf FUTURES MARKETS. Foreign finances. GA, NORMAL Parts August 27 —T3iree per cent rentes, 88 OPENS SEPTEMBER 9 ^-* RANGE IN NEW YORK CC 1TOV RANGB IN NISW OBLKANS COTTON frnnes 07% centlm« tor the account. Ex- I I I jl*«t| I frrr change on London. 25 trance. 24- ccntlma Jttr 1|0pm l1 HUh|i Low |1 **")Sate) Clon 11 CI(W**•>• CORN STARTED STOCKS WEAKER MilledserlUe Ga , AuSast K,—(Spa- ,* lopao) Blcb[ Low i Sale| <1cee [ Cloce. checks Private nta of discount. 3«4 Berlin August 27—Exchange on London SO «lal )—On September S. Inindreac, c* ^ ~£ Aug 112.38 12 39112.20 1238 12 3O-40I12.18 22 AQ8 1325 1373 12B8I12.DSI1295 1299-02 toepc (l^lj U laILt lo U 13 12 J3 2o(12.«2 «i Sept 12,13 12 la 12.13 121312.32 1207 09 marks, 44 ptgs. lor check*. Mon«y. 3H P°r young ladles from all pai"ts 6f' tfce -Jj, V Oct 12 OO U 20111 m 12.19 12 19-20,1191 y! Oct 12.O1 12J.T 11971121412.14-15 U 98-99 cent. PrtTat* rate of discount. G per cent. state will arrive in MltledseVtlle *O **"»*# ft 11 8»|11.»4 1108 12 07-OB 11 88 90 Nov 12 11 13 11 94-9S tend the Georgia Normal and In«ite-«sr st- D«o 'll 98 12 lo[ll 93 1209 12 09 10 11 92 JJ De« 12.04 12 19 1191 121312 13 141197 98 WMRENGTH UmESSION trial college which opens on S«prten>-i"«a ANDUNSEHLED 12 06 12.19 11 99112 1B| 12 14-15 12UO-01 Jan fll 88 J201J11.H4 1201 12 OO-O1 11 82-fe3 Jan Groceries. 119S 12 Feb H BO11 00h i SO 11. »0 1202 M llS4-!>b Feb St Z*Jut" A-apu« 27 —Floor quiet. ber 9 President Parks has arrange* ^ri^SS Mar 1^00 12 10 11 02 12 OS 12 08 1OJ11 93-94 Mar 1217 12.26 12.12 12 26,12 27 28 ]2 11 13 tor two extra trains to come ta MU- a _ ~ 12.20 22 Hay easy pralrte $10 O0®13 00 s TO5 Market Closed Firm at Net May j 12 01 12 19] 12 01 12 16 12 161 9|11 96 ST Majr 12.26 12 38 12 38 12 BS|12 36-38 Then Weakened on Account Mexican Situation Cited as Vew York August 27 —Flour quiet «od steady ledseville on that day to accommodate; »sT -"al Cincinnati Angwt 27 —Flour eteady Closed steady th« large crowd of students. Extra ="v> " Gain of 16 to 23 Points. of Selling and Rallied To- Cause of Decline Toward coaches will also run .from Atlanta, __ v ward the Close, Closing 1-8 Provisions. Savannah. Augusta and CovinSTton. '- Private Crop Reports Con- STOCKS. Close — Smelting Weakest Chicago Atiffus Applications for admission to -tB«* »•> BONDS. SlOTo^H 87% college this year have been giefetsr , Cent Lower to 3-8 Higher. on List—Bonds Irregular. Cincinnati A«gTi»t 27 —Bulk m«&t«, bacon than ever before and hundreaa b*«M>& tributed to the Advance. end lord eie*a> U S rc£ 2* reelBtere4 been refused admission for lack* oftf} do ref. Z& coupon. High Low Close Close do 33. regtacarod 101 Amalgamated Copper 74% 73^4 73% 7J% room New York August 27 —Tlie cotton do 3^ coupon 10^ Amertuin Asricullural 43% 45% 44 -M^ Chicago, August 27 —Corn again to New Yorfc, A isustt 27—Until the Treasury Statement. v»8T do 4s r*£lster«i UJ'ji. erican Beat Sugar 26 26 day was the active feature of specula- market was extremely nervous and last hour of trat) us today, stocks were Washington August 27 —^The condition of the 11 Vt Can 35% 33% 33 tive Interest It weakened on liberal LOOSE MONEY BARREp S-yfe unsettled today Trading continued Panama Ss cojpon . .. . do pfd U0% 96^ 9«W steady with a gocd undertone al- Ln ted States treasury at the beginning of bue selling by longs but In the final part Inrss today waa Al is Clialciera IB- 5s bid 4H Amertcau Car &. Foundry 45 though fluctua ors were narrow Such TO THE R.F.D •ver> active but was hardly as general AmerlLAn Agrf ultural Zxt jj t. American Cotton Oil 44Vj 44-^ 44 44% of the session rallied fairlj Trell on N«t balance In general funds $125 101 S39 as earlier in the -week and there •» as Amerl an *~el a d Tel cv 4 1OO I American let) Securities S4% 2i 24 22 „ rebuying by traders •» ho considered mo\ements ac >c ui-red were mostl> Total receipts jeaterday $2 397 316 American Tobacco Os bid 111 American Linseed »Vi upward Aith sterialtlee, including Total pavments yesterday $2 348 733 evidently heavj realizing: on advances themarheto v ersold t inal prices •» ere Tba deflc't Ibis flacal year Is ?1S 379 3O4 loose money has grown to be »ucfa Jl American Locomotive 35% 83% 3S •Vmerlcan Ice * r-icrlcan Agricultural This caused rattier sharp reactions but 1H% Amer Smelling and Ra % net lower to % net higher with against a deflclt of $3 638 324 last year exclu hardship for the overwoTked rural « Jo cv 4a I960) bid Jl a fl ilng 67"4 ftS^ 6->V4 67% the Septeber option show Ing the Chemical People a C*as and Seare Roe elve of Panama canal and public debt traneac delU ery carrier that the postoffloe ^.~ buying was aggressive in the late trad buck In the 1-Ml Toward the close t ona do cv 3e Wt H do pfd 100 1OO 100 100 greatest recovery "v; heat closed i* to partment today issued an order warn- Ing witb. rumors that some of the Atlantic Toajit Line 1st 4s 81-n* ^merioan 3u ar ReflnlrtB 110^4 11O»4 K» 109 of the day seve^ti "olnts of weakness ff % low er oats H @ *4 ot % off and ing- reckless citizens aealnst leaVliM? BaJilmore and C^ilo 4s bid JJ \mcrtcan Te! A 1>1 130^ 1SOM, 1JOH appeared Union "acific Reading L* sold out longrs were replacing their provisions unchanged to 10c lower ^ loose coins laying around HeregJter high Valley Nt. w York Central Ca 1 nes and la&t prices were firm -it a Brookl> n Transit cv 4a ^S * Au-ftunda Mining Co 36^, Corn started with a good show of Bluff Springs Campmeeting coins must be tied In bundles or "*•* f al of Ge rgla 5e nadian Smelting nnd various other net gain of 16 to 23 points October 1 5S At h «un 03% 95% Oo ^ strength on the continuance of hot, Barnes\ Ille. Ga , August 27 —(Spe closed In envelopes -whenever the ^n rai Leather 5s 04 «i do pW •i'J-Ji stocks fell off i t * 2 points and the cial )—The camp meeting at Bluff tron of a rural route watits sis..—*•- contracts sold at 12 20 or into new T) sat>e«ke anl Ohio -t^B ' t itlanttc cooat Lfna 1^15-i 121^* 2-^lf* drj weather southwest Prjflt taking whole mai ket wiis l«a\y at the close j Springs near Zebulon will begin FrI from a carrier and lea\ &a/ the neces- high ground for the movement wh le f> on 4 -as ~C 3 | BaUimoro & Ohio &a?i eUVto »<* •sales followed the upturn some of the Mexican affi r* jetained first place >•! J i Beti ehem ^teel 34 &4 83% leading longs putting big lines on the . day and continue through next Tuea sary amount In the wavslde box ^ later deliveries recovered to oract cil >••>*! tir oklyn FUpid Transit SU1^ 89 89 in the determination of the stock mar clav There will likely be a large 9- * Ca gdian Paclflc 219Mi 218% 21STs market Prices ea^ed rapidly and it ket sentiment *» *fer orders on hand 1} the beat level of Tuesday soon became evident that Uhere had j crowd In attendance It is famous as a Opposes Summer Sessions. «TW- 10 ^ | ( *otr«I leather !_ _ at the ooeninc- ha 1 been executed the * camp gi ound and haa often been the The reactionary tendency wH>i<-h de R I and P h«-« intake & Ohio 6»Mi 58% been overselling in the face of natur sjrn market settled down to await Presi ' scene of great meetings Rev W S Washington A larust 27—The tedl- - \ eloped > esterday afternoon was re Chicago Great Weaiern ally hulish crop conditions \. buv dent \\ llson s mes**i fee and trading Clilcago Mil and St. • Bran-ham of Zebulon will be in ous grind of a *u-nrrer session o£ con- Ing rail} In which some of the chief came almost to a standstill Deli\ fleeted in today s opfr ng prices at an J Hu of the moss igo produced no !m 1 jverpool but the market there rallied aikago i NorthwefiWrn ]dl Idl 11O loutt of Cartersvjlle Rev R. \f DIICTI itself on the if-\ members ot the t olorad Fuel & Irou 31 wel and the cl >^e was firm A fea mediate affect up n prices It was an house Representative Thompson, *>£,,"£ sharply and the 8ta.rt here l"o md a Forsjth Rev Vf J DeBardeben of hour after th mt'^age reached the ture of the da\ v- as 1 quiiation of ^etteville and others Illinois a prosres'-lve Indicated GLS.^^^ good supply of bu>ins? orders around Septembei oin \n I subsequent buying "treet before tne list began to decline by introducing- A bill to prevenfc thtt^p-j*, the ring fcirbt prices were 20 points that caused it t> re over noarly all of Upapite this lansg cf time it was the summer sessions He proposoa thaT-^oT Higher on \ugust and frr m 4 to ~> the *i c it declined from Its high point Mexican situation which was cited as Shingle Plant Burned. congress shall assemble once every £?jy-* points higher on later months with of the diy the cause Srre t'i ? which has heavy >ear and that K the year of the lon@Tlw^j. interests n Mi > was the weakest Pensacola Fl« August 27—Fire of sessions It shall convene in October-i new crop positl jns sellint, 14 points ^\ heat eased off on ptactlcal assu 1 1 lance that the northwest crop is safe fetock arnongr tnc leaders The slump unknown origin early today destroyed instead of December thus preventing I* - above last night «t clo^e during the f J end tihat Canada w ill soon complete Appeared to be due however less to the shJngrle plant of P L Southerland the extending" ' 'he session Into tfi*"C^ fl rst few ml n u tes here entailing a loss estimated at $40 - the harvesting of a large jlelfl Lower any alarm o\» the situation than to heated term Congress under the biu, **. selling by bear*, wno put prices down 000 A large quantity of stock was would meet In I'3 mber only In con-- **-*• \ pri\ ate crop report miking tho cables also depressed the market and simply berausf ne\ ha ears , „ ondltion " 9 against hJ last n jnth, another bear factor was the falling of on deli\trj of th* message ontrlbuted u this a,J% me b it of in export business It was said that Union tarlfi s decline was influ the export call was the poorest of the fertngs soon became ve j, V ed.v \ ati \ emed by the fi\crable July statement the market eased off 1U r 11 joints season to date Liquidating by holders «r-|Wn^ x dCCI v r^ 40% » days detailed reports showed record 1 410 000 bushels i yeir ago Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour equaled breaking temperature s In the soutih ' £n^^^^ west while a Chicago houfae issued a 1 22" 000 bushelb bT Capital $1,000,000 : condition report of 69 4 anl tt ere were Oats showed u, eakness almost rumors thit the repc it of the National throughout the day due to lack of de mand Ginners ass jr-iation would make the uondilion bJ 3 Thes^ feat ires were Selling b} longs depressed provl Surplus $1,000,000 credited with checking thr selling slons The demand was slow most of Tnovement t > ;>wme extent and tl" e the day Stock. m«irket was v f rv tirn 1 xie in U e 1 w th act! e months IS tc CHirAGO QUOTATIONS ierv^v-eTixsrsmz a« h 1 p?h e r Following werg the q lotatlons on the Chlcag Savings Department. Safe Deposit Boxes (ottrn spot TUIP mifid ns uplands ex hange uxlsy 9 5o do K If 1 Tf?f

SPOT COTTON The American Audit Company At anU.— Nan ral m Jd Ing 1 Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. -

Macon — steady m tKliing 11 F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A., President. THKO. COCHBl, JR., \. Pre« and Sec-'y. — A- F LAFRBNTZ. Trena. V henn —Steady mlrtd Ing 1 1 BRAJtCHESl fl NEW YORK — Waldorf Astoria. ATLANTA — Fourth Nat. Bank BWe * BOSTON — f^changp Building CHICAGO — Marquette Building- - WTASHINGTON — Colorado Building; PHILADELPHIA — Bellevue Strat'ord NEW OHLEANS — Mai&on Blanche SAN FRANCISCO — Western Metropolis, j tfi 40 10 •*•> !•> 40 11 40 BALTIMORE: — Ke>ser Building Bank Building U 4J 19 42 19 37 39 TT iw -™ RICHMOJSID — American National Bank LONDON ENGI AND — F C . 50 On Sham Building Street Bank 11 in 11 10 11 no 11 05 14 10 ATI. \_VTA BRAlVCn 1015-17 Foi.rth National Dank BnlldlnE. 11 2 > 11 20 11 fr 1112 II 17 til n Pacific 1 *_ 10 6- 10 72 10 SO 10 SO C. B. BIDWELL, C. P. A., Resident Vice President, rattI«_Roc«lDtB BOOO mcludinj! SOO south rtu pM h Telephone Main 87^ Cable Adare»«, Amdlt, J\ew Yark.D T n f d States Rea ty I n iM States Kubhor -" - United Stat«a Steel Savannah—Firm iniddl na 1 n*>t r do pfd 4000 higher ia 4 so. a ] frt (s M k ..J 41 expo Ltah Copper $700® AUDIT COMPANY OF THE SOUTH ontlne-it l.>o OS* * e 10 Virginia Carolina Ch«mi CHICAGO •Estimate 1 tor C. 3. METZ, «. P. A, Prwldmt. Hubbard Bros & Co Today To London Stock Market 627-628 Candler Building. ATLANTA. London August 27 —Money was harder anrt d a aunt rates steady The stoc-k mrk^t wn« Irregular Trad n- PRIM \RY RZ^TFJPTS was refctrl ed ex ept In oil sha wa tvhich are \H.h<-at Receipts 1 4BI I rtt aga n<* 1 410 (V) > a tract ng specula ora Paris supported its fa ALOISZORICHARD50N&CO. last vcar Shlpne ta "1 OOO against ^A 0< 0 •vorlici but BrlLlth eharea were in llt«d lo ease last ye r off while Mexican Issues were quiet and steady Com RP elpts 020 OOO ajrurst 7M 000 lit In sympi. I y with Americana CERTIFlEDPDBUCACCOUNTANtS j-ear 11 ipn e la T41* (XK> aga st "'I0 'KK> last A prlcan securities opened steady and un cfnnfcpd The postp nen ent of the readins of EMPIREBUILMNC _ AMERICANNATlBANKBUIUJINO President \Vilson a mc*isige jestordny helped COR ICE sen ment and a good tone pre ailed during tho ATLANTA 5J3c?TiEi? PENSACOLA.FLA. re oon when prices advanced over parity r^i er the trallng was 3 mited and values barely Liverpool Cotton mo ( The cl = ng ^as dull bat «teady 1 11 oH ^n ra 110^ I U!B\ lie and Na^ v He 138'^ bo them Ra lwa> 2,>% Bar filli^r fittady at 2~ 7 1Q CSO-rTTOlM >. IM. V. Moncj —^ 1 Total Wedne 1 j al al p rt-fl ne _ !_* D s ount rates short bills 3 -3@3% three \fembers TVctc Vorft Cotton Exchange from iff onsoll Ut d ut all porti? net fo da months 3 31 !G(i1\ b41 CoTton Region Bulletin. Members Nmw York Coffee Exchange lotsl sin e ^-''p *m <*r 1 t a I por Sd ember j Chicago Board ot Trade Barley Country Produce. llrr ihj S4 ^1 7- 40 „*: f lover $10 Ojl (^1 ^S" \ EU» _ —But ar UR Jianged We solicit orders tn Cotton. Coffee Grain and Provisions I KJ.S un T. t r elpts 10 11 ca ns b Ijou fc A ig si - ] red 9OS-<>1 •£. N 2 hard II «jo I gl cr d Isles 14 -(.STl4?i tw ns 14 ^ T Corn Vo -JX^ N> 2 white 7f Oats No 2 41> @t Uj No *. wl tf 41 }• tato(a incharised receipts .15 cars Augi s 27 —Clo«e Wheat P ul ry i ha B -d Established 1893 New \ork August 2T—Butter tJteadj and ufl. I ssa uncharged GIBERT & CLAY M mp*iU — s " 1} mill I K 1 ^ Ll e SB irvchanged COTTON MERCHANTS * S Kro S O" ill p-ne a 1 e-H I S Ixi ilfi \ igust ^ —Pcm try chl ke i 1 1'j Members Nttv Trork ( otton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange spr K-J 15 turl *j^ 1~ du ks 10 geese S IT 07" i Ut r oreamr* y " l- Associate Members Liverpool Co ton Association 1 (.gs fiteady at 16 21 S. William St., New York 822 Gravler St., New Orleans K nt^a (ft VutfusE 2^—Butter eggs anJ Orders solicited for purchase or sale of cotton for future delivery Liberal Cotton Seed Oil ^sntas C ty A iRust 2" r o&> "Wheat b] poult y u 1 ung M made on spot cotton for delivery Correspondence invited te Tiber 81U D-cf n twr Kt'^'JR \ i» ".orlt Aucust £"" —There Torn S^pt^mbpr "4^* Dec mber "OXj, s and a aharp carh break Ii NPW York August £7 —Wheat spot Gt<>ady Metals i owing to the p-e^-ure ot crude and fu ih< No 2 refl O1*1^ elector New York export basis New York Aug m 2" —Copper q iet feeptem nieaion house liquidation The decline v-e an 1 97 fob afloat No 1 northern Duluth )«r and October $16 12 asked electrolytic 513 8" checked by the strength ot cotton and pric 09% fob afloat Putnrea closed Ujf ^ not tfltl lake $19 casting $1502f?158" allle 1 In the last hour closing 5 lower low*r Boptember 96H DecemtHT Qb^ May Tin firm apo and August $41 45@42 75 Sep Atlanta Appraisal Company 5 h gher Sales 15 "M3O barrels $1 0° ember 42 50(3-42 62 October $4242 5O crude nominal prlm« summer yellow ro a spot Bteadj- «Tport S3^6 nominal fob Amimony dull Cookaon s $S 40^3 SO sp l and August 8 OO September 8 08 1 Copper firm epot f~O 7« 6<3 futures f70 SB 3d prlrre winter yellow 9 OO prime summer white Tin eass spot £192 futurca £191 12a 6d Gould Building Atlanta, Ga. , & 24 FMtores ranged as follows Irnn Clevelanl warrants Me 9fl Open CIOB* St Louis ^ug^l3t 27—Lead $4 70®4 75 T 90O«* 00 8 00(@^ I) Liverpool Grain Spelter $5 80 8 lOr&S 25 8 OSf^S 00 "m.mn A.«r.«.. October . 7 54^7 56 7 60@7 6^ Uwrpool August 27 —Whsat spot ateady ND\ ember 6 7f)fgfl 75 6 T8@6 SO No 1 Manitoba 7s M NO * 7s 61 No 3 New Orleans Cotton Timpt-rl't r Decombflr . , ( 7s 3%d Futures steady October 7u 2&d CINTRAfc « JncuaiT 4« Docember 7a l^d March not quoted M February - - 6 74©6 76 6 ~9®8 81 Com spot firm American mixed new kiln dried 6a 9Mrd American mixed old 7 Hd M ^•S- « 81<3?6 83 6 84tg>6 8ft B heir highest woro *bo it 51 a .>* « i Augwi •TATION E _ ± Futures, flrm September (La Plata) SB l%d a" a» iSS Memphis. •Cotton seed products which at their n Meat w^rs ove a ra-ine of a prime basi meal $31 S0t@32 OO October (1* Pluta) 5a 2%d $200,000.00 at 2% full cent In he earl par- o thi- nct « n p resu t of hea^y realizing ana reports that Brazil SAVING 1865, is splendidly evidenced by its recent Two at entlon bit Ihcr Ras OS 1 v 20 the close steady at a. net lose of 21 to 23 MONEY crops went 10 o 11 poin & Up 'lut wfiersva^ s 00 Spot unsettled >.o 7 Rio 9*fe Vo 4 Santos lars to the State of Georgia, with which to pay lost all of hP ad a o polits on ending S a. m 75th at &JT"^ Cantos spot unchanged futu cs 2-^ to September $1 47^ bid October $14334 No terpnses and responsible individuals to the full ~t rf Is higher Brazilian port receipts 9j (10<) her $1 48% bid December $1 4 W, bid athe agalna 53 000 last year Jimdiahy receipts 6^ Don t spend all for pleas- limit of sound banking policy makes connections a^C nela OUI Jni «" T V " ra •) Tiuo >>iee droUJT.Mu ! COO cgalnst "a OOO sections of the be t TOP ar aunts were bull — except In tlie coaj Futures ranged as follows Money and Exchange with this institution of the utmost value And and so *pr« pr! a e f-» rt on ond tlon up 10 jfi Carolina whor Open ng Closing York August 2~ —Money on tall «• ure upon this basis of helpful banking, the accounts August 25 These r^port^ ang0 9 4*3« ifi Don't speculate of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Mari-h » """ oS 9 ^ Tlm'e loans weaker sixty da^s 3% »0 days months of Au^ii^t n HERRMANV 4^ six months 5 Spot cott n steady anl u^cha•]g**d middling Section Director April 9 60$ » 70 9 59^9 01 are respectfully solicited 9 70g9 ~1 9 R^iSO Of Prime mercantile paper o%^6^ Don't carry much money 1 1 16 salt^. "n i^ie sp t *!4— bales) o &*r FP Sterling exchange 4 92»0 for s xty day bill* none low or Una > g 11 16 rvl nar 9X, nor-i 9 7rtg9 T* 9 «9®9 71 nal good ordinary 11** str t low mliidllag 12 fl 82-R» S,i 9 "J(?9 -^ 4 SOlo tor demand in your pockets Comparative Port Receipts 9 01©9 Ot S 94<@S IT Commercial bills 4 82% middling 12 S 16 strict middling 12 Soo1 Bar silver »9^ Atlanta National Bank middling 12 II Tfl strict good middllnK 12 ^ 9 Ooigft 20 O O4i?0 06 r FollowinE were ^ct re c pts at the porta ou Mexican dollars 46 DO start an account at middling fair 13 Iff nom aal ralddl ^g fair o Wtdnesdaj August 2~ onipared with thoee on 9 10@9 SO q 14O9 15 Government bonds easy Railroad bonft fair 13 It Ifi nominal fair 14 1 16 nominal mber 9 30@9 32 9 34@9 35 our Savings Department and s ( th« corresponding day l«at year Bales 127 000 regular Resources Over $10,000,000,00 , receipts 3 * stock 16 G8. l*t!3 101 1913 1812 ne steady Galvteton 19 88~ 13 wi_ Norfolk 13o get j,y2 per cent Interest — SPW Orleans S at an ad an e ptcx ks 31

. I,EIT»ER, 1 Inse were In good demand for home coneump P. EL BLOCK. fif about 2O points du* to the demand from ceip s T 053 shipments, 2 S&4 stock* IflT 4OS Vice President. INTivRK K U3VEMBNT AB $•*- to STS-v CD $3S5 E, $3 85 to tion and some business was done In cottons ot Cai&ter. AssC. Cashier. trade Interests Domett! spinners bought rathe ion iii' thle sort for China Worsted yarn<» were quiet fret*l> late yesterday and continued their bu 11 J36 12 4 1 §•" ^ *> J S3 «S to $3 QO G *3 ST to $^ 9^ H $T O'l to S4 00 I S4J35 K $4 10 M $4 40 and fairly firm Cotton yarns are being revised K todav On the other hand Uverpoo' re Little Ro upwiird Women a silk hoslerj In high colors DIRECTORS: »f>rL3 a poor demand for spot cotton and Ll e Memphis to $4 0 s «3 10 to $5 15 WG $6 OO to $6 10 being purchased by thf rnlill trade C. E. Currier* E. H. Inmnn. VP«I ulativp shnrt interest m the American mar St Louis Totaf 32,163 12 733 TVTV $6 2o to $6 30 , •jet, appears to be pretty well cohered for tb*1 "Wilmington v C August 27 —Spirit s tur- V. K. Block, IV. F. • A. E. Thornton* DrpBPTit However until the crop moves frw- pentine steady at 37^. receipts, 11 casks Rosin ATLANTA. A. R. Swaim» Jam. S* Floyd. Gco. R, 1 inv Insistent buv ing will affect prices *- EST1MATFD RErFIPTS THURSDAY steads a $3 60 receipts 12 barrels Tar flrm Mining Stocks torablv as ID ihe absenro nt hedge eellioe; Gnlveston 8 300 to J oOO against 16 630 last at $2 20 receipts 11 barrels Crude turpen Boston August 27 — Arizona Commercial are limited to realising by those baldlns tine flrm at $2 00 $300 and $300, receipts Calumet and Arizona 62% , Greene Xaw Orieaas 3aO to 450 aeaicet 97 last year i]j"barr«U. 32% I^orth Buue. 2Ti4. SP4PFR1 SPAPFRf : I* . , \&i»rJte '•' Jttry ' , wouia ;: ~ sjand ' to'r our;, court ai"e held- an&>whicti: no! aoubVttrt ttov'Httto aetnesW: tor "tile regular free Sunday organ con- falr^platy, too." .: ' >• ' " - - • and hope will be taken- as theYex- of C6atlcoolcn ft ii:r»t Tlwiw. ception, not -the rule. , I ha^e long: To b*V ready for emergencies,, New formances. -prjflSRoly th* last -thai cue,; popular feature of Atlanta's musical been at the->bar and I have been sonta Tork is keeping In touch with sheriffs, in Atlanta for a Ions time. Miss Bunttng h«a The unexpected outburst of sym- time on the bench, but l' must declare and deputy sheriffs along the borders on agreeable role Jn. "Tne Cireas Girl." wb.H« .; No. .3,,- lite. pathy in: Thaw's behaif— -for until to- that I have never witnessed such a Mr. WWtefcezv the lending mao, 1a "«Uo sup- Capitar l City • The program is as follows: day residents of fiherbrooke had ap- scene and that If any attempt is made of New Hampshire and Vermont. They plied with a part that suits him admirably. heW ilmUgle. one of the frest scenic artists Jn the i jry. Is connected with-the announce- the World Over," dedicated to John ceedings he has undertaken In his Keith Vaudeville. & A. M, will be heW lit Ma- Phillip Sousa. descriptive of the man- of New York?" country. The manner In which each ocenc. Is sonic Temple, corner Peach- ment that the Fifth Regimf-nt band of His lordship: "Gentlemen, you need own behalf, provided there Is no spe- (At tbe For*yth.) presented shows that so expense will toe spared The Georgia National Guard, will give ner In which he had to play "Home, tree and Cain streets, this not discuss it." cific law forbidding it. That this weefc'a bill at the Foreyth la Just In staging the productions that arc put on by (Thursday) eyenlras at B a. Krand concert at the Auditorium- Sweet Home" to each nation on hia 'I, therefore, grant the application." exactly what an audience ot local people like, the Jewel Kelly company during the season. Mr Jacobs: "Do I understand tfcat IB being OTldeaoect every day by the tremendous o'clock. The Fellow Craft Armory to-night, assisted by Organist famous "around-tfie- world tour," your lordship wfli not hear any argu- he concluded, "and order Thaw recom- During the week matinees wilt l>e given every degree will be conferred. All duly (Lampe). attendance that Is sweeping along to make a rec- ..af lemoon at Z :30 and night performances at Charles Sheldon and the Atlanta Music 0 ments on the other side — " - mitted to Jail to be dealt with ac - ord tor the theater. Svengalll certainly has 6:SO. For next week the sensatlotn*! melodrama qualified brethren are cordially and The concert will begin at S:30 p. m. The court: "I will not -hear you. cording to law on the charge that the people guessing. Just how this man gets "The Man from the West" will "be put on. fraternally Invited. and the admission price will be 25 and Jacobs? "I ask that it be noted in stands against hJm." the message to his pretty assistant to play some sclal Interest will be shown in this play, as ALV1N L. RICHARDS. W. M. the record that we have no status an RICHARD N. PICKETT. JR.. 10 cents. It Is hoped that the audi- Opinion differed tonight as to wheth- grand opera, selection to a -wonderful thing, has never been presented in Atlanta (n pop7 Iriclc or not. Svengalll dow not speak a word. ar prises. Secretary. ence will be one of tne largest of the this court." er this meant that Thaw would remain season. His lordship: "Make no entry. A person simply whispers the name ot an op- Jacobs: "My lord, I, want to bring jail until some high dominion of- era, untl tbe operator sends the message, any to the court's attention that the man ficial interfered, or whether he would way you care to figure It, to hta subject on the who has made the complaint a&ainst demand trial by jury at the king's stage, who plays the opera and filngs It too. him (Thaw) is an interested party, in- Tl*e pretty Meredith Sisters are also helping to HARRY THAW WINS bench next October. draw the crowds. The girls are Hinging eight asmuch as he is liable to damages, and Mr. Jerome said that In hia opinion IN CANADIAN COURTS ask that the entry be made, my lord, numbers and malting a change In costume Cor that you refuse to hear any othe Thaw ultimately would be sent back each of the songs. * $200 WILL BUY A GOOD ONE party. We except especially to th to New York, and Franklin Kennedy Building Lots 40x120 feet, in a good section, where improve- Continued From Page One. judgment of the court on this mat- issued a similar statement. The Immigration authorities safd to- Moving Pictures. ments are being- made every day, for $200, sounds ridiculous—but The court; "Do not make any such night they would keep agents on the ' (At the Grand.) t isn't.. release today. This remedied a entry," e" pending developments. Counsel " "The Scarlet Letter-,'* that wonderful novel for Thaw shurgged their shoulders by th*- famous Hawthorne, Is being shown today On Wylie street, between the Georgia Railroad Roundhouse strateg-ic blunder made last week by ••tilve Him Fair Play." and said the next move was up to the only Jn Klnemacolor at the Grand. The picture nd MoreJand avenue, just a few blocks from DeKalb avenue, we Thaw's attorneys, who apparently did The words came sharply and then is In three reels and attracted the largest at- from the back of the courtroom came state of New York. tendance that baa beun recorded *t the Grand ave had placed with us a tract of land that has been subdivided not realize then that in see-king their Thaw Flashed and Happy. since pictured were Introduced, oa Wednesday. client's release they were playing into th?ciat ion. A small admis- " the State "f Georgia in pursuance to the laws o£ said State. INTEREST OF BORROWERS SAFEGUARDED. •.ill b. c-ha r.uert and the benefit Principal Office — HIS North Meridi a.n Street. I. CAPTT AL iSTOCK. EQUITABLE BUILDING ESTABLISHED IP90 Amount of Capital Stncfe ...... J355,999.00 Amount of Capital Stock paid up in cash ...... 352,440.00

Are You Sick, Diseased, Amount in Notes of thn ritrmkholders ? 3.&BO.OO II, ASSETS. Nervous, Run Down? ...... $673,21-5 HAVE YOU BLOOD POISON. KIDNEY, BLADDER 'otal Assets ...... - Talks to Business Men AND URINARY TROUBLES? III. LIABILITIES. II iO. CONMJL.T iFRF.E' Total Liabilities ...... -$«73,215 97 Dr. Hughes, Atlanta's long Established, tV. INCOME DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1913. BUSINTESS LITERATURE Most Reliable Specialis!. Total Income. . '...... ' -- ..$190,220 1> I car* «j «t»; This Pony Outfit for sale, price $.215, complete. The chance . DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE TEAR 1913. The time to send oat business literature is when r«d of a lifetime for your little folks. Good speed, but absolutely gentle 'otal I>i.shurKPments ...... $137,903 81 NERVE. BL.OOD Greatest Amount Insured In any one risk ..... „....$ 5,000.00 business is slow. You don't send for a doctor when and safe. Main" 1563 (Mr. Jackson), or address N"., Box i, Con- Total amount of Insurance outsta tiding1 ...... 7,368,861S.50 your child is in good health. Why should yon cur- stitution. A ( opy of the Act of Incorporation, duly certified. Is of file In the office tail on your booklet simply because business is f Liu- Insurance Commissioner. quiet? That's when you need to send out a jam-up STATK OF INIilANA. COUNTY OF MARION — Personally appeared be- ore the undersigned, C. r>. Renick, \v ho. being" duly sworn, deposes and says booklet, and you will find that returns will more hat he is the President of -Indiana National Life Insurance •CotnExany, am3 hat the foregroing- statement Is correct and true. than justify the expenditure. Let us work with COMMISSIONERS' SALE O. D. BEJNICK. Free. you in getting up a booklet which will "pull" busi- Sworn to and subscribed before in e. this 26th day o£ August. 190.3. ness for you. dSeal.) BIMiTH LEIENDEOKER, TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER2nd,ll A.M. Notary Publlo. My commission expires June 8, 1017. WE KNOW HOW. 606 tfte celebrated German preparation, for Blood I'olson. and Before Courthouse (South Pryor and Hunter Streets), two Lots Guarantee results. Everything a3 eolutely confidential- 'on Decatur Street I north side), between Milliard and Yonge Stre'ets. Foote & Da vies Company If Ton en n't call, write. Free Consultation onil Advice to All- I Each lot 28.3x100 to 10-foot alley. Also one-fourth interest in two The Title Guaranty & Surety Co. North Pryor St. and Edge-wood Ave. HOURS—0 •. rn- to 7 p in. Sundar*. 8 to 1 ! Houses and Lots, Nos. 32 and 38 Fortress Avenue. Terms, cash. DR. HUGHES JUST ONE MINUTE FROM EVERYWHERE Opposite Third \nfl Hank. i Deposit of $200 on cadi lot required. Sold subject to confirmation HAAS & MACINTYRE 16% N. Broad St.. .Mlnctu. Oa. of court. JAMES L. LOGAN, GENERAL AGENTS ROBERT R. JACKSON, Of* f» MINI El Atlanta National Bank Building On Parlt lane, between Westminster and Maddox Drives, a beautiful lot LOWNDES CONNALLY, 70x305 feet, for $3,150- This lot Is close to the Piedmont avenue car line! I Opium, WtUakey f the Insurance Commissioner. Principal office—232 Walnut street. STATK OP GEORGIA, COUNTY OP PULTON—Personally appeared be- I. CAPITAL STOCK. ore the undersigned, J. O. Knight, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says 1. Whole Amount of Capital Stwck paid up in cash $750 000 00 hat he is the Attorney in Fact of The Title Guaranty and Surety Company, II. ASSETS. ind that the foregoing statement is correct and true. Total Assets of the Company, actual cash market value |2,267.177.07 J. O. KNIGHT. III. LIABILITIES. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27th day of August, 1913. E, ARTHUR HAAS, Surplus beyond all liabilities . SfiTTl'iROT Notary Public, Fulton County, Ga. 14. Total Liabilities '.".'.'.".'.".".'.'.'.'.'$ Name of Ptate A (cent—HAAS & MACINTYRE. FV. INCOME DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE TEAR 1913. Name oC Agent at Atlanta—HAAS & MACINTYRE. 6. Total Income actually received during the first six months In cas>h J672.468.9S V. EXPENDITURES DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE TEAR 1913. PHONE IVY 2832 428-9 GRANT BLDQ. Total Expenditures during the Ilrat six months of the year in "The Bell cash _ _ $48157154 A copy of the Act of Incorporation, duly certified, is of file in the 'office of the Insurance Commissioner. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Personally THOMAS I. LYNCH INSURANCE AGENCY appeared before the undersigned, T. Howard Wright, who, being duly sworn, Overland" deposes and says that he is the Secretary of the Alliance Insurance Com- GENERAL INSURANCE pany, and that the foregoing statement is correct and true. T. HOWARD WRIGHT. ,000,000 telephones in more than 70,000 cities and towns through- SEMI-ANNUAL- STATEMENT tor the six months ending June. 30, 1913. Sworn to and subscribed before me- this 21st day of August. 1913. of the condition of the THOMAS A. MACDONALD", out the country, affording instant communication, twenty-four Notary Public. 7 Name 6* State Agent—EDWARD S. GAY. hours in the day—that is the Bell Overland service. FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Name of Agent at Atlanta—FRED "W. COL.E. Organized under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, made to the Governor SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT for the six months ending Jane 30, 1913. at "Whenever you wish—wherever you wish" is the story. No sched- of the State of Georgia, in pursuance of the laws of said State. the condition of the Principal office—401 Walnut street. Philadelphia, Pa, nies fix time for arrival or departure; the modern message bearer I. CAPITAL STOCK. 1. Whole Amount ot Capital Stc/ck *760.000.00 Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Co. stands ALWAYS ready and waiting at your elbow. II. ASSETS. OF NEW YORK J Total Assets of the Company, actual cash market value 39.344,373.58 2a« III. LIABILITIES. organized under the laws of the Sta te of New York, made to the Governor For long distance rates and other toll information, call "Long Dis- of the State of Georgia, in pursuance of the laws of said State. 14. Total Liabilities J9.144.373.58 Principal Office—61 and 63 William St.. New York, N. Y. IV. INCOME DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1913. Total Assets off the Company, actual cash market value $918,821 2$ tance". Total Liabilities excepting Capital Stock $364.218 52 6 Total Income actually received during the first six months in Joint Stock Capital actually paid «p In cash 250.000 00 cash $2,340,861.88 Surplus beyond all liabilities 304,602 76 V. EXPENDITURES DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE TEAR 1913. S&18.821 28 Total Expenditures du-ring the first six months of the year Total income actually received during the first six months in Southern Bell Telephone in cash $2,185,900.15 cash $298,13104 Greatest Amount Insured in any one risk ...$ 50,000.00 Total Expenditures during the first six months of the year in cash.$304.779 ifc Total Amount of Insurance outstanding . . . . 778,463,550700 A copy o-f the Act of Incorporation, duty certified, is of file in the offici A copy of tbe Act of Incorporation, duly certified, is of file in the'office and Telegraph Company of the Insurance Commissioner. of the Insurance Commissioner. \ STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—-.Personally STATE OP NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK—Personally appeared, appear&d before the undersigned, M. G. Garrigues, -who, being duly sworn before tfie undersigned, Chas. E. W. Chambers, who, being duly sworn, de- deposes and says that he Is the Secretary of the Fire Association of Phila- poses and says that he is the Secretary of Lloyds Plate Glass Ins. Co., and delphia, and that the foregoing statement is correct and true. that the foregoing statement is correct and true. , • - >>>>>>>>>y^yy//y///i^iiiim^^^ M. G. GARRJGUBS. Secretary. CHAS. E. W. CHAMBERS. ^^^^^ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 19th day of August, 1913. Sworn to and subscribed oefore me this 25th day of August, 1913. EDWttT S. GATJLT, Notary Public. EDWIN F, COKEY; .Commission, Expires January- 22, 1917. Commissioner for .the State! of Georgia, Name of State Agent—W. B. CHAPIN, Manager. , Name of State Agrent—WILLIAM UMoNBVlN - / Name of Agent at Atlanta—THOMAS I. LYNCH INSURANCE ASBISCX.:•'- - - Name of Agtmt at Atlanta—WALDO & REDDfNG. -- *,