Vol. XLVT.—No. 73. ATLANTA, GA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1913. — JrAtrCjiST> A mr«. ******siulc •**<wple S«nd»y« on *ke>***eel, c«i»t«r» mevwr,d mt Bewutu* **«»*«» ** » . TROOPS TO BE MOBILIZED ON MEXICAN BORDER; E HOME." WILSON CALLS TO AMERICANS IN MEXICO HARRY THAW WINS MEXICAN OFFICIALS SILENT The Mexican Trouble-Maker IN REGARD TO EMBROGLIO UNITED STATES PREPARES \o Member of the Huerta TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS Cov ernment Will Make CONGRESS RALLIES AND CROWD CHEERS Statement About the Mes- FROM HARM BY MEXICANS sage of President Wilson. Ovation Given to the Slayer TO SUPPORT WILSON of Stanford White Would Mexico City August 37 —"Without American Consuls Ordered to Notify All Mexi- Have Done Honor to a comment FTederi o Gamboa the min President's Message on Mex- ister of foreign affairs presented to can Officials That They Will Be Held Strictly the standing oomnrittee of the Mexi ico Indorsed by Leaders Prince of Royal Blood. ran congress tonlg-ht all the facts in the oontrovers> between Mexico and Message Termed "Admira- Responsible for Harm or Injury Done to the United States THAW AND BRITISH FLAG The congressmen comprising the ble in Tone and Spirit" Americans or Their Property. committee received the faots without x GIVEN ROUND OF CHEERS comment other than that indulged in Wa^hinp-ton August ff7 — Con&res as individuals after adjournment tin sional leaders declared tonight that less Ohere are new developments it N President Wjis > i vjg-orous assertion Improbable that discussion oven of a of a definite jol f\ toward Mexico UNITED STATES TO BE NEUTRAL "We'll Give You Justice^ private character w, 11 continue lon-g woul 1 ha\ o SonorGanVboa insists th.at.ithe neigo AS BETWEEN MEXICAN FACTIONS Harr>," Spectators Shout- tiatlons are not entirely concluded Ibut should they be It Is probable tha ed—New York Authorities aoon the entire affair will be regard BUT TO PROTECT OWN CITIZENS ed as a closed Incident The con discussed, the mess ige agreed in the Disappointed b\ Decision gressmen in discussing the note1? free general statement that it presented a 1\ com mend e<l the action of the frank an 1 full statement as to the re Mexican government and that am ill cei t negot ations with the Huerta portion of the public which is cogrn! go f nment and at the same time def Bherbrojke Q ebfO Au^u^t 27 — zant of the character of that action Money Will Be F'urnished by Government to Get ~ jnttelj outlined the American policy Harry K Tba w won three victories was lo^id in Its praise of what Is for the fut r$ over the New Vork state luthorltles cfiflracterired as the patriotic and dig: Americans Out of Mexico—-President Wilson today and was I ickexl tonight In the nlfied attitude of the administration Republicans joined with democrats In the Indorsement of the president s Sherb-rooke jnll Immune for tho time Vo afternoon paper in the capital carried a-nj part of the correspon being from the dominion Immigration utterances Th s far nowe-; er there Is Hopeful Thai the Moral Force of Govern- deuce between the countries or refer has been little detailed discussion of authorities after having: received an *>ncie to President \V ilson s message the plans outlined ov-atlon from the townspeople of Sher ments of World Will Bring Huerta to Reason. Officials of the government refuse to Baron Appro^ea Meimaffe discuss it with the exception of Senor brooke that would have done honor The pi esldent s message is an ad to a prince of royal blood Gamtboa, who referred to the ex changes tht»n onlv aufficientlv to ex mtrable document said Senator Ba So riotous was th« eoene In the con chairman of the senate foreign re 1 plain that the documents he was hind Washington \tigust 27—President \\iKon tonight warned all "" superior court when at the morning ing out for publication were those ex lation*? committee It sets forth thn session 1 idsr,e Arthur Ulobenskv re changred u^ to last nlprlvt leans to leave Mexico at once \t the ->ame time the American f ised to allow counsel representing facts w Ithout reservation and puts Xe*v ^ork stat to be party to the Statement for Huerta Regime UB right before the world \i > eo er embassj and all consular representatives throughout the southern proceedings that the court subse All the g;o\ ernment cared to sa\ I behe\« it will have a calming effect quently w atned spectators that a regarding the situation was published on oui own people and a soothing In lepubhc \\ere instructed to ' notify all officials civil and military, in repetition of the cheerlngf chair tont&ht In the official Diarlo a paper fluence upon public expression In the Mexico, ' that they would be held strictly responsible for harm or Tisfd by tttie g-overnment for dissemi The good offices of the United States to aid In restoring peace to Mexico climfblng handkerchief waving and United States The magnificent ova nation of official news Save been flatly declined by General Huerta President Wilson and his injury done to Americans or their property general hvsterJa would mean jail sen tlon g-iven the president showed that tences for the demonstrants *Sino« ths strained relation* exist advisers seem to think that the Huerta regime will soon fall Meanwhile Ing between Mexico and the United he has behind hlrr both branches of Huerta has been informed that he will be held responsible tor the safety UNITED STATES WILL AID AMERICANS 9p«ELktng from the bench at the Btates began " said Senor Gamboa in afternoon session Judg-e Qlobensky congress without regard to party dl of Americans in Mexico President Wilson has also advised Americans in TO GET OUT OF ANARCHY-RIDDEN MEXICO. this article the ad nterlm government vision satfl that ne-^er In his experience as v, ith a full understanding of the ob the troubled republic to return to the United States n member of the bar and of the bench ligations and responsibilities purposed p^ator Lodge the ranking republl Secretary Bryan dispatched long telegrams to the embassy and > id he been a witness to such dis with the greatest pc-sslble spirit of can member of the foreign relations conciliation to preserve national de all consular representatn es, quoting extracts from President Wll- K aceful scenes It was carried out corum which was In great danger o* committee aJso expressed general aj> In the presence of court attendants ) sorv> address, ^o congress todays JJI.J.J^JJ^JI^JJIQ rcj;unxr;it jflH^jfPtfi*-.. suffering? a serious and transcendental proval of the messa&e- ^ 1 and four armed dominion police who affront had another line of conduct rtlcuJarly the poUey of rpeac"ene|fOtiafj6ns wTth the ^Huerta government and the poficy the "**oo3 immobile wh«« emotional wom- been adopted from fffat wlileh was \entlon, and the embargo on the ahip en rushed toward Stanford White s taken under the present circumstances Untted States would rsue The strictly secret character of the IINPflN^nniK RY RflAH P" hereafter toward Mexico Ma\ er oryin-ff Three cheers for ment of arma across the border an" negotiations which were still under Senator Root declared the messae"" UlluUnOulUUO Dl nUnllj In these messages the consuls were instructed to render every Thaw Three Cheers for the British way decided the government upon flag We will gHe >oti Justice Har withholding until toda\ the publication was admirable In tone and aplrlt aid possible to departing Americans furnishing transportation and r> of the who3e of the correspondence *x Senators Sniveiy TVilllama and "Slit Skirts and Other New changed between the chine ell or lee Stone all democratic membere of th«* President's Daughter Is Thrown any other pecuniary assistance to the needy They were informed In view of the fact that the presl Toniffht with Thaws term of oon dent ot the United States already has foreign relations committee Indorsed Styles Would Please Him From Horse—Found by that a sufficient number of ships would be provided to carry away f liit ment Indeterminate and the fcey submitted the case to congress the the doc iment for the policy of peace Much " Says Broughton a Physician to the riddle "Jtill not found there w a^ conntitutlonal admterlm KO\ ernment it outlined and for its emphatic as | tho^e m the seacoast towns a general etodus of those who rush believes it to be Its dutv through the en a r*fflolal orgran to Inform all the inhabi s rtion of the attitude of the United Foreigm go\ernments \\ill be notified of the action of the United ed hither after the fu^HU e a * * tants of the republic of the state States tional escape from \Tatteawan Wll NTew Tork August 27 —(Special )— Plainfleld N H August 2" —Mil of these delicate negotiations .Fur If I were the de%ll =ald T>r t,en resale Wilson daughter of President States so that they ma> gi\ e similar advice, but the American consuls Him Tracers Jerome former prose poselv not a single comment is a Id Indorsed by fVimite I carter*. cutor of Thaw and specialist on mat ed since the gox ernment belle'\ es that FTo ise leaders likewise gave their G Broiifrnton pastor of Christ church wilson *hils ridingriding: near here late will help all foreigners in any emergency London and formerly pastor of " the documents are eloquent enough In strong indorsement to the president the )!\estero'ay was thrown from her horse t^rs appertaining to his life left to Biptlst Tabernacle In Atlanta in LARGE NUMBER OF AMERICAN TROOPS i ight for Quebec accompanied bv themselves It confines itself to hop It seems to me that this Mexican ing for appro\ al of Its acts b\ tn" sermon toda\ at the tent evTngel on and lay unconscious for more than Franklin
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