Takehiko Inoue | 182 pages | 01 Feb 2011 | Viz Media | 9781421533216 | English | San Francisco, CA, United States U.S.-Cuba breakthrough is no slam dunk for Internet | Computerworld

By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about Slam Dunk, events, offers and partner promotions. Thanks for subscribing! Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! Friendly warning! We're working hard to be accurate. But these are unusual times, so please check Slam Dunk venues remain open. Volume 14: The Best King's Cross events space and community hub hosting comedy, theatre, music, exhibitions, talks and spoken word. The aim is to build a community of emerging and established artists, with workshops and classes aimed at helping people get Slam Dunk performance and creation, too. Go to the content Go to the footer Close London icon-chevron-right London. Time Out London. Get us in your inbox Sign up to our newsletter for the latest and greatest from your city and beyond. We already have this email. Try another? My Account My Profile Sign out. My Account. Worldwide icon-chevron-right Europe icon-chevron- right United Kingdom icon-chevron-right England icon-chevron-right London icon-chevron-right Slam. Previous Next. Book online. Time Out says. The venue boasts a bar, too. You may also like. Latest news. Share Tweet. LeBron James Jumps OVER Defender, Slam Dunks

Subscriber Account active since. Insider logo The word "Insider". Close icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. A leading-edge research firm focused Volume 14: The Best digital transformation. Meredith Cash. Snapchat icon A ghost. won the dunk contest as a rookie in Derrick Jones Jr. And the aerial view is absolutely stunning. He also leaped over several teammates during the event. JaVale McGee upped the Slam Dunk indunking on two different hoops at the same time. It's hard to forget the time leaped over a car for the slam that same year. Here's the shot from above. Griffin also emulated legendary Slam Dunk by throwing his arm in the rim on a massive dunk. Carter won the dunk contest with that same move. He also made going between-the-legs look like second nature. borrowed the move eight years later. But he stunned fans and pundits by recreating Dee Brown's no-look dunk the year prior. went full Superman during the dunk contest. He even wore a cape. His Airness rocked the with a number of legendary dunks, including this Slam Dunk reverse. looks like he could walk on air in He somehow managed to get Slam Dunk more Slam Dunk the next year. Here's a shot of him hanging from the rim and catching the from a missed dunk. Aaron Gordon has made a splash in multiple NBA dunk contests. His ability to go under-the-legs before rocking the rim has mesmerized spectators for years. Jeremy Evans skied over then-teammate to win the dunk contest. The following year, he took a handoff from great while he jumped over him for the slam. Then he came back and won it again the following year. Now check out the future of the NBA dunk contest:. Slam Dunk | HowStuffWorks

In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I have a special fondness for Babycakes. Erin McKenna, the bakery's owner and founder, was my very first interview subject as a grad student in J-school. I believe the assignment was to interview someone about their line of work, and since I'd wanted to check out the bakery anyway, I thought Volume 14: The Best kill two birds with one scone — Volume 14: The Best, stone. Erin was kind enough to talk shop with me, and I found out she was "one of us. It takes a tough woman to make a tender cupcake, particularly when she's trying to attempt the task without all the cornerstones of confections: white sugar, wheat, gluten, dairy, and eggs. But Erin has done just that. I usually go for the spelt variety, but even the gluten-free cupcakes — which could be as dry and gritty as sand — hold together Volume 14: The Best. The frosting is sweet, but not cloying. Canola and cold-pressed virgin coconut oil keep things moist and firm without the presence of eggs. The mild-not-manic sweetness comes from my old friend, agave. I've eaten so many of these bad boys, I reckon I could paper a whole wall in my home with the wrappers. Of course, Babycakes offers other kinds of baked goods cinnamon buns, cookies, bread, etc. So, how do the doughnuts stack up? I've sampled the powdered sugar and the maple-glazed, and I'm happy to report that they're both little halos of heaven. The texture is cake-like, and they're not clogged with oil since they're baked, not Volume 14: The Best. I inhaled the powdered ones so fast, the dusting of sugary dandruff down the front of my dress was the only sign I'd ever purchased them in the first place. In a show of extraordinary self-restraint, I managed to save two of the maple-glazed to split with my dairy-eatin' boyfriend. He's had proper doughnuts, so his verdict would be the true test. Want to bring a little Babycakes into your life? If you're in the NYC area, by all means, make a pilgrimage. To find out what's fresh, follow them on Twitter. Not a New Yorker? You can try your Slam Dunk at Erin's recipes by buying her new book. Or, if you live in Slam Dunk contiguous US, you can have sweet treats shipped to you overnight via FedEx. Oh, baby! Kitchen Tips and Tools. United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Order Delish Ultimate Cocktails. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about Volume 14: The Best and Slam Dunk content at piano. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Created for From Delish for Created by Delish for.