European Parliament
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT GGG G G G G 1999 G G 2004 GGG Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs PE/V/PV/05-10 MINUTES of the meeting of 7 July 2003, 3 pm - 6.30 pm, and 8 July 2003, 12.30 pm - 6.30 pm BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 15.15 on Monday, 7 July 2003, with Christa Randzio-Plath, chairwoman, in the chair. 1. Adoption of draft agenda PE 323.192 The draft agenda was adopted in the form shown in these minutes. 2. Chairman's announcements: The Chair informed the Committee that:- S The vote on ISD will be on 2 September 2003, instead of 8 July, in order to allow time for translation o the compromise amendments. S The coordinators decided that the hearing of Mr Trichet would be on 11 September 2003, and the last hearing with Mr Duisenberg would be on 10 September 2003. 3. Any other business There was no other business. 4. Draft Treaty on the European Consitution and the EP opinion on the convocation of the Intergovernmental Conference IGC * T08391 Draftsperson: Christa RANDZIO-PLATH PV\499334EN.doc PE 333.037 Or. en EN EN Responsible: AFCO R , Opinion: AFET, BUDG, LIBE, JURI, ITRE, AGRI, PECH, CULT, DEVE, PETI, TOUT Speakers: Christa RANDZIO-PLATH, Jean-Louis BOURLANGES. 5. Report on capital adequacy of banks (Basle II) T07642 PE323.182 PE 323.182/AM Rapporteur: Alexander RADWAN -Consideration of amendments -Deadline for tabling amendments 26/06/03 Speakers: Alexander RADWAN * * * Philippe HERZOG took the Chair at 15.40 * * * 6. Investment services and regulated markets (amendment of Directives 85/611/EEC, 93/6/EEC and 2000/12/EC ***T 08115 -(COD020269 - COM (02) 0625 - C5-0586/02) PE323.137 PE323.137/AM1 PE323.137/AM2 PE323.137/AM3 PE323.137/AM4 Rapporteur: Theresa VILLIERS -Consideration of amendments -Deadline for tabling amendments 05/05/03 Opinion: JURI Speakers: Theresa VILLIERS, Alexander RADWAN, Philippe HERZOG, Peter William SKINNER, John PURVIS, Christopher HUHNE, Jean-Louis BOURLANGES, Generoso ANDRIA, Georgios KATIFORIS, Ieke VAN DEN BURG, Mr Delsaux (Commission).
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