Habits of Reading
Habits of Reading Bibliography 1. THE FIELD, THE TERMS, THE PROBLEMS Nicholas Baker, A Potencie of Life: Books in Society: The Clark Lectures 1986-1987 (1993). Jonathan Boyarin, ed., The Ethnography of Reading (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1993). Michel de Certeau, "Reading as Poaching." in The Practice of Everyday Life (Berkeley, 1984): 165-176. _____. Cultural History: Between Practices and Representations (Cambridge, 1988). _____. ed., The Culture of Print: Power and the Uses of Print in Early Modern Europe (Princeton, 1989). Roger Chartier, The Order of Books (Stanford, 1994). John Dagenais, The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture (Princeton, 1994). Robert Darnton, The Great Cat Massacre and other Episodes in French Cultural History (New York, 1984). Cathy N. Davidson, Reading in America: Literature and Social History (Baltimore, 1989). Elizabeth Eisenstein, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 1991). L. Febvre and H.-J. Martin, The Coming of the Book: the Impact of Printing 1450-1800, trans. D. Gerard (London and New York, 1990). Francois Furet and Jacques Ozouf, Reading and Writing: Literacy in France from Calvin to Jules Ferry (Cambridge, 1982). Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller (Baltimore, 1980). Jack Goody, The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society (Cambridge, 1986). Anthony Grafton, "The Importance of Being Printed." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 2 (1980). J. Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (Cambridge, Mass., 1989). Sandra L. Hindman, ed., Printing the Written Word: The Social History of Books, c. 1450-1520 (Ithaca, 1992).
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