BIOLOGIJA. 2012. Vol. 58. No. 2. P. 71–78 © Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2012

DNA methylation and expression of COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81 in glioblastoma and brain tissue

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor 1 Paulina Vaitkienė *, of the adult. Despite existing multimodal aggressive treatment

1 regiments the prognosis of patients with GBM remains very poor. Daina Skiriutė , Most patients die within two years after diagnosis. Changes in individual gene expressions frequently accompany malignant cell Wolf Mueller2 transformation. Therefore comparative gene expression analyses of tumorous and non-tumorous tissue may help identify of 1 Laboratory of Neurooncology and Genetics, Neuroscience Institute, significance in gliomagenesis. Epigenetic silencing of tumor sup- Lithuanian University pressor genes is one of important mechanisms of gene inactiva- of Health Sciences, tion during tumorigenesis. This study attempted to detect genes Eivenių st. 4, LT-50009 Kaunas, potentially regulated by promoter methylation in glioblastoma. Lithuania To this end we analyzed the expression of COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81 in glioblastomas and human brain tissue and investigated 2 Department of Neuropathology, their relation to promoter methylation of these genes. Institute of Pathology, We based candidate gene selection on bioinformatics, reverse Im Neuenheimer Feld 224, Heidelberg, 69120, Germany transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) and bisulfite sequencing. COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81 mRNA expression was analyzed in glioblastomas (n = 22) and human brain tissue (n = 2). COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81 promoter methylation was analyzed in selected glioblastoma samples, human brain and hu- man lymphocytes by bisulfite sequencing. We found a differential gene expression of COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81 in the glioblastoma samples. Normal fetal and adult brain featured a robust expression of these genes. Analysis of bi- sulfite-modified DNA of brain tissue confirmed that the SPINT1 promoter had only single scattered methylated CpG- dinucle- otides while the CpG- islands of the COX7A1 and KRT81 pro- moters were abundantly methylated in brain tissue despite robust gene expression. COX7A1 and KRT81 gene expression is independent of pro- moter methylation in glioblastoma. The data suggest the possi- bility of epigenetic regulation of SPINT1 in glioblastoma. Future work should focus on SPINT1 gene function in glial cells to sub- stantiate its potential tumor suppressor gene function in glio- mas.

Key words: COX7A1, KRT81, SPINT1, glioblastoma, methyla- tion, expression

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] 72 Paulina Vaitkienė, Daina Skiriutė, Wolf Mueller

INTRODUCTION healthy tissue. To elucidate potential epigenetic gene regulation of COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most ag- we investigated their expression in human brain gressive form of malignant glioma. It is the most tissue and glioblastoma samples in relation to the common primary human brain tumor in the methylation status of their gene promoter. adult. Diffuse brain tissue infiltration and mo- lecular tumor cell properties of therapy resist- MATERIALS AND METHODS ance make treatment of these tumors especially difficult. Despite multimodal therapy with gross DNA and RNA isolation total resection in combination with adjuvant ra- 22 glioblastoma samples were obtained from dio- and chemotherapy prognosis of patients with Charité, Campus Virchow Klinikum from pa- GBM remains very poor. Median survival is about tients who underwent surgery in the Department one year following diagnosis. The analysis of gene of Neurosurgery and snap frozen. All GBM were expression and its regulation is one of the most histologically diagnosed according to the WHO intriguing fields in cancer research. Promoter criteria. Total RNA and DNA were isolated from methylation affects the expression of many genes snap frozen primary glioblastoma tissues using in normal and cancer tissue and may play an im- TRIzol (Invitrogen Life Technologies Inc) accord- portant role in gliomagenesis. Pharmacologic ing to the manufacturer’s recommendations. DNA manipulation of glioma cells with the demethylat- was extracted from snap frozen primary glioblas- ing agent 5’-aza-dC combined with genome wide toma tissues using Genomic DNA from Tissue expression profiling succeeded in unveiling novel Kit (Macherey-Nagel) according to the manufac- candidate genes, which are epigenetically regu- turer’s protocol. lated in cancer in general (Yamashita et al., 2002) and in gliomas in particular (Mueller et al., 2007; Reverse transcription–PCR analysis Elias et al., 2009). For cDNA synthesis 1 μg of total RNA was used COX7A1 ( subunit VIIa for reverse transcription (random primer) using polypeptide 1), KRT81 (keratin 81) and SPINT1 SuperScriptTM First Strand Synthesis System (In- (serine peptidase inhibitor, Kunitz type 1) were vitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instruc- among promising candidate genes identified in tions. The following primer sequences were used a previous wide study of such genome (Muel- (Table 1). ler et al., 2007). These genes revealed robust ex- All PCRs were performed in a 10-μl final vol- pression in normal brain samples, their gene pro- ume using AmpliTaq Gold PCR Master Mix (Ap- moter harbored a CpG-rich island and 5’-aza-dC plied Biosystems) with the following amplifica- demethylation was accompanied by a significant tion conditions: 95 °C for 5 min, and 36 cycles at up- regulation of their expression in glioma cells, 94 °C for 30 s, Tm for 40 s and at 70 °C for 30 s. suggesting epigenetic gene regulation (Muel- Amplified products were electrophoretically sep- ler et al., 2007). One important indication for a arated on 1.2% agarose gels, and visualized with potential role of a gene in the development of ethi­dium bromide. cancer is its expression alteration compared to


Table 2. Bisulfite modified DNA primers Primer name Sequence Tm °C KRT81_promoter_bisulfite GGTGTTTTGAGGAGTATATTGGAGT 53 modified_Frag_1f KRT81_promoter_bisulfite TAATAATACATAAAAAACTAAACCC 53 modified_Frag_1r KRT81_promoter_bisulfite GGGTTTAGTTTTTTATGTATTATTAT 55 modified_Frag_2f KRT81_promoter_bisulfite TATAATCCAAAACACCCACCTTATC 55 modified_Frag_2r Cox_promoter_bisulfite TTTGTAAAAATGTATTTTTTGGTAT 51 modified_Frag_1f Cox_promoter_bisulfite ACCTACATTCTACCTTATCCTCTTCC 51 modified_Frag_1r Cox_promoter_bisulfite GTGAGGTTTTTATGGGTTGGGT 53 modified_Frag_2f Cox_promoter_bisulfite AAAAAAATTTCCTAAATTAAAAAAAA 53 modified_Frag_2r SPINT1_promoter_Frag_1_methyl_f TTTTAGGTTTGGGGTTGGGAAAGTA 57 SPINT1_promoter_Frag_1_methyl_r CCTAATTTCTAATAAAACTAAATCAAC 57

Bisulfite modification formed on ten white colonies to validate the insert Sodium bisulfite modification was performed using primers: M13 Forward: GTAAAACGACG- using the CpGenome Universal DNA Modifi- GCCAG; M13 Reverse: CAGGAAACAGCTAT- cation Kit (Chemicon International) according GAC. ExoSAP-IT reagent (Affymetrix, USA) was to the manufacturer’s protocol. Universally me­ used for PCR Product Cleanup. Preparation for thylated DNA (CpGenome Universal Methylated sequencing using SEQ Sequencing Reaction Kit DNA, Chemicon International) and unmethyla­ (Montage, USA) according to the manufacturer’s ted DNA from normal blood samples were treated protocol. Fragments were sequenced and analysed with bisulfite by the same method. using Sequencher Software version 4.2. (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Bisulfite sequencing Initially, bisulfite-modified DNA of a target pro- RESULTS moter region was amplified. Primer sequences and conditions are shown below in Table 2. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction All PCRs were performed in a 20-μl final vo­ (RT-PCR) is commonly applied to monitor gene lume using AmpliTaq Gold PCR Master Mix (Ap- expression. By RT-PCR gene expression can be in- plied Biosystems) with the following amplifica- vestigated with high accuracy and excellent repro- tion conditions: 95 °C for 5 min, and 36 cycles at ducibility. GAPDH (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 94 °C for 30 s, Tm for 40 s and at 70 °C for 2 min dehydrogenase) amplification was used as an in- and final extension 70 °C for 10 min. Amplified ternal control for cDNA quality and quantity. products were electrophoretically separated on Expression array data for COX7A1, KRT81 1.2% agarose gels, and visualized with ethidium and SPINT1 genes were verified by RT–PCR using bromide. cDNA isolated from 22 snap frozen glioblastoma The PCR product was plasmidincorporated samples. In addition, we investigated the expres- using One Shot Escherichia coli cells and the sion of these genes in cDNA isolated from normal TOPO TA Cloning Kit (Invitrogen Life Technolo- human brain. gies Inc). Cells were then plated and grown over- Data showed that the housekeeping gene night on prewarmed LB plates containing X-gal, GAPDH was equally expressed in all samples ampicillin and kanamycin. Colony PCR was per- confirming excellent cDNA quality and equal 74 Paulina Vaitkienė, Daina Skiriutė, Wolf Mueller

Fig. 1. Differential expression ofCOX7A1 , KRT81 and SPINT1 in glioblastoma samples (1–22) and in normal fetal (FB) and adult human brain (AB) samples cDNA quantity in these samples. It is noteworthy quencing data. TheSPINT1 gene promoter region that COX7A1, KRT81 and SPINT1 revealed a dif- is located on the chromosomal locus 15q15.1. We ferential expression pattern in the glioblastoma sequenced a large CpG- island fragment around samples (Fig. 1). Gene expression was decreased the transcription start site. The fragment was in some of the glioblastoma samples. Normal fe- 344 bp in size and covered 40 CpG- dinucleotides. tal and adult human brain showed robust expres- Bisulfite sequencing results are shown in Fig. 2. sion of COX7A1, KRT81 and SPINT1 suggesting The analysis of bisulfite-modified DNA of that down regulation of these genes in glioblas- brain tissue confirmed that the SPINT1 promoter toma samples was tumor-related. As promoter had only single scattered methylated CpG-dinu- methylation of these genes might be one possi- cleotides in healthy brain tissue. An unmethylated ble mechanism of COX7A1, KRT81 and SPINT1 promoter is compatible with the robust SPINT1 down regulation expression analysis was followed expression in normal human brain. by promoter methylation analysis by bisulfite se- As can be seen from the bisulfite sequenc- quencing. ing results in our investigation of tumor samples SPINT1 promoter methylation was not frequently COX7A1, KRT81 and SPINT1 genes promoter observed. Samples with high expression of SPINT1 sequences analysis in glioblastoma tumors and were unmethylated. Glioblastoma samples with control brain low SPINT1 expression accompanied by promoter In order to address the possibility of gene regula- methylation were observed, however, not very fre- tion by promoter methylation we decided to per- quently. Nevertheless, our results encourage more form bisulfite sequencing ofCOX7A1 , KRT81 and detailed analyses of the whole SPINT1 promoter SPINT1 gene-promoters in selected glioblastoma sequence in a larger group of glioma samples to samples, normal adult human brain and DNA de- clarify the true relationship between promoter rived from human leucocytes. methylation and gene expression. Bisulfite sequencing allows a precise analysis We sequenced two fragments of the COX7A1 of methylation in a certain region by converting promoter. The first fragment was 309 bp in size all non-methylated cytosines into thymine while and covered 27 CpG-dinucleotides. The second methylated cytosines remain unchanged. The fragment was 349 bp in size and harbored 17 methylation status of individual cytidine residues CpG-dinucleotides. Bisulfite sequencing results of in CpG- dinucleotides is then visualized in the se- these two fragments are shown in Fig. 3. DNA methylation and gene expression of COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81 in glioblastoma and brain tissue 75

Fig. 2. SPINT1 promoter CpG-island: bisulfite sequencing and RT-PCR results in brain and glioblastoma samples. Tumor samples with promoter methylation (ID31118) com- pared to unmethylated tumor samples and unmethylated promoter in normal adult brain (left). Sequenced samples are accompanied by RT-PCR results (right). Each square repre- sents one CpG-dinucleotide within the promoter sequence. Black squares indicate meth- ylated CpG-dinucleotides and white squares indicate unmethylated CpG-dinucleotides

Fig. 3. CpG-island of COX7A1 promoter: bisulfite sequencing and RT-PCR results in brain and glioblastoma samples. Glioblastoma samples compared to brain tissue samples. Selected samples RT-PCR results (alongside). Black squares indicate methylated CpG- dinucleotides and white squares indicate unmethylated CpG-dinucleotides in promoter sequences 76 Paulina Vaitkienė, Daina Skiriutė, Wolf Mueller

Fig. 4. CpG-island of KRT81-promoter: bisulfite sequencing and RT-PCR results in brain and leukocyte samples. Black squares indicate methylated CpG-dinucleotides and white squares indicate unmethylated CpG-dinucleotides in promoter sequences

The two fragments of the COX7A1 promoter the data could be informative and suitable for fu- exhibited almost complete methylation of all ture research. The data suggest that the expression analysed sequence-clones derived from normal of KRT81 is not regulated by promoter methyla- human brain. It was decided to investigate the tion in gliomas. methylation status among different glioblastoma samples. The results revealed that the CpG-is- DISCUSSION lands of the COX7A1 promoter are most abun- dantly methylated in both glioblastoma samples Microarray analysis coupled with pharmacologic and normal human brain tissue, irrespective of its demethylation of cultured tumor cells is a use- gene expression level. ful tool for identifying genome-wide epigenetic events and has been successfully implemented for Selected RT-PCR results (alongside) this purpose in other cancer types in the past (Ya- KRT81 gene promoter region with CpG islands mashita et al., 2002; Lodygin et al., 2005). However, is located on 12q13. Two poten- genes identified by this method must necessarily tial KRT81 promoter fragments were sequenced be examined in more detail to validate potential around the transcription start site. The first frag- epigenetic gene regulation and to elucidate their ment was 324 bp in size and contained 26 CpG- importance in cancer development. Multiple inde- dinucleotides. The second fragment was 175 bp pendent techniques should be implemented to va­ in size and harbored also 26 CpG-dinucleotides. lidate these candidate genes. To this end we inves- Firstly, we sequenced samples of human brain tigated COX7A1, KRT81 and SPINT1 expression, and leucocyte DNA. Bisulfite sequencing results first in normal human brain tissue. Normal fetal of both fragments are shown in Fig. 4. and adult human brain showed robust expression The results revealed that the KRT81 promoter of COX7A1, KRT81 and SPINT1 suggesting that is frequently methylated in leucocytes and normal down regulation of these genes in glioblastoma human brain tissue. We refrained from bisulfite samples was tumor related. Up-regulation of their sequencing of the promoter of this gene in glio­ expression following 5’-aza-dC mediated DNA- blastoma tumor samples, as we did not expect that demethylation suggested promoter methylation DNA methylation and gene expression of COX7A1, SPINT1 and KRT81 in glioblastoma and brain tissue 77 as a mechanism for gene silencing. Surprisingly References partial bisulfite sequencing of the COX7A1 and the KRT81 promoter revealed abundant promot- 1. Branco MR, Ficz G, Reik W. Uncovering the role er methylation in both normal human brain and of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in the epigenome. glioblastoma samples, irrespective of their individ- Nat Rev Genet 2012; 13: 7–13. ual expression levels. Our results do not fit the clas- 2. Elias A, Siegelin MD, Steinmuller A, von Deim- sical hypothesis that promoter hypermethylation ling A, Lass U et al. Epigenetic silencing of death leads to gene silencing. They might suggest that receptor 4 mediates tumor necrosis factor-related the expression of these genes might follow other apoptosis-inducing ligand resistance in gliomas. regulations than promoter methylation in gliomas. Clin Cancer Res 2009; 15: 5457–65. However, these results might also be explained by 3. Harrington MA, Jones PA, Imagawa M, Karin M. other hypotheses. Some reports have shown that Cytosine methylation does not affect binding of histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) produce transcription factor Sp1. 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Inhibition of SIRT1 reactivates ated promoter sequences (Harrington et al., 1988; silenced cancer genes without loss of promoter Smith et al., 2004). The third hypothesis relates to DNA hypermethylation. PLoS Genet 2006; 2: the bisulfite sequencing method itself. Bisulfite se- e40. quencing cannot discriminate 5-methylcytosine 7. Raynal NJ, Si J, Taby RF, Gharibyan V, Ahmed S from 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. The recent dis- et al. DNA methylation does not stably lock gene covery that the three members of the TET pro- expression but instead serves as a molecular mark tein family can convert 5-methylcytosine (5 mC) for gene silencing memory. Cancer Res 2012; 72: into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5 hmC) has pro- 1170–81. vided a potential mechanism leading to DNA- 8. Smith KT, Coffee B, Reines D. Occupancy and demethylation (Williams et al., 2012; Branco et al., synergistic activation of the FMR1 promoter by 2012). Maybe in our result we detected not 5 mC Nrf-1 and Sp1 in vivo. Hum Mol Genet 2004; 13: but rather 5 hmC. All these hypotheses have to 1611–21. be addressed by investigations in future in order 9. Williams K, Christensen J, Helin K. DNA meth- to elucidate the functional contribution of these ylation: TET proteins-guardians of CpG islands? genes to gliomagenesis. EMBO Rep 2012; 13: 28–35. 10. Yamashita K, Upadhyay S, Osada M, Hoque MO, CONCLUSIONS Xiao Y et al. Pharmacologic unmasking of epige- netically silenced tumor suppressor genes in es- COX7A1 and KRT81 expression is independent of ophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Cell promoter methylation in glioblastoma. The data 2002; 2: 485–95. encourage extended promoter methylation analy- sis of SPINT1 in order to elucidate its potential as a molecular glioblastoma marker.

Received 05 June 2012 Accepted 14 August 2012 78 Paulina Vaitkienė, Daina Skiriutė, Wolf Mueller

Paulina Vaitkienė, Daina Skiriutė, Wolf Mueller

COX7A1, SPINT1 ir KRT81 genų ekspresijos ir DNR metilinimo tyrimai glioblasto- mų ir smegenų audiniuose

Santrauka Įvadas. Glioblastoma (GBM) yra dažniausias pirminis smegenų auglys. Nepaisant multimodalinio GBM gy- dymo, pacientų prognozė išlieka labai prasta. Dauguma pacientų miršta per dvejus metus po nustatytos dia- gnozės. Atskirų genų raiškos pokyčiai dažnai yra su- siję su piktybinių ląstelių transformacija, todėl genų ekspresijos palyginimas sveikame ir auglio audiniuose gali padėti nustatyti gliomos genezei svarbius genus. Vėžio supresorinių genų epigenetinis „nutildymas“ yra vienas svarbiausių genų išjungimo mechanizmų. Šiuo tyrimu bandyta aptikti genus, kurių ekspresija gali būti reguliuojama genų promotorių metilinimu glioblas- tomose. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti COX7A1, SPINT1 ir KRT81 genų raišką ir jos ryšį su šių genų promotoriaus metilinimu. Metodai. Genus tyrėme taikydami bioinformatikos, atvirkštinės transkripcijos daugiagrandininę reakciją ir bisulfitinio sekvenavimo metodus. COX7A1, SPINT1 ir KRT81 genų mRNR raiška buvo tirta 22 glioblas- tomose ir 2 žmogaus smegenų audiniuose. COX7A1, SPINT1 ir KRT81 genų promotorių metilinimas buvo analizuojamas bisulfitinio sekvenavimo metodu pasi- rinktuose glioblastomos mėginiuose, žmogaus smege- nų audinyje ir žmogaus limfocituose. Rezultatai. COX7A1, SPINT1 ir KRT81 genų eks- presijos skirtumai buvo aptikti glioblastomos mėgi- niuose, o smegenų audinio mėginiuose buvo nustatyta ryški šių genų raiška. Šių genų promotorių bisulfitinės modifikuotos DNR tyrimas rodo, kad SPINT1 geno promotoriuje metilinti tik pavieniai CpG dinukleoti- dai, o COX7A1 ir KRT81 promotoriai buvo gausiai me- tilinti net ir smegenų audinyje, kuriame buvo nustatyta šių genų ekspresija. Išvados. COX7A1 ir KRT81 genų raiška glioblas- tomose nepriklauso nuo promotoriaus metilinimo. Duomenys rodo, kad SPINT1 genas gali būti epigene- tiškai reguliuojamas glioblastomose. Tolesnius tyrimus reikėtų sutelkti į SPINT1 geno, kaip galimo naviko su- presoriaus, funkcijos nustatymą gliomose. Raktažodžiai: COX7A1, KRT81, SPINT1, glioblas- toma, metilinimas, ekspresija