United States Patent (19) (11) 4,062,341 Panzarella 45) Dec
United States Patent (19) (11) 4,062,341 Panzarella 45) Dec. 13, 1977 (54) PATIO wok STOVE Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Howard Alan Taishoff 76 Inventor: John M. Panzarella, 91 E. Jerge 57 ABSTRACT Drive, Elma, N.Y. 14059 A portable, gas fired Wok stove adapted particularly 21 Appl. No.: 717,899 for outdoor cooking includes a vertically mounted outer cylinder. A heating chamber is suspended within 22 Filed: Aug. 26, 1976 the interior of the outer cylinder. One end of the heating chamber is open. A burner is carried in the other end of 51) Int. Cl........................... A47J 37/00; F24C3/00 the heating chamber in substantial alignment with the 52 U.S. C. ................................ 126/41 R; 126/25 R heating chamber open end. A fuel system is carried in 58 Field of Search ...................... 126/41, 25, 9, 275 the interior of the outer cylinder nestled underneath the (56) References Cited heating chamber. The Wok is supported in confronting alignment with the heating chamber open end such that U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the flow of high temperature gas exiting therethrough 2,154,491 4/1939 Chambers .......................... 126/41 R impinges on the Wok bottom evenly heating same. The 3,789,822 2/1974 Schantz ............................. 126/4. R outer cylinder and internally carried heating chamber 3,868,943 3/975 Hottenroth et al................ 26/25 R 3,964,463 6/1976 Dailey ................................ 126/41 R coact to make the stove relatively insensitive to wind. Primary Examiner-Edward G. Favors 18 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 1977 4,062,341 76 Figure 2 4,062,341 1.
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