No. 134 - (Vol.VIII)
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No. 134 - (Vol.VIII) ISSN-0012-7671 Copyright ARVES Reprinting of (parts of) this magazine is only permitted for non commercial purposes and with acknowledgement. October 1999 The two judges for the USSR: Vazha Neidze (Tbilisi) and IGM Yuri Averbakh 605 Editorial Board EG Subscription John Roycroft, 17 New Way Road, London, EG is produced by the Dutch-Flemish England NW9 6PL Association for Endgame Study e-mail: [email protected] ('Alexander Rueb Vereniging voor schaakEindspelStudie') ARVES. Ed van de Gevel, Subscription to EG is not tied to mem- Binnen de Veste 36, bership of ARVES. 3811 PH Amersfoort, The annual subscription of EG (Jan.l- The Netherlands Dec.31) is EUR 16 for 4 issues. e-mail: [email protected] Payments should be in EUR and can be made by bank notes, Eurocheque (please Harold van der Heijden, fill in your validation or garantee number Michel de Klerkstraat 28, on the back), postal money order, 7425 DG Deventer, Eurogiro or bank cheque. To compensate The Netherlands for bank charges payments via Eurogiro e-mail: harold_van_der_heij [email protected] or bank cheque should be EUR 21 and 25 respectively, instead of 16. Spotlight-column: All payments can be addressed to the Jurgen Fleck, treasurer (see Editorial Board) except Neuer Weg 110, those by Eurogiro which should be D-47803 Krefeld, directed to: Postbank, accountnumber Germany 54095, in the name of ARVES, e-mail: [email protected] Leiderdorp, The Netherlands. Subscribers in the U.S.A. or U.K. can Originals-column: pay in an alternative way by making out Noam D. Elkies a postal order or a cheque to a contact Dept of Mathematics, person. SCIENCE CENTER For the U.S.A. the subscription is $22, to One Oxford Street, be made out to: Harvard University Ph. Manning, 2890 Lee Rd, Shaker Hts, CAMBRIDGE OH 44120. Mass 02138 For the U.K. the subscription is £12, to U.S.A. be made out to: e-mai 1: [email protected] W. Veitch, 13 Roffes Lane, Caterham (Surrey), England CR3 5PU. Treasurer: It is of course possible with any kind of Harm Benak, payment to save bank charges by paying Kamperfoeliezoom 50, for more years or for more persons 2353 RS Leiderdorp, together, like some subscribers already The Netherlands do. 606 This special number of EG addresses Judge: unclear international study composing tourneys The magazine folded at the end of the since 1940, four of them informal and year. seven formal (in one case a team match), 4. Socialist Countries Match (1975). Not which were announced, and to which announced in EG. composers sent original entries, but where Announced in the Soviet Bloc countries no award (or only a very incomplete one) this was a six-genre national team event was made within a reasonable time, or with one set theme in each genre. Full where, as far as we know, neither a results (ie including the ranked com- public announcement nor award was positions) have never been published. A made at all. In the saddest cases (that is, tabulation of the 'sporting' results are in excluding cessation of the periodical, or A.Feoktistov's article in Shakhmaty v other force majeure, such as war) the SSSR (vl977), reproduced, with further organisers are still with us but are saying detail, in R.Kofman's compilation nothing. In four events (5, 7, 9, 11 Shakhmatnaya kompozitsia 1974-1976. below) the silence is almost complete. The rules were that a qualifying country With 10, the team match between the could submit five compositions in each USSR and the Rest-of-the-World, the section, the top three to count in the final silence, never total, is now gloriously ranking, for which 40 points were shattered, for EG is both proud (though awarded to the best, 39 to the next, and on behalf of the genre's image blushing so on. The eight participating countries - over the unconscionable delay) to present finished in order: USSR, Romania, to readers not just the story but 70 of the Czechoslovakia, Hungary, DDR (East studies that participated, only a handful Germany), Bulgaria, Mongolia, Poland. of which have until now appeared in Feoktistov was director, judge - and com- print. petitor! The theme for studies was set by Our list of casualties - not all fatal - is Radu Voia (Romania): 'positional draw presented in chronological order. The by perpetual movement of a black rook tourneys were formal, unless otherwise (either pursuing or pursued)'. Of the 35 indicated. submitted, 19 counted in the results. The 1. Shakhmaty v SSSR (1940, informal). first, eleventh, second and twelfth placed See EG9/.6719. were published in Shakhmaty v SSSR but Judge (1940): unclear. the latter pair were demolished by solvers Presumably force majeure (see next) (xiil977). The top 5 placements are intervened. diagrams 319-323 in Kofman's book. An Judge (1987, retrospective): enquiry of the director was met with 'ask Anatoly Kuznetsov the studies theme judge', and an enquiry 2. Shakhmaty v SSSR. (1941, informal). of the latter was met with 'ask the See EG92.6829. director'. Meanwhile, the 14th placed Judge (1941): unclear study is to be found on p.45 of Sonomun In June 1941, in the operation codenamed Chimedtseren's 1997 book on the "Barbarossa", the armed forces of Nazi Mongolian chess composition scene. Germany invaded the USSR. 5. Argentinian Olympiad (1978). Not Judge (1987, retrospective): announed in EG. Anatoly Kuznetsov Judge: - Closing date: - 3. Le Monde des Echecs (1946, informal) Oscar Carlsson (Buenos Aires) kindly Initiator/organiser: Jean Mennerat informs us that this tourney (all ^sections, (France) so not only studies) was annulled because 607 of a conflagration (to which Carlsson was to have been replaced. It is not known if a witness) in the Argentine Chess he received entries. Further information Federation offices in Buenos Aires. All seems unavailable. the entries were beyond recovery, the 10. The USSR vs. Rest-of-the-World extinguishing hose-water completing the match (1989). See EGP5 - and EG 134. work begun by the fire. Perhaps the 11. Lasker Centenary MT (1993). Not entries were in a special box, but this did announced in EG. not help. No back-up or electronic record Initiator/organiser: Frank Fiedler was taken, so there is no list of com- (Miigeln, Germany) petitors, and the positions and solutions Judge: Rainer Staudte (Chemnitz) are lost. There was no way to notify Closing date: - entrants individually. No public announ- Although Herr Fiedler has not responded cement reached EG's editor. directly to invitations to comment, we 6. PROBLEM Yugoslavia (1979-1981, understand from the judge that about 8 informal) entries were received, a total deemed Judge: Gia Nadareishvili (Tbilisi) insufficient by the organiser. None were This was the eleventh and final tourney transmitted to the judge. We further of the magazine, which ceased with issue understand that entries (from David Gur- "206-210M dated July 1981. (EG may still genidze and Oleg Pervakov, and possibly publish a post factum retrospective award, from Nikolai Kralin) were not physically with Croatian blessing.) returned to the composers, nor were the 7. Lommer MT (1981). See EG66. participants informed of the event's Initiator and organiser: Joaquin Perez de abrogation. Finally, no public announ- Arriaga (Madrid) cement has been traced. Fiedler's oc- Judge: Pauli Perkonoja (Finland) casional magazine Heureka! may have Closing date: 31vii82 been the intended award publication The judge maintains that he never medium. received any studies to judge. The or- Two further event types (but not inter- ganiser has failed to respond to repeated national), are appended in the hope of invitations to comment. eliciting enlightenment - from any 8. Alexander Rueb Stichting or "Rueb quarter. Foundation" (1984-1990). See [12. In the Soviet Union (and perhaps EG/05.8439 and EG//5UO134. still in the Russian Federation, maybe Judges: Lex Jongsma and Jan van even elsewhere) 'qualification' com- Reek (Netherlands) petitions for composer titles have been Closing date: 31xii84 organised, principally, one assumes, at Intended in part as a boost to study com- national level. Originals on a set theme position in 'chess developing' countries, seem generally to have been required of this tourney suffered unexplained delays candidates, but other details are unclear. and was unsatisfactory in other respects. The initials KMC (Cyrillic first letters of The award was eventually published in Candidate Master of Sport) identify some the fifth book of the ARVES series. of the originals, whose publication status 9. Chingiz Aitmatov JT. See EG93, p448. remains obscure. An unpublished com- Initiator/organiser: Suyunbek Bolotbekov position will, of course, be rejected if (Kirgizia) entered for a FIDE Album selection tour- Judge: Ernest Pogosyants ney.] (Moscow) Closing date: 1x88 [13. The status of Soviet originals set for The judge died in 1990. He appears not major domestic solving contests is equally 608 anomalous. Diagrams will have been Now for a dramatic change of scenery - published in the course of the event, but the curtain rises on a major celebration. anonymously, and there may be no MATCH- USSR vs. precise date. A complete, signed and REST-OF-THE- WORLD dated, award may not be traceable and The dramatis personae: may not even exist. If the composer sub- Organizing committee: sequently entered his piece for a tourney, Rest-of-the-World: Kjell Widlert which he is presumably entitled to do, (Stockholm) how is prior publication to be es- USSR: Viktor Czepizhny tablished? True, his work may be ac- (Moscow) cepted for a domestic event (see '12'), Team captains: but the matter again becomes Rest-of-the-World: Lars Falk problematical if a submission is made to (Uppsala) a FIDE Album selection tourney.