PubMed search history, conducted in April 2019

"Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung/surgery"[Mesh] OR "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung/radiotherapy"[Mesh] OR (("Carcinoma, Non- Small-Cell Lung"[Mesh] OR "Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma"[Title/abstract] OR "Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinomas"[Title/abstract] OR "Non-Small-Cell Lung cancer"[Title/abstract] OR "Non-Small-Cell Lung cancers"[Title/abstract] OR NSCLC[title/abstract]) AND (Surgery[Title/abstract] OR surgeries[Title/abstract] OR surgical[Title/abstract] OR operation[Title/abstract] OR operations[Title/abstract] OR operative[Title/abstract] OR Radiotherapy[Title/abstract] OR Radiotherapies[Title/abstract] OR "Radiation Therapy"[Title/abstract] OR "Radiation Therapies"[Title/abstract] OR "Radiation Treatment"[Title/abstract] OR "Radiation Treatments"[Title/abstract] OR radiochemotherapy[title/abstract] OR radiosurgery[title/abstract])) AND ((stage[title/abstract] AND III[title/abstract]) OR "stage IIIa"[title/abstract] OR "stage IIIb"[title/abstract] OR "stage IIIc"[title/abstract] OR advanced[title/abstract]) AND (random*[title/abstract] OR "Controlled "[ptyp] OR "Randomized Controlled Trial"[ptyp] OR "Clinical Trial, Phase III"[ptyp]) AND ("1987/01/01"[PDAT] : "3000/12/31"[PDAT])

APPENDIX B: Included studies and their respective treatment arms

Table 1: Overview of the included studies Public Reporting N = Treatment regimen per study arm Phase 2 Random- Funding Geo- Toxicity Mean ation system or 3 isation grap as end- follow- studies hy point up [mo] Burkes et al 1992 ECOG 42 ChT+S+ChT - - - p2 - unknown NA x RChT+S+RC Strauss et al 1992 Not specified 45 hT - - - p2 R* publ NA x 53 Crinò et al 1993 Not specified 61 RChT RT - - n/a R* unknown EU - Kubota et al 1994 Not specified 63 ChT+RT ChT - - n/a R* publ Asia - Pujol et al 1994 WHO criteria 33 ChT+S+RT ChT+RT - - p2 R* publ EU x 16 Rosell et al 1994 Not specified 60 ChT+S S - - n/a R* priv EU x Roth et al 1994 CTCAE v.1 60 ChT+S S - - n/a R* unknown NA - Wagner et al 1994 Not specified 57 ChT+S RT+S - - p2 R* publ NA x Darwish et al 1995 WHO criteria 46 ChT+S+/-RT - - - p2 R* unknown EU - glob Jeremic et al 1996 RTOG 131 RT RChT - - n/a R* unknown al - CTCAE unknown v + Tannehill et al 1997 RTOG/EORTC 26 RChT1 RChT2 - - p2 R* publ NA x Bonner JA 1998 CTCAE v.1 99 RT RT RChT - p3 R* publ NA - Isokangas et al 1998 WHO criteria 27 ChT+RChT - - - n/a - priv EU x 19 glob Jeremic et al 1998 RTOG/EORTC 47 RChT - - - p2 R* unknown al - Furuse et al 1999 WHO/EORTC 314 RChT RT+ RChT - - p3 R* publ Asia x 60 Ichinose et al 1999 JCOG criteria 17 RChT - - - n/a - unknown Asia - 24 Felip et al 2000 WHO criteria 83 ChT1+S ChT2+S - - n/a R* unknown EU x 19 Segawa et al 2000 WHO criteria 50 RChT - - - p2 R* unknown Asia x 41 Takamori et al 2000 WHO criteria 22 RChT+S - - - n/a - unknown Asia x Ulutin et al 2000 RTOG 45 RT RChT1 RChT2 - n/a - unknown Asia - 16 glob Jeremic et al 2001 RTOG/EORTC 195 RChT1 RChT2 - - p2 R* publ al x Elias et al 2002 Not specified 50 RT+S+RT ChT+S+ChT - - n/a R* unknown NA - CTCAE Johnstone et al 2002 unknown v 73 ChT+S+ChT CHt+RT+ChT ChT - p3 R* unknown NA x 48 Kim et al 2002 WHO criteria 89 RChT RT - - p3 R* priv Asia - Pergolizzi et al 2002 WHO criteria 40 RT - - - p2 R* unknown EU x Cappuzzo et al 2003 CTCAE v.2 129 RChT - - - n/a R* unknown EU x CTCAE unknown v + Leong et al 2003 RTOG 60 ChT1+RChT ChT2+RChT - - n/a R* priv Asia x 14 Nagai et al 2003 JCOG criteria 62 ChT+S S - - p3 R* publ Asia - 74.4 CTCAE Schild et al 2003 unknown v 234 RChT1 RChT2 - - p3 R* publ NA - 43 WHO criteria + Ulutin et al 2003 RTOG/EORTC 51 RChT RT - - n/a R* unknown Asia - 14 Cakir et al 2004 WHO criteria 176 RT RChT - - p3 R* unknown Asia - QLQ Schumacher et Symptome ChT+RChT+ al 2004 scale 54 S ChT+S+RT - - p3 R* unknown EU - ChT1(+S)+R Sculier et al 2004 WHO criteria 351 T ChT2(+S)+RT - - p3 R* unknown EU x 47.7 ChT+RChT+ Semik et al 2004 Not specified 273 S ChT+S+RT - - p3 R* publ EU x Zatloukal et al 2004 WHO criteria 102 concRChT seqRChT - - n/a R* publ EU x 39 Atagi et al 2005 CTCAE v.2 46 RT RChT - - p3 R* publ Asia x CTCAE unknown v + RChT+ Belani et al 2005 RTOG 256 ChT1+RChT ChT2+RChT ChT - p2 R* priv NA x 39.6 Belani et al 2005 CTCAE v.2 119 ChT+RT1 ChT+RT2 - - p3 R* publ NA x Beslija et al 2005 WHO criteria 60 ChT+RT RT - - p2 R* unknown EU - Choy et al 2005 CTCAE 51 ChT+RT+Me - - - p2 - priv NA x 36.7 unknown v di Van Schil et al 2005 CTCAE v.3 308 IndCht+RT IndChT+S - - n/a R* priv EU x 70 Gouda et al 2006 RTOG 60 ChT+RChT RChT RT - n/a R* unknown EU x Misirlioglu et al 2006 Not specified 66 RT +Vitamin RT - - n/a R* unknown Asia - ChT+RT Scagliotti et al 2006 CTCAE v.2 89 ChT+RChT - - n/a R* priv EU - Yokomise et al 2006 RTOG 41 RChT1+S RChT2+S - - n/a R* unknown Asia - Esteban et al 2007 WHO criteria 154 ChT1+S/RT ChT2+S/RT - - n/a R* unknown EU x 36 Hamouda et al 2007 WHO criteria 66 ChT+ RT RT - - n/a R* unknown EU x 15 Patel et al 2007 RTOG/EORTC 35 ChT+RChT - - - p2 - priv NA - 45 Perry et al 2007 Not specified 37 (S)+ChT (S)ChT+RT - - p3 R* publ NA - Tawfik et al 2007 CTCAE v.2 27 ChT+RChT - - - p2 - unknown EU x Vokes et al 2007 Not specified 331 RChT ChT+RChT - - n/a R* priv NA x 38 Yang et al 2007 RTOG 55 ChT+RT1 ChT+RT2 - - n/a R* unknown Asia x Hanna et al 2008 CTCAE v.3 147 RChT+ChT RChT - - p3 R* priv NA x 41.6 CTCAE v.3 + Hughes et al 2008 RTOG 12 ChT+RT/IT - - - n/a - publ EU x 10 RChT+ChT1 Kelly et al 2008 CTCAE v.2 543 +ChT2 RChT+ChT1 - - p3 R* priv NA - 27 CTCAE v.3 + ChT+ Nyman et al 2008 RTOG 151 ChT+RChT1 ChT+RChT2 RChT3 - n/a R* priv EU x 52 Socinski et al 2008 CTCAE v.2 68 ChT1+RChT ChT2+RChT - - p2 R* publ NA - 44 Stinchcombe et al 2008 CTCAE v.2 23 ChT+RChT - - - n/a - priv NA x 30 CTCAE Stupp et al 2008 unknown v 46 RchT+S - - - p2 - priv EU x 58 Berghmans et al 2009 CTCAE v.2 49 RChT+CT CT+RChT - - p3 R* priv EU - 51 Garrido et al 2009 CTCAE v.2 139 RChT+ChT ChT+RChT - - p2 R* priv EU - 57 Harada et al 2009 CTCAE v.3 59 RChT1 RChT2 - - n/a - unknown Asia - 30 Friedel et al 2010 Not specified 120 RchT+S - - - p2 - unknown Asia - Girard et al 2010 CTCAE v.3 + 46 ChT+S RChT1+S RChT2+ - p2 R* priv EU x 31.4 Lent Soma S (Fra) (late) Hallqvist et al 2010 CTCAE v.3 75 ChT+RChT - - - p3 - priv EU x 39 Lu et al 2010 CTCAE v.2 379 ChT+RChT ChT+RChT - - p3 R* publ NA x 44.4 glob Movsas et al 2010 CTCAE v.2 64 RChT+ChT1 RChT+ChT2 - - p2 R* priv al - 41.5 Nawrocki et al 2010 CTCAE v.2 99 RT RChT - - p2 R* priv EU x 41 CTCAE v.2 + Pöttgen et al 2010 RTOG/EORTC 28 RChT - - - n/a R* publ EU - 42 Segawa et al 2010 CTCAE v.2 200 RChT1 RChT2 - - p3 R* unknown Asia - glob Senan et al 2010 CTCAE v.3 70 ChT+RChT RChT+ChT - - p2 R* priv al x 14.3 Sun et al 2010 WHO criteria 60 ChT+S ChT+TCM+S - - n/a R* unknown Asia - Takeda et al 2010 JCOG criteria 68 ChT+RChT - - - p2 - publ Asia - Xu et al 2010 CTCAE v.3 21 RChT - - - p2 - unknown Asia x 15 Govindan et al 2011 CTCAE v.3 101 RChT1 RChT - - p2 R* publ NA - 32 2012/ CTCAE v.2 + Atagi et al 2018 RTOG/EORTC 200 RChT RT - - p3 R* publ Asia x 19.4 ChT+RT+Ch Carter et al 2012 CTCAE v.2 119 T ChT+RT - - p3 R* priv NA - 36 ChT+RT+Ch Hoang et al 2012 CTCAE v.2 119 T ChT+RT - - p3 R* priv NA - 36 Katakami et al 2012 CTCAE v.2 58 IndChT+S RChT+S - - p3 R* publ Asia x 60.7 Wang et al 2012 CTCAE v.2 65 RChT1 RChT2 - - p2 R* publ Asia - 46 CTCAE v.3 + Chen et al 2013 RTOG 99 ChT+RT1 ChT+RT2 - - n/a R* unknown Asia - 33.6 CTCAE v.3 + Choy et al 2013 RTOG (late) 98 RChT1 RChT2 - - n/a R* priv NA x ChT+RChT Eberhardt et al 2013 Not specified 64 +/- S - - - p2 R* priv EU x 107 CTCAE v.3 + Kaira et al 2013 RTOG 41 RChT+/-ChT - - - p2 - unknown Asia x 15.1 Oh et al 2013 CTCAE v.3 93 RChT1 RChT2 RChT3 - p3 R* publ Asia x Sugawara et al 2013 CTCAE v.3 70 RChT1 RChT2 - - p2 R* unknown Asia x RChT + Aggarwal et al 2014 Not specified 249 RChT RChT + S S - n/a - unknown NA - Akopov et al 2014 Not specified 42 ChT+S PDT+ChT+S - - n/a R* unknown Asia - Arrieta et al 2014 CTCAE v.3 35 RChT+NO - - - n/a - unknown NA x 18.9 Debus et al 2014 Not specified 385 RChT RChT+Epo - - p3 R* priv EU - Maguire et al 2014 CTCAE v.3 130 RChT ChT+RT - - p2 R* publ EU x 35.2 Shen et al 2014 CTCAE v.3 140 S+RChT S+ChT - - n/a R* unknown Asia x van den Heuvel et al 2014 CTCAE v.3 102 RChT RChT+IT - - p2 R* priv EU - 29 Ahn et al 2015 CTCAE v.3 420 RChT RChT+ChT - - p3 R* priv Asia x 50.7 RChT1+ RChT+ Cetuxi- Cetuxi- Bradley et al 2015 CTCAE v.3 544 RChT1 RChT2 mab mab p2 R* priv NA - 21.2 Crvenkova et al 2015 RTOG/EORTC 85 RChT1 RChT2 - - n/a R* unknown EU - Eberhardt et al 2015 CTCAE v.3 161 RChT+Boost RChT+S - - p3 R* priv EU - 78 CTCAE v.2 + RTOG + Lent Fournel et al 2015 Soma 127 ChT+RChT RChT+ChT - - p2 R* priv EU x 17.7 Pless et al 2015 CTCAE v.1 232 ChT+RT+S ChT+S - - n/a R* priv EU x MWA+R- Xu et al 2015 Not specified 98 (Ch)T R-(Ch)T - - n/a R* unknown Asia x 24 Yao et al 2015 CTCAE v.3 40 RChT RChT+S1 - - n/a R* publ Asia - WHO criterai + Zhu et al 2015 RTOG/EORTC 63 RChT+Tx RChT - - n/a R* unknown Asia x WHO criteria + glob Ardizzoni et al 2016 EORTC/RTOG 151 ChT+RT ChT+RChT - - p3 R* priv al x 73.2 Feng et al 2016 CTCAE v.3 72 RChT+S1 RChT - - n/a R* unknown Asia x Kong et al 2016 CTCAE v.4 49 RT +/- ChT1 RT +/-ChT2 - - n/a - publ Asia x 21.4 Lin et al 2016 CTCAE v.3 130 ChT1+RChT ChT2+RChT - - p3 R* publ Asia x glob Senan et al 2016 CTCAE v.3 598 RChT1 RChT2 - - p3 R* priv al - 22.4 Sun et al 2016 CTCAE v.3 19 RChT+/-ChT - - - p2 - publ Asia x Zhao et al 2016 Not specified 60 RChT+TCM RChT - - n/a R* unknown Asia - Zhao et al 2016 CTCAE v.3 100 RChT1 RChT2 - - p3 R* priv Asia x 2017/ glob Antonia et al 2018 CTCAE v.4 709 RChT+IT RChT - - p3 R* priv al x Edelman et al 2017 CTCAE v.4 71 RChT+/- S RChT+IT +/- S - - p2 R* priv NA - Liang et al 2017 CTCAE v.3 191 RChT1 RChT2 - - p3 R* publ Asia x 73 Ramella et al 2017 CTCAE v.4 50 RChT - - - n/a - unknown EU x 25.8 Crvenkova et al 2018 RTOG/EORTC 95 RChT1 RChT2 - - n/a R* publ EU - Hallqvist et al 2018 CTCAE v.4 36 RChT1 RChT2 - - p2 R* publ EU x 49 Sasaki et al 2018 CTCAE v.3 108 RChT1 RChT2 - - p2 R* priv Asia x 31.9 Sculier et al 2018 WHO criteria 120 RChT1 RchT2 - - p3 R* unknown EU x 62 Xiong et al 2019 CTCAE v.3 19 ChT+S - - - p2 - priv Asia x R = radiotherapy, S = surgery, ChT = , RChT = radiochemotherapy, Numbers = regimen Nr 1, regiment nr 2 (e.g. RChT1 differs in dose or chemo- agents from RChT2), EPO = erythropoietin, p2 = phase II study, p3 = phase 3 study, n/a = not applicable, R* = randomised, priv = privately sponsored, publ = publicly sponsored, EU = European study, NA = North American study, Asia = asian study

APPENDIX C: overview of all the 231 reported AEs

Acute AE # of studies reporting 119 Acne 4 Allergic reaction 8 Alopecia 29 Anaemia 74 Anorexia 22 ARDS/Resp failure 7 Arrhytmia 6 Aspiration 4 Asthenia 5 Athralgia 6 Bilirubin ↑ 5 Bleeding/Hemorrhage 15 Bowel fistula 4 Bronchitis 4 bronchopleural fistula 5 Cardiorespiratory arrest 5 Cerebral infarction 7 Chest pain 4 Chills 4 Constipation 16 Cough 15 Crea ↑ 24 Decreased Appetite 7 Dehydration 11 Depression 4 Dermatitis 9 Diarrhea 38 Dizziness 5 Dry skin 4 duodenal ulcer 4 Dysgeusia 4 Dyspepsia 5 Dysphagea 15 Dyspnoea 26 Edema 7 Eruption 4 Esophageal fistula 4 Esophageal Perforation 5 Esophagitis 77 Failure to thrive 4 Fatigue 38 Febrile neutropenia 41 Fever 20 Fluid Retention 4 Flushing 5 Gastric ulcer 4 Gastritis 4 GI Pain 4 GI-Hemmorrhage 4 Haematemesis 4 Haematotoxicity 14 Headache 7 Hearloss 9 Hemoptysis 9 Herpes Gastritis 4 Hiccups 4 Hyperbilirubinemia 4 Hypercalcemia 4 Hyperglycemia 5 Hypersensitivity 8 Hypertension 4 Hyperthyreoidism 4 Hypoalbuminaemia 4 Hypocalcemia 5 Hypokalemia 9 Hypomagnesiemia 5 Hyponatremia 9 Hypotension 11 Hypothyreoidism 4 Hypovolemic shock 4 Hypoxia 7 Ileus 4 Infection 39 Injection Site reaction 6 Leukopenia 62 Liver Enzymes ↑ 21 Lung fistula 5 Lymphopenia 9 Mediastinitis 4 Mucositis 8 Muscular weakness 4 Myalgia 5 Myelosuppression 4 Myocardial infarction 8 Nausea 77 Neuropathy/PNP 27 Neutropenia 71 OAW infection 4 Orthostatic hypotension 4 Ototoxicity 6 Pain 12 Pancreatitis 5 Pericardial effusion 4 Pneumonia 17 Pneumothorax 4 Pruritus 5 PTT elevated 4 Pulmonary Edema 5 Radiation Pneumonitis 66 Radiation recall reaction 4 Rash 15 Sepsis 9 Skin Reaction 6 Sleep disturbance 4 Sneezing 4 Somnolence 4 Sore mouth 4 Stomatitis 15 Syncope 5 Taste alteration 4 Thrombocytopenia 75 Thrombosis/Embolus 14 Tremor 4 unknown cause of dath 4 Ventricular Arrhythmia 4 Vomiting 66 Weakness 4 Weightloss 14 Wheeze/Stridor 4

Late AE 23 Anemia 4 anterior spinal cord syndrome 4 Cough 5 Dysphagia 4 Dyspnoea 5 Esophageal perforation 5 Esophageal stenosis 11 Esophagitis 4 Fatigue 4 Hearing 4 Lung fibrosis 9 Lymphopenia 3 Motor deficit 4 Mucosisitis 4 Neuropathy 6 Pain 4 Pancytopenia 4 Pneumonitis 9 Pulmonary Hemorrhage 4 Renal failure 5 RT injury 4 second malignancy 4 Weightloss 4

Organ acute 19 Blood/BM 8 Bone/osseous 4 Cardiac 16 Constitutional sympt. 4 Esophagus 13 GI 15 Hemoglobin 4 Hemorrhage/Bleeding 4 Infection 4 Mental 4 Metabolic/Lab 5 Neruological 9 Neurology 6 Other 5 other 4 Renal 14 Respiratory 27 Skin 11 Urinary 6

Organ late 10

Blood/BM 4 Bone/Osseous 5 Cardiac 6 Constitutional sympt. 4 Esophagus 13 GI 5 Neurological 4 Renal 4 Respiratory 14 Skin 5 Surgical 58 Air leak 4 ARDS 8 Arrhythmia 8 Aspiration 4 Atelectasis 6 Brochopulm Hemorrhage 6 Bronchial obstruction/Fistula 13 Bronchitis 5 broncho-esophageal fistula 4 Cardiac arrest 5 Cardiac decompensation 4 Cardiac disorders 4 cardiac failure 4 cardiac herniation 4 Chylothorax 5 COPD Exacerbation 4 Cough 4 CVI 6 Dyspnoe 5 Emphysema 5 Empyema 9 Fever 3 Haematoma 4 Haemothorax 4 heart lucation 4 Hemoptysis 4 Hemorrhage 7 Ileus 6 Infection 8 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications 4 Metabolism nutritional disorder 4 Myocardial ischemia 7 Nerve lesion 4 other cases of death 5 Other complications 8 perioperatice toxicity 5 Pneumopathy 5 Pneumothorax 4 Pneuomnia 10 Pneuomonitis 5 Prolonged ventilation 5 Pulmonary embolism 6 Pulmonary hypertension 3 radial nerve palsy 4 Re-OP 7 Respiratory Failure 9 Secrete retention 4 Seroma 4 Space problems 4 Stump insufficiency 7 Suture dehiscence 5 Thromboembolic diseas 8 Toxic death 4 uncontrolled diabetes 4 UTI 4 vocal cord paralysis 5 Wound hematoma 4 wound Infection 4

Surgical late 2 Cvi 4 Pneumonia 5

APPENDIX D: References of the included studies

1. Xiong, L., et al., Erlotinib as Neoadjuvant Therapy in Stage IIIA (N2). Oncologist, 2019. 24(2): p. 157-e64. 2. Crvenkova, S., Survival and Side Effects in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Combination of Chemotherapy and Conformal Radiotherapy. Open Access Maced J Med Sci, 2018. 6(12): p. 2323-2327. 3. Sasaki, T., et al., A randomised phase II trial of S-1 plus versus plus cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy for unresectable, locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: WJOG5008L. Br J Cancer, 2018. 119(6): p. 675-682. 4. Atagi, S., et al., Thoracic radiotherapy with or without daily low-dose in elderly patients with non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial by the Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG0301). Lancet Oncol, 2012. 13(7): p. 671-8. 5. Hallqvist, A., et al., Dose escalation to 84 Gy with concurrent chemotherapy in stage III NSCLC appears excessively toxic: Results from a prematurely terminated randomized phase II trial. Lung Cancer, 2018. 122: p. 180-186. 6. Sculier, J.P., et al., A phase III randomised study comparing concomitant radiochemotherapy with cisplatin and as induction versus consolidation treatment in patients with locally advanced unresectable non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2018. 117: p. 32-37. 7. Antonia, S.J., et al., Overall Survival with Durvalumab after Chemoradiotherapy in Stage III NSCLC. New England Journal of Medicine, 2018. 379(24): p. 2342-2350. 8. Antonia, S.J., Durvalumab after Chemoradiotherapy in Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Reply. N Engl J Med, 2019. 380(10): p. 990. 9. Edelman, M.J., et al., Randomized Phase II Study of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy ± Panitumumab Followed by Consolidation Chemotherapy in Potentially Operable Locally Advanced (Stage IIIa, N2+) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: NRG Oncology RTOG 0839. J Thorac Oncol, 2017. 12(9): p. 1413-1420. 10. Ramella, S., et al., Local Control and Toxicity of Adaptive Radiotherapy Using Weekly CT Imaging: Results from the LARTIA Trial in Stage III NSCLC. J Thorac Oncol, 2017. 12(7): p. 1122-1130. 11. Liang, J., et al., and cisplatin versus and carboplatin with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy in unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer: a multicenter randomized phase III trial. Ann Oncol, 2017. 28(4): p. 777-783. 12. Lin, H., et al., Phase 3 Randomized Low-Dose Paclitaxel Chemoradiotherapy Study for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Front Oncol, 2016. 6: p. 260. 13. Kong, M. and S.E. Hong, Comparison of survival rates between 3D conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Onco Targets Ther, 2016. 9: p. 7227-7234. 14. Ardizzoni, A., et al., Randomized phase III PITCAP trial and meta-analysis of induction chemotherapy followed by thoracic irradiation with or without concurrent -based chemotherapy in locally advanced NSCLC. Lung Cancer, 2016. 100: p. 30-37. 15. Feng, J., et al., S-1 plus cisplatin with concurrent radiotherapy versus cisplatin alone with concurrent radiotherapy in Chinese patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer: A multicentre randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore), 2016. 95(36): p. e4557. 16. Senan, S., et al., PROCLAIM: Randomized Phase III Trial of -Cisplatin or Etoposide-Cisplatin Plus Thoracic Radiation Therapy Followed by Consolidation Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Nonsquamous Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. J Clin Oncol, 2016. 34(9): p. 953-62. 17. Zhao, Q., et al., Phase III study of cisplatin with pemtrexed or vinorelbine plus concurrent late course accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy in patients with unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Oncotarget, 2016. 7(7): p. 8422-31. 18. Eberhardt, W.E., et al., Phase III Study of Surgery Versus Definitive Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Boost in Patients With Resectable Stage IIIA(N2) and Selected IIIB Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Induction Chemotherapy and Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy (ESPATUE). J Clin Oncol, 2015. 33(35): p. 4194-201. 19. Pless, M., et al., Induction chemoradiation in stage IIIA/N2 non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase 3 randomised trial. Lancet, 2015. 386(9998): p. 1049-56. 20. Xu, X., et al., Targeted percutaneous microwave ablation at the pulmonary lesion combined with mediastinal radiotherapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer evaluation in a randomized comparison study. Med Oncol, 2015. 32(9): p. 227. 21. Ahn, J.S., et al., Multinational Randomized Phase III Trial With or Without Consolidation Chemotherapy Using Docetaxel and Cisplatin After Concurrent Chemoradiation in Inoperable Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: KCSG-LU05-04. J Clin Oncol, 2015. 33(24): p. 2660-6. 22. Crvenkova, S. and M. Pesevska, Important prognostic factors for the long-term survival in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with combination of chemotherapy and conformal radiotherapy. J BUON, 2015. 20(3): p. 775-81. 23. Bradley, J.D., et al., Standard-dose versus high-dose conformal radiotherapy with concurrent and consolidation carboplatin plus paclitaxel with or without cetuximab for patients with stage IIIA or IIIB non-small-cell lung cancer (RTOG 0617): a randomised, two-by- two factorial phase 3 study. Lancet Oncol, 2015. 16(2): p. 187-99. 24. Yao, L., et al., S-1 plus cisplatin with concurrent radiotherapy versus cisplatin alone with concurrent radiotherapy for stage III non-small cell lung cancer: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Radiat Oncol, 2015. 10: p. 10. 25. Akopov, A., et al., Preoperative endobronchial improves resectability in initially irresectable (inoperable) locally advanced non small cell lung cancer. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 2014. 11(3): p. 259-64. 26. Arrieta, O., et al., Phase II study. Concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy with nitroglycerin in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Radiother Oncol, 2014. 111(2): p. 311-5. 27. Aggarwal, C., et al., Multidisciplinary therapy of stage IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer: long-term outcome of chemoradiation with or without surgery. Cancer Control, 2014. 21(1): p. 57-62. 28. van den Heuvel, M.M., et al., Additional weekly Cetuximab to concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma: efficacy and safety outcomes of a randomized, multi-center phase II study investigating. Radiother Oncol, 2014. 110(1): p. 126-31. 29. Choy, H., et al., Phase 2 study of pemetrexed plus carboplatin, or pemetrexed plus cisplatin with concurrent radiation therapy followed by pemetrexed consolidation in patients with favorable-prognosis inoperable stage IIIA/B non-small-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol, 2013. 8(10): p. 1308-16. 30. Eberhardt, W.E.E., et al., 10-year long-term survival (LTS) of induction chemotherapy with three cycles cisplatin/paclitaxel followed by concurrent chemoradiation cisplatin/etoposide/45Gy (1.5Gy bid) plus surgery in locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)— A multicenter phase-II trial (CISTAXOL). Lung Cancer, 2013. 82(1): p. 83-89. 31. Chen, M., et al., Involved-field radiotherapy versus elective nodal irradiation in combination with concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a prospective randomized study. Biomed Res Int, 2013. 2013: p. 371819. 32. Katakami, N., et al., A phase 3 study of induction treatment with concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus chemotherapy before surgery in patients with pathologically confirmed N2 stage IIIA nonsmall cell lung cancer (WJTOG9903). Cancer, 2012. 118(24): p. 6126-35. 33. Carter, D.L., et al., A randomized phase III trial of combined paclitaxel, carboplatin, and radiation therapy followed by weekly paclitaxel or observation for patients with locally advanced inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer, 2012. 13(3): p. 205-13. 34. Sun, X.F., et al., Application of Aidi injection (艾迪注射液) in the bronchial artery infused neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III A non-small cell lung cancer before surgical operation. Chin J Integr Med, 2010. 16(6): p. 537-41. 35. Girard, N., et al., Is neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy a feasible strategy for stage IIIA-N2 non-small cell lung cancer? Mature results of the randomized IFCT-0101 phase II trial. Lung Cancer, 2010. 69(1): p. 86-93. 36. Pöttgen, C., et al., Intensified High-Dose Chemoradiotherapy With Induction Chemotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced Non– Small-Cell Lung Cancer—Safety and Toxicity Results Within a Prospective Trial. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 2010. 76(3): p. 809-815. 37. Berghmans, T., et al., A phase III randomised study comparing concomitant radiochemotherapy as induction versus consolidation treatment in patients with locally advanced unresectable non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2009. 64(2): p. 187-93. 38. 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